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Modern Dispatch 026 - City Hall

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The Modern Dispatch

Pinebox Personalities

Mayor Red McCoy

McCoy is a late-middle aged man with white hair leads the Texas National Militia, or TNM. This group
combed straight back and a well-kept goatee. He walks is dedicated to the “South rising again”. The TNM has
as if on parade, with a purposeful military bearing. secured many converted AK-47s and a huge supply
He speaks with hushed tones, and has a very southern of explosives for the next war of Secession. They

#26 tilt to his voice. He dresses immaculately and enjoys

tailored suits of dark solids or grays.
also have a sizeable stash of C-4. All of this is for the
cause of the “homeland.” Red believes in the “Yankee
conspiracy to keep too many weapons in the northern
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Character Profile states.” In private conversation with other TNM
(November 1, 1944 - Present) members, Red refers to the South as a “hostage” and
These days, Mayor Red McCoy appears to be the to all non-Anglos as “occupiers”.
“Howdy” from 12 to Midnight paragon of Southern wealth, pride, and manners, yet Red believes the South should be strictly white. In
From all of us here at 12 to Midnight, welcome to his origins are much more humble. During the sixties, private, he typically refers to “the good old days of
Modern Dispatch. In case you are not familiar with us, Red was a very poor high school drop-out working segregation”. He also points to the high pregnancy
we are a Texas-based RPG publisher specializing in modern rates of today’s teens and the troubled public schools
on his father’s failing goat ranch. Red took it upon
horror. You might not normally think “Texas” and “horror”
go together, but we are pretty sure you will change your mind himself to walk down to the bank and talk to “Old as a reason to return the “South to her glory”. He also
after spending some time in Pinebox. Wiley” himself. Red promised on his word of honor to believes that any American of non-European descent
That’s Pinebox, Texas. It is a nice little rural community pay back the loan if the bank would give him a year’s should not be mentioned in textbooks. He becomes
smack-dab in east Texas. There is a university nearby, a incredibly animated when talking about the number of
reprieve. The bank acquiesced and Red became deeply
Pine forest called the Big Thicket, and a mess of beautiful
wildflowers every Spring. Unfortunately, it is also the epicenter convinced that a man’s word should be his bond. Thus non-Anglos receiving government help. Once one of
of a whole lot of bad mojo. We’re talking dark magic, serial his ideal of a consummate Southern gentleman was his friends pointed out how many “pure white folks”
killers, haunted buildings—the whole ball of wax. cemented. were on welfare and Red lost his temper. He pulled out
If you want to learn more about Pinebox, just visit our a knife and threatened his friend with the loss of his
Red has since created a huge cattle empire based on
website at You can start using the free
campaign setting on our site right now, then watch it continue hard work and the reputation of his word. The mayor manhood.
to grow right here in the pages of Modern Dispatch. Of course, is also locally known as a devoted collector of Civil
Pinebox is our setting but all the material in these pages can War memorabilia and items of African culture. He has
just as easily be dropped into yours.
been on three African safaris, which have contributed Contributors:
Each issue published by 12 to Midnight includes unique
characters we call Pinebox Personalities. Even if you do not to his collection. One room in his huge ranch house Jerry.Blakemore*Preston.dubose
use the characters themselves, each description is also loaded is dedicated to African culture. Hung upon the walls Eric.Ellsworth*Craig.largent�
with enough adventure ideas to keep you gaming for months. of this room are traditional tribal masks, and zebra
The same is true for the next section, Pinebox Places. That is Ed.Wetterman
rugs cover the floor. In this impressive room Red feels
where we feature the description, adventure ideas, and map(s)
confident that he can close any business deal. Layout:
for each building. Finally, we wrap up with a short “sidetrek”
style adventure using material from the other sections.
If you have any ideas for future issues or want to comment
on what you read here, please feel free to drop by our forums All appearances aside, the mayor’s embrace of
at multiculturalism is an elaborate charade. Red secretly

On The Steps of City Hall Page 1

The Modern Dispatch
Lately, some locals have been rumbling about Red’s
Red McCoy
personal life. There was prevalent rumor that Red’s
daughter, Jennifer, was being physically abused. No CR 4; Male Human Charismatic Hero 3/Smart Hero GM Ideas:
1; Medium Humanoid (5’8”); Age: 60; Eyes: Brown; • The Texas National Militia’s compound is to
charges were pressed and the talk dissipated. Shortly be raided by the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and
thereafter, Jennifer’s whistle-blowing boyfriend quit Hair: Combed back with goatee, White; Skin: Pale;
Build: Straight posture; 3d6+1d6+4; 21 hp; Init +0; Spd Firearms). Before the inevitable shootout,
his job and abruptly left town without leaving word of the characters are hired to infiltrate the group
where he could be found. 30 ft.; AC 11 (); touch 11; flat-footed 11; Base +1/+2;
Atk Strike, Unarmed +2 melee (1d3+1); SQ Charm and rescue Naomi Hollister, a brainwashed
According to another rumor, when a child had to teenager who moved into the compound with
be rushed to the hospital, Red was on hand and paid (Female), Favor, Savant (Knowledge (History)); SV
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 13, Int her boyfriend.
all the bills. Although the child did not carry his last
name, Red seemed very interested in quietly caring for 14, Wis 12, Cha 15. • Jennifer McCoy meets the characters and
the baby and his mother. Skills: Bluff +8, Craft (Visual Art) +2, Craft becomes a possible love interest. This brings a
Lately, Red has been disturbed by visions. One (Writing) +8, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +2, Gather new meaning to “meet the parents” as anyone
night while checking his cattle on the north range of Information +10, Handle Animal +9, Intimidate not white and Southern would never meet with
his property, he “witnessed” the Red River battle of +10, Knowledge (Business) +8, Knowledge (Civics) Red’s approval.
the Civil War. One of his ranch hands found him at +8, Knowledge (Current Events) +3, Perform (Act)
• A black man is accused of raping a white woman.
noon the next day, dehydrated and delirious. He has +2, Perform (Dance) +2, Perform (Keyboards)
While being taken from the courthouse to the
also had several conversations with Jefferson Davis +2, Perform (Percussion Instruments) +2, Perform
jail, the police escort is attacked and the prisoner
regarding the reconstruction of the “true South”. His (Sing) +2, Perform (Stand-Up) +2, Perform (Stringed
is taken by members of the TNM intending to
favorite conversations are those with Robert E. Lee. Instruments) +2, Perform (Wind Instruments) +2,
lynch him frontier style. The characters witness
Lee has told him that the South must secede again if Profession +7, Read/Write Language, Speak Language,
the abduction attempt.
she is ever going to be free. Computer Use +2, Craft +2, Craft (Structural) +2,
Forgery +2, Investigate +6, Knowledge (History) +7, • Red learns of the Texas 13, a special Ranger
Character Speak: Navigate +2, Research +6, Search +4. Languages:
Speak English, Speak Spanish, Read/Write English.
corps organized in 1862 and made up of 13 men
of dubious character. The original Texas 13 were
“My- my, it is a lovely day today.”
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Trustworthy, powerful warlocks who raided north into Kansas
“Big government is the enemy of the small man, and
Iron Will, Renown, Attentive. and were responsible for many atrocities in the
rightly so.”
name of the Confederacy. Red has decided to
“Chivalry never goes out of style.”
rebuild the Texas 13 and is searching out those
“I’ve found that the best conversations are done
willing to sell their souls for southern power.
with tea or coffee.”
Each potential recruit is required to prove
“Our land is occupied by those who have not bled
himself loyal and worthy by committing crimes
for it and do not deserve it.”
for the TNM.
• Red holds an annual Confederate Ball on April
12th. The characters (if white) are invited. Due to
Red’s consorting with several occultists, several
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States ghosts and demons are present as well--though
and other countries and are used with permission. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of few realize this until late in the night when the
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy spirits make their presence known.
of this License can be found at

On The Steps of City Hall Page 2

The Modern Dispatch

City Councilman Manuel “The Man” Travis

Mr. Travis is a great athletic specimen with strong to experiment with various religions--even Satanism- Manuel replied, “I have and I demand that you kill
muscles and a perfect physique. He has a massively -but he never truly believed and nothing ever came of Red McCoy.”
muscled, barrel-shaped chest, small waist, and arms his dabbling until recently. “First you must release me, little man,” the creature
like tree trunks. The councilman has piercing blue The Man grew increasingly frustrated as his failures snickered.
eyes and a quick, disarming smile. mounted both in his private life and public businesses. “Uhhh, oh. Ok.”
One night after a city council meeting, Red McCoy The creature reached out with a cloven hoof that
Character Profile approached him. Red convinced The Man that it was
his destiny to help the South rise up and become an
seared Manuel’s chest with its painful touch. The
creature’s laughter rang out as it sprouted wings and
(April 3, 1968 - Present)
independent nation of “true Southerners”. Later that flapped away into the night sky, leaving Manuel
Manuel “The Man” Travis put Pinebox on ESPN’s
month, Manuel met the rest of the Texas National standing agape amid the carnage of his ritual.
map. The Man was six foot tall his 7th-grade year and
Militia. Manuel was hailed as a hero and Red gave The next day sheriff’s deputies searched for a
ran the forty in 5.2 seconds. His father expected him to
a fine speech extolling Travis’ virtues and the need suspected Satanist who had slaughtered a cow and
play professional sports, and he did not disappoint—at
for independence. Red mapped out a road plan for the drained its blood. In another county, a bum had been
least, not at first. Travis had a short stint with an arena
councilman to recruit new members. skinned alive and his right leg eaten. The leg bone was
football team, but was waived unconditionally after
Finally, it dawned on Manuel just what Red planned found gnawed two miles away from the rest of the
coming up positive on a drug test. The Man moved
to do and who it excluded. That night in front of corpse.
back to Pinebox and told people he had injured his
the armed assembly, Manuel showed uncommon Only Manuel knows about the demon. Only he
knee. Taking advantage of his local celebrity status,
courage and told Red and the TNM he wanted no knows why his chest is branded with an arcane symbol
the former athlete ran for city council and won easily.
part of them. Amazingly, they let Manuel walk away of darkness. That terrible night was a turning point,
His first act was to get his name officially put on the
without a scratch, although it would certainly have providing a moment of clarity. Manuel has dedicated
water tower.
ended differently if Red had not given his word for himself to stand against the darkness in which he so
Ironically, being a council member is Travis’ only
the councilman’s safety. However, the next morning recently trod. Now Travis and the TNM maneuver
success. His used car dealership flopped, his realty
Manuel’s current girlfriend was found murdered in a against each other in the city council chambers and
business tanked, and Amway was not his friend. His
ditch. behind the scenes. Although the blood demon remains
marriage similarly flopped. Well known, big, and full
Although nothing has been proven, Manuel is at large, The Man has not given up hope that he can
of promise, women flock to The Man like moths to a
convinced of Red’s involvement. In a moment of grief, find a way to undo the evil he has unleashed.
flame. Of course Manuel has never really had anything
Manuel called on dark forces to avenge his girlfriend’s
denied him and never really learned how to say “no”.
After his fifth affair, his wife ran off with a FedEx
death. Nothing happened. But the next day a stranger Character Speak:
stopped him and handed him a book called The Dark “It’s too bad we can’t just play a game to solve our
delivery driver. Many women, single and married,
Secrets. problems.”
offered condolences in their own way, and The Man
That night under the moon he followed the book’s “There ain’t nothing to be afraid of. Nothing.”
turned no woman down.
instructions, this time performing a gruesome, “How ‘bout them Cowboys!”
Secrets blasphemous ritual. At its conclusion the earth formed “Never trust a man that says he can make something
One such woman introduced him to the mysteries into a face and a goat-faced demon emerged from the of you. You can only do that for yourself.”
and pleasures of Tantric magic. Although the affair ground. It stood thirteen feet tall and demanded, “Who “You only live once, so take advantage of the
ended like all the others, the experience led Manuel dares to wake me?” opportunities as they appear.”

On The Steps of City Hall Page 3

The Modern Dispatch

Manuel “The Man” Travis Pinebox Places

CR 3; Male Human Strong Hero 2/Smart Hero 1;

Pinebox City Hall

Medium Humanoid (6’3”); Age: 33; Eyes: Blue; have transformed the building’s interior. Today much
Hair: Sandy Blond, Caucasian; Skin: Olive; Build: of the detailed molding is hidden above insulated drop-
Muscular; 2d8+1d6+6; 22 hp; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC ceilings, but a beautiful tile fresco on the lobby floor
12 (+1 Dex); touch 12; flat-footed 11; Base +2/+5;
401 Hickory Avenue featuring early pioneers overlooking Lake Greystone
Atk Strike, Unarmed +6 melee (1d6+3); SQ Extreme remains carefully preserved for all to appreciate and
Effort, Savant (Knowledge (Arcane Lore)); SV Fort The imposing, two story Pinebox City Hall seems to enjoy.
+4, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, squat at the edge of Civic Square like an ancient toad. Pinebox City Hall contains all the basic offices
Wis 10, Cha 12. The boxy, eighty-five year old building still houses of a city, including that of the mayor, city attorney,
Skills: Climb +8, Craft (Structural) +1, Jump +11, many offices of local government. Its classic front city secretary, city comptroller, parks and recreation,
Swim +3, Read/Write Language, Speak Language, boasts five, two-story Ionic columns and many large, permits, public relations, and human resources. A
Balance +8, Tumble +8, Computer Use +2, Craft +1, airy windows with frosted glass panes. A large sign to municipal court is located on the south end of the
Craft (Visual Art) +1, Craft (Writing) +1, Forgery +1, the right of the entrance welcomes visitors to Pinebox. building. Other city offices, such as public works, are
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +6, Knowledge (Business) Visitors are welcomed with a pair of heavy oak doors housed in the City Government Annex. The Annex can
+2, Knowledge (Civics) +3, Navigate +1, Research leading to a large lobby.. be found in the old Watley Building two blocks down
+3, Search +1. Languages: Speak English, Read/ Main Street. Police and Fire Departments also each
The Pinebox City Hall is one of four buildings
Write English. have their own separate facilities.
occupying the traditional town square. The other three
Feats: Brawl, Heroic Surge (1/day), Run, Combat Security at the City Hall has also entered the modern
buildings are the city police station, county courthouse,
Reflexes, Renown. era. All the windows and doors are protected with
and post office. A small park area nestles in the hub of
GM Ideas these buildings. Consisting of large, ancient oak trees
and a well-maintained lawn, this area was formerly the
electronic intrusion alarms installed in the mid 1990s.
At the door, daytime visitors must pass through a metal
• The Man hires the characters to investigate the detector and a guard carrying a metal-detecting wand.
site of both sanctioned public hangings and informal
TNM regarding the death of his girlfriend, but he The City Hall has also seen more than its share of
lynching. Today it’s a meeting area for many older
leaves out the details of his own involvement. trouble. In the 1950s, corruption at the municipal court
citizens to gather and play chess, checkers, and cards
• One of the characters has visions of a pretty came to a head when Judge Harold Meese was held at
under the shade of the trees.
young woman in trouble. She is Manuel’s old gunpoint by a double-crossed business partner. Reggie
Built in 1921-1922 of imported granite, the city hall
girlfriend and she seeks someone who can help S. Huntington held off police for nearly 12 hours in
is an architectural wonder. The ornate and detailed
her get justice against her killers. the fortress-like City Hall building. The standoff
scroll work decorating the inside and outside of
• The characters are attacked by the blood demon ended when police stormed the building at the sound
the building was completed by German craftsmen,
in a random encounter, or witness the demon’s of screams only to discover the bloody remains of both
hired after World War I by Hardy “Buck” Travis.
attack somewhere late at night in Pinebox,. Huntington and Judge Meese. The double-murder was
Incidently, Travis’ great-grandson currently serves as
• The blood demon attacks a City Council meeting never solved.
City Councilman in that same building. Hardy Travis
during a major thunderstorm. Red escapes and The City Hall has also been the scene of no fewer
helped design and construct the building after the
as he flees, he bumps into the characters. The than eight self-immolations—one in each decade of
previous city hall building was consumed in a fire in
demon follows hot on his heels… the 20th century since the building’s creation. Despite
• The “cold war” between the councilman and the the bizarre nature of these deaths, in each instance the
Because of the building’s age, the interior offices
TNM heats up into renewed violence and turns building itself remained unharmed. The more morbid
have undergone a series of renovations over time. Air
Manuel into a vigilante. He begins secretly of Pinebox’s residents speculate when the next human
conditioning, new wiring, and other improvements
recruiting others to join him in his private war.

On The Steps of City Hall Page 4

The Modern Dispatch
bonfire will occur.
In the early 1980s, an irate citizen drove his pickup Adventure
truck up the eight short steps of City Hall and into one

• The Permits clerk in the far
of the giant columns.
During the restoration
of the column, masons
On the Steps of City Hall
found a time capsule. On the Steps of City Hall is the beginning of our Rising South adventure arc. These encounters are presented in
left booth can “fix” any
Each of the craftsmen a serial format for Pinebox, but we provide alternate leads and hooks to make these encounters work in other
routine traffic citations for a
present at the discovery modern-world campaigns.
modest fee.
died violent deaths
• The human immolations City Hall in a drive-by shooting. These men believe
are the result of a powerful within one week. The Travis a threat (rightly so), and see Red’s edict against
curse created because of an time capsule is said Despite the defeat of the Confederacy close to 140 harming him as a sign of weakness. They expect a
injustice perpetrated in the to be locked in a safe years ago, some stubborn Southerners long for a day flashy show of force will intimidate those who would
old City Hall…and the next somewhere on the in which the South rises again. Others do more than hinder their cause, and encourage others to join
death is due any time now. premises, but nobody dream. One such radical group is the Texas National the movement. What they did not count on was the
• The decorative columns in knows exactly where, Militia (TNM) (see Red McCoy profile, and look for presence of their leader standing beside Councilman
front of the building are nor the contents of the a full organization profile in a future issue of Modern Travis, nor the intervention of the heroes.
hollow. The one immediately capsule. Dispatch). If your campaign takes place anywhere
to the left of the front
Continuing the string
bizarre events, in
other than the American South, you can easily change
the TNM to fit any of the white supremacy groups
On the Steps…
entrance includes the remains The time is close to one o’clock in the afternoon on a
of city’s first Mayor, William the late 1990s the found around the world. hot, humid, Texas summer day. The characters are on
Greystone. The other to the newly-elected mayor The TNM is well organized. This group’s tendrils the steps of City Hall. There are numerous reasons they
right also houses remains, was found dead in his wind across Pinebox and Golan County. As with any may need to visit city hall. Here are a few examples of
but the rumors conflict on office. Or rather, the group, TNM members have differing views on how what might draw a hero to this location, and of course
the race, gender, and even top half of him was to achieve their agenda. The larger group is more modify according to your campaign’s needs:
species! found in the office. The aggressive and does not refrain from using violence—
bottom half was never actually, they enjoy it. The smaller faction, who is led • Pay a traffic fine.
• Some of the ornate scrollwork • Register to speak before a Council Meeting.
carved into the building’s recovered. After a brief by Mayor Red McCoy, favors subtle power plays. For
investigation, police now, this latter group is in control and normally can • Explore the town records for legal documents.
façade was actually intended • Visit the mayor, a council member, or other city
to have magical properties. ruled that the reform- manipulate its more violent brethren. This encounter
minded mayor had been represents an exception to the norm. employee.
Are they a protection or a
curse? the victim of an alligator As a member of the Pinebox City Council and a You can have the characters entering city hall,
• The City Attorney has been attack. Although this former athlete, Manuel “The Man” Travis holds a great leaving the premises, or taking a smoke break outside
looking very nervous lately. conclusion was widely deal of influence and respect in the community. He (since it is illegal to smoke inside Texas public
He has been spotted in some ridiculed, no other also recently rejected an invitation to join the TNM. buildings). When you are ready to run this encounter,
seedy parts of Pinebox, and credible explanation for The violent faction of the TNM has already acted read or paraphrase the following:
his wife and daughter are the mutilation was ever against orders once by killing Manuel’s girlfriend,
Beads of sweat drip down your body on this hot
taking an “unexpected trip” brought forth. which later resulted in a violent display of anger by
Texas day. A day made for rolling up your sleeves. You
to Canada. Red. Uncowed, today a pair of TMN thugs plans to
pity the two men wearing suits you spy chatting along
assassinate the councilman on the steps of Pinebox
the curbside. They must be frying, but a reporter in

On The Steps of City Hall Page 5

The Modern Dispatch
short sleeves and a tie is interviewing the pair while a impossible for the characters to know the gunman’s truck driver is a Pinebox native, Hank Cleary, and
cameraman records their conversation. The television target in advance. On his action, the gunman fires and he leads the characters on quite a chase through the
station’s van is parked across the street and the doors inadvertently hits the reporter. The driver uses his city’s streets. Refer to the Pinebox City Map—a free
hang open. Mighty trusting folks. Of course, they did action, holding if necessary, to speed away as soon as download in the Campaign Setting section of the 12
not have to pay for the van. he hears his partner fire. to Midnight website. Eventually a police officer cuts
Politicians. The elder man reminds you of Colonel The first round of regular action now begins. Unless off the truck’s escape route with his car and causes a
Sanders with his white hair and goatee, not to mention the heroes did something extraordinary during the crash. Unfortunately the lone police officer is knocked
his ramrod-straight posture. Big fellow, but he looks surprise round (Or perhaps because of it!), the reporter out, requiring the heroes to act.
small next to his younger companion. This man is huge is dead. The bullet blew out the back of his head. The If you do not have other characters prepared, then
and muscular, something even the suit cannot conceal. two politicians are covered in blood. Whether the select two Thugs from the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Both men make the reporter appear like a minnow reporter lives or dies, a serious crime has just taken Game book. They are provided in the Supporting
swimming with sharks. place. The heroes are likely to follow one of two Characters section of Chapter 8: Friends and Foes.
The older man is Mayor Red McCoy, while his tracks, either the Combat Track or the Investigative They come in three different levels. Use what provides
associate is Manuel “The Man” Travis, a city council Track. In either case, the heroes only have a short time the best challenge for your characters.
member. They are answering questions about local to act before the local police take full control of the The gunman, Kerry L. McGovern, has already
legislation for a new parks and athletic program for investigation. served time in prison and in fact is still on parole. If
it becomes clear that he is about to be captured, he
local children. Of course as GM you could have them Combat Track shouts “I ain’t going back to prison!” and commits
discuss whatever issue is pertinent to your campaign. Most groups are probably unarmed, as City Hall has
The interview is soon interrupted. Have the players suicide. The driver, Hank, has a pistol but has no
metal detectors at all doors and only law enforcement intention of fighting to the death. He refuses to speak
make a Spot check (DC 15). For those who succeed, officials may carry weapons inside. It is a felony offense
read or paraphrase the following: other than to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights. The
for anyone else to pack a weapon on government police take charge and do not allow the heroes speak
Even at this time of day, traffic is light. An old, property. The truck does not slow down and the with the suspects. The truck itself offers few clues (see
black Ford F150 pickup cruises down the street. It gunman does not risk a second shot as he realizes that Investigative Track below).
seems slow, but some of these country boys never seem Red McCoy is standing beside his target. The armed
to be in much of a hurry. The truck’s brakes squeak policeman on security duty inside the City Hall is in Investigative Track
as it comes along side the interviewer and politicians. no position to stop the truck, although he immediately If the heroes want to collect evidence instead of getting
Then a man riding in the truck bed sits up. The hot calls for an ambulance and police backup. into a firefight, they have several options.
Texas sun reflects off gunmetal. The characters may take the television station’s van An observant hero may find the single brass casing
Begin initiative and allow the characters who noticed if they want to pursue the truck through Pinebox. The ejected from the gunman’s weapon. A tiny logo is
the pickup to act during this surprise round. Since keys are conveniently located in the ignition. After stamped into the side of the metal. The attacker’s
the politicians and media are standing together, it is all, who would steal the station’s van? The pickup ammunition was custom-loaded by a local gunsmith
and sold to the TNM. However, the TNM is his biggest
customer these days and he stubbornly refuses to
divulge any information about the buyer.
If any characters follow Manuel and Red into City
Hall as the pair flees inside, allow them to make a
Listen check (DC 14). Success indicates they hear
Manuel accusing Red, “If I find out you were behind
this, I’m gonna open up a can of whoopass like you’ve
never seen, old man!”

On The Steps of City Hall Page 6

The Modern Dispatch
Red looks shaken and disgusted by the blood covering Ironically, only the TV station cameraman is not white,
him. If a hero makes a successful Sense Motive check and the police conclude that he had been the real target
(DC 25) they detect McCoy’s anger. He cannot believe of this seemingly random attack. Case closed… for
the assassins’ stupidity at attacking in broad daylight now.
and endangering him. His anger is barely in check, and
if the characters push too hard they may become the What Now?
target of one of his rare public displays of fury. When Although this adventure was created to work
the police arrive to take his statement, he sends them independently, you can easily take this encounter and
away until he has had time to “clean up”. pursue the mystery further by dropping in a few extra
The unexpected attack has left Manuel off balance clues. Will Councilman Travis take the law into his
and temporarily more willing to speak openly to the own hands and strike back at his attackers? Having
heroes. He readily blames local white supremacists for failed to kill Manuel Travis, what will be the TNM’s
the attack, just as he blames them for the death of his next move? To see what happens in Pinebox, follow
girlfriend. However, he does not identify the group by the official adventure arc in to 12 to Midnight’s next
name, nor does he divulge the Mayor’s involvement issue of Modern Dispatch. In the meantime, drop by
with the group. That is a secret he is not ready to our forums at and let us know
reveal until he has settled his own private score. When what you think. We want to write adventure material
the police arrive to question him, he backpedels and you can use!
refuses to speak of his suspicions. He might say, “Hey,
I’m just a dumb jock on City Council. They must have
been after the Mayor.”
The most fruitful line of investigation comes in
the form of the TV station’s camera, which catches
the truck on film as it speeds away. This provides
the vehicle license and a good look at the shooter. Try Bloodlines today!
However, if the stolen truck escapes the crime scene Take $1 off the regular price using this link:
then it winds up in a junk yard, never to be seen in
one piece again. The gunman is a different matter. The
cameraman recognizes him from a news story he shot
during a local cockfighting bust. The cameraman even
remembers the man’s name—Kerry L. McGovern.
If the heroes act quickly (McGovern’s address is
listed in the phone book), they may take advantage of
the information before the police have time to respond.
Otherwise, the GM might allow the characters to ride
along with the police to make a positive identification.
After the failed assassination attempt, McGovern flees
to the safety of the secret TNM compound. However,
his home turns up a sizable assortment of white
supremist pamphlets, books, and other paraphernalia.

On The Steps of City Hall Page 7

The Modern Dispatch
Open game license You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
Rights Reserved. this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this affected.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or License to Use, the Open Game Content.
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
derivative works and translations (including into other computer contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have shall survive the termination of this License.
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact necessary to make it enforceable.
Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the
prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this Distribute. Inc.
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright
law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards
means product and product line names, logos and identifying Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman,
marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2004, Wizards
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered of the Coast, Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Gygax and Dave Arneson.
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Modern Dispatch #26, 2005, 12 to Midnight, Inc.; Authors: Jerry
Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; Identity. Blakemore, Preston P. DuBose, Eric Ellsworth, Craig Largent, Ed
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs Wetterman
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, are Open Game Content. open gaming content
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Designation of Product Identity: The following terms are
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
designated as product identity as outline in section 1(a) of the
licensee in terms of this agreement. may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
Open Gaming License: Modern Dispatch, 12 to Midnight. All
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute
illustrations, pictures, and maps are Product Identity and property of
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version
12 to Midnight™ or RPGObjects™.
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may of this License.
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such Designation of Open Gaming Content: The following sections
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
of Modern Dispatch #26 is designated as open gaming content
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
except for terms defined as product identity above. All text under
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Pinebox Places is open content. All other text is closed content.
Open Game Content distributed using this License. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless

On The Steps of City Hall Page 12

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