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Guide For International Exchange Students: Introductory Page

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Guide for International Exchange

Introductory Page
KIMEP University offers an exceptional education in a unique region of the
world. Located in Alaty! the financial capital of "entral Asia! students have
the opportunity to experience "entral Asian culture in a dynaic and odern
#he capus is secure and is located in the center of Alaty. $tudents are
within wal%ing distance to cafes! restaurants! concert halls and other fun
entertainent venues. "lose &y! also! are the &eautiful #ien $han Mountains
which provide s%iing and snow&oarding during the winter! scenic hi%ing trails!
and a chance to &reathe in fresh ountain air.
'e encourage you to choose KIMEP U(I)E*$I#+ as your destination for an
exchange progra as along with the high standard acadeic progras you
will also experience an unforgetta&le environent of a diverse student &ody
and faculty counity! a unique cultural atosphere! and a picturesque
panoraa of ountains! steppes! forests! valleys! and deserts all in one place.
#he exchange period at KIMEP will ena&le you to gain valua&le international
experience! a%e new friends! and study Ka,a%h! *ussian and other
KIMEP University offers one or two seesters for exchange! and the freedo
to ta%e courses fro across our undergraduate and aster progras following
prerequisites requireents. -ur capus offers a world.class li&rary and
research resources. $tudent life is dynaic and varied as you will have the
opportunity to ingle with Ka,a%hstan and international students and faculty
and participate in various %inds of extracurricular activities.
International Relations Ofce,
Coordinator of Exchange Students,
Baurzhan Shayakhmetov,
Tel: +7 727 270 44 80
Mob: +7 701 92 88 777
Office: Dostyk Building # 414
E-mail: exchange@kime!k"!h-"t/
#ll exchange rograms $ith %I&EP 'ni(ersity)s artners are go(erned *y
the follo$ing general rules +although excetions are ossi*le in certain
cases deending on the agreement,:
The two in"tit#tion" a$ree to e!han$e "t#%ent" on a re!ipro!al ba"i"
&t#%ent" are epe!te% to "t#%' abroa% (or one or two "eme"ter" onl'
)artner #ni*er"itie" pro*i%e a %ormitor' pla!e or a""i"tan!e in +n%in$
a!!ommo%ation (or e!han$e "t#%ent".
&t#%ent" pa' their t#ition (ee an% "t#%ent (ee to the home #ni*er"it' an% are
eempt (rom pa'in$ t#ition (ee at the ho"t in"tit#te. ,n "ome !a"e"- %epen%in$
on the a$reement with the ho"t #ni*er"it' the "t#%ent (ee i" pai% to the ho"t
&t#%ent" are re"pon"ible (or all epen"e"- #"#all' in!l#%in$ meal"-
a!!ommo%ation- tran"portation- me%i!al in"#ran!e- *i"a- per"onal epen"e"-
E!han$e "t#%ent" remain re$i"tere% at their home #ni*er"it'- b#t the !o#r"e"
the' take at a partner #ni*er"it' !an $enerall' be !o#nte% towar%" their %e$ree
at their home in"tit#tion.
.enerall'- appli!ant" are "ele!te% b' the home #ni*er"it'/ howe*er- the +nal
%e!i"ion i" ma%e b' the ho"t #ni*er"it'.
0ppli!ant" (or e!han$e pro$ram" "ho#l% meet the (ollowin$ $eneral !riteria:
o 1e a re$#lar "t#%ent at the home #ni*er"it'
o 2a*e a "oli% !omman% o( En$li"h 3e4#i*alent to ,E5T& 6.67
In order to aly for exchange rogram to %I&EP 'ni(ersity you should:
8onta!t 'o#r home #ni*er"it'9" e%#!ation abroa% e!han$e %ire!tor
8he!k i( 'o#r home #ni*er"it' i" an e!han$e partner o( :,ME) ;ni*er"it'
<ollow the "tep" below !are(#ll' an% prepare the ne!e""ar' %o!#mentation
Please follo$ this link to check the #cademic -alendar
#lying to %I&EP 'ni(ersity)s exchange rogram is a se(en.ste rocess:
Ste / = )repare the appli!ation %o!#ment"
Ste 0 = >e!ei*e ,n*itation 5etter
Ste 1 = 0ppl' (or ?,&0
Ste 2 = >e$i"ter (or !o#r"e"
Ste 3 = 0!!ommo%ation
Ste 4 = 0rri*al to 0lmat' 3Me%i!al @o!#ment/?,&0 Eten"ion7
Ste 5 = 0%%itional ,n(ormation
S6EP / 7 PREP#RE 68E #PP9I-#6IO: ;O-'&E:6S
To appl' (or a pro$ram at :,ME)- appli!ant" "ho#l% "#bmit the %o!#ment" li"te%
below. ,( %o!#ment" are not in En$li"h- >#""ian or :azakh lan$#a$e- the' "ho#l% be
tran"late% into En$li"h an% notarize%.
-omlete online alication form:
;ploa% a "!an o( 'o#r pa""port
;ploa% a "!an o( 'o#r oA!ial tran"!ript 3re!or%" o( $ra%e"7
;ploa% a "!an o( 'o#r li"t o( *a!!ination" 3*a!!ination" re!or%"7
;ploa% a "!an o( the bank "tatement 3o( 6000B7
;ploa% a "!an o( !riminal ba!k$ro#n% ab"en!e 3!riminal re!or%"7
:otice: Please kee the original documents in a safe and secure location as
you $ill need to su*mit them to %I&EP)s International Relations Ofce in.
S6EP 0 7 RE-EI<E I:<I6#6IO: 9E66ER
&en% a !omplete% ?,&0 (orm to the ?,&0 8oor%inator 3C#lia 0limk#lo*a7 at
*i" b' mi%-Ma' 3(or <all &eme"ter7 or b' mi%-Eo*ember 3(or &prin$
&eme"ter7. The ?,&0 (orm will be a*ailable a" an atta!hment *ia email "ent b' the
E!han$e @ire!tor 31a#rzhan &ha'akhmeto*7. Fn!e the ?,&0 8oor%inator ha"
a!!epte% 'o#r ?,&0 (orm "he will "en% the in*itation letter to 'o#r email in a )@<
(ormat +le.
S6EP 1 7 #PP9= >OR <IS#
&#bmit the in*itation letter to 'o#r !o#ntr'9" re"pe!ti*e Emba""' o( the >ep#bli! o(
:azakh"tan when 'o# appl' (or a *i"a. )lea"e re(er to 'o#r !o#ntr'9" re"pe!ti*e
Emba""' o( the >ep#bli! o( :azakh"tan9" web"ite (or "pe!i+! in(ormation re$ar%in$
the *i"a pro!e"". )lea"e keep in min% that pro!e""in$ the ?,&0 ma' take between 7-
16 %a'".
:otice: 'on arri(al you must *ring your assort to the <isa -oordinator
+=ulia #limkulo(a, to aly for a multile.entrance <IS# 3"ee &tep G7.
The E!han$e 8oor%inator will "en% the "t#%ent" an ,@ n#mber an% a pa""wor% "o the
"t#%ent" will be able to re$i"ter (or !o#r"e" (rom the &t#%ent )ortal
Ste *y ste: Registration for courses
Ea!h "eme"ter a "t#%ent must register (or all !o#r"e" he/"he eli$ible an% want" to take. 0ll !han$e" in "t#%ent
re$i"tration !an be a!!epte% %#rin$ re$i"tration perio% onl' 3plea"e- "ee 0!a%emi! 8alen%ar (or !#rrent "eme"ter7.
Thi" "'"tem allow" re$i"terin$ (rom an' pla!e where there i" an ,nternet-!onne!te% !omp#ter 3home- work et!.7 or
'o# ma' #"e :,ME) !omp#ter lab" 3HI17- HI19- HI26- HI27- HII4- HII6- HIIG- HII7 in ?alikhano* b#il%in$/
H416- H417 in @o"t'k b#il%in$- HI01- HI02- HI04 in the EEJ b#il%in$7
8o$ to register online for %I&EP courses?
1. To be able to re$i"ter both (or Eew an% >etake 8o#r"e" !li!k on link: >e$i"tration (or 8o#r"e". Thi" link i"
a!ti*e %#rin$ re$i"tration perio%" onl'. 3plea"e- "ee 0!a%emi! 8alen%ar (or !#rrent "eme"ter7
2. 1e(ore >e$i"tration plea"e rea% the Registration Rules an% !he!k 'o#r Holds and Blocks. ,( 'o# ha*e
4#e"tion" on a!a%emi! tra!k plea"e !onta!t 'o#r coordinator, who will !on"#lt 'o# on the
"ele!tion o( !o#r"e" at :,ME).
I. ,n"ert 'o#r &t#%ent ,@ n#mber in K&t#%ent ,@L +el% an% in"ert 'o#r pa""wor% in K)a""wor%L +el% 3it i" the
"ame a" ,@ n#mber- 'o# will be able to !han$e 'o#r pa""wor% in the "'"tem7- then !li!k K5o$ ,nL b#tton. ,(
'o# re$i"ter +r"t time enter 'o#r "t#%ent ,@ in K&t#%ent ,@L +el% an% 'o#r pa""wor% in K)a""wor%L +el%-
%e"i$n 'o#r own pa""wor% an% remember it. Eet time #"e 'o#r pa""wor% to ha*e a!!e"" to 'o#r per"onal
a7 )lea"e !li!k K>e$i"tration (or new !o#r"e"L- the re% !ir!le in the ima$e below:
b7 )lea"e !li!k K,nternational E!han$e &t#%ent >e$i"tration >e4#e"tL- the re% !ir!le in the ima$e below:
!7 )lea"e "ele!t the "eme"ter in the KE!han$e perio%L option M a(ter 'o# will "ee the li"t o( !o#r"e"
oNere% (or the "ele!te% "eme"ter. )lea"e !hoo"e !o#r"e" 3G maim#m7 b' markin$ them in the !he!kbo-
the re% !ir!le" in the ima$e below:
%7 )lea"e !li!k the K8he!k )rere4#i"ite"L option to !he!k in(ormation on prere4#i"ite"- the re% !ir!le" in the
ima$e below:
e7 )lea"e !li!k the "#bmit b#tton an% 'o# will "ee the !ho"en !o#r"e":
(7 )lea"e !li!k K&t#%'L b#tton an% then K>e$i"tration (or new !o#r"e"L- the re% !ir!le" in the ima$e below:
$7 Co# !an al"o brow"e the 5-%ri*e to +n% in"tr#!tor" an% "'llabi:
4. Fn the net pa$e 'o# "ho#l% +ll in 'o#r per"onal in(ormation an% then !on+rm it b' pre""in$ the b#tton.
6. 8olds and @locks- i( the online "'"tem "how" hol%"/blo!k" (or re$i"tration an% 'o# !annot re$i"ter (or
an' !o#r"e plea"e in(orm 'o#r !oor%inator 3e!han$eDkimep.kz7
G. Fn the +r"t pa$e there are %iNerent 2ea%in$" (or !o#r"e". <or eample- 'o# %e!i%e% to take
!o#r"e" (rom )ro$ram >e4#irement". ,n or%er to %o thi" 'o# "ho#l% !li!k on K>e$i"terL b#tton on
the ri$ht.
7. 0(ter that 'o# !an "ee a*ailable !o#r"e" (rom thi" part. There are onl' tho"e !o#r"e" 'o#
re$i"ter +r"t time an% !o#r"e" 'o# ha*e prere4#i"ite" (or. ,n or%er to !hoo"e the $ro#p that i"
mo"t "#itable (or 'o#- 'o# "ho#l% open the "!he%#le an% look thro#$h a*ailable alternati*e".
0(ter 'o# !ho"e the nee%e% $ro#p !li!k K&#bmit >e$i"trationL b#tton.
8. ,( there are t#torial" (or the !o#r"e 'o# ha*e to re$i"ter (or le!t#re an% t#torial a" well.
&ometime" there i" mi$ht be a "it#ation when there i" no pla!e le(t in thi" !o#r"e. ,n thi" !a"e
'o# !an appl' (or etra pla!e- b#t note that it i" your resonsi*ility to !he!k 'o#r Etra )la!e
"tat#" an% >e$i"ter (or the !o#r"e i( 'o# re!ei*e appro*al (rom the in"tr#!tor %#rin$ re$i"tration
9. >e$i"tration i" !orre!tl' %one an% a!!epte%- when 'o# ha% re!ei*e% )er"onal >e$i"tration
Tran"!ript with li"te% re$i"tere% !o#r"e" an% $ro#p". Co# ma' !he!k 'o#r %etaile% per"onal
"!he%#le (or re$i"tere% !o#r"e" b' pre""in$ to the link on the en% o( 'o#r re$i"tration tran"!ript.
)lea"e note that e!han$e "t#%ent" are wai*e% (rom pa'in$ t#ition (ee" an% the !o"t o( ea!h
re$i"tere% !o#r"e will not be reOe!te%.
10. 0(ter 'o# re$i"tere% (or all ne!e""ar' "#bPe!t"- 'o# !an "ee 'o#r per"onal "!he%#le an% K5o$
FNL (rom the "'"tem.
11. ,( there i" a "it#ation that 'o# ha% re$i"tere% (or the !o#r"e- b#t 'o# %o not "ee 'o#r name
in atten%an!e "heet- whi!h i" %i"trib#te% %#rin$ the !la""- 'o# m#"t imme%iatel' !onta!t
to the oA!e o( the >e$i"trar.
Address: 4 Abai ave., Almaty 480100
Phone: +7 7272 37 47 94
Email: re!istrar"#ime$.#%
S6EP 3 7 #--O&&O;#6IO:
,nternational E!han$e &t#%ent" appl' (or %ormitor' a!!ommo%ation a!!or%in$ to the
a$reement between :,ME) an% their home #ni*er"it' an% are "er*e% on a K+r"t !ome-
+r"t "er*eL ba"i".
1. 8he!k-in )ro!e%#re:
>oom" are re"er*e% in a%*an!e #pon "#bmi""ion o( the appli!ation. :e'" are obtaine%
at the "e!#rit' %e"k. <or ,nternational E!han$e &t#%ent" the %ormitor' i" re"er*e%
a#tomati!all' b' the ,nternational FA!e.
2. )a'ment )ro!e%#re:
The pri!e o( li*in$ (or one month in a reno*ate% room i" 22-600 :QT 3122B7 an% (or an
or%inar' room i" 17-600 :QT 396B7/ rices are su*Aect to change and may diBer
slightly uon arri(al. &t#%ent" m#"t pa' the (#ll amo#nt (or the %#ration o( their
"ta' in the %ormitor' (or the "eme"ter in a one time pa'ment tran"a!tion to 1ank
8enter 8re%it 3a lo!al bank in 0lmat'7. &t#%ent"9 b#%%ie" will e"!ort the "t#%ent" to
make their pa'ment". The approimate total amo#nt i" 90-000 :QT 3490B7 (or a
reno*ate% room per "eme"ter an% 70-000 :QT 3I80B7 (or an or%inar' room per
:otice: Students must *ring their assort $hen they make the ayment
and it is recommended they ay in %C6 cash!
I. &a(et' >#le":
Eo ele!tri!al !ookin$ or heatin$ e4#ipment i" allowe%. 0l!ohol #"a$e on !amp#" i"
"tri!tl' prohibite%. ?iolation o( thi" r#le !an lea% #p to an% in!l#%in$ %i"mi""al (rom
the %ormitor' an% the #ni*er"it'. >oom" m#"t be lo!ke% #pon %epart#re an% ke'"
either to be "#bmitte% to the re!eption %e"k or kept with the "t#%ent at all time".
Co# ma' re!ei*e a""i"tan!e (rom the @ormitor' 2o#"in$ %epartment :
M". 0""el 0ltai$#lo*a
2o#"in$ Mana$er- 2o#"in$ @epartment
Tel: +737277 2I7-47-7I
S6EP 4 7 #RRI<#9 6O #9&#6= +&E;I-#9 ;O-'&E:6SD<IS# EE6E:SIO:,
Please inform the Exchange -oordinator a*out your arri(al details +date of
arri(al, time, Fight num*er, to reser(e the airort icku and your G*uddyH
student $ill meet you at the airort!
1. ;pon arri*al 'o# will be e"!orte% to 'o#r pre*io#"l' "tate% !hoi!e o(
a!!ommo%ation. <or tho"e with the apartment option- a hotel ma' be arran$e%
temporaril' be(ore the apartment i" properl' prepare%.
2. Jithin 7 %a'"- a :,ME) repre"entati*e will e"!ort 'o# to a lo!al !lini! in 0lmat'
to obtain the (ollowin$ %o!#ment":
- R-ra' o( 5#n$"
- 2,? Te"t 8erti+!ate
- Me%i!al (orm 08G/#
I. ;pon !ompletion o( obtainin$ the %o!#ment" abo*e- 'o# m#"t %o the (ollowin$:
a. &#bmit the R-ra' o( 5#n$" %o!#ment- Me%i!al (orm 08G/#- an% ?a!!ination
>e!or%" to the :,ME) me%i!al !enter lo!ate% net to :,ME) %ormitorie"
an% obtain a *ali%ation %o!#ment.
b. Fbtain a &t#%ent &tatement %o!#ment (rom the >e$i"trar9" FA!e lo!ate%
at ?alikhano*- 2all H6 32
!. ?i"it the ?,&0 FA!e 3:,ME)- @o"t'k b#il%in$ 1
Ooor- room H1117 an%
"#bmit the (ollowin$ %o!#ment" to the ?,&0 8oor%inator to properl'
eten% 'o#r len$th o( "ta' in 0lmat'- :azakh"tan:
i. )a""port 3ori$inal7
ii. 2 pa""port "ize photo$raph"
iii. 2,? Te"t 8erti+!ate
i*. ?ali%ation %o!#ment (rom :,ME) me%i!al !enter
*. &t#%ent &tatement
:otice: #ll International Exchange Students must ay aroximately //,III
%C6 +4IJ, to the <IS# Ofce $hen su*mitting the documents a*o(e!
<IS# details:
I! Co#r *i"a K<or &T;@CL i" eten%e% a(ter the "t#%ent re$i"tration i" !omplete.
II! ,nternational &t#%ent" are "tron$l' re!ommen%e% to tra*el o#t"i%e :azakh"tan
onl' when weather !on%ition" are !on"i%ere% to be "a(e (or tra*elin$.
III! ,( "t#%ent" want to tra*el o#t"i%e :azakh"tan- the' "ho#l% appl' (or a ?,&0 3i(
ne!e""ar'7 to the re"pe!ti*e !o#ntr' o( intere"t. 0%%itional (ee" will appl' an%
:,ME) i" not re"pon"ible (or the ?,&0 appli!ation pro!e"". &t#%ent" m#"t noti(' the
?,&0 8oor%inator 10-14 %a'" prior to %epart#re.
I<! ,( "t#%ent" want to tra*el to other !itie" in :azakh"tan- the' "ho#l% noti(' the
?,&0 8oor%inator 10-14 %a'" prior to %epart#re.
<! ,n the !a"e o( a !han$e in a!!ommo%ation- plea"e in(orm the ?,&0 FA!e within
6 !alen%ar %a'".
If a student mislaces or loses their tra(el documents +assort,, it is the
student)s resonsi*ility to immediately inform their country)s em*assy
and the <IS# -oordinator at %I&EP!
K#R:I:GL Student registration must *e comleted $ithin the timeframe
seciMed *y the <IS# -oordinator! <iolation of the <IS# regime in
%a"akhstan +O<IR, $ill result in a Mne of aroximately 00,3II %C6!
-ontact Person for<IS#:
=ulia #limkulo(a
<isa -oordinator
Email: (isa@kime!k"
N/// ;ostyk @uilding
tel! O5 505 05I200P ext! 0I2Q
S6EP 5 7 #;;I6IO:#9 I:>OR&#6IO:
O*ligatory ReRuirements for StudentsL
@uddy system
Printing >acilities
Getting hel
&edical ser(ices
O*ligatory ReRuirements for StudentsL
&t#%ent" m#"t appl' (or a &t#%ent ,%enti+!ation 8ar% at the re$i"trar oA!e in
?alikhano* 1#il%in$- 2all H6 32
<loor7. )lea"e brin$ a I4!m photo 3!an be obtaine%
in the #n%er$ro#n% o#t"i%e @o"t'k b#il%in$ (or a "mall (ee7.
&t#%ent" m#"t *i"it ?alikhano* 1#il%in$- >oom I2G 3I
Ooor7 with their re"pe!ti*e
pa""port in or%er to obtain a #"ername an% pa""wor% (or Ji-<i internet a!!e""
thro#$ho#t :,ME).
&t#%ent" m#"t p#r!ha"e a lo!al n#mber 3&,M 8ar%7 an% noti(' the E!han$e
8oor%inator o( their lo!al !onta!t in(ormation 3e!han$eDkimep.kz7.
@uddy System
:,ME)9" ,nternational @epartment ha" implemente% a Kb#%%'L "'"tem in whi!h ea!h
e!han$e "t#%ent will be a""i$ne% a re$#lar "t#%ent (rom :,ME) ;ni*er"it' to help in
%a'-to-%a' a!ti*itie" o( *ario#" i""#e" in the new en*ironment. 0 b#%%' will help
!olle!t re4#e"te% %o!#ment"- lo!ate !ertain (a!ilitie"- ai% in the re$i"tration o(
!o#r"e"- an% be(rien% the e!han$e "t#%ent to help them (eel more !om(ortable
thro#$h the !#lt#rall' tran"iti*e perio%.
The Main :,ME) 5ibrar' i" lo!ate% in a "eparate b#il%in$ on :,ME) !amp#"/ it"
"#b"i%iar' !an be (o#n% on the 2n% an% Ir% Ooor" in the 0!a%emi! 1#il%in$. &t#%ent"
"ho#l% re!ei*e a 5ibrar' ,%enti+!ation 8ar% in the librar' be(ore the' !an #"e librar'
re"o#r!e". Co# !an +n% the (ollowin$ re"o#r!e" in the librar':
1ook": 80-000 title" in En$li"h- :azakh- an% >#""ian- whi!h are li"te% online
8atalo$ 3whi!h i" a*ailable at -5ibrar' &ear!h - &ear!h :,ME)
So#rnal" an% )erio%i!al": new"paper"- ma$azine"- an% "!holarl' Po#rnal"
E->e"o#r!e": (#ll tet ar!hi*e"- a$$re$ate% %ataba"e- ab"tra!t" an% in%e
>e(eren!e Jork": %i!tionarie"- en!'!lope%ia"- han%book"- !atalo$"-
>e"er*e% 8o#r"e >ea%in$": tetbook" an% arti!le" a""i$ne% b' :,ME)
in"tr#!tor"- non!ir!#latin$ !opie" in the 5ibrar' >ea%in$ >oom".
5ibrar' 2o#r": Mon- <ri 3 9 am T 9:I0 pm 7- &at 39 am T 7 pm 7- &#n%a' 3 10 am - 6 pm
:,ME) al"o implement" a tetbook rental "'"tem to a""i"t "t#%ent" who !annot
p#r!ha"e their re4#ire% !o#r"e material". &t#%ent" will pla!e a tetbook "e!#rit'
%epo"it at :,ME) at the be$innin$ o( ea!h "eme"ter. &t#%ent" will then re!ei*e the
re4#ire% book" (or their !o#r"e" at the Tetbook @i"trib#tion 8enter lo!ate% in the
?alikhano* 1#il%in$. The 8enter will !har$e a rental (ee (or all material" pro*i%e% (rom
the "t#%entU" tetbook "e!#rit' %epo"it. Jhen the "t#%ent ret#rn" all rente%
tetbook" to the 8enter in $oo% !on%ition at the en% o( the "eme"ter- he or "he will
be entitle% to a re(#n% o( the balan!e o( the "e!#rit' %epo"it- or ma' appl' the
balan!e to the "e!#rit' %epo"it (or rentin$ the net "eme"terU" material".
If a student does not return a *ook to the li*rary $hen necessary, the
rogram coordinator $ill not issue an ofcial transcrit until the *ook is
gi(en *ack!
Printing >acilities
0ll :,ME) "t#%ent" !an #"e printer" in !omp#ter laboratorie" in the ?alikhano*-
@o"t'k- 5ibrar' an% KEewL b#il%in$" on !amp#". &t#%ent" !an print (or (ree a limite%
n#mber o( !opie" with their own paper. 0l"o "t#%ent" !an #"e printin$ (a!ilitie" not-
(or-(ree in K:-&toreL whi!h i" "it#ate% in ?alikhano* 1#il%in$ on the +r"t Ooor.
Getting hel
,n !a"e o( an emer$en!'- 'o# "ho#l% !onta!t the "e!#rit' team or a re!eptioni"t in the
%ormitor'. ,( 'o# nee% te!hni!al a""i"tan!e !on!ernin$ telephone"- ele!tri!it'-
(#rnit#re- 'o# m#"t in%i!ate it in a "pe!ial Po#rnal (o#n% b' the "e!#rit' %e"k o( the
%ormitor'. ,( 'o# ha*e "pe!i+! problem"- 'o# "ho#l% !onta!t the @ormitor' @ire!tor9"
0""i"tant %#rin$ work%a'". ,n an' !a"e- all 'o#r !omplaint" an% "#$$e"tion" "ho#l%
be a%%re""e% to &t#%ent >e"i%ential 0""i"tant" on 'o#r %e"i$nate% Ooor %#rin$ both
work%a'" an% weeken%" 3when a*ailable7. 0bo#t 20 "t#%ent" are in !har$e o( "t#%ent
li(e in the %ormitor'. ,( 'o# !annot rea!h an' o( them- 'o# "ho#l% lea*e a note at the
re!eption %e"k.
&edical ser(ices
The Me%i!al FA!e i" lo!ate% in :,ME) &t#%ent @ormitor' on the $ro#n% Ooor. Me%i!al
"er*i!e" are pro*i%e% b' :,ME) me%i!al "taN:
2ea% @o!tor: Eatal'a ;""orokh-
Email: n.#""
Tel: +7 37277 270 4I 17
,( 'o# nee% me%i!al "er*i!e" in!l#%in$ amb#lan!e an% #r$ent me%i!al a""i"tan!e-
o#tpatient !are 3therap'7- primar' pre-me%i!al-"anitar' a""i"tan!e- *a!!ination-
ph'"iotherap' 34#artz-lamp7- R-ra' eamination 3on!e per 'ear7- me%i!al in(ormation
3le!t#rer"- boar%- new"paper an% e-mail in(o7 plea"e !onta!t the ,nternational
>elation" FA!e or the E!han$e 8oor%inator.
In case of an emergency during nights, $eekends, and holidays, lease call
the Exchange -oordinator andDor your *uddy!
The Me%i!al FA!e al"o i""#e" me%i!al !erti+!ate" in !a"e o( "t#%ent"U illne""e". The
!erti+!ate" !o*er all mi""e% !la""e" #pon appro*al b' :,ME) Me%i!al FA!e &taN.
Me%i!al !erti+!ate" (rom other me%i!al !enter" are al"o a!!epte% b' :,ME) (a!#lt'
an% "taN #pon appropriate appro*al.
The in"#ran!e "er*i!e" in!l#%e the +r"t ai% at a patient9" home an% work pla!e-
#r$ent mea"#re"- pre*enti*e me%i!al eamination- ho"pitalizin$- *a!!ination-
operational inter(eren!e- an% e*a!#ation to the home !o#ntr'.
0%%itional metho%" o( eamination an% treatment- #ltra"o#n% eamination- an% E8.
are pai% b' the "t#%ent" a!!or%in$ to the Me%i!al FA!e9" pri!e li"t with a 26V
,n an' emer$en!'- plea"e imme%iatel' !all :,ME) Me%i!al 8enter- or ,nternational
>elation" FA!e- or 'o#r own Tra*el Me%i!al ,n"#ran!e 8ompan'.
,n"#ran!e 8ompanie" 8onta!t":
&F& ,nternational tel. +7 37277 2681911
,ntertea!h tel. +7 37277 2682II2
International Relations Ofce,
Coordinator of Exchange Students,
Baurzhan Shayakhmetov,
Tel: +5 505 05I 22 QI
Mob: +5 5I/ P0 QQ 555
Office: Dostyk Building # 414
E-mail: exchange@kime!k"!h-

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