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DIDACTIC UNIT Nancy Arias Correction

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DIDACTIC UNIT AREA: ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT: To identify the verb as the main part of a sentence.

EVIDENCE: 1. The student identifies regular verbs and irregular verbs . 2. The student makes sentences using verbs.. 3. The student knows and pronounce the verbs

GRADE ________ Fourth _______

AXES Grammar communication textual production GUIDE

COMPETENCE semantics pragmatics

FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Sentence Structure Regular Verbs rregular verbs RESOURCES 9 +ictionaries 9 Guides 9 .oard : Game 8 8 Trick on the blackboard 8 9 .ooks ,nglish any edition. 9 (ctivities & ! hours


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learn ,nglish easily using verbs 0 1. (ctivities& 2 3anagement of the dictionary. 2 dentification of the verb classes. 2 (nalysis and sentence structure. 4. Scope conceptual The verb is the part of speech or lexical category that expresses action or movement5 existence5 achievement5 condition or state of the sub6ect. n the vast ma6ority of the world7s languages the verb is the most complex kind of word in that it can reflect many more parts of speech than other words. %ften one or more people express grammatical number5 time5 aspect5 mode and more rarely in some languages can lead grammatical gender5 evidential5 directional5 shape sorters 5 intentional 5 etc. n traditional grammar categories expressed in the verb are called 8 accidence 8

T-, /%R+ (*+ 'R(),R * ,*G$ SThe verb is different from the Spanish verb for two main reasons. ;irst5 it takes few inflections. Regular and irregular verbs 5 with the exception of the verb 8to be8 5 change only in the third person singular <he5 she 2 he5 she 5 it= in the present tense. This change occurs in the completion of an 8 s 8 . Second5 we can say that the verb only has two tenses& past and present < walked 2 walked 5 walk 2 walk = . To speak of the future have to use aspects of the verb or auxiliary compounds < will go 2 will walk 5 7m going to walk etc . = 5 /hich are called the modal auxiliary <modal auxiliaries = . +o not assume that 8will8 is always the right choice to express the future <future tenses=. >. Remember preconceptions ?omparative table& Table of time and aspects of the ,nglish verbs. @. ?lassroom (ctivities 9 Search the dictionary regular and irregular verbs . 9 Repeat 'lay Averb verb2 call 2verb verbB 9 'erform daily activities < AThis is the way 8 = . 9 #nderline the verbs in sentences. 9 /rite your daily routine colors placed ,nglish regular and irregular verbs. C. Reflection activities < application life pro6ect = 9 ?reate time for your daily routine. !. (ccompanying (ctivities <Tasks 2 Dueries= 9 ?onsult the daily routine of a celebrity. E. ,valuation (ctivities 9 +evelopment of a lottery. 9 oral evaluation 8Game8 Trick on the blackboard 8 F. .ibliography 9 ,nglish +ictionaries Spanish. 9 http&GGwww.englishspanishlink.comGverbenglish.htm 9 $et H s go ,d %xford student book 9 Games. Small talk. 3acmillan ,d 9 -andouts Spotlights. ,d ?entro ?olombo (mericano 9

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