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Atlanta (North America) : Atlanta Is The Capital and The Most Populous City in The U.S. State of Georgia

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Atlanta is the capital and the most populous city in the U. . state o! "eo#$ia %ith a &'(' population o! )&'*''+. Atlanta is the cultu#al and economic cente# o! the Atlanta met#opolitan a#ea* %hich is home to ,*&-.*.-' people and is the ninth la#$est in the U. . It is a ma/o# component o! a $#o%in$ southeaste#n me$alopolis 0no%n as the 1iedmont Atlantic Me$a#e$ion. Atlanta is the county seat o! 2ulton County* and a small po#tion o! the city e3tends east%a#d into 4e5al6 County. Atlanta 6e$an as a settlement located at the te#minus o! a #ail#oad line* and it %as inco#po#ated in (.),. Today* the city is a ma/o# 6usiness city and the p#ima#y t#anspo#tation hu6 o! the outheaste#n United tates (7ia hi$h%ay* #ail#oad* and ai#)* %ith Ha#ts!ield89ac0son Atlanta Inte#national Ai#po#t 6ein$ the %o#ld:s 6usiest ai#po#t since (;;.. The <o#ld Cities tudy "#oup atLou$h6o#ou$h Uni7e#sity #ated Atlanta as an =alpha(>) %o#ld city=. <ith a $#oss domestic p#oduct o! U ?&@' 6illion* Atlanta:s economy #an0s (,th amon$ %o#ld cities and si3th in the nation. The city is a cente# !o# se#7ices* !inance* in!o#mation technolo$y* $o7e#nment* and hi$he# education. Met#o Atlanta contains the count#y:s thi#d la#$est concent#ation o! 2o#tune ,'' companies* and is the %o#ld headAua#te#s o! The Coca>Cola Company* Tu#ne# B#oadcastin$* The Home 4epot* ATCT Mo6ility* U1 * and 4elta Ai# Lines. As o! &'('* Atlanta is the se7enth most 7isited city in the United tates* %ith o7e# +, million 7isito#s pe# yea#. The city has lon$ 6een 0no%n as a cente# o! 6lac0 %ealth* political po%e# and cultu#eD a c#adle o! the Ci7il Ri$hts Mo7ement and home to 4#. Ma#tin Luthe# 5in$* 9#. Ho%e7e#* the city:s %hite population is $#o%in$ #apidly* %hile Met#o Atlanta has Auic0ly 6ecome ethnically di7e#se %ith la#$e Hispanic and Asian populations. The a#ts and ente#tainment a#e %ell #ep#esented in Atlanta* and the city is an impo#tant 6ase !o# hip hop* $ospel* and neo soul musicD in addition* it has 6ecome a ma/o# cente# o! !ilm and TE p#oduction. Atlanta stands out amon$ ma/o# U. . cities !o# its dense t#ee co7e#a$e. In (;;-* Atlanta hosted the umme# Olympics* an e7ent that spu##ed a %a7e o!$ent#i!ication that has intensi!ied into the &(st centu#y* #e7italiFin$ the city:s cente# and in>to%n nei$h6o#hoods. Cityscape A#chitectu#e in Atlanta is dominated 6y mode#nism and postmode#nism in its comme#cial and institutional 6uildin$s* %ith a si$ni!icant in!luence 6y hometo%n a#chitect 9ohn 1o#tman. A !e% nota6le 6uildin$s #emain !#om ea#lie# e#as $oin$ 6ac0 to the (..'s* 6ut not a sin$le 6uildin$ #emains !#om the ante6ellum city* %hich Union t#oops 6u#ned to the $#ound in (.-).G Residential a#chitectu#e in Atlanta:s Into%n nei$h6o#hoods* la#$ely 6uilt 6et%een the (..'s and (;&'s* is cha#acte#iFed 6y styles #an$in$ !#om Eicto#ian cotta$es to C#a!tsman 6un$alo%s to Re7i7al stylesD Atlanta:s oute# nei$h6o#hoods %e#e 6uilt in post><o#ld <a# II su6u#6an styles. Histo#ically* indust#y located ne3t to the #ail lines* and #epu#posed indust#ial st#uctu#es can 6e !ound nea# those #ail lines %hich 6oth app#oach 4o%nto%n Atlanta !#om all di#ections*

as %ell as su##ound it in a 6elt patte#n* passin$ th#ou$h the city:s inne# nei$h6o#hoods. Most o! Atlanta %as 6u#ned du#in$ the Ci7il <a#* depletin$ it its ante6ellum a#chitectu#e. Het Atlanta* a#chitectu#ally* had ne7e# 6een pa#ticula#ly =southe#n.= Because Atlanta o#i$inated as a #ail#oad to%n* #athe# than a pat#ician southe#n seapo#t li0e a7annah o# Cha#leston* many o! the city:s landma#0s could ha7e easily 6een e#ected in the No#theast o# Mid%est. A!te# the %a#* Atlanta 7ie%ed itsel! as the leadin$ city o! a p#o$#essi7e =Ne% outh*= and opted !o# e3p#essi7e mode#n st#uctu#es. As a #esult o! Atlanta:s em6#ace o! mode#nism* its cityscape is dominated 6y #elati7ely #ecent a#chitectu#al styles* containin$ %o#0s 6y most ma/o# U. . !i#ms and some o! the mo#e p#ominent a#chitects o! the &'th centu#y* includin$ Michael "#a7es*Richa#d Meie#* Ma#cel B#eue#* RenFo 1iano* 1ic0a#d Chilton* and locally 6ased* inte#nationally 0no%n Mac0 co$in and Me##ill Elam A#chitects. The city:s s0yline* %hich 6e$an its ma#0ed #ise in the (;-'s* is punctuated %ith hi$h#ise and mid#ise 6uildin$s o! 6oth mode#n and postmode#n 7inta$e. At (*'&+ !eet (+(& m)* Atlanta:s tallest s0ysc#ape#Ithe Ban0 o! Ame#ica 1laFaIis the ,)th>tallest 6uildin$ in the %o#ld and the ;th tallest 6uildin$ in the United tates. The city:s em6#ace o! mode#nism and postmode#nism #esulted in an am6i7alent app#oach to%a#d histo#ic p#ese#7ation. uch an app#oach ultimately led to the dest#uction o! nota6le a#chitectu#al landma#0s* includin$ the EAuita6le Buildin$ (Atlanta:s !i#st s0ysc#ape#)* Te#minal tation* and the Ca#ne$ie Li6#a#y. One o! Atlanta:s cultu#al icons* the 2o3 Theat#e* %ould ha7e met the same !ate had it not 6een !o# a $#ass#oots e!!o#t to sa7e it in the mid>(;@'s. Atlanta contains mo#e than )' histo#ic dist#icts* nea#ly all NRH1>listed. The most nota6le #esidential histo#ic dist#icts include4#uid Hills* %ith its pa#0s and pa#0%ays desi$ned 6y 2#ede#ic0 La% Olmsted* Inman 1a#0 %ith its Eicto#ian mansions (also Olmsted)* Ei#$inia>Hi$hland %ith its C#a!tsman 6un$alo%s* and Ca66a$eto%n %ith its shot$un houses. Nota6le indust#ial a#chitectu#e includes 1once City Ma#0et (!o#me#ly a ea#s #e$ional %a#ehouse)* the !o#me# Ean <in0le Cotton "in and Machine <o#0s* No#thya#ds (a con7e#ted #oundhouse and #ail ya#ds)* and othe# 6uildin$s in the Means t#eet Histo#ic 4ist#ict* the p#oposed 5in$ 1lo%JRail#oad Histo#ic 4ist#ict* and on the Ma#ietta t#eet A#te#y. The city is di7ided into &, nei$h6o#hood plannin$ units o# N1Us* %hich in tu#n a#e di7ided into &)& o!!icially de!ined nei$h6o#hoods. The th#ee ma/o# hi$h>#ise dist#icts %ithin the city limits !o#m a no#th>south a3is alon$ 1eacht#eeK 4o%nto%n* Midto%n* andBuc0head. u##oundin$ these hi$h>density dist#icts a#e lea!y sin$le>!amily #esidential nei$h6o#hoods. Downtowncontains many nota6le s0ysc#ape#s* the most o!!ice space in the met#o a#ea and many $o7e#nment o!!ices. 2u#the# no#th isMidto%n Atlanta* a ma/o# employment cente#* includin$ many la% o!!ices. Bet%een (;;' and &'('* a s0yline o! o!!ice and #esidential to%e#s too0 shape. Upscale #etail sto#es a#e openin$* thou$h scaled do%n !#om p#e7ious (&''-) plans. Buckhead is ei$ht miles ((+ 0m) no#th o! 4o%nto%n. The %ealthy su6u#6an a#ea de7eloped into a ma/o# comme#cial and !inancial cente# a!te# Leno3 Aua#e mall opened in (;,;. 0yscape#s and hotels su##ound the mall* and a#ound this comme#cial co#e a#e nei$h6o#hoods o! sin$le>!amily homes #an$in$ !#om uppe# middle>class to 7e#y %ealthy.

Atlanta:s east side is ma#0ed 6y histo#ic st#eetca# su6u#6s 6uilt !#om the (.;'s8(;+'s as ha7ens !o# the uppe# middle class. Each o! these nei$h6o#hoods a#e uniAue* containin$ sepa#ate comme#cial 7illa$es su##ounded 6y lea!y* a#chitectu#ally distinct #esidential st#eets. East side nei$h6o#hoods include Eicto#ian Inman 1a#0 and "#ant 1a#0* c#a!tsman Ei#$inia> Hi$hland and5i#0%ood* and Bohemian Candle# 1a#0 and East Atlanta. In <est Midto%n* !o#me# %a#ehouses and !acto#ies ha7e 6een t#ans!o#med into condos* apa#tments* #etail space* a#t $alle#ies* and sophisticated #estau#ants. It is la#$ely in these a#eas %he#e the $ent#i!ication o! Atlantahas ta0en place* t#ans!o#med the city since the (;;- Olympics. As o! &'('* Buc0head and no#theaste#n Atlanta %e#e on a7e#a$e .'L %hite. 4o%nto%n* Midto%n* <est Midto%n* and some close>in east side nei$h6o#hoods %e#e the !astest $#o%in$ a#eas o! the city !#om &''' to &'('. 1#edominantly 6lac0 nei$h6o#hoods co7e# -'L o! the city:s a#eaK no#th%este#n* south%este#n* and southeaste#n Atlanta %e#e ;&L A!#ican Ame#ican as o! &'('. In outh%este#n Atlanta* the a#eas closest to 4o%nto%n a#e st#eetca# su6u#6s such as the histo#ic <est EndD these t#ansition into post%a# su6u#6an nei$h6o#hoods* includin$ Collie# Hei$hts and Cascade Hei$hts* home to the city:s esta6lished A!#ican>Ame#ican elite. 2u#the# out a#e ne%e# nei$h6o#hoods that a#e also ha7ens !o# middle>class and uppe#>class 6lac0 homeo%ne#s. 2#om &''' to &'(' the#e %as #apid population loss in no#th%este#n Atlanta (M&).(L) and southeaste#n Atlanta (M&'.,L)* %hile small a#eas at the !a# %est pe#imete# li0e Ben Hill $#e% Auic0ly The population o! the Atlanta #e$ion sp#eads ac#oss a met#opolitan a#ea o! .*+@sAua#e miles (&(*-;) 0m&)Ia land a#ea la#$e# than that o! Massachusetts. Because "eo#$ia contains the second hi$hest num6e# o! counties in the count#y* a#ea #esidents li7e unde# a hea7ily decent#aliFed collection o! $o7e#nments. As o! the &''' census* !e%e# than one in t%el7e #esidents o! the met#opolitan a#ea li7ed inside Atlanta city p#ope#.

Atlanta is one o! ten U. . cities classi!ied as an =alpha>%o#ld city= 6y a &'(' study at Lou$h6o#ou$h Uni7e#sity and #an0s !ou#th in the num6e# o! 2o#tune ,'' companies headAua#te#ed %ithin city 6ounda#ies* 6ehind Ne% Ho#0 City* Houston* and 4allas. e7e#al ma/o# national and inte#national companies a#e headAua#te#ed in met#o Atlanta* includin$ !ou# 2o#tune ('' companiesK The Coca>Cola Company* Home 4epot* United 1a#cel e#7ice* 4elta Ai# Lines* ATCT Mo6ility* and Ne%ell Ru66e#maid. O7e# @,L o! the 2o#tune (''' companies ha7e a p#esence in the Atlanta a#ea* and the #e$ion hosts o!!ices o! a6out (*&,' multinational co#po#ations. As o! &''- Atlanta Met#opolitan A#ea #an0s as the ('th la#$est cy6e#city (hi$h>tech cente#) in the U * %ith (&-*@'' hi$h>tech /o6s. 4elta Ai# Lines is the city:s la#$est employe# and the met#o a#ea:s thi#d la#$est. 4elta ope#ates the %o#ld:s la#$est ai#line hu6 at Ha#ts!ield>9ac0son Atlanta Inte#national Ai#po#t and* to$ethe# %ith the hu6 o! competin$ ca##ie# Ai#T#an Ai#%ays* has helped ma0e Ha#ts!ield>9ac0son the %o#ld:s 6usiest ai#po#t* 6oth in te#ms o! passen$e# t#a!!ic and ai#c#a!t ope#ations. The ai#po#t* since its const#uction in the (;,'s* has se#7ed as a 0ey en$ine o! Atlanta:s economic $#o%th. Atlanta has a siFa6le !inancial secto#. unT#ust Ban0s* the se7enth la#$est 6an0 6y asset holdin$s in the United tates* has its home o!!ice on 1eacht#ee t#eet

in do%nto%n. The 2ede#al Rese#7e ystem has a dist#ict headAua#te#s in AtlantaD the 2ede#al Rese#7e Ban0 o! Atlanta* %hich o7e#sees much o! thedeep outh* #elocated !#om do%nto%n to Midto%n in &''(. National !inancial se#7ices company 2oundation 2inancial "#oup has its mo#t$a$e ope#ations headAua#te#ed in the "alle#ia>a#ea. City* state and ci7ic leade#s ha#6o# lon$>te#m hopes o! ha7in$ the city se#7e as the home o! the sec#eta#iat o! a !utu#e 2#ee T#ade A#ea o! the Ame#icas. Atlanta:s 6iotechnolo$y secto# is $#o%in$* $ainin$ #eco$nition th#ou$h such e7ents as the &''; BIO Inte#national Con7ention. The Cente#s !o# 4isease Cont#ol and 1#e7ention (C4C) a#e located ad/acent to Atlanta and to the Emo#y Uni7e#sity campus* %ith a sta!! o! nea#ly (,*'''. Atlanta is also the headAua#te#s o! the Nuclea# Re$ulato#y Commission Re$ion II. The city is a ma/o# ca6le tele7ision p#o$#ammin$ cente#. Ted Tu#ne# 6e$an the Tu#ne# B#oadcastin$ ystem media empi#e in Atlanta* and esta6lished the headAua#te#s o! the Ca6le Ne%s Net%o#0at CNN Cente#* ad/acent today to Centennial Olympic 1a#0. As his company $#e%* its othe# channels cente#ed thei# ope#ations in Atlanta as %ell. Tu#ne# B#oadcastin$ is a di7ision o! Time <a#ne#. In &''. Tyle# 1e##y esta6lished his studios in outh%est AtlantaD and in &'(' EUEJ c#een "ems opened soundsta$es in La0e%ood Hei$hts* south Atlanta. ( ee alsoK 2ilm indust#y in "eo#$ia (U. . state)) The <eathe# Channel has its o!!ices in the Cum6e#land dist#ict no#th%est o! do%nto%n Atlanta. Co3 Ente#p#ises* headAua#te#ed in andy p#in$s* has su6stantial media holdin$s in and 6eyond Atlanta. Its Co3 Communications di7ision is the thi#d>la#$est ca6le tele7ision se#7ice p#o7ide# in the United tates. Culture Atlanta* %hile $eo$#aphically at the cente# o! the Ame#ican outh* has a cultu#e that is no lon$e# st#ictly outhe#n. Mo#e than hal! o! Met#o Atlanta #esidents %e#e 6o#n outside "eo#$ia includin$ (+L 6o#n outside the U. . Atlanta:s cultu#e #e7eals itsel! at the Hi$h Museum o! A#t* the 6ohemian shops o! Little 2i7e 1oints* at its many nei$h6o#hood !esti7als* and in the cuisines !#om a#ound the %o#ld !ound alon$ Bu!o#d Hi$h%ay. Arts and entertainment Atlanta has !lou#ishin$ music* !ine a#t* and theate# scenes. It has also 6ecome a ma/o# #e$ional cente# !o# !ilm and tele7ision p#oduction. The 2o3 Theat#e is a histo#ic landma#0 and is amon$ the hi$hest $#ossin$ theat#es in o! its siFe. The city also has a la#$e collection o! hi$hly success!ul music 7enues o! 7a#ious siFes that host top and eme#$in$ tou#in$ acts includin$ the Ta6e#nacle* the Ea#iety 1layhouse and The MasAue#ade. The Hi$h Museum o! A#t is a#$ua6ly the outh:s leadin$ a#t museum. Othe# a#t institutions include the Museum o! 4esi$n Atlanta (MO4A)* the Atlanta Contempo#a#y A#t Cente#* the Museum o! Contempo#a#y A#t o! "eo#$ia* and the Michael C. Ca#los Museum at Emo#y* containin$ the la#$est collection o! ancient a#t in the outheast. Theate# $#oups include the Alliance Theate#* %inne# o! the &''@ Re$ional Theat#e Tony A%a#d* the inte#nationally 0no%n Cente# !o# 1uppet#y A#ts and doFens o! othe# $#oups ac#oss the city and Met#o Atlanta. The Atlanta ymphony O#chest#a plays at its conce#t hall at the <ood#u!! A#ts Cente# in Midto%n* %hich also houses the Hi$h Museum o! A#t and Alliance Theat#e.

The Atlanta Ope#a and TheAtlanta Ballet usually pe#!o#m at the Co66 Ene#$y 1e#!o#min$ A#ts Cent#e at the city:s no#th%est ed$e. Atlanta:s #eno%ned classical musicians ha7e included conducto#s Ro6e#t ha% and the Atlanta ymphony:s Ro6e#t pano. In lite#atu#e* Atlanta has 6een the home o! Ma#$a#et Mitchell* autho# o! "one <ith the <ind* one o! the 6est>sellin$ 6oo0s o! all timeD Alice <al0e#* autho# o! 1ulitFe# 1#iFe>%innin$ no7el The Colo# 1u#pleD Al!#ed Uh#y* play%#i$ht o! 4#i7in$ Miss 4aisy* and 9oel Chandle# Ha##is* autho# o! the B#e# Ra66it child#en:s sto#ies. 2amous /ou#nalists include Ralph Mc"ill* the anti>se$#e$ationist edito# and pu6lishe# o! the Atlanta Constitution ne%spape#. Atlanta is also the home o! contempo#a#y edito#ial ca#toonist Mi0e Luc0o7ich* %ho is syndicated nationally to (,' ne%spape#s. Atlanta has 6ecome a ma/o# #e$ional cente# !o# !ilm and tele7ision p#oduction* especially since &''. %hen "eo#$ia state ta3 c#edits %e#e inc#easedi. Tourism As o! &'('* the city is the se7enth>most 7isited city in the United tates* %ith o7e# +, million 7isito#s pe# yea#. The city %as the (&th most popula# destination !o# o7e#seas 7isito#s* %ho num6e#ed @(&*''' in total (&'('). Atlanta:s museums* the Hi$h in pa#ticula# a#e a $#eat d#a%* as a#e the Ma#tin Luthe# 5in$* 9#. National Histo#ic ite* the "eo#$ia AAua#ium (the %o#ld:s la#$est indoo# aAua#ium)* and the <o#ld o! Coca>Cola. Othe# museums include the Atlanta Cyclo#ama C Ci7il <a# Museum* the Ca#te# Cente# and 1#esidential Li6#a#y* and the Ma#$a#et Mitchell House and Museum(%he#e Mitchell %#ote "one <ith the <ind). Museums $ea#ed speci!ically to%a#ds child#en include the 2e#n6an0 cience Cente# and Ima$ine ItN The Child#en:s Museum o! Atlanta. The Atlanta Botanical "a#den* ne3t to 1iedmont 1a#0* is home to the only canopy>le7el path%ay o! its 0ind in the U. .* -''>!oot>lon$ ((.' m). Ooo Atlanta* located in "#ant 1a#0* is one o! only !ou# Foos in the U. . cu##ently housin$ $iant pandas. Outdoo# e7ents and att#actions a#e plenti!ul. 1iedmont 1a#0 hosts many o! Atlanta:s !esti7als* includin$ the annual Atlanta 4o$%ood 2esti7al* 2esti7al 1eacht#ee Latino* Music Midto%n* and Atlanta 1#ide. Most olde# into%n nei$h6o#hoods hold yea#ly !esti7als as %ell* such as the Inman 1a#0 2esti7al and Ei#$inia>Hi$hland umme#!est. Hea#ly t#aditions include the outheaste#n 2lo%e# ho%* and at Ch#istmastime the Macy:s (o#i$inally Rich:s) "#eat T#ee and =1in0 1i$= #ide at Macy:s Leno3 Aua#e.

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