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AIESEC in Uppsala



Welcome to the world’s largest youth organization

Hi new members and welcome to AIESEC in Uppsala!
I'm really excited about having you join us in this organisation, and I want you to know that we
chose you among a group of strong applicants. We see potential in you and believe that you
are the people who can take this organisation to the next level.
My AIESEC journey has been like a very scary roller coaster ride, that is still going on. I started
out in the sales team, defying my fear of phones by selling through cold-calls. I took on the role
of Vice President of Incoming Exchange without having any idea of what it meant to have a
leadership role in AIESEC. That year had soo many ups and downs, frustrating moments and
personal victories that I can't even remember them all. What I can say for sure is that going to
sales meetings and pitching AIESEC to the CEOs of companies in Uppsala is one of the best
professional experiences I have.
Applying for the role of Local Committee President was different though. I am not saying that I
know what I am doing all the time, AIESEC is a lot about figuring stuff out as you go, but I
definitely knew what I was getting myself into when I took on this role. It is the most
challenging position I've had so far, but I am really enjoying the ride.
In AIESEC you have the opportunity to develop leadership qualities, but the organisation
doesn't do it for you. You need to put in the hours and do the work. You need to dare to get
outside of your comfort zone. When you do that AIESEC will facilitate your personal growth.

Congratulations - by joining the organisation you've already taken the first step and I am
looking forward to sharing this experience with you.

Local Committee President
AIESEC in Uppsala - 2016/2017

AIESEC was funded in 1948 after the

Since then, the world has been changing
Second World War by a group of young
faster than ever before. We believe that
people from Europe (Belgium, Denmark,
young people hold the key to a better future
Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, and
and they must learn to adapt quickly and solve
Sweden). Our fundamentals were shaped
problems. This is why AIESEC strives for
by the social, economic and political climate
Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind´s Potential.
of the time



We believe that we can reach our vision by
developing responsible leaders for the
future. These leaders should have these four
traits to be able to work towards the vision:

Self-Aware: understands and lives personal

values, focus on strengths over weaknesses,
explores one’s passions
World Citizen: Believes in their ability to
make a difference in the world, interested in
world issues, enjoys taking responsibility for
improving the world
Solution Oriented: Adapts and shows
resilience in the face of challenges, transmits
positivity to move forward throughout
uncertainty, takes risks when needed
Empowering Others: Communicates
effectively in diverse environments, develop
& empowers other people, engages with
others to achieve a bigger purpose
Inner and Outer Journey

We believe that Young people learn best by doing and reflecting. The following diagram shows the framework
AIESEC provides in every experience, enabling Young people to learn the most from every experience. The Outer
Journey is the individual’s interaction with the external environment, The InnerJourney is the internal change that
happens withing the individual. The combination of the two ensures that what someone learns from any experience
will stay with them forever.
AIESEC in Sweden is one of the founding entities of the organization, having been established as an effort to rehabilitate
Sweden’s image and relationship with the rest of Europe following its neutrality during World War II. Our entity has 66
years of experience in developing leaders by engaging university students in running their own local office and
operations. Through the contact with companies, students and other stakeholders to potentialize our exchange
programs, our members are able to develop their management skills in a dynamic, multicultural environment.


• Lead and Manage the country
• Financially and legally accountable for AIESEC
• Run National Conferences
• Coach LCs and LCPs
• Provide guidance and direction
• Coach, train and develop functional areas.

Our 8 local offices are managed by volunteers who through their work in different functional areas run all of the organization’s operations.
This means that they are engaged in an intense, practical experience where they get to manage their own teams and projects
A) AIESEC in Stockholm B) AIESEC in SSE C) AIESEC in Gothenburg D) AIESEC in Uppsala
E) AIESEC in Lund F) AIESEC in Umea G) AIESEC in Linkoping H) AIESEC in Jonkoping
TM (Talent Management) is the glue that holds the organization together, working as the Human Resource
department of our local committee. TM plans and runs our local committee meetings and events. This team focuses on
recruiting and maintaining members; ensuring that they are being trained on everything they need to know,
developing as strong leaders, and doing all of it while having fun. Because of the direct impact that they have on the
members and well-being of AIESEC makes this a very rewarding function. Ensure members Motivation and Enjoyment,
Members recruitment, selection and education, Member training and Development, Ensure Performance and goal

OGX (Outgoing Exchange team) is directly responsible for connecting students with internship opportunities
across the globe and ensuring that students have a rewarding exchange experience. As part of the OGX team,
members are responsible for advertising AIESEC to potential Exchange Participants and helping set them up for their
experience. OGX members build and maintain business relationships with AIESEC chapters across the globe as well as
help finalize international internship opportunities. Consulting on exchange participant, communicating with Eps on
regular basis, Organizing EPs recruitment, Informing EPs on regular basis.

COMM (Communications team) manages the internal and external communications of AIESEC by establishing
our brand both on our home campus and also throughout the community of. COMM is also the creative backbone of
the LC, providing the necessary marketing materials for the needs other functional teams. Another one of their
important responsibilities is managing committee information and all social media channels. Internal and External
communication, Brand Management, Social Media platforms maintenance, Marketing campaigns.
ICX (Incoming Exchange team) provides connection to the outside professional world. By providing the external face
of AIESEC to the corporate and non-profit world, the ICX team develops and implements sales strategies, negotiates
and signs contracts with organizations to bring in international interns to work in our city, manages the reception
and integration of international interns, and maintains relationships with professional partners. The ICX team is
perfect for business students to gain experience. Raising and matching TNs, Preparation after matching TN,
Evaluation of TN, Integration and management of incoming exchange.

BD (Business Development) is in charge of creating collaboration and partnetships between AIESEC

and other student organizations, universities and companies. This gives AIESEC the possibility to
organize events and promote the available internships by raising brand awareness. Maintaining
database of organizations, universities and companies, Preparation an coordination of major external
events, Press and Media Management, Working together with Comm on Marketing campaigns.

FIN (Finance team) is responsible for managing all of AIESEC financial activities. Responsibilities include; developing
and managing budgets, receiving and dispersing funds, and locating local sponsors. The finance team plays an
important role in organizational development and growth, providing its members with a unique opportunity to view
projects from a completely different perspective. Budget Management, Accounting, Fundraising, Grant Writing.

LCP (Local Comittee President) is responsible for ensuring long term growth of the LC. LCP responsibilities include
having an overview of all functional areas and support the VP:s in their roles. Also, to have contact with MCP and
the other 7 LCPs in Sweden and by that contribute to the overall development of AIESEC in Sweden. The LCP
together with VPF is also financially and legally responsible for the organization
AIESEC in Uppsala Structure
VP + 4 members

VP + 5 members, 1 ICX coordinator, 1 BD manager

VP + 1 TL for EP manager Team + 4 members
1 TL for promotions team + 4 members

VP + 1 finance assistant

VP + 4 members + Youth Speak Coordinator
General Functional Areas
LC – Local Committee TM - Talent Management
MC – Members Committee OGX - Outgoing Exchange
AI – AIESEC international ICX - Incoming Exchange
LCP – Local Committee president BD Business Development
LCVP – Local Committee Vice President FIN - Finance
MCP – Members Committee President OD - Organizational Development
MCVP – Members Committee Vice President Comm - Communications
PAI - President of AIESEC International
EB - Executive Board Regions (Growth Networks)
TMP - Team Member Programme LATAM - Latin America
TLP - Team Leader Programme CEE - Central Eastern Europe
NST - National Support Team WENA - Western Europe & North America
BoA - Board of Advisors MENA - Middle East & North Africa
JD - Job Description AP - Asia Pacific
MoS - Measures of Success
KPI – Key Progress Indicators Conferences
@XP - AIESEC Experience IC - International Congress
CEED - Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development IPM - International Presidents Meeting
TN - Traineeship EuroCo - European Congress
EP - Exchange Participant LDS - Leadership Development Seminar
GT – Global Talent GLS - Global Leaders Summit
GV – Global Volunteer NPM - National Presidents Meeting
GE – Global Entrepreneur OC - Organization Committee
OPS - Outgoing Preparation Seminar OCP - Organization Committee President

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