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q2 Day 3 Lesson Plan

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October 29, 2020 

4th Grade - 2nd Quarter Day 3      

Name: Room# 
★The next hard copy packet distribution is on Thursday, November 5 
from 9:00AM-11:00AM. Please ensure that your child’s packet is 
completed when submitting.  

STOP! Before you submit, triple check your packet. 
❏ Did you write your NAME and the DATE? 
❏ Did you read ALL the DIRECTIONS carefully? 
❏ Did you complete ALL the sections for EVERY subject in 
your packet?  
Did you complete the… 
❏ Introduction activities 
❏ Teach & Practice sections 
❏ Independent Practice sections 
❏ Journals 
❏ Optional: Extended Activities 

❏ If you have any questions or don’t understand a specific 

skill, write it on the blank lines below.  
SCIENCE Lesson Title:​ ​Living Things

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Science 4-LS1-1 Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal ATES
and external structures that function to support survival, growth,
behavior, and reproduction.
Disciplinary Core Idea (Content): ​ Plants and animals have both internal
and external structures that serve various functions in survival, growth,
behavior, and reproduction.

Objective SWBAT Recognize that all animals have five basic needs: food, water, oxygen,
shelter, and climate.

I Can statement I can recognize that all animals have five basic needs: food, water, oxygen, shelter,
and climate.

Materials paper/notebook, pencil, pen, crayons, color pencils or markers

Vocabulary environment, climate, oxygen, shelter, metamorphosis, adaptation, camouflage,

mimicry, instinct, migration, hibernation

Directions: Say, spell, and say each word below.

1. environment
2. climate
3. oxygen
4. shelter
5. metamorphosis
6. adaptation
7. camouflage
8. mimicry
9. instinct
10. migration
11. hibernation


Directions: Read pages A40-A45. Answer the questions below.

1. What are the five basic needs of animals?

a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
d. ____________________________
e. ____________________________
2. Where do fish get the oxygen they need?
3. What are examples of shelters found in the natural
environment? ________________________________
4. How do mammals reproduce and develop?
5. How do butterflies reproduce and develop?
Directions: Complete the Basic Needs chart below.


EXAMPLE:  Eats nuts, berries,  Drinks from puddles,  Goes into a hollow or nest 
squirrel and seeds  bird baths or the  in a tree 
water from food 




SPELLING Lesson Title:​ Prefixes (re-, un-, dis-)

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Spelling 4.L.4b Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as ATES
clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., ​telegraph, photograph, autograph)​ .

Objective Students will be able to…

● Identify and explain what prefixes are.
● Use the definition of a specific prefix to determine the meaning of a word.

I Can statement I can identify and explain what prefixes are.

I can use the definition of a specific prefix to determine the meaning of a word.

Materials Spelling glossary

Vocabulary prefixes

Directions: Review your Spelling Word List 2: Prefixes. ​Underline​ the prefix in
each word and the base or root word.

refresh dislike replace unpaid redo

disorder unplanned distrust rewind untrue unload

recall displease uneven rebuild restart uncover
untidy discolor reuse unfair rewrite unclear
untie disband rearrange discontinue refund unusual


Directions: Choose the correct vocabulary from your Spelling Word list 2:
Prefixes to complete the conversation between the customer and clerk. Write your
answers in the table below. Use the provided definition in the parentheses to help
you figure out the vocabulary word.

Customer: I​ want to return these unopened and ______(1)______ (not used) DVDs.
Clerk:​ Did you know that a bill of yours is still ______(2)______ (not paid)?
Customer: H ​ ow can that be? I ______(3)______ (to remember) paying you last month.
Clerk: T​ hat was a fee for the videos. You didn’t ______(4)______ (to wind again)
the tapes.
Customer: O ​ ops, that was ______(5)______ (not planned). Do you ______(6)______
(to not trust) me now?
Clerk:​ No. You are a good customer. Try this product for free. It cleans
______(7)______ (not even) surfaces, such as the grooves on a CD. It will not
______(8)______ (to change the color of) or scratch the disk.
Customer:​ That sounds great! Thank you!

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Directions: Check your work! Review the answers below for the conversation
between the customer and the clerk.

Customer: I​ want to return these unopened and ​unused​ ​(not used) DVDs.
Clerk:​ Did you know that a bill of yours is still ​unpaid (​ not paid?
​ ow can that be? I r​ ecall​ (​ to remember) paying you last month.
Customer: H
Clerk: ​That was a fee for the videos. You didn’t r​ ewind​ (​ to wind again) the
Customer: O ​ nplanned (​ not planned). Do you d
​ ops, that was u ​ istrust​ (​ to not
trust) me now?
Clerk:​ No. You are a good customer. Try this product for free. It cleans
uneven​ ​(not even) surfaces, such as the grooves on a CD. It will not
discolor​ (​ to change the color of) or scratch the disk.
Customer:​ That sounds great! Thank you!


Directions: Cross out the twelve (12) misspelled vocabulary words in the ads below.
Write each word correctly in the order that you crossed them out.

Ad 1 ​(#1-4) Ad 2 ​(#5-8) Ad 3 ​(#9-12)

If you can’t reestart your If you have moved but You can’t get a good
computer, Terrific disslike unpacking in an haircut? That’s untreu!
Technicians can uncovr the untydie house, Savvy Visit Kids’ Cuts to refresch
problem. We’ll rebild your Students can help. We’ll your look! We won’t
desktop or replase your unlode your belongings displese you. Our stylist
hard drive. with no mess or disordr! will reedo your hairstyle.

1. 5. 9.

2. 6. 10.

3. 7. 11.

4. 8. 12.


Directions: Use each vocabulary word below in a complete sentence.

rearrange unclear rewrite



ELA Lesson Title:​ Pronouns

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

ELA 3.L.1A Explain the function of pronouns in general and their functions in ATES
particular sentences.

Objective Students will be able to:

Explain what a pronoun is.
Identify singular and plural pronouns in a sentence.
Use pronouns in a sentence.

I Can statement I can explain what a pronoun is.

I can identify singular and plural pronouns in a sentence.
I can use pronouns in a sentence.

Materials Worksheet, pencil

Vocabulary pronouns, singular pronouns, plural pronouns

Directions: Compare the two paragraphs below. On Paragraph 2, circle the word
that replaces the underlined noun from Paragraph 1. The first word is circled for

Paragraph 1
Sara asked Brett and Leah to go to the seashore with ​Sara​. ​Sara, Brett, and
Leah​ spoke to Ms. Lanski. ​Ms. Lanski​ gave S​ara, Brett, and Leah​ a special book.
The book ​was about sea life.

Paragraph 2

Sara asked Brett and Leah to go to the seashore with . They spoke
to Ms. Lanski. She gave them a special book. It was about sea life.


A noun names a person, place, or a thing. ​A pronoun is a word that takes the
place of one or more nouns.​ When you write, you do not have to keep repeating
nouns like you saw in Paragraph 1. Instead, you can replace some of the nouns
with pronouns. What are some pronouns that were used in Paragraph 2?
Directions: Write the pronouns that were used in Paragraph 2. The first one is
written for you.

1. her_________ 2. _______________ 3. ________________

4. ________________ 5. _______________
Directions: Like nouns they replace, pronouns are singular and plural. Study the
table below.

Singular and Plural Pronouns

Singular Pronouns: I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it

Plural Pronouns: we, us, you, they, them

Directions: Write the pronoun in each sentence. Then, write if each pronoun is
singular or plural.

EXAMPLE: ​Sara said, “Come with us to the seashore.” ​ ​us → plural

1. Leah carried a pail. She wanted to collect shells.
2. Brett took a notebook. Sara had asked him to take notes.
3. Leah saw a sea star. Brett wrote about it in the book.
4. “You are good scientists,” Sara told Leah and Brett.


Directions: Write the pronoun in each sentence that takes the place of the
underlined word or words.

EXAMPLE: ​Brett​ said, “I see a large pink shell.” ​ ​ I ​ ____

1. “Should we take this shell?” asked ​Brett and Leah​.
2. Sara asked ​Brett and Leah​, “What do you hear inside the shell?”
3. Brett and Leah​ listened. The noise reminded them of the ocean.
4. Sara told ​Brett​ that he had found a queen conch shell.
5. “I see that the shell is empty,” said ​Leah​.
6. “This book will tell us about the conch,” said ​Brett and Leah​.
7. The conch ​is a kind of snail. It lives in the sea.
8. Once there were many of these ​snails​. Now they are rare.


Directions: Rewrite the paragraph by replacing the underlined words to pronouns.

EXAMPLE: ​Adam watches ​conch eggs​ and writes about them.

​Adam watches them and writes about them.

Marta Rivera ​is a young scientist. She is working to save the conch. ​The
job​ is difficult, but it is rewarding. Marta collects ​conch eggs​ and puts them in
tanks. ​Adam Caldwell​ assists​ Marta​. He helps her to feed the young snails. When
the snails​ are large enough, they will be returned to the sea. Adam and Marta
believe the work they are doing is important.


Directions: Write ALL the pronouns in each sentence. Then, write the underlined words
that they replace.

​EXAMPLE: ​Dennis​ had a camera. He took some pictures.

​He - Dennis ​ __________
1. “Let us think of a way to clean up litter,” said ​Matt and Lynn.
2. Lynn told ​Matt​ that he could use things over again.
3. Dora and Ahmed​ collected bottles. Matt wanted to help them.
4. Lynn​ wanted to help too. She had an idea.
5. “I have saved ​newspapers​,” said ​Lynn​. Lynn wanted to recycle them.
6. “You must take out the papers,” Lynn told ​Matt​. “Help me,” ​Lynn​ said.
7. A truck​ took the newspapers away. It came once a month.
8. “Now we should clean up the park,” said ​Matt and Lynn​.
9. Matt​ began to pick up paper from the grass. Lynn helped him.
10.At last ​Matt and Lynn​ finished working. They were happy and tired.
READING Lesson Title:​ Finding the Titanic

Subject: PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Reading 4.RL.1 ​Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what ATES
the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Objective Students will be able to…

Refer to details and examples in a text to draw inferences.

I Can statement I can refer to details and examples in a text to draw inferences.

Materials Pencil, worksheet

Vocabulary drawing conclusions, clues, details

survived, passengers, rough, grasp, risky, squeezed

Directions: Write 3-5 sentences explaining what has happened in the story,
“Finding the Titanic” so far.



Today, you will continue reading the story, “Finding the Titanic.” This story is a narrative

Directions: Write your definition of narrative nonfiction below.



Directions: Think back to what you have read so far and answer the question

Why were the Beckers going to America?

Directions: Read pages 88-93, then answer the following questions.

1. Compare and contrast what the Becker family wore when they left their cabins for the
lifeboats with what other passengers wore. Do you think this made any difference while
they were waiting to be rescued? Why?
2. What caused the loud noise that Ruth heard after the ship’s lights went out?
a. The engine of the rescue ship caused the loud noise.
b. The screams of the passengers caused the loud noise.
c. The Titanic breaking apart caused the loud noise.
d. The rockets from the ship caused the loud noise.
3. Which of the following is a fact?
a. The ocean where the lifeboats drifted was calm and cold.
b. The lights that the passengers saw came from a large ship.
c. The survivors called out to one another in the dark.
d. All of the above.
4. How do you think Ruth felt when she stepped on board the rescue ship? What clues in
the text helped you draw this conclusion?
5. Choose one of your vocabulary words below and write a meaningful sentence.
Remember to use proper capitalization and punctuation marks.

survived passengers rough

grasp risky squeezed

MATH Lesson Title: Subtraction with Regrouping

Subject PSST (Priority Standard, Skill, or Topic) SLOs:

Math 4.NBT.2 ​Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number A
names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of T
the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of E
comparisons. S
4.NBT.4 Number And Operations in Base Ten
Use Place Value Understanding and Properties of Operations to Perform Multi-Digit
Fluently Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Whole Numbers Using the Standard Algorithm

Objective SWBAT…
● Read and write whole numbers up to the thousands period using standard,
expanded, and word form.
● Fluently subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.

I Can statement I can read and write whole numbers up to the thousands period.
I can subtract multi-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping.

Materials Notebook, pencil

Vocabulary Place value, digit, subtract, takeaway, minus, minuend, subtrahend, difference

Today, you will continue to subtract with and without regrouping. It is important
to practice new skills many times so you can perfect it. However, this week you
will be subtracting using word problems.

First let's review the vocabulary words.

Directions: Choose one of the vocabulary words below to fill in the table.

Subtract/minus subtrahend minuend difference

regroup add sum

Vocabulary Word Definition/Meaning

Take one number away from another number

The first number in a subtraction question

The second number in a subtraction. This is the number that is

taken away from a minuend.

The answer to a subtraction problem.

Exchange one tens to ten ones

Look at the images below to help you with the steps to subtracting numbers.

Example 2:
Trisha decided to close her comic book store, so she is selling some of her 7,786
comic books. She now has 862 comic books left. How many comic books has
Trisha sold?
Directions: Solve the subtraction problems below.

1. The Winchester Public Library used a grant to purchase 107 books. Now the
library has a total of 4,717 books. How many books did the library have
before the grant?

2. A cell phone company has a total of 528,110 customers across the world. If
321 of its customers live in the United States, how many of its customers
live in other countries?
3. The AsTumbo Middle School cafeteria goes through a lot of regular and
crunchy peanut butter. Currently, they have a total of 519,192 ounces of
peanut butter in stock. If they have 38,562 ounces of crunchy peanut
butter, how many ounces of regular peanut butter do they have?

4. Recently, the value of Jill's college savings fund decreased by $145,956. If

her fund was worth $1,285,462 before, how much is it worth now?

5. A petri dish originally contained 3,425,132 bacteria. A scientist let the

bacteria grow and now there are 8,654,839 of them. How many more
bacteria are there now?

Directions: Use what you learned about subtraction to find the difference.

1. A worker at a medical lab is studying blood samples. Two

samples contained a total of 9,785 blood cells. The first
sample contained 2,147 blood cells. How many blood cells
were in the second sample?
2. Last year, egg producers in a state made 2,232 eggs. This
year, those same farms made 8,996 eggs. How many more
eggs did the farms make this year?

3. A company recently gave cell phones to its workers. So far,

they have used 41,599 minutes. If they have used 14,388
minutes on personal calls, how many minutes have the
workers used on business calls?

4. Students at schools are participating in a shoe drive. 61,216

coats have been collected so far. 24,774 coats were
collected from the high schools, and the rest from the
elementary schools. How many coats were collected at the
elementary schools?

5. Ariana's Cookies is offering a special on chocolate chip

cookies. They just received an order from many hotels for
40,640 boxes. They have 81,845 boxes on hand. How many
boxes will be left after completing the order?
Subject:​ Health

Directions: ​Complete the Emotional Check-in worksheet below. Be sure to write in complete
sentences and to be SPECIFIC when you explain why you are feeling the way you feel in the
“because…” section.

Homework Journal: ​ ​Have you ever been embarrassed? Write about something that makes
you embarrassed. Why does it make you feel that way? What have you done or what can you
do to overcome that feeling of embarrassment?
Write 3-5 sentences to answer your journal prompt. Be sure to write in complete sentences (no
fragments or run-ons) and to use proper punctuation marks, such as a period (.).
Subject:​ Physical Education
Nutrition (what you eat) is very important for your overall health. How does good nutrition
relate to exercise?
Write 3-5 complete sentences and be sure to use proper punctuation marks.






★INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Part 2​ ​For each day, write or draw the exercise you did
and the length of time you exercised. Then, have a parent/guardian initial the last column.

Weekly Physical Activity Log

Day/Date Type of Exercise or Duration of Exercise in Parents/Guardian
Activity minutes Initials

October 29, 2020

October 30, 2020

October 31, 2020

November 1,

November 2,

November 3,

November 4,

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