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Cost Estimating Guide For Water, Wastewater, Roads, and Buildings

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ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

June 2006

Cost Estimating Guide

Water, Wastewater, Roads, and Buildings

For Use in Preparing the Local Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan


Developed For:
Department of Finance & Administration
Local Government Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Suite 202
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505) 827-4977

Prepared By:
New Mexico Environmental Finance Center
901 University Blvd, SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 272-7347
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Use of This Document

This document is intended to aid communities in the preparation of the Infrastructure Capital
Improvement Plan (ICIP) that is submitted annually to the Local Government Division of the
Department of Finance and Administration. The plan includes a brief description of proposed
infrastructure for the governmental entity along with estimated costs for those proposed projects.
Medium to large cities and counties often have in-house expertise or the resources to hire
consulting help to determine the costs of the proposed infrastructure. However, smaller cities,
villages, counties, and others may lack the in-house expertise and may not have the financial
resources to hire outside help. This Cost Estimating Guide is designed for those communities
that do not have other ways of estimating infrastructure costs.

The guide is designed to be very simple to use with most estimates calculated on the basis of
readily obtainable information, such as the number of houses to be served. Each section contains
formulas and worksheets to take the user through the project estimating process. Given the
necessity of simplicity and ease of use, many assumptions have been made which results in
approximated costs estimates. These estimates are intended to provide an estimate of the
magnitude of costs, whether a project is in the range of $10,000 rather than $1,000 or $100,000.
It will not determine if the proposed project is $10,000 or $20,000. This estimating technique is
not accurate enough for that type of cost estimating.

In summary, this guide should be used only in conjunction with the ICIP process by
communities that do not have access to better cost-estimating techniques or resources. Any
community that does have access to better information should use that information. This guide
has been designed to be simple to use so that a community can complete the ICIP with
reasonable infrastructure cost estimates without having to spend a lot of time or hire an outside
consultant to complete the work.

Source of Information

The cost estimating guide was compiled from a variety of sources, but primarily from federal,
state, and local governmental entities. The specific references are cited within each section.

Update of Previous Guides

This is the fourth cost-estimating guide prepared for the ICIP process. The most recent update
was prepared in 2000. This guide supersedes the other guides; the other guides should be
discarded and this guide used in their place. In most cases, the cost estimates from 2000 were
updated to 2006 dollars (using standard engineering economics techniques) because that was the
best data available. Given the inflation rate over the past 6 years and the availability of
information to make the updates to 2006 dollars this approach is reasonable. The inflation rate
used was three percent (3%) per year for 2001 through 2004, a rate of 5% per year was used for
2005 and 2006. The higher rate was used to account for the fact that several construction
materials have had significant price increases in the last two years. Specifically, plastics (PVC
pipe, HDPE liners), concrete and steel prices have nearly doubled in the last 2 years.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Cost Projections

When using this guide to prepare cost estimates for future years, the inflation rate for each year
between 2006 and the year being projected to should be added to the prices calculated using this
guide. Inflation information can be found using the Consumer Price Index, specifically the
Construction Price Index. This information can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Labor’s

Document Preparers

This document was prepared by the New Mexico Environmental Finance Center (NM EFC), a
program of the Institute for Engineering Research and Applications at New Mexico Tech. The
EFC was established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1992 to assist state, local, and
tribal governments with the broad array of financial issues associated with environmental
infrastructure and regulation. The NM EFC primarily serves EPA Region 6 - New Mexico,
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana - and is part of a national Network of 9 EFCs across
the United States. The NM EFC is primarily focused on water and wastewater related issues, but
has completed a wide variety of environmental projects for federal, state, tribal, and local
governments. The NM EFC uses its connection to New Mexico Tech and to the other 8 EFCs to
expand its areas of expertise.

Questions or Comments on the Document

If you have any comments on the approach used in the Cost Estimating Guide or suggestions on
the improvement of the document please contact the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) using
the contact information below. If you have questions on the use of the cost estimating guide,
please also use the EFC contact information.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

901 University Blvd, SE Heather Himmelberger, Susan Butler, Dawn Nall,
Albuquerque, NM 87106 P.E., Director Community Planner Program Manager
(505) 272-7357 (505)272-7356 (505)272-7015

Questions about the ICIP Process

If you have questions about the ICIP process in general, they should be directed to:
Local Government Division (LGD)
Department of Finance & Administration
Bataan Memorial Building #202
Santa Fe, NM 87507.

Primary contact for questions is: B. Jesse Monfort Bopp, Esq. (505) 827-4977

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Table of Contents

Section 1: Drinking Water Infrastructure

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1-1
Source of Data...................................................................................................... 1-1
Basis of Cost Estimation...................................................................................... 1-1
Part 1. Cost Estimation for Groundwater System Serving Up to 300
Households............................................................................................... 1-3
Part 2. Costs Estimation for Groundwater System Serving Over 300
Households............................................................................................... 1-6
Part 3. Cost Estimation for Surface Water Treatment Plant ............................. 1-12

Section 2: Wastewater Infrastructure

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 2-1
Basis of Cost Estimation...................................................................................... 2-2
Part 1. Cost Estimation for Wastewater Collection System ................................ 2-5
Part 2. Cost Estimation for Wastewater Treatment ........................................... 2-11
Project Summary Worksheet ............................................................................. 2-11

Section 3: Roads and Streets

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3-1
Source of Data...................................................................................................... 3-2
Basis of Cost Estimation...................................................................................... 3-2
Project Summary Worksheet ............................................................................... 3-4
Section A. Rural Area - Rehabilitation................................................................ 3-5
Section B. Rural Area - Reconstruction............................................................... 3-6
Section C. Rural Area - New Construction.......................................................... 3-7
Section D. Urban Area - Rehabilitation .............................................................. 3-8
Section E. Urban Area - Reconstruction.............................................................. 3-9
Section F. Urban Area - New Construction ....................................................... 3-10
Section G. Structure Rehabilitation ................................................................... 3-11
Section H. Structure Replacement ..................................................................... 3-13

Section 4: Buildings
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4-1
General Information............................................................................................. 4-1
Sources of Data .................................................................................................... 4-1
Basis of Cost Estimation...................................................................................... 4-1

Appendix A – Example Calculations
Appendix B – Wastewater Collection System Alternatives
Appendix C – Wastewater Treatment System Alternatives
Appendix D – Other Sources for Cost Estimating

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana
Section 1

Drinking Water Infrastructure

Cost Estimating

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Drinking Water Infrastructure Cost Estimating


This section was developed to assist communities in developing estimates for public drinking
water system installations or rehabilitations. Most communities in New Mexico, particularly
small, rural ones, rely on groundwater as the source for drinking water. The availability of
groundwater in New Mexico is generally much greater than reliable surface water sources and it
is much simpler to design, build and operate groundwater systems than surface water systems.
This section does not contain costs for individual homeowner well systems.

There are four main components to providing drinking water to a community:

1. removing water from the source;
2. treating the water;
3. storing water for peak usage times and to accommodate fire flows, and other
emergencies; and,
4. distributing water to the customers through a series of pipes in the ground.

For systems using groundwater, removing the water from the source and treating it generally
involves a well, pump, and chlorination process. In the case of a surface water system, a
filtration treatment plant is required.

Source of Data

The cost estimation techniques in this section were obtained from the New Mexico Environment
Department (NMED) in the case of groundwater, and Rural Utilities Service (RUS) in the case
of the surface water treatment plant and were updated to reflect 2006 prices as discussed in the

Basis of Cost Estimation

There are three options for the cost estimation of drinking water infrastructure. Each option
includes a summary worksheet and is followed by an example of calculations. The three options
are as follows:
1. For groundwater systems serving up to 300 households, use Part 1.
2. For groundwater systems serving over 300 households, use Part 2.
3. Part 3 provides cost estimates for surface water systems.

These cost estimates do not include costs for operations and maintenance for a water system.
These cost estimates are for capital construction only. Costs for items such as electricity,
chemicals, spare parts, etc. should be considered when preparing a utility budget.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Part 1. Groundwater Systems – Up to 300 Households

Cost estimates for a groundwater system serving up to 300 households are based on the number
of households. A cost per household is multiplied by the number of households to give an
estimated cost for three components:
A. Water Source: includes well, pump, and chlorination.
B. Water Storage Tank
C. Water Distribution System

The graph on page 1-5 provides a cost per household, based on the number of households, for
the water source, water storage, and distribution system.

Part 2. Groundwater Systems – More than 300 Households

For groundwater systems serving more than 1,000 people (or more than approximately 300
households), the costs must be based on a more complicated method using feet of pipe needed
and depth of well to be drilled.

Part 3. Surface Water Systems

The surface water cost estimate is presented two ways: based on flow rate of the system (number
of gallons) or based on the number of households.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Drinking Water System Cost Estimate Worksheet

PART 1: Groundwater System For 300 Households or Less (Households, not population)
Source: New Mexico Environment Department
Complete the appropriate Section(s), by determining the number of households to be served, then
determine the cost per household, using the graph on page 1-3. Enter the subtotal from each
section into the Total System Cost Worksheet on page 1-5.
9 Water Source: Well, Pump, Chlorination: Complete Section A
9 Water Storage Tank: Complete Section C
9 Water Distribution System: Piping to customers: Complete Section B

Section A - Water Source Cost

Determine the total number of households to be served, then using the graph on page 1-5,
estimate the cost per household using the Water Source Cost Line. (For example, for 200
households, the cost per household is $1,860). Multiply the number of households by the cost
per household.
Number of Households Cost Per Water Source Cost
X =

Section B - Water Storage Cost

Determine the total number of households to be served, then using the graph on page 1-5,
estimate the cost per household using the Water Storage Cost Line. (For example, for 200
households, the cost per household is $620). Multiply the number of households by the cost per
Number of Households Cost Per Water Storage Cost
X =

Section C - Water Distribution Cost

Determine the total number of households to be served, then using the graph on page 1-5,
estimate the cost per household using the Distribution System Cost Line. (For example, for 200
households, the cost per household is $2,800). Multiply the number of households by the cost
per household.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Number of Households Cost Per Water Distribution Cost

X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Total Project Estimated Cost

The total estimated project cost is: cost of the source (Section A), plus the cost of storage
(Section B), plus the cost of distribution (Section C), as calculated from the sections on the
previous page. If only one or two components are needed out of the three, just place a zero in the
box for the component that is not needed. For example, if your community needed only a well
and a storage tank and not a whole new distribution system, then you would fill in numbers for
Section A and B, but place a zero in the box for Section C.

Water Source Water Storage Water Distribution Total Project

Cost + Cost + Cost = Costs

Notes on Cost Estimates:

1. Costs include engineering, engineering inspection, and contracted construction
2. Distribution line costs include the use of PVC pipe and the installation of meters
3. Source costs include well drilling, pump and controls, well house, and chlorination
4. Costs do not include the cost of land, additional treatment (beyond chlorination), legal
costs, or costs to extend electricity to the well and well house.

For example calculations, see Appendix A.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Estimating Average Cost of Construction of Small Water Systems



Cost Per Household




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of Households

Distribution System Cost Water Source Cost Water Storage Cost

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

PART 2: Drinking Water System Cost Estimate Worksheet

Groundwater System for 300 Households or More (Households, not Population)
Source: Various, See Below

Components Needed (Check All that Apply):

9 Water Source: Well, Pump, Chlorinator: Complete Section A
9 Water Storage Tank: Complete Section B
9 Water Distribution System: Piping to customers: Complete Section C

Section A
Water Source Cost
Source of cost data: Information from well installers and equipment suppliers, 2000 updated to 2006

Well Cost
Well Cost is dependent on many items such as soil conditions, depth, site accessibility,
construction specifications, expected flow rates, etc. Therefore, as stated above, this cost
estimate makes many assumptions to allow a community to determine the magnitude of the cost
for a water source. It should not be used to instruct a well driller as to the size or depth of a well.

In order to estimate the cost of the water source, begin by estimating the depth that a well would
have to be to serve the customers in the area. This depth could be based on the depth of other
wells in the system, the depth of wells from neighboring systems, information from the United
States Geologic Survey (USGS), information from the State Engineer's Office, or an educated
guess. This guide assumes either a 6-inch or 8-inch diameter well. Below 500 feet assume 6-
inch, greater than 500 feet, assume 8-inch. Use the table below to obtain a per foot cost for the
well construction.

Size of Well Well less than 500 feet 500 foot well Well greater than 500 feet
(cost/foot) (cost/foot) deep
6-inch $125 $110 Does Not Apply
8-inch Does Not Apply $135 $125
These costs include drilling, casing, screen, pump test, and well development.

Multiply the number of feet of well depth by the appropriate cost per foot:

Depth of Well (ft) Cost Per Foot Well Cost

X = (include on page 1-8)

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Pump Cost
The source will also require a pump. Pump prices can vary significantly based on depth of well,
capacity of pump, and other factors. A range of pump prices of $2,500 to $25,000 is fairly
reasonable. Use the table below to estimate a cost for the pump and include on Page 1-8

Size of Well Well depth less than Well depth of 500 Well depth greater
(Diameter) 500 feet feet than 500 feet

6-inch $3,100 $6,200 Does Not Apply

8-inch Does Not Apply $6,200 $12,500 - $31,000

Chlorinator Cost
In addition to the pump and well, in most cases, a chlorinator is also needed for treatment of the
raw water. The cost of the chlorinator will vary with the volume of water pumped, but not with
the depth of the well. Given the estimating technique here, only one chlorinator cost is provided.
This will give a "ball-park" estimate of the costs. If you know for sure that your well will not
need a chlorinator, a zero may be placed in the equation for subtotal costs on Page 1-8.

Chlorinator Cost
Small well $380 - $620
(300-500 homes or 110-180gpm)
Medium well $620 - $990
(500-700 homes or 180-255gpm)
Large well $990 - $1,500
(700-900 homes or 255-330gpm)

Need for Multiple Pumps and Wells

It is a good idea to have redundant wells and pumps within a water system in case the pump
breaks or there is a problem with the well. Also, in some cases multiple wells are needed for
geographic reasons or because one well cannot supply the required quantity of water. If multiple
wells are required or desired, simply follow the procedure above for each well needed and
include on Page 1-8.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Subtotal for Source of Water

Fill in one line for each well, pump, and chlorinator needed:

Well 1 Costs Pump 1 Cost Chlorinator 1 Cost Source 1 Total

+ + =

Well 2 Costs Pump 2 Cost Chlorinator 2 Cost Source 2 Total

+ + =

Well 3 Costs Pump 3 Cost Chlorinator 3 Cost Source 3 Total

+ + =

Source 1 Total Source 2 Total Source 3 Total Subtotal Cost for Source
+ + =
(Include on Summary Page 1-11)

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section B
Water Storage Cost
Source of cost data: Information from Equipment Suppliers, 2000 updated for 2006

The cost of storage tanks varies tremendously based on the size, type of tank, construction
conditions, and other factors. It also requires knowing a size estimate of the tank to complete the
cost estimate. If the tank is replacing a previous tank, either use the same size as the previous
tank or a larger size if the tank is being replaced due to lack of sufficient size. The table below
shows a recommended storage capacity,(2 day use plus fire flow storage) based on the number of
homes served, assuming an average 3.5 persons per household. The volumes listed are total
storage, therefore, if the community is adding additional storage, not replacing an existing tank,
the size of the existing storage should be subtracted from this number to determine the
recommended size for the new storage tank. For example, a community of 400 households
should has a recommend storage of 330,000 gallons. The community currently has a 200,000
gallon tank that they plan to keep in use. Therefore, when looking at the tank costs, the
recommended size the community should use is 330,000-200,000 or 130,000 gallons.

Number of Households Minimum Recommended Storage

300 260,000 gallons
400 330,000 gallons
500 400,000 gallons
600 470,000 gallons

The table below provides a cost range per gallon, base on the size of tank.

Size of Tank Cost Range

500,000 - 1,000,000 $0.30 - $0.37
300,000 - 500,000 $0.37 - $0.43
75,000 - 300,000 $0.43 - $0.50
50,000 - 75,000 $0.50 - $0.93
less than 75,000 $0.93 - $1.24

Multiply the number of gallons needed by the cost per gallon:

Number of Gallons Needed Cost Per Total Tank Cost (include on page 1-
Gallon 11)
New Mexico Environmental Finance Center
Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section C
Water Distribution Cost
Source of cost data: Information from Rural Utilities Service, 1995

As a general guide, water line prices can be estimated using a cost of approximately $2.00 per
inch of pipe diameter per linear foot. This cost includes the cost of construction, pipe materials
and labor. It assumes standard construction conditions. If the ground that will contain the piping
is very rocky, such that it would require measures such as blasting to install the pipe, the costs
would be significantly higher. This general guide is for the cost to install pipe only and should
be used accordingly. When constructing a new water distribution system, the costs should
include the installation of items such as valves, fittings, meters, service lines and fire hydrants.
Therefore, for new construction, the following estimation values should be used.

To use this estimation technique, the user must make an estimate of the length (quantity in feet)
of piping needed. There are several simple methods to at least obtain a good guess of the
distances needed. One way would be to use a GPS unit and drive along the streets that would be
served. The GPS unit will calculate the total distance needed. Many counties and cities now
have GPS units for other uses, such as E911 or road maintenance, that may be borrowed for this
purpose. Another method would be to drive along the roads that will be served and use the car's
odometer to measure the distance. This measurement will of course be in miles, but can be
easily converted to feet by multiplying the number of miles by 5280 to obtain the number of feet.
A third method is to use mapping that is available and measure the distance along the map.
Whatever units the map uses will need to be converted to feet.

In terms of pipe diameter, the minimum pipe size needed for fire flow is 6 inches. Therefore a
good estimate may be 6 or 8 inch pipe. If you have better information, such as knowledge of the
size of pipe needed or you know the rest of the system is a certain size pipe, use the best
information available.

Size of Pipe Cost per Linear Foot Comments

4-inch $32.55 Maximum flow of 225gpm
6-inch $35.10 Minimum needed for fire flow
8-inch $39.16 Maximum flow of 1000 gpm
10-inch $44.56 Maximum flow of 1500 gpm

Multiply the number of feet of pipe by the appropriate cost per foot from the table above:
Feet of Pipe Needed Cost Per Foot Subtotal Cost (Include on Summary Page 1-
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Summary Page for Estimated Total System Cost

For Part 2: Groundwater Systems Serving 300 or More Households

The total system cost would be the cost of the source plus the cost of distribution plus the cost of
storage as calculated from each section above. If only one or two components are needed out of
the three, just place a zero in the box for the component that is not needed. For example, if your
community needed only a well and a storage tank and not a whole new distribution system, then
you would fill in numbers for Section A and B, but place a zero in the box for Section C.

Cost of Source Cost of Storage Cost of Distribution Total System

Section A + Section B + Section C = Cost

For example calculations, see Appendix A.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Part 3: Drinking Water System Cost Estimate Worksheet

Surface Water Treatment System

For Any Number of Households
Source: Rural Utilities Services, 2000 updated for 2006

The previous cost estimating techniques were for groundwater treatment systems. The
information provided here is for surface water treatment facilities. Costs for distribution
systems and storage tanks can be determined using the methods presented previously; the first
method from Part 1 should be used if there are less than 300 households and the second method
from Part 2 should be used if there are greater than 300 households in the system

This cost table is a surface water treatment facility, and is a one-time cost estimate for
construction of a new facility. The estimate does not include expenses for operation and

Rural residential households are estimated to include 3.5 people per household. The average
daily water use is approximately 125 gallons per person per day. This cost table is based on
those estimates.

Approximate Number of Size of Surface Water Treatment Cost per 1 Gallon of

Households to be Served Facility Water
Greater than 3,000 1,000,000 gallons or more per day $1.55
2,000 - 3,000 750,000 gallons or more per day $1.94
1,500 - 2,000 500,000 gallons per day $2.48
Less than 1,500 Less than 500,000 gallons per day $3.20 - $3.72
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
Section 2

Wastewater Infrastructure

Cost Estimating
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Wastewater Infrastructure Cost Estimating

The information included in this section will assist communities in developing estimates for
wastewater infrastructure projects. The basic components of a wastewater collection and
treatment system/facility consist of:
C Collection System;
C Treatment System/Facility; and
C Effluent Disposal.

Collection System
A collection system is used to convey the wastewater generated at the households to the
wastewater treatment facility. See Section A below for cost estimating worksheets. (For
descriptions of Wastewater Collection System Alternatives, see Appendix B.)

Treatment System
There are many options available for the treatment of wastewater generated in the community.
Treatment plants may range anywhere from complex mechanical systems constructed of
concrete and steel to simple natural type systems, such as lagoons, wetlands, and land treatment
systems. The choice of the type of system to use involves many considerations, such as:
Quality/Quantity of flow
Characteristics of the raw wastewater
Quality/Quantity of effluent desired
Type of discharge (surface water, groundwater, irrigation, etc.)
Permit conditions
Acceptable degree of operation and maintenance
Quality/Quantity of land available for the system
Physical characteristics of the area (soil, groundwater, bedrock, topography, etc.)
For cost estimation worksheets regarding Treatment Systems, see section B below. (For
descriptions of Wastewater Treatment System Alternatives, see Appendix C.)

Effluent Disposal
Following wastewater treatment, the treated effluent must be discharged. There are various
options available for the discharge of effluent. If a surface water source is nearby, surface water
discharge may be an option. This type of disposal requires an NPDES (National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System) permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
which, depending on the surface water source, may have quite stringent discharge standards as
well as monitoring and reporting requirements. Alternatively, the wastewater effluent may be
discharged to groundwater, which requires a permit from the New Mexico Environment
Department. These permits have stringent nitrogen limits but less involved monitoring and
reporting requirements. Groundwater discharges include infiltration (similar to a household

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

leach field system), injection, irrigation of farmland, and irrigation of public or other lands
(irrigation systems require winter storage facilities and varying levels of treatment depending on
use per the NMED.). The wastewater effluent may also be disposed of through evaporation,
although this method is very land intensive.

Basis of Cost Estimation

Cost estimates in this guide are provided only for collection and treatment, not for effluent
disposal. Those costs are too variable and site specific to be included in a general cost
estimation guide. A cost should be added for this component of the project. The New Mexico
Environment Department can be contacted for assistance on determining effluent quality and the
options available to the community for disposing of effluent. The cost estimates for collection
and treatment do not include the costs for right of way, for land acquisition, or the costs of
operation and maintenance. In addition, the cost estimates are for new construction only, and are
not intended to be used for the upgrade or expansion of existing facilities. Construction costs
were increased 25% to cover engineering fees and contingencies.

A flow rate of 350 gallons per household per day and 3.5 persons per household was assumed.
This estimate is based on general engineering estimates and is most likely conservative for New
Mexico. Rural communities tend to generate less wastewater per capita than the national
average. The costs presented are for average conditions. For example, these costs do not
consider the costs of dewatering if groundwater is shallow, or the costs of blasting if the bedrock
is close to the surface. If extreme conditions, such as these, prevail, the cost estimates should be

The trenching costs included are for traditional trenching methods used in the installation of
conventional gravity sewers. It is often possible to save a considerable amount of money on
trenching by using simpler trenching techniques with the alternative sewer systems. These
techniques are possible because smaller diameter pipe is used and the pipe is buried at a
shallower depth.

One advantage of alternative sewers verses gravity sewers is that the pipe diameters used are
smaller and that the burial depth is much shallower. It is possible to place alternative sewers
along street rights-of-way, whereas it may not be possible to place gravity sewers there, due to
diameter of the pipes and depths of the sewers. Therefore, it was assumed that gravity sewers
would be placed underneath streets and alternative sewers were assumed to be placed along the
sides of streets. A cost for pavement removal and replacement was included with the gravity
sewers but not the alternative sewers.

For each housing density condition, the distance between houses was calculated based on the
average acreage condition. Square lots were assumed for determining distances between houses.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section A
Wastewater Collection System
Traditionally, wastewater collection systems have consisted mainly of conventional gravity
sewers and, where topography did not allow for a complete gravity system, a pump station(s)
was added to the system. Gravity sewers require little, and relatively simple, operation and
maintenance. However, these sewers are expensive on a linear foot basis. Costs can be
prohibitively expensive if extreme conditions prevail, such as high groundwater table, low depth
to bedrock, unfavorable topography, or very long distances between houses.

Available alternative systems include: vacuum collection sewers; small diameter gravity
collection systems, grinder pump systems, and septic tank effluent pumping systems. For a
successful system: 1) the selected alternative must fit the physical characteristics of the
community, 2) the design must be well conceived, 3) the community must be accepting of the
alternative, and 4) the community must be capable of handling the operation and maintenance
requirements of the systems.

It is not valid to use the values presented on the cost estimation tables to compare alternatives for
collection systems. This type of evaluation must be made by comparing lifecycle costs between
alternatives. A lifecycle cost considers the capital cost of construction and the operation and
maintenance costs for the life of the project (generally 20 years is used, but a longer time period
may be used). Alternatives that have lower capital costs may have higher operation and
maintenance costs. Alternatives to gravity sewers are generally used when special conditions
make the construction of gravity sewers difficult and expensive, e.g. high groundwater table,
unfavorable topography, and low depth to bedrock.

Estimated costs were for each type of sewer collection system, on a per household cost basis, for
four different categories of housing density. Multiplying the per household costs of the desired
collection system type by the number of houses in each density category will provide a rough
estimate of the cost of the collection system. A worksheet is provided to aid in this calculation.
A combination system may also be priced out. For example, a small diameter gravity sewer is
desired to serve 125 customers but topographic conditions indicate that 10 customers are on a
lower elevation street. The cost estimate for 125 households using a small diameter gravity
sewer can be determined using Part 1, Section A-3 below and the estimate for a septic tank
effluent pump system for 10 customers using the per household costs can be determined using
Part 1, Section A-5 below. The two estimates should then be added together to determine the
total collection system cost from Part 1, Section A.

Part 1, Section B should be used to estimate the cost of a pump station (or lift station). To
determine if a pump station is necessary, the community must have an idea of ground elevations
throughout the area of the collection system. If there is a point in the collection system that is
lower than all areas surrounding it (excluding the treatment area), and the collection system is a

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

gravity system, a pump station is required at that area. There are other uses for pump stations
with vacuum and grinder pump collection systems. If the community determines a pump station
will be used for any type of collection system, Part 1, Section B should be used.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Part 1: Wastewater Collection System

Section A - Collection System Construction Estimated Costs
Determine the specific type of collection system to be constructed and go to the appropriate
section(s). (See Appendix B for descriptions of each type of system.)
1. Gravity Collection System
2. Vacuum Collection System
3. Small Diameter Gravity Collection System
4. Grinder Pump
5. Septic Tank Effluent Pump.

For the specific type of collection system, identify the assumed density (acres per house). Enter
the number of estimated houses and multiply by the cost per house. Copy the subtotal to the
Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.
1. Gravity Collection System

Rural: 3 to 5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Gravity Collection

X $25,564 =

Semi -Rural:1 to 3 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Gravity Collection

X $18,372 =

Semi- Urban: 0.5 - 1.0 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Gravity Collection

X $12,200 =

Urban: Less than 0.5 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Gravity Collection

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

X $6,500 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

2. Vacuum Collection System

Copy the subtotal to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.

Rural: 3 to 5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Vacuum Collection System
X $15,270 =

Semi -Rural:1 to 3 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Vacuum Collection System
X $11,895 =

Semi- Urban: 0.5 - 1.0 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Vacuum Collection System
X $8,736 =

Urban: Less than 0.5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Vacuum Collection System
X $6,322 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

3. Small Diameter Gravity

Copy the subtotals to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.

Rural: 3 to 5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Small Diameter Gravity System
X $14,722 =

Semi -Rural:1 to 3 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Small Diameter Gravity System
X $18,372 =

Semi- Urban: 0.5 - 1.0 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Small Diameter Gravity System
X $12,200 =

Urban: Less than 0.5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Small Diameter Gravity System
X $6,500 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

4. Grinder Pump

Copy the subtotals to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.

Rural: 3 to 5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Grinder Pump Systems
X $18,232 =

Semi -Rural:1 to 3 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Grinder Pump Systems
X $18,232 =

Semi- Urban: 0.5 - 1.0 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Grinder Pump Systems
X $12,143 =

Urban: Less than 0.5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Grinder Pump Systems
X $9,893 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

5. Septic Tank Effluent Pump

Copy the subtotals to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.

Rural: 3 to 5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Septic Tank Pumping Systems
X $19,371 =

Semi -Rural: 1 to 3 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Septic Tank Pumping Systems
X $16,227 =

Semi- Urban: 0.5 - 1.0 acre per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Septic Tank Pumping Systems
X $13,282 =

Urban: Less than 0.5 acres per house

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Septic Tank Pumping Systems
X $11,034 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Part 1: Wastewater Collection System

Section B - Pump Station
If a pump station is necessary, determine the number of houses to be connected to the pump
station. Multiply by the given amount. Enter the total on the Project Summary Worksheet, on
Page 2-11.

1. Fewer than 100 Houses

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Pumping

X $1,753 =

2. 100 to 500 Houses

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Pumping

X $807 =

3. More than 500 Houses

Number of Houses Cost Per House Subtotal for Pumping

X $315 =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Part 2: Wastewater Treatment Facility Cost Table

New Construction

Determine the number of households that the wastewater treatment facility will serve. Rural,
residential households are estimated to include 3.5 persons per household. The average
wastewater to be treated is approximately 100 gallons per person per day.

Enter the number of households in the equation below. Use the following table to estimate the
cost per gallon of wastewater to be treated, and calculate the estimated cost of the treatment
facility. Enter the subtotal on the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 2-11.

Approximate Number Size of Wastewater Treatment Range of Cost per 1 Gallon

of Households Facility of Wastewater to be
Less than 3,000 1,000,000 gallons or less per day $6.20 - $9.90
More than 3,000 1,000,000 gallons or more per day $9.90 - $12.40

Number of Gallons of Wastewater per Day Cost Per Subtotal for

Households X per Household X Gallon = Treatment
350 gallons/household/day $ $

Wastewater Project Summary Worksheet

Part 1: Section A - Part 1: Section B - Part 2 - Treatment Total

Collection System Cost + Pump Station Cost + Facility Cost =
$ $ $ $

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
Section 3

Roads and Streets

Cost Estimating
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Roads and Streets Cost Estimating


The information included in this section will assist communities in developing estimates for road
and street projects. The estimates are for typical projects without unusual design features or
complications. If your project departs significantly from the typical one, contact a state highway
district engineer for additional assistance, or engage a consultant to conduct a detailed planning
analysis. Structural components, such as culverts and bridges are estimated separately.

In this guide there are two types of road functions addressed, arterials and collectors. These
types are based on origin of the traffic:
C Arterial - An arterial moves traffic originating outside an area through the area.
This is considered through-traffic, these cars do not have a destination in the area.
C Collector - A collector moves traffic that originates in the area and has
destinations in the area. It moves traffic from a neighborhood to an arterial.

For more specific information on these definitions please refer to the New Mexico Department
of Transportation’s (NMDOT) publication entitled, “State Access Management Manual”
specifically chapter 2. This publication can be found at the following website (accessed 6/06):

The Mid Region Council of Governments has published a map showing these classifications in
Albuquerque entitled, “Roadway Functional Classification.” It can be used as an example and
can be found at the following website (accessed 6/06):

For each type of road two types of traffic loads are addressed, Principal or Major and Minor.
They are distinguishable based on traffic loads per day.
C Principal or Major – A principal arterial or major collector would have nearly
twice as many cars per day i.e. 12,000 cars per day.
C Minor – A minor arterial or minor collector would have nearly half as many cars
per day i.e. 7,000 cars per day.

The three main types of projects addressed in this guide are:

C Rehabilitation which improves a road to acceptable standards,
C Reconstruction, which includes upgrading an unsurfaced road, and
C New construction, which is a new roadway through natural terrain, where there is
no existing road.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Source of Data

These cost estimates were developed from information provided by the New Mexico State
Highway and Transportation Department. We also had discussions with Albuquerque Public
Works and the City of Santa Fe Planning Departments.

Basis of Cost Estimation

Design of specific projects will depend on local conditions, but these estimates can be used for
preliminary planning purposes. Local conditions such as drainage characteristics, soil
composition, grade, etc. will greatly influence final costs. For existing roads, utility relocation
may be an additional cost that should be considered. The cost estimates are given for center -line
miles, regardless of the number of lanes. Cost estimates for structural components, such as
culverts and bridges are given separately at the end of this section.

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Instructions for Roads and Streets Cost Estimate Worksheets

Select the type of project area (rural or urban), then select the specific type of project
(rehabilitation, reconstruction, or new construction). Complete the appropriate Section. Copy
the total amount from each Section to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 3-4.

Rural Area Urban Area

9 Rehabilitation: Complete Section A 9 Rehabilitation: Complete Section D

9 Reconstruction: Complete Section B 9 Reconstruction: Complete Section E
9 New Construction: Complete Section C 9 New Construction: Complete Sect. F

For structural components, determine if the components are to be rehabilitated or replaced.

Complete the appropriate Section. Copy the total amount from each Section to the Project
Summary Worksheet on Page 3-4.

Structural Components

9 Rehabilitation: Complete Section G 9 Replacement: Complete Section H

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Roads and Streets Cost Estimate PROJECT SUMMARY WORKSHEET

After each appropriate Section is completed, copy the total amount from each Section to this
Project Summary Worksheet for the total estimated project cost.

1. Rural Area

Cost for Cost for Cost for New Subtotal

Rehabilitation Reconstruction Construction Rural
From Section A From Section B From Section C Cost
+ + =

2. Urban Area

Cost for Cost for Cost for New Subtotal

Rehabilitation Reconstruction Construction Urban
From Section D From Section E From Section F Cost
+ + =

3. Structural Components

Cost for Rehabilitation Cost for Replacement Subtotal

From Section G From Section H Structural
+ =

Total Cost for Project

1. Rural Area 2. Urban Area 3. Structural Component Total Cost
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal for Project
+ + =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section A
Rural Area - Rehabilitation
Determine the specific road function, then enter the number of estimated centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline mile. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet
on Page 3-4.

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $546,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles in Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $397,080 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Major Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $533,575 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $322,650 =

Total for Rural Rehabilitation Projects

Section A.1. Section A.2. Section A.3 Section A.4 Section A Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section B
Rural Area - Reconstruction
Determine the specific road function, then enter the estimated number of centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline mile. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet
on Page 3-4.

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $2,172,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $1,490,000 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Major Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $1,861,000 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $720,000 =

Total for Rural Reconstruction Project

Section B.1. Section B.2. Section B.3 Section B.4 Section B Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section C
Rural Area - New Construction
Determine the specific road function, then enter the number of estimated centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline mile. Enter the total on the Project Summary Worksheet on
Page 3-4.

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $1,117,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Arterial in Rural Area
X $2,668,000 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Major Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $2,420,000 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Rural Area Collector in Rural Area
X $900,000 =

Total for Rural Area New Construction

Section C.1. Section C.2. Section C.3 Section C.4 Section C Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section D
Urban Area - Rehabilitation
Determine the specific road function, then enter the estimated number of centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline miles. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet
on Page 3-4

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $1,365,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $1,490,000 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Major Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Collector in Urban Area
X $1,365,000 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Collector in Urban Area
X $1,675,000 =

Total for Urban Rehabilitation Project

Section D.1. Section D.2. Section D.3 Section D.4 Section D Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section E
Urban Area - Reconstruction
Determine the specific road function, then enter the number of estimated centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline mile. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet
on Page 3-4.

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $4,715,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $6,329,000 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Major Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Collector in Urban Area
X $3,971,000 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Collector in Urban Area
X $3,226,000 =

Total for Urban Reconstruction Projects

Section E.1. Section E.2. Section E.3 Section E.4 Section E Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section F
Urban Area - New Construction
Determine the specific road function, then enter the number estimated of centerline miles.
Multiply by the cost per centerline mile. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet
on Page 3-4.

1. Principal Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Principal Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $2,978,000 =

2. Minor Arterial

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $2,606,000 =

3. Major Collector

Number of Centerline Miles Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
in Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $2,234,000 =

4. Minor Collector

Number of Centerline Miles in Cost per Centerline Mile for Minor Subtotal Cost
Urban Area Arterial in Urban Area
X $831,000 =

Total for Urban New Construction Projects

Section F.1. Section F.2. Section F.3 Section F.4 Section F Total
Principal Minor Major Minor Cost – Rural
Arterial Arterial Collector Collector Rehabilitation
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
+ + + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section G
Structure Rehabilitation Costs

From Table 3-1 on Page 3-12, use the descriptions of the type of rehabilitation project for the
structure to determine whether your project is typical, intermediate or extreme. Fill in the
appropriate table below. Determine the number of square feet in the project and multiply by the
cost per square foot. Copy the total cost to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page 3-4.

1. Typical Rehabilitation

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $37.22 =

2. Intermediate Rehabilitation

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $49.63 =

3. Extreme Rehabilitation

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $62.04 =

Total for Structure Rehabilitation

Section G.1 Section G.2 Section G.3 Total Structure

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

+ + =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Table 3-1
Structure Rehabilitation Cost Estimate

Estimating Structure Rehabilitation Cost

Classification Description Cost Estimate
Deck Join Replacement, Deck Repair and
Typical Rehabilitation Resurfacing, Barrier Railing Replacement, $37.22/sq. ft.
Approach Slab Replacement
Intermediate Rehabilitation Typical Rehabilitation including Partial or
Total Deck Replacement $49.63/sq. ft.
Extreme Rehabilitation Typical Rehabilitation including Partial or
Total Beam Replacement and/or Partial or $62.04/sq. ft.
Total Deck Replacemenet

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Section H
Structure Replacement Costs

From Table 3-2 on page 3-14, use the descriptions of the type of structure for replacement to
determine whether your project is a minor structure, intermediate structure, or major structure.
Fill in the appropriate table below. Determine the number of square feet in the project and
multiply by the cost per square foot. Copy the total to the Project Summary Worksheet on Page

1. Minor Structure

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $62.04 =

2. Intermediate Structure

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $93.07 =

3. Major Structure

Number of Square Feet Cost per Square Subtotal Cost

X $124.08 =

Total for Structure Replacement

Section H.1 Section H.2 Section H.3 Total

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Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

+ + =

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ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Table 3-2
Structure Replacement Cost Estimate

Estimating Structure Replacement Costs

Classification Description Cost Estimate
Small Concrete Box Culvert Widening $49.63/sq. ft.
Minor Structures Large Concrete Box Culvert Replacement $74.45/sq. ft.
Average $62.04/sq. ft.
Single Span Replacement – No Surprises $74.45/sq. ft.
Intermediate Structures Multi-Span Bridge Replacement – Soil Problems $111.68/sq. ft.
Average $93.07/sq.ft.
Normal River Crossing $99.27/sq. ft.
Major Structures Gorge Bridge, High Elevation, Environmentally $148.90/sq. ft.
Average $124.08
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
Section 4


Cost Estimating
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Buildings Cost Estimating


This section of the cost estimating guide gives information to assist communities in determining
the preliminary size of a new facility and provides cost estimates for new buildings. When
projecting future needs in a small community, thinking about multiple uses and future expansion
is important. Flexibility and adaptability in use will be most cost effective in the long run.

General Information

The figures given are for typical buildings in a small community. These figures are conservative
estimates and the highest figure of a model building was used. Land acquisition can be a major
element in estimating the cost of a capital improvements project. Another contributing factor to
the total cost of a project is the operating costs, future expansion needs, changing programs, and
local building code requirements. The cost estimates given in this section are for the building
construction only and do not include land acquisition, landscaping, general equipment, special
features, or furnishings. When considering a new building project, local building code
requirements, zoning ordinances, and other land use restrictions must be investigated.

The information presented here is only a beginning reference point. Further analysis, evaluation,
and review of a specific building project will generate a more accurate cost estimate.

Sources of Data

Information was developed from the following references and updated for inflation to 2006
Architectural Graphic Standards. 1981.
DeChiara, J. H. And Callendy, J. H., Ed., Time Saver Standards for Building Types.
McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 1990.
De Chiara, J. And Koppelman, L. Urban Planning and Design Criteria. Van Nostrant
Reinhold Co., NY. 3rd Edition. 1982
Means Square Foot Costs. R.S. Means Company, Inc. 1999

Basis of Cost Estimation

The building costs are given per square foot of floor area and are based on a model building
type, using basic specifications. The costs have been modified by using a location factor for
New Mexico. Cost estimates are based on floor area at grade level and above, and are for

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

buildings without a basement or special features. Building costs include exterior wall
construction, interior construction, foundation, roof, mechanical (plumbing, heating, and
cooling), and electrical systems. Costs do not include site work, site improvements, utility
extensions, or roads and parking.

City Hall/Administration or County Administration

A City Hall/Administration or County Administration building generally contains office space

for city or county departments. It also includes offices for the chief administrator, elected
officials, council chambers, conference room, employee lounge, reception area, and file and
storage space. Typically, 100 to 225 square feet per employee is allocated for office space.
Some city departments require extensive contact with the general public and thus will need
additional space. Sometimes these offices are combined with a police station, jail, or civic
center. A new building should be planned in relationship to other facilities such as county
offices, health department, etc.

For the following model: Costs given are for a one-story building with a 12 foot story height.
Floor coverings are 70% carpet, 15% terrazzo, and 15% vinyl tile. Exterior wall is stone with
concrete block back-up. Costs include architects fee of 15% and general condition fees
(overhead and profit) of 15%.

Population To Range of Typical Building Typical Cost Per

Be Served Size for Administration Square Foot

Under 5,000 2,000 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft. $140

5,000 to 10,000 5,000 sq. ft. to 6,500 sq. ft. $129

Over 10,000 6,500 sq. ft. to 8,000 sq. ft $120

Size of Building (sq. Cost Per Sq. Ft. Total Building

ft.) Cost
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Community Center

Community centers often function as multi-purpose buildings, especially in rural areas. The
center often serves as a local or regional health clinic, a recreational facility, and community
meeting centers. The center could be located close to a local park or school and share the use of
outdoor recreational facilities. While specific plans and designs will vary from community to
community, generally 1 to 2 square feet per person should be allocated, based on desired
capacity or number of residents to be served.

For the following community center model: Cost given is for a one story building with 12 foot
story height; floor finishing is 50% carpet and 50% vinyl tile. Exterior wall is concrete block.
Cost includes architect fees of 9% and fees for general conditions (overhead and profit) of 15%.

Population To Range of Typical Building Typical Cost

Be Served Size for Community Center Per Square Foot

Under 8,000 10,000 sq. ft. - 20,000 sq. ft. $109

Over 8,000 20,000 sq. ft. - 30,000 sq. ft. $97

Size of Building (sq. Cost Per Sq. Ft. Total Building

ft.) Cost
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006

Fire Station

In small towns, all the functions of a fire station are usually housed in one facility. These
functions include: administrative offices, space for equipment, training facilities, maintenance
and supply area, fire alarm and communications center, and locker space. The equipment is the
same whether the fire department personnel are paid or volunteers. However, volunteer fire
departments generally do not need a kitchen and dormitory area.

For the model fire station: Cost given is for a one story building with 14 foot story height; floor
coverings are 50% vinyl and 50% painted concrete floor. Exterior wall is concrete block. Cost
includes architect fees of 8% and fees for general conditions (overhead and profit) of 15%.

Population to Typical Building Size for Typical Cost Per

be Served Fire Station Square Foot

Under 2,000 2,000 sq. ft. $158

2,000 - 5,000 4,000 sq. ft. $135

5,000 - 10,000 6,000 sq. ft. $118

Over 10,000 8,000 sq. ft. $109

Size of Building (sq. Cost Per Sq. Ft. Total Building

ft.) Cost
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006


In designing a library, space must be allocated for linear feet of shelving for books, extra floor
space for circulation, reading space, and space for staff offices and customer desk. For the
model library: Cost given is for a one story building with 14 foot story height. Floor coverings
are 50% carpet and 50% vinyl tile. Exterior wall is concrete block. Cost includes architect fees
of 8% and fees for general conditions (overhead and profit) of 15%.

Population to Range of Typical Building Typical Cost

be Served Size for Library per Square Foot

Under 2,000 2,000 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft. $181

2,000 - 5,000 2,500 sq. ft. to 3,500 sq. ft $181
5,000 - 10,000 3,500 sq. ft. to 7,000 sq. ft. $181
Over 10,000 7,000 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft $165

Size of Building (sq. Cost Per Sq. Ft. Total Building

ft.) Cost
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006


Warehouses are used for receiving goods and equipment, and storage of goods and equipment.
Public works departments also use warehouse type space for storing equipment and vehicle

For the following model: Costs given are for a one story building with 24 foot story height.
Floor is 90% hardener and 10% vinyl composite tile. Exterior wall is brick with concrete block
back up. Cost includes architect fees of 7% and fees for general conditions (overhead and profit)
of 15%.

Population to Typical Building Size for Typical Costs Per

be Served Warehouse Square Foot

Under 5,000 10,000 sq. ft. $98

5,000 - 10,000 20,000 sq. ft $81
Over 10,000 30,000 sq. ft. $73

Size of Building (sq. Cost Per Sq. Ft. Total Building

ft.) Cost
X =

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006


In designing parking lots, consideration must be given to access for handicapped, pedestrian
walkways, and landscaping. Using 45 degree angle parking, with 3 inches of bituminous paving,
and 10 inch gravel base, the cost is approximately $645 per car. Cost includes materials and

To determine the number of spaces required consult your local zoning ordinances for the zone
parking requirements where the building will be built or you can use the following general rule:

Total Number of Square Feet in Building divided by 300 = number of total parking spaces.
To meet statutory and the federal ADA handicapped space requirements, the following table
should be used.

Total Parking Spaces Handicapped

Required Spaces Required

15 - 25 1

26 - 35 2

36 - 50 3

51 - 100 4

101 - 300 8

301 - 500 12

501 - 800 16

801 - 1,000 20

More than 1,000 20 + 3 for each

additional 1,000

New Mexico Environmental Finance Center

Serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
ICIP Cost Estimating Guide, Revised June 2006
Appendix A


Drinking Water System Cost Estimate Worksheet
For 300 Households or Less (Households, not population)
Source: New Mexico Environment Department
Example Setting: A community of 175 households wishes to develop a community water system.
Currently all residents are on individual wells. The community will need to develop a source,
build a storage tank, and put in distribution lines.

Components Needed (Check All that Apply):

5 Water Source: Well, Pump, Chlorination: Complete Section A
5 Water Storage: Complete Section B
5 Water Distribution: Complete Section C

Section A - Water Source Cost

Multiply the number of households by the cost per household.

Number of Households Cost Per Water Source Cost

175 X $2,000 = $350,000

Section B - Water Storage Cost

Multiply the number of households by the cost per household.

Number of Households Cost Per Water Storage Cost

175 X $800 = $140,000

Section C - Water Distribution Cost

Multiply the number of households by the cost per household.
Number of Households Cost Per Water Distribution Cost
175 X $3,100 = $542,500

Total System Cost

The total system cost would be the cost of the source, plus the cost of storage, plus the cost of
distribution as calculated from each section above.

Water Source Water Storage Water Distribution Total Project

Cost + Cost + Cost = Costs
$350,000 $140,000 $542,500 $1,032,500
Drinking Water System Cost Estimate Worksheet
For 300 Households or More (Households, not population)

Example Setting: A community of 500 households wishes to upgrade and expand their drinking
water system. The community needs 2 wells, which they estimate to be 350 feet and 500 feet
deep and one storage tank of 50,000 gallons. The community will also need approximately 2500
linear feet of pipe.

Components Needed (Check All that Apply):

5 Water Source: Well, Pump, Chlorinator: Complete Section A
5 Water Storage Tank: Complete Section B
5 Water Distribution System: Piping to customers: Complete Section C

Section A -Water Source Cost

Well Cost
Size of Well Well less than 500 feet 500 foot well Well greater than 500 feet
(cost/foot) (cost/foot) deep
6-inch $125 $110

8-inch $135 $125

These costs include drilling, casing, screen, pump test, and well development.

Multiply the number of feet of well depth by the appropriate cost per foot for Well #1 and #2:

Depth of Well (ft) Cost Per Foot Well Cost

X = (include on page 1-8)
350 $125 $43,750

Depth of Well (ft) Cost Per Foot Well Cost

X = (include on page 1-8)
500 $110 $55,000

Pump Cost

Size of Well Well depth less than Well depth of 500 Well depth greater
(Diameter) 500 feet feet than 500 feet

6-inch $3,100 $6,200

8-inch $6,200 $12,500 - $31,000

In this example use $3,100 for one well pump and $6,200 for the other well pump and include on
Page A-4.

Chlorinator Cost

Chlorinator Cost
Small well (in terms of flow) $380 - $620
Medium well (in terms of flow) $620 - $990
Large well (in terms of flow) $990 - $1,500

Use the figure of $620 for one well and $990 for the second well. Include these figures on Page

Need for Multiple Pumps and Wells

The summary page A-4 needs to contain 2 wells.

Subtotal for Source of Water
Fill in one line for each well, pump, and chlorinator needed:

Well 1 Costs Pump 1 Cost Chlorinator 1 Cost Source 1 Total

43,750 + $3,100 + $620 = $47,470

Well 2 Costs Pump 2 Cost Chlorinator 2 Cost Source 2 Total

$55,000 + $6,200 + $990 = $62,190

Well 3 Costs Pump 3 Cost Chlorinator 3 Cost Source 3 Total

$0 + $0 + $0 = $0

Source 1 Total Source 2 Total Source 3 Total Subtotal Cost for Source
$47,470 + $62,190 + $0 = $109,660

Section B - Water Storage Cost
Source of cost data: Information from Equipment Suppliers, 2000

Size of Tank Cost Range

500,000 - 1,000,000 $0.30 - $0.37
300,000 - 500,000 $0.37 - $0.43
75,000 - 300,000 $0.43 - $0.50
50,000 - 75,000 $0.50 - $0.93
less than 75,000 $0.93 - $1.24

Multiply the number of gallons needed by the cost per gallon:

Number of Gallons Needed Cost Per Total Tank

Gallon Cost
50,000 X $0.93 = $46,500

Section C - Water Distribution Cost

Source of cost data: Information from Rural Utilities Service, 1995

This community intends to use 8 inch pipe.

Size of Pipe Cost per Linear Foot Comments

4-inch $32.55 Maximum flow of 225gpm
6-inch $35.10 Minimum needed for fire flow
8-inch $39.16 Maximum flow of 1000 gpm
10-inch $44.56 Maximum flow of 1500 gpm

Multiply the number of feet of pipe by the appropriate cost per foot from the table on the
previous page.

Feet of Pipe Needed Cost Per Foot Subtotal

2,500 X $39.16 = $97,900

Total System Cost

The total system cost would be the cost of the source plus the cost of distribution plus the
cost of storage as calculated from each section above. If only one or two components are
needed out of the three, just place a zero in the box for the component that is not needed.
For example, if your community needed only a well and a storage tank and not a whole
new distribution system, then you would fill in numbers for Section A and B, but place a
zero in the box for Section C.

Cost of Source Cost of Storage Cost of Distribution Total System

Section A + Section B + Section C = Cost
$109,660 $46,500 $97,900 $254,060
Appendix B

Wastewater Collection

System Alternatives
Wastewater Collection System Alternatives

To address the needs of small communities that could not always afford conventional
gravity sewers, several initiatives were undertaken to develop and promote the use of
alternative sewer systems. Available alternatives include: pressure sewers, both grinder
pump systems and septic tank effluent pumping (STEP) systems; vacuum sewers; and
small diameter gravity sewers. Each of these sewers has been used successfully and
unsuccessfully. To ensure a successful installation, 1) the selected alternative must fit the
physical characteristics of the community, 2) the design must be well conceived, 3) the
community must be accepting of the alternative, and 4) the community must be capable of
handling the operation and maintenance requirements of the systems. A brief description
of the types of sewers is provided below.

Gravity Sewer System

Gravity sewer systems involve placing sewer pipes at a slope sufficient to convey sewage
within the pipe by natural gravity. The slope must be sufficient to maintain a minimum
velocity, referred to as the scour velocity, to prevent solids from settling within the pipe.
The sewers generally must be laid in straight-line segments with manholes every 500 feet
and at every change in pipe size, direction, or connection of laterals. The New Mexico
Environment Department (NMED) recommends a minimum pipe diameter of 8 inches for all
gravity sewers.

The design of gravity sewers is a time-honored practice that is well documented and
understood by engineers and the simple operation of the sewers is desirable to operation and
maintenance personnel. Areas of high density and favorable topography are conducive to
gravity sewers. Gravity sewers tend to be costly on a linear foot basis, so in areas that are
sparsely populated, gravity sewers may be prohibitively expensive. If the slope of the land
does not fall in the direction of sewer flow, very deep sewers will be required, which may be
a particular problem when groundwater is high, rock is near the surface, or construction
corridors are narrow. However, if pump stations are not needed the operation and
maintenance costs are low. If the costs of construction of gravity sewers are slightly higher
than the cost of alternative sewers, gravity sewers are still probably preferred because of the
ease of operation and maintenance and the overall acceptance of gravity sewers.

Gravity sewers without pump stations require little operation and maintenance. Periodically,
the sewers must be flushed to clean out any accumulated solids. Over time, corrosion,
cracking, or general deterioration of the sewers and the manholes may occur. The extent of
these problems depends on the generation of hydrogen sulfide with the sewers, the pipe
material, age of sewers, presence of trees (potential to cause root intrusion), and other
factors. Corroded or cracked manholes may allow water to infiltrate into the sewer, greatly
increasing the quantity of water that must be treated at the treatment plant. Manholes may be
repaired by coating the interior of the manhole or by filling cracks with grout or other

Vacuum Sewer System

A vacuum system is a mechanized system of wastewater transport that uses differential air pressure
to move the wastewater in the pipes. A central vacuum station evacuates air from the collection
lines, creating a differential air pressure between ambient air pressure and the pressure in the
collection line. A normally closed vacuum/gravity interface valve separates individual users from
the vacuum mains to completely seal the lines and maintain the vacuum on the system. The valves
are located in a pit that collects wastewater from the users. When a specified amount of wastewater
is collected in the pit, pressure sensors open the valve and the pressure differential between the
vacuum lines and the atmosphere propels the wastewater toward the vacuum station.

A skilled operator is required to properly operate and maintain the system. The operator should
receive training in the design and operation of the system and ideally would be involved in the
construction portion of the job to learn the system components.

Vacuum systems require a central vacuum station to operate the system, which must contain vacuum
pumps, wastewater discharge pumps, electrical controls, a wastewater collection tank, and associated
equipment. These stations can be more costly to construct than a gravity lift station. The cost
effectiveness of this system may not be realized unless several lift stations would be necessary with
gravity sewers or unless the installation of the gravity sewers themselves is prohibitively expensive.

It is possible to locate the vacuum pits, required at each connection point within the road right-of-
way to prevent the need to construct system components on private property.

Small Diameter Gravity Sewers

Small Diameter Gravity Sewers (SDGS) are made up of interceptor tanks (septic tanks) and small
diameter collection mains. Interceptor tanks are located upstream of each connection, usually on the
property being served, and remove grease and settleable solids from the raw wastewater. The
wastewater flows from each interceptor tank by gravity (or in the case of the septic tank effluent
pumping systems described later, by pump) to the collector mains. The collector mains are located
within public street rights-of-way and transport the collected wastewater to a treatment facility or a
conventional gravity collection system connection point.

Because solids are not transported with the wastewater in SDGS, the collector mains do not need to
be designed to carry solids. The modification is design produces several benefits over conventional
gravity sewers: 1) less slope is required on the sewers, 2) sewer depths are reduced, 3) manholes are
not required at all junctions, changes in grade and direction, and regular intervals, 4) sewer
alignments need not be straight, and 5) within certain hydraulic restrictions, sections of the mains
may have an inflective gradient. The sewer diameters can also be reduced because the interceptor
tanks act to reduce the ratio of peak flow to average flow.

SDGS systems require periodic pumping of the interceptor tanks to remove the accumulated solids,
but otherwise the sewers operate similarly to conventional gravity sewers. SDGS can be combined
with septic tank effluent pumping systems (described later) to eliminate the need for mainline
pumping stations, which can reduce construction and operation and maintenance costs. The
combination of SDGS with septic tank pumps also allows the system to be installed at an acceptable
elevation that accommodates most users, while eliminating the need to install the sewers at a very
low depth to accommodate a few low-elevation users. These users can be supplied with pumps to
gain access to the system.

The sewer utility should be responsible for the entire system, including septic tanks and any septic
tank effluent pumping units. Operation and maintenance requirements of SDGS systems are
generally simple in nature, requiring no special qualifications for maintenance staff other than a
familiarity with the system. The operator=s responsibilities will be largely limited to service calls,
new service connection inspections, and administrative duties. Interceptor tank pumping is usually
performed by an outside contractor under the direction of the utility district.

One disadvantage of SDGS involves the interceptor tanks. The need for interceptor tanks creates the
need for periodic pumping of the tanks, which creates the need for handling and disposing of
septage. Because the time between pumping is long (between 5 to 10 years for residential users),
this drawback to the SDGS system should not be too great of a concern. Also, because of the use of
septic tanks, odors can be created in the system, and odors have been the most frequently reported
problem with SDGS systems. Odors can occur at lift stations or from house plumbing stack vents,
particularly at homes located at higher elevations or ends of lines. Odors are more pronounced
where turbulence occurs. By minimizing turbulence in the mains and the lift stations and providing
proper venting, odor problems have been easily overcome. Proper design can prevent much of the
odor potential of the system.

SDGS systems require that interceptor tanks be installed on private property. This type of
construction can be troublesome for construction contractors who generally do not like to work on
private property. Homeowners may also be very demanding in the restoration of landscaping after
the installation of the septic tanks. In addition, homeowners must be willing to grant easements to
the governmental entity constructing the system to allow construction, installation, and operation
and maintenance of the interceptor tank.

Pressure Sewer System - Grinder Pump

A pressure sewer uses a small diameter pipeline, shallowly buried following the profile of the
ground. Typically main diameters are 2 to 6 inches and burial depths may be 30 inches or below the
frost line, whichever is greater. Each home uses a small pump to discharge to the main. With a
grinder pump system, the pump grinds the solids in the wastewater to slurry, similar to a kitchen
garbage disposal.

The wastewater with the ground-up solids is transported through the collection main to a connection
point with a gravity sewer or to a wastewater treatment facility. Pressure system mains do not have
to have a straight alignment, or a particular slope, and can be routed around major obstacles.
Pressure systems are not inherently maintenance intensive. Past performance has shown that well
designed systems that are attended to by skilled, qualified maintenance personnel are relatively easy
to operate and maintain. However, the systems do require regular routine maintenance to perform
properly and incorrect operation and maintenance may be worse than none at all. Normal
maintenance consists mostly of answering service calls by system users. The amount and type of
service required varies widely between projects but past experience has shown that many calls are
electrically related or related to stringy material jamming the grinder pump mechanisms. There may
be one service call every two to four years for every pump, so staffing must be adequate to handle
service calls on roughly a half to a fourth of the system in a given year.

The major advantage of a pressure system is that small collector mains may be used that can be
installed at a relatively constant (the system can follow the ground contours) shallow depth. A
pressure system can be used cost-effectively where adverse topography exists or where obstacles are
encountered. Pressure sewers may permit service to low-lying areas that otherwise could not
connect to the gravity sewer.

A major disadvantage of this system, similar to the SDGS and STEP systems, is that construction
must take place on customer=s property. Another drawback of the system is that electrical service
must be provided to each grinder pump unit. As long as there is presently household service that
meets the standards of the area, the expense of connecting the pump units is not that great. Another
consideration is that the electrical connection can be made before the household junction box, so that
the utility district installing the systems do not have to access the household electric service.

Pressure Sewer System - Septic Tank Effluent Pump

Septic tank effluent pump (STEP) systems operate based on the same principals described above for
the grinder pump systems. The main difference between the two systems is the use of a septic tank
prior to pumping. STEP systems are in essence a combination of the SDGS and the grinder pump
pressure sewers. In STEP systems, wastewater flows by gravity from the service to a septic tank,
where floatable and settleable solids are removed. The settled wastewater is then pumped to a
pressure sewer or an SDGS collector main (if the STEP system is being used in conjunction with a
SDGS system) with a septic tank effluent pump. The sewer is free of solids, similar to the SDGS.

As described with the grinder systems, the pressure sewer is a small diameter pipeline, shallowly
buried following the profile of the ground. Typical main diameters are 2 to 6 inches and burial
depths may be 30 inches or below the frost line, whichever is greater.

The septic tank effluent is transported through the pressure sewer to a connection point with a
gravity sewer, SDGS collector main, or to a wastewater treatment facility. Pressure system mains do
not have to have a straight alignment, or a particular slope, and can be routed around major

With the exception of the maintenance of the septic tank that was described in the SDGS system, the
operation and maintenance requirements are similar to those described above for the grinder pump
system. However, because the STEP systems do not contain solids, the sewers do not have solids
deposition problems and the STEP pumps are less likely to become clogged with stringy material.

In general, the advantages and disadvantages of the STEP system are very similar to those of the
grinder pump system. One additional advantage of the STEP system is that the septic tank removes
much of the solids from the raw wastewater which reduces the strength of the wastewater, in terms
of BOD and suspended solids. Depending on the type of treatment selected this may be a
considerable advantage. An additional disadvantage with the STEP system is the potential for odors
in the system. To help prevent odors, basin covers are gasketed or made such that escaping gases
are vented to the soil or ventilation is provided by the roof vent of the home. In most cases where
odors have been reported, improper house venting was to blame.
Appendix C

Wastewater Treatment

System Alternatives
Wastewater Treatment System Alternatives

There are many different types of treatment systems available. Most of these systems are some
variation of natural biological treatment, in which the growth of specific microorganisms is
promoted to consume the organic matter in the wastewater. Some processes are considered
“suspended growth” because the microorganisms are suspended throughout the wastewater and
others are referred to as “attached growth” because the microorganisms are attached to surfaces,
such as rocks, plant roots, or plastic media.

The systems can also be classified in terms of mechanical verses natural systems. Mechanical
systems rely upon pumps, blowers, compressors, and other mechanical devices to achieve aeration,
mixing, and settling. Natural systems rely upon natural processes, such as the transfer of air to water
at the water surface, soil filtration, or plant activity, to achieve treatment without any or very few
mechanical devices.

It is not possible to describe all the treatment processes available, but some of the more common
processes used by small communities within New Mexico are described below.

Conventional Activated Sludge Plant (Conventional Concrete and Steel)

In the context of this report, conventional activated sludge treatment systems are considered to be
concrete and steel type facilities, although there are many other types of processes that can also be
employed in concrete and steel type facilities. A typical plant has some headwork facilities (e.g.,
screen, grit removal) followed by primary settling, activated sludge treatment, secondary settling,
and disinfection. These systems have been employed for a very long time in the US and the world
and are well accepted in the design community.

Conventional systems depend on mechanical components for the aeration of the activated sludge, the
recycling of the sludge, and in primary and secondary settling. The systems are very reliable and are
tolerant of influent variations and a wide variety of climatic conditions. Compared to the natural
systems, conventional systems can achieve similar or greater treatment efficiency in a much smaller
space. Detention times for the activated sludge portion of the treatment process are on the order of 6
to 8 hours.

The disadvantages of activated sludge include: construction costs, operation and maintenance costs,
and sludge generation. The conventional treatment systems are extremely costly to construct. These
systems require a lot of concrete and steel and mechanical components. The systems use a lot of
energy and require a lot of attention from a well-trained operator, which causes the operation and
maintenance costs to be very high. Activated sludge plants generate a significant amount of sludge
that must be disposed of. Sludge handling is difficult and expensive and is often the most costly part
of the treatment system.

Because of the high construction and operation and maintenance costs, the life-cycle costs of a
conventional system are not very favorable in comparison to the natural system options for smaller
flow rates. (Life-cycle costs consider the capital construction costs and the yearly operation and
maintenance costs for each year of the project for its entire life (typically 20 years or more.))
However, at higher flow rates, there is an economy of scale which tends to reduce the per gallon
costs of the system. Also, the large amount of land required might not be available or it may be
prohibitively expensive.


Lagoons have been used for the treatment of wastewater for over 3000 years and have been used in
the US since 1901. Numerous pond systems are in operation in the US today in all kinds of
applications and all types of climatic conditions. Lagoons can be used as stand alone treatment
systems or can be combined with other types or treatment processes. Lagoons are essentially ponds
and are simply excavated earthen holes that retain the wastewater for a considerable period of time.

The most basic classification of lagoon systems is based on the dominant biological reactions
occurring within the pond. The four principal types of lagoons are listed below.


All four types can be considered natural treatment systems. Anaerobic lagoons are used or the
treatment of strong industrial wastewater or agricultural wastes and do not have significant
application for the treatment of municipal wastewater. These ponds will not be described any
further here, nor are they included in the cost estimating guide. The other three systems are
described briefly below.

Lagoons are very simple systems to construct requiring mainly earth moving equipment and some
type of impermeable barrier to prevent untreated wastewater from seeping into the groundwater.
System operation is very simple and does not require a well-trained operator. Because there are
little or no mechanical parts associated with the lagoons, operation and maintenance costs are
minimal. The sludge generated within the lagoon collects on the bottom and may only have to be
removed every 10 to 15 years.

The disadvantages of lagoons include the land requirement, public health concerns, and treatment
efficiency. A lagoon system is able to operate naturally and generate very little sludge because of
the very long detention times. However, this type of operation requires a large amount of land, and
if land is expensive or unavailable, these options are not appropriate. Lagoons may attract animals
and serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and represent an open surface of untreated
wastewater. Treatment efficiency in well-designed, well-operated lagoons may be quite good, but
poorly designed and operated systems may not prove to be efficient and reliable.
Overall, if land is available and inexpensive and a remote or secured location can be found for the
lagoon, lagoons may represent the lowest life-cycle cost of all the alternatives.

Aerobic Lagoon

Aerobic lagoons are shallow, 1 to 4 feet deep, and detention times are short, 3 to 5 days. Oxygen
and light are maintained throughout the entire depth of the lagoon. Mixing may be provided to
expose all the algae living within the lagoon to sunlight and to prevent the deposition of solids.
Oxygen is provided by algae photosynthesis and reaeration at the water surface and aerobic bacteria
stabilize the waste. Aerobic lagoons are used only in warm, sunny climates, so their use would
probably be limited to southern New Mexico.

Facultative Lagoons

The most common type of lagoons is facultative. Facultative lagoons are typically 4 to 8 feet deep
with a detention time of 5 to 30 days. The pond has an aerobic zone at the top part of the lagoon
where oxygen is added through surface reaeration and algae photosynthesis and an anaerobic zone at
the bottom of the pond where settled solids are further decomposed. The zone in between the two
layers ranges from a lot of oxygen to very little.

Aerated Lagoons

In an aerated lagoon, oxygen is supplied through mechanical aeration or diffused aeration (also a
mechanical process). Aerated ponds are typically 6 to 20 feet deep and have detention times of 3 to
10 days. The main advantage of an aerated pond is that it requires less area than other types.

Constructed Wetlands

There are approximately 500 operating constructed wetlands treatment systems in the United States
today. There are two types of wetlands in use B free water surface and subsurface. Both types of
wetlands require some type of primary treatment, such as septic tanks or lagoons, and both types
employ a liner underneath the system to prevent groundwater contamination. In a free water surface
wetland, the water is exposed to the atmosphere and the bed contains emergent aquatic vegetation,
which is rooted in soil at the bottom of the bed. The water depth is about a foot and detention times
range from 3 to 15 days or more. The subsurface flow wetlands contain a gravel media that supports
the plant roots and the wastewater flows below the gravel surface in the plant root zone.

A subsurface flow wetland has many advantages over a free water surface wetland. The systems are
smaller than free water surface systems, the water surface is not exposed so there are no public
access problems or mosquito problems and the system may be better suited to colder climates.
However, the requirement of gravel greatly increases the construction costs and the systems are
probably not cost competitive at higher flow rates.
Wetland systems require little operation and maintenance, so on a life-cycle cost basis, the systems
may be very favorable. These systems typically require less land than a lagoon system, but
construction costs for subsurface flow wetlands will be higher due to the gravel.

The major disadvantages with a wetland system are the lack of knowledge in design and operation
and the poor nutrient removal efficiency. Wetland systems are fairly new systems, having only been
used for the past 20 years or so, verses the other systems that have been around for 100 years or
more. Design standards are being constantly revised as more information is gathered. In New
Mexico, many of the treatment plants discharge to groundwater. This type of system requires the
removal of nitrogen. The typical wetland system has not proven to provide much nitrogen removal.
However, with various modifications in design or operation, the system can be made to remove
nitrogen. The cost estimation guide includes one of these design modifications.
Appendix D



ICIP Project Information: Category

Category Source for Cost Estimating

Adm/Service Facilities (local Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
only, not state)
Airports Terry Simcoe, Aviation Planner, Aviation Division, Department
of Transportation, 476-0930,
Arts Community should be large enough to have engineer on staff
and/or have resources available to hire engineer
Clean Energy
Convention Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Cultural Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Daycare Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Domestic Violence Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Economic Development
Fair Facilities
Health-Related Infrastructure Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Housing-Related Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Landfills NMED Solid Waste Dept., Community should be large enough
to have engineer on staff and/or have resources available to hire
Libraries Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Lighting Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Roads Section
Median Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Roads Section
Museum Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Overpass Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Roads Section
Public Education (state only,
not local)
Rest Areas
Roads/Streets/Bridges Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Roads Section
Senior Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
Solid Waste NMED Solid Waste Dept.
State Government Facilities Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Buildings Section
(not local)
State Parks NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Sources Dept.
Storm/Surface Water control Community should be large enough to have engineer on staff
and/or have resources available to hire engineer
Transit Community should be large enough to have engineer on staff
and/or have resources available to hire engineer
University (state)
Wastewater Cost Estimating Guide by NM EFC – Wastewater Section
Other Sources for Cost Estimating Information
• RS Means Books, various categories - $150 - $450 each
• RS Means website
o Quick Cost Estimator for Buildings by Type
• New Mexico Environment Department – Construction Programs Bureau
o Engineering Fees -
• New Mexico Department of Transportation
o Road Construction Bid Item Cost Information by Year
• City of Albuquerque Public Works
o Construction Unit Prices as Bid – to be updated in 2007
o 1998 prices here -
o check here for updates -
• Consumer Price Index
o Used to Determine Inflation Rates -

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