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Autonomous Intro 1 - No1

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Name: Wilmer Giovanny Poveda Sandoval Code: 20101007014

THE MISTERY OF ROCKY Pete Winston is in New York, and Milt Pete Winston: Yes, it is. ("t % think she#s Singer is in Oregon. Read their telephone in love. conversation. Milt Singer: hat#s wonder'"l, too+ Milt Singer: Hello Pete Winston: No, it isn#t. % don#t know Pete Winston: Hi, Milt? her $o!'riend. Milt Singer: Yes. Milt Singer: %s he a st"dent? Pete Winston: his is Pete Winston Pete Winston: No, he isn#t. Milt Singer: Hi, Pete. How are !o"? Milt Singer: What#s his na&e? How#s $"siness? Pete Winston: Rock!. Pete Winston: %#& 'ine, and $"siness is Milt Singer: Rock!? great. ("t %#& worried. Pete Winston: Yes Rock!+ Who is this Milt Singer: Wh!? What#s wrong Rock!? Yo"#re an old 'riend. Yo"#re in Pete Winston: %#& worried a$o"t &! Oregon now. Yo"#re a great detective. da"ghter, )arol. Please help &e. Milt Singer: Wh!? Milt Singer: %#ll do &! $est Pete Winston: She#s in Oregon, at Pete Winston: hanks Milt. (!e. Oregon State *niversit!. Milt Singer: (!e Resource taken from: focus on grammar 1994 a basic course Milt Singer: hat#s wonder'"l+ COMPREHENSION )heck ,- hat#s right or ,.- hat#s wrong.
/ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 / 8 )arol Winston is at Oregon State *niversit!. Pete Winston worried Milt Singer is worried Pete Winston and )arol Winston are 'ather and da"ghter Rock! and Milt are 'riends. Rock! and )arol are $o!'riend and girl'riend. Milt is a detective Pete and Milt are old 'riens Pete Winston is worried a$o"t his $"siness Pete Winston is worried $eca"se his da"ghter is in love hat#s right hat#s wrong

I. POSSESIVES NOUNS )o&plete he sentences. *se the words in the $o9. :rand&oth er :rand'athe r Moth er =athe r ;"nt *ncl e Sister (roth er Sister< in<law (rother<in< law Niece Nephe w &e

/. M! &other#s &other is &! grand&other. 0. M! 'ather#s &other is &! grand&other,too. 1. M! &other#s 'ather is &! grand'ather . 2. M! &other#s $rother is &! >>> "ncle >>>. 3. M! $rother#s son is &! >> nephew >>.

4. M! $rother#s da"ghter is &! >>niece>>. 5. M! 'ather#s sister is &! >>> a"nt>>>. 6. M! h"s$and#s $rother is &! Sister< in<law. 7. M! h"s$and#s sister is &! (rother<in<law>. /8. M! &other#s sister is &! >>> a"nt >>.

%NS % * O ?@ A@N:*;S ?@ A; *N%B@RS%?;? ?%S R% ;A C%A*? ;* ONOMO*S %N RO %

//. M! grand&other#s da"ghter is &! >>>>>>> a"nt>>>>or &! >>>> &other>>>> . /0. M! grand'ather#s son is &! >>>>>>>>"ncle>>>> or &! >>>> 'ather>>>> .

/1. M! 'ather#s da"ghter is &! >>>> sister >> or >>>> sister< in<law>>>>>. /2. M! &other#s son is &! >>>>> $rother>>>> or >>>&e>>>>>> .

II. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Com !e"e "#e $e%"e%&e$ '("# o$$e$$()e ad*e&"()e$. 1. He's from Spain. __His__name's Alberto. +. !ey're married.__ !eir__ "!ildren's names are #a$ren and %aniel. ,.. S$san &ill visit ___!er___friends &!en s!e 'oes to (n'land -. S!e's ei'!t.___Her__ brot!er's nine. .. )'m *ritis!.___+y___ name's Peter. /.. *e "aref$l, yo$r "at is annoyin' ____o$r____ nei'!bo$rs. III. VER0 TO 0E Complete t ese senten!es "it t e !orre!t #orm o# t e $er% to %e. /- Y"ri >>>is>> 'ro& R"ssia. 0- he st"dents >>>are>>> in class. 1- he co''ee $reak >>>is>>> at /8 a.&. 2- he hotel >>>is>>> on Madison ;ven"e. 3- Maria and ;ngelina >>>are>> ver! $ea"ti'"l. 4- ho&as >>>is>> a good st"dent. 5- We >>are>>> 'riends. 6- he! >>are>> &! teachers. 7- here >is>>a pen on the desk. /8- M! na&e >>is>> Nikita. //- hat >is>>right /0- %t >>is> cold toda!.

JO&S VOCA&U'AR( F(%d "#e 'o1d$ 2e!o' (% "#e 1(3#". Wo1d$ &a% 3o #o1(4o%"a!!56 )e1"(&a!!5 a%d d(a3o%a!!56 2a&7'a1d$ o1 8o1'a1d$:

%NS % * O ?@ A@N:*;S ?@ A; *N%B@RS%?;? ?%S R% ;A C%A*? ;* ONOMO*S %N RO %

F " E

G %

C &

E "

) & & + , " *

# $ C T ( $ G * E " / % 1 0

. F $

baker; banker; builder; butcher; cook; dentist; farmer; gardener; guard, T ! " E # C $ E T lecturer; manager; nurse; & T $ % ' ( $ " T ' pilot; plumber; policeman; % E C T " E " * # priest; secretary; shop assistant; teacher; ' F ! ) . T $ & translator; waiter; ' E * ( ) / * 0 + ! doctor_____ .
E ( F # $ / E G % E E $ ' ' / ' T $ ( T " ' $ $ % E C ! " " & / T " + , $ C + # E ' T % T % ( ' % T $ & 1 & T " E " T / /

* $ ( + E " &

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( 2 G

) ) " $ F ( , $

- T E " 1 !

( % E

( G / C

) $

St)rt *o+r line ,ot-to-,ot ./

Resource taken from: impact grammar, Pearson Longman 1999.

%NS % * O ?@ A@N:*;S ?@ A; *N%B@RS%?;? ?%S R% ;A C%A*? ;* ONOMO*S %N RO %

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