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KM Techniques Brochure 2010b

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for expertise transfer, collaboration, project learning


KM and Knowledge Transfer Training and Coaching Programme

Knowledge Management is not just putting in place a This extraordinary three module practical KM training
technology solution. It's also about having the right and coaching programme teaches a suite of proven
skills at the right time to facilitate the right kind of knowledge transfer techniques in the three core areas
knowledge sharing, eg, of project management, collaboration, and expertise
• during a project meeting transfer. Some, such as after action reviews (AARs) will
• while planning or reviewing new work cycles be quite familiar. Others are less common and come
• bringing new members of the team up to speed from large-group facilitation, or from cognitive
• figuring out what is that special something that psychology research into the nature of expertise.
extremely experienced members of staff know
and how it can be transferred Who Should Sign Up?
• identifying important lessons learned Knowledge Managers & Activists, KM Champions,
• creating a sharing culture Trainers & Facilitators, Project Managers,
• capturing knowledge in accessible ways Community Coordinators, Team Leaders

Why Knowledge Sharing is Important What You Can Expect

We are often very vague about what exactly we mean All of the techniques are presented in the context of real
by “knowledge sharing”, as if it is a one-size-fits-all organisational sharing needs. The training includes
activity that involves either talking about what we guidance on when the tools are appropriate and when
know, or writing something down. But knowledge they are not, and the extent to which they can be
sharing is a very sophisticated human activity, which adapted to local needs and constraints.
changes according to the situational needs. You will
need different techniques for: Our programme provides a toolkit of techniques that
• fostering a common understanding among you will be able to apply across a range of different
team members situations for knowledge transfer and knowledge
• accelerating the learning curves of new staff capture. Each module is delivered in a 2+1 day format
• identifying key lessons learned in a major with an interval to allow participants to apply the tools
project and techniques, share and learn with their co-
• calling in experienced staff to identify potential participants, and get feedback and coaching from the
risks in a project. trainers.

Knowledge sharing can happen a hundred different ways, depending

on the situation. Do you know which techniques to use, and when?
We'll train and coach you in proven techniques for facilitating
knowledge transfer, to help your effectiveness.
3 Workshops, 20 Knowledge Transfer Techniques
Peer Collaboration & Communities

Day 1: Introduction to CoPs and Collaboration

• Orientation to the Nature of Communities &
How to Identify Collaboration & Sharing
• Open Space Technology as a Technique for
Harnessing Participation & Energy

Day 2: Facilitating & Leveraging Sharing Events

• Appreciative Inquiry
• Storytelling & Story Listening
• Anecdote Circles
• Interviewing Skills, Podcasting & Vodcasting e q uis n the
-R eo
Pre u com tify a
4 weeks interval to apply the techniques y o en
e f ore m e, id e you
Day 3: Coaching & Deeper Application B
m her
pro r e a w ly the
• Debrief, Feedback & Coaching ka pp rn
wor t to a ou lea
wa n sy
• CoP Evaluation: Most Significant Change
h n ique
• Positive Deviance & Better Practice Transfer tec

Project Learning & Knowledge Capture Expert Knowledge Transfer


Day 1: Project Learning Day 1: Introduction to Expertise Transfer

• Orientation to Knowledge and Learning • Orientation to the Nature of Expertise, and
Opportunities in Projects How to Identify Critical Expertise Transfer
• After Action Reviews & Retrospects Needs
• Appreciative Inquiry • Interviewing Skills
• Before Action Reviews & Pre-Mortems • Concept Mapping for Knowledge Capture

Day 2: Knowledge Creation & Capture Day 2: Structured Interviews & Sharing Events
• Facilitating World Cafes • Expertise Knowledge Audit Interview
• Concept Mapping for Knowledge Capture • Using the Fishbowl for Expertise Sharing
• Rich Pictures for Knowledge Capture • Using Peer Assists for Problem Solving
4 weeks interval to apply the techniques 4 weeks interval to apply the techniques
Day 3: Coaching & Deeper Application Day 3: Coaching & Knowledge Packaging
• Debrief, Feedback & Coaching • Debrief, Feedback & Coaching
• Stakeholder Management: Value Network • The Play of Life Technique for Experience
Analysis & Rich Pictures Sharing
• Collaborative Planning: Peer Assists & Ritual • Knowledge Packaging: Podcasting &
Dissent Vodcasting

You will learn how to:

• Facilitate effective sharing sessions, stimulate peer discussion & collaboration
• Select appropriate techniques for different knowledge transfer needs
• Get the best out of communities of practice
• Plan an expertise transfer programme, elicit the knowledge of experienced staff and experts
• Embed KM practices into projects, capture project knowledge and learning
• Package and arrange knowledge for re-use
More Than A Training
Additional benefits include:

• Coaching during the workshops

on how and where to apply the
techniques appropriately
• Online coaching between
workshops via a secure learning
blog shared with other
• Free copy of KM Approaches,
Methods & Tools: A Guidebook
(worth $72)
• Free pack of KM Method Cards
giving ready reference on 80
approaches, methods and tools
for practical KM (worth S$60)

Programme Facilitator

Free Guidebook & Pack of 80 KM Method Cards!

Q: Do I need a lot of experience in KM to join the programme?

A: No but it helps. Weʼve had participants with no experience in KM who still found
the programme valuable. The key thing is to come with an application area or KM
challenges, to which you can apply the techniques taught. The more experience and
practice you have, the greater value you're likely to get from the programme. Patrick Lambe
Q: Can I take more than one module and have more than one practice area?  is Principal Consultant at Straits Knowledge.
A:  Yes, although you should try and keep them manageable given that you will need He is also Adjunct Professor in KM at the
time to assimilate the techniques, to plan and prepare for applying the techniques, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and twice
doing the activity itself, and finally documenting your learning. past President of the Information and
Knowledge Management Society of
Q: If I donʼt have a clear KM practice area or challenge, can I still sign up for the Singapore. His latest book is Organising
programme? Knowledge: Taxonomies, Knowledge and
A: We want participants to learn by doing, hence itʼs important that you come with an Organisational Effectiveness (Oxford:
application area in mind. If you come without that, youʼre less likely to get full value Chandos, 2007).
out of the programme. If you foresee youʼll need some extra help in identifying
application areas just ask us, so that we can help you get the most out of applying
the techniques being taught.

Q: What if I miss a workshop?

A: There are a few things that you could do: (1) watch the relevant video recording if
available; (2) catch the same workshop the next time round; (3) send an informed
substitute, someone who knows what to listen out for on your behalf.

Q: What if I want to run this programme for staff in my organisation? 

A:  We have fine-tuned this programme after having gone through iterations as in-
house programmes for our clientsʼ knowledge champions. Weʼd be more than happy
to explore running the programme in-house for you if youʼre interested.

Q: Do I have to attend the full programme of workshops?

A: No, you can sign up for any combination of workshops. However, the combined
three module programme builds some generic skills and competencies for facilitation,
interviewing and knowledge packaging throughout the course, so you'll get more
value if you attend the full programme. And it's cheaper per workshop to sign up for
the whole thing!

Call us at 62210383 if you have any other questions!

Programme Fees and
Yes! Please register me for this programme! Name:

Workshop # ___________ at S$1,300 each (indicate which Organisation:

Contact Address:
Full Programme (all 3 workshops) at S$3,450

Individual workshop days at $485 each (indicate which

workshops and dates) __________________________
Tel: Fax:
Please contact me for group registration (3 or more from the
same organisation get a discount of 15%) Email:
I am a member of iKMS (eligible for 20% discount)

PAYMENT Fax or mail to:

Please invoice me I enclose payment by cheque
Straits Knowledge
NOTE: Straits Knowledge is a non-GST registered organisation 19A Keong Saik Road
Singapore 089126

Tel/Fax: +65 62210383

This programme is supported by
the Information and Knowledge
Management Society Business registration no: 52959850K

Programme Delivery Schedule 2010 Days 1-2 Day 3

1 Expert Knowledge Transfer 25-26 Mar 2010 14 Apr 2010

2 Project Learning & Knowledge Capture 15-16 Apr 2010 19 May 2010

3 Peer Collaboration and Communities 29-30 Jul 2010 18 Aug 2010

(1) Straits Knowledge may change the scheduled dates but will seek to meet participant's scheduling constraints if it does so
(2) Fees are due in advance and are non-refundable except in the case of workshop cancellation but may be assigned to other nominees
(3) Straits Knowledge may cancel workshops if there is insufficient registration and will either offer a refund or a replacement date to
registered participants
(4) Multiple discounts are not possible. Where two types of discounts are possible, the greater of the two will be applied.

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