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Bachelor of Psychology Honours

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NO. MATRIKULASI : 89092905518001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 890929-05-5180
NO. TELEFON : +6017-2428105



1. 1.0 Introduction
2. 2.0 Environment Issue
2.1 Infographic 1 4 – 5
2.2 Infographic 2 6 - 7
3. 3.0 Global Citizenship Education 8 - 9
4. 4.0 Discussion on environmental issue: Climate change 10 - 11
5. 5.0 Discussion benefit of the conceptual dimension of 12GCED in society
5.1 Cognitive 12
5.2 Socio-emotional 12
5.3 Behavioral 13
6. 6.0 Discussion on ways to resolve environmental issue 14
6.1 Replacing disposable item with reusable items 14
6.2 Reducing the uses of paper 14
6.3 Conserving water and electricity 14
6.4 Recycle 15
7. 7.0 Conclusion 16 - 17
8. 8.0 Self-reflection 18 - 19
9. 9.0 References 20"
1.0 Introduction

To start with, this global citizenship education is about telling or teaching us how to act or
behave. To make it more clear, this GCED has its own history, where it was launced by the
UN secretary general Mr Ban Ki Mun on the year of 2012. he launced the global education
first initiative through the UNESCO. He did this is to enhance and foster one of its three
education priority, and the other two would be putting every kid in school and improve the
quality of leaning. Well, in the year 2015, in Incheon which is the Republic of Korea, the
Incheon Declaration was adopted at the World Education Forum(WEF). This Declaration
emphasised the commitment of the education personals to education. Education is a concept
that has been established predominantly in the English-speaking world, but not only in the
Western world or the “global North”. It is increasingly gaining recognition as an umbrella
term that includes other pedagogies like peace education, intercultural learning, global
education and citizenship education. This does not mean that these other pedagogies have
become dispensable and should be substituted by this new concept, but one particular quality
of Global Citizenship Education is that it connects all of them. An example would be the
definition of the initiative “Education Above All”, a Qatarbased foundation that operates
globally and whose aim it is to foster educational opportunities for children worldwide in
cooperation with the UNESCO. The term Global Citizenship Education is somewhat
ambiguous, though. Those who refer to it use it in different ways and sometimes connect it to
similar, but also clearly divergent objectives and programs. It is always the divergent
interpretations of the citizenship term that make up the dividing line between them.
Nowadays, even environment issues have taken a bigger count on us as human, as we look
out to our surrounding, it has only showed us pollutants and hazy views. This sort of issues
has also caused us mankind to fall sick and acquire new sickness like the malaria, corona
virus and so on. Just imagine what can the monoxide gas can cause to our lungs and other
internal organs. So, this is why we should be a good global citizen. Global citizenship
education always involved students and community in projects that address global issue like
social, politics, economy or environmental nature. Thus, it will make the students to fell more
of the sense of belongings which will make them more responsible in becoming a good
global citizen.

In this assignment, I will write out the three core conceptual dimensions in global citizenship
education and what is about too and also the benefits that the settled environmental issue can
bring to the mankind. At the end of this assignment we shall acquire more knowledge on this
particular topic. And also get to know the ways to keep the environment in a good way where
it will make us a good global citizen.
2.1 Environmental Issue

This issue has always started with mankind mistreating the ecosystem with their pollutants
like monoxide. There are other major factors as well which does contribute to the
environmental problems and it is a major fact and impact to us. Without any action being
taken immediately, the whole situation might turn bad and dangerous to human being. There
may be any loss of life, destruction of properties if the situation is not taken care of in a
proper way. In this topic, I will be pointing out about the climate change, climate change is a
change in global or regional pattern climate. (Maya Negev,2010). This climate change does
happen due to bad activities like deforestation and the increasing usage of automobiles car
and many more. All these activities lead to quite a huge damage which will of course cause
global damage and climate change. Besides this climate change, there are also damages like
water and air pollution that we as mankind should look into as it creates higher risks not only
to mankind but also animals.

Lastly, climate change is taking a big toll on us, and we as human should stand together as a
community and fight for a good cause. This GCED also helps everyone to think critically and
find a way to solve this environmental issues. A global citizen should act responsibly.
2.2 Infographic 1

The environment is definitely

getting polluted by lots of
individual in varies part of the
world. Various issues like acid
rain which causes the ozone
depletion and climate change
which makes our normal
routine life an alarming

If people remain like this, the

whole environment will change
to the worst, both life and
property might endure the
painful mess. As a global
citizen, people should be able
to get good knowledge on the issues which is happening globally and locally also. This can
make the problems or issues get its solution faster.

We all know that the air and water is very important to human’s daily life, but all because of
some irresponsible people the both water and air is getting polluted. Air always gets polluted
by dusts, toxic gasses from the factories and motor gasses from the cars and motorcycles. As
we know fresh air is very important to adults and babies as well. So if fresh air is polluted it
will or may cause serious health issues. In my opinion, socio-emotional should be instilled in
all humans, all should have the sense of belongings that makes them feel that they should
take care of the planet and keep the environment safe for the upcoming future. They should
be more responsible in working out a way to prevent all these environmental problems.
Besides, the water pollution can be divided into three types, which is groundwater pollution,
marine pollution and of course surface water pollution. The contaminated water at times
flows through the drain and reach the soil and goes into the ground which makes the
groundwater polluted. The then contaminated water mixes with the nutrients in the soil and
changes the quality of the soil. Same to this, the water from industry beside releases its waste,
like toxic, makes the water flow to the river and later on flow to the sea and oceans, and it
gets polluted also, this is called as marine pollution. The balance water on the surface of the
earth will become polluted and it will cause deficiency of nutrients as the main water is
polluted itself and contaminated.

People should start acting according to their age and be more responsible towards global and
local issues.
2.3 Infographic 2

global warming always

happens when the earth
gets heated up. It only
happens when the gasses
like carbon monoxide
gets the heat and light
from sunlight trapped on
earth surface, that makes
the earth atmosphere
hot. The global warming
does effect earth in
various ways, such as
making the sea level
rise, when the sea level
rises, it closes the lower
grounds all over.

Most commonly, deforestation is rapidly happening around the globe. It is an activity that is
created by human beings as they cut down trees around to build houses and make papers and
make it woods to use it for campfires. The lesser the trees in the forest are, the lesser the
oxygen will be, the increase in carbon monoxide gases around, this will affect the whole
ecosystem. Next will be, industrial revolution, where the industrial sectors use fossil fuels to
supply power to their engines. Everything that we use is always involving fossil fuel, for an
example, when we purchase a mobile phone, the process of making a mobile phone has the
involvement in machines, which all these machines involves fuels, during this process it will
involve the gas carbon dioxide released to the air. Moreover, carbon monoxide from the car
exhaust will also cause damage and pollution. There might be more effects about to take over
the globe if no one is taking the proper action. The very first affect will be, the polar ice caps
melting. As said, when the temperature increases, ice at the north pole will melting. Once the
ice had melted, it will form a small ocean, which will raise the water level. Quoted by the
National Snow and Ice Data Center, “if the ice melts, the water would rise to 230 FT”. It also
effects many smaller areas on the globe. If ever the ice melts again in future, it will cover up
many low area countries. It is not going to happen very fast and very often, but it’s quite
dangerous as the ocean level is increasing.

Besides that, loss of habitat will be another factor to create the global damage. For an
example, polar bears are on extinct rate, and this climate change will make it lose its home
and food source too. Not just that, certain bird species also has to move to a different place to
survive as its natural habitat is damaged and it has no other place to go to. This change of
place makes them feel sick as the temperature also changes. They will have the difficulties to
cope with the change.

3.0 Global Citizenship Education

In this 21st Century, the whole concept of this Global Citizenship Education has turned into a
very universal thingy. Even this globalization process moves in a very fast speed, where all
human and things are getting interconnected with each other. In this fast moving pace, we
should know about our role as a citizen, we must have the responsibility on becoming an
active member in the society. Well, according to my opinion, global citizenship is all about
the citizen being responsible, it has already been responded by UNESCO about what I wrote,
the challenges. Those challenges make us understand what it is about and make us feel what
is this global citizenship is, and not to tolerate many unwanted things which will bring
damage to the community. Based on the infographic that I have attached above, it is already
written there that we must respect human rights.

The dimensions of global citizenship education are divided into 3 types, which is:

 Cognitive - learners acquire knowledge and understanding of local, national and

global issues and the interconnection and independency of different countries
and population.
 Socio-emotional – learners to have sense of belonging to a common humanity,
sharing values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity, and respect for
differences and diversity.

 Behavioral – learners act effectively, responsibly at local, national and global

levels for a more peaceful and a sustainable world.

To be a global citizen, we all should have the civic responsibility towards our own
community or society whose action will help in building the society in a good way. The
global education needs younger generation, it is because they can be more proactive and
creative which makes them capable of giving a solution for the environmental issue.
Therefore, with the good level of knowledge in awareness in helping out for curing process of
the earth and weather, will create a better environment for us as one nation, this whole
process might work to create awareness. If this process happens and leads to success, our
future generation will have the privilege in enjoying the good environment. Healthy
community is necessary for the survival of life.

Thus, with this global citizenship education, we learn to help nurture some humanity in
humans these days. They can solve environmental issue like all this pollution.

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