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d20 Modern - Martial Arts Mayhem II - Schools

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The Game Mechanics, Inc
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Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II 2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
by Rich Redman

Editing: Marc Schmalz

Design Review: Marc Schmalz, Stan!, & JD Wiker
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz
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Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
This is the second part of a martial arts supplement
brought to you by The Game Mechanics, Inc. This
supplement complements the material found in the
d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, Chapter Three: Feats
and Chapter Five: Combat. You can use this material
alone, or with the other two parts of the supplement.
Note: Prerequisites marked with an asterisk (*)
appear in Martial Arts Mayhem, Part I.
The Deft Touch School
The De Touch School devel-
oped in countries with detailed
medical systems, such as the
Vedic knowledge of India and
the Taoist medicine of China.
Many of the masters of this
and similar schools are doc-
tors of traditional medicine.
They expect their students to
learn their traditional medi-
cal knowledge and techniques
in order to treat the training
injuries of junior students.
De Touch combat tech-
niques use precise fngertip
strikes to specifc pressure
points and nerve clusters. It is
a gentle-looking art that relies
on education and accuracy
rather than brute strength.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13,
base aack bonus +4, Defen-
sive Martial Arts, Stunning
Fist*, Medical Expert, Cra (Pharmaceutical) 8
ranks, Treat Injury 8 ranks.
Benefts: You may make three additional stunning
aacks per day.
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Wis 15, base aack bonus
+8, 1st Degree Mastery of De Touch, Nauseating
Punch*, Blinding Punch*, Cra (Pharmaceutical) 10
ranks, Treat Injury 10 ranks.
Benefts: You may use Stunning Fist, Nauseating
Punch, and Blinding Punch on a number of ad-
ditional creature types equal to your Intelligence
modifer (minimum 0). You must choose which
additional types when you aain 2nd Degree
Mastery of De Touch. If your Intelligence modi-
fer decreases, you lose creature types of your
choice until your Intelligence recovers. If your
Intelligence modifer permanently increases (for
example, because you gain levels and increase
your Intelligence ability score), you must choose
Martial Arts Mayhem is a supplement for the d20
Modern Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the
Coast. There are three parts to the supplement.
I. Feats: These new martial arts feats comple-
ment those found in the d20 Modern Roleplay-
ing Game. They generally add to class bonus
feat lists.
II. Schools: Heroes who develop certain skills
and learn certain feats may be students of
particular martial arts schools. When they
meet the requirements of a school, they gain
its benefts.
III. Secret Techniques: These are secret, power-
ful blows, grips, holds, and other techniques
taught only to the most dedicated students.
Their prerequisites and restrictions balance
them against other feats, and characters learn
them just like feats.
Using This Material
Unarmed combat feats like Brawl, Combat Martial
Arts, and Defensive Martial Arts assume that he-
roes with the feats have some training and experi-
ence in hand-to-hand combat. Heroes who dedi-
cate themselves to a particular style of unarmed
fghting are assumed to have joined a school that
teaches that style.
A martial arts school is a collection of abilities de-
rived from feats and skills. The De Touch School,
for instance, emphasizes knowledge of anatomy and
precise strikes to pressure points. This supplement
provides example schools while not claiming to
duplicate any particular real world martial art.
Martial arts schools are not feats, nor are they
prestige classes. When heroes meet the prerequisites
for a school, they gain the schools beneft and may
use it within the restrictions of the rules. Schools
have several degrees of mastery, with more benefts
for more dedicated students. Heroes may master as
many schools as they wish, provided they meet all
the prerequisites for each school.
Rule 0
I wrote the original combat and equipment rules for
the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, and participated in
all aspects of its design, development, and testing. I
made my best efort to balance the rules in Martial
Arts Mayhem between being cool and being reason-
able. This material is not ofcial, and GMs may
choose to disallow some or all of it.
Losing Prerequisites
Schools work like feats:
If you lose a prerequisite,
you cant use the beneft
of the school. Once you
regain the prerequisite,
you regain the benefts.
For example, if
your hero was a 3rd
Degree Master of Deft
Touch and took enough
ability score damage
to lower her Wisdom
below 13, she would
lose the ability to use
Stunning Fist, Nauseating
Punch, Blinding Punch,
Paralyzing Strike, and all
the benefts of the Deft
Touch school. When her
Wisdom returned to 13,
she would immediately
be able to use Stunning
Fist and the 1st Degree
Mastery beneft again.
When her Wisdom rose
to 15, she would have full
use of the school.
Sifu Park, master of the 3rd Avenue Night School of
Tae-Bo and Aerobics, offers suggestions for each
school. Be wary, student, that while Sifu Park can
show you the Way, only you can choose to walk it.
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
additional creature types when the increase oc-
curs. This beneft applies to Paralyzing Strike
when you learn it; and to the 3rd Degree Mastery
beneft when you gain it.
Constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and un-
dead cannot be chosen as additional creature types.
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +10, 2nd Degree
Mastery of De Touch, Paralyzing Strike*, Surgery,
Cra (Pharmaceutical) 12 ranks, Treat Injury 12 ranks.
Benefts: You may make an unarmed melee aack
to do 1d4 points of temporary Strength damage to
your opponent for every 4 character levels you have
(maximum 5d4). This counts as one of your stun-
ning aacks. You can only use this beneft against
creatures susceptible to your Stunning Fist aacks.
The Drunken Fighting School
A great deal of folklore surrounds the origin of
the Drunken Fighting School. One story tells of
a monk who observed constables aempting to
arrest a drunkard. He was so loose and relaxed
they had dif culty keeping a hold on him, and
no maer how oen or hard the drunkard fell, he
never injured himself. Another story suggests the
monk and the drunkard were the same person, but
that may be sour grapes from those defeated by
Drunken Fighters.
Drunken Fighting emphasizes surprise and
deception, constantly falling and rolling so that the
opponent never knows when the Drunken Fighter
is balanced well enough to aack. It requires
intense leg conditioning to perform the ground
and close-to-the-ground techniques. Students learn
how to fall on most surfaces without harming
themselves, and how to use whatever implements
are available as weapons.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, base aack bonus
+4, Acrobatic, Deceptive, Combat Expertise,
Combat Martial Arts, Dodge, Redirect Aack,
Drunken Stance*, Balance 4 ranks, Bluf 4 ranks,
Tumble 4 ranks.
Benefts: As a move action, you may make a Bluf
check to feint in combat (see the d20 Modern Role-
playing Game, Chapter Two: Skills, Bluf) or use the
Drunken Stance feat.
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +6, 1st Degree
Mastery of Drunken Fighting, Mobility, Balance 6
ranks, Bluf 6 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks.
Benefts: As an aack action, you may make a
Bluf check (see the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game,
Chapter Two: Skills, Bluf). Instead of using the re-
sult of your check as a feint, use it as your Defense
until your next action. You may not take 10 or 20
with this check.
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +8, 2nd Degree
Mastery of Drunken Fighting, Improvised Weap-
on Profciency*, Balance 8 ranks, Bluf 8 ranks,
Tumble 8 ranks.
Benefts: You gain a +10 competence bonus to
Balance and Tumble checks.
The Northern Leg School
The Northern Leg School developed on open, un-
dulating plains where the people were accustomed
to walking and riding horses over great distances.
Their strong legs became their main weapons of
aack and defense.
Northern Leg combat techniques involve con-
stant movement, oen leaping vertically or hori-
zontally. They combine low and high kicks, and
depend on an excellent sense of balance. Northern
Leg does teach punches and arm blocks, but em-
phasizes the use of the legs.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex
13, base aack bonus +2, Acrobatic, Combat Martial
Arts, Crane Kick*, Power Aack, Balance 6 ranks,
Jump 6 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks.
Benefts: +10 competence bonus on your Balance
and Jump checks.
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +4, 1st Degree
Mastery of Northern Leg, Improved Combat
Martial Arts, No-Shadow Kick*, Balance 8 ranks,
Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks.
Sifu Park respectfully suggests, Drunken
Fighting is a good choice for heroes with strong
personalities. A high charisma, combined with the
required dexterity and intelligence, makes for a
powerful Drunken Fighter.
Sifu Park suggests, Deft Touch is an excellent
choice for students lacking great physical strength.
Great strength does not increase the effect of the
schools techniques, so heroes should be wary of
slight, weak-looking opponents as they may be
masters of Deft Touch.
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Benefts: Designate an opponent against which
you could make a charge aack. Make a normal
Jump check; if the result indicates you could
jump to the designated opponent, you can make
a normal charge aack against that opponent
as part of the same action as the check. If your
charge aack is successful, you infict normal
damage, plus your Strength modifer multiplied
by 2. If the Jump check fails, you cannot charge
that opponent nor can you make any other aack
on your action.
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +8, 2nd Degree
Mastery of Northern Leg, Advanced Combat Mar-
tial Arts, Endurance, Run.
Beneft: When you make a successful charge at-
tack, you do +1 point of damage per 5-feet of your
charge, up to a maximum of +8 points of damage.
This is in addition to the normal +2 damage bonus
for charging.
Professional Wrestling
A uniquely Western form of combat entertainment
particularly popular in both the United States and
Mexico, professional wrestling relies on a combina-
tion of acting, raw charisma, and brute athleticism.
Professional wrestling has its roots in Greco-Ro-
man wrestling, with the addition of acrobatics,
aerial maneuvers, and improvised weapons.
Professional Wrestling combat techniques vary
sharply from those used for entertainment. The
emphasis is on grappling and pinning, overpow-
ering the opponent with raw physical power and
using anything at hand to infict lethal damage.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Str 17, Cha 15, base aack bonus +4,
Brawl, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved
Grapple, Mat Techniques*, Streetfghting, Second

, Intimidate 4 ranks, Perform (Act) 4 ranks.

Benefts: You sufer a -2 penalty when using impro-
vised weapons, instead of the normal -4 penalty.
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +6, 1st Degree
Mastery of Professional Wrestling, Frightful Pres-
ence, Improved Feint, Renown, Intimidate 6 ranks,
Perform (Act) 6 ranks.
Benefts: Designate an opponent against which
you could make a charge aack. Make a normal
Jump check as part of a charge action; if the result
indicates you could jump to the designated op-
ponent, you can make a grapple check against
that opponent as part of the same charge. If your
grapple check succeeds, both you and your oppo-
nent are prone. If your grapple check fails, you are
prone and your opponent is not. If the Jump check
fails, you cannot charge that opponent nor can you
make any other aack on your action.
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +8, 2nd Degree
Mastery of Professional Wrestling, Defensive Mar-
tial Arts, Combat Throw, Improved Combat Throw,
Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform (Act) 8 ranks.
Benefts: You can climb any object up to fve feet
high (for example, a corner stanchion of a wrestling
ring, a dumpster, or part way up a ladder) as a free
action if you start your action next to the object. It
costs you no movement to do so. Any aack you
make on an opponent below you receives a +4
circumstance bonus on your aack roll and a +2
bonus on your damage roll, instead of a +2 bonus
on the aack roll normally granted for having a
height advantage.
The Southern Fist School
The Southern Fist School developed in terrain
cross-cut by a huge network of waterways, along
which the people traditionally lived. Rowing and
poling themselves around they developed great
strength in the arms and thus used the fst as their
main martial weapon.
Southern Fist combat techniques vary from short
punches to sweeping blows and circular blocks.
They rely on circular hip movements to develop
power for the blows and to evade incoming aacks.
Southern Fist does teach kicks and leg blocks, but
emphasizes the use of hands and arms.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Wis 13, base aack
bonus +3, Alertness, Combat Refexes, Genshin
Awareness*, Combat Martial Arts.
Benefts: You may double your Strength bonus
to damage (if any) with an unarmed aack. You
must declare the use of this ability before making
your aack roll (thus a missed aack roll is a failed
aempt). You may do this a number of times per
day equal to your character level divided by four
(rounded down).
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +4, 1st Degree
Mastery of Southern Fist, Improved Combat Mar-
tial Arts, Hands without Shadow*.
Benefts: If an opponent aacks you in melee
while you are fghting defensively or using the to-
tal defense action (See the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, Chapter Five: Combat, Fighting Defensive-
ly and Total Defense), you can immediately make

Second Wind is a class talent of the Tough Hero.

Sifu Park is required by honor to point out, Northern
Leg is a powerful school both for its strong attacks and
for the mobility attained by its masters. After all, one
cannot attack opponents that one cannot reach.
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Benefts: As a free action, you may make a grap-
ple aempt against an opponent no more than
one size category larger than you. If you succeed,
during the next round, you may interpose the op-
ponent you grabbed between you and an incoming
aack. The interposed character counts as three-
quarters cover. An aack that misses you because
it hits the cover damages the interposed character
(See the d20Modern Roleplaying Game, Chapter Five:
Combat, Striking the Cover Instead of a Missed
Target). You may only do this once per round. This
counts as one of your aacks of opportunity for
the round, and you cannot use this ability if you
cannot make an aack of opportunity (for example,
you have used all your available aacks of oppor-
tunity or you are fat-footed). On following rounds,
you may aempt to pin the grappled opponent as a
free action. If you succeed, you may continue using
the opponent as a shield. If you fail, the opponent
is no longer grappled.
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Str 15, base aack bonus +8, 2nd
Degree Mastery of Sticky Hands, Advanced
Combat Martial Arts, Combat Throw, Improved
Combat Throw.
Benefts: When an opponent makes a move action
that grants you an aack of opportunity (including
aacks of opportunity granted by Three-Conficts
Stance) or tries to withdraw (which would not
normally grant you aacks of opportunity), you
may aempt to prevent the move action before it
actually occurs by making an unarmed aack. If
you succeed, you deal damage normally and the
opponent must succeed at a Refex save (DC 10 +
half your character levels + your Strength modifer)
or be unable to move into or out of the area you
threaten. This prevents a foe from either closing
or feeing. This counts as one of your aacks of
opportunity for the round, and you cannot use this
ability if you cannot make an aack of opportunity
(for example, you have used all your available at-
tacks of opportunity or you are fat-footed).
an unarmed melee aack against that opponent.
Both aacks occur simultaneously so you and the
opponent both sufer damage and any other efects.
You gain no beneft against an opponent that does
not aack you. This counts against your total num-
ber of aacks of opportunity for the round, and
you cannot use this ability if you cannot make an
aack of opportunity (for example, you have used
all your available aacks of opportunity or you are
3rd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +9, 2nd Degree
Mastery of Southern Fist, Advanced Combat Mar-
tial Arts, Dodge, Agile Riposte.
Benefts: When you aack an opponents melee
weapon or frearm you ignore its hardness. You may
do this a number of times per day equal to your
character level divided by four (rounded down).
The Sticky Hands School
The Sticky Hands School was developed by female
monks. It emphasizes staying close to an opponent,
keeping one hand on the opponent at all times to
control the opponents movement. The strikes are
designed to redirect the opponents force, unbal-
ancing or knocking down the opponent.
Sticky Hands combat techniques combine short
punches, low kicks, and circular blocks. They use
subtle hip movements to develop aacking power
and to redirect the opponents aacks.
1st Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Int 13, base aack bonus +4, Combat
Martial Arts, Improved Combat Martial Arts, De-
fensive Martial Arts, Unbalance Opponent, Three-
Conficts Stance*, Combat Refexes.
Benefts: Double your Strength bonus on opposed
Strength checks to resist bull rush and swallow at-
tacks, grapple checks, and pin aempts.
2nd Degree Mastery
Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +6, 1st Degree
Mastery of Sticky Hands, Combat Expertise, Im-
proved Disarm, Improved Trip.
Sifu Park suggests, While Sticky Hands appears to
be a gentle, defensive art, its masters are capable
of inficting just as much pain and damage as those
of other schools. Many law-enforcement offcers
practice Sticky Hands because it enhances their
ability to take prisoners.
It would do irreparable damage to Sifu Parks karma
if he did not point out, Masters of Southern Fist are
at their most dangerous in tight spaces and fghting
many opponents. They lack the mobility of their
Northern Leg cousins, but make up for it with powerful
close-combat techniques.
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part II
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jona-
than Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Martial Arts M ayhem, Part II 2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc.
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