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Biochem Preproff

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KMDC 1st Year Biochemistry Preproff 2022

Karachi Medical & Dental College

Biochemistry Preproff 2022
(38 BCQs + 12 EMQs)

1 — Calcium deficiency may be associated with
a) Bleeding Disorders
b) Deficiency of vit D
c) Neuromuscular irritability due to tetany
d) All of these
Ans…. D.

2 – Glucose transport system responsible for glucose uptake by heart and skeletal
a) GLUT - 7
b) GLUT – 1
c) GLUT – 4
d) GLUT – 3

3 – Widening of QRS complex in ECG is associated with

a) Hyperkalemia
b) Hypokalemia
c) Hyperatremia
d) Hyponatremia

4 – Chylomicrons are released from

a) Small Intestine
b) Large Intestine
c) Liver
d) All of these

5 – Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can occur in

a) Decreased vit B12
b) Atrophy of gastric mucosa
c) Intestinal malabsorption
d) All of these (Answer)

6 – Glycogen in body is stored in

a) Liver & Spleen
b) Liver & Adipose
c) Liver & Muscle (Answer)
d) Liver & Bonemarrow
7 – Steroids consist of
a) 3 six carbon & 1-five carbon membered ring
b) 5 six carbon & 2-five carbon membered ring
c) 25 carbon atoms
d) All of the above

8 – The endogenous synthesised Triacylglycerol TG is transportedby which of the

a) Chylomicrons
b) LDL
c) HDL
d) VLDL (VLDL and chylomicrons are the major Carrier in which the VLDL are of
endogenous and chylomicrons are of exogenous type .)

9 – What molecule will form when hydrogen ions flow down the
electrochemical gradient through ATP synthase complex in mitochondria
a) Water
b) ATP (Answer)
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen

10 – A 24 yrs. an old patient was brought to medical OPD with acute abdominal pain,
depression, and extreme weakness. Urine analysis revealed ALA & PBG (Delta Amino
Levulinic acid and Porphobilinogen). The patient was diagnosed with Acute
Intermittent Porphyria. (AIP). Which one of the enzyme deficiency is expected in this
a) Uroporphyrinogen III Cosynthase
b) Porphobilinogen Deaminase
(Hydroxymethylbilane Synthase / Uroporphyrinogen I Synthase)
c) ALA Dehydratase
d) Uroporphyrinogen

11 – Most important function of HDL is

a) Cholesterol Synthesis
b) Reverse Cholestrol Transport
c) Triacylglycerol storage
d) Apolipoprotein reservior

12 – In which of the following compartment does glycolysis

occur a) Mitochondria
b) Cell membrane
c) Nucleus
d) Cytosol

13 – In iron deficiency anemia

a) Haemoglobin is increased
b) Serum Feritin is high
c) Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) in increased
d) Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is increased

14 – A child present with bowed legs and pigeon chest.Mother observe rash in her
child, most likely diagnosis is
a) Rickets
b) Xeropthalmia
c) Osteomalacia
d) Keratomalacia

15 – The compound with most potent antioxidant activities

are a) Vitamin E
b) Ascorbic Acid
c) Phylloquinone
d) Vitamin A

16 – Vitamin K activates blood clotting by carboxylation of

a) Glycine residue
b) Methionine residue
c) Histidine residue
d) Glutamine residue

17 – Which of the following statements about enzymes or their function is

true? a) Enzyme do not alter the overall change in free energy for a reaction b)
Enzymes are proteins whose 3 dimensional form is key to their function c)
Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering energy of activation
d) All of these

18 – Respiratory Distress Syndrome is caused by lack of

a) Sphingomyelin
b) Lecithin
c) Phosphatidylinositol
d) Phosphatidylglycerol

19 – Biochemical process used in starvation

a) Gluconeogenesis
b) Glycolysis
c) Oxidative Phosphorylation
d) TCA cycle

20 – Glucose-6-Phosphate is deficient in
a) Muscle
b) Liver
c) Kidney
d) Intestine

21 – D and L isomers, being mirror images are

b) Epimers
c) Racemers
d) Anomers

22 – Starch contains
a) unbranched amylose branched amylopectin
b) branched amylose and branched amylopectin
c) unbranched amylose and unbranched amylopectin
d) branched amylose and unbranched amylopectin

23 – Enzyme responsible for unwinding and unzipping of DNA

a) DNA Polymerase
b) DNA Helicase
c) DNA Ligase
d) Primase

24 – Which vitamin is required to treat hypercholestrolemia

a) Cyanocobalamin
b) Niacin
c) Pyridoxine
d) Riboflavin

25 – Cholesterol is required for

a) Vitamin D & steroid hormones
b) Vitamin A & steroid hormones
c) Vitamin A & bile salts
d) Vitamin E & bile salts

26 – A 23 year old coal mine worker was brought in an unconscious state to the
emergency room after a blast in mine. Carboxyhemoglobin level was high and carbon
monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a known inhibitor of Electron
Transport Chain (ETC). Which complex of ETC is inhibited by Carbon monoxide a)
Complex I
b) Complex II
c) Complex III
d) Complex IV

27 – A 42 year old obese female presented to the emergency center with complaints of
worsening nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Her pain was in the mid epigastric
area and right upper quadrant. Blood chemistry reveals high serum Amylase and
lipase level. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient?
a) Acute Gastritis
b) Acute pancreatitis
c) Renal Colic
d) Viral Hepatitis
Answer :B

28 – Myocardial Infarction diagnosis is done by:

a) Alkaline Phosphatase
b) Troponin-I and CPK-MB
c) LDH

29 – Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid have similar adverse effects but what seperates one
from the other
a) Glossitis
b) No neurological symptoms in folic acid
c) Muscle Wasting
d) Dizziness

30 – In cometitive inhibition, an inhibitor

a) Binds at several different sites on an enzyme
b) Binds reversibly at the active site
c) Binds only at the ES complex
d) Binds covalently to the enzyme

31 The process by which glucose is incompletely metabolized



EMQ – 1 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

a) Cholesterol f) Alcohol
b) Sphingomyeline g) Ethanolamine
c) Triglyceride h) Xanthomas
d) Linoleic Acid i) Nervous Tissue
e) Arachidonic Acid j) rancidity

39 — It is the precursor of Vitamin D ( A cholesterol)

40 — It becomes an essencial fatty acid, if its precursor Linolenic Acid is missing
from diet ( E Arachidonic Acid)
41 — Most common class, representing the storage form of
lipids (CTriglycerides)
42 — In cephalin, Choline is replaced by (G Ethanolamine)
43 — Soya bean oil contains small amount of Lenoliec Acid as an essentialFA
44 — Unpleasant Odour(rancidity) (J rancidity)

EMQ – 2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
a) Transfer of Electrons b) NAD c) Oligomycin d) Two (2) e) Four (4) f) Flavoprotein –
Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase g) Cytochrome Oxidase h) Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)) i)
Nicotinamide j) Ubiquinone Oxidised/reduced

45 — Always involved in biological oxidation-reduction reactions a. Transfer of


46 — ETC regenerates reduced compound so that energy production can

continue b.NAD

47 — Cyanide is poisonous as it stops respiration because of its inhibitoin of the

enzyme g. Cytochrome oxidase
48 — The Oxidation & Phosphorylation in mitochondria is completely blocked by the
antibiotic named c.oligomycin
49 — In Oxidative Phosphorylation, one molecule of reduced Flavoprotein (FAD)
produces number of ATP d. Two
50 — Catalyses electron transport between flavoprotein & Cytochromes j.ubiquinone
oxidized/ reduced

Compiled by
Wazeema Nageen
Owais Hassan
Aisha Fazal.
.Areeba Asif
Areeba Habib
Areesha Ansari
Arooba Ishmal
.Ayesha Imran

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