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Nepal: Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project

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Nepal: Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project

Niraj Sharma Deputy Project Director

Regional Seminar on Gender, Urban Development and Water Supply and Sanitation 14-16 November 2011, Vientiane, Lao PDR
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Project in Brief
Loan /Grant Amount: $ 20 million Expected impact: Sustainable and efficient UTS for Kathmandu valley favoring local economic growth and addressing climate change and air pollution mitigation Expected outcome: Public transport services and walkability are improved, favoring a modal shift from private vehicles and improving traffic conditions in Kathmandu. Project scope: Kathmandu Metropolitan City EA: Ministry of Physical Planning and Works with implementing agencies: DOR DOTM, KMC, MOE and MTPD. Project Duration: 2010 2014 Project Classification: Effective Gender Mainstreaming

Traffic Congestion in Kathmandu

74% of Registered Vehicles are Motorcycles in Kathmandu

Project Outputs
Output 1: Improvement of Public Transport (PT) Management, Facilities and Operations Institutional strengthening and capacity building for DoTM; Reorganization plan of the PT network and development and implementation of two pilot bus routes, using electric or low emission vehicles; Development of a financing mechanism through Town Development Fund (TDF) to promote PT fleet renewal by introducing low emission or electric vehicles; Development of a study on the reintroduction of trolleybus services in Kathmandu.

Figure 3.14 : Possible Pilot Routes (to be confirmed)


Bouddha Swayambhu

Shared Routes

Pilot Route 1


Pilot Route 2 Terminals

Project Outputs
Output 2: Improve Traffic Management Improvement of 8 road junctions in Kathmandu city center, construction of a contraflow bus lane, construction of 2 motorable bridges and improvements of 5 road junctions in Teku Sorhakhutte section of Bisnumati link Road; Installation of new traffic signals and CCTV at key locations for better traffic management; Development and implementation of Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) capacity building program; Development and implementation of a public awareness campaign to improve citizens' driving behavior, environment and other transport safety aspects.

Figure 2.8 : Inter-relationship of Sub-Component in the Central Area of Kathmandu





Primary bus routes Tertiary Sa4 bus (neighbour) routes Bus only routes Bus stops and interchanges Pedestrian routes Primary pedestrian only area Junction improvements

Demonstration junction
New traffic lights Area covered by CCTV Minor off street parking

Figure 4.10 : Bishnumati Link Road (BLR) Junctions

Shobha Bagwati

See Figure 4.2 for location of E and F.



New bridge used for westbound traffic and BLR southbound

Southbound service road


BLR Underpass Signals Additional bridge to provide access to BLR southbound


BLR Underpass BLR to Tripeswor left turning traffic Southbound extension of BLR (to be constructed by DOR)

Project Outputs
Output 3: Walkability in the city center is improved Pedestrianization of about 8 km of the heritage routes in Kathmandu city core; Improvement of sidewalks in Kathmandu city center; Upgrade 2 and construction of 2 pedestrian bridges (across Bishnumati river); Improvement of the interchange facility and of public space in Kantipath Public Private Partnership (PPP) advisory support for Katmandu Metropolitan City (KMC)

Pedestrian Environment of Ason Tole

Unsafe conditions for wheelchair users

Figure 5.6 : Typical Detail of Primary Pedestrian Route

Pedestrian Area Upgraded Stone Paving Pedestrian Area New Stone Paving Motor Cycle Park Rickshaw Parking Area Built-up Area Covered Trader's Stalls Informal Traders Area Landscaped Open Space Temple New Pati/Kiosk/Public Toilets

Vehicle Entry Barrier

Bus/Safa Tempo Lay-bye

Project Outputs
Output 4: Monitoring of Air Quality Enhanced Providing monitoring equipment to support Ministry of Environment (MoE) in implementing the Air Quality Monitoring Action Plan 2010 2013. Provision of solar power back-up systems for the existing monitoring stations Provision of equipment for emission and mechanical testing Data dissemination and awareness campaign

Project Approach to GESI Mainstreaming

Outcome and Outputs Activities Targets/ Indicators

1 - Public Transport is improved and upgraded and capacity of DOTM is strengthened

Develop a PTP to rationalize PT by DOTM Address the needs of PT users including E-D-C-W in selection of UTS and infrastructures

A broad range of PT users participates in public consultation for finalization of PTP PT users preferences in: E-D-C-W friendly design features are assessed and reflected in the final PTP E-D-C-W inputs in selection of two pilot routes of UTS in Kathmandu Valley. E-D-C-W friendly design specifications (disabled friendly system) to include in Bid document for purchase of electric buses.

Project Approach to GESI Mainstreaming

Outcome and Outputs 2 - Transport Management is improved Activities Targets/ Indicators

Address the needs of PT users including ED-C-W in selection of UTS and urban infrastructure. Conduct trainings including modules on gender related aspects of UT and UD. Develop awareness campaigns to improve safe driving behavior and road safety.

E-D-C-W friendly technical standards included in the specifications for construction of urban infrastructure. E-D-C-W aspects profiled in awareness campaign is developed to improve safe driving behaviour, road safety and broadcasted through the various media platforms. Training of Govt staff on gender and social inclusion (GESI) with emphasis on E-D-W-C aspects to UT and UD. Training of EA, IA and private sector staff on pro poor and GESI aspects of UT and UD.

Project Approach to GESI Mainstreaming

Outcome and Outputs Activities Targets/ Indicators

3 Walkability in the City Center is improved.

Address the needs of PT users including E-D-C-W in urban infrastructure.

E-D-C-W friendly technical standards included in the specifications for construction of safe and pedestrian friendly urban infrastructure. (i.e. improvement of side walks, upgrading and construction of pedestrian bridges, improvement of interchange facility and public spaces including bus stops and transit stations)

Project Approach to GESI Mainstreaming

Outcome and Outputs 4 Monitoring of air quality is enhanced. Activities Targets/ Indicators

Ensure adequate monitoring of health and social related impacts of the project (with focus on the collection of sex disaggregated information and data) Develop awareness campaigns on outdoor air pollution related illness.

Monitor incidence of respiratory diseases among infants, the elderly and general population in urban areas through hospital based and household based sample studies. Carry out information and education campaigns (IEC) on prevention of outdoor air pollution illnesses in urban areas.

Project Approach to GESI Mainstreaming

Outcome Activities and Outputs Targets/ Indicators

5 For all Project Outputs.

Ensure integration of GESI aspects in collection of sex disaggregated information and data to assess the social and gender related impacts of the Project. Promote equal employment opportunity for women and men and equal wages for work of equal value.

Ensure incorporation of GESI aspects in collection of sex disaggregated information and data for effective monitoring of social and gender related targets and indicators. Ensure consultation of women (33% participation), poor and disabled PT users in public perception of UT services survey. Equal employment opportunity given to poor women and men in construction works and equal wages distributed to women and men for work of equal value. Employment opportunities for women sought (incl. for PT drivers and are encouraged to apply)

Output 1 GESI Indicators: PT improved and DOTM strengthened Public Transport Plan (PTP) assess the needs of PT users (incl. E-D-C-W) in the selection of routing fares and service hours; PTP is tested through the implementation of two pilot routes with features friendly to E-D-C-W. EA/IA staff trained on pro-poor and gender aspects of UT Output 2 GESI Indicator: Traffic management improved A capacity development plan for MTPD is prepared and training is conducted including modules on gender-related aspects of urban transport Output 3 GESI Indicators: Walkability improved -- 33% womens participation in consultations with the urban poor regarding site selection for urban infrastructure re pedestrian routes Output 4: GESI Indicator: Monitoring of air quality enhanced -- awareness campaign/info dissemination on air quality and its impacts on social, gender and health related issues.

Participation of E-D-C-W group Coordination among stakeholders
Ministry of Environment (MOE) Department of Traffic Management (DOTM) Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) Department of Roads (DOR) Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC)

Cooperation from private entrepreneurs Adaptability to project perceived concept Lack of institutional GESI expertise

Next Steps
Public Perception and Urban Transport Services Survey will take place in early project implementation. Key gender-differentiated differences and constraints in access to affordable and safe urban transport services will be assessed in the survey based on sexdisaggregated data and gender analysis. Areas to be explored shall be decided after the recruitment of the Consultants. Consideration will be given to the design and construction of suitable bus stops for the elderly and the disabled (safe boarding and exiting), longer service hours, and the introduction of women-only buses.

Thank You

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