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Popular Kheti: Biofertilizers - Types and Benefits

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Popular Kheti
Volume -7, Issue-3 (July-September), 2019
Available online at
© 2019
eISSN: 2321-0001

Biofertilizers – Types and Benefits

K. A. Chavan
PhD Scholar, Post Graduate Institute
Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri, District – Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

Adverse effects are being observed due to the excessive and imbalanced use of synthetic
inputs. The soils have now become biologically dead. This situation has led to identifying
harmless inputs like biofertilizers. Biofertilizers add nutrients through the natural
processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth
through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances. Biofertilizers can be expected to
reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

India has achieved self sufficiency in food grain production after Green revolution era of 1960s.
This revolution was greatly emphasized upon the use of high yielding varieties, chemical
fertilizers and irrigation water. India had brought more than 2.5 m ha land under certification of
organics. The technologies created some ill-effect on the soil and environmental health in the
later years due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Chemical fertilizers are
industrially manipulated substances composed of known quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium, and their exploitation causes air and groundwater pollution by eutrophication of water
bodies. However, chemical fertilizers cause pollution of water bodies as well as groundwater,
besides getting stored in crop plants. Modern agriculture is becoming more and more dependent
upon the steady supply of synthetic inputs, mainly chemical fertilizers, which are products of
fossil fuel (coal+ petroleum). Adverse effects are being observed due to the excessive and
imbalanced use of these synthetic inputs. There is great challenge before the scientists, the
researchers and policy planners in achieving the goals of sustainable crop production and in
meeting the food requirements for the burgeoning population. This calls for some alternative
strategies in crop management like integrated nutrient management approaches using a
combination of crop rotations, organic manures, chemical fertilizers and bio-fertilizers for
sustainable crop production and maintenance of ecological health. Environmentalists worldwide
are pressing the market and society for a switch over to organic farming and biofertilizers.
Organic farming aims to be a more environmentally sustainable form of agricultural production,
combining best environmental practices, and emphasizing biodiversity protection and the
preservation of natural resources. Biofertilizers may be defined as “substances which contain
living microorganisms that colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plants and promote
growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the target crops, when
applied to soils, seeds or plant surfaces”. The bio fertilizers being eco-friendly, no hazardous less
expensive, easy to use and have no detrimental effect on soil and environment health advocate
their use in present day modern agricultural practices (Sharma et al., 2007). Thus, the inclusion
of biofertilizers in nutrient management strategies would be advantageous to crops as well as

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environment. Application of organic manures particularly bio-fertilizers is the only option to

improve the soil organic carbon for sustenance of soil quality and future agricultural productivity
(Ramesh, 2008).
Role of Biofertilizers
• Biofertilizers fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and root nodules of legume crops and make
them available to the plants.
• They solubilize the insoluble forms of phosphate, such as tricalcium, iron and aluminum
phosphates, into available forms.
• They scavenge phosphates from soil layers.
• They produce hormones and anti‐metabolites which promote root growth.
• They decompose organic matter and help in the mineralization of soil.
• When applied to the soils or seeds, these biofertilizers increase the availability of nutrients and
improve the yield by 10% to 20% without adversely affecting the soil and the environment.
Types of Biofertilizers
Biofertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of fixing atmospheric nitrogen,
solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-
promoting substances. They can be categorised in different ways based on their nature and
A. Nitrogen fixers
1. Rhizobium: Rhizobium belongs to family Rhizobiaceae, symbiotic in nature, fix nitrogen 50-
100 kg/ ha. with legumes only. It is useful for pulse legumes like chickpea, red-gram, pea, lentil,
black gram, etc., oil-seed legumes like soybean and groundnut and forage legumes like berseem
and lucerne. Successful nodulation of leguminous crops by Rhizobium largely depends on the
availability of compatible strain for a particular legume. It colonizes the roots of specific
legumes to form tumour like growths called root nodules, which acts as factories of ammonia
production. Rhizobium has ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in symbiotic association with
legumes and certain nonlegumes like Parasponia. There is evidence that some of the rhizobium
strains acted as bio-control agent and promoted crop growth (Kumar et al., 2011).
2. Azospirillum: Azospirillum belongs to family Spirilaceae, heterotrophic and associative in
nature. In addition to their nitrogen fixing ability of about 20-40 kg/ha, they also produce growth
regulating substances. Although there are many species under this genus like, A. amazonense, A.
halopraeferens, A. brasilense, but, worldwide distribution and benefits of inoculation have been
proved mainly with the A. lipoferum and A. brasilense. Thus it is mainly recommended for
maize, sugarcane, sorghum, pearl millet etc. The Azotobacter colonizing the roots not only
remains on the root surface but also a sizable proportion of them penetrates into the root tissues
and lives in harmony with the plants.
3. Azotobacter: Azotobacter belongs to family Azotobacteriaceae, aerobic, free living, and
heterotrophic in nature. Azotobacters are present in neutral or alkaline soils and A. chroococcum
is the most commonly occurring species in arable soils. A. vinelandii, A. beijerinckii, A. insignis
and A. macrocytogenes are other reported species. The bacterium produces anti-fungal
antibiotics which inhibits the growth of several pathogenic fungi in the root region thereby
preventing seedling mortality to a certain extent (Subba Rao, 2001). The A. chroococcum is most
common species in various arable soils (Mahato et al., 2009).
4. Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) and Azolla: These belongs to eight different families,
phototrophic in nature and produce Auxin, Indole acetic acid and Gibberllic acid, fix 20-30 kg

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N/ha in submerged rice fields as they are abundant in paddy, so also referred as ‘paddy
organisms’. N is the key input required in large quantities for low land rice production. To
achieve food security through sustainable agriculture, the requirement for fixed nitrogen must be
increasingly met by BNF rather than by industrial nitrogen fixation. The 50-60% N requirement
is met through the combination of mineralization of soil organic N and BNF by free living and
rice plant associated bacteria (Roger and Ladha, 1992). Tripathi et al. (2008) reported that BGA
along with other amendments improved the growth, yield and mineral composition of rice plants
and decreased the demand for nitrogen fertilizers.
B. Phosphate Absorbers
Mycorrhiza (an ancient symbiosis in organic agriculture)
The term Mycorrhiza denotes “fungus roots”. It is a symbiotic association between host plants
and certain group of fungi at the root system, in which the fungal partner is benefited by
obtaining its carbon requirements from the photosynthates of the host and the host in turn is
benefited by obtaining the much needed nutrients especially phosphorus, calcium, copper, zinc
etc., which are otherwise inaccessible to it, with the help of the fine absorbing hyphae of the
fungus. Most common genera are Glomus, Gigaspora, Acaulospora, Sclerocysts and Endogone
commonly used for biofertilizer production (Bagyaraj, 1992). Glomus fasciculatum reported to
improve the wheat grain yield (Singh and Rana, 2005).
Benefits of using Biofertilizers
1. Increasing harvest yields
• An average increase in crop yields by 20 to 37 percent.
• Algae-based fertilizers give improved yields in rice at rates ranging between 10 and 45 %.
2. Improving soil structure-
• The use of microbial biofertilizers improves the soil structure by influencing the aggregation
of the soil particles
3. Better water relation
Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization induces drought tolerance in plants by:
• Improving leaf water and turgor potential,
• Maintaining stomatal functioning and transpiration,
• Increasing root length and development.
4. Lowering production costs
• Made from easily obtained organic materials such as rice husks, soil, bamboo and vegetables
• Reduce the input expenses by replacing the cost of chemical fertilizers.
5. Providing protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases
• Aquatic cyanobacteria provide natural growth hormones, proteins, vitamins and minerals to
the soil.
• Azotobacters infuse the soil with antibiotic pesticide and inhibit the spread of soil borne
pathogens like Pythium and Phytophthora.
6. Suppressing the incidence of insect pests and plant diseases

• They help to achieve high yields of crops by enriching the soil with nutrients and useful
microorganisms necessary for plant growth.

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• They replace the chemical fertilizers, as the latter are not beneficial for plants. Chemical
fertilizers decrease the plant growth and pollute the environment by releasing harmful
• Plant growth can be increased because biofertilizers contain natural components which do
not harm the plants but do the opposite.
• They are eco-friendly due to the fact that they protect the environment against pollutants.
• If the soil is free of chemicals, it will retain its fertility, which will be beneficial for the plants
as well as the environment, because the plants will be protected against diseases and the
environment will be free of pollutants.
• Biofertilizers destroy those harmful components from the soil which cause diseases in plants.
By using biofertilizers, plants can also be protected against drought and other restrictive
• Biofertilizers are cost effective. They are not costly and even low-income farmers can make
use of them
• Gives much lower nutrient density – it requires large amounts to get enough for most crops
• Requires a different type of machinery to apply from that used for chemical fertilizers
• Sometimes is hard to locate in certain areas; odour; difficult to store
• Specific to the plants- Requires skills in production and application. - There is inadequate
awareness about the use and benefits of biofertilizers.
• Biofertilizer packages need to be stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and
• The right combinations of biofertilizers have to be used.
• Other chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) should not be mixed with the biofertilizers.
• Sow the treated seeds (with biofertilizer) immediately, preferably in the morning or afternoon
avoiding scorching sunlight.
• The package has to be used before its expiry, only for the specified crop and by the
recommended method of application.
• Seed treatment chemicals like Bavistine etc. should be mixed 3 days prior to mixing with
biofertilizer treatment.
Modern agriculture heavily relies on excessive use of chemical fertilizers especially, nitrogenous
and phosphatic fertilizers for meeting the crop nutrient demand. For a sustainable agriculture
system, it is essential to use renewable inputs which benefit the plant and cause no or minimal
damage to the environment. Biofertilizers have their own advantages over chemical fertilizers
and are economically and environmentally friendly as well. In this context, Biofertilizers would
be the viable option for farmers to increase productivity per unit area.
Bagyaraj DJ (1992). Vesicular Arbuscular mycorrhiza: Application in Agriculture. In: Methods
in Microbiology. (Norris JR, Read JJ, Varma AK, eds). Academic Press, London. pp.

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