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3GPP TS 23.272

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3GPP TS 23.272 V9.0.

0 (2009-06)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;
Circuit Switched Fallbac in !volved Pacet System;
Sta"e #
$%elease &'
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
LTE, circuit mode, UMTS, GSM
Postal address
3GPP support office address
650 oute de! Lucio"e! - So#$i% &'ti#o"i!
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Copyright Notification
'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *++,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).
.ll rihts reserved.
3MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP
Orani!ational Partners
G"M6 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M .ssociation
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' # %elease &
8 "cope......................................................................................................................................................
* /eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 9efinitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................
3.8 9efinitions...........................................................................................................................................................
3.* .bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................
: Overall 9escription................................................................................................................................
:.8 General 1onsiderations........................................................................................................................................
:.* /eference .rchitecture........................................................................................................................................
:.*.8 /eference points.............................................................................................................................................
:.3 7unctional entities................................................................................................................................................
:.3.8 32..................................................................................................................................................................
:.3.* MM2..............................................................................................................................................................
:.3.3 M"1...............................................................................................................................................................
:.3.: 2;3T/.'......................................................................................................................................................
:.3.< "G"'.............................................................................................................................................................
:.3.= 0""................................................................................................................................................................
:.: 1ontrol plane.....................................................................................................................................................
:.:.8 MM2 ; M"1 "erver.....................................................................................................................................
:.< 1o;e(istence with &M" services........................................................................................................................
:.= 2merency 1alls................................................................................................................................................
< Mobility Manaement..........................................................................................................................
<.8 General...............................................................................................................................................................
<.* .ttach procedure................................................................................................................................................
<.3 9etach procedure...............................................................................................................................................
<.3.8 32;initiated 9etach procedure.....................................................................................................................
<.3.* MM2;initiated 9etach procedure................................................................................................................
<.3.3 >"";initiated 9etach procedure...................................................................................................................
<.3.: .dministration of the MM2 ; M"1?@5/ .ssociation................................................................................
<.: T.?5. 3pdate procedure..................................................................................................................................
<.:.8 1ombined T.?5. 3pdate Procedure...........................................................................................................
<.:.* Periodic T. and 5. 3pdate Procedure........................................................................................................
<.:.3 'on;2P" .lert procedure............................................................................................................................
= Mobile Oriinatin 1all........................................................................................................................
=.8 General...............................................................................................................................................................
=.* Mobile Oriinatin call in .ctive Mode ; P" >O supported............................................................................
=.3 Mobile Oriinatin call in .ctive Mode A 'o P" >O support.........................................................................
=.: Mobile Oriinatin call in &dle Mode................................................................................................................
=.< /eturnin bac# to 2;3T/.'............................................................................................................................
B Mobile Terminatin 1all.......................................................................................................................
B.8 General...............................................................................................................................................................
B.* Mobile Terminatin call in idle mode................................................................................................................
B.3 Mobile Terminatin call in .ctive Mode ; P" >O supported...........................................................................
B.: Mobile Terminatin call in .ctive Mode ; 'o P" >O support.........................................................................
B.< /oamin /etry for 1" fallbac#.........................................................................................................................
B.= /eturnin bac# to 2;3T/.'............................................................................................................................
B.B &nteraction with &"/...........................................................................................................................................
B.B.8 General.........................................................................................................................................................
B.B.* Mobile Terminatin 1all when &"/ is active and "Gs is active between M"1?@5/ and MM2................
B.B.3 Mobile Terminatin 1all when "Gs is not active........................................................................................
C Other 1" "ervices.................................................................................................................................
C.8 General...............................................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3 %elease &
C.* "hort Messae "ervice ("M")...........................................................................................................................
C.*.8 General.........................................................................................................................................................
C.*.* Mobile oriinatin "M" in &dle Mode.........................................................................................................
C.*.3 Mobile oriinatin "M" in .ctive Mode.....................................................................................................
C.*.: Mobile terminatin "M" in idle mode.........................................................................................................
C.*.< Mobile terminatin "M" in .ctive Mode....................................................................................................
C.*.= 1o;2(istence with "M" over eneric 3GPP &P access................................................................................
C.3 5ocation "ervices (51")...................................................................................................................................
C.3.8 MO;5/ procedure........................................................................................................................................
C.3.* MT;5/ procedure.........................................................................................................................................
C.3.3 '&;5/ procedure..........................................................................................................................................
C.3.: /eturnin bac# to 2;3T/.'......................................................................................................................
C.3.< 1o;2(istence with Other 5ocation "ervices................................................................................................
C.3.<.8 1o;2(istence with "3P5.......................................................................................................................
C.: 1all &ndependent "upplementary "ervices........................................................................................................
C.:.8 Mobile;&nitiated 1all &ndependent "" procedure.........................................................................................
C.:.* 'D;&nitiated 1all &ndependent "" procedure..............................................................................................
C.:.3 /eturnin bac# to 2;3T/.'......................................................................................................................
Annex A: Void.......................................................................................................................................
Annex B (normative): CS Fallback to 1xRTT..................................................................................
0.8 Overall 9escription..............................................................................................................................
0.8.8 General 1onsiderations......................................................................................................................................
0.8.* /eference .rchitecture......................................................................................................................................
0.8.*.8 /eference points...........................................................................................................................................
0.8.3 7unctional entities.............................................................................................................................................. 32................................................................................................................................................................
0.8.3.* MM2............................................................................................................................................................ 2;3T/.'....................................................................................................................................................
0.8.: 1o;e(istence with &M" services........................................................................................................................
0.* Procedures............................................................................................................................................
0.*.8 Mobility Manaement.......................................................................................................................................
0.*.8.8 8( /TT 1" Pre;/eistration over 2P" Procedure.......................................................................................
0.*.8.* "8+* Tunnel /edirection..............................................................................................................................
0.*.* Mobile Oriinatin 1all in .ctive Mode...........................................................................................................
0.*.*a Mobile Oriinatin call in &dle Mode................................................................................................................
0.*.3 Mobile Terminatin 1all....................................................................................................................................
0.*.: "hort Messae "ervice ("M")...........................................................................................................................
0.*.:.8 General.........................................................................................................................................................
0.*.:.* Mobile oriinatin "M"...............................................................................................................................
0.*.:.3 Mobile terminatin "M"..............................................................................................................................
0.*.< 2merency 1alls................................................................................................................................................
Annex C (informative): Chane hi!tor"..............................................................................................
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' . %elease &
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re;released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsE
@ersion (.y.!
( the first diitE
8 presented to T"G for informationF
* presented to T"G for approvalF
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-
updates- etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' / %elease &
0 Sco#e
This document defines the "tae * architecture and specification for the 1" 7allbac# for 2P". The scope of this
document includes the architecture enhancements for functionality to enable fallbac# from 2;3T/.' access to
3T/.'?G2/.' 1" domain access and to 19M. 8( /TT 1" domain access- and functionality to reuse of voice and
other 1";domain services (e.. 1" 39& video ? "M"? 51" ? 3""9) by reuse of the 1" domain.
The architecture enhancements to support 1" fallbac# for 19M. 8( /TT 1" domain access are specified in .nne( 0.
2 e4ere'ce!
The followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or
7or a specific reference- subseGuent revisions do not apply.
7or a non;specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)- a non;specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
H8I 3GPP T/ *8.,+<E J@ocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsJ.
H*I 3GPP T" *3.:+8E JGP/" 2nhancements for 2;3T/.' .ccessJ.
H3I 3GPP T" *3.+=+E JGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")F "ervice descriptionF "tae *J.
H:I 3GPP T" ::.+8CE JMobile radio interface layer 3 specification /adio /esource 1ontrol (//1)
H<I 3GPP T" *3.+8CE J0asic call handlinF Technical reali!ationJ.
H=I 3GPP T" :C.++CE JM"1;0"" interface layer 3 specificationF Protocol specificationJ.
HBI 3GPP T" *<.338E J/adio /esource 1ontrol (//1)F Protocol specificationJ.
HCI 3GPP T" *3.*B8E J7unctional stae * description of 5ocation "ervices (51")J.
H,I Open Mobile .lliance- OM. .9 "3P5E J"ecure 3ser Plane 5ocation .rchitectureJ-
H8+I 3GPP T" *3.+,+E J3nstructured "upplementary "ervice 9ata (3""9)F "tae *J.
H88I @oid.
H8*I 3GPP T" ::.+=+E JM";0"" interfaceF /51?M.1 protocol J.
H83I 3GPP T" *:.+8+E J"upplementary services specificationF General aspectsJ.
H8:I 3GPP T" *3.+:+E JTechnical reali!ation of the "hort Messae "ervice ("M")J.
H8<I 3GPP T" *3.*+:E J"hort Messae "ervice ("M") over eneric 3GPP &nternet Protocol (&P)
H8=I 3GPP* .."+++C;1E J&nteroperability "pecification (&O") for >ih /ate Pac#et 9ata (>/P9)
/adio .ccess 'etwor# &nterfaces with "ession 1ontrol in the .ccess 'etwor#J.
H8BI 3GPP* .."+++,;1E J&nteroperability "pecification (&O") for >ih /ate Pac#et 9ata (>/P9)
/adio .ccess 'etwor# &nterfaces with "ession 1ontrol in the Pac#et 1ontrol 7unctionJ.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' - %elease &
H8CI 3GPP* .."++83;1E J&nteroperability "pecification (&O") for cdma*+++ .ccess 'etwor# &nterfaces
A part 3 7eaturesJ.
H8,I 3GPP T/ 3=.,3CE J&mproved 'etwor# 1ontrolled Mobility between 2;3T/.' and
3GPP*?Mobile DiM.K /adio TechnoloiesJ.
H*+I 3GPP T" *3.*8=E J"inle /adio @oice 1all 1ontinuity ("/@11)F "tae *J.
H*8I 3GPP T" *:.++CE JMobile radio interface 5ayer 3 specificationF 1ore networ# protocolsF "tae 3J.
H**I 3GPP* K."++:*;+E J@oice 1all 1ontinuity between &M" and 1ircuit "witched "ystemJ.
H*3I 3GPP T" *3.*3=E J&ntra;domain connection of /adio .ccess 'etwor# (/.') nodes to multiple
1ore 'etwor# (1') nodesJ.
H*:I 3GPP T" :3.+<<E J/adio .ccess 'etwor#F 9ual Transfer Mode (9TM)F "tae *J.
H*<I 3GPP T" *3.*,*E J&M" 1entralised "ervices (&1")F "tae *J.
H*=I 3GPP T" *3.**8E J.rchitectural /eGuirementsJ.
H*BI 3GPP T" *3.:+*E J.rchitecture enhancements for non;3GPP accessesJ.
3 5e4i'itio'! %'d %((re6i%tio'!
3.0 5e4i'itio'!
7or the purposes of the present document- the terms and definitions iven in T/ *8.,+< H8I apply. . term defined in the
present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same term- if any- in T/ *8.,+< H8I.
1xCS: The 3GPP* leacy circuit "witched sinallin system as defined in 3GPP* K."++:*;+ H**I.
3.2 &((re6i%tio'!
7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations iven in T/ *8.,+< H8I apply. .n abbreviation defined in
the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation- if any- in T/ *8.,+< H8I.
8(1" &D" 1ircuit "witched 7allbac# &nterwor#in solution 7unction for 3GPP* 8(1".
&1" &M" 1entralised "ervices
'2.7 'on;2P" .lert 7la.
"/@11 "inle /adio @oice 1all 1ontinuity
. 76er%"" 5e!cri#tio'
..0 Ge'er%" +o'!ider%tio'!
The 1" fallbac# in 2P" enables the provisionin of voice and other 1";domain services (e.. 1" 39& video? "M"?
51"? 3""9) by reuse of 1" infrastructure when the 32 is served by 2;3T/.'. . 1" fallbac# enabled terminal-
connected to 2;3T/.' may use G2/.' or 3T/.' to connect to the 1";domain. This function is only available in
case 2;3T/.' coverae is overlapped by either G2/.' coverae or 3T/.' coverae.
1" 7allbac# and &M";based services shall be able to co;e(ist in the same operatorLs networ#.
The &1" architecture as defined in T" *3.*,* H*<I shall be able to co;e(ist with utilisin 1" 7allbac# as the 1" domain
in the same operator$s networ#.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' ) %elease &
..2 e4ere'ce &rc$itecture
The 1" fallbac# in 2P" function is reali!ed by usin the "Gs interface mechanism between the M"1 "erver and the
The "Gs interface functionality is based on the mechanisms specified for the Gs interface- T" *3.+=+ H3I.
Fi"ure .(#,01 CS fallbac in !PS architecture
'OT2 8E The MGD is not shown in the fiure :.*;8 since the 1" fallbac# in 2P" does not have any impacts to the
3;plane handlin.
'OT2 *E "G"' and "3 have additional functionality related to 1" fallbac# with &"/. &f &"/ is not used with 1"
fallbac#- this functionality is not reGuired.
..2.0 e4ere'ce #oi't!
S#!E &t is the reference point between the MM2 and M"1 server. The "Gs reference point is used for the
mobility manaement and pain procedures between 2P" and 1" domain- and is based on the Gs
interface procedures. The "Gs reference point is also used for the delivery of both mobile oriinatin and
mobile terminatin "M". .dditional procedures for alinment with the Gs reference point are not
S$E &t is defined in T" *3.:+8 H*I with the additional functionality to support 1" fallbac# with &"/ as defined
in this specification.
..3 )u'ctio'%" e'titie!
..3.0 UE
The 1" fallbac# capable 32 supports access to 2;3T/.'?2P1 as well as access to the 1" domain over G2/.'
and?or 3T/.'. &t supports the followin additional functionsE
; 1ombined procedures specified in this document for 2P"?&M"& attach- update and detach.
; 1" fallbac# and "M" procedures specified in this document for usin 1" domain services.
. 32 usin 1" fallbac# supports &"/ accordin to T" *3.:+8 H*I. &n particular a 32 deactivates &"/ at reception of
5.3 accept or at reception of combined /.3?5.3 accept response with no &"/ indication.
The coe(istence with &M" services for voice?"M" is defined in clause :.<.
There are no other 1" fallbac# &"/;specifics for the 32 compared to &"/ description in T" *3.:+8 H*I- i.e. if &"/ is
active the 32 can chane between all reistered areas and /.Ts without performin update sinallin. The 32 listens
for pain on the /.T it is currently camped on.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 2 %elease &
..3.2 MME
The 1" fallbac# enabled MM2 supports the followin additional functionsE
; 9erivin a @5/ number and 5.& from the G3T& received from the 32 or from a default 5.&.
; Maintainin of "Gs association towards M"1?@5/ for 2P"?&M"& attached 32.
; &nitiatin &M"& detach at 2P" detach.
; &nitiatin pain procedure specified in this document towards e'ode0 when M"1 paes the 32 for 1"
; "upportin "M" procedures defined in this document.
; /ejectin 1" 7allbac# call reGuest (e.. due to OMM reasons)
.n MM2 that supports 1" 7allbac# uses the 5.& and a hash value from the &M"& to determine the @5/ number as
defined in T" *3.*3= H*3I when multiple M"1?@5/s serve the same 5.&. The same hash value?function is used by
"G"' to determine the @5/ number.
..3.3 MS+
The 1" fallbac# enabled M"1 supports the followin additional functionsE
; Maintainin "Gs association towards MM2 for 2P"?&M"& attached 32.
; "upportin "M" procedures defined in this document.
'OT2E The 1" 7allbac# enabled M"1 can also be enhanced to support &1" as defined in T" *3.*,* H*<I and?or
"/@11 as defined in T" *3.*8= H*+I.
..3.. E-UT&*
The 1" fallbac# enabled 2;3T/.' supports the followin additional functionsE
; 7orwardin pain reGuest and "M" to the 32.
; 9irectin the 32 to the taret 1" capable cell.
..3.5 SGS*
&f the "G"' supports &"/- "G"' shall follow the rules and procedures described in T" *3.:+8 H*I and T" *3.+=+ H3I
with the followin additions and clarificationsE
; The "G"' shall not send the &"/ activated indication at combined /.3?5.3 procedure.
.n "G"' that supports Gs uses 5.& and a hash value from the &M"& to determine the @5/ number as defined in
T" *3.*3= H*3I when multiple M"1?@5/s serve the same 5.&. The same hash value?function is used by MM2 to
determine the @5/ number.
..3.6 8SS
&f the networ# supports &"/- the 1" fallbac# enabled 0"" e(hibits the followin behaviourE
; 2ven if the networ# is operatin in 'MO &&?&&& the 0"" shall forward Gb interface pain messaes onto the
radio interface. The 0"" in a networ# operatin in 'MO &&?&&& shall not be confiured to use P011>.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' & %elease &
... +o'tro" #"%'e
....0 MME - MS+ Ser6er
SGsAP1 T$i! #rotoco" i! u!ed to co''ect %' MME to %' MS+ Ser6er (%!ed o' t$e 8SS&P-.
Stream Control Transmission Protocol $SCTP'1 T$i! #rotoco" tr%'!4er! !i3'%""i'3 me!!%3e!.
Fi"ure .(.(0,01 SGs 4nterface
..5 +o-e/i!te'ce 2it$ 9MS !er6ice!
. 1" 7allbac# and &M" capable 32 shall follow the procedures for domain selection for 32 oriinatin session?calls
accordin to T" *3.**8 H*=I $9omain selection for 32 oriinatin sessions ? calls$.
&f a 32 is confiured to use "M" over &P services it shall- if reistered to &M"- send "M" over &M"- even if it is
2P"?&M"& attached.
'OT2E The home operator has to be able to activate?deactivate the 32 confiuration to use "M" over &P by
means of device manaement in order to allow alinment with >P5M' support of "M" over &P.
..6 Emer3e'c: +%""!
Dhen 32 is performin 1" fallbac# procedure for Mobile Oriinatin 1all for the purpose of emerency call- it shall
indicate to the MM2 that this 1" fallbac# reGuest is for emerency purpose. MM2 also indicates to the 2;3T/.' via
the appropriate "8;.P messae that this 1" fallbac# procedure is for emerency purpose.
'OT2E 2;3T/.' may use the emerency indication for selectin a particular radio access networ# (*G or 3G)
for 1" emerency handlin.
5 Mo(i"it: M%'%3eme't
5.0 Ge'er%"
The 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed by usin the "Gs interface mechanism between the M"1 "erver and the MM2.
5.2 &tt%c$ #rocedure
The attach procedure for the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed based on the combined GP/"?&M"& .ttach procedure
specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0+ %elease &
Fi"ure /(#,01 Attach Procedure
8) The 32 initiates the attach procedure by the transmission of an .ttach /eGuest (parameters as specified in
T" *3.:+8 H*I includin the .ttach Type) messae to the MM2. The .ttach Type indicates that the 32 reGuests a
combined 2P"?&M"& attach and informs the networ# that the 32 is capable and confiured to use 1" fallbac#.
*) "tep * to step 8B of the 2P" .ttach procedure are performed as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
3) The @5/ shall be updated accordin to the combined GP/"?&M"& .ttach procedure in T" *3.+=+ H3I if the
.ttach /eGuest messae includes an .ttach Type indicatin that the 32 reGuests a combined 2P"?&M"& attach.
The MM2 allocates a default 5.&- which is confiured on the MM2 and may ta#e into account the current T.&
and?or 2;1G&. The MM2 derives a @5/ number based on the allocated 5.& and on an &M"& hash function
defined in T" *3.*3= H*3I. The MM2 starts the location update procedure towards the new M"1?@5/ upon
receipt of the first &nsert "ubscriber 9ata messae from the >"" in step *). This operation mar#s the M" as 2P";
attached in the @5/.
:) The MM2 sends a 5ocation 3pdate /eGuest (new 5.&- &M"&- MM2 address- 5ocation 3pdate Type) messae to
the @5/. MM2 address is an &P address.
<) The @5/ creates an association with the MM2 by storin MM2 address.
=) The @5/ performs 5ocation 3pdatin procedure in 1" domain.
B) The @5/ responds with 5ocation 3pdate .ccept (@5/ TM"&) to the MM2.
C) The 2P" .ttach procedure is completed by performin step 8C to step *= as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I. (.ttach
.ccept messae includes the parameters as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- 5.& and @5/ TM"&. 5.& as allocated in
step 3 above. The e(istence of 5.& and @5/ TM"& indicates successful attach to 1" domain).
'OT2E The case of unsuccessful attach to 1" domain is documented in stae 3 specifications- ta#in into account
reachability for 1" services of 32s that have the user preference to prioriti!e voice over data services and
are not confiured?supportin to use &M" voice services.
5.3 5et%c$ #rocedure
5.3.0 UE-i'iti%ted 5et%c$ #rocedure
The 32;initiated 9etach procedure for the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed based on the M";&nitiated 9etach Procedure
specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 00 %elease &
Fi"ure /(3(0,01 5!,initiated 6etach Procedure
8) The 32 initiates the detach procedure by the transmission of a 9etach /eGuest (parameters as specified in
T" *3.:+8 H*I- 9etach Type) messae to the MM2. 9etach Type indicates which type of detach is to be
performed- i.e.- &M"& 9etach only or combined 2P" and &M"& 9etach.
*) &f 9etach /eGuest is indicated in step 8- the 32;initiated 9etach procedure for 2;3T/.' is continued as
specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
3) The MM2 sends an &M"& 9etach &ndication (&M"&) messae to the @5/.
:) The @5/ removes the association with the MM2.
<) The MM2 sends a 9etach .ccept messae as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
=) The 32;initiated 9etach procedure for 2;3T/.' is completed with step 8* to step 8: as specified in
T" *3.:+8 H*I.
5.3.2 MME-i'iti%ted 5et%c$ #rocedure
The MM2;initiated detach procedure for the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed based on the "G"';&nitiated 9etach
Procedure specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0# %elease &
Fi"ure /(3(#,01 77!,initiated 6etach Procedure
8) The MM2;initiated 9etach procedure is performed as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
*) The MM2 sends an &M"& 9etach &ndication (&M"&) messae to the @5/.
3) The @5/ removes the association with the MM2.
5.3.3 ;SS-i'iti%ted 5et%c$ #rocedure
The >"";initiated detach procedure for the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed based on the >5/;&nitiated 9etach Procedure
specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
Fi"ure /(3(3,01 8SS,initiated 6etach Procedure
8) The >"";initiated 9etach procedure is performed as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
*) The MM2 sends an &M"& 9etach &ndication (&M"&) messae to the @5/.
3) The @5/ removes the association with the MM2.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 03 %elease &
5.3.. &dmi'i!tr%tio' o4 t$e MME - MS+1VL &!!oci%tio'
The MM2 ; M"1?@5/ association is created at the followin occasionsE
; 1ombined 2P"? &M"& attach in clause <.*.
; 1ombined T.?5. 3pdate in clause <.:.
The association is updated on the followin occasionsE
; Dhen an 32 chanes MM2.
The MM2 ; M"1?@5/ association is removed at the followin occasionsE
; 32;initiated 9etach in clause <.3.8.
; MM2 initiated 9etach in clause <.3.*.
; >"" initiated 9etach in clause <.3.3.
; Gs association establishment in *?3G- see T" *3.+=+ H3I.
; M"1?@5/ receives an 5. update via the . or &u interface.
5.. T&1L& U#d%te #rocedure
5...0 +om(i'ed T&1L& U#d%te Procedure
'OT2E The combined T.?5. 3pdate procedure for the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is reali!ed based on the combined
/.?5. 3pdate procedure specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
Fi"ure /(.(0,01 Combined TA 9 3A 5pdate Procedure
8) The 32 detects a chane to a new T. by discoverin that its current T.& is not in the list of T.&s that the 32
reistered with the networ# or the 32$s T&' indicates the need for a T.3 when re;selectin to 2;3T/.'.. The
combined T.?5. 3pdate Procedure is also performed in order to re;establish the "Gs association.
*) The 32 initiates the T.3 procedure by sendin a T.3 /eGuest (parameters as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I
includin the 3pdate Type) messae to the MM2. The 3pdate Type indicates that this is a combined Trac#in
.rea?5ocation .rea 3pdate /eGuest or a combined Trac#in .rea?5ocation .rea 3pdate with &M"& attach
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0. %elease &
3) "tep : to step 8, of the 2P" T.3 procedure are performed as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
:) &f there is an associated @5/ in the MM conte(t- the @5/ also needs to be updated. &f the association has to be
established or if the 5. chaned- the new MM2 sends a 5ocation 3pdate /eGuest (new 5.&- &M"&- MM2
address- 5ocation 3pdate Type) messae to the @5/. 'ew 5.& is determined in the MM2 based on the received
G3T& from the 32. &f this G3T& is mapped from a P;TM"&?/.&- the 5.& is retrieved from the G3T& without
any modification by the MM2. Otherwise- the MM2 allocates a default 5.&- which is confiured on the MM2
and may ta#e into account the current T.&?or 2;1G&. The MM2 retrieves the correspondin @5/ number from
the determined 5.&. &f multiple M"1?@5/s serve this 5.& an &M"& hash function is used to retrieve the @5/
number for the 5.& as defined in T" *3.*3= H*3I. The 5ocation 3pdate Type shall indicate normal location
update. The MM2 address is an &P address.
<) The @5/ performs 5ocation 3pdate procedure in 1" domain.
=) The @5/ responds with 5ocation 3pdate .ccept (@5/ TM"&) to the MM2.
B) The MM2 sends a T.3 .ccept (parameters as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- 5.&- @5/ TM"&) messae to the 32.
The @5/ TM"& is optional if the @5/ has not chaned. 5.& is determined in step : above. The presences of the
5.& indicate to the 32 that it is &M"& attached.
C) The 32 may send a T.3 complete messae as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I for the T.3 procedure.
5...2 Periodic T& %'d L& U#d%te Procedure
Dhen the 32 is camped on 2;3T/.'- periodic 5. updates shall not be performed- but periodic T. updates shall be
performed. &n this case- an "Gs association is established and the M"1?@5/ shall disable implicit detach for 2P";
attached 32s and instead rely on the MM2 to receive periodic T. updates. &f periodic T. updates are not received in
the MM2 then the MM2 may implicitly detach the 32 as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I. This MM2 implicit detach does
not affect any "G"' attach status. .t an implicit detach- the MM2 also releases the "Gs association with the
M"1?@5/. The M"1 continues to maintain the reistered 5. for the 32. The M"1 chanes to supervise 5. updates
and paes in the still reistered 5. when mobile terminated services arrive.
Dhen the 32 camps on G2/.'?3T/.' it may perform combined /.?5. updates. The combined /.?5. update
procedures and the conditions for their usae are described in T" *3.+=+ H3I. . 1"70 capable 32 initiates any T.
update procedure as a combined T.?5. update.
5...3 *o'-EPS &"ert #rocedure
The M"1?@5/ may reGuest an MM2 to report activity from a specific 32. &n this case- the M"1?@5/ shall send a
"Gs.P .lert /eGuest (&M"&) messae to the MM2 where the 32 is currently 2P";attached.
3pon reception of the "Gs.P .lert /eGuest (&M"&) messae- the MM2 shall set '2.7 ('on;2P" .lert 7la). &f '2.7
is set for an 32- the MM2 shall inform the M"1?@5/ when the ne(t activity from that 32 (and the 32 is both &M"&;
and 2P" attached) is detected- and shall clear '2.7.
&f the activity detected by the MM2 leads to a procedure towards the M"1?@5/- the MM2 shall just follow this
procedure. &f the activity detected by the MM2 does not lead to any procedure towards the M"1?@5/- the MM2 shall
send an 32 .ctivity &ndication (&M"&) messae towards the M"1?@5/.
6 Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 +%""
6.0 Ge'er%"
This clause describes the mobile oriinatin call procedures for the 1" 7allbac# in 2P".
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0/ %elease &
6.2 Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 c%"" i' &cti6e Mode - PS ;7 !u##orted
Fi"ure -(#,01 CS Call %e:uest in !,5T%A;< Call in G!%A;95T%A;
'OT2 8E 9TM is not mandatory for 1" 7allbac# to wor# and is not lin#ed to P" >O.
8a. The 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to MM2. 2(tended "ervice /eGuest
messae is encapsulated in //1 and "8;.P messaes. 1" 7allbac# &ndicator indicates MM2 to perform 1"
7allbac#. The 32 only transmits this reGuest if it is attached to 1" domain (with a combined 2P"?&M"& .ttach)
and can not initiate an &M" voice session (because e.. the 32 is not &M" reistered or &M" voice services are
not supported by the servin &P;1.'- home P5M' or 32).
8b. The MM2 sends an "8;.P /eGuest messae to e'0 that includes a 1" 7allbac# indicator. This messae
indicates to the e'0 that the 32 should be moved to 3T/.'?G2/.'.
*. The e'ode0 may optionally solicit a measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret G2/.'?3T/.'
cell to which P" handover will be performed.
3. The e'ode0 triers P" handover to a G2/.'?3T/.' neihbour cell by sendin a >andover /eGuired
messae to the MM2. &n the followin an inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.' or G2/.' as
specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I beins. .s part of this handover- the 32 receives a >O from 2;3T/.' 1ommand
and tries to connect to a cell in the taret /.T. The >O from 2;3T/.' 1ommand may contain a 1" 7allbac#
&ndicator which indicates to 32 that the handover is triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the >O from 2;
3T/.' 1ommand contains a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T-
then the 32 considers that 1" fallbac# has failed. "ervice /eGuest procedure is considered to be successfully
completed when P" >andover procedure is completed successfully.
'OT2 *E 9urin the P" >O the "G"' does not create a Gs association with the M"1?@5/.
'OT2 3E "ervice /eGuest procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently lon considerin the optional
measurement reportin at step *.
:. Taret /.T is 3T/.' or G2/.' &u modeE &f both- the 32 and the new cell support enhanced 1"
establishment in 9TM a // connection may be established while in pac#et transfer mode without release of the
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0- %elease &
pac#et resources- see T" :3.+<< H*:I clause =.8.3. Otherwise the networ# releases all T07s allocated in the P"
>andover 1ommand messae and moves the 32 to Pac#et &dle mode- see T" ::.+=+ H8*I. The 32 establishes
1" sinallin connection by sendin an //1 &nitial 9irect Transfer messae as specified in T" *<.338 HBI that
contains a 1M "ervice /eGuest. The 1' 9omain &ndicator is set to J1"J in the &nitial 9irect Transfer messae.
Taret /.T is G2/.' .?Gb modeE The 32 establishes an // connection by usin the procedures specified in
T" ::.+8C H:I (i.e. 32 reGuests and is assined a dedicated channel where it sends a ".0M containin a layer 3
"ervice /eGuest messae to the 0"" and the 0"" responds by sendin a 3.). 3pon receivin the ".0M
(containin 1M "ervice /eGuest messae) the 0"" sends a 1OMP52T2 5.N2/ 3 &'7O/M.T&O' messae
(containin the 1M "ervice /eGuest messae) to the M"1 which indicates 1" resources have been allocated in
the G2/.' cell. .fter the establishment of the main sinallin lin# as described in T" ::.+8C H:I the 32 enters
either 9ual Transfer Mode or 9edicated Mode and the 1" call establishment procedure completes.
<. &n case the M"1 servin the *G?3G taret cell is different from the M"1 that served the 32 while camped on
2;3T/.'- the M"1 shall reject the service reGuest- if implicit location update is not performed. The 1M
"ervice /eject shall trier the 32 to perform a 5ocation .rea 3pdate as followsE
; &f the taret system operates in 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) & the 32 shall perform a combined
/.?5. update- as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I. &n this case- the "G"' establishes a Gs association with the
M"1?@5/ as specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I- which replaces the "Gs association with the MM2.
; &f the taret system operates in 'MO && or &&& the 32 performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate towards the M"1. &n
this case- the M"1 will release the "Gs association with the MM2.
=. The 32 initiates the 1" call establishment procedure.
B. .fter the 32 moves to a cell in the taret /.T- the inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.' or G2/.'
as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I is completed. .t the end of this handover the 32 may trier the /outin .rea
3pdate procedure when the sendin of uplin# pac#et data is possible. The detailed steps performed are as per
T" *3.:+8 H*I.
&f the 32 remains on 3T/.'?G2/.' after the 1" voice call is terminated the 32 performs normal mobility
manaement procedures as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I and T" *:.++C H*8I- i.e. if the 32 is not reistered in the current
/.?5.- the 32 performs combined /.?5. update procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &- or 5. update
procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &&?&&&. .lso for 'MO & if the 32 performed only /. update due to
the 1" call the 32 performs a combined /.?5. update (see T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause =.3.8) which creates the Gs
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0) %elease &
6.3 Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 c%"" i' &cti6e Mode < *o PS ;7 !u##ort
Fi"ure -(3,01 CS Call %e:uest in !,5T%A;< Call in G!%A;95T%A; without PS 8=
8a. The 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2. 2(tended "ervice /eGuest
messae is encapsulated in //1 and "8;.P messaes. 1" 7allbac# &ndicator indicates MM2 to perform 1"
7allbac#. The 32 only transmits this reGuest if it is attached to 1" domain (with a combined 2P"?&M"& .ttach)
and can not initiate an &M" voice session (because e.. the 32 is not &M" reistered or &M" voice services are
not supported by the servin &P;1.'- home P5M' or 32).
8b. The MM2 sends an "8;.P /eGuest messae to e'0 that includes a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator. This messae
indicates to the e'0 that the 32 should be moved to 3T/.'?G2/.'.
*. The e'ode0 may optionally solicit a measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret G2/.' cell to
which the redirection procedure will be performed.
3a. &f the 32 and networ# support inter;/.T cell chane order to G2/.' and the taret cell is G2/.'E The
e'ode0 triers an inter;/.T cell chane order (optionally with '.11) to a G2/.' neihbour cell by sendin
an //1 messae to the 32. The inter;/.T cell chane order may contain a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator which
indicates to 32 that the cell chane order is triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the inter;/.T cell chane
order contains a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T- then the 32
considers that 1" fallbac# has failed. "ervice /eGuest procedure is considered to be successfully completed
when cell chane order procedure is completed successfully.
3b. &f the 32 or the networ# does not support inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to G2/.'?3T/.' nor inter;
/.T cell chane order to G2/.'E The e'ode0 triers //1 connection release with redirection to
G2/.'?3T/.' instead of P" >O or '.11.
'OT2 *E "ervice /eGuest procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently lon considerin the optional
measurement reportin at step *.
:. The e'ode0 sends an "8 32 1onte(t /elease /eGuest (1ause) messae to the MM2. 1ause indicates that the
32 is not available for the P" service.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 02 %elease &
<. "8 32 1onte(t in the e'ode0 is released as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
=. The 32 moves to the new cell in the *G /.T and establishes an // connection usin leacy procedures. &f the
32 obtains 5.?/. information of the new cell (e.. based on the system information) and the 5.?/. of the new
cell is different from the one stored in the 32- it performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate or a 1ombined /.?5.
3pdate procedure in case the taret system operates 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) &. .lternatively- in
'MO & the 32 may perform 5. over the // connection instead of combined /.?5. over the pac#et access- as
defined in T" *:.++C H*8I- clause :.B.<.*.<- unless enhanced 1" establishment in 9TM is supported.
B. Dhen the taret G2/.' cell does not support 9TM- the 32 starts the "uspend procedure specified in
T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause 8=.*.8.8.*. This triers the "G"' to send a "uspend /eGuest messae to the MM2. The
MM2 returns a "uspend /esponse to the "G"'- which contains the MM and P9P conte(ts of the 32.
C. The MM2 starts the preservation of non;G0/ bearers and the deactivation of G0/ bearers.
,. The 32 continues with the MO call setup procedure.
8+a. &n case the M"1 servin the *G?3G cell is different from the M"1 that served the 32 while camped on
2;3T/.' and if the 5ocation .rea 3pdate ? 1ombined /.?5. 3pdate was not performed in step =- the M"1
shall reject the call setup service reGuest- if implicit location update is not performed.
8+b. . 32 detectin that the M"1 rejected the service reGuest shall perform the 5ocation .rea 3pdate accordin
to e(istin G2/.' or 3T/.' procedures.
8+c. .fter completion of the 5ocation .rea 3pdate the 32 continues with a MO call setup procedure.
88. .fter the 1" voice call is terminated and if the 32 is still in G2/.'?3T/.'- then (as specified in
T" *3.+=+ H3I) the 32 shall resume P" services by sendin a /outein .rea 3pdate /eGuest messae to the
"G"'. The 3pdate Type depends on the mode of operation of the G2/.' networ#- e.. in mode & a 1ombined
/.?5. 3pdate is used and in mode && or &&& /outein .rea 3pdate is used.
&f the 32 remains on 3T/.'?G2/.' after the 1" voice call is terminated the 32 performs normal mobility
manaement procedures as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I and T" *:.++C H*8I- i.e. if the 32 is not reistered in the current
/.?5.- the 32 performs combined /.?5. update procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &- or 5. update
procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &&?&&&. .lso for 'MO & if the 32 performed only /. update due to
the 1" call the 32 performs a combined /.?5. update (see T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause =.3.8) which creates the Gs
6.. Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 c%"" i' 9d"e Mode
Mobile Oriinatin call in &dle Mode procedure is specified by reusin the Mobile Oriinatin 1all in .ctive mode
procedure with 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2. The 32 is transited to 21M;
1O''21T29 mode by followin the applicable procedures specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
6.5 etur'i'3 (%c= to E-UT&*
Once 1" service ends in 1" domain- e(istin mechanisms can be used to move the 32 to 2;3T/.'- no specific 1"
7allbac# mechanisms are needed.
Dhen the 32 moves to 2;3T/.'- if the 2P" service was suspended durin the 1" service- it is resumed accordin to
the procedure shown in the fiure =.<;8 below.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 0& %elease &
Fi"ure -(/,01 %esume Procedure returnin" from CS fallbac no PS 8=
8. The 32 sends a '." messae- e.. "ervice /eGuest or T.3- to the MM2.
*. &f the 32 conte(t in the MM2 indicates that 32 is in suspended status- the MM2 sends a /esume /eGuest
(&M"&) messae to the ";GD that reGuests the resumption of 2P" bearers for the 32.
3. The ";GD ac#nowledes the /esume /eGuest and clears the 32$s suspendin status.
:. The '." messae is processed accordinly.
7 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 +%""
7.0 Ge'er%"
This clause describes the mobile terminatin call procedures for the 1" 7allbac# in 2P".
7.2 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 c%"" i' id"e mode
The procedure for Mobile Terminatin 1all in idle mode is illustrated in fiure B.*;8.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #+ %elease &
Fi"ure )(#,01 7obile Terminatin" Call in idle mode
8. G;M"1 receives &.M.
*. G;M"1 retrieves routin information of the terminatin 32 by "end /outin &nfo procedures as specified in
T" *3.+8C H<I.
3. G;M"1 sends &.M to the M"1 on the terminatin side as specified in T" *3.+8C H<I.
:. The MM2 receives a Pain (&M"&- @5/ TM"&- 5ocation &nformation) messae from the M"1 over a "Gs
interface. The TM"& (or &M"&) received from the M"1 is used by the MM2 to find the ";TM"& which is used as
the pain address on the radio interface &f location information is reliably #nown by MM2 (i.e. MM2 stores the
list of T.s)- the MM2 shall pae the 32 in all the T.s. &f the MM2 does not have a stored T. list for the 32- the
MM2 should use the location information received from the M"1 to pae the 32.
'OT2 8E This procedure ta#es place before step 3- immediately after M"1 receives M.POP/' from >""- if pre;
pain is deployed.
<. The MM2 sends a Pain (as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I) messae to each e'ode0. The Pain messae
includes a suitable 32 &dentity (i.e. ";TM"& or &M"&) and a 1' 9omain &ndicator that indicates which domain
(1" or P") initiated the pain messae. &n this case it shall be set to J1"J by the MM2.
=. The radio resource part of the pain procedure ta#es place. The messae contains a suitable 32 &dentity (i.e.
";TM"& or &M"&) and a 1' 9omain indicator.
Ba. The 32 establishes an //1 connection and sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to
MM2. The 32 indicates its ";TM"& in the //1 sinallin. The 2(tended "ervice /eGuest messae is
encapsulated in //1 and "8;.P messaes. The 1" 7allbac# &ndicator indicates to the MM2 that 1" 7allbac#
for this 32 is reGuired.
Bb. MM2 sends "8;.PE &nitial 32 1onte(t "etup (32 capabilities- 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and other parameters
specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I) to indicate the e'ode0 to move the 32 to 3T/.'?G2/.'.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #0 %elease &
Ca. &f the 32 and the networ# support P" handoverE 3pon receipt of the &nitial 32 1onte(t "etup messae with a 1"
7allbac# &ndicator the e'ode0 may optionally solicit measurement reports from the 32 to determine the taret
cell to which P" handover will be performed. . P" handover is then performed as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I. .s
part of this P" handover- the 32 receives a >O from 2;3T/.' 1ommand that may contain a 1" 7allbac#
&ndicator- which indicates to 32 that the handover is triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the >O from 2;
3T/.' 1ommand contains a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T-
then the 32 considers that 1" fallbac# has failed.
Cb. &f the 32 or the networ# does not support P" handoverE. 3pon receipt of the &nitial 32 1onte(t "etup messae
with a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator the e'ode0 may optionally solicit measurement reports from the 32 to determine
the taret cell to redirect the 32 to. .fter that- based on the 32 and networ# capability supportin '.11- the
e'0 triers an inter /.T cell chane order (optionally with '.11) to a G2/.' neihbour cell or releases the
//1 1onnection with redirection info to chane to 1" capable /.Ts (/.T- freGuency). &n this case the 32
receives in inter;/.T cell chane order that may contain a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator which indicates to 32 that the
cell chane order is triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the inter;/.T cell chane order contains a 1"
7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T- then the 32 considers that 1"
fallbac# has failed.
Cc. &f the 32 obtains 5.?/. information of the new 3T/.'?G2/.' cell (e.. based on the system information or
redirection info) and the 5.?/. of the new cell is different from the one stored in the 32- it performs a 5ocation
.rea 3pdate or a 1ombined /.?5. procedure if the taret system operates in 'etwor# Mode of Operation
('MO) &- accordin to T" *3.+=+ H3I.
Cd. The 32 responds with a pae response messae to the M"1 as followsE
; &f Taret /.T is 3T/.' or G2/.' &u mode- the 32 establishes an //1 connection and responds to the
pain in an //1 &nitial 9irect Transfer messae as specified in T" *<.338 HBI. The 1' 9omain &ndicator is
set to J1"J in the &nitial 9irect Transfer messae. Dhen received at the /'1- the Pain /esponse messae
is sent in an /.'.P &nitial 32 messae to the M"1.
; &f Taret /.T is G2/.' .?Gb modeE the 32 establishes an // connection by usin the procedures
specified in T" ::.+8C H=I (i.e. 32 reGuests and is assined a dedicated channel where it sends a ".0M
containin a layer 3 "ervice /eGuest messae P P.G&'G /2"PO'"2 to the 0"" and the 0"" responds by
sendin a 3.). .fter the establishment of the main sinallin lin# as described in T" ::.+8C H:I the 32
enters either 9ual Transfer Mode or 9edicated Mode and the 1" call establishment procedure completes.
Dhen received at the 0"1- the Pain /esponse messae is sent in a 0"".P 1OMP52T2 5.N2/ 3
&'7O/M.T&O' messae to the M"1 as specified in T" :C.++C H=I.
'OT2 *E The 0"" should be prepared to receive a P.G&'G /2"PO'"2 even when a correspondin P.G&'G
/2Q32"T has not been sent by this 0"". .lso- the M"1 should be prepared to receive a pain response
after a relatively lon time from when the 1" Pain was sent (step :).
,a. &n case the M"1 servin the *G?3G cell is the same as the M"1 that served the 32 while camped on 5T2- it
shall stop the pain response timer and establish the 1" connection.
,b. &f the M"1 that receives the pain response is different from the M"1 that sent the pain reGuest and if the
5ocation .rea 3pdate ? 1ombined /.?5. 3pdate was not performed in step Cc- the M"1 shall reject the pae
response by releasin the .?&u;cs connection. The 0"1?/'1 in turn releases the sinallin connection for 1"
domain. The sinallin connection release shall trier the 32 to perform a 5ocation .rea 3pdate as followsE
; &f the taret system operates in 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) & the 32 shall perform a combined
/.?5. update- as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
; &f the taret system operates in 'MO && or &&& the 32 performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate towards the M"1.
The 5ocation .rea 3pdate triers the /oamin /etry for 1" 7allbac# procedure as defined in clause B.<.
&f the 32 remains on 3T/.'?G2/.' after the 1" voice call is terminated the 32 performs normal mobility
manaement procedures as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I and T" *:.++C H*8I- i.e. if the 32 is not reistered in the current
/.?5.- the 32 performs combined /.?5. update procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &- or 5. update
procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &&?&&&. .lso for 'MO & if the 32 performed only /. update due to
the 1" call the 32 performs a combined /.?5. update (see T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause =.3.8) which creates the Gs
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' ## %elease &
7.3 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 c%"" i' &cti6e Mode - PS ;7 !u##orted
Fi"ure )(3,01 CS Pa"e in !,5T%A;< Call in G!%A;95T%A; > Preparation Phase
8a. The M"1 receives an incomin voice call and responds by sendin a 1" Pae (&M"& or TM"&- optional 1aller
5ine &dentification and 1onnection Manaement information- 1" call indicator) to the MM2 over a "Gs
interface. &n active mode the MM2 has an established "8 connection and the MM2 reuses the e(istin
connection to relay the 1" Pae to the 32. The M"1 only sends a 1" Pae for an 32 that provides location
update information usin the "Gs interface.
The e'0 forwards the pain messae to the 32. The messae contains 1' 9omain indicator and 1aller 5ine
&dentification if available and needed.
'OT2 8E The pre;confiured policy may be used by 32 to avoid bein disturbed without 1aller 5ine &dentification
display and the detailed handlin is to be decided by 1T8 and 1T=.
'OT2 *E This procedure can also ta#e place immediately after M"1 receives M.POP/' from >""- if pre;pain
is deployed. 1aller 5ine &dentification and 1" call indicator are also provided in the case of pre;pain.
8b. 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest to MM2. 2(tended "ervice /eGuest messae is encapsulated in //1 and
"8;.P messaes. 1" 7allbac# &ndicator indicates to the MM2 to perform 1" 7allbac#. The 32 may decide to
reject 1"70 based on 1aller 5ine &dentification. The 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac#
&ndicator- /eject or .ccept) messae towards the MM2.
8c. 3pon receivin the 2(tended "ervice reGuest (1"70- /eject)- the MM2 sends 1" Pain /eject towards M"1
to stop 1" Pain procedure and this 1"70 procedure stops.
8d. MM2 sends an "8;.P /eGuest messae to e'0 that includes the 32 /adio 1apabilities and a 1" 7allbac#
&ndicator. This messaeE indicates to the e'0 that the 32 should be moved to 3T/.'?G2/.'.
*. The e'ode0 may optionally solicit a measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret G2/.'?3T/.'
cell to which P" handover will be performed.
3. The e'ode0 triers P" handover to a G2/.'?3T/.' neihbour cell by sendin a >andover /eGuired
messae to MM2. &n the followin an inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.' or G2/.' as specified
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #3 %elease &
in T" *3.:+8 H*I beins. .s part of this handover- the 32 receives a >O from 2;3T/.' 1ommand and tries to
connect to a cell in the taret /.T. The >O from 2;3T/.' 1ommand may contain a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator
which indicates to 32 that the handover was triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the >O from 2;3T/.'
1ommand contains a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T- then the
32 considers that 1" fallbac# has failed.
'OT2 3E 9urin the P" >O the "G"' does not create a Gs association with the M"1?@5/.
:. Taret /.T is 3T/.' or G2/.' &u modeE The 32 establishes an //1 connection and responds to the pain
by sendin an //1 Pain /esponse as specified in T" *<.338 HBI. The 1' 9omain &ndicator is set to J1"J in
the &nitial 9irect Transfer messae.
Taret /.T is G2/.' .?Gb modeE The 32 establishes an // connection and responds to pain by usin the
procedures specified in T" ::.+8C H=I (i.e. 32 reGuests and is assined a dedicated channel where it sends a
".0M containin a Pain /esponse to the 0"" and the 0"" responds by sendin a 3.). 3pon receivin the
".0M (containin a Pain /esponse messae) the 0"" sends a 1OMP52T2 5.N2/ 3 &'7O/M.T&O'
messae (containin a Pain /esponse messae) to the M"1 which indicates 1" resources have been allocated
in the G2/.' cell. .fter the establishment of the main sinallin lin# as described in T" ::.+8C H=I the 32
enters 9ual Transfer Mode and the 1" call establishment procedure completes.
'OT2 :E The 0"" should be prepared to receive a Pain /esponse even when the correspondin Pain /eGuest
has not been sent by this 0"".
<. &f the M"1 servin the *G?3G taret cell is different from the M"1 that served the 32 while camped on
2;3T/.'- the M"1 shall reject the pae response messae by releasin the &u connection for 3T/.' or the
.?Gb connection for G2/.'. The 0"1?/'1 in turn releases the sinallin connection for 3T/.' or G2/.'
1" domain. The sinallin connection release shall trier the 32 to perform a 5ocation .rea 3pdate as
; &f the taret system operates in 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) & the 32 shall perform a combined
/.?5. update- as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I. &n this case- the "G"' establishes a Gs association with the
M"1?@5/ as specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I- which replaces the "Gs association with the MM2.
; &f the taret system operates in 'MO && or &&& the 32 performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate towards the M"1. &n
this case- the M"1 will release the "Gs association with the MM2.
The 5ocation .rea 3pdate triers the /oamin /etry for 1" 7allbac# procedure as defined in clause B.<.
=. The 1" call establishment procedure is initiated.
B. .fter the 32 moves to a cell in the taret /.T- the inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.' or G2/.'
as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I is completed. .t the end of this handover the 32 may trier the /outin .rea
3pdate procedure when the sendin of uplin# pac#et data is possible. The detailed steps performed are as per
T" *3.:+8 H*I.
&f the 32 remains on 3T/.'?G2/.' after the 1" voice call is terminated the 32 performs normal mobility
manaement procedures as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I and T" *:.++C H*8I- i.e. if the 32 is not reistered in the current
/.?5.- the 32 performs combined /.?5. update procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &- or 5. update
procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &&?&&&. .lso for 'MO & if the 32 performed only /. update due to
the 1" call the 32 performs a combined /.?5. update (see T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause =.3.8) which creates the Gs
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #. %elease &
7.. Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 c%"" i' &cti6e Mode - *o PS ;7 !u##ort
Fi"ure )(.,01 CS Pa"e in !,5T%A;< Call in G!%A;95T%A; without PS 8=
8a. The M"1 receives an incomin voice call and responds by sendin a 1" Pae (&M"& or TM"&- optional 1aller
5ine &dentification and 1onnection Manaement information) to the MM2 over a "Gs interface. &n active mode
the MM2 has an established "8 connection and the MM2 reuses the e(istin connection to relay the 1" Pae to
the 32. The M"1 only sends a 1" Pae for an 32 that provides location update information usin the "Gs
The e'0 forwards the pain messae to the 32. The messae contains 1' 9omain indicator and 1aller 5ine
&dentification if available and needed. 'ote that the pre;confiured policy may be used by 32 to avoid bein
disturbed without 1aller 5ine &dentification display and the detailed handlin is to be decided by 1T8 and 1T=.
'OT2 8E This procedure can also ta#e place immediately after M"1 receives M.POP/' from >""- if pre;pain
is deployed. 1aller 5ine &dentification is also provided in the case of pre;pain.
8b. 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2. 2(tended "ervice /eGuest messae
is encapsulated in //1 and "8;.P messaes. 1" 7allbac# &ndicator indicates MM2 to perform 1" 7allbac#.
The 32 may decide to reject 1"70 based on 1aller 5ine &dentification. The 32 sends 2(tended "ervice /eGuest
(1" 7allbac# &ndicator- /eject or .ccept) messae towards the MM2.
8c. 3pon receivin the 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1"70- /eject)- the MM2 sends 1" Pain /eject towards M"1
to stop 1" Pain procedure and this 1"70 procedure stops.
8d. The MM2 sends a "ervice .ccept messae encapsulated in an "8;.P messae that also includes the 32 /adio
1apabilities and a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator. This messaeE indicates to the e'0 that the 32 should be moved to
*. The e'ode0 may optionally solicit a measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret G2/.' cell to
which the redirection procedure will be performed.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #/ %elease &
3a. &f the 32 and networ# support inter;/.T cell chane order to G2/.' and the taret cell is G2/.'E The
e'ode0 triers an inter;/.T cell chane order (optionally with '.11) to a G2/.' neihbour cell by sendin
an //1 messae to the 32. The inter;/.T cell chane order may contain a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator which
indicates to 32 that the cell chane order is triered due to a 1" fallbac# reGuest. &f the inter;/.T cell chane
order contains a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator and the 32 fails to establish connection to the taret /.T- then the 32
considers that 1" fallbac# has failed. "ervice /eGuest procedure is considered to be successfully completed
when cell chane order procedure is completed successfully.
3b. &f the 32 or the networ# does not support inter;/.T handover from 2;3T/.' to G2/.'?3T/.' nor inter;
/.T cell chane order to G2/.'E The e'ode0 triers //1 connection release with redirection to
G2/.'?3T/.' instead of P" >O or '.11.
'OT2 *E "ervice /eGuest procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently lon considerin the optional
measurement reportin at step *.
:. The e'ode0 sends an "8 32 1onte(t /elease /eGuest (1ause) messae to the MM2. 1ause indicates that the
32 is not available for P" service.
<. "8 32 1onte(t in the e'ode0 is released as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
=. The 32 moves to the new cell in the taret /.T- establishes an // connection usin leacy procedures. &f the
32 obtains 5.?/. information of the new cell (e.. based on the system information) and the 5.?/. of the new
cell is different from the one stored in the 32- it performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate or a 1ombined /.?5.
3pdate procedure in case the taret system operates 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) &. .lternatively- in
'MO & the 32 may perform 5. over the // connection instead of combined /.?5. over the pac#et access as
defined in T" *:.++C H*8I- clause :.B.<.*.<- unless enhanced 1" establishment in 9TM is supported.
B. Dhen the taret G2/.' cell does not support 9TM- the 32 starts the "uspend procedure specified in
T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause 8=.*.8.8.*. This triers the "G"' to send a "uspend /eGuest messae to the MM2. The
MM2 returns a "uspend /esponse to the "G"'- which contains the MM and P9P conte(ts of the 32.
C. The MM2 starts the preservation of non;G0/ bearers and the deactivation of G0/ bearers.
,. The 32 responds to the pain by sendin a Pain /esponse messae as specified in T" ::.+8C H:I. Dhen
received at the 0""?/'"- the Pain /esponse is forwarded to the M"1.
'OT2 3E The 0"" should be prepared to receive a pain response even when a correspondin pain reGuest has
not been sent by this 0"". .lso- the M"1 should be prepared to receive a pain response after a
relatively lon time from when the 1" Pain was sent (step 8a).
,a. &f the M"1 that receives the pain response is different from the M"1 that sent the pain reGuest and if the
5ocation .rea 3pdate ? 1ombined /.?5. 3pdate was not performed in step =- the M"1 shall reject the pae
response by releasin the .?&u;cs connection. The 0""?/'" in turn releases the sinallin connection for 1"
domain. The sinallin connection release shall trier the 32 to perform a 5ocation .rea 3pdate as followsE
; &f the taret system operates in 'etwor# Mode of Operation ('MO) & the 32 shall perform a combined /.?5.
update- as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
; &f the taret system operates in 'MO && or &&& the 32 performs a 5ocation .rea 3pdate towards the M"1.
The 5ocation .rea 3pdate triers the /oamin /etry for 1" 7allbac# procedure as defined in clause B.<.
8+. The 1" 1all 2stablishment procedure is initiated.
.fter the 1" voice call is terminated and if the 32 is still in G2/.'- then (as specified in T" *3.+=+ H3I) the 32 shall
resume P" services by sendin a /outein .rea 3pdate /eGuest messae to the "G"'. The 3pdate Type depends on
the mode of operation of the G2/.' networ#- e.. in mode & a 1ombined /.?5. 3pdate is used and in mode && or &&&
/outein .rea 3pdate is used.
&f the 32 remains on 3T/.'?G2/.' after the 1" voice call is terminated the 32 performs normal mobility
manaement procedures as defined in T" *3.+=+ H3I and T" *:.++C H*8I- i.e. if the 32 is not reistered in the current
/.?5.- the 32 performs combined /.?5. update procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &- or 5. update
procedure when the taret system operates in 'MO &&?&&&. .lso for 'MO & if the 32 performed only /. update due to
the 1" call the 32 performs a combined /.?5. update (see T" *3.+=+ H3I- clause =.3.8) which creates the Gs
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #- %elease &
7.5 o%mi'3 etr: 4or +S 4%""(%c=
The procedure in this section is applied for mobile terminated calls where the M"1- to which the 32 sends the 5.3- is
different from the M"1 that sent the pain messae to the 32. The procedure is based on the RMobile Terminatin
/oamin /etry 1allS procedure defined in T" *3.+8C H<I and there is an only minor adaptation of the procedure to
support 1" fallbac#.
Fi"ure )(/,01 %oamin" %etry for CS fallbac
There are only * differences in this procedure compared to the RMobile Terminatin /oamin /etry 1allS procedure
defined in T" *3.+8C H<I. The first difference is that the pain messae triers the 1" fallbac# includin a location
update in the new /.T. This functionality is already supported in the 1" fallbac# flows for terminatin calls and no
additional functionality is needed. The second difference is that the 32 may send a pae response messae after
receivin 5ocation 3pdate .ccept messae. The new M"1 will inore or reject the pae response messae.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #) %elease &
7.6 etur'i'3 (%c= to E-UT&*
Once 1" service ends in 1" domain- e(istin mechanisms can be used to move the 32 to 2;3T/.'- no specific 1"
7allbac# mechanisms are needed.
Dhen the 32 moves to 2;3T/.'- if the 2P" service was suspended durin the 1" service- it is resumed as specified
in clause =.<.
7.7 9'ter%ctio' 2it$ 9S
7.7.0 Ge'er%"
&n relation with 1"70- &"/ is activated only when a "Gs association e(ists between MM2 and M"1?@5/. Once &"/ is
activated- the 32 follows reular &"/ behaviour. &t may reselect between 2;3T/.' and G2/.'?3T/.' without a
need to update the 1'. Dhen a mobile terminated service arrives- the M"1?@5/ sends a pain messae via "Gs to the
MM2. The MM2 paes in the T.(s) reistered for the 32- and the MM2 reGuests the "G"' via "3 that has an &"/
relation with the MM2 for that 32 to pae in the /.. Dhen the 32 is already connected with the MM2- the MM2
forwards the pain reGuest only to the 32 via the established sinallin connection.
1"70 enabled 32 includes the 1"70 capability indication as part of the JM" 'etwor# 1apabilityJ in the .ttach- /.3
or combined /.3?5.3 /eGuest messae- if the 32 has been confiured to use 1"70 service by operator policy.
"G"' stores the 1"70 capability indication for &"/ operation. &f the 32 has not been confiured to use 1"70- the
1"70 capable 32 shall not include the 1"70 capability indication in the .ttach- /.3 or combined /.3?5.3
/eGuest messae to "G"'.
&"/ remains activated until the 1"70 enabled 32 performs a combined /.3?5.3 procedure (e.. a 32 in 'MO &
moves to a new /. or 5.) or separate 5.3 procedure (e.. a 32 moves to a different 5. in 'MO && or &&&). 'ormal re;
selection between reistered /.?T.(s) does not cause &"/ deactivated condition. Dhen the 32 needs to perform a
combined /.3?5.3- the "G"' chec#s the 1"70 capability bit in M" 'etwor# 1apability and if it indicates that
1"70 is enabled then "G"' deactivates &"/ by not indicatin &"/ activated in the /.3 .ccept messae- which is a
reular &"/ functionality as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I. "o an "G"' in a 1"70 confiuration never indicates &"/
activated in combined /.3 procedures for 1"70 enabled 32s. .fter a combined /.?5. update procedure- the M"1
paes via Gs for mobile terminated services. Dhen Gs is not used- the M"1?@5/ paes in the 5. via &u?. for mobile
terminated services.
&f &"/ is deactivated and the 32 re;selects to 2;3T/.' with the T&' indicatin JP;TM"&J- it initiates a T.3
procedure- which is a reular &"/ functionality as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- and &"/ can be activated aain. The 1"
fallbac# enabled 32 shall perform this T.3 procedure as a combined T.?5. 3pdate Procedure.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #2 %elease &
7.7.2 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 +%"" 2$e' 9S i! %cti6e %'d SG! i! %cti6e (et2ee'
MS+1VL %'d MME
Fi"ure )()(#,01 7obile Terminatin" Call when 4S% is active and SGs is active between 7SC9*3% and
8) G;M"1 receives &.M.
*) G;M"1 retrieves routin information of the terminatin 32 by "end /outin &nfo procedures as specified in
T" *3.+8C H<I.
3) G;M"1 sends &.M to the M"1?@5/ on the terminatin side as specified in T" *3.+8C H<I.
:) The M"1?@5/ sends a Pae messae to the MM2 via "Gs (details on the Pae messae can be found in
clauses B.* or B.3).
<a) The MM2 receives the Pae messae from the M"1?@5/. &f the 32 is in 21M;&952 state- the MM2 sends a
Pain (as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- and 1' 9omain &ndicator) messae to each e'ode0 servin the T. list
the 32 is reistered to as specified in clause B.*. &f the 32 is in 21M;1O''21T29- the MM2 relays the 1"
Pae messae to the servin e'ode0 over the "8 interface as specified in clause B.3.
<b)The e'ode0s receive 1" pain messaes from the MM2- and the procedures ta#e place as specified in
clause B.*.
=a .s &"/ is active and the 32 is in 21MO&952 state- the MM2 forwards the 1" pain messae received from
the M"1?@5/ to the associated "G"'. The MM2 ets the "G"' information in the reular &"/ activation
=b)The "G"' receives the 1" pain messae from the MM2- the "G"' sends pain messaes to /'"?0""s-
which is described in detail in T" *3.+=+ H3I.
=c) Dhen /'"?0"" nodes receive pain messae from the "G"'- pain is initiated as described in detail in
T" *3.+=+ H3I.
'OT2E &f &"/ is not active or the 32 is in 21M;1O''21T29 state- the MM2 does not send the 1" pain
messae to the "G"'. That means- the steps of =a- =b- =c are not needed in the MT call procedure.
B) 3pon receipt of a Pain /eGuest messae for a circuit;switched service- the 1" 7allbac# (as defined in this
specification) or 1ell /eselection (as defined in T" *3.+=+H3I) ta#e place- and the 32 accesses 1" domain from
C) Dhen the 1" 7allbac# or 1ell /eselection completes- the 32 responds to the 1" pain reGuest and returns the
1" pain response as described in detail in this specification and T" *3.+=+ H3I to the /'"?0"".
,) Dhen received at the /'"?0""- the 1" Pain /esponse messae is sent to the M"1?@5/ as described in detail
in T" *3.+=+ H3I. The M"1?@5/ receives 1" pain response contained in correspondin messae which shall
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' #& %elease &
then stop the pain response timer and establish the 1" connection- then the MT call process as described in
detail in T" *3.+8C H<I.
7.7.3 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 +%"" 2$e' SG! i! 'ot %cti6e
/eular pre;/C M"1 procedures are performed without any &"/ or "Gs specifics.
> 7t$er +S Ser6ice!
>.0 Ge'er%"
>.2 S$ort Me!!%3e Ser6ice (SMS)
>.2.0 Ge'er%"
The procedures for "M" in this specification apply only if the 32 is 2P"?&M"& attached and the 1" access domain is
chosen by the 32 and?or the home P5M' for deliverin short messaes.
This clause describes both the mobile oriinatin and mobile terminatin "M" procedures for 1" 7allbac# in 2P".
"M" support is based on the connectionless "Gs reference point between the MM2 and the M"1 "erver and use of
'." sinallin between the 32 and the MM2.
The "M" protocol entities are reused from the e(istin M"?32 and M"1 implementations. This means that the "M"
procedures for 1" 7allbac# reuse the different protocol layers as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I.
>.2.2 Mo(i"e ori3i'%ti'3 SMS i' 9d"e Mode
The followin seGuence flow shows the delivery of mobile oriinatin "M" in idle mode.
Fi"ure 2(#(#,01 7obile ori"inatin" S7S in idle mode
8. The 1" 7allbac# attach procedure as described in clause <.* has been performed earlier.
*. . mobile oriinatin "M" is triered and the M"?32 is in idle mode. The M"?32 initiates the 32 triered
"ervice /eGuest procedure- which is defined in T" *3.:+8 H*I. The 32 indicates its ";TM"& in the //1
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3+ %elease &
3. The M"?32 builds the "M" messae to be sent as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I (i.e. the "M" messae consists of
1P;9.T.?/P;9.T.?TP93?"M";"30M&T parts). The "M" messae is encapsulated in an '." messae and
sent to the MM2.
:. The MM2 forwards the "M" messae to the M"1?@5/ in an 3plin# 3nitdata messae.
<.;C. These steps are performed as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I. The "M" messae is forwarded to the "1 that
returns a delivery report messae.
,. The M"1?@5/ forwards the received delivery report to the MM2 associated with the M"?32 in a 9ownlin#
3nitdata messae.
8+. The MM2 encapsulates the received delivery report in an '." messae and sends the messae to the M"?32.
.fter this point- the MM2 may release the resources associated for the "M" transfer.
>.2.3 Mo(i"e ori3i'%ti'3 SMS i' &cti6e Mode
Mobile Oriinatin "M" in active Mode procedure is specified by reusin the Mobile Oriinatin "M" in &dle Mode
with the followin modificationE
; The established sinallin connection between the M"?32 and the MM2 is reused for the transport of the "M"
messae and the delivery report (i.e. the 32 triered "ervice /eGuest procedure defined in step * is s#ipped).
>.2.. Mo(i"e termi'%ti'3 SMS i' id"e mode
The followin seGuence flow shows the delivery of mobile terminatin "M" in idle mode.
Fi"ure 2(#(.,01 7obile terminatin" S7S in idle mode
8. The 1" 7allbac# attach procedure as described in clause <.* has been performed.
*;:. The "1 initiates transfer of mobile terminatin "M". The >5/ is reGuested for routin number for "M"
services and the "M" messae is forwarded to the M"1?@5/ where the M"?32 is 1" attached.
<. The M"1?@5/ sends a Pain (&M"&- @5/ TM"&- 5ocation &nformation- "M" indicator) messae to the MM2.
=. The MM2 initiates the pain procedure by sendin the Pain (as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I) messae to each
e'ode0 with cells belonin to the trac#in area(s) in which the 32 is reistered. The 32 is paed with its
B. The M"?32 is paed by the e'ode0s.
C. The 32 sends a "ervice /eGuest messae to the MM2. The 32 indicates its ";TM"& in the //1 sinallin.
Ca. The MM2 sends a "ervice /eGuest messae to the M"1.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 30 %elease &
,a. The M"1?@5/ builds the "M" messae to be sent as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I (i.e. the "M" messae consists
of 1P;9.T.?/P;9.T.?TP93?"M";925&@2/ parts). The M"1?@5/ forwards the "M" messae to the MM2
in a 9ownlin# 3nitdata messae.
,. The MM2 encapsulates the "M" messae in a '." messae and sends the messae to the M"?32.
8+. The M"?32 returns a delivery report as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I. The delivery report is encapsulated in an
'." messae and sent to the MM2.
88. The MM2 forwards the delivery report to the M"1?@5/ in an 3plin# 3nitdata messae.
8*;83. These steps are performed as defined in T" *3.+:+ H8:I. The delivery report is forwarded to the "1.
>.2.5 Mo(i"e termi'%ti'3 SMS i' &cti6e Mode
Mobile terminatin "M" in .ctive Mode procedure is specified by reusin the Mobile Terminatin "M" in &dle Mode
with the followin modificationE
; There is no need for the MM2 to perform Pain of the M"?32 after step <. MM2 continues with step Ca (i.e.
steps = to C are s#ipped). The MM2 immediately sends a 9ownlin# 3nitdata to the 32.
>.2.6 +o-E/i!te'ce 2it$ SMS o6er 3e'eric 3GPP 9P %cce!!
&f the home operator has deployed "M" over eneric 3GPP &P access and?or "M";&nstant Messain &nterwor#in as
defined in T" *3.*+: H8<I- and has confiured the networ# and the 32 for usin "M" over &P or "M";&nstant
Messain &nterwor#in- then an "M" or &M will be delivered over 2P" in any visited networ# whether or not the
visited networ# supports "M" over eneric 3GPP &P access.
&f the home operator has not deployed "M" over eneric 3GPP &P access and the 32 fails to successfully complete the
combined 2P"?&M"& attach procedure in the visited networ# (i.e. the visited networ# supports "M" over eneric 3GPP
&P access and does not support 1" fallbac# for "M" capability)- then the 32 cannot e(ecute MT or MO "M"
procedures in the visited networ#.
>.3 Loc%tio' Ser6ice! (L+S)
>.3.0 M7-L #rocedure
MO;5/ procedure in the 1" fallbac# in 2P" is performed as specified in T" *3.*B8 HCI.
Dhen 32 is in active mode- 32 and the networ# follows the procedure in clause =.* JMobile Oriinatin 1all in
.ctive;ModeJ. .fter 32 chanes its /.T from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs 1";MO;5/ procedures as
specified in T" *3.*B8 HCI.
Dhen 32 is in active mode but there$s no need for P";>andover- then 32 and the networ# follows the procedure in
clause =.3 JMobile Oriinatin 1all in .ctive Mode ; 'o P" >O "upport in G2/.'J. .fter 32 chanes its /.T from
2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs 1";MO;5/ procedure as specified in T" *3.*B8 HCI.
Dhen 32 is in idle mode- 32 follows the procedure in clause =.: JMobile Oriinatin 1all in &dle ModeJ. .fter 32
chanes its /.T from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs 1";MO;5/ procedure as specified in T" *3.*B8 HCI.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3# %elease &
>.3.2 MT-L #rocedure
Fi"ure 2(3(#,01 7T,3% procedure
8. M"1 receives a P/O@&92O"30"1/&02/O5O1.T&O' messae due to 1";MT;5/ (T" *3.*B8 HCI-
clause ,.8.*).
*. M"1 sends Pain (51" 1lient &dentity- 51" indicator) messae to MM2.
3. MM2 sends Pain (parameters as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- 1' 9omain &ndicator- 51" 1lient &dentity- 51"
indicator) messae to 32. 51" indicator is used to inform the 32 that this pain if for MT;5/ reGuest. 51"
1lient &dentity and 51" indicator are only included in 1" Pae if 32 is in active mode.
:. 32 responds with PainO/esp messae in 3MT"?G2/.'. "ervice based redirection?reselection or P"
>andover may ta#e place as specified in clause B.
<. M"1 continues with the 1";MT;5/ procedure as defined in T" *3.*B8 HCI- clause ,.8.*.
>.3.3 *9-L #rocedure
'&;5/ procedure ta#es place durin emerency calls- and is thus performed in G2/.'?3T/.' durin the Mobile
Oriinatin call procedure.
>.3.. etur'i'3 (%c= to E-UT&*
Once 1" service ends in 1" domain- e(istin mechanisms as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I can be used to move the 32 to
2;3T/.'- no specific 1" 7allbac# mechanisms are needed.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 33 %elease &
>.3.5 +o-E/i!te'ce 2it$ 7t$er Loc%tio' Ser6ice!
>.3.5.0 +o-E/i!te'ce 2it$ SUPL
There is no race condition between OM. .9 "3P5 H,I and 1" 7allbac# for 51". Dhen networ# initiated "3P5
procedure ta#es place- the pain messae does not contain 1' 9omain &ndicator by default. This prevents 1" 7allbac#
for 51" to ta#e place. 7or "2T initiated "3P5 procedure- chanin of /.T does not ta#e place.
>.. +%"" 9'de#e'de't Su##"eme't%r: Ser6ice!
>...0 Mo(i"e-9'iti%ted +%"" 9'de#e'de't SS #rocedure
Dhen 32 is in active mode- 32 and the networ# follow the procedure in clause =.* JMobile Oriinatin 1all in
.ctive;ModeJ. .fter 32 chanes its /.T from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs Mobile;&nitiated 1all
&ndependent "upplementary "ervice procedure as specified in T" *:.+8+ H83I.
Dhen 32 is in active mode and networ# initiates '.11 procedure- then 32 and the networ# follow the procedure in
clause =.3 JMobile Oriinatin 1all in .ctive Mode ; 'o P" >O "upport in G2/.'J. .fter 32 chanes its /.T from
2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs "upplementary "ervice procedure as specified in T" *:.+8+ H83I.
Dhen 32 is in idle mode- 32 and the networ# follows the procedure in clause JMobile Oriinatin 1all in &dle ModeJ.
.fter 32 chanes its /.T from 2;3T/.' to 3T/.'?G2/.'- it performs "upplementary "ervices procedure as
specified in specifications such as T" *3.+,+ H8+I.
>...2 *?-9'iti%ted +%"" 9'de#e'de't SS #rocedure
Fi"ure 2(.(#,01 ;?,4nitiated Call 4ndependent Supplementary Service procedure
8. M"1?@5/ receives a trier for 'D;&nitiated 1all &ndependent "" procedure.
*. M"1?@5/ sends Pain (optional 1aller 5ine &dentification- "" service &9) messae to MM2.
3. MM2 sends Pain (parameters as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I- 1' 9omain &ndicator- optional 1aller 5ine
&dentification- "" service &9) messae to 32. "" service &9 is used to indicate the type of the supplementary
service (e.. 3""9) to the 32. 1aller 5ine &dentification and "" service &9 are only included in 1" Pae if 32
is in active mode.
:. The mobile terminatin call procedure then ta#es place as specified in clause B JMobile Terminatin 1all
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3. %elease &
<. Once the pain is successfully returned to M"1- "upplementary "ervice procedures continues as specified in
specifications such as T" *3.+,+ H8+I.
>...3 etur'i'3 (%c= to E-UT&*
Once 1" service ends in 1" domain- e(istin mechanisms as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I can be used to move the 32 to
2;3T/.'- no specific 1" 7allbac# mechanisms are needed.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3/ %elease &
&''e/ &,
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3- %elease &
&''e/ 8 ('orm%ti6e),
+S )%""(%c= to 0/TT
This anne( describes a 1" 7allbac# to 8(/TT solution for dual mode 8(/TT?2;3T/.' terminals.
8.0 76er%"" 5e!cri#tio'
8.0.0 Ge'er%" +o'!ider%tio'!
The 1" fallbac# for 8(/TT in 2P" enables the delivery of 1";domain services (e.. 1" voice- "M") by reuse of the
8(1" infrastructure when the 32 is served by 2;3T/.'. . 1" fallbac# enabled terminal- while connected to 2;
3T/.' may reister in the 8( /TT 1" domain in order to be able to use 8(/TT access to establish one or more 1"
services in the 1" domain. This function is only available where 2;3T/.' coverae overlaps with 8(/TT coverae.
1" 7allbac# to 8(/TT and &M";based services shall be able to co;e(ist in the same operator$s networ#.
1" 7allbac# to 8(/TT with P" >andover procedure to >/P9 access for Optimi!ed >O- non;Optimi!ed >O- and
Optimi!ed &dle mode mobility as defined in T" *3.:+* H*BI shall be able to co;e(ist in the same operator$s networ#.
8.0.2 e4ere'ce &rc$itecture
The 1" fallbac# in 2P" function is realised by reusin the "8+* reference point between the MM2 and the 8(1" &D".
The reference architecture described in fiure 0.8.*;8 is similar to the "/@11 architecture for 2;3T/.' to 3GPP*
8(1" described in T" *3.*8= H*+I- with the additional aspect that the "8+* session is lon;lived (similar to
pre;reistration for "8+8).
Fi"ure @(0(#,01 %eference architecture for CS fallbac to 0A%TT CS
/eference architecture for P" handover procedure between 2;3T/.' and >/P9 access is defined in T" *3.:+* H*BI.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3) %elease & e4ere'ce #oi't!
S1%&E &t is the reference point between the MM2 and the 8(1" &D". The "8+* reference point provides a tunnel
between MM2 and 3GPP* 8(1" &D" to relay 3GPP* 8(1" sinallin messaes. 8( 1" sinallin
messaes are those messaes that are defined for .*8 interface as described in 3GPP* .."+++C;1 H8=I
and 3GPP* .."+++, H8BI.
'OT2. &t is up to stae 3 to determine whether the tunnellin protocol for "8+* can be defined as e(actly as in
.*8. &f so- "8+* is then eGuivalent to .*8.
8.0.3 )u'ctio'%" e'titie! UE
The 32 capable of 1" fallbac# to 8(/TT supports access to 2;3T/.'?2P1 as well as access to the 8(1" domain over
8(/TT. &t supports the followin additional functionsE
; 8(/TT 1" reistration over the 2P" after the 32 has completed the 2;3T/.' attachmentF
; 8(/TT 1" re;reistration due to mobilityF
; 1" fallbac# procedures specified for 8(/TT 1" domain voice serviceF
; Procedures for mobile oriinated and mobile terminated "M" over 2;3T/.'.
; &ncludes concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 capability indication as part of the 32 radio capabilities if supported by
the 32. MME
The MM2 enabled for 1" fallbac# to 8(/TT supports the followin additional functionsE
; &t serves as a sinallin tunnellin end point towards the 3GPP* 8(1" &D" via "8+* interface for
sendin?receivin encapsulated 3GPP* 8(1" sinallin messaes to?from the 32- which are encapsulated in "8;
MM2 "8 &nformation Transfer messaes- as defined in T/ 3=.,3C H8,IF
; 8(1";&D" (terminatin "8+* reference point) selection for 1"70 proceduresF
; >andlin of "8+* tunnel redirection in case of MM2 relocationF
; 0ufferin of messaes received via "8+* for 32s in idle state. E-UT&*
The 2;3T/.' enabled for 1" fallbac# to 8(/TT supports the followin additional functionsE
; Provision of control information that causes the 32 to trier 8(1" reistrationF
; 7orwardin 8( /TT 1" pain reGuest to the 32F
; 7orwardin 8( /TT 1" related messaes between MM2 and 32F
; /elease of 2;3T/.' resources after 32 leaves 2;3T/.' coverae subseGuent to a pae for 1" fallbac# to
8(/TT 1" if P" handover procedure is not performed in conjuction with 8(1" fallbac#F
; &nvo#in the optimised or non;optimised P" handover procedure concurrently with 8(1" fallbac# when
supported by the networ# and 32- and based on networ# confiuration.
8.0.. +o-e/i!te'ce 2it$ 9MS !er6ice!
1lause :.: of this specification also applies here.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 32 %elease &
8.2 Procedure!
8.2.0 Mo(i"it: M%'%3eme't 0/ TT +S Pre-e3i!tr%tio' o6er EPS Procedure
This clause describes how the 32 in an 2;3T/.' system establishes and maintains pre;reistration in the 8(1"
Fi"ure @(#(0(0,01 0A%TT CS re"istration procedure
8. The 32 attaches to 2;3T/.' as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I. &f supported- 32 includes an indication of
concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session handlin capabilities as part of the 32 radio capabilitiesF
*. 0ased on a radio layer trier (e.. an indication from the 2;3T/.' when the 32 is in connected state or an
indication over the broadcast channel)- the 32 decides to reister with the 8(/TT 1" domainF
3. &f the 32 is in idle state- in order to create a sinallin connection with the MM2- it performs the "ervice
/eGuest procedure.
:. The 32 enerates a 8(/TT 1" reistration reGuest.
:a. The 8(/TT 1" messae is transferred from the 32 to 2;3T/.'.
:b. 2;3T/.' forwards the 8(/TT 1" messae to the MM2 includin the 19M.*+++ /eference 1ell &9.
:c. The MM2 selects a 8(1" &D" node based on the 19M.*+++ /eference 1ell &9. The &M"& is used to
distinuish "8+* sinallin transactions belonin to different 32s. The MM2 sends a "8+* 9irect Transfer
messae (&M"&- 8(1" messae) to the 8(1" &D" node.
<. 8(/TT 1" reistration is then performed by the 8(1" &D" node based on 3GPP* .."+++C H8=I.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' 3& %elease &
=a. 8(/TT 1" reistration response is tunnelled bac# to the MM2 in a "8+* 9irect Transfer messae (&M"&- 8(1"
=b. The MM2 forwards the 8(/TT 1" messae to the 2;3T/.'.
=c. The 2;3T/.' forwards the 8(/TT 1" messae to the 32.
&f the triers for 8(1" reistration chane over time- the 32 (both in idle or connected state)- uses this information to
update the 8(1" reistration via the tunnel. S002 Tu''e" edirectio'
"8+* Tunnel /edirection Procedure is used when the 32 perform Trac#in .rea 3pdate with MM2 chane while the
32 is reistered with the 8(/TT 1" domain as described in clause 0.*.8.8 and the "8+* session e(ists between the
MM2 and the 8(1" &D".
The detail procedure for the idle case is depicted as fiure 0.*.8.*;8.
Fi"ure @(#(0(#,01 S0+# tunnel redirection durin" TA5 with 77! chan"e
8. 32 performs 8(;reistration over the source MM2 while in 21M;1O''21T29 state- followed by transition to
21M;&952 state. The "8+* tunnel e(ists between the source MM2 and the 8(1" &D".
*. T.3 procedure with MM2 chane as described in T" *3.:+8 H:I- fiure <.3.3.8;8- prior to the step where the
taret MM2 receives 3pdate 5ocation .c# from the >""- is e(ecuted. The 8(1" &D" &9 is transferred to the
taret MM2 via the 1onte(t /esponse messae.
3. The taret MM2 sends "8+* /edirection 1ommand messae to the 8(1" &D". .fter receivin this messae- the
8(1" &D" associates the "8+* tunnel for this specific 32 with the taret MM2. Then the 8(1" &D" releases
any conte(t associated with the source MM2.
:. &n response to the "8+* /edirection 1ommand messae- the 8(1" &D" sends a "8+* /edirection .c# messae
to the taret MM2.
<. The T.3 procedure is completed.
The detailed procedure for the active case is depicted as fiure 0.*.8.*;*.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .+ %elease &
Fi"ure @(#(0(#,#1 S0+# tunnel redirection durin" inter,e;ode@ handover with 77! relocation
8. 32 performs 8(;reistration over the source MM2 while in 21M;1O''21T29 state. The "8+* tunnel e(ists
between the source MM2 and the 8(1" &D".
*. &nter;e'ode0 handover with MM2 relocation procedure as described in T" *3.:+8 H:I- fiure <.<.8.*.*;8- steps
prior to T.3- is e(ecuted. The 8(1" &D" &9 is transferred to the taret MM2 via the 7orward /elocation
/eGuest messae.
3. The taret MM2 sends "8+* /edirection 1ommand messae to the 8(1" &D". .fter receivin this messae- the
8(1" &D" associates the "8+* tunnel with the taret MM2. Then the 8(1" &D" releases any conte(t associated
with the source MM2.
:. &n response to the "8+* /edirection 1ommand messae- the 8(1" &D" sends a "8+* /edirection .c# messae
to the taret MM2.
<. The T.3 procedure occurs.
8.2.2 Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 +%"" i' &cti6e Mode
This clause describes the mobile oriinatin call procedures for the 1" 7allbac# to 8(/TT.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .0 %elease &
Fi"ure @(#(#,01 CS 7= call usin" fallbac to C67A 0A %TT networ
8. 32 is 2;3T/.' attached and reistered with 8(/TT 1" as defined in clause 0.*.8.8. The 32 may also be pre;
reister with >/P9 access usin procedures defined in T" *3 :+* H*BI- clause ,.3.8.
*. 32 ma#es a decision to perform a mobile oriinated 1" call.
3. 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2.
:. MM2 sends a "8;.P messae that includesE a 1" 7allbac# &ndicator to indicate the 2;3T/.' to move the 32
to 8(/TT.
<. 2;3T/.' may optionally solicit a 8(/TT measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret 8(/TT cell
to which the 1" 7allbac# will be performed. &f the 32 supports concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session
handlin and the networ# supports P" handover procedure to >/P9 then 2;3T/.' may optionally solicit an
e>/P9 measurement report from the 32 to determine whether the taret >/P9 candidates e(ist or not.
=a. &f the 32 does not support concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session handlin or the networ# does not support P"
handover procedure to >/P9 or if no taret >/P9 candidates e(ist then 2;3T/.' triers //1 connection
release with redirection to 8(1" and continue with step B.
=b. &f the 32 supports concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session handlin and the networ# supports P" handover
procedure to >/P9 and if taret >/P9 candidates e(ist then 2;3T/.' performs one of the followinE
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .# %elease &
; 7or either concurrent non;optimi!ed P" handover procedure or optimi!ed idle;mode P" handover procedure
alon with 8(1" fallbac#- 2;3T/.' redirects the 32 to >/P9 and 8(/TT with 2;3T/.' specific
'OT2 8. /.'* needs to decide the applicable 2;3T/.' specific procedure for the above bullet.
; 7or concurrent optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure with 8(1" fallbac#- 2;3T/.' sinals to the
32 to start optimi!ed P" handover procedure as defined in T" *3.:+* H*BI clause ,.3.* "teps 3 ;88 (i.e.
>andover from 2 3T/. preparation reGuest messae). 2;3T/.' includes the information of concurrent
8(1"70 Operation when forwardin the >/P9 messae with >O access information to the 32 in Mobility
7rom 23T/. 1ommand.
Dhen concurrent non;optimi!ed P" handover procedure or optimi!ed idle;mode P" handover procedure or
optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure with 8(1" fallbac# is invo#ed- 32 and networ# then follow the
appropriate P" handover procedure in T" *3.:+* H*BI and continue with the step 88 below.
'OT2 *. Other 3GPP* specific procedure (e.. how 32 performs concurrent operation in 3GPP* networ#) is
outside the scope of this specification.
'OT2 3. 2;3T/.' may invo#e concurrent optimi!ed idle;mode P" handover procedure or non;optimi!ed P"
handover procedure when it receives the "8;.PE &nitial 1onte(t "etup with 1"70 indication in "tep :-
which occurs in case of JMobile oriinated call in &dle ModeJ. 2;3T/.' may invo#e concurrent
optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure or non;optimi!ed P" handover procedure when it receives
"8;.PE 32 1onte(t Modification with 1"70 indication in "tep :- which occurs in the case of JMobile
oriinated call in .ctive ModeJ.
B. 2;3T/.' sends an "8 32 1onte(t /elease /eGuest (1ause) messae to the MM2. 1ause indicates that the "8
32 1onte(t /elease was caused by 1" fallbac# to 8(/TT.
C. MM2 sets the 32 conte(t to suspended status and sends to the ";GD a "uspend /eGuest (&M"&) messae that
reGuests the suspension of 2P" bearers for the 32. The "8;3 bearers are released for all 2P" bearers by the
MM2 and all G0/ bearers are deactivated. The non;G0/ bearers are preserved and are mar#ed as suspended in
the ";GD.
,. ";GD ac#nowledes the "uspend /eGuest messae and mar#s the 32 as suspended. Dhen a downlin# data
arrives at the ";GD- the ";GD should not send a downlin# data notification messae to the MM2 if the 32 is
mar#ed as suspended.
8+. "8 32 1onte(t in the 2;3T/.' is released as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
88. 32 moves to 8(/TT and performs the procedure for mobile oriinatin call as specified in 3GPP* .."++83 H8CI.
8*. &n case P" >O to >/P9 access was also initiated in "tep =- the 32 performs handover procedures to >/P9
access as specified in T" *3.:+* H*BI. "tep 8* and "tep 88 occur in parallel.
Once 1" service ends in the 8(1" domain- the 32 returns to 2;3T/.' by performin reselection. The 2P" service is
resumed as described in clause =.<.
8.2.2% Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 c%"" i' 9d"e Mode
Mobile Oriinatin call in &dle Mode procedure is specified by reusin the Mobile Oriinatin 1all in .ctive mode
procedure with 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2. 32 is transited to 21M;1O''21T29
mode by followin the applicable procedures specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
8.2.3 Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3 +%""
This clause describes the mobile terminatin call procedures when the 32 accepts or rejects 1" pain for the 1"
7allbac# to 8(/TT.
Dhen the 8( M"1 receives a reistration from a 32- it ma#es note of the /.' eGuipment from which it received the
reistration. "ubseGuent pain activities may thus be directed toward that /.' eGuipment. >owever- pain activities
by the 8(M"1 are not limited to the sinle /.' eGuipment from which the reistration was received. The M"1 may
choose to pae a wider area- includin inter;system pain. &f the 8(M"1 has direct interfaces to 8(1" &D"- as well as
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .3 %elease &
to 8(/TT access- the M"1 may choose to do direct pain activities to both 2;3T/.' and 8( /.' eGuipments in its
attempts to contact the 32.
The 8( pain reGuest sent by the 8(M"1 to the 8(1" &D" is delivered to the 32 via the tunnel. The 32 tunes to
8(/TT access- ac#nowledes the 8( pae and performs the 8(1" procedures for mobile terminated call. Dhen the 32
receives a pae messae- it may not want to accept it based on 1aller 5ine &dentification or pre;provisioned local policy.
&n that case- the 32 sends the 8( /elease Order to 8(1" &D" over a tunnel in 2;3T/.' and 2P1.
The detailed procedure is described in fiure 0.*.3;8.
Fi"ure @(#(3,01 CS 7T call usin" fallbac to C67A 0A %TT networ
8. 32 is 2;3T/.' attached and pre;reistered with 8(/TT 1" as defined in clause 0.*.8.8. The 32 may also be
pre;reister with >/P9 access usin procedures defined in T" *3.:+* H*BI- clause ,.3.8.
*. 8(M"1 sends a pain reGuest to the 8(1" &D" node with 1aller 5ine &dentification if available.
3. 8(1" &D" node forwards the 8( /TT 1" pain reGuest with 1aller 5ine &dentification if available via the "8+*
tunnel to the MM2.
:. &f the 32 is in idle state- the MM2 performs the networ# initiated "ervice /eGuest procedure in order to brin
the 32 to active state prior to tunnellin of the 8( /TT 1" pain reGuest toward the 32.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .. %elease &
<. MM2 forwards the 8(/TT 1" pain reGuest to the 32.
=a. &f the 32 decides to reject 1"70 based on e.. user decision by 1aller 5ine &dentification or 32 locally pre;
provisioned policy- then the 32 rejects the 8( 1" pain by sendin an 8( /elease Order to the MM2. The
MM2 forwards the 8( /elease Order in an "8+* 9irect Transfer messae to the 8(1" &D" and the 8( &D"
sends a /ejection to the 8( M"1. This completes the procedure.
=b. &f the 32 accepts 1" pain for the 1" 7allbac# to 8(/TT- the 32 sends an 2(tended "ervice /eGuest (1"
7allbac# &ndicator) to the MM2 and proceeds with step B to step 8< below.
B. MM2 sends "8;.PE 32 1onte(t Modification (1" 7allbac# &ndicator) to indicate the 2;3T/.' to move the 32
to 8(/TT.
C. 2;3T/.' may optionally solicit a 8(/TT measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret 8(/TT cell
to which the 1" 7allbac# will be performed. &f the 32 supports concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session
handlin and the networ# supports P" handover procedure to >/P9 then 2;3T/.' may optionally solicit an
e>/P9 measurement report from the 32 to determine the taret e>/P9 candidates e(ist.
,a. &f the 32 does not support concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session handlin or the networ# does not support P"
handover procedure to >/P9 then 2;3T/.' triers //1 connection release with redirection to 8(1" and
continue with step 8+.
,b. &f the 32 supports concurrent 8(/TT and >/P9 P" session handlin and the networ# supports P" handover
procedure to >/P9 and if taret >/P9 candidates e(ist then 2;3T/.' performs one of the followinE
; 7or either concurrent non;optimi!ed P" handover procedure or optimi!ed idle;mode P" handover procedure
alon with 8(1" fallbac#- 2;3T/.' redirects the 32 to >/P9 and 8(/TT with 2;3T/.' specific
'OT2 8. /.' DG* needs to decide the applicable 2;3T/.' specific procedure for the above bullet.
; 7or concurrent optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure with 8(1" fallbac#- 2;3T/.' sinals to the
32 to start optimi!ed P" handover procedure as defined in T" *3.:+* H*BI (i.e. >andover from 2 3T/.
preparation reGuest messaes 3;88 of clause ,.3.*). 2;3T/.' includes the information of concurrent
8(1"70 Operation when forwardin the >/P9 messae with >O access information to the 32 in Mobility
7rom 23T/. 1ommand.
Dhen concurrent non;optimi!ed P" handover procedure or optimi!ed idle;mode P" handover procedure or
optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure with 8(1" fallbac# is invo#ed- 32 and networ# then follow the
appropriate P" handover procedure in T" *3.:+* H*BI and continue with the step 8< below.
'OT2 *. Other 3GPP* specific procedure (e.. how 32 performs concurrent operation in 3GPP* networ#) is
outside the scope of this specification.
'OT2 3. 2;3T/.' may invo#e concurrent optimi!ed active;mode P" handover procedure or non;optimi!ed P"
handover procedure when it receives "8;.PE 32 1onte(t Modification with 1"70 indication.
8+. 2;3T/.' sends an "8 32 1onte(t /elease /eGuest (1ause) messae to the MM2. 1ause indicates that the "8
32 1onte(t /elease was caused by 1" fallbac# to 8(/TT.
88. MM2 sets the 32 conte(t to suspended status and sends to the ";GD a "uspend /eGuest (&M"&) messae that
reGuests the suspension of 2P" bearers for the 32. The "8;3 bearers are released for all 2P" bearers by the
MM2 and all G0/ bearers are deactivated. The non;G0/ bearers are preserved and are mar#ed as suspended in
the ";GD.
8*. ";GD ac#nowledes the "uspend /eGuest messae and mar#s the 32 as suspended. Dhen a downlin# data
arrives at the ";GD- the ";GD should not send a downlin# data notification messae to the MM2 if the 32 is
mar#ed as suspended.
83. "8 32 1onte(t in the 2;3T/.' is released as specified in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
8:. 32 tunes to 8(/TT and ac#nowledes the pae by transmittin a 8(/TT Pain /esponse messae over the 8(
.ccess 1hannel.
8<. "ubseGuently 32 performs the procedure for mobile terminated call establishment as specified in 3GPP*
.."++83 H8CI.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' ./ %elease &
8=. &n case P" >O to >/P9 access was also initiated in "tep ,- the 32 performs handover procedures to >/P9
access as specified in T" *3.:+* H*BI. "tep 8= and "tep 8< occur in parallel.
Once 1" service ends in the 8(1" domain the 32 returns to 2;3T/.' by performin reselection. The 2P" service is
resumed as described in clause =.<.
8.2.. S$ort Me!!%3e Ser6ice (SMS)
8.2...0 Ge'er%"
The procedures for "M" in this anne( apply only if the 32 is 8(/TT 1" /eistered and the 1" access domain is
chosen by the 32 and?or the home P5M' for deliverin short messaes.
This clause describes both the mobile oriinatin and mobile terminatin "M" procedures for 1" 7allbac# in 2P".
"M" support is based on the "8+* reference point between the MM2 and the 8(1" &D"- use of //1 &nformation
Transfer messae between the 32 and the 2;3T/.'- and use of "8 cdma*+++ Tunnellin messae between the
2;3T/.' and the MM2.
8.2...2 Mo(i"e ori3i'%ti'3 SMS
The followin seGuence flow shows the delivery of mobile oriinatin "M" sent via the 8(M"1 while in 2;3T/.'.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .- %elease &
Fi"ure @(#(.(#,01 7obile ori"inatin" S7S sent via the 0A7SC while in !,5T%A;
8. The 8(/TT 1" /eistration procedure as described in clause 0.*.8.8 has been performed earlier.
*. . mobile oriinatin short messae is triered. &f the 32 is in idle state- the 32 performs the 32 triered
"ervice /eGuest procedure- which is defined in T" *3.:+8 H*I.
3. The 32 builds the "M" messae to be sent as defined in 3GPP* .."+++C H8=I and 3GPP* .."+++, H8BI.
3a. The 8(/TT "M" messae is transferred from the 32 to the 2;3T/.'.
3b. The 2;3T/.' forwards the "M" messae to the MM2.
:. The MM2 forwards the "M" messae to the 8(1" &D" in an "8+* 9irect Transfer messae.
<. The 8(1" &D" ac#nowledes the messae.
=. The 8(1" &D" sends an .99" Transfer messae to the 8(M"1 containin the "M" messae as defined in
3GPP* .."+++C H8=I and 3GPP* .."+++, H8BI.
B. The 8(M"1 forwards the "M" messae to the Messae 1enter (M1). &f an ac#nowledement was reGuested by
the 32- the M1 responds with an ac#nowledement.
C. The 8(M"1 forwards the "M" ac#nowledement to the 8(1" &D" in an .99" Pae messae.
,. The 8(1" &D" forwards the "M" ac#nowledement to the MM2 in an "8+* 9irect Transfer messae.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .) %elease &
8+. The MM2 forwards the "M" ac#nowledement to the 32.
88. The MM2 sends an "8+* .c# messae to the 8(1" &D". This occurs immediately after step , if the M"1 has
not reGuested an ac#nowledement from the 8(1" &D".
8*. &f the M"1 reGuested an ac#nowledement- the 8(1" &D" sends an .99" Pae .c# messae to the 8(M"1.
8.2...3 Mo(i"e termi'%ti'3 SMS
The followin seGuence flow shows the delivery of mobile terminatin "M" sent via the 8(M"1 while in 2;3T/.'.
Fi"ure @(#(.(3,01 7obile terminatin" S7S sent via the 0A7SC while in !,5T%A;
8. The 32 is 2;3T/.' attached and reistered with 8(/TT 1" as defined in clause 0.*.8.8.
*. The 8(M"1 receives the "M" messae from the M1 and sends an .99" Pae messae to the 8(1" as defined
in 3GPP* .."+++C H8=I and 3GPP* .."+++, H8BI. The .99" Pae contains the "M" messae.
3. The 8(1" &D" sends the "M" messae in an "8+* 9irect Transfer messae.
:. &f the 32 is in idle state- the MM2 performs the networ# initiated "ervice /eGuest procedure to brin the 32 to
active state prior to tunnellin of the "M" messae toward the 32.
<. The MM2 forwards the "M" messae to the 32.
=. The MM2 sends an "8+* .c# messae to the 8(1" &D". This occurs immediately after step 3 if the M"1 has
not reGuested an ac#nowledement from the 8(1" &D".
B. &f the M"1 reGuested an ac#nowledement- the 8(1" &D" sends an .99" Pae .c# messae to the 8(M"1.
C. .fter receivin the "M" messae at step <- the 32 sends an "M" ac#nowledement toward the M1.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .2 %elease &
,. The MM2 forwards the "M" ac#nowledement in an "8+* 9irect Transfer messae to the 8(1" &D".
8+. The 8(1" &D" sends an "8+* .c# messae to the MM2.
88. The 8(1" &D" forwards the "M" ac#nowledement to the 8(M"1. The 8(M"1 then forwards the "M"
ac#nowledement to the M1.
8.2.5 Emer3e'c: +%""!
Dhen 32 is performin 1" fallbac# procedure to 8(/TT for the purpose of emerency call- it shall indicate to the
MM2 that this 1" fallbac# reGuest is for emerency purpose. MM2 also indicates to the 2;3T/.' via the appropriate
"8;.P messae that this 1" fallbac# procedure is for emerency purpose.
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' .& %elease &
&''e/ + (i'4orm%ti6e),
+$%'3e $i!tor:
Chan"e history
6ate TSG B TSG 6oc( C% %ev Cat Subject9Comment =ld ;ew
200>-06 SP-.0 SP-0>0357 - - - M++ Editori%" u#d%te 4or #re!e't%tio' to TSG S& 4or &##ro6%" 0.2.0 2.0.0
200>-06 - - - - - M++ Editori%" u#d%te %4ter TSG &##ro6%" to 6er!io' >.0.0 (e"-
2.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0005 2 ) +orrectio' o4 4"o2! 4or c%"" ori3i'%tio' i' %cti6e mode >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0006 2 ) +orrectio' o4 4"o2! 4or c%"" termi'%tio' i' %cti6e mode >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 000> 0 8 SMS Su##ort i' 0@TT So"utio' 4or +S )%""(%c= >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0009 2 ) +orrectio' o4 4"o2! 4or c%"" termi'%tio' i' id"e mode >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0002 0 ) +S )%""(%c= 2it$ Pre-P%3i'3 >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 000. 2 ) Term! %"i3'me't! %'d ot$er mi!c. correctio' i' 3GPP TS
>.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0005 2 ) SMS $%'d"i'3 >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0007 - ) +"%ri4ic%tio' o4 9S i' 3GPP TS 23.272 >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0009 2 ) &"i3'i'3 +S 4%""(%c= 4or 0/TT 2it$ +S 4%""(%c= 4or GSM >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0020 - ) UE (e$%6iour 2$e' it $%'d! o6er to % 'o'-5TM GE&* ce"" >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0020 0 ) +orrectio' o4 t$e &tt%c$ #rocedure >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 0023 0 ) +"%ri4ic%tio' o' t$e c%!e 2$e' %cce!! c"%!! co'tro" i! %##"ied
i' t$e "e3%c: %cce!!
>.0.0 >.0.0
200>-09 SP-.0 SP-0>0600 002. 2 ) Ser6ice i'dic%tor 4or L+S %'d +%"" 9'de#e'de't SS >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0007 . ) e"e%!e o4 SG! %4ter 4%""(%c= to UT&*1GE&* >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>07 0027 2 ) e3i!tr%tio' 4or +S-)%""(%c= to 0/TT >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.0 0 ) *o'-EPS &"ert #rocedure i' SG!. >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.3 0 ) +S)8 MT )"o2 +orrectio' - &cti6e Mode >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.. 0 ) +orrectio' to o%mi'3 etr: 4or +S)8 >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.7 - ) Void 9'4orm%ti6e &''e/ & >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.> 0 ) &"i3'i'3 T&U #rocedure 2it$ &tt%c$ >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 00.9 7 ) +"%ri4ic%tio' o4 9S u!%3e 4or +S)8 >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0050 - ) emo6%" o4 t$e +$%'3e +e"" 7rder o#tio' 4or 0/+S)8 >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0050 - ) +orrectio'! to Mo(i"e 7ri3i'%ti'3 +%"" %'d Mo(i"e Termi'%ti'3
>.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0052 0 5 Mi'or correctio'! %3%i'!t 23.272 >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 005. - ) &dditio'%" SG! #rocedure!. >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0055 0 ) Su##ort o4 +S )%""(%c= i' EPS 4or Emer3e'c: +%""! >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0056 - ) +orrectio' to MT SMS i' +S)8 >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0057 - ) +orrectio' to t$e re!um#tio' i' +S)8 2it$ 'o PS ;7 !u##ort >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>07 005> 0 ) +"%ri4ic%tio' o' Su!#e'd Procedure >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0060 0 ) UE (e$%6iour %t i'ter-&T c$%'3e due to +S 4%""(%c= >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0060 0 ) SG! %!!oci%tio' remo6%" due to G! e!t%("i!$me't or L&U >.0.0 >.2.0
200>-02 SP-.2 SP-0>0>30 0062 0 ) Mo(i"e ori3i'%ti'3 c%"" i' id"e mode >.0.0 >.2.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 0063 0 ) +orrectio' to t$e 9S de%cti6%tio' i' +S)8 >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 006. - ) +orrectio' to t$e MT +%"" i' &cti6e Mode i' +S)8 >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 0065 2 ) +orrectio'! to PS ;7 (%!ed #rocedure! i' +S)8 >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 0067 0 ) Emer3e'c: 9'dic%tio' u!%3e i' +S)8 >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 006> 2 ) 9S de%cti6%tio' (%!ed o' UEA! +S )%""(%c= c%#%(i"it: >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 0069 - ) 5e"etio' o4 u''ece!!%r: MS+ 4u'ctio'%"it: >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090003 0070 2 ) MT 0/+S c%"" 4%""(%c= reBectio' >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 SP-.3 SP-090022 0073 0 ) U!e o4 E/te'ded S >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 007. 0 ) 9u e"e%!e Procedure +"%ri4ic%tio' >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 0077 0 ) Erro'eou! Te/t o' UE de%cti6%te! 9S %t com(i'ed %tt%c$ >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 0079 2 ) +"%ri4ic%tio' to t$e SGS* i' +S 4%""(%c= co'4i3ur%tio'. >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 00>0 3 ) +S )%""(%c= %'d 9+S coe/i!te'ce >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-090330 00>0 2 ) &dd LTE-0/TT M7 c%"" #rocedure i' 9d"e Mode >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 00>6 0 ) +orrectio' to t$e UE (e$%6iour i' +S)8. >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-090330 00>> 2 ) +S )%""(%c= %'d 9MS coe/i!te'ce c"%ri4ic%tio'! >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 009. 2 ) +S)8 (%!ed o' redirectio' (: + co''ectio' re"e%!e >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 0095 0 ) +"e%'u# o4 !ome +S)8 #rocedure! >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-0903.2 0096 - ) +orrectio' i' %'d 8.2.3 >.3.0 >...0
2009-06 SP-.. SP-09035> 0090 0 8 0/TT +S)8 2it$ PS $%'do6er >...0 9.0.0
3GPP TS #3(#)# *&(+(+ $#++&,+-' /+ %elease &

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