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Government of India Ministry of Railways

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Government of India

Ministry of Railways
S#e$ifi$ation No%M&C'NT'()*'+))(
Research Designs & Standards Organisation
Lucknow - 226011
Page No. 01 of 08 Effective from- April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001

!i"#i$ pe%etra%t te&ti%g i& co%&i$ere$ o%e of mo&t effective ' #&er-frie%$l( a%$ &imple
NDT met)o$ for $etectio% of &#rface crac*& i% e%gi%eeri%g compo%e%t&. +t $oe& %ot
re"#re ela,orate &#rface preparatio%' capital -i%te%&ive e"#ipme%t a%$ ca% ,e emplo(e$
i%-&it# t)#& facilitati%g compo%e%t e-ami%atio% o% &)op floor or i% fiel$.
Primaril(' t)e co%&#ma,le& for li"#i$ pe%etra%t te&ti%g co%&i&t of a &et of t)ree
compo%e%t& i.e clea%er ' pe%etra%t a%$ $eveloper . Pe%etrate are cla&&ifie$ a& vi&i,le or
fl#ore&ce%t $epe%$i%g #po% t)eir vi&i,ilit( co%$itio%&. .i&i,le pe%etra%t are capa,le of
$etecti%g crac*& of 20-0 micro%& $ept) of 10 - 20 micro%& #%$er /. lig)t.
To ma*e t)e &(&tem of li"#i$ pe%etra%t e-ami%atio% effective ' i.e it i& e&&e%tial to
e%&#re t)e "#alit( of material #&e$. T)i& &pecificatio% la(& $o0% t)e "#alit(
re"#ireme%t& a%$ te&t& re"#ire$ to ,e co%$#cte$ o% t)e&e material&.
1. SC1PE2
T)i& &pecificatio% cover& t)e tec)%ical re"#ireme%t& of t)e material& #&e$ i% t)e li"#i$
pe%etra%t e-ami%atio% of metallic part& for $etectio% of $i&co%ti%#it( ope% to &#rface. +t
&#per&e$e$ earlier &pecificatio% No. M&C/NDT/10/2001 i&&#e$ o% t)e &#,3ect.
Pe%etrate &(&tem 6a &et of clea%er ' pe%etra%t a%$ $eveloper7 covere$ ,( t)i&
&pecificatio% &)all ,e cla&&ifie$ a& #%$er ,a&e$ o% it& %at#re of vi&i,ilit(' 0a&)-a,ilit(
c)aracteri&tic& a%$ &e%&itivit( level&.
2.1 .+S+8+!T92
T(pe + - 4l#ore&ce%t $(e
T(pe ++ - .i&i,le $(e
T(pe +++ - .i&i,le a%$ fl#re&ce%t $(e 6 $#al mo$e 7
Page No. 02 of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
2.2 Washability
Met)o$ A - :ater 0a&)a,le
Met)o$ 8 - Po&t em#l&ifia,le 6!+P1P;+!+C7
Met)o$ C - Solve%t remova,le
Met)o$ D - Po&t em#l&ifia,le 6 ;9D51P;+!+C7
6!+P1P;+!+C em#l&ifier are oil &ol#,le em#l&ifier& a%$ ;9D51P;+!+C em#l&ifier are
0ater &ol#,le li"#i$& #&e$ to remove t)e oil li*e pe%etra%t7
2.< Sesiti!ity 6 applica,le #&#all( to t(pe + $(e o%l(7
!evel 1- !o0
!evel 2- Me$i#m
!evel <- ;ig)
!evel =- /ltra )ig)
<.1 Developer& covere$ ,( t)i& &pecificatio% &)all ,e of follo0i%g t(pe&2
4orm a - $r( po0$er
4orm , - 0ater &ol#,le
4orm c - 0ater &#&pe%$a,le
4orm $ - %o%-a"#eo#&
4orm e - &pecific applicatio%
<.2 4orm >a> $eveloper &)all %ot co%tai% a&,e&to&.
<.< Solve%t remover& &)all ,e of follo0i%g cla&&e&2
Cla&& 1 - ;aloge%ate$
Cla&& 2 - No%- )aloge%ate$
Cla&& < - &pecific applicatio%
=. All i%&pectio% material& #&e$ for $(e pe%etra%t e-ami%atio% &)all ,e %o%- corro&ive i%
%at#re. 4or all pe%etra%t a%$ em#l&ifier& t)e fla&) poi%t &)all %ot ,e le&& t)a% 2
C a&
$etermi%e$ ,( Pe%&*( - Marte%& clo&e$ c#p te&ter. t)e te&t met)o$ &)all ,e a& per $etail&
i% ASTM D- ?<.
. Nomo%al vi&co&it( of t)e pe%etra%t a%$ em#l&ifier &)all ,e i%$icate$ ,( t)e
a%$ a tolera%ce of 6 10@ &)all o%l( allo0a,le o% t)e val#e& o,tai%e$. T)e te&t for
vi&co&it( &)all ,e co%$#cte$ at <8 6 <
C a%$ proce$#re of te&ti%g &)all ,e a& i%$icate$
i% +S- 120A 6part < 7 - 1?B8 . 4or pe%etra%t&' t)e vi&co&it( &)o#l$ ra%ge from to 10
ce%ti&to*e& a%$ for em#l&ifier& from 10 to 100 ce%ti&to*e&.
Page No. 0< of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
T)e pro$#ct& #&e$ for $(e pe%etra%t e-ami%atio% i%cl#$i%g t)e aero&ol co%tai%e$
pro$#ct& &)all )ave a &elf life of at lea&t 2 (ear& from t)e $ate of ma%#fact#re #%$er
%ormal e%virome%tal co%$itio%&. At t)e time of &#ppl( ' pro$#ct& ma%#fact#re$ more
t)a% t0o mo%t)& ,efore $ate of act#al &#ppl( &)all ,e accepta,le #%le&& e-te%$e$
g#ara%tee coverage i& give%. T)e ma%#fact#rer &)all pri%t t)e ,atc) %o. o% eac) pro$#ct
a%$ &tamp t)e mo%t) a%$ (ear of ma%#fact#re o% all t)e co%tai%er& of pe%etra%t clea%er
a%$ $eveloper.
B.1 All pe%etra%t &)all rea$il( 0et t)e &#rface a%$ t)e applie$ film &)all %ot retract or form
,ea$& 0)e% o,&erve$ after 10 mi%#te& of applicatio% o% &ta%$ar$ Ni-Cr te&t pa%%el&
co%formi%g to 5DS1 &pecificatio% 67 M&C/NDT//?1/APPD7. T)e pe%etra%t &)all ,e
ea&il( remova,le eve% after = )r& pe%etra%t $0ell time at 21
B.2 T(pe ++ a%$ +++ pe%etra%t& &)all ,e &#pplie$ i% re$' pi%* or ora%ge colo#r 0)e% vie0e$
#%$er 0)ite lig)t a%$ )ave goo$ co%tra&t o% a 0)ite ,ac*gro#%$. T)e( &)o#l$ ,e a,le to
$etect crac*& 6 o% &ta%$ar$ Ni-Cr pa%e& 7 of <0 micro%& &iCe or fi%er.
B.< T(pe + pe%etra%t& &)all fl#ore&ce (ello0-gree% or gree% 0)e% ill#mi%ate$ 0it) #ltra-
violet lig)t 6 0avele%gt) <00 - <?0 mm or <000 - <?00 A
7 . T)e fl#ore&ce%t ,rig)t%e&&
&)all ,e )ig) e%o#g) #%$er t)e #ltraviolet lig)t to provi$e goo$ co%tra&t 0it) t)e
,ac*gro#%$ for $etectio% of crac*& of 20 micro%& &iCe or fi%er o% Ni-Cr te&t pa%el&. T)e
pe%etra%t &)all &)o0 %o &eparatio% or &c#m formatio%.
B.= :ater 0a&)a,le 6 Met)o$ A 7 pe%etra%t& &)all %ot pro$#ce gelli%g ' &eparatio%' clo#$i%g'
coag#latio% or formatio% of 0ater la(er o% t)e pe%etra%t &#rface' 0ater 0a&)a,le
pe%etra%t& pe%etra%t& &)all )ave lo0 volatilit(.
B. :ater 0a&) pre&&#re &)all %ot e-cee$ =0 p&i 6 2B Dpa 7 at ma-. temp. of =0
Di&ta%ce from %oCCle to te&t part &)o#l$ %ot ,e le&& t)a% <0 cm.
Page No. 0= of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
8.1 T)e colo#r of t)e em#l&ifier &)all ,e $i&ti%ctl( $iffere%t from t)e colo#r of t)e
8.2 A mi-t#re of = part& of em#l&ifier a%$ 1 part of pe%etra%t &)all leave %o re&i$#al
8.< A$$itio% of @ ,( vol#meof 0ater to met)o$ 8 em#l&ifier& &)all pro$#ce %o gelli%g'
&eparatio% ' coag#latio% or formatio% of 0ater la(er.
8.= ;($rop)ilic em#l&ifier& &)all ,e $il#te$ a& per ma%#fact#rer>& recomme%$atio%& a%$
0ater co%te%t of t)e em#l&ifier co%ce%trate &)all %ot e-cee$ @.
?.1 Developer for t(pe + pe%etra%t & t(pe ++ pe%etra%t &)all provi$e a )ig) co%tra&ti%g ,ac*
gro#%$ prefera,l( 0)ite.
?.2 T)e %o%-a"#eo#& $eveloper& &)all ,e rea$(-mi-e$ i% pre&&#ri&e$ or %o%-pre&&#ri&e$
co%tai%er& a& per #&er& re"#ireme%t&. Aero&ol co%tai%er& &)all )ave a pellet to facilitate
agitatio% a%$ proper mi-i%g. No%-a"#eo#& $eveloper& &)all o%l( ,e applie$ ,( &pra( to
provi$e a &moot)' eve% 0)ite coati%g o% t)e te&t &#rface.
?.< T)e precipitate if a%( forme$ &)all ,e rea$il( re&#&pe%$i,le 0it) t)e ge%tle &tirri%g or
?.= :ater &ol#,le or &#&pe%$i,le $eveloper& &)all ,e &#pplie$ i% 0et or $r( co%$itio% a&
per #&er>& re"#ireme%t . :)e% &#pplie$ i% $r( co%$itio% ' t)e i%&tr#ctio%& for mi-i%g
&)all ,e i%$icate$ ,( t)e ma%#fact#rer. Precipitate' if a%(' &)all ,e rea$il( &ol#,le or
re&#&pe%$a,le 0it) ge%tle &tirri%g. T)i& &)all provi$e a &moot) eve% coati%g o% t)e
&#rface of t)e te&t
&pecime% after $r(i%g 0)e% te&te$ for &e%&itivit(. T)e&e $eveloper& &)all o%l( ,e #&e$
0it) t(pe + pe%etra%t&.
?. All $eveloper& &)all ,e ea&il( a%$ completel( remova,le. Solve%t remover& &)all leave
%o re&i$#al pe%etra%t or oil( re&i$#e.
?.A All $eveloper& &)all ,e ,io$egra$a,le.
?.B +% ca&e of a"#eo#& of &ol#,le or &#&pe%$a,le $eveloper' t)e co%ce%tratio% &)all ,e a& per
t)e recomme%$atio% of t)e ma%#fact#rer.
Page No. 0 of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
?.8 +% ca&e of $r( po0$er $eveloper ' t)e particle &iCe &)all %ot e-cee$ <0 micro%& a%$ t)e
co%te%t& of &#lp)#r a%$ c)lori%e i%$ivi$#all( &)all %ot e-cee$ 1@. Dr( po0$er
$eveloper& &)o#l$ ,e free flo0i%g' 0)ite fl#ff( po0$er&' &#pplie$ rea$( for #&e. T)e
,#l* $e%&it( of t)e po0$er& &)o#l$ %ot e-cee$ 20 gm&/ltr. .ol#me. +t &)all o%l( ,e
#&e$ 0it) t(pe + pe%etra%t&.
?.? Dr( po0$er $eveloper& & a"#eo#& &ol#,le / &#&pe%$i,le $eveloper& &)all ,e provi$e a
0)ite ,ac*gro#%$.
8( #&i%g a%( of t)e pe%etra%t removal met)o$&' 6 A'8'C or D 7 a& applica,le to t)e t(pe
of t)e pe%etra%t %o re&i$#al pe%etra%t &)all ,e e-i&te%t o% t)e te&t &#rface 0)ic) ma(
i%terfere 0it) t)e crac* $etectio%. .
Aero&ol co%tai%er& co%tai% a mi-t#re of li"#i$ pro$#ct 6 pe%etra%t or $eveloper' or
clea%er 7 a%$ propella%t i% li"#efie$ form. T)e vol#me occ#pie$ ,( t)e&e t0o material i&
&#c) t)at a% empt( &pace i& availa,le i% t)e co%tai%er 0)ic) i& occ#pie$ ,( vapori&e$
propella%t .
T)e ma%#fact#rer &)all i%$icate t)e %et 0eig)t of t)e co%tai%er' it& total vol#me a%$
total 0eig)t of e-pelle$ co%te%t& from Aero&ol co%tai%er& at t)e time of &#ppl( 6 ,efore
i%&pectio% 7. T)e fiel$ Aero&ol co%tai%er& &)all ,e te&te$ for valve lea*age a%$ t)e
lea*age &)all %ot e-cee$ < ml i% =< )r&. #%$er %ormal &torage co%$itio%&. All co%tai%er&
&)all )ave proper pac*agi%g a%$ %o $efect &)all ,e allo0e$ o% t)i& a&pect.
C12 or ;($rocar,o% propella%t &)all o%l( ,e #&e$ i% t)e aero&ol co%tai%er&. /&e of
C4C propella%t &)all ,e avoi$e$ i% t)e Aero&ol co%tai%er&.
11.1Ae+,s,l -a -a.a-ity 6 +%ter%al vol#me of t)e ca%72
Aero&ol ca% for applicatio% to +%$ia% 5ail0a(& &)all ,e &#pplie$ i% t0o &iCe& of capacit(
<<0 ml a%$ 00 ml vol#me .
11.2C,tet ,/ the 0ate+ial 1 Mi-t#re of pro$#ct a%$ propella%t7
Material co%te%t i% t)e aero&ol ca%& &)all ,e 8<@ ,( vol#me for <<0 ml ca%& a%$
80<@ ,( vol#me for 00 ml ca%&. T)e &#pplier &)all i%$icate t)e 0eig)t of t)e ca%
0it) it& co%te%t i% )i& offer.
Page No. 0A of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
11.<Relati!e .+,.,+ti, ,/ .+,23-t a2 .+,.ellat
T)e ratio ,et0ee% pro$#ct a%$ propella%t ,( 0eig)t &)all ,e <21 0it) a% allo0a,le
variatio% of <@.
T)e i%&pectio% a%$ te&ti%g of t)e pe%etra%t material& &)all ,e a& per Ta,le 1 of t)i&
&pecificatio%. E#alit( a&&#ra%ce te&t& &)all ,e co%$#cte$ ,( t)e ma%#fact#rer a%$
accepta%ce te&t& &)all ,e carrie$ o#t ,( t)e p#rc)a&er at t)e time of i%&pectio%. 5ecor$&
of E#alit( A&&#ra%ce Te&t& &)all ,e mai%tai%e$ ,( t)e ma%#fact#rer a%$ pro$#ce$ to t)e
i%&pecti%g official o% $ema%$.
)". #IEWIN4
)".)#isible 2ye is.e-ti,5 6T(pe ++7
T)e lig)ti%i%g &(&tem &)all provi$e at lea&t 100 foot ca%$le& 61000 l/m
7 of 0)ite lig)t
at t)e &#rface of t)e compo%e%t ,ei%g i%&pecte$.
)".2Fl3,+es-et 2ye is.e-ti,
T)e am,ie%t 0)ite lig)t ,ac*gro#%$ &)all %ot e-cee$ 2 foot ca%$le& 6 20 l/m
7 a%$ ,lac*
lig)t &)all provi$e a mi%im#m of 800 micro 0att&/cm
0)e% mea&#re$ at <8 cm& 61F7
from t)e fro%t face of t)e ,lac* lig)t 6<00-<?0 %m 0ave le%gt)7. T)e ,lac* lig)t
i%te%&it( &)all ,e mea&#re$ at lea&t o%ce ever( 8 )o#r& $#ri%g te&t&. 8lac* lig)t lamp
&)all co%form to 5DS1 &pec. M&C/NDT/A/?1. T)e operator m#&t #&e /. protectio%
gla&&e& $#ri%g i%&pectio% to protect t)e e(e.
1=.14or all t)e a,ove applicatio%&' t)e accepta,le pe%etra%t $0ell time &)all ,e ,et0ee% to
10 mt&' for t(pe 1 a%$ to 20 mt&. for t(pe ++ .Developi%g time for $r(/%o%-a"#eo#&
$eveloper& a%$ 0et a"#eo#& $eveloper& 6 %o% a"#eo#&7 &)all ,e 10 mt&. a%$ 2 mt&.
ma-im#m re&pectivel( for all pe%etra%t& 6 e-cl#&ive of $r(i%g time for 0et $eveloper&.7
1=.2T)e &(&tem &e%&itivit( for crac* $etectio% &)all ,e a& #%$er. T)e &e%&itivit( level
re"#ire$ ,( t)e #&er &)all ,e i%$icate$ at t)e time of or$eri%g $epe%$i%g #po% t)e
criticalit( of t)e compo%e%t& #%$er te&t.
Page No. 0B of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
1=.< 6a7 F,+ /l3,+es-et .eet+ats 6T(pe + Met)o$ A'8'C'D7
4l#ore&ce%t pe%etra%t& &)all ,e capa,le of $etecti%g crac*& of 20 micro%& or fi%er 0it)
a$e"#ate ,rig)t%e&& level. ;ig)er ,rig)t%e&& pe%etra%t& 6level 2 & level =7 &)all ,e
capa,le of &)o0i%g t)e pre&e%ce of crac*& 0it)o#t ela,rote $ar* room arra%geme%t
0)ile ot)er pe%etra%t& 6level 1 & <7 &)all ,e vie0e$ i% t)e $ar* room.
!evel- 20 micro%&
!evel- 20 micro%& 0it) )ig)er ,rig)t%e&&
!evel- 10 micro%&
!evel- 10 micro%& 0it) )ig)er ,rig)t%e&&
6,7F,+ !isible 2ye 6 t(pe ++' Met)o$ A'C'D7
;ig) 20 micro%&
!o0 <0 micro%&
Crac* $etecta,ilit( &)all ,e a&&e&&e$ o% a Ni-Cr te&t pa%el )avi%g &pecifie$ crac* $ept).
!i"#i$ pe%etra%t material& #&e$ o% Ni-,a&e allo(& a%$ a#&te%itic &tai%le&& &teel& &)all
%ot )avemore t)a% 1@ of re&i$#e ,( 0eig)t' 0)e% te&te$ a& per ASTM D-12?/ASTM
D-122 a%$ ASTM D-808 re&pectivel(.
Solve%t clea%er&/ remover& &)all )ave a re&i$#e of le&& t)a% 0 ppm or 0.00g per 100g
of material. +f re&i$#e e-cee$& t)i&' t)e% it &)all ,e a%al(&e$ for S & Cl co%te%t 0)ic)
&)all %ot e-cee$ 1@ ,( 0eig)t i%$ivi$#all(.
1A. Pe%etrate &(&tem i.e t)e pe%etra%t' t)e clea%er a%$ t)e $eveloper &)all ,e proc#re$ a& a
&(&tem to e%&#re compati,ilit(.
1B. All t)e c)emical& viC. Clea%er' pe%etra%t' em#l&ifier a%$ $eveloper &)all ,e ,iologicall(
%o%-to-ic' c)emicall( %o%-active' to all metal& a%$ &)all %ot re-act 0it) t)e &*i% or
ca#&e irritatio% to t)e e(e.
T)e follo0i%g i%formatio% &)all ,e provi$e$ ,( t)e p#rc)a&er 0)ile placi%g t)e or$er.
a. t(pe' 0a&)a,ilit(' &e%&itivit( level 6i% micro%&7 a%$ form of $eveloper.
,. +% re&pect of aero&ol co%tai%er&' t)e total capacit( of t)e co%tai%er& i.e.
<<0ml/00ml. a& t)e ca&e ma( ,e.
Page No. 08 of 08 Effective from April 2001 Spec. No. M&C/NDT/10/2001
c. T)e "#a%tit( or$ere$ i% re&pect of Aero&ol co%tai%er& &)all i%$icate t)e %#m,er
of ca%& re"#ire$ a%$ %ot i% term& of litre&.
T)e follo0i%g co%$itio%& 0ill ,e a$)ere$ to $#ri%g proc#reme%t of li"#i$ pe%etra%t
a. :)ile placi%g t)e p#rc)a&e or$er' it ma( ,e e%&#re$ t)at pe%etra%t' clea%er a%$
$eveloper i% t)e re"#ire$ "#a%tit( i& proc#re$ from t)e &ame &o#rce. T)i& i&
e&&e%tial to e%&#re compati,ilit(.
,. Ge%erall( for proc#reme%t p#rpo&e&' t)e ratio ,( vol#me ,et0ee% pe%etra%t'
clea%er a%$ $eveloper &)all ,e 12<22.
c. :)ile a&certai%i%g t)e &e%&itivit( level' t)e te&t& &)all ,e carrie$ o#t o% Ni-Cr
te&t& pa%el& of certifie$ "#alit(. T)e &#pplier &)all pro$#ce vali$ certificate& a%$
crac* profile of t)e Ni-Cr pa%el to t)e p#rc)a&er at t)e time of i%&pectio%.
S.N,. Nat3+e ,/ test Q3ality Ass3+a-e Q3ality -,/,+0a-e
/,+ a--e.ta-e
a. To-icit( H
,. Corro&io% Protectio% H
c. 4la&) Poi%t H H
$. .i&co&it( H H
e. Storage &ta,ilit( H
f. S#rface 0etti%g H H
g. 4l#ore&ce%t ,rig)t%e&& H H
). /ltraviolet &ta,ilit( H
i. T)ermal &ta,ilit( H H
3. Ta%* life H
*. :ater tolera%ce H H
l. 5e$i&per&a,ilit( H H
m. Developer fl#ore&ce%ce H H
%. Developer ,io-re&i&ta%ce H
o. Developer remova,ilit( H
p. Pe%etrate remova,ilit( H H
". Se%&itivit( H H
r. Aero&ol "#a%tit( # H
&. .alve lea*age H H
t. :ater co%te%t 6 for )($rop)ilic
em#l&ifier co%ce%trate 7
#. Pac*agi%g H H
# D#ri%g i%&pectio% ' t)e "#a%tit( of co%te%t 0ill ,e c)ec*e$ ,( p#tti%g t)e co%tai%er i%
a freeCer follo0e$ ,( e-tractio% of t)e co%te%t 6 ,( &litti%g t)e top of t)e co%tai%er7. T)i&
c)ec* &)all ,e carrie$ o#t o% a &ample ,a&i&6 o%e &ample for eac) ,atc) 7.

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