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The practice of Meditation ... is very simple and so very straight

forward ! Keep the eyes closed ! Be with the breath ! Just be with the breath ! Just be with the natural rhythm of the breath ! No mantras whatsoever ! No sounds from the mouth whatsoever ! -Brahmarshi Patriji

Meditation Everywhere



ubhash Patri ... was born in the year 1947 ... at Shakkar Nagar of Nizamabad dist. (Andhra Pradesh, India) ... to P.V.Ramana Rao and Savitri Devi. His earlier schooling was in the town of Bodhan and city of Secunderabad. College studies were completed in the city of Hyderabad.

After obtaining postgraduate degree in Soil Science in the year 1974, from The Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, he took up an assignment in a multinational fertilizer company in the year 1975. Patriji married Swarnamala in the year 1974. He is the father of two daughters ... Parinitha and Parimala ... born in the year 1978 and in the year 1982 respectively. " ENLIGHTENMENT " Patriji became enlightened in the year 1979 ... after some serious experiments with meditation. Since then, Patriji began striving hard to awaken and enlighten each and every individual. Further, in the following decade, he completed reading more than 50,000 books on science of spirituality and science of meditation. " SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT " Patriji established "The Kurnool Spiritual Society" during the year 1990 ... in Kurnool ... with the sole mission of creating intense awareness amongst all individuals ... about the science of meditation ... and its primary role in providing physical, mental and intellectual health and well-being to all. 3

Meditation Everywhere

PYRAMID MEDITATION " Patriji established the first pyramid in Kurnool in the year 1991. In the year 1996, a second pyramid was built in Uravakonda. Subsequently several pyramids were established throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh. Pyramid meditation was established, in the whole of the world, for the first time, by Patriji. Meditation when done inside a pyramid is thrice more powerful. " RESIGNATION TO THE JOB " Patriji resigned his job in the year 1992 ... and took to uninterrupted service to the whole of mankind. Patriji's dedicated efforts, since 1992, have resulted in hundreds of Pyramid Spiritual Societies being established throughout India. " SOUL - SCIENCE LITERATURE " Patriji has authored over sixty books and several audio and video cassettes and CDs ... mostly in Telugu language ... on various New Age spiritual science topics to-date. Under his authorship, vast amount of spiritual science literature in various languages ... by way of magazines, books, audios and videos ... has been created. Under his guidance, books authored by great spiritual masters of the rest of the world have also been translated into Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil etc. " BRAHMARSHI " In the year 1997, in the temple town of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, all the pyramid masters gathered and conferred the title of ' Brahmarshi ' on Patriji. Patriji travels extensively to every nook and corner of the country ... including remote villages throughout the year ... and conducts meditation classes to individuals of all ages, education and strata. Till date, he has conducted thousands of workshops on Anapanasati Meditation, Vegetarianism and New Age Spiritual Science.


" MUSIC AND MEDITATION " Patriji is also a great flutist and singer, and has devised techniques combining music with meditation for very intense meditational experiences. " FULL - MOON ENERGY " Patriji promotes the concept of living with Nature by enourages group trekking expeditions into deep forests and promotes full night meditation sessions, particularly on full-moon days. " LIFE - TIME ACHIEVEMENT " Patriji has been honored by a Life-Time Achievement Award at the National Symposium on Science of Holistic Living and its Global Application, organized by AROGYADHAM at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, WARDHA, during the month of November 2006. " DHYANA JAGAT ... BY THE YEAR 2012 " Patriji's dream is to create ' dhyana jagat ' by the year 2012. It is time now for the whole world to embrace the science of meditation ... that is Anapanasati ! The entire Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement is geared to achieve that ! Patriji teaches that anapanasati meditation and vegetarianism are fundamental to world health and world well-being.

Spiritual-health is the root and physical-health is the fruit ! Anapanasati Meditation alone gives spiritual health to a person !
Brahmarshi Patriji

Meditation Everywhere

MaitreyaBuddha Pyramid North face mural work depicting Air element

Buddha Poornima Celebrations, May 2006 in Pyramid Valley, Bangalore


Brahmarshi Patriji
Basis of all Religions is Spirituality Basis of Spirituality is Soul Science

Basis of Soul Science is Meditation

Meditation means To be with the Breath

Meditation Everywhere

RELIGION ... Religion means re-ligate ... that is to re-unite ! Now, we understand the magnificence of all religions ! Now, we become one with all the worlds religions ! Every religion is based upon the same truth of soul science. With soul experience, we understand that we dont have any limitations or any type of boundaries ! To experience our SOUL-HOOD, we have to become one with our BREATH-HOOD !
Thats the absolute central point !

SPIRITUALITY ... Through breath we understand dhyana shastra and through dhyana shastra alone we understand atma shastra ! Only after having a firm grasp of soul science can we begin to understand how to speak, how to eat, how to feel, how to tuch, how to walk ... in fact each and every point of our life, one by one ! This is nothing but Enlightenment ! ... also called Spirituality. SOUL SCIENCE ... Through meditation we can see our past and future. Knowing our past ... we come to understand that we have changed many bodies and passed through many varied experiences ! Finally, we realize that we are not body ... We are soul. Ayamatma Brahma ... Aham Brahmasmi ... Tatwamasi ! That means we can understand We are everything ... We are also eternal, This whole subject is called as Soul Science ! SCIENCE OF MEDITATION ... Similar to our two physical eyes, we also have a third-eye and like our physical body, we also have an astral body. All this is understood only through breath. When we regularly place our attention on breath, it is called meditation. And with more and more practice of meditation, we understand the total scope of the Science of Meditation. BREATH ... Breath is our life. There is no life without breath. Breath energy is the supreme energy. Everyone requires this energy ... like plants, trees, animals, birds, water ... all require this 8

energy. This breath energy is more essential for the humans. But how to know it ? How to feel its greatness ? The way is to be with the energy essence of the breath. NATURAL BREATH ... To know about breath energy, we have to with the breath. But how? Here is the methodology : Dont take long or short breath. Keep only to natural, normal, soft and easy breath ! Only then we can understand. When we become one with this natural and easy breath, automatically our mind becomes empty ! When the mind becomes empty, we get abundant cosmic energy ! Soon, something called as the third-eye gets activated, activating our SOUL potential !

Meditation Everywhere

Brahmarshi Patriji


Peace, of the Mind is HEALTH ! Knowledge, of Self, is KNOWLEDGE ! Understanding Cause and Effect phenomena is INTELLECT ! Possessing a Scientific Method that is INTELLECT ! Intellect is WEALTH ! Meditation is the only way to establish PEACE OF MIND ! Meditation is the only way for experiencing THE SELF ! Meditation is the only way for the development of INTELLECT or BUDDHI ! A person who has Buddhi is a BUDDHA ! Every person should become a BUDDHA ! The whole of Humanity should attain BUDDHA-HOOD ! Welcome to the New Age of ALL BUDDHAS ! Welcome to the WORLD-WIDE MAITREYA-BUDDHA BROTHER-HOOD ! Hail Unto THE MAITREYA-BUDDHA DHYANA VIDYA VISHWALAYAM, Bengalooru !



There are three great laws in the science of meditation :

the first law

When we are with the simple, normal, easy, natural flow of the breath ... the mind becomes rather empty

editation is silencing the incessant chatter of the restless mind ! For that ... we ... begin ... with ... the ... breath ! The mind has to be with the breath ! That is the bottom-line ! If the mind is not with the breath, it does not become empty ! The mind has to become uncluttered and rather empty ! The mind has to lose all its unscientific socio-religious mental images and meaningless props ! In the same token, chanting of any mantra doesnt play any role in meditation ! Since meditation is silencing the incessant chattering mind, we cant have any mental image whatsoever to concentrate upon ! 11

Meditation Everywhere

We have to attune ourselves to our natural and normal breath ! When we attune ourselves to the breath, the mind becomes by and by less tense ... and less dense ... and sooner than later, it becomes rather empty ! Breath is the ambassador of pure consciousness in the body ! Breath is an incessantly happening thing. Breath does not age ! Breath is so simple ! Breath can be experienced ! Breath can be grasped ! Breath can be very easily attuned to ! Being with the simple, natural flow of the breath is the alpha in the science of meditation. the second law When the mind is rather empty, huge amounts of cosmic energy flood into the physical body... into the physical-ness A jungle-like mind doesnt allow cosmic energy to enter into the body-system. When the mind is like a forest, it becomes a great barrier ... it does not allow any cosmic energy to seep into the physical body. The jungle-like mind is so very impermeable, so very solid ! However, when the solidlike mind becomes a liquid-like mind or a vapour-like mind , there is so much more porosity and the mind becomes that much more permeable and ... the cosmic energy floods into the physical body ... following the simple laws of natural physics ! The mind is the separator of the physical energy and the cosmic energy. When the mind is like a forest, it acts like a solid barrier ! So, to make our solid - like mind into a vapour - like mind ... where there are very few thoughts, and more number of gaps ... that is meditation ! And, the way is only through breath ! the third law When sufficient amounts of cosmic energy enter the physical body ... the result is a reasonable amount of activation of the third-eye The physical body needs to become saturated with cosmic energy ! When the body is 12

saturated with cosmic energy, when the black patches in the etheric body are dissolved, the souls potential becomes gradually kinetic ! And, the soul has infinite potential, and Infinite capacity ! How ever, all that is just dry and barren as long as we dont awaken it through our meditation ! The culminating result in meditation is the activation of our inner senses or the third-eye ! The end result of meditation is activation of our extra sensory perception ! The final result of meditation is activation of our SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS ! The final product of meditation is acquiring a SOLID SOUL ! In the case of a normal person, it is as if the soul is lost ! The soul is the paradise ! In the case of a normal person, the paradise has been lost ! The paradise has to be regained ... that is done in meditation ! The science of meditation is the science of energy maximization ! The science of mediation is the true science of physical health ! The science of meditation is the true science of joy ! The science of meditation is the true unifying science ! It unifies all the divided sects of humanity ! Hail unto the science of meditation ! The science of Meditation is the science of energy maximization ! The Science of Meditation is the true science of physical health ! The Science of Meditation is the true overall unifying science ! The Science of Meditation is the truest science of joy ! It unifies all the divided sects of humanity !

Meditation is the universal science of experiencing our Source Soul. Meditation means experientially living our Source Soul. When we are aligned with the Source Soul through meditation, the body becomes perfectly tuned to health and our intellect becomes spiritually mature. - Patriji


Meditation Everywhere

Brahmarshi Patriji

Truth alone triumphs Truth is the true glory of life Journey of the soul is towards greater and greater comprehension of truth The singular truth is that ... we are the macrocosm Our macrocosmic nature is experienced only in meditation We experience our macrocosmic nature when the mind is empty Making the mind empty is the very definition of meditation To experience our macrocosmic nature, is our first effort At the end of the first effort ... we become a buddha The next effort is to help other kindred souls in experiencing their own macrocosmic nature At the end of the second effort ... we become a maitreya-buddha GLORY UNTO ... ALL BUDDHAS ! GLORY UNTO ... ALL MAITREYA-BUDDHAS !



Brahmarshi Patriji

he word... ANAPANASATI... in Pali language means... to keep ones total attention and awareness only on ones normal breathing process. ana ... means in-breath apana means out-breath sati means be-one-with

In Anapanasati, attention of the mind should constantly be on the breath. The task on hand is conscious observation of the breath. No mantra is to be chanted ! No form of any deity is to be entertained in the mind ! No pranayama practices... like kumbhaka (HOLDING THE BREATH) should be attempted ! Any comfortable sitting posture can be taken. The posture should be as comfortable as possible. Hands should be clasped... and eyes should be closed. The crux of the matter is to resist the routine wanderings of the mind. Thoughts should be cut right away, as and when they keep arising. 15

Meditation Everywhere

BE CALM ... BE STILL BE-WITH-THE-BREATH Close your eyes take all the time you need, to get comfortable shift muscles stretch and relax spine and neck are relaxed ... not held stiffly ! there is no stiffness here just comfort ... the beginning of calm ... there is no hurry now there is nothing else to do ... or think about ... just pure relaxation ! BE STILL INHALE SLOWLY EXHALE SLOWLY let your breath be a rhythm of calm your breath is a rhythm of calm follow your breath BE CALM use your mind to follow your breath in ... out ... in ... out that is all BE WITH YOUR BREATH BE STILL be with your breath-energy let your breath-energy baptise you The physical body has its own natural and easy rhythm of the breath. In meditation, the mind has to become totally attuned to the normal rhythmic nature of the breath.



Brahmarshi Patriji Meditation is the way of total elimination of the restless waves of the mind. Here the mind has to become concentrated on the breath. When our mind gets concentrated on the breath, and we keep to the regular practice of the same, a beautiful thing happens ! The restless waves of the mind totally cease ! A calm, peaceful and tranquil mind is established ! Th mind becomes totally empty ! As more and more time is spent in being with the breath, the mind becomes absolutely empty ... sans any trace of thoughts ! When the mind is totally empty, huge amounts of cosmic energy begin to flood into the body ! More the emptiness of the mind, more the in-flow of cosmic energy ! restless waves of mind Cultivation of the restless waves of the mind is achieved when the mind is concentrated on any given work. The more a person concentrates on a given work, the more the mind of the person becomes cultivated ... and, to that extent, the restless nature of the mind becomes reduced. And, to that extent, the mind becomes more restful; to that extent the energy of the physical body becomes more.


Meditation Everywhere

When the physical body gets saturated with cosmic energy, the natural consequence is the great happening of seeing ! A sincere meditator begins to see .. in the beginning ... flashes of beautiful nature ... hitherto never seen or experienced ! These flashes of nature are usually from alternate frequence realities.

inner senses
In this state of deep inner silence, a total inwarding of the outer senses happens. The outer senses in effect become the inner senses ! With the inner senses, we do perceive inner worlds ! There are several frequencies of inner worlds ! The purpose of meditaton is to activate the inner senses, to encounter the inner worlds and have contacts with masters of the inner worlds. Spiritual Wisdom is obtained from the Masters of the Inner Worlds. More and more meditation leads to more and more spiritual wisdom. More and more spiritual wisdom means more and more health, vigour and energy in the physical body.

alternate realities
Alternate Realities are the realities other than the reality we are presently, currently, engaged in. Each particular reality system exists with a different frequency. Each frequency reality, indeed, is an infinite universe. The total cosmos consists of an infinite number of frequency universes. At any given instant, a soul is tuned to only one frequency universe, which is invariably mistaken ... by the particualr soul ... to be the only reality ! However, in meditaton, a given soul breaks out of the cocoon of spiritual ignorance. New reality systems are experienced. More and more meditation leads to a grand understanding ... through personal experience of the tremendous reality of the cosmos. All this is called as enlightenment. 18



he pyramid is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on a square base... and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid. Each triangular sloping face is an isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal and the base angle equal. The length of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and of equal area.

The fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy was known to Ancient Egyptians, more than 10,000 years ago. They utilized the concept when they built their pyramids. The pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The Power of the Pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiated cosmic energy with that of the gravitational force of earth. Scholars are aware that The Great Pyramid at Gizeh was built as a place and as an instrument of initiation into altered and higher states of consciousness,... through the mechanism of conscious out-of-body experiences. - Bill Schul & Ed Pettit 19

Meditation Everywhere

Pyramid Meditation Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation. Many people experience feelings ranging from calmness to extreme euphoria during their meditation sessions inside the pyramids. Meditation done inside a Pyramid is thrice more powerful ! Most people who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by the shutting out of unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to The Mega Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid in Bangalore, concentrate on deeper inner levels. Pyramids provide most effective high-energy environments for beginners of meditation. Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body Pyramid Powers Several experiments conducted in man-made pyramids have revealed generalized pyramid powers. These can be broadly classified as: Preservation Healing Out-of-body Experiences Preservation : Pyramid energy preserves fruit, milk and other perishables ; taste of coffee, wine, fruit juices, etc., is improved ; used razors, knives get sharpened ; acts as a room freshener, foul smells disappear. Healing : Wounds, boils and bruises heal quicker ; reduces over-weight and increases resistance to diseases ; gives relief to and cures asthma, toothaches, migraine, common 20

cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia etc. Drinking pyramid energized water cures conjunctivitis, other eye problems; helps digestion; gives the skin a healthy and youthful glow. Out-of-body Experiences : Out-of-body experiences are much easier if done inside a pyramid. Dreams become clearer and they take the quality of normal working state. Pyramid Construction Pyramids can be made of any material ! For every one foot of height, the corresponding sides would be 1.4945 feet and the base 1.5708 feet. Side is measured from the corner to the Apex, and height is the vertical height from the apex to the base, i.e. perpendicular from the apex to the base. When the sides of the pyramids are in place, they will be forming an angle of 52 degrees 51 minutes to the base, a miniature replica of the Great Pyramid. The pyramid must be aligned to the four cardinal points i.e., North, East, South and West. Pyramid Measurements
.49 45
base 4 6 10 15 20 height 2.548 3.822 6.370 9.555 12.740 side 3.806 5.709 9.516 14.274 19.032

e1 Sid

Height 1 foot

Base 1.5708

In this stillness of mind, our inner senses get activated and begin to throw light on aspects of our personal invisible greater reality, and the impersonal cosmic reality. - Patriji

Meditation Everywhere


Bhadrachalam - Athmarama Pyramid Dhyana Mandir ... 18x18

Raipur - Mahavir Pyramid Dhyana Mandir ... 25x25

Rajahmundry - Bhodhisathva Pyramid House ... 36x36

Patluru - Shridi Sai roof top Dhyana Kendra ... 14x14

Guduru - Dwarakamai Pyramid Dhyana Mandir ... 16x16

Mandapeta - Manikanta Pyramid Dhyana Mandir ... 14x14

Tadepalligudem - Srinivas roof top Pyramid

Chevella - Divya Shakti Pyramid Dhyana Mandir ...12x12

Glass pyramid in Osho Dhara ... 14 x 14



Kadapa - Anjaneya Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ...

Kadapa - Sri Yogeeswara Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ...

Tadipatri - Sri Sai Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ... 12x12

Tadipatri - Sri Ramana Maharshi Pyramid Dhyana Kendra

Tadipatri - Sri Deepankar Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ...

Valetivaripalem - Sri Sai Ramana Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ...

Kadapa - Sri Hanuman Pyramid Dhyana Kendra

Bangalore - Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid ...160x160

Kurnool - Buddha Pyramid Dhyana Kendra ... 30x30


Meditation Everywhere

Life-time Achievement Award November...2006

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Sevagram, India
For his outstanding contribution to achieve Health of Body, Peace of Mind and Right Intellect through Meditation, Brahmarshi Patriji was honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Symposium on Science of Holistic Living and its Global Application, organized by Arogyadham at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, near Wardha, India on 17 th November 2006.



Brahmarshi Patriji We have to be happy today ! We need Todays Meditation to be happy today ! We need Todays Meditation to conduct todays business properly ! We need Todays Meditation to be able to tackle todays problems successfully !

Healing of All Diseases is Immediate Memory Power becomes Increased Wasteful Habits Die a Natural Death Mind Always Stays in a Peaceful and Joyful State Every Work Gets Done with Greater Efficiency 25 Sleep-time Requirements get Reduced Relationships become More Qualitative and Fulfilling Thought Power is Tremendously Increased Ability to Discern Rights and Wrongs is Sharpened Purpose of Life is Better Understood

Meditation Everywhere

IMMEDIATE HEALING All physical afflictions are because of mental worries. All mental worries are because of intellectual immaturity. Intellectual immaturity is because of lack of spiritual energy and lack of spiritual wisdom. Through meditation, when we get abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, the intellect becomes mature. By and by, all mental worries cease. Consequently, all physical afflictions disappear. Meditation is the only way to heal all diseases. Diseases are primarily because of previous negative karma. Until and unless the negative karma is neutralised, the disease will not vanish; no medicine will be of any help to clear the negative karma. ENHANCES MEMORY POWER The abundant spiritual energy gained in meditation helps the brain to work more efficiently and to its maximum capacity. Meditation enhances memory power tremendously. Therefore, meditation is absolutely compulsory for all students...both at the school level and at the university level. WASTEFUL HABITS DIE There are several wasteful habits like over-eating, over-sleeping, over-talking, overthinking, over-drinking etc., etc. With the abundant spiritual wisdom and spiritual energy obtained from meditation, all the wasteful habits die naturally. MIND BECOMES JOYFUL Life is so full of defeats, insults and pains... for any person. However, for a person with spiritual knowledge and spiritual energy, life is always peaceful and joyful... inspite of all the defeats, insults and pains. WORK BECOMES EFFICIENT In the presence of abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom, all work, be it physical or mental, gets done with greater efficiency. In less time, more work is achieved. With least resources, commendable work gets done. 26

Benefits of Meditation

SLEEP-TIME IS REDUCED Abundant spiritual energy is obtained in meditation. Only a fraction of that energy is obtained during sleep. Half-an-hour of deep meditation is equivalent to six hours of deep sleep... in terms of rest for the body and energy for the mind. QUALITATIVE RELATIONSHIPS Lack of spiritual wisdom is the only reason why inter-personal relationships are so very unqualitative and unfulfilling. In the presence of spiritual wisdom all inter-personal relationships become highly qualitative and totally fulfilling. POWER OF THOUGHT Thoughts need power to reach their targets. In a restless state of mind, thoughts are produced with least power. Therefore, they dont reach their respective targets. However, in the presence of a restful state of mind, thoughts acquire great power and all intents get dramatically actualized. RIGHT AND WRONG What to do ?, What not to do ? These are always million dollar questions ! What is right ?, What is wrong ? We are in a perpetual dilemma ! However, such dilemmas are only for the spiritually immature persons. For a spiritually mature person there are no million dollar questions whatsoever ! For a spiritually mature person there are no dilemmas ! PURPOSE OF LIFE We are all born with a purpose, with a mission, with a design, with a plan. Only the spiritually mature can understand and be aware of their particular purpose, mission, design and plan in their lives. 27

Meditation Everywhere

A group meditation session in North India

" Diseases are primarily because of prior negative karma. Until and unless the negative karma is neutralized, the disease will not vanish. No medicine will be of any help. Materials cannot clear negative karma. It is impossible. Only learned lessons can clear negative karma " - Patriji



Brahmarshi Patriji


We are all gods in theory. However, we should become gods in practice. We should practice god-hood in our thoughts, words and deeds. As we increase our practice of spiritual science and meditation we become more and more experts in our god-hood. As we become more and more experts in our god-hood, our LifeZest increases. The basic goal of spirituality is to increase our Life-Zest ! MEDITATION the first stage Meditation means getting control of the mind, becoming the master of the mind. In meditation, there are three phases : ANAPANASATI KAYANUPASSANA VIPASSANA ANAPANASATI means being with the normal, natural, simple, soft, easy and tender breath. KAYANUPASSANA is watching, a little, the movements of energy fields when they are experienced in the body as a result of practicing anapanasati. VIPASSANA is paying great attention to the third eye experiences as and when the third eye activity begins as a result of anapanasati practice. 29

Meditation Everywhere

ENLIGHTENMENT the second stage As we keep to the practice of anapanasati meditation, we enter into the phase of VIPASSANA and we begin to understand that we are essentially a THIRD EYE! We understand that we are a SOUL! This is called ENLIGHTENMENT ! As we increase our enlightenment, we become more and more the master of the mind, then we become candidates for right intellect, in the day-to-day physical world. The first stage of meditation leads to the second stage... that is enlightenment. However, for the enlightenment to become steadfast, two more essential activities are required : SWADHYAYA SATJANA SANGATYA Only a well tamed mind can take up Swadhyaya i.e., reading right books and Satjana Sangatya i.e., interacting with right people. Without reading right books, and without interacting with right people, enlightenment does not mature ! Enlightenment, further means two more things : NOT LAMENTING FOR ANYTHING NOT WASTING ANY TIME We are not here on the earth, for lamenting whatever be the situation or whatever be the achievement or non-achievement. We are here, forever, to rejoice and celebrate ! Rejoicing is the natural result when we understand that every so called failure is nothing but a stepping stone for subsequent success ! Every regret is a fresh blunder ! We may commit mistakes mistakes are natural but we should not indulge in prolonged regrets. Secondly, every moment should be utilized creatively and productively !



AWARENESS the third stage Only enlightened people are perfectly aware in any given moment and in any given situation ! Awareness means to come back to the here and now from the there and then ! In the acquisition of awareness, intense companionship with the MASTERS becomes crucial. A MASTER is a paragon of awareness ! Awareness has two essential aspects : LIVING IN THE MOMENT LIVING IN THE ETERNITY TIME AWARENESS means dedicating oneself totally to the work on hand, at any given moment. AWARENESS means being totally alive in the given current situation. AWARENESS means flowing happily with the natural emotions in the great here and now. AWARENESS also means living in the concept of eternity. There is PAST. There is PRESENT. And there is FUTURE. However, these are not distinct and separate blocks but one continuous existence! Wise-living demands that we take into consideration the immediate past and the immediate future... for fathoming the most appropriate present action or present reaction. Wise-living also demands that we take into consideration the ETERNITY OF PAST and the ETERNITY OF FUTURE... for fathoming the most appropriate present action or prefect reaction. LIFEZEST the final stage The end result of meditation is enlightenment. The end result of enlightenment is awareness. And the end result of awareness of LIFE-ZEST ! Now, every given moment is enjoyed ! Now, every given situation is savoured ! Now, life becomes absolutely dynamic ! Now, life becomes absolutely miraculous ! 31

Meditation Everywhere

Now, every thought acquires power ! No sooner a thought is created it manifests without any distortions ! Now, every word becomes a dynamite ! Now, every action becomes a piece of art and grace ! Now, life has become a continuous celebration ! LIFE-ZEST has two essential aspects : GIVING RECEIVING MORE LIFE-ZEST means more compassion that is more and more giving ! Continuous giving becomes a natural habit ! MORE LIFE-ZEST also means more and more accepting everything ! Continuous acceptance becomes a natural habit ! There is a graceful giving and a graceful taking all the time, in all the situations. A dynamic and vibrant life is one wherein the amount of gives and takes is very high !

The physical body is an energy ball. The Mind is the source of energy for this energy ballcalled as the physical body! - Patriji No doctor can help us ! No hospital can help us ! No drug can help us ! Only meditation will help us ! Only vegetarianism will help us ! - Patriji



Brahmarshi Patriji


ll the activities of an individual are governed by the single most important factor called ... energy.

It is the lack of sufficient energy ... which propels an individual to think and act in weak, haphazard, lethargic, improper and negative ways. Body Energy Amplification Techonology ... is defined as the technology by which we do enhance and maximize the energy quotient of the physical body ... and maintain it at a peak level, at all times, so that individuals will think and act in strong, orderly, dynamic, proper and positive ways. People in general over-burden, over-tire and exaspearate themselves by indulging in various meaningless and pointless activities which are, actually, not at all required ! Energy is always dissipated ... or lost ... because of one's improper physical and mental activities, tendencies and inclinations. However, when one conserves energy and takes the right measures to enhance and sustain it at a high lever ... through recognising and cultivating proper physical life and mental life patterns, tendencies and inclinations ... then the quality of work done is tremendously bettered.


Meditation Everywhere


Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers Scientific, need-based, and conscious food in-take patterns increase the energy levels of the physical body.

Unnecessary, unscientific, and unconscious food in-take patterns are a great burden to the physical body.

key points
No animal food !

Animal food is extremely harmful to the human body ; be a strict vegetarian; eat more of fruits and vegetable salads.
Eat only when needed !

Eat only when you are very very hungry ; Stop eating when you are still a little hungry ; Maintain always a marginal hunger in the body !

No cooked food in therefrigerator !

Take freshly prepared, hot food ! Avoid storing cooked foods in the refrigerator !
Masticate well !

Eat leisurely ! Dont be in a hurry ! Chew well ! Spend more time in mastication !
Food should be tasty !

Whenever you cook, show all the artistry ! Go for the tastiest food ! You must enjoy what you eat! For that you have to cook for most refined taste.
Split the food dose !

Total daily requirements of food should be divided into as many split doses as possible. Eat three to four times a day ! 34

Fasting !

Set aside one full day, once a week for liquid food only. " WATER IN-TAKE "

Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers

Unscientific and unconscious water in-take patterns deenergise the physical body.

Scientific and conscious water intake patterns energise the physical body.

key points

Drink water as frequently as possible ! Drink as much water as possible ! Water constitutes 65% of the physical body ! Drink water as consciously as possible ! " SPEECH COMMUNICATION "

X Energy Depletors
Purposeless and unscientific speech communication patterns de-energise the physical body.

Energy Enhancers

Purposeful and scientific speaking patterns energise the physical body.

key points
Speak briefly !

Speak only when absolutely necessary ! Maintain verbal silence as much as possible ! Speakk briefly, and always to the point.
Speak to the point !

Speak always in simple and easily understandable language ! 35

Meditation Everywhere

Dont go for style! Go for clarity ! Go for the point !

Speak scientifically !

Speak only with reason and logic ! Spiritual science is the most important science to remember while speaking ! " SEEING "

X Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers

Purposeless, unnecessary and Purposeful, scientific, need-based unscientific seeing patterns de- seeing patterns conserve the energise the physical body. energises of the physical body.

key points
Look straight !

While talking, look straight into the eyes of the other person you are talking to !
Dont Look at unwanted sights !

Look only when you have work to be done ! Strictly avoid look at other peoples personal affairs ! Eighty percent of a persons energy is wasted in seeing unnecessary activities !
See the Nature !

Learn to look more at the nature around the trees, the hills, the sky and the clouds ! Nature is pure energy !



X Energy Depletors
Unscientific and excessive sleeping patterns de-energise the physical body.

Energy Enhancers Scientific sleep patterns energise the physical body.

key points
Observe the breath !

At the end of the day when you finally decide to go to sleep do so observing your breath consciously !

Learn to go into sleep in sitting meditation posture ! Six hours of unconscious sleep is equal to one hour of conscious sleep i.e meditation induced sleep.
Split doses !

Daily sleep requirements should be divided into two split doses ! Afternoon sleep siesta is quite important ! " BREATHING "

Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers Conscious breathing creates a special natural rhythm, which energises the physical body. Conscious breathing allows for full inflow of cosmic energy. 37

Unconscious breathing patterns de-energise the physical body. Unconscious breathing supplies only oxygen, but not the most required cosmic energy.

Meditation Everywhere

key points

Indulge more and more in conscious breath watching. This is called as Anapanasati. " LIFE VOCATION "

Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers

Choosing vocations in which we are not exactly keen ... deenergise the physical body.

Choosing vocations commensurated with our aptitudes... energise the physical body.

Key points Find out what you most want to do ... and then go and do it ! - Richard Bach Our vocations should be able to sustain us ... fulfill our basic physical needs; they need never cater to our mental greeds


Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers Positive emotions like courage, compassion, oneness, frankness, openness etc., energise the physical body.

Negative emotions like anger, jealousy, fear,hatred, suppression, rigidity etc., deenergise the physicalbody tremendously.

key points

Emotions should never be suppressed ; We should always express ourselves.

Allow others to express their own emotions freely !



Energy Depletors

Energy Enhancers Friendship-based physical touch patterns energise the physical body.

Unconscious and compassionless touch patterns de-energise the physical body.

Key Points

Babies and children should be fondly hugged ! As much as possible ! Crasping hands in a vigorous fashion is always good ! " NORMAL WORK "

X Energy Depletors
Activities that are executed in an unscientific fashion or without artistry, deplete the bodyenergy.

Energy Enhancers Every day-to-day activity can be transformed into an art, or a science. When we do so, we enhance our body-energy.

key points
Be fully aware !

Walk while you are walking eat while you are eating said the Buddha ! Be conscious of even the minutest aspects of all the work you do !
Remember the reason !

Understand and remember the reason, the logic, and the beauty behind everything in the routine day-to-day life 39

Meditation Everywhere


X Energy Depletors
Unscientific and unnecessay thinking depletes the body energy tremendously.

Energy Enhancers Scientific and need-based thinking conserves the body energy tremendously.

key points
Forget the past !

Never indulge in digging the graves ! Past is past ! Let not the past cast its shadow on the present !
Think only when necessary !

Thinking, should be resorted to only when it is absolutely necessary !

Relax !

When active thinking is not urgently warranted, relax and indulge in some games / sports / gardening etc.,

The Practice of Meditation is very simple; and so very straightforward ! Keep the eyes closed ! Be with the breath ! Just be with the breath ! Just be with the natural rhythm of the breath ! - Patriji
Meditation class for children


Patrijis meditation class in Melborne, Australia

Patrijis meditation class in Thimphu, Bhutan

Patrijis meditation class in Thimphu, Bhutan

Patrijis meditation class in Columbus, USA


Meditation Everywhere

Group meditation for school children... meditation from early age is very beneficial for the overall development of children



Pyramid Spiritual Societies are non-religious, non-cult, non-profit voluntary organizations, whose sole objective is to spread Anapanasati Meditation and Vegetarianism to one and all.


Meditation Everywhere




he Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, founded by Brahmarshi Patriji, is one of the foremost new age movements of the current period on this earth.

For the first time, MEDITATION has become available to the rural masses and to the urban elite alike, on a scientific basis ! For the first time, Pyramid Energy has been connected to meditation, on a massive scale. Under the extraordinary training of Patriji, thousands and thousands of pyramid masters have totally dedicated themselves to the great task of spiritual globalization. Pyramid Masters are spreading, on a warfooting, the science of anapanasati meditation and the message of vegetarianism to all the nooks and corners of India! " ORIGIN " The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) was initially started by Brahmarshi Patriji as " The Kurnool Spiritual Society "... during the year 1990, in Kurnool, a district headquarters town, Andhra Pradesh, India. 45

Meditation Everywhere

The first pyramid ... of the size of 30' x 30' ... was constructed during the year 1991, at Kurnool, with the philanthropic support of Sri B.V.Reddy, a prominent industrialist of Kurnool Town. It was named as "Buddha Pyramid Meditation Center ". Subsequently, in the next three to four years, the Movement got expanded widely into several villages and towns in the Rayalaseema Area of Andhra Pradesh ... covering the four districts of Kurnool, Ananthapur, Kadapa and Chittoor. " DHYANA ANDHRA PRADESH " By the year 2000, all major towns through out the length and breadth of the State of Andhra Pradesh were bristilling with 'anapanasati meditation' ! A target was fixed ... to cover the whole State of Andhra Pradesh ... village wise ... by the year 2004. End of the year 2004, the " Dhyanandhra Pradesh " program was officially concluded in Hyderabad, capital city of Andhra Pradesh, amidst great fanfare and celebrations ! By the time, thousands of villages and lakhs of people were successfully introduced to anapanasati meditation ... thanks to the sincere efforts ... by hundreds of dedicated fulltime pyramid masters ! " DHYANA BHARAT " Simultaneous to efforts in Andhra Pradesh, Patriji also began to concentrate in the neighbouring States of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh etc., ... starting with the year 1998. Extensive areas were covered in the next few years. After the year 2004, new States were added eg. Andaman, Delhi, Uttaranchal, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala etc. Hundreds of Pyramid Masters, trained in all these States, began working for propagation of Anapanasati Meditation ... and a veritable spiritual revolution was sweeping the country ! The target fixed for the Pyramid Masters ... is to introduce anapanasati meditation in all the States of India by the year 2008 ! " DHYANA JAGAT " The first visit by Patriji to other countries was in the year 1999, when he went for a fortnight 46

to conduct meditation classes in Singapore and Hongkong. In the years 2000 to 2002, a number of meditation sessions were conducted in Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal. In the year 2004, Patriji made a sixtyday trip to USA and ten States were covered and many meditation sessions were organized. In the year 2005, about forty pyramid masters along with Patriji went for a seven day meditational tour to Srilanka. In the year 2006, Patriji and a couple of pyramid masters conducted several meditation sessions in the cities of Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. In the year 2007, in the month of February a group of seventeen Pyramid Masters, along with Patriji, have visited Bhutan to conduct classes in Thimphu. The target for all the Pyramid Masters again is to introduce anapanasati meditation ... by the year 2012 ... in all the countries of the World. This is the biggest dream of all the pyramid masters ! " PYRAMID ANDHRA PRADESH " One of the most important points of PSSM is to construct pyramids everywhere ! There are about thirty thousand villages in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The target is to construct one pyramid per village ... by the year 2008. Already, hundreds of pyramids have come up everywhere, in many of the villages and towns and cities of Andhra Pradesh. " PYRAMID BHARAT " Further target is " pyramid bharat " ... i.e., all the major towns, in all the States of India, should have their own meditational pyramids ... by the year 2012. Already, many pyramids ... small and big ... have come up in several states. The final target is " pyramid jagat " ... i.e., the whole of the world should be covered by meditational pyramids by the year 2016 ! 47

Meditation Everywhere

WWW.PSS.ORG Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, India, has launched a comprehensive website ... ... providing detailed information about all the activities of the various pyramid spiritual societies established everywhere in the world. Various magazines published by the Pyramid Spiritual Societies including Spiritual India, Dhyana Andhrapradesh, Dhyana Karnataka and Dhyana Maharashtra are put on the website for free download. PYRAMID SPIRITUAL TRUST ( INDIA ) In order to achieve the objectives of The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, a central financial and administrative body called The Pyramid Spiritual Trust ( India ) was founded in April 2003, in Bangalore, Karnataka State. The Trust is a spiritual and non-profit organization. It is an organization with all round responsibility towards all the activities of The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement in India and abroad. All the existing Pyramid Spiritual Societies and the existing Pyramid Meditation Centers in the whole length and breadth of India, in due course, will be taken care by The Trust. The Trust has been formed with the following major objectives : Establish an international meditation center called the Maitreya-Buddha Dhyana Vidya Vishwalayam at the earliest possible time. Provide standardized and centralized printing facilities, spiritual research support, publish spiritual literature etc, for use by the masters of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies. Establish and maintain the website with all the teachings, publications 48

PSS Movement

and activities of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Act as an enabler for the establishment of new Pyramid Spiritual Societies. Provide assistance in construction of pyramids. Establish Pyramid Meditation Centers and Pyramid Spiritual Health Care Centers everywhere. ... providing detailed Sharing of meditational experiences at the end of group meditation information about all the activities of the various pyramid spiritual societies established everywhere in the world. Various magazines published by the Pyramid Spiritual Societies including Spiritual India, Dhyana Andhrapradesh, Dhyana Karnataka and Dhyana Maharashtra are put on the website for free download. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brahmarshi Patriji, founder of The Pyramid Spiritual Societies, is the Chairman of the Trust. Shreyans Daga, founder of The Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society, is the Vice-Chairman of the Trust. The following is the Board of Trustees : BRAHMARSHI PATRIJI Founder & Chairman Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, India 1109/1/2 Bagh Ambarpet HYDERABAD - 500038 phone: 91-40-27421294 49

Meditation Everywhere

NAME SHREYANS DAGA Founder, Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual DESIGNATION Vice Chairman LOCATION # 810, Makers Chamber-V Nariman Point, MUMBAI 400021

I. V. REDDY Founder, Kadapa Pyramid Spiritual

Managing Trustee

H.No. 7-347-27-16, Road No.4 Simhapuri Colony, KADAPA (A.P)

P. CHANDRASEKHAR Member, Bangalore


6221, Lexington Ridge Dr LEXINGTON, MA 02421, USA phone : 001-781-538-0293 R-1,Owners Court, Sarjahpur Road Kasavanahalli Main Road BANGALORE - 560037 #461, 1st Floor, 9th Cross, Jayanagar Ist Block BANGALORE - 560 011 phone: +91-94482 77513

B. SIVARAMAPPA Secretary, Bangalore Pyramid Spiritual


G.PAUL VIJAY KUMAR Secretary, Kurnool

Member Trustee


PSS Movement

NAME G. SURESH BABU Founder, Rajahmundry DESIGNATION Member Trustee LOCATION Deputy Manager Oriental Insurance Company Begumpet, HYDERABAD 500016 phone: +91-98484 92364 Plot No:4, 8-2-268/A/1/7 Road No:3, Banjara Hills HYDERABAD - 500034 phone : +91-98480 19022 16 Hyacinth Drive Apt # 3 M FORDS New Jersey, USA phone : 001-203-727 7727 H.No. 32/26/81, Pyramid House Opp Andhra Bank, Machavaram VIJAYAWADA No. 4-33-12 (1), Sriram Nagar Subbarao Pet TADEPALLIGUDEM - 534101 phone : +91-9440695191

Dr. K. NEWTON Founder, Hyderabad Pyramid Spiritual

Member Trustee

P. ANANTHA RAO Founder, Vizag Pyramid Spiritual

Member Trustee

JAKKA RAGHAVA Member Trustee RAO President, Vijayawada

GARAPATI SATYANARAYANA Founder, Tadepalligudem

Member Trustee


Meditation Everywhere

Rally in Chennai to spread Vegetarianism & Meditation

Trekking during Buddha Poornima Celebrations in May

Music Meditation in Pyramid Valley

Group Meditation in Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid, Bangalore

Meditation means losing our body consciousness, to a smaller or greater extent. Meditation means losing our mind/intellect consciousness totally. Meditation means dwelling happily in our soul consciousness which is the purity of original consciousness itself. - Patriji


Brahmarshi Patriji


he Emblem ... of The Movement has the following features:




Triangle Half-sun with rays Meditator with auri sheath and chakras Energy, consciousness, and wisdom Open book Be a light unto your self

Triangle represents the Overself. The whole aim of the subject of spiritual science is infact to bring the wisdom and understanding of the essence of the Overself into the underselves that we are here on this earth-plane. Overself is the triune-self consisting of the doer, knower and thinker parts. A do-er part comes down as the under-self . The Overself is also called as the psyche. In meditation, 53

Meditation Everywhere

we see the Overself always as a pulsating triangle ... a 3-D prism. Triangle also represents a face of a regular pyramid. The powers of a pyramid are manifold ... and one of the major effects of pyramid energy is that it facilitates easy astral projection. Experiences of many persons in small-sized pyramids, in modern times, goes to suggest that enhancement of ones E-C-W is indeed the main proposal behind the design of a pyramid. One of the main aims of PSS MOVEMENT ... is to promote the concept of PYRAMID MEDITATION. Meditation is thrice more powerful when done inside a pyramid.

Sun represents, again, the Overself. The Underself is a ray of the Overself. Every person on the earth has his/her own Overself in the higher worlds. The Overself is the totality of our own self in all its dimensions. The goal of every underself is to regain as much of the wisdom of its own TOTALITY as possible, while still being in the physical body on the EARTH PLANE. Half Sun because we cannot perceive the whole of the totality of our GREATER SELF from any earthly point of view! At best, we can perceive only an out-line part of it ! The rest has to be understand theoretically and gleaned intuitionally!

The Emblem depicts a person sitting in meditation. The main aim of Pyramid Spirityal Societies Movements... is to promote the true science of meditation. The way to enlightenment is only through out-of-the-ordinary experiences obtained in deep states of meditation. In meditation, we become anti-gravity bodies ... and our astral bodies are released from the physical bodies, enabling us to travel freely in the higher worlds. Meditation means activation of the inner senses. The third eye symbolizes the totality of the inner senses. In Meditation, the third eye begins to get activated, and in its final culmination, it results in the perfect ability to see akashic records and to be clairvoyant. 54

Auric Sheath ... is the sheath enclosing all the individual energies of an entity. Chakras ... are the main nodal points of pranic energy in the etheric body.

We are all E-C-W units ! In the whole of existence, there is nothing which is not ... energy, consciousness and wisdom ! All beings vary only in their E-C-W contents. The three ... energy, consciousness and wisdom ... are directly proportional to each other ! That is, if we are more energetic, we will be more conscious and consequently we are more open to wisdom. If we have more wisdom, we will be more conscious and consequently that much more energetic. Wisdom is the accumulation ... of the essences of all our experiences ... gathered from all the lifetimes ... from all the ages bygone. The essential purpose of each life-time of an underself is to increase its E-C-W ... that is the meaning of evolution ... that is the meaning of spiritual growth.

open book ... refers to study of true spiritual science books ... it is also called swadhyaya . Encouraging people to read books of grand masters like Annie Besant ... Lobsang Rampa ... Osho ... Richard Bach ... Jane Roberts ... Castaneda ... Linda Goodman ... Edgar Cayce ... Swami Rama ... Yogananda Paramahansa ... Barbara Marciniak ... Sylvia Browne etc., ... is one of the most essential features of the PSS MOVEMENT.

We alone are responsible for our particular physical existences ! Only we can be lights unto the betterment of our own life-times ! Others may give guidance from time to time but they cannot make decisions for us ! We have to become capable of taking right decisions from time to time to create our own sensible life-times. We should become wise to choose helpful environments ... that are most conducive and apt for graduation into our next level of spiritual growth !


Meditation Everywhere

Brahmarshi Patriji


Pyramid ... the symbol of stability Pyramid ... the symbol for secularism Pyramid ... the symbol for spiritual science Pyramid ... the symbol for meditation Pyramid ... the symbol for the new age Pyramid is the common code, connecting all galactic civilizations Pyramid is ... the symbol for north, east, west and south ... for all becoming one PSSM is dedicated to construct pyramids everywhere Hail unto ... pyramids Hail unto ... pyramid energy Hail unto ... pyramid meditation Hail unto the mighty maitreya buddha pyramid, Bangalore



Brahmarshi Patriji Anapanasati Meditation alone gives spiritual health to a person ! Spiritual-Health is the root and Physical-Health is the fruit ! Meditaton is the greatest gift given by our own efforts to our own lives ! We can give so much to our selves !

There are eighteen guiding principles ... which are mandatory directives for all aspiring masters of the PSS Movement. The world has to understand these eighteen principles. Every human being needs to keep in mind these eighteen principles to become a master.


Meditation Everywhere


Meditate in the right way... i.e., Anapanasati ... and help others meditate in the same way. Exchange meditational experiences and spiritual information ... readily, with comeditators. Utilise full-moon nights for more intensive meditation. Give-up medicines; only meditational energy helps. Spend much time in environments of pure nature e.g., forests, mountain-tops, river-sides etc.


Read right spiritual books ... and encourage others also to read the same. Spend much time ... every now and then ... in silence. Utilize pyramid energy for meditation, wherever possible. Never eat meat ; no eggs! Eat according to need, not according to greed.


4. 6.

5. 7. 9.


10. Never indulge in any spiritual clothing, or sacred body marks. 12. Learn to live as masters and never as disciples. 14. Never indulge in the worship of idols, or in the worship of living masters. 16. Enjoy normal sexual lives, and take care, as much as possible, of all other beings. 18. Publish meditational experiences and personal spiritual transformation.

11. Impart meditational training to children, right from their childhood. 13. Reject money exchanges in meditation-training programs. 15. Tackle all individual problems using own meditational energy and spiritual strength. 17. Establish meditation centers in all villages, towns and cities.


18 Guiding Principles

1 " meditate in the right way ... i.e., anapanasati, ... and help others meditate in the same way There are not many ways of doing meditation ! There is but one and that is Anapanasati. This was the discovery of Gautama Buddha 2500 years ago ! The eighth point in the eightfold path of Buddha is samma sati i.e., samyak sati ... i.e., right union . Anapanasati is the only samma sati ! Meditation is the only foundation for having spiritual experiences. Doing meditation and teaching meditation ... these have to be treated as concurrent things. As we learn, we should teach; the more we teach, the more we learn. 2 " read right spiritual books ... and encourage others also to read the same Sir Francis Bacon has emphatically stated that Wide reading maketh a full man ! Its not so easy to distinguish the right spiritual books from the not so very right spiritual books! The world is so full of either totally wrong spiritual books ... or fifty percent right spiritual books or eighty percent right spiritual books ... and so on and so forth ! However, available are totally right spiritual books too ! A few examples are ... books by Annie Besant, Osho, Carlos Castaneda, Deepak Chopra, Richard Bach, Jane Roberts, Shirley Maclaine, Linda Goodman, Barbara Marciniak, Mikhail Naimy, Kahlil Gibran etc., etc. In fact, there are so many extraordinary spiritual books ! We have to encourage every person to read most if not all the right books ! 3 " exchange meditational experiences and spiritual information ... readily, with co-meditators Sir Francis Bacon has further stated that Conference makes for a ready man ! When we do meditation, we have so many experiences ... astral travel experiences ... energy movements ... past-life visions ... clairaudience experiences etc., etc. Whatever the meditational experiences, whatever the spiritual information and spiritual wisdom that we may have, we have to compulsorily share all of it ... instantly ... with our co-meditators and enthusiastic beginners !We cannot keep our experiences to our own self. That would be to 59

Meditation Everywhere

our own detriment ! Keeping our experiences to ourselves ... not expressing them to anybody else ... we dont tread the spiritual path properly. 4 " spend much time, every now and then,in silence In silence, we understand more about ourselves and more about others ! In trying to pour more words, we invariably become foolish ! One day per week ... for silence ... must be earmarked. Alternatively, a couple of hours per day may also be earmarked for being in silence. We have to learn to speak frugally ! We should never make wild efforts to speak more than that which is relevant and absolutely necessary ! Mouna is a great thing ! 5 " utilize full-moon nights for more intensive meditation Every month, the full-moon nights are so very precious ! We have to harvest the abundant cosmic energy... which is especially available in these three days ... one day preceding the full-moon, the full-moon and one day after the full-moon. On these full-moon nights, we should do more intensive meditation. 6 " utilize pyramid energy for meditation, wherever possible Meditation is best done inside a pyramid or we can have a pyramid cap on our head. Meditation is thrice more powerful when done inside or beneath a pyramid. Pyramids have to be specifically oriented to north-south magnetic axis, when built on a permanent basis. Pyramids can be made of any material ; preferably, crystals should be placed in the pyramid. 7 " give-up medicines; only meditational energy helps The physical body is nothing but the natural shadow of mind. As the mind is, so will be the body! Setting right the mind, we would have set right the body. Upset the mind, the body becomes upset ! All diseases are psychosomatic ! That is, created in psyche, getting evident in the body ! The true science of health demands that we look only at the mind. Spiritual health is the root and physical health is the fruit ! 8 60

18 Guiding Principles

8 " never eat meat ... no eggs ... eat according to need, not according to greed Vegetarianism ... is absolutely essential for spiritual life. In fact, spirituality and vegetarianism are synonymous ! EVERYBODY HAS TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN ! Modern medical science is slowly recognizing the ill-effects of ingesting animal food in human-body systems. The cardinal principle of any religious movement is love Love is nothig other than being kind to our co-animal-beings of the earth. ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS ! Further, We should eat only according to our need ... not according to our greed. Only when we are hungry, we may eat! If we are not hungry, we should never hurry to put something in the mouth! 9 " spend much time in environments of pure nature e.g., forests, mountain-tops, river-sides etc. Pure nature is pure energy ! Going into raw nature, spending time with nature ... we return as a changed person and truly more vitalized ! 10 " never indulge in any spiritual clothing, or sacred body marks Many spiritual communities demand special clothes and special marks on the body to distinguish themselves from other spiritual denominations or for some other imagined reasons. Nothing of such is in accordance with principles of spiritual science ! Only common and ordinary attire should be the norm. We should be as indistinguishable from others as possible, in matters of clothing. Further, there should not be any body marks ! Spirituality is a personal matter and an inner experience ... and there is nothing to show-off to others ! All types of exhibitionism are morbid affairs ! 11 " impart meditational training to children, right from their childhood We should catch people young ! We have to compulsorily teach meditation to the children ! Taking care of the child, we have taken care of the young adult ! A stitch in time saves nine 61

Meditation Everywhere

12 "learn to live as masters and never as disciples We learn from each and every person in general and we are not to be disciples of any one person in particular ! Becoming a disciple is not at all the life-goal ! Becoming a master is the goal of life ! From day one of entering into meditation and spirituality, we should treat ourselves as masters ! There are no disciples and gurus, there are only junior spiritual seekers and senior spiritual experts ! 13 " reject money exchanges in meditation-training programs Teaching meditation should be absolutely free of any money constraints ! For earning money, however, we may sell vegetables or we may take up farming or we may teach a language ! Earning money through teaching meditation is strictly forbidden ! 14 " never indulge in the worship of idols, or in the worship of living masters Sculpture is truly a fine art ! Idols are always beautiful ! However, idol worship is simply meaningless ! Neither the worship of living masters has any true benefit ! Living masters are sources of inspiration ! They cannot be objects of worship ! We have to emulate the way of life of living masters! We ourselves are gods ! So, where is the question of worshipping any other person ? The point is to bring out the essence from within our own selves through intense practice of meditation. 15 " tackle all individual problems using own meditational energy and spiritual strength We all have our individual problems. Our individual problems have to be tackled by our own inner spiritual strength and meditational energies. The more we increase our meditational energy, the more the external situations become conducive to our goals. No guru can help us to ease our problems. We have to realize that there are no problems as such ! Only challenges exist ! Challenges that are self-chosen before we are born! And they must be mostly calmly accepted and understood ! Meditation gives all the capacity we need to endure challenging life situations ! 16 62

18 Guiding Principles

16 " enjoy normal sexual lives, and take care, as much as possible, fellow human / animal beings Some religions prescribe sexual abstinence as if it is a necessary pre-requisite for the cultivation of the spirituality ! This is far from true ! Sexuality is truly a source of human happiness and sexuality and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Further we have to take care of our fellow beings human and animal as much as possible ! What survives death of the physical body is only friendship. Relationships die with the physical body! Friendships are the true carry home baggage for any soul ! 17 " establish meditation centers in all villages, towns and cities Pyramid masters are required to establish meditation centers in surrounding villages, towns and cities. Teaching meditation we become a Bodhisattva ! And, by spreading widely meditation, we become a Buddha ! Bodhisattva is a person who is stationed in one place and teaches all the persons who may approach him, and Buddha is a person who moves from place to place and teaches all those who welcome him. 18 " publish meditational experiences and personal spiritual transformation Sir Francis Bacon ... has again stated that Writing maketh a perfect man ! We have to pen our meditational and spiritual experiences and publish them as a rule. Every masters contribution to the world should be in black and white.

Meditation session with school students


Meditation Everywhere

Brahmarshi Patriji

The time has come for everyone to become Wise ! The time has come for every Soul to possess Wisdom ! Wisdom is the grand currency of Cosmos ! More Wisdom means you are richer entity ! Wisdom is distilled experience ! The more we shirk from experiences, the farther we are from Wisdom ! Earthly experience is a rich source of Wisdom for any Soul ! There is no defeat or victory for any soul on the Earth or in Heaven ! Every experience adds to our fabric of Wisdom ! Enlightened people seek more experiences ! Unenlightened people fear experiences ! Enlightened people gather Wisdom at a tremendous rate ! Pyramid masters are Enlightened masters ! Pyramid masters are great Enlightened people on the Earth ! Hail Unto the Pyramid Masters ! Hail Unto the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement !



The Pyramid Spiritual Trust (India) is proposing to establish an International Meditational University called The Maitreya-Buddha Dhyana Vidya Vishwalayam, near Bangalore, India. This Vishwalayam is expected to become the central nucleus of The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. The primary objective of this center is to train and introduce hundreds of international teachers of The Science of Meditation each year. Another important objective is to publish enormous amount of spiritual literature and make it abundantly accessible. Core activities of this Vishwalayam would be: To train students from all over the world in the Science of Meditation and help them become Enlightened Pyramid Masters To transform Pyramid Masters into teachers of The Science of Meditation and provide them with innovative teaching aids To publish meditational experiences of Pyramid Masters in all world languages To translate and publish the essential teachings of new age Spiritual Masters into several world languages To publish literature concerning construction of Pyramids and provide expert assistance on the same Additionally, the Vishwalayam campus serves as the head-quarters for all Pyramid Spiritual Societies. 65

Meditation Everywhere

Pyramid Valley The Vishwalayam campus is located 30 km south of Bangalore on Kanakapura Road. This location popularly called Pyramid Valley is situated amidst beautiful natural hills ! Initial phase of development is on 28-acres of land. Several facilities have been established in the Vishwalayam campus to support the above activities. The central king-pin of these facilities is Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid, worlds largest Pyramid dedicated for Spiritual advancement. Other facilities include Conference hall, Spiritual Science Library, Accommodation, Dining, Book shop and Staff Quarters.
Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid

The central piece of the Vishwalayam campus is a mega pyramid called Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid, having a base area of 25,600 s.ft. (160'x160'). Construction of this mega-pyramid began in the year 2005. At any given time, up to 5,000 people can meditate comfortably inside.
Meditation Teaching Center

A large conference hall with a capacity of 120 people is being built at the base of the MaitreyaBuddha Pyramid. Meditation classes and workshops will be conducted throughout the year in this Center.
Spiritual Science Library

A new age Spiritual Science Library is being setup at the base of the Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid. It will be equipped with spiritual literature in print, audio, video and other forms. It is also proposed to procure visual display units, instruments to read Aura and Etheric and music- meditation units in the near future.
Natural Greenery

While the Vishwalayam campus itself is located in a vegetation area, more natural greenery is being developed over the entire premises. Already, thousands of plants have been planted in the premises. A nursery has been developed to support the plantation in large scale. Ornamental, herbal and medicinal plants will be planted extensively to improve the natural 66

environmental conditions in the area in the coming years.


To cater to the living needs of visitors, resident staff and pyramid masters, several accommodation facilities are planned in Vishwalayam campus. With the funds generated by Room Sponsorships, a 16-room residential block has been built. This block is expected to serve up to 70 visitors comfortably. A large dormitory block is being built currently and is expected to be completed by December 2007. This block has a capacity of 150 people. The Trust proposes to build several cottages and more rooms and dormitories in the coming years, to provide comfortable residential facilities for up to 1,000 people in the campus.
Kitchen and Dining Facilities

Temporary dining and kitchen facilities were established over two years ago to cater to the visitors and resident staff. Traditional Indian food is served in these facilities. Limited choice continental food may be arranged upon request. Permanent kitchen and dining hall facilities are being built currently in the Vishwalayam campus. The kitchen facility is expected to be operational by October 2007.
proposed additional facilities

The Trust proposes to build several other facilities at the Vishwalayam campus in the coming years. This facilities include: A world class Education Center with a large Auditorium and conference halls, to serve up to 1,000 Meditators, for international seminars and long term courses on Science of Meditation A New Age Spiritual Science Research Center to promote Spiritual Research and to bring home the truths about Spiritual Science concepts such as ESP, Third-Eye, AstralTravel and Past-life Regression Therapy A Media Center with comprehensive print facilities including necessary computer 67

Meditation Everywhere

graphics and sophisticated Audio and Video Recording Theater A New Age Holistic Spiritual Health Care Center providing facilities such as swimming pool and in-door and out-door games Vishwalayam Campus The Maitreya-Buddha Dhyana Vidya Vishwalayam Pyramid Valley, Kebbedoddi Village Harohalli Hobli, Kanakapura Taluk Bangalore Rural Dist. phone: 080-27563262/63 Bangalore Office #708, 1st Floor, 7th Main 11th Cross, 3rd Phase J P Nagar, Bangalore 560078 phone: 080 32723143 / 26492798 , e-mail: Activities at Pyramid Valley The Vishwalayam facility and Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid have been in use by Pyramid Masters and spiritually inclined general public, since May 2005. Anapanasati meditation classes are conducted regularly for visitors, at the Vishwalayam campus. Overnight full-moon meditation programs are conducted in the Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid on full-moon days every month. Monthly workshops are being organized on Anapanasati Meditation and Science of Meditation regularly. Additionally, a three day yearly Symposium on Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement is held every year during May, coinciding with the Buddha-Poornima


Meditation Sessions

Regular Pyramid Meditation sessions are held in Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid throughout the year. Resident Pyramid Masters conduct individual and group meditation sessions on Anapanasati Meditation. Pyramid Meditation is a core part of all workshops conducted at the Vishwalayam campus.
Workshops on Science of Meditation

A two day workshop on Science of Meditation and Science of Spirituality is conducted in the Vishwalayam campus, during the last week of every month. This workshop combines several new age Spiritual Science topics including Past Life Regression Therapy sessions. Overnight stay at the Vishwalayam Campus is required by participants. A day-long Kannada workshop on Anapanasati Meditation is conducted in the Vishwalayam campus every month. During this program, participants get introduced to the simple yet powerful technique of Anapanasati Meditation combined with practical Pyramid Meditation sessions.
Annual Symposium

Every year, The Trust organizes a three-day Symposium on The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement at the Vishwalayam campus during the month of May. Pyramid Masters and office bearers of several Pyramid Spiritual Societies across the country participate in this Symposium and share their experiences of spreading Anapanasati Meditation. Buddha-Poornima Celebrations and Akhanda Dhyana Coinciding with the annual Symposium on The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, Buddha-Poornima celebrations are held in the Vishwalayam campus during 69

Buddha Poornima 2006 Celebrations at Vishwalayam Campus

Meditation Everywhere

the month of May. Key highlight of this program is Akhanda Dhyana non-stop long group meditation sessions done inside the Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid by thousands of Pyramid Meditators and Enlightened Masters in a single sitting.
Self Development

Whether you are looking for intense spiritual development or just be with yourself, the Vishwalayam campus is the place to be. Located in a beautiful valley surrounded by natural hills and thick vegetation and with pleasant weather throughout the year, Vishwalayam campus offers excellent facilities for self development. Visitors and Masters from different parts of India regularly visit the Vishwalayam campus and make use of Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid. Several of them often stay overnight in the campus for three days to a week, practicing meditation in Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid, enjoying the scenic beauty of the Pyramid Valley and trekking in nearby hills. There have been numerous cases of healing of long term ailments in several individuals. Individuals with traumatic health conditions often stay in the Vishwalayam campus for two weeks to forty days and practice intense meditation in Maitreya-Buddha Pyramid. They have reported total healing of their traumatic health conditions in most cases.
Spiritual Programs on Request

Special programs are arranged on request for individuals and groups. These programs range from simple meditation classes to multi-day workshops conducted by experienced Pyramid Masters. Details can be obtained from the nearby Trust Office.
Other Activities and Opportunities

Nature is Energy. The more time one spends in nature, the more energy one draws. Encircled by hills and forests, The Vishwalayam campus is ideally located for venturing into nature on short and long treks. The varying contours of Vishwalayam campus itself makes a trip around the campus, a great experience. 70

Pyramid Valley

It is a common sight to see visiting Masters climb atop the eastern hills of Vishwalayam campus and engulf into deep meditation in the rocky areas. Plantation and natural greenery development is a routine activity taken up by Vishwalayam. Visitors often participate in the plantation programs and express their deep satisfaction. In addition to the above programs, Vishwalayam is planning to introduce more workshops and other spiritual events during the months ahead.
Brahmarshi Patriji


Pyramid ... the symbol of stability Pyramid ... the symbol for secularism Pyramid ... the symbol for spiritual science Pyramid ... the symbol for meditation Pyramid ... the symbol for the new age Pyramid is the common code, connecting all galactic civilizations Pyramid is ... the symbol for north, east, west and south ... for all becoming one PSSM is dedicated to construct pyramids everywhere Hail unto ... pyramids Hail unto ... pyramid energy Hail unto ... pyramid meditation Hail unto the mighty maitreya buddha pyramid, Bangalore 71

Meditation Everywhere

Dhyana Maha Yagnam December 2006 at Shirdi

Shri Shreyans Daga with Patriji &

Pyramid Masters in Dhyana Maha Yagnam December 2006 at

Releasing 2007 Calendar in Dhyana Maha Yagnam at Shirdi

The more we do meditation, the less we require sleep ! The more we meditate the less we require food. More food for the consciousness means less food and sleep requirement for the body. - Patriji



ublishingand distributing spiritual literature is the key activity taken up by The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement, India. The Societies have been publishing and distributing a large amount of spiritual literature in the form of brochures, pamphlets, magazines, newsletters and books... in many languages. Additionally, a large number of audio cassettes, audio CDs, video CDs and DVDs covering several important spiritual topics have also been released.

SPIRITUAL INDIA Bi-monthly New Age Spiritual Magazine Editor
For subscription please contact: Spiritual India12-2-834/1, Lane Opp. Gowtham Model School, Sriram Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad - 57 phone : 91-40-66683511

B. Naga Lakshmi


Meditation Everywhere


DHYANA TAMIL NADU Monthly New Age Spiritual Magazine published in Tamil
For subscription please contact:

DHYANA ANDRA PRADESH Monthly New Age Spiritual Magazine Editor published in Telugu
For subscription please contact: Editor, Dhyana Andhrapradesh Door. 3-6-443, Road No. 5

Dhyana Tamil Nadu No. 5, Thyagaraya Road, North Usman Road, Next to BBC Plaza Girija Rajan T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017

DHYANA MAHARASHTRA Bi-monthly New Age Spiritual Magazine published in Marathi Editor
For subscription please contact: Editor, Dhyana Maharashtra C/O Mahavir Pyramid Spiritual Care Centre, 3rd Floor, Alokbanu

DHYANA KASTURI Monthly New Age Spiritual Magazine Editor published in Kannada
For subscription please contact: Editor, Dhyana Kasturi #708, 1st Floor, 7th Main, 11th Cross, 3rd Phase, J.P.


Sripada Rao


For subscription please contact: P.Chandra Sekhar Editor, Maitreya-Buddha Times #708 1st Floor, 7th Main, 11th Cross, 3rd

For subscription please contact:

P.Y.M.A. MAITREYA Bi-monthly News Letter published by Pyramid Young Masters Association, in English

Sri Sitarama Pyramid Center Plot No. 817, Vasanth Nagar Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072


PSSM Publications

BOOKS FROM PYRAMID SPIRITUAL SOCIETIES MOVEMENT BOOKS BY PATRIJI ... ORIGINAL - TELUGU 1. Tulasi Dalam - I 2. Tulasi Dalam - II 3. Dhyana Vemana 4. Sankalpa Shakti 5. Dhyanam Valana Labhalu 6. Adhyatmika Shastram 7. Appo Deepo Bhava 8. Shwasa Vignana Jyothi 9. Bhakthiye Mukti 10. Yoga Parampara 11. Vak Kshetram 12. Dhyana Vemana 13. Dhyana Vidhya 14. Ganapati Sandesalu 15. Mukthi Margam 16. Atma Vignanam 17. Guru Vani 18. Dhyananubavalu Original Telugu books of Patriji translated by Sri Sripada Rao into Kannada Original Telugu books of Patriji translated ... into Tamil

BOOKS OF PATRIJI ... TAMIL TRANSLATION 1. Dhyana Arbuthangal 2. Vak Kshetram 3. Dhyanathin Payangal 4. Mukthiadainden Anandamaga Valgiren 5. Dhyanathin Anubavamgal 6. Anapanasati 7. Sankalpa Shakti

1. Sri Krishna Sandesha 2. Mukti Marga 3. Gouthama Buddha 4. Nalugu Voppandalu 5. Anando Brahma 6. Yoga Parampara 7. Anapanasati 8. Jesus Christ 9. Adyatmika Shastra 10. Pyramid Gnana Navaratnalu


Meditation Everywhere

BOOKS BY PYRAMID MASTERS ... TELUGU TITLE Atma Parimalam - Adhyatmika Thapasvi Atmayanam Guptha Jnanam Atmiya Vignanam Maha-Pari-Satyalu Maranam Leni Meeru Mirdad Nakshatra Mitrulu Ramtha AUTHOR Viplavam T.Lobsang Rampa Peter Richelieu T.Lobsang Rampa Doloris Kenon Richard Bach Lobsang Rampa Michael Naimy Barbara Marciniak Ramtha-JZ Knight TRANSLATOR Osho Geetha Reddy P.G. Rammohan Yadhalam Sharvani D. Revathi Devi M. Swarnalatha Dr. B. Mahendra Varma P. G. Rama Mohan Surya Kumari P. G. Ram Mohan P. G. Rama Mohan


PSSM Publications



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Dhyana Venuvu Naanati Bathuku Naadari Edari Dhyana Sudha Yoga Parampara Guru Vaani-1 Guru Vaani-2 Krishna Sandesham-1 Krishna Sandesham-2 Pyramid Dhyana Geethalu Dhyana Lahari Venu Dhyanam Dhyana Vemana Dhyana Ganga Dhyana Madhuri The Science of Meditation-1 The Science of Meditation-2 The Science of Meditation-3 Flute Meditation Jesus Christ Confucius No Death Power of Thought Law of Karma

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Dhyanam-Anapanasati Dhyanam Valana Labhalu Pyramid Adbhuta Shakthi Patanjali Dhyana Shastram Pyramid Dhyana Kendralu-1 Pyramid Dhyana Kendralu-2 Yogi Vemana Buddhudu - AshtangaYogam Sri Sadananda Yogi Krishnopadesham-1 Krishnopadesham-2 Krishnopadesham-3 Krishnopadesham-4 Adhyatmika Shastram Appo Deepo Bhava Appo Deepo Bhava ( DVD) Atma Deepam Atma Kshetram Karma Kshetram


Meditation Everywhere

BRAHMARSHI PATRIJI ... Audio Cassettes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Dhyana Venuvu-1 Dhyana Venuvu-2 Anapanasati Endaro Mahanubhavulu Enlightenment Ante? Atma Jnanam Vak Kshetram-1 Vak Kshetram-2 Jesus Christ Naanati Bratuku Naa Dari Edari Dhyananubavalu Yoga Parampara Dhyana Vemana Dhyana Bhaja Govindam Arogyame Maha Bhagyam Sambhogam Vere Samadhi Vere Pyramid Party Dhyana Sudha Dhyana Vidhya-1 Dhyana Vidhya-2 Ledu Maranam Anando Brahma Yogam Krishna Sandesham-1 Krishna Sandesham-2 Krishna Sandesham-3 Shwasa Vignana Jyothi Guru Vani-1 Guru Vani-2 Guru Vani-3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Pyramd Dhyana Geethalu Mukti Margam Dhyanam-DhyanaVenuvu Bhakthiye Mukti Venu Dhyanam Dhyana Lahari Pyramid Jnana Nava Ratnalu Dhyana Ganga Dhyana Madhuri Law of Karma Bhaja Govindam-1 Bhaja Govindam-2 Be a Master No Death Dhyan (Hindi) Dhyana Venu (Hindi) Jesus Christ Confucius 18 Guiding principles The Science of Meditation-1 The Science of Meditation-2 The Science of Meditation-3 Flute Meditation Anapanasati (Kannada) Vak Kshetram (Kannada)

Audio Cassettes by Pyramid Masters 1 2 3 Dhyana Geetha(Kannada) Athi Saralavagi Dhyana Anapanasati (Tamil) Lakshmi N. Murthy G.Manorama S.K.Girija Rajan




RELATED WEB-SITES Web site containing information on mediation techniques developed by Osho. The site also contains links to resources and activities at Osho International Meditation Resort ... Web site of The Chopra Foundation run by the world renowned Dr.Deepak Chopra. The foundation advances the cause of mind, body spiritual healing through several seminars, services and books ... This is the web site of the renowned spiritual master Sylvia Browne who is known for her Psychic abilities and counselling. Sylvia has published several books on spirituality and her psychic experiences ... This is the web site of an organization run by Dr.K.Newton ... a senior Pyramid Master. Dr.Newton conducts research and workshops on Past-life regression therapy. This web site has links to literature and quotes from several New Age Spiritual Masters like Osho, Gurdjieff, Seth, Ramana Maharishi and others. 79

Meditation Everywhere Web site of the renowned Theosophical Society. Web site of a company that sells a collection of inspirational tools, products and online interactive courses by some of the world's most prominent self-help and spiritual authors ... This website contains teachings and messages from Pleiadians, in the form of books and CDs, written by Barbara Marciniak. Some of these are 'Bringers of the Dawn', 'Earth', 'Family of Light' and 'Path of Empowerment'. Website of Brian L. Weiss M.D. - a traditional psychotherapist who is the author of 'Many Lives-Many Masters', 'Same Soul - Many Bodies' and 'Messages From The Masters'. This web site lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness, down to the very core of our being. TSG Publishing Foundation, Inc. is fully devoted to publishing books, booklets, and other related materials on the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as written by Torkom Saraydarian. Web site containing a gallery of Salvador Dali's art work and Surrealism. The site sells posters, prints and books on Dali's work.



Literature plays such a vital role in spreading knowledge. Books are the fastest and easiest way to mould educated people and to help them with all the wisdom of the Ages. For an upto-date list, look-up the web site


A Souls Journey Linda Goodmans Star Signs, Linda Goodmans Love Signs Kingdom of the Gods ALL OTHER BOOKS The Power of Silence, The Wheel of Time ALL OTHER BOOKS Conversations with God - Volumes 1, 2, 3 ALL OTHER BOOKS The Diamond Sutra, Sex to Super Consciousness ALL OTHER BOOKS Ancient Wisdom, An Autobiography, Seven Principles of Man ALL OTHER BOOKS You Forever, Third Eye ALL OTHER BOOKS Astral Plane, Chakras, Clarivoyance ALL OTHER BOOKS Celestine Prophecy, Secrets of Shambala Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled


NEALE DONALD WALSCH AUTHORS JANE ROBERTS TITLES Seth Speaks, Seth Material, ALL OTHER BOOKS Bringers of the Dawn, ALL OTHER BOOKS Destiny of Souls, Journey of Souls Astral Body, Etheric Double, Causal Body, Mental Body Many LivesMany Masters, Messages from the Masters, Same Soul ... Many Bodies, ALL OTHER BOOKS Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Synchro-Destiny, Book of Wisdom, The Book of Secrets Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions, ALL OTHER BOOKS T.LOBSANG RAMPA LEADBEATER, C.W. OSHO








Meditation Everywhere



TITLES The Prophet, Complete Works Living with the Himalayan Masters The Symphony of the Zodiac, ALL OTHER BOOKS Power of Now, Stillness Speaks, A New Earth Autobiography of a Yogi, ALL OTHER BOOKS Light of Asia Seat of the Soul, Heart of the Soul, Mind of the Soul, Dancing Wu li Masters Ramtha-The White Book Life on the Other Side ALL OTHER BOOKS Chitshakti vilas You Can Heal Your Life, Heal Your Body


AUTHORS AMORAH QUAN YIN NETHERTON, MORRIS AND NANCY SHIFFRIN ANTONY DE MELLO, S.J OMRAM MIKHAEL AIVANHOV ARIEL TOMIOKA P.D. OUSPENSKY ARTHUR FORD PATRICIA CORI BAIRD T.SPALDING TITLES Affinity Past Lives Therapy One Minute Wisdom Complete Works On The Breath Of The Gods Tertium Organum, The Fourth Way Unknown but Known No More Secrets, No More Lies Life and the Teaching of the Masters of Far East Life after Life, Reflection on Life after Life etc. The Law of Spirit One-ness Hands of Light, Light Emerging Practical Occultism, Voice of the Silence H.P.B. Speaks











Astral Dynamics Revelation : The Divine Fire Other Lives Other Selves Voyages Afterlife into the of

MAX TOTH / GREG NIELSEN Pyramid Power DARRYL ANKA MICHEAL J.ROADS DOREAL Bashar Blueprint for Change Journey into Nature The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Vibrational Medicine Lifetimes True Accounts of Reincarnation Encounters With the Past Meeting with Remarkable Men Otherwhere The I Discourses Am

The Technique Astral Projection


Embraced by the Light Beyond the Back- Those who Died and Lived to Tell Hello from Heaven Transition Vegetarianism to



Messages from Michael On Wings of Light Sacred Contracts, Anatomy of The Spirit Mystic Bible The Way of Peaceful Warrior The Hidden Message in Water Power Vs. Force The Book of Mirdad A Dictionary of Mind and Spirit

Fire in the Heart, Homage to the Sun Life between Life Regression Therapy, Hand Book for Therapists The Disappearance of the Universe The Art of Stalking, Parallel Perception



Meditation Everywhere







Life before Life, GREGG BREDEN/JULIA Reliving Past Lives CAMERON/FLORENCE SARAH BAN BREATHNACH Simple Abundance Living Deliberately The Astral World SCOVEL-SHINN TOM-BUTLER BOWDON


The God Code Artists Way, The Game of Life and How to Play It 50 Spiritual Classics Living on Light Cry of the Eagle The Book of Knowledge Breath ! You Are Alive Talking to Heaven How to Meet & Work with Spirit Guides Breath by Breath The Secret Life of the Unborn Child The Field Reincarnation Therapy You Have Been Here Before Reincarnation The Tao of Physics Out of Experiences The Road Travelled Body Less


Twenty Cases, JASMUHEEN Suggestive of THEUN MARES Reincarnation J. J. HURTAK Breath Sweeps the THICH NHAT HANI Mind Journey to the Center JAMES VAN PRAAG of Creation TED ANDREWS The Search for a Soul LARRY ROSENBERG The Michael VERNEY, THOMAS Handbook LYNNE McTAGGART VALLIERES, INGRID FIORE, EDITH HALL, MANLY P.


Wherever you go FRITJOF CAPRA There you are ROBERT PETERSON S p i r i t u a l Psychology SCOTT PECK, M. After Life At the Edge of All- ROBERT M. PIRSIG That-Is

Zen and the Art of M o t o r c y c l e Maintenance







God Speaks Past Lives Future Lives


Esoteric Hritings, Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita Living Wisdom Theosophy Explained in Questions and Answers Noble Eight-fold Path, Thought Forms, Occult Chemistry Gospel of Islam, Gospel of Israel, Gospel of Peace, Gospel of Zarathushtra On the WatchTower Man, His Origins and Evolution Key to Theosophy The Power of Intention The Secret of the Soul

HARALDSSON.ERLENDUR / OSIS KARLIS At the Hour of Death JOHN L PAYNE Omni-The Four Principles of Creation


DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK Living in the Heart DONE BERNADETTE VIGIL Mastery of Awareness DON-MIGUEL RUIZ The Four Agreements, The Voice of Knowledge If God Was Like Man Soul Healing, Past lives, Future Lives Mind Waves The Pleiadian Agenda Chakras - Wheels of Life, Eastern Body Western Mind, Buddha-His Life and Teachings Space, Time and Self Bhagavadgita Explained, Come Unto, Me Seven Rays Solar System








Meditation Everywhere

MaitreyaBuddha Pyramid & Thapastali

Buddha Poornima Celebrations, May 2007 in Pyramid Valley, Bangalore




The Vishwalayam will be the headquarters of the Pyramid Spiritual Trust (India) and focal point of all the Pyramid Spiritual Societies. The Vishwalayam is located 30 km south of Bangalore on Bangalore - Kanakapura Road. It is situated amidst beautiful natural hills !


REGISTERED OFFICE Pyramid Valley Kebbedoddi Village Harohalli Hobli Kanakapura Taluk Bangalore Rural Dist. Karnataka, India ph: 080 27563262/63 HEAD OFFICE The Pyramid Spiritual Trust (India) #708, 7th Main, 11th Cross J P Nagar III Phase Bangalore-560078 ph:91-80-32723143 91-80-26492798

REGIONAL HEAD OFFICE ANDHRA PRADESH The Pyramid Spiritual Trust (India) Pyramid House, Kanakadurga Pyramid Dhyanakendram Machavaram, Vijayawada, A.P. ph: 91-866-2430334 For more information, please e-mail to:

For an upto-date list, look-up the web site


Meditation Everywhere


Swarnamala Patriji 1109/1/2, Bagh Amberpet HYDERABAD - 500038 phone : 9949458000 B.V. Reddy Buddha Pyramid Dhyana Kendram Near Raghunath Theatre, Kallur, KURNOOL phone: 08518.229164 D. Siva Prasad Cosmic Media # 525, Reddy & Reddy Colony TIRUPATI - 517 501 phone: 91.9848152629 Kanchi Raghuram 83, Kola Street TIRUPATI phone: 91.877.2229283 91.9440270283 Dr. K.Newton Dr. Lakshmi Newton Plot No:4, 8-2-268/A/1/7 Road No:3, Banjara Hills HYDERABAD - 500034 phone:040-23554151,9848019022 P. Chandrasekhar 6221, Lexington Ridge Dr LEXINGTON, MA 02421, USA phone: 001-781-5380293 M. Nirmala Devi G-2, Satyam Apts.Barkatpura HYDERABAD phone: 9885450705 Nanda Prasada Rao C/o NIT-CITE Computers Kanimetta SRIKAKULAM - 532 402 phone: 08942271136,9246631754 Shreyans Daga # 810, Makers Chamber-V Nariman Point MUMBAI - 400021 phone : 098201 82607 A.V. Sai Kumar Reddy 12-2-834/1, Opp. Gowtham Model School, Sriram Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam HYDERABAD - 500028 phone: 098490 96111 Premnath Gupta 20/66-C, Maruthi Mansion Opp.Reddys Hostel ADONI phone: 08512-250001 Dr. V. Hari Kumar M.S. (Mch) Plastic Surg. Care Hospital, No.227, Nampalli HYDERABAD - 500001 phone: 09440293903 M. Ananda Rao Lecturer24-115/2 Shanti Nagar NELLORE - 524 004 phone: 91.861.2333619 Maram Siva Prasad Plot No. 31/A, Flat No. 101 Upstars AndhraBank,Karkhan SECUNDERABAD phone: 9347242373 D. Kesava Raju 8-105, Royel Nagar R.C. Road, TIRUPATI phone: 0877-2241904, 9440077359 Paul Vijaya Kumar #461, 1st Floor, 9th Cross Jayanagar Ist Block BANGALORE - 560 011 phone : 91.94482 77513 Girija Rajan, S.K.Rajan Agasthiar, No.6, Pyramid Complex, Opp. Vanaprastha K.T.N. Palayam,Vadavalli (T.O) COIMBATORE - 641041 phone: 91.9447721499 J. Raghava Rao Pyramid House, Machavaram VIJAYAWADA phone: 91.866.2430334 91.866.2438555, 91.9848170801 Dr. G.R. Yughandhar H.No. 12-6-2/207/1 Kukatpalli HYDERABAD phone: 040-55198137, 9441030379 G. Shivarama Naidu Chief Engineer,S.K. University ANANTAPUR phone: 08554-255349 Bhavani Jayaprakash 27/141, Ramnagar Colony CHITTOOR phone: 08572-231971

Lavina Baldota Chinar Building Baldota Colony HOSPET - 583201 phone: 9844102689

M.V.S. Narasimha Rao 170/1, Ist Floor, 7th cross 7th Main Jayanagar, II Block BANGALORE - 560011 phone: 080 - 26563976 Dr. P.S. Gopala Krishna Meditation Health Care Center Main Road,Vepagunta VISAKHAPATNAM - 47 phone: 0891-2514554 P. V. Reddy Naidu (Advocate) H.No.31-32-99 Allipuram, DabaGarden VISAKHAPATNAM phone: 91.891.2565564 Dr. P.Parameshwar Reddy H.No. 12-5-S-11-6, 2nd Lane Sainagar, Behind ITC KURNOOL (A.P)

Mallikarjuna Muski 2nd Cross, 1st Main, 1st Link Road, Basaweshwaranagar Bellary, KARNATAKA phone: 08932-255208




Swarnamala Patri 1109/1/2 Bagh Amberpet HYDERABAD - 500038 phone: 9949458000 D. Siva Prasad Chief Correspondent Pyramid Spiritual Societies India Cosmic Media #525, Reddy & Reddy Colony TIRUPATI - 517 501 phone: 9848152629 G. Venkatesh Agricultural Officer(Rtd.) Lobsang Rampa Pyramid Meditation Center, URAVAKONDA Anantapur Dist. phone: 91.8496.257459 Uravakonda Pyramid Spiritual Society Ravula Anjaiah Dhyanaprastha Seva Sangham Flat No.101,Plot No.31/A Vasavi Nagar, Karkhana SECUNDERABAD - 500015 phone: 040-55485598 Hyderabad Pyramid Spiritual Society Y. Dasaratha Gupta Opp. Police Quarters MAHBUBNAGAR phone: 040-27421294 Mahbubnagar PyramidSpiritual Society A.V. Sai Kumar Reddy 12-2-834/1, Opp. Gowtham Model School Sriram Nagar Colony Mehdipatnam HYDERABAD - 500028 phone: 098490 96111 J. Raghava Rao Pyramid HouseKanakadurga Pyramid Dhyana Kendram Machavaram, VIJAYAWADA phone: 0866-2430334 Vijayawada Pyramid Spiritual Society K.P. Veeranna Shetty No.167, S.B.S. Colony 3rd Lane, K.P.S.S. Nivas YEMMIGANUR, Kurnool Dt. phone: 91.8512.255262 Yemmiganur Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. V. Satyanarayana Murthy Balaji Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Krishna Nagar JAGITYAL - 503327 phone: 91.8724.224130 Jagityal Pyramid Spiritual Society R. Bhaskar 2-91, K.V.S. Street, Old Pet PALAMANERU - 517408 phone: 91.85792.252796 Palamaneru Pyaramid Spiritual Society

S. Rajasekhar Pyramid Spiritual Care Center Upstairs of Indian Overseas Bank Rashtrapati Road HYDERABAD phone: 040-30914798 Hyderabad Pyramid Spiritual Society S.V.S.R.K. Prasad H.No. 89-19-1-1 Sri Sai Chaitanya Nagar Morampudi Road RAJAHMUNDRY - 533103 phone: 9440118615 Rajahmundry Pyramid Spiritual Society K. Ravichandra 8/2-175, 1st Floor Thasildar Raod, RAYADURG Anantapur Dist. phone: 91.8495.252929 Rayadurg Pyramid Spirutual Society Akula Trimurthy RoadNo.4, Mahalakshmi Nagar TADEPALLIGUDEM 534104 West Godavari Dist., phone: 08818222934,9848122787 Tadepalligudem Pyramid Spiritual Society

S.V.S. Prakash Rao Siddhas Pyramid Dhyana Kendramlayar Peta, Behind Sai Baba Temple ONGOLE phone: 9849115159 Ongole Pyramid Spiritual Society

G. Harinath Krishna Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, # 25/657, Srinivasa Nagar, Opp. Water Tank NANDYALA - 518501 phone: 91.8514.243640 Nandyala Pyramid Spiritual Society A. Narasimhulu Sri Hanuman Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Macchupalli Road Shankarapuram, KADAPA phone: 08562-246547 Kadapa Pyramid Spiritual Society P. Rama Devi Sri Sitarama Pyramid Care Center, Plot No. 817, Vasanth Nagar, Kukatpally HYDERABAD - 500 072 phone: 9848930022 Hyderabad Pyramid Spiritual Society

J. Satish Babu Nagarjuna Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Hill Colony NAGARJUN SAGAR Nalgonda Dist. phone: 040-276285 Nagarjunsagar Pyramid Spiritual Society

B. Venkateshwara Rao 6-2-53B, Jammybanda KHAMMAM phone: 91.8742-227309 Khammam Pyramid Spiritual Society


Meditation Everywhere


J.S. Swarnalatha VIII-219, NehruBazar Pancharathna Buildings MADANAPALLI phone: 08571-262010 Madanapalli Pyramid Spiritual Society B. Prakash Rao Pyramid Spiritual Care Center G.V. Koteswara Rao Street Narasinga Rao Peta ANAKAPALLI - 1 phone: 9346292499 Anakapalli Pyramid Spiritual Society Tatavarthi Veeraraghava Rao Sri Balaji Pyramid Dhyana Kendra 22-1026,Tattavarthivari Veedi BHEEMAVARAM West Godavari - 534 201 phone: 0881-229462 Bheemavaram Pyramid Spiritual Society Bandipalli Ramayya H.No.20-54, Rajendra Nagar Colony, Opp. Vysya Bhavan SIDDIPET - 502103 phone: 222146, 9440491544 Siddipet Pyramid Spiritual Society S. Raghunatha Rao 74-8-15, PrakashNagar RAJAHMUNDRY phone: 91.883.2468098 Rajahmundry Pyramid Spiritual Society K. V. Ramprasad Janatha Opticals,Katooru Road VUYYURU , Krishna Dist. phone: 08676-232569 Vuyyuru Pyramid Spiritual Society Ravi Kumar Vishwavyapthi Pyramid Dhyanakendra Ravi Acadamy of Commerce HINDUPUR, Anatapur Dist. phone: 08556-222509 Hindupur Pyramid Spiritual Society P.V.Reddy Naidu Advocate, H.No. 31-32-99 Allipuram, Opp. New Jaipur Hotel Dabagardens VISAKHAPATNAM phone: 91.891.2565564 Vizag Pyramid Spiritual Society K. Vijay Kumar 17-726, Tilak Nagar GUNTAKAL phone: 91.8552.226090 Guntakal Pyramid Spirutual Society V. Surya Prakasha Rao Sri Vedavyas Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Pyramid Nagar Pulivendala Road VEMPALLI - 516329, Kadapa Dist. phone: 08588281215 Vempalli Pyramid Spiritual Society Nannapaneni Suryakumari Sri Buddha Pyramid Dyana Kendra, Nannapaneni Street Itaha Nagar, TENALI Guntur Dist. phone: 08644-225473 Tenali Pyramid Spiritual Society

V.V. Chandra Shekar C/o B.V. Rama Krishna Rao # 7-158-25, Kakathiya Nagar Sri NilayamRavipadu Road NARASARAOPET - 522601 phone: 08647-223962 Narasaraopet Pyramid Spiritual Society

P. Eashwariah Krana Stores VEEPANAGANDLA (P.M) Mahbubnagar Dist. - 509105 phone: 08501-277034 Veepanagandla Pyramid Spiritual Society

Bhavani Jayaprakash 27/141, Ramnagar Colony CHITTOOR phone: 08572-231971 Chittoor Pyramid Spiritual Society

K. Umadevi 9-11-136, Near Gandhi Statue Gandhi Nagar, KAKINADA phone: 08842-372470 Kakinada Pyramid Spiritual Society

Krishna Murthy Opp. Public Library DHARMAVARAM phone: 91.8559.240389 Dharmavaram PyramidSpiritual Society

Dr. V. Sreenivas H.No. 8-5-215, Laxmi Nagar KARIMNAGAR - 505001 phone: 2246313 9849762721 Karimnagar Pyramid Spiritual Society

M. Reddy Sudhakar # 67/4, Bazaar Veedhi VAYALPADU Chittoor Dist. phone: 08586-272389 Vayalpadu Pyramid Spiritual Society

Venkateswara Rao Town Ship - E.O. Municipal Off. BHADRACHALAM phone: 9849903205 Bhadrachalam Pyramid Spiritual Society

Badri Narayana MANTADA. (PO) KRISHNA (Dist) phone: 08676-233433 Mantada Pyramid Spiritual Society




S. Sathiraju Sri Ganga Raju Traders GOLLAVILLI - 533222 AMALAPURAM phone: 283338 - 9849861271 Gollavilli Pyramid Spiritual Society Chinta Krishna Murthy Vedavyasa Pyramid Dhyana Kendra, 10-118-20 - Kothapet Near Ayyappa Swamy Temple DHONE - 518222 phone: 08516 - 222369 Dhone Pyramid Spiritual Society Devarapalli Apparao 28-1-75, Hanuman Nilayam Santhinagar, 6th Road ELURU - 534007 phone: 08812-239085/ 9440124642 Eluru Pyramid Spiritual Society V. Lakshmana Rao Sri Sai Hot Mixing (P) Ltd. Ring Road, Nalanda Nagar GUNTUR - 522006 phone: 0863-2351014 Guntur Pyramid Spiritual Society Sri Lakshmi Narashmiha Pyramid Dhyana Kendra Ganapathi nagar, 1st Line MANGALAGIRI phone: 9949191571 Mangalagiri Pyramid Spiritual Society J.C. Suryanarayana (Labour Office) 4-410-1 Agraharam, ELURU - 1 phone: 08812-36888 Eluru Pyramid Spiritual Society

D. Satish Kumar IOC Dealers - 37/18 S.N. Colony RAYACHOTI - 516269 Kadapa Dist. phone: 251282 - 9848047427 Rayachoti Pyramid Spiritual Society G. Bhimeswara Prasad Advocate & TaxConsultant 1-4-150 - Bharat Nagar SIDDIPET - 502103 phone: 9440861922 Siddipet Pyramid Spiritual Society

V. Lakshmi 7-404, Sri Krishna Spiritual Care Center, Godugupeta MACHILIPATNAM phone: 224261 Machilipatnam Pyramid Spiritual Society

A. Mangapathi Rao D.No. 9-2-34/4, A.Y. Road Lakshmi Complex AMALAPURAM - 533201 phone: 08856-23 0770 Amalapuram Pyramid Spiritual Society

Smt. J. Anuradha Behind Bapuji Park Back Side A-1,Site Redeppa Naidu Colony MADANAPALLE - 517325 phone: 08751-222090 Madanapalle Pyramid Spiritual Society G. Dronapurna Chandra Rao Sri Gopala Krishna Cloth Show Room, M.G. Raod CHALLAPALLI - 521126 Challapalli Pyramid Spiritual Society M. Narasimlu Opp. Co-Operative Bank GAJWEL phone: 9346461470 Gajwel Pyramid Spiritual Society

S. Damodar Naidu 5/279, 9th Cross North Bharathimitta PAKALA - 517112 phone: 222216 - 9441276279 Pakala Pyramid Spiritual Society A. Sankar Rao J.V.V. Ranga Rao H.No. 6-7-16 - Netaji Nagar KOTHAGUDEM - 507101 Kothagudem Pyramid Spiritual Society

G.Surya Kumari D/o. Gadde Madhava Rao H.No. 23/2 - Near Nehru Statue Nehru Nagar NANDIGAMA - 521185 phone: 08678 - 279323 NandigamaPyramid Spiritual Society Vangari Sai Babu C/9/4/2, H.D.P.M. Colony ASHWAPURAM phone: 08746-224186/ 9440556330 Ashwapuram Pyramid Spiritual Society

V.V.S.S. Chowdary Godavari Edible Branoil Ltd. Regd.Off. 34-16-45 MANDAPETA phone: 08855-232094 / 9849304444 Mandapeta Pyramid Spiritual Society A. Koteswara Rao NEKKALU (PO) Tullur (Md) GUNTUR Dist phone: 9848595503 Nekkalu Pyramid Spiritual Society

Badri Narayana MANTADA. (PO) KRISHNA (Dist) phone: 08676-233433 Mantada Pyramid Spiritual Society


Meditation Everywhere


Dr.V.K.Ch.Raju Ambika Eye Hospital, T. Nagar RAJAHMUNDRY - 533101 phone: 0883-3102927 Rajahmundry Pyramid Spiritual Society A. Krishnappa 11-123, Ratakonda Street MADANAPALLE 517325 phone: 224736 Madanapalle Pyramid Spiritual Society


M.V.S. Narasimha Rao 170/1, Ist Floor, 7th cross 7th Main Jayanagar, II Block BANGALORE - 560011 phone : 080 - 26563976 Bangalore Pyramid Spiritual Society B. Sivaramappa Secretary, Dhyana Ratna R-1,Owners Court, Sarjahpur Road Kasavanahalli Main Road BANGALORE - 560037 phone: 080- 28441788 Bangalore Pyramid Spiritual Society N.G. Raja Lakshmi Gopi W/o N.V. Gopi Sri Lakshmi Venkatesh Nilaya C. 581, T.R. Colony GOURIBIDANUR - 561208 phone: 08155286513,9343600678 Gouribidanur Pyramid Spiritual Society Shree Kala Jagadeesh W/o Jagadeesh Gupta Vishnu Medicals Old Post Office Road HOSKOTE - 562117 phone: 080-7931222 Hoskote Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. H.S. Usha Rani 433, E Block J.P. Nagar, MYSORE - 8 phone: 0821 2371863, 9880447493 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. M.G. Patakar Srivalli - Sushroosha Kendra - Brahman Valley MADIKERI - 571201 phone: 028272 - 224716 Madikeri Pyramid Spiritual Society Lavina Baldota Chinar Building,Baldota Colony HOSPET - 583201 phone: 9844102689 Vidyaranya Pyramid Spiritual Society Vijaya Kumar Patil H.No. 14, Mahantesh Nagar Malamaruti Extn. BELGAUM -16 phone: 0831-2453313 Belgaum Pyramid Spiritual Society Saraswathi Armugam No-756, 4th Main Road 25th Cross Road Vidyaranga Puram MYSORE phone: 08212480630 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society L. Geetha Rani No-699, 22nd Cross, 4th Main Vidyaranga Puram MYSORE - 8 phone: 0821-2482437 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society K. Sandesha Beside PLD Bank Silver Jubilee Club Road T. NARASIPURA 2571124 phone: 08227-260258 Narasipur Pyramid Spiritual Society

Lakshmi N. Murthy No. M-23, Adichunchunagiri Road, Kuvempu Nagar MYSORE phone: 0821-2566734 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society

K. Yerriswamy 2049, Devaraja Nagar DODDABALLAPUR POST-561203, phone: 0807623265 Doddaballapur Pyramid Spiritual Society

Pushpa 171, 2nd Main, 4th Cross Siddalingeshwara Layout J.P. Nagar, MYSORE phone: 0821-2371333 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society

Lakshmi Nataraj Block No.3, Site No. 19 S.B.M. Colony, Srirampura MYSORE phone: 0821-2362924 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society

P. Gurunatha Rao No. 4625, D Block Dattagalli, MYSORE phone: 0821-320098 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society




P. Charan S/o P.K. Padmantha Hanuman Building, G.T. Street KOLAR phone: 08152-222386 Kolar Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. N. Sandhya No. 235, Avinashi, 3rdMain Siddalingeshwara Layout J.P. Nagar MYSORE Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society B.N.G. Shastri No. 1665,Vijayanagar, 2nd Stage Near Sankarati Circle Hebbal, MYSORE phone: 0821-2301678 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society Mallikarajuna Muski 2nd Cross, 1st Main 1st Link Road Basaweshwaranagar BELLARY phone: 08932-255208 Bellary Pyramid Spiritual Society Arunkumar. S. Kololgi Kokila H.No.57 Opp: Vishwamath Mandir Adhyapak Nagar HUBLI - 580032 phone: 0836-2252350 Hubli Pyramid Spiritual Society S.T. Patil 201 - Ramanandu ApartmentBarkutri - Saptaspur Link Road DHARWAD - 580007 phone: 0836-2775965 Dharwad Pyramid Spiritual Society T. Hari Govinda Brothers,Bazaar Street HOSPET phone: 08394-229613 Vidyaranya Pyramid Spiritual Society Amaresh R. Naik Deputy Secretary Zilla Parishad RAICHUR phone: 9448248478 Raichur Pyramid Spiritual Society Y.N. Shankara Gowda Swadeshi Bio fertilizer Farm Chikkankana halli Bannur Road, MYSORE phone: 0821-2475302 Vishwamitra Pyramid Spiritual Society H.D. Kumar Swamy D.No. 2070, Hosalli Extn. Opp. HUDCO, C&G (North Side) Karasavadi Road MANDYA - 571401 phone: 9448050488 Mandya Pyramid Spiritual Society J. B. Kethappanavar No.14-420 - R.K. Colony Siddheswar Plot CHIKODI - 591201 phone: 9342127540 Chikodi Pyramid Spiritual Society

K.S. Swarna No-372, 11th Main 12th Cross E Block, J.P. Nagar MYSORE - 8 phone: 08212372444 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society

K. Bheemesh Reddy D.No. 1C/12&13 12th Ward - Sree Krishna Nagar SIRUGUPPA 583121 phone: 9448061612 Siruguppa Pyramid Spiritual Society J.D. Megha D/o. Daya Shankar J.V. Maitri Road, Bhuvaneswar Nilaya Opp. Stellas Convent GOURIBIDANUR - 541208 phone: 285803 Gouribidanur Pyramid Spiritual Society Sanjay M. Joshi Seetha Sadar - Gobolemala BIJAPUR - 586 101 Bijapur Pyramid Spiritual Society

K. Prashanth C/o Badri Stores Dam Road, HOSPET Hospet Pyramid Spiritual Society

Savithri Krishna 508, Haripriya, 24th Main 15th Cross, J.P. Nagar, II Stage MYSORE phone: 0821-2371398 Mysore Pyramid Spiritual Society Sai Krupa Sagar & Hima Bindu #210 III Block Rich Fields Apts. Outer Ring Road, Marthahalli BANGALORE - 560037 phone: 080-25234705 Bangalore Pyramid Spiritual Society

Murali Mohan Kumarraj I Cross, Kaveri Nagar Near Micro Station MANDYA - 571401 phone: 9448275670 Mandya Pyramid Spiritual Society

Anitha Shanbhag A-1 - Anand Apts. 6th Cross, Gandhinagar MANGALORE - 575003 phone: 0824-2452218 Mangalore Pyramid Spiritual Society


Meditation Everywhere


Shreyans Daga # 810, Makers Chamber-V Nariman Point MUMBAI - 400021 phone: 098201 82607 Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society Sheela Mehta 101, Apurva Castle Union Park, Chembur MUMBAI phone: 9820131964 Chembur Pyramid Spiritual A. Pavani Rao 6/18, Arthur Bunder Road 2nd Floor-Grants Building Colaba MUMBAI - 4000005 phone: 09867152613 Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society Deepak Sanghavi Niloks Enterprises Nagpur Mumbai High Way JALGAON phone: 9890044201 Jalgaon Pyramid Spiritual Society Chandra Sekhar Reddy F-1, Balaji Apartment Hotgi Road SOLAPUR - 413003 phone: 9822130878 Solapur Pyramid Spiritual Society Prem Nirmal Nirmal Power Systems H.No. 133, Sarojini Naidu Road, Mulland - (W) MUMBAI - 400080 phone: 25604250 Thane Pyramid Spiritual Society K. Mohan Prithi Appartments Near Mali Chitramander SANGLI - 416416 phone: 231313, 2324163 Sangli Pyramid Spiritual Society Chenna Shyamala Devi B-27, Deepasree Salara Road Ahdheri (E) MUMBAI - 99 phone: 022-28219323 Mumbai Pyramid Spiritual Society Iyer Venkatraman B-41, Pereira Nagar - 7 Khopat THANE (W) - 400601 phone: 56215409 9819596220

Sumanth Galli B.M.C. Software India Pvt Ltd. Mutthu Chambers Senapati Bapat Road PUNE - 411016 phone: 9890035378 Pune Pyramid Spiritual

Ravindra P.V. 473/140 B, Alok Bhanu Building Giridhar Bhavan Chowk Marketyard Road-Goltekdi PUNE - 411037 phone: 24266731 Pune Pyramid Spiritual Jagdish Khunger Gitidhar Bhandar, 32, Wholesale Cloth Market, Gandhi Bagh NAGPUR phone: 2771161, 2776800 Nagpur Pyramid Spiritual

G.D. PANPALIYA Pampaliya Sadan Sathe Marg, Dhantoli NAGPUR phone: 2425263/2427698, 9423104027 Nagpur Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. Lalchand Balani Sai Baba Mandir S.No.46 - Sai Nagari Kondhwa Road PUNE - 411048 phone: 26930662 9822065906

Mangala Paturi 3258, AGRA Road DHULE - 424001 phone: 02562-235206 Dhule Pyramid Spiritual Society

Manish Botra Bethl Oils and Flours Ltd. 104/91, Nagarpet Sidhjin Society, SHOLAPUR phone: 0217-2358899 Sholapur Pyramid Spiritual Mahesh Maloo 101, Jai Bhavani Society Vard Maman Nagar Opp. Preetam Bhavan C.A. Road, NAGPUR phone: 9370960484 Nagpur Pyramid Spiritual Society

P.G. Vani H-2/D.M. 2-73 VinayColonyTharenagar CIDCO AURANGABAD -431003 phone: 0240-2687173 Aurangabad Pyramid

Kiran Kumar Samran & Samran Bros, Kiran & Company Inside Jawaar Gate AMARAVATHI - 444601 phone: 0721-277077 Amaravathi Pyramid Spiritual Society

Suresh Agarwal Devika Food Products Pvt. Ltd. 1705, Tilak Road NANDURBAR - 425412 phone: 02564-222444, 222730




Dr. Manohar S.Pamu 407/1 - Ramdoot Building Kombadapuda BHIVANDI - 421302 phone: 257602 - 9890807386 Bhivandi Pyramid Spiritual Society Kiranvore Madura Stores, M.G. Road AHMEDNAGAR - 414001 phone: 2344840 - 2354483 2345022 Ahmednagar Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. Rahulwade Brindavan Building, Bhagyanagar Old Ausa Road LATUR - 413512 phone: 02382-257531850820750 Latur Pyramid Spiritual Society D.E. Modak Mangalmurti - Tilak Road MALEGAON - 423203 Maharashtra Ph: 9823044016 Malegaon Pyramid Spiritual Society


Prof S.S. Gupta 6-7 - Surya Apartments Phase-IV Raj Garh Road SOLAN - 173212 phone: 01792-229643 / 9816029643 Solan Pyramid Spiritual Society G.V Madhusudhan 1021, Poonamalee High Road Krishna Apartments D block, 3rd Floor CHENNAI - 84 phone: 044-26425639 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Trust Suresh President, Bamboo Plot Jetty South Andaman - 744103 phone: 03192-258686 Andaman Pyramid Spiritual Society Usha Kiran D-40, First Floor Punchaseela Enclave NEW DELHI - 110017 phone: 011- 26495107/ 9811512032 New Delhi PyramidSpiritual Society Prof. Bhaskar C. Harinath Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences SEWAGRAM - 442102 GUJARAT phone: 07152-284038 Sewagram Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. Sanjeev Gupta Sri Ram Harayan Memorial Chikithsalaya, Doctors Line KASHIPUR (Usnagar) Uttaranchal Kashipur Pyramid Spiritual Society Ratna S. Patel c/o Satish B.Patel 232/2. Bodekdev, S.G. Highway B/H Sankalp Restaurant AHMEDABAD phone: 9898112298 Ahmedabad Pyramid Spiritual Society S.Subramaniam No. 5, Thyagaraya Road North Usman Road Next to BBC Plaza, T. Nagar CHENNAI - 600017 phone: 044-28141658 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society Shailendra Jain 21, South Avenue Chaubey Colony RAIPUR (Chattisgarh) phone: 0771-2537634 Raipur Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. Mahesh Agarwal Vinita Jajoo B-82, Shantam Towers Children Clinic- 4 Old Connanight Place Behind Civil Hospitals Near - Natraj Cinema Shahi Baug DEHARADUN AHMEDABAD - 380004 phone: 9375509573 phone: 9837223222 Ahmedabad Pyramid SpiritualDeharadun Pyramid Spiritual Society Society Anil K. Bhargav G-3, Priyadashini Heights Gulmohar III, BHOPAL phone: 930311559, 2422890 Bhopal Pyramid Spiritual Society Kaushik Daga Betul Oil and Flour Mills BETUL , Madhya Pradesh phone: 07141-230971, 230051 Betul Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. Suniti Sharma 251-6B P.K. Road Railway Officers' Enclave NEW DELHI - 55 phone: 9899220398 / 01123742561 Delhi Pyramid Spiritual Society

T.R.N. Rao A-4, Phase II NOIDA - 201301 (U.P) phone: 24562569, 24562571 Noida Pyramid Spiritual Society

Manoj Shukla Plot No. LIG-156 Rajahlal Nagar KANPUR - 208022 phone: 9415629788 Kanpur Pyramid Spiritual Society


Meditation Everywhere


Manish Kothari Kothari Sarees Sadar Bazar JABALPUR (Madhya Pradesh) Jabalpur Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. Harish Chandra 6, KHA - 9, Jawahar Nagar JAIPUR - 3024004 phone: 0141-2652563 Jaipur Pyramid SpiritualSociety Dr. Pooja Jain W/o. Sh. Rajnee Jain 20/60 - Garden Colony Near Guru Dwara, G.T. Bazar JALANDHAR - 140001 phone: 240337 - 9815842322 Jalandhar Pyramid Spiritual Society Alka Bansal 4-Race Cource Road,Opp. IMA AMRITSAR phone: 240466 - 991402441 Amritsar Pyramid Spiritual Society R.K. Gupta H.No. 916 - H.B Colony Ambala Cant HARYANA (State) phone: 941668291 / 01712653169 Ambala Pyramid Spiritual Society C.R. Minood TC 5/2489-Vishranth Golf Links Road, Kowdiyar TRIVANDRUM - 695010 phone: 9388808811 Travancore Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. Radha Nair 2-GHR. 25, Jawahar Nagar JAIPUR - 4 phone: 2654437,9829059437 Jaipur Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. Rajesh Tiwari 29 - AEC, Road (Dr Chaurasa Lore) DEHARADUN - 248001 (Uttaranchal) Deharadun Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. Pradeep S. T Aranekar 81/1, Snehalata Ganj Ist Floor, INDORE phone: 0731-2545024 Indore Pyramid Spiritual Society

Ganesh Nayan Arts 4/A, Dr. Sabhe Road Main Road MAHABALESWAR Mahabaleswar Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dharmendhar Parekh 11, Abhiraj Nagar Shastri Road, Bardolt SURAT phone: 9825508556 Surat Pyramid Spiritual Society

A.C.P. Tirlok Singh Ranjit Enterprises EQ-204 Pacca Bagh JALANDHAR phone: 2281487-9814146471 Jalandhar Pyramid Spiritual Society

H.S. Sandhu Kothi - 2336. P.H. XI Sec - 65, Mohali CHANDIGARH phone: 213062 Chandigarh Pyramid Spiritual Society

B.P. Khengar 21-Vishal Row House Behind Gangeswar Mahadev Near Shikar Complex New Adajan Road SURAT - 395009 phone: 2730712, 9879260306 Surat Pyramid Spiritual Society Raman Garla Old No.6, New No.2 Dr. Gopala Krishna Nagar 1st Cross Street, KATPADI VELLORE - 632006 phone: 9840098040 Vellore Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. Madhu Prashar Devasamaj College For Women FEROZPUR - 152002 phone: 01632-229146 9815218855 Ferozpur Pyramid Spiritual Society Vandhana Gupta W/o. Col Vipan Gupta,Col CGS (ST) - HQ ARTRAC SHIMLA - 171003 phone: 9816577031 Shimla Pyramid Spiritual Society

G.Sunitha 1021 Poonamallee High Road Krishna Apartments D-Block 3rd Floor CHENNAI - 600084 phone: 9840964235 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society Ajay Kedkaar Bhilai Book Centre, Shop No.207 C.Market, Sector-6 BHILAI NAGAR, Chattisgad Dist phone: 9827491388 Chattisgad Pyramid Spiritual Society

Ajay Tiwari 2362, Wright Town JABALPUR (M.P) phone: 0761-2318322/ 9826184168 Jabalpur Pyramid Spiritual Society




Sanjay Jain R-6, Anupam Nagar RAIPUR Raipur Pyramid Spiritual Society P.Lakshmi Narashimulu 97/59, Jyothiswami Street TIRUTHANI - 631209 phone: 04118-286188/ 285238 Tiruthani Pyramid Spiritual Society Manpreeth Singh H.No. 771 - Sector - 29 CHANDIGARH - 160030 phone: 9417193855, 2638180 Chandigarh Pyramid Spiritual Society Shikha Battacharya E-851, Chittaranjan Park NEW DELHI - 19 phone: 9811779179 New Delhi Pyramid Spiritual Society Piara Singh Jammu H.No. 104, Street - 15A/8 Anand Nagar B PATIALA - 147001 Patiala Pyramid Spiritual Society G. Srinivasan No.2, Ankalamman Koil Street,TIRUTHANI - 631209 phone: 27880538, 9443204914 Tiruthani Pyramid Spiritual Society Andhra Prakas Variety Hall 27-B-II, Agraharam SALEM - 636001 phone: 2261520 Salem Pyramid Spiritual Society P.K. Bhatt 54, Nandanpuri Khajpura PATNA - 800014 phone: 0612-2593491 Patna Pyramid Spiritual Society

Anand Sanghavi Singhvi Paper Products(P) Ltd. 5/3, Kasi Chetty Street AMBUR - 635802 phone: 9443730330 Ambur Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr.Rahul Bansal 95, Mansarovar Lane, No. 1 MEERUT - 250001 phone: 9837277055 Meerut Pyramid Spiritual Society

Nimmij Chakola Dharmodayam Buildings Shanmugam Road ERNAKULAM -682031 phone : 9447704883, 04842352333 Ernakulam Pyramid Spiritual Society

Rachana Gupta 21-B, Mothi Nagar LUDHIANA phone: 016126001339872976005 Ludhiana Pyramid Spiritual Society

Sanjaykumar Parmar Parmar Medical Agencies Jalaram Bhavani, Patrasahi CUTTAK - 753003 phone: 0671-2647440/ 9437047440 Cuttak Pyramid Spiritual Society

Dr. N.P. Shankar Narayan Consultant Dermatologist, Lotus Hospital, Poondurai Main Road Kollampalayam ERODE - 638002 phone: 0424-2282828/ 9994036363 Erode Pyramid Spiritual Society

Nemchandvarma Grantely (Only Vimal Show Room) Civil Lines, ROORKEE phone: 9411151453 Roorkee Pyramid Spiritual Society

K.V.V.S. Narayana 8-Tecno Crate Society Bedla Road UDAIPUR - 330001 phone: 9829677566 Udaipur Pyramid Spiritual Society

D.S. Malik 276- Sector 7 Panchkula- 134109 PANCHKULA, CHANDIGARH phone: 9417006276 Chandigarh PyramidSpiritual Society

Vijay Golechas Jewels 377, Kataria Bhawan, M.I.Road JAIPUR - 302001 phone: 2379577, 9829014864 Jaipur Pyramid Spiritual Society

G.L. Shankarlal, Hemalatha 10-A.V. Iyer Street, Shevapet SALEM - 636002 phone: 0427-2211932 / 9486333459 Salem Pyramid Spiritual Society

Hari Prasad Agarwal 31/A, Govinda Stores National Highway, Below High Court, GANGTOK 737101 Sikkim State Gangtok Pyramid Spiritual Society


Meditation Everywhere


A.Supriya 63 Anurag, Golf Links Road Kowdiai TRIVANDRUM phone: 9447452820 / 2432600 Travancore Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. A.K.Kaul 9/5, Peer Baba Mode, Govind Pura, JAMMU CANTT -180003 Jammu & Kashmir phone: 09419130388 Jammu Pyramid Spiritual Society P.Prasad Rao Rly Qtr No. 1196/1 Wireless Colony BILASPUR phone: 9424146996 Bilaspur Pyramid Spiritual Society Purnima Daga (Reiki Master) Opp. C.P. Medical Stores Sadar Bazar RAIPUR phone: 226863, 9424225511 Raipur Pyramid Spiritual Society Prof. Jiten Bhatt 27-A, Shakhunkala Post Manzalpuri Naka - Shreyas School VADODARA 390004 phone: 9824041150 Vadodara Pyramid Spiritual Society G. Jagadish 1021 Poonamallee High Road Krishna Apartments D-Block, 3rd Floor CHENNAI - 600084 phone: 9840364235 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society Dr. K.M. Pradhan 'Preet' 332 - Alkapuri DEWAS-455001 (MP) phone: 07272-228838/ 9302107317 Dewas Pyramid Spiritual Society

Girija Rajan, S.K.Rajan Agasthiar, No.6, Pyramid Complex, Opp. Vanaprastha, K.T.N. Palayam, Vadavalli (T.O) COIMBATORE - 641041 Mobile - 9442493327, 9391333876 Coimbatore Pyramid Spiritual Society K.Venkatachalam, Rajeshwari Door No.19, Kasi Chetty St. CHENNAI - 600001 phone: 9444495545 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society Mahendra Agarwal "Lotus" Sh D.B.Giripath Road KALIMPONG - 734301 phone: 03552-259767 / 256662 / 9832548999 Kalimpong Pyramid Spiritual Society

P.Venkateshwarulu B-28, Ujwal Nagar (PO) Sipat - NTPC BILASPUR - 495006 Chattisgarh, phone: 09827967125 Bilaspur Pyramid Spiritual Society Swanasri Door No.30 Varada Muthiappan St. CHENNAI - 600001 phone: 09381125055 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society

Suvarna 44 Govindappa Naicker St. CHENNAI - 600001 phone: 044-25219549 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society

Kumudha Door No.4, Seenu Mudali St. CHENNAI - 600001 phone: 09840030587 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society

K.Rajan Door No. 14, A.V.Iyer Street Shevapet, SALEM phone: 09894031773 Salem Pyramid Spiritual Society

Jagadeesh & Shanti Door No.101, Seshadri St. Opp Agnilingam Temple TIRUVANNAMALAI phone: 9840364235 / 9940722145 Tiruvannamalai Pyramid Spiritual Society Vamsi Krishna Saidapet, CHENNAI phone: 09840634903 Chennai Pyramid Spiritual Society

Bhaskar TIRUVANNAMALAI phone: 9442207657 / 9994444253 Arunachala Pyramid Spiritual Society

Manimaaran CVV Cables KODAIKANAL phone: 09842187397 Kodaikanal Pyramid Spiritual Society

P.V.R. Raju Koti No: 94, Phase 11, Sector65 MOHALI, Punjab phone: 09417794818 Mohali Pyramid Spiritual Society




B.M. Suvarna Suyoga, 138, Surveyouris Street, Basavanagudi BANGALORE phone: 9980082287 T. Surendra Sri Mallikarjuna Pyramid House & Care Center, 10/ 249-9 Kakatiya Nagar, Near Teachers Colony, GUDIVADA - 521301. A.P. phone: 9949344404, 08674-244404 K. Varaha Murthy # 371, Sri Krishna Sadan Sri Aravindanagar GAURIBIDANUR - 561208 phone : 92421 62725 Sri Bhimesh Reddy Krishna Nagar Sri Krishna Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, SIRUGUPPA Karnataka phone: 9448061612 K.V.D. Prasad (Teacher) Vivekananda Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Chintala Koti Garuvu VEERAVASARAM (MANDAL) West Godavari - 534247. A.P. phone: 9989565358 N. Venu Gopala Swami S/o Rama Chandra Rao Cinatadepalli TADEPALLIGUDEM MANDAL West Godavari - 534101 A.P. phone: 08818-283255 9949131544 A.V. Nagaraja Gupta #109, 2nd Block BSK Ist Stage, 6th Main BANGALORE - 560050 phone: 9844039853 M. Rama Krishnaiah # W5, D.No. 88, Brahmins Street Near Subramanyashwara Temple GAURIBIDANUR - 561208. Kolar - Dist. phone: 9449678345 K.V. Swamy 8-336(2) Little Star Convent Road Sundhar Nagar ONGOLE - 523001. A.P. phone: 9440622244 H.S. Usha Rani No.433, E Block, J.P. Nagar MYSORE -570008 phone: 0821-2371863 9880447493 M. Venkateswara Rao Sri Srinivasa Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, Sri Ram Nagar Near D.S. Cherve, Beside Rocket Park, Subba Rao Pet TADEPALLIGUDEM 534101 phone: 9849858336 K.V. Ram Prasad Janata Opticals, Katuru Road VUYYUR - 521165. A.P. phone: 08676-232579 08676-234064 09849833235 D. Kumar Deepak C/o SIEMENS, # 84, 6th Floor Tower - A, Electronic City BANGALORE - 100 phone: 9886071186 G. Bheemeswara Prasad D.No. 11-4-150, Bhart Nagar SIDDHIPETA - 502103 Medak - Dist. A.P. phone: 9440861922, 08457223329 Y. Malathi (Advocate) H.No. 1-1011, Ameni Street Madanapalli CHITTOOR - 517325 A.P. phone: 9849609572 V.Surya Prakash Rao D.No.9/75, Gandhi Road Hardware Stores VAMPALLI -516329. A.P. phone: 08588-281214 09985251774 N. Kailasanadh Babu Priyadarshini Graphics Manihara Press, Main Road AKIVIDU - 534235 West Godavari Dist. A.P. phone: 9440697707, 9490718278 G. Jagdish 1021, Poonamallie High Road Krishna Appts, D Block CHENNAI - 600054 phone: 09840364235, 26425639 P. Satheesh D.No-8-56, Giridhari Varalaxminagar, Vepagunta VISAKHAPATNAM 530047 phone: 09393102990, 0891-3251801 Sri Prem Kumar No. 176, 7th Cross Shastry Nagar, K.R. Road BANGALORE - 28 phone: 9448140198 N. Krishna Murthy H.P.C. Bunk, Hyderabad Road JAGGAYYAPET Krishna Dist. A.P. phone: 08654-222228 09848447129 Ch. Srinivas Sree Durga Electricals & Electronics, Dinadayal Road NAGAYALANKA Krishna Dist. A.P. phone: 08671 316073 09849322183 P. Damodar Reddy Co-ordinator - Hyderabad phone: 9440571542 K. Satyanarayana Co-ordinator - Siriguppa phone: 9449961237

A.V. Sai Kumar Reddy Co-ordinator - North India phone: 9849096111 D. SivaPrasad Co-ordinator - South India phone 9848152629


Meditation Everywhere


VISWAMITRA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Y. Chakrapani & Jayasree Flat No-4, Swarna Apts. Ramachandranagar VIJAYAWADA - 8 phone: 0866-5548446/ 9391187925, 9440175821 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER P. Rama Devi C/o Dhyanandhra Pradesh 16-11-477/6/1A-6 Dilsukhnagar HYDERABAD - 60 phone: 040-55637630 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Mallikarjun 12-2-834/1, Opp. Gowtham Model School, SriramNagar Colony Mehdipatnam HYDERABAD - 28 phone: 040-66683511- 098490 96111 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER T.M. BalaKrishna 3-275, Temple Street SRIKALAHASTI - 517644 phone: 08578-224077 HAPSGUDA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Sri RamuluDhyana Chaitanya EstatesPlat - 202, Kishor Plaza H.M.T. Colony Road, Hapsguda Cross Road, HYDERABAD phone: 040-55802484/ 9848564315 TENDER HEARTS PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Gagendra Naidu Sri Sai Nilaya,MES Colony, West Venkatapuram, SECUNDERABAD phone: 040-27971496, 55292328 VIGNAN PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Veera Jagadeeswari C/o Millennium Medical Store New Gujuwaka 30026 VIZAG phone: 0891-2516605 LAKSHMI NARASIMHA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER N. Satish H.No. 2-2-1109/c/1 Sarada Nagar, Baghamberpet HYDERABAD phone: 9849545763 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER A. Obul Reddy Plot - 75, Vikas Puri HYDERABAD - 38 phone: 040-23811279, 23815801

PYRAMID SPIRITUAL HEALTH CARE CENTER Sankara Rao Main Road, Vepagunta VISAKHAPATNAM 530047 phone: 0891-2514554 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Dr. P.S. Gopala Krishna C/o Nijam Hospital, Vepagunta VISAKHAPATNAM - 530047 phone: 0891-789789, 9346355778 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER M. Somasekhar Rao II nd Floor, Kasuva ComplexNear Bharath Petrol Pump, Above I.O.B, R.P.Road SECUNDERABAD- 3 phone: 040-30914798 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER J. Raghava Rao Pyramid House Machavaram VIJAYAWADA phone: 08662430334, 9848170801

PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER G.R.Yughandar, M. Timmaraju H.No. 12-6-2/207/1, Kukatpalli HYDERABAD phone: 040-55198137 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Siva, C/o Sita Rama Reddy H.No. 7-4-415, Kalyani Nagar Bala Nagar, HYDERABAD - 42 phone: 9391398658 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Monish Dhawan 108 B Vertex PrideJaya Bharat Nagar HYDERABAD - 500072 phone: 040-30911737/ 9440514842

PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Ch. Sridevi #436, 10th Cross, 21st Main J.P. Nagar, BANGALORE -78 phone: 080-6492149, 9845873050 PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER P. Venkata Ramana Plot - 104, Gowthami College for Woman, Sanjeevireddy Nagar HYDERABAD phone: 040-23818275

SITA RAMA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER P. Rama Devi H.No. 817, Vasantha Nagar Colony, HYDERABAD - 27 phone: 09989030022

PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER D. Madhavi 57 MIGH, New Santosh Nagar HYDERABAD - 500069 phone: 09391362837




PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Ravula Anjayya Neredumet Cross, ECIL Road SECUNDERABAD phone: 040-26111744 ADIKMET PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Narendra, K. Vijaya Kumar 1-9-332, Adikmet HYDERABAD phone: 040-27079997 9849474153 MAITREYA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER B. Sivaramappa R1, Owners Court Kasavanahalli Main Road Near Amrith Collage of Engineering, Sarjapur Road BANGALORE - 560037 phone : 080 2844 1722 0 94498 31788 J.C. NAGAR PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Mr. H.J. Raghu No. J-81, New No. 22, 5th Cross, Ist Main, J.C. Nagar Mahalaxmipuram Post BANGALORE 560086 phone : 0 98458 60909 RAJESHWARI PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Smt. Rajeshwai No. 49/1, EAT Street Basavanagudi BANGALORE. phone : 26688157 KONANAKUNTE PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Mr. Narayana Mahandala No. 3, Laxmi Narayan Nilaya Sri Krishna Patteu Works Govt High School Road Konenkunte BANGALORE 560062 phone : 080 2632 1480 BUDDHA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Smt. Sandhya Venkatesh. V No. 1481, 5th Main E Block, Rajaji Nagar, II nd Stage BANGALORE 560010 phone : 080 2352 9193 RADHAKRISHNA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Mr. K. Rajandra Prasad No. 787, Ist D Main II Phase, Giri Nagar BANGALORE-85 phone : 080 2672 1980 SWETHRSHI PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Smt Nivadita Reddy No. 1366, 12th Cross 6th Main, 2nd Stage Mahalaxmipuram Chord Road West BANGALORE 560086 phone : 6570 2272

HANUMANTHA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Mr. Sri Padarao No. 142, 3rd Cross 2nd Main, Hanumantha Nagar BANGALORE 560019 phone : 080 2650 8294 0 98441 68994

BASAVESWARANAGAR PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Dr. N. Krishnappa MBBS No. 642, 8th Main Road 2nd Block 3rd Stage Basaveswaranagar BANGALORE 560079 phone : 080 6562 4227 0 98453 68366

BODHISATWA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Smt Jayanthi No 19, 5th Cross Siddartha Road Chennamanakere Achkat, C.T. Bed BANGALORE phone : 080 2671 4670

VISWA CHAITANYA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Smt. Pushpa Mohan No. 385, 4th B Main Maruthy Layout, Vasanthapura BANGALORE 560061 phone : 080 2666 5848

SRI NAGAR PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER No. 45, 6th Cross 13th Main Road, Sri Nagar BANGALORE 560050 Phone : 99450 04445

ARAVINDA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER K. Varaha Murthy # 371, Sri Krishna Sadan Sri Aravindanagar GAURIBIDANUR - 561208 phone : 92421 62725

SRI KRISHNA PYRAMID SPIRITUAL CARE CENTER Sri Bhimesh Reddy Krishna Nagar Sri Krishna Pyramid Dhyana Kendram, SIRUGUPPA Karnataka phone: 9448061612


Meditation Everywhere


P. Chandra Sekhar 6221, Lexington Ridge Dr LEXINGTON, MA 02421 USA phone: 001-781-538-0293 Ananth Rao Pentakota 16 Hyacinth Drive # 3 M FORDS NEW JERSEY - 08863 USA phone: 001-203-727-7727 Dr. Sudha Koduri 8S 341, Wittington Court NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS USA - 60540 phone: 001-630-416-9475 Jayashree Yaddanapudi 374 - Sterling Drive Morgan Ville NEW JERSEY - 07751 USA phone: 001-732-975-9744

Sairam Prasad Sabmavis 866 Kylewood Place BALLWIN - MO 63021 USA phone: 001-314-482-4664

Krishna Rao Moharir 928, Lafayatte Landing Place ST. CHARLES MU - 63303 USA phone: 001-314-435-6716

Jyoshna Kerthi Reddy 314, Cameron woods Drive APEX - NC - 27523 USA phone: 001-919-924-2287

Janardhan Dikkala 12230 NE 110th Lane Apt #63 KIRKLAND WA - 98033-8802 USA phone: 001-425-576-5017

Ram Kumar Amruthavakkula P.O.Box No. 397 Morgan Ville NEW JERSEY - 07751 USA phone: 001-914-564-1000 Yashoda Kompella 1 South Point - Dr. Apt#306 DORCHESTER - MA 02125 USA phone: 7814922341 7814922341

Sankar Annapa Reddy 13 Heather Wood Court ROCK AWAY NEW JERSEY - 07866 USA phone: 001-732-309-1702

Nandishwar Maredpally Radhika Sripathi - 3685 GibBstone Dr 614-351-6127 COLUMBUS - OH 432041878 USA

Harish Chowdary.V 15 East - 50th Street Apt #6 KANSAS CITY - 64112 MISSOURI, USA phone: 001-816-616-7550

Kishan Kumar Kammari Palle Wood Hollow Apts. 19976302 Maryland Heights St.LOUIS -63043, MISSOUR USA phone: 248-275-5717 511-4266044 Rao Pamarthi 6 - Horham Court St. Albans VICTORIA - 3021 AUSTRALIA phone: 0061-3-93671973

Jorgen Sundvall Jonkopingsvagen 1 S-56332, Granna SWEDEN phone: +46(0)390-12288 +46(0)708-150555

Dhananjay Boddeti PO Box-10045, Qatar Petroleum DUKHAN QATAR phone: +974-4717264 +974-5736653

Dr. Ameeta Uday Naik PO Box 889, P.C. 113 Sultanaje of Oman MUSCAT phone: 968-24605648 968-99419039 968-24698637

Glenda Vega Fellows The Old Manor, Hadzor Worcs Drotwich Spa UK phone: 1905885440 1905773773 7974137931


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