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Final Exam Anatomy

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Alcalde Jose Street, Kapasigan, Pasig City


Name: __________________________

Date: _____________

1. The part of gastric juice that protects the stomach

lining is:
A) pepsin
B) gastrin
C) mucus
D) water

6. The part of a fallopian tube that encloses an ovary

is the:
A) body
B) fimbriae
C) stalk
D) fundus

2. The salivary glands that are located below the floor

of the mouth are the:
A) sublingual glands
B) submandibular glands
C) parotid glands
D) subpharyngeal glands

7. For women, the hormone that promotes the

development of the corpus luteum from the ruptured
ovarian follicle is:
A) estrogen
C) progesterone

3. The effect of sympathetic nerve impulses on the

alimentary tube is to:
A) increase secretions and peristalsis
B) increase peristalsis
C) decrease peristalsis
D) increase secretions

The renal pyramids is another name for the:

renal fascia
renal medulla
renal pelvis
renal cortex

5. Which of these hormones is NOT regulated by a

hormone from the anterior pituitary gland?
A) cortisol
B) testosterone
C) epinephrine
D) thyroxine


The outer layer of kidney tissue is called the:

renal medulla
renal fascia
renal cortex
renal pelvis

9. The secretion of the hormones of the anterior

pituitary gland is regulated by ___, produced by the
A) enzymes/hypothalamus
B) releasing hormones/posterior pituitary gland
C) releasing hormones/hypothalamus
D) enzymes/posterior pituitary gland
10. The process of tubular secretion can transport all
of these to the renal filtrate except:
A) creatinine
B) ammonia

C) metabolic products of medications

D) glucose

D) osmosis
17. The myometrium is the:
A) smooth muscle middle layer of the uterus that
contracts for delivery
B) striated muscle outer layer of the uterus that
contracts for delivery
C) vascular outer layer of the uterus
D) vascular lining of the uterus

11. Most of the water intake for the body comes

A) meats
B) metabolic water
C) juicy fruits
D) beverages
12. Water found in blood vessels is called:
A) tissue fluid
B) lymph
C) plasma
D) intracellular fluid

18. The function of the nephrons of the kidneys is to

form urine from:
A) blood plasma
B) intercellular fluid
C) tissue fluid
D) intracellular fluid

13. Oogenesis takes place in the ___, and produces

___ for each cell that undergoes the process.
A) ovaries/three egg cells
B) follicles/four egg cells
C) follicles/two egg cells
D) ovaries/one egg cell

19. The electrolytes that contribute to the normal

functioning of muscle cells are:
A) sodium and potassium
B) calcium
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and iron

14. In the kidney, renal corpuscles and convoluted

tubules are found in the:
A) renal medulla
B) renal fascia
C) renal cortex
D) renal pelvis

20. In women, the corpus luteum of the ovary

secretes the hormones:
A) progesterone and FSH
B) FSH and LH
C) LH and estrogen
D) estrogen and progesterone

15. In the kidney, loops of Henle and collecting

tubules are found in the:
A) renal fascia
B) renal pelvis
C) renal cortex
D) renal medulla

21. A negative feedback mechanism:

A) requires an external brake to slow it
B) always involves the hypothalamus
C) contains its own brake or shutoff mechanism
D) always involves three or more hormones

16. Water moves into and out of cells by the process

A) filtration
B) facilitated diffusion
C) active transport

22. The effect of parasympathetic nerve impulses on

the alimentary tube is to:
A) decrease secretions and peristalsis
B) decrease peristalsis
C) increase peristalsis

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D) decrease secretions
23. The purpose of chemical digestion is to:
A) use food for energy production
B) break food into smaller pieces with more surface
C) change simple food molecules into complex ones
D) change complex food molecules into simpler ones

29. Negative ions such as chloride and sulfate are

A) flatirons
B) antiandirons
C) cations
D) anions

24. The end products of carbohydrate digestion are:

A) glycerol and fatty acids
B) starches
C) polysaccharides
D) monosaccharides

30. The digestive organ that extends from the

stomach to the colon is the:
A) esophagus
B) liver
C) small intestine
D) pancreas

25. The organ that is encircled by the large intestine is

A) liver
B) gallbladder
C) pancreas
D) small intestine

31. The function of the parietal cells of the gastric

mucosa is to secrete:
A) mucus
B) pepsinogen
C) hydrochloric acid
D) gastrin

26. In the kidney, the movement of nutrients from

the filtrate to the peritubular capillaries is:
A) secretion
B) filtration
C) reabsorption
D) All of these are involved.

32. The hormone that stimulates secretion of

thyroxine is:
B) prolactin

27. The cavity formed by the expansion of the ureter

within the kidney is called the:
A) renal fascia
B) renal medulla
C) renal pelvis
D) renal cortex

33. The hormone that stimulates secretion of cortisol

D) prolactin

28. The hormone that initiates sperm production in

the testes is:

34. The renal medulla is the:

A) inner layer of kidney tissue
B) cavity on the lateral side of the kidney
C) cavity on the medial side of the kidney
D) outer layer of kidney tissue

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35. The two major parts of a nephron are the:

A) glomerulus and renal corpuscle
B) renal corpuscle and renal tubule
C) renal tubule and loop of Henle
D) glomerulus and Bowman's capsule

41. Which endocrine gland is NOT paired with its

correct location?
A) testes in the scrotum between the upper thighs
B) adrenal glands one below each kidney
C) ovaries on either side of the uterus
D) pancreas between the duodenum and the spleen

36. The digestive organ that is between the

duodenum and the spleen is the:
A) liver
B) small intestine
C) pancreas
D) esophagus

42. The hormone that increases reabsorption of

water by the kidneys following reabsorption of
sodium ions is:
B) aldosterone

37. Ejaculation of semen involves peristalsis of the

___, and contraction of the ___.
A) male ducts/prostate gland
B) prostate gland/bulbourethral glands
C) male ducts/bulbourethral glands
D) prostate gland/male ducts

43. Maturation of sperm takes place in the:

A) interstitial cells
B) seminiferous tubules
C) epididymis
D) spermatic cord

38. The hormone that causes strong contractions of

the uterus for delivery of a baby is:
A) progesterone
B) prolactin
C) estrogen
D) oxytocin
39. The hormone that directly increases the
reabsorption of water by the kidneys is:
C) epinephrine
D) aldosterone
40. For women, the hormone LH:
A) causes ovulation
B) promotes growth of the corpus luteum
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and stimulates secretion of

44. The hormone that stimulates secretion of

testosterone by the testes is:
45. The part of saliva that dissolves food for tasting is:
A) amylase
B) water
C) mucus
D) lysozyme

46. The digestive organ that fills the upper right

quadrant of the abdominal cavity is the:
A) stomach
B) pancreas
C) liver
D) colon

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47. All of these affect water loss from the body

A) sleeping
B) hemorrhage
C) diarrhea
D) strenuous exercise
48. Water found within cells is called:
A) intracellular fluid
B) plasma
C) intercellular fluid
D) tissue fluid
49. The kidneys are held in place and cushioned by:
A) the renal cortex and adipose tissue
B) the renal pelvis and rib cage
C) the renal cortex and renal fascia
D) the renal fascia and adipose tissue

B) serometrium
C) ectometrium
D) endometrium
54. Which of these is a target organ of calcitonin?
A) bones
B) small intestine
C) liver
D) kidneys
55. The inner layer of kidney tissue is called the:
A) renal cortex
B) renal medulla
C) renal fascia
D) renal pelvis

56. The part of the brain that regulates the water

content of the body is the:
A) medulla
50. For women, the hormones that are necessary for B) cerebrum
production of mature ova are:
C) thalamus
A) estrogen and progesterone
D) hypothalamus
B) LH and progesterone
C) FSH and LH
57. Most of the water lost from the body is in the
D) FSH and estrogen
form of:
A) exhaled water vapor
51. The renal cortex is the:
B) feces
A) cavity on the lateral side of the kidney
C) urine
B) inner layer of kidney tissue
D) sweat
C) outer layer of kidney tissue
D) cavity on the medial side of the kidney
58. The major electrolytes in plasma are:
A) sodium, potassium, and chloride
52. Which of these hormones is NOT secreted by the B) potassium, phosphate, and proteins
anterior pituitary gland?
C) sodium and potassium
D) sodium, chloride, and proteins
59. The major electrolytes in tissue fluid are:
A) potassium, phosphate, and proteins
B) sodium and proteins
53. The part of the uterus that will become the
C) sodium and chloride
maternal portion of the placenta is the:
D) sodium, potassium, and chloride
A) myometrium

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60. Lateral to the vaginal and urethral orifices are the:

A) clitoris
B) 2 and 3
C) 1, 2, and 3
D) Bartholin's glands
61. Within the testes, sperm are produced in the:
A) seminiferous tubules
B) spermatic cord
C) sustentacular cells
D) interstitial cells
62. Positive ions such as calcium and sodium are
A) flatirons
B) antiandirons
C) cations
D) anions
63. The part of a sperm cell that contains the
chromosomes is the:
A) acrosome
B) middle piece
C) head
D) flagellum
64. A glomerulus is a:
A) group of glomerular cells in the renal corpuscle
B) network of capillaries in the renal corpuscle
C) group of glomerular cells in the renal tubule
D) network of capillaries in the renal tubule
65. The alimentary tube extends from the:
A) pharynx to anus
B) mouth to anus
C) pharynx to colon
D) esophagus to colon
66. Water found between cells is called:
A) tissue fluid
B) lymph
C) plasma

D) intracellular fluid
67. The function of ADH is to:
A) decrease the reabsorption of water by the kidneys
B) increase the reabsorption of water by the kidneys
C) decrease the reabsorption of sodium by the
D) increase the reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys
68. The part of the uterus that contracts for delivery
of the infant is the:
A) ectometrium
B) endometrium
C) myometrium
D) serosa
69. In the kidneys, the process of filtration takes place
in the:
A) renal corpuscle
B) renal tubule
C) renal medulla
D) collecting tubule
70. The hormone that causes release of milk from the
mammary glands is:
A) oxytocin
B) estrogen
C) prolactin
D) progesterone
71. The hormone that increases excretion of water by
the kidneys following the excretion of sodium ions is:
A) aldosterone
72. A positive feedback mechanism:
A) always involves the hypothalamus
B) always involves three or more hormones
C) contains its own brake or shutoff mechanism
D) requires an external brake to slow it

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D) pharynx
73. The effect of oxytocin on the uterus is to:
A) prevent contractions before the end of gestation
B) contribute to the growth of the placenta
C) cause contractions for delivery
D) help increase circulation in the fetus
74. Which of these organs is NOT part of the
alimentary tube?
A) colon
B) esophagus
C) pancreas
D) stomach

79. The urinary bladder is posterior to which bone?

A) the ischium
B) the pubic bone
C) the femur
D) the ilium
80. For the body, the sources of water (intake)
include all of these except:
A) metabolic water
B) inhaled air
C) beverages
D) foods

75. The function of the seminiferous tubules is the

production of:
A) inhibin
B) sperm
C) testosterone
D) all of the above

81. Arthro
82. Cranio
83. Chromato
76. The purpose of mechanical digestion is to:
84. Rhino
A) use food for energy production
85. Myelo
B) break food into smaller pieces with more surface 86. Pyelo
87. Orchid
C) change simple food molecules into complex ones 88. Oo
D) change complex food molecules into simpler ones 89. Arterio
90. Chole
77. Which statement is NOT true of oogenesis?
91. Metro
A) The process begins at puberty and ends at
92. Necro
93. Pharmaco
B) The process is cyclical, and a cycle lasts about 28
94. Dura
95. Kines
C) The process takes place in the ovaries.
96. Dactyl
D) Two functional egg cells are produced for each cell 97. Steato
that undergoes meiosis.
98. Lumbo
99. Phlebo
78. Which of these organs is NOT an accessory organ 100. Septic
of digestion?
A) gallbladder
B) teeth
C) salivary glands

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