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Martial Grand Circulation

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The passage discusses the theory and practice of Martial Grand Circulation, which involves circulating energy throughout the body in a specific way to increase efficiency and sensitivity in martial arts.

The two main energy centers are the lower Dantian in the abdomen region, which acts as the battery for the whole body, and the upper Dantian in the brain's limbic system, which is believed to be the residence of the spirit and true self.

The two main vessels are the Conception Vessel running down the front of the body and the Governing Vessel running up the back. Together they form the yin and yang that energy circulates through in a 24 hour cycle.

Martial Grand Circulation

by Jchym Jerie, March 21, 2011

We always hear stories about Kung Fu () or Taijiquan () masters who hae
!eelo"e! incre!ible s#ills$ %ne o& the reasons why they became so goo! is because they
"ractice! Martial 'ran! (irculation$ )ome martial arts "ractitioners beliee that through Martial
'ran! (irculation, one can energi*e the muscles to a higher state o& e&&iciency$ This will gie the
"ractitioner the ability to lea! the energy to the areas that require it$ +ence, the training can be
much more e&&icient an! the "ractitioner can "rogress at a &aster "ace$ ,n a!!ition, it increases the
sensitiity o& the "ractitioner so that once he touches his o""onent, he can sense his eery
moement$ This is es"ecially use&ul in Taijiquan -ushing +an!s an! the )outhern White (rane
style$ ,n the &iel! o& .igong () there are many gran! circulations that one can re&er to$
+oweer, this article will &ocus on Martial 'ran! (irculation$
The Theory Behind It
To un!erstan! the "ractice o& Martial 'ran! (irculation, one has to &irst un!erstan! the theory$
Without the theory, the "ractitioner will hae a much har!er time recogni*ing an! correcting his
errors$ ,t is li#e being in a &oreign city$ Without a ma" one will easily get lost$
Basic Energy System
The human bo!y has two "olarities, one resi!es in the brain, the other is in the ab!omen region$
The latter one is calle! the real lower /antian (), while the &ormer is #nown as the u""er
/antian$ 0si!e &rom those, we hae another /antian "ositione! at the solar "le1us area, but we
shall not !iscuss that one here$ The lower /antian is the battery &or the whole bo!y$ ,t resi!es in
the ab!omen region (see &igure below)$
The structure o& the ab!omen allows energy, or .i (), to be store! at a high leel, an! &rom
there it can su""ly the whole bo!y$ )ome years ago, scientists !iscoere! that humans hae a
secon! brain which resi!es in the ab!omen$ These conce"ts o& the secon! brain an! lower
/antian may be relate!$ The u""er /antian is in the limbic system, locate! between the ears, in
the center o& the brain$ )ome .igong "ractitioners beliee that this is the resi!ence o& the s"irit
an! your true sel&$
The lower an! u""er /antian communicate through the s"inal cor! (see !iagram aboe)$ The
communication occurs here because the s"inal cor! is com"ose! o& material highly con!uctie to
.i$ This enables the two brains to act as one$ -hysically, they are two, in action, they are one$ ,&
you want to #now how you can &in! those centers, "lease re&er to my article Why Me!itation is
im"ortant in Martial 0rts or to the boo#, .igong Me!itation23mbryonic 4reathing, by /r$ 5ang,
0ccor!ing to .igong theory, the human being has eight essels$ 7essels store energy an! release
it to the meri!ians as nee!e!$ For Martial 'ran! (irculation, two essels are ery im"ortant$ The
(once"tional essel !own the &ront o& the bo!y an! the 'oerning essel u" the bac#$ Together,
they &orm one unit as 5in () an! 5ang (), res"ect&ully$ Throughout the !ay, 28 hours "er
cycle, energy circulates through those two essels$ 0ccor!ing to /r$ 5ang, we hae seen
matching gates in our bo!y (see !iagram below)$
They are calle! matching gates because we hae one gate or caity in the &ront an! a
corres"on!ing one in the bac#$ 0 ery im"ortant matching gate has one caity on the lower bac#,
Mingmen (), which resi!es between 92 an! 9: o& the s"ine$ The other caity is on the &ront,
5injiao (), which resi!es about one an! a hal& inch below the nael$ /ue to the "ositioning
o& the ertebrae, the Mingmen is usually close! when we stan! u"right$ That is why it is calle!
the close! !oor$ 4y moing the s"ine in a s"eci&ic way, we are able to o"en the !oor an! !raw
energy into the 'oerning essel$ The 5injiao is where we will start the 'ran! (irculation,
lea!ing the energy !own the (once"tional essel$ The /a*hui () an! )hen*hu () are the
"oints where one will lea! the energy out to the arms$ The "ath o& the 'ran! (irculation will be
!escribe! below$
,n (hinese .igong theory, human beings hae two #in!s o& min!s$ The &irst is the emotional
min!, calle! ;in ()$ The secon! is the wis!om min!, calle! 5i ()$ The ;in is ery unstea!y
an! behaes li#e a mon#ey$ The 5i can be calm an! stea!y, li#e a horse or a tree$ ,n or!er to lea!
the .i e&&iciently, one has to be able to control the emotional min! with the wis!om min!$ The
min! is li#e a she"her! o& the .i$ Where he goes, the shee" will &ollow$ ,& the ;in is the
she"her!, the "ath traele! will not be !irect because the emotional min! is easily !istracte!$ We
e1"erience this when our min!s wan!ering o&& &rom concentration$ 9ogically, the .i will &ollow
the ;in o&& the "ath, or s"rea! on its own &rom where it was aban!one!$ 0s you can see, a
&ocuse! min! is highly im"ortant in Martial 'ran! (irculation$ 0 more &ocuse! min! will allow
the .i to &ollow more quic#ly an! e&&iciently$ +ence, more muscle can be energi*e! an! the
mani&estation o& "ower will be greater$
o! to "ractice Grand Circulation
4reathing, is naturally relate! to our energy system$ When we slee" or rela1 !ee"ly, our e1hale
ta#es longer than the inhale$ 0t that time, the bo!y<s energy con!enses into the center line, the
s"ine an! the two main energy centers$ /uring the !ay, normally our energy mani&ests outwar!s
into the limbs &or our !aily actiities$ +ence, one has to learn to breathe correctly be&ore being
able to "ractice 'ran! (irculation$ Without !ee" rela1e! e1halations, the lea!ing o& the .i will
be shallow$ %nce the "ractitioner is use! to the right breathing technique, which occurs when he
no longer has to "ay attention to it, he is rea!y to &ocus the whole min! on the lea!ing o& the .i,
an! the sense o& enemy$ %& course, one nee! not wait that long be&ore beginning 'ran!
(irculation training$ %nce the breathing is com&ortable, shi&t your &ocus to 'ran! (irculation$ 0s
time goes by, the breathing will become natural an! no attention will be necessary to control it$
#e$erse %bdominal Breathing
=eerse ab!ominal breathing occurs naturally quite o&ten, such as when laughing or crying$
=eerse ab!ominal breathing also hel"s to energi*e muscles to a higher leel, so it is also a""lie!
without thought when "ower or strength is nee!e!$ %ne e1am"le is "ushing heay objects$ 0s the
name in!icates, it is the reersal o& normal ab!ominal breathing$ 0s you inhale, !raw the +uiyin
() an! ab!omen in$ 0s you e1hale, "ush the +uiyin an! ab!omen out$
&our Gates Breathing
More closely relate! to Martial 'ran! (irculation is the "racticing o& the Four 'ates 4reathing$
,t is the "ractice o& lea!ing o& .i with each breath an! it is a tra!itional martial arts technique$ ,n
Four 'ates 4reathing, &irst inhale !ee"ly, then e1hale while imagining that you are "ushing a
heay object with your han!s an! "ressing your heels through the &loor$ ,t is im"ortant to stay
"hysically rela1e!$ This causes .i to &low through your arms an! legs, but it won<t consume the
energy the way tense! muscles !o$ (ontinue! "ractice will buil! u" your neres< sensitiity, an!
eentually this technique shoul! create an electric, tingling sensation through your limbs$ ,t is
"ossible to accom"lish this without breathing, but using breathing to lea! .i ma#es this "rocess
much easier$
Basic S'ine E(ercises to "ractice Martial %rts Grand Circulation
,n or!er to "ractice Martial 'ran! (irculation, you hae to #now how to moe the s"ine$ Without
"ro"er s"ine moement, you will not be able to o"en u" the Mingmen, which is one o& the
crucial #eys to succee! in this training$ To locate the Mingmen, ma#e a &ist an! "lace it on your
bac# with the "in#y on the "elis bone$ The Mingmen is where the thumb touches the s"ine$ ,&
you are &amiliar with human anatomy, you will &in! the Mingmen between 92 an! 9:$ 9eae the
han! there, stay u"right, an! "lace both legs shoul!er wi!th a"art$ Moe your lower bac#
bac#war!s so that the ) &orm o& the s"ine starts to !isa""ear$ The moement is the same as one
sighs$ This will o"en u" the Mingmen an! allow you to lea! the .i out$ (ontinue the moement
in a wae li#e &orm$ -lease re&er to the /7/s &rom /r$ 5ang> )im"le .igong 31ercises &or 4ac#
-ain =elie&, )haolin White (rane, +ar! an! )o&t .igong, The 3ssence o& Taiji .igong$ These
/7/s will gie you the o""ortunity to see the s"ine wae$ This basic moement is ery
im"ortant an! is seen in any internal style which is "racticing Martial 'ran! (irculation$
% Ma' )or the "ractitioner
,t is clear now, that the min! is ery im"ortant in lea!ing the .i$ ,t is also clear that the .i use!
&or circulation will come &rom the lower /antian, as this is the battery o& the whole bo!y$ 4ut
what is the "ath you lea! the energy through? ,t is the same as !riing the car$ Without #nowing
the !estination, you will circle aroun! an! waste gasoline$ ,n Martial 'ran! (irculation, the
!estination is where you nee! the energy to mani&est "ower$ For e1am"le, when you are stri#ing,
you nee! to bring the .i to your arms an! han!s$ 4ut how !o we get there &rom the lower
/antian? -lace your min! into your center, an! lea! the .i out o& the real /antian, "ast the
5injiao caity, !own to the +uyin caity, then u" to the Mingmen$ 0t the same time, o"en u" the
Mingmen an! lea! more .i out &rom the real /antian$ 4oth energy streams will combine an!
you lea! them u" to the )hen*hu an! /a*hui$ From there, you lea! it out to the "alms an! @
inches &urther, beyon! the "hysical bo!y$ This ensures that the .i will be lea! through the whole
arm an! it will gie your stri#e more "enetrating "ower$ This is the "ath &or the u""er hal& o& the
bo!y$ For the lower hal& lea! the .i out o& the real lower /antian an! "ush it !ownwar!s through
the 5ongquan () caity into the groun!$ ,& the .i is not nee!e! to energi*e the leg muscles
&or stri#es, it will gie the "ractitioner a stronger root which is essential to get more "ower$ To
coor!inate this with the breathing, ta#e a loo# at the !iagram$
5ou might encounter warmth or chills !uring "ractice$ +oweer, you shoul! ignore those
&eelings an! loo# &or the tingling &eeling$ The more sensitie you are to &eeling the .i, the more
e&&iciently you can lea! it$
Solo "ractice
To get a !ee"er &eeling o& the .i, it is recommen!e! to &irst "ractice 'ran! (irculation while
seate!, with your "alms "lace! on the &alse /antian$ The han!s are on to" o& each other so that
the to" "alm is coering the other han!$ ,n this "osition, &ocus only on o"ening the Mingmen an!
lea!ing it u" to the /a*hui on the inahle$ 9ea! it out to the "alms, on the e1hale an! ta#e it in to
the /antian as you start a new inhale$ ,n the same inhale lea! it out o& the Mingmen again$
4ecause the energy is not waste! through e1ten!ing the energy beyon! the bo!y, the .i will
accumulate! an! gie you a stronger &eeling &or it$
Martial Grand Circulation *ther %''lications
Martial 'ran! (irculation can be a""lie! in many areas$ %ne area is the mani&estation o& a lot o&
"ower$ The !i&&iculty in training is that you shoul! stay as rela1e! as "ossible$ The more you
tense u" your bo!y, the more .i will be consume! be&ore it arries at its !estination$ %ne can
a""ly Martial 'ran! (irculation in wrist con!itioning (i$e$ swinging sta&&s an! tossing bric#s &or
gri" strength$) 0nother im"ortant area where Martial 'ran! (irculation is ery use&ul is
massage$ 4y lea!ing the .i out o& the "alm, the "ractitioner can use the .i to o"en u" .i
bloc#ages in the "atient$ ,t &urther allows the "ractitioner to "enetrate !ee"er !uring the massage,
hence it is ery use&ul$ The theory behin! Martial 'ran! (irculation is easy, howeer it is
e1tremely !i&&icult to achiee a "ro&oun! leel in this "ractice$ Without !aily e1ercise it is ery
har! to achiee$
Jchym Jerie is a !isci"le o& /r$ 5ang, 6wing2Ming at the 5M00 (0 =etreat (enter, which is
locate! in +umbol!t (ounty, (0$ 6Achym grew u" in )wit*erlan! an! has been training Kung Fu
since he was 1B$ -lease isit the =etreat (enter website$
T!o +eys )or #egulating ,our Breathing and
Circulating Qi
by -r. ,ang/ J!ing-Ming, February 21, 200C
'oerning an! (once"tional 7essels
The #eys to regulating the breathing an! trans"orting .i (energy) are in two "laces> the +uiyin
caity locate! between the genitals an! anus, an! the "alate o& the mouth$ The +uiyin caity is
the connecting "oint o& the &our 5in .i essels an! is the controlling an! releasing gate &or the
&our 5in .i reseroirs$ When the +uiyin is "ushe! out, the .i in the 5in essels is release! an!
when the +uiyin is li&te! u"war!, the .i in the 5in essels is containe! an! con!ense!$ For
e1am"le, when you laugh out lou!, your e1halation is longer than your inhalation, an! when you
e1hale, the +uiyin is "ushe! out naturally, the entire bo!yDs 5ang is mani&este! an! the 'uar!ian
.i is strengthene!E consequently, the bo!y gets warmer an! begins to sweat$ (onersely, when
you are sa! an! !e"resse!, the inhalation is longer than the e1halation an! when you inhale, the
+uiyin is li&te! u"war! naturally, the Marrow .i is increase! an! the 'uar!ian .i is con!ense!
inwar!, hence the bo!y &eels cooler$ From these you can see that when you "ractice .igong,
coor!inating the breathing with the +uiyinDs li&ting an! "ushing is one "& the #ey #nac#s to
goerning the entire bo!yDs .i status$
,n the "ast, it was common that a master woul! #ee" these two secret #eys o& regulating to
himsel&$ These secrets woul! not be reeale! to the stu!ent until heFshe "roe! trustworthy$ They
were not "asse! !own to those !isci"les who were not loyal an! moral$
%ne o& the secret #eys is learning how to control the +uiyin ("erineum)$ This "lace is the
controlling gate o& the bo!yDs 5in an! 5ang$ +uiyin means Gmeet 5inH in (hinese an! is the
meeting "lace o& the &our 5in essels> (once"tion (=en Mai), Thrusting ((hong Mai), 5in +eel
(5inqiao Mai), an! 5in 9in#ing 7essels (5inwei Mai)$ When this gate is "ushe! out, the .i in
these &our 5in essels is release!, an! when this gate is hel! u", the .i in the &our 5in essels is
#e"t in an! "resere!$ 4ecause o& this, this gate can control the bo!yDs 5in25ang status$ ,n my
"ersonal e1"erience, this "lace acts as a "um" or a "iston to a .i chamber that controls the
storage an! release o& .i$
The other #ey is the "alate o& the mouth$ /aoists beliee that the "alate is the connecting "lace o&
the (once"tion an! 'oerning 7essels$ Iormally, the "alate is not connecte! to the ti" o& the
tongue an! there&ore the .i is stagnant at the throat area &or uttering soun!$ There&ore, !ue to the
stagnation o& the .i, the mouth is !ry$ The (once"tion an! 'oerning 7essels are not well
connecte! in the mouth area$ +oweer, i& you "ractice your martial art or .igong without the
necessity o& ma#ing a soun!, then you shoul! touch your tongue u"war! to the "alate at all times
so as to connect the (once"tion an! 'oerning 7essels$ When this ha""ens, the root o& the
tongue will generate salia to moisturi*e the throat an! to calm !own the 5ang &ire, an! allow the
.i to be trans"orte! between these two main .i 7essels without stagnation$ This is what is calle!
Greleasing the heaenly water$H This tongue connection is also calle! Gbuil!ing the mag"ie
bri!geH (/a .ue .iao)$ 0ccor!ing to a (hinese story, long ago a (owher! (Iiu 9ang) an! a
Weaing Mai! (Jhi Iu) woul! meet once a year on the seenth !ay o& the seenth moon on a
bri!ge across the Mil#y Way$ The bri!ge was &orme! by sym"athetic mag"ies$ This story has
become a symbol o& 5in an! 5angDs interacting or connecting in .igong "ractice$ When 5in an!
5ang meet, then the bo!y can be harmoni*e!$
When the salia is generate! to a com&ortable amount, you shoul! swallow it an! use the min! to
lea! it !own to the =eal /an Tian$ This will hel" you lea! the &ire .i !ownwar! to cool !own the
,& those who are learning Taiji can a""ly the aboe two #eys into their regular natural breathing,
then the accom"lishment o& Taiji .igong can be achiee! within !ays$ 0t the beginning, it is
har! to control your +uiyinDs moement smoothly an! naturally$ ,n a!!ition, !ue to the
"ositioning o& the tongue, an uncom&ortable an! tense &eeling may be e1"erience! at the root o&
the tongue$ +oweer, a&ter you "ractice &or some time, you will see it will become easier an!
more com&ortable, an! your internal "ractice will be more e&&icient an! bene&icial$
This subject is &urther e1"lore! in the boo# KThe =oot o& (hinese .igongK$
/r$ 5ang, 6wing2Ming, is a renowne! author an! teacher o& (hinese martial arts an! .igong$
4orn in Taiwan, he has traine! an! taught Taijiquan, .igong an! (hinese martial arts &or oer
&orty2&ie years$ +e is the author o& oer thirty boo#s, an! was electe! by ,nsi!e Kung Fu
maga*ine as one o& the 10 "eo"le who has Kma!e the greatest im"act on martial arts in the "ast
100 years$K /r$ 5ang lies in Iorthern (ali&ornia$

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