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700 Soru USCG

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A cloud of great width and an altitude of between 2000 and 7000 feet is called
a) nimbus
b) nimbostratus
c) stratus
d) cumulus
e) stratocumulus
2.A device for measuring pressure of atmosphere is known as a:
a) Windscale
b) Compass
c) Barometer
d) Blip
e) Shaft
3.A fire started in the main engine room of a vessel when at sea. Both main engines were
stopped by the crew. The ship had full electrical power supply during the event due to
having a separate auxiliary engine room. The crew used CO2 and water to start the fire,
which was finally extinguished after about 4 hours.
Which of the underlined words must be changed to get a correct meaning?
a) at sea
b) stopped
c) used
d) start
e) finally
4.A male passenger, Seluk Gne, aged 35, has been ill for three days. His temperature
is 39 and his pulse rate is 85. This is a description of a ....................................
a) doctors state
b) nurses state
c) patients state
d) pupils state
e) customers state
5.A receipt of goods shipped on board a ship signed by the person (or his agent) who
contracts to carry them, and stating the terms on which the goods are carried is known
as .
a) Bill of Health
b) Bill of Lading
c) Bill of Bulkhead
d) Bill of Sale
e) Notice of Readiness
6.A safety message is sent whenever .......... .
a) There is an important navigational or meteorological warning
b) There is an urgent message about the safety of a ship
c) There is an urgent message about the safety of a person
d) Immediate assistance is required
e) There is loss of life
7.A ships position may be found by a .
a) knots
b) navtex
c) GPS
d) cable
e) gmdss

8.A vessel overtaking another of the overtaken vessel.

a) must keep clear
b) must alter course
c) will be kept
d) shall keep out of the way
e) follow
9.A vessel which is able to load and discharge by itself is called ..............................
a) self-employed
b) self-serving
c) self-made
d) self-sustaining
e) non-self sustaining
10.A vessel which is not made fast to the shore, at anchor or aground and not moving
through the water is ...
a) A vessel underway and making way
b) A vessel underway and misled
c) A vessel underway but not making way over the ground
d) A vessel underway and stopped
e) A vessel which is disabled
11.A vessel which is used for pulling or pushing a disabled vessel is known as a/an
a) Tug
b) OBO
c) Reefer
d) Dredger
e) Icebreaker
12.A VHF message isnt made up of ..
a) Ships name and call sign
b) Ships position given by latitude and longitude
c) Distance and bearing from coast station
d) The name of the master
e) Ships next port of call
13.A wind which first blows from South, then changes direction to blow from the South
East, then changes direction to blow from the East is said to be ..............
a) veering
b) backing
c) clockwise
d) freezing
e) funneling
14.A wind which first blows from South, then changes direction to blow from the South
West, then changes direction to blow from the West is said to be ..............
a) anti-clockwise
b) deliberate
c) swelling
d) veering
e) backing
15.According to COLREG 1972 and its supplement, the master is not obligated to be on
the bridge himself;

a) While checking whistles daily

b) While mooring
c) When there is poor visibility
d) While berthing
e) While passing through the restricted waters
16.According to the International Code of Signal, the statement I must abandon my
vessel is symbolized by means of the code letters ?
a) AE
b) BF
c) DX
d) HW
e) ED
17.According to this clause of a charter party, if loading operation is performed on
holidays, time spent for loading ............................ ; otherwise, these days ...........................
a) shall count / shall not count
b) shall not count / shall count
c) is permitted / are not permitted
d) isnt to be included in laytime / are to be included in laytime
e) should be excepted / should be accepted
18.Acil durumda tm merdivenler ve klar aydnlatlacaktr.
Correct translation of this sentence into English is;
a) All stairways and embarkation stations shall be illuminated in an emergency.
b) All stairways and exits shall be illuminated before an emergency.
c) All stairways and exits shall illuminate in an emergency.
d) All stairways and exits shall be illuminated in an emergency.
e) All stairways and muster stations shall be lighted.
19.Air draught means the same as ...............
a) weight
b) length
c) height
d) width
e) size
20.An oil derrick is ..
a) a platform where all the needed machinery for drilling is mounted
b) all the equipment needed on the ground
c) where brokers and captains live
d) a machine used to dive into the sea bottom
e) an experienced greaser
21.Arrival message does NOT include ..
a) nationality of the ship
b) call sign
c) position
d) last port
e) destination
22.Atmospheric pressure is usually given in .
a) minibars
b) minimum
c) millenium
d) miles

e) milibar
23.At its 20 th session in November 1997, 1MOs Assembly adopted resolution A. 850 (20) on
The Human Element: Vision, Principles and Goals and, at the 21 st Assembly in November
1999, IMO passed a resolution whereby the prime emphasis in the Organizations work was
shifted away from developing technical standards and towards the human factor. Resolution A.
900 (21) Objectives of the Organization in the 2000s pays particularly close attention to the
importance of fostering a culture of maritime safety. This was deemed to be the Organizations
prime mission in the early years of the new millennium. According to the above paragraph,
the resolution adopted at the 21 st assembly focused more on than.
a) developing technical standards / the human factor
b) the human factor / developing technical standards
c) the organizations work / maritime safety
d) maritime safety / the human factor
e) the previous resolution / the one of the new millenium
24.Auxiliary vessels do not include .........................
a) cable layers
b) ice breakers
c) floating cranes
d) harbour tugs
e) fishing boats
25.Bir teknenin dier bir tekne zerine veya rhtma, iskeleye yanamas;
a) Alongside
b) Berthing
c) Portside
d) Starboard
e) Afloading
26.By means of radio, the captain of a ship can talk with men in other ships or with men
ashore. ......., or if bad weather is ahead, he can be told of it in time to change his
a) TV is a means of entertainment
b) Because of it, captains keep the radio under their pillows
c) Phone too, makes communication possible
d) Whatever, the captain should maintain his course
e) He can learn if it is safe for him to go on his destination
27.Careless and improper handling of cargo during loading and discharging operations,
improper stowage, fastening and lashing, improperly laid dunnage or lack of dunnage
altogether, insufficient ventilation or lack of it and poor separation of cargo may be
considered as the main ones. The passage is related with
a) crushing b) pilferage c) leakage d) damage to Cargo
e) ventilation
28.Cargo gear
a) provides ventilation in the holds
b) sometimes called manholes leading to the lower compartments.
c) protects the weather compartments below deck from waves
d) is a vital concern both for good seamanship and for the seaworthiness of the vessel
e) is used for purposes of loading and discharging
29.Coal shipped in wet condition ..............................................
a) loses weight
b) gains weight
c) weighs the same

d) has no loss in weight

e) has no difference in weight
30.COLREG defines a vessel turning as a vessel .................................................
a) making no move
b) making a small alteration in course
c) making a U turn
d) making a large alteration in course
e) not making any alteration
31.Communications within the ship are done by .. .
a) VHF
b) Radio telegraph
c) Radiotelephone
d) An internal telephone system
e) Loudspeaker
32.Complete the following message with a proper message marker: ....................
Obstruction in the fairway
a) Warning
b) Request
c) Information
d) Advice
e) Instruction
33.Dear Sirs,
I regret to inform you that due to the stoppage of the separating valve of the bilge
manifold some water from the ballast tank on port side was pumped overboard together
with the oil contaminated bilge water from the shaft tunnel. The cause of this
contamination is purely technical and totally accidental.
The CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE M/V . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This correspondence is an example of
a) bunkering order
b) notification
c) damage to the ship
d) statement of sea protest e) resume
34.Depth from waterline to vessels bottom is called;
a) keel
b) air draught
c) draught d) freeboard e) underkeel clearance
35.Displacement Tonnage of a ship is
a) The weight that a ship carries, when it is fully loaded with cargo,
b) The amount of water spilled out by a ship, when it floats at a specific condition,
c) The total volume of all the closed spaces of a ship,
d) The sum of all weights including the cargo,
e) None of the above
36.Dredging operations by the M/V Gate from 10 Oct 13:00 hours to 11 Oct 03:00 hours in
position 15 34N, 061 29W. Wide ..
a) channel needed
b) berth requested
c) assistance required
d) distances indicated
e) cases covered

37.Dnya scaklndaki son deiimlerin nedenlerinden biri de ozon tabakasndaki

The English version would be ............
a) The late hole in the ozone layer is partly the result of changes in the worlds temperature
b) Due to global temperature change, you can expect a hole in the ozone layer
c) One of the reasons for the recent changes in the world temperature is the hole in the
ozone layer
d) One reason for the hole in the ozone layer is nationwide change in temperature
e) The hole in the ozone layer was the result of a sudden change in the global temperature
38.Fire-fighting equipment ..
a) should be regularly checked.
b) might be driven
c) must be drawn
d) is loaded
e) is used for keeping liquid for foods
39.For classification survey, the following is to be kept on board and made available to
the surveyor on request
a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance,
b) Reports on previous surveys performed,
c) Approved drawings,
d) All the above,
e) None of the above
40.For maintenance of class
a) U.S. Coast Guard controls must be performed by the Flag State,
b) The periodical(regular) and occasional(extraordinary) surveys must be performed,
c) Inspections by IMO officers for the ships documents must be performed,
d)The shipyard must control the ship ,
e)The Port State Control should be performed.
41.Going through water by force of wind with the help of the sails is known as :
a) Navigation
b) Steering
c) Propulsion
d) Sailing
e) Manoeuvering
42.Hydrographic survey information is used in the making of ............. of all scales.
a) charcoal b) charters c) charts
d) chalks
e) changes
43.I am not under command means ..
a) I am not unable to manoeuvre as required by the Rules
b) I am unable to manoeuvre as required by the Rules
c) I am no different than what I was before
d) therefore I can keep out of the way
e) therefore I could keep out of the way
44.I am proceeding at reduced speed.
a) Geitte ilerleyeceim.
b) Limana ilerliyorum.
c) Dk hzla ilerliyorum.
d) Hzm arttryorum.
e) Puruvamdaki gemiyi geeceim.

45.I am sinking, I am on fire, I am not under command, I am in collision and I am

aground are all ......
a) pilot request messages
b) way point messages
c) anchoring messages
d) clearence messages
e) incident messages
46.I have herewith the pleasure in informing you that my vessel is in all respects ready
to commence working as per above in accordance with terms of mentioned charter party.
Yours faithfully. Master
The above mentioned remark takes place in a/ an
a) notice of readiness.
b) bill of lading.
c) letter of credit.
d) negotiable bill of lading.
e) time charter party.
47.l need help may be followed by ...
a) What is the anchor position for me?.
b) I am sending a boat for you.
c) I have a long tow.
d) I am aground.
e) I am altering my course to port.
48.I will attempt rescue by breeches-buoy
a) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtarmaya geliyorum
b) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtulmaya alyorum
c) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtarmaya alacam
d) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtuldunuz
e) Can kurtarma varagelesiyle kurtuluyorsunuz
49.Ice-breaker assistance is suspended until favourable weather conditions, means
a) When the weather conditions get favourable ice- breaker assistance will resume
b) It is suspected whether ice- breaker assistance will be favourable or not.
c) No ice breaker assistance will be available even if the weather conditions become favourable.
d) Ice-breaker assistance will be provided until favourable weather conditions
e) Ice-breaker assistance must be received by the favourable weather conditions
50.If a wind is going to freshen, it is going to
a) change direction
b) lose strength
c) gain strength
d) change name
e) stay the same
51.If collision is imminent, which one of the two power-driven vessels has to keep out of
the way?
a) The one which has the other on her starboard side
b) The one which has the other on her port side
c) The one which is faster
d) The one which is slower
e) The one which is newly bought
52.If immersion in water is necessary, you should enter the water

a) Quickly
b) Suddenly
c) Gradually
d) Immediately
e) Fast
53.If the weight of a floating ship is greater than the weight of equal volume of water
displaced by the ship, the ship will ...........
a) float
b) tilt
c) list
d) sink
e) capsize
54.In certain fairways you must maintain a speed of ten knots exactly. The name given to
this speed is
a) quick speed b) heart attack c) fast speed d) increased speed e) fairway speed
55.In cold water the skin and peripheral tissues become cooled and then the deep body
temperature falls
This is called as ..............................
a) drowning b) hypothermia
c) hyperthermia
d) shock
e) immersion
56.In these circumstances it is difficult to assess the damage caused by the collision. In
Turkish you would say .................................................
a) Bu koullarda atmann hasara yol ap amayacan tahmin etmek zor
b) atmann ne gibi hasara yol atn bu koullarda aklamak zor gelebilir
c) atmann yol at zarar karlamak, bu koullar altnda ok zor
d) Farkl durumlarda atmann zararn karlamak ve karlatrmak ok zor
e) Bu koullar altnda atmann neden olduu hasar saptamak zor
57.Intermediate Surveys are
a) More detailed(details extended) Annual Surveys,
b) They fall due,nominally 2,5 years after the commencement of the class period,
c) They are made whenever necessary,
d) (a)+(c)
e) (a)+(b)
58.It is required to use the capstan to haul a line. The order given is .....
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside
b) To take line to capstan and heave away
c) To weigh anchor
d) To take the head line and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan
59.It usually occurs off the ship, but as stolen cargo can be unwittingly accepted by the
vessel and as sound cargo may be subject to theft after discharge, it is usually the vessel
which is blamed. Losses due to it are very serious, especially when foodstuffs, liquors
and soft drinks, expensive clothes, tools and spare parts for cars, electronic equipment
and precious stones are being carried on board ship.
The passage is about . . . . . . . . . .
a) chafing
b) collapsing
c) pilferage
d) moisture and sweating
e) rain damage
60.Last night, being the third of the month May, Mr.Selim Yavuz, the pumper, went
ashore without leave and came back this morning. He did not turn out for work when

ordered at 7 oclock. For this reason he is fined a sum of days pay. This is a report of
a) offence b) penalty c) defense
d) accusation
e) acceptance
61.Leave the odd sentence out.
a) Radio as the primary vehicle for maritime search and rescue has been instrumental in saving
countless lives.
b) Its first known use fort this purpose was in 1899 when a lightship in the Straits of Dover used
radio apparatus to report the steamship ELBE had run aground.
c) However Morse Code transmission will be eliminated.
d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.
e) Since that time many significant technical advances in the use of radio for navigation and
distress have made life at sea safer for the modern day mariner.
62.Lifeboats should be taken ashore, inspected and tested. All the damage, if any, should
be repaired. Lifeboat winches should be dismantled, overhauled and worn parts
renewed. Hand brakes and mechanical brake should be checked and adjusted. After
completing the work, they should be tested under Chief Officers supervision.
This passage is part of .................................................. ....................
a) deck department orders
b) repair specification
c) miscellaneous
d) engine department orders
e) plain letter
63.Many types of bulk cargo are liable to shifting and therefore special precautions must
be taken with such cargoes as grain, some kind of ores, certain kinds of coal, broken
granite etc. It is necessary to see that the bulk cargo is well trimmed. A load of barrels
should be stowed bilge free and well blocked off to avoid it.
This passage is about ..........
a) handling damage
b) crushing
c) dust damage
d) leakage
e) shifting
64.Master transmitted a distress alert ............. Inm-C which was quickly acknowledged.
a) for
b) through
c) via
d) beneath
e) beyond
65.Merchant vessels do not include .
a) sport crafts
b) reefers.
c) auxiliary vessels.
d) divers boats.
e) dredgers.
66.Mist is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibility to between
a) 100 and 200 metres
b) 1000 and 2000 metres
c) 100 and 200 kilometres
d) 10 and 20 miles

e) 100 and 200 miles

67.Morse code, flag signalling and radio are ....................................
a) three main methods of fixing position
b) three main methods of taking bearings of land and sea marks
c) three main methods of navigating safely
d) three main methods of communication e) three main methods of taking assistance
68.Navigation in coastal waters is known as .
a) Pilotage
b) Plottage
c) Cruising
d) Sailing
e) Taking bearing
69.Navigators sea map with coast outlines, rocks, shoals, known as
a) Charter party
b) Chart
c) Charge
d) Charter
e) Clearance
70.No matter how sophisticated navigational aids and safety devices become, no matter
how automated, computerized and mathematically planned become the voyages of
vessels, the element of human fallibility will always exist and will remain the prime cause
of collisions in navigable waters.
The above quotation emphasizes the importance of .. in collisions.
a) sophisticated navigational aids
b) automated vayages
c) human factor
d) computerization
e) mathematically planned voyages of vessels
71.OBO carriers are
a) auxiliary vessels.
b) auxiliary cargo ships.
c) special cargo ships.
d) mixed cargo ships.
e) war ships.
72.On 25 August 1994, SALLY STAR, a Bahamian Registered Ro-Ro passenger ferry was en
route to Ramsgate from Dunkirk and in a position about 6.5 miles east of Ramsgate when fire
broke out in the main engine room. The fire was caused by the failure of a bolted flange joint on
the low pressure fuel system to No 4 main engine, allowing flammable fuel oil vapour to come
into contact with part of the engine exhaust system. Initial attempts to extinguish the fire were
unsuccessful, mainly due to failure of the auxiliary generators and the emergency fire pump and
despite the injection of Kalongs into the space. However, the closure of the engine room
ventilation and fuel oil systems effectively starved the fire of fuel and oxygen. The fire was finally
reported as extinguished about three hours from the onset of the emergency. The incident
required the co-ordinating role of HM Coastguard Dover, off-shore fire fighting teams from Kent
Fire Brigade, RAF and HM Coastguard helicopters. A total of 85 non-essential crew and 17
passengers were transferred ashore by RNLI lifeboats based at Ramsgate and Margate. Tugs
and other vessels stood by the SALLY STAR which was finally towed to Dunkirk for repairs.
One crew member suffered an injury during fire fighting operations and was evacuated ashore
by helicopter.
The passage does not explain;

a) the reason why the fire broke out

b) the reason why the initial fire fighting attempts were unsuccessful
c) the place where fire occurred
d) how the crew member injured during fire fighting
e) how the crew and passengers were transferred to the shore
73.Person to work with electricity should be ............................................ .....
a) untrained and incompetent in technical knowledge
b) unfamiliar with technical knowledge
c) disabled and incompetent
d) trained and competent with good technical knowledge
e) extremely illiterate
74.Piri Reis gemisi imdi tantma iareti ekiyorum.
a) Vessel Piri Reis I am making signals now
b) Vessel Piri Reis I am making a significance now
c) Vessel Piri Reis I am making identity at the present
d) Vessel Piri Reis I am now making an identification signal
e) Vessel Piri Reis I am now making an identifiable signature
75. Portable rechargeable battery operated lamps shall be available in some important
Correct translation of this sentence into Turkish is;
a) Baz nemli noktalarda arjedilebilir, portatif bataryal lambalar bulunacaktr.
b) Baz nemli noktalarda arjedilebilen bataryayla alan, portatif lambalar
c) Portatif arjedilebilen pilli lambalar nemli noktalarda bulunacaktr.
d) Bir ka nemli noktada arjl portatif lambalar bulunacaktr.
e) arjl bataryalar tanabilir olmaldr ve baz nemli noktalarda istiflenmelidir.
76.Port state control officer said to the Master of the M/ V Rose that the ship got detained
because of the absence of the lifeboat inventory.Which of the following conventions
didnt the M/V Rose comply with?
e) ISM
77.Port to Port Shipment: The responsibility of the Carrier is limited to that part of the
Carriage from and during loading onto the vessel up to and during discharge from the
vessel and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage what so ever in respect
of the Goods or for any other matter arising during any other part of the Carriage even
though charges for the whole Carriage have been charged by the carrier.
According to this clause of a bill of lading, the carrier shall not be held responsible for
any damage to thegoods
a) after they are loaded on board the ship.
b) while they are loaded on board the ship.
c) while they were taken to the port on trucks.
d) which occured during any part of the sea voyage.
e) likely to appear following the discharging operation.
78.Received by the Carrier the Goods specified below in apparent good order and
condition unless otherwise stated, to be transported to such place as agreed, authorized
or permitted herein and subject to all the terms and conditions appearing on the front
and reverse

The above part is taken from a

a) bill of loading
b) notice of readiness
c) passenger list
d) noon position report
e) ship ullage report
79.Report if she does not .. the
a) tyres-reply
b) reply-tyres
c) break-rules
d) wheel-answer
e) answer-wheel
80.Request details of station in convoy.
a) Konvoydaki istasyona ilgi rica ediyorum
b) Konvoydaki istasyon hakknda bilgi rica ediyorum
c) Konvoydaki istasyonu bilgilendirin ltfen
d) Konvoydaki istasyonda bilgi verin ltfen
e) Konvoydaki istasyon hakknda ilem yapn ltfen
81.Routine details of the voyage, any loss or damage to the ship or cargo or any related
events are kept in the .. by the mates during their watches.
a) The official Log Book
b) The Scrap Log Book
c) The Engine Room Log Book
d) The Ships Log Book
e) Manuals
82.Safety communications must be concerned with two subjects. They are
a) meteorology and first aid
b) channels and publications
c) navigation and communication
d) grounding and towing
e) navigation and meteorology
83.Seamen who do NOT understand each other can communicate by using ....................
a) signatures
b) silence
c) signals
d) sibilants
e) solidarity
84. Ship A has Ship C ahead of her so Ship C is . of Ship A.
a) Ahead
b) Astern
c) Abeam
d) On the bow
e) On the quarter
85.Ships in general are classified into the following three types:
a) warships, merchant vessels, yachts
b) passenger ships, merchant vessels, yachts
c) warships, fishing vessels, yachts
d) passenger ships, auxiliary vessels, yachts
e) cargo vessels, merchant vessels, yachts

86.Ships position can NOT be given in .................................

a) latitude and longtitude
b) bearing and distance
c) reference to a navigation mark
d) rapid and unambigious method
e) electronic position fixing references
87.Signalling by using hand flags is called .................................
a) sophomore
b) semiphone
c) semaphore
d) sphere

e) siren

88.Sorry and Thank you are ..........................................

a) announcements
b) clarification
c) conversation control
d) polite statements
e) channel switching
89.Stand by means that the information is ................................
a) negative
b) affirmative
c) not immediately available
d) not proper
e) not heard
90.amandrann kuzeyinden gemenizi tavsiye ederim.
a) Advise you pass East of Mark
b) Advise you pass West of Mark
c) Advise you pass South of Mark
d) Advise you pass North of Mark
e) Advise you pass Northeast of Mark
91.The content of any letter of protest prepared and signed by the master is to be
a) kept in a locked drawer on board the ship
b) taken to the court by the master himself
c) passed to the owner / charterer or their agent
d) published in any regional newspaper related with the topic
e) checked and corrected by the chief officer.
92.The following four stages in a VHF exchange are in the wrong order. Write down the
letters of the correct sequences.
A-Agree on a working VHF channeI
B-Exchange messages
D-Make contact
93.The force or speed of a ................ is measured by an anemometer.
a) precipitation
b) hail
c) fog
d) wind
e) pressure

94.The forepeak tank is used to

a) store fresh water or ballast water.
b) store paint, buckets, ropes in.
c) divide the vessel into longitudinal subdivisions.
d) stow the chain cables of the bower anchors.
e) determine the ships carrying capacity.
95.The four (4) types of merchant vessels are:
a) Passanger shipsCargo vesselsAuxiliary vesselsFishing vessels,
b) WarshipsCargo vesselsAuxiliary vesselsFishing vessels,
c) Passanger shipsYachtsAuxiliary vesselsFishing vessels,
d) Passanger shipsCargo vesselsDredgersFishing vessels,
e) Passanger shipsCable layersAuxiliary vesselsFishing vessels.
96.The Gross Tonnage of a ship is .................................................. .
a) The weight of living spaces and navigational spaces,
b) The weight of cargo, passengers and provisions, measured in metric tons,
c) The total volume of all closed spaces of a ship in ft, divided by hundred (100),
d) The weight of fuel, fresh water and water tanks in tons,
e) The amount of water spilled out by a ship
97.The instruction to single up shows ...................................
a) The ship is ready to leave the quay or berth
b) The ship has completed the operation
c) The ship has departed
d) The ship is underway
e) The ship is abandoned
98.The main aim of the Classification Society is ........................... .
a) To provide quick and cheap construction of a vessel
b) To design a ship
c) To put limits on the ships dimensions
d) To pay for the ship construction
e) To observe if the ship is seaworthy and is capable of carrying the cargo she has been
designed to carry
99.The maintenance on board is the responsibility of the ......... and the men in his charge.
a) Captain b) Chief officer
c) Second Officer d) Third Officer
e) Chief engineer
100.The master of every ship carrying hazardous cargo other than in bulk- whether it is,
or may be, explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening, or environment pollutingshall in organizing safe watch keeping arrangements take full account of the nature,
quantity, packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions on
board, afloat and ashore. Considering this rule, complete the following statement in
case the cargo is . , the master must consider while arranging .
a) hazardous/ the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the cargo/ watch keeping
b) bulk / explosive, flammable, toxic, health- threatening/ the stowage
c) special/ health- threatening or environment polluting/ the full account
d) on board/ watch keeping arrangements/ any special conditions
e) carried in bulk / any special conditions on board / watch keeping

101.The mechanical barrel around which lines and wires are turned is a ..................
a) buoy
b) barrel
c) capstan
d) captain
e) waist

102.The Medical Report Format for Seafarers is filled/completed by:

a) Only the Captain,
b) Only the hospital ashore,
c) Only the Doctor ashore,
d) By the Captain and also the hospital/doctor ashore,
e) All the officers on board
103.The most modern kind of lifeboat, dropping or falling into the sea and which is
covered, is a/an :
a) Inflatable life raft
b) Freefall
c) Lifebelt
d) Liferaft
e) Water proof life boat
104.The M/V Yldz got loaded at Port of Izmir with dried fruits and left for Lsbon. When
arrived at the Port of Lisbon, she was detained because the Masters Certificate was
Master Certificate not Unlimited Master Certificate.
The detention was attributed to the incompliance with the requirements of
e) ISM
105.The opening to the hold from the upper deck is called a/an
a) hatch
b) boom
c) derrick
d) upper peak
e) iner bottom
106.The publication in which the medical codes is found is .......... .
a) GMT
b) Safety message transmission
c) The International code of signals
d) The local newspapers
e) A well-know magazine
107.The purpose of a Notice of Readiness is to .
a) inform the related party that the vessel is in all respects ready to commence loading/
discharging operation.
b) note that the charter is ready to sign the relevant document.
c) notice that the parties have agreed on the readiness.
d) specify the full account of the nature of a charter party.
e) inform the master that the consignee is ready to receive the goods.
108.The rudder fitted at the stern of the ship is turned by a ..................... .
a) steering engine
b) figure
c) compass
d) report e) watch
109.The starboard bow is the area
a) on the right side of the stem.
b) on the right side of the stern.
c) on the left side of the stem.
d) on the left side of the midship line.
e) on either side of the stern.

110.The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains ....... used for
ballast water and fuel.
a) tweendecks
b) double bottom tanks
c) cargo-carrying compartments
d) fore peak tank
e) aft peak tank
111.The term vessel is different from the term ship in that the term vessel is used for
a) floating craft smaller than ships.
b) floating craft larger than ships.
c) some floating craft used for sport activities only.
d) huge tankers only.
e) warships more commonly.
112.The weather was supposed to be nice today, but we were almost frozen to death
while doing the ships maintenance. can be expressed as .....................................
a) The weather was expected to be cold today but it is not
b) The weather was not very cold today as it was before
c) Although everyone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be nice
d) The weather was terribly cold although it had been expected to be good
e) The day was so nice and warm just as we had expected before
113.The vessel which has the right of way is known as .
a) the regulations
b) more safety
c) a higher certificate
d) the standing-on vessel
e) their message
114.There are certain medicines on board which you can only use when:
a) Captain orders you to do so,
b) You think it is necessary,
c) You have medical advice by radio,
d) The ill/injured person wants you to do so ,
e) The shipowner gives you instructions to do so .
115.There is a vessel obstructing your movements.
a) lerde hareketlerinizi engelleyen bir gemi var
b) lerde hareketinize kasteden bir gemi var
c) lerde sizi takip eden bir gemi var
d) lerde sizin hareketinizi bekleyen bir gemi var
e) lerde sizinle ilgili hareketli bir gemi var
116.There is no doubt that the scope of a pilots duties have over the years been clearly
defined. That he has exclusive control and conduct of the ship is seldom disputed, but
this is very different from having command of the ship. It is implied in the above
mentioned quotation that
a) the scope of a pilots duties has ever been doubtful.
b) no rule has ever clearly defined as pilots duties.
c) a pilot has the conduct of the ship he is in charge of navigating.
d) a pilot has both conduct and command of the ship he is in charge of.
e) a pilots exclusive control and conduct of a ship has been a point of dispute
117.There shall be clear instructions relating to the operating of the system.
Correct translation of this sentence into Turkish is;

a) Sistemin almasna ilikin aklamalar yaplacaktr.

b) Sistemin almasna ilikin ak talimatlar bulunacaktr.
c) Sistem zerindeki ak talimatlara gre altrlr.
d) Sistemin almas ak talimatlar olmasyla ilgilidir.
e) Sistem almasyla ak talimatlara baldr.
118.This is to certify that before/after loading/discharging, all cargo tanks were
inspected and found empty and dry. This is an example of
a) Notice of Readiness
b) Letter of Protest
c) Dry-Tank Certificate
d) Job Application
e) Deratting Certificate-Deratting Exemption Certificate
119.This is to notify you officially that vessel . under my command has arrived in
your port on . At . hours and is ready to discharge/load cargo of kilos
of .. as per clauses and conditions of the covering charter-party. Master. This is an
example of a . .
a) Notice of Readiness
b) Letter of Protect
c) Bill of Lading
d) Bill of Health
e) Bill of Sale
120.To amplify voice ................................... is used.
a) aldis lamp
b) loud hailer
c) gong
d) drum
e) low frequency
This is to certify that Mr.Walden has worked on board the BEAUTY as a captain since
1995 . He has specialized in the Far Eastern container trade. Owing to his great
experience in handling the refrigerated goods, we found him and his services very useful
and we can recommend him to be employed on any vessel. He is leaving us at his
request and we are sorry to lose him.
This is an example of a ...........
a) job application
b) accident report
c) survey report
d) testimonial
e) incident report
122.Underway and making way ..
a) are nearly the same
b) are not synonyms
c) mean the same thing
d) are no different from each other
e) are exactly the same
123.Visibility is reduced by fog.
a) Gr mesafesi yamur nedeniyle azalmtr
b) Gr mesafesi kar nedeniyle azalmtr
c) Gr mesafesi toz nedeniyle azalmtr

d) Gr mesafesi sis nedeniyle azalmtr

e) Gr mesafesinin deimesi bekleniyor
124.Visiul coded signals and radio-telegraphy signals are printed in
a) National code of manners
b) International code of signals
c) International regulations
d) Worldwide magazines
e) Multinational regulations
125.Watertight bulkheads do not
a) provide protection against fire.
b) prevent odours from passing from one compartment to another.
c) prevent leakage between the two adjacent compartments.
d) divide the vessel into longitudinal subdivisions.
e) store fresh water or ballast water.
126.What association below is not true?
a) GPS-atomic clock
b) Dead Reckoning- log
c) Celestial Navigation-sextant
d) Satellite Navigation-LORAN
e) Piloting-chart
127.What is the function of Navtex device on board ?
a) It receives only news on sea meteorology and records them
b) It receives only navigational warnings and records them.
c) It receives navigational and meteorological news and records them.
d) According to the information transmitted from shore based radar stations, it always
indicates the position of the vessel.
e) If the position of the vessel is filled up in it, it always indicates the position of the vessel.
128.What part of a ship isnt in accommodation spaces?
a) boiler room
b) galley
c) crew mess
d) laundry room

e) cabin

129.When a message has been received but the information requested can not be
obtained, say ________
a) No information
b) Say again
c) Message not understood
d) Message not requested
e) Message not received
130.When out of sight of land position is found by ..............
a) coastal navigation
b) metaphysics
c) celestial navigation
d) definite landmarks
e) previous experiences
131.When steel is in contact with water, air or salt solutions, it undergoes a chemical
change known as ...... .
a) Coating b) Bitumen c) Rusting d) Cement e) Deteriration
132.When the engine refuses to start, which of the following situations cannot be a

a) No fuel
b) Starting air pressure to low
c) Air in fuel line or pump
d) Injection nozzles not working
e) Overloading
133.When the second mate caught a contagious disease .................................
a) the doctor advised him to stop complaining
b) he was taken out of the sick bay as soon as possible
c) the crew lost hope when his condition worsened
d) no one was allowed to visit him
e) the doctor gave him a check up and found nothing
134.When two vessels are meeting head-on, they both ..................... to starboard.
a) Collision
b) must alter course
c) follow
d) musnt alter course
e) receive their message
135.When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some
information ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.
136.When you cannot understand the message received, say ...........
a) Message not understood
b) Stand by
c) No information
d) What you have said is not understandable
e) What is your message?
137.Which of the following can not be a defect a light might have?
a) Destroyed
b) Damaged
c) Unlit
d) Off station
e) Expensive
138.Which of the following cannot be categorized as a distress signal ?
a) A flag and a ball below it.
b) A signaling mirror.
c) Raising arms.
d) Smoke signal.
e) A rocket parachute flare.
139.Which of the following messages is not a distress message?
a) 80 miles northeast of Cape Town engine broken down Require tug assistance
b) Gale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea areas the Black Sea.
c) 37.18 West 26.32 North fire in number 1 hold ship in vicinity. Please stand by.
d) Ship holed in engine room. Sinking. Request immediate assistance
e) Man overboard. Help with search and rescue

140.Which of the following messages needs to be corrected ?

a) Instruction: Do not enter the fairway
b) Information: Visibility is not expected to change in your position
c) I will use my own tow lines.
d) Question: May I proceed along the ice channel ?
e) Warning. Obstruction in the fair way
141.Which of the following procedures is used while abandoning the vessel ?
a) Urgency b) Security c) Distress d) SOS
e) TTT
142.Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) The bridge is generally located amidship extending from one side of the vessel to the other
b) The bridge may be also situated aft or forward on a vessel
c) The bridge is made up of the wheel-house, the chart-room and the radio-room
d) The bridge is always high up as the ship is controlled from there by the captain and officers
e) The bridge functions as the heart of the vessel
143.Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) If there is a new crew member who joins the vessel, he must be trained within the first two
weeks after joining the vessel
b) All the life-saving equipment and appliances must be in their correct places and order
c) If there are any passengers on board, they must be trained on how to use the life-saving
d) Drills must be conducted as if there is a real emergency situation
e) It is not necessary to lower at least one life-boat into the sea when there is an onboard
144.Which of the following statements is not correct about tallying?
a) Tallying is the process of counting, checking and recording of cargo when it comes aboard
and leaves the ship
b) Tally clerks are responsible for tallying
c) One group of tally clerks are employed by shipper whereas one group are employed by ship
d) The Bill of Lading is important as it states the description of the goods, quantity, marks on
e) Its not anybodys responsibility if theres damaged cargo on board
145.Which of the following statements about finding a ships position is not true?
a) A ships position can be calculated by a technique known as dead reckoning
b) When in sight of land, the navigator uses the techniques of coastal navigation to find position
c) To find the exact position of the ship, a compass bearing can be used
d) When out of sight of land, a ships position can be found out by using the techniques of
celestial navigation
e) It is not possible finding the position of a ship by means of satellite
146.Which of the following vessels is to give way to the others ?
a) A sailing vessel
b) A fishing vessel
c) A disabled vessel
d) A vessel not under command.
e) A vessel underway and driven by force.
147.While using abbreviations in shipping forecasts, the capital letter R denotes :
a) Showers of rain
b) Continuous heavy rain
c) Heavy rain

d) Intermittent rain
e) Rain followed by mist
148.Yangn nlemek iin tedbirler alnacaktr. Correct translation of this sentence into
English is;
a) Precautions must be done to avoid fire.
b) Precautions shall be taken to prevent fire.
c) There shall be prevented with caution.
d) To prevent fire, some cautions shall be taken.
e) Fire is prevented by some precautions.
149.You are running into danger. Fog bang ahead of you.
a)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. nnzde kesik sis var
b)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. nnzde s su var
c)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. nnzde enkaz var
d)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. nnzde kesif sis var
e)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. nnzde mayn var
150.You can anchor until there is sufficient water.
a) Su yetersiz onun iin demirleme
b) Su derinlii yeterli olana dek demirleyebilirsiniz
c) Su derinlii giderek azalyor, demirliyebilirsiniz
d) Su derinlii yetersiz, demirlemek tehlikelidir
e) Su derinlii kafi yola kabilirsiniz
151.You have caught my fishing gear. is a term used by a ..........
a) passing ship
b) ship aground
c) vessel moving d) fishing boat e) protecting vessel
152.You may navigate by yourself or wait for pilot.
a) Kendiniz seyredebilirsiniz yoksa pilot gelir
b) Kendiniz seyrederseniz pilot bekleyebilir
c) Kendiniz seyredebilir veya pilotu bekleyebilirsiniz
d) Kendiniz seyredemezseniz, pilotu bekleyin
e) Kendiniz seyredin yoksa pilotu bekleteyim
153.You must shorten your cable to three shackles is an order given by a pilot station
a) when the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
b) after the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
c) immediately before the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into
d) immediately after the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
e) it has nothing to do with the pilot whatsoever
154.Your navigation lights are not visible.
a) Seyir fenerleriniz grlmyor.
b) Seyir fenerleriniz alyor mu ?
c) Hangi seyir fenerleriniz arzal ?
d) Seyir fenerleriniz neden grlmyor ?
e) Seyir fenerlerim arzal.
155.You are in the leading line.
a) Transit hattnz uzun
b) Transit hatt zerindesiniz
c) Transit geite batasnz
d) Transit hatt uzuyor

e) Transitte lider olun

156.You are running into danger.
a) Gemime yaklamayn.
b) Tehlike var.
c) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz.
d) Yol veriniz.
e) Gemeyiniz.
157.A: Do not follow me B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a) I am stopping
b) I will not follow you
c) What is your course?
d) Full ahead immediately
e) Must I take tugs?
158.A: Full ahead immediately B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a) Stop your vessel
b) I am going full ahead immediately
c) I am stopping my vessel
d) I am increasing my speed
e) I am slowing down
159.A : Go ahead : (Follow me) B : . . . . . . .
a) I will be ready to help
b) I am going ahead (I am following you)
c) I will be followed by vessel
d) He will go ahead
e) Will you be followed by vessel?
160. .............and .............. are used as distress signals.
a) speakers aviators
b) asmoke pigeons
c) rockers voices
d) flares rockets
e) navigators passengers
161. ................. is NOT included in a radar identification message.
a) destination
b) addressee
c) sender
d) position
e) course/speed
162. ................................mevkiinde monte edilmi aknt ler var.
a) There are oceanographic instruments moored in position ..................
b) There are current meters moored in position ....................
c) There are drilling rigs installed in position ...............
d) There are speedometers installed in position ..............
e) There are cable laying operations in position .............
163.What is the validity period of sanitary certificate?
a)6 months
b)3 months
c) 1 years
d) 2 years

e) 5 years
164.Because Log books are vital documents, in the event of ...... or shipwrecks..they
should be well protected documents for this events ..
a)an accident
c)berthing operation
d)routine jobs
e)fire drills
165.without a calculator or computer programme..diye baslyor sonu sight reduction
together with nautical almanac to solve the celestial.......
166.what is the Burthen tonnage?
a)light displacement
b)loaded displacement
e)net register tonnage
167.During navigation, navigator shall be refer to both texts and ..... ,example of text
sailing directions,list of lights.Example of table sight reduction ?
e)stability booklet
168.izbarconun tanm yaplm(eye or loop kelimeleri geciyordu) hangi bag denmi
a)Reef knot
169.GMDSS Log book konsolda gorunur bir yerde olmaldr......?
a)authorized person
c)easy entry
170...... are used for pipes, ship's funnel for insulation?
b)heat-resistant paints
d)plastic paints
e)epoxy paint
171.the radio log book should be keep clear to the radio for ...... by any authorized
a) filling in
b) an easy access
c) inspection
d) drills
e) meintenance
172. The success of emergency response depend on............ by voce and by radio
handset between team leaders and command area..

a) Cooperation
b) Coordination
c) Chech list
d) the quality of communication
173.What is not used describe a mark is IALA system?
a) Shape
b) Distance
c) Colour
d) Top mark
e) Light
174.How to lower pressure than its surroundings is shown?
a) LP
b) L
e) H
175.Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?
a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates
176.Which association is not correct?
a) cirrus low clouds
b) cumulonimbus -thunders
c) cirrostratus layer like
d) altocumulus ball like
e) altostratus
177.In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated?
a)An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuance
b)A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator
c)The ship is transferred to Liberian registry
d)The required oily-water separator malfunctions
178.Reduce swing as rapidly as possible?
a)steady b)steady as she goes c)steady on her route d)midship e)keep the wheel rapidly
179.The power produced in the cylinder is called.
c)break horse power(BHP)
d) indicated horse power(IHP)
180. ................ Leave odd sentence out in the tender vessel
a) Angle and period of roll is large
b) Rolling is smooth and regular
c) Less severe stresses up on hull
d) GM is small for type size nature
e) general cargo is likely to break loose due to jerky movements

181. epirb le alakal bir soru vard srvey esnasnda srveyr epirbin aadaki hangi
zelliini kontrol etmez
b)hru exp date
c)dzgn yerletirilp yerletirilmedii
e)406 mhz olup olmad
182.Leave the odd sentence out
I- Mental iilness must be taken seriously
II- Have two people to walk the unsound person on the deck
III- An unsound person may kill himself or other people
IV- He often thinks that his friends are trying to do him wrong
V- If the captain does restraint and control the mental patient, and the mental patient
does kill or injure himself or others, the captain will be held responsible
A) I
E) V
183.Although you had been informed about the bad weather conditions,you ignored it
and had an accident.You say as a regret..
A)I feel dizzy when I have a few drinks
B)I should have the ship overhauled before setting out for the voyage
C)What if the shipowner gets worried!
D)Why on earth did not I pay attention to the warning on the radio?
E)It is useless to listen to the weather reports.
184.Line may have either a left........or a right.......depending up on how the strand are
twisted together.
a) Lay
b) Twist
c) Side
d) Way
e) Hand
185. Immersion suits help reduce the .......... of body heat and shock on entering
cold water, immersion suits are critically important life saving appliances.
186.Paints and solvents on a vessel should be __________.
A) stored safely at the work site until work is completed
B) returned to the paint locker after each use
C) covered at all times to protect from ignition sources
D) stored in a suitable gear locker
187.What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere
within a cargo tank is explosive, too rich or too lean to support combustion?
a) Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b) Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c) Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d) Use an explosimeter.
188.Your vessel is issued a load line certificate dated 29 April 2010. What is NOT an
acceptable date for one of the surveys for endorsements?
a) 28 January 2011
b) 29 February 2012
c) 26 September 2013
d) 24 June 2013

189.A Stopping device in special areas for stopping:

a)loading and discharging operations
b)discharging ballast water
c)discharging oil
d)unintended discharge of chemicals
190.Life saving equipments highly ................................... for define
a) Visibility Color
b) Orange Color
c) Blue Color
d) Black color
191..which is not a publication to be kept on board?
a)nternational code of signals
b)nt.bulk chemical code
c)nt.gas carrier code
d)Nautical pubs
e)Muster list
192.Normally, portable water systems are connected directly to the __________.
A) fire-main system
B) feed-water system
C) freshwater sanitary system
D) domestic water tank
193."Cribbing" is __________.
A) wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck
B) the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo
C) a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
D) cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing
194.In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is __________.
A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
195......the safety navigational ....and watch
a)For /during
196.Ship identifcation number ... obtain
a)Ship constr.
d)Load line
e)Register survey
197.How is the intensity of a light expresed in the light list ?
a) Nominal
b) Luminal
c) Geographical
d) Meteorological
e) astronomica

198.Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 1988. The vessel is surveyed on that date
and is found satisfactory. You are sailing foreign the same day. Which statement is
A) A new certificate must be issued before you sail.
B) The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May 1988.
C) The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 days.
D) The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate
will be issued by the local surveyor.
199.To perform the Heimlich manoeuvere:
1-Stand behind the victim
2-wrap your arms around his or her waist,
3-bend the person slightly forward.
4-make a fist with one hand
5-place it slightly above the person's navel and
6-grasp your fist with the other hand
7-press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust
8-repeat until the object is expelled from the airway.
1-Stand behind the victim
3-bend the person slightly forward
2-wrap your arms around his or her waist
4-make a fist with one hand
5-place it slightly above the person's navel and
6-grasp your fist with the other hand
7-press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust
8-repeat until the object is expelled from the airway
200..................... issued by company or designed person, ISM Code regulation
a) DOC
b) SMC
201.which is located in the tonnage certificate?
a) deadweight
b) net ton
c) grosston
d) volumetric ton
e) deplasman
202.which of the following nternational code of signal including statement?
a) emg-distress-injured-damaged
c) safety comuncaton-helthh
d) health-meteorological forcastle
203.Cargo s.f is 1.2m3 (40cbft) what is the name of this cargo?
204.____________ is an effective extinguishing medium in an enclosed space.
a) co2
b)dry chemicals
d)foam systems

e)water monitors
205. As the heat increases, hurricane begins to swirl in a counter clockwise motion. The
average life of a hurricane is only about 9 days. Water, not wind, is the main source of
death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6 to 12 inch downpours
resulting in sudden floods. Worst is the powerful movement of the sea-the mountains of
water moving toward the low-pressure hurricane center. The water level rises as much
as 15 feet above normal as it moves toward shore.
The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by ..........
A) the low-pressure area in the center of the storm
B) the increasing heat
C) the trade winds
D) the power of water waves
E) the high-pressure area with the storm
206.maintenance of the ship is the responsibility of the chief officer and his men in his
charge.they must protect the ship from the damaging effects of ... changes in
temperature and the action of waves.
c)any liquid
d)salt water
e)fresh water
207.bill of lading is a .......... document and implies the owner ship of cargo
b)customary c)negotiable
208)-Solas chapter 12 requires loading instrument in;
a)Bulk carries b)container ships c)fixed production and units d)mobile offshore drilling units
e)All of the above
209)circulation, vessel,artery Yukardakilerle ilgili;
210.A narrow band direct printing equipment is a?
b)morse telegraph
211. What document is issued after the final check discharged cargo at the port of
a)Cargo manifest
b)Mates receipt
c)The outturn report
d)Fixture note
e)The disbursement account
212.What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 13 meters in.
a)whistle only
b)whistle and bell
c)bell only
d)bell and gong
e)whistle , bell and gong

213.An international air pollution prevention certificate can be valid for:

a)1 year
b)2 year
c)3 year
d)5 year
e)it does not have
214.Classification covers the ships:
a)hull only
b)hull and machinery
c)hull and machinery including all electrical installations
215. is the carrying capacity in weight and it includes the cargo the fuel water
diye devam ediyor
a)the deadweight
b)net tonnage
c)gross tonnage
d)net register tonnage
e)gross register tonnage
216.which is suitable for minor burns treatment?
a)hold the affected area under hot water for at least 10 minutes
b)make the casually as comfortable as possible, lie them down
c)ovner the burn with clean inon flufty material to project from infection
d)continue to pour copious amounts of cold water over the burn
e)take the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them
217.During Port State Control Procedures, there are certain definitions, to limit or
authorize the port state control officer (PSCO), executing his/her responsibility. Choose
the correct answer: A Port State control officer is :
a) The Administration representative of the flag state
b) The senior command authority of the coast guard of the port state
c) A person duly authorized by the competent authority of a party to a relevant
convention, to carry out port state control inspections, and responsible exclusively to
that party
d) A person who meets the relevant conditions set forth by resolution A. 739 (18) and has been
delegated by the flag state administration
e) The captain of the coast guard boat
218. "The International Code of Signals" is available in . languages.
A) four
B) five
C) six
D) seven
E) eight
219...... shows the description of cargo
a) cargo manifest
b) bill of loading
c) master receipt
d) Draft survey
e) sof
220.harmonized sorvey hangisinin kapsamna girmez.
a)antifouling convention
b)solas convention
c)marpol convention
d)load line convention
e)dangerous cargo

221."the day-of day time ...gibi sonunda short-term variation;

a) forecast
b) meteorolgy
c) weather
d) synoptik meteorolgy
222..Before using a fixed co2 system to fight an enginee room fire,you must ............
a) Call Master to engine room.
b) Wait for shore support.
c) Evacaute all engine room personel
d) Close Quick Close Valves.
e) Inform shore authorities
223.for maintenance of class
a)u.s coast gurasd controls must be performed by the flaf state
b)the periodical (reqular)and occasional(extraordinary) surveys must be performed
c)inspections by MO officers for the ship's documents must be performed
d)the shipyard must control the ship
e)the port state cont. should be performed
224.Geminizde bilinsiz yatan ve ...... eklinde hastalar var bunlarn aciliyet sras
kanamal, solunum yetmezlii , bilin kayb eklinde olmaldr.
a) bleeding
b) freezing
c) uncondinuous
225.what is the validity ship construction certificate or ship examination certificate ?
a) 2 years
b) l year
c)7 months
d) 6 months
e) 3 months
226.If an object blocks the airway of a person, what first aid method is used to remove
that object?
A) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
B) Artificial Respiration
C) Heimlich Manoeuvre
D) Splinting
E) Rescue Breathing
227.The word exact in the second sentence means
A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having
228.The word material in this context means
A) anything out of which something is made
B) cloth
C) belonging to the world; not spiritual
D) essential or important
E) equipment
229.The purpose of the writer, a captain, in writing this letter is to

A) exact a wide sort of information.

B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the Institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.
230. If the survey reveals that a vessels class has been affected;
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class reccommendations will be carried out, within the time limit given by the class
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above
231.Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hrs, if notice of
readiness is given up to and including 12.00 hrs, and at 06.00 hrs next working day if
notice given during office hours after 12.00 hours. According to this clause of charter
party, if the notice of readiness is given at 13.00 hours on Friday, lay time for loading
and/or discharging shall commence ..............
a) On Friday at 13.00 hours
b) On Monday at 06.00 hours
c) On Saturday at 06.00 hours
232. Vessels requiring a health clearance(at night)should show a ......................,where it
can be best seen.
A) A white light over a red light,
B) An orange light over a green light,
C) A red light over a white light,
D) Two red lights,
E) Two white lights
233.Which of the following equipment can not be used for Fire Fightining?
a) CO2 Fixed System
b) Dry Chemical Powder
c) Hand Flares
d) Fireman Outfit
e) Fire Alarm
234.The most modern kind of lifeboat, dropping or falling into the sea and which is
covered, is a/an :
a) Freefall
b) Lifebelt
c) Liferaft
d) Water proof life boat
e) Rescue boat
235.Surveys required internationally and/or by the flag state both, include:
a) Load Line CONVENTON
c) IMO Codes
d) ILO Conventions
e) All of the above
236.A cargo manifest is signed by the..............
a) Master
b) Shipper
c) Consigner

d) Consignee
e)Steawards Company
237.Solas 74 convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the
following is nor an evalution
a) Length of the ship
b) Purpose of usage
c) Number of the passengers
d) Tonnage of the ships
e) Owner of the ship
238.A ships size capasity can be described two ways linear dimensions or ...........
a) Tonnage
b) Length
c) Length overall
d) Draft
e) Width
239.Vessel X is sinking she prabably
a) Firefighting equipment
b) An escort
c) A lifeboat
d) Making a lee e) Bunker
240............... is to elliminate the heat a side of the fire by applying something that will
absurb the heat
a) Smothering
b) Cooling c) Smouldering
d) Prevating
e) Diluting
241.The nautical almanac contains information on sunrise ................. moonrise and
moonset ?
a) Swells
b) Sunset
c) Atmosphere pressure
d) Ocean basin
e) Weather
242.Which is not a method of giving a position on VHF?
a) Reporting to a navigation mark
b) Giving latitude and longitude
c) Reporting a point
d) Giving the bearing and distance
e) Confirming the speed
243.For the carriage of the goods firstly the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the
carrier to book his cargo. The document includes full explanations and facts of all the
a) Booking note
b) Charter party
c) Sea report
d) Dock receipt
e) Boat note
244. Bill of lading is a ............... document and implies the owner ship of the cargo
a) nternational
b) Customary
c) negotiable

d) Certified
e) Secure
245.An instrument used for measuring the .................. of the air is called a hygrometer
a) Pressure
b) Heat
c) Air pressure
d) Speed
e) Humidity
246.The ability an object to float can be defined by
a) Displacement
b) Gravity
c) Stability
d) Buoyancy
e) nclination
247.Old ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....
a) And torn b) Cheap c) Or uncorrected d) But redable e) or inexpensive
248............ is an offical record book which is used to keep information about a journey
such as the ship's speed heading, port of call, crew complement, and events on board
A) A noon position report
b) A letter of confirmation
c) A log book
d) A draft survey
e) A letter of protesd
249.Is published weekly informing marines of important effecting navigational safety
including new hydrographic information changes in aids to navigation
a) The notice to marines b) The nautical almanac c) Planning guide d) The pilot book
e) The sailing
250.Nautical chart based ........ by issued national hydrographic office of more national
a) Land survey
b) Hydrographic survey
c) Deep tide water
251.Which is not weather precipitation
a) Sleet b) Hail c) Halo d) Snow e) Rain
252.What is not included in the category of deck machinery?
a) Windlass b) Hatch over c) Bow thruster d) Steam generator e) Life boat engine
253.which fire extinguisher can be used all types of fire but it is not cooling effect?
a) water b) foam c) halon d) dry powder e) halon mixcure
254.muster list posted before ship sailing
a) engine officers
b) deck officers
c) engine crews
d) each crew member
e) cadets

255..............................a signal announce indicated for safety?

a) all ships
b) all ships all ships
c) pan pan
d) securite
256.which of the following nternational code of signal including statement?
a) emg-distress-injured-damaged
b) maneovring-comunication
c) safety comunication-health
d) health-meteorojcal forcastle
e) safety
257.A vessel not having a "Seaworthiness Certificate" or of wich the part of it is over
a) Can carry cargo but not passengers
b) Cannot carry cargo
c) Cannot carry passengers
d) Cannot operate commercially
e) Cannot sail
258.What peepens the channels and clears the muddy bottom of ports, canals rivers?
a) Pipe layers
b) Icebreakers
c) Dredgers
d) Reefers
e) Bulkers
259.What is not displayed on a nautical chart?
a) Latitudes and longitudes
b) Deviation

c) Variation d) Shoals

e) Lighthouses

260.which is international agreements is related toxic?

a) Solas
b) stcw
c) imo
d) marpol
e) imdg
261.A coaster was on a journey in a fjord. Early in the morning, when the ship was to change
course, she collided with a small lighthouse. The reason why the collision took place is
unknown. The foundation of the lighthouse was circular with a flat top just underneath the water
surface. Its diameter was bigger than the diameter of the lighthouse itself, situated right on top
of the foundation. This construction causes a rather sharp outer edge, which could easily rip a
ship's hull. This was what happened - the ship's hull was ripped open and she sank within
minutes. Two persons on the bridge died. Two other crew members survived although they
could not reach the survival suits which were kept under port bridge wing as the ship
immediately listed to port and put them out of reach. One of the survivors managed to launch
the starboard life raft. Another crew member was down in the mess room and threw out a
couple of life jackets. He did not manage to get out of the mess room. The investigation found
that the hydrostatic releases to the rafts had not been properly mounted. If the starboard side
raft had not been launched manually, no raft would have been released.
We can not understand from the passage ..
a) why the vessel collided with a lighthouse
b) why the vessel sank
c) why the vessels hull was ripped
d) why the crew member in the mess room died

e) why the two other crew members survived

262.The angle of altitude of a celestial body is measured by means of;
a) gyrocompass
b) log
c) parallel ruler
d) timepiece
e) sextant
263. Which of the following is not Life-saving appliances ?
a) Liferaft
b) Life jacket
c) Life Boat
d) Life Buoy
e) Life insurance
264.which can be taken if owner does not comply with class requirements
a) renewal survey carried out
b) annual survey carried out
c) need a new class
265.muster station a gelmeden nce tm ventilation larn kapal olduunu,
kaplarn kapal olduunu, emergency fire pump n altn vs. kontrol eder demi.
a) chief officer
b) second engineer
c) safety officer
d) first mate
e) 3rd officer or 2nd officer
266.What do you call an experienced and qualification survey?
a) marine survey
b) harbour master
c) coast guard
d) port survey
267.The ship's safety comittee should include;...........,safety officer and all respresetetive
personnel for safety...
a)all crewmember
b)the master
c)the chief engineer
d)all ratings
268.If the survey reveals that a vessels class has been affected
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above
269.After loading cargo, cargo manifest is prepared based on the ............. it describes the
ship cargo in terms of packing weight, quantities, shipper name, consignee name.
a) Bill of Loading b) Damage Report c) Notice of Readiness
d) Statement of Facts
e) Protest


270.Personel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated, keep their
hands inside to avoid them being crashed against ship side.
a) On board
b) Standing By
c) Monitoring
d) Taking part in
e) In a rescue boat
271.Depth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.
a) Datum
b) Information
c) Line
d) Scale
e) Symbol
272. Leave odd sentences out
I- Tornados are funnel shape tropical thunderstorms which cause enermous damage
II- Among all the fearfull storms tornadoes are the most frigtenings
III-Wind within tornado funnel can reach the deadly speed of 100 mile per hour
IV-Thank heaven, they are short lived. If they were not the damage unbearable
V- It is not unlikely for tornoda blow up the buildings on its way
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
273.The emergency ............. consist of seven short blast followed by prolonged blast
a) Drill
b) Alarm
c) Ring
d) Procedure
e) Response Plan
274.You are running into danger.............
a) Dangerous wreck reported at the approach channel
b) You can dropped anchor emergency anchorage area
c) alter your course
275- Before departure "rectified" equipment
a) inspected
b) Corrected
c) Deleyed
276................... barometer doesn't including liquid inside, without - unlike mercury
a) Aneroid
b) Mercury
c) Minimum
d) maximum
277. The ..... weight of each liferaft will not exceed 185 kg.....
a) Total
b) General
c) Local
278.When received a message from a VTS station "Instruction. Alter Course" the
a) Has to alter course
b) Does not have to alter course
c) Is not permitted alter course
d) Is free whether to alter course or not
e) Must wait for the next message before altering course
279.For ship's good condition demostration ................................ and fitted, resposible
person and charge of men
working - keeping
a) Maintenance
b) Repeair
c) dry Docked
280.An abandonship drills and a/an ............... must be hold within 24 hours of leaving port
more than %25 of the crev have taken past drills on board in previous month
a) Fire drill

b) Man overboard drill

c) Steering drill



281.When abonding the ship what you get from the other side of lifejacket ?
a) loose clothes
b) warm out clothes
c) water
282.Deadweight tons weight but ............................. volume feet cube
a) Gross Tonnage
b) Gross Register Tonnage
c) Net Register Ton
d) Deadweight ton
e) Light ship
283........ used main as an agent for A categorized fire
a) Halon
b) Dry powder
c) Foam
d) co2
e) Water
284.A .............. report written and record when someone is witness of it
a) incident
b) ISM
d) ship
e) bunker
285.Wich statement is wrong regarding the bill of lading?
a) t is issued bye the carrier of goods for shipment
b) t is document of title of the goods
c) t is a negotiable document
d) t is issued when the goods have been discharged
e) Ship's agent draws up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it
286.Old ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....
a) And torn
b) Cheap
c) Or uncorrected
d) But redable
e) Or or inexpensive
287.During the survey, the vessel's structure support systems, equipment and
electronics are inspected and ...............
a) Examined
b) Repaired
c) Replaced
d) Tested
e) Fixed
288. If cargo damaged or ......... shall be made
a) Claim
b) Marks
c) Write

289....... such as sailing direction light table and almanac

a) Nautical charts
b) Nautical publication
c) Sight reduction tables
d) Notice to marines
290.According to COLREG vessels should be deeled to be in sight of one another when
one is observed............. from to other.
a) by radar
b) in range
c) visually
d) on course
e) and heard
291.The maintenance on board is the responsibility of the and the men in
his charge.
a) Captain b) Chief Officer
c) Second officer d) Third Officer
e) Chief engineer
292.The fixed aids to navigation located ashore or attached to the bottom of the shallow
waterways are;
A) buoys
B) lighthouses
C) lightships
D) beacons
E) flags
293."North Harbour, this is Amphora, this is Amphora, on channel 14, over." is an
example of ............
A) first contact message
B) ETA message
C) pilot request message
D) anchoring message
E) way point message
294.laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hours if notice of
readlness is given up to 06.00 hours on friday lay time for loading and/ or discharging
shall commence.
a) on friday at 13.00 hours
b) on Monday at 06.00 hours
c) on Saturday at 06.00 hours
d) on friday at 06.00 hours
e) on Saturday at 12.00 hours
295.the document prepared by the vessel or by his agents separately at loading and
unloading by the vessel from tendering of the notice readiness up to sailing from port is
a) statement of facts
b) notice of readiness
c) cargo manifest
d) mates receipt
e) charter party shore radar assistance available?

297.Coal shipped in wet condition
A) loses weight.
B) gains weight.
C) weighs the same
D) has no loss in weight.
E) has no difference in weight.
298.When out of sight of land, position Is found by .........
A) coastal navigation
B) metaphysics
C) celestial navigation
D) definite landmarks
299.what is your eta?
a) My ETA at lighthouse is 01:00 hours UTC.
b) My ETA is
c) My ETA to....nm from lighthouse
d) My ETA from....nm
e) My ETA is missing
300.Which of the following certificates will not be approved by class?
a) tonnage certificate
b) app certificate
c) safety construction certificate
d) load line certificate
e) doc
301.If a wind is going to freshen, it is going to
a) change direction
b) lose strength
c) gain strength
d) change name
e) stay the same
302.Navigators sea map with coast outlines, rocks, shoals, known as ..
a) Charter party
b) Chart
c) Charge
d) Charter
e) Clearance
303.Reduce swing as rapidly as possible. Has the same meaning with
b)steady as she goes
c)steady on her route
e)keep the wheel rapidly
304.____________ is an effective extinguishing medium in an enclosed space.
a) co2
b)dry chemicals
d)foam systems
305.Lubrication oil viscosity in an operation diesel engine can be reduced by:
a) Overloading the engine
b) Increasing the amount of lube oil
c) Decreasing the amount of cooling water
d) Combustion by products contamination


e) Fuel oil dilution

306. Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator_____________, turbo alternator
_____________, and all the full away procedure should be done_____________
a) Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order
b) Doesnot have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
c) Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
d) Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
e) Doesnt have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order
307.A propeller turning clockwise when viewed from aft is considered rihgt handed and
most single screw ships have_____________propellers. A twin screw ship usually has a
_________________propeller and a ____________________propeller.
a) Right handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
b) Right handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
c) Left handed/right handed starboard/left handed port
d) Left handed/right handed port/left handed starboard
e) Right handed/left handed starboard/right handed port
308._____________ships are fitted with bow thrusters to improve _____________
manoeuvring capability.
a) any / its b) some / them
c) some / their
d) all / they
e) all / its
309.Emergency generators are placed -------------------a) Near the machinery space
b) Above the bulkhead or freeboard deck whichever the higher
c) Midships near the engine room casing
d) Above the deep load line
e) None above
310.Supposing a fire caused by short electric circuit within the equipments is
categorized as a ___________fire and will be extinguished va ___________
a) Class A/foam
b) Class C/chemical powder
c) Class C/CO
d) Class B/foam
e) Class A/chemical powder
311.It is prohibited by law that the discharge of untreated sewage in restricted waters.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
a) insufficient
b) raw
c) refined
d) separated
e) contaminated
312.It shall be the responsibility of the_____________to prepare the boilers for
a) Chief Engineer
b) 2nd Engineer
c) Boatswain d) 2nd officer e) Any above
313.Following questions 7 to be replied according to the text below:
"Having just obtained the institute's harbor master's certificate, would like to say that have
found the course extremely useful and worthwhile.The questions exact a wide sort of
information if answered thoroughly and provide an essential grounding to anybody wishing to
enter this branch of the industry.Seeking information for projects enabled me to make a number

of helpful contacts and the fact that had completed the schema was certainly a metarial factor
in being selected an assistant harbour master with my current employers woul like to thank
institute, the parties involved and my examiner for creating such a worthwhile and practical
The world "exact" in the second sentence means....................
A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having
Following questions to be replied according to the text below :
314.The purpose of the writer,a captain,writing this letter is to................
A) exact a wide sort of information.
B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.
315. for extinguish a fire which is not true
a) Smothering
b) Cooling
c) Remove fuel from fire
d) Break the fire equation
e) Put a heat dedector
316.For classification survey,the following is to be kept on board and made available to
the surveyor on request :
a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance,
b) Reports on previous surveys performed,
c) Approved drawings,
d) All the above,
e) None of the above
317.changes may be made to the scrap log but the official log is considered
b)but some
c)and no
d)and some e)and any
318.the.......issued as an acknowledgement of the shipment when the cargo is loaded to
the vessel
a)draught survey report b)sof c)sea protest
d)mate's receipt
e)time sheet
319.all specifics and facts regarding the vessel's current condition and .......... are
covered in the marine survey conducted by the surveyors
a)only machinert
b)only inert gas systems
d)the hull e)crewmembers
320.a kind of thermometer the bulb of which is kept moistened while reading the level of
humidity is called.....
a) human thermometer
b) fever thermometer
c) doctor's thermometer
d) dry bulb thermometer
e) wet bulb thermometer
41 in fire-fighting procedures and maintenance of equipment shold be assured

a) at regular drills
b) when needed
c) before arriving at a port
d )when a new crewmember joins the vessel
e) when there is an emergency
322.a fire can be extinguished ;
b) foam
c) carbon dioxide

d) sprinkling

e) all

323...................... alarm seven short blast and 1 long blast

a) Muster b) General c) fire d) mob e) leakage
324............. survey is a unigue one and a complete inspection off all the items relating to
the particular cetificate before the ship
a) Initial
b) ntermediate
c) Annual
d) Periodical
e) Renewal
325.A vessel is tender if cargo weight is .....
a) Concentrated and with the full double bottoms
b) Evenly distrubuted vertically with the double bottoms
c) Concentrated high and the double bottoms empty
d) Concentrated low and the double bottoms empty
e) None of the above
326. Meteorologists are scientists who study .... and atmosphere
a) Wind
b) Weather
c) Forecast
d) Sea State
e) Water Conditions
327.Before CPR is started, you should __________.
a) establish an open airway
b) treat any bleeding wounds
c) insure the victim is conscious
d) make the victim comfortable
e) all of the above
328..The best know reason for the pollution during bunkerin is occured with ;
a) More pressure
b) first receiving the Bunker
c) final topping off
d) revoming the pipes and fixing back
e) sagging hose
329.the masters of all merchant vessels must hold fire-fighting drills in the framework
A) Worid Health Organizaton.
B) The Merchant Shipping (Musters and Training regulations).
C) Prevention of Collision at Sea (The International Regulation).
D) Maritime Judges Resolutions.

E) Merchant Marine Cadets Achievement

330. 1. A11 cargo stowed open area,
2. cargo wet before shipment,
3. Weight and quality as per shippers declaration.
The above mentioned part is
A) a part of masters Remarks in a Masters Receipt.
B) a set of clauses of a charter party.
C) taken from a bill of lading.
D) a part of a Notice of Readiness.
E) a part of the shippers declaration.
331.The vessel which has the right of way is known as . . . . . . .. . . . .
A)the regulations
B)more safety
C)a higher certificate
D) the standing-on vessel
E) their message
333.Classification of ships are made by:
A) Ministry of Maritime Affairs,
B) Shipyards,
C) National Dependent Organizations,
D) Independent International or Internationally recognised Classification Organizations
E) None of the above
334.When received a message from a VTS station running : Instruction. Alter course
The recipient (Alc) .................
a) Has to alter course
b) Does not have to alter course
c) Is not permitted alter course
d) Is free whether to alter course or not
e) Must wait for the next message before altering course
335.which is not covered harmonized sorvey.
a) antifouling convention
b) solas convention
c) marpol convention
d) load line convention
e) dangerous cargo ..
337.Circulation, vessel, artery are related to...
a) Bone
b) Joint
c) Ribs
d) Fracture
e) Blood
338.Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?
a) Deadrise
b) Camber
c) Freeboard
d) Sheer
e) Frame
339.strengh of deck will be incerease with adding......

a) sheer
b) camber
c) coaming
d) deck beam breachet
e) funnel
340.Before apply first layer of paint, last particles on bare metal removed with .....Line
a) Flat Brush
b) Wire Brush
c) Chipping Brush
d) hammer
e) Brush hammer
341. the part of the vessel that increases the speed.
a) Propeller
b) Rudder
c) Bulb
d) Ballast
e) Forepeak tank
342.It usually occurs off the ship, but as stolen cargo can be unwittingly accepted by the
vessel and as sound cargo may be subject to theft after discharge, it is usually the vessel which
is blamed. Losses due to it are very serious, especially when foodstuffs, liquors and soft drinks,
expensive clothes, tools and spare parts for cars, electronic equipment and precious stones are
being carried on board ship.
The passage is about . . . . . . . . . .
a) chafing
b) collapsing
c) pilferage
d) moisture and sweating
e) rain damage
343. Which of the following is a cargo handling device?
A) davits
B) derrick
C) bitts
D) bollard
E) capstan
344. Electrical power ........the ship was provided ...........shaft generator.
A) in / for
B) of / at
C) on / by D) inside / to E) into / from
345.The purpose of a Notice of Readiness is to
A) inform the related party that the vessel is in all respects ready to commence loading/
discharging operation.
B) note that the charter is ready to sign the relevant document.
C) notice that the parties have agreed on the readiness.
D) specify the full account of the nature of a charter party.
E) inform the master that the consignee is ready to receive the goods.
346.My position has been ............. by decca.
A) loosened
B) performed
C) fulfilled
D) lost
E) obtained

347. All ships which you meet at sea or in the approaches to a harbour are collectively
called ..........
A) jam
B) fleet
C) power-driven lifeboats
D) tug
E) traffic
348.Any ............. of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of
the case admit be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel observing
visually or by radar.
A) depletion
B) declaration
C) transmission
D) alteration
E) measurement
349.Navigators find his position by using the tecniques of coastal navigation when..........
a) land is out of sight
b) land is in sight
c) land is out of mind
d) land is too far away
e) land is invisible
350.cone, sphere, spar indicate buoys ..
A) shape
B) location
C) function
D) signals
E) position installation survey neyi kontrol etmez diye bir soru vard
A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operatr certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to tu publication
352.The only portable electrical equipment permitted in a compartment which is not gas
free is a lamp that is __________.
a) battery fed
b) self-contained
c) approved explosion proof
d) All of the above
353.In the Northern Hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a __________.
a) veering wind
b) backing wind
c) reverse wind
d) chinook wind
354.Flood current
A) Horizontal Current, after low tide from land
B) Horizontal Current, after high tide from land
C) Horizontal Current, high water from sea
D) Horizontal Current, low water from sea
E) Horizontal Current, neap tide from land
355.The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is

a) the catenary dragging on the bottom

b) swamping of the tow
c) the tow tending to dive
d) Yaw
356.Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical
letters. This indicates the __________.
a) rock is visible at low water springs only
b) rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
c) rock is dry at high water
d) exact position of the rock is doubtful
357.Leave the odd sentence out.
a) Radio as the primary vehicle for maritime search and rescue has been instrumental in saving
countless lives.
b) Its first known use fort this purpose was in 1899 when a lightship in the Straits of Dover used
radio apparatus to report the steamship ELBE had run aground.
c) However Morse Code transmission will be eliminated.
d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.
e) Since that time many significant technical advances in the use of radio for navigation and
distress have made life at sea safer for the modern day mariner.
358.The world "exact" in the second sentence means....................
A) accurate or correct in every detail
B) capable of being accurate over details
C) precise
D) to force the payment of
E) to demand; to insist upon having
359. The purpose of the writer,a captain,writing this letter is to..............
A) exact a wide sort of information.
B) create a worth while and practical course.
C) thank the institute mentioned.
D) select an assistant harbour master.
E) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.
360. "No smoking in closed areas"means
A) You must not smoke in closed area
B) You don't have to smoke in closed areas
C) You don't need to smoke in closed areas
D) You needn't smoke in closed areas
E) You aren't able to smoke in closed areas
361.Which sentences is true for Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo
a) Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out with
both ship is in drydock and afloat.
b) Inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom of cargo ships being carried out only with ship
is in drydock
c) Passenger shipler iin 24 ayda bir yaplr
d) Cargo shipler iin 36 ayda bir yaplr
e) It is additional survey
362.A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
a) the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio

b) warnings are printed out for reading when convenient

c) broadcasts are at scheduled times
d) a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission
363.Dunnages prevent cargo from loss and damage caused by ......
a) tainting b) interent vice
c) ships sweat
d) caused from moving
364.During loading operation of steel bar, vessels crew recognize that goods have rusty
surface. Master of ship state the B/L RUSTY STAINED remark. Diye devam eden bir
cmle var. Daha sonra tahliye limanna gidiliyor ve ykte deep corrosion olduu
farkediliyor. 500.000$ bir zarar kyor. en sonra bu zararn neden olutuunu savunmak
ilk bata b/l e ...... yazldndan dolay zordur diyor.
a) Forklift damage
b) Crane damage
c) Stevadorsdamage
d) Pitting and rusty
e) Powdered rusty whole surface
365.Flashlights used aboard tankers must be ................
a) Waterproof
b) Of the three cell type
c) Approved by the Board of fire underwriters
d) All above e) 1 and 3
366.There are some Certificates/documents which are internationally recognized and
have to be carried on board. These are checked/inspected by the port state control
officer (PSCO) when he/she/they come on board. One of the following certificates does
not have to be carried on board on tanker. Choose that certificate and mark it :
a) Document of compliance, Solas 74, Regulation II-2/54,
b) Oil record book, Parts I and II
c) Cargo record book
d) Document of Authorization for the carriage of grain
e) Minimum safe manning document
367.Which one is the Major advantages of Navtex over other transmission methods
a) It broadcasts in scheduled.
b) It transmits with low frequency and long distance
c) Transmissions can receive basic FM receiver
d) You can read and print message
e) Updated informations can be received continiously.
368."Cribbing" is __________.
A) wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck
B) the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo
C) a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
D) cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing
369.In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is __________.
A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
370.When checking of the lighting of the muster and embarkation stations and the
alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation stations,

including when supplied from the Emergency source of power which survey being
carried out.
a) Safety construction certificate survey
b) Safety electrical installation survey
c) Safety Equipment certificate survey
d) Safety Radio Equipment survey
371.A periodic thorough examination of the cargo gear proves satisfactory. What
percentage of the total gear must be dismantled to determine actual internal condition?
A) None
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 100%
e) 15%
372.Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must __________.
A) secure the engine room ventilation
B) secure the machinery in the engine room
C) evacuate all engine room personnel
D) All of the above
373.Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of __________.
a) ice crystals
b) water droplets
c) snow crystals
d) nitrogen
e) drizzle
374.Salling directions are the indispensable compantions to chart and a great tool for
plannig and assisting in navigation and also provide information that cannot be show on
a)tide table
b)notice to mariners
c)light list
e)sight reduction table
375.Which is not controlled by held administrator survey
A) Ship examination certificate
B) Ship construction certificate
C) Ship survavor equipment certificate
377.Which ones can be started automatically for fire extinction?
I- hyrant II-Halon III-Sanitary pumb IV- Portable foam applicator V- sprinkler
a) I-IV
b) V
c) II
d) III
e) all
378.The carriage a variety of cargoes between various without salling on regular routes
a) time charter
b) voyage charter
c) best charter
d) combined charter
e) gencon charter
379.Which of the following is major extinguisher A class fire .
a) Water
b) CO2
c) Dry chemical

d) Foam
e) all
380.Which is not control during the radio installation survey?
A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operatr certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to itu publication
381.Going through water by force of wind with the help of the sails is know
a) navigation
b) steering
c) propulsion
d) sailing
382.During loading operation of steel bar, vessels crew recognize that goods have rusty
surface. Master of ship state the B/L RUSTY STAINED remark. Diye devam eden bir
cmle var. Daha sonra tahliye limanna gidiliyor ve ykte deep corrosion olduu
farkediliyor. 500.000$ bir zarar kyor. en sonra bu zararn neden olutuunu savunmak
ilk bata b/l e ...... yazldndan dolay zordur diyor.
a) Forklift damage
b) Crane damage
c) Stevadors damge
d) Pitting and rusty
e) Powdered rusty whole surface
383.Which one is the Major advantages of Navtex over other transmission methods
a) It broadcasts in scheduled.
b)I t transmits with low frequency and long distance
c) Transmissions can receive basic FM receiver
d) You can read and print message
e) Updated informations can be received continiously.
384.If is there more thab one unconscious and _____ casualt. You must start first aid in
order of dont have pulse,Have severe bleeding, Unconscious
a) Bleeding b) Breathing
c) Vomitting
d) Asphyx.
385.on ships, All crew should be ready for administer . Learned to resque , even
a second means a life or not..
a) first aid b) oxigen
c) meditation
d) injection e) pain killer
386.when considering about "At sea maintenance" is concerned with following;
a) Cargo ship safety certificate
b) Cargo ship construction certificate
c) cargo ship radio certificate
d) cargo ship safety equipment certificate
e) cargo ship maintenance certificate
387.initial surveys of cargo gear carried out completely and frequently surveys are made
a) Annually
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
388.Hold, ballast and air dry spaces must have visual and audible signals acc to solas

a) Bulk carriers
b) Tankers
c) Passsenger
d) Ro-ro
e) passenger roro
389.During loading cargo , chief difference is that the damage occurred, but the damage
had been written on the bill of loading .what it is called;
a) external bill of lading
b) Damage bill of loading
c)Exceptional bill of lading
390.Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?
a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates
391.To sound the tanks and bilges in order to check the depths of liquit in them is the
regular job of a .. on board
A) Bosun
B) Donkeyman
C) Carpenter
D) Boatswain
E) Stevedore
392.Leave the odd sentence out
I- Mental illness must be taken seriously
II- Have two people to walk the unsound person on the deck
III- An unsound person may kill himself or other people
IV- He often thinks that his friends are trying to do him wrong
V- If the captain does restran and control the mental patient, and the mental patient does
kill or injure himself or
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
393. the chief officer isnt in charge of;.
a) cargo handling operations
b) giving duties to the junior deck officer
c) the work done by the officer the work done by th officer of his departmant
d) the care of navigational equipment
e) ensuring safe keeping of care of navigational equipment
394. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. If there is new crew member who joins to vessel, he must be trained within the firt two weeks
after joining to vessel.
b. All the life-saving equipment and appliances must be in their correct places and order.
c. If there any passangers on board, they must be trained on how to use the life-saving
d. Drills must be conducted (Uyguland) as if there is a real emergency situation.
e. It is not necessary to lower at least one life boat into the sea when there is an on board
395.It is required to use the capstan to haul a line. The order given is .....
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside
b) To take line to capstan and heave away
c) To weigh anchor
d) To take the head line and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan

396.By means of radio, the captain of a ship can talk with men in other ships or with men
ashore. ......., or if bad weather is ahead, he can be told of it in time to change his
a) TV is a means of entertainment
b) Because of it, captains keep the radio under their pillows
c) Phone too, makes communication possible
d) Whatever, the captain should maintain his course
e) He can learn if it is safe for him to go on his destination
397.When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some
information ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis (tan) and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.
398.When it is winter, it usually .............. or ............
a) Rain/Snow
b) Rains / Snows
c) Is rain / Snow
d) Is raining / Snowing
e) Rainy / Snowy
399.The vessel ..................... the port when the storm ..............
a) Was leave begun
b) Was leaving was begun
c) Was leaving begun
d) Left Was began
e) Was leaving began
400.Did you have bad weather on the ship?
Yes we had ................. rain than the weatherman anticipated Anticipated : Tahmin
a) Lot more
b) A little
c) Much less
d) Too much
e) Fewer
401.---------------- hattnda rota / trafik yn deitirildi.
a) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been suspended
b) Route / Traffic lane....................... Has been discontinued
c) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been cleared
d) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been diverted
e) Route / Traffic lane.......................has been closed
402.If the survey reveals that a vessels class has been affected;
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class reccommendations will be carried out, within the time limit given by the class
d) The ship loses all the classes e) None of the above
403.Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Hard material fires are called C class fire

b) Liquid material fires are called B class fire

c) Gas material fires are called D class fire
d) Electrical fires are called A class fire
e) Light metal fires are called E class fire
404.The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason...................................
a) For he existence of ship
b) When cargo loaded
c) If the ship is to discharge at more than one port
d) For he carriage of passangers
e) For he existence of cargo
405.Surveys required internationally and/or by the flage state both, include
a. Load line convention,
c. IMO codes
d. ILO conventions
e. All of the above
406.Which of the following can not be a defect a light might have?
a) Destroyed
b) Damaged
c) Unlit
d) Off station

e) Expensive

407.Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) There arent any regulations about sound signals.
b) Sound signals are made of bells, whistless and gongs
c) Lighting means illumination for ships.
d) During day time, in clear weather, it is easy to recognise the approaching vessel.
e) Light signals give information about the type of the vessel approaching and what she is about
to do.
408.Carbon dioxide extingguishers should be held only by the handle and the thermaly
insulated grip on the hose. Otherwise, it will cause ...............
a) Insulation
b) Heart attack
c) Steam burns
d) Ice burns
e) Non conduction
409.There is no doubt that the scope, of a pilots duties have over the years been clearly
defined . That he has exclusive control and conduct of the ship is seldom disputed , but
this is very different from having command of the ship. It is implied in the above
mentioned quotation that
a) the scope of a pilots duties has ever been doubtful.
b) no rule has ever clearly defined as pilots duties.
c) a pilot has the conduct of the ship he is in charge of navigating.
d) a pilot has both conduct and command of the ship he is in charge of.
e) a pilots exclusive control and conduct of a ship has been a point of dispute
410.Marine animal with valved shell which atteched it self to hulls of ship?
a) Barnacle (Kaya midyesi)
b) Moss Yosun
c) Fish Balk
d) Algae Alg
e) Binnacle Pusula dolab
411.changes may be made to the scrap log but the official log is considered


b)but some

c)and no

d)and some

e)and any

412.Personel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated, keep their
hands inside to avoid them being crashed against ship side.
a) On board
b) Standing By
c) Monitoring
d) Taking part in
e) In a rescue boat in fire-fighting procedures and maintenance of equipment shold be assured
a)at regular drills
b)when needed
c)before arriving at a port
d)when a new crewmember joins the vessel
e)when there is an emergency
414.enine dengede g noktasnn yukarsna bulunan bir yk gemiyi nasl etkiler.
a)decrease KG
b)increase KM
c)make a list
d)increase KG
415.Which of the following equipment can not be used for Fire Fightining?
a) CO2 Fixed System
b) Dry Chemical Powder
c) Hand Flares
d) Fireman Outfit
e) Fire Alarm
416. Solas 74 convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the
following is nor an evalution
a) Length of the ship
b) Purpose of usage
c) Number of the passengers
d) Tonnage of the ships
e) Owner of the ship
417.The weather was supposed to be nice today, but we were almost frozen to death
while doing the ships maintenance. can be expressed as .....................................
a) The weather was expected to be cold today but it is not
b) The weather was not very cold today as it was before
c) Although everyone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be nice
d) The weather was terribly cold although it had been expected to be good
e) The day was so nice and warm just as we had expected before
418.When you are going to request Radio Medical Advice, you must have some
information ready. These information are:
a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient,
b) Particulars of the illness and the results of the examination of the ill person,
c) Diagnosis and Treatment,
d) Problems and other comments,
e) All the above.
419. .... is not a part of liferaft

d)buoyancy tube,
e)trmanma basamag
420.seaworthnessda hangi item bulunmaz die 1soru ward
b)total max personnel on board
d)fire equipment e)voyage area
421.which of following is not true when carrying out an intermediate survey of cargo ship
safety certificate, klar:
a)intervals 5 years
b)radio communication devices
c)issued new certificate after survey
422.Sweat.....vapour(moistened) condensed into ......droplets..below.
a)saturated air
b)relative humidity
c)dew point...
423.which is not a publication to be kept on board?
a)nternational code of signals
b)nt.bulk chemical code
c)nt.gas carrier code
d)Nautical pubs
e)Muster list
424.Which is not aproved Turkish loyd
a)Deck log book
b)Safety management cert.
c)Safety equipment cert.
d)Stabilite book
e)Fire plan
425.Faking a line means ........
a) Bight a line in long
b) Coil a line

c) Discard it

426.If the survey reveals that a vessels class has been affected?
a) There is no change in class
b) The survey is repeated in one (1) year
c) Class recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given by the class
d) The ship loses all the classes
e) None of the above
427.You receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. You
should FIRST __________.
A) notify the Master
B) put the wheel hard right
C) put the engines full astern
D) sound the man overboard alarm
428.After using a C02 portable extinguisher, it should be __________.
A) put back in service if some C02 remains
B) hydrostatically tested
C) retagged

D) recharged
429.Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or towing engine should
A) be open to view so, if a foreign object gets in the gearing, the operator can immediately stop
the machinery
B) have a guard over the gearing
C) be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the gearing
D) not be operated if there is any crew within 10 feet of the machinery
430. Which statement is wrong regarding the Bill of Lading?
a)It is issued by the carrier of goods for shipment.
b)It is document of title of the goods.
c)It is a negotiable document.
d)It is issued when the goods have been discharged.
e)Ship's agent draws up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it.
431. Port to Port Shipment: The responsibility of the Carrier is limited to that part of the
Carriage from and during loading onto the vessel up to and during discharge from the vessel
and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage what so ever inrespect of the Goods
or for any other matter arising during any other part of the Carriage even though charges for the
wholeCarriage have been charged by the carrier.
According to this clause of a bill of loading, the carrier shall not be held responsible for
any damage to the goods
a)after they are loaded on board the ship.
b)while they are loaded on board the ship.
c)while they were taken to the port on trucks.
d)which occured during any part of the sea voyage.
e)likely to appear following the discharging operation.
432.A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is
the proper treatment for this injury?
a) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment, and bandage.
b) Open any blisters with a sterile needle, apply burn ointment and bandage.
c) Apply burn ointment, remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with
the burn.
d) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, open any blister and apply burn ointment.
433..Unless there is danger of further injury, a person with a compound fracture should
not be moved until bleeding is controlled and ____.
a) the bone has been set
b) the fracture is immobilized
c) radio advice has been obtained
d) the wound has been washed
434.Rorolarda tekerlekli aralar ve konteynrlar sabitlemek iin aadakilerden hangileri
kullanlr ?
a)Twist lock
b)container lock
c)bridge hook d) Twist hook must be labelled with . and depth information
a ) navigational
b) landmarks
c) datum
d) lighthouse

436.Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 1988. The vessel is surveyed on that date
and is found satisfactory. You are sailing foreign the same day. Which statement is
A) A new certificate must be issued before you sail.
B) The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May 1988.
C) The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 days.
D) The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate
will be issued by the local
437.Which is about insulation.
a)mmersion suit
c)Lifejacket d)mob e)all
438. For the carriage of the goods firstly the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the
carrier to book his cargo. The document includes full explanations and facts of all the
a) Booking note
b) Charter party
c) Sea report
d) Dock receipt
e) Boat note
439.The function of the bilge keel is to ____________________ .
A) reduce the rolling of the vessel
B) serve as the vessel's main strength member
C) add strength to the bilge
D) protect the vessel's hull when alongside a dock
440.Circulation, vessel, artery are related to...
a) Bone
b) Joint
c) Ribs
d) Fracture

e) Blood

441.Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?

a) Deadrise
b) Camber
c) Freeboard
d) Sheer
e) Frame
442.The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by _______.
a) direct pressure on the wound
b) elevating the wounded area
c) pressure on a pressure point
d) a tourniquet above the wound
443.First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to _____.
a) lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
b) stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
c) apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
d) apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it
444.Depths which have been measured are indicated by the numbers shown on the chart.
Depths on charts published in most parts of the world use _____________.
a) meters b) feet c)fathom d)desimetre e)cable

445.The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason ..

a) for the existence of ships
b) when cargo is loaded
c) if the ship is to discharge at more than one port
d) for the carriage of passengers
e) for the existence of cargo
446.Navtex mesajlarnda hata kodu ksaltmas nedir ?
447.the most effective cooling agent among those normally used to fight fires is ......
a)water fog or spray
b)chemical foam
c)mechanical foam
448.Dear sirs,
I am writing to find out whether the post advertised in the ''motor ship'' is still vacant.I am 38
years old and have been working as a met efor the past sever years. I got the master's
certificate in 1992 and since that time I have been worling for the Tukish Ocean Lines on board
General cargo , container and Ro-Ro vessels. As I am leave now I can be available for the job
any time. Looking forward to your prompt reply , I remain, This correspondense is an
a) testimonial
b )master's report of the voyage
c) letter of exceptions
d) job application
e) exract of log book
449.Faxing is a means of communication ............................ .
a) that worked on a system based on phone system
b) which has developed very quickly over the past few years
c) therefore changes will rapidly change
d) if companies were using it for telex machines
e) unless you determine the name of the receiver
450.It is required to use the capstan to haul a line.The order given is................... .
a) To take line to capstan to heave vessel alongside
b) To take line to capstan and heave away
c) To weigh anchor
d) To take the headline and turn it around
e) To hold the line and wait near the capstan
451. available by either by vhf or by direct contact with a doctor from a port or
from another ship, with a doctor on board.
a) search & rescue
b) medical assistance
c) bill of health
d) taking a pilot
e) helicopter assistance
452. A: What asistance required? B: ..............................................
a) I do not need help
b) you are running into danger
c) I require a helicopter
d) I am on fire

e) Bridge will not open

452.''The Document prepared by the vessel or by his agents seperately at loading and
unloading ports stating all the operations performed by the vessel, from tendering of the notice
readiness up to sailing from port is called............... .''
a) statements of fact
b) notices of readiness
c) cargo manifest
d) mate's receipt
e) charter party
453.Which of the following messages is not a distress message?
a) 80 miles northeast of Cape Town engine broken down Require tug assistance
b) Gale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea areas the Black Sea.
c) 37.18 West 26.32 North fire in number 1 hold ship in vicinity. Please stand by.
d) Ship holed in engine room. Sinking. Request immediate assistance
e) Man overboard. Help with search and rescue
454.You are departing from the Heatrow Airport to join your ship in Holland. You are
stopped by a security guard who suspects you.What would he say?
a) Nothing can prevent us from searching you can it?
b) I regret to tell you that your movements should be restricted
c) sorry to trouble you.but would you mind showing your identity card?
d) why have you agreed to carry someone else's suitcase?
e) Can you explain why lam so suspicious?
455.Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) There aren't any regulations about sound signals
b) Sound signals are made up of bells, whistless and gongs
c) Lighting means illuminations for ships
d) During day time in clear weather , it is easy to recognise the approaching vessel
e) Light signals give information about the type of the vessel approaching and what she is about
to do
456.Is it clear for me to enter traffic lane?
a) one way traffic is established
b) two way traffic is established
c) sea and land traffic is established
d) only car traffic is established
e) only land traffic is established
457.If your anchor is caught under a rock , then it is.......
a) foul (dolak)
b) weight (ar)
c) heaved (ekmek)
d) dredging (taramak)
e)dragging (srklemek)
458.Which of the following is not checked daily?
a) whistle
b) Telegraph
c) Distance recorder
d) Compass eror
e) steering system
459.The pilot is now waiting at position..................... .What type of message is it?

a) Advice
b) Warning
c) Instruction
d) Information
e) Request
460. A:Has your position been obtained by radar?
a) My position has been obtained by radar.
b) Your position has been obtained by radar
c) My position will beobtained by radar
d) You must alter your course for identification
e) I do not have a radar
461.How ......... is it from Hong kong to Berlin?
a) far
b) tall
c) long
d) width
e) distance
462.Is there a fire alarm ........... your cabin?
a) on
b) at
c) under
d) onto
e) in
463.Man overboard!.......................... the life boat.
a) Lower indirmek
b) Raise ykseltmek
c) Call
d) Put
e) Sound
464.the cargo vessel the port.
a) large
b) largest
c) the largest
d) larger than
e) the large
465.M/V Chicago Dream , M/V Chicago Dream , You are running to...... danger.
466.I cut my finger half an hour ago is still bleeding.

467.Gemileride insan girebilecei byklkteki kapak.

468. A small cargo ship not suitable for ocean voyages.
a)Coantiner ship
d)Chemical Tanker
469.The vessel .................... the port when the storm ...................
a)was leave - begun
b)was leaving - was begun
c)was leaving - begun
d)left - was began
e)was leaving - began
470.Foam and water ...........................for electric fires definitely.
a)weren't used
b)will not be used
c)aren't being used
d)isn't used
e)aren't used who command a fleet of naval ships.
b)chief engineer



472.Operasyon armhla yaplacak

a)Operation will be carried out using hose
b)Operation will be carried out by means of hose
c)Operation will be carried on using hoist
d)Operation will be carried up using hosa
e)Operation will be carried out using hoist
473.Pruvanzdaki gemiye yaklayorsunuz.
a)Please get closer to the vessel ahead of you
b)you should get closer to the vessel ahead of you
c)you are getting closer to the vessel ahead of you
d)you are nearing the vessel in the vacinity
e)you are getting closed
474.In which case does each of the two power-driven vessels have to alter course to
starboard so as to pass one another on the portside?
a)when standing on
b)when giving way
c)when meeting end-on
d)when overtaking
e)when offering way
475. ..................I enter the canal?
a)I have lost radar contact
b)What time may
c)You are in the fairway
d)Advice you keep your
e)Do you have any list

476.Which is not a method of giving a position on vhf?

a)referring to a navigational mark
b)giving latitude and longitude
c)reporting a point
d)giving the bearing and distance
e)conforming the speed
477.The true order of conducting an urgency message is:
I-PanPan PanPan PanPan
IV-Required asistance
V-Ship name and call sign


478.Which of the below is indicated by using knots?

I-Wind speed





479.To........................broken arms and legs, it is neccessary to wear................

a)Fall-safety boots
b)Prevent - safety boots
c)Slip-safety googles
d)Protect-hard hat
e)suffer-safety gloves
480.The passenger vessel ............ just................the port.
a)is entering b)is going to- enter
c)was entered d)has - entered

e)had - entered

481.Spill grounding , collision ,personel injury, fire loss, of power are known as ..... at
b)emergency situation
c)cargo contamination
e)safety of life
482.Device of attaching a vessel to the sea bed, and holding her statioary.
e)cable stoper
483.Machinery apart from main engine in the engine room.
a)main engine

c)auxiliary machinery
e)steering gear
484.Cargo loaded loose and not in packages or containers
c)Chemical cargo
d)Bulk cargo
e)Cargo battens
485.The saving or rescue of a ship or its cargo.
486.A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern
Hemisphere, this would indicate that it will __________ .
A) shift in a clockwise manner
B) shift in a counterclockwise manner
C) continue blowing from the same direction
D) decrease in velocity
487.The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass?
A) Card
B) Needle
C) Lubber's line
D) Gimbals
488.Denizin /solugann nmzdeki 2 saat sresince artmas bekleniyor.
a)Sea/swell is expected to increase after 2 hours
b)Sea/swell is expected within the nex 2 hours
c)Sea/swell is expecting the increase for 2 hours time
d)Sea/swell is expected to increase during the next two hours
e)Sea/swell is expected within the next 2 hours
489.Lifting machinery.......................
a)is passed by radio signals
b)can save time on a voyage
c)are derrick and crane
d)give way to sailing ships
e)will have find their position
490. .......................................control the ship form the bridge.
a)the crew
b)Engineering cadets
d)the captain and the navigating officers
491.A certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships, ................ that
the ship comply with the requirements of the regulation for classification construction,
machine and equipment.
a) carry

492. Ullage is the.......................................................

A) space left for the explosion of the heated oil
B) space left for the passage of the heated oil.
C) space left for the expansion of the heated oil.
D) space left for the diffusion of the heated oil
E) space left for the interaction of the heated oil.
493. Light Displacement Tonnage is:
A) The amount of water spilled out by a ship,when it floats at a specific condition,
B) The tonnage value of a ship,after subtracting the volumes of navigational spaces,
C) The total volume of all closed spaces in cubic feet(ft3), divided by hundred (100),
D) The sum of the weights of hull, machinery, engines, rigging, spare parts, all connected
E) None of the above.
494.Bleeding is usually associated with.
a)wounds b)chocking
c)heart attack

e)food poisoning

495.Which statement is not true regarding grain?

a)Grain isnt stowed near wet cargo.
b)Grain can swell in hold.
c)Grain can be secured by shifting boats.
d)Grain needs lashing while stowing.
e)Grain can emit odour.
496..To put out a fire is;
a) fire prevention
b) fire detection
c) fire extinction
d) fire installation
e) none
497. The _________ is a person appointed by the company and the ships master for
ensuring the security of the ship. He coordinates with ship board personnel and port
authorities to carry out all ship operations with utmost security.
a) ship safety officer
b)ship security officer
c)designated person
498. The significance of a mark depends on one or more features:
a) By dayColour, shape and topmark. By nightLight colour and rhythm.
499. Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed____________she can take
proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance
appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
a)so as to
b) so that
c)in order to
d)for e)to
500. Ballast kept in tanks seperated from cargo pipes and tanks is called _________
b) Dirty
d) Segregated

501. Which is not included in firemans outfit?

a)breathing aparatus
b)smoke mask
c)boots and gloves
d)protective clothing
502. If casuality has severe bleeding which is the first thing you try?
a)Applying tourniquet
b)Applying pressure over wound with wad of sterile gauze or other clean material.
c)Applying antiseptic
503. To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the
Company and those on board is the responsibility of _____ . They have direct access to
the highest level of management.
a)Designated Person Aboard (DPA)
504.Which is a solid fire extinguishing method?
c) carbon dioxide
d) halon
505. Which is not a smothering technique?
a) sprinkling
b) dilution
c) emulsifying
d) separation
e) mixing
506. Leave the odd sentence out:
I. Montreux Straits Convention entered into force in 1936.
II. All vessels have obtained the right of way.
III. In those days the largest ship of the Turkish fleet was 13 tons.
IV. None of the Turkish ships has an insurance.
V. Turkish fleet tonnage has increased over time.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
507.Who arranges and organises cargo handling at ports?
a)hatchways b)tallyman
d)crane operator

e)harbour master

508.Baspike yaglama yagi falan filan konamaz die bi soru vardi hangisinin partidir die
sormus Siklar
a) P&i assessment cert
b) Tank designation cert
c) Safety construction initial cert
d) Safety equip renewal cert
e) Loadline initial cert
509.The nautical chart holds crucial information such as__________, landmarks, and
seamarks. There are symbols that describe the seabed, such as the depth of the ocean,
possible hazards, and tidal information.
a) seabed notification


510.Oily rags stored in a pile that is open to the atmosphere are a hazard because they
may __________.
A) deteriorate and give off noxious gasses
B) spontaneously heat and catch fire
C) attract lice and other vermin and serve as a breeding ground
D) None of the above
511.CO2 cylinders forming part of a fixed fire extinguishing system must be pressure
tested at least every
A) year
B) 2 years
C) 6 years
D) 12 years
512.When dry chemical extinguishers are used to put out class B fires, there is a danger
of reflash because dry chemical_________.
A) is not an effective agent on Class B fires
B) does little or no cooling
C) dissipates quickly
D) is rapidly absorbed by the liquid
513-alteration and ........................... is logbooklarda kalc olarak yaplr gibi bireydi.
514-Which statement is FALSE concerning precautions during fueling operations?
A) All engines, motors, fans, etc. should be shut down when fueling.
B) All windows, doors, hatches, etc. should be closed.
C) A fire extinguisher should be kept nearby.
D) Fuel tanks should be topped off with no room for expansion.
515-What is the difference between net tonnage and gross tonnage?
A) Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions for machinery and other
B) Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship.
C) Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship.
D) There is no difference.
E) Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions for machinery
516- What is the difference between net tonnage and gross tonnage?
a. Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductible spaces.
b. Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship.
c. Net tonnage is gross tonnage minus engine and bunker spaces.
d. Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship.
517-A coastal current __________.
A) is generated by waves striking the beach
B) flows outside the surf zone
C) flows in a circular pattern
D) is also known as a longshore current
518-When instructing a crew member concerning the right way to lift a weight, you would
instruct him to
A) arch the back to add strength to the muscles
B) bend his knees and lift with his legs
C) bend his back and stoop
D) bend his back and stoop with arms straight


519-You are docking a ship with a single-screw tug assisting on your starboard bow.
How should the tug be tied up if you are anticipating that she will have to hold your bow
off while you stem the current?
A) One head line would be sufficient.
B) The tug would need at least two head lines.
C) The tug should put a spring line up, leading astern on the ship.
D) The tug should put a stern line up, leading ahead on the ship.
520-Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is
called __________.
A) faking
B) flemishing down
C) mousing
D) worming
521-To "shore up" the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means to __________.
a. weld pad eyes on deck in proper position to secure the cargo
b. strengthen the main deck by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decks
c. distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft planks on the main deck
d. package the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the deck
522-''is it clear for me to enter trafic lane?'' Lane is an area in which__________
A)one way traffic is established
B)two way traffic is established
C)sea and land traffic is established
D)only car traffic is established
E)only car traffic is established
523-Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after
a repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or
renewals are made.
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey
b)Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey
d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey
524-For the treatment of a major burn,
a) put ice or cold water on a burn
b) pour cool water over the burned area.
c) apply oinments or creams to wounds.
d) use adhesive dressings
e)break blisters.
525-A vessel cannot comply with all of the SOLAS requirements due to its construction.
Where will this be indicated?
A) Nowhere; the vessel must comply to engage in international trade.
B) On the reverse of the SOLAS certificate
C) On the Exemption Certificate
D) On the Certificate of Inspection
527-A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is
the proper treatment for this injury?
a) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment, and bandage.
b) Open any blisters with a sterile needle, apply burn ointment and bandage.
c) Apply burn ointment, remove any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact with
the burn.
d) Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, open any blister and apply burn ointment.

528-The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by _______.

a) direct pressure on the wound
b) elevating the wounded area
c) pressure on a pressure point
d) a tourniquet above the wound
529-First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to _____.
a) lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
b) stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
c) apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
d) apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it
530-A : "Did you have bad weather on the ship" ?
B : "Yes, we had .................. rain than the weatherman anticipated."
a) a lot more
b) a little
c) much less
d) too much e) fewer
531-The S.S. Microwave has been chartered to the Longline Steamship Company. The
Longline Steamship Company agrees to pay all expenses and employ and pay the crew.
Which type of contract is involved?
a. Bareboat Charter Party
b. Lease Charter Party
c. Time Charter Party
d. Voyage Charter Party
532-Your vessel is chartered under a time charter party. Under this type of charter party,
your responsibility is __________.
a. solely to the charterer for all matters pertaining to cargo and ship administration
b. solely to the cargo shippers and consignees
c. solely to the owner, as under normal conditions
d. to the owner for vessel administration and to the charterer for cargo operations and
533-A "bowline" is used to __________.
a. join lines of equal size
b. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line
c. be a stopper
d. keep a line from fraying
534-A "gypsy" or "gypsyhead" is a __________.
a. punt used for painting over the side
b. small, reciprocating steam engine
c. spool-shaped drum fitted on a winch
d. swinging derrick
535-A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a __________.
a. spring line
b. bow line
c. stern line
d. breast line
536-A Contract of Affreightment covering the movement of a particular cargo from one
designated port to another at a specified rate for each ton of goods loaded is called a

a. bareboat charter party

b. demise charter party
c. time charter party
d. voyage charter party
537-What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?
a. Ties a container stack to the deck
b. Ties a container to the container below it
c. Restrains racking loads
d. Restrains the container against horizontal motion
538-Your vessel is required to have a slop chest. Which of the following articles is NOT
required by law to be carried in the slop chest?
a. Foul weather clothing
b. Candy
c. Tobacco products
d. Blankets
539-A vessel has a charter party for one voyage to carry a full load of manganese from
Durban, South Africa, to Baltimore, Maryland, at a stipulated rate per ton. Which type of
contract is involved?
a. Bareboat charter party

b. Voyage charter party c. Demise charter party d. Time charter party

540-The lashings on a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces
that cause __________.
a. toppling
b. racking
c. buckling
d. crushing
541-The part of a windlass which physically engages the chain during hauling or paying
out is the __________.
a. devil's claw
b. bull gear
c. wildcat
d. cat head
542-Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n)
a. delicate cargo
b. dirty cargo
c. toxic cargo
d. odorous cargo
543-To determine the number of able seamen required on an inspected vessel, you
should check the __________.
a. Load Line Certificate
b. operations manual
c. Safety of Life at Sea Certificate
d. Certificate of Inspection
544-When connecting the tow bridle to a tug, the end of the bridle is passed with a
a. heaving line
b. shot line
c. high line
d. messenger line
545-At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of
Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and
fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be __________.

a. at the discretion of the inspector, but in no greater detail than required for original certification
b. at the discretion of the inspector, but in no lesser detail than required for original certification
c. generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification, but in less detail
d. equivalent to the inspection required for certification
546-In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated?
a. The required oily-water separator malfunctions.
b. The ship is transferred to Liberian registry.
c. An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuance.
d. A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator.
547-Each crew member has an assigned firefighting station. This assignment is shown
on the __________.
a. fire fighting plan
b. shipping articles
c. Certificate of Inspection
d. muster list
548-A "bowline" is used to __________.
a. join lines of equal size
b. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line
c. be a stopper
d. keep a line from fraying
549-What is the 3 types of frequent surveys?
annual, intermediate, class renawal
550-The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under existing visibility
conditions is called
a. nominal range
b. luminous range
c. charted range
d. geographic range
551-The international shore connection __________.
a. permits discharge of waste oil
b. allows hook up of fire hoses from a dock or another vessel
c. satisfies pollution prevention requirements
d. allows emergency use of the fire main for deballasting
552-Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is
known as __________.
a. jibing
b. running before the wind
c. Tacking
d. reefing
553.A device commonly used to secure the pendant wire when it is initially passed to an
anchor handling vessel is __________.
a. pelican hook
b. connecting link
c. shackle
d. retaining hook
554.boluk doldurma sorusu cevab therefore/importance
555.tercmesi 'eer vardiya daki zabit dikkatli olsayd gemi catismazdi' careful-deliberate

556.elektrik arpan birisi sizi duymaz nk o .............Unconscious

557.What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?
a. Ties a container stack to the deck
b. Ties a container to the container below it
c. Restrains racking loads
d. Restrains the container against horizontal motion
558.The lashings on a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces
that cause __________.
a. toppling
b. racking
c. buckling
d. crushing
559-The region containing 3/4 of the mass of the atmosphere and the region to which are
confined such phenomena as clouds, storms, precipitation and changing weather
conditions is called __________.
a. stratosphere
b. troposphere
c. stratopause
d. tropopause
560-A towing hawser is readied for service by __________.
A) spooling it on a winch cathead
B) coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail
C) faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction
D) spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling
561-You are treating a shipmate with a compound fracture of the lower arm. Which action
should you take?
A) Apply a tourniquet to control bleeding then align the bones and splint.
B) Apply traction to the hand to keep the bones in line, splint, and apply a pressure dressing.
C) Force the ends of the bones back into line, treat the bleeding, and splint.
D) Apply a bulky, sterile, pressure dressing to control bleeding, then apply a temporary
splint, and obtain medical advice
562-The beam of a ship is its width at the ........ point as measured at the ship's nominal
A)Widest B)Longest C)Depth
563-Current refers to the __________.
a. horizontal movement of the water
b.vertical movement of the water
c. density changes in the water
d. velocity changes in the water
e.body of water that is dragged with the ship
564-Klavuzluk hizmeti geici olarak kk gemilere durdurulmutur.
a)Pilottage suspended for small vessel
b)Pilottage suspended for all vessel
c)Pilottage resumed for all vessel
d)Pilottage resumed for small vessel
e)Pilotage is not compulsory for small vessel


565-Select the proper prepositions for the blanks , to complete the sentence on that
occasion .
Kelly really was . luck it was as if every thing had combined her.
a)up to / throught
b)away from / behind
c)out of / against d)in to / upon e)onto / over
566-The magnitude or speed of current is called___________.
d)ample e)set
567-Select the correct answer from the list of choices to fill the blank. The ship sank
. the heavy storm.
b)owing of
c)due to
568-For the what period time iopp certificateis valid.
a)6 months b)5 years
c)3 years
d)1 years
e)10 years
569-Read the text carefully and answer the questions accordingly. Transporting oil by
tankers in the artic sea is mostly carried out by fleets of nuclear ice breakers and
relatively small. After the introduction of azipods vessel operating in the ice will be able
to transport crude oil without icebreaker asistance new tankers meet all the international
requirements related to the safety of navigation and the protection of the marine
environment. so ice is still a challenge but not a major problem anymore with the most
advanced and unique technical such as azipods.
According to passage what makes this ship so unique?
a)it means all the international requirements
b)it can operate at minus 40 celcius
c)it does not need the assistance of an ice-breaker
d)it is able to carry crude oil in the artic sea
e)it protect the marine environment
570-Different dangerous good are considered in campatible if their stowage together may
result in undue hazard in the case of leakage , spillage or any other accidents. Which of
the following measures can be used to prevent above mentioned hazards.
571-Fill in the blank with appropriate word.
The continous horizontal surface of a ship are called
572-A sentence with five underlined word or phrases is given as below for the sentence.
Chose the one underlined word or phrase that incorrect in stamdadr writen Englishmark
The congressman , accompained by secret service agent and aides , are preraring to enter the
convention hall within the next few minutes.
a)within the next
c)to enter
573-A short conversations betwen two people is given below. Chose the answer that
most accurately answer the questions on what is started or implied by speakers mark the
Captain:Which broke the copt machine
Seafarer:I don't know it was jammed when tired it
Captain:it bugs me when some body does that and just leaves it that was
What does the captain imply.

a)he damaged the machine

b)He thinks the machine has been repaired
c)He thinks somebody broke machine and kept quict about it
d)There are inspects the machine
e)He thinks that the machine does perfectly the work
574-Select the correct answer from the list of choices to complete the sentence
All crew onboard must have a feeling
a)off responsibility
b)to be responsibility
c)of responsibility
d)responsible e)resposibility
575-What equipment for fog signals is required for a vessel 15m
a)whistle only
b)bell only c)whistle and bell d)whistle and gong
576-He did nothing___________sit idle and comptain all the time.
Fill correctly the blank using
b)resulting from

e)bell and gong

e)apart from

577-chose the incorrect sentence

a)Let's not tell anyone
b)you are to report for duty immediately
c)could you possibly lend me a hand with this car?
d)Lets go by taxi shall we?Yes let's do so
e)switchboard is to manned at all times
578-find the correct word of the phrase missing in the following sentence.
Hi mario i do actually have a homework_______to do. The deadlines Monday and i'm
afraid i will have to do in during weekend so i will be quite busy.
579.Complete the sentences with the help of choice given below.
As soon as the manager had left the room___________________
a)the unpleasantness of the ocasion has almost been forgotten
b)the intermission was obviously well timed
c)no one else will be permitted entrance
d)the majority have followed suit too
e)the unease of the board members became apparent
580-Anticyclones are usually characterized by __________.
a. dry, fair weather
b. high winds and cloudiness
c. gustiness and continuous precipitation
d. overcast skies
581-Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in __________.
a. underlined letters
b. capital letters
c. italics
d. boldface print
582-A tug is "in irons" when held in a fixed position by .
a.the weight of its tow, its being anchored, or grounded
b.the towing hawser snagged on the bottom adverse current
d.lack of power or an engine breakdown
583-The "head of the bend" is the __________.

a. top or upstream beginning of a bend

b. bottom or downstream beginning of a bend
c. midpoint or center radius of a bend
d. center line or apex of a bend
584-Examining the plans for the helicopter facilities is the part of
a-Safety Equipment Certificate Survey
b-Safety Installations Certificate Survey
c-Load Line Certificate Survey
d-Classification Certificate Survey
e-Special Arrangements Certificate Survey
586- What occurs when the boundary between a cold and a warm air mass does not
move in any direction?
a-wave-like air mass
c-occluded front
d-stationary front
587-Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine..
a-it has been in a use for a specified interval
b-it gets dark in color
c-a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin
d-it no longer supports combustion
e-its viscosity is increased
589- Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..
a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales
590-Which type of verification Survey consists of an examination of the plans diagrams
other technical documantation to verify that the structure, machinery and equipment
relevant to the particular certificate?
d-paln approval e-periodical
591- Examining the arrangements for remote closing for the valves oil fuel, lubricating oil
and other flammable parts of
a-Safety Equipment Survey
b-Safety Construction Survey
c-Safety Engine Survey
d-Int. Oil. Pol. Prev. Cert.
e-Oil Seperation and Filtering Equipment Survey
592- Generally speaking, nautical charting takes the form of charts........ or computerized
electronic navigational charts used for the safe operation of vessels around the world.
a-printed on discs
b-downloaded by anyone
c-printed on record card system
d-downloaded software on electronic databases

e-printed on paper
593-The supplement of the IOPP Certificate what type of ... diye devam ediyor
a-A checklist of equipment instaded for controlling the discharge of oil
b-the grades of cargo that ship is permitted to carry
c-The trade routes upon which the vessel may operate
d-A list of underwrites who will assume financial responsibility in the event of an oil spill
594-The hoods over galley ranges present what major hazard?
A) Grease collects in the duct and filter and if it catches fire is difficult to extinguish.
B) In order to effectively draw off cooking heat they present a head-injury hazard to a person of
average or more height.
C) They inhibit the effective operation of fire fighting systems in combating deep fat fryer or
range fires.
D) They concentrate the heat of cooking and may raise surrounding flammable material to the
ignition point.
595-Moulded depth is measured from the.........
a.inside of the shell
b.outside of the shell of the center vertical keel of the garboard strake of the stringer plate
596-When considering about "at sea maintenance" is concerned with following
A- cargo ship safety certificate
B- cargo ship construction certificate
C- cargo ship radio certificate
D- ship cargo safety equipment certificate
597-Inert gas system for the oil tankers is checked during....
safety equipment cert.
598-If you are bunkering and you close off one tank in the line of tanks being filled, the
rate of flow to other open tanks on the same line will __________.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) stop
d) remain constant
599-A person report to you with a fishhook in his thumb. To remove it you should ..
a) have a surgeon remove it
b) pull it out with pliers
c) cut the skin from around the hook
d) push the barb throught , cut it off, then remove the hook
600-Which type of verification Survey consists of an examination of the plans diagrams
other technical documantation to verify that the structure,machinery and equipment
relevant to the particular certificate?
d-paln approval
601.Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in
A) Snow
B) Freezing Rain

C) Hail
D) Sleet
602-When chipping rust on a vessel, the MOST important piece of safety gear is ..
A) a hard hat
B) gloves
C) goggles D) a long sleeve shirt
603-Beams are cambered to .
a)increase their strength
b) provide drainage from the decks
c) relieve deck stress
d) All of the above
604-Line throwing equipment should NOT be operated __________.
a. during a rain storm
b. near a lifeboat station
c. in an explosive atmosphere
d. by other than licensed officers
605-The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately
a. apply ointment to the burned area
b. flood the affected area with water
c. wrap the burn with sterile dressing
d. apply an ice pack to the burned area
606- A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the
cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is
this document called?
a)Damage Bill of Lading
b)Letter of Indemnity
c)Non-negotiable Bill of Lading
d)Unclean Bill of Lading
607- What statement is not true regarding service ships?
a) Cable layers lay and repair transoceanic cables.
b) Dredgers deepen the canals,clear the muddy bottoms of waterways or ports.
c)Tugboats tow ships and asist large vessels in manoeuvring.
d)lashships are designed to c refrigrated cargo.
e) Icebreakers open lanes through icy waters.
608- The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit. what sentence
below has the same meaning?
a) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it.
b) quantity of oit is separad and controlled by control unit
c)theoil quantity in water is separated by control unit
d)Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water.
e) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit.
609-slop,sludge tanklarinin bilgilerinin bulunduu sertifika hangisidir?
b)Intern. sewage polition prev.
c)ship construction cert.
610- What occurs when the boundary between a cold and a warm air mass does not
move in any direction?
a)wave-like air mass b)cyclone c)occluded front d)stationary front e)anticyclone
611- Generally speaking, nautical charting takes the form of charts........ or computerized
electronic navigational charts used for the safe operation of vessels around the world.

a) printed on discs
b) downloaded by anyone
c) printed on record card system
d) downloaded software on electronic databases
e)printed on paper
612-A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. In the Northern
Hemisphere, this would indicate that it will __________ .
A) shift in a clockwise manner
B) shift in a counterclockwise manner
C) continue blowing from the same direction
D) decrease in velocity
613- The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is ..
a. the catenary dragging on the bottom b. swamping of the tow c. the tow tending to dive d. Yaw
614-Depths which have been measured are indicated by the numbers shown on the
chart. Depths on charts published in most parts of the world use ..
a) meters
b) feet
615 -Safety Measures For Crude Oil Washing Operations for crude oil washing, the Chief
Officer shall carry out the following safety matters and shall also observe the safety
regulations on crude oil washing provided by the terminal (if any). Some terminals
require the vessel to complete the terminal specific safety Questionnaire / Permit /
Checklists prior to granting permission for approval. In addition, he shall follow the
safety precautions as laid in the relevant section of the Latest version of ISGOTT.
The following shall be not used and isolated prior to carrying COW:
Between tank cleaning lines and overboard discharge or Engine Room
a) Tank Cleaning Heaters (to be blanked)
b) Overboard Discharge Lines (to be isolated)
c) Portable Washing Machines (not to be used for COW and their hydrants blanked)
d) Cargo Sea Chests (to be blanked)
e) all above byle bir soru yok all above hepsi dorudur eklnde sorableceinden
616-_____________should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new
hydraulic pump.
a) The relief filters should be readjusted
b) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently
c) System pressures should be readjusted
d) The fluid should be drained and renewed
e) All above
617-During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the
port state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used
b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities
c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator
618-What is NOT a treatment for traumatic shock?
a) Keep the patient wam but not hot.
b) Have the injured person lie down.
c)Massage the arms and legs to restore circulation.
d) Relieve the pain of the injury.

619-The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
by pinching the victim's nostrils and_________________.
a)cupping a hand artund the patient's mouth
b) keeping the head elevated
c)applying his mouth tightty over the victim,s
d) holding the jaw down firmly
620-Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after
a repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or
renewals are made.
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey
b)Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey
I-Bend the person sightly forward
II-Repeat untill the object is expelled from the airway
III-Make a first with one hand and place it slightly above the persons navel (gbek)
IV-Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around his or her waist
V- Grasp your first wtih the other hand and press into the abdomen
622-The quantity of oil in separated water is controlled by a control unit. What sentence
below has the same meaning?
a) Control unit controls the oil quantity and separate it.
b) The quantity of oil is separated and controlled by control unit
c) The oil quantity in water is separated by control unit
d) Control unit controls the oil quantity in separated water.
e) Separated water in oil is controlled by control unit.
623-Which precaution should be taken when testing a line throwing gun?
a. Never remove the line from the rocket.
b. Fire it at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the horizon.
c. Wear asbestos gloves.
d. All of the above
624-Swl (load) kim tarafndan kontrol edilir?
a) Harbour master
b) Llyod
c) Recognsed ogansed
d) Port authorty
e) Mnstry commerce
625-Depth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.
a) Datum
b) Information
c) Line
d) Scale


626-In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is __________.

A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
627-What is the primary purpose for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)?
a. DSC provides reception of weather and navigational warnings plus search and rescue

b. DSC provides low-cost, routine communications for the vessel operator.

c. DSC is to be used for transmitting and receiving distress alerts to and from other ships
or coast radio stations via radio.
d. This aids SAR authorities in tracking a vessel's position by satellite.
628-Marine Survayor gemiyi kontrol ettikten sonra hangi raporu yazar?
b)an expert
629-gemide cargo plann kim hazrlar?

d) master

630-cargo havalandirmasinda 3kuralinda, should a.... ventilation if out of air below 3

gibi deiik bir soru vardi.
a)ship sweat
b)cargo sweat
d)dehumiditfier (harf hatasi olabilir)
e)hygrostatic cargo (harf hatasi olabilir)
631-every vessel should maintain a proper.... by sight and hearing.
b)speed and course
d)look out
632-radio operator must be receving and .............. distress,urgency safety.
633-gemiadamlarinin kamaralarinda ..... canyelegi giyecei hakknda bilgi vardir.
a) why
b) how
c) when
634-Good housekeeping on a vessel prevents fires by __________.
A) allowing better access in an emergency
B) eliminating potential fuel sources
C) eliminating trip hazards
D) improving personnel qualifications
635-One method of controlling rats on vessels is by rat-proofing. Rat-proofing is accomplished
by __________.
A) installing rat guards on the mooring lines when in port
B) keeping foods protected and avoiding the accumulation of garbage
C) eliminating possible living spaces for rats when the ship is constructed
D) trapping and/or poisoning the rats
636-What represents poor sanitary procedures?
A) Keep and use a separate filling hose for potable (drinking) water.
B) Locate potable (drinking) water tanks as low as possible in the bilge.
C) Eliminate enclosed spaces in which trash, food particles, dirt may gather.
D) After washing dishes with soap and warm water, sterilize them in water of at least 170F (76.7C).

637-Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or towing engine should
A) be open to view so, if a foreign object gets in the gearing, the operator can immediately stop
the machinery
B) have a guard over the gearing

C) be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the gearing
D) not be operated if there is any crew within 10 feet of the machinery
638-First-, second-, and third-degree burns are classified according to the __________.
A) area of the body burned B) source of heat causing the burn
C) layers of skin affected D) size of the burned area
639-For small, first-degree burns the quickest method to relieve pain is to __________.
A) immerse the burn in cold water
B) administer aspirin
C) apply petroleum jelly
D) apply a bandage to exclude air
640-If a crewman suffers a second-degree burn on the arm, you should __________.
A) drain any blisters
B) apply antiseptic ointment
C) scrub the arm thoroughly to prevent infection
D) immerse the arm in cold water
641-Severe airway burns can cause __________.
A) nausea
B) reddening of cheeks
C) complete obstruction of respiratory passages
D) nosebleed
642-The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to __________.
A) wash the burned area with a warm soap and water solution
B) flood, bathe, or immerse the burned area in cold water
C) cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandage it tightly
D) leave the burned area exposed to the atmosphere
643-The FIRST treatment of a person suspected of having airway burns is to __________.
A) move him to a cool location
B) maintain an open airway
C) apply a cool damp dressing to his neck
D) have him drink cool liquids
644-The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately .
A) apply ointment to the burned area
B) flood the affected area with water
C) wrap the burn with sterile dressing
D) apply an ice pack to the burned area
645-The most important concern in treating a person with extensive burns is __________.
A) reducing disfigurement
B) preventing infection
C) cooling with ice water
D) reducing swelling
646-Camber, in a ship, is usually measured in __________.
A) feet per feet of breadth
B) feet per feet of length
C) inches per feet of breadth
D) inches per feet of length


647-The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the
beams and the frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the __________.
A) garboard strake
B) limber strake
C) sheer strake
D) stringer strake
648-The fittings used to secure a watertight door are known as __________.
A) clamps
B) clasps
C) dogs
D) latches
649-The wooden planking that protects the tank top from cargo loading is called
a) ceiling
B) shores
C) frames
D) toms
650-The strength of a deck will be increased by adding __________.
A) camber B) deck beam brackets
C) hatch beams
D) sheer
651-A deck fitting, used to secure line or wire rope, consisting of a single body with two
protruding horns is called a __________.
A) bitt B) bollard C) capstan D) cleat
652-Passenger ship Safety Equipment Certificate Validity,
A) 12 Months
B) 24 Months
C) 36 Months
D) 5 Years

E) 48 Months

653-During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the
port state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used
b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities
c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator
654-In what do class C fires occur?
a)combustible metals
b)electrical equipment
c)wood, paper, cloth etc.
d)vapour of flammable liquids
e)fuel oil or lubrication oil
655-The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason ..
a) for the existence of ships
b) when cargo is loaded
c) if the ship is to discharge at more than one port
d) for the carriage of passengers
e) for the existence of Cargo
656-Which statement is not true regarding grain?
a)Grain isnt stowed near wet cargo.
b)Grain can swell in hold.
c)Grain can be secured by shifting boats.
d)Grain needs lashing while stowing.
e)Grain can emit odour.
657-The word material in this context means

a) anything out of which something is made

b) cloth
c) belonging to the world; not spiritual
d) essential or important
e) equipment
658-The purpose of the writer, a captain, in writing this letter is to
a) exact a wide sort of information.
b) create a worth while and practical course.
c) thank the Institute mentioned.
d) select an assistant harbour master.
e) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.
659-Which of the following is carried on board in compliance with MARPOL?
a) Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
b) The Certificate of Registry
c) An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
d) Search and Rescue Cooperation Plan
e) Certificates for Master, Officers or Ratings
660-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is
that __________.
A) it is easily damaged
B) it is affected by temperature
C) the links lose strength if placed over corners
D) it has high initial cost
661-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is
that it __________.
A) can wrap around Cargo
B) is easily damaged
C) is affected by temperature
D) does not absorb shock
662-A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is
that it is __________.
A) heavy
B) easily damaged C) affected by temperature D) costly relative to the strength
663-The lashings used on Ro-Ro vessels should be capable of withstanding the forces of
A) rolling
B) pitching
C) heaving
D) All of the above
664-The lashings used on Ro-Ro vessels should be capable of withstanding the forces of
A) pitching and heaving
B) rolling
C) any force of gravity acting on the lashes
D) All of the above
665-What may NOT be used when securing heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A) Chain lever
B) Turnbuckle

C) Webbing
D) Chain
666-Accumulations of oily rags should be __________.
A) kept in nonmetal containers
B) discarded as soon as possible
C) cleaned thoroughly for reuse
D) kept in the paint locker
667-Which statement about entry into a water ballast tank that has been sealed for a long
time is TRUE?
A) A "buddy system" should be used where someone enters the tank with you.
B) Sea water acts on the ship's metal and generates chlorine gas which may accumulate in
poisonous quantities.
C) You should always wear a gas mask.
D) After ventilation and testing, and the tank is found safe for entry, someone should
stand by at the tank entrance while you are inside.
668-Which statement about entering into a tank which has been sealed for a long time is
A) The tank should be tested only once to ensure the oxygen content is at least 14% before
B) The tank must be tested at frequent intervals to ensure that hazardous gasses have
not regenerated.
C) The tank need not be tested for oxygen content if it is ventilated for more than 24 hours.
D) If the oxygen content tests at less than 12% you should wear an approved gas mask.
669-Which hazard probably would NOT be encountered when entering an empty but
uncleaned fish hold?
A) Lack of oxygen
B) Methane gas
C) Hydrogen sulfide gas
D) Carbon monoxide
670-What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?
A) For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
B) For the instant that it is made
C) Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
D) Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the
671-Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
A) over an electrically heated platinum filament
B) where it is mixed with nitrogen
C) where it is ignited by a sparking device
D) where its specific gravity is measured
672-A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too __________.
A) rich to burn
B) lean to burn
C) cool to burn
D) dense to burn
673-Which statement about pneumatic chipping tools is TRUE?
A) The equipment shall be secured to the hose by a quick-disconnect coupling to prevent
the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.

B) The equipment must be grounded to prevent shock hazard.

C) The chipping mechanism is made of non-sparking material that is safe to use near explosive
D) The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced when they have been blunted
more than of their diameter.
674-When using a pneumatic chipping tool all of the following are TRUE except?
A) The equipment is not required to be grounded to prevent shock hazard.
B) It is not intended to be used in an explosive atmosphere.
C) The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced when they have been
blunted more than of their diameter.
D) The equipment shall be secured to the hose by a quick-disconnect coupling to prevent the
tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.
675-When chipping rust on a vessel, the MOST important piece of safety gear is .
A) a hard hat
B) gloves C) goggles
D) a long sleeve shirt
676-Safety goggles or glasses are NOT normally worn when __________.
A) using a rotary grinder with an installed shield
B) letting go the anchor
C) handling wire rope or natural fiber line
D) painting with a spray gun
677-Harmonized sorvey (3 February 2000) hangisinin kapsamna girmez diyor.
a-)antifouling convention
b-)solas convention
c-)marpol convention
d-)load line convention
e-)dangerous cargo
678-Trkiyede draft markalarn kim onaylar?
a) Maritime Administration
b)harbour and Port Authority
d)Bayrak Devleti
679-To put out a fire is;
a) fire prevention
b) fire detection
c) fire extinction
d) fire installation
e) none
680-Every vessel shoul maintain a proper.... by sight and hearing.
b)speed and course
d)look out
681-Should be print out of...


682-During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the
port state control officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account:
a) If reception facilities have been used

b) If there is any inadequacy of such facilities

c) The quantity of oil residues generated
d) The capacity of sludge and bilge water tank and the capacity of the oily-water separator
683-International Signals Code Book includes signals for:
A) Emergency-Distress-Casualties-Damages,
B) Aids to Navigation-Navigation-Hydrography,
C) Manoeuvres-Meteorology-Communications,
D) Sanitary Regulations and Medical Section,
E) All the above.
684-Make a lee for .......................
a) my vessel
b) fire

c) spaces

d) destination

e) overtake

685-Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the __________.

A) Solas Certificate is issued
B) Load Line Certificate is renewed
C) classification society approval is issued
D) permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued
686-A shore is a piece of securing dunnage that __________.
A) runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle
B) is also known as a "distance piece"
C) is placed on the deck under the cargo to distribute its weight evenly
D) is run horizontally from a support to the cargo
687-What is the main purpose of dunnage?
A) To act as ballast for light vessels
B) To provide ventilation and drainage for Cargo
C) To secure the tarpaulins in place
D) To support weakened bulkheads
688- In the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is __________.
A) placed on deck to support the Cargo
B) separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C) shims for stowing baled cargo
D) nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
689-Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as __________.
A) contamination
B) oxidation
C) tainting
D) vaporization
690-Odorous cargoes are those that __________.
A) are susceptible to damage by tainting
B) are exceptionally dusty and leave a residue
C) are liquid, but in containers
D) give off fumes that may damage other cargoes
691-When the dew point of the outside air is higher than the dew point of the air in the
cargo hold, you should ______.
A) energize the exhaust blowers
B) energize the intake blowers
C) not ventilate the cargo holds
D) ventilate the cargo holds
692-When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the
air in the cargo hold, you should _______.

A) secure all ventilation

B) shut down the exhaust blowers
C) shut down the intake blowers
D) ventilate the cargo holds
693- An immersion suit must be equipped with a/an __________.
A) air bottle for breathing
B) orange smoke canister
C) whistle, light and retroreflective material
D) sea dye marker
694-For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the
A) waterline
B) freeboard deck
C) Plimsoll mark
D) amidships section
695-What is the danger to people when co2 discharged in small enclosed space
a) electric shock
b) respiratory arrest
c) frostbite
696-A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
a. the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
b. warnings are printed out for reading when convenient
c. broadcasts are at scheduled times
d. a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission
697-Difference in terms between in tonnes Displacement of the ship in Summer Line and
S.G: 1.025, and Light Weight of the ship.
a. Net tonaj
b. Gros tonaj
c. Constant
d. Deadweight
698- Which one of the following organization an act behalf of Turkish Administration?
c)Port Master
699-Damage surveyden sonra surveyorler rapor ksmna gelnce parasn ve .. yazarlar
a-Tme b-Report c-Repair d-Mantanence
700- Elektrik yangnlar hangisiyle sndrlr?
701-Issued "cert. of classification"
a. Tuskish Loyd
b. Germaniesh Loyd
c. Harbour Master
d. None above
e. DNV (det norske veritas)

702-The fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the
beams and the frames and keeps the beams square to the
shell is called the __________.
a. garboard strake
b. limber strake
c. sheer strake
d. stringer strake
703-Which is NOT a required entry in the ship's Official Logbook?
a. Sale of effects of a deceased crew member
b. Medical treatment of an injury
c. Inspections of cargo gear
d. Dry docking of the vessel
705. A power driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside on the Mississippi River
shall carry
a. two masthead lights, side lights and stern lights
b. two masthead lights, side lights and two towing lights
c. side lights and two towing lights
d. one masthead light, side lights and stern lights
706. A power driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside on the Mississippi River
shall exhibit
a. two masthead lights, side lights and stern lights
b. two masthead lights, side lights and two towing lights
c. side lights and two towing lights
d. one masthead light, side lights and stern lights
707. You see the display of lights shown. This indicates a vessel ..
a. engaged a fishing, making way
b. engaged a fishing, at anchor
c. engaged a trawling, making way
d. on pilotage duty, making way
708. The lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibit
a. from sunrise to sunset in rescticted visibility
b. at all times
c. from sunrise to sunset and at no other time
d. whenever a look-out is posted
709. You are an anchor watch. As an aid to preventing thievery on the vessel you should ..

a. show running lights, anchor lights and deck lights

b. only show the required anchor lights and keep the rest of the vessel darkened.
c. maintain water on deck with fire hoses led out and all purpose nozzles attached.
d. show anchor lights, deck lights and cargo lights hang over the vessels side.
710. A law enforcement boat may display a ..
a. blue flag
b. flashing blue light

c. flashing red light

d. flashing amber light
711. Under the rules, the term vessel doesnt include .
a. seaplane
b. wing in ground craft
c. hovercraft
d. All of the above
712. Using a safety factor of five, determine what is the safe working load for 3-1/2 inch
Manila line with a breaking stress of 4,9 tons.
a. 0.85 tons
b. 0.96 tons
c. 2.45 tons
d. 12.25 tons
713. Which of the following statement (s) is/are TRUE regarding twin pedestal cranes ?
a. Each single boom is of the partial level luffing type and is capable of limited rotation.
b. A slew drive system provides for rotation of each crane.
c. An independent slew drive system rotates the turntable.
d. All of the above
714. To reconnect a broken towline, it is better to use a polypropylen messenger line
because it ..
a. has great strenght
b. is very supple
c. floats
d. absorbs shock by stretching
715. A mean sun is used as the referance for solar time for three reasons. Which reason
is not a cause for use of a mean sun?
a. The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic.
b. Measurement of the time is along the celestial equador.
c. The speed of the Earths revolution is not constant.
d. There are variations in the Earths rotational speed.
716. An aneroid barometer reading should be corrected for differences in .
a. elevation
b. temperature
c. wind speed
d. latitude
717. Mars will not be visible .
a. at elongation angles near 180
b. from quadrature to opposition
c. at conjunction
d. at opposition
718. Which of the following documents Turkish Lloyd doesnt approve?
a. Deck log book
b. safety management cert.
c. safety equipment cert.
d. stabilite book
e. fire plan


719. A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the
cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is
this document called?
a)Damage Bill of Lading
b)Letter of Indemnity
c)Non-negotiable Bill of Lading
d)Unclean Bill of Lading
720. when considering about "At sea maintenance" is concerned with following;
a) Cargo ship safety certificate
b) Cargo ship construction certificate
c) cargo ship radio certificate
d) cargo ship safety equipment certificate
e) cargo ship maintenance certificate
721. Which is not control during the radio installation survey?
A) Deck log book
B) Radio record book
C) Operator certificated
D) Radio certificated issued by flag administrator
E) Up to itu publication
722. ................... use many credentials, letters, and terms such as "accredited",
"certified", "qualified", "AMS", "CMS", etc. fill in the blanks
c)marine survey
e)harbour master
723. If is there more thab one unconscious and _____ casualt. You must start first aid in
order of dont have pulse,Have severe bleeding, conscious
a) Bleeding
b) Breathing
c) Vomitting
d) Asphyx.
724. inert gas hangi sertifikaya tabi

*****safety equipment cert.*****

725. what is the Burthen tonnage?

a)light displacement
b)loaded displacement
e)net register tonnage
726. Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..
a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales
727. Which precaution should be taken when testing a line throwing gun?
a. Never remove the line from the rocket.
b. Fire it at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to the horizon.

c. Wear asbestos gloves.

d. All of the above
728. Ak guvertelere ve gvertede gvenlik iin yaplan boya hangisidir?
Non-slip paint
729. Swl (load) kim tarafndan kontrol edilir?
a) Harbour master
b) Llyod
c) Recognsed ogansed
d) Port authorty
e) Mnstry commerce
730. Which is not charcteristic of liner trade?
a) liner conference system
b) designated ports
c) hire for shipment
d) fixed schedule
e) published rates
731. Examining the arrangements for remote closing for the valves oil fuel, lubricating oil
and other flammable parts of
a-Safety Equipment Survey
b-Safety Construction Survey
c-Safety Engine Survey
d-Int. Oil. Pol. Prev. Cert.
e-Oil Seperation and Filtering Equipment Survey
732. Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine..
a-it has been in a use for a specified interval
b-it gets dark in color
c-a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin
d-it no longer supports combustion
e-its viscosity is increased
733. Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..
a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-the latest editions
e-the sales
734. Inspection, either general or partial according to the circumstances, to be made after
a repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or
renewals are made.
The sentence above is the definition of,
a) additional survey
b)Intermediate survey
c) Annual survey
d) Periodical survey
e) Renewal survey
735. When considering about "at sea maintenance" is concerned with following
A- cargo ship safety certificate
B- cargo ship construction cer.

C-cargo ship radio cert.

D- ship cargo safety equipment certificate
736. The main reasons to coat (kaplamak) the underwater full is for ...... and fouling
a) Corrosion
737. .......... is an air masses that two different temperature meet ( gibi bireydi)
738. Yklemenin tamamlandnn onaylanm zaman nerde yazldr.
a) daft survey report
b) NOR
c) SOF
2319. What is NOT generally a characteristic of inhaling light naphtha? (Gaz ya benzeri bir eyi
a. Dizziness
b. Headache
c. Vomiting
d. Coughing
You are attempting to recover a mooring buoy. If you approach the object on the port tack, how would
you slow the vessel as you draw near?
a. Quickly change to a starboard tack as you reach the object.
b. Shift the rudder from port to starboard several times as you reach the object.
c. Bring the wind so that it comes over the stern and ease all the sheets.
d. Bring the wind directly over the bow and allow the sails to luff.
What is the purpose of a centerboard when sailing on a tack?
a. To reduce heeling of the vessel
b. To add weight stability
c. To reduce side slip of the vessel
d. To prevent the vessel from jibing
What is required in addition to the heat, fuel, and oxygen of the fire triangle to have a fire?
a. Chain reaction
b. Electricity
c. Pressure
d. Smoke
Sideways movement of the mast is resisted by the __________.
a. shrouds
b. halyards
c. sheets
d. forestay
A marker pole, with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached, should be used to __________.
a. mark the position of a lost mooring
b. determine your vessel's sideslip underway
c. determine your speed through the water
d. indicate location of a man overboard
What does the term "head" mean when applied to a fire pump?
a. Length of the discharge pipe
b. Height of the discharge pipe
c. Difference between the discharge and suction pressures
d. Sum of discharge and suction pressures
An uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other well fluids into the atmosphere is called a __________.

a. flow
b. breakout
c. kick
d. blowout
You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by name and show her
a. home port
b. next port-of-call
c. Master
d. official number
An entry of water, gas, oil, or other formation fluid into the wellbore is called a __________.
a. blowout
b. kick
c. gusher
d. flow
Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes __________.
a. monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode
b. reading all displays and/or printouts after silencing an alarm
c. notifying the Master of any distress alerts
d. All of the above
Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes __________.
a. understanding the GMDSS console's normal operational indicators
b. maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log
c. responding to and comprehending alarms
d. All of the above
Which extinguishing agent is effective in combating an isoprene fire?
a. Dry chemicals
b. CO2
c. Foam
d. All the above
The platform that supports the derrickman when tripping pipe is called the __________.
a. Texas deck
b. water table
c. stabbing board
d. monkey board
Which product is volatile? (uucu)
a. Benzene
b. Diesel fuel
c. Coal tar
d. Heavy industrial fuel oil
The international shore connection __________.
a. permits discharge of waste oil
b. allows hook up of fire hoses from a dock or another vessel
c. satisfies pollution prevention requirements
d. allows emergency use of the fire main for deballasting
To prevent the spread of fire by conduction you should __________.
a. shut off all electrical power
b. close all openings to the area
c. cool the bulkheads around the fire
d. remove combustibles from direct exposure
Which statement(s) is(are) TRUE regarding heaving-to?

a. A sloop will heave to with her jib and mainsail aback.

b. A ketch will heave to with her jib and mizzen aback.
c. A yawl will heave to with her jib aback, main sheet eased, and her mizzen sheeted in.
d. All of the above are correct.
As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass __________.
a. first turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port
b. also turns to starboard
c. remains aligned with compass north
d. turns counterclockwise to port
Heavy fuel oils when spilled are __________.
a. more harmful to sea life than lighter oils
b. easier to clean up than lighter refined oils
c. less harmful to sea life than lighter oils
d. not a real threat to marine life
Using a sea anchor will __________.
a. reduce your drift rate
b. keep the liferaft from turning over
c. aid in recovering the liferaft
d. increase your visibility
Which lifesaving equipment must be tested monthly?
a. Inflatable PFD's
c. Hydrostatic releases
d. Dated batteries
The lubber's line of a magnetic compass __________.
a. always shows true north direction
b. indicates the vessel's heading
c. is always parallel to the vessel's transom
d. is located on the compass card
Seawater may be used for drinking __________.
a. under no conditions
b. at a maximum rate of two ounces per day
c. if gathered during or immediately after a hard rain
d. after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh water
Under the Pollution Regulations, garbage disposal records must be kept __________.
a. two years
b. one year
c. until the next Coast Guard inspection
d. until the end of the voyage
A vessel would be referred to as "stiff" when the weight of the cargo is __________.
a. evenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are full
b. concentrated low and the double bottoms are empty
c. concentrated low and the double bottoms are full
d. concentrated high and the double bottoms are empty
Which statement about the free surface correction is TRUE?
a. It is added to GM at light drafts and subtracted at deep drafts.
b. It is increased if the slack tank is not on the centerline.
c. It is decreased if the slack tank is below the KG of the vessel.
d. The correction decreases as the draft increases
If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity, there will always be
an increase in the __________.

a. metacentric height
b. righting arm
c. righting moment
d. vertical moments
What is one of the FIRST actions you should take after abandoning and clearing away from a vessel?
a. Identify the person in charge.
b. Gather up useful floating objects.
c. Prepare for arrival of rescue units.
d. Arrange watches and duties.
Life jackets should be marked with the __________.
a. maximum weight allowed
b. stowage space assigned
c. vessel's home port
d. vessel's name
Each emergency light must be marked with __________.
a. the letter "E"
b. an arrow pointing to the nearest exit
c. a no-smoking symbol
d. the word "DANGER"
In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must be closed to prevent the spread of fire by
a. ventilation
b. convection
c. radiation
d. conduction
All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT __________.
a. fuel
b. electricity
c. oxygen
d. heat
Which statement is TRUE concerning life jackets which are severely damaged?
a. They should be replaced.
b. They must be tested for buoyancy before being continued in use.
c. They can be repaired by a reliable seamstress.
d. They can be used for children.
The discharge side of every fire pump must be equipped with a __________.
a. gate valve
b. pressure gauge
c. check valve
d. strainer
Which is TRUE concerning immersion suits and their use?
a. Only a light layer of clothing may be worn underneath.
b. They provide sufficient flotation to do away with the necessity of wearing a life jacket.
c. They should be tight fitting.
d. A puncture in the suit will not appreciably reduce its value.
A quick and rapid motion of a MODU in a seaway is an indication of a(n) __________.
a. large GM
b. high center of gravity
c. excessive free surface
d. small GZ
A slow and easy motion of a MODU in a seaway is an indication of a __________.

a. small GM
b. low center of gravity
c. stiff vessel
d. large GZ
Convection spreads a fire by __________.
a. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space
b. burning liquids flowing into another space
c. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metal
d. heated gases flowing through ventilation systems
A semisubmersible with a negative GM flops to an angle of __________.
a. heel
b. trim
c. list
d. loll
The external inflation bladder on an immersion suit should be inflated __________.
a. before you enter the water
b. after you enter the water
c. after one hour in the water
d. after you notice that your suit is losing buoyancy
An immersion suit should be equipped with a/an __________.
a. air bottle for breathing
b. whistle and hand held flare
c. whistle, strobe light and reflective tape
d. whistle, hand held flare and sea dye marker
Which statement concerning immersion suits is TRUE?
a. Immersion suits should be worn while performing routine work on deck.
b. After purchasing, the suit should be stowed in the storage bag in which it was received.
c. During the annual maintenance, the front zipper should be lubricated using light machine oil or
mineral oil.
d. Any tear or leak will render the suit unserviceable and it must be replaced.
Which statement is TRUE concerning life jackets?
a. Buoyant vests may be substituted for life jackets.
b. Life jackets are designed to turn an unconscious person's face clear of the water.
c. Life jackets must always be worn with the same side facing outwards to float properly.
d. Lightly stained or faded life jackets will fail in the water and should not be used.
Although KG for a MODU in lightweight is relatively high, the vessel is stiff because __________.
a. KM is small
b. KM is high
c. BL is small
d. KB is large
If you see an individual fall overboard, you should __________.
a. throw him/her a life buoy
b. hail "man overboard"
c. pass the word to the bridge
d. All of the above
Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges?
a. To keep them dry, and thus easier to clean
b. To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than air
c. To provide adequate air to the engines
d. To cool the machinery areas
While retrieving the survival craft, the engine should be stopped __________.

a. when the craft clears the water

b. when the cable has been attached
c. on approach to the platform
d. at the embarkation
A CO2 extinguisher which has lost 10% of its charge must be __________.
a. used at the earliest opportunity
b. hydro tested
c. recharged
d. weighed again in one month
To find the cause of a gasoline engine's failure to start, you should __________.
a. break the joint in the fuel line at the engine and let the gas run in the bilges
b. disconnect the wires at the spark plugs and make the spark jump the gap
c. prime the engine with ether through spark plug openings
d. ventilate the space, then check the battery, spark plugs, carburetor, and fuel line
The wooden plug fitted tightly in the vent of a damaged tank may prevent the tank from __________.
a. filling completely
b. developing free surfaces
c. developing free surface moments
d. collapsing
The tops of vents from gasoline tanks should terminate __________.
a. in open air
b. inside cabins
c. in machinery space
d. underwater
The center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the buoyant force __________.
a. only when there is positive stability
b. only when there is negative stability
c. only when there is neutral stability
d. at all times
Using a sea anchor will __________.
a. reduce the drift rate of the liferaft
b. keep the liferaft from turning over
c. aid in recovering the liferaft
d. increase your visibility
A safety feature provided on all inflatable liferafts is __________.
a. overhead safety straps
b. built in seats
c. internal releasing hooks
d. water stabilizing pockets
Which statement is TRUE concerning fire hose on a small passenger vessel?
a. Fire hose shall be at least 3/4" outside diameter.
b. One length of fire hose shall be provided for every two fire hydrants.
c. All fittings on hoses shall be of steel or other ferrous metal.
d. A length of hose with nozzle attached shall be attached to each fire hydrant at all times.
Gasoline vapor tends to collect __________.
a. above the floor plates of the bilges
b. above the carburetor level
c. at the lowest point of the bilge areas
d. at no particular level
Your sailing vessel is docked during a storm and is in continuous motion. If a mooring line parts due to
vessel motion, it will most likely do so __________.

a. where it is made fast on the vessel

b. midway between the vessel and the dock
c. at the eye
d. at the chock
Inflatable liferafts are provided with __________.
a. a portable radio
b. an oil lantern
c. canned milk
d. a towing bridle
Inflatable liferafts are provided with a __________.
a. Jackknife
b. towing connection
c. Lifeline
d. All of the above
Outlets in gasoline fuel lines are _____________,
a. permitted for drawing fuel samples
b. permitted for draining fuel from lines
c. permitted for bleeding air from lines
d. prohibited
Where should a tank barge's Certificate of Inspection be kept?
a. In the owner's office
b. In the operator's office
c. On the barge
d. On the towboat
While in port, what signal flag would inform the vessel's crew to report on board because the vessel was
about to proceed to sea?
a. "P"
b. "H"
c. "U"
d. "A"
When a sea anchor for a survival craft is properly rigged, it will __________.
a. completely stop the survival craft from drifting
b. help to prevent broaching
c. prevent the survival craft from pitching
d. prevent the survival craft from rolling
3457: Using a sea anchor will __________.
a. reduce your drift rate
b. keep the liferaft from turning over
c. aid in recovering the liferaft
d. increase your visibility
3458: When fighting a fire in a space containing an IMO class 1 hazardous cargo, the most effective fire
fighting procedure is to __________.
a. shut down the ventilation and exclude all air to smother the fire
b. use water from fire hoses or a sprinkler system
c. activate the fixed CO2 firefighting system
d. use high-expansion foam
A message by flashing light consists of the call, the identity, the text, and the __________.
a. destination
b. answer
c. time
d. ending

You are alone and administering CPR to an adult victim. How many chest compressions and how many
inflations should you administer in each sequence?
a. 5 compressions then 1 inflation
b. 15 compressions then 2 inflations
c. 20 compressions then 3 inflations
d. 30 compressions then 4 inflations
3680: When administering artificial respiration to an adult, the breathing cycle should be repeated about
a. 12 to 15 times per minute
b. 18 to 20 times per minute
c. 20 to 25 times per minute
d. as fast as possible
The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by pinching the
victim's nostrils and __________.
a. cupping a hand around the patient's mouth
b. keeping the head elevated
c. applying his mouth tightly over the victim's mouth
d. holding the jaw down firmly
Before CPR is started, you should __________.
a. establish an open airway
b. treat any bleeding wounds
c. insure the victim is conscious
d. make the victim comfortable
When administering artificial respiration, it is MOST important to __________.
a. monitor blood pressure
b. clear airways
c. use the rhythmic pressure method
d. know all approved methods
You may have to give artificial respiration after an accidental __________.
a. drowning
b. electrocution
c. poisoning
d. All of the above
If the patient vomits during mouth-to mouth resuscitation, the rescuer should FIRST __________.
a. ignore it and continue mouth-to-mouth ventilation
b. pause for a moment until the patient appears quiet again, then resume ventilation mouth-tomouth
c. switch to mouth-to-nose ventilation
d. turn the patient's body to the side, sweep out the mouth and resume mouth-to-mouth
Symptoms of heat stroke are __________.
a. cold and moist skin, high body temperature
b. cold and dry skin, low body temperature
c. hot and moist skin, high body temperature
d. hot and dry skin, high body temperature
3723: A patient suffering from heat exhaustion should be __________.
a. moved to a cool room and told to lie down
b. kept standing and encouraged to walk slowly and continuously
c. given a glass of water and told to return to work after 15 minutes of rest
d. None of the above is correct.


3724: Physical exertion on the part of a person who has fallen into cold water would __________.
a. be the best thing to try if there was no rescue in sight
b. increase survival time in the water
c. increase the rate of heat loss from the body
d. not affect the heat loss from the body
3725: A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of both feet. You should __________.
a. immerse the feet in warm water
b. warm the feet with a heat lamp
c. warm the feet at room temperature
d. rub the feet
3726: Treatment of frostbite includes __________.
a. rubbing affected area with ice or snow
b. rubbing affected area briskly to restore circulation
c. wrapping area tightly in warm cloths
d. warming exposed parts rapidly
A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of the right foot. Which is NOT an acceptable first aid
a. Rub the toes briskly.
b. Elevate the foot slightly.
c. Rewarm rapidly.
d. Give aspirin or other medication for pain if necessary.
3729: A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given __________.
a. a small dose of alcohol
b. treatment for shock
c. a large meal
d. a brisk rub down
3730: The symptoms of heat exhaustion are __________.
a. slow and strong pulse
b. flushed and dry skin
c. slow and deep breathing
d. pale and clammy skin
Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive __________.
a. loss of body temperature
b. loss of water and salt from the body
c. gain in body temperature
d. intake of water when working or exercising
Which procedure should be followed when individuals are rescued in cold climates and suffer from
a. Give them brandy or other alcoholic stimulation to promote a return to normal body
b. Move them to a warm room to gradually raise their body temperature.
c. Keep them moving to stimulate circulation to raise their body temperature.
d. Immerse them in a hot bath to rapidly raise their body temperature.
The most effective treatment for warming a crew member suffering from hypothermia is __________.
a. running or jumping to increase circulation
b. raising body temperature rapidly by placing hands and feet in hot water
c. bundling the body in blankets to rewarm gradually
d. laying prone under heat lamps to rewarm rapidly
A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should __________.
a. lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised
b. administer a liquid stimulant

c. lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet
d. attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness
3739: Which procedure should NOT be done for a person who has fainted?
a. Revive the person with smelling salts.
b. Loosen the clothing.
c. Lay the person horizontally.
d. Give pain reliever.
3740: The proper stimulant for an unconscious person is __________.
a. tea
b. coffee
c. whiskey and water
d. ammonia inhalant
A rescuer can most easily determine whether or not an adult victim has a pulse by checking the pulse at
the __________.
a. carotid artery in the neck
b. femoral artery in the groin
c. brachial artery in the arm
d. radial artery in the wrist
3743: An unconscious person should NOT be __________.
a. placed in a position with the head lower than the body
b. given an inhalation stimulant
c. given something to drink
d. treated for injuries until conscious
3744: Which should NOT be a treatment for a person who has received a head injury and is groggy or
a. Give a stimulant.
b. Elevate his head.
c. Stop severe bleeding.
d. Treat for shock.
3745: In reviving a person who has been overcome by gas fumes, what would you AVOID doing?
a. Giving stimulants
b. Prompt removal of the patient from the suffocating atmosphere
c. Applying artificial respiration and massage
d. Keeping the patient warm and comfortable
3746: A conscious victim who has suffered a blow to the head has symptoms that indicate the possibility
of concussion. If the patient feels no indication of neck or spine injury, recommended treatment would
include __________.
a. turning the victim's head to the side to keep his airway open
b. positioning the victim so the head is lower than the body
c. giving the victim water if he is thirsty, but no food
d. elevating the head and shoulders slightly with a pillow
3747: A person who gets battery acid in an eye should IMMEDIATELY wash the eye with __________.
a. boric acid solution
b. water
c. baking soda solution
d. ammonia
3748: A victim is coughing and wheezing from a partial obstruction of the airway. An observer should
a. perform the Heimlich maneuver
b. immediately start CPR
c. give back blows and something to drink
d. allow the person to continue coughing and dislodge the obstruction on his own

3749: If a person gets something in his or her eye and you see that it is not embedded, you can
a. get them to rub their eye until the object is gone
b. remove it with a match or toothpick
c. remove it with a piece of dry sterile cotton
d. remove it with a moist, cotton-tipped applicator
3750: While providing assistance to a victim of an epileptic seizure, it is most important to __________.
a. give artificial respiration
b. prevent patient from hurting himself
c. keep the patient awake and make him/her walk if necessary to keep him/her awake
d. remove any soiled clothing and put the patient in a clean bed
3751: A shipmate chokes suddenly, cannot speak, and starts to turn blue. You should __________.
a. perform the Heimlich maneuver
b. make the victim lie down with the feet elevated to get blood to the brain
c. immediately administer CPR
d. do nothing until the victim becomes unconscious
3752: A shipmate suffers a heart attack and stops breathing. You must __________.
a. administer oxygen
b. immediately check his pulse and start CPR
c. make the victim comfortable in a bunk
d. immediately give a stimulant, by force if necessary
First aid means __________.
a. medical treatment of accident
b. setting of broken bones
c. emergency treatment at the scene of the injury
d. dosage of medications
3755: To reduce mild fever the MOST useful drug is __________.
a. bicarbonate of soda
b. paregoric
c. aspirin
d. aromatic spirits of ammonia
3756: Treatment of sunstroke consists principally of __________.
a. cooling, removing to shaded area, and lying down
b. bathing with rubbing alcohol
c. drinking ice water
d. All of the above
3757: What are the symptoms of sun stroke?
a. Temperature falls below normal, pulse is rapid and feeble, skin is cold and clammy.
b. Temperature is high, pulse is strong and rapid, skin is hot and dry.
c. Temperature is high, pulse is slow and feeble, skin is clammy.
d. Temperature falls below normal, pulse is rapid, skin is clammy.
3758: To treat a person suffering from heat exhaustion, you should __________.
a. administer artificial respiration
b. put him in a tub of ice water
c. give him sips of cool water
d. cover him with a light cloth
3759: Seasickness is caused by rolling or rocking motions which affect fluids in the __________.
a. stomach
b. lower intestines
c. inner ear
d. bladder

3760: Symptoms of sea sickness include __________.

a. fever and thirst
b. nausea and dizziness
c. stomach cramps and diarrhea
d. reddening of skin and hives
3761: Symptoms of sugar diabetes include __________.
a. increased appetite and thirst
b. decreased appetite and thirst
c. gain in weight
d. elevated temperature
3762: The symptoms of a fractured back are __________.
a. leg cramps in the muscles in one or both legs
b. pain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and arms
c. vomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movement
d. pain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury
3763: What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
a. Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find
where it hurts
b. Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for
c. Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
d. Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
3764: What are symptom(s) of a ruptured appendix?
a. Dilated pupils and shallow breathing
b. Diarrhea and frequent urination
c. Muscle tenseness in almost the entire abdomen
d. Extreme sweating and reddening skin
3765: When administering first aid you should avoid __________.
a. any conversation with the patient
b. instructing bystanders
c. unnecessary haste and appearance of uncertainty
d. touching the patient before washing your hands
3766: The primary concern in aiding a back injury patient is __________.
a. relieving the patient's pain by giving aspirin or stronger medication
b. avoiding possible injury to the spinal cord by incorrect handling
c. preventing convulsions and muscle spasms caused by the pain
d. providing enough fluids to prevent dehydration
3767: When whistle signals are used for launching lifeboats, one short blast means __________.
a. "use the float-free method only"
b. "lower all boats"
c. "raise all boats"
d. "drill is over, secure all boats"
3768: What is one of the FIRST actions you should take after abandoning and clearing away from a
a. Identify the person in charge.
b. Gather up useful floating objects.
c. Prepare for arrival of rescue units.
d. Arrange watches and duties.
3769: You hear the general alarm and ship's whistle sound for over 10 seconds. Traditionally, this is the
signal for __________.
a. abandon ship
b. dismissal from fire and emergency stations
c. fire and emergency
d. man overboard
3770: The abandon ship signal is __________.
a. a continuous ringing of general alarm bells for at least 10 seconds
b. a continuous ringing of the general alarm, and sounding of the ship's whistle
c. more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blast of the ship's whistle and the same signal on
the general alarm bells
d. a continuous sounding of the ship's whistle

If you continue to wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning your vessel, it will
a. weigh you down
b. preserve body heat
c. reduce your body heat
d. make it more difficult to breathe
When a ship is abandoned and there are several liferafts in the water, one of the FIRST things to be
done is __________.
a. separate the rafts as much as possible to increase chances of detection
b. transfer all supplies to one raft
c. transfer all the injured to one raft
d. secure the rafts together to keep them from drifting apart
3779: If more than one liferaft is manned after the vessel has sunk, __________.
a. each raft should go in a different direction in search of land
b. the possibility of a search aircraft finding you is increased by spreading out
c. reduce the number of liferafts by getting as many people as possible into as few rafts as
d. tie each of the rafts together and try to stay in a single group
3780: One of the first actions to be taken by survivors when they have boarded an inflatable liferaft is to
a. stream the sea anchor
b. take an anti-seasickness pill
c. open the pressure relief valve
d. drink at least one can of water
You have abandoned ship in tropical waters. Which procedure should be used during a prolonged period
in a liferaft?
a. Wet clothes during the day to decrease perspiration.
b. Get plenty of rest.
c. Keep the entrance curtains open.
d. All of the above
When using the rainwater collection tubes of a liferaft, the FIRST collection should be __________.
a. passed around so all can drink
b. poured overboard because of salt washed off the canopy
c. saved to be used at a later time
d. used to boil food
When you hear three short blasts on the ship's whistle and the same signal on the general alarm bells,
you __________.
a. are required to be at your liferaft
b. are dismissed from drills
c. should point to the man overboard
d. should start the fire pump
During an abandonment or drill, the first person to arrive at the survival craft should __________.
a. pass out food and water to personnel
b. open the doors and start the sprinkler system
c. activate the emergency release handle
d. open the doors and prepare the craft for boarding
Which of the following steps should normally be taken first by those who have boarded a liferaft in an
emergency situation?
a. Ration food and water supplies
b. Search for survivors
c. Determine position and closest point of land
d. Check pyrotechnic supplies
If you have to jump in the water when abandoning ship, your legs should be __________.

a. spread apart as far as possible

b. held as tightly against your chest as possible
c. in a kneeling position
d. extended straight down and crossed at the ankles
Once the daily ration of drinking water in a survival situation has been established, the drinking routine
should include __________.
a. small sips at regular intervals during the day
b. a complete daily ration at one time during the day
c. one-third the daily ration three times during the day
d. small sips only after sunset
In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are
a. thirsty
b. sick or injured
c. wet
d. awake
Fire dampers prevent the spread of fire by __________.
a. convection
b. conduction
c. radiation
d. direct contact
You must ensure that lifesaving equipment is __________.
a. locked up
b. readily accessible for use
c. inaccessible to passengers
d. on the topmost deck of the vessel at all times
The capacity of any liferaft on board a vessel can be determined by __________.
a. examining the Certificate of Inspection
b. examining the plate on the outside of the raft container
c. referring to the Muster List ("Station Bill")
d. referring to the shipping articles
According to the regulations, the capacity of a liferaft is required to be marked __________.
a. on the Muster List ("Station Bill")
b. at the liferaft stowage location
c. on the Certificate of Inspection
d. in the Operations Manual
3855: Which document will describe lifesaving equipment located aboard your vessel?
a. Muster List ("Station Bill")
b. Certificate of Inspection
c. Forecastle Card
d. Clearance Papers
The signal given to commence lowering the lifeboats is __________.
a. 1 short blast on the ship's whistle
b. 3 short blasts on the ship's whistle
c. 3 long blasts on the ship's whistle
d. 1 long blast on the ship's whistle
You have hand launched an inflatable liferaft. What should be one of your FIRST actions after all
persons have boarded the liferaft?
a. Open the equipment pack.
b. Inflate the liferaft floor.
c. Decide on food and water rations.
d. Cut the sea painter and clear the vessel.

After abandoning ship which action should be taken IMMEDIATELY upon entering a liferaft?
a. Open equipment pack.
b. Issue anti-seasickness medicine.
c. Get clear of the ship.
d. Dry the liferaft floor and inflate.
You have abandoned ship in rough weather. After picking up other survivors in your liferaft, what should
you do next?
a. Close up the entrances.
b. Top up the buoyancy tubes.
c. Prepare for the arrival of rescue units.
d. Decide on food and water rations.
3939: You board an inflatable liferaft that has been hand launched from a sinking vessel. What should
you do FIRST after everyone is onboard the liferaft?
a. Cut the painter.
b. Operate the radio equipment.
c. Open the equipment pack.
d. Ventilate the liferaft of CO2.
3940: If you must swim through an oil fire, you should NOT __________.
a. wear as much clothing as possible
b. enter the water feet first
c. swim with the wind
d. cover eyes with one hand when entering the water
What is the most vulnerable part of the fire main system?
a. The fire pump
b. Exposed hard piping
c. The hydrant valve
d. The fire hose
If there's a fire aboard your vessel, you should FIRST __________.
a. notify the Coast Guard
b. have passengers put on life preservers
c. sound the alarm
d. cut off air supply to the fire
3960: A rigid lifesaving device designed to support survivors in the water is a __________.
a. rigid liferaft
b. life float
c. inflatable liferaft
d. survival capsule
Paints and solvents on a vessel should be __________.
a. stored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completed
b. resealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each use
c. covered at all times to protect from ignition sources
d. stored in a suitable gear locker
What is a FALSE statement concerning the line throwing appliance on a vessel?
a. A drill on its use must be held once every three months.
b. The actual firing is at the discretion of the Master.
c. The auxiliary line must be of a light color.
d. The auxiliary line must be at least 1500 feet long.
Convection spreads a fire by __________.
a. heated gases flowing through ventilation systems
b. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space
c. burning liquids flowing into another space
d. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metal
The most important concern in treating a person with extensive burns is __________.

a. reducing disfigurement
b. preventing infection
c. cooling with ice water
d. reducing swelling
What signal flag is the "Pilot Flag" ("I have a pilot on board")?
a. "P"
b. "C"
c. "H"
d. "Z"
The center of the underwater volume of a floating vessel is the __________.
a. center of buoyancy
b. center of flotation
c. uncorrected height of the center of gravity of the vessel
d. center of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effects
Under normal operating conditions, the rudder is hydraulically locked unless __________.
a. the manual trick wheel is engaged for steering
b. the variable stroke pump is off stroke
c. a rudder order is given by the control system
d. an electric power system failure occurs at the steering gear
Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the proper procedure in handling a fire hose?
a. A 1 inch hose should be deployed with a minimum of a nozzleman and hoseman.
b. The nozzleman should always hold the nozzle with one hand on top, to prevent kickback.
c. Back-up hosemen should be positioned wherever the hose makes a significant turn.
d. The fire hose should be partially charged before deploying it from the fire station.
4145: Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the proper procedure in handling a fire
a. A 1 inch hose should be deployed with a minimum of a nozzleman and hoseman.
b. Back-up hosemen should be placed wherever the hose makes a significant turn.
c. Use of a spanner wrench when attaching nozzles or additional lengths of hose is always
d. The nozzleman should always hold the nozzle with one hand on top, to prevent kickback.
Which statement about immersion suits is TRUE?
a. The suit's oil resistance is such that it will be serviceable and be usable after exposure to
gasoline or mineral spirits without needing to be specially treated.
b. The suit seals in body heat and provides protection against hypothermia indefinitely.
c. The suit is flameproof and provides protection to the wearer while swimming through burning
d. The suit must, without assistance, turn an unconscious person's mouth clear of the
water within 5 seconds.
Which statement about immersion suits is TRUE?
a. Prior to abandonment, the suit allows body movement such as walking, climbing a
ladder and picking up small objects.
b. The immersion suit seals in body heat and provides protection against hypothermia for weeks.
c. The suit is flameproof and provides protection to the wearer while swimming through burning
d. The wearer of the suit is severely restricted and requires twice the time to climb a ladder than
without the suit
Environmental loading consists of the forces caused by wind, waves, and __________.
a. drilling
b. soil reactions
c. temperature
d. current
Scouring usually occurs with soils such as __________.
a. clay
b. sand
c. coral
d. mud
Most covered lifeboats will right themselves after capsizing if the __________.

a. lower ballast tanks are filled with water

b. sea anchor is deployed to windward
c. fuel tanks are not less than half full
d. passengers are strapped to their seats
After you activate your emergency position indicating radio beacon, you should __________.
a. turn it off for five minutes every half-hour
b. turn it off and on at five-minute intervals
c. turn it off during daylight hours
d. leave it on continuously
If there's a fire aboard your vessel, you should FIRST __________.
a. sound the alarm
b. notify the Coast Guard
c. have passengers put on life preservers
d. cut off air supply to the fire
4785: What should you do with your emergency position indicating radio beacon if you are in a liferaft in
a storm?
a. Bring it inside the liferaft and leave it on.
b. Bring it inside the liferaft and turn it off until the storm passes.
c. Leave it outside the liferaft and leave it on.
d. Leave it outside the liferaft but turn it off.
There is a fire aft aboard your vessel. To help fight the fire, you should __________.
a. put the wind off either beam
b. put the stern into the wind and decrease speed
c. put the stern into the wind and increase speed
d. head the bow into the wind and decrease speed
Which toxic gas is a product of incomplete combustion, and is often present when a fire burns in a
closed compartment?
a. Nitric oxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Hydrogen sulfide
d. Carbon monoxide
5388: The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be __________.
a. in the pumproom
b. at the vent header
c. at the main deck manifold
d. the midships house
What percentage of the breaking strength is the generally accepted safe operating load of an anchor
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 35%
d. 50%
5457: The only wire rope termination which may be made in the field is __________.
a. swaged socket
b. thimbled mechanical splice
c. hand splice
d. spelter poured and resin sockets
5461: Thirty-five percent of the breaking strength of an anchor cable is generally accepted as the
a. safe operating load
b. normal operating tension
c. emergency working load
d. allowable storm load
A device commonly used to secure the pendant wire when it is initially passed to an anchor handling
vessel is __________.
a. pelican hook
b. connecting link
c. shackle
d. retaining hook
The safest device used to secure the end of the pendant wire when it is initially passed to the anchor
handling vessel is a __________.

a. pelican hook
b. hydraulic deck stopper
c. connecting link
d. shackle
The length of chain between the anchor and the end of the pendant line is called the __________.
a. pigtail chain
b. thrash chain
c. crown chain
d. wear chain
A permanent chain chasing system is used to __________.
a. clean anchor chain as it's hauled in
b. recover anchors which have lost their buoys
c. run and retrieve anchors
d. prepare anchor chain for inspection
5806: Damage stability is the stability __________.
a. which exists when the wind speed is less than 50 knots
b. before collision
c. after flooding
d. at the maximum load
5811: The unit used to measure anchor line tensions in the offshore drilling industry is the __________.
a. long ton
b. short ton
c. metric ton
d. Kip
5813: An ideal mooring system would be __________.
a. symmetrical and in equilibrium
b. asymmetrical and in flux
c. distorted and in equilibrium
d. concentric and in flux
What device is used to measure the force exerted on the rig by a leg of the mooring system?
a. Advanced stability computer
b. Hole position indicator
c. Fathometer
d. Load cell
5817: The two main types of load cells used in mooring tension gauges are __________.
a. distortion and compression
b. hydraulic and mechanical
c. magnetic and applied torque
d. frictionless and hydraulic
5821: Why should you preload a mooring system above your precalculated operating mooring tensions?
a. This serves as a benchmark for increasing tensions in rough weather.
b. This allows you to determine existing bottom conditions.
c. This insures that the anchor cable is stretched out in a straight line.
d. This tests all the components of your mooring equipment.
Yawing can be described as __________.
a. jumping on the tow line as the rig pitches
b. jumping on the tow line as the rig slams into waves
c. veering from side to side on the end of the tow line
d. corkscrew motion due to wave action
Each fire hydrant must have at least one spanner and at least one __________.
a. hose rack or reel
b. all purpose nozzle
c. foam applicator
d. pick axe
The international shore connection required on a MODU is designed to __________.
a. permit discharge of waste oil
b. allow hook up of fire fighting water from a dock or another vessel
c. satisfy pollution prevention requirements
d. allow emergency use of the fire main for deballasting
The procedure of strengthening damaged structures on a MODU by using wood or steel is called

a. bracing
b. battening
c. blocking
d. shoring
6233: When shoring a damaged bulkhead on a MODU, effort should be taken to spread the pressure
over the __________.
a. maximum possible area
b. minimum possible area
c. nearest watertight door
d. nearest longitudinal girder
6241: The objective of shoring the damaged area of a MODU is to __________.
a. force the warped, bulged, or deformed sections back into place
b. support and hold the area in the damaged position
c. withstand subsequent additional damage
d. make a watertight seal at the damaged area
On the cargo manifest, the total weight of a box containing cargo is the __________.
a. tare weight
b. net weight
c. gross weight
d. cargo weight
6525: On the cargo manifest, the total weight of an empty cargo box is the __________.
a. tare weight
b. net weight
c. gross weight
d. cargo weight
6527: On the cargo manifest, the gross weight of a box containing cargo is the weight of the
a. cargo
b. box
c. cargo and box
d. rate weight
6531: On the cargo manifest, the weight of the cargo inside a box is called the __________.
a. gross weight
b. net weight
c. light weight
d. rate weight
To determine the number of portable fire extinguishers required on a mobile offshore drilling unit, you
should check the __________.
a. hot work permit
b. Certificate of Inspection
c. Safety of Life at Sea Certificate
d. Operations Manual
Fire in an engine compartment is best extinguished with carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and by __________.
a. closing the compartment except for the ventilators
b. increasing the air flow to the compartment by blowers
c. leaving the compartment open to the air
d. completely closing the compartment
each EPIRB or SART must be tested at least once __________.
a. each week
b. every two weeks
c. each month
d. every two months
Symptoms of sugar diabetes include __________.
a. increased appetite and thirst
b. decreased appetite and thirst
c. gain in weight
d. elevated temperature
Seasickness is caused by rolling or rocking motions which affect fluids in the __________.
a. stomach
b. lower intestines

c. inner ear
d. bladder
Symptoms of sea sickness include __________.
a. fever and thirst
b. nausea and dizziness
c. stomach cramps and diarrhea
d. reddening of skin and hives
7058: Blocking open or removing fire dampers can cause __________.
a. fixed foam systems to be ineffective
b. faster cooling of the fire
c. the accumulation of explosive gases
d. the fire to spread through the ventilation system
7061: The primary concern in aiding a back injury patient is __________.
a. relieving the patient's pain by giving aspirin or stronger medication
b. avoiding possible injury to the spinal cord by incorrect handling
c. preventing convulsions and muscle spasms caused by the pain
d. providing enough fluids to prevent dehydration
The symptoms of a fractured back are __________.
a. leg cramps in the muscles in one or both legs
b. pain and uncontrolled jerking of the legs and arms
c. vomiting and involuntary urination or bowel movement
d. pain at the site of the fracture and possible numbness or paralysis below the injury
7065: What is the procedure for checking for spinal cord damage in an unconscious patient?
a. Beginning at the back of the neck, and proceeding to the buttocks, press the spine to find
where it hurts
b. Prick the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet with a sharp object to check for
c. Selectively raise each arm and each leg and watch patient's face to see if he registers pain
d. Roll patient onto his stomach and prick along the length of his spine to check reaction
A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too __________.
a. rich to burn
b. lean to burn
c. cool to burn
d. dense to burn
9325: Good housekeeping on a vessel prevents fires by __________.
a. allowing better access in an emergency
b. eliminating potential fuel sources
c. eliminating trip hazards
d. improving personnel qualifications
9327: Accumulations of oily rags should be __________.
a. kept in nonmetal containers
b. discarded as soon as possible
c. cleaned thoroughly for reuse
d. kept in the paint locker
If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker, the FIRST firefighting response should be to
a. release the CO2 flooding system
b. open the door to evaluate the extent of the fire
c. enter and use a portable extinguisher
d. secure the ventilation
9375: After extinguishing a paint locker fire using the fixed CO2 system, the next action is to have the
space __________.
a. opened and burned material removed
b. left closed with vents off until all boundaries are cool
c. checked for oxygen content
d. doused with water to prevent reflash
9377: After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to __________.
a. keep the liferaft from capsizing
b. navigate against the current

c. keep personnel from getting seasick

d. stay in the general location
9381: If the liferaft capsizes, all personnel should leave the raft and __________.
a. climb onto the bottom
b. swim away from the raft
c. right the raft using the righting strap
d. inflate the righting bag
9382: Fire in an engine compartment is best extinguished with carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and by
a. completely closing the compartment
b. closing the compartment except for the ventilators
c. leaving the compartment open to the air
d. increasing the air flow to the compartment by blowers
9383: Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for
a. survivors in the water
b. food and water
c. land
d. bad weather
The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas is called __________.
a. list
b. heel
c. trim
d. flotation
There is a fire aft aboard your vessel. To help fight the fire, you should __________.
a. head the bow into the wind and decrease speed
b. put the wind off either beam
c. put the stern into the wind and increase speed
d. put the stern into the wind and decrease speed
To turn over an inflatable liferaft that is upside down, you should pull on the __________.
a. canopy
b. manropes
c. sea painter
d. righting strap
5: Pollution of the waterways may result from the discharge of __________.
a. sewage
b. the galley trash can
c. an oily mixture of one part per million
d. All of the above
6: Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel's fire extinguishing systems shall be kept on board
a. for 1 year
b. for 2 years
c. until the next Coast Guard inspection
d. until the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires
In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when __________.
a. you first start to receive fuel
b. hoses are being blown down
c. final topping off is occurring
d. hoses are being disconnected
What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere within a cargo tank is
explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
a. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
b. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
c. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
d. Use an explosimeter.
The spread of fire is prevented by __________.
a. heating surfaces adjacent to the fire
b. removing combustibles from the endangered area
c. increasing the oxygen supply
d. All of the above

The MOST important element in administering CPR is __________.

a. having the proper equipment for the process
b. starting the treatment quickly
c. administering of oxygen
d. treating for traumatic shock
69: Fire hose couplings __________.
a. are made of bronze, brass, or soft alloy metals
b. should be painted red in order to identify hose lengths
c. are specially hardened to prevent crushing
d. should be greased frequently
After using a C02 portable extinguisher, it should be __________.
a. put back in service if some C02 remains
b. hydrostatically tested
c. retagged
d. recharged
85: To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should __________.
a. shut off all electrical power
b. remove combustibles from direct exposure
c. cool the bulkhead around the fire
d. close all openings to the area
Antiseptics are used principally to __________.
a. speed healing
b. prevent infection
c. reduce inflammation
d. increase blood circulation
Your small vessel is broken down and rolling in heavy seas. You can reduce the possibility of capsizing
by __________.
a. rigging a sea anchor
b. constantly shifting the rudder
c. moving all personnel forward and low
d. moving all personnel aft
113: You hear air escaping from the liferaft just after it has inflated. You should __________.
a. quickly hunt for the hole before the raft deflates
b. check the sea anchor line attachment for a tear if the seas are rough
c. check the painter line attachment for a tear caused by the initial opening
d. not panic since the safety valves allow excess pressure to escape
: A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with __________.
a. a righting line
b. red hand flares
c. pendants
d. drinking water
First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to __________.
a. lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
b. stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
c. apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
d. apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it
A vessel would be referred to as "tender" when the weight of the cargo is __________.
a. evenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are full
b. concentrated low and the double bottoms are empty
c. concentrated low and the double bottoms are full
d. concentrated high and the double bottoms are empty
On a tankship, sanitary inspections of the crew's quarters are the responsibility of the __________.
a. Master and Second Mate
b. Master and Chief Engineer
c. Master and union delegate
d. Master and Chief Mate
: A person has suffered a laceration of the arm. Severe bleeding has been controlled by using a sterile
dressing and direct pressure. What should you do next?
a. Apply a tourniquet to prevent the bleeding from restarting.
b. Apply a pressure bandage over the dressing.

c. Remove any small foreign matter and apply antiseptic.

d. Administer fluids to assist the body in replacing the lost blood.
160: A vessel is tender if cargo weight is __________.
a. concentrated high and the double bottoms empty
b. concentrated low and the double bottoms empty
c. evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms full
d. concentrated and with the double bottoms full
You are at sea in an inflatable liferaft. In high latitudes, the greatest danger is __________.
a. asphyxiation due to keeping the canopy closed
b. hypothermia caused by cold temperature
c. collapse of the raft due to cold temperatures
d. starvation
165: Which statement is FALSE regarding Halon as a fire extinguishing agent?
a. It is more effective than CO2.
b. It leaves no residue.
c. It is noncorrosive.
d. It is always non-toxic.
In all but the most severe cases, bleeding from a wound should be controlled by __________.
a. applying direct pressure to the wound
b. submerging the wound in lukewarm water
c. cooling the wound with ice
d. applying a tourniquet
Which is TRUE of a "stiff" vessel?
a. It has a small GM.
b. It pitches heavily.
c. It has an unusually high center of gravity.
d. Its period of roll is short.
Which statement is TRUE concerning an inflatable liferaft?
a. The floor may be inflated for insulation from cold water.
b. Crew members can jump into the raft without damaging it.
c. The raft may be boarded before it is fully inflated.
d. All of the above
The purpose of the inclining experiment is to __________.
a. determine the location of the metacenter
b. determine the lightweight center of gravity location
c. verify the hydrostatic data
d. verify data in the vessel's operating manual
190: Which technique could be used to give a more comfortable roll to a stiff vessel?
a. Concentrate weights on upper decks
b. Add weight near the centerline of the lower hold
c. Move weights lower in the ship
d. Ballast the peak tanks
The term "gross tonnage" refers to __________.
a. the weight of the vessel measured in long tons
b. the weight of a vessel with all tanks full
c. the weight of a grossly overloaded vessel
d. the vessel's approximate volume including all enclosed spaces less certain exempt
197: Normally, potable water systems are connected directly to the __________.
a. fire-main system
b. feed-water system
c. freshwater sanitary system
d. domestic water tank
A person suffering from possible broken bones and internal injuries should __________.
a. be assisted in walking around
b. be examined then walked to a bunk
c. not be moved but made comfortable until medical assistance arrives
d. not be allowed to lie down where injured but moved to a chair or bunk
Which statement is TRUE of a tender vessel?

a. It has a large GM.

b. Its period of roll is long.
c. It has a very low center of gravity.
d. It has a good transverse stability.
Which chemical is used to treat water in order to ensure its safety for drinking?
a. Nitrogen
b. Chlorine
c. Carbon
d. Oxygen
208: What is the primary purpose of a splint applied in first aid?
a. Control bleeding
b. Reduce pain
c. Immobilize a fracture
d. Reset the bone
Metacentric height is an indication of a vessel's stability __________.
a. for all angles of inclination
b. for large angles of inclination
c. for small angles of inclination
d. in no case
The Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon on a cargo vessel must be stowed __________.
a. in an inside passageway
b. in an approved bracket
c. so that it is accessible from the bridge of the vessel
d. so that it will float free if the vessel sinks
228: Which is the most serious type of fracture?
a. Compound
b. Greenstick
c. Closed
d. Crack
229: Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop __________.
a. oil from flowing out of the tank vent
b. air from entering the tank vent
c. vapors from leaving the tank vent
d. flames on deck from entering the tank vent
230: Initial stability of a vessel may be improved by __________.
a. removing loose water
b. adding weight low in the vessel
c. closing crossover valves between partly filled double bottom tanks
d. All of the above
Unless there is danger of further injury, a person with a compound fracture should not be moved until
bleeding is controlled and __________.
a. the bone has been set
b. the fracture is immobilized
c. radio advice has been obtained
d. the wound has been washed
239: Which statement about the free surface correction is TRUE?
a. It is added to GM at light drafts and subtracted at deep drafts.
b. It is increased if the slack tank is not on the centerline.
c. It is decreased if the slack tank is below the KG of the vessel.
d. The correction decreases as the draft increases due to loading dry cargo.
Free communication effect is in direct proportion to __________.
a. length and width of space
b. length of space only
c. width of space only
d. neither length nor width
252: What, when removed, will result in the extinguishment of a fire?
a. Nitrogen
b. Sodium
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide
In any major injury to a person, first aid includes the treatment for the injury and __________.

a. application of CPR
b. removal of any foreign objects
c. administration of oxygen
d. for traumatic shock
259: What does NOT affect the value of the free surface correction?
a. Width of the tank
b. Length of the tank
c. Registered tonnage
d. Specific gravity of the liquid in the tank
The term "discharge", as it applies to the pollution regulations, means __________.
a. spilling
b. leaking
c. pumping
d. All of the above
Which statement is TRUE concerning life jackets which are severely damaged?
a. They should be replaced.
b. They must be tested for buoyancy before being continued in use.
c. They can be repaired by a reliable seamstress.
d. They can be used for children.
Which is NOT a symptom of traumatic shock?
a. Slow, deep breathing
b. Pale, cold skin
c. Weak, rapid pulse
d. Restlessness and anxiety
The maneuvering information required to be posted in the wheelhouse must be based on certain
conditions. Which of the following is NOT one of these conditions?
a. The hull must be clean.
b. There must be calm weather-wind 10 knots or less and a calm sea.
c. There must be no current.
d. The depth of the water must be at least one and one-half times the draft.
328: A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present.
How is this injury classified using standard medical terminology?
a. Dermal burn
b. Third-degree burn
c. Major burn
d. Lethal burn
329: Which statement about the free surface effect is TRUE?
a. It has the same affect on initial stability whether the tank is 75% full or 25% full.
b. The free surface effect usually increases at angles of heel above 25.
c. The effect increases if the tank is off the centerline.
d. The effect can be reduced by shifting weights vertically.
A man has a burn on his arm. There is reddening of the skin, blistering, and swelling. Using standard
medical terminology this is a __________.
a. major burn
b. secondary burn
c. second-degree burn
d. blister burn
: The supply of carbon dioxide used in the fixed extinguishing system aboard a cargo vessel MUST be at
least sufficient for __________.
a. all the spaces of a vessel
b. all cargo spaces
c. the engine room and largest cargo space
d. the space requiring the largest amount
A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage.
Using standard MEDICAL terminology, this is a __________.
a. Minor burn
b. Superficial burn
c. Extremity burn
d. First-degree burn
When treating a person for third-degree burns, you should __________.

a. submerge the burn area in cold water

b. make the person stand up and walk to increase circulation
c. cover the burns with thick, sterile dressings
d. break blisters and remove dead tissue
A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a vessel when it is __________.
a. low in the vessel
b. completely empty
c. completely full
d. slack
What should be used to remove corrosion from the swivel on the female coupling of a fire hose?
a. Bearing grease and a wire brush
b. Talc and fine sandpaper
c. Fish oil and a soft brush
d. Fresh water, soap, and a stiff brush
393: A sea anchor is __________.
a. a heavy anchor with an extra long line used to anchor in deep water
b. a cone shaped bag used to slow down the wind drift effect
c. a pad eye to which the sea painter is made fast
d. made of wood if it is of an approved type

To lubricate the swivel or remove corrosion from a fire hose coupling, you should use __________.
a. glycerine
b. graphite
c. kerosene
d. fresh water and soap
A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of both feet. You should __________.
a. immerse the feet in warm water
b. warm the feet with a heat lamp
c. warm the feet at room temperature
d. rub the feet
439: Fixed CO2 systems would not be used on crew's quarters or __________.
a. the paint locker
b. spaces open to the atmosphere
c. cargo holds
d. the engine room
Your vessel is broken down and rolling in heavy seas. You can reduce the possibility of capsizing by
a. moving all personnel aft
b. constantly shifting the rudder
c. rigging a sea anchor
d. moving all personnel forward and low
442: On the all-purpose nozzle, the position of the valve when the handle is all the way forward is
a. shut
b. fog
c. solid stream
d. spray
A rescuer can most easily determine whether or not an adult victim has a pulse by checking the pulse at
the __________.
a. carotid artery in the neck
b. femoral artery in the groin
c. brachial artery in the arm
d. radial artery in the wrist
Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called __________.
a. faking
b. flemishing down

c. mousing
d. worming
If a person gets something in his or her eye and you see that it is not embedded, you can __________.
a. get them to rub their eye until the object is gone
b. remove it with a match or toothpick
c. remove it with a piece of dry sterile cotton
d. remove it with a moist, cotton-tipped applicator
A CO2 portable extinguisher is annually checked by __________.
a. reading the gage pressure
b. weighing the extinguisher
c. discharging a small amount of CO2
d. seeing if the seal has been broken
532: Fire hose should be washed with __________.
a. salt water and a wire brush
b. caustic soap
c. mild soap and fresh water
d. a holystone
533: What is the purpose of limber holes?
a. To allow for air circulation
b. To allow for stress and strain in rough waters
c. To allow water in the boat to drain overboard
d. To allow water in the bilge to get to the boat drain
Of the following, the most important consideration for a tank vessel is __________.
a. GM
b. the vertical center of gravity
c. the longitudinal center of gravity
d. the stress on the hull
Aluminum lifeboats are subject to damage by electrolytic corrosion (the aluminum being eaten away). In
working around boats of aluminum you must be very careful __________.
a. to keep the boats covered at all times
b. not to leave steel or iron tools lying in or near these boats
c. to keep an electric charge on the hull at all times
d. to rinse these boats regularly with salt water
The normal tendency for a loaded tanker is to __________.
a. hog
b. sag
c. have a permanent list
d. be very tender
Which item is of the most use in getting a lifeboat away from a moving ship?
a. The falls
b. Boat hook
c. Boat painter
d. Sea painter
You are calling another vessel by radiotelephone using the International Code of Signals. He responds
with the words "Alpha Sierra". This indicates that __________.
a. he cannot accept traffic immediately
b. you should proceed with your message
c. you should send your message in International Code
d. you should send your message in plain language
When fighting fires in spaces containing bottles of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), you should
a. attempt to isolate the fire from the LPG
b. cool the bottles or remove them from the fire area
c. see that the valves on all LPG bottles are closed
d. place insulating material over the bottles
Extra chemicals for producing chemical foam should be stored __________.
a. in a freezer
b. in a cool dry place
c. at a temperature not less than 80F
d. in open bins
When starting CPR on a drowning victim, you should __________.

a. start chest compressions before the victim is removed from the water
b. drain water from the lungs before ventilating
c. begin mouth-to-mouth ventilations as soon as possible
d. do not tilt the head back since it may cause vomiting
Ring life buoys used aboard a small passenger vessels on oceans or coastwise routes are required to be
what color?
a. White
b. White or international orange
c. Orange
d. Any highly visible color easily seen from the air
What is NOT a motion of the vessel?
a. Pitch
b. Roll
c. Trim
d. Yaw
Bleeding from a vein is __________.
a. dark red and has a steady flow
b. bright red and slow
c. bright red and spurting
d. dark red and spurting
Blood flowing from a cut artery appears __________.
a. dark red with a steady flow
b. bright red with a steady flow
c. bright red and in spurts
d. dark red and in spurts
As a last resort, a tourniquet can be used to __________.
a. hold a victim in a stretcher
b. stop uncontrolled bleeding
c. hold a large bandage in place
d. restrain a delirious victim
You should FIRST treat a simple fracture by __________.
a. attempting to set the fracture
b. preventing further movement of the bone
c. applying a tourniquet
d. alternately applying hot and cold compresses
882: Fire in an engine compartment is best extinguished with carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and by
a. closing the compartment except for the ventilators
b. completely closing the compartment
c. leaving the compartment open to the air
d. increasing the air flow to the compartment by blowers
The single letter G, sent by an icebreaker to an assisted vessel, means __________.
a. "I require a pilot"
b. "Longitude follows"
c. "I am going ahead; follow me"
d. "Do not follow me"
A class C fire would be burning __________.
a. fuel oil
b. wood
c. celluloid
d. electrical insulation
Carbon dioxide as a fire fighting agent has which advantage over other agents?
a. It causes minimal damage.
b. It is safer for personnel.
c. It is cheaper.
d. It is most effective on a per unit basis.
888: An oil fire is classified as class __________.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Which statement is TRUE concerning carbon dioxide?

a. It is lighter than air.
b. It is an inert gas.
c. It is used mostly on class A fires.
d. All of the above
898: A galley grease fire would be classified as which class of fire?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
What is the lifesaving signal for "You are seen - Assistance will be given as soon as possible"?
a. Red star rocket
b. Orange smoke signal
c. Green star rocket
d. Vertical motion of a flag
After an accident the victim may go into shock and die. What should be done to help prevent shock?
a. Slightly elevate the head and feet.
b. Keep the person awake.
c. Keep the person lying down and at a comfortable temperature.
d. Give the person a stimulant to increase blood flow.
If another station sent you the signal "KG", he would be __________.
a. telling you to stay clear
b. telling you he has flooded a hold
c. asking you if you needed a tug
d. telling you he found an aircraft wreckage
957: An engine compartment gasoline fire requires which type of extinguisher?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Dry chemical
c. Foam
d. All of the above
958: Which substance might be subject to spontaneous combustion?
a. Coal
b. Scrap rubber
c. Leather
d. All of the above
Your vessel has just finished bunkering and has a small list due to improper distribution of the fuel oil.
This list will cause __________.
a. a decrease in reserve buoyancy
b. a decrease in the maximum draft
c. the vessel to flop to port and starboard
d. None of the above
961: Safety is increased if __________.
a. extra line and wire are laid out on deck for emergency use
b. all lashings are made up, and the decks are clean and clear
c. power tools are kept plugged in for immediate use
d. spare parts are kept on deck for ready access
962: A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged __________.
a. at least annually
b. whenever it is below its required weight
c. only if the extinguisher has been used
d. before every safety inspection
Gasoline fuel tanks on small passenger vessels must be installed __________.
a. independent of the hull
b. on a level higher than the engine
c. in a cool and insulated place
d. so the fuel line to the engine leads from a shut-off valve at the bottom of the tank
The lifesaving signal indicated by a horizontal motion of a white light or white flare means __________.
a. "Landing here highly dangerous"
b. "Negative"

c. "Avast hauling"
d. All of the above
First-, second-, and third-degree burns are classified according to the __________.
a. area of the body burned
b. source of heat causing the burn
c. layers of skin affected
d. size of the burned area
990: If your vessel will list with equal readiness to either side, the list is most likely caused by
a. negative GM
b. off-center weight
c. pocketing of free surface
d. excessive freeboard
991: Fire extinguishing agents used on Class C fires must be __________.
a. able to absorb heat
b. water based
c. nonconducting
d. nontoxic
The firing of a red star signal may mean __________.
a. "This is the best place to land"
b. "You are seen - assistance will be given as soon as possible"
c. "Tail block is made fast"
d. "Slack away"
Symptoms of heat stroke are __________.
a. cold and moist skin, high body temperature
b. cold and dry skin, low body temperature
c. hot and moist skin, high body temperature
d. hot and dry skin, high body temperature
What are the symptoms of sun stroke?
a. Temperature falls below normal, pulse is rapid and feeble, skin is cold and clammy.
b. Temperature is high, pulse is strong and rapid, skin is hot and dry.
c. Temperature is high, pulse is slow and feeble, skin is clammy.
d. Temperature falls below normal, pulse is rapid, skin is clammy.
When launching a lifeboat, frapping lines should be rigged __________.
a. before the gripes are released
b. before the boat is moved from the davits
c. at the embarkation deck
d. after the boat is in the water
1097: Foam extinguishes a fire by __________.
a. shutting off the air supply
b. cooling the fuel to below ignition temperature
c. dispersing the fuel
d. removing the source of ignition
1098: Which statement is TRUE concerning the "flash point" of a substance?
a. It is lower than the ignition temperature.
b. It is the temperature at which a substance will spontaneously ignite.
c. It is the temperature at which a substance, when ignited, will continue to burn.
d. It is the temperature at which the released vapors will fall within the explosive range.
The vapor pressure of a substance __________.
a. increases with the temperature
b. decreases as temperature increases
c. is not affected by temperature
d. may increase or decrease as the temperature rises
You will find a limit switch on a __________.
a. liferaft cradle
b. radial davit
c. sheath-screw davit
d. gravity davit
1131: If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer
operations, what action should you take FIRST?

a. Close the valves at the transfer manifold

b. Notify the person in charge of the shore facility
c. Shut down the transfer operation
d. Sound the fire alarm
If you must enter water on which there is an oil fire, you should __________.
a. protect your life preserver by holding it above your head
b. enter the water on the windward side of the vessel
c. keep both hands in front of your face to break the water surface when diving head first
d. wear very light clothing
1148: Spontaneous combustion is most likely to occur in __________.
a. rags soaked in linseed oil
b. overloaded electrical circuits
c. dirty swabs and cleaning gear
d. partially loaded fuel tanks
1149: If the metacentric height is small, a vessel will __________.
a. be tender
b. have a quick and rapid motion
c. be stiff
d. yaw
The lowest temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion of a substance independent of any
outside source of ignition is called __________.
a. explosive range
b. flash point
c. ignition temperature
d. combustion temperature
A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given __________.
a. a small dose of alcohol
b. treatment for shock
c. a large meal
d. a brisk rub down
Inflatable liferafts are provided with __________.
a. a portable radio
b. an oil lantern
c. canned milk
d. a towing connection
The most common type of davit found on merchant vessels today is the __________.
a. radial
b. sheath-screw
c. gravity
d. quadrantal
What is the MOST important consideration when determining how to fight an electrical fire?
a. Whether the fire is in machinery or passenger spaces
b. Danger of shock to personnel
c. The amount of toxic fumes created by the extinguisher
d. Maintaining electrical power
If a powdered aluminum fire is being fought, the correct extinguishing agent would be __________.
a. dry powder
b. water fog
c. CO2
d. steam
1301: A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land.
Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged?
a. Glass
b. Crockery
c. Metal
d. Dunnage
To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should __________.
a. cool the bulkhead around the fire
b. close all openings to the area
c. shut off all electrical power
d. remove combustibles from direct exposure

What do regulations allow to be marked with EITHER the name of the fishing vessel OR the name of the
person to whom it is assigned?
a. Immersion suit
b. Buoyant apparatus
c. Ring buoy
d. Life float
1489: The boat command that means complete the stroke and level the oars horizontally with the blades
trimmed fore and aft is __________.
a. "Oars"
b. "Up oars"
c. "Way enough"
d. "Hold water"
1518: You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag "J" hoisted. What should
you do?
a. Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board
or she is leaking dangerous cargo.
b. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicate.
c. Approach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchor.
d. Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug.
Drinking salt water will __________.
a. protect against heat camps
b. prevent seasickness
c. be safe if mixed with fresh water
d. dehydrate you
CO2 extinguishes a fire by __________.
a. cooling
b. smothering
c. chemical action
d. All of the above
Foam extinguishes a fire by __________.
a. smothering the burning material
b. chemical combination with burning material
c. absorbing the burning material
d. organic destruction of the burning material
Steering a motor lifeboat broadside to the sea could cause it to __________.
a. capsize
b. run smoother
c. run faster
d. sink
When administering artificial respiration, it is MOST important to __________.
a. monitor blood pressure
b. clear airways
c. use the rhythmic pressure method
d. know all approved methods
A shipmate suffers a heart attack and stops breathing. You must __________.
a. administer oxygen
b. immediately check his pulse and start CPR
c. make the victim comfortable in a bunk
d. immediately give a stimulant, by force if necessary
You have berthed in a port area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to indicate
it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo?
a. A flashing yellow light
b. A red light visible all around the horizon
c. A green light visible all around the horizon
d. An illuminated red and yellow caution flag
How long must GMDSS Radio Logs be retained onboard the ship in original form?
a. 30 days
b. 3 months
c. 6 months
d. 1 year

1790: How long must GMDSS Radio Logs be retained by the licensee when they relate to a distress
situation or disaster?
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. 3 years
1791: Where is the GMDSS Radio Logbook kept aboard ship?
a. Attached to the Deck Logbook
b. At the principal radio operating location
c. In the Chief Mate's office
d. In the Master's office
When should a fire be ventilated?
a. When attacking the fire directly
b. When using a steam smothering system
c. When using the fixed CO2 system
d. All of the above
Which equipment is the primary source of generating a locating signal?
a. DSC only
b. DSC and EPIRB
c. SART and DSC
Steering a survival craft broadside to the sea could cause it to __________.
a. capsize
b. run smoother
c. run faster
d. sink
76: In the Northern Hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a __________.
a. veering wind
b. backing wind
c. reverse wind
d. chinook wind
77: When there are small differences between the heights of two successive high tides or two low tides,
in a tidal day, the tides are called __________.
a. diurnal
b. semidiurnal
c. solar
d. mixed
78: A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) __________.
a. assumed position
b. estimated position
c. fix
d. running fix
79: The rate of increase in hour angle is the slowest for __________.
a. the Sun
b. the Moon
c. Mars
d. Mercury
When the moon is at first quarter or third quarter phase, what type of tides will occur?
a. Apogean
b. Perigean
c. Neap
d. Spring
81: A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n) __________.
a. bifurcation
b. fish net area
c. anchorage area
d. dredging area
A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and
water is a __________.
a. foehn
b. chinook

c. land breeze
d. sea breeze
In modern fathometers the sonic or ultrasonic sound waves are produced electrically by means of a(n)
a. transmitter
b. transducer
c. transceiver
d. amplifier
The description "Racon" beside an illustration on a chart would mean a __________.
a. radar conspicuous beacon
b. circular radio beacon
c. radar transponder beacon
d. radar calibration beacon
193: In using Loran-C, skywave reception gives greater range but is __________.
a. only accurate during daylight hours
b. much less accurate
c. only accurate at twilight
d. more accurate than using ground waves
194: The horizon glass of a sextant is __________.
a. silvered on its half nearer the frame
b. mounted on the index arm
c. between the horizon and the shade glasses
d. All of the above
When navigating using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry of the satellites that your receiver is
locked onto?
a. Horizontal Dilution of Precision
b. Selective Availability
c. Doppler Shifting
d. Precision Coding
What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification?
a. Red and white retroreflective material
b. A spherical topmark
c. A sequential number
d. A red and white octagon
A sextant having an index error that is "on the arc" has a __________.
a. positive correction
b. dip error
c. negative correction
d. semidiameter error
A sextant having an index error that is "off the arc" has a __________.
a. positive correction
b. dip error
c. negative correction
d. semidiameter error
Neap tides occur when the __________.
a. Moon is in its first quarter and third quarter phases
b. Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth
c. Moon's declination is maximum and opposite to that of the Sun
d. Sun and Moon are in conjunction
In a river subject to tidal currents, the best time to dock a ship without the assistance of tugs is
a. at high water
b. when there is a following current
c. at slack water
d. at flood
241: A spherical buoy may be __________.
a. numbered
b. lettered
c. green
d. red

242: The difference between the heights of low and high tide is the __________.
a. range
b. period
c. depth
d. distance
Weather systems in the middle latitudes generally travel from __________.
a. west to east
b. east to west
c. north to south
d. None of the above
Loran-C is which type of system?
a. Reflected electron
b. Electrical radiation
c. Quarterpoint electrical navigation
d. Hyperbolic radio navigation
Loran-C is which type of navigation system?
a. Hyperbolic, long-range navigation system
b. Short-range electronic
c. Long-range, high frequency navigation system
d. Long-range, with a frequency of 1950 kHz
Loran-C operates on a single frequency centered on __________.
a. 100 kHz
b. 500 kHz
c. 1,850 kHz
d. 1,950 kHz
254: The range of tide is the __________.
a. difference between the heights of high and low tide
b. distance the tide moves out from the shore
c. duration of time between high and low tide
d. maximum depth of the water at high tide
Spring tides occur __________.
a. at the start of spring, when the Sun is nearly over the equator
b. only when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and nearly in line
c. when the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90 to each other as seen from the Earth
d. when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in line, in any order
274: Which of the four adjustable errors in the sextant causes side error?
a. Horizon glass not being perpendicular to the frame
b. Index mirror not being perpendicular to the frame
c. Telescope not being parallel to the frame
d. Elliptical centering error
A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time
is a(n) __________.
a. running fix
b. dead-reckoning position
c. fix
d. estimated position
313: The Loran-C receiver __________.
a. is not affected by interference
b. can be used at any distance with accuracy
c. can be affected by interference
d. is reliable only from sunrise to sunset
314: Which of these sextant errors is nonadjustable?
a. Prismatic error
b. Graduation error
c. Centering error
d. All of the above
The direction of the southeast trade winds is a result of the __________.
a. equatorial current
b. humidity
c. rotation of the earth
d. change of seasons

Which chart projection would be most suitable for marine surveying?

a. Gnomonic
b. Lambert conformal
c. Mercator
d. Polyconic
In most cases, the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and __________.
a. the direction of the true wind
b. true north
c. the beam on the windward side
d. the beam on the lee side
419: The ocean bottom that extends from the shoreline out to an area where there is a marked change in
slope to a greater depth is the __________.
a. abyssal plain
b. continental shelf
c. borderland
d. offshore terrace
The wind speed and direction observed from a moving vessel is known as __________.
a. coordinate wind
b. true wind
c. apparent wind
d. anemometer wind
A wind vane on a moving vessel shows __________.
a. dead reckoning wind direction
b. true wind direction
c. apparent wind direction
d. estimated wind direction
On what does the operation of an aneroid barometer depend?
a. Thin, metal, air tight cell
b. Curved tube containing alcohol
c. Column of mercury supported by atmospheric pressure
d. Expansion of mercury in a closed tube
455: The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of __________.
a. the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizon
b. index error
c. parallax
d. terrestrial refraction
Which condition exists in the eye of a hurricane?
a. Wind rapidly changing direction
b. A temperature much lower than that outside the eye
c. Towering cumulonimbus clouds
d. An extremely low barometric pressure
Which statement about a gnomonic chart is correct?
a. A rhumb line appears as a straight line.
b. Distance is measured at the mid-latitude of the track line.
c. Meridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer pole.
d. Parallels, except the equator, appear as curved lines.
A special purpose buoy shall be __________.
a. lighted with a white light
b. striped black and red
c. lighted with a red light
d. yellow
All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) __________.
a. Mercator projection
b. polyconic projection
c. orthographic projection
d. gnomonic projection
523: A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is a(n) __________.
a. unstabilized display
b. stabilized display
c. composition display
d. relative display

524: An anemometer on a moving vessel measures __________.

a. apparent wind speed only
b. true wind speed and true wind direction
c. true wind speed only
d. apparent wind speed and true wind direction
525: In the celestial equator system of coordinates, what is comparable to latitude on the terrestrial
a. Altitude
b. Right ascension
c. Celestial meridians
d. Declination
In a river subject to tidal currents, the best time to dock a ship without the assistance of tugs is
a. at high water
b. at slack water
c. at flood tide
d. when there is a following current
A white buoy with an orange rectangle on it is used to indicate __________.
a. danger
b. a controlled area
c. an exclusion area
d. general information
The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the __________.
a. Lambert conformal
b. Mercator
c. azimuthal
d. gnomonic
543: A radar display which is oriented, so that north is always at the top of the screen, is called a(n)
a. relative display
b. composite display
c. stabilized display
d. unstabilized display
544: The instrument most commonly used to gather the data for determining the relative humidity is the
a. hydrometer
b. psychrometer
c. barometer
d. anemometer
On a working copy of a weather map, an occluded front is represented by which color line?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Alternating red and blue
d. Purple
561: Buoys which mark dredging areas are painted __________.
a. black
b. yellow
c. green
d. red
570: Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is __________.
a. inconspicuous
b. conspicuous
c. a government facility or station
d. a radio transmitter
Which is NOT a side of the celestial navigational triangle?
a. Co-latitude
b. Zenith distance
c. Altitude
d. Co-declination
Information markers, when lighted, will display __________.

a. yellow lights
b. green lights
c. white lights
d. red lights
In the Northern Hemisphere, what type of cloud formations would you expect to see to the west of an
approaching tropical wave?
a. Cumulus clouds lined up in rows extending in a northeast to southwest direction
b. High altostratus clouds in the morning hours
c. Cirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in a northeast to southwest direction
d. Cirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in a north to south direction
641: Buoys which mark isolated dangers are painted with alternating _____________ .
a. red and black bands
b. green and black bands
c. red and white stripes
d. green and white bands
When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?
a. The target vessel's generated course and speed are based solely on radar inputs.
b. Navigational constraints may require a target vessel to change course.
c. The trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a course that will clear all targets.
d. You cannot determine if a small target has been lost due to sea return.
A tropical wave is usually preceded by __________.
a. tropical storms
b. good weather
c. heavy rain and cloudiness
d. heavy seas
A steep barometric gradient indicates __________.
a. calms
b. light winds
c. strong winds
d. precipitation
707: Set of the current is __________.
a. its velocity in knots
b. direction from which it flows
c. estimated current
d. direction towards which it flows
A sea breeze is a wind __________.
a. that blows towards the sea at night
b. that blows towards an island during the day
c. caused by cold air descending a coastal incline
d. caused by the distant approach of a hurricane
710: What is the FIRST sign of the existence of a well developed tropical cyclone?
a. Gale force winds from the north
b. An unusually long ocean swell
c. Steep, short-period waves and light wind
d. Thunderstorms and higher than usual humidity
711: In the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, a red and white vertically-striped buoy is used as a(n)
a. safe water mark
b. cardinal mark
c. isolated danger mark
d. special mark not primarily used for navigation
Which term refers to the direction a current is flowing?
a. Set
b. Drift
c. Vector direction
d. Stand
Which statement concerning GPS is TRUE?
a. It cannot be used in all parts of the world.
b. There are 12 functioning GPS satellites at present.
c. It may be suspended without warning.
d. Two position lines are used to give a 2D fix.

What is an ebb current?

a. A current at minimum flow
b. A current coming in
c. A current going out
d. A current at maximum flow
A line on a weather chart connecting places which have the same barometric pressure is called an
a. isotherm
b. isallobar
c. isobar
d. isotope
737: What describes an ebb current?
a. Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following low tide
b. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land following low tide
c. Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following high tide
d. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land following high tide
A very light breeze that causes ripples on a small area of still water is a __________.
a. cat's paw
b. hog's breath
c. williwaw
d. chinook
741: What is the light phase characteristic of a lighted isolated-danger mark?
a. Interrupted quick flashing
b. Very quick flashing
c. Long flashing
d. Group flashing
The movement of water away from the shore or downstream is called a(n) __________.
a. reversing current
b. ebb current
c. flood current
d. slack current
On a working copy of a weather map, a cold front is represented by what color line?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Alternating red and blue
d. Purple
751: Under the IALA Buoyage Systems, a yellow buoy may mark __________.
a. fish net areas
b. spoil areas
c. military exercise zones
d. All of the above
Deviation in a compass is caused by the __________.
a. vessel's geographic position
b. vessel's heading
c. earth's magnetic field
d. influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel
The term "flood current" refers to that time when the water __________.
a. is flowing towards the land
b. is moving towards the ocean
c. level is not changing
d. level is rising because of heavy rains
On a working copy of a weather map, a stationary front is represented by which color line?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Alternating red and blue
d. Purple
You are informed of defects or changes in aids to navigation by __________.
a. Local Notice to Mariners
b. Weekly Notice to Mariners

c. marine broadcasts
d. All of the above
An "atoll cloud" forming over an island due to heating of the land during the daytime would be which
a. Cirrus
b. Cumulus
c. Stratus
d. Nimbus
The highest frequency of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean occurs during __________.
a. January, February and March
b. April, May and June
c. August, September and October
d. July, November and December
When is the peak of the hurricane season in the western North Pacific?
a. January through March
b. April through June
c. July through October
d. November through December
851: You would expect to find channels marked with the IALA-A Buoyage System in __________.
a. the Philippines
b. Australia
c. Republic of Korea
d. Chile
The flow of air around an anticyclone in the Southern Hemisphere is __________.
a. clockwise and outward
b. counterclockwise and outward
c. clockwise and inward
d. counterclockwise and inward
Uniform, grayish-white cloud sheets that cover large portions of the sky, and are responsible for a large
percentage of the precipitation in the temperate latitudes, are called __________.
a. altostratus
b. altocumulus
c. cirrostratus
d. cirrocumulus
Which cloud type is normally associated with thunderstorms?
a. Cirrus
b. Stratus
c. Cumulus
d. Cumulonimbus
The circulation around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere is __________.
a. counterclockwise
b. variable
c. clockwise
d. anticyclonic
Recurvature of a hurricane's track usually results in the forward speed __________.
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. remaining the same
d. varying during the day
895: The ecliptic is __________.
a. the path the Sun appears to take among the stars
b. the path the Earth appears to take among the stars
c. a diagram of the zodiac
d. a great circle on a gnomonic chart
896: The wind direction around a low pressure area in the Northern Hemisphere is __________.
a. clockwise and inward
b. clockwise and outward
c. counterclockwise and inward
d. counterclockwise and outward
A latitude line will be obtained by observing a body __________.

a. on the prime vertical

b. on the celestial horizon
c. at lower transit
d. on the Greenwich meridian
All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT __________.
a. steady rainfall
b. hail storms
c. thunderstorms
d. tornadoes or waterspouts
905: The Sun's center is coincident with the principal vertical circle when __________.
a. in lower transit
b. the hour circle and prime vertical are coincident
c. the declination is zero degrees and the azimuth is exactly N 135E
d. the declination is zero degrees and the azimuth is exactly N 135W
906: In the Northern Hemisphere, an area of counterclockwise wind circulation surrounded by higher
pressure is a __________.
a. low
b. high
c. warm front
d. cold front
In which month will the equatorial counter current be strongest?
a. January
b. April
c. August
d. October
If the sky was clear, with the exception of a few cumulus clouds, it would indicate __________.
a. rain
b. hurricane weather
c. fair weather
d. fog setting in
Stormy weather is usually associated with regions of __________.
a. low barometric pressure
b. high barometric pressure
c. steady barometric pressure
d. changing barometric pressure
How is the intensity of a light expressed in the Light Lists?
a. Luminous range
b. Geographic range
c. Nominal range
d. Meteorological range
The form of cloud often known as "mackerel sky" which is generally associated with fair weather is
a. nimbostratus
b. stratus
c. cirrocumulus
d. cumulonimbus
The set of the equatorial countercurrent is generally to the __________.
a. north
b. east
c. southwest
d. northwest
Clouds that form as small white flakes or scaly globular masses covering either small or large portions of
the sky are __________.
a. cirrus
b. cirrostratus
c. altostratus
d. cirrocumulus
A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n) __________.
a. tornado
b. anticyclone

c. occluded cyclone or occluded front

d. polar cyclone
937: The north equatorial current flows to the __________.
a. east
b. northeast
c. southwest
d. west
While preparing to enter a Brazilian port, you see ahead a red and green horizontally-striped buoy. The
upper band is red. What action should you take?
a. Alter course to leave the buoy to port.
b. Alter course to leave the buoy to starboard.
c. Pass the buoy close aboard on either side.
d. Pass the buoy well clear on either side.
The cold ocean current which meets the warm Gulf Stream between latitudes 40 and 43N to form the
"cold wall" is called the __________.
a. North Cape Current
b. Labrador Current
c. Greenland Current
d. North Atlantic Current
A thin, whitish, high cloud popularly known as "mares' tails" is __________.
a. altostratus
b. stratus
c. cumulus
d. cirrus
Good weather is usually associated with a region of __________.
a. low barometric pressure
b. high barometric pressure
c. falling barometric pressure
d. pumping barometric pressure
Which cloud commonly produces a halo about the Sun or Moon?
a. Cirrostratus
b. Cirrocumulus
c. Altostratus
d. Altocumulus
Error may be introduced into a magnetic compass by __________.
a. making a structural change to the vessel
b. a short circuit near the compass
c. belt buckles
d. All of the above
A warm air mass is characterized by __________.
a. stability
b. instability
c. gusty winds
d. good visibility
987: Which current is responsible for the movement of icebergs into the North Atlantic shipping lanes?
a. Iceland Current
b. Baltic Current
c. Labrador Current
d. Baffin Current
Warm air masses will generally have __________.
a. turbulence within the mass
b. stratiform clouds
c. heavy precipitation
d. good visibility
997: A coastal current __________.
a. is generated by waves striking the beach
b. flows outside the surf zone
c. flows in a circular pattern
d. is also known as a longshore current
A low, uniform layer of cloud resembling fog, but not resting on the ground, is called __________.

a. cumulus
b. nimbus
c. stratus
d. cirrus
n air mass is termed "warm" if __________.
a. it is above 70F
b. the ground over which it moves is cooler than the air
c. it originated in a high pressure area
d. it originated in a low pressure area
Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning?
a. A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean
b. Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay
c. All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels
d. Off-air times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance
1034: The expression "the air is saturated" means __________.
a. the relative humidity is 100%
b. the vapor pressure is at its minimum for the prevailing temperature
c. precipitation has commenced
d. cloud cover is 100%
1035: The approximate positions of the stars are based on sidereal time, which is based upon rotation of
the Earth relative to __________.
a. winter solstice
b. autumnal equinox
c. summer solstice
d. vernal equinox
1036: A frontal thunderstorm is caused by __________.
a. pronounced local heating
b. wind being pushed up a mountain
c. a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass
d. an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air
The radius of a circle of equal altitude for a body equals the body's __________.
a. declination
b. polar distance
c. altitude
d. zenith distance
1056: The steepness of a cold front depends on __________.
a. the direction of wind around the front
b. its velocity
c. the temperature of the air behind the front
d. the precipitation generated by the front
1057: One of the causes of ocean currents is density differences in the water. This is true because
a. in an area of high density the water's surface is lower than in an area of low density
b. surface water flows from an area of high density to one of low density
c. the lesser the density gradient the freer the water is to move
d. it is the density differences that cause the currents to stay in the troughs
Isobars on a weather map are useful in predicting __________.
a. temperature
b. dew point
c. wind velocity
d. relative humidity
1061: In waters where the cardinal system is used you would expect to find danger __________.
a. lying to the south of an eastern quadrant buoy
b. lying to the south of a northern quadrant buoy
c. lying to the east of an eastern quadrant buoy
d. beneath or directly adjacent to the buoy
The dew point temperature is __________.
a. always higher than the air temperature
b. always lower than the air temperature
c. equal to the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperatures
d. the temperature at which the air is saturated with water vapor

Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is __________.
a. inconspicuous
b. a radio transmitter
c. conspicuous
d. a government facility or station
1074: As the temperature for a given mass of air increases, the __________.
a. dew point increases
b. dew point decreases
c. relative humidity increases
d. relative humidity decreases
Which is TRUE concerning the speed of fronts?
a. Cold fronts move faster than warm fronts.
b. Cold fronts move slower than warm fronts.
c. Cold fronts and warm fronts move with equal speed.
d. Cold fronts move slower at the northern end and faster at the southern end.
A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n) __________.
a. fix
b. estimated position
c. dead reckoning position
d. running fix
The legend/symbol which designates an occluded front is represented by a __________.
a. red line
b. purple line
c. blue line
d. dashed blue line
The Earth's irregular heating is caused by __________.
a. the time of day
b. the seasons
c. geography
d. All of the above
When a warm air mass overtakes and replaces a cold air mass, the contact surface is called a(n)
a. warm front
b. cold front
c. line squall
d. occluded front
When cold air displaces warm air you have a(n) __________.
a. cold front
b. occluded front
c. stationary front
d. warm front
After a cold front passes, the barometric pressure __________.
a. drops, and the temperature drops
b. drops, and the temperature rises
c. rises, and the temperature drops
d. rises, and the temperature rises
The range of tide is the __________.
a. distance the tide moves out from the shore
b. difference between the heights of high and low tide
c. duration of time between the high and low tide
d. maximum depth of the water at high tide
The principal purpose of magnetic compass adjustment is to __________.
a. reduce the variation as much as possible
b. reduce the deviation as much as possible
c. reduce the magnetic dip as much as possible
d. allow the compass bowl to swing freely on its gimbals
As a cold front passes an observer, pressure __________.
a. drops and winds become variable
b. rises and winds become gusty
c. drops and winds become gusty
d. rises and winds become variable

In the Northern Hemisphere, gusty winds shifting clockwise, a rapid drop in temperature, thunderstorms
or rain squalls in summer (frequent rain/snow squalls in winter) then a rise in pressure followed by
clearing skies, indicate the passage of a(n) __________.
a. warm front
b. tropical cyclone
c. anticyclone
d. cold front
If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then __________.
a. the deviation has been offset by the variation
b. there is something wrong with the compass
c. the compass is being influenced by nearby metals
d. there is no deviation on that heading
Brief, violent showers frequently accompanied by thunder and lightning are usually associated with
a. passage of a warm front
b. passage of a cold front
c. winds shifting counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere
d. stationary high pressure systems
The difference between magnetic heading and compass heading is called __________.
a. variation
b. deviation
c. compass error
d. drift
Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) __________.
a. high pressure system
b. cold front
c. warm front
d. occluded front
After the passage of a cold front the visibility_______. _
a. does not change
b. improves rapidly
c. improves only slightly
d. becomes poor
Weather information is available from __________.
a. commercial radio broadcasts
b. the Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcasts
c. VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather Service
d. All of the above
1243: Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by __________.
a. compass error
b. true heading
c. variation
d. deviation
1245: You can follow the approach of a dangerous cyclonic storm by inspecting __________.
a. a newspaper, a weather map, a weather fax, or a weather forecast
b. the National Weather Service Observing Handbook No.1, Marine Surface Observations
c. the Coast Pilot or Sailing Directions
d. the sky overhead
1246: What weather change accompanies the passage of a cold front in the Northern Hemisphere?
a. Wind shift from northeast clockwise to southwest
b. Steady dropping of barometric pressure
c. Steady precipitation, gradually increasing in intensity
d. A line of cumulonimbus clouds
A safe water daymark has what shape?
a. Triangular
b. Diamond
c. Circular
d. Octagonal
1263: The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes __________.

a. geographical position
b. speed
c. heading
d. longitude
A line of clouds, sharp changes in wind direction, and squalls are most frequently associated with a(n)
a. occluded front
b. warm front
c. cold front
d. warm sector
The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain information on all of the following EXCEPT __________.
a. ocean currents
b. outer dangers to navigation
c. tidal currents
d. major port anchorages
Deviation is caused by __________.
a. changes in the earth's magnetic field
b. nearby magnetic land masses or mineral deposits
c. magnetic influence inherent to that particular vessel
d. the magnetic lines of force not coinciding with the lines of longitude
What type of clouds are associated with a cold front?
a. Altostratus and fracto-cumulus
b. Altostratus and cirrus
c. Cirrus and cirrostratus
d. Cumulus and cumulonimbus
When a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass, the contact surface is called a __________.
a. line squall
b. water spout
c. cold front
d. warm front
A cloud sequence of cirrus, cirrostratus, and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually signifies the
approach of a(n) __________.
a. occluded front
b. stationary front
c. warm front
d. cold front
The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be __________.
a. large cumulonimbus (thunderclouds) building up
b. high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratus
c. fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler water
d. low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain
Luminous range is the __________.
a. maximum distance at which a light may be seen in clear weather
b. maximum distance at which a light may be seen under existing visibility conditions
c. maximum distance at which a light may be seen considering the height of the light and the
height of the observer
d. average distance of visibility of the light
1352: Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except
a. temperature
b. visibility
c. predicted weather for the next twelve hours
d. barometric pressure and change in the last three hours
1353: The difference in degrees between true north and magnetic north is called __________.
a. variation
b. deviation
c. drift
d. compass error
The FIRST indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be __________.

a. large cumulonimbus clouds building up

b. low dark clouds with intermittent rain
c. fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler water
d. high clouds gradually followed by lower thicker clouds
The lunar day is __________.
a. longer than a solar day
b. shorter than a solar day
c. the same length as the solar day
d. longer than a solar day during the summer months and shorter in winter months
1396: On the approach of a warm front the barometric pressure usually __________.
a. falls
b. rises
c. is steady
d. is unreliable
1401: The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under existing visibility conditions is called
a. nominal range
b. luminous range
c. charted range
d. geographic range
1402: As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass __________.
a. first turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port
b. also turns to starboard
c. turns counterclockwise to port
d. remains aligned with compass north
1403: Which statement about the gyrocompass is FALSE?
a. Its accuracy remains the same at all latitudes.
b. It seeks the true meridian.
c. It can be used near the Earth's magnetic poles.
d. If an error exists, it is the same on all headings.
The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as the maximum distance at which a light may
be seen __________.
a. under existing visibility conditions
b. under perfect visibility
c. with ten miles visibility
d. with fifteen miles visibility
1412: The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the __________.
a. actual water depth
b. range of tide
c. charted depth
d. height of tide
1413: The gyrocompass error resulting from your vessel's movement in OTHER than an east-west
direction is called __________.
a. damping error
b. ballistic deflection
c. quadrantal error
d. speed error
Planetary aberration is due, in part, to __________.
a. refraction of light as it enters the Earth's atmosphere
b. rotation of the Earth on it's axis
c. the body's orbital motion during the time required for its light to reach Earth
d. a false horizon
1416: Radiation fog __________.
a. always forms over water
b. is formed by a temperature inversion
c. is thinnest at the surface
d. dissipates during the evening
Which is an inferior planet?
a. Mars
b. Venus

c. Neptune
d. Pluto
1426: Fog is most commonly associated with a(n) __________.
a. warm front at night
b. low pressure area
c. anticyclone
d. cold front in the spring
You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, "Man overboard starboard side". You should
instinctively __________.
a. give full left rudder
b. give full right rudder
c. put the rudder amidships
d. throw a life ring to mark the spot
What is NOT an advantage of filler cargo?
a. Overcarriage is reduced or eliminated.
b. Dunnage costs are reduced.
c. Voids in the cargo stow are filled.
d. The hold space has maximum utilization
Inferior conjunction is possible for __________.
a. Mars
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Jupiter
1436: Fog forms when the air __________.
a. is 50% water saturated
b. is 90% water saturated
c. temperature is greater than the dew point temperature
d. temperature is equal to, or below the dew point temperature
The presence of stratus clouds and a dying wind will usually result in __________.
a. heavy rain
b. heavy snow
c. thick fog
d. clearing skies
1450: The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the __________.
a. range of tide
b. charted depth
c. height of tide
d. actual water depth
1452: When is the rhumb line distance the same as the great circle distance?
a. Course 090T in high latitudes
b. Course 180T when you cross the equator
c. Course 045T in low latitudes
d. The rhumb line distance is always longer than the great circle distance.
1453: Indications of the master gyrocompass are sent to remote repeaters by the __________.
a. follow-up system
b. transmitter
c. phantom element
d. azimuth motor
1454: Atmospheric pressure may be measured with a(n) __________.
a. barograph
b. aneroid barometer
c. mercurial barometer
d. All of the above
1455: Inferior conjunction is possible for __________.
a. Mercury
b. Saturn
c. Mars
d. Jupiter
1456: The fog produced by warm moist air passing over a cold surface is called __________.

a. conduction fog
b. radiation fog
c. frontal fog
d. advection fog
Which type of cloud is the classic "thunderhead"?
a. Cumulonimbus
b. Stratus
c. Cirrus
d. Altostratus
1482: Which statement concerning current is TRUE?
a. Current can be determined by measuring the direction and distance between simultaneous EP
and DR positions.
b. The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one hour basis.
c. After the current is determined, it should not be used for further plotting because it is an
unknown variable.
d. The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is equal to the drift of the current.
1483: The most accurate method of determining gyrocompass error while underway is by __________.
a. comparing the gyro azimuth of a celestial body with the computed azimuth of the body
b. comparing the gyro heading with the magnetic compass heading
c. determining from the chart the course made good between celestial fixes
d. It cannot be determined accurately at sea due to drift of unknown currents.
1484: You should plot your dead reckoning position at __________.
a. every fix or running fix
b. every course change
c. every speed change
d. All of the above are correct.
In general, the most effective period for observing stars and planets occurs during the darker limit of
a. sunset
b. civil twilight
c. nautical twilight
d. astronomical twilight
The strongest winds and heaviest rains in a hurricane are found in the __________.
a. outer bands
b. eye
c. cloud walls
d. spiral rainbands
Hot air can hold __________.
a. less moisture than cold air
b. more moisture than cold air
c. the same amount of moisture as cold air
d. moisture independent of air temperature
Air temperature varies with __________.
a. the altitude above sea level
b. the season of the year
c. the latitude or distance from the equator
d. All of the above
Clouds with the prefix "nimbo" in their name __________.
a. are sheet or layer clouds
b. have undergone great vertical development
c. are middle or high altitude clouds
d. are rain clouds
1641: The low, dark, sheet-like cloud which is associated with continuous precipitation for many hours is
a __________.
a. cirrus cloud
b. cumulus cloud
c. cumulonimbus cloud
d. nimbostratus cloud
1642: Which type of cloud formation should be of immediate concern to small craft operators?
a. cirrus
b. altostratus

c. nimbostratus
d. cumulonimbus
1643: Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbus in
form, indicate __________.
a. clearing weather
b. that a warm front has passed
c. probable thunderstorm activity
d. an approaching hurricane or typhoon
1644: Which scale is used to estimate wind speed by observing sea conditions __________.
a. Metric scale
b. Wind scale
c. Coriolis scale
d. Beaufort scale
Cumulonimbus clouds are formed by __________.
a. vertical air movements
b. heavy rainstorms
c. horizontal air movements
d. any movement of moist air
From which type of cloud can a tornado or waterspout develop?
a. Nimbostratus
b. Altostratus
c. Cumulonimbus
d. Cirrus
1652: Small, visible mound-like protuberances on the bottom of cumulonimbus clouds, that are potential
breeding grounds for waterspouts and tornadoes, are called __________.
a. thunderheads
b. mamma
c. rime
d. ice prisms
1653: In a weather report, the term "visibility" expresses __________.
a. how far you can see with the "naked eye"
b. how far you can see with a telescope or binoculars
c. how well you can identify an object at night
d. the distance in miles at which prominent objects are identifiable
1654: Which weather element cannot be measured accurately while on board a moving vessel?
a. Visibility
b. Temperature
c. Wind direction
d. Atmospheric pressure
Which instrument is most useful in forecasting fog?
a. A barometer
b. An anemometer
c. A sling psychrometer
d. A pyrometer
1657: Fog is formed when __________.
a. the moisture in the air is condensed into small droplets
b. air is cooled to its dew point
c. the base of a cloud is on the ground
d. All of the above
1658: Fog forms when the air temperature is at or below __________.
a. 32 F
b. the wet bulb temperature
c. the dew point
d. the dry bulb temperature
1659: The type of fog that occurs on clear nights with very light breezes and forms when the earth cools
rapidly by radiation is known as __________.
a. radiation fog
b. frontal fog
c. convection fog
d. advection fog
1660: Which of the following is TRUE of advection fog?

a. It commonly occurs on coastal waters during cold seasons.

b. It moves in a bank or dense cloud.
c. It is caused by warmer air moving to a cooler location.
d. All of the above
1661: Advection fog may be formed by warm moist air passing over a __________.
a. warmer sea surface
b. cooler sea surface
c. dry coastal plain
d. polar land mass
1662: Fog generally clears when the __________.
a. wind speed increases
b. wind direction changes
c. temperature increases
d. All of the above
1663: What is the primary source of the earth's weather?
a. The oceans
b. The moon
c. The sun
d. The solar system
1664: Ascending and descending air masses with different temperatures is part of an important heat
transmitting process in our atmosphere called __________.
a. conduction
b. radiation
c. convection
d. barometric inversion
1665: Air circulation is caused or affected by __________.
a. the rotation of the earth on its axis
b. convection currents caused by differences in radiant heating between equatorial and polar
c. mountain ranges
d. All of the above
Which statement is TRUE when comparing cold and warm fronts?
a. Cold fronts are more violent and of shorter duration.
b. Cold fronts are milder and last longer.
c. They are very similar with the exception of wind direction.
d. Warm fronts are more violent and of longer duration.
1688: Which type of front forms when a cold front overtakes and forces a warm front upwards?
a. A cold front
b. An occluded front
c. A warm front
d. A stationary front
1689: The "horse latitudes" are regions of __________.
a. brisk prevailing winds
b. light airs and calms
c. abundant blue sea grass vegetation
d. None of the above
The force resulting from the earth's rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern
Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called __________.
a. pressure gradient
b. Coriolis effect
c. aurora borealis
d. ballistic deflection
1693: A phenomenon where the atmospheric pressure is higher than that of other surrounding regions is
called __________.
a. the "trade winds"
b. a low front or an occluded front
c. a high pressure area; an anticyclone; or a "high"
d. the "doldrums"
1694: In the Southern Hemisphere the wind circulation in a high pressure system rotates __________.
a. clockwise and inward
b. clockwise and outward

c. counterclockwise and outward

d. counterclockwise and inward
Compared to a low pressure system, generally the air in a high is __________.
a. warmer, less dense, and less stable
b. cool, more dense, and drier
c. muggy and cloudy
d. extremely moist with high relative humidity
1696: Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a __________.
a. hill of low pressure
b. trough of low pressure
c. valley of low pressure
d. ridge of low pressure
1697: In the Northern Hemisphere, if the center of a high pressure area is due west of you, what wind
direction would you expect?
a. South to west
b. South to east
c. North to west
d. North to east
In a cyclone the lowest pressure is found in the __________.
a. center
b. outer edge
c. warm front
d. cold front
What generally occurs when the land is cooler than the nearby water?
a. A land breeze
b. A sea breeze
c. A norther
d. A prevailing westerly
1709: The Beaufort scale is used to estimate the __________.
a. wind direction
b. percentage of cloud cover
c. wind speed
d. barometric pressure
1710: A gale is characterized by a wind speed of __________.
a. 10 to 20 knots
b. 34 to 47 knots
c. 48 to 63 knots
d. 64 to 83 knots
What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane?
a. Stratocumulus clouds or strange birds
b. Rain and increasing winds
c. An exceptionally long swell
d. Dark clouds and the "bar" of the storm
Which condition indicates that you are in a hurricane's dangerous semicircle in the Northern
a. A backing wind
b. A veering wind
c. A norther
d. A strong, gusty wind
1740: If you are in the dangerous semicircle of a hurricane you can expect all of the following except
a. backing winds
b. high seas
c. high winds
d. veering winds
In the Northern hemisphere which semicircle of a hurricane is the navigable semicircle?
a. Left
b. Right
c. Front
d. Back

1743: In the Northern Hemisphere, if your vessel is in a hurricane's navigable semicircle it should be
positioned with the wind on the __________.
a. starboard quarter, hold course and make as much speed as possible
b. port bow, hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passed
c. port quarter, maintain course and make as much speed as possible
d. starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed
1744: Which condition suggests that your present position lies in the navigable semicircle of a tropical
a. A backing wind
b. A veering wind
c. Sustained gale force winds
d. A strong wind that maintains a constant speed and direction
1745: When your vessel is on the storm track but behind the storm's center the __________.
a. wind direction remains steady
b. wind speed decreases
c. barometer rises
d. All of the above
1746: Swells that have outrun the storm are produced in the __________.
a. left front quadrant
b. right front quadrant
c. rear
d. directly ahead on the storms projected track
If the current and wind are in opposite directions, the sea surface represents __________.
a. a greatly reduced wind speed
b. a higher wind speed than what really exists
c. a lower wind speed than what really exists
d. more turbulent winds
1750: Clearance gauges at bridges indicate __________.
a. the height of the tide
b. depth of water under the bridge
c. charted vertical clearance at mean low water
d. distance from the water to low steel of the bridge
1751: A tsunami is caused by a(n) __________.
a. tidal wave
b. storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical storm
c. earthquake on the ocean's floor
d. tornado
A phenomenon where the atmospheric pressure is higher than that of other surrounding regions is called
a. the "trade winds"
b. an anticyclone
c. a low front or an occluded front
d. the "doldrums"
1802: What is the major advantage of high altitude observations?
a. Errors due to unusual parallax are eliminated.
b. The same body can be used for a fix from observations separated by several minutes.
c. The declination is the only information needed from the almanac.
d. The semidiameter correction of the sextant altitude is eliminated.
The difference between the DR position and a fix, both of which have the same time, is caused by
a. variation
b. deviation
c. current
d. leeway
1804: Magnetic information on a chart may be __________.
a. found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)
b. indicated by isogonic lines
c. found in a note on the chart
d. All of the above

1805: A phenomenon where the atmospheric pressure is higher than that of other surrounding regions is
called __________.
a. the "trade winds"
b. a low front or an occluded front
c. the doldrums
d. a "high"
What is the brightest navigational planet?
a. Saturn
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Venus
What sextant correction corrects the apparent altitude to the equivalent reading at the center of the
a. Phase
b. Parallax
c. Semidiameter
d. Augmentation
1914: In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to longitude on the Earth?
a. Altitude
b. Azimuth angle
c. Horizon
d. Zenith distance
1916: The prime vertical is the reference point from which the angle of which type of observation is
a. Sextant angle
b. Azimuth
c. Amplitude
d. Local apparent noon
1918: The Moon appears larger in diameter at the zenith than when near the horizon. What is this
a. Parallax in altitude
b. Augmentation
c. Horizontal parallax
d. Libration
The point on the celestial sphere that is directly below an observer is the __________.
a. pole
b. nadir
c. node
d. zenith
1925: Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane may be caused by the __________.
a. high barometric pressure
b. jet stream
c. storm surge
d. torrential rains
1926: The prime vertical is the great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the __________.
a. celestial poles and the zenith
b. zenith, nadir and the east point of the horizon
c. celestial poles and the celestial body
d. zenith, nadir and celestial body
"Rotation" is the __________.
a. wobbling of the Earth about its axis
b. motion of bodies in the solar system relative to the stars
c. motion of a celestial body in its orbit
d. spinning of a celestial body about its axis
1930: The phase correction should be applied to sights of Venus and Mars __________.
a. during day time observations only
b. during twilight observations only
c. at all times
d. when observed at altitudes of less than 25
1932: The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere that is __________.

a. 90 away from the poles

b. directly over the observer
c. on the eastern horizon
d. over Greenwich
1934: The great circle of the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith, nadir, and the eastern point
of the horizon is the __________.
a. principal vertical
b. hour circle
c. celestial meridian
d. prime vertical
The parallel of latitude at 6633'N is the __________.
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Arctic Circle
d. ecliptic
1940: The diameter of the Sun and Moon as seen from the Earth varies slightly but averages about
a. 1'
b. 52'
c. 32'
d. 15.5'
Fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the __________.
a. relative humidity
b. air temperature
c. barometric pressure
d. absolute humidity
Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters. This
indicates the __________.
a. rock is visible at low water springs only
b. rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
c. rock is dry at high water
d. exact position of the rock is doubtful
Opposition occurs when __________.
a. the Sun, Earth, and Moon are at right angles
b. the Sun's declination is 0 and is moving south
c. an inferior planet is at the maximum angle to the line of sight to the Sun
d. the Earth is between a planet and the Sun
Cloud formations are minimal when the __________.
a. surface temperature and temperature aloft are equal
b. surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatly
c. barometric pressure is very low
d. relative humidity is very high
A dead reckoning (DR) plot __________.
a. must utilize magnetic courses
b. must take set and drift into account
c. should be replotted hourly
d. should be started each time the vessel's position is fixed
2222: By convention, the south pole of a magnet is painted __________.
a. red
b. blue
c. white
d. black
2224: By convention, the north seeking ends of a compass' magnets are colored __________.
a. black
b. blue
c. red
d. white
A nautical mile is a distance of approximately how much greater than or less than a statute mile?
a. 1/4 less
b. 1/7 less

c. 1/4 greater
d. 1/7 greater
Superior conjunction occurs when __________.
a. the Sun is at maximum declination north or south
b. a planet crosses the external plane of the ecliptic
c. the Sun is between the Earth and a planet
d. two planets are in line
What celestial body may sometimes be observed in daylight?
a. New Moon
b. Saturn
c. Sirius
d. Venus
2296: A variable star is one that __________.
a. exhibits a change in magnitude
b. has a changing declination
c. is increasing in SHA
d. is also known as a red giant
The period of rotation of the Moon on its axis is __________.
a. about 19 years
b. 365 days
c. about 27.3 days
d. 24 hours
2299: What condition exists at apogee?
a. The Earth is closest to the Sun.
b. The Moon is farthest from the Sun.
c. The Earth is farthest from the Moon.
d. The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.
The points where the Sun is at 0 declination are known as __________.
a. solstices
b. equinoxes
c. perigee
d. apogee
2309: The plane of the ecliptic is inclined to the plane of the celestial equator by what angle?
a. 0023'
b. 2327'
c. 4500'
d. 9000'
The winter solstice is the point where the Sun is at __________.
a. maximum declination north
b. maximum declination south
c. 0 declination going to northerly declinations
d. 0 declination going to southerly declinations
The "head of the bend" is the __________.
a. top or upstream beginning of a bend
b. bottom or downstream beginning of a bend
c. midpoint or center radius of a bend
d. center line or apex of a bend
In the doldrums you can expect __________.
a. steady, constant winds
b. frequent rain showers and thunderstorms
c. steep pressure gradients
d. low relative humidity
A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a __________.
a. gnomonic curve
b. small circle
c. meridian
d. great circle
Stormy weather is usually associated with regions of __________.
a. high barometric pressure
b. changing barometric pressure

c. low barometric pressure

d. steady barometric pressure
You should plot a dead reckoning position after every __________.
a. course change
b. speed change
c. fix or running fix
d. All of the above
2974: What daymark shape is used in the lateral system?
a. Semicircle
b. Triangle
c. Pentagon
d. Diamond

The following types of cargo are to be classified as wet cargo:

Liquids in watertight containers;
Wet substances not packed in

watertight containers such as fresh and frozen meat, wet

hides and skins, etc;
Substances (maddeler) packed in wet ice such as fresh, frozen fish and seafood
Live animals or vegetable material from which liquids can escape;
Goods which may produce liquids by its nature.
Yanma durumunda mdahale aamalar
1.Yanan ksm, yaklak on Dakika akar souk su altnda bulundurulmaldr.
2.Yanan alan sterilize edilmi gazl bezle rtlmelidir.
3.Yanan kiinin fazla sulu eyler almas temin edilmelidir. nc derecede yanklar kendi
kendine tedaviye hibir zaman gidilmemelidir. lk tedbir olarak yanan ksmn zerindeki kirler
suyla silinmeli ve temiz bir bezle rtlmelidir. Yanan kiiye bol miktarda sulu eyler verilmeli ve
hasta ok halindeyse sedyeyle hastaneye kaldrlmaldr. Bu hallerde yanan alana merhem
4.Yanan alanlar byk miktarda su ve hafif bir sabunla ykanmaldr. Drdnc derece yanklar
da aynen nc derece yanklar gibi tedavi edilmelidir.
CSR hangi sorveyden sonra verilir. Ship construction
Topping lift means raising
Bulutlarn iinde meydana gelip yagmur kar olayini gerceklestiren ey ice crystal
Light buoyance kim yapar IALA
Fires classified acc to.... fuel
Ack guvertelere ve gvertede gvenlik iin yaplan boya? non-slip paint
Dock ta iken bunkering yapan gemi gece hangi isareti kullanir.
heryerden gorunur kirmizi idi
Emergency towing arrangemet solasta neye gre dzenlendi
oil tanker not less than 30,000 dwt
Hygrocargo gibi bir soru vard iinde moist geen bir k yaptm rutubetlenmeden dolay
olduu iin

repeat/have/what/you/received dzenle dedi

repeat what have you received
The main reasons to coat(kaplamak) the underwater full is for ...... and fouling prevention.
Weather ............... is chart that displays various meteorology features across a particular
area of a particular
Yangn zincirini olusturan 4 seyi sormus
oksigen fuel heat ve reaction
............ towards magnetic points.
Magnetic compass
............ meteorlogy deals air and wind forecast for shps at sea

Marine surveyors control all specifitions and parts of ship and

AFFF nin alm nedir?
aqueous film-forming foam

usually paper printed chart used by mariners and different type of chart entegred ..........
electronics used
gemi jurnalindeki dzeltmeler nasl yaplmal?
and so erasure must be permanent

The best information on the location of the blocks when dry docking a vessel is
contained in the ship's docking plan

The maritime radio system consisting of a series of coast stations transmitting coastal
warnings is called NAVTEX
Plain language is usually used on marine weather forecasts
When determining compass error by an azimuth of Polaris, you enter the Nautical
Almanac with the LHA Aries

The values of the Greenwich hour angle and declination, tabulated in all almanacs, are
for the centers of the various celestial bodies


What is the major limitation in using the Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation
Volume I (Pub. No. 249) for star sights?
Only certain stars are included and sights must be limited to those stars.

The annual change in variation for an area can be found in __________.

the center of the compass rose on a chart of the area

imdg deki ''hazardous good''un sebep oldugu saglik sorunlari icin yapilacak ilk yardim
icin hangi code dan yardim alinir.
Material applied to a line or spar to prevent or reduce chafing.
The Tropical Timber Load Line indicated by the upper edge of a line marked LT.
F r e e b o a r d : is the measured distance from the upper edge of the main deckline
amidships to the water .

firs aid is ...... devam ediyor


manyetik compass, radar kor sektor hangi sertifikada belirtilir

safety radio

The fore and aft run of deck plating which strenghten the connection between the beams
and the frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the .
a. Sheer (tamamen, bsbtn) strake
b. Stringer (boylamasna) strake (bir sra borda kaplamas)

remark and signature of ............. everyday must noted in engine log book gibi soru.
chief engineer. not dry chemical

two way vhf radio telephone ve sart hangi sertifikann kontrolunde?
cargo ship safety radio equipment

At present ...... And ......

Speed and course
Distress mesaj ile ilgili hangisi dorudur vard
initial distress message sent by authirity of radio officer

What terms means payment of cargo?

Sintine atklar ve sloplar hangi ektedir

Halon gaz etkisinde kalan biri ne durumda olur ?
Meteoroloji haritas vermi. H - L lerin zerinde A-B-C-D-E klar var. Hangisinde en
iddetli rzgar beklenir?
Dk basn merkezinde en yksek rzgar beklenir

Chemical burn iin nasl tedavi uygulanr gibi bir soru?

Pour the cold water
You are in a tropical port. The refrigeration machinery on a container loaded with aircooled fruit fails. It cannot be repaired for 18 to 24 hours. Which step should you take to
reduce the temperature rise and spoilage of the fruit?
Shade the container and periodically hose it down

Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE?

Containers should be ventilated, dehumidified, or the contents physically protected
against sweat damage.

The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel, including the
operating sequences and procedures, design characteristics, a description of the
system, and required personnel will be found in the _______.
Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual

A pelican hook __________.

can be released (serbest brakmak) while under strain (gergin)

What is meant by the term "topping the boom"?

Raising the boom

Before a tank is to be crude oil washed, the oxygen content in the tank must be
measured at a position meter from the deck

A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to __________.

enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen

A tug's horsepower available at the shaft is __________.

brake horsepower

Which statement about the deck line is TRUE?


A vessel with wooden planks on a steel deck will have the deck line marked at the
intersection of the upper line of the wood sheathing with the side shell.

The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the __________.

points where there is no variation

On a nautical chart, the inner ring of a compass rose indicates __________.

magnetic directions
Ballast kept in tanks seperated from cargo pipes and tanks is called _________ Balast.
Segregated (ayrlm, tecrit edilmi)

Cargo securing manuel hangi tr gemilere aittir

-son zamanlarda gemilerin platinginde kullanlan cesdn sormus
-Temporary inspection gecrms bir gemi survey sekln soruyordu sklarda
frame space in ne olduu tarznda bi soruydu. Cevab uzunca bir cevap. bilinmesi
gereken yaam mahalinin bulundugu yerde posta bosluklarinin stresi azaltma maksatl

The shoreline on charts generally represents the mean __________.

high water line

Hastada kanama durumu varsa ne yaplmaz?

'Helmich maneouver'

The foremost concern is what exactly ISPS will contain when it is published?
Burada soru "concern" szcnn anlam ile ayn anlam veren tmce nedir diyordu?
Tam yk kaldrdn zaman kreyn stop ediyor gibi bir eydi. Ne olur demi?
Check valve
Gemideki yeterli usta gemici says hangi sertifikada belirtilir.
"minimum safe manning"
Canyelekleri ciddi bir ekilde zarar grrse ne yaplr.?
Yenisi ile deitirilmelidir.

A person reports to you with a fishhook in his thumb. To remove it you should ________ .
Push the barb through, cut it off, then remove the hook.
Klozu tam hatrlayamadm iin, Vardiya zabiti seyir fenerlerinin pozisyonunu amacn ve
grn alarn iyi bilmelidir diye balayan bir soru. Devamnda seyir fenerleri diye
balayan bir cmle .................. and standings
into danger... Bolua ne gelecek?
A) En Route (seyir halinde)
B) On The Way (bitmek zere, gelmek zere)
C) Off Course (not following the planned, or intended, route)
D) Safe
E) On the Described Route





Boyun ve ..... demi hangi organ kmldatlmadan sabit bir ekilde, ar ar mdahale
edilir diye

You are in a lifeboat in a heavy sea. Your boat is dead in the water and unable to make
way. To prevent broaching, you should __________.
-put out the sea anchor

What represents poor sanitary procedures?

-Locate potable (drinking) water tanks as low as possible in the bilge.

The purpose of the tripping line on a sea anchor is to........

-aid in its recovery

The fittings used to secure water tight door are known as....
-dogs (Fasteners securing a watertight hatch)

Coaming mezarna (gemi) ambar az (gemi)

Camber kavis, bombe
Sheer rotadan kmak, ynn deitirmek
Funnel gemi bacas
iskelet, ereve, asi, gvde (Mhendislik)
Deadrise 1. The measurement of the angle between the bottom of a boat and its widest beam A vessel with a 0 deadrise
has a flat bottom, high numbers indicate deep V shaped hulls
2. The athwartship rise of the bottom from the keel to the bilge

Yaw rotadan k, dmeni kt kullanp gemiyi saa sola saptrmak

Dispatch gndermek, yollamak
Dunnage 1. ambardaki eya slanmasn diye altna ve yanna konulan saman ve tahtalar,
2. PANYOL TAHTASI, ISKARA, STF YER (DZ.):kmal maddeleri istiflerinin desteklenmesi,
tespit edilmesi ve bu suretle hasar uramalarnn nlenmesi veya kolayca alnp verilmesi iin
nakliyat ve depolamada kullanlan tahta, hasr, kalas, bambu veya madeni kuaklardan yaplan
malzeme (Askeri)
Tainting 1. A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food, 2. An injury done to a lance in an encounter, without
its being broken; also, a breaking of a lance in an encounter in a dishonorable or unscientific manner
bozmak, hastalk bulatrmak, kokumak
Cribbing Bir eyi ya da yeri yan taraflarn ykselterek gvenli hale koyma ilemi 1. The
cribbing used to support anything from below or on a side, as with a retaining wall, or to prop up a piece of heavy machinery
2. a construction consisting of wooden, metal or reinforced concrete units so assembled as to form an open cellular-like
structure for supporting a superimposed load or for resisting horizontal or overturning forces acting against it

Stowage DEPOLAMA:Ykleri; hasara, kayma vesaireye engel olacak ekilde bir deniz aracna yerletirme ekli
-yk istifAttempt giriimde bulunmak, kalkmak, teebbste bulunmak
mminent eli kulanda, olmas yakn, an meselesi
Collision gemilerin arpmas
Keep out yaklamamak
alabora olmak
Moisture nem, rutubet
Pilferage alma, hrszlk
insulation yaltm, izolasyon maddesi
Unsound gvenilmez, geimsiz kimse
Restraint kstlama, zapt, dizginleme
Lubrication oil yalama ya
Bulkhead gemide blme
Top off son vermek, bitirmek, son rtuunu yapmak
VTS gemi trafik servisi (vessel traffic service)
Bollard iskele babas
Davit matafora
Stevedore yk boaltma iisi
Boatswain porsun, lostromo

Donkeyman Gemide kazan dairesinden sorumlu kii

Bosun PORSUN, LOSTROMO: Bir gemide gverte ilerini idare eden ve filikalar ile demir
ve gverte donanmndan sorumlu olan astsubay
Dew point i noktas, youma noktas
Vapour buhar, buharlamak
Condense younlamak, sv hale dnmek (gaz)
Bight halat bedeni --- A curve in a rope
Fake Roda
Coil roda etmek Askeri
Bilge keel Yalpa omurgas
Fathom KULA: Esas olarak su derinliklerini lmede kullanlan 6 feet karl olan uzunluk birimi
Existence hayat, yaam--- varolu
Lubber's line pruva hatt
Gimbals yalpa emberleri, pusulann yalpalklar
Certify tasdik etmek, dorulamak, teyit etmek; (-in doruluunu/gerekliliini) belgelemek
Comply with -e raz olmak , boyun emek , uymak a vessel cannot comply with all of the SOLAS
requirements due to its construction

carry out 1- (plan) gerekletirmek , uygulamak 2- yerine getirmek

Ullage the empty space in a tank, such as for fuel space left for the expansion of the
heated oil (Istlm yan genilemesi iin braklan bo ksm)
Put out sndrmek to put out a fire
Extinction snme, ortadan (srekli olarak) kalkma fire extinction
Utmost en byk, en yksek, en fazla utmost security
Ensure salamak, temin etmek
Oily rag yal aput
Pile yn
Deductible karlabilir
deductible spaces
A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp (kopalamak, kenetlemek) or
fastening, uniting the point and shank (A straight, narrow part of an object; mil)of a hook to prevent its unhooking
(kancadan karmak) or straighening out (ileri yoluna koyma)

slip out of the hook kancadan kmas

shore up desteklemek, payanda vurmak to "shore up" the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo
establish yerletirmek sea and land traffic is established
breast line amaz halat
spring line Koltuk halat
Restrain engellemek
Restrains the container against horizontal motion
slop chest gemi malzeme deposu commissary maintained aboard merchant ships to sell merchandise to the crew
Racking The practice of moving wine by hose from one container to another, leaving sediment behind
This is done for purposes of aeration or clarification
interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause racking

The lashings on a stack of containers with

Devil's claw domuztrna

Windlass rgat
give off (koku, buhar v.b.'ni) yaymak, karmak: Plants give off oxygen. Bitkiler havaya
oksijen verir
fumes duman
contaminate (mikrop, zehir v.b. ile) kirletmek; bulatrmak
Wildcat A sprocket wheel on the windlass for taking links of the chain cable
Hose hortum fire hoses
Jibe (jibing) A manoeuver in which the stern of a sailing boat or ship crosses the wind
Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind
Unconscious uursuz, bilinsizlik
Halat A towing hawser is readied for service by faking (roda etmek) it on deck in a fore and aft

ARIZALI ALIMA:Herhangi bir parann kusurlu ve tutukluk meydana
getirecek ekilde almas. The required oily-water separator malfunctions
Luminous ok aydnlk, parlak

Hook up balantsn yapmak, 1- engellemek 2- balamak , birletirmek allows hook up

of fire hoses from a dock or another vessel
Pendant sarkk,asl pendant wire
Magnitude byklk, nem, ehemmiyet
Segregation ayrm
Decontamination ZARARLI MADDELER TEMZLEME:Bir ahs, eya veya blgeyi zerine bulam veya
evresinde mevcut kimya maddelerini veya biyolojik maddeleri veya radyoaktif maddelerden temizleyerek emin bir hale

Discrepancy eliki, ayrm, uyumazlk

Disorder dzensizlik, karklk
Assignment a task or piece of work assigned

to someone as part of a job or course of study. "a homework


Unease tedirginlik; huzursuzluk the unease of the board members became apparent
Conspicuous dikkat ekici, belirgin conspicuous landmark
Snag engel, engellemek
in irons The "trapped" condition a sailing ship finds itself in when the bow of the ship is
headed into the wind and the ship has stalled and is unable to maneuver
specified interval belirtilen aralk Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty
diesel engine it has been in a use for a specified interval
Hail dolu yamas
Precipitation Ya; yamur, kar veya dolu ya
Violent iddetli
Convection s yaym
Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in thunderstorms? Hail
Goggles koruyucu gzlk When chipping rust on a vessel, the most important piece of
safety gear is goggles.
Line throwing equipment Halat atma ekipman Line throwing equipment should NOT be operated
in an explosive atmosphere

The most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately flood the
affected area with water
A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the
cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. This
document called Unclean Bill of Lading
Inadequacy yetersizlik, noksanlk
to take into account hesaba katmak, dikkate almak
During the inspection of the machinery spaces on board for oil and oily mixtures, the port state control
officer ( PSCO) may determine and takes into account: If there is any inadequacy of such facilities

Traumatic yarann sebep olduu

What is NOT a treatment for traumatic shock? Massage the arms and legs to restore circulation.

Unwittingly istemeyerek, bilmeyerek, farknda olmadan, gayri ihtiyari

Encounter (bir tehlike veya zorlukla) kar karya gelmek
Reveal ortaya/aa karmak; ortaya koymak, gzler nne sermek; ele vermek; ifa
etmek, aa vurmak: reveal one's plans planlarn
Bridle iki gemi demirini birletiren zincir veya halat A length of line or cable attached to two parts of
something to spread the force of a pull, as the rigging on a kite for attaching line

Bulkhead gemi blmesi

slop chest gemi malzeme deposu commissary maintained aboard merchant ships to
sell merchandise to the crew
tama A general term for the transport of logs from one point to another,
usually from a landing to the mill or shipping point
Inspection Kontrol etmek
1. belirlemek, tayin etmek; tespit etmek, saptamak: We have not yet
determined the price of that book. O kitabn fiyatn henz saptamadk
Undue yasaya aykr, usulsz, kanunsuz


Spillage sv dknts


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