Coal Flotation OF Fines
Coal Flotation OF Fines
Coal Flotation OF Fines
Title of Resea c! Re"#ctio$ of S#lf# a$" As! f o% Salt Ra$&e coal '( F ot! flotatio$
Na%e of St#"e$t) Registration No.: Date o Registration "art Ti#e /F$%% Ti#e:
S#*e +iso "ro . Dr. S&a&i' Ra(a Ma%i) H*D+ C&e#.Engg De,tt. NFC- IEFR -aran.a%a Roa'+ FSD.
,. P o'le% State%e$t)
Salt Ra$&e Coalfiel" co/ers an area o a0o$t 2!0 s1. )# 0et.een 2&$s&a0+ Dan'ot an' 2&e.ra in t&e Sargo'&a an' -&e%$# Districts o "$n3a0. T&e #ost signi icant $ses o coa% are in e%ectricit4 generation+ stee% ,ro'$ction+ ce#ent #an$ act$ring an' as a %i1$i' $e%. 5$t t&e &ig& s$% $r content o t&is coa% i#,oses se/ers %i#itations on its $ti%i(ation as t&e s$% $r o6i'e gases e/o%/e' ro# t&e co#0$stion o &ig& s$% $r coa%s res$%t in aci' rains an' corrosion o e1$i,#ent7s. T&e c$rrent researc& .or) ai#s at re'$cing t&e s$% $r ro# coa% 04 rot& %otation o%%o.e' 04 %eac&ing.
1. Lite at# e SURVEY /2 ief s# +e( of Past 3o 4 "o$e o$ t!e to*ic a$" a$( elate" 3o 4 3it! efe e$ces, "e+elo*i$& $ee" fo * ese$t st#"(0)
/a0 For ine si(e ractions %otation is t&e 'o#inant c%eaning #et&o'.
H4'ro,&o0ic coa% ,artic%es %oat at .ater s$r ace an' ot&er i#,$rities are &4'ro,&i%ic so sin) in .ater in %otation ,rocess. 8 1 9
/'0 T&e i6e' car0on content /aries ro# 2:.;0 to <<.=0> an' s$% $r content 02.!0 to 10.;0> in sa%t range coa%. It %ies in s$0 0it$#ino$s categor4. S$% $r content are 0it to &ig& as it goes $,to 10>.829 /c0 T&e s$% $r ,resent in coa% a,,ears in ,4ritic+ organic an' s$% ate or#s. "4ritic s$% $r is $s$a%%4 re#o/e' 04 ,&4sica% se,aration #et&o's s$c& as rot& %otation. 8?9. /"0 Se,aration o t&e ,artic%es o /a%$a0%e #inera%s ro# t&e ore is ac&ie/e'
.&en ,artic%es o t&e /a%$a0%e #inera%s ,re erentia%%4 attac& to air 0$00%es an' are %oate' to t&e s$r ace o t&e s%$rr4 /ia a rot& %a4er. Fro# t&e rot& %a4er+ t&e ,artic%es are re#o/e' 04 #eans o an o/er %o. %a$n'er. T&e re#ain'er o t&e s%$rr4 e6its t&e ce%% t&ro$g& an o$t%et in t&e ,art o t&e ce%%. 8 < 9. /e0 Hig& s$% $r coa%s res$%t in aci' rains an' corrosion o e1$i,#ent7s. Use o
)erosene as a co%%ector an' ,ine oi% as rot&er in rot& %oatation &as 'ecrease' as& an' s$% $r content o coa% #ore t&an an4 ot&er rot&er an' co%%ector 8 : 9. I &a/e se%ecte' t&e tec&ni1$e rot& %otation or t&e s$% $r an' as& re'$ction+ I .i%% a%so in/estigate t&e e ect o c&ange in concentration o reagents on s$% $r an' as& re'$ction.
Met!o"olo&() /a02 ief "esc i*tio$ of !o3 esea c! 3ill 'e co$"#cte".
Since t&e ,ri#e o03ecti/e o t&is researc& st$'4 is re#o/a% o s$% $r an' as& ro# coa%+ t&ere ore+ rot& %otation #et&o' .i%% 0e $se' an' ana%4sis o coa% .i%% 0e 'one as ,er stan'ar' #et&o's gi/en in t&e ta0%e a&ea'.
/'0E6*e i%e$tal)
T&e coa% sa#,%e @0.:##A .i%% 0e treate' $sing rot& %otation #et&o'. I .i%% $se 2erosene as co%%ector+ ,ine oi% as rot&er an' so'i$# ,o%4acr4%ic aci' as 'is,ersant in rot& %oatation. Bna%4sis .i%% 0e 'one irst or ra. ee' secon' or concentrate ro# %otation.
Na%e Of Test
Fi6e" Ca 'o$
2( s#'t acti$& t!e %ass of +olatile %oist# e %atte , f o% as!, t!e a$" o i&i$al
1 5 9
%ass of t!e coal sa%*le 2o%' Calo i%ete Elect ic F# $ace Ai Heate" O+e$ Hi&!:te%*e at# e co%'#stio$ a$" i$f a e" a'so *tio$ "etecto Coal t!o o#&!l( '# $t a$" t!e as! %ate ial e6* esse" as a *e ce$ta&e 3ei&!t. of t!e o i&i$al
an' %ess S*6 so it .i%% 0eco#e #ore en/iron#ent rien'%4. sca%e+ in'$stria% sca%e treat#ent can 0e starte'.
Refe e$ces
1. -.S.Das) ECoa% %otation an' ine coa% $ti%i(ationF De/e%o,#ents in #inera% ,rocessing+ "age 1-109 .
2. "ri/ate , an' in rastr$ct$re 0oar'+ E"a)istan coa% , generation ,otentia% EB re,ort 04 Ministr4 o .ater an' , go/t o "a)istan+ -$ne 200< . ?. E&sani+ Mo&a##a' Re(a. ERe'$ction o S$% $r an' as& ro# Ta0as coa% 04 rot& %otaionF M.Sc. T&esis Is a&an Uni/ersit4 o Tec&no%og4+ 200;. <. ".T.D. 2*H an' M.". SCHGBRH. ECFD #o'e% o a se% -aerating %otation ce%%F Fi t& Internationa% Con erence on CFD in t&e "rocess In'$stries CSIR*+ Me%0o$rne+ B$stra%ia 1?-1: Dece#0er 200!. :. B0'$rra&#an Sa4'$t+4a%ein Ton0$%. EFrot& %otation ,retreat#ent or en&ancing 'es$% $ri(ation o coa% .it& so'i$# &4'roo6i'eF T&e 3o$rna% o scienti ic I In'$stria% Researc& Jo%.!!+-an$ar4 200;+,,.;2-;<
Si&$at# e of
T&e a0o/e ,ro,osa% '$%4 reco##en'e' 04 t&e De,art#ent 5oar' * St$'ies/Co##ittee o "ost-Cra'$ate St$'ies in its #eeting &e%' on KKKKKKKKKKK is'e' to t&e Director o Researc& or o0taining t&e a,,ro/a% o t&e Jice-C&ance%%or.