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Community Noticeboard 10 July 2010

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10.07.10 Keeping Canberra in the know.

INVITATIONS TO COMMENT NOTICES 2010-11 Community Support and Infrastructure Grants

– call for applications
The Community Support and Infrastructure Grants will fund one-off community
InnovationConnect (ICon) Program Review Responsibility of cat owners based projects, fixed and non-fixed infrastructure for community facilities and
Cat owners are reminded that domestic cats are a threat to native wildlife. An ACT organisations.
The Chief Minister’s Department has commissioned an independent mid-term
review of the Innovation Connect (ICon) grants program, a funding scheme to study reveals domestic cats are responsible for killing a total of 67 different species of
Details about the Grants and application packs are available from
encourage innovation by Canberra firms. Following a tender process G J Wall and birds and animals.
Associates has been selected to conduct this mid term review. You can reduce the risk to native wildlife by keeping your cat indoors, particularly
To obtain further information please email or call
The review is to report on whether ICon is meeting its stated policy objectives. This between sunset and sunrise, and by putting a bell on your cat’s collar to provide
6205 1308.
is likely to include more specific advice on: a warning to other animals.If you are living in a cat curfew area – Bonner, Forde,
Mulligan’s Flat and Goorooyarroo – your cat must be confined to your property at all Applications close 5.00pm Monday 9 August 2010.
• the role the ICon grant has played in the development of successful times.
applicant companies and whether it is having the desired acceleration
impacts; For further information visit or contact Canberra Connect on ACT State Emergency Service seeks group of
13 22 81.
• ‘additionality’ impacts; volunteers for new Community Education Team
• the efficiency and effectiveness of program procedures (application and The role of the ACTSES Community Education Team will be to:
assessment process and the role of the Expert Panel); Changed public parking arrangements at Canberra
• develop educational material;
• whether the program is providing pathways or connections to other
Hospital (see map below)
• deliver community education presentations and discussions to the ACT
sources of advice and funding; To minimise disruption to patients and visitors during redevelopment at Canberra community; and
• areas of improvement for program design or administration; Hospital, temporary parking arrangements will be in place from Saturday 10 July
• attend displays at shopping centres, employment fairs, festivals and
2010 until the new multi-storey car park is completed and fully operational in early
• whether there is an ongoing justification for the program in light of fetes.
2011. Some lower floors of the new car park are expected to be operational by the
changes to the overall business program; and end of 2010. If you have:
• any other matters pertinent to the review and its objectives. • an engaging and friendly personality;
Public parking spaces
The ACT Government welcomes public input to the review and submissions should • excellent communication skills;
• The main public parking will be available in the Yamba Drive south car park. The
be sent to the consultants at by Friday 6 August 2010.
car park is well lit and within easy walking distance of the hospital. • a creative mind;
• Access to the car park is from a left hand slip lane while travelling north on Yamba • a desire to educate the community on emergency services; and
Comments sought on amenities at Gungahlin Place Drive. Drivers approaching the hospital from the east and west on Hindmarsh Drive
should turn north onto Yamba Drive. Drivers approaching from the north will be • suitable availability to contribute to the development of the ACTSES
The Land Development Agency (LDA) is proposing to construct three shade Community Education Team - you may be just who we are looking for!
directed around the campus to the Hindmarsh Drive/Yamba Drive intersection.
structures and additional tables and benches in Linear Park in Gungahlin Town
Centre to improve the amenity of the Park and provide shelter from the sun. • Smaller short-stay (one hour) car parks and pick-up/set down areas remain near to ACTSES Community Education Volunteers will receive specialised training to equip
the main hospital buildings. them for their important role educating the Canberra community on the functions
The plans for these structures are available at of ACTSES and the responsibilities of the community during storms, floods and
Disability parking spaces other events.
The community is invited to comment on this proposal by 5.00pm Friday 23 July
• The main three hour disability parking will remain beneath the Diagnostics and
2010. Please send your comments to or call 6205 0600. For more information call 6207 8462, email or visit
Treatment building (Building 12) which is close to the heart of the hospital.
• Three hour and all day disability spaces are also available in the car park behind
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES the National Capital Private Hospital.
Volunteer dog walkers
• Disability spaces are also located near the entrance to main hospital buildings.
Would you like to get some exercise and help out a worthy cause at the same time?
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 4 of the Roads and Public Places Act 1937, Motorcycle parking spaces
of the intention to close the following roads in the ACT. Domestic Animal Services is calling for extra volunteers to walk the dogs kept at
• Motorcycle parking will remain beneath the Diagnostics and Treatment building their shelter in Mugga Lane, Symonston. This provides the dogs with much needed
HARMAN / HUME (Building 12). exercise, socialisation and training which improves their chances of finding a life-long
WOODS LANE: will be closed between Lanyon Drive and HMAS Harman. Shuttle bus home.
(Please note access for local residents will be maintained at all times during these • A shuttle bus service is available Monday to Friday to assist patients and visitors Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer dog walker should contact Domestic
works) to and from their vehicles. Pick-up points are clearly signposted and located Animal Services on 6207 2424 and ask for Lee to arrange a time to attend an
TIME: 7.00am Saturday 17 July 2010 to 5.00pm Saturday 30 July 2011. throughout the campus. introduction brief on the volunteer program.
REASON: Lanyon Drive duplication. For further information visit phone For further information about the program and to recieve a Doglovers@DAS
ACT Health Parking Operations on 6244 2669 or 6244 2479 or email volunteer newsletter visit
closed at the intersection with Ginninderra Drive.
(Please note traffic in both directions will be detoured via the off / on ramps at
Ginninderra Drive to reconnect with Gungahlin Drive)
TIME: 8.00pm to 6.00am (nightly) Monday to Saturday between Monday 19 July and
Saturday 24 July 2010.
REASON: bridgeworks.


BELCONNEN WAY WESTBOUND LANES: will be closed at Gungahlin Drive.
(Please note access to Gungahlin Drive southbound and Aranda will be maintained)
BELCONNEN WAY EASTBOUND: no right turn onto Gungahlin Drive.
GUNGAHLIN DRIVE NORTHBOUND: no right turn onto Belconnen Way.
GUNGAHLIN DRIVE SOUTHBOUND: no right turn onto Belconnen Way.
TIME: 3.00pm Saturday 17 July to 12.00pm Sunday 18 July 2010.
REASON: bridgeworks.

GUNGAHLIN DRIVE NORTHBOUND U TURN LANE: located on the southern side of
Belconnen Way will be closed.
TIME: 6.00am Saturday 17 July to 6.00pm Saturday 31 July 2010.
REASON: bridgeworks.

GRIBBLE STREET: will be closed between Ernest Cavanagh Street and Anthony Rolfe
FOOTPATH: Gribble Street (eastern and western sides) between Ernest Cavanagh
Street and Anthony Rolfe Avenue.
FOOTPATH: Anthony Rolfe Avenue (southern side) between Gozzard Street and
Gundaroo Drive.
TIME: 5.00pm Friday 23 July to 5.00pm Friday 17 September 2010.
REASON: roadworks.
Any person wishing to comment on this notice may contact Colin Evans on
6207 6821.

Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site.

Robyn Hawkins
Delegated Officer, Roads ACT
Locked Bag 2000
Civic Square ACT 2608

Phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 I

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