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The key takeaways are that project closeout is the last major phase of a project's lifecycle and involves redistributing resources, closing out financial issues, archiving records, documenting success and issues, and conducting a lessons learned session.

The main tasks involved in project closeout are redistribution of resources, closing out financial issues, collecting and archiving project records, documenting the success and issues of the project, and conducting a 'lessons learned' session.

The purpose of conducting a Post Implementation Evaluation Report (PIER) is to document the successes and failures of the project. It also provides valuable historical information on the planned and actual budget and schedule. The report also contains recommendations for future projects of similar size and scope.

Section 6 Project Closeout Phase

6.1 Project Closeout Overview

Project closeout is the last major phase of a project's
lifecycle. This phase is performed once all defined project
objectives have been met and the customer has accepted the
project's product. Closing a project is a routine task.

Figure 6.1
Project Close-out Phase

Project closeout includes the following tasks:

Redistribution of resources, including staff,
facilities, equipment and automated systems

Closing out any financial issues such as labor
charge codes and contract closure

Collect, complete and archive project records

Document the success and issues of the project

Conduct a lessons learned session

Celebrate project success

Project Management Methodology 6-1
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
These activities are very important on large projects with
extensive records and resources. Specific information
technology processes that deal with the transition of the
technical support into maintenance support is not discussed
in this section. These tasks are diverse and specific to each
project's environment.

Project Management Methodology 6-2
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
6.2 Administrative Closure

Administrative closure is the process of preparing closure
documentation of the product or process deliverables to the
customer as well as taking other administrative actions to
ensure that the project and its assets are redistributed.
Delivering closure documentation does not mean getting
approval and acceptance signature on the deliverable. It
involves a series of steps to ensure the product meets the
customer's requirements that were defined in the Project
Requirements document and approved by the customer.
The Post Implementation Evaluation Report (PIER) is
produced in the Administrative Closure. Other areas
included in administrative closure are archiving, facilities
and personnel reassignment. Figure 6.2.1 shows a diagram
of the Closeout processes is shown below:

Figure 6.2.1
Closeout Processes

Project Management Methodology 6-3
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
J ust because project closure appears at the end of the
project, does not mean that all project closure activities
need to be delayed until then. As each project phase is
completed, it is important to conduct milestone reviews to
ensure that phase activities have been completed to the
satisfaction of all involved parties. This frees the project
manager and team from dealing with old action items and
outdated information.

Post Implementation
Evaluation Report (PIER)
A Post Implementation Evaluation Report (PIER)
documents the successes and failures of the project. It also
provides valuable historical information of the planned and
actual budget and schedule. Other selected metrics on the
project may be collected using documented procedures.
The report also contains recommendations for future
projects of similar size and scope. Information within the
PIER should include, but not be limited to, the following

Project sign-off

Staffing and skills

Project organizational structure

Schedule management

Cost management

Quality management

Configuration management

Disaster Recovery

Customer expectations management

Lessons learned

Defining Lessons
In addition to communicating the closure of a project in
writing, it is also advisable to have a mechanism for group
review. A lesson learned session is a valuable closure and
Project Management Methodology 6-4
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
release mechanism for team members, regardless of the
success of the project. Some typical questions to answer in
a lessons learned session are listed below:

Did the delivered product meet the specified
requirements and goals of the project?

Was the customer satisfied with the end product?

Were cost budgets met?

Was the schedule met?

Were risks identified and mitigated?

Did the project management methodology work?

What could be done to improve the process?

The lessons learned session is typically a large meeting that
includes the following groups:

Project team

Stakeholder representation - including external
project oversight

Executive management

Maintenance and operation staff

Such sessions provide official closure to a project, as well
as a forum for public recognition. These sessions offer an
opportunity to discuss ways to improve future processes
and procedures.

Documenting Lessons
One purpose of the PIER is to document lessons learned.
This means that problems encountered by the project team
are openly presented. Problem identification on completed
projects provides a method to discuss project issues
encountered in hopes of eliminating their occurrence in
future projects. It is important that these discussions remain
objective and professional and do not "point a finger" at a
target other than the project team.
Project Management Methodology 6-5
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Responsibility and ownership for problem identification
and resolution by the team is critical for developing recom-
mendations for future projects.

The individual problems that occurred throughout the
course of the project should have been presented and
documented when they happened and subsequently
addressed at that time. The lessons learned documented in
Project Closeout is for upper management's review and
action as well as to provide a valuable tool for future
projects. This will help to prevent future project managers
and teams from making avoidable mistakes and also lay the
framework for success in other projects.

Problems encountered should be prioritized with focus on
the top five to ten problems. It is not necessary to document
every small event during the lifecycle of the project;
however, all legitimate problems and issues should be
discussed that are requested by customers or management.
Due to the sensitive nature of information in the PIER, the
content of the document should be reviewed by all parties
included in the document prior to submitting it to the
project team. It is useful to conduct the review in an
interactive forum where all parties can discuss their
recommendations for improvement. This enables the PIER
to present a complete view of the system.

Identifying and
Addressing Success
Successes are just as important as problems and need to be
documented on the PIER. It is also important to include
new ideas that were successful in the project for future use.
Make recommendations on how these success reports
might be adapted for other projects.

Share project successes with other organizations. In the
same way problem identification can lead to improvements,
successes should be translated to procedures that can be
followed in future projects.

Preparing the Report
Typically, the Project Manager has the responsibility to
prepare the PIER report. The Project Manager obtains input
from the entire team, customers, and other major
stakeholders. People performing different functions on the
project will have a different outlook on the successes and
Project Management Methodology 6-6
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
failures and on possible solutions. If every project member
cannot be consulted, at least solicit input from all major
areas of contribution. The customer's overall view of the
project and its final product is also a major focus of the
project. It is this view, along with the view of the major
stakeholders that lives on after closure of the project.

There are other documents and processes that also need to
be brought to closure as the project nears completion. They
are described in the Project Documentation, subsection 6.3.

Customer Project
As stated earlier, the issue of primary importance with
project closure is the acceptance of the product or project
deliverable by the customer for which they were created.
The best way to resolve this is to convene a final meeting
with all necessary stakeholders to review the product
delivered against the baseline requirements and
specifications. By this time, any deviations from the
established baseline will have been documented and
approved but it is still good policy to make all parties aware
of the baseline deviations and justifications. By conducting
the meeting of all the stakeholders together in one meeting,
the Project Manager avoids clearing up open issues on an
individual basis.

The final deliverable of this meeting should be a statement
created by the Project Manager describing the project's
final deliverables in comparison to the authorized project
baseline documents. Approval is verified via the signature
of a project closure statement by all stakeholders who
signed the original project baseline document (e.g. Project
Plan). This document may be customized to fit the needs of
specific projects that include pertinent deliverables, key
features and other important information about final project

Project Documentation
All documentation that has information about the project
(including design documents, schematics, technical
manuals) that have not already been turned over to the
operations and maintenance organizations must be
completed and forwarded to the Project Manager.
Project Management Methodology 6-7
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Collecting Project
Archive Data
After the PIER document has been prepared, the project
information is archived. Historic project data is an
important source of information to help improve future
projects. The information that is archived will vary from
project to project. Typically, the following project data is

Project Notebook

Project Plan - including the Project Charter, Project
Scope Statement, Risk Management Plan, and
Quality Plan


Meeting notes

Status reports

Contract file

Technical documents

Files, programs, tools, etc. placed under the use of
Configuration Management

Any other pertinent information to the project

All hard copy records should be stored following the State
of Arkansas record retention guidelines. Many of the
technical documents and automated versions will be turned
over to agency personnel responsible for maintenance and
operation of the system. Summaries of technical
information should be stored electronically for historical
reference to facilitate later review. The project archive
should include an inventory sheet and description of the
files being submitted the application (including version)
used to create the archived materials and a point of contact
for the archived data.

Project Management Methodology 6-8
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
The project management information summary should also
include a description of the project, a project organization
chart, budgeted versus actual cost and budgeted versus
actual schedule. Any assumptions associated with the
project are also included.

Maintaining the Archive
DIS project information is archived by the Project Manager
on the network server agency and can be reviewed as

Using the Archives
Building a repository of past projects serves as a reference
source for estimating future efforts and as a training tool for
Project Managers.

Project archives can be used when estimating projects and
in developing metrics on productivity of the project teams.
Use of past performance metrics for estimating future work
provides the best source for future estimates. When
sufficient project data is collected over time, DIS may
develop an experienced database that could be used to
make strong estimates of expenses, resources and time for
realistic projects.

Personnel and Facilities
If personnel have been applied against the project on a full
time basis and the project is nearing the end, it is important
to return the people back into the available resource pool
quickly. This will ensure that the people stay busy and that
other projects within the agency do not fall short of
resources. This will also ensure closeout of the labor charge
code (if necessary) used for the project.

If the project team has occupied agency facilities for a long
period of time, it is a good idea to notify the controlling
facilities personnel that the space is no longer needed.
The Post Implementation Evaluation Review (PIER)
template can be found in the Appendix.

Project Management Methodology 6-9
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
6.3 Financial Closure

Financial closure is the process of completing and
terminating the financial and budgetary aspects of the
project being performed. Financial closure includes both
(external) contract closure and (internal) project account
closure. The following sections describe some of the
actions that must be taken to ensure financial closeout.

Project Account Closure
Project account closure is an internal process that
formalizes the termination of a project for the staff within
the agency. Without setting definitive dates and providing a
formal process for closure, projects have a tendency to live
past their scheduled completion date. For instance, if a
termination date is not set for a project, it is possible that
the project might continue indefinitely, allowing personnel
to apply resources and labor against it. If this were to
happen, a project would not be a project any longer, but
could potentially turn into a program without a defined end
date. Projects by definition have limited budgets and life-
spans, so it is necessary to terminate them at some point.

Setting a Completion Date
Often projects have a completion date imposed upon them
at their inception, which by nature makes that date the
termination date for the project. The completion date for a
project is the date that all project-related activities needed
to produce the product should be completed. Beyond this
date, there should be no need to apply labor or resources
against the project because it will have delivered or turned
over to operations. Any further work done on the product
beyond this date should be considered an operations and
maintenance cost.

Closing Account Charge Codes
Most projects have account numbers associated with them
that allow the financial departments to track labor hours
and resource procurement. These labor charge codes will
need to be deactivated so that no personnel may continue to
charge time against the project or use the project charge
codes to purchase materials, etc.

Project Management Methodology 6-10
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Closure of the charge accounts should be formalized via
written request that the Project Manager turns over to the
managing financial organization.

Spreading the Word
Agency staff and management need to be told as far ahead
of time as possible when the project will be coming to
completion. There are a few reasons for this:

The staff applied to the project will know the date
beyond which they will not be able to charge
their time against and purchase resources for the
Management will be able to plan where their
resources applied next after the current project
is complete.
Setting a date provides a sense of urgency to resolve
issues and complete activities that have been
dragging on without resolution.

The termination date of the project should be included in
the project schedule as well as any ongoing project
documentation. Staff members should be reminded ahead
of time that charge codes will become inactive on a certain
date. This can be done via e-mail or whatever means is
convenient to insure that the word is passed.

Process for Contract
Contract closure is the process of terminating contracts that
outside organizations or businesses have with the agency as
part of the project being performed. These contracts may be
vehicles for providing technical support, consulting, or any
number of services supplied during the project that the
agency decided not to perform itself. Contracts can be
brought to closure for variety of reasons, including contract
completion, early termination, or failure to perform.
Contract closure is a typical but important part of project
management. It is a simple process, but close attention
should be paid so that no room is left for liability of the

Project Management Methodology 6-11
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Collect Documentation
In order to close a contract, it is important to collect all of
the pertinent documentation for review. This will include
all of the original contracts and supporting documentation
such as schedules, contract changes, and performance
reports. This documentation needs to be reviewed thor-
oughly to ensure that there are no unrealized contract issues
that could open up legal liability. For specific methods on
contract closure please refer questions to the Contract
Management Division.

The Financial Audit
The project audit is intended to determine where, in
measurable terms, the actual costs on the project may have
overrun or under-run and determine the cause of the
variation. It is also an investigation into the ethical and
financial responsibility of the staff involved with the
project. Because many state projects are funded through
state taxes and appropriations, it is imperative that all of the
project members be held accountable to the highest degree
of fiscal responsibility. Furthermore, the financial
evaluation also provides an opportunity for project
managers and agencies to learn where they can improve
financially on the implementation of similar future projects.

Purpose of an Audit
A financial audit is the thorough examination of a project
by an evaluation team and includes a detailed overview of
the project's financial procedures, budgets, records, etc. It
may deal with a project as a whole or separate part of a
project. An audit may take a few hours to several months
depending on the size, visibility, and the detailed
information available on the project. Although financial
audits can occur anytime throughout the project, the
emphasis of this section is on the Closeout Phase.

Financial project audits require quite a bit of information to
make accurate assessments. This information may include,
but not be limited to the following:

Budget plans (staff and resource baselines)

Staff timesheets

Contracts with external organizations
Project Management Methodology 6-12
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Procurement guidelines

Purchase orders

Budget status reports

Change control results

This information is evaluated by an audit team to determine
if the time and resources spent on the project measurably
reflect the product produced as a result of the effort.

The Audit Team
The financial audit may be performed by teams either
internal or external to the organization. External teams may
be selected because of their experience and impartiality.
Internal teams may be selected as a result of the size of the
project or the team members' knowledge of the financial
guidelines of the agency. Internal teams, if used, may
include members from the project team, the agency
accounting department, executive management, human
resources, contracts/procurement, and the legal department.

The audit team must have full accessibility to the project
records and project staff to make an informed and unbiased
assessment of the financial health of the project. Although
accessibility to the staff may be difficult, and at times
intrusive, it is important that the staff take the time to
discuss the project with auditors. Care must be taken to
avoid misunderstandings, and auditors must avoid
comments that may be construed as critical. The auditors
have a responsibility to be as fair as possible and
occasionally may need to rely on their own interpretations
of the data.

Project Audit Sections
A financial audit is a formal report that needs to be
organized in an understandable and systematic format. It
may be necessary for the audit team to develop a method
for separating useful information pertinent to the project
from irrelevant or distracting information.

Project Management Methodology 6-13
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
If a financial audit is done internally, the time spent should
be commensurate with the amount of time actually spent on
the project. Some audits will be much more detailed than

Once completed, the financial audit should be delivered to
the project product owner or their designee. Copies may
also be made available to the project manager, executive
management, and as necessary in order to verify any
assumptions made by the audit team or clarify any unre-
solved issues.

Project Management Methodology 6-14
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
6.4 Celebration of Success

Celebrate the success of completing a project! There is
fairly universal recognition that positive reinforcement, or
rewarding behavior, is an effective management tool.
Because it is a goal within the state to increase the number
of successfully executed projects, it is important to
recognize teams that have met this goal. When success in a
project is achieved, be certain to provide some recognition
to the team. If individuals are singled out for significant
achievements, don't forget to recognize the entire team as

One step of the Closeout Phase is the customer's acceptance
of the system. This is a critical and important step, as the
customer decides when the project is completed.
Acceptance is based upon the success criteria defined in the
very early concept and planning stages of the project. This
acceptance may be very informal or it may be very formal,
depending on the defined criteria.

What is Success?
Success is defined at the early stages of planning the
project. In this project management methodology, success
factors are developed as part of the Initiation Phase.
Success is not tied to only budget and schedule. Many
projects can be considered a tremendous success even
though the project ultimately cost more than had been
anticipated. Some key questions that determine success
include the following:

Were the success objectives achieved?

Do the stakeholders and customers view the
project/product in a positive manner?

Was the project well managed?

Did the team work well together and know what
was going right and wrong?

Project Management Methodology 6-15
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
Informal Recognition
There are many ways to reward people for a job well done.
The reward might be an informal after work gathering or a
lunchtime pizza celebration.

Formal Recognition
Organization management may also want to express
recognition of a successful team effort by praising the team
at a key meeting or a large gathering of staff. Team
members are proud to have executive management state
appreciation, and such recognition sets the stage for future
successful work.

Formal recognition can also be achieved through
coordination with the organization for articles in industry
periodicals and updating project data that is circulated to
the legislature. Other options include plaques or gift
certificates, should management and budget allow for such

Project Management Methodology 6-16
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
6.5 Project Close-out Checklist

In order to close this phase of the project it is important to
make sure that all of the necessary documents that are
pertinent to the particular project in question have been
completed. This sub-section discusses the process of
insuring that the activities have been finished, reviewed,
and signed off

Usefulness of Project
Close-out Checklist becomes a way for the Project
Manager to organize and communicate tasks that should be
completed prior to closing the project.

Beyond serving as a communication document, use of the
Close-out Checklist can also trigger completion of tasks
that the project team might overlook. The checklist is a
combination of an action list and a tool to verify that
necessary steps have been completed. The Close-out
Checklist should be organized according to the major areas
of concern that will determine the projects success. The
development and use of a Close-out Checklist also provides
the project team with the tools to ensure that all information
has been reviewed and approved.

Project Close-out
Checklist Creation
The Project Manager owns the Project Close-out Checklist,
although in most projects, the full team provides input.

Format of a Project
Close-out Transition
The format of the Project Close-out Checklist can be
whatever the project team defines, but it usually resembles
more of an outline than a dissertation. It could be a single
line item with space provided for the person to list the
current status of an item. Sample answers might be:

Y =Item has been addressed and is completed.

N =Item has not been addressed, and needs to be in
order to complete the process.

Project Management Methodology 6-17
Section 6 Project Closeout Phase
N/A =Item has not been addressed and is not
related to this project.

P =Item has been addressed and some issue
resolution is needed to complete the item or
annotate is as N/A.

If the item status information is modified, then the person
responsible for the Close-out Checklist should ensure that
the information is given to the full project team for use.
Each item on the Close-out Checklist should also have an
area for comments and should note plans to resolve N or
P entries.
The project team can choose to put this checklist under
configuration management or in the Project File Folder so
that it may be shared. The format can be modified to the
requirements of a particular project. A sample checklist can
be found on the following pages.

Project Management Methodology 6-18

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