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Communication Architecture in The Chosen Telematics Transport Systems

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Communication Architecture in the Chosen

Telematics Transport Systems
Mirosaw Siergiejczyk
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport,
1. Introduction
The term telematics comes from French tlmatique, and emerged at the beginning of the
seventies as a combination of the words telecommunications (tlcommunications) and
computer science (informatique). At the end of seventies it started to be used in English.
Nineties made it more widespread in Europe, when the European Union had introduced
telematics development programmes to various sectors. It is one of those terms, which are
by-products of scientific progress, namely in this case, tremendous advance of
transportation and information technologies. The term is predominantly used to describe
structural solutions integrating electronic communication with information collection and
processing, designed to cater for a specific systems needs. It also pools different technical
solutions, which use telecommunications and IT systems (Wawrzyski W., Siergiejczyk M.
et al., 2007, Wydro K. B. ,2003).
Telematics can be defined as telecommunications, IT, information and automatic control
solutions, adapted to address physical systems needs. Those solutions derive from their
functions, infrastructure, organisation, and processes integral to maintenance and
management. In this case, a physical system consists of purpose-built devices, and
comprises administration, operators, users and environmental considerations.
Technical telematic solutions use electronic communication systems transmitting
information. Among those systems are WAN (Wide Area Network) and LAN (Local Area
Network) networks, radiowave beacons, satellite systems, data collection systems (sensors,
video cameras, radars, etc.) and systems presenting information both to administrators (e.g.
the GIS system) and to users (variable message signs, traffic lights, radio broadcasting,
The very essence of telematics is data handling, i.e. collection, transmission and processing.
Data collection entails gathering multivariate data from sensors and the environment
through purpose-built devices. The data are then transmitted over dedicated transmission
mechanisms - assuring reliability and good transmission rates - to the processing centres. In
case of data transmission and processing, one should pay attention to issues of signal
usefulness and its functional intent. Furthermore, an important feature of telematics-based
applications is their capability to effectively integrate different subsystems and make
them interoperable. Apart from various applications of telematics (medical telematics,
environment telematics and other), its broadest application area is transport.


Modern Information Systems

The following chapter discusses data exchange architecture in transport telematic systems.
The issues concerning the structure and a means enabling information exchange between
different parts (elements) of transport telematic systems (means of data stream
transmission) were presented across four subsections.
The second part of the chapter delves into the very essence of transport telematic systems. The
concept of a transport telematic system is outlined and the transport telematics itself is situated
among other fields of knowledge and technologies. Information flows in telematic systems
were then analysed, concentrating with due diligence on transmission of telematics-based
information. Functions of transport telematic systems were defined, as a service intended for a
diverse range of target audiences directly or indirectly connected with transport processes of
people and/or goods. Delivering those services requires building data transmission networks
between entities using telematic systems to provide transport services
The third part of the chapter discusses the fundamental nature of communication
architecture as well as defines and determines the structure and a means enabling
information exchange between different parts (elements) of a system (means of data stream
transmission). Based on literature analysing data exchange in Intelligent Transport Systems,
such architecture was illustrated in an integrated urban traffic/public transport
management system. Another example of telematics-based data flow is data exchange
between highway management centres and highway telematic systems. Communication
architecture of highway telematic system was presented along with schematically depicted
data transmission in a highway management centre.
The subsequent section concerns the issues of building a teleinformatic infrastructure
enabling rail transport services. General architecture of rail infrastructure managers
telecommunications network was discussed, and services provided by that network
characterised. IT standards required to deliver integrated rail transport IT systems were
discussed as well. Wired and wireless communication networks were presented.
Teleinformatic services dedicated for rail transport were analysed.
The final part of the chapter discusses the issues of teleinformatic networks used in air
traffic management systems. Higher number of aircrafts within individual sectors, is only
acceptable should concurrently data transmission systems, informing about situation in
individual sectors of airways be improved. Basic issues related to migration of X.25
networks to networks using the IP protocol in their network layer were presented. The
concept includes the AFTN, OLDI and radar data transmission networks alike. One of the
most important surveillance data distribution systems ARTAS was also described.
Finally, presented was the possibility of deploying SAN networks characterised by
integrated architecture in order to enable exchange of construction data, planned and real
airspace restrictions.

2. Information flows in telematic systems

2.1 Transport telematics
The field concerning application of telematics in transport systems is called transport
telematics. It comprises integrated measuring, telecommunications, IT and information
systems, control engineering, their equipment and the services they provide.

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


Said equipment and services are provided as telematics-based applications, i.e. purposebuilt tools. Example of such an isolated application is a road weather information system,
which informs users e.g. about crosswind.
Transport telematics marked its presence in Polish publications in mid-nineties. Already
back then, efforts were made to identify conceptual range and field of applications of
transport telematics (Wawrzyski W., 1997). Consequently it was defined as a field of
knowledge and technical activity integrating IT with telecommunications, intended to
address transport systems needs.
Transport telematics is a field of knowledge integrating IT and telecommunications,
intended for needs of organising, managing, routing and controlling traffic flows, which
stimulates technical and organisational activity enabling quality assurance of transit
services, higher efficiency and safety of those systems (Wawrzyski W., Siergiejczyk M. et
al., 2007)
Cooperating individual telematic solutions (often supervised by a superior factor e.g. an
operator supported by purpose-built applications), create Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS). Convergence of telecommunications and IT, right through to Intelligent Transport
Systems has been presented schematically in figure 1.1.

Fig. 1.1. Transport telematics amongst related fields of knowledge and technology
The name Intelligent Transport Systems was accepted at the very first world congress held
in Paris, 1994, in spite of proposal made by International Organization for Standardization
of RTTT (Road Traffic and Transport Telematics). Regardless of the name, those systems create
architecture, designed to aid, supervise, control and manage transport processes and
interlock them. Transportation Management Systems, integrating all modes of transport and
all transit network elements within a given area, are also referred to as ATMS (Advanced
Traffic Management Systems) (Wydro K. B. ,2003).
Key functionalities of telematic systems are information handling functionalities. Namely its
collection, processing, distribution along with transmission, and its use in decision-making
processes. They are both the processes carried out in a pre-determined fashion (e.g.


Modern Information Systems

automatic traffic control) and incident-induced processes (decisions of dispatchers and realtime information supported, independent infrastructure users) (Klein L.A., 2001).
Telematics-enabled physical infrastructure called intelligent systems can vary in function
and dimensions. However, not only the range and number of elements constitute the size of
a telematic system. First and foremost the quantity and diversity of information fed through
and processed in the system matters, followed by the number of entire systems domains of
activity. In a broad sense, intelligent transport systems are highly integrated measuring
(detector, sensor), telecommunications, IT, information and also automatic solutions.
Intelligent transport integrates all kinds and modes of transport, infrastructure,
organisations, enterprises, as well as maintenance and management processes. Used
telematic solutions link those elements, enable their cooperation and interaction with
environment, users in particular. Telematic solutions can be dedicated for a specific type of
transport (e.g. road transport) and operate within a chosen geographic area (e.g. a local
administrative unit). They can also integrate and coordinate a continental or global transport
Such solutions normally have an open architecture and are scalable: if required they can be
expanded, complemented and modernised. Their aim is to benefit users through interaction
with individual system elements assuring safer journeys and transit, higher transport
reliability, better use of infrastructure and better economic results plus to reduce
environmental degradation.
The fundamental feature of telematics-based applications is the capability to disseminate
and process vast amounts of information adequate to a given function, adapted to consumer
needs users of that information, specific for right place and time. Information can be
communicated either automatically or interactively, upon user request. An important
feature of telematics-based applications is their ability to effectively integrate different
subsystems and cause them to operate in a coordinated fashion.
2.2 Information transmission in transport telematic systems
One of crucial properties of telematic systems is broadcasting and transmitting information,
i.e. its flow. Distribution of telematic information is strictly linked to telecommunications, i.e.
transmission of information over a distance through different signals currently, often electric
and optic signals. Telecommunications services can provide multivariate data: alphanumeric
data, voice, sounds, motion or still pictures, writing characters and various measuring signals,
etc. The information chain is the salient aspect of telematic information distribution in terms of
telecommunications. In essence, the chain transmits multivariate messages from transmitter to
receiver, thus concentrates on two data exchange points. However, the fact the transmission
took place matters, as opposed to the way the information was transmitted. The way of
transmitting information matters in case of a communication chain, which is part of an
information chain. In case of a communication chain, important is data transmission from
transmitter to receiver without data identification. Important here is the message conversion to
transmittable signal and the transmission medium. During transmission, the signal is exposed
to interferences, thus often becomes distorted. Hence it is crucial, that the signal transmitted to
receiver is the best reproduction of original signal. The transmission medium is called
communication channel which is usually a wire (twin-lead, coaxial), optical fibre or radio
channel (Siergiejczyk M., 2009).

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


Telematics-based systems interact with many other systems and environment, and can
encompass many constituent subsystems. Hence the aforementioned elements have to
interchange information (figure 2.1). In order to facilitate dataflow, required are different
types of transmission media, without which data distribution would not be possible.
Transmission media are used for both quick and reliable communication with widespread
systems, demanding tremendous amounts of data to be long-distance transmitted, and
short-distance transmission of basic control messages or measuring data from sensors.
Therefore, in case of systems on the table, transmission media and transmission mechanisms
play an important role.

Fig. 2.1. Telematic data exchange

The focal point of the entire telematic system is the traffic operations centre (management
centre). Flowchart in figure 2.2 illustrates telematics-based information flow.
Different methods and transmission media of data have to be used due to characteristics of
information transmitters and receivers. Both the method and medium depend on used
devices and their technological advancement, channel capacity requirements, power supply,
etc. Moreover, significant factors include weather conditions, likelihood of electromagnetic
interferences, whether elements are mobile or fixed, working conditions, software and
telecommunications-imposed requirements. One of the most important factors are the setup and maintenance costs of chosen medium and the method of transmitting telematicsbased information.


Modern Information Systems

Fig. 2.2. Flowchart illustrating telematics-based information flow

3. Communication architecture in road transport telematic systems

3.1 Determination and functions of transportation architecture of telematic systems
Transport architecture of transport telematic systems defines and determines the structure
and a means enabling information exchange between different parts (elements) of a system
(means of data stream transmission). It concerns two mutually complementing facets,
distinguished by different operating principles: assurance of a means enabling point-topoint data transmission; assuring reliability of transmitting and interpreting telematicsbased information.
The issue of assuring a means enabling point-to-point data transmission and ensuring the
chosen means are valid in terms of costs, maximum distortions or signal latency, concerns
description and definition of communication mechanisms. They correspond to the first four
OSI (Open System Interconnection) model layers, namely physical layer, data link layer,
network layer and transport layer. The communication platform has to be independent of
used technologies and specific products to a maximum extent. In order to do that, envisaged
are e.g. physical dataflow analysis in most representative example systems. On that basis,
the most representative telecommunications needs can be recognised in a telematic system,
including necessary interfaces. Spelling out such typical telecommunications needs is an
important advantage of transportation infrastructure. Ever-changing telecommunications
technologies impede developing technologically independent architecture, up-to-date over
longer time horizons. However, put forward overview of typical dataflow, will remain valid
as long as the most representative system image does not substantially alter. Thus, said
methodology lays the grounds for analysing loosely telecommunications-related issues in
ITS systems.
Apart from strictly telecommunications-related issues, one has to bear in mind the problem
of ensuring reliability of telematics-based information transmission and its correct
interpretation. It is a problem of standards, which would guarantee to communicating
parties reliable and efficient data exchange. In reality though, a systems capability to
provide services relies to a great extent on data, which the system can process within a time
unit. Thus, not only the type of data processed by a system matters, but also their level of

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


detail available for designing a service or other operation needed by a telematic system.
Other technical issues, such as data storage, storage location should not be ignored as well.
That solution can cause the need for a diversified way of data exchange, and consequently
e.g. different message display standards (Siergiejczyk M. ,2009).
The communication part of a telematic system, determines links between environments of
transport and telecommunications. Due to rapid development of telecommunications,
telematic systems designers have a wide selection of means at their disposal, enabling them
to accommodate needs induced by variable implementation circumstances. Communication
architecture does not hint though, on particular systems of technologies, instead merely
identifies technology-based capabilities. Four types of media were listed here, all suitable to
transmit information in transport telematic solutions. Those are the following
telecommunications systems (Wawrzyski W., Siergiejczyk M. et al., 2007):

wired (stationary point to stationary point connectivity);

long-distance wireless (stationary point to mobile point connectivity);
dedicated short-distance (stationary point to mobile point connectivity);
between mobile in-vehicle terminals (mobile connectivity).

It is worth pointing out, that there are numerous transmission techniques used for
communication between stationary points. E.g. proprietary or leased communication
channels can be used to operate traffic control subsystems. With intended other
applications, they can be microwaves, spread spectrum radio systems or local radio
Structure of physical architecture envisaged subsystems of the Control Centre (Management
and Supervision) connected with a wired network. It allows every subsystem to collect,
integrate and disseminate information to other subsystems in line with mutually accepted
communication and coordination rules, positively affecting operational effectiveness of those
subsystems. Depending on range and coverage, there are two types of wireless
communication. The first is long-range wireless communication, stipulating means used in
case of services and applications, where information is sent over long distances and regional
full coverage is required, providing constant network access. Further distinction concerns oneway and two-way communication, as it influences the choice of technology (e.g. radio
transmission is possible with one-way communication). Short-range wireless communication
is the second type, used to send information locally. There are two types, vehicle-to-vehicle
and DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications). The former is used i.a. for collision
avoidance systems, whereas DSRC for electronic toll collection, access authorisation etc.
Generally, it is fair to say that the analysis of traffic assignment and required data feed rates,
and the analysis of available transmission techniques lead to the conclusion, that commercially
available wired and wireless networks are capable of accommodating current and future
transmission needs in terms of telematics-based information.
3.2 Communication architecture in road transport
The KAREN (Keystone Architecture Required for European Networks) framework architecture
introduced by the European Union, implies support mechanism for information exchange
between different system elements. Such exchange should comply with the following:


Modern Information Systems

the mechanism should enable data transmission between relevant parties and be
sustainable in terms of cost, accuracy and transmission latency;
assure correctness of data transmission and interpretation.

Both those conditions require:


introduction of detailed analysis of definitions and descriptions of communication

connections in main interfaces of physical transport subsystems;
defining necessary communication protocols.

Physical structure of a system i.e. elements identification, which i.a. exchanged data are
classified under Physical Architecture in KAREN. Identified were five main types of
elements and characterised were requirements concerning data exchange between such
elements (KAREN, 2000, Wawrzyski W., Siergiejczyk M. et al. ,2007, Wydro K. B., 2003):

Central the place which is used to collect, collate and store traffic data and to generate
traffic management measures, or fleet management instructions (e.g. Traffic Control
Centres, Traffic Information Centres or Freight and Fleet Management Centres);
Kiosk - a device usually located in a public place, providing traveller information (e.g.
tourist information, often self-service)
Roadside the place where detected are traffic, vehicles and pedestrians, tolls collected
and/or traffic management measures taken, and/or information are provided to
drivers and pedestrians;
Vehicle - a device that is capable of moving through the road network and carrying one
or more people (e.g. bicycles, motorcycles, cars, Public Transport Vehicles) and/or
goods (any form of road going freight carrying vehicle);
Traveller a person driving or using a vehicle.

Because communication with environment requires systemic description of that

environment, its active elements are defined as terminators. A terminator can be a person,
system or a unit, from which data would be received and which are sent requests.
Especially, they can be:

road infrastructure (roadside);

emergency system;
external service providers;
measuring systems;
multi-modal transport structure;

Figure 3.1 illustrates example data exchange in an integrated traffic and road transport
management system. In order to describe data exchange, the following have to be

communication channel, i.e. physical data transmission medium;

location, data source and sink, i.e. place where data originates or is received;
physical interfaces, i.e. system elements enabling data exchange.

Systemic characteristics of data exchange processes requires dividing that area in two:

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


internal communication, comprising data exchange between systems diversely located

system-terminator communication.

Fig. 3.1. Data exchange in an integrated traffic and road transport management system
(Wydro K. B., 2003)
3.3 Communication structure of highway telematic systems
Another example of telematics-based data flow is data exchange between highway
management centres and highway telematic systems. Highway management centres are
centrepiece and the most important elements of highway telematics infrastructure
(Highway Management Center/ Traffic Management Center). A centre receives any data
from telematic systems located along a highway, and manages as well as operates those
systems. Using dedicated devices and software, variable message signs and cameras placed
along supervised section can be controlled. The centre can also process emergency calls and
have systems for collecting and analysing weather data. It also carries out functions of
comprehensive highway monitoring systems and provides information to users (drivers)
(Wawrzyski W., Siergiejczyk M. et al., 2007).
Among highway management centres functions are:


Modern Information Systems

traffic management;
weather and traffic conditions monitoring;
road surface monitoring;
emergency situations management (accidents) and emergency calls processing;
providing information to travellers both before and during the journey;
visual highway monitoring and adequate reactions;
maintenance services management.

An important aspect concerning highway management centre is its location. Centres are
located about every 60 km. The reasoning behind such practice is to assure maximum
distance of an accident from the nearest centre to be less than 30 km. Close proximity from
centres of maintenance and emergency services additionally further the case. Nevertheless,
in some cases big highway traffic monitoring and surveillance centres form, whose range
reaches up to several hundred kilometres. Also important is for the centre to be located in
heavily populated areas and on their periphery due to availability of highly qualified staff
and infrastructure elements.
Usually, the infrastructure of a modern highway management centre combines routers,
servers, LAN workstations, high resolutions screens with dedicated controllers and drivers,
peripheral devices and other network devices and an array of telecommunications
connections. Most crucial is the router, which is charged with receiving, transmitting and
routing packets in the network. Servers can support routers, and what is more, they are
equipped with high capacity hard disks enabling video recording. They also support local
network workstations and execute automated processes of telematic systems. Dedicated
servers are also used to process pictures captured by surveillance cameras, which replaced
thus far used analogue devices (multiplexers, video splitters). On centres walls hung are
high resolution screens, which display CCTV footage, feed from different applications,
maps showing position of highway patrol vehicles etc.
An important element of management centres architecture, are workstations performing
the function of a dispatch station operated by qualified staff. Powerful PCs equipped with
computer monitors and keyboards are used. A reliable operating system is also crucial.
Dedicated console or station built-in workstations are also often used. Using specialist
software, an operator can monitor and analyse data from weather stations and roadside
sensors. Moreover, thanks to the Internet current weather in the country can be previewed
the system automatically generates alerts and takes action, thus aiding human decisions.
Using the workstation, an operator can manage messages displayed on variable message
signs, RDS/DAB (Radio Data System/ Digital Audio Broadcast) system messages and operate a
parking guidance system. Chosen stations can process emergency calls from the highway
communication system without having to use dedicated dispatch stations. After the call is
answered, the number of column issuing the report is displayed on the computer screen.
The conversation is held by using headphones with microphone connected to a computer
and saved to the hard drive. The number of stations processing emergency calls should be
sufficient to assure instant connection with the dispatcher.
In order for the highway management centres to function efficiently, data transmission has
to be assured (figure 3.2). Communication with telematics-based highway systems is crucial
(emergency communication, traffic-related weather forecasts, video surveillance) as is data

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


Fig. 3.2. Data transmission in highway management centres

exchange with other management centres, which currently is enabled by optical fibre
running along a highway. Subsequently, signals are converted, decoded and read by
dedicated applications (Siergiejczyk M., 2009).
Communication with emergency services is also important, which has to be direct.
Connection is established instantly upon operators call. The PSTN (Public Switched Telephone
Network) telephone network is used for that purpose, and more modern systems use the
ISDN network (Integrated Services Digital Network) with the hot line service. To
communicate with regional maintenance service the CB (Citizen-Band) radio communication
is used (long-range antenna fitted to rooftops).

4. Communication infrastructure in rail transport

4.1 Introduction
Railway operators almost always have used means of communication to provide efficient
rail services. It is clear, that communication have been a tool, which to a great extent
streamlined rail traffic management. Along with rail network development and technical
advancement of telecommunications, those tools seem to have penetrated the transit process
and are deeply embedded in rail transport. E.g. rail traffic control. Currently, the
introduction of TCP/IP- enabled (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) networks
have contributed to deploying telecommunications services in the processes of transport


Modern Information Systems

and customer (passenger) service. Examples are data centres, recovery data centres, and
virtual private networks dedicated for individual railway sectors or even applications (train
tracking, consignment tracking, online tickets booking etc.). Those services increase the
competitiveness of rail carriers and railway companies. The above-mentioned example
services could not be provided without an adequate telecommunications network (in this
case TCP/IP-compliant networks).
Building a telecommunications network is a process, which once started according to
experience has to be constantly continued. It is induced by several facts (Gago S.,
Siergiejczyk M. , 2006):



Telecommunications infrastructure is meant to last many years, e.g. telecommunication

cables (both conventional and optical fibre) are used for several dozens of years.
Such long usage of optical fibre cables (over twenty years) will cause over that period
telecommunication services to evolve and develop, as it was seen in case of telephone
networks. Originally, telephone networks provided only voice broadcast services,
subsequently joined by telefax and ultimately complemented by the ISDN networks
(voice broadcast and data transmission). In the nearest future, voice broadcast services
will be provided only through convergent networks voice over packet.
Technological advancement of telecommunications networks causes new generation
networks NGN (Next Generation Networks) to form, which are capable of handling
every telecommunications service. In a different domain, the technological
advancement leads to creation of optical internet networks supporting DWDM (Dense
Wavelength Division Multiplexing) systems using GMPLS (Generalised Multiprotocol Label
Switching) protocol, i.e. so called IP over DWDM.
Requirements of telecommunications systems (teleinformatic, telematics) users are everincreasing in terms of provided services, illustrated by words
free of error,

Due to those reasons, core telecom network designers have to accommodate the following:

quantitative and territorial network expansion,

qualitative network development i.e. possible technological advancement in terms of
teletransmission, switchgear and managing devices,
advancement in terms of creating and introducing new teleinformatic services to the
network e.g. database services (CDN Content Delivery Network, SAN Storage Area
Network) etc,
implementation of ever newer and better secure data exchange and processing systems.

Physical telecom/teleinformatic/telematics rail network (hardware) should be built in such

a way, to accommodate current and future services demanded by users:


The role of communication devices is accurate data transmission over specified time from
transmitter to receiver. Both transmitter and receiver can be people, devices, different IT,

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


telematics and information systems etc. In modern, digital telecommunications, application

systems decide on transmitted data interpretation. Data can be interpreted as part of voice,
video, control signal etc.
4.2 Systems and telecommunications services of the infrastructure manager
Systems and devices necessary for efficient controlling, routing and managing railway
traffic, using telecommunications technology can be classified as follows:




Railway traffic controls.

station equipment,
wire equipment,
regional equipment (remote control and dispatch),
level crossing traffic safety equipment,
CCTV equipment for monitoring level crossings,
CCTV equipment for end-of-train detection,
train control equipment.
Telephone service communication equipment.
traffic control communication:
announcement communication,
train radio communication,
station communication,
dispatch communication,
conference communication.
Telematics-based devices (systems) concerning safety and comfort of people and goods.
train emergency systems,
signalling devices:
fire alarms,
anti-theft system,
burglar alarm,
traction substation control devices,
railroad switch warming devices,
non-traction energetics control devices (station and platform lighting etc.),
CCTV equipment for monitoring immobile and mobile railway stock.
Communication devices and systems related to traffic and company management.

4.3 Wired communication systems

Telephone network
Thus far, the role of communication related to traffic and company management was played

general-purpose telephone network available for virtually every employee. It is a means

for the employees to communicate internally and with entities outside the railway,
telephone traffic network, for traffic-related communication, i.e. employees directly
dealing with train traffic, traffic safety assurance e.g. so called train radio


Modern Information Systems

telephone dispatch network assisting train control and management, almost exclusively
used by dispatchers,
teleconference phone network assisting operational company management.

The services provided by the aforementioned networks are still going to be useful and used
in transport and company management processes.
Data transmission networks
Railway companies operate generally nationwide. Their management is computer-aided.
Data required by those systems have to be collected nationwide also. In order to do that, a
data transmission network is needed. Quality_of_service of data transmission has to cater
for particular applications. Factors, taken into account in service quality evaluation are first
and foremost the BER (Bit Error Rate) and data transmission latency. Preferred currently are
TCP/IP-compliant convergent networks. Via that network, not only conventional data
transmission services can be provided but also other teleinformatic services, which were
created over the course of telecom, IT and media services convergence e.g. e-business, ecommerce, e-learning, CDN, SAN etc.
4.4 Wireless communication networks
Analogue radio communication
Wireless communication systems operating in 150 MHz band are currently used for railway
needs. That band, divided into adequate number of channels is used for a range of different
radio transmission technologies and applications, intended both for train control (train radio
communication) as well as managing individual applications in different railway sectors
(switch control radio communication, maintenance, Railroad Police etc.). Analogue
communication is technically and morally outdated and increasingly expensive (due to
channels in 25 kHz steps, however a change is planned to 12.5 kHz steps and in the
technology itself).
GSM-R digital cellular network system
Under Polish conditions, the GSM-R system is going to be the direct successor of the
aforementioned wireless communication system. The GSM-R system is a wireless
convergent network, which enables voice broadcast and data transmission services. Both
those services are commonly used in European railway companies, which have already
implemented those systems. The technology of deploying that system without having to
disrupt transport, requires introduction of additional, detailed temporary procedures. That
temporary period can take least a few years.
GSM-R networks are already operational worldwide, including European countries. In the
nearest future, the GSM-R is planned to be built in Poland as well. Currently used at Polish
Railways communication uses 150 MHz band which reached its maximum capacity, hence
does not meet todays technical requirements, norms and standards, and lacks the necessary
functionalities. The quality of connection is unsatisfactory. Major difficulties start to show
upon crossing the country border. Consequently, either the train radiotelephone or the
locomotive has to be replaced for one, which supports the type of communication used in
the given country. The UIC (French: Union Internationale des Chemins de fer), or International
Union of Railways envisaged predominantly the unification of European train

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


communications systems by deploying the EIRENE project (European Integrated Railway radio
Enhanced Network) (UIC EIRENE FRS, 2006). Implementation of GSM-R translates into
tangible financial benefits for the railway industry. Railway line capacity improves
substantially, border crossing time shortens to minimum. Concurrently, the service quality
improves (e.g. by introducing consignment monitoring). There is a possibility to deploy
applications capable of: automatic barriers control at level crossings, direct video feed from
unattended railway crossings to the train driver, or voice messages communication over
platform speakers. By using those solutions, train traffic safety increases considerably.
Implementation of railway-dedicated mobile communication system will be the milestone
for Polish railway transport, allowing it at the same time to technologically catch up
Western Europe.
GSM-R is a digital cellular network system dedicated for railway transport. It provides
digital voice communications and digital data transmission. It offers expanded
functionalities of the GSM system. It is characterised by infrastructure located only in close
proximity to rail tracks. In order to counteract electromagnetic interference, the 900 MHz
frequency was used. GSM-R is intended to support deployed in Europe systems: ERTMS
(European Rail Traffic Management System) and ETCS (European Train Control System), which is
charged with permanent collection and transmission of rail vehicle-related data, such as
speed and geographic location. GSM-R as part of ETCS mediates in transmitting
information to the train driver and other rail services. By deploying the above-mentioned
systems, train traffic safety increases considerably, real-time vehicle diagnostics is possible
along with consignment and railroad car monitoring. Moreover, railway line capacity at
individual lines substantially increases due to accurate determination of distance between
trains (Bielicki Z., 2000).
Three fundamental types of cells are used in GSM-R systems. They were illustrated in figure
4.1 The first (1) are cells, which are assumed to cover only the railway line area. They are
characterised by elongated shape and small width. The second (2) are cells covering station
areas and partially railway lines. They are usually circular or elliptic. The third (3) are large
cells, covering railway areas such as sidetracks, railway building complexes etc. Every type
of cell supports all types of radiotelephones. Size and shape of cells can be altered by
adjusting telepowering or using omnidirectional antennas, either broadband or linear. The
GSM-R system is intended for railway applications only, thus the coverage does not exceed
railway areas.
Data transmission in GSM-R provides four fundamental groups of services: text messages,
main data transmission applications, automated faxes and train control applications. Text
messages can be distributed in two ways: point-to-point between two users or point-tomultipoint to many users simultaneously. Data transmission service concerns remote onboard and traction devices control, automatic train control, railway vehicle traffic
monitoring and passenger oriented applications. Passenger-oriented services can feature
schedule information, weather information, Internet access. Known from public solutions,
GPRS and EDGE packet transmission services were introduced to the GSM-R network.
GSM-R normative documents stipulate minimum data transmission rate of 2.4 kbit/s.
Moreover, railway communication network gives an option of implementing packet data
modes such as GPRS or EDGE. Those standards were discussed in the previous chapter. In
the GSM-R system, both the infrastructure and data transmission mode bear no difference to
those used in public cellular networks.


Modern Information Systems

Infrastructure of railway mobile communication, in principle resembles the one used in

public GSM networks, however, in order to provide rail services they had to be
complemented with certain elements: group call register (known also from GSM Phase 2+),
functional addressing register, dispatcher centre and elements supporting the ATC
(Automatic Train Control). GSM-R system elements communicate with each other via
Signalling System No 7 (SS7) (Siemens, 2001).

Fig. 4.1. Diagram of GSMR network at Polish Railways

Among the most important GSM-R services are (Urbanek A., 2005):

point-to-multipoint communication, i.e. voice broadcast call

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


functional addressing , where functional numbers are given to each user, by which they
are identified based on their function;
voice group call, point-to-multipoint, call set-up over a duplex connection,
high-priority calls, which are quickly set-up. Set-up time should not exceed one second.
The eMLPP (enhanced Multi-Level Precedence Pre-emption) mechanism prioritises the
position locating through transmitting short ID numbers of the base station, where the
train currently is;
emergency call. Those are calls of highest possible priority. They are made in case of an
short message service known from public GSM networks have been deployed in
railway network to i.a. transmit encoded messages, imposing execution of different
actions related to railway vehicle control;
Direct Mode communication enabling communication without a fixed mobile system

GSM-R can also handle diagnostic data transmission: data collection from measuring
instruments located in various parts of railway vehicle, collected data bundling and
transmission of collected diagnostic data over the GSM-R network to Maintenance Centre.
4.5 Teleinformatic services for railway transport
Teleinformatic and telematic services related to:

traffic control,
train control,
company management,
collaboration with carriers

Along with those services parameters should give guidelines for building
telecommunication networks catering for needs of companies operating in the railway
transport sector, both the physical layer i.e. optical fibre cables and the data link layer i.e.
transmission systems (e.g. SDH, Ethernet). As experience would suggest, there is currently
in every aspect - no better transmission medium than the optical fibre (broadband several
THz, low attenuation etc.). Solely on those grounds, an investor deciding to build a network
of optical fibre cable should use that medium to a maximum extent. Due to Railway
Company characteristic applications, broadly defined terminal devices are included in data
transmission process, thus protocols of network and transport layers of the aforementioned
ISO/OSI model (e.g. IP, TCP, UDP protocols) will be also used.
According to TSI requirements: the originator of any message will be responsible for the
correctness of the data content of the message at the time when the message is sent. (...) the
originator of the message must make the data quality assurance check from their own
resources (...) plus, where applicable, logic checks to assure the timeliness and continuity of
data and messages. Data are of high quality, if they are complete, accurate, error free,
accessible, timely, consistent with other sources and possess desired features i.e. are
relevant, comprehensive, of proper level of detail, easy-to-interpret etc.
The data quality is mainly characterised by:


Modern Information Systems


The information (data) required needs to be captured as economically as possible. This is
only feasible if the primary data, which plays a decisive role in the forwarding of a
consignment, a wagon or a container, is only recorded, if possible, on one single occasion for
the whole transport. Therefore the primary data should be introduced into the system as
close as possible to its source, e.g. on the basis of the consignment note drawn up when a
wagon or a consignment is tendered for carriage, so that it can be fully integrated into any
later processing operation.
Before sending out messages the completeness and syntax must be checked using the
metadata. This also avoids unnecessary information traffic on the network.
All incoming messages must also be checked for completeness using the metadata.
The owner of the data should be clearly identified. Business rules must be implemented in
order to guarantee consistency.
The type of implementation of these business rules depends on the complexity of the rule. In
case of complex rules which require data from various tables, validation procedures must be
implemented which check the consistency of the data version before interface data are
generated and the new data version becomes operational. It must be guaranteed that
transferred data are validated against the defined business rules.
The provision of information right in time is an important point. Every delayed data looses
importance. As far as the triggering for data storage or for message sending is event driven
directly from the IT system the timeliness is not a problem if the system is well designed
according to the needs of the business processes. But in most of the cases the initiation of
sending a message is done by an operator or at least is based on additional input from an
operator (e.g. an update of train or railroad car related data). To fulfil the timeliness
requirements the updating of the data must be done as soon as possible also to guarantee,
that the messages will have the actual data content when sending out automatically by the
system. According to TSI the response time for enquiries must be less than 5 minutes. All
data updates and exchange must be done as soon as possible. The system reaction and
transmission time for the update should be below 1 minute.
Currently almost all teleinformatic services have to be protected against:

data modification,
data destruction,
data interception.

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


Due to its core activity, Infrastructure Manager has to prioritise data security issues. All data
concerning controlling, monitoring, and management of train traffic have to be protected at
each layer of the ISO/OSI model. Perhaps train control devices and systems are equipped
with autonomous security systems, nonetheless data transmission process has to be secured.
Other systems e.g. company management aiding systems should also be protected, because
they contain critical company data, e.g.:

financial data,

development plans,

pricing plans,

network topology,

device authentication data etc.,

or companies are legally obliged to protect them e.g. personal data.

Telecommunication services, which are and will soon be provided to the Infrastructure
Manager, can be listed as follows:

telematic services (control, monitoring),

telephone services,
data transmission services,
information services,
multimedia services (e.g. videoconference).

Competition, clients and technical advancement induce informatisation of the Infrastructure

Manager i.e. deployment of ERP, CRM class systems or other, aimed at improving company
competitiveness. Company informatisation has its share in reducing overheads through so
called database services. They require the data to be constantly available and always up-todate. In order to assure both, IT devices are needed e.g. servers and teleinformatic networks.
Among database services, which are set to become tools used in a company acting in
capacity of Infrastructure Manager are:

Data Centre various databases e.g. clients database, assets database, employee
database etc. Databases have to be systematically updated.
Recovery Data Centre recovery databases, which have to be synchronised with the
main database.
Content Delivery Network servers, databases containing information for:
business partners.

In those cases, data access through telephone is limited to relevant groups of interest.

Storage Area Network well-protected memory resources warehouses placed in

adequately adapted rooms. Those warehouses store data, which are available
exclusively to data owners.
Industry portal contains information about a companys commercial activity in terms
of completed tenders for services or supply of materials and devices. Companies, which
would like to offer their services to or collaborate with the PKP PLK company, can


Modern Information Systems

advertise through that portal. Their offers may concern e.g. supply of materials,
provision of services, prices, ads etc.
B2B e-commerce. This service allows buying, selling and payments online.
Contact Centre is a touchpoint, an interface of a service provider in this case PKP
PLK with the client. Currently, this service has strong growth dynamics worldwide.
E-learning a service useful in training staff, allowing to communicate e.g. rationale
behind boards or senior employees decisions.
Virtual Private Network virtual application-dedicated networks. This service
substantially increases application security, at least because of limited access (only
authorised users/entities can access the application).

Generally all the above-mentioned services can be provided through adequately

designed, TCP/IP-compliant convergent network equipped with powerful hardware.
Adequately designed and equipped TCP/IP network is capable of assuring equally
adequate security:

infrastructure security (connection and node redundancy with specific switch-over

times in physical, connection and network layers),
data security thanks to relevant devices (BER appropriately low, below 10-12
practically of 10-1510-17 order), IPSec type protocols, TLS etc., and using appropriate
encryption of key size up to 256 bits.
data traffic security thanks to adequate architectures and protocols (Diffserv, MPLS,
RSVP Resource reSerVation Protocol enabling traffic engineering e.g. multiple priority
queue management.

5. Communication networks in air traffic management systems

5.1 Introduction
Air transport is one of those transport sectors, which experience dramatic growth in
provided transport services. Increased demand for both people and goods transport causes
air operations volume to grow by over a dozen percent year-on-year.
For many years, a solution to the airspace capacity problem have been on agenda of air
traffic engineers. The underlying assumption, however, is that no action they undertake, can
cause decrease in air traffic safety and high probability of air collisions. Hence a higher
number of aircrafts within individual sectors, is only acceptable should concurrently data
transmission systems, informing about situation in individual sectors of airways be
The ever-increasing air traffic volumes, entails the necessity to modify existing air traffic
management systems. The changes on the table are of organisational and procedural nature,
and involve modifications to existing ICT-aided management systems, used to assure
smooth and safe air traffic. Commercial aviation is possible thanks to aeronautical fixed
telecommunication networks, as they enable data exchange between groundcrew, without
which aviation could not operate. It is the groundcrew, between which over 90% of
information related to flight safety is exchanged. Collection of atmosphere and airportrelated information, services availability, imposed restrictions and subsequent teletype

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


message transfer is possible due to aeronautical fixed telecommunication networks. Flight

plan reporting and processing, air traffic control coordination are merely a part of the entire
torrent of information (Sadowski P., Siergiejczyk M., 2009).
The notion of aeronautical communication is mostly associated with air-ground
communications. In reality, an equally important and even more extensive are ground data
networks. In order to assure a safe flight, all services need to communicate with each other,
namely: aeronautical information service, weather station, air traffic controllers, and many
other airspace users. Network technology heavily influenced the way information is being
exchanged today in air transport. That is because computer networks enable creating,
expanding and modernising ground systems assuring smooth and safe air traffic.
Development of aeronautical telecommunication networks aims to integrate networks and
services operating as parts of national air traffic control systems, and in the future to extend
those solutions to airborne aircrafts.
5.2 Telecommunication networks in air traffic management
The X.25 protocol was a widely used communications protocol in aviation. It was used in
backbone networks transmitting teletype messages AFTN, SITA, OLDI (On Line Data
Interchange) systems, radar data transmission systems (ASTERIX over X.25) and aircraft
charging systems used by the Central Route Charges Office (CRCO).
The The AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network) network uses an old
technology telex. The AFTN messages transmission protocol is a set of rules, which
guarantees consistency of exchanged data and provision of information to receivers
according to hash tables. This protocol derives from obsolete (still used in aviation and
marine NAVTEX system, delivering meteorological information) ITA2-based teletype
transmission mechanisms. All air traffic control services are main AFTN users, who
predominantly request information about filed flight plans and flight status (take-off,
delay, landing), emergency situations and issues teletype messages concerning take-off,
delays and landing. Meteorological offices provide AFTN with TAF and METAR teletype
messages, using information from other offices themselves. NOTAM offices generate
NOTAM and SNOWTAM teletype messages. Briefing offices feed NOTAM, SNOWTAM,
TAF and METAR information to the pilots. Airline operators often have their own
operating divisions, which use the same information as briefing offices do. Civil aviation
and the air force authorities also own AFTN terminals. The CFMU (Central Flow
Management Unit) European air traffic management system, which issues slots is
predominantly communicated with via AFTN (Sadowski P., Siergiejczyk M., 2009).
A modernised version of AFTN, which breaks with the telex tradition, is the CIDIN
(Common ICAO Data Interchange Network). Development of that solution had begun
already during the 80s, however, it is being implemented into commercial use now
CIDIN was implemented in Warsaw in May 2002. From the AFTN end-user perspective,
introduction of CIDIN entailed swapping an old computer terminal for a more modern
one, equipped with characteristic liquid crystal display. Real changes came in form of
data transmission method. CIDIN brings civil aeronautical network closer to the standard,
internet user have long been familiar with. The previously used standard was the telex


Modern Information Systems

protocol, however, currently the network is based on either TCP or IP X.25. It resulted in
considerably higher data transmission capacity and reliability max capacity is currently
64 kbps. Both in Poland and most countries in the world, the standard is 9600 bps
completely sufficient at current network usage intensity.
The OLDI (On Line Data Interchange) system is responsible for communication between
neighbouring traffic control areas. Precisely speaking interconnected air traffic control
systems. It replaced voice information exchange concerning control hand-off over aircrafts
en route (EUROCONTROL/IANS, 2006). The system leans on exchanging i.a. ABI (Advanced
Boundary Information) teletype messages informing the ATC (Air Traffic Control) system
about an aircraft approaching the handover point.
Due to low data transmission error level, it could be used for connections characterised by
low technical parameters. The protocols drawback was its feature connectivity. Prior to
data transmission, connection between communicating devices had to be established by
using a dedicated connection.
Due to current development of local and wide area network infrastructure and used highreliability transmission media, Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems are being introduced
with datagram data transmission technologies. Wide area networks can be built as multicomponent structures thanks to the IP protocol. Those structures are built using different
technologies both standard and very unconventional. That flexibility is possible due to
developed network protocol stacks (TCP/IP), which is supported by the majority of
hardware and software platforms.
The above-mentioned actions cause the X.25 protocol to be withdrawn from many
aviation applications in favour of the IP protocol. Another powerful fact acting to
disadvantage of the X.25 protocol, is that manufacturers of hardware (X.25 switches)
supporting the protocol discontinued their sale and the technical support for X.25
solutions will have been unavailable by the end of the XXI centurys first decade
Because aeronautical data transmission is inherent to ATM, the above-mentioned factors
affect considerably air traffic management systems (ATM). Thus, many key for ATM
systems will be subject to modification in the future, in a bid to adapt them to IP
data exchange technology. Among the systems, which first should undergo modification

surveillance data distribution systems: ARTAS, RMCDE (Radar Message Conversion and
Distribution Equipment), ASTERIX-compatible radar stations (All Purpose Structured
Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange),
aeronautical teletype message distribution and airport planning systems
existing: AFTN, CIDIN, WPPL,
implemented at PAP (Polish Air Navigation Services Agency): TRAFFIC (PANSA, 2008),
weather information distribution systems,
air traffic control systems: PEGASUS_21 (PANSA, 2009),
airspace management system: CAT (Common Airspace Tools) (PANSA, 2008),
aircraft charging system: CRCO.

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


5.3 The concept of IP protocol migration and implementation into ATM systems
In 2001 at EUROCONTROL the IPAX working group was set-up to develop a plan of IP
protocol migration and implementation into ATM systems. It was charged with adapting
industrial standards of packet (IP) data transmission to data exchange standards in
ATM/CNS systems (Air Traffic Management / Communication Navigation Surveillance). IPAX
groups action plan included:

transition from X.25 network layers to IP with its integral security mechanisms,
modification of existing applications and systems so they would be compliant with
secure IP networks (developing interfaces of existing systems with IP networks),
maintaining application interfaces for operational users in order to protect investments
put into ATM systems.

One of the earliest modifications made in relation to X.25 protocol replacement with the IP
protocol, was the change implemented into the OLDI (On-Line Data Interchange) system. The
OLDI system has been operating using the X.25 protocol, which was implemented with a
higher layer protocol FDE (Flight Data Exchange). Due to X.25 layer replacement with the IP
layer, the higher layer protocol was also reimplemented. In order to adapt the OLDI system
to packet data transmission, the FDE protocol was replaced by the FMTP protocol (Flight
Message Transfer Protocol) (EUROCONTROL, 2008).
ANSP (Aeronautical Service Provider) centres across Europe are envisaged to ultimately be
introduced with that change. Its deployment overlaps with requirements stipulated by the
FDE/ICD (Flight Data Exchange/Interface Control Document) and it is the fundamental
requirement of the COM-04 objective contained by the ECIP (European Convergence and
Implementation Plan) document. During transition to FMTP, Eurocontrol will support FDEbased solutions (OLDI over X.25) until OLDI over TCP/IP is activated Europe-wide (see
figure 5.1.).

Fig. 5.1. FMTP implementation into OLDI system

The other large-scale change is modification of aeronautical teletype message distribution
system AFTN/CIDIN ground-ground network. That network is currently the main
medium for flight plan forwarding and exchange of airport planning related data. That


Modern Information Systems

change aims to migrate the X.25 technology used for establishing inter-centre backbone
connections to IP technology using AMHS (ATS Message Handling System) gateways. The
IPAX group set about deploying that solution in PEN (Pan European Network). The task
aims to build a global IP network supporting data exchange between air traffic management
The system intended to replace the AFTN/CIDIN network uses the X.400 protocol
implemented in IP networks. X.400 and AFTN network will be linked over the transition
period via gateways converting teletype messages format between protocols AMHS/AFTN GATEWAYS (Sadowski P., Siergiejczyk M., 2009). In figure 2.2 illustrates
AMHS/AFTN network architecture.

Fig. 5.2. AMHS/AFTN network architecture

In order to assure continuous operation and interoperability of two heterogeneous systems,
AMHS/AFTN gateways have to have the following functionalities:

two-way teletype message conversion,

AFTN and AMHS teletype messages mapping and redirection
connection to external AFTN/CIDIN centres and AMHS gateways,
syntax validation and error correction,
teletype message tracking and network traffic logging,
API (Application Interface) for interoperability with other IT systems.

The AFTN protocol has many limitations. AFTN network adaptation to IP standards and
in higher layers to X.400 yields a range of benefits, amongst which are i.a.:

binary message forwarding,

unlimited message size (1800 characters per AFTN message).

5.4 IP protocol in surveillance data distribution

ARTAS (Advanced Radar Tracker and Server) is a system designed to establish an accurate
air traffic picture and to distribute the relevant surveillance information to community
of user systems. It is a surveillance data distribution system using tracks (radar data
reports about aircraft position). The ARTAS system has a distributed architecture,
composed of co-operating subsystems, called ARTAS Units, which form a consistent
estimate of air traffic situation, based on radar data reports. Radar data are collected from
ARTAS Unit-connected radars (primary and secondary) either through the RMCDE
(Radar Message Conversion Distribution Equipment) devices or directly. ARTAS Units and
RMCDE devices are connected to the LAN/WAN network and can communicate over

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


TCP/IP protocols. ARTAS Units were implemented with the following functionalities

tracker processes radar data and presents the most current, air traffic situation, based
on radar data reports,
server provides track and radar data to online users, and forwards radar data to the
system manager administers the ARTAS system.

ARTAS connections require constant data stream transmission, hence PVCs (Permanent
Virtual Circuits) are used. Assuring continuity of data transmission is a significant issue.
Routing mechanisms ensure possibly low redundancy. System nodes are connected by
many alternative routes. In addition, every radar station has at least two connection
points with the core network. Communication is established through access networks,
which are independent for each node. Illustrated in figure 5.4 is the communication
architecture between ARTAS Unit modules ARTAS surveillance data distribution

Fig. 5.3. ARTAS architecture

ARTAS modules communicate via a LAN/WAN network. ARTAS-connected users
communicate with the modules also via TCP/IP protocols. ARTAS Units - kilometres from
each other - are connected to a wide area network, and communicate via TCP/IP protocol


Modern Information Systems


management module


Radar Signal

server module


router bridge module



tracker module

movement register

Fig. 5.4. ARTAS modules

5.5 Fibre channel over IP in civil aviation
SAN networks are centrepiece of creating backup data centres and efficient backup systems,
due to high-volume data transactions between devices composing the solution. The
technology central to implementation of SAN networks is the Fibre Channel protocol. It is a
high-speed, serial dedicated interface connecting servers and mass-storage devices. Fibre
Channel is a hybrid protocol i.e. network and channel protocol, defined as open ANSI and
OSI standard. The channel is a closed and predictable mechanism transmitting data between
a limited number of units. A typically set-up channel usually requires very little input for
subsequent transfers, thus providing high efficiency. Very little decisions are made over the
course of data transmission, enabling the channels to be established by the physical layer.
The most popular channel protocols are SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) and HPPI
(High Performance Parallel Interface). Networks are relatively less predictable. They adapt to
changeable environment and can process many nodes, however, establishing
communication channels between those nodes requires more decisions, resulting in
significantly higher latencies compared to channel transmission (Sadowski P., Siergiejczyk
M., 2009).
Fibre Channel model consists of 7 layers. Layer models (commonly known seven-layer
ISO/OSI model) enable single layer operation, independently of the layer immediately
beneath. Fibre Channels layers meet ISO/OSI model specification and are divided into two
groups: physical and signalisation layers (0-2) FC-PH and Upper Layers (3-4) (Janikowski
A. (2002).
FCIP (Fibre Channel over IP) is a mechanism tunnelling the FC (Fibre Channel) mechanism
used in SAN (Storage Area Networks) in IP wide area networks. Such solution enables
communication between scattered data centres, using secure network infrastructures (using

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


SSL, IPSec etc. mechanisms). FCIP protocol causes rapid development of wide area data
exchange and storage networks, increasing at the same time capabilities and efficiency of
built systems. Due to range of existing IP networks, FCIP enables building global data
storage systems. In figure 5.5 is presented SAN architecture of ARMS and TRAFFIC

Fig. 5.5. SAN architecture of ARMS and TRAFFIC systems

Advantage of SAN/FCIP-enabled data transmission systems is first and foremost low cost
of establishing connections over long distances and IP-native data encryption.
Disadvantages of FCIP-enabled systems include data transmission latencies due to IP
networks characteristics and that transmission disruptions (connection malfunction) cause
SAN network segments segmentation.
Architecture design of SAN (fabric segment of the SAN network) ARMS and TRAFFIC
systems envisages interoperability enabling exchange of construction data, planned and
real airspace restrictions. One of functional and technical requirements (PANSA, 2008). is
the concept of a backup data storage centre, both for transactional and archival databases.
That requirement is met with the Fibre Channel SAN architecture with data matrix
relocated by the FCIP protocol outside the Air Traffic Management Centre. The concept of
a backup data storage centre intended for an Air Traffic Management Agency is presented
in figure 5.5.
Reconfiguration of existing systems, so they would use IP networks for data transmission, is
aimed at achieving global interoperability of air traffic management systems. Unification of
aeronautical data processing and exchange technologies is necessary to reach that objective.
That process will have positive bearing on data processing time and will eliminate
irregularities, which cause delays and inconsistency of air operations. Interoperable data
exchange technologies used in ATM systems, will render feasible airspace unification
programmes in Europe (SES Single European Sky) and globally. The global AFTN
message exchange network is a salient example. Its migration to AMHS standards,
maintaining old infrastructure elements, enables forwarding teletype messages about


Modern Information Systems

planned air operations. In dramatic cases they originate from technologically out-dated
teletype terminals and are fed to highly advanced AMHS systems.

6. Summary
An important issue facing transport in general is information exchange between supply
chain actors. Enabling that information to be transmitted, requires creating data
(information) exchange touch points (interfaces) and determining access privileges and
methods for different entities participating in transport processes.
The ever-expanding range of applications for telematic systems poses thus far difficult to
evaluate a potential, future risk to undisturbed functioning of transport telematic systems.
The telematics-induced networkisation and integration of computer systems present a
tangible and ever-increasing threat of both novel attacks taking advantage of network access
and deliberate damage to critical system elements. Further development of telematics
should take place in line with the "Fail-Safe" rule.
Systematic implementations of telematic technologies cause telematic systems to become a
viable consideration for development of multimodal transport. A potentially limiting factor
here can be the trend to use a single transport system in transport planning. However, one
of the biggest obstacles impeding further development of transport telematics is the
technology integration of different systems. This problem is driven by fast-paced innovation
and mostly inadequate standardisation.
Touch points of different systems have to be normalised, functions and services
standardised and costs analysed, all in a bid to allow such integration. It can stifle, however,
development prospects for transport telematics. The solution comes in form of a gradual
standardisation system, compatible at each stage. Benefits reaped from deployment of
transport telematic systems could not be quantified, until their impact and results are
recognised. Also, a line has to be drawn between telematics-related benefits for transport,
environment, economy and the society, hence providing reasons for detailed economic
analysis scrutinising implementation of transport telematic systems.
Providing telematic services supporting transport tasks and processes is one of fundamental
tasks of transport telematic systems. The quality of telematic services in transport depends
on network integrity, understood as the offered service being independent of the access
method and the communications protocol. Regardless of how information is transmitted to
the user, the service provided has to maintain constant parameters. Service quality of a
telematic service should remain the same at different locations. Thus, a need arises to create
and analyse functional-operating models in terms of availability and continuity of telematic
services in transport.
The other problem obstructing further development of transport telematics is the typically
long time of implementing the system. Deployment time often exceeds the total time needed
to develop a new technology. Hence, as practice shows, a system might become
technologically outdated by the time it is mature enough for practical applications. Effective
technologies, however, should not be replaced by newer solutions if telematics was to
develop. Many sectors manage to continue using obsolete, but proven technologies to their

Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems


advantage, because a transition to new technologies would be too financially strenuous (e.g.
flight and railway security).

7. References
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1231-5478, Poznan, Poland


Modern Information Systems

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Modern Information Systems

Edited by Dr. Christos Kalloniatis

ISBN 978-953-51-0647-0
Hard cover, 166 pages
Publisher InTech

Published online 13, June, 2012

Published in print edition June, 2012

The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are
designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast
and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be
competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and
functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society
and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and
recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters.
This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like
health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new
research tendencies of the information systems' development.

How to reference

In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Mirosaw Siergiejczyk (2012). Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems,
Modern Information Systems, Dr. Christos Kalloniatis (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0647-0, InTech, Available from:

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