English 420: Issues Spring 2011: Abright@grandview - Edu
English 420: Issues Spring 2011: Abright@grandview - Edu
English 420: Issues Spring 2011: Abright@grandview - Edu
English 420
Spring 2011
Instructional Resources Instructor selected readings, distributed either in hard copy or on Blackboard Grand View email account Blackboard: Our course will be utilizing its own Blackboard site on a regular basis. You can log in to the site using your Grand View email address and your original email password. This site contains copies of the syllabus, assignments, and additional resources. You will be expected to regularly participate in Blackboard discussions, which will be included in your participation grade. Course Description This course examines the theoretical and practical components of writing center work, paying particular attention to their reflexive nature, that is, to the ways in which theories of collaborative learning challenge and extend writing center practice and the ways in which writing center practice interrogates and shapes writing center theory. The course will also further introduce students to aspects of writing center administration, particularly the task of marketing and assessing the effectiveness of the Writing Center on the Grand View campus. Specific topics will include recent critiques of collaborative learning, approaches to consultation, consultant roles, the role of grammar instruction in the writing center, consulting strategies for ESL students, and the use of computers in the writing center. The course may be repeated for credit, so each semester topics will vary and be framed from different perspectives: historical, political, theoretical, practical, administrative and pedagogical. Instructional Objectives Learning as Knowledge By the end of this course, you should be able to: Begin to understand the history and the politics of university writing centers. Begin conceptualizing the various theoretical orientations that formed the foundations of writing center practice. Understand more specifically how to more effectively tutor students of various backgrounds and skill levels. Learning as Process By the end of this course, you should be able to: Engage in conversations about the relationship between writing center theory and practice. Learning as Attitude By the end of this course, you should be able to: Be more confident and effective in her or his role as a Grand View Writing Center peer tutor. Effectively reflect on your identity as a writing tutor. Writing and Critical Thinking Since writing is the foundation of the peer tutoring experience, we will be writing, thinking about writing, and reflecting about writing all the time. In addition to thinking critically about our own writing styles and processes, we will be thinking about how to best serve the needs of writers whose processes are different from our own. In addition to whatever personal goals you have for this course, my goals for English 420 include: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories. Subject to change: students are responsible for all modifications 1
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011
Secondary goals include: Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course. Learning to apply course material to improve thinking problem solving, and decisions. We will work to achieve these goals through: reading, responding, and discussing writing center theory; observing tutors; practicing tutoring; and developing our tutoring philosophy. Participating fully in this course and course work will allow you to achieve these goals, as well as develop a stronger understanding of the peer tutoring process. Your goal(s) for this class: _________________________________________________________________ Requirements and Assessment Journal Tutoring observations (3) Writing Center Development Project Final Reflection on Tutoring Identity Participation: In and out of class participation, reading completion and presentations, Blackboard posts, and conference with instructor 100 points 25 points 50 points 50 points 100 points
Total number of possible points: 325 points Journal: Both to help you think on your own about issues related to writing center pedagogy and to help you process your experiences developing your skills as a peer writing tutor, you will be keeping a journal in which you will make weekly entries. In these journals, you do not need to be concerned with grammar or punctuation (but, do keep the legible). Instead, these journals are a space to respond to our weekly assigned readings and topics covered in class. Please write your journal entry responding to our assigned readings (use the example later in this syllabus for help) before each class period. I will not be looking for organization or a claim, but each response paper should be an honest reaction to the materials we have read, NOT a summary. I will also ask you to do some freewriting in these journals during class, as well as to respond to Blackboard posts after class. I will collect journals on a regular basis. Observation of Tutor (3): Using a rubric that we develop collectively as a class, I will ask you to conduct an observation of a fellow peer tutor, and have both me and a fellow peer tutor conduct an observation of your tutoring sometime during the semester. That means you will conduct one, half-hour observation, and have two half-hour observations conducted on you. In order to conduct on observation you must get the prior approval of the tutor, as well as the immediate approval of the student writer. In order to have someone observe your tutoring, you must request your peer and/or me to come observe you tutor at a specific date and time of your choosing. As an observer, you will take notes, fill out the rubric, and complete a short reflection for the session. As the subject, you will meet with your observer discuss their notes and rubric, and then write a short reflection on the experience. Writing Center Development Project: As a group, we will brainstorm areas of improvement for our Writing Center. Then, either individually or in groups of two, you will select an area of improvement, design a method for improvement, implement your method for improvement, and then reflect on your method (in a short reflective piece) and present your results to the rest of the class on the last class meeting. Tutoring philosophy: Your final assignment will be to construct your own tutoring philosophy, which you will share with the class. This philosophy should include your tutoring code of ethics. I will give you a more detailed assignment sheet later in the semester. This will be your final assignment and will be handed in on the last day of class. Grand View University Institutional Undergraduate Syllabus Statements Academic Honesty/Code of Integrity Grand View University is dedicated to the development of the whole person and is committed to truth, excellence, and ethical values. Personal integrity and academic honesty in all aspects of the University experience are the responsibility of each faculty member, staff member, and student. A student has an obligation to do work that is his or her own and reflects his or her learning and quest for academic knowledge. Dishonesty and cheating are not acceptable behaviors. Examples include helping others during exams, writing Subject to change: students are responsible for all modifications 2
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011
papers for others, falsifying data/records, copying other students work, taking work directly from the Internet or any printed source and claiming it as ones own, and downloading/purchasing papers on-line. Students who cheat, could risk severe penalties, which may include failure of the assignment, failure of the course, or expulsion from the University. As a member of the Grand View University community, and in accordance with the mission of the University and its Lutheran identity, I agree to appreciate and respect the dignity and worth of each individual. I will honor and promote a community of open interaction, personal integrity, active and intellectual engagement, and academic honesty with students faculty and staff. Accelerated Courses Grand View offers courses in accelerated or alternative delivery formats. They cover the same subject content and require the same or comparable assignments that are associated with a traditional fourteen week course. Accommodation Grand View University prohibits unlawful discrimination and encourages full participation by all students within the university community. When a student requires any instructional or other accommodation to optimize participation and/or performance in this course, it is the responsibility of the student to contact both the instructor and the Director of Academic Enrichment and Disability Coordinator and apply for any requested accommodation. The director is Dr. Kristine Owens and she can be reached at (515) 263-2971. Class Attendance The Federal Government requires that students receiving financial aid attend classes. Students, who are identified by the instructor as not attending classes, will be reported to the Registrars Office. Students who fail to return to classes may lose all or a portion of their financial aid. Classroom Conduct Students should conduct themselves as responsible members of the University community respecting the rights of others. Any student behavior interfering with the professors ability to teach and/or the students ability to learn constitutes a violation of the Code of Student Conduct found in the Grand View Catalog. The professor may ask the student to leave the classroom and that student will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. University E-Mail Account It is essential that all students check their Grand View University e-mail account or set their account to forward to a preferred e-mail address. Students may set-up an e-mail auto forward from the myView website. Click on the Manage and Update Personal Information link and then select set myView Mail Forwarding Address under the Links for You section. Appeal of Final Course Grade or Other Academic Disciplinary Action Students who wish to appeal a final course grade or other academic disciplinary action of an instructor must complete at least section I.A. of the Academic Appeal on-line within fourteen calendar days after the published due date for the final grade submission of the academic term in which the issue of disagreement occurred. Visit site below to complete first part of form https://secure/grandview/edu/gradeapprealform.html. This form must be submitted electronically to the Office of the Provost. Nursing students appealing a grade in a nursing course must follow the Nursing Division procedures.
Classroom Polices Attendance and Lateness: This class may differ from your other courses. It is largely based on in-class work and cooperative participation. In order to regularly engage in critical thinking processes and to understand the multi-stage aspects of the writing process, attendance in this class is mandatory. More than one unexcused absences may significantly affect your participation grade and can reduce your grade by 10%. In-class work for missed days may not be made up. It is your responsibility to find out what was missed. More than four unexcused absences may result in a failure of the course. In addition, please make sure that you arrive to class on time. Arriving to class more than 15 minutes late may result in an absence for that day. Please notify me in advance if any circumstances will keep you from meeting your attendance or other requirements. Participation: A significant percentage of your grade is based on your participation in class. This means that you must not only come to class, but you must come to class prepared, having completed the reading or writing assignment for that day. You will often be called upon to share your interpretations of topics covered in the course, either through writing assignments or classroom discussion. Therefore, it is vital that you come to class prepared. Active participation also includes creating a safe space in the classroom, where students listen respectfully to others opinions. This includes actively responding to your classmates work in peer reviews. Subject to change: students are responsible for all modifications 3
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011
Conferences: The best way to give you immediate feedback on your writing is through one-on-one conferencing. All students are required to have at least one conferences with me during the semester so we can monitor your progress in the course and help you map out your future in the class. An appointment is recommended any time you wish to see me during office hours. Email: Email is my preferred method of communication. I will regularly communicate information about our class (including updates on the schedule and assignments) to your Grand View email. Cell phones: Please turn off cell phones before entering the classroom as a courtesy to your fellow students. Note: This policy includes the use of text messaging. Any student using cell phones in class will be asked to leave the class and marked absent for the day. Late papers: All papers will be collected on the due date at the beginning of class on the day they are due. The syllabus clearly outlines due dates of all assignments, please ask if you have any questions. Late papers will not be accepted. You must complete every assignment to pass this class. Resources: If you are a student with a documented disability and would like to discuss special accommodations please contact me during office hours or by email. If you think you might have a learning disability, it is your responsibility to contact the Director of Academic Enrichment and Disability Coordinator and apply for any requested accommodation. The director is Dr. Kristine Owens and she can be reached at 263-2971. Additional support can be found at the Career Center at 263-2955, and at the Counseling Center at 263-2986. More importantly, academic support can be found at the Tutoring Center (for all concerns outside of writing) and the Writing Center. The Tutoring Center is located on the second floor of the library. The Writing Center is located at 205 Rasmussen. I strongly recommend making appointments at the Writing Center to review drafts of EVERY essay you turn in during this course.
A final note: Please feel free to contact me at any time during the semester if you have questions about the course, the campus, etc. I am a resource for you, so please just ask me if you have a question or come see me in my office hours.
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011
Resource for reading journals: Responding to Required Readings Regularly responding to the assigned readings is part of the goals and the long-term learning of this class. You will regularly be asked to respond thoughtfully to assigned readings. Essentially, I see this task as your reflective consideration of the readings. These responses will be included in your journals should be at least a page. Include: You may include comments on what is of particular interest to you, how the article has (or has not) enhanced your understanding of the topic youve read, what the author discusses and whether you agree or disagree, what you found troubling, confusing or enlightening. The focus of your response is not as important as showing how you engaged with the reading. Format: Each response will be (legibly) hand-written in your journal and should be at least a page in length. Please include an appropriate heading and includes the title of the article(s) and the author(s) in a prominent location (note: please use MLA formatting for the publishing information).
Jessie Munoz September 4, 2010 English 100 Bright Response to Reading for: Katz, Nathan. The End of the Road: Technology for Tomorrow. New York: St. Martins Press, 1999. Katzs essay is his personal story of frustration as an engineer for a major automaker. He writes of the difficulty in keeping up with all the new gadgets in cars, stating just when we think were on top of the latest navigation system, we install it only to find that it is obsolete within two years of the cars sale. I can understand how Katz feels when he describes his frustration. Last summer, I worked for a computer repair shop and used my lunch breaks to rebuild my hard drive. It seemed like just when I had given my computer all the latest in power, memory and upgrades, Id find something new to add within six months. I felt like I had wasted all those lunch breaks. Another point Katz makes is that technology can never really be caught up with; our knowledge is always moving forward. I think.
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011
Reading presentations Context In order to become more familiar with the assigned readings, we will be sharing in-class, individual or group reading presentations on the assigned readings and our text. This activity will begin to prepare you for leading classroom discussions, which you will be asked to do many times in your undergraduate (and graduate) career. Task Individually or in groups of two, please sign up to present on an assigned readings (see below). On the day the readings are assigned to the class, your group will lead the class discussion. Your assignment is to become an expert reader of this text and present it to the rest of the class. In groups of two (and one group of three): Sign up for a selection of readings with the instructor Read the articles several times, in order to become an expert on the readings Present all relevant information from the text(s) in a 15 minute presentation, including: o A summary and an analysis of each reading o Relevant quotes to illuminate your groups points o An engaging activity that critically engages some of the key concepts of the reading o Stimulating discussion questions (at least 2) You will be assessed in the following areas: Quality of the summary and analysis of each reading Apparent level of group expertise regarding the readings Appropriate presentation style and ability to maintain interest in class for 15 minutes Purpose The goal of this assignment is to gain familiarity with presenting an idea to a specific audience, as well as to initiate a critical discussion regarding writing center theory. Presentation dates (please sign up with instructor for your groups date): Date Readings Students
1/19/11 1/26/11 2/2/11 2/9/11 2/16/11 2/23/11 3/2/11 3/9/11 3/23/11 3/30/11 4/6/11 4/13/11 Bruffee
A. Bright
Spring 2011
Class topic Introductions; course description and goals; conference sign up with instructor; assign readings Reading presentation; create observation rubric; identity topics for improvement projects Reading presentation; staff meeting DUE: Observation #1 Reading presentation Reading presentation Reading presentation; status report on improvement projects DUE: Observation #2 Reading presentation; staff meeting Reading presentation Reading presentation
Wednesday 1/19/11
Read: Bruffee Collaborative Learning and the Conversation of Mankinddistributed by instructor Respond: To Blackboard post
Wednesday 1/26/11 Wednesday 2/2/11 Wednesday 2/9/11 Wednesday 2/16/11 Wednesday 2/23/11 Wednesday 3/2/11 Wednesday 3/9/11 Wednesday 3/16/11 Wednesday 3/23/11 Wednesday 3/30/11 Wednesday 4/6/11
Reading presentation; staff meeting DUE: Observation #3 Reading presentation Reading presentation; status report on improvement projects; staff meeting Reading presentation; work on Final Reflections DUE: Final Reflection and Development Project; presentations Subject to change: students are responsible for all modifications 7
A. Bright
English 420
Spring 2011