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Environmental Pollution Control Method Adopted by NTPC Ltd. in Ash Dyke (Starter & Working

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Location: NTPC Vindhyachal (4260MW)
Shahpur (In Use) & Baliyari (Under Construction)


Out of various alternatives for disposal of fly ash, use of ash pond in
which ash slurry is discharged is most widely used by thermal power plants.
Fly ash and bottom ash from the power plant is mixed with water in a ratio
varying from 1 part ash and 4 to 20 parts of water. The slurry is then pumped
upto the ash pond which are located within few kilometres distance from the
power plant. Depending on the distance and elevation difference, energy
required for pumping is very high and often requires booster pumps at
intermediate locations. There is a basic difference between an ash pond and a
water reservoir. The major differences are highlighted below.

Only the ash particles settle close to the bund and the water after
decantation travel away from the bund forming a sloping beech.

The bund is not subjected to hydrostatic pressure over the full height of the
bund as the water travels away from the bund. Due to provision for good
drainage all along the bund, the phreatic line is maintained at very low level to
ensure that the bund section and the deposited ash particles closer to the bund
are in dry condition.

The water, after decantation is not allowed to accumulate in the pond but it
is removed from the pond to ensure that the phreatic line is maintained at lower
level. The ash pond can be designed economically utilizing the advantage of
low phreatic line as mentioned above.


Unlike water reservoir, the ash pond is constructed in stages. Each stage
has an incremental height of 3m. The advantage of constructing the ash pond in
stages is that their initial cost is very low. It also saves the overall cost compare
to a single stage construction.

Following methods are commonly adopted:

Methods Of Raising Dyke Height

(a) Upstream Construction Method (Used In NTPC Vindhyachal)

This is most referred design as the earthwork quantity required is minimum.
Certain points are essential while designing and construction of this type of

The drain provided on the upstream face needs to be suitably connected to
the drain of the earlier segment. If this is not carried out properly, the drainage
can be ineffective resulting in rising of phreatic line and reducing the stability
of slope.

Since the entire segment of new construction is supported on deposited
ash, liquefaction analysis of the deposited ash is very important. If the deposit
is not safe against liquefaction, suitable remedial measures needs to be adopted
before raising dyke.

While raising the height of the dyke, it is not possible to operate the pond
as it needs to be dried, particularly along the periphery to initiate the
construction. The upstream method is mostly chosen due to its minimum cost.

The aspects to be taken care are adequacy of the deposited particles to
support the additional weight. Apart from the stability of the dyke, following
features is included in the design:

The entire upstream face of the dyke is provided with stone pitching or
brick lining or precast tile lining to prevent erosion of the slope by wave action
during heavy wind.
The entire downstream slope is provided with grass turfing to prevent
erosion of the downstream side during rains.
A rock toe and toe drain is provided for safe exit of seepage water into a
natural drain without any inundation of the downstream area and thereby
softening of the natural strata.
Adequate transverse and longitudinal drains are provided on the
downstream face. Wherever the height of the dyke is exceeding 5m, berms are
provided at ever 3m vertical intervals with a longitudinal drain to prevent
Decanting system (Overflow Well) is provided to ensure that free water
inside the ash pond does not pile up to a large head. After decantation, the clear
water shall be drained off ensuring minimum height of water above the ash
deposition at the outlet such that the suspended particles are within the
permissible limit of 100ppn.

(b) Downstream Construction Method

After the pond gets filled upto the first stage of construction, the pond height is
increased by depositing the earth / fly ash on the downstream face of the dyke
ash shown in the figure. In this case it is possible to raise the height of the pond
even when the pond is in operation. However there is no reduction in the
quantity of construction which is same as a single stage construction.

(c) Centre Line construction Method

In this method, after the pond gets filled upto the first stage, material is placed
for raising height of the dyke on either side of centre line of the dyke such that
the center line of the dyke remains at the same location. This requires part of
the raw material to be placed on the deposited ash and part of the material on
the downstream face of the existing dyke. The earth work required in this case
is less compared to the construction while downstream method. However, as
the material is required to be deposited on the settled fly ash, it is not possible
to carry out the construction when the pond is in operation. This method can be
adopted only if the total area of ash pond is divided into compartments.


Some of the ash dykes have large length (exceeding 5-8km) and large height
(Starter Dyke: 20-30m). Such structure can be classified as large dam as per the
prevailing classification of earthen dams. It is therefore very important that all
the Geotechnical aspects in the design are carefully looked into. The main
issues are as follows:

Detailed Geotechnical investigation along the dyke alignment and at few
locations in the ash pond area is essential. As per standard practice, the soil
data is available for every 50m distance along the length of the dyke. The
investigation is carried out upto a hard strata or upto a depth likely to be
influenced by the construction of ash pond, whichever is earlier. Presence of
weak layer such as soft clay or loose sand which is likely to liquefy have to be
established by this investigation. In addition tests are also required to be carried
out on identified borrow soil to check its suitability for construction of ash
dyke. At present, most of the existing power plants utilize fly ash itself as
borrow soil to construct the ash dyke. This reduces cost of construction and
increases the storage capacity of the pond depending on volume of fly ash
excavated. However, fly ash can get easily eroded under flow of water. It is
therefore necessary to provide an earth cover (generally thickness varies from
0.5m) to protect the compacted ash against erosion. Soil used for such earth
cover is of CI/CL/GC type having liquid limit less than 50% and clay content
not more than 30%. Similarly the fly ash used is collected closer to the
discharge point were the particles are of larger size and expected to give a
higher angle of friction. It is possible to compact fly ash at varying degree of
moisture content. The optimum moisture content generally varies from 2.5-
3.5%. As such it is possible to carry out the construction even during monsoon.
The fly ash or excavated soil is normally placed in layers not exceeding
300mm in loose thickness and compacted to 95% related density using a
vibratory roller. Stringent quality control is necessary to check the type of
material used, construction method, degree of compaction, etc. It is also
important to monitor the performance of the dyke using following instruments:
Settlement gauges
Peizometers to check the pore water pressures and to establish the phreatic

At such location, relief wells are installed. The relief well permits safe passage
for the water under excess hydraulic pressure to exit vertically up to the ground
level, through the less pervious strata without the risk of piping failure. The
water drained out from the relief well is safely drained to a natural strip such
that downstream area is not in undated. This makes the downstream area in dry
condition with much better shear strength than the situation expected without
the relief wells. The upstream face needs protection against erosion from
decanted water, in the event of no deposition along the dyke. This is normally
achieved by stone pitching or brick lining or using precast tile. This more
essential were the size of the pond is large and with long fetch available, the
waves generated during the cyclonic wind can be high.
There are several instances of deep gulley formation on the downstream face of
the ash dyke. To prevent such erosion, it is better to provide berms at vertical
intervals of 3m along the downstream face (In case of Starter Dyke). This will
dampen the continuous runoff or the downstream face and thereby reduce the
velocity of runoff. In addition, grass turfing is also required to protect the
surface against erosion. Also drains are provided at regular interval for
drainage of water on road surface of dyke top.


a) Starter Dyke
Though fly ash is known to be an inert material, there is an appearansion
about certain soluble chemicals in the decanted water which can have adverse
effect if such decanted water is let into a river body or ground water. For this
purpose, the norms of Pollution Control Board insist on providing a plastic
liner over the entire bottom of the pond and upstream face of the ash dyke.
New ash ponds being constructed have to provide the plastic liner (Impervious
Linner with permeability less than 1X 10
to prevent pollution of ground
water. Due to the presence of plastic liner, provision of the drainage becomes
difficult and as result the deposited sediments could not get consolidated to the
same extent as that anticipated in the pond without plastic liner. For this
reason, whenever plastic liner is provided, it is important to check the adequacy
of strength parameters for the deposited ash for supporting the next section of
the dyke if upstream method of construction is adopted.

b) Working & Abandoned
Apart from pollution to ground water, another major concern is dust
pollution in the surrounding area during heavy wind. To prevent dust pollution,
water sprinklers is arranged in the beach area which is in dry condition. The
dust pollution is more from the pond which is not in operation and where
construction is in progress by excavating the fly ash. For the pond which has
reached the ultimate height and no further extension of height is warranted, the
surface is covered with a 300mm thick soil layer. Suitable vegetation is grown
over the area which ensures no dust pollution.


These guidelines for maintenance of the pond are based on various
observations made at various project sites. The guidelines cover important
points to be observed during operation of the dyke.

(a). Decanting System

The elevation of cascade wall or flash bar or opening in decanting shaft is
very important. This is chosen to ensure the following:
i. Minimum beach length as mentioned above is formed. If the elevation of
outlet wall is increased, the beach length will get reduced.
ii. The quality of decanted water should be satisfactory with total suspended
solids less than 100ppm. If the elevation of outlet is low, the suspended solids
will increase.
At any time during operation, if the out flowing water does not meet the
requirement, the elevation of the exit of the pond is raised. Water samples are
regularly collected at interval of 1 week and check for total suspended solids. A
register is maintained with records of such measurements. Higher
concentration of particles is likely to create more deposition in the recirculation
sump raising the outlet elevation and it may require evacuation. A delay in
raising the outlet elevation will result in high concentration of ash. On the other
hand, too early raising will result in increased area of decanted water pond and
reduce the beach length.

(b). Raising of Ash Dyke
The pond which has already been filled-up is allowed to dry without any
further discharge of slurry for a minimum period of 1 month before the
construction for raising the height is taken up.
The pond which is not being used is provided with water sprinklers at
regular intervals to ensure that the surface of the pond is maintained moist to
prevent dust pollution. Too much of water spraying is avoided as this is likely
to make the surface slushy and movement of the vehicles for construction
purpose will be difficult.

(c). Maintenance of Ash Dyke (Working & Abandoned)
It is very important to constantly supervise the ash dyke and carryout
necessary remedial measures. Following aspects have to be considered during
inspection of the dyke
i. Wet patches on downstream slope
This is possible only if the beach length is not adequate and/or the drainage is
choked. Corrective measures are taken immediately. If the wet patches
continue to appear, the area is protected by placing a sand filter layer followed
by a layer of stones to prevent piping failure. Wherever relief wells are
provided, the outflow from the relief wells is monitored. A register is
maintained recording rate of flow from each relief well. Such measurements
are taken a frequency of 15 days. If any of the discharge pipes from the relief
well is found to have been blocked, the same is cleared for effective relief of
the seepage water.
ii. Gulley formation
The downstream face can have gulley formation due to surface water flow
during rain. This can be prevented by maintaining grass turfing and by
selecting non erodible earth cover during the dyke construction. If any gulley
formation is noticed, the same is back-filled with cohesive soil (not fly ash) and
covered with grass turfing.
iii. Rat holes / animal burrows
During inspection if any rat holes or animal burrows are noticed, the same is
plugged using cohesive soil and covered with grass turfing.
iv. Softening of downstream area
Apart from the dyke slope, they are adjacent to downstream of the rock toe
shall also be inspected. If any softening of the ground is noticed due to seepage
of water, the area is provided with an inverted filter blanket. At such locations,
relief well is installed for safe exit of the seepage water.
v. Growth of plants
No plants / trees are allowed to grow on the downstream face. If any such
growth is noticed, the area is cleared by removing all the roots, plug the area
with selected cohesive soil and cover with grass turfing.

vi. Choking of surface strains
Due to deposition of soil particles in the toe drain or drains provided on the
downstream face, the function of the drain is affected. This results in stagnation
of seepage water in the drain which is not desirable. All toe drains and surface
drains are cleared by removing soil or vegetation for smooth flow.
vii. Along the ash dyke, if reduced free board is noticed at a local point due to
settlement of the dyke of erosion of earth cover at the surface, the same shall be
rectified by providing additional earth fill on the top of the dyke. If the earth
cover is formed to be missing or eroded, the area is covered by additional earth
cover of minimum 0.5m thickness.
ix. The dyke is visited particularly after events like earthquake, cyclone, heavy
rains, high flood in the river, etc. and a report prepared based on the
observation. If any damage is noticed, the same is rectified as per the
guidelines given in this note. If no suitable guidelines are found for the nature
of the damage, the designer of the dyke is consulted immediately.
x. The beach area of the pond which is under operation is inspected. If any
subsidence or sink holes are noticed along the beach, the downstream side at
the same location is inspected. A site report of such observations shall be
communicated to the designer.

(d). Monitoring the Dyke
In view of various uncertainties in the design of ash pond, it is preferable to
monitor the performance of the bund throughout its operation. The equipments
for such monitoring are same as that used for monitoring of dams. These are
readily available in the market and do not cost much. Instruments commonly
provided for such monitoring are listed below:
(i) Settlement gauges along the top of the bund.
(ii) Piezometers, minimum 3 to 4 nos. at critical sections to check the phreatic
line during various stages of operation to verify the efficiency of internal
All the instruments for monitoring purpose mentioned above are protected
against damage by the local people and by movement of vehicles. The
measuring instruments is kept under safe custody at site office and regularly
cleared to prevent corrosion and malfunctioning. The batteries, if any is
regularly charged or replaced. It is recommended that on each of the ponds,
two locations are identified on each side of the dyke and these locations are
provided with instruments mentioned above. The measurements on these
instruments are regularly carried out (every month) and the results are
maintained in a register for review.

(e) Other General Recommendations
Following are desirable for effective operation and maintenance of the ash
(i) The entire area of the ash dyke is provided with fencing and unauthorized
entry within this ash pond area is strictly prohibited. Security guards are posted
for vigilance of the ash dyke area round the clock. This is very important as
there are chances of sabotage.
(ii) The entire dyke perimeter shall have accessible roads with atheist WBM
(iii) The entire dyke area is provided with street lights or flood lights for
inspection purpose. These lights need to be turned on only in case of inspection
during night.
(iv) A site office is constructed with a full time Engineer responsible for
inspection and monitoring of the ash dyke.

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