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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Traditional ecological knowledge on characteristics,

conservation and management of soil in tribal communities
of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve, India
C. P. Kala
Ecosystem & Environment Management Indian Institute of Forest Management, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal - 462 003 Madhya Pradesh,
INDIA Corresponding author:
The problem of soil degradation has made the farmers to devise some indigenous practices and systems of land
use since antiquity in order to maintain and restore the quality of land, which remains operational even today to
maintain sustainable crop production. The present study, therefore, deals with the traditional ecological knowledge
on soil characteristics and fertility along with the conservation and management of soil by the tribal communities
in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (PBR) of India. Traditionally, the farmers in the study villages of PBR
have classifed the soil types mainly on the basis of soil texture, soil colour and its water retaining capacity. The
study documented a total of 16 soil types, as classifed by the villagers such as Bhurbhuria, Chikti, Kadialtori,
Kamkaltori, Potini, Chikni, Kasai, Dadra and Barrimitti. Besides crop production, the soil was used for construction
of house and pots, whitewashing and painting purposes. For conservation and management of soil, the farmers have
adopted various traditional practices, which include crop rotation, burning of residues, planting forestry species,
applying farmyard manure, and making land boundary. The study refects that the traditional soil conservation
and management practices in PBR are well knitted and interwoven with the cultures, belief systems and available
Keywords: Traditional knowledge, soil classifcation, soil conservation, tribal communities, Pachmarhi Biosphere
1. Introduction
The constant interaction with biophysical environment
has made the tribal communities and other forest
dwellers to learn intricacies of nature and natural
resources. Over the period of time, such interactions
have led to evolution and accumulation of knowledge
on the ecosystem properties that may be termed
as traditional ecological knowledge. Traditional
ecological knowledge has a historical continuity of
resource use practice that is based on an integrated
system of knowledge, practices, and beliefs including
cosmology (Berkes et al., 2000). In 70 nations, over
370 million indigenous people have retained their
cultural, social and economic characteristics that are
distinct from those of the dominant societies in which
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
they live (Schmidt and Peterson, 2009). Historically,
along with collection of forest resources the hunter-
gatherers or tribal societies have been practicing
marginal agriculture. The agricultural practices of
tribal communities follow some traditional norms
including rituals, festivals and techniques. These
practices are followed to increase the land fertility,
soil conservation, moisture balance and pest control
that subsequently have developed a wide range of site
specifc technologies (Haverkort, 1995; Cleveland,
In India, the traditional agricultural practices may
vary across the agro-climatic zones. The diversity in
soil types and diverse geographical conditions lead
to diverse agricultural systems. The important forms
of agriculture in India are settled, shifting and agro-
forestry based agriculture systems (Ramakrishnan,
2002; Kala et al., 2008). All these forms of agriculture
are under pressure with the changing land use practices,
increasing human population, and overexploitation of
land resources that have subsequently resulted in the
land degradation, particularly declining soil fertility
and escalating soil erosion. Land degradation has
been a problem ever since humans settled the land and
started domesticating plants and animals (Sanders,
2004), hence the farmers had devised some indigenous
practices and systems of land use to maintain and
restore the quality of their lands, which remained
an indispensable tool for sustained crop production
(Tekwa et al., 2010). Unfortunately, these indigenous
practices have seldom been recognized in the race for
modernization and development; therefore, at present,
most of such practices have reached to the verge of
However, the importance of traditional agricultural
practices has been receiving attention for food security
(Rajasekaran and Whiteford, 1992), quality control
and for biodiversity conservation (Gadgil et al.,
1993). Some agro-forestry based studies show that
traditional agriculture enhances the soil quality and
helps agriculture in a sustainable ways (Berkes, 1999;
Ramakrishnan, 2002; Kala, 2012). There are studies
available on the traditional agricultural practices
elsewhere (Rajasekaran and Whiteford, 1992; Bonny
and Vijayaragavan, 2001; Ramakrishnan, 2002; Kala
et al., 2008) however there is no study available,
especially on the characteristics, conservation and
management of soil in the present study area of the
Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (PBR) in India. Here in
this context, the present study deals with the traditional
ecological knowledge on soil characteristics and
fertility along with the conservation and management
of soil by the tribal communities in the PBR.
2. Methodology
2.1. Study area
The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve, one of the 15
biosphere reserves of India, lies between 20 10 to
22 50 N latitude and 77 45 to 78 56 E longitude.
PBR was established on March 3, 1999 in the Satpura
Range of Madhya Pradesh. It spans over 3 districts
of Madhya Pradesh Hoshangabad, Betul, and
Chhindwara. The total geographical area of PBR is
4926.28 sq km, of which 524.37 sq km is under the
core zone and remaining 4462. 93 sq km comprises
the buffer zone (EPCO, 2001). PBR consists of three
wildlife conservation units, the Satpura National Park
(524.37 sq km), the Bori Wildlife Sanctuary (518.00
sq km), and the Pachmarhi Sanctuary (461.37 sq km).
Satpuda National Park is designated as the core zone
of PBR and the remaining area including the Bori and
Pachmarhi sanctuaries constitutes the buffer zone. The
rocky areas of Pachmarhi and Bori forests belong to
the upper and lower Gondwana series, which contain
sandstones and lime stones. In general, the temperature
of PBR ranges from 11 to 42 C (Jayson, 1990; Kala,
PBR is endowed with rich plant and animal diversity.
The forest vegetation of PBR is classifed as subtropical
hill forest and tropical moist deciduous forest (Jayson,
1990). A total of 30 species of thallophytes, 83 species
Traditional knowledge & soil management
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
of bryophytes, 71 species of pteridophytes, 7 species
of gymnosperms, 1190 species of angiosperms have
been reported to occur in PBR (Singh and Kaul,
2002). PBR is equally known for its cultural diversity,
as it is inhabited by number of tribal and non-tribal
communities. The major tribal group was Gond in
the study area. Because of the numerical strength, the
Gond tribes dominate the central parts of India and
the Central Province was known as Gondwana state,
as the Gonds ruled this part of India in the past. The
social organization of the Gond reveals that they are
divided into clans, such as, Arpanche, Bariba, Dhurwe,
Erpachi, Karskoley, Sarada, Sivarsaran, Porta, Tekam
and Wike. The livelihood of Gond and Mawasi tribes
depends on the marginal agriculture, collection of
minor forest produce and labour work. The major
crops cultivated by these tribal groups are Oryza
sativa, Triticum aestivum, Cajanus cajan, Paspalum
scrobiculatum, Zea mays and Cicer arietinum.
About 75% local people hold authorized land with
land patta (Patta land is privately owned and can be
sold and purchased freely by owner) and rest of the
people live on encroached land and mainly collect
minor forest produce for their livelihood.
2.2. Survey methods
For the present study, the villages in buffer zone areas
of PBR, close to the boundary of Satpuda National
Park, were surveyed. A total of 10 villages in buffer
zone of PBR namely Sawarwani, Shahwan, Fatepur,
Singhpur, Anhoni, Bandi, Deokoh Bodalkachhar,
Khara and Taperwani were selected for intensive
study of soil conservation practices and associated
traditional ecological knowledge. The selected villages
were dominated by tribal communities, mostly Gond
and Mawasi with their off shoots. The questionnaire
survey was conducted in the selected villages of PBR.
In most of the villages, generally, the male members
were available for interviews; however, female
members were also helped during the interviews.
Through questionnaire information was collected
on the traditional methods of soil identifcation,
classifcation, fertility, crop specifc selection of soil,
traditional practices for maintaining soil fertility and
soil conservation. Besides, the local people were
encouraged to give their views and perceptions on soil
with respect to the cultural, ecological and conservation
perspectives. During the survey, different areas
possessing different soil types were visited with the
local knowledgeable people for understanding the soil
characteristics and traditional practices and knowledge
associated with them. Group discussions were also
arranged to collect and verify the information on soil
types, soil characteristics, traditional soil management
practices, and associated belief systems. Participant
observation methods were employed and information
was also collected on traditional knowledge related
to the soil by participating in various activities of the
local tribal people.
3. Results
3.1. Traditional classifcation of soil
Traditionally, the soil characteristics paved the way
for understanding the suitability of land for agriculture
purposes. The farmers of the study villages have
classifed the soil types on the basis of soil texture,
soil colour, water retaining capacity of soil and terrain
types. The present study has documented 16 soil types
as classifed by the villagers in the study area, of these
10 soil types were classifed on the basis of texture
and 6 on the basis of soil colour (Table 1). Based
on texture, the soil was classifed into Bhurbhuria,
Chikti, Kadialtori, Kamkaltori, Potini, Chikni, Kasai,
Dadra and Barrimitti. The villagers have defned the
term texture in view of soils capacity and quality to
absorb the rain water.
Bhurbhuria soil was known to be one of the best
fertile soils for crops. It was thick and fne loamy soil
that absorbed rain water easily.
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Table 1: Soil types and their characteristics in the study villages of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve
Traditional knowledge & soil management
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Because of its easy water absorbability, the farmers
cultivated crops in such soil in the frst monsoon in
order to continue various cropping practices, as it stored
large amount of rain water, which might hamper the
subsequent necessary agricultural practices required
for optimum yields. Wide cracks develop in this soil
during the dry season. Though this soil was suitable to
grow most crops, generally short duration crops were
grown in this soil, such as, Paspalum scrobiculatum
and Sesamum indicum. Besides, the farmers used to
grow short duration land races of paddies like Batra
and Lalei in Bhurbhuria soil type. Bhurbhuria
appears blackish in colour. Chikti soil was also black
in colour but different from Bhurbhuria due to its
high proportion of reddish colour. Chikti was salinity
ingressed moderately textured soil and had less water
retaining capacity. Even in less rain fall, Chikti could
be ploughed easily. The crops grown in Chikti were
almost similar to the Bhurbhuria soil. Chikti soil occurs
in areas close to forest. The forest biomass drained
through rainwater also got mixed with this kind of soil
and made it more fertile. Mostly jute (Corchorus spp)
and Paspalum scrobiculatum were grown in Chikti
soil by the villagers as it was considered good for these
Kadialtori soil type had high water retaining capacity
for longer period of time. It was composed of coarse
material deposited in the foot of hills. It was whitish
in colour, and diffcult to dig, as it sticks to the tilling
instrument. Generally, Kadialtori was not used for
farming and mainly remained fallow. However, a few
people attempted to grow Sesamum indicum and jute
in this soil type along with paddies and ladyfnger
(Abelmoschus esculentus). The local people believed
that this soil type was less productive. Another soil
type is Kamkaltori that has a high percentage of
pebbles and cobbles. This soil type was not considered
good for long duration crops, such as, Oryza sativa and
Triticum aestivum. The farmers sometime used this soil
type for cultivation of Zea mays, Phaseolus mungo,
Capcicum annum and Lycopersicum esculentum.
Chiknimitti was another soil type that was soft and
easily got mixed with the rain water. Chiknimitti had
less water retaining capacity. It was reddish black in
colour and local people used to cultivate cereals and
pulses of short period in this soil type. Chiknimitti
was fne glossy soil and was also used for making
pottery. Dhadra was the most common soil type and
was predominately found in all the studied villages. In
Dhadra, the sand proportion was quite low and it had
moderate level of water holding capacity. The local
people used to grow all types of crops in this soil type.
Dhadra had coarse texture with occasional pebbles.
Kasaimitti found in the study area was not used for
cultivation due to its low fertility. It was diffcult to
plough this soil type because of high percentage of
stones. Potinimitti was found in small patches and
had buff colour. It was rarely used for cultivation.
Kapewala was thin and salinity ingressed soil. It was
black in colour and had low water retaining capacity.
Barrimitti was also predominated by pebbles and was
reddish in colour. This soil was considered less fertile
and generally used to grow Zea mays and Sesamum
Besides texture, traditionally the soil was also
classifed on the basis of its colour by the local
people such as Teloala, Mariartori, Lalmitti, Pirmitti
and Chhuimiti. Teloala soil was blackish in colour
and easily got stacked with digging instrument while
tilling. The water retaining capacity of this soil was
quite low. It was thin, salinity ingressed and poor
loamy soil. Local people cultivated crops like Oryza
sativa, Triticum aestivum, Paspalum scrobiculatum,
and Cicer arietinum in this soil type. Teloala soil type
was perceived more fertile as it yielded good crops.
Mariartori soil type was also black and mostly occurred
in and vicinity of the forest. It was thick and loamy
soil. Local people considered it more fertile. The local
people viewed that water fowing through the forest
brought the organic materials to the adjacent forest
land areas hence made such soil more fertile. They
cultivated most of the varieties of crops including short
and long duration in this soil type. The other soil types,
such as Lalmitti was reddish, Pirmitti was blackish and
Chhuimitti was whitish in colour. Another soil type,
Bamimitti, whitish in colour, was also considered less
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fertile soil and diffcult to plough even during rainy
season due to its hardy nature. Hence people avoided
growing crops in this type of soil.
3.2. Traditional uses of soil
Besides agricultural purposes, the local people have
also accumulated knowledge on the use of soil for
house construction, pot making, whitewashing and
painting purposes. To decorate houses they mainly
used 3 different soil types, such as, Lalmitti, Pirmitti,
and Chhuimitti. These soils were generally not used
for cultivation, however, in Khara and Taperwani
villages the local people cultivated crops in Lalmitti,
as these two villages were predominated by this soil
only. Since Lalmitti had low fertility, the local people
have made it fertile by applying high quantity of
organic materials like cow dung, ash and decomposed
leaves of plants. The local people of Sawarwani and
Shahwan villages pointed out that this soil has been
traditionally used for painting house walls. Lalmitti
had wide cultural signifcance, as during most of
the festivals people brought this soil not only for
re-layering and painting houses but also used it for
making marriage stage, and also splashing the places
where the villagers worship their village deities. In
order to make soil ready for painting and splashing,
the collected soil was mixed with water. In addition,
the cow dung was also mixed in proportion of of the
soil. A piece of cloth was used to police the house wall
by using this soil.
Pirmitti was used to splash the house foor. This soil
was blackish in colour. Like the Lalmitti, cow dung
was not added in Pirmitti before splashing. Besides
house, this soil was used to splash the sacred places.
Pirmitti was found in some limited places. Chhuimitti
was found in a few localities near Shahwan, Singhpur
and Anhoni villages that was whitish in color. It was
extensively used by the villagers in splashing the
houses. Since it was available on a few sites, the
local people had made quarries on such sites that
had 30 to 40 feet depth. Mostly the soil inside quarry
remained wet hence the soil got dried after collection
by making egg shaped structure (locally called as
The house splashing method was similar to that of
Pirmitti and Lalmitti. Chhuimitti was also sold in the
local market. About 11% of people interviewed have
admitted that they used to sell this soil in the market at
the rate of ` 2/- per kg of soil.
3.3 Conservation and management of soil
From preparing land for cultivation to sowing seeds
and harvesting crops the farmers in the study villages
of PBR remained cautious and thus had adopted some
soil conservation and management practices from
antiquity. The following traditional practices have
been documented during the present investigations, as
adopted by the local farmers for maintaining the soil
3.3.1. Tillage system and fallow period
Tilling of soil was dependent on the type of soil. For
example, Bhurbhuria, Chikni, Teloala and Mariartori
were tilled lightly to retain the soil moisture, whereas
Dhadra, Potinimitti, Kamkaltori and Kadialtori tilted
relatively higher than the former soil types. It was
believed that if Bhurbhuria, Chiknimitii and Teloala
were tilled deeply, the seedlings of respective crops
took longer time to germinate, and subsequently
affected by heavy rainfalls. In study area, traditionally
people have been practicing two kinds of crops - rabi
crops and kharif crops. To recoup the land fertility,
they had 2 months fallow period between rabi and
kharif crops.
3.3.2. Burning residues
The land was prepared for cultivation by removing
stones and before sowing seeds, they cut down and
burnt small bushes and weeds as it was believed
that such practices enhance the soil fertility. People
gathered the remains of one crops at three or four
localities within the farm depending on the size of
farmland and burnt it to ashes before starting the
Traditional knowledge & soil management
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next crops. The local people often scattered ashes
in their agricultural field with a view to enhance
the soil fertility as well as to protect the crops from
the pests. The bushes and leaves of trees available
adjacent to the agricultural field were also collected
and burnt to ashes that was mixed up with soil while
tilting the land for cultivation. If some unwanted
grasses and bushes have dominated the land, the
people dug out the land deeply in order to uproot
such grasses and bushes, which are finally burnt to
3.3.3. Planting forestry species
Traditionally, the local people have been using
plant material as farmyard organic manure and also
practiced agro-forestry system. The local people
perceived that earlier due to abundant deciduous
tree species in and around their agricultural field,
there were good accumulation of organic manure in
the forms of continuous deposition and subsequent
decomposition of leaves and twigs. At present,
though the agro-forestry system has declined a few
species of Madhuca indica, Azadirachta indica,
Shorea robusta, Tectona grandis, Dendrocalamus
strictus, Adina cordifolia and Phyllanthus emblica
were still found in the agricultural field.
3.3.4. Crop rotation
In all the studied villages, crop rotation was regularly
followed. The local people viewed that repetition of
same crops decreased productivity because of change
in soil nutrients for respective crops. They also avoided
growing some crops together in the same agricultural
feld, as they believed that each crop not only required
diverse climatic and soil conditions, but also got
benefted from each others. Some crops were grown
alone as a monoculture cropping, as these crops might
not perform well with other crop species. There were
also some norms for growing species together as mixed
cropping systems; however, there were preference over
associated species. For example, Sesamum indicum
was not grown with Zea mays as the former needed
high water compared to later one. In one calendar
year, Oryza sativa was cultivated in one field and in
the next year they cultivated there Cicer areatinum.
Cicer areatinum was harvested by cutting its aerial
parts and its underground part was not removed
that increased soil nitrogen and subsequently the
productivity of crops.
3.3.5. Making land boundary
To demarcate the individual land boundary, the local
people generally used stones and logs. Dendrocalamus
strictus, Hardwickia binata, Zizyphus mauritiana and
Anogeissus latifolia were frequently used for this
purpose. These robust plant stems were erected and
tied with rope made up of Ischaemum angustifolium
or Butea superba to support the erected stems.
Besides, Lantana camera, Vitex nigundo, Hardwickia
binata, Dendrocalamus strictus, Ipomoea carnea and
Opuntia sp were used as bio-fencing. Apart from
protecting crops from wild animals and livestock,
the land boundary protected soil from erosion and
maintained the soil nutrients and fertility.
3.3.6. Checking soil erosion
In the studied villages of PBR, the local people
practiced cultivation in both plain and slope land
areas. The intensity of soil erosion was higher
in the slope land areas. The slope degree and its
composition also influenced soil erosion. The local
people stop and divert the water to croplands that
drained through forestland, as it is considered
more fertile. Traditionally, they have designed
different methods to check soil erosion and also
to retain soil nutrients. They check soil erosion by
making trenches and terraces in the field including
mulching (Table 2). Of the different methods of soil
protection, making of bunds/ wooden poles was
still adopted and practiced by highest number of
respondents (63%), followed by mulching (57%;
Table 2). Traditionally, the small plots or terraces
are made for maintaining uniform distribution of
water in the agricultural land.
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Table 2. Responses on the traditional soil conservation methods of farmers in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve
Table 3. Traditional methods for maintaining the fertility of soil
While making bunds, the local people also kept
some stones along the bunds to protect the soil. The
bunds were often fenced with logs of Shorea robusta,
Tectona grandis and Chloroxylon swietenia. They also
kept some leaves, particularly of Tectona grandis and
Oryza sativa, as mulch in the agricultural feld. The
stumps of Oryza sativa were also placed in the bunds
to control the soil erosion and high water runoff. About
55% interviewees admitted practicing this technique.
In case of high rainfall they made outlet from the bunds
for water otherwise the large volume of water altered
and destroyed the bunds. To check the soil nutrients
from running down with water, the local people often
tilled the agricultural land. If the crops were already
sown and grown then they tilled the boundaries of crop
feld that also helped in checking the soil to erode as
pointed out by 18% of respondents. Besides, the stone
wall was also made along the land boundary to control
the soil erosion from the cropping land. Some people
have also constructed earthen wall in order to protect
the soil as well as to stop the livestock.
3.3.7. Maintaining soil moisture
Moisture being an important component of the
agricultural practices farmer was cautious to maintain
it and kept it in mind starting from sowing of seeds
to the harvesting of crops. Local people believed
that optimum moisture content in land was required
for proper germination of seeds. It was believed that
both excess of moisture and lack of moisture imposed
negative impacts on seeds germination. They leveled
the land by leveler just after tilling. The land was
tilled in such a way so that the soil moisture may
be retained. Besides, soil types also determined the
moisture contents as Kadialtori, a high textured soil,
kept moisture for very short period and Bhurbhuria
and Rateli kept moisture for long time. The selection
Traditional knowledge & soil management
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of crops grown was also based on the soil moisture.
Some landraces of Oryza sativa and Triticum aestivum
including Cicer arietinum were relatively long
duration crops and required high moisture, whereas
other landraces of rice such as Lalei and Batra
were short duration and required less moisture. In the
presence of high moisture contents farmers avoided
sowing of seeds until moisture decreased to desired
level. The excess water was also removed from feld in
order to maintain the required soil moisture.
3.3.8. Applying manure
As and when required, the villagers applied farmyard
manure in the respective soil types to enhance soil
fertility before tilling. The organic material with
cow dung was only used after 2 to 3 years of its
decomposition, which was considered good manure.
Mainly the farmyard manure was applied in the sandy,
Bhurbhuria, Chikti and Teloala soils, which were poor
in nutrients. In black soil low amount of farmyard
manure was applied, as it was believed that black soil
was rich with nutrients. The traditional knowledge of
farmers helped them to determine the proportion of
organic components in the soil and hence to identify
the soil quality and soil fertility. Soil texture and
colours were some of the factors for recognizing the
soil quality and fertility. Traditionally, they often tested
the soil quality by mixing it with water. If the soil easily
got mixed with water it was considered less fertile. If
the soil took time to absorb the water it was considered
good quality soil for cultivation. In case the soil was
less fertile high quantity of organic manure was applied
as the people believed that high application of organic
manure proportionately increased the soil fertility.
The majority of local people (72%) have reported
using farmyard manure as good organic manure
in their agricultural land (Table 3). Since 14% of
respondents did not have livestock, they used to collect
cow dung from grazing land areas, as cows were left
loose for grazing in such areas during daytime. The
pellets and urine of sheep and goats were also applied
as manure for crops. Though sheep and goats pellets
were considered good organic manure and also better
than cow dung, only 27% of respondents had goats and
sheep, hence its supply was low.
4. Discussion
The broad classifcation of Indian soil type has placed
the soil of present study area in the category of black
soil or black cotton soil. Though the black cotton
soil or Bhurbhuria soil is the most dominant soil in
the state of Madhya Pradesh (Bhattacharyya et al.,
2007), at local level there are variations in the soil
types as the local people of PBR have, traditionally,
identifed and classifed 16 types of soil on the basis
of soil texture, soil colour, water retaining capacity of
soil and terrain types (Table 1). The specifc soil types
have been identifed and earmarked by the local people
for cultivation of selected crops depending upon the
quality and fertility of soil. Some of the soil types such
as Kasaimitti, Barimitti and Lalmitti were generally
not used for cultivation as these soil types resembled
laterite soil and had poor water retaining capacity.
Bhurbhuria or black cotton soil was considered the
most fertile soil by the local people, which shrinks and
develops cracks during dry season. Such cracks help
in air circulation. The soil organic carbon varies from
2-5% in black soil of Madhya Pradesh and once it is
brought under cultivation the organic carbon content of
soil declines sharply (Bhuse et al., 2001; Bhattacharyya
et al., 2007). Since repeated crop cultivation exhausts
the fertility of soil, the local people have designed
various techniques for maintaining the soil fertility.
Over the years of experience, the local people of PBR
have developed and accumulated knowledge in order to
maintain the soil fertility by adopting optimum tillage
methods based on the soil types. Gathering of crop
residues and other organic matters including leaves
and branches on the soil surface and implementation
of spatial and temporal crop rotations may not only
beneft the soil fertility but also deal with prevailing
adversities of climatic conditions. Intensive tillage is
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
known to lead to the gradual decline in soil organic
matter through accelerated oxidation subsequently
reduce the soil capacity to regulate water and
nutrient supplies to the desired crops (Ghosh et
al., 2010). Research conducted in other parts of
India has demonstrated advantages of crop residues
retention on soil surface, especially to improve the
soil quality (Sangar and Abrol, 2005). The system
of raising crops with minimum disturbance to the
soil significantly improves water availability in
the soil (Ghosh et al., 2010); however, it may vary
with soil types and environmental conditions, as
perceived by the local farmers of PBR. Recently
in 2011, because of late arrival of monsoon and
also ignoring traditional ecological knowledge
in planting of seeds in a hurry before sufficient
moisture availability in soil are blamed for Soybean
(Glycine max) crop failure in an adjacent state -
Maharashtra (Pallavi, 2011).
The farmers in PBR, traditionally, do not remove all
the trees and let some trees grow in the agriculture
land, especially ethnobotanically useful species such
as Madhuca indica. Availability of tree species in
the farmland, besides providing organic matter to
the soil, may also help to prevent the soil erosion
(Kala, 2010). Such trees also act as windbreaks and
protect the soil erosion. Terrace farming, mulching,
marking land boundary and small bunds, erecting
small stumps in the bunds, growing of tussock
grasses along the border and bunds, identifying soil
nature and types, and application of manure based
on the nature of soil are one way or others help to
maintain the nutrients in the soil and ultimately the
soil fertility. Some similar observations have been
made on the soil conservation techniques adopted
by indigenous communities elsewhere (Kala et al.,
2008; Tekwa et al., 2010), which suggest the viability
and relevance of traditional practices for sustainable
crop production. Besides, the traditional knowledge of
testing soil quality by use of water not only helps to
determine the quantity of manure to apply in the soil
but also maintain the soil fertility and suitability of
crops to be cultivated in such soils.
Soil colour has played an important role in classifcation
of soils by local people of PBR apart from soil texture.
This observation in PBR resembles many indigenous
communities across the world such as the Baruya
people of New Guinea (Ollier et al., 1971), indigenous
people of Thailand, Java and Indonesia (Marten and
Vityakon 1986), Mebengokre people of Brazil (Posey,
1989), Shipibo people of Peru (Behrens, 1989), Andes
of Ecuador (Knapp, 1991), and Chiapas of South
Mexico (Bellon and Taylor, 1993). In general, the local
people consider dark soil as more fertile than light
soil. Based on colour, the farmers in Niger of Western
Africa have made three colour classes of soil: black soil
(the most fertile and contains relatively high organic
contents), white soil (the black soil changes into white
through repeated cultivation and erosion of nutrients),
and red soil (further degradation of white soil) (Taylor-
Powell et al., 1991; Ettema, 1994). Reduced crop
yield is one of the traditionally known indicators of
declining soil fertility. In the present study area where
rainfall is low and erratic, conserving soil moisture is
important for desired crop production. Therefore, the
local people perception of soil fertility is also related
to the water holding capacity of respective soil type.
Since the crop production depends on a range of other
factors, it is argued that the low crop yields may not be
a sole and perfect indicator of declining soil fertility
(Corbeels et al., 2000).
It has been reported that 6000 million tones of productive
soil is lost every year from about 80 million hectares of
cultivated land in India (Husain, 2003). Thus, erosion
results in the loss of nutrients and weakening of soil
fertility. The traditional ecological knowledge of local
people in maintaining the soil fertility may mitigate
this widespread calamity, if documented, analyzed and
applied properly. The success of any soil conservation
programme, as initiated by the Government, depend
on the farmers as they have been the custodian of
soil conservation work and understand traditionally
the causes of nature of soil erosion and associated
problems. It is believed that the active participation of
farmers in soil conservation programmes is essential
for the success of such programmes.
Traditional knowledge & soil management
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Figure 1.0 Soil types as classifed traditionally by local people of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve
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5. Conclusion
It seems that soil texture and colour are the two basic
determinants in classifying soil by various indigenous
communities. The traditional soil conservation and
management practices in PBR are well knitted and
interwoven with the cultures, belief systems and
available resources. They still use organic materials
to increase the soil fertility; though they are aware of
modern fertilizer. In order to increase the soil fertility,
the local people either plant or do not remove some
of the existing tree species from the agricultural feld.
The traditional practices appeared viable, relevant,
and time tested in conserving soil for sustainable crop
production in this study. The traditional practices of
soil conservation and management are environment-
friendly and hence the community must be
encouraged to continue such practices in view of the
ongoing consequences of climate change. Besides,
the traditional wisdom should be documented in view
of its importance in developing environment-friendly
models for resource augmentation and sustainable
I thank Director, Indian Institute of Forest
Management (IIFM), for providing support. Dr.
Ashish David and Dr. M.D. Omprakash - Faculty
IIFM - are acknowledged for intellectual support
and Bhubaneswar Saber for helping in feld-data
collection. The project was funded under the grant
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