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40K 8th Ed Update Rulebook Ver 1.1

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Official Update Version 1.1

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, immediately and their opponent automatically wins a
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule crushing victory. When determining if a player has any
isnt as clear as it might be. These documents collect units on the battlefield, do not include any units with
amendments to the rules and present our responses to the Flyer Battlefield Role these units cannot operate
players frequently asked questions. As theyre updated within a combat airspace indefinitely and they cannot
regularly, each has a version number; when changes hold territory without ground support. Furthermore, do
are made, the version number will be updated, and any not include any units with the Fortification Battlefield
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Role unless they have a unit embarked inside even the
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, most formidable bastion requires a garrison if it is to
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in pose a threat.
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
minor correction. Pages 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 230, 231, 232, 233,
234, 235, 261 Deployment
ERRATA Change A players models must be set up within their
Page 178 Re-rolls own deployment zone to read:
Change this paragraph to read: A players models must be set up wholly within their own
Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means deployment zone.
you get to roll some or all of the dice again. If a rule
allows you to re-roll a result that was made by adding Page 226 Using Tactical Objectives
several dice together (e.g. 2D6, 3D6, etc.) then, unless Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
otherwise stated, you must roll all of those dice again. Unless otherwise stated, a player controls an objective
You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls marker if they have more models within 3" of the centre
happen before modifiers (if any) are applied. of it than their opponent.

Page 183 Choose Melee Weapon Page 242 Battlefield Role Slots
Change the second sentence to read: Change the last sentence of the second paragraph
In addition to their other weapons, all models are to read:
assumed to be equipped with a close combat weapon, For example, in order to take a Battalion Detachment
which has the following profile: which you can see on the facing page you must select
three units with the Troops Battlefield Role, and cannot
Page 183 Close combat weapon include more than six Troops units in the Detachment.
Change the AP characteristic to read 0.
Page 242 Understrength Units
Page 200 Deployment Change the second paragraph to read:
Change this paragraph to read: If you are using Power Ratings, you must still pay
After terrain has been set up, the Defender sets up the Power Rating cost as if you had a minimum-sized
three of their units wholly within their deployment zone unit, even though it contains fewer models. If you are
one of these units must have the Troops Battlefield using points, you only pay the points for the models
Role. The Attacker then selects three of their units to you actually have in an understrength unit (and any
serve as their patrol and sets them up wholly within their wargear they are equipped with). An understrength
deployment zone one of these units must have the unit still takes up the appropriate slot in a Detachment.
Troops Battlefield Role. All other units arrive later in the If you are playing a matched play game, you can
battle using the Reserves rules (pg 194). only include an understrength unit in an Auxiliary
Support Detachment.
Pages 204 and 206 Deployment
Change the penultimate sentence to read: Page 248 Woods
The Attacker then sets up as many of their units as they Change the last sentence of the first paragraph of rules
wish wholly within their deployment zone. text to read:
Other units only receive the benefit of cover if at least
Page 215 Sudden Death 50% of every model is obscured from the point of view
Change point 2 to read: of the shooting model.
If at the end of any turn after the first battle round, one
player has no models on the battlefield, the game ends


Page 248 Ruins Q: Can you clarify what the difference is between wholly within
Change the first paragraph of rules text to read: and within for rules purposes?
Unless they can Fly, Vehicles, Monsters, Cavalry A: If a rule says it affects units/models that are wholly
and Bikers can only be set up or end their move on the within then it only applies if the entire unit/model is
ground floor of ruins. within. If it just says within, however, then it applies so
long as any part of the unit/model is within.
Change the third paragraph of rules text to read:
Infantry units that are entirely on or within a ruin For example, units gain the benefit of cover if every
receive the benefit of cover. Other units that are entirely model in the unit is either on or within terrain. So long
on or within a ruin only receive the benefit of cover if at as all the models in that unit are either on or partially
least 50% of every model is obscured from the point of within the terrain, they gain the benefit of cover.
view of the shooting model.
Q: When a rule refers to the nearest unit/model, and two are
Page 249 Craters equidistant, who decides which is the nearest?
Change the first paragraph of rules text to read: A: Unless stated otherwise, the player controlling the
Infantry units that are entirely within a crater receive unit that is using the rule decides.
the benefit of cover.
For example, if a psyker manifested the Smite psychic
Page 249 Barricades power, and two enemy units were both exactly 4" away,
Change the first sentence of rules text to read: the player controlling the psyker could choose which
When a model targets an enemy Infantry unit that has is the closest and hence which suffers damage from
all of its models within 1" of a barricade, the target unit the power.
receives the benefit of cover if the attacking model is
closer to the barricade than it is to the target. Similarly, if in your Shooting phase an enemy
Character and another enemy unit were both exactly
Page 250 Imperial Statuary 10" away from your firing model, you could choose
Change the first paragraph of rules text to read: which is the closest before resolving the shots so you
Units within 3" of Imperial Statuary that are at least could choose to shoot the Character if you want. If two
25% obscured by it from the point of view of the enemy Characters are equidistant from a firing model
shooting model receive the benefit of cover. (and there is no other closer enemy unit) then the
firing models controller can choose which of the two
Page 265 Deployment Characters is closest before resolving the models shots.
Change the first paragraph to read: Note that it cannot choose for them both to be the
After the battlefield has been created, the Defender closest, so cannot split its fire between the two.
sets up their army wholly within their deployment zone.
The Attacker then sets up their army wholly within their If neither player controls the origin of the rule in
deployment zone. question (e.g. if a missions rules include gigantic rocks
that are crashing indiscriminately into the battlefield)
Page 269 Deployment then the players should roll off. Whoever wins decides
Change the first paragraph to read: which unit/model is nearest.
The Defender sets up their army wholly within their
deployment zone. The Attacker then sets up their army Q: Can I set up a unit, or finish any sort of move with a unit,
wholly within their deployment zone. so that its models form several separate groups (where each
group consists of models from that unit that are within 2"
Page 271 Deployment horizontally and 6" vertically of at least one other model from
Change the penultimate sentence of the second their group)?
paragraph to read: A: No. The unit must set up or finish any sort of move as
Models must be set up wholly within their own a single group.
deployment zone, more than 9" from the centre of
the battlefield. Q: Can a unit fire Overwatch at a Character if, when it
declares its charge at them, there are other visible enemy models
FAQs that are closer?
Q: What does within 1" mean? Does it mean any distance up to
1", or does it mean any distance up to and including 1"? Q: Can I use the Command Re-roll Stratagem to retroactively
A: It means any distance up to and including 1". re-roll a dice? For example, if I take a Psychic test, and
then my opponent successfully Denies the Witch, could I use
the Stratagem to try and increase the result of the original
Psychic test?
A: No. You must use the Stratagem as soon as you have
rolled your dice, before anything else occurs.


Q: Do units that are not Infantry (Vehicles, Monsters, TRANSPORTS
etc.) gain the benefit of cover from woods, ruins etc. if they are at Q: Where Detachments say that you may include 1 Dedicated
least 50% obscured by that piece of terrain but are not actually Transport for each other choice, what does that mean?
on or within it? A: It means that for each unit you include in the
A: No. Unless they are Infantry, such a unit must meet Detachment that does not have the Dedicated
the two following conditions to gain the benefit of cover: Transport Battlefield Role, you can include one
Dedicated Transport.
A ll of its models must be either on or within the terrain.
Q: How do transports work with regards to disembarking units
The unit must be at least 50% obscured from the point upon the transports destruction?
of view of the firer (note that it doesnt matter what is A: Disembarking from a destroyed transport operates
obscuring the target, only that it is obscured). as follows:

Q: In the narrative play missions that use the Reserves mission 1. If the transport has the Explodes ability (or
rule, what happens with units such as Terminators that have equivalent) roll to see if it explodes and resolve any
abilities that allow them to be set up on the battlefield mid- resulting damage to nearby units.*
battle? Can they be set up at the end of any Movement phase, as
indicated by the ability, or can they only do so when they arrive 2. A ll models inside immediately disembark following
from Reserves? the standard rules for disembarkation.
A: If the unit is deployed somewhere other than the
battlefield (for instance, in a teleportarium chamber) 3. Roll a number of D6 equal to the number of models
then it is only set up on the battlefield when it arrives disembarked in this fashion.
from Reserves.
4. Each result of a 1 yields a slain model, and must be
Q: Some rules allow me to add models to a unit during the allocated to one of the models which disembarked;
battle (e.g. the Poxwalkers Curse of the Walking Pox ability). the controlling player may choose which model.
Where are those models set up?
A: Unless otherwise stated, these new models are placed 5. Remove the destroyed transport model.
anywhere that is more than 1" from any enemy model
and still within unit coherency of a model in its own unit * Note that if the transport does explode, units being
that was itself on the battlefield at the start of the phase transported are not affected as they are not yet on
in which the new model was created. Note that if you the battlefield.
cannot set up a new model on the battlefield because
there is no room, it is simply not set up. For example, a Razorback is transporting a Tactical
Squad of five models and one Space Marine Captain
Q: For the purposes of the Tactical Reserves matched play rule, when it is destroyed. The Razorback rolls a 6 for its
do units that act separately after they have been set up (e.g. Mek Explodes ability, inflicting D3 mortal wounds on each
Gunz and their Grot Crew, Tau Battlesuits and their Drones, unit within 6". The six models inside now disembark,
units that have the Vehicle Squadron ability, etc.) count as and six D6 are rolled. Two of the results are a 1, so two
being a single unit, or several units? models are slain the Space Marine player chooses
A: Such units are a single unit for the purposes of the two of the Space Marines from the Tactical Squad. The
Tactical Reserves rule. Razorback model is now removed from the battlefield.


Q: If a rule creates a new unit during the battle in a matched Q: If I have a weapon that can target enemy units that are not
play game and adds them to my army, must I pay for the unit visible to the firer (such as a mortar), can I shoot at an enemy
with my reinforcement points? Character that has a Wounds characteristic of less than 10
A: Yes (unless the rule itself says otherwise). If you dont if it is not the closest enemy model?
have enough reinforcement points, you cannot add that A: No.
unit to your army.
Q: Lots of aura abilities say they grant an ability to nearby
Q: What about rules that transform one model into another units that are within range of any such models. Are the bonuses
model such as turning an enemy Character into a Chaos cumulative (i.e. if I am within range of two models with
Spawn; do I still need to pay reinforcement points to add the identical aura abilities, is the bonus doubled)?
Chaos Spawn to my army? A: Unless stated otherwise, no. The bonus for such an
A: Again, yes (unless the rule itself says otherwise). ability applies once if any (i.e. one or more) of these
models are within range.
Q: What about rules that add models to existing units; do I
need to pay reinforcement points for those models?
A: No (unless the rule itself says otherwise).


Q: Can abilities that are used instead of shooting, such as Note that any rule that interrupts the normal sequence
Smoke Launchers, be used if the model using them has Fallen of who fights first (such as the Counter-Offensive
Back, Advanced or has enemy models within 1" of it? Stratagem, or the Slaanesh Daemon Quicksilver Reflexes
A: Yes. A model can use such an ability so long as it does ability) may be used to fight in between the units first
not shoot it does not matter whether this is because the and second fight.
model cannot shoot or it chooses not to.
Q: If a model has an ability that allows it to shoot twice (e.g.
Q: If both players have units with abilities that allow them to be Maugan Ra and his Whirlwind of Death ability), do I need to
set up during deployment after both armies are fully deployed shoot the same target each time or can I choose different targets?
(e.g. Ratlings Find the Best Spot), which player deploys their A: Unless otherwise stated, you can shoot different
units first? targets each time it shoots. Resolve the first shooting
A: The players should roll off and the winner decides. attack completely before resolving the second.

Q: A number of abilities allow a unit to arrive during the battle Q: If an ability instructs me to resolve an attack with a different
and be set up more than 9" from any enemy models. If I use characteristic (e.g. a Culexus Assassins Etherium ability) does
such an ability to set up as close as allowed towards an enemy this happen before or after any other modifiers that also apply to
unit and then select it as the target of the charge, what is the that characteristic (e.g. the Drukhari Serpentin Combat Drug)?
minimum charge distance I need to roll to make a successful A: When resolving such an attack, change the relevant
charge (assuming no modifiers)? characteristic to the new value before applying any
A: 9. modifiers to that new value.

Q: If a unit uses a rule that removes them from the battlefield In the example above, the Weapon Skill of the model
and then sets them up again, such as the Teleport Homer attacking a Culexus Assassin is treated as being 6+
ability or the Gate of Infinity psychic power, does that unit because of the Etherium ability, but the Serpentin then
count as having moved for the purposes of moving and firing boosts it to 5+.
Heavy weapons?
A: Yes. Treat such units as if they are arriving on the Q: If a model is equipped with two chainswords, do they get to
battlefield as reinforcements. make 2 extra close combat attacks?
A: Yes (though both must be made with a chainsword).
Q: If a unit starts its Movement phase within 1" of an enemy
unit but elects to remain stationary, but subsequently uses a Q: Can abilities such as Disgustingly Resilient be used to ignore
rule that removes them from the battlefield and then sets them wounds if they were inflicted by mortal wounds?
up again, such as the Teleport Homer ability or the Gate of A: Yes.
Infinity psychic power, is it considered to have Fallen Back
this turn? Q: If a model has two rules that allow it to ignore wounds, such
A: No. as the Disgustingly Resilient ability and the Tenacious Survivor
Warlord Trait, can I use them both?
Q: If a weapon such as a rail rifle has an ability that can A: Unless stated otherwise, yes.
inflict a mortal wound on the target in addition to the normal
damage, but the normal damage is subsequently saved, does For example, if a model had the two aforementioned
the target still suffer the mortal wound? abilities and lost a wound, you could roll a D6 due to
A: Yes. Note that if the normal damage was not saved, the Disgustingly Resilient ability and on a roll of 5+ that
the wound would be allocated on the target unit first wound would be ignored. If you rolled less than 5, you
(and any resulting damage inflicted) before the mortal could then roll another D6 because of the Tenacious
wound was inflicted. Survivor Warlord Trait, and this time the wound would
be ignored on a 6.
Q: If a unit has an ability that allows it to fight twice in the
Fight phase (e.g. Berzerkers), at what point during the Fight Q: If a model has an ability that halves damage suffered
phase do they fight for the second time? (rounding up) such as Marneus Calgars Armour of Antilochus
A: Treat each time the unit is able to fight as a separate ability, how is that resolved when I am attacked by several
unit selected to fight for all purposes. attacks at once? Do I halve the total of all the damage suffered,
or do I halve the damage inflicted by each attack separately?
So, if such a unit charged this turn, it will fight both A: Halve the damage suffered by each attack separately.
times before any units that did not charge. If the unit
did not charge this turn, then, after all units that did Remember that wounds are allocated one at a time.
charge have fought, you can select this unit to fight with, For example, if Marneus Calgar was wounded by four
then your opponent can select a unit to fight with, then boltgun attacks (Damage characteristic 1) and each
you can select your unit to fight with for the second saving throw resulted in a failure, Calgar would suffer
time (you need not consecutively use both of the units 0.5 wounds (which is rounded up to 1) four times, and
opportunities to fight unless of course there are no would therefore lose 4 wounds.
other eligible units to select to fight with).


Q: If an ability allows me to add 1 to saving throws, does it
apply to both normal saving throws and invulnerable throws?
A: Yes, unless otherwise stated.

Remember that invulnerable saves are unaffected by the

+1 bonus models receive to their saving throws for the
benefits of cover.

Q: If a unit has an ability that allows it to attempt to Deny the

Witch (e.g. the Flesh Hounds Collar of Khorne, or a Canoptek
Spyders Gloom Prism), at what range can it attempt to Deny
the Witch?
A: 24".

Q: If I am playing the Spoils of War mission, and I generate
the Priority Orders Received Tactical Objective, which then
generates a Secure Objective X Tactical Objective, can my
opponent achieve it and/or can I discard it?
A: Your opponent cannot achieve the Priority Orders
Tactical Objective and you can discard it as you
normally would.


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