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RS1 Modules 1, 2, 4

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Padre Ramon St, Estaka, Dipolog City, 7100 Philippines

S.Y 2021-2022



RS1 1:30 - 3:15 PM; (M) MWF


Identify the theologies being referred to in the statement. Write your answer on the space provided.

Thomas Aquinas 1. He is commonly known as the “Doctor Angelicus” or the angelic doctor.

John Dum Scottus 2. He argued that there is a first agent (a being that is the first in efficient

Rene’ Descarte 3. He suggested that the human intellect is generally reliable because it was
created by God.

St. Anselum 4. He was known for his dictum “fides quaerens intellectum” or faith seeking.

Duns , John 5. He was considered as the “most subtle Doctor” in his time.

St. Augustine 6. He forcefully argues that the New Testament cannot be understood without
the Old Testament roots, while the Old Testament finds its full meaning in the
Christological reading of the New.

St. Augustine 7. He is considered as the most “modern” of all Church Fathers.

St. Anselm 8. He argues that there must be some one that is supremely good, through
which all good things have their goodness.

St. Anselm 9. For him, God is “that than which a greater being cannot be thought”, in other
words, he is a being so great that one cannot conceive an idea who would be
greater than God.

Plato 10. For him, theology is synonymous with “mythology” in its deepest value and

Which of the theologians do you like and why? Pick at least two.
From my perspective, the two theologians that I like are Rene’ Descartes and St. Anselm. From
Rene’s Descartes belief of the human intellect is generally reliable because it was created by God, it
explains that God provides humans the will, the will to decide on which path would they follow.
Since God is our creator, he has the right to control our life, and our decisions that could end us in
the Kingdom of God. But God gave us the will to decide which path we are about to take, even if it
will result in errors. I also like St. Anselm’s theology because he believes that God is supreme
among all existing things… that one cannot so much as conceive of a being who would be greater
than God. As humans, we believe on what we see and explained by humans as they start to dissect
the object. There are instances wherein we cannot comprehend or see a pattern behind God’s
decisions for our lives. So St. Anselm believes that the concept of God is a supreme being that one
cannot think of a greater being than He, and that cannot be explained by mere humans.

Explain the following briefly.

St. Anselm’s ontological argument on the existence of God

 St. Anselm claims that God is a supreme being that one cannot so much as conceive of a being
who would be greater than God. It tells us that St. Anselm believes that God is so supreme that no
one could think of a greater being than He.

Theory of Efficient Causality of John Dun Scotus

 John Duns Scotus believes that the freedom of the divine will and the freedom of the human
will will within an order is freely chosen by God. Scotus says that the freedom of God means that
the creation was not necessary. God didn’t choose to create the world He wished to create, but
rather He chose to create this world. For him, It is in God’s nature to abide by His decisions and He
never reverses His decisions. He also believed that God’s freedom is evidenced is in man’s
salvation. God predestines those He wishes to save apart for any foreseen merits. God also retains
freedom by accepting or rejecting the Christian who fulfills the divine commandments. In the
man’s concept of freedom, Scotus believed that man is connected to God by love more than trough
reason. Therefore, man has the freedom to fulfill God’s commandments thus obtains salvation or
doesn’t have to fulfill His commandments.
Fides quaerens intellectum of St. Anselm
 St. Anselm’s motto is “faith seeking understanding” or “fides quaerens intellectum”. For Anselm,
faith is like an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God.

Five proofs of God’s existence by St. Thomas Aquinas; explain on your own words and cite concrete
examples on each of the proof.

MOTION - This proof of motion by Aquinas tells us that something in motion had to be set in
motion. His answer in this regard is God. God is the first and the ultimate mover that motion is the
proof that He exists. For instance, who made the planets, comets, seas, and even people move? As
per St. Thomas Aquinas’, all beings that moved are being moved by another and that this cannot
go on for infinity. Therefore, there is a prime mover which is understood by everyone as God.

CAUSATION - In this world, we find that there is a chain of efficient causes. According to Aquinas,
there is no case known that a thing is found to be efficient cause itself for it is impossible. Like the
proof of motion, it is not found to have an infinite of efficient causes as it follows an order, the first
is the cause of the intermediate case and the intermediate cause is the cause of the ultimate cause.
Therefore, for Aquinas the first efficient cause is God.

EXISTENCE OF NECESSARY AND THE UNNECESSARY - There are things in this world that exists but
it is unnecessary. But not all things are deemed unnecessary, for if everything is unnecessary then
there will be nothing in existence. Also, in every necessity has its necessity caused by the other
and it is impossible to go on infinity in necessary things. Therefore, St. Aquinas believes that an
existence of some being having of itself its own necessity and not receiving it from another, but
rather the one causes it is God.

GRADATION - There is a gradation to be found in things: some are better or worse than others.
The maximum in any genus is the cause of all in that genus. For instance, fire, which is the
maximum of heat, is the cause of all hot things. Therefore, he believes that there is something
which is to all beings the cause of their being, goodness, and every other perfection, and this being
is called God.

ORDERED TENDENCIES OF NATURE - As we live on earth, we see things lack of knowledge, such as
natural bodies acts in nearly the same way, so as to obtain the best result. Thus, it is plain to
achieve their end, not fortuitously but designed. Most natural things lack knowledge. Thus what
lacks intelligence achieves goals by being directed by something more intelligent. Therefore,
some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end, and this being is
called God.

How does it affect your personal faith in God upon knowing the different theodicies?
 Reason and Faith are compatible with one another as is Science and Religion because there is
but one truth. The basic religious beliefs are compatible with reason. There are rational supports
for those beliefs. Other beliefs may be strictly matters of faith resting upon the basic beliefs. After
read of different theodicies, I still believe in our Lord, but Rene’ Descartes comment that the
human brain is generally reliable since it was created by God has made me recognize something. I
completely agree with Rene's recommendation. That is why we can judge whether or not what we
did was correct. Look at what other people are doing to see what is appropriate. That is why we
can judge whether or not what we did was correct. Look at what other people are doing to see
what is appropriate. Actually, a part of my faith in our God has been so deeply impacted that I
recognize the remark they made.

What is the relevance of the theology in today’s pandemic crisis?

 COVID-19 crisis the hospitals and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention need
well-trained medical professionals to treat patients and offer guidelines, the government needs
competent managers to coordinate response and preparation, and the church needs informed
pastor theologians to take the helm and navigate the bride of Christ in the midst of towering
waves. A theologically uninformed pastor seeking to navigate these choppy waters is comparable
to a first-year medical student being placed in charge of the COVID-19 response for Cleveland
Clinic. Theological training and formation for pastoral ministry matters. Especially in days like
these. There is a wealth of truth reaped among the disciplines of pastoral training that provide
strength as pastors hold their hands to the helm. What I can say about theology is that it is the
study of religious faith, practice, and experience, particularly the study of God and God's
relationship to the world. So, this dilemma has a significant impact on theology because people
may avoid going to church because they are afraid of becoming ill. It's also occasionally illegal to
go to church first since the disease we're dealing with today has the potential to spread.
Module 2

I. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer on the space provided.

T 1. The Bible is the written account of the human experience with God.

T 2. We believe that the Bible was written by God dictating the human authors to write what he said

T 3. Just as we humans, participate in God’s ongoing creation through procreation, we also had a
part in creating the Scriptures.

T 4. The message that God wants to convey is contained in the Scriptures, but the way in which it is
conveyed was left up to the specific authors.

F 5. God is the author of the Scriptures. but it is also true that human authors are the authors of the
books in the Bible.

T 6. The Bible is proclaimed by some heavenly speaker from clouds and put them into writing by
the human authors.

T 7. Each book in the Bible has a different “flavor” based on the personality and goals of its human

T 8. There was no Bible as we know it for the first 350 years of Christianity.

T 9. The Holy Spirit guided the authors to be moved in such way that their writings were of God.

T 10. Jesus Gave his Apostles a list of the books of the Bible (also known as the canon of Scripture).

T 11. The First Testament was formed by the religious leaders if Israel who selected and accredited
the books and integrated them into the Sacred book.
T 12. The early leaders of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, discerned which books belonged in
the Bible.

T 13. Jesus is the fulfillment of all experiences and prophecies in the First Testament.

T 14. All books can be qualified as part of the Holy Bible as long as they are inspired writing.

T 15. Acts of Peter is one of the books in the New Testament.

II. Classification: Classify the following books in the Bible.

Wisdom 1. Sirach
Other Letters 2. Jude
Historical 3. Nehemiah
Pentateuch 4. Numbers
Historical 5. 1 Samuel
Prophetic 6. Malachi
Prophetic 7. Baruch
Historical 8. 2 Maccabees
Historical 9. Tobit
Wisdom 10. Job

Write at least two passages from the Bible which is so meaningful to you and explain why. Give the
specific citation and the passage itself.

Isaiah 40:31, New World Translation - “But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will
soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out.”
 God assures His worshipers that He will give them the strength needed to overcome or endure
any obstacles they may face. The people who have hope, or trust in God’s ability and mercy to help
his people can count on his support. It can be done by means of His Holy Spirit. This also
illustrates what effect can God’s power do to all of us and individually. Problems in life can make
us wither, both physically and emotionally. But with God’s power, it can energize us to do the right
thing despite severe difficulties. God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write these words. God
provided these words to encourage the Jews who would be taken to Babylon for 70 years and gave
them the power to complete that long and difficult trek.

Matthew 6:33, New World Translation - “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”
 A person that will seek the Kingdom of God first will include not only being eager to learn
about God’s Kingdom but also telling others about the good things it will accomplish and also
prays for it to come. Seeking God’s righteousness by living according to God’s moral laws are
always beneficial. Jesus spoke these words as part of what has been called the Sermon of the
Mount… Most of Jesus’ listeners are poor, so they had to focus on making a living, leaving them
with lesser time to seek the Kingdom of God. But Jesus encouraged them to observe how God
cares for His plant and animal creation and God promises to do the same for the people who
seeks his Kingdom first.

Introduce the following Bible readings the way the Catholic Church did during prayer meetings or Holy

1. GENESIS - Beginnings are the central theme of Genesis. The origins of the heavens and earth, all
created things, the human family , God’s covenant connection with mankind, sin, redemption,
countries and languages, and God’s chosen people Israel are all recounted in this book.

2. 1 JOHN - The first chapter teachers about Jesus Christ’s premarital divinity, emphasizes His
function as the Father’s message, emphasizes that He is the only way to return to the Father, and
emphasizes the need of personal testimony in leading others to follow Jesus Christ.

3. HEBREWS - Hebrews is more of a long sermon that references to the Israelite’s texts and
traditions several times. It is the Bible’s longest discourse about why and how Jesus Christ is
superior to everything.

4. REVELATION - The invisible spiritual war in which the church is involved is revealed in
Revelation: the cosmic conflict between God and his Christ on the one hand, and Satan and his
wicked associated (both demonic and human) on the other.

5. MARK - Emphasizes the Passion, predicting it as early as chapter 8 and devoting the final third of
his Gospel (11-16) to the last week of Jesus’s life.

6. JUDGES - Yahweh’s sovereignty and the importance of being loyal to Him and His laws above all
other gods and sovereigns.

7. TITUS - Appoint worthy elders to positions of responsibility, to preach sound doctrine, and to
exemplify in his own life the virtues that are expected of all Christians.
8. 2 CORINTHIANS - Encourages believers to embrace and follow the way of Jesus that transforms
life and values generosity, humility, and weakness.

9. JOB - The eternal problem of unmerited suffering, and it is named after its central character, Job,
who attempts to understand the sufferings that engulf him.

10. HABAKKUK - Trying to grow from a faith of perplexity and doubt to the height of absolute trust
in God. Habakkuk addresses his concerns over the fact that God will use the Babylonian empire to
execute judgement on Judah for their sins.

What is the relevance of studying the Bible in this pandemic crisis?
Module 4

Worksheet 1
Abraham-A Model of Faith

Read Genesis 11:27 - 13:18

1. Where did Terah settle with his family?
 Terah took his family to the land of Canon.
2. Why did Abraham leave his home? Who accompanied him on his journey?
 Abraham left his home because the Lord spoke to him. The Lord says that He will show
Abraham a land with which will make a great nation. God also protects him through his journey by
saying “And I will curse him who curse you”. Abraham also brought his wife and his son Lot, and
servants throughout his journey.
3. Why did Abram and Lot part company? Where did they reside?
 Abram and Lot parted ways due to the land cannot support both of their possessions. There
was a strife between Abram’s cattle of herd men and Lot’s cattle of herd men. So Lot resides in an
area as far as Sodom and Abram resided in Canaan.
4. What did Abram do at several stopping places?
 As Abram stops at several places throughout his journey, he built alters for the Lord.
5. God promised to give Abram decedents as numerous as the stars and land from the river of Egypt
to the River of Euphrates.
 Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: ‘I
will make you descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all
this land I promised them, and it will be their inheritance forever.’ The LORD tells Abraham that he
can know for sure that his offspring will be aliens in a foreign land, where they will be enslaved
and oppressed for 400 years. But God will judge their oppressors and bring them out of that land
with great wealth. Abraham will die peacefully at an old age.
6. What prevented the fulfillment of one of God’s two promises?
 The fulfillment of the descendant promise was prevented because Abram’s wife could not
bear children therefore he won’t have descendants.
7. What did the Lord’s messenger command Hagar to do? What promise did the Lord’s messenger make
to Hagar in the wilderness?
 Hagar called God”You-Are-The-God-Who-Sees” (Genesis 16:13). Hagar was surprised to find
that the God that blessed Abram is also the God who is blessing her. Hagar says, “have I also here
seen Him who sees me?”
8. What name did Hagar have for God? What was surprising to her? What name did Abram give to Hagar’s
 She finds that this is a God who sees everything, even those who have never prayed or
worshiped him. Abram gave the name Ishmael to Hagar’s son.
9. Read Genesis 17
 A second account of God’s covenant with Abram is given in Genesis 17. Abram’s name is
changed to Abraham which means ‘ancestor of a multitude.’ “Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah,
which means “princess.” Sarai is to conceive a son to be named Isaac, which means “he laughed.”
10. What was the mark of the covenant?
 9 Then God said to Abraham, “Your responsibility is to obey the terms of the covenant. You
and all your descendants have this continual responsibility. 10 This is the covenant that you and
your descendants must keep: Each male among you must be circumcised. 11 You must cut off the
flesh of your foreskin as a sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 From generation to
generation, every male child must be circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. This applies
not only to members of your family but also to the servants born in your household and the
foreign-born servants whom you have purchased. 13 All must be circumcised. Your bodies will
bear the mark of my everlasting covenant. 14 Any male who fails to be circumcised will be cut off
from the covenant family for breaking the covenant.”

Excerpted from “God’s work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II” in The World appears in the Flesh

Read Genesis 18-19

11. What was Abraham’s first and important gesture toward the visitor’s? What did he offer to the
 Abraham’s first and important gesture toward the visitors is he brought the visitors food and
water. He also offered them a tender and good calf and gave it to a man to prepare it.
12. What was the message of the visitors? What was Sarah’s reaction? How did this relate to the child’s
 Sarah laughed at the proposition because she was past the age of child birth. Lot welcomed the
messengers and insisted that they stay in his house. He gave them what they needed and treated
them kindly?
13. Abraham and Lot both received messengers from God. Compare the hospitality each showed to his
visitors. Contrast the reception given by Abraham and Lot with the inhospitable of the townspeople of
Sodom. Read Genesis 21:1-21: What two things did Abraham do following the birth of his son? When did
he throw a great feast?
 After the birth of Abraham’s son, Isaac, he circumcised him at eight years old. He also threw
his son a great feast. He threw the feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. Or the day that he ate
his food other than his mother’s milk. He threw the feast on the day that Isaac was weaned.
14. Why did Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away? How did God reassure Abraham?
 Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away because Sarah said “Cast out this bondwoman an her
son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, namely with Isaac.”
15. Describe Hagar and Ishmael’s plight in the wilderness. What does this scene teach us about God?
 They teach us about God is that when we are in need, God will always be there to help us.

Read Genesis 22-23

16. What did God ask of Abraham? What do you think Abraham might have thought and felt that moment?
Why do you think God asked this of Abraham?
 God ask Abraham that “Take now your son, only Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of
Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”
Abraham was afraid, but he will continue to do things to better himself because he loves God and
believes that God knows everything that will happen. God puts Abraham to the test to see if he
truly will do anything for our Lord.
17. Copy Genesis 22:12
 The Genesis 22:12, He said that “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now
I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
18. Because Abraham acted as he did, his offspring would be as numerous as…
 As the star in the sky, and I will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all
nations of the earth will be blessed.
19. Describe a time when you were asked to sacrifice something of value to you. Were you able to do it?
 When a situation needs me to sacrifice something dear to me, I am willing to give it up for my
family, friends, and relatives. I am able to do such thing because I want them to be happy and
For further study and reflection:

1. In Genesis 13, Lot appears to have chosen the better land. Yet his fate was never as grand as that of
Abraham, our father in faith. Read the following stories involving Lot: Lot’s Captivity and Rescue (The
Four Kings), Genesis 14; Judgement Pronounced on Sodom (Abraham Intercedes for Sodom), Genesis
18:16-33; Sodom, Gomorrah, and their Destruction, and Flight of Lot’s family, Genesis 19:1-29; Origin of
the Moab and Ammon, Genesis 19-30-38. Discuss the commentary of these stories found in the New
Jerome Biblical Commentary or another commentary.
 The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is simply the best Catholic commentary for studying the
Scriptures available. It is a single volume containing verse-by-verse commentary on all the books
of the Bible, supplemented by topical articles, aimed at anyone interested in religion and theology,
lay or clergy of the texts, while also providing the reader with a broader perspective; for example,
articles on the historical Jesus and the early Church. Comprehensively updated since 1968; nearly
two-thirds of the book is new - extended bibliographies; chapter and verse reference on page
headings-Now in paperback: within reach of all individuals wishing to study the Scriptures.
2. Muslims trace their lineage to Abraham through Hagar’s son Ishmael. Research further the connection
between Abraham and the religion of Islam.
 Muslims believe that the prophet Abraham became the leader of the righteous in his time, and
that it was through him that people of both Arabian Peninsula (Adnanites in particular) and Israel
came. Abraham, in the belief of Islam, was instrumental in the cleaning the world of idolatry at the
3. Reflect on the faith and moral character of Jacob, In your opinion, did he change? If so, how?
Worksheet 2
Isaac and Jacob - A Promise Fulfilled

1. In Genesis 24:1-4, Abraham made a promise to his servant that he would not allow his son, Isaac, to
marry a Canaanite.
Abraham sent the servant to the land of his tribe, where the servant found a suitable wife for his son
Isaac. What was the indication that he had found the right woman?
 The woman that give him his camel a drink of water.
2. What did the servant give the woman and later her family? Was the arrangement acceptable to the
woman and her family?
 The servant gave the woman and later her family a gold nose ring and 2 bracelets. Her family
said it was an arrangement from God.
3. Rebekah, sister of Laban, became Isaac’s wife.
4. Through Isaac’s intercession to the Lord, his wife became pregnant with twins. What caused her
 That the older would serve the younger, they were fighting in the womb.
5. Write out the Lord’s response in Genesis 25:23.
 And the Lord said “two nation are in your womb, and two people are born of you shall be divided;
that one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the young.
6. A message from the Lord is not to be taken lightly! How do you think the Lord’s message affected
Rebekah’s relationship with her sons?
 The message affected Rebekah’s relationship with her sons because she favored the younger
son (Jacob), because he would be the head of the family.
7. The hairy reddish one was called Esau and was born first.
8. Jacob came out of the womb gripping his brother’s heel.
9. Esau was his father’s favorite and Jacob his mother’s.
10. Why did Esau give up his birthright?
 Esau did not value Spiritual blessings. He sold his birthright for a bowl of red stew (lentil) that
Jacob cooked. He thought so little of this privilege that in jest, offered it up as a barter for food.
11. Who initiated the deception of Isaac regarding the blessing? Why? How was Jacob able to impersonate
his brother?
 The one who deceived Isaac among his children was Jacob. Since his mother, Rebekah,
remembers the Lord’s words that “the older will serve the younger” she takes it upon herself to
make the prophecy to happen. Rebekah instructs Jacob to prepare a well-cooked meal of domestic
livestock, wear Esau’s gamy-smelling clothing (to make blind Isaac think he is speaking to Esau),
and put goatskin pieces on his arms and neck to stimulate Esau’s hairiness.
12. Describe Isaac’s reaction to Jacob’ theft of Esau’s blessing.
 Isaac knew all along by the smell that it was Jacob that was disguised as Esau when he came
near his father.
13. What were the two reasons for Jacob’s journey to Haran in Paddan-aram, the home of Rebekah’s
 Jacob had two reasons for leaving. First and foremost, his older twin brother, Esau, plans to
kill him for tricking their father and stealing a blessing intended for Esau. Second, Jacob had been
instructed to return to their homeland in order to find a suitable wife.
14. What did Jacob see in his dream?
 Jacob dreamed is behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven; and
behold the angels of God ascending and descending it.
15. What three things did God offer Jacob? What didi Jacob promise in return?
 The three things God offered Jacob are: “Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever
you go and bring you back to this land; and I will never leave you until I have done what I promise
16. How did Laban trick Jacob?
 Laban deceived him by sending in the “tender-eyed” Leah.
17. List all of the children of Jacob, and designate each one’s mother as follows: Leah (L), Rachel (R),
Zilpah (Z), Bilhah (B).
1. Reuben 1. Joseph 1. Gad 1. Dan
2. Simeon 2. Asher 2. Naphtali
3. Levi
4. Judah
5. Issachar
6. Zebulun
7. Dinah
See Genesis 34:1; 35:23-26

18. Jacob tricked Esau. Laban tricked Jacob. Jacob tricked Laban. Rachel tricked Laban. Could the author
be making a point or points with all this deceptions? What do you think?
 Yes, the author has a point in this story because I can see that they were forced to serve
Rachel’s father, Laban, for seven years in order to win her, and at the end of that time, Jacob was
tricked into marrying her sister, Leah.
19. Jacob wrestled with a mysterious figure for an entire night. Jacob asked the man for a name. Jacob’s
name was changed to Israel which means “one who strives with God.” What do you think is the meaning of
Jacob’s struggle? What do the following have to do with the meaning of the event: the promises at Bethel
in Genesis?
 He encounters a “man” who proceeds to wrestle with him until daybreak. In the end, Jacob is
given the name “Israel” and blessed, while the “man” refuses to give his own name. Jacob then
names the place where they wrestled Penuel (facing God). As a result of Jacob’s hip injury while
wrestling, Jews are forbidden from eating the meat tendon attached to the hip socket (sciatic
20. Where did Jacob’s family settle after they left Shechem?
 On the way Jacob wrestled with a mysterious figure, a divine being, who changed Jacob’s name
to Israel. Jacob then met and was reconciled with Esau and settled in Canaan. Jacob and his family
live in the west o the Jordan in Canaan.

For further study and reflection:

1. As you will see in the Joseph’s saga, Jacob favored the sons of Rachel over the sons of Leah and the
maidservants. How was this revealed in Genesis 33:1-3? Explain the two incidents that divided Jacob and
his sons in Genesis 34:1-35:22.
 A terrible crime was committed against Dinah, Leah’s daughter, but her brothers’ reaction was
even worse. We can be certain that the Bible is a book from God when it depicts its leaders and
heroes in such terrible, plain truth. Men don’t usually write about themselves and their
forefathers in this way.
2. Have you ever been surprised by the forgiveness of someone you offended? Journal on this and reread
Genesis 33:1-7. Have you had a powerful experience of reconciliation following a conflict? Describe that
in your journal.
 In Genesis 33:1-7, Jacob makes no attempt to make excuses or seek self-justification. From the
beginning to the end of this section of the story, his actions reflect complete and honest
repentance. But, this is not a reconciliation story. It isn’t a story about a mended relationship.
Jacob and Esau may have put their previous relationship’s anger, mistrust, fear and betrayal
behind them, but it is not forgotten.
3. Reflect on the faith and moral character of Jacob. In your opinion, did he change? If so, how?
 Jacob’s belief and moral attributes, in my opinion, makes him a nice man who is willing to
serve others. His life is a testament to God’s fidelity to his chosen family and to the promises he
has made to bless the world.
Worksheet 3
Joseph Saga

Read Genesis 37-50

1. Give two reasons why Jacob favored Joseph over his other sons.
 Jacob loved Joseph because he was the firstborn of his favored wife, Rachel; and Joseph is his
son of his old age.
2. What events added to the brother’s resentment of Joseph?
 The events that added to the brother’s resentment towards Joseph is his dreams. Joseph
dreamed of his brothers bowing down and his another dream that the sun, moon, and the eleven
stars bowed down to him. The second dream of Joseph means that not only his brothers bowed
down to him but his mother and father as well.
3. What did both Joseph’s dreams have in common?
 Both of Joseph’s dreams shows that his family bowing down to him in different ways. One
shows his brothers bowing down to his center sheath. The other shows the sun, moon and eleven
stars bowing down to him.
4. The brother’s first plan was to kill Joseph, throw him into a pit with a wild beast. Reuben’s plan was
to throw him in a pit with nothing in it and let him go untouched, his intention was to put him in the
pit and then when they leave, take Joseph back to his father. Judah’s plan was to take his tunic and
put blood on it, and bring it to their father, Jacob. They planned to sell him to the Ishmaelites to
get rid of him.
5. How did Jacob (Israel) learn of his son’s apparent end? What was his reaction?
 Jacob found that Joseph had “died” when the brothers came back. They came back with
Joseph’s blood stained tunic and told their father that they found this. Their father assumed that
Joseph was torn apart by a wild beast. Jacob became very upset and when his children tried to
comfort him, he shrugged them away.
6. The story of Judah and Tamar is located here to shoe the passage of time. How did Judah dishonor
Tamar? How did she take charge of the situation?
 Judah dishonored Tamar by making her marry his second son after the Lord killed his first.
Then after the Lord killed the second son because it displeased him. Judah then told Tamar to wait
until his third son was old enough, and she would marry him.
7. Tamar is only one of the five women included in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus. Why do you think she is
 Tamar was included because she is one of the more important women. she was directly
associated with Judah, who was also a very important person.
8. What reason was given for Joseph’s success in the household of his master in Egypt?
 Joseph was successful because the Lord blessed him. His master also made him overseer of the
9. Joseph was accused of sleeping with the master’s wife by the master’s wife.
10. What theme is repeated in Genesis 39:20-23?
 The theme is that even though he was in prison, God watched over him. He was blessed by God
and that kept him safe. God knew that the reason why he was put in jail was not truthful.
11. What is the message of the cup bearer’s dream?
 The dream of the cupbearer was being said by Joseph with the help of God. He said that “The
three branches are three days. Within three days, Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to
your position and you will put his cup into his hand just as you did when you were his cupbearer.”
12. What is the message of the baker’s dream?
 Joseph told the baker the meaning of his dream. He said “The three baskets are three days.
Within three days Pharaoh will lift off your head and impale your body on a pole - and the birds
will eat away at your flesh.”
13. What did Joseph ask of the cup bearer?
 After Joseph interpreted the cupbearer’s dream, he said “…remember me and mention me to
the Pharaoh and get me out of prison. I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews and
even here I have done nothing to deserve being put into a dungeon.”
14. Briefly describe the two dreams of the pharaoh and Joseph’s interpretation of them.
 The two dreams were about what happens to the cupbearer and the baker on the Pharaoh’s
birthday. He restored the cupbearer’s position while he impaled the baker on a pole.
15. In Genesis 41:38, what did the pharaoh say of Joseph?
 The Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?”
16. What things were given to Joseph?
 Joseph received the Pharaoh’s signet ring. He clothed Joseph in fine linen and a gold chain. He
also gave him a chariot and a wife.
17. His sons were named Manasseh (meaning “For God has made me forget all my toil, and all my
father’s house) and Ephraim (meaning “For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my
18. Egypt had more than enough food during the famine and was therefore able to open storehouses to
sell food to Egyptians.
19. What is the significance of Genesis 42:6?
 The significance of Genesis 42:6 is that Joseph treated his family fairly and without bias.
20. what might have prevented the brothers from recognizing Joseph?
 The brothers have not recognized Joseph because they had not seen him in a long time. Also,
Joseph had changed his looks (bald and beardless, gold chains…) in Egyptian customs and he
acted as if he did not know them.
21. Joseph accused his brothers of being spies.
22. Why do you think he tested them? What was the test?
 Joseph tested his brothers to bring their youngest brother (Benjamin) to him. He did this
because he wanted to see if he could trust his brothers.
23 What did Joseph overhear, and how did he react?
 Joseph overheard that his younger brother had died.
24. What disturbed the brothers when they returned home?
 The brothers where disturbed to find their money inside the bags of grain.
25. Do the brothers return immediately? Why?
 No, because the father did not want the man to kill his sons. They only went back when they
needed to buy more food.
26. What amazed the brothers at the banquet?
 At the banquet, the brothers were amazed when Joseph filled their sacks with food and money.
They also washed their feet and got food and water for their donkeys.
27. The brothers passed the first test (returning the money and bringing Benjamin). Joseph then tested
them a final time. What was the test? Explain why this was the perfect test, given their crime against
Joseph long ago. In other words, how did the test connect with the original crime of the brothers?
 The final test was when Joseph put the silver goblet on Benjamin’s bag. Joseph wanted to see if
they were loyal to each other. Judah stuck up for Benjamin, which showed that they were loyal.
28. What was Judah’s offer?
 Judah’s offer was to be the slave instead of Benjamin.
29. What did Joseph revealed his identity?
 Joseph could not longer stand hiding his identity from his brothers. He told them that he was
their brother and wept. The brothers were shocked at him.
30. What did Joseph believe about the turn of events in his life?
 Joseph believed that his brothers selling him to Egypt was actually an act of God. HE believed
that God had done this so that he could be closer to God and act in his name.
31. Whom did Jacob bless in Genesis 48? What is unusual about this blessing?
 Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. The blessing was unusual because he put
his let hand on the first born and his right to Ephraim the youngest.
32. Where did Jacob and Joseph wish to be buried? Why?
 Jacob wanted to be buried in the field of Ephron the Hittite. Joseph wanted to be buried in the
land of Canaan.

Reflections on the Ancestors (Patriarchs)

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is our God. we may experience God’s presence and action in similar
ways. Choose one of the following topics for a reflection paper of 1 page in length.

1. God kept his promise to Abraham. Write about a time when God came through for you in a situation
that seemed beyond hope.
In this time of pandemic, we cannot seem to freely move anywhere. Whether it be in our jobs,
schools, or going to grocery stores. But in my case, as a college student, I can say that it is very
difficult not to be able to move freely. In my definition of being able to move freely, it means that
restrictions for college students should not be as tight as the secondary students. Because in our
case, this phase in our life is going to be our “bread and butter” in the future, and not being able to
go to school physically it hinders our learning. Online learning saves time in travelling, protects us
from getting infected with the virus, and that it gives time to help around the household or
financially. However, it also hinders us from broadening our learning as it limits our knowledge
because of the limited time and the connection is not always there. Just like what happened in my
case, I was not able to pass the requirements on time due to connection being unstable and that I
was also a victim of the recent typhoon ‘odette.’ I was so worried and on the verge of losing any
hope that I would be able to pass this course because we currently don’t have electricity, and the
signal being unstable, I cannot pass my works online. Buts because God is here within us, within
me, that I was able to contact few of my teachers and inform them of my situation. They are very
considerate of my situation. That is why I believe that “God kept his promise to Abraham,” just as
he kept his promise to mine that He would not ever leave me be.

For further study and reflection:

1. Read a commentary on the Joseph Saga. What insights did you gain?
 Joseph’s example proves that even the most difficult temptation can be resisted and overcome,
thought this skill must be developed incrementally. Joseph’s early preparation gave him the
ability to make the best of any situation. Believers and nonbelievers can see this as an example of
perseverance and the need to keep trying.
2. Joseph said, “Even though you intended to do harm on me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a
numerous people” (Genesis 50:20). Can you think of other instances in the Bible where God made
something good come out of something bad?
 Just like the story of Job, where his family has been killed and his riches stripped from him,
still he never gave up hope that God has other plans for him. That this is only an obstacle for him
to test where his faith of God would lead him, either it will strengthen or will dwindle down. But
Job held onto his faith and thus leads God to give him a big family and riches that were twice of the
one he has before.

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