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Siege On Vraks 2 Scenario 9

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Heavy Weapons Platoon

Command Squad Champion +4 men plasma gun Anti-


tank squad 6 men 3 x lascannons
Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse
The Battle 'Emperor's Fist' Tank Company
The 468th regiment launched its attack up Mortuary Ridge just as 3 x Leman Russ
the Chaos fleet had fought its way into orbit and began to unleash Macharius Heavy tank
its Chaos Space Marine warbands in Dreadclaw assault pods. Macharius battle cannon, pintle-mounted heavy stubber, smoke
Hordes of fanatical Skulltaker Berserkers descended onto the launcher.
planet and just as it appeared that Captain Fodor's men had
captured the strongpoint at Fort C-585, the Iynchpin of the Mcfcharius Heavy tank
ridgeline's defences, the Chaos Space Marines arrived and Twin-linked vanquisher cannon, pintle-mounted heavy stubber,
attacked in bloody close combat. smoke launcher.
The Wargame Artillery Strike
Play this game on as large a table as you can manage. Set the Heavy Mortars
board up as described for an Apocalypse battle. The Chaos player
chooses a short board edge - this is Mortuary Ridge. The Imperial Preparatory Bombardment
player gets the opposite table edge. The Chaos player sets up his
bunkers, obstacles and minefields. All forces should be deployed STRATEGIC RESERVES
using the Apocalypse deployment system. Infantry Platoon
Special Rules Command Squad Jr Off*+ 4 men heavy bolter
The Attacker gets the following strategic assets: Infantry Squad 10 men melta gun
Blind Barrage, Vital Objective Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men flamer
The Defender gets the following strategic assets: Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher
Orbital Bombardment, Minefields, Obstacles, Bunkers Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun
Objectives Infantry Squad 10 men melta gun
The Attacker's objective is to capture Fort C-585 and destroy the Ail squads carry frag and krak grenades. Each squad has one
enemy forces. The Attacker wins if he has captured his three Guardsman with a vox-caster. * Junior officer carries a laspistol
objectives, regardless of how many objectives the Chaos and a close combat weapon.
Command Platoon
Company Command Platoon HQ Exalted Champion + 4 men plasma gun
HQ Heroic Off* +4 men flamer The entire squad has frag and krak grenades.
*Captain Fodor has a laspistol and close combat weapon. One
Guardsman has the company standard and one Guardsman Enforcers
has a master vox-caster. 3 x Enforcers with bolt pistol and power weapon.
Fire Support Squad Rogue Psyker
Squad 6 men 3 x heavy bolters With two psychic powers.
Mortar Squad
Rogue Psyker
Squad 6 men 3 x mortars With one psychic power.
Infantry Platoon
Apostate Preacher
Command Squad Jr Off*+4 men lascannon
With close combat weapon, unholy relic.
Infantry Squad 10 men melta gun
Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher Disciples of Xaphan
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun Squad 10 men flamer, 2 x plasma guns
Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launchet The squad is led by a Champion with a powersword. The entire
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun squad has frag and krak grenades.
Infantry Squad 10 men flamer
Disciples of Xaphan
Infantry Platoon Squad 10 men grenade launcher, flamer, melta gun
Command Squad Jr Off*+4 men tW lln-IInked heavy stubber The squad is led by a Champion with a sniper rifle. The entire
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun
Infantry Squad 10 men flamer squad has frag and krak grenades.
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun Renegade Militia Platoon
Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher Command Squad Champion +4 men heavy bolter, melta gun
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun Infantry Squad 10 men missile launcher, grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men melta gun Infantry Squad 10 men heavy bolter, grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men heavy stubber, flamer
Infantry Platoon Infantry Squad 10 men lascannon, grenade launcher
Command Squad Jr Off*+4 men autocannon Infantry Squad 10 men autocannon, plasma gun
Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men flamer Renegade Militia Platoon
Infantry Squad 10 men plasma gun Command Squad Champion +4 men heavy bolter, flamer
Infantry Squad 10 men grenade launcher Infantry Squad 10 men missile launcher, grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men flamer Infantry Squad 10 men heavy bolter, grenade launcher
Infantry Squad 10 men melta gun Infantry Squad 10 men heavy stubber, flamer
All squads carry frag and krak grenades. Each squad has one Infantry Squad 10 men lascannon, grenade launcher
Guardsman with a vox-caster. *Junior officer carries a laspistol Infantry Squad 10 men autocannon, plasma gun
and a close combat weapon.
Workers Rabble
Squad 30 men 2 x flamers
Mortar squad 6 men 3 x mortars
Sabre battery 4 men 1 x twin-linked heavy bolters
1 x 2 twin-linked heavy stubbers
Khorne Berserkers
Turret Emplacement
Squad 10 men 2 x plasma pistols
Battle cannon
The squad is led by a Skull Champion with a power weapon and
Turret Emplacement
melta bombs.
Inferno cannon
The squad arrive in a Dreadclaw assault pod
Artillery Strike Chaos Dreadnought
Bombard Additional dreadnought close combat weapon
The Dreadnought arrives in a Dreadclaw assault pod
Malcador 'Annihilator'
Extra armour, pintle-mounted heavy stubber, rough terrain
Enclosed fighting compartment
Battle Formation - Dreadclaw Talon
Khorne Berserkers
Squad 10 men 2 x plasma pistols
The squad is led by a Skull Champion with a power weapon and
melta bombs.
The squad arrive in a Dreadclaw assault pod
Khorne Berserkers
Squad 10 men 2 x plasma pistols
The squad is led by a Skull Champion with a powerfist. The
squad arrive in a Dreadclaw assault pod
Khorne Berserkers NOTES
Squad 10 men 2 x plasma pistols This is a large 'Apocalypse-sized' game. The forces listed above
act as a guide but players should feel free to use as many forces
The squad is led by a Skull Champion with a power weapon and as they have available. Do not exceed the number of super-heavy
melta bombs. vehicles available to each side. Any Chaos Space Marines you use
The squad arrive in a Dreadclaw assault pod should enter in Dreadclaws or via Deep Strike.

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