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3GPP TS 23.246

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3GPP TS 23.246 V9.0.

0 (2009-03)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;
Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS;
Architecture and functional description
(!elease "
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
UMTS, multimedia, broadcat, arc!itecture
Postal address
3GPP support office address
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'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *++,- 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).
.ll rihts reserved.
3MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP
Orani!ational Partners
G"M6 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M .ssociation
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 # !elease "
8 "cope......................................................................................................................................................
* /eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 9efinitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................
3.8 9efinitions...........................................................................................................................................................
3.* .bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................
: M0M" .rchitecture...............................................................................................................................
:.8 Overview.............................................................................................................................................................
:.* /eference .rchitecture Model...........................................................................................................................
:.*.8 GP/"............................................................................................................................................................
:.*.* 2P"...............................................................................................................................................................
:.3 M0M" "pecific /eference points.....................................................................................................................
:.3.8 Gmb..............................................................................................................................................................
:.3.* M!................................................................................................................................................................
:.3.3 /eference Points for 2volved Pac#et "ystem..............................................................................................
:.: M0M" "ervice Provision..................................................................................................................................
:.:.8 M35T&1."T MO92..................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.8 "ubscription............................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.* "ervice announcement............................................................................................................................
:.:.8.3 ;oinin....................................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.: "ession "tart...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.< M0M" notification................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.= 9ata transfer...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.> "ession "top...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.8.? 5eavin...................................................................................................................................................
:.:.* Multicast Mode timeline..............................................................................................................................
:.:.*.8 Period between "ervice .nnouncement and "ession "tart....................................................................
:.:.*.* Period between "ervice .nnouncement and "ervice "ubscription........................................................
:.:.*.3 Period between "ervice .nnouncement and ;oinin.............................................................................
:.:.*.: Period between ;oinin and "ession "tart..............................................................................................
:.:.*.< Period between "ession "tart and 7irst 9ata .rrival.............................................................................
:.:.*.= Period between "ession "tart and "ession "top.....................................................................................
:.:.*.> "ession 3pdate.......................................................................................................................................
:.:.3 0/O.91."T MO92.................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.8 "ervice announcement............................................................................................................................
:.:.3.8a 32 local service activation.....................................................................................................................
:.:.3.* "ession "tart...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.3 M0M" notification................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.: 9ata transfer...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.< "ession "top...........................................................................................................................................
:.:.3.= "ession 3pdate.......................................................................................................................................
:.:.: 0roadcast Mode timeline.............................................................................................................................
:.:.:.8 Period between "ervice .nnouncement and "ession "tart....................................................................
:.:.:.* Period between "ession "tart and 7irst 9ata .rrival.............................................................................
:.:.:.3 Period between "ession "tart and "ession "top.....................................................................................
< 7unctional 2ntities To "upport M0M".................................................................................................
<.+ General...............................................................................................................................................................
<.8 0roadcast@Multicast "ervice 1entre (0M@"1)..................................................................................................
<.8.8 Membership 7unction..................................................................................................................................
<.8.* "ession and Transmission 7unction.............................................................................................................
<.8.3 Pro(y and Transport 7unction......................................................................................................................
<.8.: "ervice .nnouncement 7unction.................................................................................................................
<.8.:a M0M" "ecurity 7unction............................................................................................................................
<.8.< M0M" 1ontent Transfer for *G and 3G for the same M0M" 3ser "ervice..............................................
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3 !elease "
<.8.<.8 General...................................................................................................................................................
<.8.<.* "eparate M0M" 0earer "ervices for *G and 3G for the same M0M" 3ser "ervice...........................
<.8.<.3 "ame M0M" 0earer "ervice for *G and 3G for the same M0M" 3ser "ervice..................................
<.8.= 5ocation 9ependent 1ontent Transfer for the same M0M" 3ser "ervice (0roadcast Mode only)............
<.* 3ser 2Auipment.................................................................................................................................................
<.3 3T/.'BG2/.'...............................................................................................................................................
<.: "G"'.................................................................................................................................................................
<.< GG"'................................................................................................................................................................
<.= M0M" 9ata "ources and 1ontent Provider......................................................................................................
<.> Other 7unctional 2lement..................................................................................................................................
<.>.8 Coid..............................................................................................................................................................
<.>.* 101..............................................................................................................................................................
<.>.3 Coid..............................................................................................................................................................
<.? Coid....................................................................................................................................................................
<., 7unctional 2lements for the 2volved Pac#et "ystem........................................................................................
<.,.8 M0M" GD..................................................................................................................................................
<.,.* M0M" 1ontrol plane function....................................................................................................................
= M0M" .ttributes and Parameters........................................................................................................
=.8 M0M" 32 1onte(t...........................................................................................................................................
=.* M0M" 0earer 1onte(t......................................................................................................................................
=.3 Euality@of@"ervice.............................................................................................................................................
=.3.8 M0M" Eo" distribution tree.......................................................................................................................
=.: Temporary Mobile Group &dentity...............................................................................................................
> .rchitectural .spects of M0M" 3ser "ervices....................................................................................
>.8 .lternative 3ser "ervice "upport......................................................................................................................
>.* .void overload in "G"'- GG"' and 0M@"1 caused by ;oinin....................................................................
>.3 .ccess aspects of M0M" user services............................................................................................................
? M0M" Procedures...............................................................................................................................
?.8 M0M" 'otification...........................................................................................................................................
?.8.8 &u mode notification (3T/.' and G2/.') for GP/".............................................................................
?.8.* .BGb mode notification (G2/.')..............................................................................................................
?.* M0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivation................................................................................................................
?.*.8 Coid..............................................................................................................................................................
?.3 M0M" "ession "tart Procedure........................................................................................................................
?.3.8 M0M" "ession "tart Procedure for G2/.' and 3T/.'.........................................................................
?.3.* M0M" "ession "tart Procedure for 2@3T/.'..........................................................................................
?.: M0M" /eistration Procedure.........................................................................................................................
?.< M0M" "ession "top Procedure........................................................................................................................
?.<.8 M0M" "ession "top Procedure for G2/.' and 3T/.' for GP/"........................................................
?.<.* M0M" "ession "top Procedure for 2@3T/.'...........................................................................................
?.= M0M" 9e@/eistration Procedure...................................................................................................................
?.=.+ 1ommon M0M" 9e@/eistration procedure..............................................................................................
?.=.8 0M@"1 initiated M0M" 9e@/eistration Procedure..................................................................................
?.> M0M" Multicast "ervice 9eactivation.............................................................................................................
?.? M0M" "ession 3pdate procedure....................................................................................................................
?.?.8 General.........................................................................................................................................................
?.?.* "G"' initiated "ession 3pdate for M0M" Multicast service....................................................................
?.?.3 0M@"1 initiated "ession 3pdate for M0M" 0roadcast service.................................................................
?., M0M" 32 1onte(t "ynchronisation Procedure...............................................................................................
?.,a M0M" feature support indication.....................................................................................................................
?.8+ &nter "G"' /outein .rea 3pdate....................................................................................................................
?.8+a &nter@system &ntra@"G"' chane.......................................................................................................................
?.88 &nter "G"' "ervin /'" /elocation Procedure...............................................................................................
?.8* M0M" 0roadcast "ervice .ctivation................................................................................................................
?.83 M0M" 0roadcast service de@activation............................................................................................................
?.8: Coid....................................................................................................................................................................
?.8< M0M" 32 5in#inB9e@lin#in mechanism......................................................................................................
?.8= M0M" "ervice /eAuest Procedure...................................................................................................................
?.8> 'otification in case of parallel services.............................................................................................................
?.8>.8 'otification of incomin 1" domain call durin an onoin M0M" session............................................
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 % !elease "
?.8>.* 'otification of additional M0M" session durin an onoin M0M" session............................................
?.8>.3 'otification of Mobile Terminatin P" data durin an onoin M0M" session........................................
?.8>.: 'otification of M0M" session durin an onoin 1" or P" domain FconnectionF....................................
, "ecurity................................................................................................................................................
8+ 1harin reAuirement...........................................................................................................................
8+.8 General...............................................................................................................................................................
8+.* 0earer level charin for M0M"......................................................................................................................
8+.3 .pplication level charin for M0M"..............................................................................................................
8+.: Generation of charin records in the CP5M'.................................................................................................
88 /oamin "upport for M0M" user services..........................................................................................
88.8 "cenarios description.........................................................................................................................................
88.* "cenario sinallin flow....................................................................................................................................
88.*.8 .P' selection..............................................................................................................................................
Annex A (Informative): Void................................................................................................................
Annex B (Informative): Void................................................................................................................
Annex C (Informative): Change history..............................................................................................
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 * !elease "
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re@released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsG
Cersion (.y.!
( the first diitG
8 presented to T"G for informationH
* presented to T"G for approvalH
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-
updates- etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 & !elease "
0 Sco%e
The present document describes the stae * description (architectural solution and functionalities) for the M0M" 0earer
"ervice- which includes- toether with M0M" 3ser "ervices defined in T" *=.3:= I>J- all the elements necessary to
realise the stae 8 reAuirements in T" **.8:= I*J and T" **.*:= I=J.
The present document also includes considerations on the manner in which 3ser "ervices should ma#e use of the
M0M" 0earer "ervice described herein. &t should be noted that the specification of M0M" 3ser "ervices in
T" *=.3:= I>J ta#es precedence over 3ser "ervice aspects described in this document.
The present document includes information applicable to networ# operators- service providers and manufacturers.
2 #e4ere'ce
The followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or
7or a specific reference- subseAuent revisions do not apply.
7or a non@specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)- a non@specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
I8J 3GPP T/ *8.,+<G FCocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsF.
I*J 3GPP T" **.8:=G FMultimedia 0roadcastBMulticast "erviceH "tae 8F.
I3J 3GPP T" *3.8+>G FEuality of "ervice (Eo") concept and architectureF.
I:J 3GPP T" *,.+=8G F&nterwor#in between the Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# (P5M') supportin
pac#et based services and Pac#et 9ata 'etwor#s (P9')F.
I<J 3GPP T" 33.*:=G F"ecurity of Multimedia 0roadcastBMulticast "erviceF.
I=J 3GPP T" **.*:=G FMultimedia 0roadcastBMulticast "ervice (M0M") user servicesF.
I>J 3GPP T" *=.3:=G FM0M"G Protocols and 1odecsF.
I?J void.
I,J void.
I8+J 3GPP T" *<.3:=G F&ntroduction of the Multimedia 0roadcast Multicast "ervice (M0M") in the
/adio .ccess 'etwor#F.
I88J 3GPP T" :3.*:=G FTechnical "pecification Group G"MB29G2 /adio .ccess 'etwor#H
Multimedia 0roadcast Multicast "ervice (M0M") in the G2/.'F.
I8*J 3GPP T" *3.8*<G FOverall hih level functionality and architecture impacts of flow based
charinH "tae *F.
I83J 3GPP T" *3.++3G F'umberin- addressin and identificationF.
I8:J 3GPP T" 3*.:**G F"ubscriber and eAuipment traceH Trace control and 1onfiuration Manaement
I8<J 3GPP T" *3.+=+G FGeneral Pac#et /adio "ervice (GP/")H "ervice descriptionH "tae *F.
I8=J 3GPP T" *3.:+8G FGP/" enhancements for 2@3T/.' .ccessF.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 + !elease "
I8>J 3GPP T" 3=.3++G F2volved 3niversal Terrestrial /adio .ccess (2@3T/.) and 2volved 3niversal
Terrestrial /adio .ccess 'etwor# (2@3T/.')F.
3 5e4i'itio' a'd abbre6iatio'
3.0 5e4i'itio'
7or the purposes of the present document- the terms and definitions defined in T/ *8.,+< I8J and T" **.8:= I*J and the
followin applyG
MBMS Service Announcement: Mechanism to allow users to be informed about the M0M" user services available.
MBMS Bearer ServiceG the service provided by the P" 9omain to M0M" 3ser "ervices to deliver &P multicast
datarams to multiple receivers usin minimum networ# and radio resources.
MBMS User ServiceG the M0M" service provided to the end user by means of the M0M" 0earer "ervice and possibly
other capabilities.
MBMS Service Area: The area within which data of a specific M0M" session are sent. 2ach individual M0M"
session of an M0M" 0earer "ervice may be sent to a different M0M" "ervice .rea. This M0M" "ervice .rea is the
same or a subset of the Multicast or 0roadcast "ervice .rea as defined in T" **.8:= I*J. .n M0M" "ervice .rea
smaller than the Multicast or 0roadcast "ervice .rea is typically used for locali!ed services.
3.2 &bbre6iatio'
7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations in T/ *8.,+< I8J and T" **.8:= I*J apply.
TMG& Temporary Mobile Group &dentity
TP7 Traffic Plane 7unction
2P" 2volved Pac#et "ystem
4 M7MS &rc!itecture
4.0 86er6ie2
M0M" is a point@to@multipoint service in which data is transmitted from a sinle source entity to multiple recipients.
Transmittin the same data to multiple recipients allows networ# resources to be shared.
The M0M" bearer service offers two modesG
@ 0roadcast ModeH
@ Multicast Mode.
M0M" architecture enables the efficient usae of radio@networ# and core@networ# resources- with an emphasis on radio
interface efficiency.
M0M" is realised by the addition of a number of new capabilities to e(istin functional entities of the 3GPP
architecture and by addition of a number of new functional entities.
The e(istin P" 9omain functional entities (GG"'- "G"'- 3T/.'- G2/.' and 32) are enhanced to provide the
M0M" 0earer "ervice. &n the bearer plane- this service provides delivery of &P Multicast datarams from the Gi
reference point to 32s with a specified Euality of "ervice. &n the control plane- this service provides mechanisms forG
@ manain the M0M" bearer service activation status of 32s (in the case of multicast mode)H
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 , !elease "
@ outsourcin authorisation decisions to the M0M" 3ser "ervice (i.e. to the 0M@"1) (in the case of multicast
@ providin control of session initiationBtermination by the M0M" 3ser "ervice and manain bearer resources
for the distribution of M0M" data (in the case or multicast and broadcast modes).
. particular instance of the M0M" 0earer "ervice is identified by an &P Multicast .ddress and an .P' 'etwor#
The boundary of the M0M" 0earer "ervice is the Gmb and Gi reference points as shown in 7iure 8 below. The former
provides access to the control plane functions and the latter the bearer plane.
. functional entity- the 0roadcast Multicast "ervice 1entre (0M@"1) provides a set of functions for M0M" 3ser
"ervices. 0M@"1 functions for different M0M" 3ser "ervices may be supported from the same or different physical
networ# elements.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 " !elease "
4.2 #e4ere'ce &rc!itecture Model
4.2.0 GP#S

-. SGS/
-. G.!A/
BM ) S3
Pro6i der 1
Mul ticat
Uu 9u
9u 1 Gb
G' 1 G%
( e $ 5 $ 6nternet
Pro6i der 1
Mul ticat

7ther P1M/
)ote 0, 'et2or; e'titie a'd re4ere'ce %oi't olel< ued b< t!e M7MS uer er6ice (e.3. 4or er6ice
a''ou'ceme't a decribed i' ectio' are 'ot !o2' i' t!i 4i3ure.
)ote 2, G% a%%lie o'l< 2!e' SGS) a'd GGS) are i' di44ere't P$M).
2i5ure 89 !eference architecture to support the MBMS :earer service
4.2.2 +PS
2i5ure #9 !eference architecture for .volved Pac;et System <ith .)-T!A/ = -T!A/ (MBMS
Broadcast Mode only
'OT2G The 0M@"1 uses both M0M" 0earers (over "GmbB"Gi@mb) and 2P" 0earers (over "Gi).
4.3 M7MS S%eci4ic #e4ere'ce %oi't
4.3.0 Gmb
"inallin between GG"' and 0M@"1 is e(chaned at Gmb reference point. This represents the networ# side boundary
of the M0M" 0earer "ervice from a control plane perspective. This includes user specific Gmb sinallin and M0M"
bearer service specific sinallin.
M0M" bearer service specific Gmb sinallinG
@ The GG"' establishes the M0M" bearer conte(t and reisters at 0M@"1.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8( !elease "
@ The GG"' or the 0M@"1 releases the M0M" bearer conte(t and de@reisters the GG"' from the 0M@"1.
@ The 0M@"1 indicates session start and stop to the GG"' includin session attributes li#e Eo" and M0M"
service area.
3ser specific Gmb sinallinG
@ The 0M@"1 authorises the user specific M0M" multicast service activation (join) at the GG"'.
@ The GG"' reports to the 0M@"1 the successful user specific M0M" multicast activation (join) to allow the
0M@"1 to synchronise the 0M@"1 M0M" 32 conte(t with the M0M" 32 conte(ts in the "G"' and GG"'.
@ The GG"' reports to the 0M@"1 when a user specific M0M" multicast service is released or deactivated (e..
at implicit detach). The GG"' ma#es this report in order to synchronise the 0M@"1 M0M" 32 conte(t with the
M0M" 32 conte(ts in the "G"' and GG"'.
The 0M@"1 initiates the deactivation of a user specific M0M" bearer service when the M0M" user service is
0M@"1 functions for different M0M" bearer services may be provided by different physical networ# elements. 7urther-
M0M" bearer service specific and user specific sinallin for the same M0M" bearer service may also be provided by
different physical networ# elements. To allow this distribution of 0M@"1 functions- the Gmb protocol must support the
use of pro(ies to correctly route the different sinallin interactions in a manner which is transparent to the GG"'.
4.3.2 M:
M! is the roamin variant of the Gmb reference point with the same functionality as described under Gmb- i.e. with
M0M" bearer and 3ser specific sinallin.
M0M" bearer and 3ser specific M! sinallin is used between a 0M@"1 in the visited P5M' and a 0M@"1 in the
home P5M' when M0M" services from the home P5M' are offered by the visited P5M'.
3ser specific sinallin is used between a 0M@"1 in the visited P5M' and a 0M@"1 in the home P5M' when the
visited P5M' offers M0M" user services to roamin users. This user specific M! sinallin provides home P5M'
authorisation for M0M" user services that are provided by the visited P5M'. This mechanism supports only M0M"
user service classes that are offered by the visited and by the home P5M'.
M! may use pro(yin capabilities as described for Gmb- e.. to pro(y sinallin between 0M@"1s. .n .P' may be
included in the sinallin between 0M@"1s- which is used to select an appropriate GG"' to access the M0M" service
aimin for an optimi!ed routin- resource savin- or operator policy.
4.3.3 #e4ere'ce Poi't 4or +6ol6ed Pac;et S<tem
'OT2G The below listed reference points are applicable for the 2@3T/.' and 3T/.' M0M" 0roadcast Mode
(with or without countin) only.
M: &t is the reference point between M0M" GD and 2@3T/.'B3T/.' for M0M" data delivery.
S!MM": &t is the reference point between MM2 and 2@3T/.' as specified in T" *3.:+8 I8=J. 7or the
purpose of supportin M0M" service- it is a control plane interface for session control.
Sm: &t is the reference point for the control plane between MM2 and M0M" GD.
Sn: &t is the reference point for the control plane between M0M" GD and "G"'.
S#i!m$: &t is the reference point between 0M@"1 and M0M" GD function for M0M" data delivery.
S#m$: &t is the reference point for the control plane between 0M@"1 and M0M" GD.
Protocol assumptionG
@ The "m and "n reference points are based on GTPv*@1.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 88 !elease "
4.4 M7MS Ser6ice Pro6iio'
4.4.0 MU$T9*&ST M85+
/eception of an M0M" M35T&1."T service is enabled by certain procedures that are illustrated in the 7iure below.

Ser6ice a''ou'ceme't
5ata tra'4er
M7MS 'oti4icatio'
Seio' tart
Seio' Sto%
2i5ure #9 Phases of MBMS Multicast service provision
The phases subscription- joinin and leavin are performed individually per user. The other phases are performed for a
service- i.e. for all users interested in the related service. The seAuence of phases may repeat- e.. dependin on the need
to transfer data. .lso subscription- joinin- leavin- service announcement as well as M0M" notification may run in
parallel to other phases.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8# !elease "
This is illustrated with the followin e(ample of timelineG

to service1
to service1
of data
"ubscription can be
at any time
Start Service 1
session stop
Service 1 Session 2
Service 1
Service 1 session1
Stop Service 1
Idle period
of seconds
"ervice join by the
user can be at any
9ata sent
to 328
9ata sent to
328 and
9ata sent to
328 and
9ata sent
to 32*
2i5ure 39 Timeline e>ample Subcri%tio'
2stablishes the relationship between the user and the service provider- which allows the user to receive the related
M0M" multicast service.
"ervice "ubscription is the areement of a user to receive service(s) offered by the operator. "ubscription information is
recorded in the 0M@"1. "ubscription information and other 0M@"1 functionality may be on separate entities- which is
enabled by pro(y capability of the Gmb interface.
'OT2G procedures for the subscription phase are out of scope of this specification. Ser6ice a''ou'ceme't
M0M" user service announcementBdiscovery mechanisms shall allow users to reAuest or be informed about the rane
of M0M" user services available. This includes operator specific M0M" user services as well as services from content
providers outside of the P5M'. "ervice announcement is used to distribute to users information about the service-
parameters reAuired for service activation (e.. &P multicast address(es)) and possibly other service related parameters
(e.. service start time).
OperatorsBservice providers may consider several service discovery mechanisms. This could include standard
mechanisms such as "M"- or dependin on the capability of the terminal- applications that encourae user interroation.
The method chosen to inform users about M0M" user services may have to account for the user$ s location- (e..
current cell- in the KP5M' or CP5M'). 3sers who have not already subscribed to a M0M" user service should also
be able to discover M0M" user services.
The followin could be considered useful for M0M" user service announcement mechanisms (not e(haustive)G
@ "M" 1ell 0roadcast to advertise M0M" Multicast and 0roadcast user servicesH
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 83 !elease "
@ M0M" 0roadcast mode to advertise M0M" Multicast and 0roadcast user "ervicesH
@ M0M" Multicast mode to advertise M0M" Multicast user "ervicesH
@ P3"K mechanism (D.P- "M"@PP- MM")H
@ 3/5 (KTTP- 7TP).
The details of the M0M" service announcement mechanisms are out of scope of this specification- but M0M" shall
allow the utilisation of solutions usin &2T7 protocols.
"ervice announcement is further defined within M0M" 3ser "ervice specifications T" *=.3:= I>J. =oi'i'3
;oinin (i.e. M0M" multicast activation by the user) is the process by which a subscriber joins (becomes a member of)
a multicast roup- i.e. the user indicates to the networ# that heBshe wants to receive Multicast mode data of a specific
M0M" bearer service. .n M0M" user service may also be carried by more than one M0M" bearer service. &n that case
the M0M" user service part in the 32 initiates the relevant M0M" bearer services to receive the service (see
subclause ?.*). Seio' Start
"ession "tart is the point at which the 0M@"1 is ready to send data. This can be identified with the start of a FMulticast
sessionF as defined in T" **.8:= I*J. "ession "tart occurs independently of activation of the service by the user L i.e. a
iven user may activate the service before or after "ession "tart. "ession "tart is the trier for bearer resource
establishment for M0M" data transfer. &f an M0M" user service is carried by more than one M0M" bearer service- a
"ession "tart messae is sent for each M0M" bearer service. &n that case the 32 may need to initiate the reception of
multiple relevant M0M" bearer services to receive the M0M" user service.
4.4.0." M7MS 'oti4icatio'
&nforms the 32s about forthcomin (and potentially about onoin) M0M" multicast data transfer. 5ata tra'4er
&t is the phase when M0M" data are transferred to the 32s.
4.4.0./ Seio' Sto%
&t is the point at which the 0M@"1 determines that there will be no more data to send for some period of time L this
period bein lon enouh to justify removal of bearer resources associated with the session. .t "ession "top- the bearer
resources are released.
4.4.0.> $ea6i'3
5eavin (i.e. M0M" multicast deactivation by the user) is the process by which a subscriber leaves (stops bein a
member of) a multicast roup- i.e. the user no loner wants to receive Multicast mode data of a specific M0M" bearer
4.4.2 Multicat Mode timeli'e Period bet2ee' Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't a'd Seio' Start
The service announcement may contain a schedule of "ession "tart times and may be sent some time before the service
is due to start. "o- this time period could be hours- days or even wee#s. Period bet2ee' Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't a'd Ser6ice Subcri%tio'
"ervice "ubscription can be done anytime before or after "ervice announcement.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8% !elease " Period bet2ee' Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't a'd =oi'i'3
The ;oinin time is chosen by the user andBor 32 possibly in response to a "ervice .nnouncement. 3sers will typically
join at the time of their choosin so that the period between announcement and joinin may be very lon or very short.
&n order to avoid overload situations bein caused by many users attemptin to join in a short period of time- the 32
shall be able to use parameters sent by the 0M@"1 in the service announcement to randomise the joinin time. Period bet2ee' =oi'i'3 a'd Seio' Start
"ome M0M" bearer services may be $always on$. &n this case- ;oinin can ta#e place immediately after "ervice
.nnouncement and possibly many hours before- or after- "ession "tart.
&n other cases- if a "ession "tart time is #nown- ;oinin may ta#e place immediately before "ession "tart or after
"ession "tart. 7or these services- the announcement may contain some indication of a time period which users and 32s
should use to choose a time to ;oin the M0M" bearer service.
4.4.2." Period bet2ee' Seio' Start a'd (irt 5ata &rri6al
"ession "tart indicates that the transmission is about to start. The time delay between a "ession "tart indication and
actual data should be lon enouh for the networ# actions reAuired at "ession "tart to ta#e place e.. provision of
service information to the 3T/.'- establishment of the bearer plane.
"ession "tart may be triered by an e(plicit notification from the 0M@"1. &n the case of bearer plane resources which
are set@up after the start of session data transmission- the networ# is not reAuired to buffer the session data and loss of
data can be assumed. Period bet2ee' Seio' Start a'd Seio' Sto%
Dhen the 0M@"1 #nows that there is no more data to be sent for a Flon idle periodF- it should indicate "ession "top to
the networ#- causin the release of bearer resources. Kowever- if this idle period with no data is short- this may not be
appropriate as it brins more sinallin and processin.
The duration of this Flon idle periodF is implementation dependent. The order of manitude should be defined to ta#e
into account networ# constraints (includin 3T/.'- G2/.'- and 1').
&f the 0M@"1 wants to use session repetition identification on the M0M" bearer service level- the 0M@"1 must stop the
M0M" session before startin the ne(t M0M" user service session for that TMG&.
4.4.2./ Seio' U%date
"ession 3pdate is used to update specific parameters of an onoin M0M" Multicast session. The "G"' can use the
procedure to update the list of /.s where M0M" multicast users are located for an onoin M0M" Multicast service
4.4.3 7#8&5*&ST M85+
.n e(ample for the phases of M0M" broadcast service provision is described in the fiure belowG
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8* !elease "

Ser6ice a''ou'ceme't
5ata tra'4er
M7MS 'oti4icatio'
Seio' Start
Seio' Sto%
2i5ure %9 Phases of MBMS :roadcast service provision
The seAuence of phases may repeat- e.. dependin on the need to transfer data. &t is also possible that the service
announcement and M0M" notification phase may run in parallel with other phases- in order to inform 32s which have
not yet received the related service.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8& !elease "

UE local
Broadcast service Announcement
Service 1 Session 2
Broadcast of Data, received by any UE
which is present
Service 1 session1
Local service de-
Start Broadcast
Broadcast session start
Session stop
Idle period
of seconds
2i5ure *9 Broadcast service timeline Ser6ice a''ou'ceme't
&nforms 32s about forthcomin M0M" user services. .lso see section on Multicast mode (:.:.8.*). U+ local er6ice acti6atio'
The M0M" user service part in the 32 initiates reception of the M0M" bearer service to receive an M0M" user
service. &n case one M0M" user service is carried by more than one M0M" bearer service- the 32 may need to initiate
the reception of multiple relevant M0M" bearer services to receive the M0M" user service (see subclause ?.8*). Seio' Start
"ession "tart is the point at which the 0M@"1 is ready to send data. This can be identified with the start of a F0roadcast
sessionF as defined in T" **.8:= I*J. "ession "tart occurs independently of "ervice .ctivation by the user L i.e. a iven
user may activate the service before or after the start of the session. "ession "tart is the trier for bearer resource
establishment for M0M" data transfer. &f an M0M" user service is carried by more than one M0M" bearer service- a
"ession "tart messae is sent for each M0M" bearer service. &n that case the 32 may need to initiate the reception of
multiple relevant M0M" bearer services to receive the M0M" user service. M7MS 'oti4icatio'
&nforms the 32s about forthcomin (and potentially about onoin) M0M" broadcast data transfer. 5ata tra'4er
&t is the phase when M0M" data are transferred to the 32s.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8+ !elease "
4.4.3." Seio' Sto%
&t is the point at which the M0M" user service determines that there will be no more data to send for some period of
time L this period bein lon enouh to justify removal of bearer resources associated with the service. .t "ession "top-
the bearer resources are released. Seio' U%date
"ession 3pdate is used to update specific parameters of an onoin M0M" 0roadcast session. Parameters which can be
updated are M0M" "ervice .rea- andBor the 5ist of "G"'s (only from 0M@"1 to GG"'). . "ession 3pdate received
in one node- results in a "ession 3pdate bein sent to downstream nodes- to inform of the chaned M0M" "ervice
.rea. Dhen a "ession 3pdate is received in the GG"' includin the 5ist of "G"' parameter- it results in a "ession
"tart bein sent to new downstream nodes- and in a "ession "top bein sent to downstream nodes that have been
removed from the list.
4.4.4 7roadcat Mode timeli'e Period bet2ee' Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't a'd Seio' Start
"ame as for Multicast mode. Period bet2ee' Seio' Start a'd (irt 5ata &rri6al
"ame as for Multicast mode. Period bet2ee' Seio' Start a'd Seio' Sto%
"ame as for Multicast mode.
" (u'ctio'al +'titie To Su%%ort M7MS
".0 Ge'eral
To provide M0M" bearer services e(istin functional entities- GG"'- "G"'- /'1B0"1- perform several M0M"
related functions and procedures- some of which are specific to M0M". .n M0M" specific functional entity L
0roadcast Multicast "ervice 1entre (0M@"1) supports various M0M" user service specific services such as
provisionin and delivery.
".0 7roadcat-Multicat Ser6ice *e'tre (7M-S*)
The 0M@"1 provides functions for M0M" user service provisionin and delivery. &t may serve as an entry point for
content provider M0M" transmissions- used to authorise and initiate M0M" 0earer "ervices within the P5M' and can
be used to schedule and deliver M0M" transmissions.
The 0M@"1 is a functional entity- which must e(ist for each M0M" 3ser "ervice.
The 0M@"1 consists of five sub@functionsG
@ Membership functionH
@ "ession and Transmission functionH
@ Pro(y and Transport functionH
@ "ervice .nnouncement functionH
@ "ecurity function.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8, !elease "
&n addition- for 2P" the 0M@"1 consists of the followin additional functions (broadcast mode only)G
1ontent synchroni!ation for M0M" in 3T/.'.
@ 1ontent synchroni!ation for M0M" in 2@3T/.'.
@ Keader compression for M0"7' M0M" data.
This section describes 0M@"1 functions- which are defined for the standardised M0M" 3ser "ervices.

Member!i% (u'ctio'
Seio' a'd
Tra'miio' (u'ctio'
Pro.< a'd
Tra'%ort (u'ctio'
Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't
To U+
7M - S*
?&P, !tt%, MMS, @
*o'te't Pro6ider 1
Multicat 7roadcat
Securit< (u'ctio'
To U+
Gi !tt%, M9A+B1U5P, ...
2i5ure *a9 BM)S3 functional structure
2ditor$s 'oteG The above fiure needs to be updated to reflect "Gi@mb and "Gmb interfaces.
".0.0 Member!i% (u'ctio'
The 0M@"1 Membership function provides authori!ation for 32s reAuestin to activate an M0M" service.
The Membership function may have subscription data of M0M" service users.
The Membership 7unction may enerate charin records for M0M" service users.
The Membership 7unction is an M0M" bearer service level function- but it may also provide user service level
functions e.. membership manaement etc. &n this case it does also have a Gi interface.
".0.2 Seio' a'd Tra'miio' (u'ctio'
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction shall be able to schedule M0M" session transmissions.
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction should be able to schedule M0M" session retransmissions- and label
each M0M" session with an M0M" "ession &dentifier to allow the 32 to distinuish the M0M" session
retransmissions. The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction allocates TMG&s.
2ach transmission and subseAuent retransmission(s) of a specific M0M" session are identifiable by a common M0M"
"ession &dentifier (*@3 Octets) passed at the application layer in the content- and also passed in a shortened form (i.e. the
least sinificant octet) in the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae to the /'1sB0"1s. The full M0M" "ession
&dentifier should be used by the 32 to identify an M0M" session when completin point@to@point repair- while the
shortened M0M" "ession &dentifier is included by the /.'s in the notification messaes for M0M"
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction shall be able to provide the GG"' with transport associated parameters
such as Auality@of@service and M0M" service area.
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction shall be able to initiate and terminate M0M" bearer resources prior to
and followin transmission of M0M" data.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 8" !elease "
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction should be able to send M0M" data. &t could also apply favourable
error resilient schemes e.. speciali!ed M0M" codecs or 7orward 2rror 1orrection schemes.
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission 7unction should be able to authenticate and authori!e e(ternal sources and
accept content from them.
The "ession and Transmission 7unction is user service level function and it triers bearer level functions when M0M"
sessions are scheduled.
".0.3 Pro.< a'd Tra'%ort (u'ctio'
The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport 7unction is a Pro(y .ent for sinallin over Gmb reference point between GG"'s
and other 0M@"1 sub@functions- e.. the 0M@"1 Membership 7unction and the 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission
7unction. 7urther- the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport 7unction shall also be able to handle when 0M@"1 functions for
different M0M" services are provided by multiple physical networ# elements. /outin of the different sinallin
interactions shall be transparent to the GG"'.
The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function shall be able to enerate charin records for content provider charin of
transmitted data. 1ontent provider name is provided to 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function over Gmb at session start.
The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function may act as an intermediate device for the M0M" data sent from the 0M@"1
"ession and Transmission function to the GG"'.
The Pro(y and Transport 7unction may be divided further into a Pro(y function manain the control plane (Gmb) and
a Transport function manain the multicast payload.
The Pro(y and Transport 7unction is an M0M" bearer service function.
".0.4 Ser6ice &''ou'ceme't (u'ctio'
The 0M@"1 "ervice .nnouncement function shall be able to provide service announcements for multicast and
broadcast M0M" user services.
The 0M@"1 "ervice .nnouncement function shall be able to provide the 32 with media descriptions specifyin the
media to be delivered as part of an M0M" user service (e.. type of video and audio encodins).
The 0M@"1 "ervice .nnouncement function shall be able to provide the 32 with M0M" session descriptions
specifyin the M0M" sessions to be delivered as part of an M0M" user service (e.. multicast service identification-
addressin- time of transmission- etc.).
The 0M@"1 "ervice .nnouncement function shall be able to deliver media and session descriptions by means of service
announcements usin &2T7 specified protocols over M0M" multicast and broadcast bearer services.
The "ervice .nnouncement 7unction is a user service level function.
The followin mechanisms should be supported for service announcement. "ervice announcements may be triered by
the 0M@"1 but are not necessarily sent by the 0M@"1G
@ M0M" bearer capabilities to advertise M0M" user "ervicesH
@ P3"K mechanism (D.P push)H
@ 3/5 (D.P- KTTP)H
@ "M" (point@to@point)H
@ "M"@10 cell broadcast.
Other mechanisms could be considered in future releases.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #( !elease "
".0.4a M7MS Securit< (u'ctio'
M0M" user services may use the "ecurity functions for interity andBor confidentiality protection of M0M" data. The
M0M" "ecurity function is used for distributin M0M" #eys (%ey 9istribution 7unction) to authori!ed 32s.9etailed
description of the security functions is provided in (T" 33.*:= I<J).
".0." M7MS *o'te't Tra'4er 4or 2G a'd 3G 4or t!e ame M7MS Uer
".0.".0 Ge'eral
.lthouh these procedures mention *G and 3G e(tensively- only the 0M@"1 (which renders the content differently) and
the "G"' have to implement functionality to deliver this. The GG"'- /'1 and 0"1 shall all be transparent to this
".0.".2 Se%arate M7MS 7earer Ser6ice 4or 2G a'd 3G 4or t!e ame M7MS Uer
The same M0M" user service may transfer its data on separate M0M" bearer services for *G or 3G coverae- typically
with different Eo". 7or this purpose two &P multicast addresses and the associated two TMG&s should be allocated for
the same M0M" user service. One pair of &P multicast address and TMG& is for *G coverae and another pair of &P
multicast address and TMG& is for 3G coverae. The detailed impacts on the networ# nodes are listed belowG
a) The service announcement instructs the 32 to join two multicast M0M" bearer services (one is for *G coverae
and the other is for 3G coverae)- i.e. two &P multicast addresses that are allocated in the 0M@"1 are sent to 32
within one service announcement messae.
'OT2 8G One M0M" 3ser "ervice may use several M0M" 0earer "ervices.
b) . 32 that miht move between 3G coverae areas and *G coverae areas activates both M0M" bearer services.
c) The 32 monitors the painBnotification channels for both TMG&s and receives M0M" data when transferred by
the M0M" bearer services.
d) Dhen the 0M@"1 needs to deliver the content- the 0M@"1 produces two sets of M0M" data from the same
content and sends independent "ession "tart messaes for both of the M0M" bearer services. The FdifferentF *G
and 3G content streams for the same M0M" user service are sent on the different &P multicast address associated
with *G and 3G TMG&s. . *GB3G indicator in the "ession "tart messae (which the GG"' passes transparently
to the "G"') indicates whether the content should be delivered in *G@only or 3G@only (or both) coverae areas.
e) The "G"' uses the *GB3G indicator to decide whether a M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae should be sent
to the 0"1s andBor the /'1s.
'OT2 *G "ee subclause >.3 for potential issues.
".0.".3 Same M7MS 7earer Ser6ice 4or 2G a'd 3G 4or t!e ame M7MS Uer
The same M0M" user service may also transfer its data on the same M0M" bearer service for both *G and 3G
coverae. 7or this purpose one &P multicast addresses and the associated TMG& should be allocated for the same M0M"
user service. &n such application- the FdifferentF *G and 3G content for the same M0M" user service are sent in
separate M0M" "essions seAuentially. The *GB3G indicator in the "ession "tart messae indicates whether the M0M"
session should be delivered in *G@only or 3G@only (or both) coverae areas. The "G"' uses the *GB3G indicator to
decide whether a M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae should be sent to the 0"1s andBor the /'1s.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #8 !elease "
".0.6 $ocatio' 5e%e'de't *o'te't Tra'4er 4or t!e ame M7MS Uer Ser6ice
(7roadcat Mode o'l<)
"ome M0M" user services may broadcast different content in different areas of the networ#. &n such case the 32 is not
aware of the relation between location and content- i.e. the 32 just activates the reception of the service and receives the
content that is relevant for its location.
The 0M@"1 controls which content is broadcasted in which area by establishin a separate M0M" bearer service for
each content data flow. .ll M0M" bearer services of the same M0M" user service share the same TMG& but bear a
different 7low &dentifier. The 0M@"1 allocates the 7low &dentifier durin the M0M" "ession "tart procedure and
initiates a separate session for each content data flow. "ince in any specific location only one version of the content
shall be available at any point in time- the M0M" "ervice .reas of each session of a same user service shall not
overlapH this shall be ensured by proper confiuration of the service in the 0M@"1. The /'1 ultimately enforces this
constraint by rejectin any session start reAuest with the same TMG& as an already active session if there is any overlap
in the respective service areas. .s indicated above- the 32 is unaware of the 7low &dentifier and of the e(istence of
multiple sessions for the same M0M" user service.
".2 Uer +Cui%me't
The 32 shall support functions for the activationBdeactivation of the M0M" bearer service.
Once a particular M0M" bearer service is activated- no further e(plicit user reAuest is reAuired to receive M0M" data
althouh the user may be notified that data transfer is about to start.
The 32 shall support security functions as appropriate for M0M".
The 32 should- dependin on terminal capabilities- be able to receive M0M" user service announcements- pain
information (non M0M" specific) and support simultaneous services (for e(ample the user can oriinate or receive a
call or send and receive messaes whilst receivin M0M" video content). /eception of this pain or announcements
may however- create losses in the M0M" data reception. The M0M" user service should be able to cope with such
The 32 shall be able to synchronise with the "G"'- which of its M0M" 32 conte(ts are still active.
9ependin upon terminal capability- 32s may be able to store M0M" data. This may involve 9/M but this is out of
scope of this specification.
The M0M" "ession &dentifier contained in the notification to the 32 shall enable the 32 to decide whether it needs to
inore the forthcomin transmission of M0M" session (e.. because the 32 has already received this M0M" session).
".3 UT#&)1G+#&)
3T/.'BG2/.' are responsible for efficiently deliverin M0M" data to the desinated M0M" service area.
2fficient delivery of M0M" data in multicast mode may reAuire mechanisms in the 3T/.'BG2/.'- e.. the number
of users within a cell prior to and durin M0M" transmission could be used to choose an appropriate radio bearer.
M0M" transmissions may be initiated and terminated intermittently. The 3T/.'BG2/.' shall support the initiation
and termination of M0M" transmissions by the core@networ#. 7urther- the 3T/.'BG2/.' shall be able to receive
M0M" data from the core@networ# over &u bearers shared by many 32s.
The 3T/.'BG2/.' shall support both intra@/'1B0"1 and inter@/'1B0"1 mobility of M0M" receivers. Mobility is
e(pected to cause limited data loss. Therefore- M0M" user services should be able to cope with potential data loss
caused by 32 mobility.
The 3T/.'BG2/.' shall be able to transmit M0M" user service announcements- pain information (non M0M"
specific) and support other services in parallel with M0M" (for e(ample dependin on terminal capabilities the user
could oriinate or receive a call or send and receive messaes whilst receivin M0M" video content).
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 ## !elease "
".4 SGS)
The "G"'$s role within the M0M" architecture is to perform M0M" bearer service control functions for each
individual 32 and to provide M0M" transmissions to 3T/.'BG2/.'.
The "G"' shall provide support for intra@"G"' and inter@"G"' mobility procedures. "pecifically this reAuires the
"G"' to store a user@specific M0M" 32 conte(t for each activated multicast M0M" bearer service and to pass these
conte(ts to the new "G"' durin inter@"G"' mobility procedures.
The "G"' shall be able to indicate its M0M" support to the 32 as well as it shall be able to synchronise with the 32-
which of the 32$s M0M" 32 conte(ts are still active.
The "G"' shall be able to enerate charin data per multicast M0M" bearer service for each user. The "G"' does
not perform on@line charin for either the M0M" bearer service or the M0M" user service (this is handled in the 0M@
The "G"' shall be able to establish &u and Gn bearers shared by many users upon receivin a session start from the
GG"'. 5i#ewise- the "G"' shall be able to tear down these bearers upon instruction from the GG"'.
Dhen M0M" in 2P" for 3T/.' access is supported- the "G"' shall support the necessary control plane functions
provided via "n interface toBfrom M0M" GD.
"." GGS)
The GG"' role within the M0M" architecture is to serve as an entry point for &P multicast traffic as M0M" data. 3pon
notification from the 0M@"1 the GG"' shall be able to reAuest the establishment of a bearer plane for a broadcast or
multicast M0M" transmission. 7urther- upon 0M@"1 notification the GG"' shall be able to tear down the established
bearer plane. 0earer plane establishment for multicast services is carried out towards those "G"'s that have reAuested
to receive transmissions for the specific multicast M0M" bearer service.
The GG"' shall be able to receive M0M" specific &P multicast traffic and to route this data to the proper GTP tunnels
set@up as part of the M0M" bearer service.
The GG"' may also provide features that support the M0M" bearer service that are not e(clusive to M0M". 2(amples
@ Messae "creenin (not needed if the M0M" sources are internal in the P5M')H
@ 1harin 9ata 1ollectionH
@ 7low 0ased 1harin (see section 8+).
".6 M7MS 5ata Source a'd *o'te't Pro6ider
The reference point from the content provider to the 0M@"1 is not standardised by 3GPP in this release of the
"./ 8t!er (u'ctio'al +leme't
"./.0 Void
"./.2 *7*
The 1ell 0roadcast 1entre (101) may be used to announce M0M" user services to the users.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #3 !elease "
"./.3 Void
".> Void
".9 (u'ctio'al +leme't 4or t!e +6ol6ed Pac;et S<tem
".9.0 M7MS G?
One or more M0M" GD function entities may be used in a P5M'.
'ote that M0M" GD may be stand alone or co@located with other networ# elements such as 0M@"1 or combined
"@GDBP9' GD.
M0M" GD functions includeG
@ &t provides an interface for entities usin M0M" bearers throuh the "Gi@mb (user plane) reference pointH
@ &t provides an interface for entities usin M0M" bearers throuh the "Gmb (control plane) reference pointH
@ &P multicast distribution of M0M" user plane data to e'ode0s (M8 reference point)H
&P multicast distribution of M0M" user plane data to /'1s (M8 reference point)H
'OT2G &n case of mobility in or out from an M0M" service area- the service continuity is handled by the "ervice
5ayer (in 32 and networ#).
@ &t allocates an &P Multicast address to which the e'ode0B/'1 should join to receive the M0M" data. This &P
Multicast address is provided to the e'ode0 via MM2 and to the /'1 via "G"'H
M0M" GD supports fall bac# to point to point mode where applicable for 3T/.' accessH
@ M0M" GD can communicate with multiple control plane entities (i.e. MM2- "G"' and 0M@"1s).
".9.2 M7MS *o'trol %la'e 4u'ctio'
The M0M" control plane function is supported by MM2 for 2@3T/.' access and by "G"' for 3T/.' access. 7or
"G"' functions- see clause <.:.
One or more M0M" control plane functional entities are used in a P5M'.
MM2 supports the followin functions in order to enable M0M" support for 2@3T/.'G
@ "ession control of M0M" bearers to the 2@3T/.' access (includin reliable delivery of "ession "tartB"ession
"top to 2@3T/.')H
@ Transmit "ession control messaes towards multiple 2@3T/.' nodesH
@ &t is 77" whether there is a need to filter the distribution of "ession 1ontrol messae to 2@3T/.' nodes based
on M0M" service areaH
@ &t provides an "m interface to the M0M" GD functionG it receives M0M" service control messaes and the &P
Multicast address for M0M" data reception from M0M" GD function over the "m interface.
'OT2G Dhen a 32 leaves or enters M0M" bearer coverae- the service continuity is handled by the "ervice
5ayer (in 32 and networ#).
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #% !elease "
6 M7MS &ttribute a'd Parameter
6.0 M7MS U+ *o'te.t
The M0M" 32 1onte(t contains 32@specific information related to a particular M0M" bearer service that the 32 has
joined. .n M0M" 32 1onte(t is created in the 32- "G"'-GG"' and 0M@"1 Membership function when the 32 joins
an M0M" bearer service. &n the "G"'- an M0M" 32 1onte(t is also created as a result of an inter@"G"' routin area
update after the transfer of the M0M" 32 1onte(t from the old "G"'.
&n &u mode- all M0M" 32 1onte(ts of a 32 are provided via M0M" 32 5in#in mechanism to the 0"1B"/'1 at
least when the first P" /.0 is established for the 32- or when the 32 performs M0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivation.
M0M" 32 1onte(ts are provided to the &u mode 0"1B"/'1 reardless whether M0M" "essions are onoin or not
(i.e. before- between and after "essions). &n addition- all M0M" 32 1onte(ts of a 32 are provided via M0M" 32
5in#in mechanism when a 32- which has an M0M" 32 1onte(t active- moves to PMM@1onnected state via the
M0M" "ervice /eAuest procedure for the purpose of M0M".
&n the 32 and "G"'- the M0M" 32 1onte(t is stored as part of the MM 1onte(t for the 32. The M0M" 32 1onte(t
is stored in the GG"'. There is one M0M" 32 1onte(t per M0M" bearer service that the 32 has joined.
&n the &u mode 0"1B/'1- the M0M" 32 1onte(ts are stored as part of the 32 1onte(t of the 0"1B/'1.
The content of the M0M" 32 1onte(t is described in Table 8.
Ta:le 89 MBMS -. 3onte>t
Parameter 4escription -. SGS/ GGS/ !/3 BS3 BM)S3
9P multicat addre 9P multicat addre ide'ti4<i'3 a'
M7MS bearer t!at t!e U+ !a Doi'ed.
E E E E 9u - E
Gb - 'o'e
&P) &cce Poi't )ame o' 2!ic! t!i 9P
multicat addre i de4i'ed.
E E E E 9u - E
Gb F 'o'e
GGS) &ddre i'
T!e 9P addre o4 t!e GGS) curre'tl<
SGS) addre T!e 9P addre o4 SGS) E
TMG9 Tem%orar< Mobile Grou% 9de'tit<
allocated to t!e M7MS bearer.
E E E 9u - E
Gb F 'o'e
#&9 T!e #outi'3 &rea 9de'tit< (")
$i';ed )S&P9 )S&P9 o4 t!e P5P co'te.t ued b< t!e
U+ to carr< 9GMP1M$5 i3'alli'3.
9MS9 9MS9 ide'ti4<i'3 t!e uer. (0) (0) E (2) 9u F (2)
Gb F (3)
T9 Tra'actio' 9de'ti4ier E E
T+95 4or *o'trol
T!e Tu''el +'d%oi't 9de'ti4ier 4or t!e
co'trol %la'e bet2ee' SGS) a'd
M7MSG)S&P9 )et2or; la<er Ser6ice &cce Poi't
9de'ti4ier 2!ic! ide'ti4ie a' M7MS
U+ *o'te.t.
&dditio'al M7MS
Trace 9'4o
9de'ti4ie additio'al i'4ormatio'
reCuired to %er4orm trace.
(4) (4) (4)
Trace #e4ere'ce 9de'ti4ie a record or a collectio' o4
record 4or a %articular trace.
(4) (4) (4) (4)
Trace T<%e 9'dicate t!e t<%e o4 trace. (4) (4) (4) (4)
Tri33er 9d 9de'ti4ie t!e e'tit< t!at i'itiated t!e
(4) (4) (4) (4)
8M* 9de'tit< 9de'ti4ie t!e 8M* t!at !all recei6e
t!e trace record().
(4) (4) (4) (4)
(0) 9' t!e U+ a'd SGS), t!e 9MS9 i a6ailable 2it!i' t!e MM *o'te.t 2!ic! co'tai' t!e M7MS U+ *o'te.t.
(2) T!e 9MS9 i a6ailable 2it!i' t!e U+ *o'te.t 2!ic! co'tai' t!e M7MS U+ *o'te.t.
(3) 9MS9 a6ailabilit< doe 'ot de%e'd o' M7MS.
(4) Trace %arameter are o'l< tored i4 trace i acti6ated.
(") #&9 i a6ailable 2it!i' t!e MM *o'te.t o4 t!e U+.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #* !elease "
6.2 M7MS 7earer *o'te.t
The M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- which is referred to as M0M" "ervice 1onte(t in /.'- contains all information
describin a particular M0M" bearer service and is created in each node involved in the delivery of the M0M" data.
.n M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is created in the "G"' and GG"' when the first M0M" 32 1onte(t is created in the node
or when a downstream node reAuests it. The M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is statically confiured in the 0M@"1 Pro(y and
Transport 7unctionH how this is done is out of the scope of this specification. The M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is created in
the &u mode 0"1 and in "/'1 when a first M0M" 32 1onte(t is created in 0"1B"/'1. M0M" "ession "tart
procedure may create M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in a 0"1B/'1 which has no M0M" 0earer 1onte(t yet.
.n M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- once created- can be in one of two states reflectin the bearer plane resource status of the
correspondin M0M" bearer service.

"ession "top "ession "tart
'o bearer plane resources reAuired
0earer plane resources reAuired
2i5ure &9 MBMS Bearer 3onte>t State Model
$.ctive$ reflects the state of an M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in which bearer plane resources are reAuired in the networ# for
the transfer of M0M" data. This state is maintained as lon as there is a correspondin M0M" session onoin.
$"tandby$ reflects the state of an M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in which no bearer plane resources are reAuired in the networ#
for the transfer of M0M" data. This state is maintained as lon as there is no correspondin M0M" session onoin.
The content of the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is described in Table *.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #& !elease "
Ta:le #9 MBMS Bearer 3onte>t
Parameter 4escription !A/ SGS/ GGS/ BM)S3
M7MS bearer er6ice i' broadcat or multicat mode E E E E
9P multicat addre(
multicat mode o'l<)
9P multicat addre ide'ti4<i'3 t!e M7MS bearer
decribed b< t!i M7MS 7earer *o'te.t.
(multicat mode o'l<)
&cce Poi't )ame o' 2!ic! t!i 9P multicat addre
i de4i'ed.
TMG9 Tem%orar< Mobile Grou% 9de'tit< allocated to t!e
M7MS bearer er6ice.
(lo2 9de'ti4ier
(broadcat mode
$ocatio' de%e'de't ub4lo2 o4 t!e M7MS bearer
er6ice. ?!e' %ree't, t!e (lo2 9de'ti4ier to3et!er 2it!
t!e TMG9 u'iCuel< ide'ti4< t!e M7MS 7earer *o'te.t.
('ote 0)
('ote 0)
('ote 0)
GGS) T+95-* Tu''el +'d%oi't 9de'ti4ier o4 GGS) 4or co'trol %la'e. E
GGS) 9P &ddre 4or
*o'trol Pla'e i' ue
T!e 9P addre o4 t!e GGS) ued 4or t!e co'trol %la'e. E
('ote 4)
GGS) 9P &ddre 4or
Uer Pla'e i' ue
T!e 9P addre o4 t!e GGS) ued 4or t!e uer %la'e. E
('ote 4)
State State o4 bearer %la'e reource (Hta'db<H or Hacti6eH) E E E E
#eCuired M7MS
7earer *a%abilitie
(multicat mode o'l<)
Mi'imum bearer ca%abilitie t!e U+ 'eed to u%%ort E E E
IoS Iualit< o4 Ser6ice reCuired 4or t!e M7MS bearer
M7MS Ser6ice &rea &rea o6er 2!ic! t!e M7MS bearer er6ice !a to be
$it o4 do2'tream
$it o4 do2'tream 'ode t!at !a6e reCueted t!e
M7MS bearer er6ice a'd to 2!ic! 'oti4icatio' a'd
M7MS data !a6e to be 4or2arded.
('ote ")
('ote 3,
)umber o4 U+
(multicat mode o'l<)
)umber o4 U+ !oted b< t!e 'ode t!at !a6e Doi'ed t!e
multicat M7MS bearer er6ice.
$it o4 PMM-
*8))+*T+5 U+
$it o4 PMM-*8))+*T+5 U+ 2!ic! !a6e acti6ated
a' M7MS er6ice.
$it o4 #&
(multicat mode o'l<)
$it o4 #&, eac! o4 2!ic! co'tai' at leat o'e U+ t!at
!a Doi'ed t!e M7MS bearer er6ice.
)8T+ 0, 9t i a' o%tio'al %arameter.
)8T+ 2, 9t i a6ailable o'l< 4or UT#&), 'ot 4or G+#&).
)8T+ 3, (or GGS), t!e lit at leat i'clude t!e cou%le o4 t!e SGS) 9P addree a'd T+95 4or co'trol %la'e, a'd
t!e cou%le 4or uer %la'e.
)8T+ 4, GS) t!at u%%ort bot! 9P64 a'd 9P66 addre t<%e, tore o'l< t!e 9P addre i' ue.
)8T+ ", (or SGS), t!e lit i'clude t!e re3itered 5#)*.
6.3 Iualit<-o4-Ser6ice
&t shall be possible for the networ# to control Auality@of@service parameters for sessions of multicast and broadcast
M0M" bearer services. .ll Eo" attributes related to the 3MT" bearer service described in T" *3.8+> I3J are applicable
to M0M" bearer services. 1ompared to point@to@point bearer services the followin limitations e(istG
@ 7or traffic c%ass- only the bac#round and streamin classes shall be supported.
@ 7or S&U error ratio- only hiher values are supported- i.e. the values describin hiher numbers of lost or
corrupted "93s (actual values are for the bac#round and streamin classes are 8+
and 8+
@ 7or maximum $it!rate- see the values described in T" **.*:= I=J.
@ 7or #uaranteed $it rate of the "treamin Traffic 1lassG dependin on radio resource usae by other services-
some cells of the M0M" "ervice .rea may not have sufficient resources available for a M0M" "ession. The
/.' may decide not to establish /0 in cells where reAuested resources are not available. The /.' does not
reject a M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae even if one or more cells do not have enouh resources to
establish radio bearers.
M0M" bearer services of bac#round class are best suited for the transport of M0M" user services such as messain
or downloadin. 0ufferin- shapin schemes and pac#et droppin may be applied to the traffic flow to adapt to the
available resources and chanin networ# conditions. The total transfer time is not critical for bac#round class bearer
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #+ !elease "
services since the content must normally have been received in totality and stored in the 32 before the user can access
M0M" bearer services of streamin class are best suited for the transport of M0M" user services such as streamin. .s
for point@to@point bearer services- the networ# should minimise the pac#et transfer delay of streamin class bearer
services as far as possible. Pac#et droppin should be the preferred traffic conditionin action applied to the traffic flow
to adapt to the available resources.
The principle difference between bac#round and streamin classes for M0M" is the support of a uaranteed bit@rate in
the streamin case. 'o indication is provided to the 32 in cases where the /.' cannot provide the reAuested Eo". .s a
result- some 32s may not receive the M0M" session or parts of it. 7or bac#round class- the /.' may continue to
distribute data in conestion conditions but at potentially hih pac#et loss rates- therefore the M0M" user service will
have to provide sufficient redundancy within the data to be able to cope with the hih pac#et loss.
M0M" user services that would normally use M0M" bearer services of bac#round class may however decide to use a
streamin class M0M" bearer service if the M0M" user service cannot cope with hih pac#et loss.
The .llocation and /etention Priority of the M0M" bearer service allows for prioritisation between M0M" bearer
services- and between M0M" bearer services and non M0M" bearer services.
.s the M0M" bearer service transfers data to many 32s in parallel and because of the lac# of feedbac# channel on
radio level low "93 error ratios are difficult to achieve. Dhen the resultin pac#et error ratio is not suitable for the
M0M" user service or when prevention of data loss is reAuired- an M0M" user service may perform retransmission of
M0M" data over a point@to@point P9P conte(t.
6.3.0 M7MS IoS ditributio' tree
M0M" data will be distributed to multiple users throuh a M0M" distribution tree that can o throuh many
0"1sB/'1s- many "G"'s and one or more GG"'s. 7urthermore some bearer resources may be shared between many
users accessin the same M0M" bearer service in order to save resources. .s a result- each branch of a M0M"
distribution tree shall be established with the same Eo".
M0M" distribution tree shall have the same Eo" for all its branches.
Dhen a branch of the M0M" distribution tree has been created- it is not possible for another branch (e.. due to arrival
of a new 32 or chane of location of a 32 with removal of a branch and addition of a new one) to impact the Eo" of
already established branches.
There is no Eo" (re@)neotiation between networ# elements (e.. between /'1 and "G"'). This implies that some
branches may not be established if Eo" reAuirement cannot be accepted by the concerned networ# node.
6.4 Tem%orar< Mobile Grou% 9de'tit<
Temporary Mobile Group &dentity (TMG&) is used for M0M" notification purpose. The 0M@"1 allocates a lobally
uniAue TMG& per M0M" bearer service. The structure of the TMG& is defined in T" *3.++3 I83J.
7or Multicast M0M" bearer services the TMG& is transmitted to 32 via the M0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivation
procedure. 7or 0roadcast "ervice the TMG& can be obtained via service announcement see F "ervice .nnouncementF.
The TMG& is a radio resource efficient M0M" bearer service identification- which is eAuivalent to the M0M" bearer
service identification consistin of &P multicast address and .P'.
/ &rc!itectural &%ect o4 M7MS Uer Ser6ice
M0M" bearers may be used in numerous ways to provide different types of applications. M0M" user services employ
M0M" bearers and possibly point@to@point bearers in order to provide application data in an efficient manner. This
section is used to discuss different aspects of M0M" user services that directly relate to the usae of M0M" and point@
to@point bearers. This section is not intended to deal with the architecture and interfaces of M0M" user services.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #, !elease "
/.0 &lter'ati6e Uer Ser6ice Su%%ort
7or many M0M" services- it will be necessary to provide alternative means for the 32 to access the service without
usin M0M" bearer capabilities. This is reAuired- for e(ample- after completion of the M0M" session for a file
download to permit errors in the file to be correctedH to permit the networ# to chare for a successful downloadH to pass
a decrypt #ey to the 32H etc. &t may also be useful in cases where all or part of an M0M" transmission has been missed
due to the 32 bein out of coverae- switched off- etc.
1are is needed to ensure that such alternative access mechanisms do not create traffic that overloads the networ# (radio-
/'1- 0"1- "G"'- GG"' and 0M@"1). &n the case that such alternative access reAuires direct interaction between the
32 and a networ# server- one way for this load to be distributed is for the 0M@"1 to distribute to each 32- at activation
time- one or more server addresses (from a roup of addresses)- alon with parameter(s) that are used to enerate a
random time dispersion of the reAuests.
/.2 &6oid o6erload i' SGS), GGS) a'd 7M-S* caued b<
7or ;oinin that is triered by a service announcement (e.. 10" or M0M")- then the service announcement needs to
be able to contain parameters to help avoid overload in the "G"'- GG"' and 0M@"1. The 32 uses the defined
parameters in the service announcement to randomly select the time at which to join the service. Kence the 0M@"1
needs to be able to enerate the parameters and needs to be able to et them sent to the 32 in the service announcement.
/.3 &cce a%ect o4 M7MS uer er6ice
&n networ#s with multiple accesses- e.. G2/.' and 3T/.'- users may in some situations e(perience problems in
receivin M0M" services. These situations includeG
@ an operator that has chosen to provide a service on one access only (e.. only on G2/.')- and where a 32 is
campin on the wron access (i.e. on 3T/.' in the previous e(ample) when an M0M" session is started. This
32 may miss the M0M" content- as the M0M" architecture doesn$t provide any mechanism for pain
coordination- etc.
@ an operator that has chosen to provide a service with different Eo" levels on G2/.' and 3T/.' (see
subclause <.8.<.*). . 32 that is chanin access type durin an onoin M0M" session may not be able sort the
situation out and receive the M0M" content correctly.
> M7MS Procedure
>.0 M7MS )oti4icatio'
>.0.0 9u mode 'oti4icatio' (UT#&) a'd G+#&)) 4or GP#S
Dhen an M0M" "ession starts- 32s interested in the M0M" bearer service (PMM@1O''21T29 32s and PMM@
&952 32s) shall be notified.
M0M" "ession attributes such as "ession &dentifier and M0M" "ervice .rea(s) are made available in all interested
/'1s durin the "ession "tart procedure.
7or radio efficiency reasons- the 3T/.' may select on a per cell basis whether to establish point@to@point or point@to@
multipoint lin#s for the distribution of M0M" data to the 32s.
&n order to perform this selection- the 3T/.' reAuests a proportion of 32s to move to PMM@1O''21T29 mode by
means of M0M" notification sent in the M0M" service .rea.
The e(act number of 32s moved to PMM@1O''21T29 mode is a decision of the /.' node. &t is not necessary for
all 32s to move to PMM@1O''21T29 mode in order for the /.' to decide to use point@to@multipoint- other 32s
may remain in PMM@&952 state. This is a 3T/.' choice (based on /adio /esource Manaement criteria).
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 #" !elease "
7ollowin the decision to set up point@to@point or point@to@multipoint lin#s- the number of 32s that need to be
maintained in PMM@1O''21T29 mode or moved to PMM@&952 mode for M0M" data reception is also a decision
of the /.' node.
>.0.2 &1Gb mode 'oti4icatio' (G+#&))
Dhen an M0M" "ession starts- 32s interested in the M0M" bearer service and that are in /2.9M or "T.'90M
states shall be notified. The M0M" notification triers detection or countin of 32s per cell for selection of the most
appropriate M0M" radio bearer.
M0M" "ession attributes such as "ession &dentifier- M0M" "ervice .rea- Eo" are made available in all interested
0"1s that are connected to a reistered "G"' by the "ession "tart procedure.
>.2 M7MS Multicat Ser6ice &cti6atio'
The M0M" multicast service activation procedure reisters the user in the networ# to enable the reception of data from
a specific multicast M0M" bearer service. The activation is a sinallin procedure between the 32 and the networ#.
The procedure establishes M0M" 32 conte(ts in 32- "G"' and GG"' and &u mode 0"1B/'1 for each activated
multicast M0M" bearer service comparable to reular P9P conte(ts.
2i5ure +9 The activation of an MBMS multicast service
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3( !elease "
8. The 32 activates a eneral purpose P9P conte(t if one is not already established.
*. The 32 sends an &GMP (&Pv:) or M59 (&Pv=) ;oin messae over the default P9P conte(t to sinal its interest in
receivin a particular multicast M0M" bearer service identified by an &P multicast address.
3. The GG"' sends an M0M" .uthori!ation /eAuest see#in authori!ation for the activatin 32 to receive data.
The M0M" .uthori!ation /eAuest may include trace information (.dditional M0M" Trace &nfo)- if activated.
The authori!ation decision- which may be based on subscription data in the 0M@"1- Membership function is
provided in the M0M" .uthori!ation /esponse toether with the .P' to be used for creation of the M0M" 32
conte(t. &f the M0M" .uthori!ation /esponse indicates that the 32 is not authori!ed to receive the M0M" data
the process terminates with no additional messae e(chane.
:a. The GG"' sends an M0M" 'otification /eAuest (&P multicast address- .P'- 5in#ed '".P&) to the "G"'.
5in#ed '".P& is set eAual to the '".P& of the P9P conte(t over which the ;oin reAuest was received. The &P
multicast address is the one reAuested by the 32 in the ;oin reAuest. The .P' may be different from the .P' to
which the default P9P conte(t has been activated. &n any case- the .P' may resolve to a GG"' that is different
from the GG"' receivin the &GMPBM59 ;oin reAuest. The GG"' starts a M0M" .ctivation Timer as GG"'
may receive no response- e.. in case "G"' or 32 does not support M0M".
:b. The "G"' sends a M0M" 'otification /esponse (1ause) to the GG"' that sent the M0M" 'otification
/eAuest- where 1ause shall indicate whether or not the M0M" conte(t activation will proceed. 3pon reception
of the response messae with 1ause indicatin unsuccessful operation the GG"' should not send any further
M0M" 'otification /eAuest messaes. The procedure is then terminated.
<. The "G"' sends a /eAuest M0M" 1onte(t .ctivation (&P multicast address- .P'- 5in#ed '".P&- T&) to the
32 to reAuest it to activate an M0M" 32 1onte(t. 5in#ed '".P& allows the 32 to associate the M0M" 32
1onte(t with the P9P conte(t over which it sent the &GMPBM59 ;oin messae in step *. T& was chosen by the
"G"' and contains a value not used by any other activated P9P conte(t and M0M" 32 conte(t for this 32.
=. The 32 creates an M0M" 32 conte(t and sends an .ctivate M0M" 1onte(t /eAuest (&P multicast address-
.P'- M0M"N'".P&- M0M" bearer capabilities) to the "G"'. The &P multicast address identifies the M0M"
multicast service- which the 32 wants to joinBactivate. .n .P' may indicate a specific GG"'. The M0M"
bearer capabilities indicate the ma(imum Eo" the 32 can handle. The M0M"N'".P& was chosen by the 32
and contains a value not used by any other activated P9P conte(t and M0M" 32 conte(t for this 32. &f the
"G"' has the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t information for this M0M" bearer service- the "G"' should verify the
32$s M0M" bearer capabilities. &f the "G"' determines that the 32$s M0M" bearer capabilities are less than
the /eAuired M0M" 0earer 1apabilities- it shall reject the reAuest for activation of an M0M" conte(t with an
appropriate cause.
>. &f the M0M" 32 1onte(t was not established- the "G"' sends a M0M" 'otification /eject /eAuest (1ause) to
the GG"' that sent the M0M" 'otification /eAuest- where 1ause shall indicate the reason why the M0M" 32
1onte(t could not be established. The GG"' then sends a M0M" 'otification /eject /esponse bac# to the
"G"'. This should prevent further sendin of M0M" 'otification /eAuest messaes. The procedure is then
?. "ecurity 7unctions may be performed- e.. to authenticate the 32.
,. &n .BGb mode and if 0"" trace is activated- the "G"' shall send an &nvo#e Trace (Trace /eference- Trace Type-
Trier &d- and OM1 &dentity) messae to the 0"". Trace /eference- and Trace Type are copied from the trace
information received from the K5/ or OM1.
8+. The "G"' creates an M0M" 32 conte(t and sends a 1reate M0M" 1onte(t /eAuests (&P multicast address-
.P'- M0M"N'".P&- &M"&- M"&"9'- /.&- &M2&@"C- /.T Type- M" Time Oone- 1G&B".&- Trace /eference-
Trace Type- Trier &d- OM1 &dentity - .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo) to the GG"'. The "G"' shall include
Trace /eference- Trace Type- Trier &d- and OM1 &dentity if GG"' trace is activated. The "G"' shall include
.dditional M0M" Trace &nfo if 0M@"1 trace is activated. The "G"' shall copy Trace /eference- Trace Type-
and OM1 &dentity from the trace information received from the K5/ or OM1. The inclusion of 1G&B".& shall
be accordin rules detailed in sub@clause 8<.8.8a in T" *3.+=+ I8<J.
88. The GG"' sends an M0M" .uthori!ation /eAuest (&M"&- M"&"9'- /.&- &M2&@"C- /.T Type- M" Time
Oone- 1G&B".&- .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo) see#in authori!ation for the activatin 32. The GG"' shall
include .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo if 0M@"1 trace is activated. The 1G&B".& is included- if available. The
authori!ation decision is provided in the M0M" .uthori!ation /esponse. The 0M@"1 creates an M0M" 32
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 38 !elease "
8*. &f the GG"' does not have the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t information for this M0M" bearer service- the GG"'
sends a M0M" /eistration /eAuest to the 0M@"1. "ee subclause FM0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
&f no TMG& has been allocated for this M0M" bearer service- the 0M@"1 will allocate a new TMG&. This TMG&
will be passed to GG"' and "G"' via the M0M" /eistration /esponse messae and further to 32 via
.ctivate M0M" 1onte(t .ccept messae.
The 0M@"1 responds with a M0M" /eistration /esponse containin the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t information
for this M0M" bearer service and adds the identifier of the GG"' to the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter
in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. "ee subclause FM0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
83. The GG"' creates an M0M" 32 conte(t and sends a 1reate M0M" 1onte(t /esponse to the "G"'.
8:. &f the "G"' does not have the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t information for this M0M" bearer service- the "G"'
sends a M0M" /eistration /eAuest to the GG"'. "ee subclause FM0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
The GG"' responds with a M0M" /eistration /esponse containin the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t information
for this M0M" bearer service and adds the identifier of the "G"' to the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in
its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. "ee subclause FM0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
8<. The "G"' provides &u mode /.' with the M0M" 32 1onte(t(s) if at least one P" /.0 is established for the
8=. &n &u mode and if trace is activated- the "G"' shall send an &nvo#e Trace (Trace /eference- Trace Type- Trier
&d- and OM1 &dentity) messae to the /.'. Trace /eference- and Trace Type are copied from the trace
information received from the K5/ or OM1.
'OT2G "tep 8= is applied when the trace activation is triered by means of sinallin. .nother alternative is the
trierin of trace activation by the OM1. The details of both Trace .ctivation procedures are described
in T" 3*.:** I8:J.
8>. The "G"' sends an .ctivate M0M" 1onte(t .ccept (TMG&) to the 32. &f it was not possible to verify the 32$s
M0M" bearer capabilities in "tep =- the 32$s M0M" bearer capabilities shall be verified now b y the "G"'. &f
the "G"' determines that the 32$s M0M" bearer capabilities are lower than the /eAuired M0M" 0earer
1apabilities the "G"' rejects the reAuest for activation of an M0M" conte(t indicatin an appropriate cause and
starts the deactivation of the already established M0M" 32 conte(ts.
>.2.0 Void
>.3 M7MS Seio' Start Procedure
>.3.0 M7MS Seio' Start Procedure 4or G+#&) a'd UT#&)
The 0M@"1 initiates the M0M" "ession "tart procedure when it is ready to send data. This is a reAuest to activate all
necessary bearer resources in the networ# for the transfer of M0M" data and to notify interested 32s of the imminent
start of the transmission.
Throuh this procedure- M0M" session attributes such as Eo"- M0M" service .rea- estimated session duration- time
to M0M" data transfer- are provided to the reistered GG"'(s) and "G"'(s) and to all 0"1sB/'1s that are connected
to a listed "G"'. &n addition the procedure allocates the bearer plane to all reistered GG"'s and all reistered "G"'s
and to 0"1sB/'1s that respond to the session start reAuest messae.
.fter sendin the "ession "tart /eAuest messae the 0M@"1 waits for a confiurable delay (time to M0M" data
transfer) before sendin M0M" data. This delay should be lon enouh to avoid bufferin of M0M" data in entities
other than the 0M@"1- i.e. the delay should allow the networ# to perform all procedures reAuired to enable M0M" data
transfer before the 0M@"1 sends M0M" data. 7or e(ample notification of 32s and radio bearer establishment should
be performed before M0M" data arrive in the /.'. The delay may be in the reion of multiple seconds or tens of
seconds. &t may be useful for the 0M@"1 to be able to confiure different delays for M0M" bearer services on *G and
3G- respectively.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3# !elease "
7or multicast M0M" bearer services the reistration of "G"'s and GG"'s is initiated by M0M" multicast "ervice
.ctivation procedures- &nter "G"' /outein .rea 3pdate procedures- &nter "G"' "ervin /'" /elocation procedure
and performed by M0M" /eistration procedures. The GG"' #eeps trac# of the reistered "G"'s in the list of
downstream nodes.
7or broadcast M0M" bearer services the list of downstream nodes of 0M@"1 and GG"' are achieved in the followin
@ The list of downstream nodes for GG"' will be sent from the 0M@"1 to the GG"' in the "ession "tart /eAuest.
'ormally- the GG"' contained in the Flist of downstream nodesF for 0M@"1 is the default GG"' (or two for
The overall "ession "tart procedure is presented in the followin fiureG

GG"' "G"' 0"1B/'1 32 0M@"1
8. "ession "tart /eAuest
*. M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest
8. "ession "tart /esponse
*. M0M" "ession "tart /esponse
:. /.' /esource "etup
3. M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest
3. M0M" "ession "tart /esponse
2i5ure ,a9 Session Start procedure for G.!A/ and -T!A/
8. The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function sends a "ession "tart /eAuest messae to indicate the impendin
start of the transmission and to provide the session attributes (TMG&- 7low &dentifier (0roadcast only)- Eo"-
M0M" service .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session duration- broadcastBmulticast- list of downstream
nodes for GG"' (0roadcast only)- time to M0M" data transfer- ...) and the *GB3G indicator. The messae is sent
to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function- which then forwards it to the GG"'s listed in the Flist of
downstream nodesF parameter of the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport
function sets the state attribute of its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to $.ctive$. 7or a broadcast M0M" bearer service
the GG"' creates an M0M" bearer conte(t. &n broadcast mode- the 0M@"1 may start multiple sessions for the
same M0M" bearer service (identified by the TMG&) but with different content. &f so- a 7low &dentifier is
included in the "ession "tart /eAuest to identify the different sub@sessions and the associated M0M" "ervice
.reas shall not overlap. The GG"' stores the session attributes and the list of downstream nodes in the M0M"
0earer 1onte(t- sets the state attribute of its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to $.ctive$ and sends a "ession "tart
/esponse messae to the 0M@"1. Pro(y and Transport function which forwards it to the 0M@"1 "ession and
Transmission function. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function copies "ession "tart /eAuests to the 0M@"1
Membership function for charin purposes.
*. The GG"' sends an M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae containin the session attributes (TMG&- 7low
&dentifier (0roadcast only)- Eo"- M0M" service .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session duration-
broadcastBmulticast- time to M0M" data transfer- P) and the *GB3G indicator to the "G"'s listed in the Flist of
downstream nodesF parameter of the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. 7or a broadcast M0M" bearer
service the "G"' creates an M0M" bearer conte(t. The "G"' stores the session attributes and the *GB3G
indicator in the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- sets the state attribute of its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to $.ctive$ and
responds with an M0M" "ession "tart /esponse messae providin the T2&9 for bearer plane that the GG"'
shall use for forwardin the M0M" data. 7or M0M" bearer service a "G"' receivin multiple M0M" "ession
"tart /eAuest messaes establishes only one bearer plane with one GG"'.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 33 !elease "
3. The "G"' sends an M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae includin the session attributes (TMG&- Eo"- M0M"
service .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session duration- broadcastBmulticast- time to M0M" data transfer- list
of /.s P) to each 0"1 andBor each /'1 that is connected to this "G"'. The *GB3G indicator shall be used by
the "G"' to determine whether the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae is sent only to 0"1s- or only to
/'1s- or to both /'1s and 0"1s. 7or a broadcast M0M" bearer service the 0"1B/'1 creates an M0M"
"ervice 1onte(t. The 0"1 in &u modeB/'1 stores the session attributes in the M0M" "ervice 1onte(t- sets the
state attribute of its M0M" "ervice 1onte(t to $.ctive$ and responds with an M0M" "ession "tart /esponse
messae and the /'1B&u mode 0"1 includes the T2&9 in the M0M" "ession "tart /esponse messae for the &u
bearer plane that the "G"' shall use for forwardin the M0M" data. . 0"1 in Gb mode which does not serve
the M0M" "ervice .rea need not store the session attributes. . 0"1B/'1 receivin multiple M0M" "ession
"tart /eAuest messaes establishes only one bearer plane with one "G"'.
:. The 0"1B/'1 establishes the necessary radio resources for the transfer of M0M" data to the interested 32s.
/.' resource set up can be scheduled accordin to the time to M0M" data transfer parameter.
'OT2G The upstream node normally provides the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae once per M0M"
session to a downstream node. 9ue to F&ntra 9omain 1onnection of /.' 'odes to Multiple 1ore
'etwor# 'odesF however- a 0"1B/'1 may receive the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae from
several "G"'s.
>.3.2 M7MS Seio' Start Procedure 4or +-UT#&)
2i5ure ,:9 Session Start procedure for .)-T!A/
8. 0M@"1 sends a "ession "tart /eAuest messae to M0M" GD to indicate the impendin start of the transmission
and to provide the session attributes (Eo"- M0M" service .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session duration).
2ditor$s 'oteG The list of session attributes is 77".
*. The M0M" GD responds with a "ession "tart /esponse messae with information for 0M@"1 to send M0M"
data to the M0M" GD.
3. The M0M" GD stores the session attributes and allocates a transport networ# &P multicast address for this
session and sends a "ession "tart /eAuest (session attributes- includin &P Multicast .ddress) messae to MM2.
:. The MM2 sends a "ession "tart /eAuest messae to 2@3T/.'.
<. The 2@3T/.' responds the MM2 to confirm the reception of the "ession "tart /eAuest messae.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3% !elease "
2ditor$s 'oteG &t is 77" whether MM2 can send "ession "tart to all 2@3T/.' nodes controlled by that MM2 and
rely on 2@3T/.' to perform "ervice .rea filterin.
=. The MM2 stores the session attributes and responds to the M0M" GD.
2ditor$s 'oteG The order of step > and step ? is 77".
>. The e'ode0s send &P multicast ;oin messae to the received user plane &P multicast address allocated by the
M0M" GD.
2ditor$s 'oteG &t is 77" at what time the e'ode0 performs ;oin after receivin "ession "tart /eAuest messae.
?. The 2@3T/.' establishes the necessary radio resources for the transfer of M0M" data to the interested 32s.
/adio resource set up can be scheduled accordin to the time to M0M" data transfer parameter.
,. The 0M@"1 starts sendin the M0M" data.
8+. M0M" GD function receives M0M" data. M0M" GD sends the M0M" data usin &P multicast towards all
joined e'ode0s.
>.4 M7MS #e3itratio' Procedure
The M0M" /eistration is the procedure by which a downstream node informs an upstream node that it would li#e to
receive session attributes and data for a particular M0M" bearer service in order to distribute it further downstream.
This procedure builds up a distribution tree for the delivery of M0M" session attributes and data from the 0M@"1 to
the 32s interested in the service. This procedure results in the set@up of a correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in the
nodes alon the distribution tree- but it does not result in the establishment of bearer plane which will be established by
the "ession "tart procedure.
The M0M" /eistration procedure is initiatedG
@ Dhen the first M0M" 32 1onte(t for a particular M0M" bearer service is created in the "G"' or GG"' (see
subclause FM0M" 32 1onte(tF) and the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is not already established in the
@ Dhen an M0M" /eistration /eAuest for a particular M0M" bearer service is received from a downstream
node but the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is not established in the nodeH or
@ Dhen a 9/'1 detects that it hosts 32s interested in the M0M" bearer service.
'OT2G The terms $downstream$ and $upstream$ refer to the topoloical position of one node with respect to
another and relative to the direction of the M0M" data flow- i.e. from 0M@"1 to 32.

GG"' "G"'
<. M0M" /eistration /esponse
*. M0M" /eistration /eAuest
:. M0M" /eistration /esponse
3. M0M" /eistration /eAuest
8. M0M" /eistration /eAuest
=. M0M" /eistration /esponse
=. M0M" "ession "tart Procedure
:. M0M" "ession "tart Procedure
<. M0M" "ession "tart Procedure
2i5ure "9 MBMS !e5istration procedure
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3* !elease "
8. Dhen the 9/'1 detects that it hosts 32s interested in the M0M" bearer service- the 9/'1 sends a M0M"
/eistration /eAuest messae to its parent "G"' if not already done. Kow the /'1 determines its parent "G"'
is a matter of implementation.
*. &f the "G"' has no M0M" 0earer 1onte(t for an M0M" bearer service and the "G"' receives an M0M"
/eistration /eAuest from an /'1 for this M0M" bearer service- or if the first M0M" 32 1onte(t is created in
the "G"' for an M0M" bearer service for which the "G"' has no correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- the
"G"' creates an M0M" 0earer 1onte(t (in F"tandbyF state) and sends an M0M" /eistration reAuest (&P
multicast address- .P') messae to the GG"'. Kow the "G"' selects a GG"' is a matter of implementationH it
may for instance be based on prior sinallin related to a particular 32 or via .P' resolution.
3. &f the GG"' has no M0M" 0earer 1onte(t for an M0M" bearer service and the GG"' receives an M0M"
/eistration from an "G"' for this M0M" bearer service- or when the first M0M" 32 1onte(t is created in the
GG"' for an M0M" bearer service for which the GG"' has no M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- the GG"' creates an
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t (in F"tandbyF state) and sends a /eistration /eAuest (&P multicast address- .P')
messae to the 0M@"1. Pro(y and Transport function The e(act nature of the sinallin between GG"' and
0M@"1 via Gmb interface is specified in T" *,.+=8 I:J.
:. 3pon reception of an M0M" /eistration /eAuest from a GG"'- the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function
adds the identifier of the GG"' to the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t and
responds with a M0M" /eistration /esponse (TMG&- /eAuired 0earer 1apabilities) messae. The e(act nature
of the sinallin between GG"' and 0M@"1 via Gmb interface is specified in T" *,.+=8 I:J. &f the M0M"
0earer 1onte(t is in the $.ctive$ state- the 0M@"1 initiates the "ession "tart procedure with the GG"'- as
described in clause FM0M" "ession "tart ProcedureF.
<. &f the GG"' receives a /eistration /eAuest from the "G"' in step *- the GG"'G
@ adds the identifier of the "G"' to the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t-
@ responds with an M0M" /eistration /esponse (TMG&- /eAuired 0earer 1apabilities) messae- and
@ if the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is in the $.ctive$ state- initiates the "ession "tart procedure with the "G"'- as
described in clause FM0M" "ession "tart ProcedureF.
=. &f the "G"' received M0M" /eistration /eAuest from the 9/'1 in step 8- the "G"'G
@ adds the identifier of the /'1 to the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t-
@ responds with an M0M" /eistration /esponse messae- and
@ if the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is in the $.ctive$ state- initiates the "ession "tart procedure with the 9/'1- as
described clause FM0M" "ession "tart ProcedureF.
>." M7MS Seio' Sto% Procedure
>.".0 M7MS Seio' Sto% Procedure 4or G+#&) a'd UT#&) 4or GP#S
The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function initiates the M0M" "ession "top procedure when it considers the
M0M" session to be terminated. The session is typically terminated when there is no more M0M" data e(pected to be
transmitted for a sufficiently lon period of time to justify a release of bearer plane resources in the networ#. The
procedure is propaated to all "G"'s and GG"'s that are reistered for the correspondin M0M" bearer service and
to 0"1sB/'1s that have an established &u bearer plane with an "G"'.
The overall M0M" "ession "top procedure is presented in the followin fiureG
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3& !elease "

GG"' "G"' 0"1B/'1 32 0M@"1
8. "ession "top /eAuest
*. M0M" "ession "top /eAuest
8. "ession "top /esponse
*. M0M" "ession "top /esponse
3. M0M" "ession "top /eAuest
:. /.' /esource /elease
3. M0M" "ession "top /esponse
2i5ure 8(9 MBMS Session Stop procedure for G.!A/ and -T!A/
8. The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function sends a "ession "top /eAuest messae to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and
Transport function- which forwards it to all GG"'s listed in the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter of the
affected M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to indicate that the M0M" session is terminated and the bearer plane resources
can be released. The M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is uniAuely identified by the TMG& or the combination of TMG& and
7low &dentifier. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function sets the state attribute of its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to
$"tandby$. The GG"' sends a "ession "top /esponse messae to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function-
which forwards it to the 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function
copies "ession "top /eAuests to the 0M@"1 Membership function for charin purposes.
*. The GG"' sends an M0M" "ession "top /eAuest messae to all "G"'s that have a bearer plane established
with the GG"'- releases the correspondin bearer plane resources towards these "G"'s and sets the state
attribute of its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to $"tandby$. The GG"' releases the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in case of a
broadcast M0M" bearer service.
3. The "G"' releases the T2&9 and bearer plane resources on which it was receivin M0M" data from the GG"'
for the affected M0M" bearer service and sends an M0M" "ession "top /eAuest messae to all 0"1sB/'1s
that have a bearer plane established with the "G"'. The "G"' releases the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in case of a
broadcast M0M" bearer service.
:. The /'1 releases the affected radio and &u resourcesH the 0"1 releases the affected radio resources. The
0"1B/'1 releases the M0M" "ervice 1onte(t in case of a broadcast M0M" bearer service. . 0"1 in Gb mode
shall send an ac#nowledement to the "G"' even if there is no active M0M" conte(t in the 0"1.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3+ !elease "
>.".2 M7MS Seio' Sto% Procedure 4or +-UT#&)
2i5ure 8(:9 MBMS Session Stop procedure for .)-T!A/
8. The 0M@"1 sends a "ession "top /eAuest messae to the M0M" GD to indicate the end of session. The M0M"
GD responses with "ession "top /esponse and release its information reardin the session.
*. The M0M" GD forwards "ession "top /eAuest messae to the MM2 which previously received the "ession
3. MM2 forwards "ession "top /eAuest messae to the 2@3T/.' which previously received the "ession "tart.
2ach 2@3T/.' responses with "ession "top /esponse messae to the MM2.
:. The 2@3T/.' releases the affected resources and leaves the transport networ# &P Multicast roup of the
>.6 M7MS 5e-#e3itratio' Procedure
>.6.0 *ommo' M7MS 5e-#e3itratio' %rocedure
The M0M" 9e@/eistration is the procedure by which a downstream node informs an upstream node that it does not
need to receive sinallin- session attributes and data for a particular M0M" bearer service anymore and therefore
would li#e to be removed from the correspondin distribution tree.
The M0M" 9e@reistration procedure is initiatedG
@ 0y the "G"' or GG"' when the last M0M" 32 1onte(t for a particular M0M" bearer service is deleted from
the node and the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is emptyH
@ 0y the "G"' or GG"' when the last node reistered in the Flist of downstream nodesF de@reisters from an
M0M" bearer service for which there is no correspondin M0M" 32 1onte(tH or
@ 0y the 9/'1 that reistered at an "G"' when it deletes the associated M0M" "ervice 1onte(t.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3, !elease "

0. M0M" 9ereistration /esponse
0. M0M" 9ereistration /eAuest
0M @ "1

1. 9ereistration /eAuest
.. M0M" 9ereistration /eAuest
.. M0M" 9ereistration /esponse
1. 9ereistration /esponse
2i5ure 889 MBMS 4e)!e5istration Procedure
.. Dhen the 9/'1 that is reistered at an "G"' no loner hosts any 32 interested in that M0M" bearer service-
the 9/'1 reAuests the de@reistration from the M0M" bearer service to its parent "G"'. .s an implementation
option- the 9/'1 may decide not to de@reister from the M0M" bearer service immediately when these
conditions are met- e.. in order to avoid unnecessary sinallin in the case where the /'1 would aain need the
same M0M" bearer service shortly after.
The "G"' removes the identifier of the /'1 from the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter of the affected
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t and confirms the operation by sendin an M0M" 9e@/eistration /esponse messae to
the /'1. &f an &u bearer plane had been established between the 9/'1 and the "G"' for this M0M" bearer
service- the &u bearer plane is released.
0. Dhen the Flist of downstream nodesF of a particular M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in the "G"' becomes empty and
the "G"' has no M0M" 32 1onte(ts lin#ed to that M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- the "G"' sends an M0M" 9e@
/eistration /eAuest (&P multicast address- .P') messae to its upstream GG"' associated with the M0M"
0earer 1onte(t.
The GG"' removes the identifier of the "G"' from the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter of the affected
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t and confirms the operation by sendin an M0M" 9e@/eistration /esponse messae to
the "G"'. &f a bearer plane had been established between the "G"' and the GG"' for this M0M" bearer
service- the bearer plane is released.
1. Dhen the Flist of downstream nodesF of a particular M0M" 0earer 1onte(t in the GG"' becomes empty and
the GG"' has no M0M" 32 1onte(ts lin#ed to that M0M" 0earer 1onte(t- the GG"' sends a 9e@/eistration
/eAuest (&P multicast address- .P') messae to the 0M@"1. Pro(y and Transport function &f a bearer plane had
been established over Gi for this M0M" bearer service- the bearer plane is released.
The 0M@"1 removes the identifier of the GG"' from the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter of the affected
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t and confirms the operation by sendin a 9e@/eistration /esponse messae to the
>.6.0 7M-S* i'itiated M7MS 5e-#e3itratio' Procedure
This M0M" 9e@/eistration Procedure is initiated by 0M@"1 when the specific M0M" bearer service is terminated.
This procedure tears down the distribution tree for the delivery of session attributes and M0M" data. This procedure
results in releasin of all M0M" 0earer 1onte(ts and associated M0M" 32 1onte(ts in the nodes alon the
distribution tree.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 3" !elease "





8.9ereistration /eAuest
*. M0M" 9ereistration /eAuest
3. M0M" 9ereistration /eAuest
:. /.' /esource /elease

8.9ereistration /esponse
*. M0M" 9ereistration /esponse
3. M0M" 9ereistration /esponse
2i5ure 8#9 BM)S3 initiated MBMS 4e)!e5istration Procedure
8. The 0M@"1 sends a 9e@/eistration /eAuest messae to all GG"'s contained in the Flist of downstream nodesF
parameter of the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t to indicate the session is terminated and any related
M0M" bearer resources shall be released.
The GG"' returns a 9e@/eistration /esponse messae to the 0M@"1. The 0M@"1 releases all M0M" 32
1onte(ts and the correspondin M0M" 0earer conte(t.
*. The GG"' sends an M0M" 9e@/eistration /eAuest messae to all "G"'s contained in the Flist of
downstream nodesF parameter. of the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. The "G"' returns an M0M" 9e@
reistration /esponse messae to the GG"'. The GG"' releases all M0M" 32 1onte(ts and the affected
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. &f a bearer plane had been established over Gi for this M0M" bearer service- the bearer
plane is released.
3. The "G"' sends an M0M" 9e@/eistration /eAuest messae to all /'1s connected with this "G"'. The /'1
returns an M0M" 9e@/eistration /esponse messae to the "G"'- and releases all bearer resources if the state
attribute of the M0M" "ervice 1onte(t is $.ctive$. The "G"' releases all M0M" 32 1onte(ts and the affected
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. &f a bearer plane had been established between the "G"' and the GG"' for this M0M"
bearer service- the bearer plane is released.
:. The /'1 releases the affected radio resources- all M0M" 32 1onte(ts and the M0M" "ervice 1onte(t. The
detailed procedures are specified in T" *<.3:= I8+J and T" :3.*:= I88J. /.' may notify the 32s that the
M0M" 0earer service has bein terminated- so that the 32 can locally deactivate its M0M" 32 conte(t-
detailed procedures are specified in T" *<.3:= I8+J and T" :3.*:= I88J.
>./ M7MS Multicat Ser6ice 5eacti6atio'
The multicast service deactivation is a sinallin procedure between the 32 and the networ#. The procedure removes
the M0M" 32 1onte(t from the 32- /.'- "G"' and GG"' for a particular M0M" multicast service. The multicast
service deactivation can be initiated byG
@ The 32H
@ The GG"'H
@ The 0M@"1H or
@ The "G"'
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %( !elease "
.ll these cases are contained in the procedure illustrated in fiure 83. The 32 initiated Multicast "ervice 9eactivation
starts with step 8)- the 0M@"1 initiated Multicast "ervice 9eactivation starts with step 3)- the GG"' initiated Multicast
"ervice 9eactivation starts with step :)- the "G"' initiated Multicast "ervice 9eactivation starts with step <) or ,)- and
the M0M" 32 de@lin#in is performed at step >).
.t GP/" detach- all M0M" 32 conte(ts of the 32 are implicitly deactivated in the 32- "G"' and GG"'- i.e. the
"G"' performs the deactivation procedure startin with step >).
&f the P9P conte(t lin#ed to the M0M" 32 conte(t by the lin#ed '".P& is deactivated by the 32 or "G"' or GG"'-
then the "G"' shall perform the M0M" deactivation procedure startin with step >). The 32 will remove all M0M"
32 1onte(ts locally after the 5in#ed P9P 1onte(t was deactivated.
=. 9eactivate M0M" 1onte(t /esponse
<. 9eactivate M0M" 1onte(t /eAuest
"G"' /.' 32 0M@"1
3. 32 /emoval /eAuest
8. &GMP 5eave
:. M0M" 32 1onte(t 9eactivation /eAuest
83. 9ereistration /eAuest
83. 9ereistration /esponse
88. M0M" 9ereistration /eAuest
88. M0M" 9ereistration /esponse
?. /.' /esource /elease
8+. 9eactivation &ndication
*. 5eave &ndication
:. M0M" 32 1onte(t 9eactivation /esponse
8+. 9eactivation 1onfirmation
8*. 9elete M0M" 1onte(t /esponse
>. M0M" 32 9e@5in#in /eAuest
>. M0M" 32 9e@5in#in /esponse
,. 9elete M0M" 1onte(t /eAuest
2i5ure 839 MBMS Multicast Service 4eactivation
8. The 32 sends an &GMP (&Pv:) or M59 (&Pv=) 5eave messae (here- the 5eave messae means 5eave Group
messae in /71 **3= for &GMP (&Pv:) and Multicast 5istener 9one in /71*>8+ for M59 (&Pv=)) over the
default P9P conte(t to leave a particular multicast service identified by an &P multicast address.
*. The GG"' sends a 5eave &ndication (&P multicast address- .P'-&M"&) to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport
function- which forwards it to the 0M@"1 Membership function- indicatin that the 32 is reAuestin to leave the
multicast service identified by the &P multicast address. The e(act nature of the sinallin between GG"' and
0M@"1 is specified in T" *,.+=8 I:J.
3. 3pon reception of the 5eave &ndication- the 0M@"1 Membership function verifies that the &P multicast address
corresponds to a valid M0M" bearer service and sends a 32 /emoval /eAuest (&P multicast address- .P'-
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %8 !elease "
&M"&) to the GG"' that oriinated the 5eave &ndication. The .P' shall be the same that was provided durin
service activation (see FM0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivationF). The e(act nature of the sinallin between
GG"' and 0M@"1 is specified in T" *,.+=8 I:J. The 0M@"1 Membership function may also initiate the
deactivation of an M0M" 32 1onte(t for service@specific reasons (e.. the service is terminated but the 32 has
not yet left the multicast roup) by directly sendin a 32 /emoval /eAuest messae to the GG"'.
:. 3pon reception of the 32 /emoval /eAuest or for other reasons (e.. 2rror cases)- the GG"' sends an M0M"
32 1onte(t 9eactivation /eAuest (&P multicast address- .P'- &M"&) to the "G"'. The &P multicast address-
.P' and &M"& toether identify the M0M" 32 1onte(t to be deleted by the "G"'. The .P' is the one
received in step 3. The "G"' ac#nowledes reception of the M0M" 32 1onte(t 9eactivation /eAuest by
sendin an M0M" 32 1onte(t 9eactivation /esponse to the GG"'.
<. 3pon reception of the M0M" 32 1onte(t 9eactivation /eAuest or for other reasons (e.. due to a chane in the
roamin restrictions for the user) the "G"' sends a 9eactivate M0M" 1onte(t /eAuest (T&) to the 32. The T&
identifies the M0M" 32 1onte(t to be deleted by the 32.
=. The 32 deletes the M0M" 32 1onte(t and sends a 9eactivate M0M" 1onte(t .ccept (T&) to the "G"'.
>. &f the 32 is PMM@1O''21T29 and has been already lin#ed towards the /.'- t he "G"' sends a M0M" 32
9e@5in#in /eAuest to the /'1 (&P multicast address- .P'- TMG&). /.' deletes the M0M" 32 1onte(t and
sends a M0M" 32 9e@5in#in /esponse (TMG& ) to the "G"'.
?. &f dedicated radio resources are currently assined to the 32 for the reception of the M0M" data- the /.'
releases these radio resources. &f shared radio resources are currently assined for the distribution of the M0M"
data- the /.' may decide to move the remainin 32s to dedicated resources. The detailed procedures and
conditions are specified in T" *<.3:= I8+J and T" :3.*:= I88J.
,. 3pon reception of the 9eactivate M0M" 1onte(t .ccept or for other reasons (e.. due to e(piry of the lon
timer that is started upon a periodic routein area update not bein received) the "G"' sends a 9elete M0M"
1onte(t /eAuest (M0M"N'".P&) to the GG"' that holds the M0M" 32 1onte(t. This GG"' may be
different from the GG"' that receives &GMP 5eave reAuest in step 8.
8+. The GG"' deletes the M0M" 32 1onte(t and sends a 9eactivation &ndication to the 0M@"1 to confirm the
successful deactivation of the M0M" 32 1onte(t. The 0M@"1- after receivin the 9eactivation &ndication-
deletes the M0M" 32 1onte(t and sends a confirmation to the GG"'. The e(act nature of the sinallin
between GG"' and 0M@"1 is specified in T" *,.+=8 I:J.
88. &f the GG"' does not have any more users interested in this M0M" bearer service and the Flist of downstream
nodesF in the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is empty- the GG"' sends a M0M" 9e@/eistration
/eAuest to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function responds with a
M0M" 9e@/eistration /esponse and removes the identifier of the GG"' from the Flist of downstream nodesF
parameter in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. "ee subclause FM0M" 9e@/eistration ProcedureF.
8*. The GG"' confirms the deactivation of the M0M" 32 1onte(t to the "G"' by sendin a 9elete M0M"
1onte(t /esponse to the "G"'- which then deletes the M0M" 32 1onte(t.
83. &f the "G"' does not have any more users interested in this M0M" bearer service and the Flist of downstream
nodesF in the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is empty- the "G"' sends an M0M" 9e@/eistration
/eAuest to the GG"'. The GG"' responds with an M0M" 9e@/eistration /esponse and removes the
identifier of the "G"' from the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter in its M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. "ee
subclause FM0M" 9e@/eistration ProcedureF.
>.> M7MS Seio' U%date %rocedure
>.>.0 Ge'eral
The M0M" "ession 3pdate procedure may be invo#ed by 0M@"1 or by "G"'. The 0M@"1 uses the procedure to
update the service area for an onoin M0M" 0roadcast service session. The "G"' can also use the procedure to
update the list of /.s where M0M" multicast users are located for an onoin M0M" Multicast service session.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %# !elease "
>.>.2 SGS) i'itiated Seio' U%date 4or M7MS Multicat er6ice
&f the "G"' has provided a list of /.s in the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae (even if the list was empty) and
/.s are added or removed from the list- the "G"' shall use the M0M" "ession 3pdate procedure to inform the /'1s
that the list has chaned. The "G"' sends the "ession 3pdate messae only to the /'1s that are affected by the list
chane. The procedure is used only durin the M0M" Multicast service session and when "G"' has already sent a
M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae to the /'1.
&f the "G"' has provided a list of /.s in the M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae (even if the list was empty) the
"G"' shall send the "ession 3pdate to a /'1 whenG
@ the first 32 which have activated the service enters in a /. that is not in the listH
@ the last 32 which have activated the service leaves from a /. that was in the list.
"G"' /'1
8. M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest
*. M0M" "ession 3pdate /esponse
2i5ure 83a$ Session -pdate procedure
8) The "G"' sends M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest messae to a /'1.
*) The /'1 ac#nowledes the M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest with the M0M" "ession 3pdate /esponse
>.>.3 7M-S* i'itiated Seio' U%date 4or M7MS 7roadcat er6ice
The 0M@"1 initiates the M0M" "ession 3pdate procedure when the service area for an onoin M0M" 0roadcast
service session shall be modified.
The attributes that can be modified by the "ession 3pdate /eAuest are the M0M" "ervice .rea- and the list of
downstream nodes for GG"' (0roadcast only). . node receivin the "ession 3pdate /eAuest determines how the
attributes have chaned by comparin the attributes in the messae with correspondin attributes in its stored M0M"
0earer 1onte(t.
. "ession 3pdate received in one node- results in a "ession 3pdate bein sent to downstream nodes- to inform of the
chaned M0M" "ervice .rea. &f a "ession 3pdate with the 5ist of "G"' parameter included is received in the GG"'-
it does also result in a "ession "tart bein sent to new downstream nodes- and in a "ession "top bein sent to
downstream nodes that have been removed from the list.
The overall "ession 3pdate procedure is presented in fiure 83b.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %3 !elease "
2i5ure 83:9 Session -pdate procedure
8. The 0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function sends a "ession 3pdate /eAuest (TMG&- 7low &dentifier
(0roadcast only)- Eo"- M0M" "ervice .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session duration- broadcastBmulticast-
list of downstream nodes for GG"'- time to M0M" data transfer) to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function-
which then forwards it to the GG"'s listed in the Flist of downstream nodesF parameter of the correspondin
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. The TMG& and "ession identifier identifies the onoin session. The Eo"-
broadcastBmulticast attributes and the *GB3G indicator shall be identical as in the precedin "ession "tart
messae. The M0M" "ervice .rea and the 5ist of downstream nodes for GG"' define the new service area.
The time to M0M" data transfer shall be set to + and the estimated session duration shall be set to a value
correspondin to the remainin part of the session.
The GG"' stores the new session attributes and the list of downstream nodes in the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t and
sends a "ession 3pdate /esponse messae to the 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function which forwards it to the
0M@"1 "ession and Transmission function. The 0M@"1 Pro(y and Transport function copies the "ession
3pdate /eAuest to the 0M@"1 Membership function for charin purposes.
*. The GG"' compares the new list of downstream nodes with the list of downstream nodes it has stored in the
M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. &t sends an M0M" "ession "tart /eAuest messae to any added "G"'- an M0M"
"ession "top /eAuest to any removed "G"'- and an M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest to the remainin "G"'s in
the new list.
3. The "G"' receivin an M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest messae- sends an M0M" "ession 3pdate /eAuest
messae includin the session attributes (TMG&- Eo"- M0M" service .rea- "ession identifier- estimated session
duration- broadcastBmulticast- time to M0M" data transfer- list of /.s- etc.) to each 0"1 andBor each /'1 that
is connected to this "G"'.
:. The 0"1sB/'1s establish or release the necessary radio resources for the transfer of M0M" data to the
interested 32s.
>.9 M7MS U+ *o'te.t S<'c!ro'iatio' Procedure
The /outin .rea 3pdate procedure transfers the M0M" 32 1onte(t status between 32 and "G"'. This M0M" 32
1onte(t status identifies M0M" 32 conte(ts- which are lost or deactivated only on one side. .ll M0M" 32 1onte(ts-
which are active on one side only shall be deactivated locally. &f the 32 wishes to re@activate the related M0M" bearer
service- it shall join the M0M" bearer service aain. "ee subclause ?.* FM0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivationF.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %% !elease "

"G"' 32
8. /outein .rea 3pdate /eAuest
*. /outein .rea 3pdate .ccept
2i5ure 83:$ MBMS -. 3onte>t Synchronisation procedure
8) The 32 sends /outein .rea 3pdate /eAuest to the "G"'. &t includes the M0M" 32 1onte(t status- which
indicates the 32$s active M0M" 32 1onte(ts.
*) The "G"' sends /outein .rea 3pdate .ccept to the 32. &t includes the M0M" 32 1onte(t status- which
indicates the 32$s M0M" 32 1onte(ts that are stored in the "G"'.
>.9a M7MS 4eature u%%ort i'dicatio'
.n "G"' that supports M0M" shall indicate M0M" feature support to the 32 durin /outin .rea 3pdate procedure
in the /outin .rea 3pdate .ccept messae and durin GP/" attach procedure in the .ttach .ccept messae. The 32
then #nows it can use already activated M0M" bearers- or activate new M0M" bearers accordin to subclause ?.*
FM0M" Multicast "ervice .ctivationF.
.n "G"' that does not support M0M" will not indicate M0M" feature support to the 32. This indicates to the 32 that
M0M" bearers are no loner supported- which may allow the 32 to use point@to@point bearers for M0M" data transfer.
&n this case- the 32 shall deactivate all active M0M" 32 1onte(ts locally.
>.00 9'ter SGS) #outei'3 &rea U%date
This procedure describes the handlin of M0M" bearer services when an M0M" 32 performs a /outein .rea 3pdate
and the servin "G"' chanes. &t is based on the &nter "G"' /outein .rea 3pdate procedure specified in
T" *3.+=+ I8<J. The procedure is performed reardless whether M0M" sessions are onoin or not. The handlin of
any P9P conte(ts established by the 32 is not chaned compared to the procedure without M0M". The procedure
described below does not show all details of the /outein .rea update procedure. Only for the M0M" specific
additions the steps are described.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %* !elease "

32 /.' new "G"' K5/ GG"' old "G"'
*. "G"' 1onte(t /esponse
3. "ecurity 7unctions
8. /outein .rea 3pdate /eAuest
*. "G"' 1onte(t /eAuest
8+. 3pdate 5ocation
83. 3pdate 5ocation .c#
88. 1ancel 5ocation
88. 1ancel 5ocation .c#
8*. &nsert "ubscriber 9ata .c#
8*. &nsert "ubscriber 9ata
:. "G"' 1onte(t .c#nowlede
=. 3pdate P9P 1onte(t /eAuest
=. 3pdate P9P 1onte(t /esponse
<. 7orward Pac#ets
>. 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest
>. 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /esponse
8>. /outein .rea 3pdate .ccept
8?. /outein .rea 3pdate 1omplete
8:. M0M" Multicast "ervice 9eactivation
8<. M0M" 9e@/eistr. Proc
8=. M0M" /eistration Procedure
,. .ctivate Trace
?. 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest
?. 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /esponse
2i5ure 8%9 6nter SGS/ !outein5 Area -pdate
*) .n "G"' supportin M0M" indicates its M0M" support in the "G"' 1onte(t /eAuest messae. &f the "G"'
indicates that it supports M0M"- the old "G"' includes the transfer of the M0M" 32 1onte(t(s) in the "G"'
1onte(t /esponse messae.
>) 7or the M0M" 32 conte(t(s) received in step *) the new "G"' sends 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest
("ervin networ# identity- M" Time Oone- 1G&B".&- /.T Type- .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo) to the GG"'s
concerned. The GG"'s update their M0M" 32 1onte(t fields and return 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /esponse.
?) The GG"' sends 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest (/.&) to the 0M@"1. The inclusion of 1G&B".& shall be
accordin rules detailed in subclause 8<.8.8a in T" *3.+=+ I8<J. The 0M@"1 updates its M0M" 32 1onte(t
fields and return 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /esponse.
,) &f the GG"' receives new or updated .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo from the new "G"'- the GG"' sends an
.ctivate Trace (.dditional M0M" Trace &nfo) messae to the 0M@"1.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %& !elease "
8:)&n case the new "G"' indicated no M0M" support in step *) the old "G"' deactivates all M0M" 32
conte(t(s) of the 32 in "G"'- GG"' and 0M@"1 by initiatin deactivation procedure(s) as described in
subclause F?.> M0M" Multicast "ervice 9eactivationF.
8<)&f the old "G"' does not have any more M0M" 32 1onte(ts for the M0M" bearer service(s) and the Flist of
downstream nodesF in the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is empty- the "G"' initiates the M0M" 9e@
/eistration Procedure. "ee subclause F?.= M0M" 9e@/eistration ProcedureF.
8=)&n case the new "G"' indicated M0M" support in step *)- the new "G"' verifies for each M0M" 32 1onte(t
received whether it has a correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. 7or each M0M" 0earer 1onte(t that the "G"'
does not already have- the "G"' creates an M0M" 0earer 1onte(t (in F"tandbyF state) and initiates the M0M"
/eistration Procedure towards the GG"'. "ee subclause F?.: M0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
8>).n "G"' without M0M" support does not indicate M0M" feature support in the /outin .rea 3pdate .ccept
messae. On the other hand if the "G"' supports M0M"- the /outin .rea 3pdate .ccept indicates to the 32
that the networ# supports M0M".
>.00a9'ter-<tem 9'tra-SGS) c!a'3e
7or an M0M" 32 transitionin between 3T/.' and .BGb mode G2/.'- the procedures are the same as the &u mode
to .BGb mode &ntra "G"' 1hane and .BGb mode to &u mode &ntra "G"' 1hane procedures specified in
T" *3.+=+ I8<J.
7urthermore- the same considerations on /adio .ccess Technoloy chanes apply as specified in the impacts of
applyin flow based charin specified in T" *3.+=+ I8<J- i.e. the "G"' shall send an 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t
/eAuest to the GG"'. "ubseAuently the GG"' shall send an 3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest to the 0M@"1 as
described in the &nter "G"' /outein .rea 3pdate procedure in subclause ?.8+.
>.00 9'ter SGS) Ser6i'3 #)S #elocatio' Procedure
This procedure is performed when the "G"' chanes due to "/'" relocation. &t bases on the "/'" /elocation
procedure specified in T" *3.+=+ I8<J. The procedure is performed reardless whether M0M" sessions are onoin or
not. The handlin of any P9P conte(ts established by the 32 is not chaned compared to the procedure without
M0M". The procedure described below does not show all details of the "/'" relocation procedure. Only for the
M0M" specific additions the steps are described.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %+ !elease "
3. (or2ard #elocatio' #eCuet
4. #elocatio' #eCuet
2. #elocatio' #eCuired
6. #elocatio' *omma'd
". (or2ard #elocatio' #e%o'e
4. #elocatio' #eCuet &c;'o2led3e
9. #elocatio' 5etect
00. #&) Mobilit< 9'4ormatio'
00. #&) Mobilit< 9'4ormatio' *o'4irm
+tabli!me't o4 #adio &cce 7earer
0. 5eciio' to %er4orm
S#)S relocatio'
>. #elocatio' *ommit
/. (or2ardi'3 o4 data
00. #elocatio' *om%lete
02. (or2ard #elocatio' *om%lete
20. #outi'3 &rea U%date
03. U%date P5P *o'te.t #eCuet
0". 9u #eleae *omma'd
0". 9u #eleae *om%lete
03. U%date P5P *o'te.t #e%o'e
02. (or2ard #elocatio' *om%lete &c;'o2led3e
0>. U%date M7MS U+ *o'te.t #eCuet
0>. U%date M7MS U+ *o'te.t #e%o'e
06. M7MS Multicat Ser6ice 5eacti6atio'
0/. M7MS 5e-#e3itratio' Procedure
04. M7MS #e3itratio' Procedure
09. &cti6ate Trace
2i5ure 8*9 S!/S !elocation Procedure
3) The old "G"' transfers the M0M" 32 1onte(t(s). in the 7orward /elocation /eAuest messae to the new
<) .n M0M" supportin "G"' indicates its M0M" support in the 7orward /elocation /esponse messae.
8:)&n case the new "G"' supports M0M" it verifies for each M0M" 32 1onte(t received whether it has a
correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t. 7or each M0M" 0earer 1onte(t not yet e(istin in the "G"' the "G"'
creates an M0M" 0earer 1onte(t (in F"tandbyF state) and initiates the M0M" /eistration Procedure. "ee
subclause FM0M" /eistration ProcedureF.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %, !elease "
8=)&n case the new "G"' indicated no M0M" support in step 3) the old "G"' deactivates all M0M" 32 conte(ts
of the 32 in "G"'- GG"' and 0M"1 by initiatin deactivation procedure(s) as described in clause F?.> M0M"
Multicast "ervice 9eactivationF.
8>)&f the old "G"' does not have any more M0M" 32 1onte(ts for this M0M" bearer service and the Flist of
downstream nodesF in the correspondin M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is empty- the "G"' initiates the M0M" 9e@
/eistration Procedure. "ee subclause FM0M" 9e@/eistration ProcedureF.
8?)&f the new "G"' supports the M0M" and for the M0M" 32 conte(t(s) received in step <) the new "G"' sends
3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /eAuest ("ervin networ# identity- M" Time Oone- 1G&B".&- /.T Type- .dditional
M0M" Trace &nfo) to the GG"'s concerned. The GG"'s update their M0M" 32 1onte(t fields and return
3pdate M0M" 32 1onte(t /esponse. The GG"' sends updated "ervin networ# identity to the 0M@"1. The
inclusion of 1G&B".& shall be accordin rules detailed in sub@clause 8<.8.8a in T" *3.+=+ I8<J.
8,)&f the GG"' receives new or updated .dditional M0M" Trace &nfo from the new "G"'- the GG"' sends an
.ctivate Trace (.dditional M0M" Trace &nfo) messae to the 0M@"1.
*+).n "G"' without M0M" support does not indicate M0M" feature support in the /outin .rea 3pdate .ccept
messae. On the other hand if the "G"' supports M0M"- the /outin .rea 3pdate .ccept indicates to the 32
that the networ# supports M0M".
>.02 M7MS 7roadcat Ser6ice &cti6atio'
M0M" 0roadcast service activation is the procedure by which a 32 locally activates a broadcast M0M" bearer
@ The M0M" broadcast service activation procedure does not reister the user in the networ#. There is no M0M"
bearer service specific sinallin e(chaned between the 32 and the 'etwor#.
@ The broadcast service activation procedure does not establish M0M" 32 conte(ts in 32- "G"' and GG"'.
>.03 M7MS 7roadcat er6ice de-acti6atio'
The M0M" 0roadcast service de@activation by the 32 is local to the 32- i.e. without interaction with the 'etwor#.
>.04 Void
>.0" M7MS U+ $i';i'315e-li';i'3 mec!a'im
M0M" 32 5in#in is the process by which 32 M0M" conte(t(s) is (are) provided to an &u@mode /.'.
M0M" 32 lin#in procedure is performed when the 32 is PMM@1O''21T29 at least in the followin cases.
@ Dhen a 32 which has a M0M" 32 conte(t is moved to the PMM 1O''21T29 state and a P" /.0 is
established. This may happen at any point in time e.. before- durin and between "essions.
@ Dhen a 32 joins the M0M" bearer service and is in the PMM 1O''21T29 state due to an e(istin P" /.0.
This may happen at any point in time e.. before- durin and between "essions.
@ Dhen a 32 is moved to the PMM 1O''21T29 state via the M0M" "ervice /eAuest procedure. This may
happen at any point in time durin a M0M" session.
The 32 lin#in is performed to lin# a specific 32 to an M0M" service. &t provides the "/'1B&u@mode 0"1 with a list
of M0M" service identifiers (includin TMG&) for M0M" bearer services activated by the 32. &f no M0M" service
conte(t e(ists for this particular M0M" bearer service then the "/'1B&u@mode 0"1 creates an M0M" service conte(t
after this procedure.
'OT2G the M0M" 0earer 1onte(t is referred to as the M0M" "ervice 1onte(t in 3GPP /.' specifications
M0M" 32 9e@5in#in denotes the process where a M0M" 32 conte(t is removed from the /.'.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 %" !elease "
M0M" 32 9e@5in#in procedure is performed if the 32 is PMM@1O''21T29 and has been already lin#ed towards
the /.' at least when it initiates M0M" Multicast "ervice 9eactivation procedure. This may happen at any point in
time durin the whole M0M" service availability i.e. before- durin and between M0M" sessions.
The 32 9e@5in#in is performed to unlin# a specific 32 from a M0M" service. The entry for this 32 is removed from
the concerned M0M" service conte(t(s) in the "/'1.
>.06 M7MS Ser6ice #eCuet Procedure
7or M0M"- when 3T/.' wants to count the number of users that are interested in a specific M0M" service which are
present in a cell- it will reAuest a percentae of the interested 32s to transit to PMM@1O''21T29 state. The M0M"
"ervice /eAuest procedure is used by a 32 in the PMM@&952 state to move to the PMM@1O''21T29 state. The
M0M" "ervice /eAuest procedure is also used by a 32 in PMM &952 or PMM@1O''21T29 state to reAuest to be
maintained in PMM@1O''21T29 state for the purpose of receivin data over an M0M" point@to@point radio bearer.

2. Ser6ice #eCuet
3. Securit< (u'ctio'
0. ##* *o''ectio' #eCuet
0. ##* *o''ectio' Setu%
". M7MS U+ $i';i'3 #eCuet
". M7MS U+ $i';i'3 #e%o'e
4. *ommo' 95
/. 9u #eleae *om%lete
/. 9u #eleae *omma'd
/. 9u #eleae #eCuet
U+ acti6it<
6. M7MS #&) #eource Setu%
2i5ure 8+9 MBMS Service !e?uest procedure
8) .n //1 connection is established if it doesn$t already e(ist.
*) The 32 sends a "ervice /eAuest messae to the "G"' if M0M" PTP reception shall be used or if otherwise
reAuired to do so by the /.' when M0M" reception shall be started. The "ervice Type shall indicate M0M"
multicast service reception or M0M" broadcast service reception. The "G"' shall not release the &u sinallin
connection until reAuested by the /.'.
3) The "G"' may perform the security functions.
:) The "G"' provides the /.' with the &M"& of the 32.
<) The "G"' provides the /.' with the M0M" 32 conte(t(s) (&P multicast addressB.P'- TMG&-
M0M"N'".P&) via M0M" 32 5in#in procedure- if the "G"' has active M0M" 32 conte(t(s) for the 32.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *( !elease "
'OT2G "tep = is independent of steps : to < and can occur before or simultaneously with any of these steps.
=) The /'1 establishes the necessary radio resources for the transfer of M0M" data to the interested 32s.
>) Dhen PTP transmission of a M0M" multicast or M0M" broadcast service is active for a 32 then the /'1 shall
supervise the &u sinallin connection. Dhen the /.' determines that it does not need to #eep the 32 in //1@
1O''21T29 state anymore- it shall trier a normal &u release towards "G"'.
>.0/ )oti4icatio' i' cae o4 %arallel er6ice
>.0/.0 )oti4icatio' o4 i'comi'3 *S domai' call duri'3 a' o'3oi'3 M7MS
7or the //1 connected mobiles in 3T/.'- the /'" will have received the &M"& from the core networ# and hence is
able to perform pain coordination. The 32s in //1 idle state in 3T/.' need to perform pain coordination while
receivin the M0M" session$s user data.
&n G2/.'- this is achieved by the 32 monitorin its pain channels while receivin the M0M" session$s user data. &f
the mobile responses to the 1" pain in G2/.'- then the onoin M0M" service is li#ely to be interrupted in the
>.0/.2 )oti4icatio' o4 additio'al M7MS eio' duri'3 a' o'3oi'3 M7MS
7or the //1 connected mobiles in 3T/.'- the "G"' has sent the list of M0M" bearer services that the user has
activated to the 3T/.'. The /'" needs to notify an //1 connected 32.
7or the 32s in //1 idle state- the 3T/.' performs M0M" notification for the 32.
&n G2/.'- this is achieved by the 32 monitorin its pain channel(s) where notification is sent while receivin the
M0M" session$s user data.
&f the mobile accepts the new M0M" session in G2/.'- then the onoin M0M" service is li#ely to be interrupted in
the 32.
>.0/.3 )oti4icatio' o4 Mobile Termi'ati'3 PS data duri'3 a' o'3oi'3 M7MS
7or the //1 connected mobiles in 3T/.'- the "G"' reAuest the establishment of a /.0 which will be used to
deliver the MT user data.
7or the 32s in //1 idle state- the 3T/.' performs pain notification for the 32.
&n G2/.'- this is achieved by the 32 monitorin its pain channels while receivin the M0M" session$s user data.
&f the mobile responses to the P" pain in G2/.'- then the onoin M0M" service is li#ely to be interrupted in the
>.0/.4 )oti4icatio' o4 M7MS eio' duri'3 a' o'3oi'3 *S or PS domai'
Dhen the 32 establishes the 3T/.' //1 connection for a 1" service- the 32 shall send a fla indicatin that it has
activated at least one M0M" bearer service. The /'1 reAuests the "G"' to send the list of M0M" bearer services that
the user has activated to enable the /'1 to notify the 32 when M0M" session starts.
Dhen a 32 moves to PMM@connected state- the "G"' sends the list of M0M" bearer services that the user has
activated to the /'1. The /'1 notifies the 32 when an M0M" session of the user$s activated M0M" bearer services
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *8 !elease "
These procedures are not supported by G2/.' in this version of the specification.
9 Securit<
"ecurity of M0M" is found in T" 33.*:= I<J.
00 *!ar3i'3 reCuireme't
00.0 Ge'eral
The M0M" architecture shall support on@line and off@line charin.
&t shall be possible to collect charin information for the multicast mode. &t shall also be possible to collect charin
information for M0M" services in visited networ#s.
M0M" shall collect charin information about the transmission of M0M" broadcast or multicast data that are
provided by content or service providers (e.. 3
parties). This shall enable billin of broadcast and multicast content or
service providers.
To enable billin of broadcast and multicast content providers- data shall be collected at the 0M@"1.
'OT2G "G"'- GG"' and 0M@"1 enerate charin data for the transmitted data- always under the assumption
that the 32s are within the M0M" service area. &f the M0M" service area is less than the P5M'- then
there is the possibility that a 32 will have moved outside the M0M" service area. 1harin data will still
be enerated for that 32 causin an inaccuracy in the data. This inaccuracy increases as the si!e of the
M0M" service area is decreased.
00.2 7earer le6el c!ar3i'3 4or M7MS
To provide bearer level charin for M0M"- mechanisms and functional elements described in T" *3.8*< I8*J are used
for M0M" 0earer 1onte(ts.
7low 0ased 1harin (701) may be used to collect charin data records for M0M" 0earer 1onte(ts e.. for the
purpose to chare the service provider- cf. T" *3.8*< I8*J.
'OT2G "ince multiple users share an M0M" bearer conte(t 701 cannot be used for creatin reports on a per user
00.3 &%%licatio' le6el c!ar3i'3 4or M7MS
&n order to meet the M0M" charin reAuirements in T" **.8:= I*J and T" **.*:= I=J- the followin elements and
functionalities are provided by the M0M" architectureG
a) The M"&"9' and &M"& are passed to the 0M@"1. This provides the operator with the ability to associate GP/"
location information (i.e. servin networ# idenity) with a user.
b) &n order to permit differential roamin tariffs- the servin networ# identity is provided to the 0M@"1.
c) 1harin for M0M" services is based on application layer mechanisms- since it is only at the application layer
that security is provided which can restrict content to authorised users or confirm delivery of content to usersG
The followin eneral reAuirements apply to charin information enerated by the 0M@"1G
@ 1harin information enerated for application layer charin events should include the above information
provided by the GP/" networ# to facilitate differential roamin tariffs.
@ 1harin information should include an indication of the point at which the user had access to the content
(e.. if and when decryption #eys for encrypted content are sent to the 32.).
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *# !elease "
00.4 Ge'eratio' o4 c!ar3i'3 record i' t!e VP$M)
&n order to permit the settlement of inter@operator roamin chares - the "G"' needs to raise 19/s. The information
that needs to be included on these 19/s is 77".
00 #oami'3 Su%%ort 4or M7MS uer er6ice
00.0 Sce'ario decri%tio'
There are three specific scenarios to provide M0M" user services to roamin users.
One uses a GG"' in the KP5M'- the other two are enabled by use of the M! interface and are further described belowG
@ . visited P5M' may offer to roamin users M0M" user services from their home P5M'. 7or this case- the
P9P connection- which will be used for the ;O&' step- may always be from the 32 to the C@GG"' due to
operator policy or routin optimi!ation- then the authori!ation is done in the 0M@"1 in visited P5M' with the
authori!ation information retrieved from the 0M@"1 in home P5M'. Then the M0M" user traffic is provided
by the 0M@"1 in home P5M' and pro(yed. .n .P' indicatin a GG"' will be included in the authorisation
information sent from home 0M@"1 to visited 0M@"1. Dhether GG"' of home or visited P5M' would be
used is based on the operator policy- or areement between P5M's- for e(ample- the visited 0M@"1 may
modify the .P' from the home 0M@"1 accordin to confiuration of operator policy.
@ Or- a visited P5M' may offer its own M0M" user services to roamin users when visited and home P5M'
support the same classes of M0M" user services. 7or this case- the authori!ation is done in the 0M@"1 in visited
P5M' with the authori!ation information retrieved from the 0M@"1 in home P5M'. Then the M0M" user
traffic is provided by the 0M@"1 in visited P5M'.
2ditors$ noteG &t is 77" how to deal with the services in the 0M@"1 in visited networ# which are not the same
service class as supported by the 0M@"1 in home networ#.
The usae of any of the scenarios and the offered M0M" user services are subject to the roamin areement between
visited and home P5M' operators.
00.2 Sce'ario i3'alli'3 4lo2
00.2.0 &P) electio'
Dhen a 32 is authori!ed throuh the 0M@"1 in the visited P5M' (by pro(yin the authori!ation sinallin)- an .P'
may be selected and decided by the 0M@"1 in the home P5M' or the 0M@"1 in the visit P5M' dependin on the
operator policy or areement between P5M's. "ee step : of the fiure 8?.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *3 !elease "
2i5ure 8,9 MBMS route optimi@ation for 0P1M/ provided MBMS services
7iure 8? is an e(tension of M0M" multicast service activation procedure described in clause ?.*- the only revise is
that an authori!ation step (step :) is added accordin to clause 88.8.
:. The 0M@"1 in visited P5M' finds the 0M@"1 in home P5M' which will serve the 32 based on the multicast
&P address- and identity of the user- and sends the authori!ation reAuest to it. The 0M@"1 in home P5M' can
respond with an .P'- which indicates a GG"' in home P5M' which will serve the 32 for the specific M0M"
service. The 0M@"1 in the visit networ# may modify the .P' based on the operator policy or areement
between P5M's.
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *% !elease "
&''e. & (9'4ormati6e),
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 ** !elease "
&''e. 7 (9'4ormati6e),
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *& !elease "
&''e. * (9'4ormati6e),
*!a'3e !itor<
3han5e history
5ate TSG L TSG 5oc. *# #e6 *at SubDect1*omme't 8ld )e2
200/-09 S&L3/ SP-0/0"44 009" - ( #emo6e GGS) T+95-U 4rom M7MS bearer co'te.t i' SGS) /.4.0 >.0.0
200/-02 S&L3> SP-0/0>02 009> 4 7 9'cludi'3 +-UT#&) a'd +PS to 23.246 >.0.0 >.0.0
200>-06 S&L40 SP-0>0406 0200 2 * $ocatio' de%e'de't data 4lo2 4or M7MS 7roadcat >.0.0 >.2.0
2009-03 S&L43 SP-090... 020/ - 7 #emo6al o4 eM7MS &rc!itecture Pri'ci%le 4rom #el-> >.2.0 >.3.0
2009-03 S&L43 SP-090020 0206 0 7 eM7MS arc!itecture %ri'ci%le >.3.0 9.0.0
3GPP TS #3$#%& '"$($( (#((")(3 *+ !elease "

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