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Basic Listening

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Jl. Nangka No. 58 C (Jl. T.B. Simatupang)
Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. : (021) 78835283 - 7818718 Fax.: (021) 78835283

The purpose of speaking is primary to communicate. This is the function of

instructional language – listeners oriented and message – oriented. For many

students, understanding the spoken language is a major source of difficulty.

This module listening comprehension 1 – provided exposure to native speaker

language. Students need to be given the competence to cope with the materials

given by native speakers. Students listen for a variety of purpose, for gist, for

information, for stress and pronunciation models. So they have to be exposed to the

normal situations and need thorough training at the recognation level and much

practice in selecting specifie details from the streem of sound. What the writer want to

say is encouraging the students to have more practice by using the CD given in order

to let them hold a line of thought in their head whilst listening.

This modul is intended primarily to be cassed either with a teacher or private

study outside language laboratory, for it is accompanied by a set of CD.

Finally the writer would like to appreciate to UNINDRA that has given a golden

opportunity to design this modul and I’d like let the users to add, cross and revice

parts of it, just for the development of the students skill in listening comprehension

Jakarta, January 2022

Ricky Eka Sanjaya

Language laboratory

Introduction i

Content ii

Part 1 SOUND 1

Part 2 Practical dialogues 6

Part 3 what do you do? 11

Part 4 tall, dark, and handsome 15

Part 5 how much is 19

Part 6 how about a movie 25

Part 7 tennis anyone? 29

Part 8 What are you doing this weekend 33

Part 9 keeping healthy 36

Part 10 what’s the matter with sarah? 39

Part 11 what’s it like there? 43

References 48

Language laboratory
In this you will be asked to listen to the sounds of English. The exercises will check
your recognition and understanding of what you hear. In some of the exercises you will
be asked to put a tick (√) or a cross (X) or to underline; in others you will be asked to
write some words or sentences. Listen to your cassette when you see ‘Listen’ in the left-
hand margin.

1. The sounds of English

There are usually 44 sounds in English. They are divided into groups of sounds.
Look at the list of the words below. One sounds is underlined in each word (and the
phonetic symbol for that sound is given after the word). Now listen.

Listen :

Exercise 1
You will hear 10 pairs of words containing some of the above sounds. If the two
words in each pair are the same, put a tick √ in the box. If the words are different, put a
cross X.

Example : if you heard these words - safe/ save – put X

- safe/ safe – put √

Listen :
1 ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ 7 ___ 9 ___
2 ___ 4 ___ 6 ___ 8 ___ 10 ___

Look at the list of words below.

Listen :

Language laboratory
Exercise 2
You will hear 10 pairs of words containing some of the above sounds. If the two
words in each pair are the same, put a tick √ in the space. If the words are different, put
a cross X .

Listen :
1 ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ 7 ___ 9 ___
2 ___ 4 ___ 6 ___ 8 ___ 10 ___

2. Some pairs of sounds

Exercise 3
Look at the pairs of words below. Only one sound is different in each pair.
(Phonetic symbols of the sounds that are different are given in brackets after the words.)
After each pair of words one of the words is said again. When you hear that word
underline the correct word. The first one is done as an example.

Listen :

Exercise 4
Only one word is said from each of the following pairs of words. Underline the word
that you hear.

Listen :
1. pat/ bat 4. beat/ bit 7. came/ game 10. lock/ luck
2. ten/ den 5. match/ march 8. rich/ ridge
3. sue/ zoo 6. few/ view 9. bed/ bad

Language laboratory
Exercise 5
Read the following pairs of sentences. One sentence will be read out only once
from each pair of sentences. Notice that there is only one word different in each pair (it is
underlined). Tick √ the sentence that you hear.

Listen :
1a She is living with hear brother . ___
b She is leaving with her brother. ___
2a His cup was very dirty. ___
b His cap was very dirty. ___
3a Has the boss arrived yet? ___
b Has the bus arrived yet? ___
4a He hit the ball in the garden. ___
b He hid the ball in the garden. ___
5a What do you think of the prices? ___
b What do you think of the prizes? ___

Revision: Dictation

Exercise 6
On your cassette you will hear some words. Each word said only once. Write
below the words that you hear. If necessary stop the cassette to give yourself time to
write. Check your spelling carefully.

Listen :
1 _______________ 11 _______________
2 _______________ 12 _______________
3 _______________ 13 _______________
4 _______________ 14 _______________
5 _______________ 15 _______________
6 _______________ 16 _______________
7 _______________ 17 _______________
8 _______________ 18 _______________
9 _______________ 19 _______________
10 _______________ 20 _______________

Language laboratory
3. Some sound at the ends of words
i) The letters ‘s’ or ‘es’ at the end of words can be pronounced in three way: /s/ , /z/ , or
/iz/ . Look at the following examples.

Listen :

Exercise 7
The following 10 words are in mixed order. After you have listened write the words
in the correct groups below according to the way the letters ‘s’ or ‘es’ are pronounced at
the end of each word.

Listen :
10 words Group a - /s/ Group b - /z/ Group c - /iz/
lives ___________ ___________ ___________
watches ___________ ___________ ___________
beds ___________ ___________ ___________
eats ___________ ___________ ___________
says ___________ ___________ ___________
coughs ___________ ___________ ___________
kicks ___________ ___________ ___________
bridges ___________ ___________ ___________
boys ___________ ___________ ___________
dishes ___________ ___________ ___________

Exercise 8
ii) The letters ‘ed’ at the end of words can be pronounced in three ways: /t/ , /d/ or /id/.
Look at the following examples.

Listen :

Language laboratory
Exercise 8
The following 10 words are in mixed order. After you have listened write the words
in the correct groups below according to the way the letters ‘ed’ are pronounced at the
end of each word.

Listen :
10 words Group a - /t/ Group b - /d/ Group c - /id/
wanted ___________ ___________ ___________
worked ___________ ___________ ___________
pushed ___________ ___________ ___________
closed ___________ ___________ ___________
kissed ___________ ___________ ___________
opened ___________ ___________ ___________
climbed ___________ ___________ ___________
demamded ___________ ___________ ___________
played ___________ ___________ ___________
hired ___________ ___________ ___________

Language laboratory
In this part you will be given some practice in writing names of people and places,
times, dates, (telephone) numbers, and prices. Names of people and places are never
easy to spell. Try your best, and where necessary guess. Many of the exercise are in the
form of short dialogues.

1. The letters of the alphabet

The English alphabet has 26 letters. On your cassette you will hear how to say

Listen :

Small letters:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Exercise 1
In this exercise 10 letters are said once each, in a mixed order. Write them in the
spaces below in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Listen :
1. ______ 4. ______ 7. ______ 9. ______
2. ______ 5. ______ 8. ______ 10. ______
3. ______ 6. ______

2. Some common abbrevation

Some common abbrevations are given below. On your cassette you will hear how
to say them.

Listen :
1. BBC 3. GB 5. SOS 7. UN 9. USSR
2. EEC 4. ILO 6. UK 8. USA 10. WHO

Exercise 2
On your cassette someone is asking what the letters in 10 abbrevations represent
or mean in the question ‘What does .... stand for?’ After each question write only the
abbrevation that you hear in the space below (not the question or meaning).

Listen :
1. _____ 3. _____ 5. _____ 7. _____ 9. _____
2. _____ 4. _____ 6. _____ 8. _____ 10. _____

Language laboratory
3. Form-filling: personal information
On your cassette you will hear a secretary speaking to a student. She is asking him
for information in order to complete an application form for a course. First, listen to the

Listen :
When you have finished, rewind your casstte to the begining of the dialogue. As you
listen again, look at the Application form below. Notice which information has been
included and where it has been written.

Listen :

Surname Svensson
First name Arvid
Male/ female (underline as appropriate)
Country Sweden

Mother tongue Swedish

Age 40

Part of an application form.

Exercise 3
On your cassette you will hear another dialogue which is similar to the first one. At
the same time as you are listening try to write the appropriate information on the form

Listen :

First name
Male/ female (underline as appropriate)
Mother tongue

Language laboratory
4. Time
Listen :
a. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?
Yes, it’s eight o’clock.
b. What time do the banks close today, please?
Half past three.

Note In the following exercise the words past and to are used as in the
diagram to indicate minutes past or to the hour.

Exercise 4
In the short dialogues that follow you will hear someone ask a question about the
time. When the answer is given draw the time on the lock faces below.

Example: Excuse me. What’s the time,

It’s a quarter past six.

Listen :

Language laboratory
5. Time and travel
For travel by train, plane or ship, the times is usually given by the 24-hour clock.
Example: 1.30 p.m. is 13.30
3.45 p.m. is 15.45
7.15 p.m. is 19.15
11.55 p.m. is 23.55

Listen :
a. When does the London train arrive, please?
Ten thirty-five. (10.35)
b. Do you know what time the next flight is to Manchester?
I think it’s thirteen-thirt. (13.30)

Exercise 5
There are some questions and answers about time on your cassette. When you
hear the answer tick the appropriate times in the boxes below.

Listen :

Exercise 6
On your cassette you will hear some announcements from railway stations and
airports. These announcements give information to travellers about trains and planes.
For each announcement that you hear write in the box below the platform/ flight number,
time and destination. Stop the cassette to give yourself time to write. (the first one has
been done as an example.)

Language laboratory
Listen :

Language laboratory
Starting out
a. Match each occupation with one of the pictures below. Write the number beside each

Language laboratory
b. Which of the people pictured do the things below? Write the number(s).

............... work at a desk

............... wear a uniform
............... use a typewriter
............... earn tips
............... sell something to other people

1a. You will hear four people telephoning about jobs. Which jobs do they talk about?
Number the pictures 1 to 4.

Language laboratory
1b. Listen again. Complete the information about each job. Check Part-time or Full-time
and write in the days.

Part-time Full-time
1. ............... ...............
2. ............... ...............
3. ............... ...............
4. ............... ...............

2a. You will be hear Diane, Tracy, Creg and joe talking about their jobs. What does each
person do? Draw a line from each person’s name to his or her job.

Diane Waitres
Tracy Typist
Taxi driver
Greg Car Salesman

2b. Now listen again and say if these statements are True (T) or False (F).

____ 1. Diane is not very happy with her work.

____ 2. Diane eats a lot.
____ 3. Tracy doesn’t like the kind of work she does.
____ 4. Tracy likes her boss.
____ 5. Greg is not too busy at work these days.
____ 6. Greg’s friend doesn’t drive.
____ 7. Joe enjoys working with young people.

3. You will hear people talking about their jobs. Check (√) below if they have the same
job or a new job.
Same job New job
Liza ______ ______
Tom ______ ______
Brian ______ ______
Kay ______ ______
Janice ______ ______

Language laboratory
Listening tactics
1. You will hear people spell out their names. Write out the names below.

First name Last name

1. _____________________ _____________________

2. _____________________ _____________________

3. _____________________ _____________________

4. _____________________ _____________________

5. _____________________ _____________________

6. _____________________ _____________________

2. You will hear people giving their telephone numbers. Write them below.

1. _____________________ 5. _____________________

2. _____________________ 6. _____________________

3. _____________________ 7. _____________________

4. _____________________ 8. _____________________

3. You will hear people talking about jobs. Circles the job you hear.

1. Movie director bartender reporter

2. Farmer doctor waiter
3. Typist artist actress
4. Waiter writer doctor
5. Actor doctor boxer
6. Flight attendant recepcionist artist

Trying it out
a. Lokk at this list of jobs. Which do you think are the most interesting? Number them 1
to 8 from the most to the least interesting.

____ bartender ____ businessman/ woman

____ flight attendant ____ typist
____ movie director ____ waiter / waitress
____ receptionist ____ salesperson

b. Show your list to other students. What are some of the things you like or don’t like
about each job?

Language laboratory
Starting out
Karen works for a tour company. She has to meet the people below at the airport. She
has never met them before. Write down notes about each person. The first one has been
started for you.

Language laboratory
Listening for it

1. You will hear some of the people at the party below talking about other guests. Who
are they talking about? Number them in the order you hear them being talked about.

Language laboratory
2. James Pond, Agent 006, the famous British spy, is in rome where he has to make
contact with certain people. He is listening to descriptions of the people he has to
meet. Complete his notes about each person. The first one has been started for

1. Agent X 2. Agent Y
Sex : ... Female ............ Sex : _______________
Age : ...... about 35 ....... Age : _______________
Height : ..about average. . Height : _______________
Hair : _______________ Hair : _______________
Other : _______________ Other : _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________

3. Agent Z 4. The Boss

Sex : _______________ Sex : _______________
Age : _______________ Age : _______________
Height : _______________ Height : _______________
Hair : _______________ Hair : _______________
Other : _______________ Other : _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________

Language laboratory
Listening Tactics
1. You will hear the sentences below. In each sentence, one word will be stressed or
pronounced the loudest. Circle the word that is stressed the most. For example, if
you hear,

She has blonde hair,

You circle blonde; if you hear,

He come from Boston,

You circle Boston.

1. Is he a tall guy?
2. He’s shoter than I thought.
3. She has a great sense of humor.
4. Does she wear glasses?
5. That green dress is very nice.
6. He was wearing a T-shirt.
7. Why don’t you wear those brown shoes?
8. Do you know Ted’s brother, John?
9. That brown bag is mine.
10. That must be Beryl’s husband.

2. Circle the letter of the answer to each question you hear.

For example:
Who’s that tall guy with glasses, standing near the door?
a. No, it isn’t.
b. Mr. Davidson.

1. a. At the church.
b. No, I didn’t.
2. a. Yes, she is.
b. She doesn’t like bright sunshine.
3. a. Because she doesn’t like cigarette smoke.
b. No, he doesn’t.
4. a. In New York.
b. Yes, he does.
5. a. Yes, she is.
b. John asked her to come.
6. a. Yes, he is.
b. That’s David.
7. a. Yes, he is.
b. He has just come back from the office.
8. a. At the movie theater.
b. Yes, I did.

Language laboratory
Starting out
a. Work in pairs and role-play this situation.
Student A
You are moving to another town and you want to sell the following household items.
Write a price for each thing.

Refigerator $ ___________________________
Sofa ___________________________
Dining room table ___________________________
Six dining room chairs ___________________________
Four beds ___________________________
TOTAL $ ___________________________

You have put an advertisement in the paper. B wil call to ask about some of the
things for sale. Tell B the prices he or she asks about.

Language laboratory
Student B
You see this advertisement in the newspapper.

Call to find out how much each thing costs. Write the price on the list below.

For example:

A: Hello. I’m calling about the refigerator you advertised in the paper.
B: Yes.
A: How much are you asking for it?
B: It’s $250.

Refigerator $ ___________________________
Sofa ___________________________
Dining room table ___________________________
Six dining room chairs ___________________________
Four beds ___________________________
TOTAL $ ___________________________

b. How much is A’s furniture worth? Add up your prices. Do you both have the same

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1. this is Dee Dee’s Hamburger House. Some of the prices on the menu are missing.
The cashier is ringing up the prices of the things people order. Fill in the missing

Language laboratory
2a. Betty and Paul are looking for an apartment to rent. Paul is checking through the
newspapper. Which apartments does he talk about? Circle the advertisements.

2b. Now listen again. Write the name of a street beside each statement.

______________________ quiet

______________________ by the park

______________________ too small

______________________ needs furniture

Language laboratory
3a. Mrs. Coleman is in a department store. She is asking the clerk about the prices of
different things. Match each object and its correct price tag.

3b. Listen again. What does Mrs. Coleman say is wrong with everything?
Write the name of each item below.

too big ___________________

not the right design ___________________
too heavy ___________________
not the right shape ___________________
3c. What is the real reason Mrs. Coleman doesn’t buy these things?

Listening tactics
1. You will hear people talk about the things in each list below. Listen and circle the
more expensive item.

1. red shirt green shirt 5. gray bag red bag

2. Quarzton watch Solar watch 6. brown shoes black shoes
3. black belt blue belt 7. Singflex camera Wermer Camera
4. Multimax TV Mitsuhashi TV

Language laboratory
2. The numbers game
You will hear a list of numbers. Write them down and add them up as quickly as
possible. As soon as you have the answer, raise your hand.

3. In English both Yes and No can be used to agree with someone. We use Yes when
we are agreeing with a positive statement.
A: That’s a nice apartment.
B: Yes.

We can use No when we are agreeing with a negative statement.

A: That’s not a very nice house.
B: No.

Agree with the sentences you hear. Circle yes for positive statements and no for
negative statement.

1. Yes No 6. Yes No
2. Yes No 7. Yes No
3. Yes No 8. Yes No
4. Yes No 9. Yes No
5. Yes No 10. Yes No

Language laboratory
Starting out
The people below are inviting someone to do something. Match each invitation with a
good response and practice the conversations with a partner.

____ How about going dancing this weekend?
____ I was wondering if you might like to come over for dinner on Friday?
____ What are you doing this weekend?
____ Do you want to go out to dinner on Saturday?
____ Would you like to go out to dinner on Saturday?
____ We’re having a party on Sunday; we’d love to have you join us.
____ We should get together for lunch.
____ Why don’t we go to a disco tonight?

a. I’d love to.
b. Great idea, let’s go.
c. Oh, thank you, that’d be nice.
d. OK. Sounds good.
e. Thank you. I’d like that
f. Oh, thank you. How nice of you to ask me.

g. I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve made other plans. Thank’s anyway.
h. No, I can’t tonight. Thanks anyway.
i. Gee, I really can’t dance.
j. I wish I could, but I’m really kind of busy at the moment.
k. Thanks, but I have a terrible headache.
l. Soory, but I ‘ve got other plans.

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1. You will hear someone inviting the people below to go somewhere. Check the
correct diary entry for each person.

2a. Listen to these people accepting and refusing invitations. Decide whether they are
accepting or refusing. Check the column under the correct response.

Yes, thank you No, thanks, I can’t

1. _____ _____
2. _____ _____
3. _____ _____
4. _____ _____
5. _____ _____
6. _____ _____
7. _____ _____

Language laboratory
2b. Now Listen again. Why did some of the people refuse? Write down the numbers of
the people who refused and their reason.


Listening tactics
1. Sometimes people end a conversation like this;
We should have lunch together sometimes.
Let’s get together again soon.
This is often just a way of saying good-bye. It means both people hope to get
together again, but it is not really a definite invitation. Listen to these sentences and
decide whether the person is really making an invitation or just ending the

Invitation Ending the conversation

1. _____ _____
2. _____ _____
3. _____ _____
4. _____ _____
5. _____ _____
6. _____ _____
7. _____ _____
8. _____ _____

Language laboratory
2. We can say this question in two different ways. If we say it like this

You will hear sentences like these. Check whether each sentence is the first type
(choose one) or the second type (yes or no).

Choose one Yes or No

1. _____ _____
2. _____ _____
3. _____ _____
4. _____ _____
5. _____ _____
6. _____ _____
7. _____ _____
8. _____ _____

Language laboratory
Starting out
Work in pairs and find out if your partner likes doing any of the things listed below. Use
phrases like those in the speech bubbles. Put a check (√) next to the things your partner
likes doing.

_____ Hiking in the country _____ Having barbecues

_____ Going swimming _____ Watching football games
_____ Going to discos _____ Going to museums
_____ Watching TV _____ Going to concerts

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1. Look at the pictures below. You will hear six of these people talking about what they
like doing in their free time. What does each person like doing? Listen to the
comversations and write one of the following names under each picture: Jan, Sam,
Ted, Mary, Pat, or Jill.

Language laboratory
2. Listen to this inteview with the well-known scientist Lily Tarkis. What kind of lifestyle
does she have? Put a check (√) under Always, Often, Sometimes, or Never for each

Always Often Sometimes Never

Get up at 5:00 ____ ____ ____ ____
Sleep late ____ ____ ____ ____
Swim ____ ____ ____ ____
Run ____ ____ ____ ____
Work on the weekends ____ ____ ____ ____
Go to the park ____ ____ ____ ____
Relax ____ ____ ____ ____

3. Bill and Maggie have just met for the first time at a party. They have decided that
they would like to see each other again. You will hear them talking about things they
like doing. What does Bill like doing? What does Maggie like doing? Write B for Bill,
and write M for Maggie.

____ going for hikes in the country

____ going to the beach
____ going to the swimming pool
____ playing sports
____ going to concerts
____ watching western movies
____ watching spy movies

Language laboratory
Listening tactics
1. Sometimes the same words can have different meanings depending on how they
are said. For example, in answer to,
Do you want to go to movies?
a person could show interest with the word:
or lack of interest with the same word:

Listen to the this dialogs and decide whether the second speaker is interested or not
very interested.

Interested Not interested

1. ____ ____
2. ____ ____
3. ____ ____
4. ____ ____
5. ____ ____

2. You will hear sentences with the words below. Number the words 1, 2, and 3 in the
order in which you hear them. You will hear each sentence twice. For example:
They went to a disco called “Anna’s”
3 Anna’s 2 Anna’s 1 went

1. ____ out ____ don’t ____ weekends

2. ____ often ____ city ____ piano
3. ____ museum ____ movies ____ interesting
4. ____ early ____ Sunday ____ get up
5. ____ world ____ exciting ____ football’s
6. ____ always ____ late ____ weekends
7. ____ great ____ pool ____ meet

Language laboratory
Starting out
Patricia is planning her weekend. These are some of the things she wants to do. Plan
Patricia’s weekend for her. Choose a suitable time for each activity and write out her
diary for the weekend.

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1. You will hear people discussing plans for the weekend. Circle the letter of the
phrase that describes their plans.
1. Lisa 4. Jeff
a. meet a friend at the pool a. study for exams
b. go out on a date b. meet Clint
c. go out with Cahy c. go to movie
2. Kim 5. Jenny
a. go to movie a. paint the kitchen with Tony
b. go to a football game b. paint Tony’s kitchen
c. meet some friends c. clean up the kitchen
3. Kate 6. Christy
a. meet friends at the airport a. stay in town
b. go to a party b. visit cousins
c. go to Mary’s house c. visit friends
2a. You will hear people making arrangements to do something over the telephone.
Number the correct picture.

2b. Listen again and write under each picture what they will bring and where they will

Language laboratory
Listening tactics
1. You will hear statements that can be changed into questions by adding a question
tag, such as, is he? Isn’t she? Or doesn’t she? For example, if you hear,
John isn’t coming to the party,
You will choose is he? Listen to the sentences. Decide which one of the question
tags below is correct and circle it.

1. is he? does she?

2. isn’t he is he?
3. do they? aren’t they?
4. is he? can’t she?
5. will he? does he?
6. can’t it? isn’t it?
7. won’t we? aren’t we?
8. is he? does he?

2. You will hear one of the sentences below. Circle the letter of the sentence you hear

1. a. What are you doing on Saturday?

b. What’d you do on Saturday?
2. a. Where are you going on Sunday?
b. Where’d you go on Sunday?
3. a. Who are you going with to the movie?
b. Who’d you going with to the movie?
4. a. When are you going to the disco?
b. When did you go to the disco?
5. a. Why are you going to the doctor?
b. Why’d you go to the doctor?
6. a. Who are you going to the party with?
b. Who’d you go to the party with?
7. a. Where are you going fo dinner on Friday?
b. Where’d you go for dinner on Friday?
8. a. Where are you going fishing on Sunday?
b. Where’d you go fishing on Sunday?

Language laboratory
Starting out
a. Work in pairs. Both of you complete the checklist below to find out how often your
partner does the following. Use phrases like these.
Do you (ever) . . . ?
How often do you . . . ?

Health information checklist Often Sometimes Never

Drink coffee ____ ____ ____
Drink soda ____ ____ ____
Eat junk food ____ ____ ____
Eat cake and candy ____ ____ ____
Take vitamins ____ ____ ____
Eat fresh fruit ____ ____ ____
Eat fresh vegetables ____ ____ ____
Sleep less than 8 hours ____ ____ ____
Miss meals ____ ____ ____
Play sport ____ ____ ____
Exercise ____ ____ ____

b. Now compare your checklists. Which one should make changes in his or her daily

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1a. Betty and Charlene are worried about their sons Marc and Tim. What do they think
Marc and Tim should do? Fill out the chart below.

Marc Tim
Gain weight ____ ____
Lose weight ____ ____
Eat more fruit ____ ____
Eat more meat ____ ____
Stop smoking ____ ____
Drink less soda ____ ____
Start exercising ____ ____
Relax more ____ ____
Find a girlfriend ____ ____

1b. How old are Marc and Tim?

Language laboratory
2a. Helen is a reporter for a magazine. She is talking to Patty Carter, a model, about
how she stays in shape. What did Helen write in her notebook? Check the things
that Patty does, and cross out the things she doesn’t do.

2b. Listen again. How many times each week does Patty exercise? Write the number
next to the activities she does.

Listening tactics
1. Are these people talking about something in the past or the present? For example, if
you hear,
Did you use to wear glasses?
Check Past, if you hear,
Do you wear glasses?
Check Present.

Past Present Past Present

1. ____ ____ 6. ____ ____
2. ____ ____ 7. ____ ____
3. ____ ____ 8. ____ ____
4. ____ ____ 9. ____ ____
5. ____ ____ 10. ____ ____

Language laboratory
Starting out
a. Work in pairs and match each of these medical problems with a picture.

____ stomachache ____ broken leg

____ cold ____ black eye
____ sprained ankle ____ fever
____ headache ____ sore throat

b. Talk about the people wth the above problems with your partner. For example:
A: What’s the matter ith him?
B: He has a headache.

Language laboratory
Listening for it
1a. This has been a bad week for sarah! What are her problems? Mark each problem
with an (X).

1b. Listen again. Write the day when each problem began.

1c. Why don’t Sarah’s friends want to listen to her?

Language laboratory
2. Kevin is at the doctor’s. He has the flu. Look at the pictures below, then listen to the
conversation. What does the doctor tell Kevin to do? Circle the correct picture.

Listening tactics
1. We can say me too or me neither when we want to respond to a statement that we
feel the same way about. We use me too if the statement is positive. For example:
A: I’m feeling sick today.
B: Me too.
We use me neither when the statement is negative. For example:
A: I don’t feel well today.
B: Me neither.
Agree with the statements you will hear. Circle me too if the statement is positive.
Circle me neither if the statement is negative.

1. me too me neither 6. me too me neither

2. me too me neither 7. me too me neither
3. me too me neither 8. me too me neither
4. me too me neither 9. me too me neither
5. me too me neither 10. me too me neither

Language laboratory
2. Check the best response to each statement you hear.
I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad to hear that.
1. ____ ____
2. ____ ____
3. ____ ____
4. ____ ____
5. ____ ____
6. ____ ____
7. ____ ____
8. ____ ____

3. You will hear one of the sentences below. Check the sentence that you hear.
1. a. Take a teaspoon after breakfast.
b. Take a teaspoon and a half at breakfast.
2. a. Take half a teaspoon in the morning.
b. Take a teaspoon and half in the morning.
3. a. Take two teaspoons three times a day with meals.
b. Take two teaspoons three times a day before meals.
4. a. Take these pills with meals.
b. Take three pills with meals.
5. a. Take three teaspoons in the morning.
b. Take three tablespoons in the morning.
6. a. Use this cream when it hurts.
b. Use this cream where it hurts.
7. a. Take one teaspoon three times a day.
b. Take one teaspoon three times today.

Language laboratory
Starting out
1a. New York is cooland rainy from March to May, hot from June to August, cool from
September to November, and cold from December to February. What is the weather
like in your hometown? Fill in the table below.

New York Your hometown

Jan. _________________ _________________
Feb. _________________ _________________
Mar. _________________ _________________
Apr. _________________ _________________
May _________________ _________________
June _________________ _________________
July _________________ _________________
Aug. _________________ _________________
Sept. _________________ _________________
Oct. _________________ _________________
Nov. _________________ _________________
Dec. _________________ _________________

1b. Talk to classmate about the climate in a country you would like to visit.

Language laboratory
2. Look at this map of northern California. Look at the compass and notice how
directions are expressed in English. Ask and answer questions about places on the
map. Ask questions like these:
How far is Oakland from San Francisco?
What city is about fifty miles northwest of Monterey?

Language laboratory
1a. Jose is a taxi driver in San Francisco, and he often meets people from faraway
places. In the conversations you will hear, Jose is talking to people about the
climate in Honolulu, San Francisco, Cairo and Melbourne. Fill in the table, showing
what he learns about these cities.

Honolulu San Francisco Cairo Melbourne

Jan. __________ __________ __________ __________
Feb. __________ __________ __________ __________
Mar. __________ __________ __________ __________
Apr. __________ __________ __________ __________
May __________ __________ __________ __________
June __________ __________ __________ __________
July __________ __________ __________ __________
Aug. __________ __________ __________ __________
Sept. __________ __________ __________ __________
Oct. __________ __________ __________ __________
Nov. __________ __________ __________ __________
Dec. __________ __________ __________ __________

1b. Listen again. When is the best time to visit each place? Mark the best month(s) with
a check (√).

1c. What do you think the weather is like in these at other times of the year? Talk with a

Language laboratory
2a. Jack White is on vacation. He has just arrived at a hotel in a small town called
Oakville. He is talking to the receptionist about the towns below. Mark on the map
where each town is.

1. Norwalk 4. Greenville
2. Amitsville 5. Westview
3. Newton 6. Graytown

2b. Listen again, and answer these questions.

Where is the museum? ____________________________________________
Where do Jack’s friends live? _______________________________________
Where can you take a boat ride?_____________________________________
Where are the old houses? _________________________________________
Which city does Jack decide not to visit?_______________________________

Language laboratory
Listening tactics
1. You will hear a number of statements. If you think the speaker has finished the
statement, check Finished. if you think the speaker wishes to continue speaking,
check Not finished.

Finished Not finished

1. ____ ____
2. ____ ____
3. ____ ____
4. ____ ____
5. ____ ____
6. ____ ____
7. ____ ____
8. ____ ____

2. You will hear sentences with the words below. Number the words 1, 2, 3, and 4 in
the order in which you hear them.

1. ___ north ___ east ___ thirty-five ___ then

2. ___ good ___ restaurant ___ shops ___ expensive 3.
3. ___ not ___ September ___ lot ___ October
4. ___ live ___ exciting ___ expensive ___ visit
5. ___ five ___ road ___ nearly ___ stay
6. ___ sure ___ Greenville ___ river ___ boat
7. ___ busy ___ quiet ___ summer ___ winter
8. ___ rainy ___ March ___ July ___ warm

Language laboratory

Richards, Jack C. 1987. Listen for it. Oxford University Press.

Jordan, R. R. 1984. Active Listening. Collins Educational: London.

Language laboratory

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