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DA-1 Arabians AND Alaskans

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Alaska, one of the Pacific Coast states of the United States. Like Ha aii, it is !eo!"a#hicall$ se#a"ated f"o% the "est of the co&nt"$. Alaska is '$ fa" the la"!est state (%o"e than t ice the si)e of *e+as,. Its -.-,/0/ s1&a"e %iles (1,233,145 k%0, acco&nt fo" al%ost one-si+th of the nation6s a"ea. *he !ene"al coastline7%o"e than -,-33 %iles (13,-33 k%,7is lon!e" than the coastlines of all the othe" states co%'ined. Alaska has fe inha'itants, ho e8e"7fe e" than an$ othe" state. Alaska is %ainl$ a ilde"ness of !"eat nat&"al 'ea&t$, one la"!el$ &nchan!ed '$ h&%ans. In the no"th lies a 'a""en a"ctic #lain, like othe" #ola" "e!ions a 9land of the %idni!ht s&n.: He"e %a$ 'est 'e seen the colo"f&l a&"o"a 'o"ealis, o" no"the"n li!hts. ;1&all$ i%#"essi8e a"e Alaska6s %a<estic %o&ntains, ca##ed '$ ice and sno and c&t '$ eno"%o&s !lacie"s. Des#ite its no"the"n latit&de and "e%ote location, Alaska is a f"ontie" land of inc"easin! o##o"t&nit$. Its 8ast "eso&"ces of fo"ests, %ine"als, and fish #"o8ide the 'asis fo" an e+#andin! econo%$. Alaska6s state 'i"d is the illo #ta"%i!an.


United A"a' ;%i"ates, a co&nt"$ in the =iddle ;ast. It lies at the so&the"n end of the Pe"sian >&lf, in easte"n A"a'ia, and consists of se8en loosel$ &nited sheikhdo%s, o" e%i"ates7A'& Dha'i, D&'ai, Sha"<ah, A<%an, U%% al ?ai ain, Ras al Khai%ah, and @&<ai"ah. ;ach sheikhdo% 'ea"s the sa%e na%e as its chief cit$, the "esidence of its sheikh. Until the end of 1521 the "e!ion as &s&all$ called the *"&cial States, '&t as also kno n as the *"&cial Sheikhdo%s, *"&cial A%an, and the *"&cial Coast. (*he te"% Bt"&cialB ste%%ed f"o% s#ecial t"&ces, o" t"eaties, that once e+isted 'et een the sheikhdo%s and >"eat B"itain., Bo"de"in! the "e!ion a"e ?ata", Sa&di A"a'ia, and A%anC 'o&nda"ies, ho e8e", a"e dis#&ted and la"!el$ &ndefined. *he a##"o+i%ate a"ea is 43,333 s1&a"e %iles (22,233 k%0,. Di"t&all$ all the land is dese"t. *he coast is flat and often !"a8ell$, ith n&%e"o&s islands offsho"e. Inland, the #lain !"ad&all$ !i8es a$ to lo "id!es and to "ollin! sand d&nes that e+tend so&th a"d into the !"eat R&' al Khali7one of the %ost desolate a"eas on ea"th. A ti# of the Ha<a" %o&ntains occ&#ies a "elati8el$ s%all a"ea in the east. An e+t"e%el$ hot, d"$ cli%ate #"e8ails in the e%i"ates. Hi!h te%#e"at&"es occ&" th"o&!ho&t %ost of the $ea", often "eachin! 113E to 103E @. (/4E to /5E C.,. *he"e is 8i"t&all$ no "ain e+ce#t in the %o&ntains, he"e a %ea!e" a%o&nt falls each $ea". Hi!h h&%idit$ alon! the coast and sco"chin!, d"$ inds in the inte"io" add to the se8e"it$ of the cli%ate. Until oil as disco8e"ed in 15.F, the a"ea as one of the %ost i%#o8e"ished and 'ack a"d in the o"ld. No%adic he"din!, date !"o in!, coastal fishin!, and t"ade, chiefl$ th"o&!h D&'ai, #"o8ided a 'a"e e+istence. B$ the ea"l$ 15236s #et"ole&% #"od&ction f"o% eno"%o&s offsho"e and %ainland "ese"8es, #"i%a"il$ in A'& Dha'i and D&'ai, "es&lted in an e8e" inc"easin! inco%e of h&nd"eds of %illions of dolla"s. Gith this "e8en&e ca%e a '&ildin! 'oo%, es#eciall$ in the t o #"od&cin! sheikhdo%s, of ne ho%es, schools, office '&ildin!s, #i#elines, oil sto"a!e facilities, #o"ts, "oads, and ai"fields. It also '"o&!ht the 'e!innin! of a elfa"e state. =ost of the 1,-00,/-/ #eo#le li8in! in the e%i"ates in 15F. e"e A"a'sC I"anians, Pakistanis, and Indians %ade &# the la"!est %ino"it$ !"o&#s. =ost 'elon! to the S&nni '"anch of Isla% and s#eak A"a'ic, '&t fe can "ead o" "ite. *he !"eat %a<o"it$ of the #eo#le li8e in coastal to ns and cities, chiefl$ D&'ai and A'& Dha'iC the "est a"e no%ads and oasis d elle"s.

Economy of Alaskans:
*he &tili)ation of its nat&"al "eso&"ces7es#eciall$ fish, fo"ests, and %ine"als7has lon! 'een Alaska6s chief econo%ic acti8it$. Since Go"ld Ga" II, ho e8e", and es#eciall$ since statehood as achie8ed in 15.5, a %o"e di8e"sified econo%$ has de8elo#ed. =o"e of the "eso&"ces a"e e+t"acted and #"ocessed, and ne ind&st"ies ha8e a"isen. Ad%ission to statehood as follo ed '$ a si)a'le infl&+ of #eo#le. *his in t&"n '"o&!ht inc"eased ho&sin! and othe" const"&ction, !"eate" holesale and "etail t"ade, and i%#"o8ed t"ans#o"tation and co%%&nications. *he to&"ist ind&st"$ also !"e conside"a'l$. *he fede"al !o8e"n%ent is the la"!est sin!le e%#lo$e" in the state, %ainl$ th"o&!h %ilita"$ installations and defense #"o<ects.

1.Fis in!
B$ 8al&e of the catch, Alaska is the leadin! fishin! state, and the fishin! ind&st"$ is an i%#o"tant se!%ent of its econo%$. @ishin! fleets and canne"ies a"e %a<o" so&"ces of inco%e and e%#lo$%ent in coastal cities of the so&th. Kodiak and D&tch Ha"'o"-Unalaska a"e the chief fishin! #o"ts. Sal%on is the %ost 8al&a'le fishC the catch consists #"i%a"il$ of socke$e ("ed, and #ink sal%on. *he c"a' catch, %ade &# %ainl$ of kin! and sno c"a's, is also e+t"e%el$ 8al&a'le. Hali'&t and sh"i%# a"e also a si!nificant #a"t of the catch.

".#in$%al P%o&'c(ion
B$ 8al&e, #et"ole&% is the state6s leadin! #"od&ct. It as fi"st disco8e"ed on the Kenai Penins&la in 15.2C %a<o" de#osits ha8e since 'een fo&nd in Cook Inlet and in the P"&dhoe Ba$ a"ea on the No"th Slo#e. *he P"&dhoe Ba$ st"ike, %ade in 15-F, is one of the la"!est e8e" %ade in No"th A%e"ica. A #i#eline, co%#leted in 1522, ca""ies oil 2F5 %iles (1,023 k%, f"o% the P"&dhoe Ba$ field to the ice-f"ee #o"t of Dalde) fo" e+#o"t. Nat&"al !as is #"od&ced in the Kenai and Cook Inlet fields. *he "ese"8es a"e eno"%o&s '&t #"od&ction is li%ited '$ the lack of ade1&ate t"ans#o"tation facilities. Hinc is %ined in la"!e a%o&nts nea" Kot)e'&e. *he >"eens C"eek =ine, nea" I&nea&, is one of the nation6s la"!est sil8e" #"od&ce"s. *he state is also kno n fo" %inin! a si!nificant a%o&nt of !old.

L&%'e" and #&l# ood a"e also a%on! Alaska6s #"inci#al #"od&cts. *he %ost i%#o"tant so&"ces of ti%'e" a"e in the *on!ass and Ch&!ach national fo"ests. *hei" coastal location in the so&th %akes ate" t"ans#o"tation of lo!s and ood #"od&cts #ossi'le. Ketchikan and Sitka a"e a%on! the cities ith %ills. =ost of the fo"est #"od&cts a"e e+#o"ted, %ainl$ to Ia#an. Inte"io" fo"ests of co%%e"cial 1&alit$ a"e ke#t f"o% f&ll econo%ic de8elo#%ent '$ lack of t"ans#o"tation.

*o&"is% #"o8ides a si!nificant and !"o in! so&"ce of inco%e fo" Alaska. *he state is es#eciall$ noted fo" the nat&"al 'ea&t$ of its ilde"ness, hich incl&des "&!!ed %o&ntains, %assi8e !lacie"s, and 8ast e+#anses of a"ctic t&nd"a. Alaska6s %an$ state and national #a"ks a"e %a<o" att"actions fo" 8isito"s.

Alaska #"od&ces 8e"$ little of the food needed in the state, fo" a!"ic&lt&"e is li%ited in 'oth a"ea and #"od&ction. Anl$ a tin$ #a"t of the land is de8oted to c"o#sC the #ast&"ed a"ea is so%e hat la"!e". =ost of the fa"%in! is ca""ied on in the =atan&ska Dalle$, no"theast of Ancho"a!eC the *anana Dalle$, nea" @ai"'anksC on the Kenai Penins&laC and on the island of Kodiak. Dai"$ #"od&cts (%ainl$ %ilk,, 'eef cattle, 'a"le$, oats, ha$, and #otatoes a"e the chief #"od&cts.An e+t"e%el$ sho"t !"o in! season, f"e1&ent ea"l$ and late f"osts, and #oo", thin soils hinde" a!"ic&lt&"al e+#ansion. =&ch "e%ains to 'e done in land &tili)ation "esea"ch.

Al%ost all of the state6s "oads a"e in so&the"n Alaska. *he Alaska Hi!h a$, leadin! so&theast a"d f"o% Delta I&nction (so&th of @ai"'anks,, is the onl$ "oad link ith the lo e" /F states. Also in the so&th is all of the t"acka!e of the state6s t o "ail a$s. Ane is the state-o ned Alaska Rail"oad ('et een Se a"d and @ai"'anks,. *he othe" is the #"i8atel$ o ned Ghite Pass and J&kon Rail a$ ('et een Ska! a$ and Ghiteho"se in J&kon *e""ito"$, Canada,.A #assen!e" and a&to%o'ile fe""$ se"8ice o#e"ates in the shelte"ed ate"s of the Inside Passa!e, 'et een Ska! a$ and P"ince R&#e"t, B"itish Col&%'ia. *he"e is also se"8ice to Seattle, Gashin!ton. In addition, fe""$ se"8ice is a8aila'le 'et een Ancho"a!e, Kodiak Island, and Se a"d, and on P"ince Gillia% So&nd. Ai" t"a8el has 'een a %a<o" facto" in o#enin! Alaska6s inte"io" and no"th and est coasts to de8elo#%ent. Ai"#o"ts at Ancho"a!e, @ai"'anks, and I&nea& handle %ost co%%e"cial fli!hts.

Economy of A%a.s:
*he United A"a' ;%i"ates (UA;, is a de8elo#in! co&nt"$, 'ased on 8a"io&s socio-econo%ic indicato"s s&ch as >DP #e" ca#ita, ene"!$ cons&%#tion #e" ca#ita, and the HDI. At K023 'illion in 033F, the >DP of the UA; "anks second in the CCAS> (afte" Sa&di A"a'ia,, thi"d in the =iddle ;ast7No"th Af"ica (=;NA, "e!ion (afte" Sa&di A"a'ia and I"an,, and 4Fth in the o"ld,. L0M *he"e a"e 8a"io&s de8iatin! esti%ates "e!a"din! the act&al !"o th "ate of the nationNs >DP, ho e8e" all a8aila'le statistics indicate that the UA; c&""entl$ has one of the fastest !"o in! econo%ies in the o"ld. Acco"din! to a "ecent "e#o"t '$ the =inist"$ of @inance and Ind&st"$, no%inal >DP "ose '$ 4. #e" cent in 033- to K12. 'illion, co%#a"ed ith K143 'illion in 033.. Altho&!h the United A"a' ;%i"ates is 'eco%in! less de#endent on nat&"al "eso&"ces as a so&"ce of "e8en&e, #et"ole&% and nat&"al !as e+#o"ts still #la$ an i%#o"tant "ole in the econo%$,

es#eciall$ in A'& Dha'i. A %assi8e const"&ction 'oo%, an e+#andin! %an&fact&"in! 'ase, and a th"i8in! se"8ices secto" a"e hel#in! the UA; di8e"sif$ its econo%$. Nation ide, the"e is c&""entl$ K4.3 'illion o"th of acti8e const"&ction #"o<ects. L4M *he UA; is a %e%'e" of the Go"ld *"ade A"!ani)ation.

External Trade
=a<o" inc"eases in i%#o"ts occ&""ed in %an&fact&"ed !oods, %achine"$, and t"ans#o"tation e1&i#%ent, hich to!ethe" acco&nted fo" F3O of total i%#o"ts. Anothe" i%#o"tant fo"ei!n e+chan!e ea"ne", the A'& Dha'i In8est%ent A&tho"it$-- hich cont"ols the in8est%ents of A'& Dha'i, the ealthiest e%i"ate--%ana!es an esti%ated K4-3 'illion in o8e"seas in8est%ents P an esti%ated K533 'illion in assets.
=o"e than 033 facto"ies o#e"ate at the Ie'el Ali co%#le+ in D&'ai, hich incl&des a dee#- ate" #o"t and a f"ee t"ade )one fo" %an&fact&"in! and dist"i'&tion in hich all !oods fo" "e-e+#o"t o" t"ansshi#%ent en<o$ a 133O d&t$ e+e%#tion. A %a<o" #o e" #lant ith associated ate" desalination &nits, an al&%ini&% s%elte", and a steel fa'"ication &nit a"e #"o%inent facilities in the co%#le+. *he co%#le+ is c&""entl$ &nde"!oin! e+#ansion, ith sections of land set aside fo" diffe"ent secto"s of ind&st"$. A la"!e inte"national #assen!e" and ca"!o ai"#o"t, D&'ai Go"ld Cent"al Inte"national Ai"#o"t, ith associated lo!istics, %an&fact&"in! and hos#italit$ ind&st"ies, is also #lanned he"e.

;+ce#t in the f"ee t"ade )one, the UA; "e1&i"es at least .1O local citi)en o ne"shi# in all '&sinesses o#e"atin! in the co&nt"$ as #a"t of its atte%#t to #lace ;%i"atis into leade"shi# #ositions. Ho e8e", this la is &nde" "e8ie and the %a<o"it$ o ne"shi# cla&se ill 8e"$ likel$ 'e sc"a##ed, to '"in! the co&nt"$ into line ith Go"ld *"ade A"!anisation "e!&lations.


Alaska1s col& 2a($% s$afoo& is the cente"#iece of Alaskan c&isine. Alaskan sal%on is one of the %ost i%#o"tant foods he"e and is often se"8ed as s%oked sal%on, c&"ed sal%on, sal%on <e"k$, and e8en s eetened Indian sal%on cand$. *he Alaskan sal%on and hali'&t fishin! ind&st"$ '"in!s to&"ists f"o% all o8e" the o"ld, '&t it6s #"o'a'l$ the Alaskan kin! c"a' that %ost #eo#le think of fi"st. Unlike the s%alle" d&n!eness o" 'l&e c"a's fo&nd in the lo e" /F states, a sin!le Alaskan kin! c"a' can easil$ feed a hole h&n!"$ fa%il$. Alaska 'n($%s $n3oy .a!!in! la%!$ !am$ animals s&ch as %oose, ca"i'o&, elk, o" 'ea". Jo& %i!ht not 'e fa%ilia" ith those %eats '&t the$ fo"% the 'asis of %an$ #eo#le6s dail$ #"otein, es#eciall$ fo" #eo#le ho li8e o&tside of the %ain cities. And of co&"se the"e a"e ( $ famo's %$in&$$%. Reindee" e"e '"o&!ht to Alaska f"o% Si'e"ia sta"tin! in 1F50. *he idea as to #"o8ide a ne food ind&st"$ fo" Nati8e Alaskans hose halin! !"o&nds e"e "&nnin! d"$.

Reindee" is no lon!e" a %a<o" so&"ce of %eat '&t can still 'e en<o$ed in the fo"% of co%%e"ciall$ a8aila'le sa&sa!e. So'%&o'! .%$a& is so #o#&la" that the o"d Bso&"do&!hB is slan! fo" a #e"son ho li8es in AlaskaQ *his sta"ted d&"in! the Klondike >old R&sh hen e8e"$one ke#t a #ot of so&"do&!h sta"te" in thei" kitchens. B$ Bfeedin!B the sta"te" ith a little ne flo&" e8e"$ fe da$s the$ ke#t the ild $east ali8e and th"i8in! so the$ co&ld 'ake '"ead hene8e" the$ anted. It6s said #eo#le o&ld e8en '"in! the #ot to 'ed on cold ni!hts to kee# it f"o% f"ee)in!Q

,%a&i(ional Foo&s of R'%al Alaskans:

*he nati8es of Alaska, co%%onl$ kno n as B;ski%osB, '&t %o"e #"o#e"l$ called Cent"al J&#ik (in the Be"in! Sea a"ea, and In&#iat in the no"th A"ctic, ate 8e"$ diffe"entl$ f"o% #eo#le in a"%e" cli%ates. S$al m$a( an& oil as i%#o"tant, as e"e 2 al$s4 2al%'s4 fis 4 an& .i%&s . Since the cli%ate is so cold, it as i%#o"tant to eat #lent$ of fats and oils to hel# kee# a"%. Seal and hale 'l&''e" %i!ht not so&nd a##eti)in! '&t the$ can 'e "eal life sa8e"s hen it6s /3 de!"ees 'elo )e"oQ As $o& %i!ht i%a!ine, the"e e"e not 8e"$ %an$ #lant foods a8aila'le. So%e that e"e o" still a"e i%#o"tant a"e Bne!aas!etB, B&&tn!&n!saatB, BiitatB, B%a"allatB, and B%o&se foodB hich a"e diffe"ent "oots cooked in so&#. All so"ts of 'e""ies a"e also !athe"ed, as a"e the soft inne" 'a"k of the 'i"ch t"ee, and Ba$&1B hich is a #lant hich can 'e %ade into a kind of tea. @e"%entation as so%eti%es &sed as a #"ese"8ation techni1&e. S(ink $a& an& s(ink $!!s a"e #"ese"8ed sal%on heads and "oe %ade '$ "a##in! the% in !"asses and '&"$in! fo" se8e"al eeks, si%ila" to S edish l&tefisk. *he "es&lts a"e 8e"$ &n#leasant fo" non-nati8es to eat '&t a"e an i%#o"tant so&"ce of n&t"ition hen food is sca"ce and conside"ed a t"eat in the 8illa!es. @ish, %oose and ca"i'o& a"e also #"ese"8ed '$ d"$in!. Aften, the d"ied %eat is di##ed in seal oil.

Eskimo Ic$ C%$am is a fanc$ na%e fo" a hea"t$ dish $o& #"o'a'l$ ha8en6t hea"d of. Nati8es &sed to %ake this &n&s&al dish '$ hi##in! the fat of h&nted "eindee", seals, o" 'ea"s, then addin! sno and ild nati8e 'e""ies. S&!a" asn6t a8aila'le then '&t it o&ld #"o'a'l$ 'e a nice addition. No ada$s it is %ade ith c"isco and is %i+ed ith 'e""ies, %o&se food, d"ied %eat, and othe" 8e!eta'les de#endin! on hat is a8aila'le.

FOO/S OF ARABS: A%a. c'isin$ is defined as the 8a"io&s "e!ional c&isines s#annin! the A"a' Go"ld f"o% =o"occo and *&nisia to Je%en and So%alia, and inco"#o"atin! Le8antine, ;!$#tian and othe"s. It has also 'een infl&enced to a de!"ee '$ the c&isines of *&"ke$, Af!hanistan, I"an, India, the Be"'e"s and othe" c&lt&"es of the #eo#les of the "e!ion 'efo"e the c&lt&"al A"a'i)ation '"o&!ht '$ !enealo!ical A"a'ians d&"in! the A"a'ian =&sli% con1&ests. *he #eo#le of Sa&di A"a'ia a"e 8e"$ t"aditional and eat the sa%e foods the$ ha8e eaten fo" cent&"ies. *he a8e"a!e %eal of the Bedo&in no%ads ho "e%ain in Sa&di A"a'ia is %&ch si%#le" than that of the &"'an Sa&dis ho %ake &# the %a<o"it$ of Sa&di A"a'ia6s #o#&lation toda$. Ho e8e", the 'asic in!"edients a"e the sa%eR fa8a 'eans, heat, "ice, $o!&"t, dates, and chicken a"e sta#le foods fo" all Sa&dis. Sa&di A"a'ia has o8e" 1F %illion date #al%s that #"od&ce -33 %illion #o&nds of dates each $ea". Sa&dis "ank as the hi!hest cons&%e"s of '"oile" chickens in the o"ld, eatin! an a8e"a!e of FF.0 #o&nds of chicken #e" #e"son #e" $ea". Sa&dis a"e st"ict =&sli%s and, follo in! Isla%ic la , do not eat #o"k o" d"ink alcohol. La%' is t"aditionall$ se"8ed to hono"ed !&ests and at holida$ feasts. Acco"din! to Isla%ic la , ani%als %&st 'e '&tche"ed in a #a"tic&la" a$ and 'lessed 'efo"e the$ can 'e eaten, so Sa&di A"a'ia is the o"ld6s la"!est i%#o"te" of li8e shee#. Ca%el (o" shee# o" !oat, %ilk has lon! 'een the sta#le of the Bedo&in diet, and dai"$ #"od&cts a"e still fa8o"ites ith all Sa&dis. Jo!&"t is eaten alone, &sed in sa&ces, and %ade into a d"ink called a lassi. @lat '"eads7 fati", a flat '"ead cooked on a c&"8ed %etal #an o8e" a fi"e, and

ki%a<e, si%ila" to #ita7a"e the othe" %ainsta$ of the no%adic diet that a"e eaten '$ all Sa&dis. *hese '"eads a"e &sed at e8e"$ %eal, in #lace of a fo"k o" s#oon, to scoo# &# othe" foods. GES,5RE:

A@LA is a state ide #"ofessional association of o"ld lan!&a!e ed&cato"s. Ge a"e co%%itted to offe"in! and i%#"o8in! o##o"t&nities fo" lea"nin! o"ld lan!&a!es in Alaska th"o&!h the contin&ed s&##o"t and #"o%otion of the o"ld lan!&a!es teachin! #"ofession. A@LA "e#"esents Alaskan ed&cato"s th"o&!h the Pacific No"th est Co&ncil fo" Lan!&a!es (PNC@L,, and AC*@L, the A%e"ican Co&ncil on the *eachin! of @o"ei!n Lan!&a!es. ;ach $ea" Alaskans @o" Lan!&a!e Ac1&isition holds a state ide confe"ence #"o8idin! an o##o"t&nit$ fo" o"ld lan!&a!e teache"s to e+#and thei" ho"i)ons itho&t t"a8elin! o&t of state and to ha8e access to local and national e+#e"ts. Ge also &se the occasion to %eet o&" in-state collea!&es. S&ccess of the confe"ence is de#endent not onl$ on the s#eake"s e can '"in! to Alaska, '&t on the e+#e"tise e ha8e to offe" each othe".

Bo&y lan!'a!$ in ( $ 5AE an& amon!s( A%a.s is com-l$($ly &iff$%$n( (o ( a( in ( $ 6$s( . And 'eca&se the"e a %an$ A"a's he"e f"o% diffe"ent co&nt"ies, it o&ld %ake sense to &nde"stand a little a'o&t hat ce"tain 'od$ lan!&a!e %i!ht %ean. Ge ha8e to&ched on the i%#o"tance of no( s o2in! ( $ sol$ of yo'% foo(, '&t the"e a"e %an$ %o"e hich e ill '"iefl$ s&% &# he"e. Re%e%'e" that in the =iddle ;ast, the conce#t of #e"sonal s#ace is a lot s%alle" that in the Gest, and tho&!h $o& %a$ feel that $o&" s#ace is 'ein! in8aded, this is a no"%al #a"t of societ$. Be ca"ef&l hen dealin! ith fe%ales %akin! s&"e that $o& &o no( s(a%$ o% ini(ia($ - ysical con(ac(. Han& on H$a%( - Ghile this is &s&all$ <&st &sed as a #h"ase in the Gest, the A"a's act&all$ #lace thei" hands on thei" hea"t to sho !en&ine "es#ect and h&%ilit$. So%eti%es, this is &sed in co%'ination ith a s%all 'o , %eanin! thank $o&.

, $ C in Sc%a(c - Sc"atchin! o" holdin! of a chin o" 'ea"d is an indication that so%eone is thinkin!. It %i!ht 'e ise to ait &ntil the #e"son has finished thinkin! this 'efo"e contin&in! talkin!, if it takes #lace d&"in! a %o%ent of silence. Kissin! - @"iends kissin! each othe" on the cheek is conside"ed no"%al and not linked to ho%ose+&alit$. It is a si!n of f"iendshi#, and it is co%%on a%on!st %ale f"iends. Kissin! ( $ s o'l&$% - *his is anothe" !"eetin! and &s&all$ one of "es#ect. It is often &sed hen =&sli%s !o on the Ha<< to =ecca. , $ an& ol& - Holdin! hands e8en fo" a lon! #e"iod afte" shakin! hands is co%%on #lace and a si!n of f"iendshi# , $ '! - If a h&! is initiated '$ an A"a', then it is a si!n that $o& a"e conside"ed a t"&st o"th$ f"iend. , $ %$f'sal (o (o'c - If an A"a' "ef&ses to to&ch $o&, it %a$ 'e an indication that he conside"s $o& &nt"&st o"th$ o" &nclean Con7$%sa(ional s(a%in! - If an A"a' sta"es $o& in the e$e as $o& s#eak, it %eans that he is !i8in! $o& his f&ll attention. If he doesn6t, it %eans that he %a$ not ca"e hat $o& a"e sa$in!. Bea" this in %ind and "eci#"ocate !i8in! e$e contact. , $ si&$2ays fin!$% .i($ - If an A"a' 'ites thei" "i!ht fin!e", it is a si!n of conte%#t and that $o& a"e not liked, and this ill &s&all$ 'e acco%#anied '$ a %&tte"in! of so%e so"t of c&"seQ , $ 'n!%y si!n - If a se%i clenched hand is #laced in f"ont of the sto%ach, it %eans that $o& a"e tho&!ht to 'e a lia". , $ fin!$% on ( $ Nos$ - *his %eans that it is the intention of the #e"son to &nde"take hat $o& a"e talkin! a'o&t. So%eti%es, this takes the fo"% of the fin!e" on 'ea"d, nose o" head also, all %eanin! the sa%e. , $ c'- - *he hand si!nal of #&ttin! all $o&" fin!e"s and th&%' to!ethe", so"t of c&# like, %eans 6Gait <&st one %in&te6 o" 6Slo do n6. *his so%eti%es %a$ 'e &sed to indicate that the #e"son is !ettin! i%#atient at $o&" s#eed. , $ H$a& Sna- - Sna##in! of the head &# a"ds hile t&ttin! %eans No o" an indication that $o& a"e "on! o" that hat $o& a"e sa$in! is &nt"&e. , $ Nos$ ,o'c - Jo& ill often see A"a' Nationals to&ch noses th"ee ti%es as the$ shake hands. *his is a t"aditional Bedo&in !"eetin!. , $ l$f( fin!$% clas- - If the fin!e"s of the left hand a"e clas#ed to!ethe" and to&ched ith the "i!ht

fo"efin!e", this is the e1&i8alent of !i8in! so%eone the fin!e" in the Gest. It is a 8e"$ "&de !est&"e. , $ Sc%a(c in! Cla2 - A cla in! action ith the "i!ht hand is &s&all$ indicati8e of a 'eckonin! to %o8e close" o" to co%e into a "oo%. *his is #"o'a'l$ e1&i8alent to a 'eckonin! ith the one fin!e", &sed in the Gest, '&t this o&ld 'e conside"ed "&de, if &sed in the =iddle ;ast.Af co&"se %an$ Geste"n !est&"es a"e &sed, in this %&lti c&lt&"al societ$, and $o& %a$ find $o&"self lea"nin! all so"ts of hand %o8e%ents f"o% all o8e" the o"ld.

A%a.s (o'%is(8s s-o(s:

*his co&nt"$ is a &nification of se8en self-!o8e"nin! sheik-"&led e%i"atesR A'& Dha'i, A<%an, D&'ai, @&<ai"ah, Ras al-Khai%ah, Sha"<ah and U%% al-?ai ain. UA; has al a$s 'een a fa8o"ite to&"ist destination in the =iddle ;ast fo" 'oth '&siness and leis&"e t"a8ele"s. In "ecent ti%es to&"is% in UA; has !ot a 'oost d&e to de8elo#%ent and #"olife"ation of diffe"ent %odes of co%%&nication. @o" e+a%#le the #"olife"ation of ai"lines in "ecent ti%es has %ade UA; to&"s easie" and con8enient. D&e to t"aditional A"a' hos#italit$, c"i%e f"ee en8i"on%ent and hi!hl$ de8elo#ed inf"ast"&ct&"e UA; has 'eco%e a fa8o"ite fo" '&siness%an ho ants to o"!ani)e inte"national confe"ences. Leis&"e t"a8ele"s choose UA; as a fa8o"ite to&"ist destination 'eca&se the$ a"e flooded ith lots of o#tions fo" "ec"eational acti8ities that can "an!e f"o% #o e" 'oat "aces to sand skiin!. Af late UA; has also 'eco%e a %&ch so&!ht afte" 8en&e fo" s#o"ts e8ents. *he D&'ai Classic >olf to&"na%ent, #olo and c"icket co%#etitions a"e "e!&la"l$ held in the co&nt"$ and it has also %ade UA; to&"is% flo&"ish. So%e of the %ain to&"ist s#ots in UA; a"e %entioned 'elo . - Ane of *he %ain att"actions of the co&nt"$ is *he A'& Dha'i C&lt&"al Cente". It has hel#ed UA; to&"is% to !"o fo" a lon! ti%e. Conside"ed as a land%a"k it holds o"ksho# and c&lt&"al e8ents th"o&!h o&t the $ea". - *he Kho" ha"'o" has e%e"!ed as an i%#o"tant Inte"national t"adin! cente". - *he s%all to ns of Ka'la and Kho"fakkan att"act lots of to&"ists as it #"o8ides an esca#e to the st"essf&l da$-to-da$ life of the #eo#le. - Al ?& ain6s lon! clean 'eaches a"e fa8o"ite to&"ist s#ots in UA;. It is an enclosed la!oon as ell as "idin! sta'le fo" #&'lic ho"ses. - Sene$ah Island is anothe" to&"ist s#ot that att"acts the leis&"e t"a8ele"s and es#eciall$ ildlife lo8e"s. It is a nat&"al "ese"8e fo" a la"!e s#ecies of 'i"ds, dee" and Al ?a"a% t"ees. - *he Go"lds La"!est a1&a #a"k d"ea%land is anothe" to&"ist destination in UA; that att"acts %illions of #eo#le ac"oss the !lo'e. A#a"t f"o% all these n&%e"o&s sho##in! cente"s and a fascinatin! Ni!ht Life in the co&nt"$ has #"o%oted to&"is% in UA; to a !"eat e+tent.

Alaskans (o'%is( s-o(s: Fi7$ (o'%is( s-o(s in Alaskans:

Alaska is a 8ast, thinl$ #o#&lated e+#anse of nat&"e and ilde"ness. 1. >lacie" >a"dens Rainfo"est Ad8ent&"e. >lacie" >a"dens is a %a!nificent 'otanical !a"den located in the cit$ of I&nea&, in so&theaste"n Alaska. He"e, 8isito"s can see e8e"$thin! f"o% e+1&isite ate"falls to thick "ainfo"est. *he 'otanical !a"dens a"e a !"eat a$ to 'e int"od&ced to the 'ea&t$ and nat&"al !lo"$ that Alaska has to offe". 0. *his #a"k is located s%ack da' in the cente" of Alaska, and contains No"th A%e"ica6s la"!est %o&ntain, =o&nt =cKinne$. *he"e a"e so %an$ thin!s to see at Denali National Pa"k, incl&din! !lacie"s, tai!a, t&nd"a, "ocks and sno in!. *his is the ideal location to !o hikin! and 'ack#ackin!. It6s also a !"eat #lace to !et a !li%#se at the 8a"ied ildlife inte"io" Alaska has to offe". 4. =ist$ @<o"ds National =on&%ent in So&theast Alaska, nea"est to Ketchikan. Aften called B*he Jose%ite of the No"th,B this %on&%ent in Alaska6s #anhandle is #&"e ilde"ness. If nat&"e is hat $o& ant, then =ist$ @<o"ds is the #e"fect s#ot fo" $o&. *he"e a"e 'ea&tif&l ate"falls, #laces to !o ka$akin! and ond"o&s !lacie"s he"e. /. Ancho"a!e is '$ fa" Alaska6s la"!est and %ost '&stlin! cit$. If $o& a"e lookin! to take a '"eak f"o% the ilde"ness and nat&"e, the Alaska A8iation He"ita!e =&se&% is a !"eat #lace to see. *he"e is a !"eat dis#la$ of "esto"ed 8inta!e ai"c"afts he"e, as ell as #ict&"es and othe" a8iation"elated %e%o"a'ilia. Disito"s can also atch a 8ideo of Alaska6s fl$in! histo"$. .. Ba""o is the no"the"n%ost cit$ in all of No"th A%e"ica, and is 8e"$ fa" f"o% an$ othe" cit$ in Alaska. *he"e a"e act&all$ no "oads e8en connectin! it to othe" Alaskan cities, "e1&i"in! 8isito"s to fl$ in. *he a"ea has a hi!h In&it #o#&lation. *he In&#iat He"ita!e Cente" is a onde"f&l #lace to take a look at a&thentic Nati8e a"tifacts, e+hi'its and c"afts. *his is a %a<o" site desi!ned to #"ese"8e Alaska6s Nati8e histo"$.

Alaska6s o"i!inal %&sic 'elon!s to the In&#ia1, Ale&t, *lin!it, and othe" Alaska Nati8e co%%&nities. R&ssian, ;n!lish and I"ish i%%i!"ants '"o&!ht thei" o n 8a"ieties of folk %&sic. Alaska as ho%e to so%e of the United State6s "eno ned #e"fo"%e"s, s&ch as the folk$ sin!e" Ie el. *"aditional Ale&t fla&tist =a"$ Jo&n!'lood, folk sin!e"-son! "ite" Li''$ Rode"ick and the t"aditional #e"fo"%in! !"o&# Pa%$&a also identif$ as Alaskan. Alaskan son! "ite" 532B"itt has 'een !ainin! attention f"o% he" de'&t al'&%, Continental Di8ide, afte" d"a in! o8e" 4.,333 8ie s on Jo&*&'e.

Alaska also has a #"o%inent %etal and "ock scene. =etalco"e 'and 4- C"a)$fists o"i!inated in Alaska, as did indie "ock 'ands Po"t&!al. *he =an, and *he Ga!ne" Lo!ic. Ancho"a!e has 'een a'le to see %o"e of Alaska nati8e, =elissa =itchell, "ecentl$ afte" "et&"nin! f"o% a stint in Califo"nia he"e she has 'een doin! o"k ith the A"ts in A"ts in Co""ections #"o!"a% in @olso% P"ison that incl&ded a li8e conce"t ith =ichael @"anti on No8e%'e" 04, 033.. Athe" local a"tists that ha8e 'een in8ol8ed ith the #"o!"a% a"e Co"inna Del!ado, Sha n H&ke and B&dd$ *a'o".

*he Alaska @olk @esti8al, held e8e"$ A#"il in I&nea& is a%on! the state6s %ost ell-attended %&sic festi8als. *he @ai"'anks @olk @est L1M ann&al BS&%%e" and Ginte" =&sic @estsB and the Ancho"a!e @olk @esti8al a"e also ell-kno n in thei" a"eas. *he Atha'ascan Ald-*i%e @iddlin! @esti8al, also held in @ai"'anks (since 15F4, is desc"i'ed Ba testa%ent to the fa"-"eachin! a##eal of t"aditional %&sicB in the Country Music Lover's Guide to the U.S.A. C the festi8al feat&"es Atha'ascan and In&it fiddle"s.L1M

*he %ost #"o%inent s$%#hon$ in Alaska is the Ancho"a!e S$%#hon$ A"chest"a. *he @ai"'anks S$%#hon$ A"chest"a has se"8ed the Inte"io" since 15.F, and its t"a8elin! a"%, the A"ctic Cha%'e" A"chest"a, "e!&la"l$ to&"s "&"al Alaska, as ell as occasional inte"national t"i#s. *he I&nea& S$%#hon$ is anothe" nota'le instit&tion hich as fo&nded in 15-0.Alaska also is ho%e to a nota'le cha%'e" %&sic festi8al in the Sitka S&%%e" =&sic @esti8al hich att"acts cha%'e" %&sicians f"o% a"o&nd the !lo'e, as ell as the @ai"'anks S&%%e" A"ts @esti8al.

*he Ancho"a!e A#e"a is c&""entl$ the state6s onl$ #"ofessional o#e"a co%#an$, ho e8e" the"e a"e se8e"al 8ol&ntee" and se%i-#"ofessional o"!ani)ations in the state as ell. *he I&nea& L$"ic A#e"a, a 8ol&ntee" co%#an$, as fo&nded in 152/ and #"esents conce"ts, cho"al o"ksho#s, and f&ll$-sta!ed o#e"a in I&nea& and So&theast Alaska.

*he Ancho"a!e co%%&nit$ o"!ani)es se8e"al festi8al sho s each s&%%e", &s&all$ at C&dd$ @a%il$ Pa"k6s s%all a%#hitheate". *he festi8als t$#icall$ feat&"e #e"fo"%ances '$ local #&nk, "ock, and %etal 'ands, altho&!h !"o&#s s#eciali)in! in othe" !en"es s&ch as "ocka'ill$ and noise ha8e also %ade a##ea"ances. *he sho s a"e loosel$ o"!ani)ed and co%%&nit$ d"i8en. Non%&sical att"actions ha8e incl&ded ci"c&s acts, a&ctions, 'a"'ec&es, and 'ike s#o"ts. Ancho"a!e is ho%e to se8e"al o8e" 01 and all a!es 8en&es incl&din! Chilkoot Cha"lie6s, *he Do nstai"s, *he Pla$e"6s Ho&se Af Rock, and *he Paddle'oat Cafe.

ARABS: A%a.ic m'sic is the %&sic of A"a'ic-s#eakin! #eo#le o" co&nt"ies, es#eciall$ those cente"ed a"o&nd the A"a'ian Penins&la. *he o"ld of A"a' %&sic has lon! 'een do%inated '$ Cai"o, a c&lt&"al cente", tho&!h %&sical inno8ation and "e!ional st$les a'o&nd f"o% =o"occo to Sa&di A"a'ia. Bei"&t has, in "ecent $ea"s, also 'eco%e a %a<o" cente" of A"a'ic %&sic. Classical A"a' %&sic is e+t"e%el$ #o#&la" ac"oss the #o#&lation, es#eciall$ a s%all n&%'e" of s&#e"sta"s kno n th"o&!ho&t the A"a' o"ld. Re!ional st$les of #o#&la" %&sic incl&de Al!e"ian ra, =o"occan gnawa, K& aiti sawt, ;!$#tian el gil and *&"kish Arabesque- o !usic. B*he co%%on st$le that de8elo#ed is &s&all$ called 6Isla%ic6 o" 6A"a'6, tho&!h in fact it t"anscends "eli!io&s, ethnic, !eo!"a#hical, and lin!&istic 'o&nda"iesB and it is s&!!ested that it 'e called the Nea" ;ast (f"o% =o"occo to India, st$le (8an de" =e" e 15F5, #.5,. =&ch A"a' %&sic is cha"acte"i)ed '$ an e%#hasis on %elod$ and "h$th% "athe" than ha"%on$. *h&s %&ch A"a'ic %&sic is ho%o#honic in nat&"e. So%e !en"es of A"a' %&sic a"e #ol$#honic7 as the inst"&%ent Kano&n is 'ased &#on the idea of #la$in! t o-note cho"ds7'&t 1&intessentiall$, A"a'ic %&sic is %elodic. It o&ld 'e inco""ect tho&!h to call it %odal, fo" the A"a'ic s$ste% is %o"e co%#le+ than that of the >"eek %odes. *he 'asis of the A"a'ic %&sic is the %a1a% (#l. %a1a%at,, hich looks like the %ode, '&t is not 1&ite the sa%e. *he %a1a% has a BtonalB note on hich the #iece %&st end (&nless %od&lation occ&"s,.

The Riq, is widely Used in the Arabic Music

*he %a1a% consists of at least t o <ins, o" scale se!%ents. BIinsB in A"a'ic co%es f"o% the ancient >"eek o"d B!en&s,B %eanin! t$#e. In #"actice, a <ins (#l. a<nas, is eithe" a t"icho"d, a tet"acho"d, o" a #entacho"d. *he t"icho"d is th"ee notes, the tet"acho"d fo&", and the #entacho"d fi8e. *he %a1a% &s&all$ co8e"s onl$ one octa8e (t o <ins,, '&t so%eti%es it co8e"s %o"e than one octa8e. Like the %elodic %ino" scale and Indian "a!as, so%e %a1a%at ha8e diffe"ent a<nas, and th&s notes, hile descendin! o" ascendin!. Beca&se of the contin&o&s inno8ation of <ins and 'eca&se %ost %&sic schola"s don6t a!"ee on the e+istin! n&%'e" an$ a$, it6s ha"d to !i8e an acc&"ate n&%'e" of the <ins. Nonetheless, in #"actice %ost %&sicians o&ld a!"ee on the F %ost f"e1&entl$ &sed a<nasR Rast, Ba$at, Sikah, Hi<a), Sa'a, K&"d, Naha and, and A<a%7and a fe of the %ost co%%onl$ &sed 8a"iants of thoseR Nak"i), Atha" K&"d, Sikah Beladi, Sa'a Ha%)a%a.

=&khalif is a "a"e <ins &sed e+cl&si8el$ in I"a1, and it does not occ&" in co%'ination a<nas.

ith othe"

*he %ain diffe"ence 'et een the este"n ch"o%atic scale and the A"a'ic scales is the e+istence of %an$ in-'et een notes, hich a"e so%eti%es "efe""ed to as 1&a"te" tones fo" the sake of #"acticalit$. Ho e8e", hile in so%e t"eat%ents of theo"$ the 1&a"te" tone scale o" all t ent$ fo&" tones sho&ld e+ist, acco"din! to JSs&f Sha 1T (15-5, in #"actice the"e a"e %an$ fe e" tones (*o&%a 155-, #.123,. In fact, the sit&ation is %&ch %o"e co%#licated than that. In 1540, at Inte"national Con8ention on A"a'ic %&sic held in Cai"o, ;!$#t (attended '$ s&ch Geste"n l&%ina"ies as BUla Ba"tVk and Hen"$ >eo"!e @a"%e",, e+#e"i%ents e"e done hich dete"%ined concl&si8el$ that the notes in act&al &se diffe" s&'stantiall$ f"o% an e8en-te%#e"ed 0/-tone scale, and f&"the"%o"e that the intonation of %an$ of those notes diffe" sli!htl$ f"o% "e!ion to "e!ion (;!$#t, *&"ke$, S$"ia, I"a1,. *he co%%ission6s "eco%%endation is as follo sR B*he te%#e"ed scale and the nat&"al scale sho&ld 'e "e<ected. In ;!$#t, the ;!$#tian scale is to 'e ke#t ith the 8al&es, hich e"e %eas&"ed ith all #ossi'le #"ecision. *he *&"kish, S$"ian, and I"a1i scales sho&ld "e%ain hat the$ a"e...B (t"anslated in =aalo&f 0330, #. 003,. Both in %ode"n #"actice, and 'ased on the e8idence f"o% "eco"ded %&sic o8e" the co&"se of the last cent&"$, the"e a"e se8e"al diffe"entl$t&ned B;Bs in 'et een the ;-flat and ;-nat&"al of the Geste"n Ch"o%atic scale, de#endin! on the %a1a% o" <ins in &se, and de#endin! on the "e!ion. =&sicians and teache"s "efe" to these in-'et een notes as B1&a"te"-tonesB (Bhalf-flatB o" Bhalfsha"#B, fo" ease of no%enclat&"e, #&t #e"fo"% and teach the e+act 8al&es of intonation in each <ins o" %a1a% '$ ea". It sho&ld also 'e added, in "efe"ence to *o&%a6s co%%ent a'o8e, that these B1&a"te"-tonesB a"e not &sed e8e"$ he"e in the %a1a%atR in #"actice, A"a'ic %&sic does not %od&late to 10 diffe"ent tonic a"eas like the Gell-*e%#e"ed Kla8ie", and so the %ost co%%onl$ &sed B1&a"te" tonesB a"e on ; ('et een ;-flat and ;-nat&"al,, A, B, D, @ ('et een @-nat&"al and @-sha"#, and C. *he #"otot$#ical A"a' ense%'le in ;!$#t and S$"ia is kno n as the takht, hich incl&des, (o" incl&ded at diffe"ent ti%e #e"iods, inst"&%ents s&ch as the 6o&d, 1anWn, "a'a', na$, 8iolin ( hich as int"od&ced in the 1F/3s o" .3s,, "i1 and d&%'ek. In I"a1, the t"aditional ense%'le, kno n as the chal!hi, incl&des onl$ t o %elodic inst"&%ents7the <o )a (si%ila" to the "a'a' '&t ith fo&" st"in!s, and sant&"-- ith "i1 and d&%'ek.

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