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Deni̇zci̇li̇k İngi̇li̇zcesi̇

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1- In a 2 stroke engine each revolution of the crank is completed within the angle of_____________

a) 360° xxxx

b) 180°

c) 720°

d) 90°

e) 45

2- Watertube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of_____________

a) High pressure, temperature, capacity xxxx

b) Low pressure but high capacity

c) Heavy but quick steam raising process

d) A and C

e) For the auxilliary purposes

3- What is not carried by a tanker?

a) crude oil

b) chemical substances

c) asphalt

d) frozen food xxxx

e) wine

4- When an engine is installed, the bedplate is seated on the_____________

a) crankcase

b) entablature

c) foundation xxxx

d) main bearings

e) cylinder block

5- The oil temperature is controlled by means of a_____________in the lubricating oil system.

a) preheater

b) sump
c) cooler

d) thermostatic valve xxxx

e) strainer

6- The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. Their
arrangement shall be such as to avoid possibility of freezing. A valve shall be fitted to serve each fire
hose so that any fire hose may be removed while the fire pumps are at work. Fire hoses shall be non-
perishable material and be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any of spaces. Each hose
shall be provided with a nozzle and the couplings. In passenger ships there shall be one fire hose for
each of the hydrants and these hoses shall be used only for fire extinguishing. In cargo ships of 1000
GT and upwards the number of fire hoses shall be one for each 30 m length of the ship and one spare
but in no case less than five at all. This number doesn‟t include any hoses required by any engine or
boiler room. Standard nozzle sizes shall be 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm. All nozzles shall be dual-
purpose type (spray/jet type) incorporating a shut off.

According to the passage, nozzles shall be_____________

a) either spray or jet type

b) both spray and jet type xxxx

c) neither spray nor jet type

d) only jet type

e) only spray type

7- The process of supplying the intake of a diesel engine with air at a pressure greater than
atmospheric is called:

a) Engine displacement

b) Scavenging

c) Air injection

d) Supercharging xxxx

e) Intercooling

8- If the quantity of oil and particles in separated oily water is_____________15 ppm, it can be
drained overboard.

a) below xxxx

b) over

c) at

d) above
e) u

9- _____________is the cause of burned exhaust valves

a) Overloaded cylinder

b) Poor combustion

c) Distortion and faulty reseating maintenance

d) Any above xxxx

e) A and B

10- _____________protects the pump shafts from erosion, corrosion and wear

a) Wearing rings

b) Renewable sleeves xxxx

c) A hardened metal coating

d) Internally flooded lantern rings

e) Lantern rings

Sorular yarısı eski yarısı yeni sorular gibi geldi. Aklımda kalan bazı yeni soruları aşağı yazdım. sınavdan
85 aldım. Hepinize kolay gelsin.

- Deniz suyunu tanklara almak ne demek gibi bir soru

Cevap: ballasting yaptım.

- Gemilerin temel özellikleri şunlardır gibi bir soru . width ve heıght vermis.diğerini sormuş

Cevap: depth yaptım.

- personelın daha ıyı sartlarda çalışması için gemideki sistem tarzında bır soru vardı

cevap : aır condıtıon yaptım.

- “Hub, blade, pitch”. The terms are related to:



Thrust block

Propeller xxx

- Propeller type and ......... Choosen according to ship size and draught şeklinde soru vardı.

Cevap: quantıty yaptım.

- 2 zamanlı ve 4 zamanlı makine arasındaki temel farklar şunlardır gibi bir soru geldi. Birini ignitıon
style vermiş.diğerine boşluk bırakmış.

Cevap: fuel system yaptım

- Çalışılacak ortamda zehirli gaz oluşma tehlikesi varsa hand tools nasıl neye göre seçilir gibi bir soru

Cevap : onaylı olması gerek gibi bir şık vardı. Onu seçtim.

- Vertıcal shaft fitted with rudder diye başlayan bir soru vardı.

Cevaplar arasında yanlış hatırlamıyorsam stern frame, rudder frame,stern post,rudder stock falan
vardı. Rudder stock seçtim.

- Kullanılacak yakıtlar soğuk ve katı olduğundan kullanmadan önce ne yapılır gibi bir soru vardı. Boşluk

……. before use gibi.

Cevap : heating yaptım.

51. What statement is not true regarding the function of steam turbine
Steam turbine extracts mechanical work from the energy stored in steam
Steam turbine generates electrical energy
Sometimes steam turbine is connected to a reduction gear
Steam turbine is used as cargo pump drive source
Steam turbine produces steam for steam engine(d)

53. “Gas will expand when heat is applied”

What statement below has the same meaning with this law of phsycs
Gas expands unless heat is applied
When gas expand, its temperature decreases
Whenever gas is heated, it expands(D)
Gas expands, otherwise heat is applied
If we expand the gas, it will heat

54. “When a gas is compressed, the temperature of the gas will increase”
What word can be used instead of underlined word without changing meaning

55. What statement is not true regarding gas turbines

Gas turbine operates on the Otto Cycle(D)
Gas turbine has low manoeuvring capability
Gas turbine are used on super tankers, naval ships or aircrafts
Gas turbine is not attractive for a ship owner because of high fuel cost
Gas turbine is an internal combustion engine

71. In a gas turbine , the pressure of air is changed

At the inlet
In the combustion chamber
Through the compressor(D)
During the combustion
Through the inlet of turbine

72. What factor is not primarily taken into account by a ship owner when
choosing an engine
Propulsive efficiency(D)
Size and weight
Maintenance work load
Installation time

77. “The piston is forcing the exhaust gas out of the cylinder by moving
What word must be changed to get the true meaning

78. What statement is not true regarding two-stroke engines?

Two stroke engines are uniflow and cross flow types
Two stroke engines have ports on liner
Crankshaft completes two revolutions in a two stroke cycle(D)
Compression and power strokes are two strokes comprising the cycle
Two-stroke engines may be fitted with crossheads

80. not stationary part of a diesel engine


81. Bedplate is seated on the ..........

Cylinder block
Engine frame

85. The cooling medium for cylinder cooling circulates through

Main bearings

95. The purpose of cylinder cooling is:

Maintaining the engine temperature at a certain level of operation(D)
Retaining the piston temperature at constant speed
Making liner more slippery
Treating the fresh water before starting the engine
Reducing the crankshaft revolution speed

98. Fuel main is located:

On the bunkering station
On the storage tank
On the service tank(D)
In the engine room
Underneath the cargo spaces

102. What is not a part of propulsion system

Main thrust block
Reduction Gear

127. What statement is not true regarding boilers

Boilers produce steam for machinery
Boilers are used for main propulsion plant
Boilers can be classified as fire tube and water tube
Boilers can be found on all motor vessels
Boiler feedwater is circulated by a feedwater pump in all boilers(D)

129. What statement is not true regarding tubes of a fire tube boiler
All the tubes are made of heat-resistant metal
All the tubes are surrounded by water
All the tubes immersed in water
All the tubes are mounted vertically(D)
The hot gases pass through these tubes

132. The moisture is removed from the steam by means of

Generating tubes
Water drum
Steam drum(D)
Waterwall tubes

133. The purpose of attemperator is:

To remove the impurities from the feedwater
To reduce the temperature of superheated steam(D)
To supply heat recovery
To remove non-condensable gases from boiler
To remove all moisture from the steam

135. Non-condensable gases are removed from the condenser by:

Air heater
Air ejector(D)

136. The function of a deaerator is :

Acting as a storage tank to keep water level
Keeping a constant pressure on the feed system
Keeping water free of air
Acting as a contact feed heater

137. What statement is not true?

Soot blower keeps clear of combustion residues
De-aerator keeps water free of air
Air ejector removes non-condensable gases from economizer(D)
Superheater removes the moisture from steam.
Attemperator reduces the temperature of superheated steam

138. “Raw water is not ture enough to use in boiler”

What word can be exactly used instead of underlined word?

139. The dissolved salts in feedwater may cause:

Reduction in heat transfer by scale formation
Caustic cracking
Tube failure from overheating

140. Caustic cracking is the result of:

Excess of alkaline salts(D)

141. pH Value is achieved by adding:


142. Corrosion within boiler is prevented by:

Polymer treatment
Adding anti-foam
Amine treatement(D)
Adding coagulants

143. Scale and sludge formation is prevented by:

Neutralizing amines
Filming amines
Polymer treatment(D)
Keeping pH value
Deaeration of the boiler by hydrazine

144. “The dissolved gases adhere to the heating surfaces”

What word can be exactly used instead of underlined word?

150. ..........are the common parts within the 2 and 4 stroke diesel engines
Piston, valves, cylinder, fuel injector
Crankshaft, crosshead, cylinder
Turbocharger, piston, gudgeonpin, cylinder
Crankshaft, connecting rod, pistons
Cylinder, connecting road, pistons(D)

158. Pre-ignation can be caused by ........ in an operating diesel engine

Excessively late fuel injection
Oil in the air charge(D)
Water in the fuel
Injection continuing after the fuel charge is ignited
None above

167. Which of the following oil seperation units makes use of gravity
Settling tank

169. What is not a component of two-stage air compressor

Suction valve
Throttle valve(D)
Discharge valve
Drain valve

170. What statement is not true regarding air receivers?

The pressure of air is 20-30 bar
The receiver must store enough air for twelve engine starts
The pressure inside is controlled by a pressure gauge
The air receivers are self-cleaning devices(D)
Drain valves are fitted to drain impurities

171. Air receivers are not fitted with;

Pressure gauge
Reducing valve
Drain valve
Relief valve

172. Air receivers are protected against high pressure by;

Pressure gauge
Reducing valve
Relief valve(D)
Drain valve

173. Using a semi- permeable to retain salt and impurities from sea water is:
Reverse osmosis(d)

174. Seawater is pumped into fresh water generation unit by:

Booster pump
Ejector pump(d)
Distilate pump
Sanitary pump
Transfer pump

175. What process is not related to fresh water generation?

Reverse osmosis

176. The feed water is evaporated in the evporator by means of :

Brine ejector
Ejector pump
Air ejector(D)
Cylinder cooling water

179. Ammonia is extremely toxic” What word can replace the underlined word

180. Air conditioning system does not involve:

Heating the air
Compressing the air(D)
Cooling the air

207. A propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by ........

Shutting off the air supply
Overspeeding the engine
Securing the fuel supply(D)
Securing the ignition system
All above

218. Which valve is normally closed when charging an R-22 or R-134a

refrigeration system through the high side?
The thermal expansion valve
The dehydrator inlet valve
The suction line valve
Both the thermal expansion valve and dehydrator inlet valve
The liquid line king valve(D)

219. When operating at high or low speed in the use of nozzles in a turbine,
attention and precaution must be taken that .......
The nozzles in use should be wide open
Operation with a few nozzles as it’s economical
The nozzles not in use must be tightly closed
All above(D)
Only a and b

225. When does a two stroke cycle diesel engine produce a power stroke in each
Once in every 2 revolutions of the crankshaft
Once for every 4 stroke of the piston
Once for every 2 stroke of the piston(D)
Directly after the exhaust stroke
None of the above

232. ...... Are not self-priming pumps

Screw pumps(D)
Reciprocating pumps
Gear pumps
Centrifugal pumps
Rotary positive displacement pumps
234. not a valve type?
Relief valve
Stop valve
Throttling valve
Check valve
Return valve(d)
235. Metal made by combining two or more methalic elements is:

237. What statement is not true regarding butterfly valves?

Butterfly valves are stop valves
Butterfly valves are small, quick-acting valves(d)
Butterfly valves can be used for throttling
Butterfly valves can be uesd in water systems and lube systems
A spherical disc is used open and close the valve

238. To control the supply of expandable fluids such as compressed air, steam, a used
Stop valve(D)
Throttling valve
Relief valve
Drain valve

240. What associate is not true?

Air conditioning-cold room(D)
Oil seperation – clarifier
Pump – positive displacement pump
Valve – non-return valve
Fresh water generation - evaporator

241.Marine electrical equipment are:


242. The machine that generates electrical energy is:

Electric motor,

243. The machine that converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy is
244. Which of the following parts is not of a generator?

245. What part of generator is not rotating?

Slip rings,

246. The parts of generator that connect the high output voltage to the external
circuit are:
Slip rings and brushes,(D)

247. What cools the generator by dissipating heat in the generator frame?
Rotor assembly,
Stator assembly,
Fan assembly,(d)
Coils of wire
248. Which of the following devices are loads?
Distribution panel,

250. What statement is not true regarding switchboards?

Switchboards distribute electric power,
There are feeders that extend from switchboard to the distribution panels,
Switchboards are divided into sections by busbar isolators,
Switchboards receive power directly from transformer,(d)
Switchboards are connected to the panels and circuits

251. What is used to seperate operating electrical equipment from the rest of the
electric system
Emergency switchboard
Branch circuits,
Circuit breakers and fuses(d)

253. The voltage generated by an alternator is:

110 V.,
440 V,(d)
220 V,
680 V,
120 V.

254. What statement is true regarding DC motors?

DC motors are more common than AC motor,
DC motors are easy to maintain,
DC motors are less expensive than AC motors,
DC motors have the constant speed characteristic,(d)
DC motors run on the principles of attraction and repulsion of magnetism

255. What statement is not true regarding AC motors?

AC motors consist of two main assemblies : rotor and stator,
Rotors in an AC motor are turned by magnetic field,
The rotating field in an AC motor induces electromotor force,
AC motors operate on direct current,(d)
Single-phase AC motors are also called squirrel cage motors

256. What can be a source of electric power?

An electric motor,
A fuse,
A battery,(d)
A control panel,
A rotor.

257.“electrolite, anode, electrode”.The terms are related to a:


258. What is the solution that reacts with the electrodes?


259. A lead-acid battery of 6 cells can give the voltage of;

2,2 V,
7 V,
12 V,(d)
1,4 V,
6 V.

260. What statement is not true regarding electrolyte?

The electrolyte reacts with the electrodes
The electrolyte provides a path for electron flow,
It may be a salt, an acid, or an alcaline solution,
Electrolytes are non-conducting materials,(d)
It can be a liquid or dry substance

1-tail shaft at an oceangoıng vessel is usually supported.......

stern tube bearıng xxxxx

sprıng bearıng

taıl bearıng

propeller bearıng

roller bearıng

-good combustıon of fuel oıl can easıly be ıdentıfıed from the........of the engıne,total output power


colour exhaust



-before startıng the bılge pump,open suctıon valve and close ...........valve ınorder to empty shıps
bılge wheel

aır xxxx


water xxxx



-the sequence of events that take place on cylınder of an engıne ındıcated by term......



stroke xxxx



-shıps.............or,shıps breadth bısıler demıs burda..

wıdth xxx





bıde personelın daha ıyı sartlarda çalışması için gemideki sistem tarzında bır soru vardı onuda aır
condıtıon yaptım.

1- It shall be the responsibility of the ------------------- to prepare the boilers

for inspection.
A) Chief Engineer ------
B) 2nd Engineer
C) Boatswain
D) 2nd officer
E) Any above organization
2- When vacuum is lost on a turbo generator the trip is actuated by
A) Sentinel valve
B) Back pressure
C) Slugs of water -----
D) Overspeed trip
E) A and B

3- what is Another name for the liquid valve

A. Master valve
B. King valve -----
C. Freon valve
D. Shut off valve
E. None of above

4-The coils in the evaporator are attached to the header by:

A. Pipe nipples
B. Union type fittings ----
C. Welding
D. Bolted flanges
E. Both C and D

5-Electrohydraulic steering units are protected from pounding forces

(rudder shock) by:
A. Buffer springs
B. Follow up mechanism
C. Relief valves -------
D. Relieving gear
E. Steering pumps

6-Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ....., turbo alternator ....... And
all the full away procedure should be done .....
A.Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order ----
B.Does not have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
C.Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
D.Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
E.Doesn’t have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order

7-All refrigerator compressor valves are opened and closed via .......
C.Pressure differantial
D.A or C -----
E.None above

8-While making your rounds, you notice the main lube oil temperature is
higher than normal.
To remedy this situation, you should:
A.Speed up the main lube oil pump
B.Open the lube oil cooler seawater inlet valve wider
C.Throttle in on the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve
D.Close the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider
E.Open the lube oil cooler seawater discharge valve wider ------

9-“The quantity of oil in seperated water is controlled by a control unit”

what sentence below has the same meaning?
A.Control unit controls the oil quantity and seperate it,
B.The quantity of oil is seperated and controlled by control unit,
C.The oil quantity in water is seperated by control unit,
D.Control unit controls the oil quantity in seperated water, -----
E.Seperated water in oil is controlled by control unit.

10-Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position to maintain an

average application rate of not less than 5 l/m²/min over the area covered
by the sprinklers.
What word can be used instead of the underlined word?
a) run
b) keep ------
c) place
d) repair
e) change

11-2 zamanlı guc uretımın 2 stroke or one ……. Of crankshaft diye bir soru
c) stroke
d) cylce
e) revolutıon ----

13- kavıtasyon la ılgılı soruda …… of propeller kavitasyonun oldugu yeri

d) shaft
e) blade ----

14-The main stationary parts of an engine are_____________

a) bedplate, engine frame, crankshaft, cylinder block, cylinders and liners
b) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, cylinder block, cylinders and liners
c) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, crosshead, cylinders and liners
d) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, pistons and liners
e) bedplate, engine frame, crankcase, connecting rod, cylinders and liners.

15-draft markasıyla ilgili bir soru vardı.draft marks ındıcates vs vs vs From

the bottom of keel to …….
d) draft
e) water lıne ----

16-acil durumda su hattı altında 3 ınc den ufak bır delige gecıcı olarak ne
a) soft woden lı bır sık vardı ------
b) weldıng
c) cement
17- yanmanın duzgun oldugu nasıl anlasılır dıye bır soru vardı.
a) clear exhaust ------

Cavitation, the forming and bursting of vapor filled cavities or bubbles will result
in .............................

1) A loss of thrust
2) Erosion of the blade surface
3) Vibrations in the afterbody of the ship
4) Noise
5) All above<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
.............................. protects the pump shafts from erosion, corrosion and wear

1) Wearing rings
2) Renewable sleeves<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
3) A hardened metal coating
4) Internally flooded lantern rings
5) Lantern rings
Insufficient refrigerant in a refrigeration plant on board a ship may result in:

1) High discharge pressure

2) Frosting of the crankcase
3) High temperature of the overboard water
4) Low suction pressure<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5) Low temperature of the sea water
An advantage of aluminum pistons compared to cast iron pistons is:

1) Greater high temperature strength

2) Greater weight per cubic meter
3) Increased resistance to wear
4) Low temperature strength
5) Better heat conductivity<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The air supplied to the cylinders by a turbocharger is often reduced in volume by

1) Air compressor
2) Diffuser
3) Filter
4) Venturi
5) Aftercooler<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Sediment collects in a tubular purifier:

1) On top cover
2) In drain line
3) On sides of bowl<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
4) On the discs
5) None of above
A cracked cylinder head on a diesel engine could be indicated by:

1) Excessive lube oil consumption

2) Water draining from the fuel leakoff valves
3) Excessive fuel oil consumption
4) Excessive cooling water consumption
5) Combustion gases venting at the expansion
If one cylinder was getting more fuel then others the effect will be ...............

1) That cylinder's being overloaded

2) The exhaust valve's being overheated
3) Average compression<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
4) Incomplete combustion
5) Complate combustion
What harmful consequence can result from sludge in the lube oil system of a
trunk piston diesel engine?

1) Clogged oil pump suction screens

2) Increased oil temperature
3) Stuck piston rings
4) Any of the above<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5) None of the above
An electric heater built into the cylinder water jacket would be used to:

1) Raise lube oil viscosity for easier starting in cold weather

2) Increase air inlet temperature
3) Increase compression ratio
4) Increase jacketwater temperature for easier starting in cold
5) Heating compressed air
Which valve is normally closed when charging an R-22 or R-134 a refrigeration
system through the high side?

1) The thermal expansion valve

2) The dehydrator inlet valve
3) The suction line valve
4) Both the thermal expansion valve and dehydrator inlet valve
5) The liquid line king valve<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
When operating at high or low speed in the use of nozzles in a turbine, attention
and precaution must be taken that ........................

1) The nozzles in use should be wide open

2) Operation with a few nozzles as it's economical
3) The nozzles not in use must be tightly closed
4) All above<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
5) Only 1 and 2
The valve which is always partially open when the evaporator is in operation is

1) Vapor valve
2) Continuous blowdown valve<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
3) Bottom blowdown valve
4) Surface blowdown valve
5) Fresh water valve
It shall be the responsibility of the ................ to prepare the boilers for

1) Chief Engineer<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2) 2nd Engineer
3) Boatswain
4) 2nd officer
5) Any above organization
"Water hammer" is caused by:

1) Hitting water pipe with hammer

2) Too much water in pipe line system
3) Water in steam lines<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
4) Steam in water lines
5) Few amount of water in pipe line system
The thermostatic expansion valve of R-22 or R-134 a refrigeration system
controls the:

1) Back pressure in the evaporator coils

2) Temperature in the refrigerated space
3) Superheat in the refrigerant leaving the
4) Refrigerant pressure in high side
5) Temperature in the condenser
A propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by .........................

1) Shutting off the air supply

2) Overspeeding the engine
3) Securing the fuel supply<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
4) Securing the ignition system
5) All above
Studs and nuts intended for use in main steam line flanges and fittings are
marked with an "H" or a "T" to show they are:

1) Heat resistant<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2) Hard finished
3) Half threaded
4) Corrosion resistant
5) Fire proof
What kind of bolts would you use on a saltwater line?

1) Cold rolled
2) Brass<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
3) Cast iron
4) Plastic
5) All of the above
The removal of contaminating impurities from lubricating oil will ................

1) Increase engine wear

2) Decrease engine wear
3) Increase possible breakdowns
4) Decrease possible breakdown
5) 2 and 4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1 ) Pompa asagıdan yukarıya basar ... sorusu vardı yukarıyanın ıngılızce anlamını
2 ) Vıskozıtenın tanımı vardı .... akısa karsı dırenc demek bunun ıngılızcesı varsı .
yanı ıngılızce cevırısı
3 ) Cpp pompasının kanadını nasıl sabıt tutarız sorusu vardı ... cevabı hıdrolık
4 ) Bır hıdrolık pompa calısıyor ama basıncı gormuyorsak ılk ne yaparız sorusu
vardı... cevabı yag sevıyesını kontrol ederız .... ..
Insallah herkes gecer sıkıntı yasamadan

cevap temperature soru şu şekilde verilmiş

refrigeration is the circulation and refreshing of the air in space without necessarily a change of

10. What is the advantage of using a hydraulic starting system for an emergency

A. The system is inexpensive

B. High pressure lines are not required
C. It is compact
D. Faster cranking speeds are obtained
E. None of the above
39. When maneuvering, you discover heavy smoke coming from the
turbocharger casing. You should:

A. Check the air filter for dirt

B. Check for an exhaust leak
c)Check the cooling water temperature
d)Notify the bridge and ask to shut the
engine down
E. Check fuel oil consumption
69. Watertube boilers are designed to operate within the conditions of ........

a.High pressure, temperature, capacity

b.Low pressure but high capacity
c.Heavy but quick steam raising process
d.A and c
.For the auxiliary purposes
107.Prior to port arrival, a diesel alternator ....., turbo alternator ....... And all
the full away procedure should be done .....
Will have to be started/will be shut down/in reverse order
Does not have to be started/will have to be shut down/in reverse order
Will have to be started/will have to be started/in right order
Will have to be shut down/will have to be started/in reverse order
Doesn’t have to be shut down/will have to be shut down/in right order
109.The instrument always used in conjunction with a salinity indicator is the:

Oxygen meter
159. A ball bearing will overheated if:

Completely full of grease

Half full of grease
In use for a long time
Operated at high speed
Operated at medium speed
190. “The intake valve is open and exhaust valve is closed. The air is drawn into
cylinder while the piston is moving downward” defines
Power stroke
Compression stroke
İntake stroke
Exhaust stroke
In two stroke engines , if the engine has exhaust valve(s), it is
a .............scavenged engine

Cross flow
197. .......the fire pumps are at work.
What word can be used instead of underlined part?

In operation
Out of orde
204. When the seperated oil is burnt by an ......., the application is recorded in
Oil Record Book.

Oily water seperator

Aeration chamber
8.The measurement of enclosed volume of a ship is defined by;
a) load displacement
b) displacement
c) deadweight
d) net tonnage
e) tonnage
16.Which of the following indicates pump‟s function instead of its structure?
a) bilge pump
b) centrifugal pump
c) positive displacement pump
d) gear pump
e) reciprocating pump
1)an electric heater built into the clinyder water jacket would be used to:
cevap:ıncrease jacketwater temperature for easier starting in cold weather 2) bir
tane boşluk doldurma sorusu vardı geçmiş yıllarda çıkmış bi soru cevabı:
BY:CEVAP:scavenging 4) the heat which is used to change a liquid to a gas or
vapor is called latent heat of........................ cevap:evaporization 5)what
statement is true regarding deck machinery? cevap:deck machinery can be
driven by hydraulic electric or steam force arkadaşlar pervane ile ilgili bi soru
vardı cümlenin sonu propeller diye bitiyodu cevablar arasında blade şıkkını
işaretledim emin değildim ama doğru çıktı diğer 2 soruyu hatırlıyamıyorum
kusura bakmayın beyler umarım bu sorular işinize yarar başarılar dilerim.

10.d 39.d 69.a 107.a 109.b 159.a 190.c 190.sorudan sonra olan sorunun cvbı e
uniflow 197.c 204.c 8.e 16.a

Whats the sistem used for measuring the ignition quality? CETANE NUMBER

All of the following are used for Low temperature starting,except: CYLINDER COMPRESSION RATıO

Fire dedecting and extinguishing equipment is required on all... VESSELS OVER 150 FEET İN LENGTH

Which of the following isnt a component of a waler tube boiler. BOOSTER POMP

Supposing a fire caused by short electrıc circuit within the equipments is categorized as a............. Fire
and Will be extinguished via.............? CLASS C. CHEMiCAL POWDER

6- its prohibited by Law that the discharge of UNTREATED sewage in restricted waters.what word can
be used instead of underlined word? RAW

7- .............. İs the cause of burned exhaust valf? ANY ABOVE

8- .............. Should be considered as a hazard on the propeller and through examination and repair
Will be carried out when the vessel is in dry Dock ? ALL ABoVE

9-the reciprocating motion of a connecting rod is transformed intihar a Rotary motion by the ?

1-fuel ...... yakıt ayarından bahsediyor. cevap: pump

2-soğutma odaların dan bahsedip odadan ne alınır soruyor. cevap heat

3-şaft pervane sistemlerinda uzun şaftlardan bahsediyor.........cevap:propolsion

4-ısınan yağ,yataklardan bahsediyor cevap :friction

13 soru eski kitaptaki sorulardan çıktı.

diğerleride zaten kolay yapılcak sorulardı.

1- gemi kaza yaparsa mutakıbınde hangi sörveye girer

cevaplar arasında

damage,initial, intermediate,

2-talim sırasında bir personelin can yeleginin uygun olmadıgı tespıt edilirse olaya kim müdahale eder

owner,master,,safety off.,chf.eng. şikları vardı

3-oıl and fuell oil yangınlarına hansısı ile müdahale edilmez diye bir soru vardı

co2,solid foan,steam water,

4-clas sörveyi gemide nereleri kontrol eder

sadece hull ,sadece mak.,sadece elkt,elektrik aksamı ve makina , makina-elkt-ve hull

5-stat ement is not correct li bir cümle vardı cevabı gemideki herşeyden owner sorumludur.

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