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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-10, October 2015

The Research on efficient data dissemination in

vehicular ad hoc network with HNDT (helper data
node technique) with APAL algorithm
Shivani julka, Nitin Bhagat

their CH. This CH node can communicate beyond the clusters

Abstract A Vehicular Ad Hoc network (VANET) is a kind boundaries using a clustyer control channel. Then send this
of wireless ad hoc network to provide communication among status information to the next CH node which in turn
vehicles and nearly road side equipment or communication transmits the information to next CH node. The process
between vehicles on roads. Every day, many people are injured
repeated and forms chaining in clusters until the one of the CH
in accidents and most of them die .so the desire to improve safety
among vehicles was the main motivation in the development of
node that have received the packets in the communication
the VANETs. VANETs are a promising approach to enable range of RSU [1].
communication among vehicles .They are special form of mobile
ad hoc network (MANET). VANET is becoming an integral
technology for connecting daily life to computers. They could
greatly improve the driving experience in terms of safety and Hamid [1] analyzes cluster formation procedure
efficiency. VANET enables a vehicle to communicate with each ,maintainance and chaining between clusters. In this paper,we
other which are out of sight or even out of radio transmission discuss the three step approach for estimation of traffic
range. It enables vehicles to communicate with roadside volume in a road segment based on actual volume of wireless
equipment. we proposed technique with HNDT(helper data equipped vehicles. The first step is to collect the traffic
node technique) data node technique with APAL algorithm for
better data dissemination
information of different groups of vehicles. Then a chaining
technique between the clusters are used to transmits the
Index Terms data dissemination,APAL,VANET,HNDT information to the road side cloud. Then the last step is to
employ a generalization method to the extension of the total
I. INTRODUCTION traffic volume from the collected data.
Efficient traffic management is becoming of great interest Rasmeet [2] said thatOver the last few years, Vehicular Ad
today as traffic congestion becomes a more and more severe Hoc Networks (VANETs) have emerged as a new class of
problem. Throughout the world millions of hours and gallons efficient information dissemination technology among
of fuel are wasted everyday by vehicles stuck in traffic. communities of users mainly because of their wide range
Therefore, congested flow conditions have a negative impact of applications such as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS),
on the economy, health, and environment. The improvement Safety applications, and entertainment during the mobility of
of traffic flow and congestion reduction can be achieved by the vehicles. Vehicles in VANETs act as an intelligent
means of Traffic Information Systems (TISs) . In general, the machine, which provides various resources to the end users
aim of TIS is to capture, evaluate and disseminate with/without the aid of the existing infrastructure. But due to
traffic-related information. Conventional technologies (e.g. the high mobility and sparse distribution of the vehicles on the
Traffic Management Center (TMC) and Road Data Services road, it is a challenging task to route the messages to their
(RDS)) in TIS offer very restricted final destination in VANETs. To address this issue, clustering
has been widely used in various existing proposals in
1.clustering of vehicle : in a clustering structure the vehicle literature. Clustering is a mechanism of grouping of vehicles
nodes are divides into number of virtual groups based on c based upon some predefined metrics such as density, velocity,
certain rules.these virtual groups are called clusters [3]. and geographical locations of the vehicles. Motivated from
Equipped vehicles form dynamic clusters and the ones that are these factors, in this paper, we have analyzed various
more adequate become cluster head. CH is responsible for challenges and existing solutions used for clustering in
controlling the data propagation inside and between the VANETs. Our contributions in this paper are summarized as
clusters. The dynamic clusters are themselves mobile, moving follows: Firstly, a complete taxonomy on clustering in
along with the high-speed vehicles; this ensures that even with VANETs has been provided based upon various parameters.
high-speed vehicles, the moving cluster architecture result in Based upon this
relatively stable topology, as long as velocity of the vehicles categorization, a detailed discussion is provided for each
remains more or less the same.[1] category of clustering which includes challenges, existing
solutions and future directions. Finally, a comprehensive
2. chaning of clusters : chaining of clusters could be don by analysis of all the existing proposals in literature is provided
the CH. The clusters members in a clusters communicate with with respect to number of parameters such as topology
selected, additional infrastructure requirements, road
scenario, node mobility, data handled, and relative direction,
Shivani julka, Student, M.Tech (CSE), PTU density of the nodes, relative speed, communication mode,
Nitin Bhagat, Assistant Professor, PTU and communication overhead. The analysis provided for

The Research on efficient data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc network with HNDT (helper data node technique)
with APAL algorithm

various existing proposals allows different users working in 3. I random between 1-100 ms
this domain to select one of the proposals with respect to its 4. Pi random probalibility between 0.7-0.9
merits over the other Zaydon [4] states that Clustering in 5. END IF
vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) is one of the control 6. Count time = 0
schemes used to make VANET global topology less dynamic. 7. Duplicate number =0
Many of the VANET clustering algorithms are derived from 8. WHILE (Count time && duplicate number is )
mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). However, VANET nodes
are characterized by their high mobility, and the existence of 9. WHILE ( I is not expired)
VANET nodes in the same geographic proximity does not 10. Listen for duplicate alert message
mean that they exhibit the same mobility patterns. Therefore, 11. Count = number of received duplicate alert message.
VANET clustering schemes should take into consideration 12. END WHILE
the degree of the speed difference among neighboring nodes 13. IF( receive duplicate alert message )
to produce relatively stable clustering structure. In this paper, 14. Duplicate number = duplicate number + count
we introduce a new clustering technique suitable for the 15. P i+1 = pi/ duplicate number
VANET environment on highways with the aim of enhancing 16. i+1 = I * duplicate number
the stability of the network topology. This technique takes the 17. ELSE
speed difference as a parameter to create relatively stable 18. Rebroadcast with pi
cluster structure. We also developed a new multi-metric 19. IF ( rebroadcast is successful )
algorithm for cluster-head elections. A simulation was 20. P i+1 = pi/2
conducted to evaluate our method and compare it with the 21. i+1 = i
most commonly used clustering methods. The simulation 22. END IF
results show that our technique provides more stable cluster 23. END IF
structure on the locale scale which results in a more stable
24. Count time = count time + i
network structure on the global scale. The proposed technique
reduces the average number of clusters changed per vehicle 25. END WHILE
by 34-46%, and increases the average cluster lifetime by
This algorithm is mainly designed to curve the problems
20-48% compared to the existing techniques.
caused by both flooding of messages and restricted
M hari prasad [6] said that Vehicular ad hoc networks
transmission. In detail, when a message is broadcasted
(VANETs) are a promising technology to enable the
indiscriminately, like in the case of flooding algorithms it
communications among vehicles and between vehicles and
leads to various broadcast storm problems, like collapse of
road side units (RSU). A new algorithm to construct Stable
ad-hoc networks, serious contention and collision. On the
clusters is introduced to perform cluster based routing (CBR)
other side, restricted transmission may lead to immature death
and to improve the performance of VANETs. The stable
of the alert message. To curve the problems caused by
clustering algorithm groups the nodes based on the position
flooding algorithms and restricted transmission,
and direction information to form stable clusters and elects
cluster head based on a multi-metric algorithm. This method
reduces the overhead of re-clustering and lead to an efficient
hierarchical network topology. The proposed system is
evaluated using simulation software NS2 (Network Simulator
2). The performance parameters include throughput,
propagation delay and average cluster change per vehicle.
Simulation results reveal that there is increase in throughput,
and decrease in propagation delay and average cluster change
per vehicle.
Shou chih lo [7] said that Clustering is an important research
topic in wireless networks, because cluster structures can
facilitate resource reuse and increase system capacity. In this
paper, we present a new clustering algorithm that considers
both node position and node mobility in vehicular ad hoc
environments. The proposed algorithm intends to create
stable clusters by reducing re clustering overhead, prolonging
cluster lifetime, and shortening the average distance between
Fig. 1 Throughput of proposed technique and previous
cluster heads and their cluster members. Most important, this
algorithm supports single and multiple cluster heads.
Simulation results show the superiority of our clustering
Fig 1 xgraph shows the throughput comparison obtained from
algorithm over the other three well-known algorithms.
the simulation carried out on nodes between the proposed
Technique and Previous technique proposed technique
III. PROPOSED WORK results are better than existing approach
No of Nodes Existing approach Proposed
1. When receive alert message
2. IF (receive alert message is for first time)

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-10, October 2015
5 52.00% 58.75% [5] Peng Fan, James G. Haran, John Dillenburg, and Peter C.Nelson,
Cluster-Based Framework in Vehicular Ad-HocNetworks.
20 67.75% 71.75%
Table1 Performance Analysis of Throughput [6] M.Hari Prasad , P. Kowsalya, Performance Enhancement of VANETs
Using Cluster Based Routing International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science ,Enginnering and Technology (IjIRSET) vol 3
,issue 5, may 2014.
[7] Shou-Chih Lo, Yi-Jen Lin, and Jhih-Siao Gao , A Multi-Head
Clustering Algorithm in Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks , International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013

[8] Prerana Deshmukh, Prof. Shrikant Sonekar, Improving Energy and

Efficiency in cluster based
VANETs through AODV Protocol,International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 4788-4792
[9] Evandro de Souza, Ioanis Nikolaidis, Pawel Gburzynski , A New
Aggregate Local Mobility (ALM) Clustering Algorithm for VANETs

Fig 2 Shows the comparison of end to end delay of existing

and proposed approach. the proposed technique shows better
result than previous technique.

No of Nodes Existing approach Proposed

5 47.56% 40..37%
15 52.35% 53.37%
Table 2 Performance Analysis of End To End Delay

The existing approach shows better result than previous


In vehicular Ad-Hoc networks the technology is changing
very fast, the various algorithms are used for better data
transmission a best algorithm is proposed according to the
requirement. The efficient data dissemination techniques can
provide significant benefits to vehicular ad hoc networks, in
terms of both performance and reliability. Many data
dissemination techniques for such networks have been
proposed so far. Amongst the most popular one is helper data
system. This popular technique used to choose the reliable
node for continuous data transmission. The propose technique
is used to choose selective node for forwarding the data with
carry forward technique. .In future work, various data
dissemination technique can be done with the help of various
algorithm for efficient data security.

[1] Hamid Reza Arkian, Reza Ebrahimi Atani , Atefe Pourkhalili, Saman
Kamali , Cluster-based traffic information generalization in Vehicular
Networks vehicular communication 1(2014)197-207,September
[2] Rasmeet S Bali, Neeraj Kumar ,Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Clustering in
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NETWORK, IRF international conference, june 2014.
[4] Zaydoun Y Rawashdeh* and Syed Masud Mahmud, A novel
algorithm to form stable clusters in vehicular ad hoc networks on
highways, Rawashdeh and Mahmud EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking 2012, 2012:15


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