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3GPP TS 25.171: Technical Specification

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3GPP TS 25.171 V6.3.

0 (2006-06)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
Requirements for support of
Assisted Global Positionin S!stem "A#GPS$
%requenc! &i'ision &uple( "%&&$
"Release )$
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
UMTS, radio, management
Postal address
3GPP support office address
650 Rote de! "#io$e! - So%&ia 'nti%o$i!
Va$(onne - )R'*+,
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Copyright Notification
'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all
) *++,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).
.ll rihts reserved.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ * Release )
1ontents.................................................................................................................................................... 3
3oreword................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 "cope...................................................................................................................................................... ,
* /eferences.............................................................................................................................................. ,
3 6efinitions- symbols- abbreviations and test tolerances.........................................................................7
3.5 6efinitions..............................................................................................................................................................7
3.* "ymbols..................................................................................................................................................................7
3.3 .bbreviations.........................................................................................................................................................7
3.8 Test tolerances........................................................................................................................................................9
8 General................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.5 &ntroduction............................................................................................................................................................9
8.* Measurement parameters.......................................................................................................................................9
8.*.5 :2 based .;GP" measurement parameters........................................................................................................9
8.*.* :2 assisted .;GP" measurement parameters.....................................................................................................9
8.3 /esponse time........................................................................................................................................................9
8.8 Time assistance......................................................................................................................................................9
8.8.5 :se of fine time assistance..................................................................................................................................<
8.4 //1 states..............................................................................................................................................................<
8., *6 position error....................................................................................................................................................<
4 .;GP" minimum performance re=uirements.........................................................................................<
4.5 "ensitivity...............................................................................................................................................................<
4.5.5 1oarse time assistance.........................................................................................................................................< Minimum /e=uirements (1oarse time assistance).........................................................................................5+
4.5.* 3ine time assistance...........................................................................................................................................5+
4.5.*.5 Minimum /e=uirements (3ine time assistance).............................................................................................5+
4.* 'ominal .ccuracy...............................................................................................................................................5+
4.*.5 Minimum re=uirements (nominal accuracy).....................................................................................................55
4.3 6ynamic /ane....................................................................................................................................................55
4.3.5 Minimum re=uirements (dynamic rane)..........................................................................................................55
4.8 Multi;Path scenario..............................................................................................................................................55
4.8.5 Minimum /e=uirements (multi;path scenario).................................................................................................5*
4.4 Movin scenario and periodic update..................................................................................................................5*
4.4.5 Minimum /e=uirements (movin scenario and periodic update).....................................................................53
Annex A (normative):
Test cases...............................................................................................14
..5 1onformance tests............................................................................................................................ 58
..* /e=uirement classification for statistical testin...............................................................................58
Annex B (normative):
Test conditions.......................................................................................15
0.5 General............................................................................................................................................. 54
0.5.5 Parameter values...............................................................................................................................................54
0.5.* Time assistance.................................................................................................................................................54
0.5.3 GP" /eference Time........................................................................................................................................54
0.5.8 /eference and :2 locations.............................................................................................................................5,
0.5.4 "atellite constellation and assistance data........................................................................................................5,
0.5., .tmospheric delays..........................................................................................................................................5,
0.5.7 :T/. 3re=uency and fre=uency error.............................................................................................................5,
0.5.9 &nformation elements........................................................................................................................................5,
0.5.< GP" sinals.......................................................................................................................................................5,
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 3 Release )
0.5.5+ /2"2T :2 PO"&T&O'&'G "TO/26 &'3O/M.T&O' Messae ..............................................................5,
Annex C (normative):
Propagation conditions.........................................................................18
1.5 General............................................................................................................................................. 59
1.* Propaation 1onditions.................................................................................................................... 59
1.*.5 "tatic propaation conditions...........................................................................................................................59
1.*.* Multi;path 1ase G5..........................................................................................................................................59
Annex D (normative):
Measrement se!ence c"art...............................................................1#
6.5 General............................................................................................................................................. 5<
6.* :2 0ased .;GP" Measurement "e=uence 1hart.............................................................................5<
6.*.5 :2 0ased GP" Messae "e=uence 'ormal.....................................................................................................5<
6.*.* :2 0ased GP" Messae "e=uence 'ormal for movin scenario and periodic update test case.....................*5
6.*.3 :2 0ased GP" Messae "e=uence 3ailure......................................................................................................**
6.3 :2 .ssisted .;GP" Measurement "e=uence 1hart.........................................................................**
6.3.5 :2 .ssisted .;GP" Measurement "e=uence 1hart 'ormal...........................................................................**
6.3.* :2 assisted .;GP" Measurement "e=uence for movin scenario and periodic update test case...................*8
Annex $ (normative):
Assistance data re!ired %or testing....................................................&5
2.5 &ntroduction...................................................................................................................................... *4
2.* &nformation elements re=uired for :2;based ...................................................................................*4
2.3 &nformation elements available for :2;assisted................................................................................*,
Annex ' (normative):
Converting ($)assisted measrement reports into position estimates
................................................................................................................ &#
3.5 &ntroduction....................................................................................................................................... *<
3.* :2 measurement reports...................................................................................................................*<
3.3 >?" position solution...................................................................................................................... 3+
Annex * (in%ormative):
C"ange +istor,......................................................................................-&
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 1 Release )
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re;released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as follows@
Aersion (.y.!
( the first diit@
5 presented to T"G for informationB
* presented to T"G for approvalB
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-
updates- etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ + Release )
1 S#o%e
The present document establishes the minimum performance re=uirements for .;GP" for 366 mode of :T/. for the
:ser 2=uipment (:2).
2 Re4eren#e!
The followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or
3or a specific reference- subse=uent revisions do not apply.
3or a non;specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)- a non;specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
C5D 3GPP T" *4.5+5@ E:ser 2=uipment (:2) radio transmission and reception (366)E.
C*D 3GPP T" *4.5+8@ E0ase "tation (0") radio transmission and reception (366)E.
C3D 3GPP T" 38.575@ ETerminal 1onformance "pecification- .ssisted Global Positionin "ystem (.;
GP") (366)E.
C8D 3GPP T" *4.335@ E/adio /esource 1ontrol (//1) protocol specificationE.
C4D 3GPP T" *4.3+*@ E"ervices provided by the physical layerE.
C,D 3GPP T" *4.*54@ EPhysical layerB Measurements (366)E.
C7D 2T"& T/ 5+* *73;5;*@ E2lectromanetic compatibility and /adio spectrum Matters (2/M)B
&mprovement on /adiated Methods of Measurement (usin test site) and evaluation of the
correspondin measurement uncertaintiesB Part 5@ :ncertainties in the measurement of mobile
radio e=uipment characteristicsB "ub;part *@ 2(amples and anne(esE.
C9D 'avstar GP" "pace "ementF'aviation :ser &nterfaces- &16;GP" *++- /ev. 1.
C<D P. .(elrad- /.G. 0rown- EGP" 'aviation .lorithmsE- in 1hapter < of EGlobal Positionin
"ystem@ Theory and .pplicationsE- Aolume 5- 0.>. Par#inson- G.G. "pil#er (2d.)- .m. &nst. of
.eronautics and .stronautics &nc.- 5<<,.
C5+D ".%. Gupta- ETest and 2valuation Procedures for the GP" :ser 2=uipmentE- &O';GP" /ed 0oo#-
Aolume 5- p. 55<.
C55D 3GPP T" 38.5+<@ H"pecial conformance testin functionsI
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ ) Release )
3 5e4inition!, !6m(o$!, a((re7iation! and te!t
3.1 5e4inition!
3or the purposes of the present document- the terms and definitions iven in 3GPP T" *4.5+5 C5D- 3GPP T" *4.5+8 C*D
and the followin apply@
+ori.onta/ Di/tion 0% Precision (+D0P): measure of position determination accuracy that is a function of the
eometrical layout of the satellites used for the fi(- relative to the receiver antenna
1ode B: loical node responsible for radio transmission F reception in one or more cells toFfrom the :ser 2=uipment.
Terminates the &ub interface towards the /'1
21: ? band GP" transmission fre=uency of 5474.8* MJ!
3.2 S6m(o$!
3.3 '((re7iation!
3or the purposes of the present document- the followin abbreviations apply@
.;GP" .ssisted ; Global Positionin "ystem
.>G' .dditive >hite Gaussian 'oise
1F. 1oarseF.c=uisition
1P&1J 1ommon Pilot 1Jannel
61J 6edicated 1Jannel
6P1J 6edicated Physical 1Jannel
6:T 6evice :nder Test
2123 2arth 1entred- 2arth 3i(ed
3.1J 3ast .ccess 1Jannel
366 3re=uency 6ivision 6uple(
GP" Global Positionin "ystem
G"" GP" "ystem "imulator
J6OP Jori!ontal 6ilution Of Precision
?O" ?ine Of "iht
P&1J Pain &ndicator 1Jannel
//1 /adio /esource 1ontrol
/"1P /eceived "inal 1ode Power
"3' "ystem 3rame 'umber
"M?1 "tandalone Mobile ?ocation 1enter
"/'1 "ervin /adio 'etwor# 1ontroller
"" 366 "ystem simulator
T66 Time 6ivision 6uple(
T?M Te?eMetry word. &t contains an 9;bits preamble (5+++5+55)
TO> Time Of >ee#
TT33 Time To 3irst 3i(
:2 :ser 2=uipment
:T/. :niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess
:T/.' :niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor#
>?" >eihted ?east "=uare
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ . Release )
3./ Te!t to$eran#e!
The re=uirements iven in the present document ma#e no allowance for measurement uncertainty. The test specification
3GPP T" 38.575 C3D defines test tolerances. These test tolerances are individually calculated for each test. The test
tolerances are then added to the limits in the present document to create test limits. The measurement results are
compared aainst the test limits as defined by the shared ris# principle.
"hared /is# is defined in 2T/ *73;5;* C7D- subclause ,.4.
/ Genera$
/.1 8ntrod#tion
The present document defines the minimum performance re=uirements for both :2 based and :2 assisted 366 .;GP"
/.2 Mea!rement %arameter!
/.2.1 U, (a!ed '-GPS mea!rement %arameter!
&n case of :2;based .;GP"- the measurement parameters are contained in the //1 :2 PO"&T&O'&'G PO"&T&O'
2"T&M.T2 &'3O &2. The measurement parameter in case of :2;based .;GP" is the hori!ontal position estimate
reported by the :2 and e(pressed in latitudeFlonitude.
/.2.2 U, a!!i!ted '-GPS mea!rement %arameter!
&n case of :2;assisted .;GP"- the measurement parameters are contained in the //1 :2 PO"&T&O'&'G GP"
M2.":/26 /2":?T" &2. The measurement parameters in case of :2;assisted .;GP" are the :2 GP" 1ode Phase
measurements- as specified in 3GPP T" *4.3+* C4D and 3GPP T" *4.*54 C,D. The :2 GP" 1ode Phase measurements
are converted into a hori!ontal position estimate usin the procedure detailed in .nne( 3.
/.3 Re!%on!e time
Ma( /esponse Time is defined as the time startin from the moment that the :2 has received the final //1
measurement control messae containin reportin criteria different from E'o /eportinE sent before the :2 sends the
measurement report containin the position estimate or the GP" measured result- and endin when the :2 starts
sendin the measurement report containin the position estimate or the GP" measured result on the :u interface. The
response times specified for all test cases are Time;to;3irst;3i( (TT33) unless otherwise stated- i.e. the :2 shall not
re;use any information on GP" time- location or other aidin data that was previously ac=uired or calculated and stored
internally in the :2. . dedicated test messae $/2"2T :2 PO"&T&O'&'G "TO/26 &'3O/M.T&O'$ has been
defined in T" 38.5+< C55D clause 4.8 for the purpose of deletin this information and is detailed in subclause 0.5.5+.
/./ Time a!!i!tan#e
Time assistance is the provision of GP" time to the :2 from the networ# via //1 messaes. 1urrently two different
GP" time assistance methods can be provided by the networ#.
a) 1oarse time assistance is always provided by the networ# and provides current GP" time to the :2. The time
provided is within t* seconds of GP" system time. This allows the GP" time to be #nown within one GP"
naviation data sub;frame. &t is sinalled to the :2 by means of the GP" >ee# and GP" TO> msec fields in the
/eference Time assistance data &2.
b) 3ine time assistance is optionally provided by the networ# and adds the provision to the :2 of the relationship
between the GP" system time and the current :T/.' time. The accuracy of this relationship is t5+ s of the
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 2 Release )
actual relationship. This addresses the case when the networ# can provide an improved GP" time accuracy. &t is
sinalled to the :2 by means of the "3' and :T/.' GP" timin of cell frames fields in the /eference Time
assistance data &2.
The time of applicability of time assistance is the beinnin of the "ystem 3rame of the messae containin the GP"
/eference time.
/./.1 U!e o4 4ine time a!!i!tan#e
The use of fine time assistance to improve the GP" performance of the :2 is optional for the :2- even when fine time
assistance is sinalled by the networ#. Thus- there are a set minimum performance re=uirements defined for all :2s and
additional minimum performance re=uirements that are valid for fine time assistance capable :2s only. These
re=uirements are specified in subclause 4.5.*.
/.5 RR+ !tate!
The minimum .;GP" performance re=uirements are specified in clause 4 for different //1 states that include
1ellK61J and 1ellK3.1J. 1ellKP1J and :/.KP1J states are for further study. The test and verification procedures
are separately defined in anne( 0.
/.6 25 %o!ition error
The *6 position error is defined by the hori!ontal difference in meters between the ellipsoid point reported or calculated
from the :2 Measurement /eport and the actual position of the :2 in the test case considered.
5 '-GPS minimm %er4orman#e re9irement!
The .;GP" minimum performance re=uirements are defined by assumin that all relevant and valid assistance data is
received by the :2 in order to perform GP" measurements andFor position calculation. This clause does not include nor
consider delays occurrin in the various sinallin interfaces of the networ#.
&n the followin subclauses the minimum performance re=uirements are based on availability of the assistance data
information and messaes defined in anne(es 6 and 2.
The re=uirements in 12??KP1J and :/.KP1J states are for further study.
5.1 Sen!iti7it6
. sensitivity re=uirement is essential for verifyin the performance of .;GP" receiver in wea# satellite sinal
conditions. &n order to test the most strinent sinal levels for the satellites the sensitivity test case is performed in
.>G' channel. This test case verifies the performance of the first position estimate- when the :2 is provided with
only coarse time assistance and when it is additionally supplied with fine time assistance.
5.1.1 +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e
&n this test case 9 satellites are enerated for the terminal. .>G' channel model is used.
Table -3 Test parameters
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! - :
;5<P Range - 1.1 to 1.6
Pro%agation #ondition! - '=G*
GPS +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e error
!e#ond! t2
GPS Signa$ 4or one !ate$$ite! d>m -1/2
GPS Signa$ 4or remaining !ate$$ite! d>m -1/7
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 5 Release ) Minimm Re9irement! (+oar!e time a!!i!tan#e)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy and response time specified in table *.
Table *3 6inimum requirements "coarse time assistance$
Success rate *#& position error 6a( response time
05 ? 100 m 20 !
5.1.2 )ine time a!!i!tan#e
This re=uirement is only valid for fine time assistance capable :2s. &n this re=uirement 9 satellites are enerated for the
terminal. .>G' channel model is used.
Table 33 Test parameters for fine time assistance capable terminals
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! - :
;5<P Range - 1.1 to 1.6
Pro%agation #ondition! - '=G*
GPS +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e error range !e#ond! t2
GPS )ine time a!!i!tan#e error range ! t10
GPS Signa$ 4or a$$ !ate$$ite! d>m -1/7 Minimm Re9irement! ()ine time a!!i!tan#e)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy and response time re=uirements in table 8.
Table 13 6inimum requirements for fine time assistance capable terminals
Success rate *#& position error 6a( response time
05 ? 100 m 20 !
5.2 *omina$ '##ra#6
'ominal accuracy re=uirement verifies the accuracy of .;GP" position estimate in ideal conditions. The primarily aim
of the test is to ensure ood accuracy for a position estimate when satellite sinal conditions allow it. This test case
verifies the performance of the first position estimate.
&n this re=uirement 9 satellites are enerated for the terminal. .>G' channel model is used.
Table +3 Test parameters
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! - :
;5<P Range - 1.1 to 1.6
Pro%agation #ondition! - '=G*
GPS +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e error
!e#ond! t2
GPS Signa$ 4or a$$ !ate$$ite! d>m -130
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -0 Release )
5.2.1 Minimm re9irement! (nomina$ a##ra#6)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy and response time re=uirements in table ,.
Table )3 6inimum requirements
Success rate *#& position error 6a( response time
05 ? 30 m 20 !
5.3 56nami# Range
The aim of a dynamic rane re=uirement is to ensure that a GP" receiver performs well when visible satellites have
rather different sinal levels. "tron satellites are li#ely to derade the ac=uisition of wea#er satellites due to their
cross;correlation products. Jence- it is important in this test case to #eep use .>G' in order to avoid loosenin the
re=uirements due to additional marin because of fadin channels. This test case verifies the performance of the first
position estimate.
&n this re=uirement , satellites are enerated for the terminal. .>G' channel model is used.
Table .3 Test parameters
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! - 6
;5<P Range - 1./ to 2.1
GPS +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e error
!e#ond! t2
Pro%agation #ondition! - '=G*
GPS Signa$ 4or 1
d>m -120
GPS Signa$ 4or 2
d>m -135
GPS Signa$ 4or 3
d>m -1/1
GPS Signa$ 4or /
d>m -1/7
GPS Signa$ 4or 5
d>m -1/7
GPS Signa$ 4or 6
d>m -1/7
5.3.1 Minimm re9irement! (d6nami# range)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy and response time re=uirements in table 9.
Table 23 6inimum requirements
Success rate *#& position error 6a( response time
05 ? 100 m 20 !
5./ M$ti-Pat& !#enario
The purpose of the test case is to verify the receiver$s tolerance to multipath while #eepin the test setup simple. This
test case verifies the performance of the first position estimate.
&n this re=uirement 4 satellites are enerated for the terminal. Two of the satellites have one tap channel representin
?ine;Of;"iht (?O") sinal. The three other satellites have two;tap channel- where the first tap represents ?O" sinal
and the second reflected and attenuated sinal as specified in 1ase G5 in subclause 1.*.*.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -- Release )
Table 53 Test parameters
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! (Sate$$ite! 1, 2
na44e#ted (6 m$ti-%at&)
(Sate$$ite! 3, /, 5 a44e#ted (6 m$ti-%at&)
- 5
GPS +oar!e time a!!i!tan#e error range !e#ond! t2
;5<P Range - 1.: to 2.5
Sate$$ite 1, 2 !igna$ d>m -130
Sate$$ite 3, /, 5 !igna$ d>m "<S !igna$ o4 -130 d>m, m$ti-
%at& !igna$ o4 -136 d>m
5./.1 Minimm Re9irement! (m$ti-%at& !#enario)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy and response time re=uirements in table 5+.
Table -03 6inimum requirements
Success rate *#& position error 6a( response time
05 ? 100 m 20 !
5.5 Mo7ing !#enario and %eriodi# %date
The purpose of the test case is to verify the receiver$s capability to produce GP" measurements or location fi(es on a
reular basis- and to follow when it is located in a vehicle that slows down- turns or accelerates. . ood trac#in
performance is essential for a certain location services. . movin scenario with periodic update is well suited for
verifyin the trac#in capabilities of an .;GP" receiver in chanin :2 speed and direction. &n the re=uirement the :2
moves on a rectanular trajectory- which imitates urban streets. .>G' channel model is used. This test is not
performed as a Time to 3irst 3i( (TT33) test.
&n this re=uirement 4 satellites are enerated for the terminal. The :2 is re=uested to use periodical reportin with a
reportin interval of * seconds.
The :2 moves on a rectanular trajectory of <8+ m by 5 88+ m with rounded corner defined in fiure 5. The initial
reference is first defined followed by acceleration to final speed of 5++ #mFh in *4+ m. The :2 then maintains the
speed for 8++ m. This is followed by deceleration to final speed of *4 #mFh in *4+ m. The :2 then turn <+ derees with
turnin radius of *+ m at *4 #mFh. This is followed by acceleration to final speed of 5++ #mFh in *4+ m. The se=uence
is repeated to complete the rectanle.
Table --3 Trajector! Parameters
Parameter &istance "m$ Speed "km7h$
, $
, $
, $
20 25
, $
, $
, $
250 25 to 100 and 100 to 25
/00 100
000 100
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -* Release )


r L *+ m
5 88+ m
<8+ m





%iure -3 Rectanular trajector! of the mo'in scenario and periodic update test case
Table -*3 Test Parameters
Parameters 4nit /alue
*m(er o4 generated !ate$$ite! - 5
;5<P Range - 1.: to 2.5
Pro%agation #ondition - '=G*
GPS !igna$ 4or a$$ !ate$$ite! d>m -130
5.5.1 Minimm Re9irement! (mo7ing !#enario and %eriodi# %date)
The position estimates shall meet the accuracy re=uirement of table 53 with the periodical reportin interval defined in
table 53 after the first reported position estimates.
'OT2@ &n the actual testin the :2 may report error messaes until it has been able to ac=uire GP" measured
results or a position estimate. The test e=uipment shall only consider the first measurement report
different from an error messae as the first position estimate in the re=uirement in table 53.
Table -33 6inimum requirements
Success Rate *#& position error Periodical reportin inter'al
05 ? 100 m 2 !
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -3 Release )
'nne1 ' (normati7e)-
Te!t #a!e!
'.1 +on4orman#e te!t!
The conformance tests are specified in 3GPP T" 38.575 C3D. "tatistical interpretation of the re=uirements is described in
clause ..*.
'.2 Re9irement #$a!!i4i#ation 4or !tati!ti#a$ te!ting
/e=uirements in the present document are either e(pressed as absolute re=uirements with a sinle value statin the
re=uirement- or e(pressed as a success rate. There are no provisions for the statistical variations that will occur when the
parameter is tested.
.nne( 0 lists the test parameters needed for the tests. The test will result in an outcome of a test variable value for the
6:T inside or outside the test limit. Overall- the probability of a EoodE 6:T bein inside the test limit(s) and the
probability of a EbadE 6:T bein outside the test limit(s) should be as hih as possible. 3or this reason- when selectin
the test variable and the test limit(s)- the statistical nature of the test is accounted for.
>hen testin a parameter with a statistical nature- a confidence level has to be set. The confidence level establishes the
probability that a 6:T passin the test actually meets the re=uirement and determines how many times a test has to be
repeated. The confidence levels are defined for the final tests in 3GPP T" 38.575 C3D.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -1 Release )
'nne1 > (normati7e)-
Te!t #ondition!
>.1 Genera$
This anne( specifies the additional parameters that are needed for the test cases specified in clause 4 and applies to all
tests unless otherwise stated.
>.1.1 Parameter 7a$e!
.dditionally- amonst all the listed parameters (see anne( 2)- the followin values for some important parameters are to
be used in the measurement control messae.
Table 8,-3 Parameter 'alues
9nformation element /alue # TT%% tests
"e(cept nominal
accurac! test$
/alue # TT%% tests
"nominal accurac!
/alue # Periodic tests
Mea!rement Re%orting Mode Periodi#a$ re%orting Periodi#a$ re%orting Periodi#a$ re%orting
'mont o4 re%orting 1 1 8n4inite (!ee note)
Re%orting inter7a$ 20 000 m! 20 000 m! 2 000 m!
;ori@onta$ a##ra#6 50 m 15 m 50 m
Verti#a$ a##ra#6 100 m 100 m 100 m
*<T,- 8n4inite mean! dring t&e #om%$ete te!t time.
&n the "ensitivity test case with 3ine Time .ssistance- the followin parameter values are used.
Table 8,*3 Parameters for %ine Time Assistance test
9nformation element /alue
TUTR'*-GPS dri4t rate 0
S)*-T<= Un#ertaint6 $e!!T&an10
>.1.2 Time a!!i!tan#e
3or every Test &nstance in each TT33 test case- the &2 GP" TO> msec shall have a random offset- relative to GP"
system time- within the error rane of 1oarse Time .ssistance defined in the test case. This offset value shall have a
uniform random distribution.
&n addition- for every 3ine Time .ssistance Test &nstance the &2 :T/.' GP" timin of cell frames shall have a
random offset- relative to the true value of the relationship between the two time references- within the error rane of
3ine Time .ssistance defined in the test case. This offset value shall have a uniform random distribution.
3or the Movin "cenario and Periodic :pdate Test 1ase the &2 GP" TO> msec shall be set to the nominal value.
>.1.3 GPS Re4eren#e Time
3or every Test &nstance in each TT33 test case- the GP" reference time shall be advanced so that- at the time the fi( is
made- it is at least * minutes later than the previous fi(.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -+ Release )
>.1./ Re4eren#e and U, $o#ation!
There is no limitation on the selection of the reference location- consistent with achievin the re=uired J6OP for the
Test 1ase. 3or each test instance the reference location shall chane sufficiently such that the :2 shall have to use the
new assistance data. The uncertainty of the semi;major a(is is 3 #m. The uncertainty of the semi;minor a(is is 3 #m.
The orientation of major a(is is + derees. The uncertainty of the altitude information is 4++ m. The confidence factor is
,9 M.
3or every Test &nstance in each TT33 test case- the :2 location shall be randomly selected to be within 3 #m of the
/eference ?ocation. The .ltitude of the :2 shall be randomly selected between + m to 4++ m above >G";98 reference
ellipsoid. These values shall have uniform random distributions.
>.1.5 Sate$$ite #on!te$$ation and a!!i!tan#e data
The satellite constellation shall consist of *8 satellites. .lmanac assistance data shall be available for all these
*8 satellites. .t least < of the satellites shall be visible to the :2 (that is above 4 derees elevation with respect to the
:2). Other assistance data shall be available for < of these visible satellites. &n each test- sinals are enerated for only a
sub;set of these satellites for which other assistance data is available. The number of satellites in this sub;set is specified
in the test. The satellites in this sub;set shall all be above 54 derees elevation with respect to the :2. The J6OP for
the test shall be calculated usin this sub;set of satellites. The selection of satellites for this sub;set shall be random and
consistent with achievin the re=uired J6OP for the test.
>.1.6 'tmo!%&eri# de$a6!
Typical &onospheric and Tropospheric delays shall be simulated and the correspondin values inserted into the
&onospheric Model &2s.
>.1.7 UTR' )re9en#6 and 4re9en#6 error
&n all test cases the :T/. fre=uency used shall be the mid rane for the :T/. operatin band. The :T/. fre=uency
with respect to the GP" carrier fre=uency shall be offset by N+.+*4 PPM.
>.1.: 8n4ormation e$ement!
The information elements that are available to the :2 in all the test cases are listed in anne( 2.
>.1.0 GPS !igna$!
The GP" sinal is defined at the .;GP" antenna connector of the :2. 3or :2 with interal antenna only- a reference
antenna with a ain of + d0i is assumed.
>.1.10 R,S,T U, P<S8T8<*8*G ST<R,5 8*)<RM'T8<*
&n order to ensure each Test &nstance in each TT33 test is performed under Time to 3irst 3i( (TT33) conditions- a
dedicated test sinal (RESET UE POSITIONING STORED INFORMATION) defined in T" 38.5+< C55D clause 4.8 shall
be used.
>hen the :2 receives the $RESET UE POSITIONING STORED INFORMATION$ sinal- with the &2 UE
; discard any internally stored GP" reference time- reference location- and any other aidin data obtained or
derived durin the previous test instance (e.. e(pected ranes and 6oppler)B
; accept or re=uest a new set of reference time or reference location or other re=uired information- as in a TT33
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -) Release )
; calculate the position or perform GP" measurements usin the $new$ reference time or reference location or other
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -. Release )
'nne1 + (normati7e)-
Pro%agation #ondition!
+.1 Genera$
+.2 Pro%agation +ondition!
+.2.1 Stati# %ro%agation #ondition!
The propaation for the static performance measurement is an .dditive >hite Gaussian 'oise (.>G') environment.
'o fadin and multi;paths e(ist for this propaation model.
+.2.2 M$ti-%at& +a!e G1
6oppler fre=uency difference between direct and reflected sinal paths is applied to the carrier and code fre=uencies.
The 1arrier and 1ode 6oppler fre=uencies of ?O" and multi;path for GP" ?5 sinal are defined in table 1.5.
Table :,-3 :ase G-
9nitial relati'e &ela!
;GPS chip<
:arrier &oppler
frequenc! of tap ;=><
:ode &oppler
frequenc! of tap ;=><
Relati'e mean Power
0 )d )d 2 * 0
0.5 )d - 0.1 ()d-0.1) 2* -6
*<T,- 5i!#rete 5o%%$er 4re9en#6 i! !ed 4or ea#& ta%.
' L f
- where f
is the nominal carrier fre=uency of the GP" ?5 sinal (5474.8* MJ!) and f
is the
GP" ?5 1F. code chip rate(5.+*3 MchipsFs).
The initial carrier phase difference between taps shall be randomly selected between C+- * D. The initial value shall
have uniform random distribution.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -2 Release )
'nne1 5 (normati7e)-
Mea!rement !e9en#e #&art
5.1 Genera$
The measurement "e=uence 1harts that are re=uired in all the proposed test cases- are defined in this clause.
5.2 U, >a!ed '-GPS Mea!rement Se9en#e +&art
5.2.1 U, >a!ed GPS Me!!age Se9en#e *orma$
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ -5 Release )

RRC measurement control (Setup, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 1,2,3,4,5 (1))
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate), 1
test instance
RRC measurement control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criterion, GPS Ref time (2), ReferencePosition (2))
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate), 2
test instance
RRC measurement control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criterion, GPS Ref time (1), ReferencePosition (1))
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate), n
test instance
RRC measurement control (Setup, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 1,2,3,4,5 (2))
RRC measurement control (Modify, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 6,7,8,9 (2), Iono Model)
RRC measurement control (Modify, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 6,7,8,9 (1), Iono Model)
%iure &,-3 4?#8ased GPS 6essae Sequence Normal
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *0 Release )
5.2.2 U, >a!ed GPS Me!!age Se9en#e *orma$ 4or mo7ing
!#enario and %eriodi# %date te!t #a!e

RRC measurement control (Setup, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
RRC measurement control (Modify, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 6,7,8,9, Iono Model)
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate)
RRC measurement control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criterion, GPS Ref time,
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate)
RRC Measurement Report (Position Estimate)
%iure &,*3 4?#8ased GPS 6essae Sequence Normal for mo'in scenario test case
*<T,- 8n t&e a#ta$ te!ting t&e U, ma6 re%ort error me!!age! nti$ it &a! (een a($e to a#9ire a %o!ition
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *- Release )
5.2.3 U, >a!ed GPS Me!!age Se9en#e )ai$re

RRC measurement control (Setup, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 1,2,3,4,5)
RRC measurement control (Modify, No Reporting, Nav model Satellites 6,7,8,9, Iono Model)
RRC Measurement Report (Position Error of type There were not enough satellites to be
received )
RRC measurement control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criterion, GPS Ref time,
%iure &,33 4?#8ased GPS 6essae Sequence %ailure
5.3 U, '!!i!ted '-GPS Mea!rement Se9en#e +&art
5.3.1 U, '!!i!ted '-GPS Mea!rement Se9en#e +&art *orma$
The assistance data re=uested by the :2 and provided by the "/'1 in this se=uence of messaes shall be selected from
amon those information elements described as available in clause 2.3.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ ** Release )

RRC Measurement Control (Setup, Periodical Reporting Criteria, GPS Reference Time)
RRC Measurement Report (Additional Assistance Data Request)
RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #1)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criteria)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, No Reporting, Assistance Data Satellites 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #n)

RRC Measurement Control (Setup, Periodical Reporting Criteria, GPS Reference Time)
RRC Measurement Report (Additional Assistance Data Request)
RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #2)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criteria)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, No Reporting, Assistance Data Satellites 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
%iure &,13 4?#Assisted GPS 6essae Sequence
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *3 Release )
5.3.2 U, a!!i!ted '-GPS Mea!rement Se9en#e 4or mo7ing
!#enario and %eriodi# %date te!t #a!e
The assistance data re=uested by the :2 and provided by the "/'1 in this se=uence of messaes shall be selected from
amon those information elements described as available in clause 2.3.
U,-'!!i!ted GPS Me!!age Se9en#e Mo7ing
RRC Measurement Control (Setup, Periodical Reporting Criteria, GPS Reference Time)
RRC Measurement Report (Additional Assistance Data Request)
RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #1)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, Periodical Reporting Criteria)
RRC Measurement Control (Modify, No Reporting, Assistance Data Satellites 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #n)

RRC Measurement Report (GPS Measured Results #2)
%iure &,+3 4? assisted GPS 6essae Sequence for mo'in scenario and periodic update
*<T,- 8n t&e a#ta$ te!ting t&e U, ma6 re%ort error me!!age! nti$ it &a! (een a($e to a#9ire GPS mea!red
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *1 Release )
'nne1 , (normati7e)-
'!!i!tan#e data re9ired 4or te!ting
,.1 8ntrod#tion
This anne( defines the assistance data &2s available in all test cases. The assistance data shall be iven for satellites as
defined in 0.5.4.
The information elements are iven with reference to 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D- where the details are defined.
1lause 2.* lists the assistance data &2s re=uired for testin of :2;based mode- and clause 2.3 lists the assistance data
available for testin of :2;assisted mode.
,.2 8n4ormation e$ement! re9ired 4or U,-(a!ed
The followin GP" assistance data &2s shall be present for each test@
a) ($ positioning *P3 re%erence time 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.<, of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
Table ?,-3 4? positionin GPS reference time 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? 8ased
:oarse time
4? 8ased
%ine Time
U, %o!itioning GPS re4eren#e
!(#$a!e o4
3GPP TS 25.331 A/B
GPS =eeC De! De!
GPS T<= m!e# De! De!
UTR'* GPS re4eren#e time De!
EUTR'* GPS timing o4 #e$$ 4rame! De!
E+;<8+, mode De!
EE)55 De!
EEEPrimar6 +P8+; 8n4o De!
EEE#e$$ %arameter! id
ES)* De!
S)*-T<= Un#ertaint6 De!
TUTR'*-GPS dri4t rate De!
GPS T<= '!!i!t De! De!
Sat85 De! De!
T"M Me!!age De! De!
T"M Re!er7ed De! De!
'$ert De! De!
'nti-S%oo4 De! De!
5) ($ positioning *P3 re%erence ($ position 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.9.8c of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
Table ?,*3 4? positionin GPS reference 4? position 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? 8ased
:oarse time
4? 8ased
%ine Time
Re4eren#e "o#ation
!(#$a!e 10.3.:./# o4
3GPP TS 25.331 A/B
,$$i%!oid %oint 3it& '$titde and
n#ertaint6 e$$i%!oid
De! De!
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *+ Release )
c) ($ positioning *P3 navigation mode/ 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.<8 of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D. The 'aviation model will be chosen for the reference time and reference position.
Table ?,33 4? positionin GPS na'iation model 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? 8ased
:oarse time
4? 8ased
%ine Time
*a7igation Mode$
!(#$a!e o4
3GPP TS 25.331 A/B
De! De!
d) ($ positioning *P3 ionosp"eric mode/ 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.<* of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
Table ?,13 4? positionin GPS ionospheric model 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? 8ased
:oarse time
4? 8ased
%ine Time
8ono!%&eri# Mode$
!(#$a!e o4
3GPP TS 25.331 A/B
De! De!
,.3 8n4ormation e$ement! a7ai$a($e 4or U,-a!!i!ted
The followin GP" assistance data &2s shall be available for each test@
a) ($ positioning *P3 re%erence time 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.<, of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
Table ?,+3 4? positionin GPS reference time 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? Assisted
:oarse time
4? Assisted
%ine Time
U, %o!itioning GPS re4eren#e
!(#$a!e o4
3GPP TS 25.331 A/B
GPS =eeC De! De!
GPS T<= m!e# De! De!
UTR'* GPS re4eren#e time De!
EUTR'* GPS timing o4 #e$$ 4rame! De!
E+;<8+, mode De!
EE)55 De!
EEEPrimar6 +P8+; 8n4o De!
EEE#e$$ %arameter! id
ES)* De!
S)*-T<= Un#ertaint6 De!
TUTR'*-GPS dri4t rate De!
GPS T<= '!!i!t De! De!
Sat85 De! De!
T"M Me!!age De! De!
T"M Re!er7ed De! De!
'$ert De! De!
'nti-S%oo4 De! De!
5) ($ positioning *P3 re%erence ($ position 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.9.8c of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *) Release )
Table ?,)3 4? positionin GPS reference 4? position 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? Assisted
:oarse Time
4? Assisted
%ine Time
Re4eren#e "o#ation
!(#$a!e 10.3.:./# o4 3GPP TS
25.331 A/B
,$$i%!oid %oint 3it& '$titde and
n#ertaint6 e$$i%!oid
De! De!
c) ($ positioning *P3 a/manac This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.9< of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D. The .lmanac shall be chosen for the reference time.
Table ?,.3 4? positionin GPS almanac 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? Assisted
:oarse Time
4? Assisted
%ine Time
U, %o!itioning GPS a$mana#
!(#$a!e 10.3.7.:0 o4 3GPP TS
25.331 A/B
'$mana# Re4eren#e =eeC De! De!
Sate$$ite in4ormation De! De!
d) ($ positioning *P3 navigation mode/ 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.<8 of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D. The 'aviation model will be chosen for the reference time and reference position.
Table ?,23 4? positionin GPS na'iation model 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? Assisted
:oarse Time
4? Assisted
%ine Time
*a7igation Mode$
!(#$a!e o4 3GPP
TS 25.331 A/B
De! De!
e) ($ positioning *P3 ac!isition assistance 4$. This information element is defined in subclause 5+.3.7.99 of
3GPP T" *4.335 C8D.
Table ?,53 4? positionin GPS acquisition assistance 9?
Name of the 9? %ields of the 9? 4? Assisted
:oarse time
4? Assisted
%ine Time
'#9i!ition '!!i!tan#e
!(#$a!e 10.3.7.:: o4 3GPP
TS 25.331 A/B
- GPS T<= m!e# De! De!
- UTR'* GPS re4eren#e time De!
- EUTR'* GPS timing o4 #e$$ 4rame! De!
- E+;<8+, mode De!
- EE)55 De!
- EEEPrimar6 +P8+; 8n4o De!
- ES)* De!
- Sate$$ite in4ormation De! De!
- ESat85 De! De!
E5o%%$er (0
order term)
De! De!
E,1tra 5o%%$er De! De!
EE5o%%$er (1
order term)
De! De!
EE5o%%$er Un#ertaint6 De! De!
E+ode P&a!e De! De!
E8nteger +ode P&a!e De! De!
EGPS >it nm(er De! De!
E+ode P&a!e Sear#& =indo3 De! De!
E'@imt& and ,$e7ation De! De!
EE '@imt& De! De!
EE ,$e7ation De! De!
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *. Release )
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *2 Release )
'nne1 ) (normati7e)-
+on7erting U,-a!!i!ted mea!rement re%ort! into %o!ition
).1 8ntrod#tion
To convert the :2 measurement reports in case of :2;assisted mode of .;GP" into position errors- a transformation
between the Emeasurement domainE (code;phases- etc.) into the EstateE domain (position estimate) is necessary. "uch a
transformation procedure is outlined in the followin clauses. The details can be found in C9D- C<D and C5+D.
).2 U, mea!rement re%ort!
&n case of :2;assisted .;GP"- the measurement parameters are contained in the //1 :2 PO"&T&O'&'G GP"
M2.":/26 /2":?T" &2 (subclause 5+.3.7.<3 in 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D). The measurement parameters re=uired for
calculatin the :2 position are@
5) /eference Time@ The :2 has two choices for the /eference Time@
a) E:2 GP" timin of cell framesEB
b) EGP" TO> msecE.
*) Measurement Parameters@ 5 to Oma("atP@
a) E"atellite &6 ("A P/')EB
b) E>hole GP" chipsEB
c) E3ractional GP" 1hipsEB
d) EPseudorane /M" 2rrorE.
.dditional information re=uired at the system simulator@
5) E:2 positionin GP" reference :2 positionE (subclause 5+.3.9.8c in 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D)@
:sed for initial appro(imate receiver coordinates.
*) E:2 positionin GP" naviation modelE (subclause 5+.3.7.<8 in 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D)@
1ontains the GP" ephemeris and cloc# correction parameters as specified in C9DB used for calculatin the satellite
positions and cloc# corrections.
3) E:2 positionin GP" ionospheric modelE (subclause 5+.3.7.<* in 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D)@
1ontains the ionospheric parameters which allow the sinle fre=uency user to utili!e the ionospheric model as
specified in C9D for computation of the ionospheric delay.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ *5 Release )
).3 ="S %o!ition !o$tion
The >?" position solution problem is concerned with the tas# of solvin for four un#nownsB #
$ %
$ &
the receiver
coordinates in a suitable frame of reference (usually 2123) and '
the receiver cloc# bias. &t typically re=uires the
followin steps@
3tep 1: 'ormation o% psedo)ranges
The observation of code phase reported by the :2 for each satellite "A
is related to the pseudo;raneFc modulo 5 ms
(the lenth of the 1F. code period). 3or the formation of pseudo;ranes- the inteer number of milliseconds to be added
to each code;phase measurement has to be determined first. "ince 5 ms corresponds to a travelled distance of 3++ #m-
the number of inteer ms can be found with the help of reference location and satellite ephemeris. The distance between
the reference location and each satellite "A
is calculated and the inteer number of milli;seconds to be added to the :2
code phase measurements is obtained.
3tep &: 'ormation o% 6eig"ting matrix
The :2 reported EPseudorane /M" 2rrorE values are used to calculate the weihtin matri( for the >?" alorithm
C<D. .ccordin to 3GPP T" *4.335 C8D- the encodin for this field is a , bit value that consists of a 3 bit mantissa- Q
a 3 bit e(ponent- R
for each "A
" i
RMSError ) *
5 4 . +

The weihtin Matri( 7 is defined as a diaonal matri( containin the estimated variances calculated from the
EPseudorane /M" 2rrorE values@
{ }
* *
F 5 - - F 5 - F 5 dia
) ) ) 7
3tep -: 723 position so/tion
The >?" position solution is described in reference C<D and usually re=uires the followin steps@
5) 1omputation of satellite locations at time of transmission usin the ephemeris parameters and user alorithms
defined in C9D section *+.
*) 1omputation of cloc# correction parameters usin the parameters and alorithms as defined in C9D
section *+.
3) 1omputation of atmospheric delay corrections usin the parameters and alorithms defined in C9D
section *+.3.3.4.*.4 for the ionospheric delay- and usin the Gupta model in reference C5+D p. 5*5 e=uation (*)
for the tropospheric delay.
8) The >?" position solution starts with an initial estimate of the user state (position and cloc# offset). The
/eference ?ocation is used as initial position estimate. The followin steps are re=uired@
a) 1alculate eometric rane (corrected for 2arth rotation) between initial location estimate and each satellite
included in the :2 measurement report.
b) Predict pseudo;ranes for each measurement includin cloc# and atmospheric biases as calculated in 5) to 3)
above and defined in C9-<D.
c) 1alculate difference between predicted and measured pseudo;ranes
d) 1alculate the EGeometry Matri(E * as defined in C<D@
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 30 Release )



* with
u si
u si
r r
r r

where r
is the "atellite position vector for "A
(calculated in
5) above)- and
is the estimate of the user location.
e) 1alculate the >?" solution accordin to C<D@
( ) 8 7 * 7* * x

f) .ddin the xS to the initial state estimate ives an improved estimate of the state vector@
x x x S S S + .
4) This new state vector xS can be used as new initial estimate and the procedure is repeated until the chane in xS
is sufficiently small.
3tep 4: Trans%ormation %rom Cartesian coordinate s,stem to *eodetic coordinate s,stem
The state vector xS calculated in "tep 3 contains the :2 position in 2123 1artesian coordinates toether with the :2
receiver cloc# bias. Only the user position is of further interest. &t is usually desirable to convert from 2123
coordinates #
$ %
$ &
to eodetic latitude T- lonitude and altitude h on the >G"98 reference ellipsoid.
3tep 5: Ca/c/ation o% 9&)D Position $rrors9
The latitude F lonitude obtained after "tep 8 is used to calculate the *;6 position error.
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 3- Release )
'nne1 G (in4ormati7e)-
+&ange ;i!tor6
Table G,-3 TS histor! before appro'al
&ate 6eetin &ocument :omment /ersion old /ersion New
R'* =G/ F20 R/-0310:2 5o#ment %ro%o!ed at R'*F20
R'* =G/ F20 R/-031156 +omment! added in$ine 3it& di!#!!ion at
5e# 2003 +omment on R/-031156
Gan 200/ R'* =G/ F30 R/-0/010/ +omment! added a4ter 'd-&o# 202120/
Gan 200/ R'* =G/ F20 R/-0/0160 Re7i!ed 7er!ion o4 R/-0/010/ to a$$o3
Ma6 200/ R'* =G/ F31 R/-0/0362 Re7i!ed 7er!ion o4 R/-0/0233
Ma6 200/ R'* =G/ F31 R/-0/03:7 '%%ro7ed 7er!ion at R'*F31
Ma6 200/ R'* =G/ F31 V0.0.0 %rod#ed (a!ed on R/-0/03:7 0.0.0
Ma6 200/ V0.1.0 3it& in%t 4rom R/-0/036/ 0.0.0 0.1.0
'g 200/ +on4eren#e #a$$ on
'g 5, 200/
V0.1.0 3it& a%%ro7ed +R!- R/-0/0/3, R/-
0/0/:, R/';-0/0/0, R/';-0/050 and
0.1.0 0.2.0
'g 200/ R'* =G/ F32 R/-0/0/65 V0.2.0 4or a%%ro7a$ at R'* =G/ F32
'g 200/ R'* =G/ F32 R/-0/056/ V0.3.0 4or a%%ro7a$ at R'* =G/ F32,
in#$!ion o4 #&ange! in R/-0/0535
0.2.0 0.3.0
Se% 200/ R'* F25 RP-0/03/1 S(mit 4or a%%ro7a$ 0.3.0 1.0.0
Se% 200/ R'* F25 '%%ro7ed at R'*F2/ 1.0.0 6.0.0
Table G,*3 Release ) :R appro'ed at TSG RAN @*)
RAN Tdoc Spec :R R Ph Title :at :urr New Aork 9tem
RP-0/0/13 25.171 001 2 Re$-6 Remo7a$ o4 in#on!i!ten#ie! in TS 25.171 ) 6.0.0 6.1.0 "+S-U,Po!-
Table G,33 Release ) :R appro'ed at TSG RAN @*5
RAN Tdoc Spec :R R Ph Title :at :urr New Aork 9tem
RP-050/00 25.171 0003 1 Re$-6 +&ange! to GPS !#enario! ) 6.1.0 6.2.0 "+S-U,Po!-
Table G,13 Release ) :R appro'ed at TSG RAN @3*
RAN Tdoc Spec :R R Ph Title :at :urr New Aork 9tem
RP-060305 25.171 000/ Re$-6 ;ori@onta$ '##ra#6 8, #&ange 4or nomina$ a##ra#6
) 6.2.0 6.3.0 T,86
RP-060305 25.171 0006 Re$-6 +&ange to a$titde o4 !im$ated U, %o!ition ) 6.2.0 6.3.0 T,86
3GPP TS *+,-.- /),3,0 "*00)#0)$ 3* Release )

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