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AIESEC Malaysia GEP Booklet

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AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |


7.0 FAQ

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

What is AIESEC?
AIESEC is a global, non-political,
political, independent, not-for-profit
not profit organization run by students
and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in
world issues, leadership and management.
management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.

Our Vision
Our vision for the world is reflected in a simple statement which unites and motivates us:
“Peace and fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential.”

Our Impact
Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership
potential for them to have a positive impact in society.

The Way We Do It
AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience (The AIESEC
Experience) comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and
participation in a global learning environment.

Our Values AIESEC in Numbers

6 important values which guide our actions and
operations are:
• Founded in 1948
• 35000 members
i. Activating Leadership • 107 countries
ii. Demonstrating Integrity • 1700 universities
iii. Living Diversity • 470 conferences annually
iv. Enjoying Participation • 5500 exchanges annually
v. Striving for Excellence • 4000 global partners
vi. Acting Sustainably • 7700 leadership opportunities
• 800 000 alumni
For more information: • 800 Local Committee’s

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
What is AIESEC Malaysia?

AIESEC Malaysia was started in 1968 and currently has 7 local chapters nationwide in

• Universiti Malaya
• Universiti Sains Malaysia
• Universiti Utara Malaysia
• Universiti Putra Malaysia
• Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
• Universiti
versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
• Taylor's University College

We are currently actively expanding to other campuses, with the initial presence in
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Lim Kok Weng University of Creative and technology and
Nottingham University. The network of campuses forms an active membership base of over
500 students.. AIESEC Malaysia aims to create greater awareness amongst Malaysians
about the importance of equipping our youth with practical experience and
and leadership skills,
to have a positive impact on our society.

AIESEC Malaysia provides its members the opportunity to participate in a 6 -78 weeks
internship in one of the 107 countries in the AIESEC network, enabling young people to
discover and develop their leadership potential, participating in a global learning
environment in order to have a positive impact on the society.

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

“AIESEC Malaysia Go Exchange! Programme (GEP) is designed for students and recent graduates from
Malaysia and 107 other countries and territories from across the globe. GEP organized by AIESEC, the
largest student run organization, gives each year more than 5000 students and recent graduates an
opportunity to go abroad and live the life changing experience, where cultural understanding and
professional experience come together.”

An internship can last from 6 up to 78 weeks.

weeks The intern might work in one of
the four areas:

• Development Internship: Volunteering on issues such as cultural

differences, child rights, environment education, HIV/AIDS education,
youth development, rural area development (duration: 6-12
6 weeks);

• Management Internship:: Having an internship in business

administration, economics, marketing, HR, finance and other
management related issues (duration: 3
3-18 months);

• Technical Internship: Being an Information Technology intern

(duration: 6-18 months);

• Educational Internship: Serving as an intern and teaching in school

(duration: 6-12 months).

An intern is provided with accommodation and/or food, or allowance enough to cover all those
expenses. You have nothing to lose and an entire world to gain!

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

A total of 6 highly dynamic Go Exchange! Programmes are designed to fulfil your need! From
volunteering in social issues to working in multinational companies, we have it all!

Go China! Go to the new world of next centuries! China is a cultural region, an

ancient civilization,
zation, and an awakening dragon! Step into o one of the world’s most
historical and fastest growing country! You will be amazed by the breadth and depth a
country with 5000 years civilisation can show you! Be Be part of a diverse and dydynamic
team aiming to make a difference in areas such as HIV/AIDS, environmental
sustainability, entrepreneurship, cultural
cultural understanding, and much more! The exchange
opportunity in China is as diverse and as colourful as its history. Experience the fastest
growing economics the world has witnessed in recent years by living there yourself.

Go India! Potentially the world largest and most diverse cultural melting pot, India
is where you can write a journal of eye opening and breath taking exchange
experience! Just like its awesomely diverse culture and population, The Go India!
Programme encompasses a wide spectrum of internship! You get your choice of
working with multinational companies such as TATA Consultancy Services or to
contribute various
arious social development programmes! Don’t forget to see the Taj
Mahal while supporting the community as a volunteer or an intern in one of the
numerous companies.

Explore Asia Pacific! Why not start nearby our blessed Asia? Explore Asia
Pacific countries such as Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam,, Cambodia, for 6-12 weeks to
make a stance in alerting social issues such as child rights, environment, education,
HIV/AIDS, youth development
develop and rural area development. Lend a helping hand to
better improve thee quality of life in this region and at the same time, learn about the
differences of our neighbouring countries! You will be amazed they are so near yet so

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
Explore Europe! Dream big and want to start afar? Look no further! Explore
Europe! Is an international
nternational volunteer programme in European countries at the other end
of the world such h as Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.. You get the opportunity not
only to travel Europe but to contribute to social development in this beautiful region - on
issues such as HIV/AIDS, social entrepreneurship, cultural understanding, sustain
development, and many more!
P/s: Do you know that the capital of Hungary, Budapest had the first underg underground
railway network in Europe?

Teach a language! Education is the solutions to virtually all problems! Play your
part in education for the betterment of tomorrow. Be empowered in drafting and
delivering learning syllabus for educational institutions and universities or teach your
favourite languages like English, Malay, Chinese,
C Spanish and many others! Share
your knowledge abroad be warned to be overwhelmed by the rich and intense
experience along your Go Exchange! journey.

Information Technology! What is the greatest blessing for a tech lover if not
the opportunity to handle and solve highly challenging technical assignments? Find
yourself an invaluable 1 to 1.5 year technical internship and go abroad to work on it
through AIESEC. A life-changing
changing e experience
xperience like you’d never imagine before,
propelling you further in your career as a globally connected IT professional.

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

(AIESEC facilitates over 7000 exchanges every year and these are only FEW of the “I’m an exchange participant” stories!)

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
Article: AIESEC Internships Foster Understanding and Improve Students'


Because the current job market is filled to overflowing with talented

talented entry level job
seekers, it has become increasingly necessary for candidates to find ways to stand out in a
positive way from their competition. One way to do that is by participating in an
international internship.

Organizations like AIESEC (pronounced eye-sik)

sik) can facilitate a student's efforts to find an
internship oversees. Though not the only one of its kind, AIESEC is the largest student
global internship organization with 35,000 student members in 107 countries, including the
United States.

stablished in 1948, AIESEC, which was once an anagram of a French phrase that roughly
translated into International Association of Students in Economics and Commerce, believed
that helping people from different cultures to gain a better understanding of ea
each other
would decrease the likelihood of the recurrence of world war.

Unlike other international internship programs, AIESEC allows students to become fully
immersed in the culture of their host country, learning not only the language, but the
customs and business practices as well.

"The internship program is only one stage of the development process they're trying to
take students through," said Andrew King, an alumnus of the AIESEC program who works
full time in the organization's business developmen
developmentt office. King works with companies to
create internship programs for AIESEC's student members.

Some of the companies that currently participate in AIESEC are Microsoft, DHL, UBS, HSBC
and InBev, the international beverage company that recently acquired Anheuser

It encourages students to become "change agents," to "make a positive impact on society,"

said King, who spent a year in Beijing, China, during what would have been his junior year
of college, in 2006.

Because the program is structured, st students

udents receive a higher level of service than they
might if they found their international internship through their campus career services
office. For example, when King went to China, his counterparts in Beijing had been
responsible for developing his internship, meeting him at the airport when he arrived,
showing him around the city and helping him to gain a better understanding of Chinese
people, their culture and their society.
Click here to continue reading

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

After joining and understanding AIESEC you can enter a review

The Selection
process to assess your experiences and motivation for going on an
and Application
AIESEC exchange.
AIESEC provides resources, training and support to prepare you to live
and work in another country. This includes visa processing.
You will be given access to use our on-line
on line database of opportunities
Matching an AIESEC member will support the process of looking for an
internship for you.
you The morere flexible you are the better.
AIESEC members in your host chapter provide support and assistance
Integration in getting setup in your new environment while providing opportunities
for cultural and social activities.
AIESEC supports you in making the readjustment process when you
return home after your internship


Click on and fill in the inquiry! Your inquiry will be
responded within 2-4
4 working days. We will recommend and introduce you to your nearest
AIESEC local chapter to kick start your Go Exchange! journey!

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
[8.0 Find us!]

Drop us an email at or buzz us at (+60) 379 609007 from

10 am - 6 pm every weekdays. And how do we live without Facebook? Find us on facebook
and our blog!

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
[7.0 FAQ]

• How does AIESEC differ from other providers of internships?

AIESEC does not define itself as provider of internships only. Rather, AIESEC offers
you many different opportunities to explore and develop your leadership potential.
Although an internship abroad is an essential part of the experience you can gain in
AIESEC, it is closely linked to other experiences rather than separated from them.
Those who only want to do an internship to develop professionally will most probably
d a more suitable offer elsewhere.

• What does the AIESEC

EC Go Exchange! Programme offer?
The AIESEC Go Exchange! Programme offers you the possibility to have an intense
cultural experience in one of its 107 member countries.
Concretely, AIESEC in Malaysia prepares you for the internship, while the section in
the host country helps you apply for visa and work permit and organizes your
accommodation. In addition, they take care of you as soon as you are there, make
you familiar with their culture and organize events where you get to know other

• What does AIESEC NOT offer?

AIESEC does not provide internships, which will:
- provide you with a very high salary – all interns get an allowance high enough to
cover the cost of living in particular country;
- support you in getting permanent residence in host country
- give you opportunity to travel (and nothing more) – we want our interns to
contribute to the society and meanwhile develop themselves pe personally and
- contain only simple tasks like e.g. preparing coffee and
doing the photocopies of documents – the definition of
an internship in AIESEC says that it has to be a learning
experience for both: intern and the company

• Can I specify a company I would like to have an internship in?

It is better when a candidate is open for new opportunities,
than focused on one company or country. We want to
provide you with the best learning experience, which

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
sometimes means that we will offer you an internship in a country, you have never
ever thought about. But at the end of the day you will realize that it was the best
experience of your life! The more flexible you are (in terms of starting and ending
dates, duration, destination)
ination) the bigger will be pool of internships for you to apply

• Will
ill I receive a salary during my internship?
It is usual for management, technical and education internship to be paid in a
manner that allows you to cover the living costs in the destination country
For the development internship you will be usually provided with accommodation
and/or food or an allowance enough to cover all those expenses.

• How much do I have to pay for such an internship?

According to the Go Exchange! package you choose, the exchange pparticipation fee
is RM 300-400
400 for a development internship and RM 400-600
600 for a management,
technical and education internship.

The fee includes:

• Cost of one time Exchange participant review board
• Administration fee occurs during your matching process and preparation

The fee does not include:

• Your passport
• Your visa and emigration related fee (varies depending on destination)
• Flight ticket
• Travel cost

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |
• What kind of contract will I have to sign?
There will be an exchange participant contract that you are obligated to. For further
information about the contract, please contact us.

• Do I receive a refund if I cannot find a suitable internship?

If you are a bit flexible concerning place, time and job description, there should not
be a problem in finding an interesting internship. However, if you cannot find any,
refunding is subjected to term and condition in the exchange participant contract.

Those who accept an internship and cancel without giving strong reasons are
excluded from our program without any refund. Such a regulation is necessary if we
want to be fair towards everyone and because the organization or company
concerned was prepared to receive the intern.

• What is an exchange participant review board (EPRB)?

The EPRBRB is an interview during which we want to find out whether you are suitable
to our program, how you perceive of foreign countries, and whether your English
skills are sufficient. This is important because we guarantee a certain quality and
certain competencies
ncies when we send students to work in our partner companies.

• Who will help me in my host country?

All the internships are based on a local committee nearby, which is there to help you
during your internship. More concretely, the members of this local committee
organize your accommodation, pick you up from the airport / station, show you
around in the city
ity and accompany you to work on your first day. In addition, they
will integrate you into their activities, organize events for you and the other interns
and help you get to know the people and culture of your host country. There is
always one to help you should there be any problems, if not in the host then
certainly in the home country. We will keep in contact with you and support you in
every possible way.

AIESEC in MALAYSIA | No.71, Jalan Temelian 8/14, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan |

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