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COLL100 Foundations

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Some of the key takeaways from the syllabus are that it provides an overview of the course objectives, policies, resources and expectations. It also emphasizes the importance of academic honesty and following APA standards. The syllabus is intended as a preparatory reference until the official syllabus is released.

The online library provides access to over 50,000 electronic books and 12,000 electronic journals. Students also have access to the Charles Town library for additional resources through interlibrary loan. Tutoring is available through for 10 free hours. will be used to check assignments for potential plagiarism.

The course scope covers investigating habits of successful online students, experiencing APUS culture, identifying university resources, developing writing and critical thinking skills, and formulating strategies for academic and career success.

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference.

Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

School: School of Arts and Humanities Course Number: COLL 100 Course Name: Foundations of Online Learning Credit Hours: 3 Length of Course: 8 weeks Prerequisite: None

Table of Contents Instructor Information Course Description Course Scope Course Objectives Course Delivery Method Course Resources Evaluation Procedures Grading Scale Course Outline Policies Academic Services Selected Bibliography

Instructor Information Instructor: Email: Phone: Office Hours:

Course Description College 100 is designed to provide a solid foundation for undergraduate study in the online environment. Students will be introduced to learning theory, the tools available in the online classroom and campus, and online research. Identification of personal learning style allows students to improve their study/learning techniques and prepares them to succeed in college

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

level courses. Students will be introduced to formatting and citation styles. APUS policy and procedure is addressed. Written communication is emphasized to assist learners in the transition to the online environment and to support their success in their academic and personal careers. Course Scope This course is designed for students who are new to APUS, may be new to online learning, and who may or may not be new to post-secondary education at an accredited institution of higher learning. After successful completion of College 100 students will have: A. Investigated and developed habits of a successful online student; B. Experienced the culture of American Public University; C. Identified and used resources provided by the university to support student success; D. Developed scholarly writing skills to include an understanding of academic honesty and information literacy; and E. Formulated strategies for critical thinking.

Course Objectives After successfully completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; 2. Examine and discuss APUS policies and procedures; 3. Identify major formatting and citation styles used in various programs; 4. Produce written assignments in accordance to APA standards; 5. Develop a time management plan to support academic progress and manage daily life; 6. Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes, career orientation traits, and demonstrate how that knowledge can be used to contribute to academic and career success; 7. Discuss the concept and relevance of information literacy;

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

8. Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research, using the online research center and other electronic and/or library resources; and 9. Explain and demonstrate academic honesty and discuss its implications for scholarly work. Course Delivery Method This course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. Online assignments are due by Sunday evening of the week as noted and include Forum questions (accomplished in groups through a threaded forum), examination, and individual assignments submitted for review by the Instructor. Assigned faculty will support the students throughout this eight-week course. Class Organization Students will find that each week in COLL 100 is organized in the same way. It is strongly suggested that student go through each part, in order, to maximize their experience and to increase the likelihood that they do not miss valuable information. These areas are: Home Page Site information This area contains valuable information about getting started in the course; Announcements Your instructor will be placing weekly timely tips and reminders in this area. Be sure to be on the look-out for new announcements; and Calendar A place to keep track of what is due, when.

Lessons Organization and Order Introduction Informs the learner what the week is about; Learning Objectives Informs the learner what they will learn during the week; Lesson Content Contains the important information about the weeks topic; Learning Activities and Assignments Specifies the activities and assignments due, what each are worth, how they will be evaluated, and how to submit the assignment correctly; Assigned Readings Readings are specified and linked directly from this page;

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Forums An outline of the discussion forums students will participate in during the week. Includes detailed instructions on how to find the discussion forums and how students will be evaluated; Lesson Materials A repeat of all materials referenced during the week, placed in one location for easier access; and Wrap up Summary of what was learned and a checklist of what was due and needs to be completed before beginning the next weeks work.

Course Resources Required Course Readings All College 100 Assigned Readings are available in the classroom. Students will be able to access each assigned reading directly through the links provided in the Lessons under the Assigned Reading areas for each week of the course. There is no additional textbook for the class. Additionally, students may access the College 100 Assigned Readings in or outside the classroom using the College 100 Campus Guide provided in the APUS Library o Once at the Campus Guide click on the Assigned Readings tab for a list of each weeks readings; o Bookmarking this guide will provide direct access to the Assigned Readings as well as supplemental learning materials to support your work in the class. Additional Resources Any additional resources or readings are directly linked from the course itself. Web Sites Any additional websites useful to the learner are directly linked from the course itself.

Evaluation Procedures Readings Various topics will be covered throughout this eight (8) week course. As a student, you are expected to read each of the assigned articles provided as Assigned Readings. Other material

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

will be assigned for reading found in the Lessons section of the course and as determined appropriate by the instructor. Forum Participation - Discussions There will be at least one (1) discussion question each week. Students are required to respond to the initial posting from the Instructor as well as respond to postings of fellow learners. For the Week 1 Forum (first week), initial responses must be a minimum of 250 words in length to receive full credit and prevent drop from the first week of class. For Weeks 2-8, initial responses to Forum posts must be a minimum of 200 words in length to receive full credit. Essays Students will prepare one (1) short personal essay during the course, intended to provide the instructor samples of their writing ability, reacquaint students with academic writing, and to allow them to reflect upon what they have learned. Quizzes There are four (4) quizzes in the class. Placement Tests There are two (2) placement tests in the class. Final Paper The final assignment for this class will be a short research paper of three to five (3 5) pages. Students will work toward their final paper throughout the course. Requirements Three to five (3 -5) pages of text, not including the Title or Reference page; Written according to the APA style and format; o Use Times New Roman 12 point font; o Double space all text; A minimum of four credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included in the reference page; Topic must be submitted to, and approved by, your instructor during Week Two; Topic must be related to learning. Suggestions include, but are not limited to the topics listed below; o Study skills; Strategies for taking notes and learning content; Reading comprehension; Preparing for and taking tests; OR Time management and the adult learner; o Preparing for and taking exams; o Learning styles the Theory of Multiple Intelligences;

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Left vs. Right brain and how it can impact learning; Adult learning theory Andragogy; Strategies for effective college level writing; Ethics and the college student; The mind-body connection and how this impacts how we learn; Engaging the adult learner; How the environment plays a role in learning; Motivation Theory Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic; Online learning and the adult learner; Using technology to increase academic success; Netiquette in the online classroom; Avoiding plagiarism in college writing; Creating student engagement in online learning environments; ADA accessibility and online classrooms; OR Any topic of personal interest approved by the instructor.

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.


Discussions: Initial Submissions & Responses



Writing Assignments Placement Test

Assignments Due During Class Percentage Week due of Total Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 16% Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 1: Scavenger Hunt Week 2: APUS Policies and Procedures 6% Week 5: Plagiarism Quiz Week 5: APA Quiz Week 1: Honor Code Week 2: Topic of Final paper Week 2: Personal Calendar Week 4: Annotated Bibliography 15% Week 4: Outline of Final Paper Week 5: Title Page of Final Paper Week 5: Reference Page of Final Paper Week 7: Draft Review Week 3: Personal Essay 50% Week 8: Final Research Paper** Math Placement 13% English Placement

Points 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 12 pts 20 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 10 pts 20 pts 10 pts 5 pts 20 pts 15 pts 100 pts 200 pts 40 pts 40 pts

**Final Paper: The final project for this class is a research paper. Students will be guided through its creation and revision all the way through the course. In COLL100 the APA (6th edition) style of formatting and writing is used. You can find much information about this style and how it is used from the Lessons section in our course, from our Library, and the following sites:

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Purdue OWL the Purdue Online Writing Lab) APA Website Course Outline Please see the Student Handbook to reference the Universitys grading scale.


Getting Started

Learning Objectives



Purpose An introduction to APUS, the Learning Management System, and to each other; a reflection as to why you are here.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Examine APUS policies and procedures; Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes, career orientation traits, and Demonstrate how knowledge of personal learning and motivational styles or attributes and career orientation traits can be used to contribute to academic and career success.

Assigned Readings: 13 Rules Every College Student Needs to Know 6 Tips for Veterans to Succeed in College Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 1.

Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 1.

Preparing for Success

Purpose To consider how to manage time, discover study and test taking skills, and control ones own learning environment.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Develop a time management plan to support academic progress and manage daily life; and Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes and career orientation traits, and

Assigned Readings: 4 Time Management Tips for Online Learners How to Avoid Feeling Isolated in Your Online Class Time Management for Online Learners Time Management Series: Time Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 2.

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

demonstrate how that knowledge can be used to contribute to academic and career success.

Management Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 2.

What is my Style? 3 Purpose To better understand ones own learning style; and to focus on metacognition.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Examine APUS policies and procedures; Produce written assignments in accordance to APA standards; Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes, career orientation traits, and demonstrate how that knowledge can be used to contribute to academic and career success; Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research, using the online research center and other electronic and/or library resources; and Demonstrate academic honesty.

Assigned Readings: 15 Ways to Become a Better Self Learner Redefining Smart: Multiple Intelligences Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 3.

Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 3.

Research and Honesty 4 Purpose To practice research skills, better understand information literacy, and affirm an understanding of academic honesty.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Examine and discuss APUS policies and procedures; Identify major formatting and citation styles used in various programs; Produce written assignments in accordance with APA standards; Discuss the concept and relevance of information literacy;

Assigned Readings: The Writing Process The Process and Types of Writing Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 4.

Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 4.

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research using the online research center and other electronic and/or library resources; and Explain and demonstrate academic honesty and discuss its implications for scholarly work.

Writing According to the Code

Purpose To become familiar with the writing style requirements of APA, compare these to other writing styles; discuss the need for any having any formal writing style.

Examine and discuss APUS policies and procedures; Identify major formatting and citation styles used in various academic programs; Produce written assignments in accordance with APA standards; Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research, using the online research center and other electronic and/or library resources; Explain and demonstrate academic honesty; and Discuss academic honesty and implications for scholarly work.

Assigned Readings: 7 Ways to Become a Better Reader and Writer How to Be a Better College Reader Reading and Research Series: SQ3R Reading Method Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 5.

Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 5.

Energy Management

Purpose Consider personal strategies for completing work; create a plan for being able to manage personal time based on the needs of an adult learner.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Produce written assignments in accordance to APA standards; and Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes, career orientation traits, and demonstrate how that knowledge can be used to contribute to academic and career success.

Assigned Readings: How Students Develop Online Learning Skills Options in Resource Management: Project Planning/Organizing Class Projects Time Management Series: The What, Why and How of To-Do Lists

Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 6.

Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

for Week 6. Assigned Readings: Guides for Memorizing Series: Using Memory Effectively How to Survive Virtual Group Work Testing with Success Series: General Test Preparation Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 7.

Synergy and Draft Review: Lets Collaborate 7 Purpose To better understand how to be effective and valued member of a team.

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Produce written assignments in accordance to APA standards; Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research, using the online research center and other electronic and/or library resources; and Explain and demonstrate academic honesty and discuss its implications for scholarly work.

Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 7.

Its a Wrap! Purpose To bring the class and the course to a close, reflect on the work completed during the class, and to look forward to setting the next set of goals

Analyze, discuss, and apply the habits of a successful online student; Produce written assignments in accordance to APA standards; Identify personal learning and motivational styles or attributes; Identify career orientation traits; and Demonstrate how that knowledge can be used to contribute to academic and career success.

Assigned Readings: No readings from the textbook this week. Additional Readings: Please review under Lessons the Lesson Content and Assigned Readings sections for Week 8.

Please refer to the table above and the Lesson Activities and Assignments section of Week 8.

Policies Please see the Student Handbook to reference all University policies. Quick links to frequently asked question about policies are listed below.

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Drop/Withdrawal Policy Plagiarism Policy Extension Process and Policy Disability Accommodations Writing Expectations It is expected that all students write in a manner representative of students at this level of their educational journey. Please pay particular attention to the information listed below. Citation and Reference Style Students will follow the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition writing style format as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the APA manual. Document File Formats All documents submitted in the classroom by students must be in .doc .docx or .rtf formats. Late Assignments Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to complete the course according to the published class schedule. Any assignment submitted late will be subject to a 5% penalty unless otherwise stated on the specific assignment itself. Exceptions will be made at the discretion of the instructor. As adults, students, and working professionals, we understand you must manage competing demands on your time. Should you need additional time to complete an assignment, please contact the instructor as soon as you can so the situation can be discussed and an acceptable resolution determined. Netiquette Online universities promote the advancement of knowledge through positive and constructive debate both inside and outside the classroom. Forums on the Internet, however, can occasionally degenerate into needless insults and flaming. Such activity and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in a university setting basic academic rules of good behavior and proper Netiquette must persist. Remember that you are in a place for the rewards and excitement of learning which does not include resorting to personal attacks or attempts to stifle the thoughts of others. Technology Limitations: While you should feel free to explore the full-range of creative composition in your formal papers, keep e-mail layouts simple. The Sakai classroom may not fully support MIME or HTML encoded messages, which means that bold face, italics,

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

underlining, and a variety of color-coding or other visual effects may not translate in your e-mail messages. Humor Note: Despite the best of intentions, jokes and especially satire can easily get lost or taken seriously. If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add emoticons to help alert your readers: ;-), : ),

Course Delivery This course, delivered via distance learning, will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. Online assignments are due by the SUNDAY of each week at 11:55pm ET and include the completed Discussion Board questions (accomplished in groups through a threaded discussion board), quizzes (graded electronically), and individual assignments (submitted for review by the faculty member). Your initial posting to each Discussion Board assignment is due on Thursday of the given week. This will give your classmates a chance to respond to your posts before the Sunday deadline. Please note that the course and the class runs on Eastern Time (ET). Throughout this course, use the following daily schedule: Day 1 = Monday Day 2 = Tuesday Day 3 = Wednesday Day 4 = Thursday Day 5 = Friday Day 6 = Saturday Day 7 = Sunday

Disclaimer Statement Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.

Academic Services The Online Library is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic campus. This is your starting point for access to online books, subscription periodicals, and Web resources that are designed to support your classes and generally not available through search engines on the open Web. In addition, the Online Library provides access to special learning resources, which the University has contracted to assist with your studies. Questions can be directed to

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Charles Town Library and Inter Library Loan: The University maintains a special library with a limited number of supporting volumes, collection of our professors publication, and services to search and borrow research books and articles from other libraries. Electronic Books: You can use the online library to uncover and download over 50,000 titles, which have been scanned and made available in electronic format. Electronic Journals: The University provides access to over 12,000 journals, which are available in electronic form and only through limited subscription services. AMU and APU Civilian & Coast Guard students are eligible for 10 free hours of tutoring provided by APUS. connects you with a professional tutor online 24/7 to provide help with assignments, studying, test prep, resume writing, and more. is tutoring the way it was meant to be. You get expert tutoring whenever you need help and you work one-to-one with your tutor in your online classroom.

A Library Guide for College 100 The AMU/APU Library Guides provide access to collections of trusted sites on the Open Web and licensed resources on the Deep Web. Most courses at APUS have Course Guides specifically designed to align with and supplement student learning in a particular class. The following link provides a Course Guide specific to College 100. Both the Week 3 Personal Essay and the Week 8 Final Paper will be systematically uploaded to when the student submits these assignments. will analyze the paper and report instances of potential plagiarism in a report within the course for the student to view. The student may edit his/her assignment based on the report and resubmit their assignment prior to any instructor grading if a rewrite is needed. In addition, it is the students responsibility to let the instructor know which version to grade since the instructor will have access to all submitted papers. It is also the students responsibility to ensure that all work is completed, including rewrites, before the assignment deadline of Sunday, 11:55 pm., Eastern Time. Therefore, it is important that the student not wait until the last minute to complete this work.

Selected Bibliography

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive and serves only as a preparatory reference. Please use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom and you have access to the updated course syllabus. Please do NOT purchase any books or start any work based on this syllabus; this syllabus may NOT be the one that your individual instructor uses for a course that has not yet started. If you need to verify course textbooks, please refer to the online course description through your student portal. This syllabus is proprietary material of APUS.

Please review the materials presented in the class in each lesson for added resources available to you.

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