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T09678 Project Brief

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New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2




PROJECT NO: ............……………………

FILE NO: ………………………………….

Infrastructure Procurement
Level 3 North
Dame Pattie Menzies House
16 Challis Street, Dickson ACT

PO Box 818 Cleared by Client ………………………Date………….

Dickson ACT 2602
Cleared by
ACT PS Delegate………………..……..Date………….

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Version 4 of 1 October 2008
New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 3
-2.0 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................... 3
2.0 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................... 4
3.0 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................... 4
4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................. 8
4.1 SITE .......................................................................................................... 8
4.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK...................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Planning, Site Reviews ......................................................................... 9
4.2.2 Environmental & Stakeholder / Public Consultation............................ 10
4.2.3 Engineering Assessment .................................................................. 10
4.3 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................ 11
4.3.1. Ponds Design Options Study ........................................................... 11
4.3.2 Master Plans N/A............................................................................. 11
4.3.3. Preliminary Sketch Plan (PSP) - Conceptual Design ...................... 11
4.3.4 Conceptual Design (PSP) Presentation Material ............................. 11
4.3.5. Development Application Submission (for works outside NCA
Designated Areas) .......................................................................................... 12
4.3.6 Details for Works Approval (for works within NCA Designated Areas)
......................................................................................................... 12
4.3.7 Preliminary Assessment N/A........................................................... 12
4.3.8 Consultation..................................................................................... 12
4.3.9 Final Sketch Plan (FSP) - Draft Design........................................... 12
4.3.10 Draft Design (FSP) Presentation Material N/A ............................... 13
4.3.12 Final Design..................................................................................... 13
4.3.13 Construction Administration ........................................................... 13
4.3.14 Partnering Workshop N/A ............................................................... 14
5.0 DESIGN INFORMATION .............................................................................. 14
5.1 STANDARDS........................................................................................... 14
6.0 PROGRAM ....................................................................................................... 15
7.0 BUDGET ........................................................................................................... 15
7.1 PROGRAM PROVISION......................................................................... 15
7.3 FEE PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 15
7.4 PRICING SCHEDULE ............................................................................. 16
8.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................................................................ 16
9.0 APPROVALS .................................................................................................... 18
10 GLOSARY OF TERMS................................................................................... 18
QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FORM USF944 .................................................... 19
DOCUMENT SUBMISSION................................................................................... 1
DESIGN VERIFICATION METHODS.................................................................. 1
DESIGN REVIEW POINTS ................................................................................... 2
MEASUREMENT / DESIGN DATA ....................................................................... 2
TRACEABILITY REQUIREMENTS...................................................................... 3
NOTIFICATION:- .............................................................................................................. 4
SERVICING WORK ................................................................................................. 5
Servicing Activity .......................................................................................... 5
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Version 4 of 1 October 2008
New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2



The brief for this project comprises this Project Brief together with the Basic Brief for Construction

The Project Brief details project specific requirements, the Basic Brief details the general requirements
and administrative procedures (including content of submissions), and the Reference documents
provide guidance on technical matters.

The following indicates how this document relates to other key documents used in the engagement of
the Consultant.:

Letters of Offer and Acceptance

Agent's Agreement

Project Brief

Basic Brief for Construction Works


Standard Specification for Urban Infrastructure Works (TAMS)

Design Standards for Urban Infrastructure (TAMS)

ActewAGL Water Supply and Sewerage Standards

ACT Procurement Solutions Guidelines for the Production of Tenders and Contracts for Construction
Projects using AS2124 1992 General Conditions of Contract

Agents Circulars


National standards and guidelines

(eg Building Code of Australia, Australian Standards, AUSTROADS etc)

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Version 4 of 1 October 2008
New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2

The objective of this brief is to:

2.1 Accelerate the program of restoring stormwater drains by constructing urban creek and
wetland systems in Sullivans Creek Catchment by the design and construction of wetland
ponds at Dickson (Bill Guy 14) and at Lyneham (Bill Guy 9, 10 & 11). The ponds were
identified in the Sullivans Creek Catchment Management Plan and further assessed in the
Review of Infrastructure Planning for Sullivans Creek Catchment, Bill Guy and Partners
July 2003, and later further assessed in the Lyneham and Dickson Wetlands Feasibility
Study, Final Report, Bill Guy and partners, 2005;
2.2 Design reticulation infrastructure for the distribution of water from the Dickson and
Lyneham ponds to irrigators in the area, whilst complementing DECCEW’s existing
program for non potable water reticulation from Flemington Road Ponds by design
connections into the reticulation network; and
2.3 Support a range of water demand management activities.

This design and future construction of Lyneham and Dickson wetlands, ponds and associated
reticultation is being undertaken on behalf of the ACT Government represented by three key agencies:
• Sustinability Programs, Department of Environment Climate Change, Energy and Water
• ACT Planning & Land Authority
• Sport and Recreation Services, Territory and Municipal Services.

The asset owner and maintenance organisation/s for the project will be Territory and Municipal


The Canberra Integrated Urban Waterways project (CIUWP) was announced in November 2006 and is
funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Environment, Climate Change,
Heritage and the Arts’ Water Smart Australia Program ($10.2m) and ACT Government ($6.8m).

The project is focusing on integrating urban waterway management by investigating opportunities for
investment in stormwater harvesting ponds and aquifer storage and recovery. The objective of the
project is to replace 1.5 gigalitres / year of potable water by 2010 with alternative water sources for
irrigation. The project is aiming to meet a longer term target of 3gigalitres / year of potable water
displacement by 2015.

The context for the CIUWP is embedded in two major policy initiatives:

1. Think water, act water released in April 2004, sets a number of targets to which the ACT
Government is committed to achieving. These are:
• A 12% reduction in mains water usage per capita by 2013, and a 25% reduction by 2023
(compared with 2003), achieve through water efficiency, sustainable water recycling and use
of stormwater and rainwater;
• By 2013, increase the use of treated wastewater (reclaimed water) from 5% to 20%;
• The level of nutrients and sediments entering ACT waterways is no greater than from a well-
managed rural landscape; and

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New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2
• Reduce the peak flow and volume of urban stormwater flows so that the runoff event that
occurs, on average, once every 3 months, is no larger than it was prior to development.

2. “Where Will We Play” strategy released in October 2007 details that the ACT Government is
committed to developing and implementing a sportsground master plan that will deliver the
vision of :
• By 2013 no sportsground in public or private ownership in the ACT will rely solely on the
use of potable water to guarantee sporting operations

Two major decisions will impact significantly on the feasibility of CIUWP and the Sport and
Recreation Services (SRS) initiatives.

1. In October 2007, the ACT Government announced a range of new water supply projects, which
ACTEW is now working to implement. The aim of ACTEW’s Water Security Program is to
increase supply to ensure a 95% volumetric reliability. That is that temporary water restrictions will
be not need to be applied more than 5% of the time, equivalent to once in twenty years.

• The major projects currently underway include the Enlarged Cotter Dam and the
Murrumbidgee to Googong Water Transfer, which will significantly increase potable water

• ACTEW was asked to further progress the Tantangara Transfer and the Design of a
Demonstration Water Purification Plant. The Tantangara Transfer would also significantly
increase potable water supply.

• ACTEW finalised a Recycled Water Strategy for Canberra in July 2008, that if
implemented in the medium term (1-4 years) would substitute 4.3 gigalitres and in the long
term (5-10 years) would substitute 5.3 gigalitres. Strategies include possible extension of
Southwell Park Water Mining Facility and/or North Canberra Effluent Recycling Scheme
(NCERS) and reticulating recycled water sourced from Lower Molonglo Water Quality
Control Centre (LMWQCC) into the city to meet irrigation demands. Further design and
costing work is required for Government to make a decision regarding the implementation
of the Recycled Water Strategy.

Studies Undertaken
There are some studies completed and some concurrent studies progressing the results of which will be
relevant to and made available to this project. Studies include:

Bill Guy and Partners, Review of Infrastructure Planning for Sullivans Creek Catchment Final
Report (Volumes 1-3), July 2003

Bill Guy and Partners, Lyneham and Dickson Wetlands Feasibility Study, March 2005

Bill Guy and Partners, Flemington Road Ponds, Contract Documents and Specification, Stage 1
construction, 2007

Bill Guy and Partners, Flemington Road Ponds, Contract Documents and Specification, Stage 2
construction, 2008

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Cardno Young, Flemington Road Pond / Aquifer Recharge, Non Potable Reticulation –June

Cardno Young, Weston Creek Pond Non Potable Reticulation, June 2009

Water Management Plan for ACT Sportsgrounds – Parsons Brinckerhoff for Sport & Recreation
Services May 2009

Canberra Integrated Waterways: Feasibility Study, CSIRO, April 2009

ActewAGL, Recycled Water Planning: Recycled Water Strategy for Canberra, July 2008

The CIUWP commenced with a feasibility study by CSIRO that has analysed stormwater harvesting
and aquifer storage and recovery options for the ACT. The CSIRO report and addendums provides
details, and ranked the least expensive stormwater harvesting projects (and aquifer storage and recovery
options) across the urban area of Canberra. Master Plans have been produced, that if implemented
would see 3.4 gigalitres per annum of substituted potable water, equivalent to15.88% of the 2023
potable water savings target. The substituted water would used for irrigation by both private and public
sports and recreational organisations and be abstracted from new ponds and existing lakes / ponds.
Two master plans have been developed by CSIRO, one that would provide 85% volumetric reliability
and the other 95% reliability. The 95% reliability map is shown is Appendix B. The CSIRO projects
have all been costed in generic terms to enable comparison for ranking. Capital costs for each project
and levelised costs to supply water to each end user are identified. Once projects are selected then all
possible end users are to be again considered, within scheme constraints, including water balance, cost
effectiveness, equity of access and government priorities.

CSIRO’s overall analysis shows that non potable water costs to end users are generally below the cost
of potable water. A policy position related to using the appropriate source of water for various uses, that
is “fit for purpose” has been articulated by Government as demonstrated by the “Where will we play
Strategy”. Increasingly, there is a view within the broader community that continuing to use potable
water for irrigation or flushing toilets in new developments is inappropriate if an alternative source is

Further assessment of costs and benefits is required in addition to the work that CSIRO has undertaken.
Many of the proposed new ponds are required for attenuation (flood protection) and water quality
control purposes under the Water Sensitive Urban Design code, and as such the actual cost of
stormwater harvesting would not normally include the cost of pond construction. The ponds in this
brief are those identified by the CSIRO report as being viable.

The relative costs and benefits of using stormwater to provide non potable water to end uses have not
yet been fully analysed in detail. Two feasibility designs have been completed for Flemington Road
Ponds, North Weston Pond and reticulation from lakes and ponds in Tuggeranong. This work will be
progressed to detailed design and development application stage by June 2010.

The Bill Guy 2005 feasibility report for Dickson & Lyneham wetland ponds showed that the wetlands
were viable. Since then, as noted above, the options to include stormwater harvesting are now a
component of these new wetland ponds.

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The 95% water reliability Cost Projections (extended to identify works in place or in hand) for possible
projects CSIRO and node Map with possible end users & least cost modes can be found at Appendices

The Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water (DECCEW) is presently
determining the conditions of supply. It is anticipated that these conditions of supply will developed
during 2009 and provided to the consultant on finalisation.

DECCEW has commenced liaison with potential end users with the view to securing their commitment
to participate in the reticulation schemes. .

The general locality plan of lakes and ponds relevant to the program is project is shown at Appendix A.
Preliminary lists of potential end users from these existing non potable water ponds are shown on the
attached Map Appendix D. The Dickson & Lyneham new wetland ponds will be connected into the
current Flemington Road pond system with possible additional end users. It is anticipated that the
confirmed lists of end users demand for non potable water will be provided to the consultant in 2009.
This project considers only the Dickson & Lyneham wetland/ponds with connections and
extensions to the Flemington road network

Key ACT Planning Policies

National Capital Plan

The National Capital Plan provides a general policy framework for land use and planning in the
Territory, and more specifically guides the planning, design and development of areas of the Territory
that have been identified as having national capital importance (Designated Areas).

Territory Plan
The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning document in the ACT, providing the policy framework
for the administration of planning in the ACT. The purpose of the Territory Plan is to manage land use
change and development in a manner consistent with strategic directions set by the ACT Government,
Legislative Assembly and the community. It must not be inconsistent with the National Capital Plan.
The Territory Plan includes broad principles and policies that guide development, through land use
specific objectives and policies.

Canberra Spatial Plan

The Canberra Spatial Plan (2004) outlines a strategic direction that will help manage change and
provide for growth to achieve the social, environmental and economic sustainability of Canberra.

Concurrent Studies

There are concurrent studies progressing the results of which will be relevant to and made available to
this project. They are:

- Flemington Road ponds 1 & 2 construction (Bill Guy 18) – previously identified as priority 2 in the
Bill Guy 2003 (BG) report on Sullivans Creek catchment to improve water quality and flood /
retarding benefits.
- Flemington Road pond / aquifer recharge, non-potable reticulation – Cardno Young. Draft
- Weston Creek pond non-potable reticulation – Cardno Young. PSP.
- Concept Design Report - Tuggeranong North and South Stormwater Irrigation Schemes – Parsons
Brinckerhoff (PB) for SRS.

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- Water Quality Review - Lake Tuggeranong Stormwater Irrigation Scheme – Parsons Brinckerhoff
(PB) for SRS.
- Urban Infrastructure Design Standards Irrigation Pump systems Review – Redbox Design Group
for SRS.
These will be made available progressively as received.

Available Funds to Undertake Work

In addition to $10.2 million available through the Commonwealth’s Water Smart Australia Program,
the following appropriations have been made by the ACT Government under the 2009-10 Budget
process to progress stormwater harvesting initiatives in Canberra. Major appropriations include:
$16 million to Sport and Recreation Services (SRS). SRS has developed a stormwater
harvesting scheme for Tuggeranong which will be progressed to detailed design;

$13 million to the Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water (DECCEW)
to construct two new ponds in Lyneham and Dickson and reticulate non potable water to local
end users;

$1 million to the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) to undertake feasibility design
studies for the reticulation of non potable water from existing lakes and ponds to local end


4.1 SITE

The general sites of the works are indicated on Appendix A (Dickson & Lyneham components) and on
the local attached plans. The extent of the site works will be determined following identification and
determination of customers.


The consultancy is to design and construct new wetland ponds with reticulation connections at Dickson
(BG14) and Lyneham (BG9, 10 & 11) connecting to the Flemington Road pond design. (Appendix D).
Additional end users may be identified by DECCEW in consultation with SRS in addition to those
currently in the Cardno report.

This project New Wetlands / For two new wetland / ponds at Dickson &
Ponds Lyneham
Preparation of option plans for consultation
Preliminary Sketch Plan (PSP)
Final Sketch Plan (FSP)
Development Application (DA)
Design Ready Plans &
Construction Administration

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Dickson Lyneham wetland / ponds covers – Approvals, Design & Construction Administration
for 2 new wetland / ponds at Dickson & Lyneham provide inter connections to Flemington Road pond
proposed reticulation as proposed in the Cardno report and allow for reticulation to possible additional
end users.
Carry out,
Preparation of pond option plans & stakeholder consultation & assist with community
Preliminary Sketch Plan (PSP)
Final Sketch Plan (FSP)
Development Application (DA)
Design Ready Plans &
Construction Administration.

This will be commenced on awarding of the tender, with construction of the ponds / wetlands and
reticulation connection proposed for commencement in February 2010 and proposed completion by
February 2011.

4.2.1 Planning, Site Reviews

Review the following reports and other relevant information:

Canberra Integrated Waterways: Feasibility Study, CSIRO, April 2009
Bill Guy and Partners, Review of Infrastructure Planning for Sullivans Creek Catchment
Final Report (Volumes 1-3), July 2003
Bill Guy and Partners, Lyneham and Dickson Wetlands Feasibility Study, March 2005
Cardno Young, Flemington Road Pond / Aquifer Recharge, Non Potable Reticulation –
June 2009 (Draft) and updates as they become available

Particular attention is required to achieve the water quality and aesthetic aspects for improving
Sullivans Creek.

The allowable drawdown level for each new pond is to be designed for optimum wetland / pond
performance (ie drawdown levels of new ponds are not subject to drawdown legislation applicable to
existing ponds). Water Resources, Environment Protection Authority, will need to approve the
purchase of a Water Access Entitlement to the maximum yield available. The sustainable yield may be
less than the maximum yield.

Works scope to include:

• Resolve the preferred locations and dimensions of infrastructure components within the general
locations identified, including possible water quality improvements and visual wetland aspects.
• Review the Cardno draft report of Flemington road reticulation to identify any technical
difficulties in linking with that system and identify possible additional end users in consultation
with DECCEW.
• For each pond identify the alignment of pipes to connect to the Cardno design and possible
additional end users.
• Identify requirements for access roads, legal access to the sites and service relocations.
• Outline existing tenure of lands and tenure requirements for the future facilities, based on
agency and operation authority requirements, including requirements if any for any easements to
be retained or created.
• Identify requirements to comply with any planning overlay.

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4.2.2 Environmental & Stakeholder / Public Consultation

1. Identify and investigate potential environmental impacts of the proposals in consultation with
ACTPLA and other agencies.
2. Review tree survey of affected trees with reference to the Tree Act and identify the ecological value
of trees.
3. Review and identify aesthetic / amenity outcomes to ensure significant environmental
4. Develop detailed landscape plans. Include pathways, viewing points and furniture such as seating.
5. Note: Past experience at David Street Wetland showed that the community were eager to participate
in the planting. This was extremely important in developing ongoing community ownership of the
pond/wetlands. In the David Street project DECCEW organised the volunteers and Canberra firm
Seeds and Plants Australia supplied the plants and were successful in working with the volunteers.
6. It is anticipated that the contractor would be required to set up a similar regime for planting with
DECCEW organised volunteers.
7. Consultation with relevant Government agencies and regulatory bodies is to be included within the
study. This would include, but not be limited to various departments within TAMS (including,
8. Identify stakeholders, who may be affected, and in particular adjoining properties and any lease
holders in affected area. Arrange meetings to outline the benefits of the wetlands / ponds. If
possible incorporate their suggestions into the design. Where not possible, such as conflicting
priorities; identify matters that cannot be mitigated.
9. Develop draft Interpretative Signage for pond sites outlining the scheme key features and
community benefits

4.2.3 Engineering Assessment

1. Build on the Bill Guy work to identify preferred options for ponds / wetland configuration.
2. Review water quality with the view to improving outcomes identified to date of watercourse
3. Identify options for provision of gross pollutant traps including in ground (not surface exposed)
4. In reviewing water quality identify treatment possibly necessary for adding to the non potable
reticulation network.
5. Review and identify storm retardation possibilities
6. Review / and identify flow velocities to check potential scour zones and proposed solutions that
meet aesthetic / amenity aims.
7. Confirm / reanalyse the water balance.
8. Build on the Cardno work for Flemington Road ponds reticulation with interconnections into that
9. Where non potable water reticulation is designed the reticulation network shall be in accordance
with water supply principles including provision of scour valves, air valves and shut off valves to
enable isolation of various segments of the network. Note that there may be some periods where
there may be no pumping, resulting in no water pressure in the mains.
10. Where practicable ActewAGL standard fittings shall be used in order to minimise stock holdings
for maintenance.
11. It is envisaged that a telemetry system will be incorporated into the design being capable and linked
into the existing COMTROL computerised irrigation management system used by SRS. That
system would include provision of remote switching of valves at metres of end users.

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12. Note to allow for the possible future incorporation of accepting treated effluent from the
ActewAGL network.
13. Prepare survey plans based on available data and supplemented with new ground survey where
necessary to allow for this and subsequent stages in the planning and design process.
14. Provide details of all structures proposed including size, height and siting.
15. Identify fencing requirements (if any) for the sites, visual screening and other landscaping
requirements / enhancements such as board walks and viewing points. .
16. Identify any infrastructure relocations necessary including power lines/cables, water mains, sewer
mains (gravity and rising), stormwater, gas, telecommunications and other services.
17. Review topography and identify natural drainage lines.
18. Provide for erosion, sediment control, water quality protection.
19. Identify geotechnical issues and prepare spoil management proposals.
20. Documentation to include options with costings for review, including life cycle costing, NPV
comparisons and levelised costs. That is, similar to those shown in the Cardno Flemington Road
Ponds planning document.
21. Provide a draft construction program.
22. Prepare full documentation for construction.


The scope of this brief is the provision (in accordance with the Standard Agreement between the
Territory and the consultant) of the following services relating to the works described in section 4.2.

4.3.1. Ponds Design Options Study

The following are the numbers of copies required:

4 copies of the report

4 A3 copies of drawings
10 CDs with full study information

4.3.2 Master Plans N/A

4.3.3. Preliminary Sketch Plan (PSP) - Conceptual Design

The Consultant is to prepare and submit a Conceptual Design Report comprising a report and
conceptual design plans (PSPs) which addresses scope of work as detailed within the above Section 4.2
and the issues noted in Section 3.4 of the Basic Brief.

The following are the numbers of copies required:

4 copies of the report

4 A3 copies of drawings
10 CDs with full PSP information, report and design drawings

4.3.4 Conceptual Design (PSP) Presentation Material

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A photo montage showing the proposed works is to be prepared. It shall consist of a colour photograph
not less than B1 size, showing an oblique view of the site, with the proposed wetlands and ponds
superimposed with the adjacent landscape. One copy of this montage is required.

4.3.5. Development Application Submission (for works outside NCA Designated Areas)

A Development Application submission (to the requirements of ACTPLA) is to be prepared for

signature by the proponent and submission to ACTPLA following approval of the FSP.

4.3.6 Details for Works Approval (for works within NCA Designated Areas)

Details of works within Designated Areas suitable for submission to the NCA is required following
approval of the FSP submission.

4.3.7 Preliminary Assessment N/A

4.3.8 Consultation

This brief requires a full process of consultation with all relevant government agencies and
stakeholders. (Refer to requirements for stakeholders and public consultation under 4.2.2.)
It is recommended that allowance be made for two meetings with Government Agencies and two public
consultation meetings, inclusive of all the costs, (venue hire, etc);
The ACT Procurement Solutions Project Officer is Snjezana Torbica
Ph (02) 6205 9838 Fax 6207 5468 email
The ACT Planning and Land Authority Project Officer is Jack Garside, Infrastructure Planning Section,
Planning Services Branch, Ph: 6205 2402, Fax: 6207 2587, email:

The Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water Project Officer for the “Canberra
Integrated Urban Waterways” program is Jennie Gilles, Ph: 6207 2141, Fax: 6207 2255, email:

The Sport and Recreation Services, Territory and Municipal Services Project Officer for the
Tuggeranong Non Potable water irrigation scheme is David Jeffrey, Ph: 6207 5815, Fax: 6207 2071,

4.3.9 Final Sketch Plan (FSP) - Draft Design

The Consultant is to prepare and submit a Draft Design Report comprising a report and draft design
plans (FSPs) which addresses the issues noted in Section 3.5 of the Basic Brief.

The following are the numbers of copies required:

4 copies of the report

4 A3 copies of drawings
10 CDs with full FSP information, report plus design drawings
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4.3.10 Draft Design (FSP) Presentation Material N/A

4.3.12 Final Design

Final Design and Documentation and Analysis of Tenders is required.

Provision of Traffic Management Concept Drawings in the Tender Documents is required.

The following are the numbers of copies required:

4 copies of the final design report

4 A3 copies of draft tender drawings
10 CDs with draft tender and final design information

2 copies of the tender documents are required for review.

2 hard copies and of the tender analysis are required.

10 A3 copies of drawings and documents for tenderers are to be initially printed and allowed for in
fee proposal (additional copies at extra cost)
Four copies of bound contract documents are required.

4.3.13 Construction Administration


The superintendence of construction to completion including co-ordination of the necessary ancillary

works and preparation of works as executed drawings is required.

If the NSW RTA Technical Specification is applicable to this project, then the appropriate level of
contract administration should be allowed for.

In any case, the AUSTROADS Publication “Guide to Field Surveillance of Quality Assured Contracts”
indicates the level of administration required.

Payment for Construction Phase Services

Payment for Technical Superintendence and Contract Administration are included in the fixed total
Lump Sum Fee. The Lump Sum Fee shall include a Lump Sum for the Superintendent's role in
providing assurance of the quality of the contract works and other construction phase services. The
Lump sum fee amount may be only be adjusted where there is substantiated reason for the change and
contract period estimated in the project program.
The proposal for the construction phase services shall give due consideration to and complexity of
proposed works and the extent and nature of the verification activities to assure the quality of the project
works. The Consultant is required to provide assurance that works accepted are to specified
requirements whether indirectly by verifying the effectiveness of the Contractor's Project Quality System
or superintending additional testing by an independent NATA register testing specialist. It shall be a
requirement of the construction contract that the contractor operates an effective project quality
management system and the Consultant’s responsibility to ensure all quality requirements are adequately
detailed in the tender documents.

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The proposal shall cover the contract administration of construction throughout all stages of the
proposed contract and over the Defects Liability Period to Financial Completion and include advice on:

• Assurance activities to be undertaken;

• The Consultants construction phase personnel together with details of their powers, duties,
discretions and authorities to be exercised;

• Make up of the proposed sum, ie a priced itemised list of assurance and other activities;

• Where applicable details of specialists for civil, structural, mechanical, electrical or other
specialists to be engaged.

A qualified Landscape Architect shall be engaged by the consultant to superintend and certify
compliance all aspects of the landscape infrastructure construction, consolidation and Final Acceptance,
as required in the brief and Design Standards and Specifications for Urban Infrastructure.

Progress payments for the construction phase services will be made on a monthly basis calculated with
reference to the assurance and other activities undertaken.

4.3.14 Partnering Workshop N/A



Works are to comply with all current standards and guidelines together with all relevant legislation
currently in force in the ACT in particular with TAMS Design Standards for Urban Infrastructure,
ACTEW’s Water Supply and Sewerage Standards and the ACT Waterways Code, refer also Basic


1. “Canberra Integrated Urban Waterways draft report”, CSIRO, November 2008

2. Draft North Weston Pond reticulation - Cardno Young, concurrent
3. Draft Flemington Road Pond reticulation - Cardno Young, concurrent
4. Review of Infrastructure for Sullivans Creek Bill Guy July 2003
5. Feasibility Dickson & Lyneham Wetlands Bill Guy July 2005
6. Water Management Plan for ACT Sportsgrounds – Parsons Brinckerhoff April 2009

NOTE: Tenderers are advised to contact Procurement Solutions’ nominated Project Officer to obtain CD with all the above
mentioned reference material and appendices to this brief, (referenced under 3.0 Background)

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New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2

The preliminary timeline for this study is as follows:

Call tenders July 2009
Engage selected consultant August 2009

New Wetlands / Ponds

Review & confirm documentation September 2009

Option plans September 2009

Design Agency workshop & consultation October 2009
Preliminary Sketch Plan (PSP) October 2009
Final Sketch Plans (FSP) November 2009
Development Application (DA) November 2009
Design Ready January 2010
Call Construction Tenders February 2010


Construction Est.12 months

Extensions of time normally expected 1 month

Defects Liability Period 12.months



The program provision for construction of this project, including all ancillary works, is $13M (GST

This includes the cost of landscaping and other associated works

The consultant is to report on the adequacy of this amount early in the design process and is to
progressively refine and update the estimate as the design is developed. Estimates must include all work
necessary to make the project function properly (eg. alteration to services, traffic control devices, etc).


Estimates of cost are to be based on costs expected to apply at the program call tender date.


Whilst a tender is required to be submitted as set out in the brief, the consultant may advise an
alternative which can be accomplished within the time &/or budget, and the time &/or budget required
to complete the study.

The consultant shall provide a fee proposal that includes all sub-consultant fees, travel, report printing
and production costs and other disbursements. The consultant is required to provide a breakdown of the
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Version 4 of 1 October 2008
New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2
costs and allocation of fees for the project including a breakdown of hourly rate and anticipated time
input from each person nominated. This should be provided in a spreadsheet or table format.

The fee proposal should also provide a cost break up of the different tasks to be undertaken in the scope
of works. As the project proceeds a task may be not required and would then be deleted with the fees
for that task being deleted.
No additional fees shall be paid except with the written agreement of the Territory and on the basis of a
written application together with supporting information from the consultant.

If the fee is beyond the budget resources it may be deemed necessary to adjust the level of detail
required for elements of the study brief in discussion with the preferred consultant. ACT Procurement
Solutions reserves the right to negotiate on behalf of the Territory with the successful tenderer to
modify the scope of work and the associated fees if required.


Prices are to be inclusive of all items required to execute the work such as dispersements, incidentals,
travel etc. The Tenderer is expected to amortise overhead and start-up costs over the proposed period of
the contract.

Prices quoted are to be in Australian dollars, and are to be inclusive of GST.

The pricing schedule is a required summary of a more detailed fee breakdown to be provided by
tenderers for the project, refer Section 8 of the tender document. In addition, tenderers should provide a
breakdown of people intended for each task, their charge rate and the total fees per task and per person
on the project. A table or spreadsheet format is suggested for this purpose.

Payment for services for each stage will be in accordance with the pricing schedule, as submitted,
reflecting the anticipated input required for each part of the project stage.




The Consultant shall undertake the design in accordance with Quality Assurance requirements detailed
in Attachment 'A' (forms USF944 and USF960 as applicable). A Project Quality Plan for the Design
Phase is required to be submitted within 2 weeks of engagement.

Design Verification

In particular, the Consultant shall submit a design plan and/or a design verification plan in accordance
with Quality Requirements - Document Submission Form USF960.

Design Changes

The consultant shall notify Infrastructure Procurement in writing where the need for a significant design
change becomes evident and shall obtain Infrastructure Procurement’s written approval for any
significant design change.

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Version 4 of 1 October 2008
New wetlands, ponds and reticulation at Dickson and Lynahem, V2
A significant design change is a change to an Infrastructure Procurement approved design which;

(i) significantly affects the basis of the Infrastructure Procurement design approval, or
(ii) significantly affects a formal commitment regarding the design made directly by ACT
Projects to another agency, or
(iii) affects Infrastructure Procurement’ specified requirements.

At final design (Document Readiness) stage the consultant is to certify that the design meets all
statutory requirements and Brief requirements.

Superintendence and Contract Administration

Within 2 weeks of contract award, the Superintendent is to submit a detailed plan for assuring the
quality of the contract works and administering the contract (ie Project Quality Plan for
Superintendence Phase).

Design Validation

The Consultant shall plan and undertake validation of the design in accordance with the requirements
below to ensure that the works conform to defined user needs and/or requirement.


Submissions on design validation shall be lodged in accordance with the requirements for document
submission set out in Form USF960.

Certificate of Compliance (Form USF957)

The Certificate of Compliance, Form USF957, is used with progress claim submissions and at Practical
Completion to monitor the completion stages of work and the provision of relevant Quality Records.

The Superintendent / Superintendent's Representative shall review the submitted form USF957 and
associated documentation against the contractor's approved schedule of Quality records for
completeness and acceptability and, as applicable, take appropriate action on non -complying or
outstanding matters. The Superintendent / Superintendent's Representative shall complete the relevant
part of Form USF957 and distribute copies as appropriate.

The Superintendent is to confirm the Contractor’s verification/certification that the Works As Executed
drawings and Asset Lists are being progressively prepared to ensure that there is minimum delay in the
formal submission of those mandatory quality records at completion of the project.

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Version 4 of 1 October 2008

When the estimated cost for the lump sum contract is above $100,000 the Consultant shall determine
the quality requirements to be included in the tender documents.

Where the Technical Specification is not an integrated QA type specification, these requirements shall
be detailed in forms USF944 and USF960 and shall incorporate any Infrastructure Procurement
specified requirements that apply to construction works. (Refer 8.1 above).


Approvals required as part of this project include:

• Development Application from the ACT Planning and Land Authority, (refer Section 4.3.5). It is
important to consult with ACTPLA, DECCEW and TAMS throughout the project to ensure that
Development Application requirements are known and met.
• Support in principle for design acceptance from TAMS for assets which belong to the ACT
• In consultation with DECCEW obtain TAMS, Environment & Recreation Environment Protection
& Heritage Water Resources, - Water Access Entitlement(s) for the pond(s) if the project has not
already obtained the entitlement.


ACT Australian Capital Territory

ACTEW ACT Electrical and Water. Owners of
Potable Water and Sewerage assets.
ActewAGL Operating company for potable water,
sewerage services.
Authority ACT Planning and Land authority
DECCEW Department of Environment, Climate
Change, Energy and Water
PCL Parks Conservation and Lands (a division of
NCA National Capital Authority

SRS Sport and Recreation (a division of TAMS)

Department of Territory and Municipal
TAMS Services

Attachment A – Quality Requirements Tables as necessary.

Attachment B – TAMS Requirements for Works As Executed Quality Records - Ref No. 08.

Attachment C – Site/Location Plan (if required).

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Version 4 of 1 October 2008

PROJECT : __________________________________________________________________


CLIENT:_________________________________________PROJECT No :_______________

SERVICE ROLE:____________________________________________ (insert as applicable)

[Project Director, Project/Construction/Works Manager, Consultant, Contractor]

QUALITY STANDARD : AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 (as interpreted by HB90.3-2000)


Where information is to be specified enter YES in Column 1

Details to be Specified Table / Form Title

Table 1 - Document Submission

Table 2 - Design Verification Methods

Table 3 - Design Review Points

Table 4 - Measurement/Design Data

Table 5 - Notification of Intention to Commence Project Activities

Table 6 - Traceability Requirements

Table 7 - Processes Requiring Validation

Table 8 - Witness / Hold Points

Table 9 - Principal Supplied Products

Table 10 - Servicing Work

Table 11 - Quality Records

USF957 - Certificate of Compliance

Doc No: USF944 Edition No: 6 30 July 2007


To be Available
No. of When to be
Document for Inspection on Comments
Copies Submitted
Quality Plan Procedure 1 with proposal/tender.

PQP for Design Phase, 2 14 days after award

or the Total Project. of Consultancy.

PQP for the 1 14 days after award

Superintendence Phase of Const’n Contract.

Quality Records (refer

to specific table)

Certificates of 1 at PC.



The Consultant/Project Manager shall provide in the Design Verification Plan(s) to undertake design
verification of the following components in accordance with the nominated method(s). Such verification shall
not relieve the Consultant/Project Manager of the responsibility for design.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl 7.3.5 and see HB90.3-2000 Page 60 for examples of design verification methods).

Design Components Nominated Design Verification Method

Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007


The Consultant/Project Manager shall include in their Design Verification Plan the following Design Reviews
and the involvement of the parties nominated below. Such Design Reviews shall be arranged by the service
provider and all parties are to be notified ten working days prior to the Design Review.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl 7.3.4 and HB90.3-2000 Pages 58-59 for guidance).
Nominated Parties
Stage of
Design Component to Participate in Comments
Design Review



The following measurements and/or design data are to be submitted for verification of adequacy.
Note: Such verification shall not relieve the Project Director / Consultant / Subconsultant / Specialist
Consultant / Contractor (delete as applicable) of responsibility for providing design services/constructed
works in accordance with the specification requirements.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl7.3.2 and HB90.3-2000 Pages 55-56 for guidance)

Required Data Date to be Entity to be

Submitted submitted to

Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007

The .................................... shall notify the ...................................... in writing of the intention to commence
the following project activities (eg WorkCover, Environment ACT etc):

Activity Required Notice (Days)


Enter details of items for which it is necessary to trace the history, application, or location by means of
recorded identification.
Refer to Quality Record Requirements (Table 11) for more specific requirements of Records of Traceability.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl7.5.3 and HB90.3-2000 Page 72 for guidance).

Item Extent of Trace

Start Finish

Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007


"Validated processes" are those processes which cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and testing
or processes where the deficiencies may only become apparent when the product is in use.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl7.5.2 and HB90.3-2000 Page 71 for guidance).

Process Validation Requirements



...…...... working days notice of Witness (W) points is required.
.....….... working days notice of Hold (H) points is required.
Note : The Service Provider shall arrange Hold Point inspections.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl8.2.4 and HB90.3-2000 Pages 88-90 for guidance).

Stage of Project Witness Point Hold Point Release by


Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007


Include here, or reference attached schedule(s) of, products to be supplied free issue to the contractor for
incorporation into the project works.
The required method of handover/acceptance and the documentation to be completed is as follows.
(Refer ISO 9001:2008 Cl7.5.4 and HB90.3-2000 Page 73 for guidance).

Special Handling, Delivery Point of delivery if

Product Quantity
or Storage Requirements other than site


Procedures or instructions for undertaking the contract servicing works shall be developed for the following
activities. (Note: procedures/instructions and their associated documents shall provide the necessary evidence
that the servicing work meets the contract requirements):

Servicing Activity

Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007

Submit Retention
Type of Record No. of To Whom Date Retain By Minimum
Copies Required Whom Period

Doc No: USF960 (formerly USF945 - 956) Edition No: 6 06 August 2007

PROJECT: __________________________________________________________
CLIENT: ___________________________________PROJECT No: ___________
SUPERINTENDENT: _________________________________________________
CONTRACTOR: _____________________________________________________

This section to be completed by Contractor's Representative:

I hereby claim that the above listed works have been duly completed in accordance with the
specification requirements, except for the concessions granted in writing by the Superintendent which
are detailed in the attached listing of nonconformances and their status.
I have verified that:
(a) outstanding minor nonconformances as per the attached listing are applicable to the works.

(b) all Inspection and Test Plan(s) (ITP s) applicable to the above works, as indicated in the
attached register of ITP's, any associated test record sheets and other quality records as
required by the specification, have been satisfactorily completed and signed.

(c) any identified nonconformances have been satisfactorily disposed of and their documentation
closed out, excepting any minor nonconformances.

(d) all positive recalls have been completed and verified.

(e) concessions have been granted for the nonconforming items on the attached listing.

(f) WAE Drawings and Asset Lists relevant to the attached claim are being progressively prepared.

NAME (PRINT): _________________ SIGNATURE: __________________ DATE: / /

(Contractor's Representative)

This section to be completed by the Superintendent's Representative:

Contractor's above completed works claim is noted and has been verified.

Payment to be reduced for outstanding minor nonconformances YES NO

(Tick As Appropriate)

NAME (PRINT):_________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________ DATE: / /

(Superintendent's Representative)

Doc No: USF957 Edition No: 6 30 July 2007

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