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Final Physiology... Medical 2

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In The Name of ALLAH

Final Medical Physiology 2 ..

Dr. Abd Al-Salam Abd- Alghani
Done by: Ayman Salman
1-Sodium reabsorption of Na+ in the distal tubuli is shifted with
a) H+
b) Chloride
c) Potassium
d) Bicarbonate
e) A+c
f) A+b
2-Active reabsorption of Na+ occurs in the following parts of the tubuli ,except :
Proximal tubuli
a) Collecting duct
b) Thin ascending
c) Distal tubuli
d) Thick assending loop of henli
3-Hypotonic urine do exists all the time in
a) Proximal tubuli
b) End of thick ascending loop of Henli
c) Thin ascending loop of Henli
d) Urine
4-Parathyroid hormone affect all of the following electrolytes except
a) Cu++
b) Mg++
c) PO4+++
d) Ca++
e) B+d
5-All the following could be diuretics except :
a) Aldosterone agonists
b) Arbonic anhydrase inhibitors
c) Osmotic diuretics
d) Sodium channels blockers in distal tubuli
e) A+b+d

6-GFR could be stimulated by

a) Bleeding
b) Vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles
c) Decreasing cardiac output
d) Vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles
e) Decrease in nitric oxide
7-The number of spinal nerves
a) 31 nerves
b) 12 pair
c) 30 pair
d) 31 pair
e) 32 pair
8-The somatic sensory centers are located in the
a) Parietal lobe
b) Occibital lobe
c) Temporal
d) Frontal
e) All of the above
9-The brain stem includes all of the following except:
a) Hypothalamus
b) MO
c) Pons
d) Mid Brain
10-The potential created in the receptor cell is called
a) Action potential
b) End plate P
c) Generator Potential
d) Excitatory post synaptic P
e) Inhibitory post synaptic P
11-Muscle spindle are considerd as
a) Chemoreceptors
b) Proprioceptors
c) Exteroceptor
d) Osmoreceptor
e) None

12-Visual pathway is organized in the following (so2al sahel)

13-The major sequence of monosynaptic stimuli: (so2al sahel)

14-For skeletal muscle contraction we need urgently
a) ATP for activation of myosin
b) Ca++ for activation of actin
c) Ca++ for activation of myosin and actin
d) ATP for activation of troponon
e) A+b (heek ba3ref men physiology I)
f) B+d
15-The cerebellum is connected with
a) Semi-circular canals
b) Skeletal M
c)motor cortex
d) Basal gangilia
e) A,b and c
f) A,b,c and d
16-All the following are catecholamine neurotransmeteres :
a) Histamine
b) Serotonin
c) Nor_adrenaline
d) Dopamine
e) A+b
f) C+d
g) All
17-Injection of COMT Inhibitors causes all except
a) Bronchodilation
b) Urination
c) Hypertension
d) Constipation
e) Tachycardia
18-The parasympathetic nerve to the parotis gland is
a) Glosso
b) Vagus
c) Facial
d) Oclomotor
e) Accessory
f) None

19-The hypothalamus is essential in the regulation of all except :

a) Temp
b) Hormonal release
c) Feeding
d) Memory
e) Drinking
20-Neurotransmitter release is associated with
a) Sodium uptake
b) Ca++ release
c) Cl- uptake
d) Ca++ uptake
e) Non
21-Visceral sensation includes all except
a) Taste
b) Blood pressure
c) Sensation of hypoxia
d) Sensation of lung inflation
e) Sensation of osmolarity
22-The spinal cord includes all except
a) Sensory tracts
b) Motor tracts
c) Cell bodies of afferent neurons
d) Cell bodies of efferent neurons
e) Interconnecting neurons
23- light reflex include all except
a) Optic nerve
b) Optic tract
c) Ciliary ganglia
d) Edinger-Westphal nucleus
e) Visual cortes
f) Retina
24-Cells associates with BBB ;
a) Astrocytes
b) Microglia
c) Oligodendrocyte
d) Ependymal cells

e) A,b,c,d
25-Ach nicotinic receptors do exist in
a) Heart
b) Ciliary ganglia
c) Submandibular ganglia
d) Superior mesenteric ganglia
e) Abdominal Muscles
f) B,c,d,e
26-The pituitary hormone that stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete
testosterone is
a) FSH
b) LH
d) ADH
e) GH
27-The huge increase in LH that occurs during the middles of the ovarian cycle
a) Follicle maturation
b) Mesnsturation
c) Ovulation
d) Menopause
e) Atresia
28-If the ovaries were removed from an otherwise healthy 20 years old female
,which of the following would you not expect to see (e5talafa 3alihe al 3olama2)
a) Decreased blood GnRH
b) Dec FSH
c) Dec LH
d) Cessation of menstruation
e) B+c
29-Sperm cannt fertilize an egg until they
a) Undergo capactitation
b) undergo activation
c) lose their acrosome
d) are in the vigaina 3 days
e) are activated by nurse cells in the vagina
30-the process of cell division that occurs after fertilization is called

a) cleavage
b) implatation
c) placentation
d) embryogenesis
e) fertilization
31-the penetration of the enometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as :
32-ejaculation is a
a) parasym
b) sym
c) somatic refles
d) a+b
e) a+c
33-cortical adrenal gland is stimulated by
a) para
b) sym
c) para + sym
d) angiotensin 2
e) all
34-testosterone is produced by
a) placenta
b) agrenal gland
c) lyding cells
d) a+b
e) a,b and c
35-during labor we have an increase in the release of (they are oxytocin and relaxin)
a) prostaglandin
b) oxytocin
c) relaxin
d) a+b
e) a+b+c
36-receptors for stretching of skin
a) Merkels disck
b) Ruffini organ
c) Pacinian corpuscle
d) Meissener corpuscle

37-receptor sensitive for skeletal M. stretching

a) Nerve endings
b) Golgi tendon organ
c) Hair cells
d) Muscle spindle
e) Carotid sinus
38-Receptors sensitive for blood pressure
a) Glomus cells
b) Aortic body
c) Aortic sinus
d) Pacinian corpuscle
e) A+b
39-cells depolarize by potassium influx
a) Rods
b) Cones
c) Carotid body
d) Hair cells
e) A+b
40-Receptors for linear motion do exist in (mawgood bel dosia naseeh)
a) Cotri organ
b) Semicircular canal
c) Utricle
d) Supra-optic nucleus
e) A+b+c
41-slow pain pathways are associated with
a) A-delta group of axons
b) C-Fiber group of axons
c) D-fibers
d) A+b
e) A+b+d
42-the release of neurotransmitters from afferent pain fibers are stimulated by:
a) Codein
b) Morphin
c) Opium
d) Endorphin
e) Prostaglandin

f) A+b+c
43-visceral pain sensation is associated with the following characteristic except
a) Few receptor
b) Mild pain
c) Autonomic nervous system
d) Smooth muscles
e) None
44-stimulation of pre-gangilioic sym neurons to adrenal gland causes directly the release
a) Adrenaline
b) Ach
c) Dopamine
d) Nor-adrenaline
e) A+c
f) None
45-you discover a new drug that causes GFR to increase but the renal blood flow to
decrease .this drug does not affect arterial blood pressure .the drug causes
c)Constriction of the efferent
46-the macula densa is an important componenet for al except
a) Autoregulation of GFR
b) Secretion of rennin
c) Regulation of the afferent arteriole tone
d) Sensing fluid delevary to distal tubule
e) Sensing plasma osmolarity
47-posphate reabsorbtion by the kidney
a) Occurs primarily along the distal tubule and collecting duct
b) Has a genetically fixed transport maximum like that of glucose
c) Is controlled by secretion of angiotensin 2 (I think hada el gawab mesh mt2ked)
d) Is influenced by the level of parathairod hormone
e) Occurs primarly along the thick ascending limb of henle
48-any substance that is filtrated by glomerulus and reabsorbed and not secreted by renal
tubules will have a renal clearance that is ;
c) less than the clearance of the inulin

49-a drug that blocks angiotensin converting Enz (ACE) is given to a patient .all the

following are likely to decrease except :

a) Peripheral arterial resistance
b) Plasma aldosterone concentration
c) Arterial blood pressure
d) Plasma rennin concentration
e) Plasma angiotensin 2 concentration
50-At the end of the proximal tubule ,which of the following substances would normally
have a
higher conc. In tubular fluid than in the original Glomerular filtrate ?
a) Glucose
b) a.a.
c) Phosphate
d) Creatinine
e) Sodium
51-in females ,estrogen directly produce all of the following except :
E- puituitary hypertrophy
52-cowpers glands secretions;
c)To clear urethra
53-mensturation is triggered by drop in the level of ;
d)estrogen and progesterone
54-the plasma concentration of human corionic gonadotropin;
a) Increase steadily throughout pregnancy
b) Start increasing 2 mounthes after fertilization
c) Peaks during labour
d) Starts increasing less than 2 weeks after fertilization
e) C+d
55-insulin do all except
a) Increase synthesis of lipoprotein lopase
b) Increase synthesis of proteins
c) Increase synthesis of glycogen
d) Inhibition of hormone sensitive lipase thus reducing break down of triglycerides
e) Stimulation of intestinal glucose absorbtion

56-cutting of preganglionic sym nerves to adrenal glands will cause

a) Hyponatraemia ,dehydration and death

b) Increase angiotensin 2
c) Hyperkalaemia
d) All
e) None
(57-in humans at menopause there is
a) Failure of the hypothalamuse to secrete GnRH
b) Failure of anterior pituitary to secrete gonadotropins
c) Failure of the ovaries to secrete estrogens and progesterone
d) Failure of perephiral tissue to respond to female sex hormones
e) None
58-fertility in hypophysectomized adult males may be restored by appropriate treatment
a) FSH
b) LH and testosterone
c) Prolactin
d) A+b
e) A+b+c
f) None
59-the most important hormone regulating the rate of milk production during lactation
a) oxytocin
b) oestradiols
c) FSH
d) Progesterone
e) Prolactin
60-all of the following have an established transport Tm except
a) Glu
b) Sodium
c) Albumin
d) PAH
e) Alanine
61-which of the following physiological abnormailties would you expect to cause dilutional
a) Hposecretion of aldosterone
b) Inability to form angiotensin 2
c) Hypersecretion of ADH
d) All
e) A+b only

62-compared to 25 years woman ,a 71 year-old woman would be expected to have

a) Lower urinary excretion of estrogen progesterone and gonadotrophins
b) Higher plasma progesterone ,but lower plasma estrogen conc.
c) Lower plasma progesterone ,but higher plasma estrogen conc.
d) Lower palasmagonadotropins ,estrogen ,and progesterone conc.
e) Higher plasma gonadotropins ,but lower plasma estrogen and progesterone
63-an absolute or relative increase in which of the following hormones contributes to the
hyperglycemia of diabetes;
a) Cortisol
b) Glucagon
c) Epinephrine
d) All
e) A+c
64-The hypothalamus release factors that directly do all except :
a) Increase milk production
b) Increase parathyroid hormone
c) Facilitate ovulation
d) Increase cortisol secretion
e) Facilitate the growth of long bone
65-Substance that stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors that encode all of the
following except
a) Serotonin
b) Histamine
c) K+
d) Enkephalin
e) Proteolytic Enz
66-Activation of Golgi tendon organs (chp 13)
a) Stimulate alpha-motor neurons
b) Excites inhibitory interneurons
c) Enhance the strength of stretch receptors
d) Decrease muscle stretch
e) Induse refles muscle contraction

67-The decrease in the sensation resulting from continuos presensation of a sensory

stimulus is termed
a) Adaptation
68-When muscle contract, the activity of muscle spindle:
b) Increase
c) Decrease
d) No change
69-When muscle contract, and gamma motor fibers contract the activity of muscle spindle
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) No change
70-Which of the following receptors are phasic not tonic
a) Vibration
b) Cold
c) Pain
d) Carotid sinus
e) Hot
f) A+b+c
Q2 A:Write the name of the receptor cell and the specific organ
Kolhom fi el sheets bs fe wa7da a5adnaha 2abel o lazem netzakkarha:
Hypoxia . Glomus cells ,, Carotid and aortic bodies
B Write the name of the neurotransmitters and whether the effect is excitatory or
1- cerebral motor cortex gaba- inhibition + glutamate - excitation
2- afferent pain sensory fibers ACH nicotinic _excitation
3- pre-ganglionic sympathetic neuron ACH nicotinic
4- postganglionic parasympatheric ACH muscarinic
5- neurotransmitter causing bronchodialation adrenaline B2
6- neurotransmitter causing erection ACH muscarinic
7- inhibitory neurotransmitter in blood vessels ADRENALINE a2 +
8- excitatory neurotransmitter in ciliary muscle ACH muscarinic
9- parasympathetic postganglionic to the adrenal gland there is no para supply to
adrenal gland
10- sympathetic postganglionic to the adrenal gland adrenaline & NE +

Good Luck

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