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1- Concerning cholecystokinin (CCK) :

A) Secreted from the jejunum

B) Stimulates the contraction of gallbladder.
C) inhibits the stomach mobility.
D) All of the above are correct.

2- Hemolytic jaundice is:

A) Caused by more fragile RBCs.

B) Caused by liver damage.
C) Characterized by low bilirubin in urine.
D) All of the above are incorrect.

3- it is correct to say that:

A) HCL converts pepsin into pepsinogen.

B) IF is essential for vitamin K absorption.
C) Saliva contains alpha amylase.
D) Myenteric plexus controls GIT secretion.

4- Secretin hormone:

A) Released in response to acidic gastric juice.

B) Stimulates stomach mobility.
C) Stimulates HCL secretion.
D) All of the above are correct.
5- Gastrin hormone:

A) Released from the duodenum.

B) Stimulates HCL secretion.
C) inhibits stomach emptying.
D) All of the above are correct.

6- Concerning the acid secretion of the stomach:

A) it is the function of chief cells of the stomach.

B) it is the function of parietal cells of the stomach.
C) it is inhibited by gastrin secretion.
D) it is inhibited by Ach secretion.

7- The stomach:

A) Secretes pepsinogen, intrinsic factor and pepsin.

B) Secretion increase following total vagus nerve cut.
C) PH is always 7.2.
D) Secretes intrinsic factor which is essential for vitamin B12 absorption.

8- Bile salts:

A) Protein emulsifier.
B) Are needed by pancreatic amylase for carbohydrate digestion.
C) Are produced by the liver from cholesterol.
D) increase lipid surface tension.
9- Glucose absorption from the small intestine is by:

A) Simple passive diffusion.

B) Sodium-glucose co-transport system.
C) Osmosis.
D) Primary active transport.

10- Concerning mass peristalsis, all are correct Except:

A) Occurs in the small intestine.

B) is a very slow movement.
C) Help movement of fecal matter in large intestine.
D) None of the above.

11- Which of the following is true:

A) Myenteric plexus control GIT secretion.

B) The normal concentration of bilirubin in the plasma is about 0.8 gm%.
C) Submucosal plexus control GIT motility.
D) Pepsinogen activation needs Ca.

12- Obstructive jaundice is:

A) Caused by more fragile red blood cells.

B) Associated with high blood hemobilirubin
C) Associated with dark stool due to excess stercobilin.
D) Associated with dark brown urine.
13- Gastric secretion composed of all of the following Except:

B) IF.
C) Mucous.
D) Amylase.

14- Metabolic rate is high in the following Except:

A) Pregnancy.
B) Sleep.
C) Male than female of the same body surface area.
D) Walking than resting state.

15- Pancreas:

A) is an endocrine gland that secretes heparin.

B) High blood glucose is a feature after the removal of the pancreas.
C) Low blood glucose is a feature after removal of the pancreas.
D) Only A&C are correct.

16- which of the following is not a function of chewing:

A) Sense of satiety.
B) Helps in food absorption.
C) Helps in food digestion.
D) increase salivary secretion.
17- in small intestine:

A) Lactase, maltase and sucrase enzymes are secreted.

B) Glucose and amino acids absorption is by simple diffusion.
C) Bile pigment is completely absorbed.
D) Fat absorption is an active process and needs Na co-transport system.

18- Concerning saliva:

A) its secretion is under neural control only.

B) its secretion is under hormonal control only.
C) it is alkaline.
D) Contains enzymes that digest proteins.

19- Concerning HCL secretion:

A) it is secreted by chief cells.

B) it is secreted by parietal cells.
C) it is inhibited by gastrin secretion.
D) it is inhibited by Ach secretion.

20- Gastrin hormone:

A) is secreted from the body of stomach.

B) is secreted from the jejunum.
C) Stimulates gastric glands to secrete HCL.
D) inhibits intestinal motility.
21- Vomiting cause:

A) Metabolic acidosis.
B) Metabolic alkalosis.
C) Respiratory acidosis.
D) Respiratory alkalosis.

22- Buccal phase of swallowing

A) is involuntary
B) is voluntary.
C) The bolus is rolled over the front of the tongue.
D) is the movement of food from the pharynx to esophagus.

23- Metabolic rate is high in:

A) Pregnancy.
B) Hypothyroidism.
C) After heavy meal ingestion.
D) Only A&C are correct.

24- in small intestine:

A) Lactase enzyme splits lactose into glucose and fructose.

B) Glucose absorption is by Na co-transport mechanism.
C) Vitamin B12 absorption needs intrinsic factor.
D) Only B&C are correct.
25- Which of the following is not a function of chewing:

A) Sense of satiety.
B) Helps in food absorption.
C) Helps in food digestion.
D) increase salivary secretion.

26- Buccal phase of swallowing:

A) is involuntary.
B) Leads to relaxation of mylohyoid muscles.
C) is voluntary.
D) is the movement of food from the pharynx to esophagus.

27- Which of the following is not a function of saliva:

A) Helps in articulation.
B) Helps in swallowing.
C) Helps in dental caries by increasing acidity of oral cavity.
D) Kills microorganisms by lysozymes.

28- Gastrin hormone:

A) inhibits gastric emptying (evacuation).

B) increases gastric emptying.
C) inhibits intestinal motility.
D) inhibits HCL secretion.
E) None of the above is correct.
29- Bile pigments:

A) Are derived from globin portion of hemoglobin.

B) Help in fat digestion and absorption.
C) Are conjugated in the liver mainly with sulphate.
D) Their level increases in blood in liver disease.
E) Their level decreases in blood with increased RBC hemolysis.
F) None of the above.

30- Regarding HCL:

A) it inhibits pepsinogen.
B) it helps in absorption of iron.
C) it helps in absorption of vitamin B12.
D) is secreted in response to sympathetic stimulation.
E) inhibits clotting of milk in the stomach.

31- Regarding pancreatic secretion:

A) Trypsin is secreted in the active form.

B) CCK stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate.
C) Secretin stimulates the secretion of enzymes.
D) Chemotrypsinogen is activated by trypsin.
E) Pancreatic lipase is activated by trypsin.

32- Salivary secretion:

A) Starts digestion of carbohydrates.

B) is under control of secretin hormone.
C) Starts digestion of proteins.
D) is highly acidic.
E) is highly alkaline.
33-Which of the following is correct:

A) The center of defecation (Parasympathetic and anal reflexes) is in the sacral segments.
B) Voluntary control of defecation is located in the medulla.
C) The center for swallowing reflex is at the level of the spinal cord.
D) in vomiting electrolytes are not lost.
E) Vomiting causes acidosis.

34- Concerning deglutition(swallowing) :

A) Pharyngeal phase of swallowing is voluntary.

B) Normally the lower esophageal sphincter(LES) is open.
C) Dysphagia is caused by a lesion in the swallowing reflex.
D) in the esophageal stage of swallowing if the bolus is liquid it travels by peristalsis.
E) in the esophageal stage of swallowing if the bolus is semisolid it travels by gravity.

35- Cholecystokinin(CCK) :

A) is secreted by the gastric antrum.

B) is inhibited by excess fat in the duodenum.
C) Stimulates pancreatic acini to secrete enzymes.
D) inhibits gallbladder evacuation.
E) Stimulate gastric emptying.

36- Gastric secretions:

A) Decrease when a person thinks of food.

B) Contain a substance which is essential for absorption of vitamin B12 from terminal ileum.
C) Contain HCL secreted by chief cells.
D) Are essential for fat digestion and absorption.
37- Salivary secretion:

A) is increased by atropine.
B) Starts digestion of starch.
C) is hyperosmotic to the plasma.
D) is under hormonal control.

38- Regarding deglutition(swallowing) :

A) Pharyngeal phase is voluntary.

B) is controlled by a center in the medulla oblongata.
C) Readily occurs with an open mouth.
D) Buccal phase is accompanied by apnea.

39- CCK:

A) increases gastric secretion.

B) inhibits the stomach motility.
C) inhibit pancreatic enzyme secretion.
D) increases pancreatic secretions rich in bicarbonate.

40- Pepsin:

A) is secreted by the parietal cells.

B) is inhibited by gastric HCL.
C) is secreted by the duodenum
D) is essential for protein digestion.
41- The secretion of intrinsic factor occurs in the:

A) Parietal cells of the stomach.

B) Chief cells of the stomach.
C) Upper duodenum.
D) Beta cells of the pancreas.

42- The liver is important in:

A) Protein metabolism.
B) Storage of vitamins.
C) Carbohydrate metabolism.
D) All of the above are correct.

43- it is correct to say:

A) Saliva does not contain amylase enzyme.

B) During the pharyngeal phase of swallowing breathing does not stop.
C) The buccal phase of swallowing is involuntary.
D) Saliva is secreted by the parotid, sublingual and submandibular glands.

44- Which of the following is correct:

A) Gastrin hormone is secreted by the intestine.

B) The function of gallbladder is formation of bile.
C) Pepsinogen is secreted by the stomach.
D) CCK is secreted by the pancreas.
45- Pancreatic secretion:

A) Contains bicarbonate.
B) is under the influence of cholecystokinin.
C) is affected by secretin.
D) All of the above are correct.

46- it is correct to say:

A) Primary bile acids formed in the liver.

B) Rectal reflex center is 2, 4, 6 sacral segments.
C) CCK decrease excitability of GIT smooth muscle.
D) None of the above is correct.

47- Regarding hepatic jaundice:

A) Caused by increased destruction of RBCs.

B) Decrease bilirubin hepatic uptake.
C) Normal urine color.
D) None of the above.

48- it is correct to say:

A) Stomach is the main site of absorption.

B) Small intestine absorbs all of the nutrients.
C) The main function of ascending colon is storage of feces.
D) Large amount of proteins absorbed by pinocytosis.
E) None of the above.
49- The GIT functions are under:

A) Hormonal regulation.
B) Autonomic regulation.
C) Somatic nervous system regulation.
D) A and B are correct.

50- Saliva contains:

A) Salivary amylase.
B) Mucin.
C) Water.
D) All of the above are correct.

51- Gastric juice(secretion) contains:

B) intrinsic factor.
C) Pepsinogen.
D) All of the above are correct.

52- Bile salts help in:

A) Fat digestion.
B) Fat absorption.
C) Fat synthesis (lipogenesis).
D) A and B are correct.
53- Pancreatic juice contains:

A) Pancreatic amylase.
B) Pancreatic lipase.
C) Pancreatic peptidases.
D) All of the above are correct.

54- Concerning mass peristalsis:

A) is a slow propulsive movement.

B) is induced by toxin irritation.
C) Occurs in small intestine.
D) B and C are correct.

55- Regarding HCL:

A) inhibits pepsinogen.
B) Kills bacteria that enters with food.
C) is secreted in response to Ach.
D) B and C are correct.

56- The center of spinal defecation reflex is located in the:

A) Sacral segments.
B) in the lumbar segments.
C) Thoracic segments.
D) A and B are correct.
57- Bile salts are essential for the absorption of:

A) Vitamin B12.
B) Vitamin D
C) Vitamin C.
D) B and C are correct.

58- Gastrin hormone:

A) Stimulates HCL secretion.

B) Stimulates gastric emptying.
C) A and B are correct.
D) None of the above is correct.

59- CCK causes contraction of:

A) Lower esophageal sphincter.

B) Pyloric sphincter.
C) Oddi's sphincter.
D) None of the above.

60- Vomiting can be caused by:

A) Mechanical stimulation of the posterior part of the tongue.

B) Toxins
C) intestinal obstruction.
D) All of the above are correct.
61- Swallowing of a food bolus in the esophagus is associated with:

A) Peristalsis.
B) Relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter.
C) Relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
D) All of the above are correct.

62- Slow wave potential of GIT smooth muscles represent:

A) Contraction.
B) Action potential.
C) Undulating changes in action potential.
D) Spontaneous undulating changes in resting membrane potential.

63- Gastric HCL:

A) inhibits pepsinogen.
B) is released from peptic cells.
C) Stimulates release of gastrin.
D) Gives optimum PH for pepsin action.
E) inhibits release of secretin.

64- Metabolic rate is decreased by:

A) Pregnancy.
B) Cold weather.
C) increase in age.
D) Norepinephrine.
E) None of the above is correct.
65- Concerning mass peristalsis, all are correct Except:

A) Occurs in the small intestine.

B) is a very slow movement.
C) Occurs once or twice per day.
D) Help movement of fecal matter in large intestine.
E) None of the above.

66- Pepsin:

A) is secreted by the parietal cells.

B) is inhibited by gastric HCL.
C) is highly active at PH above 5.
D) is secreted by the duodenum
E) is essential for protein digestion.

67- Metabolic rate increases in all of the following conditions Except:

A) Hypothermia.
B) Pregnancy.
C) Exercise.
D) Emotions.
E) Hyperthyroidism.

68- Gastric secretions:

A) Decrease when a person thinks of food.

B) Decrease in response to vagal stimulation.
C) Contain a substance which aids the absorption of vitamin B12.
D) Contain HCL secreted by chief cells.
E) Are essential for fat digestion and absorption.
69- Salivary secretion:

A) is increased by atropine.
B) Starts digestion of starch.
C) PH is acidic.
D) is hyperosmotic to the plasma.
E) is under hormonal control.

70- Regarding deglutition(swallowing) :

A) Buccal phase is involuntary.

B) Pharyngeal phase is voluntary.
C) is controlled by center in the medulla oblongata.
D) Readily occurs with an open mouth.
E) Buccal phase is accompanied by apnea.

71- Gastrin:

A) is a hormone secreted from the stomach fundus.

B) Stimulates gastric motility.
C) inhibits gastric acid secretion.
D) inhibits gastric motility.

72- CCK:

A) increase gastric secretion.

B) Cause evacuation of the gallbladder.
C) inhibits pancreatic enzyme secretion.
D) increase pancreatic secretion rich in bicarbonate.
E) None of the above.
73- The secretion of intrinsic factor occurs in the :

A) Parietal cells of the stomach.

B) Chief cells of the stomach.
C) Upper duodenum.
D) Beta cells of the pancreas.
D) Bone marrow.

74- Excitability of GIT smooth muscles is increased by all of the following Except:

A) Stretch of the muscle.

B) Sympathetic stimulation.
C) Gastrin and CCK hormones.
D) Acetylcholine.

75- Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) :

A) is a gastric hormone.
B) is a duodenal hormone.
C) Stimulate the gastric secretions.
D) inhibit insulin secretion.

76- Gastrin hormone is stimulated by all of the following Except:

A) Distension of stomach.
B) presence of peptides in stomach.
C) increased acidity of stomach.
D) Vagal stimulation.
77- Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) causes the following actions Except:

A) Stimulation of intestinal secretion.

B) Vasodilatation of intestinal blood vessels.
C) Stimulation of gastric acid secretion.
D) Relaxation of sphincters.

78- Enterogastrone causes :

A) Stimulation of HCL secretion.

B) Stimulation of gastric motility.
C) inhibition of both acid secretion and gastric motility.
D) None of the above is correct.

79- Secretin is characterized by the following Except:

A) it is stimulated by HCL in duodenum.

B) it stimulates gastric secretion.
C) it stimulates pancreatic secretion.
D) it causes contraction of pyloric sphincter.

80- Regarding swallowing:

A) its center is present in medulla oblongata.

B) includes inhibition of respiration (apnea).
C) includes elevation of larynx.
D) All of the above are correct.
81- The tone of the lower esophageal sphincter is decreased by:

A) Secretin.
B) Acetylcholine.
C) Gastrin
D) Both A and B are correct.

82- Gastric emptying is delayed by:

A) Presence of fat in duodenum.

B) Gastrin.
C) Atropine.
D) Both A and C are correct.

83- Regarding salivary secretion:

A) PH is acidic.
B) is under hormonal control.
C) Starts digestion of starch.
D) is increased by atropine.

84- intestinal motility is mainly increased by:

A) Gastrin hormone.
B) Pain.
D) All of the above are correct.
85- Oxyntic (parietal) cells secrete:

A) Gastrin.
B) insulin.
C) intrinsic factor.

86- Hemolytic jaundice:

A) Causes dark stool due to excess stercobilinogen.

B) is caused by increased RBCs life span.
C) Causes dark colored urine.
D) is caused by bile duct obstruction.

87- it is correct to say:

A) Deficiency of CCK causes an increase in secretion of pancreatic juice.

B) Deficiency of VIP causes inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
C) Swallowing is controlled by a center in medulla oblongata.
D) The center for chewing is located in the hypothalamus.

88- Failure of bile salts to reach the intestine leads to:

A) increased fat absorption.

B) protein putrefaction
C) increase fat soluble vitamins in the body.
D) All of the above are correct.
89- The secretion of intrinsic factor occurs in the:

A) Beta cells of pancreas.

B) Bone marrow.
C) Upper duodenum.
D) None of the above is correct.

90- Pepsin:

A) is highly active at PH above 5.

B) is essential for protein digestion.
C) is inhibited by gastric HCL.
D) All of the above.

91- Emptying of gastric acid contents in the duodenum cause all of the following Except:

A) Decreased gastric emptying.

B) increased bile flow from the liver.
C) Enterogastric reflex.
D) Evacuation of bile from gall bladder.

92- Deficiency of bile salts may lead to all of the following Except:

A) impaired absorption of vitamin D.

B) Putrefaction of protein.
C) Decreased bile flow from the liver.
D) Formation of biliary calcium stones.
E) None of the above.
93- intestinal motility is decreased by:

A) Gastroenteric reflex.
B) CCK and GIP.
C) Secretin and glucagon.
D) None of the above.

94- The process of HCL secretion does not require:

A) Carbonic anhydrase.
B) H ATPase
C) H-K ATPase.
D) HCO3 – cl exchange.

95- Which of the following substances cannot be absorbed by intestinal cells:

A) Lactose.
B) Galactose.
C) Monoglycerides.
D) Amino acids.

96- Regarding salivary secretion:

A) is under nervous control only.

B) it starts the digestion of protein.
C) Contain less K than plasma.
D) is iso-osmotic in the salivary ducts.
97- Distension of the stomach by food may results in:

A) increased gastric secretion through conditioned reflex.

B) Relaxation of ileocecal sphincter through local reflexes.
C) initiation of autonomic defecation reflex.
D) increased intestinal motility mainly through long vago-vagal reflex.

98- Regarding slow waves in the stomach:

A) They are true spontaneous oscillating action potential.

B) They are mainly due to Ca inflow.
C) They are initiated by local enteric reflex.
D) Starts at mid portions of greater curvature.

99- Swallowing reflex produce all of the following Except:

A) Elevation of soft palate to close the posterior nasal openings.

B) Secondary peristaltic esophageal waves.
C) Elevation of the larynx to be covered by epiglottis.
D) Relaxation of upper and lower esophageal sphincters.

100- As compared to hepatic bile, gallbladder bile has:

A) Less concentrated bile salts.

B) Less bicarbonate.
C) More PH.
D) Less bile pigments.
101- Prehepatic jaundice is usually associated with:

A) impaired liver function.

B) increased bilirubin in urine.
C) increased stercobilinogen excretion.
D) Direct Van den Bergh reaction.

102- As regarding pancreatic enzymatic secretion:

A) They are secreted from pancreatic ductal cells.

B) They are stimulated by secretin.
C) The proteolytic enzymes are activated by intestinal enterokinase.
D) They are stimulated by excess acid in the duodenum.

103- Regarding salivary secretion:

A) is under nervous control only.

B) is hyperosmotic compared to plasma.
C) Has the largest volume compared to other digestive juices.
D) Digests starch to glucose.

104- Concerning HCL secretion, all of the following are true Except:

A) is secreted by the parietal cells of stomach.

B) its secretion can be inhibited by H2 receptor blocker.
C) Gastrin, acetylcholine and histamine can increase its secretion.
D) Passive diffusion of H is one of the steps in the mechanism of secretion.
105- Regarding CCK, all of the following are true Except:

A) Products of protein digestion stimulates its release.

B) increase gastric motility and secretion.
C) increase secretion of enzymatic pancreatic juice.
D) Causes contraction of gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi.

106- Concerning secretin hormone, all are true Except:

A) it increases pancreatic secretion of HCO3.

B) it decreases gastric secretion.
C) it inhibits the action of CCK.
D) it decreases gastric emptying.

107- Gastric juice contains:

B) Trypsinogen.
C) Pepsinogen.
D) Maltase.

108- Gastric secretion is:

A) increased by enterogastric reflex.

B) increased by prostaglandin.
C) inhibited by gastrin.
D) None of the above is correct.
109- Secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCL):

A) is a function of peptic cells.

B) is associated with postprandial acidic tide.
C) is inhibited by prostaglandins.
D) is inhibited by histamine.

110- Regarding peptic ulcer:

A) it does not occur in the esophagus.

B) it may be induced by stressful conditions.
C) it is caused by over production of secretin.
D) it is not caused by Zolinger-Ellison syndrome.

111- Gastric motility is increased by:

A) Acetylcholine.
B) Enterogastric reflex.
D) None of the above.

112- Vomiting:

A) is inhibited by irritation of gastrointestinal tract.

B) is associated with closing of the glottis.
C) is accompanied by relaxation of diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
D) None of the above is correct.
113- The gastric mucosal barrier is maintained by all of the following Except:

A) Tight junction between gastric mucosal cells.

B) Secretion of certain prostaglandins and alkaline mucous.
C) Administration of H-K ATPase inhibitors such as omeprazole.
D) Administration of Aspirin.

114- Complete obstruction of common bile duct by a gallbladder stone can lead to:

A) increase in level of urobilinogen.

B) Brown feces.
C) Very dark brown urine.
D) None of the above is correct.

115- Regarding slow waves in the small intestinal smooth muscles, all of the following are
true Except:

A) They are undulation changes in resting membrane potential.

B) They are not true action potentials.
C) They produce immediate contractions.
D) They may induce spike potential.

116- Swallowing reflex:

A) Prevents entrance of food into larynx by elevating the soft palate.

B) is initiated by entrance of food through pharyngeal opening.
C) its center is located in cerebral cortex.
D) Can easily occur while the mouth is open.
117- Tone of lower esophageal sphincter is increased by:

A) Gastrin.
C) Secretin.

118- Gastric motility:

A) is inhibited by gastric distension.

B) is stimulated by secretin.
C) is inhibited by enterogastric reflex.
D) None of the above is correct.

119- Regarding defecation:

A) it is not under voluntary control in adults.

B) it is delayed by gastrocolic reflex.
C) it is inhibited by duodenocolic reflex.
D) None of the above.

120- The saliva contains all of the following Except:

A) Digestive enzyme for carbohydrate.

B) immunoglobulin A.
C) iodide.
D) Secretin.
121- The rate of gastric emptying is increased with an increase in:

A) Gastric distension.
B) Fat content in duodenum.
C) Acidity of duodenum.
D) Duodenal distension.

122- Contraction of gallbladder:

A) is inhibited by CCK.
B) is stimulated by a fat rich meal.
C) A and B are correct.
D) None of the above is correct.

123- Absorption of fatty acids:

A) Occurs in the proximal colon.

B) involves formation of micelle within intestinal lumen.
C) Occurs in the small intestine by Na cotransport.
D) None of the above is correct.

124- The excitability of the smooth muscles of GIT wall is increased by:

A) Trauma.
B) More negative resting membrane potential.
C) Stretching.
D) Sympathetic stimulation.
125- Gastrin secretion is stimulated by:

A) Empty stomach.
B) Low gastric PH.
D) None of the above.

126- in achalasia, which of the following is decreased in lower esophageal sphincter:

A) Acetylcholine receptors.
B) Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).
C) Alpha adrenergic receptors.
D) None of the above.

127- Accommodation of a large meal by the stomach does not cause a high increase in gastric
pressure, this is due to:

A) Gastric peristalsis.
B) Gastroileal reflex.
C) Receptive relaxation.
D) Segmentation.

128- Gastric emptying is decreased by:

A) Gastric distension.
B) Presence of highly acidic chyme in duodenum.
C) Gastrin.
D) A liquid food relative to solid food.
129- Under resting condition, saliva contains:

A) Higher concentration of Na than plasma.

B) Higher concentration of Cl than plasma.
C) Higher concentration of K than plasma.
D) None of the above.

130- in infants, defecation usually occurs after a meal. This is due to:

A) increased release of GIP.

B) Enterogastric reflex.
C) Conditioned reflexes.
D) Gastrocolic reflex.

131- Segmenting (mixing) contractions of small intestine are:

A) Mainly dependent on myenteric nerve plexus.

B) Essential for pushing the chyme forward.
C) Mainly myogenic.
D) All of the above are correct.

132- Concerning defecation, rectal reflex is initiated by (stimulus):

A) Distension of rectum.
B) Distension of stomach.
C) Distension of duodenum.
D) All of the above.
133- When peptic cells are stimulated, they secrete:

A) HCL and pepsinogen.

B) Pepsinogen and intrinsic factor.
C) HCL and intrinsic factor.
D) Pepsinogen.

134- Regarding peptic ulcer, all of the following are correct Except:

A) it is caused by excessive gastric secretion.

B) it is caused by oral intake of H-K ATPase inhibitor drugs.
C) it is caused by chronic inflammation due to helicobacter pylori.
D) it is caused by hypergastrinemia.

135- Which of the following is true about the secretion from exocrine pancreas:

A) Enzymatic secretion is stimulated by CCK.

B) it is inhibited by gastrin.
C) it is stimulated by the presence of HCO3 in the duodenum.
D) it is inhibited by presence of fatty acids in the duodenum.

136- When the bile is stored in the gallbladder, it undergoes many changes such as:

A) Concentration of bile salts decreases.

B) The PH decreases.
C) Concentration of cholesterol decreases.
D) Volume of bile increases.
137- Deficiency of bile salts:

A) increases the bile flow.

B) Markedly decreases intestinal absorption of glucose.
C) Causes steatorrhea.
D) All of the above are correct.

138- Which of the following is true:

A) Myenteric plexus controls GIT secretion.

B) The normal concentration of bilirubin in plasma is less than 1gm%.
C) Submucosal plexus control GIT motility.
D) Pepsinogen activation needs Ca.

139- Saliva secreted by parasympathetic stimulation is characterized by:

A) Large amount.
B) Viscid.
C) Poor in electrolytes.
D) Poor in water.

140- The intrinsic factor is secreted by:

A) Parietal cells of the stomach.

B) Chief cells of the stomach.
C) Upper duodenum.
D) Beta cells of the pancreas.
141- Hemolytic jaundice is characterized by:

A) Marked increase in blood bile salts.

B) Marked decrease in blood hemobilirubin.
C) Normal liver function.
D) Urine color is very dark brown.

142- Which of the following hormones stimulate pancreatic HCO3 secretion:

A) Gastrin.
B) Secretin.
C) Gastric inhibitory peptide.

143- Which of the following constitutes the main defecation mechanism:

A) intrinsic local reflexes.

B) Sacral spinal reflexes.
C) Gastrocolic reflex.
D) None of the above is correct.

144- Salivary secretion:

A) is stimulated by most GIT hormones.

B) is only under neural control.
C) Does not contain enzymes.
D)Does not facilitate swallowing.
145- Hemolytic jaundice is characterized by:

A) Decreased urine bilirubin.

B) Decreased blood bilirubin.
C) impaired liver function.
D) Normal liver function.

146- Secretin hormone stimulates:

A) Pancreatic bicarbonate secretion.

B) Gallbladder emptying.
C) Gastric secretion.
D) Gastric emptying.

147- Which of the following is correct:

A) Gallbladder acidifies bile to prevent gallstones formation.

B) Bile salts are formed in gallbladder from cholesterol.
C) Bile salts combine with lipids to form water insoluble micelle.
D) All of the above are correct.

148- Gastric emptying is stimulated by:

A) Gastrin.
D) A and C are correct.
149- The tone of lower esophageal sphincter:

A) is decreased by gastrin.
B) is increased by VIP.
C) is markedly decreased in a condition called achalasia.
D) is decreased in gastroesophageal reflux.

150- Regarding vomiting:

A) it is coordinated by the vomiting center in spinal cord.

B) it is mainly due to contraction of the gastric musculature.
C) it is caused by relaxation of the diaphragm.
D) it is associated with apnea.

151- Saliva:

A) Contains iodide more than plasma.

B) Has a PH of about 4.
C) Contains immunoglobulin G ( IgG).
D) All of the above are correct.

152- Regarding HCL, all are true Except:

A) is secreted by active process.

B) it converts pepsinogen to pepsin.
C) it converts ferrous to ferric.
D) it converts ferric to ferrous.
153- The tone of lower esophageal sphincter increases by the following Except:

A) Gastrin.
B) Secretin.
C) Sympathetic stimulation.
D) None of the above.

154- Regarding mastication:

A) is only voluntary.
B) is only involuntary.
C) May occur in stomach.
D) The center is in the brain stem.

155- Secretion of acid by parietal cells is stimulated by all of the following Except:

A) Gastrin.
B) Acetylcholine.
C) Histamine.
D) Prostaglandins.

156- Regarding Gastrin:

A) it inhibits gastric motility.

B) Stimulates pancreatic secretion.
C) Causes relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter.
D) Causes contraction of the ileocecal sphincter.
157- Gastrin hormone is stimulated by all of the following Except:

A) Distension of stomach.
B) Presence of polypeptides in the stomach.
C) increased acidity in the stomach.
D) Vagal stimulation.

158- The following hormones are inhibitory to gastric functions Except:

C) Gastrin.
D) Secretin.

159- The ileocecal sphincter is relaxed by all of the following Except:

A) Distension of the stomach.

B) Distension of ileum.
C) Distension of cecum.
D) Gastrin.

160- Concerning CCK, the following are correct Except:

A) it is released from the upper part of small intestine.

B) it is inhibitory to intestinal motility.
C) it is a cholagogue substance.
D) it stimulates pancreatic enzymatic secretion.
161- Choleretics include the following Except:

B) Vagal stimulation.
C) Bile salts.
D) Secretin.

162- Gastric emptying is slowest after a meal containing:

A) Fat.
B) Carbohydrate.
C) Protein.
D) None of the above.

163- Bile salts are essential for absorption of fat because they:

A) Solubilize dietary lipids in micelles.

B) increase surface tension.
C) Are hydrophobic.
D) Contain pancreatic enzymes.

164- The main cause of gallbladder contraction in response to a fat rich meal is:

B) Gastrin.
C) Secretin.
D) Somatostatin.
165- Vitamin B12 is mainly absorbed in the:

A) Terminal ileum.
B) Upper jejunum.
C) Duodenum.
D) Stomach.

166- The first part of a test meal reaches the cecum in about:

A) 4 hours.
B) 6 hours.
C) 9 hours.
D) 12 hours.

167- The main function of colon is absorption of:

A) Water and electrolytes.

B) Triacylglycerol.
C) Secondary bile acids.
D) iron.

168- The defecation reflex is integrated in the:

A) Midbrain.
B) Pons.
C) Medulla oblongata.
D) Spinal cord.

Note: you can find the key answer in this group:

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