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Instructor Policies: Facilitator Information

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Instructor Policies

571 Corporate Finance Campus/Learning Center: Riverpark

Facilitator Information
Terri West Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember the syllabus is considered the ruling document. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION COURSE NUMBER: FIN571 COURSE TITLE: Corporate Finance 571 COURSE START DATE: 9/29/11 COURSE END DATE: 11/3/11 Facilitator Availability I am generally available in the afternoons, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know. I will be happy to accommodate your schedule, if possible. I provide you with these times to make it easier to communicate with me, and not to limit our contact. I want you to know that, should you need to contact me outside these time frames, you should not hesitate to do so.

Classroom Management Policies

General Course Description See Course Description in the Course Materials for this course. Course Objectives See Course Objectives in the Course Materials for this course. Where to Go to Class: Your Course Forums Main: This is the main forum for the class and is where discussion is conducted. Everyone registered for this class has read-and-write access to the Main forum. Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. It is designed as a place to discuss issues not related to the course content with the understanding that the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct applies to all posts to all forums, including the Chat Room forum. Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means all members of the class can read messages in the forum but cannot post in the forum. This is where the instructor will post the course syllabus and materials. Learning-Team-A, B, C, D, E and F: These six Learning Team forums may be used as workrooms for the learning teams. Each student in the class will be assigned to a specific Learning Team. These Learning Teams forums should be used as a supplement to, or in the place of, in-person Learning Team meetings. If students communicate about team projects and assignments outside of the Learning Team forums, they should post at least a weekly summary of the non-OLS based team meetings in the assigned Learning Team forum Individual Forum: You will see one forum with your name on it. This is a private forum, shared only by you and me, the facilitator. Your classmates will not have access to this forum. You can ask questions here. However, if you have general questions about instructions of assignments, please post those in the Main forum, since other students may benefit by that exchange as well. Where to Submit Your Assignments Assignment Section: This is where you will submit all formal assignments. Navigate to the Assignments link on eCampus. Locate the link to submit your assignment as an attachment.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Weekly Individual Assignments Post to the Assignment Links as an attachment. Weekly Team Assignments Post to the Assignment Links as an attachment.

Certificate of Originality Please submit a signed Certificate of Originality for all Individual and Learning Team Assignments in this course. Please make sure that you read and understand the declaration before you submit the certificate. The template that should be used for each submission can be found under the Course Materials Forum.

Standards for Written Work and Presentations Written communication is an essential tool for any professional. As with any skill, writing well is the result of practice. This should be followed by feedback and the use of relevant and appropriate sources. Therefore, the quality of writing is graded as part of every written assignment at UOP. You should address the following guidelines when preparing your paper. Content & Development 60% 1. All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. 2. Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. 3. Major points are stated clearly, are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis, and are organized logically. 4. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. 5. The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper and reviews the major points.

Readability, Style & Mechanics 40% 1. Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. 2. The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. 3. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. 4. Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. 5. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. 6. The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices follow APA guidelines for format. 7. Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. 8. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. 9. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. 10. Spelling is correct. Oral presentations are graded for content, style, and cohesiveness. Presentations for this class must be made in business casual attire (at a minimum).

Presentations are graded on: Content, Organization and Structure - 60% Style, Presentation, and Appearance - 40%

IF YOU ARE NOT PRESENT AND/OR DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN A TEAM PRESENTATION, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT In addition to submitting the presentation to your Team Forum, please bring a hard copy to class. Late Assignments Assignments are due by 6 pm PST to your assignments link on the due days listed in the syllabus. Assignments will be accepted after 6 pm on all due days; however, they will be deducted 20 percent of the available points per day. Assignments more than 5 days late will not be accepted. This is done in fairness to those students who turn in their assignments on time. Any time you feel that you might be falling behind in the course, it is best to contact me to discuss your situation. No assignments can be accepted after the final day of class. If you are unable to log-on on a particular day that an individual assignment is due, you are responsible for turning in those assignments early in order to avoid late penalties. If you know you will be offline the day an assignment is due, please make sure to submit it early. In cases of emergency, please contact me to make special arrangements for turning in the assignmentin advance of the due date. Assignments will not be accepted after 6 pm PST on Thursday, November 3, 2011 - the last day of class. Incompletes I do not offer incompletes for this class.

General Policies
Course Changes Please note that assignments may vary somewhat from the materials presented on the rEsource page. Assignments and point values in this document take priority. While the reading assignments and learning objectives remain the same, any deviations from the course outline from your rEsource page are found in the syllabus and take precedence. Policies and Procedures Nothing in the syllabus in any way modifies the Universitys Academic Policies. Students must be familiar with and comply with the standards set forth in the Code of Student Responsibility and the Standards of Student Behavior, which can be found in the University Catalog and the Student Program Handbook, both of which are accessible through the student website. All performance assessments during the course are based upon the accomplishment of learning objectives and criteria established for each assignment. Students are graded on achievement and participation, not effort. All course work must be submitted by the final night of class. Attendance Faculty members have no authority to excuse absences. Students are expected to arrive on time, to be prepared, and to attend ALL CLASSES. Attendance is mandatory. If an unexpected emergency occurs, it is the students responsibility to notify the instructor in advance, if possible, of any absence or anticipated lateness. It is the students responsibility to contact an Academic Counselor with any absence concerns. If a student is late for class or leaves early from class and has not made prior arrangements with the instructor, the student may not be able to make up quizzes or other in-class work that occurred while the student was not present. Rosters The attendance roster for this course will be circulated from 6 pm until picked up by university staff. Failure to sign the attendance roster will result in the student being reported as absent. If a student enters class after the roster has been picked up, the student must go to the Student Resource Center accompanied by the instructor to verify presence in the classroom prior to signing the roster. Signing an attendance roster for another student is falsification of a document and constitutes a violation of the Student Code of Conduct carrying sanctions up to and including expulsion. Any student who fails to sign the roster for two workshops will receive a W or WF grade and cannot receive a standard letter grade for credit for the course. Students signing rosters prior to 6 pm and not attending the session for any period of time are not in attendance for the class. If this occurs, attendance rosters will be adjusted to reflect that the student did not attend any portion of the class. Faculty will cross out the students name and note on the attendance roster that the student signed prior to class beginning and was not present. Campus administration will send the student a letter charging them with a violation of student code of conduct, specifically, falsification of a University document. Participation Students who miss class cannot receive participation points for that evening. Students who arrive late or leave early should also anticipate a reduced participation grade. The faculty member will consider a

students qualitative contributions to class discussions and activities in assigning the grade for participation. The quality of contributions will be based on: Knowledge of assigned readings. Application of critical thinking skills. Application of theory to real life situations.

The instructor will evaluate participation levels after every class meeting and will make recommendations for improvement if necessary. rEsource Students are expected to demonstrate in their group and individual assignments that they have utilized rEsource. The failure to use rEsource within your work may affect your grade in this course. Feedback Students will receive written feedback on all submitted work within 6 days its submission (expect to have all work graded and returned by the next class meeting). Privacy and Confidentiality in the Classroom One of the highlights of the University of Phoenix academic experience is that students can draw on the wealth of examples from their organizations in class discussions and in their written work. However, it is imperative that students not share information that is confidential, privileged, or proprietary in nature. Students must be mindful of any contracts they have agreed to with their companies. Learning Teams All materials for Learning Teams can be found on the student web site under Learning Team Toolkit. Learning Teams are an essential part of the academic experience for students. In addition to providing a supplemental learning environment for mastery of course content, learning teams provide students with an opportunity to develop and refine teamwork skills. The average time allowance for meeting team assignment requirements is approximately 5 hours per week for an undergraduate class and 4 hours for a graduate class. Students are expected to determine the learning team meeting modality (and possible location) for each team meeting. Students do not have to meet face-to-face, nor should they insist that students who cannot meet face-to-face because of life constraints meet in this modality. Many options are open to students including e-mail, teleconferencing, instant messaging, small group work, and independent work. Students are required to complete and turn in an appropriate Learning Team Charter by Workshop 2 of every class. Students are required to complete and turn in a Learning Team Log detailing the teams activities for the week and will count towards participation. Failure to complete logs indicates that the team did not meet and did not meet the requirements of the class. Logs should be completed before class begins so the completion does not take up classroom time. A Learning Team Evaluation must be turned in at the end of the course and will be used as part of the final grade calculation for participation. Tech Support In case of technical difficulties, students are encouraged to contact Technical Support for assistance. The tech Support staff are available 24 hours a day at 1-877-TECH-UOP (1-877-832-4867).

Note: The OLS does not affect attendance or participation. All attendance and participation activity must continue to take place only during the on-campus workshop meetings. Laptops, Cell Phones and Pagers In keeping with the Standards of Student Behavior concerning the maintenance of a learning environment, it is expected that students will not receive or place calls or respond to pagers during class time. Should a student anticipate an emergency call during class time, it is the students responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the class and to make arrangements accordingly. Laptops are a wonderful tool, but there is both a time and place for them in the classroom. The laptop should be used for one of three activities: 1. looking at rEsource during class when the entire class is reviewing it 2. taking notes and 3. participating in in-class activities as directed by the instructor. Hiding behind a laptop, answering e-mail, playing games, surfing the web etc. will not be tolerated. Instructors may ask you to close laptops at specific times during class. The instructor may report a disturbance in the classroom caused by these types of electronic devices to Campus Administration. If substantiated, this can result in sanctions ranging up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University. Professional Attire Students are required to dress in attire that is appropriate to the professional learning environment. In other words, during regular class sessions, students should dress with an appropriate sense of propriety. Casual clothing is acceptable as long as it not revealing and/or offensive to others in the learning environment. During oral presentations, the instructor reserves the right to require more formal attire including business casual/formal attire as we are training students to make business presentations. Of course, if role playing or performing skits, the appropriate costuming is acceptable. Please consult with your instructor regarding his/her individual requirements regarding dress during your formal presentations. Accommodations If a student has a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires accommodations, he or she should contact the Learning Center Manager, the Disability Officer for that Learning Center, for information on appropriate policies and procedures. The Learning Center Manager may be contacted by telephone at 1-800-266-2107. Ask for the Learning Center Manager for the Learning Center which you attend. Grades A = Excellent performance. Work is exemplary and worthy of emulation by others. Student constructively contributes to the learning environment. B = Above average performance. All assignments are complete and on time and exhibit a complete understanding and an ability to apply concepts. C = Average performance. Student accomplishes only the minimum requirements or does not complete all assignments. Oral and written communication is at an acceptable level for a college student. D = Work is below acceptable level for a college student. Student shows only a very basic understanding of the material or does not meet all assignment requirements as described in this syllabus.

F = Work is not passing. Students work is incomplete, chronically late, or does not apply information and concepts in a satisfactory manner. Grading Scale

95+ 90-94 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79


74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 59 or less


Academic Honesty Academic honesty is highly valued at the University of Phoenix. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the students original words or ideas, all relevant sources must be cited along with the extent to which such sources were used. Collaboration by multiple students on individual assignments constitutes academic dishonesty. Group projects and assignments should represent equal efforts by all group members. Words or ideas that require citation include, but are not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication clearly originates from an identifiable source. Please see the University of Phoenix Catalog for more information about academic honesty.

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