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Thor-Paragraphs 2 & 4

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Sir, there is a visitor here to see you. A burly guard said gruffly. Send him in, Thrym commanded.

At that, the guards creaked the heavy oak doors open, revealing the mysterious visitor. Ahhh, Loki. What brings you here today? Thrym gave Loki a crooked smile, baring his yellowed incisors. Loki narrowed his eyes at the giant. You know very well, Thrym. Give it back. Give what back? Thrym gasped. Does Thor always send his henchmen out, demanding and accusing innocent people? Loki clenched his fists, but refused to allow Thrym to provoke him. The hammer! he spat, If you dont return it now, we?ll have to take it by force. Thrym smiled, By force, you say? But I, he boasted, have hidden it seven leagues under the Earth. Care to find it? The hammer rightfully belongs to Thor, and you know it! Loki exclaimed hotly. Thrym smirked at Loki. Why, is Thor not as powerful without his precious little weapon? He taunted. Loki's face was red with anger. He took a step forward, growling, his restraint long gone. Blasphemy! He spat, his eyes burning with hatred and vengeance. He took another step towards Thrym, determined to get the hammer back one way or another. At once, the guards sprang forward, but Thrym waved them off with his hand. Oh, leave him. I'm sure he's, Thrym paused, smart enough to know how to stay alive. Thrym stepped off his throne to stand to stand in front of Loki. Loki looked down at the marble floor, his eyes burning a hole in the ground. He knew it was in his best interest to submit, but he refused to allow Thrym to speak of these lies about his master. Thrym paced slowly around Loki, taking cool, measured steps. A low growl rose in Loki's throat but he did not say anything. Thrym stopped in front of Loki. He hissed, his voice no longer sugary sweet, but laced with deadly venom. Tell Thor. Tell him, that if he really wants his precious hammer back, Thrym tapped Loki's chin upwards, forcing Loki to look him in the eye, he has to bring Freyja to marry me. What? Loki stuttered, stunned. He had not been expecting this. Now go. Thrym tossed his cape over his shoulder. Guards, show the visitor out. Loki stormed out the doors. Oh, and Loki? Thrym called. Loki looked back over his shoulder. Tell Thor never to underestimate me.

Loki glided just above the ground before landing lightly, carefully folding the wings up neatly.

Freyja could be quite particular about her things, and Loki did not want to have her angry at him. He slowly approached the castle, dragging his feet along the ground, reluctant to tell Thor about his failed mission. Thor would not be happy, that much Loki knew. Enter. Thor's powerful, deep voice reverberated round the grand hall. Loki sighed, his heart filled with dread, as he walked into the throne room. Ah, it's you, Loki. I trust you have found my hammer? Loki's heart hammered painfully in his chest. Well, ah... Yes, I did find it... He stalled, unsure of how to break the news to his master. Well, then, where is it? Thor demanded, growing impatient. This was not going well, Loki thought. He tried to explain the situation without sending Thor into another mega tantrum. Thrym has stolen it, and he won't give it back unless- That disgusting scumbag! I'll pulverise that snivelling fool! Thor roared, indignant. Prepare my chariot! I'll be leaving as soon as possible to teach that little snoop a lesson! N-no, you don't understand! Loki pleaded. Thrym claims he has hidden the hammer seven leagues underground. Thrym is a powerful giant, and you are weaponless. Perhaps it would be better to meet his demands... What? Thor leaped off his throne, outraged. Are you doubting my strength, you little- No, no, not at all, master, Loki backtracked. His face was pale as he tried to appease Thor. You are all powerful, all seeking... So you do think I'm weak. Thor scowled at Loki, but calmed down visibly and sat back down on his throne. Fine then, let's listen to this little idea of yours, He scoffed. Thor knew that Loki was smart and often right, being the trickster god- perhaps even smarter than Thor himself- but he refused to admit it. Loki swallowed nervously. Thrym said that he would return the hammer if we sent Freyja to be his wife. Thor hesitated. It's the only way, Loki said sadly. Thor was silent for a long time. Finally, he croaked, Summon Freyja.

Freyja. Thor nodded. Please enter. Freyja dipped her head respectfully. What is it, Thor? Well... I think I better let Loki tell you. Thor had a pained expression on his face. Freyja turned questioningly to Loki. He fidgited uncomfortably. You know that Thor's hammer went missing right? Loki asked. Freyja nodded, puzzled. What did she have to do with this? Well... Loki stalled. Oh, spit it out! Freyja snapped, annoyed. She hated it when people kept things from her. I don't have all day. The hammer's with Thrym, Thor interjected, cutting straight to the point. And he demands that we send you as his bride if we want to get it back.

What? Freyja yelled. No way am I going to marry Thrym! Loki sighed. This was not going well at all. It's the only way, Freyja, He persuaded. Instantly, the goddess whirled on him. The only way? She snapped. Well, let me tell you that there is absolutely no chance in Helheimr that I am going to marry that... That thing! So too bad! You must be absolutely man-crazy if you think I will agree! You better come up with a better way that doesn't involve me! She foamed with rage. Her hands fumbled for something, something to do, something to break, something to destroy, the way Loki was destroying her life. Her hands flew to her neck, and they clamped around a beautiful golden necklace. The necklace of the Brisings. She squeezed her eyes shut, and, with all her might tugged on it. The two broken pieces of the necklace fell to the floor. Thor and Loki stared at Freyja, shocked. She seethed and narrowed her eyes at them. She tried to stomp past them, but Loki blocked her. Look, Freyja, please... He begged. She glared at him mercilessly. Forget it. Thor commanded. Loki looked at him in disbelief. Forget it, Thor said in a softer tone. Let her go. At Thor's command, Loki stepped to the side. Freyja stormed out the doors, fuming. Well, that went well, Loki muttered. She is the goddess of fertility, Thor reminded Loki. Without her, the crops will wither and there will be no more births. We can't force her to marry Thrym against her will- it would be havoc. I will summon all the gods and goddesses to a meeting to discuss the situation. Loki dipped his head low. Very well, master. I shall go inform them.

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