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Ethnomedicinal and Ethnobotanical Uses of Aquatic Flora by Local Inhabitants of Gopalganj District, Bangladesh

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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2024; 12(1): 157-165

ISSN (E): 2320-3862

ISSN (P): 2394-0530 Ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical uses of
JMPS 2024; 12(1): 157-165
© 2024 JMPS
aquatic flora by local inhabitants of Gopalganj
Received: 23-12-2023
Accepted: 25-01-2024
District, Bangladesh
Masnun Homaira Maisha
Department of Botany, Masnun Homaira Maisha, Zakya Sultana Jui and Dr. Nahmina Begum
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Science and Technology Abstract
University, Gopalganj, Dhaka, The current work was intended to carry out ethnomedicinal research of aquatic flora or hydrophytes in
Gopalganj district, Bangladesh in order to gather evidence of its therapeutic benefits through
conversations with the local residents and practitioners. Extensive empirical surveys were conducted on
Zakya Sultana Jui
Department of Botany, frequently to gather samples of aquatic plants and interviews with local inhabitants and herbalists were
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur accomplished during November 2022 – November 2023. Documentation was done on the fundamentals
Rahman Science and Technology of traditional applications of medicinal plant as well as their various ethnobotanical purposes. An
University, Gopalganj, Dhaka, aggregate of 60 plant species belonging to 33 families were identified as having ethnomedical uses in the
Bangladesh treatment of various human illnesses and ailments, including skin conditions, asthma, gonorrhea, ulcers,
stomach pain, and piles. These hydrophytes were found to play vital functions in material culture,
Dr. Nahmina Begum agricultural purposes and ritual manners. Wetland resources, particularly those with ethnomedicinal and
Department of Botany, ethnobotanical significance require care because the existence of these natural wetlands species is in
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur jeopardy.
Rahman Science and Technology
University, Gopalganj, Dhaka, Keywords: Ethnomedicinal, ethnobotanical, hydrophytes, traditional knowledge

1. Introduction
Bangladesh is surrounded by the Buriganga river which is a tide‐influenced river forming the
western and southern boundaries of Dhaka City. It is home to a vast expanse of wetlands,
which include freshwater lakes, marshes, rivers, streams, flooded agricultural fields, estuarine
systems with large mangrove swamps, haors, baors, and beels. Moreover, a district of
Bangladesh called Gopalganj is part of the Dhaka Division [1]. This district is situated at
23°00’47.67" N 89°49’21.41" and located alongside the Madhumati river. It is 1,490 km2 in
size and residence to 1,172,415 people [2]. This area lies in southern part of Bangladesh which
is also blessed with a plenty of freshwater wetlands such as riverine, lacustrine and palustrine
along with man-made wetlands. These wetlands are rich in hydrophytes, which make up one
of the most abundant natural vegetation types.
Hydrophytes also known as aquatic macrophytes, are plants that are visible to the naked eye
and have the ability to grow and survive both on the surface and beneath the water bodies.
These plants have pigments called chlorophylls so that hydrophytes are able to synthesize food
for themselves [3]. Hydrophytes play a crucial role in the ecosystem of wetlands, preserving
species diversity and providing food, shelter, and traditional treatments for a variety of aquatic
and waterfowl species [4].
Almost 80% of the world population depends on the traditional system for health care [5]. The
people from rural communities depends on traditional remedies for ailments such as cough,
cold, fever, headache, dysentery etc. without any adverse effects. The local community of
Gopalganj district has gathered knowledge about the ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal use of
aquatic plants through observations, intuition, and experimentation. They enriched the
knowledge through selection and rejection and transferred it from generation to generation
Corresponding Author:
through various channels such as talks, documents and teaching.
Masnun Homaira Maisha Numerous authors have emphasized the potential of aquatic plants as food and feed [6, 7]. In
Department of Botany, addition, aquatic plants are an intriguing source of a variety of biologically active compounds
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur with anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties along with
Rahman Science and Technology novel functional food ingredients [8]. Several authors have thoroughly recorded observations on
University, Gopalganj, Dhaka,
the aquatic and marsh plants of Bangladesh [9, 10, 11].
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies

But in this region, aquatic plants and their ethnobotanical and belonging to 33 families frequently utilized by local folklore
ethnomedicinal studies were not enough documented. medicinal practitioners and indigenous people in the study
Comprehending the conventional uses of aquatic plants by the area (Table 2). Amongst the taxonomic families, Asteraceae
people of Gopalganj district for ethnobotanical and (6 plant species) followed by Araceae (4 plant species),
ethnomedicinal purposes is essential not only for the Cyperaceae (3 plant species), Scrophulariaceae (3 plant
preservation of traditional systems of knowledge but also for species) and Poaceae (2 plant species) were found to be
exploring possible pharmacological applications and utilized frequently as traditional remedies, nutritional support
sustainable utilization of natural resources. as well as for other various commercial and agricultural
Therefore, the major objectives of this study are to identify purposes by ethnic communities of Gopalganj district (Table
and to document aquatic flora as well as to preserve 2). Different vegetative and reproductive parts of hydrophytes
traditional herbal knowledge of this research territory, such as leaves, stems, petioles, seeds, roots, flowers and fruits
Gopalganj before any of them are lost forever. It is especially were found in use for the preparation of indigenous
alarming because the water bodies of this region are at risk medications, human food and fodder for domestic animals as
and the diversity of aquatic plants is disappearing due to well as fish and poultry feed. This ethnobotanical survey
expanding urbanization. showed that leaves occupied the major plant part used (35%)
followed by whole plant (33%), seeds (8%) and flower (7%)
2. Materials and Methods (Figure 1). Even sometimes underground plant parts such as
2.1 Surveys and collection of plant materials tubers, rhizomes and roots were also reported to be utilized
For the study, several sites in Gopalganj district, including the for the preparation of herbal medicines by traditional healers
wetlands of Kashiyani, Mokshudpur, Kotalipara, Ghonapara, (Table 2).
Gobra, Mollarhat and Tungipara were surveyed throughout
November 2022 - November 2023. The hydrophytes were
collected from the wetlands such as slow-running water,
ponds, sides of stagnant ponds, paddy fields, monsoon rainy
waterways, marshy lands, bogs, small water bodies as well as
surrounding regions of Madhumati river. The collected
samples of hydrophytes were identified with the help of
literature i.e. encyclopedia and flora books etc. [12, 13].

2.2 Interviews with local residents

The data on aquatic plants with ethnomedicinal and
ethnobotanical significance were documented by interviewing
through a questionnaire with 50 local informants, including
25 males and 25 females (Table 1). During the field work, the
common village dwellers (middle aged and older aged),
farmers, traditional healers, vegetables salesmen, fishermen
and boatmen were interviewed because of their interest and
knowledge about medicinal properties and ethnobotanical
uses of local aquatic flora. The data were obtained on a Fig 1: Percentage of different plant parts of ethnomedicinal
variety of aspects by inquiring about the aquatic plants, their hydrophytes utilized by folks for treating various ailments.
medicinal and ethnobotanical uses, their local names, used
parts and how these parts were used and for which disorders Moreover, the majority of aquatic weeds were recounted to
they were used to cure. The informants were asked questions cure various diseases including digestive issues, chronic skin
in Bangla language so that the villagers could easily problems, diabetes and aching of human body parts (Figure
understand and respond. The questionnaires were designed 2). The herbal medicines were prepared in a variety of ways
using a semi-structural interviewing technique, which including paste, powder, decoction, juice and cooked. During
combines an open-ended question set with the option for the conducting the survey, it was confirmed that the bulk of
interviewer to go deeper into specific answers. herbal cures were made as juice (38%), with the remaining
percentages being prepared as paste (26%), powder (14%),
2.3 Data analysis cooked (12%), decoction (10%) and paste (8%) (Figure 3).
All the data obtained from the survey was statistically
analyzed using SPSS version 2021 software (SPSS Inc.) and
graphs were prepared using OriginPro software and Microsoft
Excel Worksheet.

Table 1: Interviews with local residents of Gopalganj district, Dhaka

division, Bangladesh
Number of informants Age groups (year)
25 males 40-55
25 females 45-65
Total: 50 -

3. Results
The comprehensive investigation on wetland and marsh flora
available in Gopalganj revealed the identification and Fig 2: Percentages of the most treated ailments using hydrophytes by
documentation of 60 species of plants distributed in 54 genera traditional healers.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies

Fig 3: Percentages of mode of preparation of ethnomedicines through hydrophytes.

Fig 4: One of the interviewers was enquiring about the uses of Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. and Mikania micrantha kunth in a personal interview
with local people of the study area.

Fig 5: Enhydra flactuans Lour. was being sold at market of Gopalganj, a vegetable vendor was caught in camera selling hydrophytes which are
edible as leafy vegetables.

Along with the ethnomedicinal functions, local hydrophytes known as 'Vasoman Chash'- meaning floating cultivation on
were found to have enormous demand in agricultural floating bed. This age-old traditional practice of floating seed
purposes, pollution management and in various commercial bed is used for seedling production of many vegetables such
and economic fields as these are sold as vegetables in local as tomato, cauliflower, okra, amaranth, spinach, chili, bottle
markets by traditional dealers (Figure 5). The folk people of gourd and brinjal etc. (Figure 6).
Gopalganj have adopted indigenous wetland farming, locally

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Fig 6: A floating seed bed composed of Eichhornia crassipes for the cultivation of cauliflower.

Table 2: List of ethnomedicinal uses of the hydrophytes along with their ethnobotanical purposes available in Gopalganj district, Bangladesh.
S.N. Scientific Name Common Name Local Name Family Parts Used Ethnomedicinal use(s) Ethnobotanical use(s)
Acmella paniculata Toothache plant, Current ful, Leaves,
1 Asteraceae Used for healing toothache. -
(DC.) R.K. Jansen Electric daisy Nak ful Flowers
Used for wound dressing, curing
Ageratum Fulkuri, Whole
2 Goat weed Asteraceae skin infections, dysentery, Used as insecticide.
conyzoides L. Ochunti plant
diarrhea and killing lice.
Alocasia Rhizome,
Edible as leafy
3 macrorrhizos (L.) Giant Taro Mankochu Araceae Petiole, -
G.Don Leaf
Alternanthera Used as haemostat in cut
Malancha Amaranthacea Tender
4 philoxeroides Alligator weed wounds, stomach and liver Used as leafy vegetable.
Shak e shoots
(Mart.) Griseb. problems.
Used for the treatment of cough,
Alternanthera Malancha Amaranthacea Whole Edible as leafy
5 Sessile Joy weed skin and eye irritation and act as
sessilis (L.) DC. Shak e plant vegetable.
Ammannia Daadmari, Used for the treatment of
6 Monarch redstem Lythraceae Leaves -
baccifera L. Jongli-mendi typhoid, skin itching.
Azolla pinnata Whole Used as fish and poultry
7 Mosquito ferns Kutipana Azollaceae -
R.Br. plant food, as biofertilizer.
Used for the treatment of
Bacopa monnieri Scrophulariac Whole Edible as leafy
8 Water hyssop Brahmi lota constipation, epilepsy, cough,
(L.) Pennell eae plant vegetable.
cataract and act as brain tonic.
Centella asiatica Used for the treatment of Edible as leafy
9 Asiatic pennywort Thankuni Apiaceae Shoots
(L.) Urban dysentery. vegetable.
Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllac Whole Used for the treatment of
10 Coontail Kata-jhanjhi Used as fodder.
demersum L. eae plant scorpion string and biliousness.
Whole Food and cover for
11 Chara sp. Stonewort Pat-sheola Characeae -
plant fishes.
Colocasia Rhizome,
Used for the treatment of iron
12 esculenta (L.) Arum Kochu Araceae Petiole, Edible as vegetables.
Schott. Leaves
Used for the treatment of
Commelina Benghal Commelinace earache, leprosy, skin Edible as leafy vegetable
13 Dholpata, Leaves
benghalensis L. dayflower ae inflammations and rheumatic and fodder.
Cyperus rotundus Used as brain tonic and for Used in religious rituals
14 Purple nut sedge Mutha ghash Cyperaceae Root tubers
L. digestive problems. and perfumery.
Used for the treatment of liver Used for hair growth and
Eclipta prostrata Kalokeshi,
15 False daisy Asteraceae Leaves disorder, scorpion sting and as hair dye for black
(L.) L. Bhringaraj
eczema. color.
Used as fish feed,
biofertilizer, water
Eichhornia Whole
Pontederiacea Sap of flowers is used to treat purifier and medium for
16 crassipes (Mart.) Water hyacinth Kochuripana plant,
e eczema and skin irritations. floating seed bed and
Solms-Laub. Flower
Flowers are fried and
eaten as snacks.
Common spike- Root and
17 palustris (L.) Pani-chech Cyperaceae Used in abdominal problems. Edible as curry.
rush Stem
Roem. & Schult.
Enhydra fluctuans Water Spinach, Used for the treatment of Edible as leafy
18 Helencha shak Asteraceae Leaves
Lour. Water cress dysentery. vegetable.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies

Equisetum debile Whole Used as bath-rub of

19 Horsetail Not known Equisetaceae -
Roxb. plant cattle.
Namuti ful, Whole Used for the treatment of
20 maderaspatana Madras carpet Asteraceae -
Agnikumari plant menstrual and stomach disorders.
(L.) Poir.
Used for the treatment of cataract
21 Indian heliotrope Hatishur Boraginaceae Leaves and conjunctivitis and act as -
indicum L.
antiseptic in cut wounds.
Hydrilla Applied to treat boils, wounds Used as organic fertilizer
Kutkute Hydrocharitac Whole
22 verticillata (L.f.) Waterthyme and abscesses. and nutritional
jhanjhi. eae plant
Royle Improvement of digestion. supplement.
Whole Used as ornamental
23 sibthorpioides Coin plant Poisha lily Apiaceae Used to treat sun burnt skin.
plant plants.
Whole Used in aquaculture and
24 difformis (L.f.) Water Wisteria Kulekhara Acanthaceae -
plant natural water purifier.
Leaves, Used for the treatment of anemia
25 auriculata Marsh barbel Kulekhara Acanthaceae -
Seeds and impotency.
(Schumach) Heine
Hygroryza aristata
Pani ghash, Used for the treatment of urinary Used in aquaculture and
26 (Retz.) Nees ex Asian watergrass Poaceae Leaves
Jolojo ghash tract and biliousness. natural water purifier.
Wright & Arn
Used to treat snake bite,
Ipomoea aquatica Convolvulace Edible as leafy
27 Water spinach Kolmi shak Leaves gonorrhea, ear-ache and act as
Forssk. ae vegetable.
blood purifier.
Ipomoea carnea Bush morning Convolvulace Leaves, Leaves are applied on skin Stems are used as fuel
28 Dhol kolmi
Jacq. glory ae Stems abscesses. and fence.
Used as organic
Whole Used for the treatment of measles
29 Lemna minor L. Duckweed Khudipana Lemnaceae fertilizer, fish food,
plant and nasal polyps.
water purifier.
Limnophila Bamon- Scrophulariac Used for the quick healing of cut
30 Asian marshweed Leaves -
sessiliflora keshori eae wounds.
Used as herbal tea to treat cold,
Lippia alba (Mill.)
31 Bushy matgrass Motmotia Verbenaceae Leaves cough, throat irritations and Used during fishing.
Ludwigia Used for the treatment of ulcers
32 adscendens (L.) H. Water primrose Keshorbadam Onagraceae and skin diseases, gum ache, act Edible as vegetable.
Hara as antiseptic.
Ludwigia perennis Perennial Water Whole
33 Bon lobongo Onagraceae Used for the treatment of fever. -
L. Primrose plant
Ludwigia octalvis Perennial Water Lal Bon Whole
34 Onagraceae Used for the treatment of fever. -
L. Primrose lobongo plant
Marsilea Applied on boils and taken as
35 Water clove Shushni shak Marsileaceae Seeds and Edible as vegetable.
quadrifolia L. curry to cure biliousness.
Edible as salad and used
36 Mentha spicata L. Spearmint Pudina Lamiaceae Leaves Used to treat digestive problems. as an ingredient of
Applied on cut wounds to stop
Mikania micrantha Josshor lota, bleeding, excessive menstrual
37 Bitter vine Asteraceae Leaves -
kunth Tufani lota bleeding, healing snake bite,
external sores and itching.
Flowers are fried and
Monochoria Arrow leaf Boronukha, Pontederiacea Flower, Roots are chewed to cure
eaten as snack. Used as
hastata (L.) Solms pondweed Khojutti. e Root toothache. biofertilizer and in
floating bed.
Seeds are dried and
Nelumbo nucifera Nymphaeacea Flower, Used to treat diarrhea, jaundice, eaten as snacks, flowers
39 Lotus Padma ful
Gaertn. e Seeds, Root headache and piles. are used in Sanatan
Nicotiana Applied on cut wounds and used
40 plumbaginifolia Tex-mex tobacco Bon Tamak Solanaceae Leaves to cure toothache and swelling of -
Viv. gum.
Used to treat diarrhea, intestinal
Nymphaea Nymphaeacea Petiole, Petioles and fruits are
41 Water lily Shapla problems, diabetes, gastric and
nouchali Burm. f. e Rhizome edible as vegetable.
Nymphaea Nymphaeacea Whole Used to cure irregular Long tender pedicles
42 White water lily Shada shapla
pubescens Willd. e plant menstruations. used as vegetable.
43 Nymphoides crested floating- Chand mala Menyanthacea Leaves Leaf juice is applied to treat -

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hydrophylla (Lour.) heart e snake bites.

Nymphoides indica Menyanthacea
44 Water snowflake Chand mala Leaves Used to cure scabies. -
(L.) Kuntze e
Used to manufacture
paper, making mats,
Stems, broom and baskets, stem
Phragmites karka
45 Tall Reed Nol Khagra Poaceae Infloresce- - is given shape as pen
(Retz.) Steud.
nces known as ‘khager
kolom’ to utilize with
Phyla nodiflora Turkey tangle Whole
46 Vui Okra Verbenaceae Applied to treat urine infection. -
(L.) Greene frogfruit plant
Used to treat ring worm, skin
47 Pistia stratiotes L. Water lettuce Araceae Leaves diseases, leprosy and eczema and Used as water purifier.
old wounds.
Polygonum Used to treat skin and urination Young shoots are cattle
48 Knotgrass Bishkatali Polygonaceae Leaves
barbatum L. problems. fodder.
49 Arrowhead Chotokut Alismataceae Tubers - Consumed as vegetable.
sagittifolia L.
Used as biofertilizer,
Salvinia cucullata Indur-kani, Whole water purifier and
50 Asian watermoss Salviniaceae Used as anti-bacterial agent.
Roxb. ex Bory Chela plant medium for floating seed
Scirpus mucronatus
51 Ricefield Bulrush Chechra Cyperaceae Seeds Used to treat diarrhea. -
Bon-dhoniya, Scrophulariac Used for the treatment of
52 Scoparia dulcis L. Sweet Broomweed Leaves -
Chinigura eae diabetes.
Sesbania sesban Joyintig ach, Leaves, Used as green manure
53 Riverhemp Fabaceae -
(L.) Merr. Dhonche gach Stems and fence.
Setaria punctata
54 (Burm.f.) Sheyal lenja Poaceae Seeds - Used as cattle fodder.
Arrow-leaved sida
Spirodela Whole Used as antibiotics and Water purifier, duck and
55 Giant duckweed Khudi-pana Lemnaceae
polyrrhiza (L.) Sch. plant antioxidant. fish feed.
Leaves are used to make
Typha elephantina Seeds are used as antidiuretic mat, hut and fences.
56 Broad leaf cattail Hogla Typhaceae Leaves,
Roxb. agent. Seeds are boiled in milk
and eaten as desert.
Ghet kochu, Tuber, Used to treat breast tumor, liver
57 trilobatum (L.) Bengal arum Araceae Edible as vegetable.
Ghet Oal Leaves infections and leukemia.
Used to treat diabetes, gonorrhea,
malaria, dysentery, abdominal
58 Urena lobata L. Ceaser weed Bon okra Malvaceae Leaves -
colic, nausea, rheumatism, and
Utricularia aurea The golden Pata-jhajhi, Lentibulariace Used as nutritional
59 Flowers -
Lour. bladderwort Jhangi ae supplement.
As organic fertilizer and
Vallisneria spiralis Bicha, Baicha, Hydrocharitac Whole
60 Eel grass - prevent eutrophication
L. Patsheola eae plant
of wetlands.
*All the information were gathered from literature and personal interviews

4. Discussions and Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. are incredibly tasty snacks

The goal of the current study was to record the traditional for folks. Still, only a small number of species have been
knowledge about medicinally, economically, ethnobotanically properly investigated to ascertain their true nutritional value
significant as well as nutrient rich plants obtainable in several . The hydrophytes are rich in macro- and micronutrients as
wetlands of Gopalganj district. The national flower, well as vitamins, despite the fact that their nutritional worth
Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. and other water plants are major has not been thoroughly investigated. Eichhornia crassipes
food sources for the indigenous people living in Gopalganj. (Mart.) Solms-Laub. and Ceratophyllum demersum L. are
Tender shoots, petioles and leaves of these plants are cooked examples of wild edible hydrophytes that have the largest
with cooking oil and consumed as leafy vegetables in human quantities of nutrients such as Na, Ca, Mg, N, K and C along
diet. The young shoots of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) with the carbohydrates as well as proteins [15]. Another
Griseb., Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell, Centella asiatica (L.) hydrophyte that is well-liked for its remarkable nutritional
Urban, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott., Enhydra fluctuans qualities is Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle, a submerged
Lour., Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Marsilea quadrifolia L., aquatic plant. Hydrilla is high in two important minerals i.e.
Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. and the tuber and rhizomes of zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) as well as vitamin B12. It is also
Alocasia sp. Colocasia sp. Eleocharis sp. and Typhonium brimming with antioxidants making it a potent immunity
trilobatum (L.) Schott are eaten as leafy vegetables or curry. booster for humans. It is known that calcium strengthens the
As well as, the dry-fried seeds of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. skeletal system of the human body and helps cleanse the
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digestive tract by eliminating waste particles . In allergies, injuries and stomach issues [30]. Mentha spicata has
Gopalganj, Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell. is consumed as been employing to treat common ailments like hypoglycemia,
leafy vegetable and root tuber of Cyperus rotundus L. is taken flatulence relief, antispasmodic, vermifuge and diuretic [31].
as curry to improve memory power. As well as, the leaves of Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br are
Additionally, hydrophytes bear a large number of boiled in water to make herbal tea which is suggested to take
therapeutical properties which helps to cure several diseases. for the treatment of cough, cold along with asthma by folk
So that, aquatic weeds have gained popularity amongst the healers of Gopalganj. Interestingly, this marsh plant, Lippia
traditional healers of Gopalganj as wellsprings for herbal alba has a distinctive application by local fishermen of
medications. Fresh leaves and flowers of Acmella paniculata Gopalganj with their special fishing technique. In this
are chewed directly or paste of leaves or flowers is hold in technique, the leaves are rubbed on fishing net or line as a
mouth to mend toothache as this plant has local anesthetic track during fishing. As a result, they get able to catch more
effect [17]. As well as, Monochoria sp. and Nicotiana sp. are fishes compared to other usual fish tracks. It has been
also used against toothache and swelling of gums. Boils and scientifically proved that essential oil of Lippia alba has
wounds are treated with the leaf decoction of Hydrilla sedative properties which act as an anesthetic for fish without
verticillata and the use of dried leaf powder speeds up the harm to consumers [32]. Hence, this plant helps the fishermen
healing process [18]. Similarly, leaves of Polygonum barbatum with this unique property. Ultimately, it could be state that the
(Wild.) M. Gómez and Lemna minor L. are used to treat skin significance of herbal treatments cannot be ignored since they
and urine issues as well as lessen colic pain [19]. Leaf have no known adverse effects. It is essential to mention that
decoction of Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene is very efficient to the hydrophytic species have extensive uses in both the
treat urinary bladder problems as well [20]. Leaf paste of Pistia economy and the ecology. For example, Hydrilla verticillata
stratiotes L., Ammania baccifera L., Commelina benghalensis is utilized as fish food in Lake Phewa and Lake Rupa (Nepal)
L. and Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. are suggested by traditional and in certain other nations [33]. According to Shahjahan et al.,
healers to treat a variety of chronic skin conditions including the result of utilizing aquatic weeds such as Azolla, Spirodela
syphilis, eczema, ulcers, piles and leprosy. It has been in poultry feed as protein augmentation was found to be very
reported that leaf paste of Pistia stratiotes L. is utilized for satisfactory in Bangladesh [34]. On the contrary, Lemna
treating eczema, leprosy and syphilis [18, 21]. The decoction or manifested effective result in relation to its uses as fish food
infusion of the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., Ageratum along with Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes and Azolla
conyzoides L., Centella asiatica (L.) Urban, and Hygroryza pinnata [35]. Similarly, these hydrophytes such as Azolla
aristata (Retz.) Nees are utilized in stomach ailments such as pinnata, Spirodela polyrrhiza, Eichhornia crassipes and
dysentery, diarrhea and vomiting [18, 22, 23, 24]. The seeds of Pistia stratiotes L. were ascertained to be employed in poultry
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. and Scirpus mucronatus L. are and fish feed by local inhabitants of Gopalganj. Moreover, a
suggested by indigenous herbalist to cure jaundice [25]. Leaf wide range of hydrophytes were detected during the survey to
juice of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell, Alternanthera sessilis have enormous demand as fodder for cattle. For example,
(L.) DC. and Heliotropium indicum L. is used as eye drop to Ceratophyllum demersum, Commelina benghalensis,
cure cataract, conjunctivitis or anu other eye irritations [21]. Polygonum barbatum, P. glabrum and Setaria punctata were
Leaf paste of Scoparia dulcis L., Alternanthera sessilis (L.) reported to be in frequent use as fodder by rural livestock
DC., Urena lobata L. and seeds of Typha elephantina Roxb. managers in this area.
are taken orally with honey for the treatment of diabetes. The Notably, hydrophytes play a critical role in pollution control
potentiality of Scoparia dulcis L. has been proved to reduce by reducing the amount of heavy metal contamination in
blood glucose significantly which is also prescribed by wetlands, which can cause fishes and other aquatic organism
traditional healers of the study area [26]. Urena lobata L. is varieties to decline due to biomagnifications. A variety of
utilized as traditional remedy in Gopalganj for the treatment aquatic plants such as Eichhornia crassipes, Hygrophila
of diabetes, gonorrhea, malaria, dysentery, nausea and edema difformis, Hygroryza aristata, Lemna minor, Pistia stratiotes,
. Leaf paste of Ageratum conyzoides L. Mikenia micrantha Salvinia cucullata, S. molesta, S. minima, Spirodela
kunth, Salvinia cucullata L. Ludwigia adscendens L. polyrrhiza and Vallisneria spiralis are allowed to grow as
Heliotropium indicum L. and Spirodela polyrrhiza L. own natural water purifier in the study area as these are capable of
enormous anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti- excluding chemical contaminants from water. These
inflammatory properties. Besides, these plants also help to submerged, emergent and floating wetland floras were
stop bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding, healing snake reported to own hyperaccumulating ability to revitalize water
[36, 37, 38, 39, 40]
bite, external sores and itching. The potency of the leaf extract .
of Mikenia micrantha kunth as antimicrobial and antiseptic During the survey, aquatic weeds were found to be utilized
agent was reported in a study [28]. Similar to this, Eicchornia for mulching the agricultural land and also used as
crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laub. is a strong source of biofertilizer for the cultivation of tomatoes and red amaranths
antioxidant compounds and Ceratophyllum demersum L. is by local farmers of Gopalganj. Moreover, a unique aqua-
utilized as a cardiac tonic [29]. Furthermore, hydrophytes are farming on floating bed is being popular amongst the local
cooked as curry and taken as popular human diet as brain farmers of this study area day by day to cultivate tomato,
tonic. Leaf juice of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell along with chili, cauliflower and several leafy vegetables. This technique
honey is taken orally for the treatment of epilepsy [21]. Paste of is known as ‘vashoman chash’, meaning floating cultivation
whole plant of Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. is orally technique [41]. For the construction of the floating bed which
taken with milk or honey to cure menstrual irregularities and floats on wetlands or marshy area requires a floating mat
to relief from stomach ailments [21]. Mentha spicata L. has made up of bamboos, paddy straw, coconut husk and various
enormous demand amongst folks in Gopalganj as an aquatic plants such as water hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes),
ingredient of a beverage called “Borhani” usually taken to get water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), duckweed (Najas graminea),
rid of digestive problems. According to Ikram, the leaves of Salvinia spp. and Potamogeton alpinus [42].
Mentha spicata and Eclipta alba are used to treat wounds, Wetland regions faced primary risks from fishing, harvesting

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