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Victoria Hepworths C V

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VICTORIA HEPWORTH 14 The Moorings Burnley BB120TP D0B: 26/05/1993

3on%!'% 9i'%ori!

Tel: 01282 832067 Mobile: 07889946709 E !il: "he#$or%h&u'l!n(!'(u) "i'%ori!he#$or%h&ho% !il('o(u)

A conscientious and creative ambition focused individual. My strengths lie in dedication, versatility and the ability to organise my time wisely. I am polite, yet confident, and always willing to learn new skills to optimise my potential.
E*#erien'e +uly, -ugus% 2010 The .elson /e!0er (Newspaper), Scotland Road, Nelson, BB8 7UT Des'ri#%ion Here I shadowed a Print Journalist or a period o two wee!s" I attended police press con erences, court proceedin#s and $isited %an& locations to o'ser$e the nature o an inter$iew" (lon#side this, I t&ped up press releases and conducted telephone inter$iews" I then wrote %& own reports and en)o&ed the i%a#inati$e side to creatin# %& own captions and headlines" *& e+perience in 3er%an& was carried out durin# a $oluntar& e+chan#e $isit" I sta&ed with a local a%il& in a s%all town called Pe#nit4 or a wee!" Not onl& was this a #reat opportunit& to 'roaden %& 3er%an s!ills, 'ut also to see what it was li!e to write or a newspaper in a di erent countr&" I wrote two -00 word opinion;'ased eatures on topics that had recentl& 'een in the news, conducted phone inter$iews, in addition to re;writin# press releases and cop&writin# tas!s" I wor! $oluntaril& or an e;co%%erce site which sells desi#ner ho%eware and )eweller& '& pro%otin# their we'site and products $ia a plethora o di erent %eans< 'lo# posts, press releases, eatures and podcast inter$iews with desi#ners which are pu'lished internall& or sent to the rele$ant %a#a4ines and 'lo#s" I conducted two wee!s o wor! e+perience at the *anchester li est&le %a#a4ine" I attended e$ents and photo shoots, conducted phone and ace;to; ace inter$iews, wrote articles and re$iews to 'e pu'lished on the we'site, was in char#e o social networ!in# across a nu%'er o plat or%s and acted as 9ditor while 9%%a was awa&" This included ta!in# control o e%ails and phone calls, or#anisin# inter$iews and contactin# PR a#encies" Because o the i%pression I %ade, I ha$e since 'een in$ited 'ac! or %ore e+perience where I co%piled the weddin# eature, inter$iewed cele'rities and attended press e$ents" =reelancin# or a *anchester 'ased online %a#a4ine co$erin# a ran#e o areas includin# ashion, e$ents, %usic, re$iews and inter$iews, in addition to creatin# the wee!l& newsletter" This position as ?i est&le 9ditor o %& Uni$ersit& newspaper is $er& de%andin# as I ha$e ortni#htl& deadlines to %eet" I arran#e %eetin#s, produce and or#anise content, post online and desi#n the pa#es o the newspaper"

1'%ober 2011 .or0b!yeris'her 2urier (Newspaper), *a+i%ilianstra,e -8./01-222 Ba&reuth, 3er%an&

+une 2012 The 3li%heroe -0"er%iser !n0 Ti es, 5a 6in# Street, 7litheroe, BB7 89: 4e#%e ber 2012, #resen% 5h!% 6 -l$!ys 5!n%e0 7www"whatialwa&swanted"co%8

+une 2013 !n0 +!nu!ry 2014 969- M!g!:ine =ourwa&s House, Part Second =loor, -7 Hilton Street, *anchester, *> 89J

+uly 2013, #resen% 4M!n'hes%er 5o en 7 7onwa& Road, Sale, *anchester, *55 8T( -ugus% 2013, +!nu!ry 2014 (Resi#ned due to Uni$ersit& co%%it%ents) /i;es%yle E0i%or !% Plu%o .e$s#!#er


E #loy en% (u#ust 8001; present 3o #!ny: 7row :ood ?eisure 7entre and The :oodland Spa Posi%ion: House!eepin# Des'ri#%ion: I a% e%plo&ed part ti%e as a %e%'er o House!eepin# sta at an award winnin# %e%'ers;onl& ?eisure co%ple+" 7usto%er ser$ice is necessar& and co%%unicatin# with the custo%ers in a polite and pro essional %anner is essential" 4)ills %!ble +ourn!lis Inter$iewin# techniBues (phone and ace;to; ace") Reportin# 7a%era s!ills Basic trainin# in Radio production and editin#" Social %edia Pa#e desi#n and la&out Su''in# and proo in# Shorthand 4o;%$!re *S :ord *S PowerPoint *S 9+cel *S (ccess Area%wea$er (do'e InAesi#n (do'e In7op& (udacit& Cuar!DPress :ordPress Blo##er Mis'ell!neous (S ?e$el standard o 3er%an 7lean dri$in# licence Social %edia sa$$& St&le direction and or#anisation o photo shoots"

E0u'!%ion !n0 <u!li;i'!%ions 8002; 8001 St" :il rid@s 7 o 9 Hi#h School and Technolo#& 7olle#e, 6in# Street, Blac!'urn =34E !'hie"e en%s: 9n#lish ?an#ua#e< ( 9n#lish ?iterature< ( 3er%an< ( I7T Aou'le (ward< Aistinction Te+tiles Technolo#&< ( Reli#ious 9ducation< ( 3eo#raph&< B Science< B *athe%atics< B 8001; 80>> St :il rid@s Si+th =or%, 6in# Street, Blac!'urn -,/e"el !'hie"e en%s: I7T< ( Ps&cholo#&< ( 9n#lish ?an#ua#e< B 3eneral Studies< B 80>>; 80>2 Uni$ersit& o 7entral ?ancashire (U7?an), Preston B( (Hons) Journalis% (3rade pendin#) =ull N7TJ accreditation, includin# shorthand to a %ini%u% speed o >00 wa% (pendin#) 6n%eres%s *& %ain interest is in ashion, which can 'e seen throu#h %& st&le contri'utions to student %edia which earned %e the position o ?i est&le 9ditor" In order to !eep it I en)o& #oin# to the #&% and spend %& spare ti%e socialisin# with riends and attendin# press e$ents or the co%panies or

9+cellent re erences can 'e pro$ided on


which I a% currentl& a reelancer" Pre$ious e$ents I ha$e co$ered include Eo#ue@s =ashion@s Ni#ht Fut, the Einta#e *anchester (wards and the (rt *ar!ets"

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