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Coal Shipped in Wet Condition .......... : Birinci Zabit - Kaptan Denizcilik İngilizcesi

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1. COLREG defines a “vessel turning” as a vessel ............

A) making no move
B) making a small alteration in course
C) making a U turn
D) making a large alteration in course
E) not making any alteration

2. Coal shipped in wet condition ..........

A) loses weight
B) gains weight
C) weighs the same
D) has no loss in weight
E) has no difference in weight

3. A vessel which is able to load and discharge by itself is called ...........

A) self-employed
B) self-serving
C) self-made
D) self-sustaining
E) non-self sustaining

4. The instruction “to single up” shows ............

A) The ship is ready to leave the quay or berth
B) The ship has completed the operation
C) The ship has departed
D) The ship is underway
E) The ship is abandoned

5. Hydrographic survey information is used in the making of ............. of all scales.

A) charcoal
B) charters
C) charts
D) chalks
E) changes

6. A wind which first blows from South, then changes direction to blow from the South West, then
changes direction to blow from the West is said to be ..............
A) anti-clockwise
B) deliberate
C) swelling
D) veering
E) backing

7. Mist is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibility to between ..........
A) 100 and 200 metres
B) 1000 and 2000 metres
C) 100 and 200 kilometres
D) 10 and 20 miles
E) 100 and 200 miles

8. Ship’s position can NOT be given in ...........

A) latitude and longtitude
B) bearing and distance
C) reference to a navigation mark
D) rapid and unambigious method
E) electronic position – fixing references

9. “Last night, being the third of the month May, Mr.Selim Yavuz, the pumper, went ashore without
leave and came back this morning. He did not turn out for work when ordered at 7 o’clock. For this
reason he is fined a sum of day’s pay.” This is a report of ............
A) offence
B) penalty
C) defense
D) accusation
E) acceptance


This is to certify that Mr.Walden has worked on board the “BEAUTY” as a captain since 1995 . He
has specialized in the Far Eastern container trade.
Owing to his great experience in handling the refrigerated goods, we found him and his services
very useful and we can recommend him to be employed on any vessel.
He is leaving us at his request and we are sorry to lose him.
This is an example of a ...........

A) job application
B) accident report
C) survey report
D) testimonial
E) incident report

11. Dear Sirs,

I regret to inform you that due to the stoppage of the separating valve of the bilge manifold some
water from the ballast tank on port side was pumped overboard together with the oil contaminated
bilge water from the shaft tunnel.
The cause of this contamination is purely technical and totally accidental.
The CHIEF ENGİNEER OF THE M/V .............
This correspondence is an example of

A) bunkering order
B) notification
C) damage to the ship
D) statement of sea protest
E) resume

12. Many types of bulk cargo are liable to shifting and therefore special precautions must be taken
with such cargoes as grain, some kind of ores, certain kinds of coal, broken granite etc. It is
necessary to see that the bulk cargo is well trimmed. A load of barrels should be stowed bilge free
and well blocked off to avoid it.
This passage is about ..........
A) handling damage
B) crushing
C) dust damage
D) leakage
E) shifting

13. “ At its 20 th session in November 1997, IMO’s Assembly adopted resolution A. 850 (20) on “The
Human Element: Vision, Principles and Goals” and, at the 21 st Assembly in November 1999, IMO
passed a resolution whereby the prime emphasis in the Organization’s work was shifted away
from developing technical standards and towards the human factor. Resolution A. 900 (21)
“Objectives of the Organization in the 2000s” pays particularly close attention to the importance of
fostering a culture of maritime safety. This was deemed to be the Organization’s prime mission in
the early years of the new millennium.”

According to the above paragraph, the resolution adopted at the 21 st assembly focused
more on than .

A)developing technical standards / the human factor

B)the human factor / developing technical standards
C)the organization’s work / maritime safety
D)maritime safety / the human factor
E)the previous resolution / the one of the new millenium

14. Port state control officer said to the Master of the M/ V Rose that the ship got detained
because of the absence of the lifeboat inventory.
Which of the following conventions didn’t the M/V Rose comply with?

15. You can anchor until there is sufficient water.

A) Su yetersiz onun için demirleme
B) Su derinliği yeterli olana dek demirleyebilirsiniz
C) Su derinliği giderek azalıyor, demirliyebilirsiniz
D) Su derinliği yetersiz, demirlemek tehlikelidir
E) Su derinliği kafi yola çıkabilirsiniz

16. “You must shorten your cable to three shackles” is an order given by a pilot station.....
A) when the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
B) after the pilot boards the vessel to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
C) immediately before the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
D) immediately after the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into harbour
E) it has nothing to do with the pilot whatsoever

17. “I am sinking”, “I am on fire”, “I am not under command”, “I am in collision” and “I am aground”

are all ..............
A) pilot request messages
B) way point messages
C) anchoring messages
D) clearence messages
E) incident messages

18. Which of the following messages needs to be corrected ?

A) “Instruction: Do not enter the fairway”
B) İnformation: Visibility is not expected to change in your position”
C) “ I will use my own tow lines.
D) ‘Question: May I proceed along the ice channel ?
E) “ Warning. Obstruction in the fair way”

19. When the second mate caught a contagious disease ...........

A) the doctor advised him to stop complaining
B) he was taken out of the sick bay as soon as possible
C) the crew lost hope when his condition worsened
D) no one was allowed to visit him
E) the doctor gave him a check up and found nothing

20. A male passenger, Selçuk Güneş, aged 35, has been ill for three days. His temperature is 39 and
his pulse rate is 85. This is a description of a ...........
A) doctor’s state
B) nurse’s state
C) patient’s state
D) pupil’s state
E) customer’s state

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