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01 Nov 2014

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Suppliment in International YCS Fest at DSVV

20 Let the Peace Prevail

24 Amongst One & All

4th International Festival on Yoga, Culture & Spirituality in Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya

Spiritual Luminaries


Yoga Experts

Marking the Glory of a
Very Special Day of Gandhi &
Shastri Jayanti, the 4th
International Festival on Yoga,
Culture & Spirituality was
inaugurated in Dev Sanskriti
Vishwavidyalaya with nearly
200 delegates from 24 countries
including the US, Korea and
Israel participating in the fiveday extravaganza. In the Fourth
Consecutive Year of this event
that is held every year by the
luminaries and 30 yogic experts
from across the country and
abroad are taking part.
occasion, each Guest of Honor
lighted up a Diya & offered
their prayers to the Almighty.
Welcoming the Guests on the


of Navratre, Nine
little girls representing the
nine avatars of goddess Durga
garlanded them & applied holy
tilak on their forehead also
giving them the KulChadar as a
token of Respect. These Guests
agreed that they arrived here as
their Mother Divine guided
them to come here & when
Mother calls a child has to
come. KulGeet of Dev
Sanskriti, "Manviye Utthan ka
Jo anvarat aadhar hai."
Vice chancellor DSVV, Shri
Sharad Pardhi , addressed the
audience first & said that the
galaxy of learned leaders from
Yoga, Culture & Spirituality if
Bless & Blend together the
Humanity in the Mankind the
result will be extreme
satisfaction and happiness
amongst the humans.
Spiritual Psychiatrist & Pro
Vice-Chancellor, DSVV Dr.

Pandya said that Gayatri
Pariwar & DSVV is a family &
home to all. We humans
provide more emphasis on
comfort than contentment but
the Life is actually moving from
mortality to Immortality. And
this journey from Mortality to
Immortality & Self Refinement
is the Yoga.
National Human Rights
Commission Director General
D R Kartikeyan said cleanliness
is Godliness, Kartikeyan also
appreciated honorable Prime
Minister of India, Shri
Narendra Modi's mission of
Clean India who invited each
citizen of India to begin a
change from with their Lives &
homes. He said that DSVV is
now Global and the mission of
instilling scientific & yogic
discipline amongst humans is
indeed worth learning. DSVV
instills courtesy, culture & care
amongst humans & in future it
can export theology, yoga &
spiritual teachers all over the
world to make it a better place
to live in. Sharing his birthday

personalities of our Nation, he
felt blessed in the Pious Aura of
DSVV and declared to donate
all organs after his soul leaves
the body. Summing up his
views, Kartikeyan Ji left the Dias
with these Words:
Change Lifestyle, Think
Simple & Be a Veggy.
"Be Positive & Be
Next On the Dias was
Yogini Kaali who said, that the
Indian Sanatana Dharm is the
purest language of one's heart
that can spiritually connect one
with the Creator. Yogini Kaali Ji
credited Pt. ShriRam Sharma
Acharya Ji's Lifestyle &
Wonderful Work for the society
with the Divine cosmic energy
he kept connected to through
his spiritualistic practices. The

Experiements with therapies

October 5th, 2014 was
planned for the practical
session for the dignitaries from
across the globe to visit various
departments of Dev Sanskriti
outbound activities in the
university campus were
participate in. Starting the day
with Pranic healing session
with Dr. Usha, the dignitaries
learnt about the 11 major
chakras in a human body and
about the "Prana". They were
also made to practically see the

internal aura of a human body

through relaxation & deep
breathing technique. The
white aura that surrounded the
subject body was differently
versioned by each one of the
present dignitary, but yes they
all accepted to have seen the
Aura of a human body.
The other session included
Pragya-Yoga Practice with
different Asanas, Acupressure
Consultation learning about
various points in body to cure
different troubles, Herbal
Garden to learn more about

natural herbs to cure various

diseases, Naturopathy and
therapies to cure various
"Dosha's". This helped the
guests to witness some real
Indian therapies to cure
diseases naturally and decide
which to learn. Morning
practical visit ended with
Lunch for the dignitaries
arranged in the versity campus
and resting hours for them to
get prepared for the evening
outbound adventure activities.
By : Nripendra Balmiki

Cosmic Energy, Yoga Practices

& Ahimsa are the three keepers
of true Human Life gifted to us
by the Creator. Addressing the
inaugural session of the festival,
noted spiritual leader from the
US and Mahatma Gandhi
contribution to world peace,
Patrick McCulum said India's
spiritual richness of which yoga
is an integral part, sets it apart
from other countries of the
Honorable Chancellor of
DSVV Dr. Pranav Pandya
shared that yoga, culture and
spirituality don't only enrich an
individual's life but also
contribute to the building of a
Nation with togetherness. Its
importance is that it determines
the direction in which a nation
moves. Collective character of a
country is at the root of its
overall growth. Yoga is the only
source that can cleanse the
Inner souls & calm the hatred
amongst humans. He believes
that Meditation is a cleanser of
mental garbage & will cleanse
the inner souls creating a world
of love, compassion & empathy.
Event rested for the first day
with the Felicitation Ceremony
in which the Dignitaries were
gifted the Literature of Acharya
Pr. ShriRam Sharma & a
Memento of Respect. Also took
place the unveiling of two very
special books authored by the
teachers of DSVV, "Oasis-Elixir
of Yoga" & "Antarjagat Ke
Jharokhe". Essence of the Day
could be summarized as: "Let
the Peace Prevail Amongst One
& All." By : Tanima Ananad

01 Nov 2014

Shantikunj is the purest

place I have ever seen
Shantikunj is the purest & most clean place I have ever
seen. It is a unique place which I have
visited many times but each time I have
found the proper cleanliness & next to
perfect management of the thousands of
people who visit Shantikunj daily. Dev
Sanskriti is also a very unique university
that from the very starting has been
framing spiritual & well cultured
humans for the better tomorrow. This
uniqueness & positivity of Shantikunj & Dev Sanskriti can
create a harmonious society at world level.
-Dr. D.R. Kartikeyan
(Director General - CBI & National Human Rights Commission)

But here I can feel Yoga

This event today has given us insight into real yoga.
Yoga that will transform. Yoga is taught throughout the
world but here I could feel yoga. I feel
moved by this place. It feels like a family
in Gayatri Pariwar. Not everyone in the
world has the humanity & feeling of
serving others with no expectations in
return. But here it's within the people & I
would share it around the world for them
to know about Indian values & culture.
It's beautiful here like a spiritual family. It
takes a moment to get aware & not everyone can practice
this humbleness & humanity .
-Yogini Kaali

DSVV intends to flame a

light of humanity

In the journey of violen in the world, I am asked what

you look forward to. I say I'm looking forward to going
home. I mean it here. India is Home. And Shantikunj is
the representative. Whatever is taught here, is essential to
bring Peace in the world. I visit various
other Nation and see youth growing
themselves into a darker future. Here I
see light of positive growth in one &
all. This light is needed throughout
the world. And this is the reason I love
to return India each time I get a
chance. I spoke to students here. They
are all connected to our ancient
Values. Such youth will bridge the gap between the
ancient values & present scenario. The people who teach
here are vessels of Spiritual wisdom. It is an example for
all. It is a light for all.
Patrick McCullum

It's high-time to search within: Dr. Chinmay

The second day session was inaugurated
by the Pro VC Dr. Chinmay Pandya. Meera
Sharma, C M Bhandari Ji, Ajay Bobade Ji,
Manuel Rivera and Shree Sharad Pardhi , VC
DSVV were the main speakers on the
Meera Sharma presented
her views on yogic sciences.
she said," It is when we are
more human, we get more
access to our spiritual self.
Psychology is incomplete in
true sense if not included with spirituality in
full volumes".
CM Bhandari, shared his views on
Spirituality as per his experience in Life.
Mentioning about Gurudev's statement years
back, about a major change
that would take place in May
2014, Bhandari Ji credited
'Amazing Victory of Global
Tiger of Asia-Narendra Modi'
with full majority votes for
the prestigious position of
Prime Minister Of India. Narendra Modi is
the person who is being looked forward to
bring a major turn-back revolution in the
society of evil, ego & unethical enchantments.
Bhandari Ji congratulated Shantikunj &
DSVV of being the only purest center for
spiritual growth in the much distracted youth.
He also mentioned the warm welcome &
homely attitude shared with them in the
Sir Manuel Rivera, addressed the
audience with his special message on
depression & its freakiest
result Dementia. Mr. Rivera
initially discussed about the
Psychiatrist Dilemma he
underwent, understanding
the real essence of life &
humanity. He practices Yoga
Asanas, Mudras & the Vegan Diet, as they say
is important to gain the real spiritual wisdom.

He believes Ahimsa, Vegan Diet, Yoga &

Meditation if practiced daily can liberate the
humans from useless materialistic pleasures.
He also mentioned that the way we swallow
medicines, expecting them to affect our body,
we don't remember that our diet also affects
us internally. Summing up his views on
Depression & dementia, he said, "Change
starts within".
Concentrating on the recent trends in
yoga practices across the
globe, the fourth speaker on
the Dias was Mr. Ajay
Bobade. He spoke of how
yoga was part of ancient
lifestyle and in present
scenario is left as a mere
business. The present yoga industry is worth
approximately 500 billion dollars which is
being cashed upon. He said that a mistake
done by single person is called a mistake but
when done in a group is accepted as reality &
this is what is happening with yoga. One
needs to differentiate between what is told &
what the reality is.
Concluding the session, Dr. Chinmay
Pandya said, "It's high time we should start
investigating the knowledge outside, i.e.
Gyaan & internal knowledge i.e. aadhyatm.
Yoga is the excellence of all these
dimensions". Thanking the Guests from
various fields of knowledge for pouring in
precious knowledge about the Yogic
practices, culture & spirituality, Dr. Chinmay
shared few of his experiences of his
educational life & Career in abroad. He
summed up the event saying unless we have
contentment, peace & satisfaction no success
in the world can make us happy. And if our
focus is right & set towards the final target we
wish to achieve nothing in the world can
divert us, resulting in pure satisfaction.
Illuminating our intellect & inspiring our
path, Dr.Chinmay & the Dignities rested the
event for the day.

DSVV is framing the

pioneers of leadership
The experience has been amazing. I have been to
many conferences but here it's different & amazing
moment. This university is with a difference. This is what
the world needs. And DSVV can
contribute the same to the world.
World should know that we must not
underestimate ourselves. I agree that
DSVV is framing the pioneers of future
leadership. Self-refinement & strength
is the base I see here. I have been an
executive myself. We face various
challenges across the globe. We look for
solutions all around. What is taught in DSVV is extremely
needed for the future of humanity.
-Carsten Ohrmann
(Executive Coach & Founder of CxO-Evolution Academy)

Optimism created here is amazing

Although I have a fresh experience at DSVV, but the humanity, devotion & Respect I felt
here touched my heart. It seeds expectations. Optimism created & cultivated
here is amazing. It is something in my own heart & I will endeavor. Talking
about scientific spirituality I am encouraged that it is the depth that helps us
connect to the world. The discipline of scientific spirituality helps us connect
our inner being to the world too. "The combination of science & spirituality
gives us power to solve problems". All the terrible things people do, brother
of humanity & relationships along with religion can solve all of them.
- Forrest Landry
(CEO and President, Magic- Flight Incorporation- USA)

Sanskriti Sanchar Special Suppliment in International YCS Fest at DSVV


Divinity is
all around us,
just feel it
Special Report : Tanima Ananad, Summita, Shweta, Nripendra

Third day of the international festival on

yoga, culture & science at Dev Sanskriti
Vishwavidyalaya, marked some new
achievements with different sessions arranged
for the foreign delegates regarding the theme.
One such session was the Anusandhan-2
arranged in the Mrityunjay auditorium at the

DSVV can be
India's Nalanda
or Takshila
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya can be
India's Future Nalanda or Takshila.
Indian culture can give
peace & prosperity to
the world. Indian
culture has positive
vibrations. And I
believe DSVV can be
the representative of
that positive Indian
culture. God incarnates
on this earth in form of
different divine personalities. This is
specialty of India. Impact will happen
(izHkko t+:j gksxk), Era will change (;qx cnysxk),
World will change (fo'o esa ifjorZu vk,xk).
He said, "We are known by the values
we accept and the humanity in our acts
defines who we are. We have to become a
magnet for the world leaders to develop
our world with oneness. Pardhi Ji also
clarified how Prof. Pigarus has been
practicing modern medicines for long but
the limitations in same have been a cause
of worry for him. Indian Ayurveda as per
prof. Pardhi Ji said, "Ultimately the
patient has to be cured, so no matter its
medicine or Ayurveda; the mind, body &
soul must be cured altogether.
Sharad Pardhi
Vice chancellor DSVV

Inaugurating the event for the day in the
traditional style, the lighting of Diyas &
applying Chandan Tilak took place, the chief
Guests & speakers of the day, Carsten
Ohrmann from Germany & Prof. Valdis
Pigarus from Latvia were welcomed with

bouquets & KulChadar of Gayatri Pariwar.

Giving start to the event with Gayatri
Mantra Dr.Chinmay Pandya, Pro ViceChancellor DSVV introduced the speakers for
the day with their achievements &
qualifications. A story from Upanishad's
quoted by him gave an insight to the theme.
Dr. Chinmay told that Divinity is all around us.
To feel it we have to experience it. Divine
consciousness is inseparable & is far beyond
cast, creed, gender & other discriminations.
Yoga is all about this consciousness of
similarity between one & all. Our Life is Gifted
Consciousness from the creator. All we have to
do is realize the true essence of Divinity & treat
all as one. Yoga teaches us about this providing
us with an ultimate satisfaction. Message of
Yoga, as per Dr. Chinmay, is having harmony
with oneself. Learning from elderly's &
maintaining harmony inside can easily help us
achieve the divinity. Welcoming Carsten
Ohrmann to the Dias, Dr.Chinmay took a
leave from his words by inviting people to the
world of Yoga & Divinity.

Congratuling everyone present in the auditorium of being an

Astronaut of the Spaceship called Earth,
which is the most beautiful planet of our
presentation, Ohrmann shared his thoughts
about how he feels that Spirituality can
strengthen the world leaders for future.
Lover of Wisdom, Carlsten Ohrmann's
presentation of how Science, spirituality &
business can be connected with the world
business to attain a common language of
understanding amongst world leaders gave a
new vision to the audience. He said, "An idealistic world view
creates better Life, a better business & a better World".
Carlsten Ohrmann from Germany
How western conventional medicines if combined with
Ayurveda can perfectly balance the mind,
body & soul. Integrative medicines in
Ayurveda, yoga & nature cure can do wonders
in creating a balanced life for humans. He also
proposed a book on Ayurveda for the world
medical practitioners to consult and treat
their patients with no side-effects. The
proposed book on Ayurveda, he said can do
wonders helping the integrated medicines
across the globe to cure patients better & give them a healthy &
immune Life.
Prof. Valdis Pigarus from Latvia

Who revived the

rishi traditions
Shantikunj & DSVV are the
"KalpVraksha" of this wisdom
Gurudev has kept alive. This
wisdom not just gives us
livelihood but gives us mental
satisfaction. Society will owe to
Gurudev for his
efforts to keep this
wisdom alive. I
students of Dev
Sanskriti and let
me tell you I found
university whose students know
their Indian traditions & live the
culture in their daily life. Our
tradition & system must
improve. And the seeding is
being done in Dev Sanskriti
Vishwavidyalaya. Students here
are living the dreams of Param
Pujya Gurudev.
Swami Vishudhdhanand

Here Yoga is a part of Lifestyle

Family is a group of people who care for each other. While looking at DSVV as my own, I admit I
felt home. I don't leave anything here. It's a world of its own. And the place we feel home, Why won't
we keep it clean? I am still experiencing DSVV. Few years of knowing this place is less to summarize
it. I expect from youth to ask questions & stop believing everything they have just heard. Don't stop
investigating into something until you have completely understood it. It's not correct to tag a
university that they teach yoga. Yoga is part of a Lifestyle.
A Foreign Delegate

But you can change


It's only through the understanding of

who you are that you
can go beyond. So if we
are Indian & we are
born of this Earth then
there is a purpose to it.
And to understand that
in its fullest is a very big
thing. The only thing I
would say is that the
only reward for work is
the work itself. If you think for what is in it
for me money, the fame, the recognition;
the impact of your work is your real
recognition, real identity. So if you don't
want anything then you are in a state of
bliss. But real life is about delivery and
delivery that comes through the fullest
heart and which comes with perfection. I
don't think one can change the world. But
certainly one's duty is to change oneself. If
you don't love yourself, how will you love
others? If you don't strive for perfection
how will you instruct others to be perfect?
-Shalini Singh
(Investigative Journalist & Former
Deputy Editor of 'The Hindu')

People across the

globe are thirsty for
this cultural essence
This university is very close to my
lifestyle. Students are being given the
purest essence of culture. People across
the globe are thirsty for
this cultural essence
People here have the
feminine receptivity
that a film maker
expects of its audience.
And I am honored that
my audience like an
innocent soul received
the essence of my film,
just like I had wanted it to be. Religion &
spirituality are not the cup of tea for most
people. I have been filming various aspects
of environment & climate changes. Unless
you understand the water, wind, sky, and
fire and earth element in oneself, you
cannot relate the inner ecology to the
outer part of ecology that is visible to us.
Since Independence, India has lost the
skills of storytelling.
-Akanksha Joshi
(Independent Film-maker)


01 Nov 2014

Sanskriti Sanchar

It's time for a Global

Change : Chancellor
The Valedictory session of 4th
International festival on Yoga, Culture &
Spirituality started with lighting of lamps
with the "KulGeet" and guru vandana.
Among the guests of this valedictory
session, were Shalini Singh a noted
investigative journalist & Former Deputy
International yoga week; Shyam
Parande, Director of sewa International
and Akanksha Joshi, an independent
Shree Sharad Pardhi, Vice Chancellor
of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya,
introduced and welcomed the
Dignitaries by thanking them and
bidding them farewell with a heavy heart.
Dr. Chinmay Pandya, Pro Vice
Vishwavidyalaya, greeted the dignitaries.
He said, "It is a sad time for us to see you
off". Explaining the purpose of the
festival, he said "the purpose of this
festival is to have a journey to happiness,
to know the real meaning of yoga, and
spirituality". He said, "Real perfection &
satisfaction comes when we are unified
with divinity and divine power. Running
after matter, will only make you more
Gracing the Dias next, was Shalini
Singh, an investigative journalist of India
& former deputy editor of The Hindu.
Shalini Sharing her experience of
journalism and views on Spirituality said,
"A journalist's only obligation is to the
truth. Only a free
minded Journalist
can bring out the
truth to the world
without the fear of
threatening world.
And only such a
journalist can be
Journalism in
true sense
f o r

born to be journalists." She lso spoke of

the major stories she broke on the
(Coalgate Scam, Vadra Scam, 2G
Spectrum Scam, Huda Scam, etc.),
Shalini said how despite the constant
threating calls, surveillance & attacks she
sacrificed her personal happiness &
security to extract the truth out of
rubbles hidden by them. Political powers
and officials threatened her, and the
gatekeepers blocked her stories. She said
along with all these obstacles she didn't
give up. Ending her speech with
motivational words she said, "When you
work for truth your courage & decision
take you much ahead."
Sharing his experiences with the
audience, next on the Dias was Shree
Shyam Parande, Director of Sewa
International. He said, "It is also very sad
for us to leave our new family but its life
& we have to go. India is the only place in
the world where family is everything and
the culture is that joins us. In the rest of
the world the connectivity is just
"We our-self have to create the path
of satyameva jayate", he said.
honoring chancellor DSVV, Dr. Pranav
Pandya with the highest award of the
Portuguese Yoga Confederation, the
"International Grand-Master of Yoga
Award" and "Kailasha Awar said, today
the world is in an argent need of true
spirituality. india and shantikunj is its
honored & thanked Dr.
Pandya. He then

"Constitution of Yoga, Kala and

Aadhyatm is 'Triveni'. And true faith can
help us achieve the real Yoga, Kala &
aadhyatm. And this Faith is naturally
present in the environment of Shantikunj
& Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. "
The Yoga done by Shalini is Rashtra
Yoga, and thus she truly deserves the
Unless you worship God with true
Feeling & purity, it's useless to pray.
"Be a true yogi", this is what Lord
Krishna said to Arjuna.
Appreciating Pro Vice Chancellor &
his Son, Dr. Chinmay, Chancellor Dr.
Pandya said, "Chinmay is not just my
Son but my Sun." Coming to the theme
he said, our humanity is passing through
a transition phase. It is changing. Lust,
Greed, Hatred & corruption is spreading.
And this corruption is pure denial of
God's orders. "We must try to be like
Swami Vivekananda, Gandhi Ji &
Dr. Pandya also said, the Culture is
sowing the seeds of goodness in oneself.
Unfortunately Indians take culture as the
cultural evenings but they don't try to
understand the real meaning of culture.
Speaking on Yoga, Dr. Pandya said,
"Yoga is Unity. Equilibrium is Yoga"
He told, "When I came to Gurudev in
1977, one day he told me that 21st
century would be the era of Scientific
Spirituality. I can see his words coming
true. Be Scientific, Be Spiritualistic".
He said, " Without cleansing the
psyche & consciousness one can't be
called a human". "Yoga is not postures,

By : Center for JMC

lifestyle. Diet, actions & sleep must be

like a yogi. Yoga can destroy all the
miseries of the world". "Depression &
anxiety are increasing due to flooded
information. Social media is now a part
of life & polluting our minds. It's time for
print & electronic media to be reorganized". "Everyone is after money.
This era has to go". "It's time for India to
become Maha Guru. Bharat-Varsh has to
be the MahaGuru of the world.
Sandeep Kumar, Registrar DSVV
pulled down the curtain of the event by
Vote of Thanks & His words,
"Mumkin hai Safar ho aasaan,
Tum saath chal kar dekho,
Kuch hum badal kar dekhe,
Kuch tum badal kar dekho."

An evening with
colourful culture
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
witnessed an amazing Cultural evening
on the fourth day of the International
Festival on Yoga, Culture &
Spirituality. Performers from across
the globe presented four mesmerizing
yoga & music demonstrations &
dances. Students of the university also
represented different states of India
through breath-taking dances. Yoga
demonstration by the Students was
also very appreciated by the audience
through the thunder claps. In totality
these performances made the audience
dance to their tunes in their chairs.
Dignitaries appreciated the cultural
evening and wished to witness more in
years to come.

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