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Desert Magazine 1940 November (194011)

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The letter discusses that there were two individuals named Pegleg Smith who were likely different people, and provides some details about their mines and gold discoveries.

The two Pegleg Smiths mentioned are John O. Smith and Thomas Smith.

It mentions that John O. Smith discovered black gold on the surface of the ground in the early 1850s, as written about in newspaper articles from 1900 and 1901.




Glendale, California ing article was published in a newspaper of
Dear Mr. Henderson: April 5, 1877:
"Mr. J. C. Brown writes from Canon
I have been immensely interested in the Springs on the Southern Pacific Railway line
arguments appearing on the "Letters" page of in San Diego county:—An important giining
the last three issues of Desert Magazine re- discovery has been made with valuable rich
garding the much disputed Pegleg mine. ore on the backbone of the Colorado desert.
As I have been following up clues, stories, The first discovery was made four or five
newspaper and magazine articles concerning months ago DV John Bullock, the discoverer of
the Pegleg for 40 years, and have made many the celebrated Castle Dome mine on the Colo-
trips into the desert in search for the elusive rado. The name of the new district is the
nuggets, perhaps a few words from an old- Southern Pacific railroad district. Nat Small,
timer would interest some of your readers. Los Angeles, California an old Comstock miner stationed at Canon
It is evident that neither Jackson C. Hill Dear Sirs: Springs as keeper of the station, is the lead-
nor Bradley R. Stuart are aware of the fact Please don't have any more Phainopeplas ing spirit, together with Hank Brown, a vet-
that there were two Pegleg Smiths. They prob- darting past on page 24 of future issues. I eran stage driver and freighter between South-
ably never knew each other, but had two things ern California and Arizona. The district is 19
can't find out what the darned things are.
in common—their last name and a wooden miles northeast of Canon Springs, and 35
leg. L. E. PRICE.
Friend Price: The Phainopeplas men- miles from Dos Palmas station on the railway,
The name of one, I understand, was John at an elevation of 2500 feet. There is a road
O. and the other Thomas. tioned by Hulbert Burroughs in his Lost
Palm canyon story last month are birds from Dos Palmas. The formation is slate and
Now one of these far from mythical char- granite."
acters discovered black gold on the surface of —a crested little black bird that is a true
son of the desert. I hope you get better As you know, Canyon Springs is not on the
the ground in the early '50s. This was John railway line as the article intimates, but is
O. Smith. The other, Thomas, had a mine and acquainted with him. His wife is mouse-
grey. —R. H. about 20 miles east of where the railway pass-
seems have been given considerable publicity es the northern end of the Salton sea. Also,
after his demise. Nothing is known of him • • •
Canyon Springs is in Riverside county, which
prior to that event. Sacramento, California in 1877 was a part of San Diego county. Can-
So—the verdict of the jury at this point is Dear Mr. Henderson: yon Springs was once a station on the old
that Hill and Stuart may both be right. In glancing over the "Letters" on page 37 Bradshaw stage line that ran from San Ber-
How do I know this? Well, the story of of the September 1940 issue of the Desert nardino to La Paz on the Colorado river in
John O. Smith which I have partly verified Magazine, I was amazed and disgusted to 1862. I believe that a stage line was operated
by actual contacts, was written in considerable read the letter from Christopher Young of by the railway from Dos Palmas to Ehrenberg,
detail in the Los Angeles Express of July 13, Drifton, Pa. Arizona, (six miles south of La Paz), in 1877
1900. A very similar account appeared in Surprised in that he is able to relinquish as a part of their system.
Munsey's magazine for December, 1901. The the sum of $2.50 for a magazine which he
main facts from these stories are that the gold It is possible that the discovery made by
so frankly states is "not very interesting or Jackson Hill was the old mine discovered by
was black, there was lots of it, and Pegleg informative and rather too sentimental."
picked it up from the surface of the ground John Bullock, and worked by Nat Small and
Disgusted in that he who claims to "know Hank Brown, as Hill's mine is in the general
near three hills. and like the Southwest desert country" can- locality of the Bullock find.
The late Joe Chisholm, who used to write not appreciate or understand the affection or
for the Sunday magazine of the Los Angeles It is very doubtful if it is the Pegleg mine,
sentiment of those of us who know and love as it does not meet any of the situations under
Times, told me of the two Peglegs, and that the desert and who write so eloquently of its
the Munsey story was true. Also, he told me which Pegleg was known to have found gold.
beauties for your magazine. P. A. BAILEY.
much about the mine that Thomas Smith Thanks be that such subscribers are few and
worked. This account had appeared in the • • •
far between—keep up the good work of ex-
Times of January 3, 1932. He places the lo- cellent articles and fine photographic studies. Los Angeles, California
cation contiguous to the Chocolate mountains Yours for continued success, Dear Mr. Henderson:
which would agree with Hill's location. I read "Cochise No Steal Cattle" with in-
R. F. LATTA. terest. It's a good story. The funny old fanci-
It was the John O. Smith gold that I have
looked for—and am still looking for. I never ful sketching of "Cochise" is typical of the
did try to locate the Thomas Smith mine. San Diego, California illustrations in so many books or the period
From the information I have gathered these Dear Mr. Henderson: prepared without any regard to facts. No
many years I cannot place the location of the In a recent issue of Desert Magazine, there Apache ever wore that kind of a breechcloth,
black gold in the place described by John D. appeared a short notice to the effect that a carried that type of bow, dressed his hair that
Mitchell in the Desert Magazine—though his prospector named Jackson Hill had discover- way, wore that kind of feathers or wore a ring
was a good story. ed the Pegleg Smith gold mine in the Chucka- in his nose. In fact I never saw an Apache
H. E. W . WILSON. wallas 14 miles southwest of Desert Center. with that kind of nose!
An article also appeared in a newspaper of If one imagines the white man's clothes
May 27 in which Mr. Hill is quoted as say- taken off "Nachise" on page 5, leaving only
Inglewood, California ing that the mine was seven miles west and his headband, his long white breechcloth and
Dear Editor: seven miles south of Desert Center. This his deerskin boots, the result, I imagine would
We all enjoy the Desert Magazine. My 13- would place the mine about 10 miles south- be a pretty good picture of his father. I
year-old boy and his dad have quite a scram- west of Desert Center. knew this man in his later years; he called
ble to see which shall get it first. Even the In your September issue, Bradley R. Stuart, himself, Naiche.
dog goes around in circles when we speak of of Moapa, Nevada, has a very interesting let- I'm glad to see DESERT still keeps up its
going to the desert. ter in which he states that the discovery made high standards. Long may it wave!
MRS. D. N . PUSH. by Jackson Hill was not the Lost Pegleg M. R. HARRINGTON.
mine, and in which he points out that the find • • •
of an old shaft by Hill could not possibly be Ventura, California
Moorpark, California the Pegleg. Dear Mr. Henderson:
Dear Sir: I agree with Mr. Stuart. Yesterday I visited Red Rock canyon, one
In your September number Louise Eaton in During the last few years I have made an of the most beautiful of California's many
her Turtle mountain story expressed a desire extensive study of the Pegleg mine story and scenic beauties. The public has made a regular
to keep the desert clean—especially the out- have heard dozens of versions of the affair garbage dump of the place, you cannot find
of-the-way places. We would like to add a from pioneers and prospectors in southern a decent place to have a lunch, the whole
suggestion on the same subject. California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Lower place is littered with beer cans and all kinds
While in Yosemite national park attend- California. These stories are included in my of cans, rubbish of all descriptions. The place
ing the school of Field Natural History con- book of lost mines which was published in is a disgrace to the state and desert communi-
ducted there we learned to dispose of trash late September under the title GOLDEN ty-
in one rather easy way—by burial. Starting MIRACLES. You can stand back and admire the beauty
fires promiscuously was taboo, so, instead, After studying all of these stories I am and grandeur of the mighty crags, but when
trash was either covered with a quantity of convinced that Pegleg did not have a tunnel you try to get a near view, you have to go
earth, or where that was lacking, it was in the side of a hill, but did have, as Mr. through a garbage dump to get to the base
cached carefully under rocks where it was in- Stuart claims, a place where nuggets of near- of them.
conspicuous. ly pure gold could be picked up without the I am writing you about it thinking you
Again, for Desert Magazine—let's keep up aid of mining tools. might call the attention of proper authorities
the good work and keep it clean—like our Regarding the find of Mr. Hill in the to the condition of the place.
deserts! Chuckawallas he may have discovered an old Expect a subscription soon.
GEORGE H. MERRIKEN. mine that was worked in 1877. The follow- J. H. IMHOFF.

NOV. 1 Week-long convention of New
Mexico Education association ends
in Albuquerque.
1-15 Arizona open hunting season on
1-DEC. 14 California, Nevada and Utah
duck hunting season. Began Oc-
tober 16. Volume 4 NOVEMBER 1340 Number 1
2-DEC. 31 Arizona duck hunting sea-
son. Buy federal migratory bird
hunting stamps at any postofhce. COVER DESERT EVENING, photograph by Josef Muench,
7 Meeting of Arizona Mineralogical Santa Barbara, California.
society, Arizona museum, Phoenix. Comment from Desert Magazine readers Inside cover
7-9 Arizona Education association
meets, Tucson. Miss Alice Vail, CALENDAR November events on the desert 1
8-10 State chamber of commerce secre-
PHOTOGRAPHY Prize winning pictures in September 2
taries meet, Phoenix, Arizona. MINING Gold on the Banks of the Hassayampa
11 World premiere of "Arizona" film, By CHARLES C. NIEHUIS 3
Tucson, Arizona. Reconstructed
Old Pueblo to be open Nov. 11-16. PERSONALITY 'He is our Friend'
12 Fiesta of San Diego at Jemez and By MRS. WHITE MOUNTAIN SMITH . . . 7
Tesuque pueblos, New Mexico.
Indian corn dance at Jemez, In- QUIZ A Test of Your Desert Knowledge 10
dian buffalo dance at Tesuque. ARTISTS
8-14 Ogden, Utah Livestock show. E. They Borrowed their Art from the Ancients
Fjeldsted, manager. By G. CARPENTER BARKER 11
9-17 Arizona State fair, Phoenix. W. MINERALS 'Petrified Bacon'
A. Thompson, chairman.
10 Second annual air show, sponsored
by Southern Nevada Aero club, to TRAVELOG Palm Oasis in Mortero Canyon
be held at Western Air Express By RANDALL HENDERSON 17
field, Las Vegas. Class one show,
featuring professional fliers. Ad- HUMOR Hard Rock Shorty—By LON GARRISON . . . 20
mission free.
PLACE NAMES Origin of names in the Southwest 21
13 Dr. Frank C. Lockwood: "Loren-
zo Hubbell, Trader to the Nava- HOBBY Cacti—Edited by LUCILE HARRIS 22
jos." Lecture at Arizona museum,
Phoenix. DIARY October at Yaquitepec
14-16 Arizona Days, in Yuma. Annual By MARSHAL SOUTH 23
fiesta of Elks lodge. Eb Lawler,
15 Fiesta of La Mesilla, at Las Cru- and other reviews 25
ces, New Mexico, featuring Span- NEWS
ish and Anglo folk dances, music Here and There on the Desert 26
and customs. MINING
15-17 Convention of Arizona Hotel as-
Briefs from the desert region 28
sociation, Phoenix. Major John F. HOBBY
Gems and Minerals—Edited by ARTHUR EATON 29
Murphy, executive secretary. SHOP TALK
18-19 Central district federation of Along the Trail with the Desert Magazine . . . 33
Business and Professional Womens LANDMARK
clubs meets in Globe, Arizona. Kit Carson Monument
Pearl Davey, chairman. By MARGUERTE SANDSTROM McDOWELL 36
18-DEC. 10 Elk hunting season in Ari- WEATHER
zona. Special permits, $15 to resi- COMMENT Desert temperatures in September 36
dents, $25 to non-residents.
Just Between You and Me
21 Mineralogical society meets at
Phoenix, Arizona museum. By the Editor Inside back cover
21-23 Convention of Southwestern sec-
tion, American Medical associa- The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Publishing Company, 636
tion, Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Kohl, State Street, El Centre California. Entered as second class matter October 11, 1937, at
chairman. the post office at El Centro. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered
No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1940 by the Desert Publishing
22-23 International Relations club con- Company. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from the editor in writing.
vention, campus of Arizona State EANDALL HENDERSON, Editor.
Teachers college, Tempe. Speakers: TAZEWELL H. LAMB and LUCILE HARRIS, Associate Editors.
Dr. A. S. Raubenheimer, dean of Richard B. Older, Advertising Representative, 416 Wall St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone TR 1501
college of liberal arts, University Manuscripts and photographs submitted must be accompanied by full return post-
age. The Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts
of California; Hugh Matier, in- or photographs although due care will be exercised for their safety. Subscribers should
ternationally known geologist, send notice of change of address to the circulation department by the fifth of the month
journalist. preceding issue.
28-29 Annual Fiesta, Brawley, Califor- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 year $2.50 — 2 years $4.00 — 3 years $S.OO
nia. GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS: 1 subscription $2.50 — two $4.00 — three $B.OO
Canadian subscriptions 25c extra, foreign 50c extra
Address subscription letters and correspondence to Desert Magazine, El Centro, California

NOVEMBER, 1940 1
Tucson, Arizona
Winner of the first prize this month
is the photograph of a group of Ari-
zona Giant Cactus taken in the Sa-
guaro national monument, east of
Tucson. The camera was a Rolleiflex,
Panatomic X film with Aero No. 1
filter. Exposure 1/10 at f22.

Special MekU
The following photographs enter-
ed in the September contest were
considered by the judges to have
more than usual merit:
"The Lord's Candle," by Roy Mil-
ler, Los Angeles, California.
"Navajo Shepherdess," by Samp-
son T. Yazzie, Shiprock, New Mexico.
"Desert Evening Primrose," by
Miss Catherine A. Sargent, Los An-
geles, California.

Qneat White
Zion Canyon, Utah
By GENE O. PARKS, Las Vegas, Nevada
Awarded second prize in the September pho-
tographic 1 contest. Taken with Korelle-Reflex
camera, 2 /4x21/4; 1/25 sec. at f 16; K2 yellow fil-
ter, on superpan supreme film. Taken at 4:30
p. m. on a clear September day.
This gold brick poured recently at the Vulture mill where low grade ore
is Still being worked, is worth between $12,500 and $15,000.
Many of the old mining camps of the West
produced their millions—and then gave up the
ghost. But not so the old Vulture mine at Wick-
enburg, Arizona. Discovered by Henry Wick-

Gold on the Bank* enburg in the 'sixties, the old diggings are still
producing low grade gold-bearing ore. And
there are many veteran prospectors who be-
lieve that sooner or later the original high
grade quartz vein which was lost many years

on the4jG55au&mv2& ago at a fault line will be rediscovered and

that the Vulture will see a revival of the gold-
en boom of 75 years ago.

Photographs by the author

r HE retort was red hot. I could

see that from where I stood just
outside the door. One of the men
inside smiled an invitation and I stepped
It was a ladle mold full of liquid gold,
cherry-red with heat.
For years I had heard old men's tales
and authentic bits of stories of the old
Vulture mine. So finally, this day I had
seeing with my own eyes gold from the
historic site.
I had gleaned the story of the Vulture
mine from old newspapers, manuscripts
and books. It was like something out of
in as the other men tipped the retort for-
driven 17 miles—two miles west and 15 a Western story writer's mind. A story of
ward. Two others held a mold under the miles south—out of Wickenburg, Ari- greed, gold and the unbelievable fulfill-
spout. Molten gold flowed out in a liv- zona, to see for myself just what kind of ing of an old prospector's dream.
ing stream. Heat drove the men back place in the desert could give up $15,- It was in the early 1860s that the dis-
and we all stood fascinated by the sight. 000,000 in gold. Now I was on the spot coverer of the Vulture came to America.

plank of the sailing ship before he began
> '• - ; to hear stories of the Southwest. They
were fascinating tales of gold and other
precious minerals to be found in the
mysterious desert. He was a man of
direct action and wanted to investigate
the reports so he went immediately to
La Paz, a little settlement on the Colo-
rado river in southwestern Arizona.
There the current talk was of the
Pauline Weaver party explorers. Weaver
had just left for Tucson. When Wicken-
burg heard that the miners with Weaver
intended to prospect the country on the
way he paused only long enough to out-
fit himself for desert travel and set out
after them. After traveling 200 miles a-
lone through hostile Indian country he
caught up with the Weaver party in Peo-
ple's valley in central Arizona.
There, while the party rested in the
green little valley, he heard the famed
King Woolsey tell yarns of gold-bearing
ore in the Harquahala mountains.
In less than six months Wickenburg
had completed the trip to Tucson with
Weaver and had returned to People's
valley. Immediately he organized a party
of prospectors to go and look over the
It was a dry 50-mile trek from the
Hassayampa river across the desert to the
Harquahala mountains. Water had to be
packed for both the trip in and the re-
turn, but still the men were optimistic.
King Woolsey had told his story well.
So well, that when Wickenburg sight-
ed some outcroppings on the top of a
high hill along the route the others of
the party refused to delay long enough
to look at it. It was a high rocky hill on
the edge of the Hassayampa plain which
lies about 12 miles southwest of the Has-
sayampa river, just east of the Big Horn
The men found no prospects in the
Harquahalas, at least none worth develop-
ing. On the return trip Wickenburg again
sighted the same outcroppings on the
distant hill. Again he asked the others to
go over and take a look at it. They re-
fused! First, their goal had been the Har-
quahalas. Now it was the river, where
they could drink their fill and splash in
the cool stream — the precious, flowing
Wickenburg, with characteristic per-
sistence took his share of the water and
left the party to examine the outcrop-
Few photographs ever were taken oj Henry Wickenburg. but this copy oj one oj ping. (His companions were later to re-
the surviving prints was obtained from Frasher's studio at Pomona, California. gret their refusal to accompany him, even
to the extent of bringing suit against
His name was Heinsel. He came from the real cause of his coming to the Ameri- him. He won the court battle, after many
Germany around the Horn and landed at cas. On his father's estate near Essen, months of litigation, by establishing the
San Francisco. It was the beginning of a Germany, young Heinrich Heinsel had fact that they had refused to have any-
new life, so he adapted a new name. He discovered a vein of coal. Before he could thing to do with Vulture hill until he
took his mother's maiden name as sur- develop it, however, the government seiz- uncovered the gold.)
name and became Henry Wickenburg. ed and claimed the mine. Young Heinsel,
When Wickenburg reached the rocky
Mineralogy was his one passion. It was bitterly resentful, left the country.
hill he stopped at the bottom to pick up
this deep interest in the science that was He had hardly stepped off the gang- a rotten bit of quartz. As he turned it in


his hand his eye caught the yellow gleam. This is the Vulture mine as it ap- dreamer lives in hope of finding -
Free gold! pears today. Henry Wickenburg's or- bonanza.
He looked up. The float had come iginal strike was in this hill. The op- Finally he stood up. As he did so a
from the outcropping above him. He erators frequently encounter small passing shadow caught his attention.
started to climb, feet slipping in the loose tunnels and drifts made in the cave Wickenburg looked up and saw a vulture
rock on the steep incline as he fought his when miners were "coyoting" the banked in a tight circle over the ledge.
way upward to the outcropping ledge. It hill and paying Wickenburg $15.00 The bird floated down and landed on a
was wide. How long, he could not see a ton for the ore they took out. rocky point. So the prospect was named,
from where he stood. He swung his pick. The Vulture.
The oxidized rock shattered under the Henry Wickenburg left his claim only
blow. He knelt and picked up first one found what he sought. Gold, free gold! long enough to ride to Prescott and file
rock then another. In each fragment he He had found what every old desert on it, May 21, 1864. Robert W. Groom,

Prospectors still wash the tailings of previous operations at Vulture mine — and find enough gold to make fair ivages.

who also laid out the town of Prescott, mine. Ore, some pieces almost half gold, capacity mill is crushing ore. The plant
surveyed it. replaced sandwiches in the lunch pails consists of one jaw crusher as a primary
By the middle of June Wickenburg after the day's work was done. and a Kennedy-Van Saun gearless crush-
had packed out a ton of gold-bearing In 1879 the lessees of the property er as a secondary. These are in an enclos-
quartz, to his camp on the Hassayampa. built an 80-stamp mill at the mine. Water ed circuit, with a trommel screen having
He then set to work building an arrastra. was pumped through 121//2 miles of six- half-inch apertures. The fine grinding
Wickenburg knew little about masonry inch pipe against a 500-foot head. plant has two ball mills, a 54-inch Akins
and had difficulty building this primitive Men worked furiously to mine enough classifier and Denver precious metal jigs.
type mill for grinding the ore. ore to keep the mill running at capacity. Two huge diesel engines, one a 240-
Later, in June, 1864, Charlie Genung They even tore down the rock houses horsepower Chicago Pneumatic Benz and
dropped into Henry's camp. Genung, built by earlier miners, and poured them the other a 300-horsepower Union, turn
who had a prospect farther north, had into the hopper. These rocks from which generators which supply the power.
been chased out of his claim by Indians. the houses were built ran $20.00 a ton! All this technical data may mean more
"That's a poor arrastra," commented Vulture bullion, weight-stamped, was to mining men than to laymen. But every-
Genung when he saw Henry's crude mill. accepted as legal tender throughout the one can appreciate the fact that today,
"I'll build you a real one." territory. It helped to settle the coun- 75 years after Henry Wickenburg first
July 4, 1864, the two men celebrated try, but it also attracted bandits and In- began mining the Vulture ore, the mine
Independence Day by having a cleanup. dians. It is reported that 400 men were still furnishes employment for 35 men
The first ton of ore had been run through killed by savages during the first 15 24 hours of the day.
the new arrastra. It yielded seventeen and years of production. Perhaps one of these days the original
one-half ounces of gold. Each year the Vulture mining camp ore body will be found again and more
The news spread and miners flocked roared louder, grew lustier and larger. millions added to the $15,000,000 the
to the new field. In less than a year 40 Then in 1890 the Hassayampa whose wat- Vulture has already produced.
arrastras were in operation—all grinding er was the life blood of the mine went But whether the mine booms again or
Vulture ore. Henry quit mining, sold his on a rampage. The quiet desert stream not, the old campsite lives and thrives.
ore at $15.00 a ton to whoever wanted to became a red, rolling torrent, sweeping Henry's old homestead became Wicken-
mine it. They paid for the ore in the everything in its path. The Vulture pipe- burg, Arizona, where each year thou-
ground, mined it, packed it to Wicken- line crumpled and went with the rest. sands of desert travelers with Packards
burg's camp on the Hassayampa, and pro- Early in the development of the mine instead of pack mules refresh themselves
cessed it in the primitive arrastras. Even a series of faults in the vein had been by the magical waters of the Hassayampa.
at that price men made money. Many discovered. Each time the body of ore • • •
even grew rich! was located again. But just prior to 1890 NOT ALL TENDERFEET ARE
A 20 stamp mill was crushing Vulture the Talmage fault was encountered. It AS DUMB AS THIS ONE
ore by 1866. Three years later the camp cut the vein off completely. This catastro-
Uncalled-for panic of a "greenhorn"
roared into a new high by increasing its phe together with the flooding Hassayam-
recently sent local, county and state offic-
capacity to 80 tons every 24 hours. Vul- pa closed the mine. So ended the first
ers on an all-night wildgoose chase. Tem-
ture ore was running $40.00 to the ton! period of the life of the great Vulture.
porarily stranded in a public camp ground
Sometime during this period the Gold- Fifteen years went by. Then one sun- near center of the Valley of Fire, nine
water brothers, Michael and Joe, con- ny afternoon some children found the miles from Overton, a motorist who
structed a mill for a New York concern body of "Uncle Henry" under some thought his battery had gone dead pen-
that had leased the mine. The company mesquite trees on his homestead - - the ned this note: "If anyone sees this I am
was unable to pay the Goldwaters the same trees under which Wickenburg had heading toward Overton - - my car is
$90,000 for the construction of the mill. camped when he first came to the region stalled. I am about to go crazy. Please
But, the brothers agreed to take over 40 years before. He lay on his back, a pick me up. Thursday about September
the mine, run it until the bill was paid pistol was clutched in his hand. These 20." The motorist then apparently walk-
off out of the profits. It was easy. Thirty circumstances, together with the loneli- ed the quarter of a mile to where the
days later, at the rate of $3,000 a day, ness and disappointments that came along camp road joined the main highway. At
the lien was cleared up! with the gold from the Vulture, indicated the intersection he posted this note: "I
Thomas Price, noted western assayer, suicide, and such it was called. However, am stranded in the camp ground." Then
estimated that the Vulture company rumors of murder still persist. At any he returned to the camp ground. Tinker-
crushed 118,000 tons of ore in six years rate, the discoverer of the miraculous ing with the battery, he discovered a loose
and recovered $2,500,000. mine was dead. cable connection was the trouble. He
But the tempo of the booming Vulture The Vulture found new life in 1908, tightened it and drove away, leaving the
camp was too fast and wild for Wick- however, when a new ore body was found notes to be found by Jay Carpenter, dir-
enburg. He was essentially a simple, quiet on the property. In seven years, $1,839,- ector of the university of Nevada school
man, who had learned to know and love 357 worth of gold was brought out. But of mines, and Carpenter's son. After back-
the peace of desert solitude. He sold water began to seep into the lower levels tracking to Overton, the Carpenters con-
four-fifths of his interest in the mine to and again the mine was closed. The old tinued to Las Vegas and reported to au-
a Mr. Phillips of New York for $85,000 machinery and even what was left of thorities. Searching parties were organiz-
and turned to homesteading. the water pipe were sold for junk during ed. The posses spread out, scoured the
Governor McCormick, in a message to the years of the first World War. And Valley of Fire and surrounding territory,
the fifth legislature of the Territory, call- that was the end of the second phase of finally winding up at Overton at 3:00 a.
ed the Vulture "The Comstock of Ari- the historic mine. m. A garage owner, roused from his
zona. " But the Vulture isn't through yet! sleep, cleared up the mystery. Weary and
Superintendent Mudge, at the Vulture Since 1931 low-grade ore has been mined disgruntled, the officers returned to Las
in 1872, wrote in a report, "We have and milled. Even the old arrastras, like Vegas at 4:00 a. m. The motorist, they
paid out $600,000 for freighting of ore the rock houses before them, have been said, could not have been in any danger.
15 miles from the mine to the mills on dug up and fed into the present mill, Water was plentiful, he was only a quar-
the Hassayampa." yielding $20.00 a ton. ter of a mile off the main highway. Be-
Miners, teamsters, contractors and mill- The East Vulture Mining company is sides, he should have retrieved his scare
men 'higraded" a fortune out of the now operating the old mine. A 200-ton notes.


Through the doorway of the
comfortable stone house where
Lorenzo Hubbell lives at Oraibi.
Arizona, passes a strange med-
ley of visitors. World travelers
come here to meet a man whose
name is better known perhaps
than that of any other Indian
trader. Navajo Indians enter the
door without formality—knowing
that here is a man who speaks
their language and is always
their friend. Students seeking a
more intimate knowledge of trib-
al history and custom come here
because Lorenzo is a recognized
authority on these subjects. Hopi
craftsmen come to exchange
their wares for food and cloth-
ing. All are welcome—for Hub-
bell likes people, all kinds of
people. Here is the story of a
man who is truly a product of
the Great American desert.

Lorenzo Jr. with two of his Indian friends. This photograph taken at the trading
post at Oraibi.

Indians, and he hasn't taken a vacation

from it since. With his father at Ganado
he hung around the old trading post

e i5 out watching the Indians ride out of the
dusty distance with their blankets, tur-
quoise, pinon nuts and sheepskins for
By MRS. WHITE MOUNTAIN SMITH barter. Soon he was behind the counter
trading striped sticks of candy for copper
bracelets and learning every Navajo word
/ V N 1876, when most men were and go as he pleases in their village and uttered in his hearing.
V/ finding excuses to keep away from in their homes. At that time no real money was used
the territory of Arizona and its "Why do you Hopi regard Mr. Hub- in trading with Indians. The accepted
restless Indian population, Don Lorenzo bell so highly?" I asked an old man loll- medium of exchange was copper wire,
Hubbell, half Connecticut Yankee, and ing in the sunlight beside his wife's in eight inch lengths, bent to fit the arm
half Spaniard, moved into the remote doorstep. of the Indian. Each bracelet was worth
valley of the Pueblo Colorado, near the "He's our friend!" And he looked at 25 cents in trade, and when merchandise
present mission settlement of Ganado. me as if I had asked a very foolish ques- was chosen, bracelets worth the amount
There among the Navajo he built a home tion. of the purchase were removed from the
for his growing family. For more than 60 Lorenzo Hubbell was born in 1883 at buyer's arm, and piled on the counter
years that sprawling comfortable old St. John's, a little town in Apache coun- until the trader said 'enough.' Or if the
ranch house has been the meeting place ty, northern Arizona. That town is much Indian brought in native wares to trade
of earth's noted men and women. Don closer to the homes of the Zuni and Apa- for 'cash' enough eight-inch lengths of
Lorenzo was dean of pioneer traders, che than the Navajo, but the little son of copper wire were cut off the spool to
and today his son, Lorenzo Hubbell, Jr. the trader found his greatest happiness satisfy the seller.
carries on the work his father left in his among the latter. Each winter Lorenzo, Young Lorenzo learned even in those
capable hands. senior, moved his family away from the days that his father always gave the In-
Against the incredibly blue sky of Ganado home back to St. Johns where dian the best of the bargain. It was his
northern Arizona the Hopi mesa of Or- they could secure schooling of a sort. creed that educated white men must nev-
aibi towers unchanging through the cen- Young Lorenzo says he went to school er take advantage of unlettered people.
turies, and close to the foot of the trail but he learned no English. All his com- Lorenzo, Jr. and I were standing one
leading into the oldest village in the panions spoke the Spanish language. Lor- day outside the old trading post at Ga-
United States, is the trading post of Lor- enzo remembers that he was lonely until nado talking about the years he'd spent
enzo Jr. Oraibi's dwellers cling to the his father began taking him on trading among the Navajo. Lorenzo lifted his
traditions and primitive ways of their trips into the Navajo reservation. Then eyes to the little hill across the desert
forefathers and do not go out of their Life, with a capital letter, really began! stream where his father sleeps in the
way to be friendly to white people. There Six years isn't a very mature age for a lands he had made his own.
are a few exceptions, and one of them is trader but that was exactly when Lorenzo "My father was never happy away
—Lorenzo Hubbell. He is free to come Hubbell began his 'swapping' with the from the desert and the Indians. And

I'm the same way. When as a small boy appeared in the desert leaving the trader blue shadowed beauty of Ganado on pap-
my father would lose track of me for vainly looking for his pay. So the goods er. Theodore Roosevelt slept under the
awhile, all he had to do was follow his were displayed in a room with a shoul- gracious roof and lounged before the
nose to where horse meat was being roast- der high window through which the buy- great open fireplace in the enormous liv-
ed by the Navajo and there I was feast- er looked from the outside and made his ing room, where the walls are hidden by
ing with the best of them!" selection. When the hat or saddle or axe priceless canvases and the ceiling studded
or calico was chosen and the price agreed with thousands of dollar's worth of rare
When Lorenzo was nine years old he and beautiful Indian baskets and plaques.
first saw Canyon de Chelly, the place upon, copper bracelets covering the cost
Here books were written, plays born and
every old Navajo mentioned when he were passed to the trader and then the
perfected, and on the soft toned old rose-
came to the trading post. It was here the buyer had the articles placed in his wood piano in a distant corner the first
tribe fled from the wrath of Uncle Sam hands. notes of that deathless ballad "The Sun-
when their murdering, raiding sins over- This same year, 1892, Lorenzo Jr. saw shine of Your Smile " came into being.
took them and United States troops were his first Snake dance among the Hopi. An old world charm and hospitality hung
sent to administer punishment. Kit Car-
son bottled them up in their favorite re- He went down into the Snake kiva with over the luxurious ranch home in the
treat and they were marched away to his father and was thrilled to see little Navajo reservation wastelands. Young
exile. Later when they returned to their boys his own age fondling live rattlers. Lorenzo absorbed those ideals as he grew
own country they resumed weaving and He watched the reptiles being washed to manhood. He spoke again of his fath-
silver craft, so Don Lorenzo loaded goods and prepared for the dance, and he could er:
for trading and went up there to spend probably give more accurate information "He never wanted money, not for
a couple of months. Probably the mer- about this exciting Indian ceremony than money's sake. Rather his idea was to work
chandise could all have been piled on any living person, should he so desire. for beauty and to bring about the preser-
one wagon, but in those days one thought But that is one thing he doesn't do— vation of native arts and crafts. My
only of impressing the native and so the give away tribal secrets of his Indian father spent his life bringing the work
caravan consisted of two huge wagons friends. of Indians to the attention of the Ameri-
and trailers and 12 teams of horses to The years slipped away and in spite of can people, and I like to feel that I have
pull the load. his lusty protests the young trader was taken up the work where he left off. I
sent to Notre Dame to be educated as a feel that the Navajo Indians are making
Those two months sped by like magic. better blankets now than ever before.
So many interesting things were to be gentleman's son should be. He finished
They have the experience of their best
seen by a small boy led by Indian com- high school there but most of the time old time weavers, and they have the
panions. He went into Mummy cave his mind was not occupied with Latin or scientific aid of modern dyes and de-
literature. He was longing to be back in signs.
where scores of Navajo perished at the
Arizona trading with the Indians, riding
hands of vengeful Mexicans, and he ex- races with them, joining them in their "It was in May 1902 that I went to
plored the mystic White House where holiday "chicken pulls" and eating roast Keam's canyon and bought the trading
no small white lad had ever been before horse meat under the spicy juniper trees. post from Thomas V. Keams. It was
him. While trading with the wily Nava- His father's home at Ganado was the there I bought my first blanket. I re-
jo of that region the customers were not mecca of every worthwhile visitor who member distinctly that it was an old dia-
allowed to come into the room where came to the Southwest. Here Remington mond and lightning design without a
merchandise was for sale. Too often they and Charley Russell sketched and dream- border, and I bought it from The Man
darted out with coveted articles and dis- ed and despaired of getting the stark Who Doesn't Talk. He was quite a char-
acter, that Navajo. I'll tell you more a-
bout him later. Anyway I've wished a
thousand times I'd kept that blanket just
for comparison."
"When you went to Keam's canyon
- were you not trading mostly with the

yam PB Hopi?" I asked.

"No. There were plenty of Navajo a-
round the Hopi country even then, and
they were unruly. They'd come into the
B F' ' post, sell whatever we would buy, spread
a blanket on the floor and gamble until
we put them out at closing time. It was
i i a relief when the agent ordered gambling
stopped. I stopped it around the store
** 1 141 right away. Some of our customers grum-
bled but they all came back to do business
with us."
1 1 Lorenzo Hubbell, Jr. was the first
• 1
^• /I
I^^B ' \
' IS
trader to pay real money for the things
he bought from the Indians. It was hard
1 /•£ • ^ :;
to get them to accept a small gold coin
instead of a huge pile of copper brace-
1 "
Lorenzo Hubbell Jr. in his home at
Oraibi, greets all visitors with an
informality that puts them immedi-
1 ately at ease.



lets. But as soon as they saw that the This is the old ranch home of Don So the friendship of those two grand old
coin would buy as much goods as the Lorenzo Hubbell near Ganado, Ari- men continues with their descendants.
copper wire they took it readily. zona, established in 1876. Don Lor- Lorenzo Jr. has traded with the Nava-
He was also the first trader to deal in enzo, whose body noiv rests with jo and Hopi for 38 years. He is said to
Hopi pottery extensively. He would take that of his wife and his Navajo be the most widely known Indian trader
a light wagon and go to the First Mesa friend Many Horses in a nearby in the United States. His blankets and
and purchase all the pottery Nampeyo shrine, is standing by the tree in baskets and pottery go to every big city
made. For a long time she was one of the center of the photograph. this side of the Atlantic. Wool from his
the few women who made pottery for warehouses is used both here and abroad
sale. Most of them made only what they Navajo was so indignant when an agent and carloads of the tasty little pinon nuts,
needed for household use. Fred Harvey invaded his part of the reservation look- sale of which means life or death to the
was always on the lookout for authentic ing for children to take to school, he and Navajo at times, are shipped everywhere.
Indian material and Lorenzo sold him the others captured the official and held him Purchasers know they are taking no
best of everything he bought from both two days until Chee Dodge and some of chance when they order Indian arts and
the Navajo and Hopi. He always em- the cooler heads persuaded them to let crafts from Hubbell. He will send them
phasizes the fact that Fred Harvey did their prisoner go. nothing but genuine Indian work !of
more to bring Indian art before the eyes Lorenzo and I returned to the living good quality. True, Lorenzo never turns
of the world than any other factor. Hub- room of the house and were seated in down any rug or bit of pottery brought
bell says Harvey always handled Indian front of the fire when the door opened to him by its maker. If the article is in-
crafts with good taste and dignity and and down the long room, with the light ferior he says so plainly and pays accord-
considered the human element involved. stealthy tread of a mountain lion, came ingly. Then it is stored away in the gap-
One gathers that the first years at one of the tallest Navajo I've seen. He ing maw of a huge warehouse and I
Keam's canyon were rather tempestuous. looked at no one but Lorenzo Hubbell, doubt if it ever again sees light of day.
Ill advised officials ordered all Navajo who had risen and walked with out- Once I watched him buy a crooked ill
men to have their gleaming black hair stretched hand. woven blanket from a very old Navajo
cut short like white men wore theirs. The woman. It was fit for nothing but a door
Navajo have always gloried in their well "Ya-tah-hey, Na-tah-ni!" The Navajo's
arm went around the shoulders of his mat.
kept long hair and trouble was expected
to follow the order. One man, The Man shorter friend in a rare gesture of In- "Why did you buy that worthless
Who Doesn't Talk came into the trading dian affection. thing?" I asked when the old woman
post and asked for the best butcher knife "Who is he?" I asked Lorenzo's sister, had spent her money and gone.
in stock. "I have a purpose" was all he Mrs. Goodman. "Did you not see that she is very old,
would say. He bought the knife and "That is Slender Man, nephew of and her eyes almost sightless? Could
went to the office of agent Burton. Look- Many Horses who is buried on Ganado you not see how her hand trembled while
ing that official directly in the eye he hill beside our father. You know Many she waited for me to tell her I'd buy the
threw the dangerous knife on the desk Horses and my father were the greatest rug? And you ask why I bought it. Once
and said: friends. Each, at different times, saved she was the best weaver in this part of
"You have said my hair must be cut. the life of the other, and when Many the country, and now her people are all
Take this knife, cut my throat first and Horses knew that his time to die had dead and she herds sheep for strangers
then cut my hair!" There was nothing come, he asked that he might be buried in exchange for a little food. If it had
more said about cutting hair. This same close to where my father would be laid." taken my last dollar I'd have bought that

blanket from her!" Lorenzo will never be
rich as we count worldly treasure.
Not every Desert Magazine reader can score a
He has several trading posts on the
Navajo reservation, and many of the In-
dians ride long distances to trade with
DESERT QUIZ high mark in this monthly Quiz. But every
student of the desert can gain a new fund of
him. At Pinon 31 miles from any white information by spending a little time with this list of questions and answers.
residence his store serves at least a hun- The questions are designed to cover a broad field—history, geography, botany,
dred Navajo families. He has posts at mineralogy, and general lore of the desert country. Those who can answer half
Tenebito, at Na-ah-tee canyon, Ganado of the 20 questions correctly are better informed than the average person. A
and Winslow. And above his store at score of 15 gives you rating as a "Desert Rat," and those who exceed 15 cor-
Oraibi the one word "HUBBELL" serves rect answers belong to that small and very select fraternity known as Sand
as a magnet for hundreds of Navajo Dune Sages. The answers are on page 37.
bringing their trade to the man they trust.
When ready money is needed they pawn 1—Agave, jojoba, juniper and nolina are characteristic shrubs of the—
their treasures of silver and turquoise with Lower Sonoran plant zone Upper Sonoran plant zone
him knowing that years may pass and the Hudsonian plant zone Alpine plant zone
pawn will not be sold, not as long as
2—The old Bradshaw stage road was built primarily to—
they are living and have hopes of re-
Connect San Bernardino with the La Paz gold fields
deeming it.
Provide transportation between Yuma and Prescott
"The Indians must prosper or the trad- Carry mail from Los Angeles to Phoenix
ers will vanish," says Lorenzo, and his Haul gold-seekers from Sonora to the California gold fields
wise advice has saved the tribe from many
fatal blunders. 3—The Lehman caves are located in—
Only Lorenzo, Jr., the sister, Barbara Utah Arizona California Nevada
Goodman, who keeps the old home al- 4—The desert screwbean grows on the—
ways ready to receive Lorenzo and the Mesquite tree.-, IronwoocL- Smoke tree Palo Verde
other brother Roman, are left of the or- 5—In making Katchina dolls the Hopi Indians prefer to use—
iginal family of Don Lorenzo. Yucca wood Juniper Cottonwood Clay
Roman Hubbell never cared so much 6—Blossoms of the desert senna are—
about trading with the Navajo as he did Purple White Yellow Pink...
exploring their beautiful country and tak-
ing visitors to the hidden away spots no —The Cedar Brakes national monument in Utah is noted for its—
casual traveler could find. His comfortable Dense forests of cedar Gorgeous waterfalls
cars with Indian symbols painted on the Colorful sandstone erosions Herds of antelope
doors carry hundreds of people each year 8—Parker, Arizona, is entirely surrounded by the—
to the beauty and grandeur of the South- Mojave Indian reservation Yuma Indian reservation
west within half a day's trip of the rail- Chemehuevi Indian reservation Colorado river Indian reservation
road. Just as Lorenzo sells Indian arts 9—The Spanish padre who accompanied the De Anza expedition in the 1775-
and crafts to the public, Roman sells the 76 trek from Tubac to the Pacific ocean was—
charm and magnificence of the Southwest Father Font Father Garces Father Escalante
to those who want to leave the world be- Father Serra
hind for a few hours or a few days. 10—Smoki People hold their annual snake dance at—
• • • Oraibi Flagstaff Gallup Prescott
11—Tuzigoot national monument Indian dwellings were built by—
DESERT POPULATION WILL Cliff dwellers Pit dwellers Pueblo dwellers
More than 1000 applications have 12—Chimayo, New Mexico, is noted mainly for its—
been received from persons seeking to ob- Weaving industry Ancient ruins Warlike Indians
tain government land under the Five- Fine silverwork
Acre Tract law which became operative 13—Softest rock in the Mohrs scale of hardness is—
August 9, according to Paul B. Witmer, Calcite Talc Sandstone Mica
registrar of the Los Angeles land office. 14—The "Mountain Men" of the early days in the Southwest were primarily—
Mr. Witmer stated this week that Goldseekers Indian traders Trappers Army scouts
field men probably will begin active work
in the field within the next two weeks, 15—If a Hopi Indian gave you some piki he would expect you to—
inspecting and making recommendations Burn it as incense Hang it over the door for good luck-
as to the granting of the individual ap- Use it to charm snakes Eat it
plications. 16—Virginia City, Nevada, was famous for its production of—
The Los Angeles registrar was one of Copper Gold Lead Iron
the original sponsors of the Five-Acre 17—Purpose of Father Escalante's trek from Santa Fe in 1776 was to—
law, and is giving all possible assistance Explore the Colorado river Find a new route to Monterey
to those who desire public lands under Christianize the Pahute Indians Found a mission at Great Salt Lake
this program. Recently he has made a 18—The 20-mule team wagons in the early days of Death Valley hauled—
number of recommendations to the de- Gypsum Gold ore Rock salt Borax
partment for the purpose of simplifying 19—Cactus fruit most popular with the Papago Indians for food comes from the-
the procedure under which the "Jackrab- Cholla *Organ Pipe cactus Saguaro Prickly pear
bit homesteads" can be obtained. A ma- 20—Chief industry of the Hualpai Indians of Northern Arizona is—
jority of the applications received at Los Weaving blankets.... Stock raising.... Silversmithing.... Game hunting--..
Angeles are for land in the Twentynine
Palms area and Morongo valley area.


Sand has a very important place in the desert land-
scape—but to the artists who come out into the arid
region to paint pictures in oil it is very annoying to
have a twister come along and fill the air with the
tiny particles. They don't like sand on their canvas.
That is, the majority of them do not. But here are a
couple of artists who even go to the extent of grinding
up rocks so they will have sand to put on their paint-
ings. They borrowed their art from the ancients—and
find it fascinating and profitable.

I lieu ISotto we
tkeit -fltt fitom
tke -(indent*

i y O C K collecting is a popular hobby on the desert—

/~\, and Mae and George de Ville of Gallup, New Mexi- Mae de Ville grinds the pigments for their sand paint-
co, are veterans in the pastime of gathering pretty ings on a prehistoric Indian nietate.
But they are not ordinary rockhounds—these two collectors Eight years ago, he explained, Mae and he were stranded
of Gallup. Instead of arranging their specimens in cabinets to in Gallup. They had come out to New Mexico because they
show to admiring friends, they take them home and grind wanted to paint the southwestern desert, and they had spent
them up. months in portraying in oils the life and environment of the
The reason is simple. The de Villes are artists, and the Indians. But in 1932, at the bottom of the business depression,
pretty stones they bring in from all corners of the desert are oil paintings had no sale. Then Mae had her inspiration. Why
the materials they use in depicting vivid scenes of the South- not, she suggested to her husband, try making some souvenir
west and its people on canvas. So skillfully do the de Villes sketches of the Painted Desert with the native Indian medium
grind their rocks and reassemble the sparkling colored sand —desert sand? She believed her idea was practical, for she
in brilliant landscapes and life-like Indian designs, their work already had succeeded in gluing sand to canvas to reproduce
has attained national recognition. the brilliant ceremonial sand paintings of the Navajo.
During my travels in the Southwest I had seen the unusual George was skeptical about using raw sand to portray the
art work of Mae and George de Ville exhibited in many subtle effects of desert light, and from an oil painter's stand-
places. And when the opportunity came, I called at their point, the first sketch was indeed crude. Done in simple un-
modest home in Gallup to learn more about these artists and blended shades, the result of hours of patient experimentation,
the work they are creating. it resembled a poster more than a painting. But the little par-
ticles of sand caught and reflected light in a way that was
I found George in his shirt sleeves and Mae in the kitchen amazingly true to nature's own handiwork. Mae knew they
wearing a yellow smock that apparently served double duty, had captured the spirit of the Painted desert. The proof came
for cooking and painting. They are friendly folks, happy in when the first little group of souvenir sketches were shown
their work, unaffected by the acclaim they have received, and in Gallup store windows. Tourists bought them and tourists
genuinely hospitable. wanted more of them. So the de Villes put away their oil
"When and how did you become interested in this unusual colors and began painting entirely with sand.
type of art," I asked. "Is* the idea original with you?" I had an opportunity to watch them at work in their
George de Ville smiled. "It's hardly a new art," he said. studio. They led me to a large living room table on which
"The Navajo Indians, you know, have made ceremonial sand were clustered a bewildering assortment of glass vials and
paintings for hundreds of years, and in the Old World the paper containers, each filled with a different kind of sand.
Byzantine mosaic painters made beautiful sand pictures many Seated at this table and holding his paint brush like a pencil,
centuries before America was discovered by the white man. George looked more like an editor than an artist. The im-
In our household the inventor was my wife." pression was heightened by his literary-looking pipe, which

NOVEMBER, 1940 11
he clenched, unlit, between his teeth each rock, then sifts the sand particles
while he applied a sticky white liquid to through cheese cloth and finally through
an Indian design outlined on his canvas. muslin to obtain a consistently fine quali-
ty of pigments. The different colors then
Mae, meanwhile, took her place at the are placed in separate containers, ready
other side of the table and began apply- for application. From the four or five
ing the liquid adhesive to another de- crude shades used in the making of their
sign. Then, using her hand as a palette, first "Painted Desert," the de Villes have
she mixed some of the sand pigments to expanded their stock to more than 50
the desired color and sprinkled it over different hues of sand ground from such
the prepared section of the design. This minerals as cinnabar, azurite, turquoise,
done, she applied the adhesive to another copper, lapis and many other kinds of
section and poured the sand colors on rock and ore. Some of their best materials
that also. In this way she gradually cov- come from ore dumps outside abandoned
ered each part of the design with clear, desert mines. The older the mine, the
fresh colors. better for their purpose, for the rocks
Detailed as is this process of painting, must have stood the test of weathering.
it is only the final stage of an arduous Equipped with this wide range of pig-
task which begins far out on the open ments, George now does sand portraits
desert. Periodically, the de Villes make and character sketches, but his favorite
rock-hunting expeditions to gather raw subjects continue to be desert landscapes,
materials suitable to be ground into pig- particularly the Grand Canyon of the E. George de Ville—by himself.
ments. The rocks they select are alike Colorado. Although the canyon for gen-
in one respect—they must have been ex- erations has been the despair of artists hind the designs. Through long acquaint-
posed to sun and storms of the desert for who have tried to paint it, George finds ance with several medicine men she al-
at least half a century. Only by choosing in this theme the ideal opportunity to dis- ready has learned the symbolic meanings
rocks which have been so exposed, can play his medium to best advantage. The of many ceremonial paintings.
they be sure that their colors will be projection from the canvas of each tiny
permanent. I had suspected that Mae was interest-
grain of sand seems to impart a vibrancy
ed in Indian art, but not until I took
Returning home from a desert rock which only Nature herself can surpass.
time to explore the studio more thorough-
hunt, George and Mae sort out their ac- While Mae now divides most of her ly did I find out how keen a student she
cumulated stones according to variety and time between preparing sand colors and is. On shelves and tables around the
color and then begin preparing the pig- producing exquisite small sketches, she room were many beautiful Indian vases
ments. In this work, Mae's deft fingers hopes that eventually she will have and jars which came from the sites of
excel. "In fact," George told me, "she enough leisure to return to her own spec- ancient villages near Gallup. Inspecting
considers the job too important to be ial interest — making permanent repro- some of the larger bowls more closely, I
handled by anyone else." ductions of the Navajo sand paintings. saw that their surfaces were criss-crossed
Using a prehistoric Indian metate or It's not only the Indian designs that in- by scores of tiny lines. These bowls, I
grinding stone, Mae carefully breaks up terest her, she says, but the stories be- found, she had carried home in frag-
ments, bound up in a handkerchief, and
then bit by bit had pieced them to-
"Nowadays," she said, "we haven't
much time for archaeology." And small
wonder, for in the past few years more
than 4,000 of the de Ville sketches and
paintings have gone out to dealers and
art collectors in many parts of the na-
tion. Such wide interest has their work
attracted that a large Hollywood motion
picture studio recently sent cameramen to
Gallup to film a feature of the de Villes.
"We're glad our work is gaining re-
cognition," Mae told me, "but we don't
intend to allow our reputation to inter-
fere with our way of living—at least not
more than we can help. This part of the
country has become our home, and we
intend to remain here."
They had chosen a good location for
their headquarters. I find it hard to think
of any other setting as appropriate for
the development of their art. The veteran
Navajo sand painters of this desert re-
gion have two worthy colleagues in E.
Tribal Life in the Canyons—done in sand by the de Villes. George and T. Mae de Ville.


Specimen of "petrified bacon" onyx from the Orocopia field. The colors in
this slab are white and brown. John Hilton braved the tempera-
tures of a mid-August day to visit an
old onyx claim in the Orocopia moun-
tains of Southern California. The rock
there has little value except for speci-

men purposes—but the trip is full of
historical interest for those who like
to explore the out-of-the-way places
on the desert. Wear your old clothes
if you go on this field excursion, and
By JOHN W. HILTON take a shovel and plenty of water—
it is not a place for tenderfeet.

'OLD NUGGETS as big as days of slow travel—and still is for that Pacific railroad tracks and followed the
potatoes!" matter. winding trail toward Dos Palmas. From
This was the rumor that With his Indian friend as guide, Brad- this point east to the Colorado river the
reached the sleepy pueblos of San Ber- shaw mapped his route—the old Brad- trail follows almost the exact route taken
nardino and Los Angeles in the early shaw stage road. It has long since been by Bradshaw. In fact, the deeply rutted
'sixties. abandoned, and is barely passable today, tracks made by early day stage coach and
"Gold on the Colorado river—at La but three of the most strategic waterholes freight wagon are visible for long dis-
Paz! It may be a bigger strike than Sut- along the route are still there — Dos tances.
ter's Mill!" Palmas, Canyon springs and Chuckawalla First rays of the sun were breaking
There was the story of the Sonora min- wells. through the gap in the eastern mountains
er who had found a single chunk of Bradshaw planned well, estimating the as we topped the rise near the site of
yellow metal worth $800. Such reports distances between water, calculating the the Spindle Top oil well — a prospect
were bound to start a gold rush, even in strength and speed of man and beast, and hole long since abandoned for the reason
times of civil war, for the year was 1862 working out a solution for every obstacle. that no oil was found.
and California was in turmoil. In August, 1862, with the desert temp- We passed the Dos Palmas ranch, a
People were frantic to reach this place eratures approaching 120 degrees, the lovely oasis on the floor of the great ba-
on the Arizona desert. The problem was first big caravan of gold-seekers went over jada that extends from the Orocopia
how to get there. There were neither the new route. There were 150 well mountains to the edge of Salton sea.
maps nor roads. The only known trans- equipped travelers in the party—and it Presently we came to the historic Dos
portation route was up the river by boat is to Bradshaw's credit that they made Palmas springs. Here are the charred re-
from Yuma. the 250-mile journey through this hot mains of the little cabin occupied by
Blustering Bill Bradshaw solved the and almost unknown land without loss Frank Coffey for many years. Frank came
problem. He knew something of the of man or beast. to this region in the 'eighties. He and
country, and he believed a feasible route In August this year, within a few days his burros prospected the Colorado desert
for a road could be found through San of the 78th anniversary of Bradshaw's for nearly 50 years, until his death in
Gorgonio pass and thence across thq famous trek, Henry Eilers of Date Palm 1936.
trackless wastes of Coachella valley. He beach and I set out along the route the This spot holds pleasant memories for
was sure he could find a gap leading pioneer road-builder had opened up east those of us who have lived long on the
through the Chuckawalla mountains and of Dos Palmas. No, we were not seeking Colorado desert. Frank Coffey was a
into the river valley near the present site gold. I wanted to revisit and map an old mining man—but he was also a philoso-
of Blythe. Then it would be a simple onyx deposit I had located many years pher and story teller. No one ever
matter to ferry across the river to the ago near the east end of the Orocopia thought of going through Dos Palmas
newly discovered gold field. mountains. without stopping for a chat with the
It was Chief Cabezon of the Cahuillas We left the floor of Coachella valley veteran prospector. A stop meant a stay
who told him about Salt creek wash, that early in the morning loaded with bed- of at least an hour, for Frank liked to
great sandy arroyo which divides the Or- rolls, grub box and plenty of water. We talk. He was always grateful for the mag-
ocopia and the Chocolate mountains and followed the paved Northshore road from azines and papers I brought along when
provides an easy grade and ample supply Mecca to a point just east of Date Palm I was going that way. He would follow
of water. Water was essential in those beach, then dipped under the Southern me out to the car, plant his foot on the

NOVEMBER, 1940 13
desert—but they generally change the
mileage figures on these unsurveyed
At the edge of Salt creek wash a faint
trail leads off to the left to Orocopia
mine. Although a fortune is said to have
been produced by this mine in the early
days, it is so little known today that few
of the desert natives are aware of its
exact location.
I had heard there were geodes a mile
beyond the old mine, and decided to do
a little exploring in that region. The little
used trail up the wash to the mine is
very sandy, but we kept our momentum
and had no trouble.
The old mine camp is about demolish-
ed. The tool house and blacksmith shop
which survived many years of weather
and vandalism were blown down in re-
cent times by a desert twister. Some tun-
nels, inhabited by bats, the tailings and
the foundation of the mill are all that
The sun was high and the rocks were
almost too hot to hold on to for support
when we had completed our inspection
of the mine and started to climb the hill
behind it.
We reached the top and in a little val-
ley below was a banded plutonic forma-
tion which might carry geodes. It ap-
peared nearly two miles away, but after
coming this far we were determined to
go on.
The distance actually was close to three
miles and our canteens were nearly empty
when we reached the banded rock. It
was a fruitless trip. There were geodes
in the rock, but they were too small and
Above—Hilton and Henry Eilers slopped to inspect the ruins of the old Canyon soft to be of much interest. We separated
Springs stage station—used in the 'sixties by the Bradshaw stage line. and explored the area a quarter of a mile
each way, but found nothing worth tak-
Below—"Bradshaw cave'1 in the west bank of Red canyon -where stage drivers and
ing home.
passengers once found shelter in bad weather. The rockhound sans shirt is Henry
Eilers who accompanied Hilton on this field trip. There may be geodes back of the Or-
ocopia mine—but we simply did not find
them. It is a wild and colorful region, but
running board—and there I was anchor- stop and chat with an old man who had I would not recommend it for a mid-
ed until he had finished his story. From lived by the side of this road for 30 summer hike. We returned with empty
those chats I learned much history and years. canteens, but there was ample water in
geology and legend that has never been "If folks are in that bi.» a hurry, I the car.
written in books. don't see why they wasted their time
It was easy going down grade to Salt
It was Frank who first showed me the comin' out here in the first place," he
creek wash again. We resumed our trip
cave in Red canyon where the stage pas- would say.
along the old stage route and stopped at
sengers once stopped for shelter during Cloudbursts in September, 1939, play- Clemens well. The water was foul with
bad weather in the days before the Can- ed havoc with the road through this re- the bodies of trade rats, but we bailed it
yon Springs stage station was built. gion. Beyond Dos Palmas no effort had out for the benefit of the next traveler
Frank left this world and the desert been made to repair the trail and there who comes this way.
he loved at a time when it was beginning were frequent short detours when the Our next stop was at the old Canyon
to change too rapidly for him. The last first car along after the flood had turned springs stage station On the south bank of
few years of his life brought disillusion- out to avoid an impassable gully in the the arroyo. The old rock house is in
ment. Strangers began coming this way road. ruins, due partly to the elements but
who did not so much as wave at the old
So many detours were encountered a- more largely to the excavations of those
man as they rode by his little shack.
long the way that my speedometer showed fools who imagine there is treasure bur-
"Now what do you s'pose I did to three-tenths greater mileage than over ied beneath the foundations of every his-
hurt their feelin's?" he would ask in a the same route a year and a half ago. toric landmark. I wish those thoughtless
hurt voice. "Why they jest passed by This is a reason why travelers on unim- persons who invent tales of buried treas-
without so much as lookin' in." proved desert routes cannot always de- ure for campfire entertainment would pick
He never could understand why any- pend on the accuracy of previous maps. on something besides these old stage
one would be in too much of a hurry to Heavy rains do not come often on the buildings. If some restoration work is


t - ;__.• LEAVE WASH AT
•C" >/APPROX. 1.0 Ml.-
•*• ^'UtONYX HILL .1 Ml.

not done soon the old Canyon springs larger crevices following the bedding ladies, and the other reserved for the
station will be only a memory. planes of the uplifted stone are filled men.
Across the wash from the stage station with plutonic rock that must have forced A short distance up the canyon be-
is the tributary wash in which the springs its way to the surface through fissures yond the cave we came upon recent evi-
are located, and it is up this arroyo where caused by the upthrust of the land blocks. dence of the changing desert landscape.
the bloodstone deposit described and It is in such bands of plutonic rock that A great mass of the canyon wall had fall-
mapped in the Desert Magazine of bloodstone and geode fields occur. en into the streambed and formed a nat-
March, 1933, is located. Presently we came to a cave. Several ural dam. This had happened since my
Red canyon, the tributary wash which names have been given this cavern by last visit here. In fact it was so recent that
was the objective of our trip, enters Salt prospectors who inhabited it at various the dust on the rocks had not been dis-
creek arroyo from the north, and is the times. One visitor even named it after turbed. The earth movements accompany-
second canyon beyond the stage station. himself and proclaimed the fact by ing the earthquake in Imperial valley
Turning left up the side wash we were scratching it in the sandstone. As far as this year may have caused this fall. It
soon pulling in heavy sand. All went I am concerned it is Bradshaw cave. Bill will be interesting to see what happens
well until a sharp jog in the watercourse Bradshaw, more than any pioneer of this when the next cloudburst sends a torrent
slowed us down - - and then we were region, deserves the honor. of water down this arroyo—whether the
•stuck. When Frank Coffey first guided me to obstruction is washed away, or a desert
The sun was low and we were tired this cave eight years ago he explained tank formed here. Eventually erosion will
and hungry, so we concluded this was that in the early days of the Bradshaw clear the obstacle.
an ideal spot for a camp. We could dig route there was no time to erect shelters. We continued our hike up the canyon
the car out in the morning when we were Red canyon was a watering place for and reached a point where a dike of bed-
fresh. travelers, and it was only natural that the rock crossed the floor of the arroyo. A-
It wasn't as hard a job as we had an- cave should be used as shelter by those bove the natural dam there were salt
ticipated. Flat slabs of flagstone were who camped here. grass and other signs of water.
abundant, and they solved the problem Coffey said that within his memory the Henry and I decided to dig for mois-
very readily. We continued our way up cave had been much deeper than it is ture. Not that we needed the water, but
the arroyo by a method that is slow but today. He explained that the Hemet we were interested to know if the under-
sure—on foot. earthquake many years ago shook a great ground tanks here retained their supply
The geology of this canyon is inter- block off the canyon wall and subsequent of water through a summer in which
esting. It has been eroded in upturned cloudbursts carried it away, leaving only there had not been a thunder shower to
beds of red sandstone which evidently the rear portion of the cavern intact. L. replenish them.
had formed in the bottom of an ancient S. Barnes who has known the cave for With our prospector's picks for tools
lake. Patterns made by mud worms crawl- many years, confirmed Frank's statement we began excavating. First we came to
ing on the bottom, and the ripple marks as to the previous depth of the cavity. damp sand, and then a little deeper the
of the waves on the beach help tell the A hard layer of sandstone that has re- soil was dripping with water. Soon the
geological story. sisted erosion bisects the cave at a sharp hole began to fill. On such a day as this
Here and there these sandstone beds angle, forming two rooms. Both Coffey it is always consoling to know that a
are cracked, and hot lime-bearing waters and Barnes told me that on those rare natural water supply is available, even
have deposited aragonite in the form of occasions when there were women in when the canteens are full.
limestone onyx in the seams. Other the party one room was assigned to the It was noon when we reached the base

NOVEMBER, 1940 15
had found the new waterhole, and were
making the most of it.
Gingerly we scraped them away to fill
our canteens. They resented our intru-
sion, and we each left with a sting or two
as a souvenir of this adventure.
On the trip home that evening we
talked about Bill Bradshaw and the fron-
tiersmen who blazed this old trail across
the desert. There have been tremendous
changes on the desert horizon during the
intervening 78 years. And yet Salt creek
wash today is just about as they found it.
Clemens well has been dug; the Oro-
copia mining boom flared up and passed;
the old rock house is going back to des-
ert and the cave is not as deep as it was
—but the hills are as silent and majestic
as when Bill Bradshaw first followed the
white ribbon of sand that is Salt creek
Stage coaches no longer rattle over the
bumpy road and parties of wild-eyed gold
seekers come no more to this region, but
in their places come others seeking trea-
sure—treasure that cannot be spent—
specimens of rock that carry with them
memories of sun shot canyons, breathless
climbs and star-studded desert nights.
They are treasures that, in terms of
health and real happiness, probably have
far greater buying power than the gold
that was mined by those old-timers near-
ly a century ago.


-The X's mark the general area where the onyx is weathering out of the To take care of the registration of 4200
Orocopia jield. Navajo Indians who were required to
enter their names under the army con-
Below—Flagstone slabs were used to get the car out of the sand in Red canyon. scriptive service measure, Superintendent
Desert Magazine readers who visit this field should park their cars in Salt creek E. R. Fryer of the Navajo agency ar-
wash at the entrance to the canyon and hike to the onyx field. ranged to have 125 registration places
opened on the huge reservation in Ari-
of the hill where my old onyx claims are of my friends with such a specimen zona and New Mexico. Indian service
located. We stopped in the shade of the promptly labeled it "petrified bacon," and volunteer interpreters were required
canyon wall for lunch, then entered a and was dismayed to find that some of at all the registration stations to explain
small side canyon on the left. There was his visitors believed it. the meaning of the draft forms.
onyx float in the bottom of the wash, and From the onyx deposit we wandered
as we climbed higher the limestone rocks over the surrounding hills to another in-
became larger and more frequent. The trusion of plutonic rock. There we found MONUMENT TO HONOR
outcropping of the stone is near the top. some larger geodes, but they were very CORONADO IS PROPOSED
The claim monuments were still stand- soft and not especially attractive. Senator Carl Hayden introduced a bill
ing, although I abandoned the deposit as Time flies too fast on a rock-hunting in congress the last day of September to
a commercial enterprise years ago. The trip. Before we realized it the shadows set aside an area along the Mexican bor-
onyx seams are too narrow to be of any were growing long—and our canteens der as the Coronado International monu-
value other than the carving of small were nearly empty. We started the long ment.
objects. The place is so inaccessible as to walk down the canyon—and before long Under plans sponsored by Arizonans
make it doubtful if even a large deposit were grateful that there would be ad- a similar park area will be set aside on
could be worked with profit. ditional water available when we reached the Mexican side of the line so that the
We found many shades of color here the hole we had excavated earlier in the proposed reserve will be truly an inter-
and on the surrounding hills. The colors day. national park.
ranged from snow white through pale Our throats were parched and that lit- A bill previously introduced by Hayden
yellow to dark reddish brown. Perhaps tle trickle of muddy water became an im- to withdraw 50,000 acres from the pres-
the most interesting type from this field portant goal. We knelt to drink—and ent limits of Saguaro national monument
is marked like a slab of bacon. When discovered that our waterhole was alive in Arizona passed the senate, but a presi-
such a piece is sliced on a diamond saw and crawling. We were not the only dential veto was predicted in Washing-
the effect is quite striking. In fact one thirsty beings on the desert. Wild bees ton.



Cahuilla tribesmen camped in Mortero canyon long before the white

man came to western America—but because of its inaccessibility few DOS CABEZAS LOG
white people have visited this oasis since the ancients departed. The 0.0 Miller Service Station, Hwy 80
Indians left behind their grinding mills—and it is from these that the .7 Leave pavement. Turn right on
canyon derives its name. Here is a weekend trip for Southern Califor- gravel road crossing In-ko-pah
nians who like to follow the winding trails that lead to remote corners wash.
of the desert. 1.4 Cross S. D. & A. tracks at Sug-
arloaf mountain quarry.
2.1 Junction. Take left road.

Palm Oa5i5 in 4.0 Cross railroad tracks.

4.6 Cross railroad again.
6.3 Cross tracks again.
6.4 Junction. Take left road.
7.9 Pass old sheep corral.
8.6 End of road in Dos Cabezas
Alotteto cove.

and then as I raised my head for a breath-

By RANDALL HENDERSON ing spell I saw the green fronds of a
tall palm just a few feet ahead. This tree
E of the old-timers told me conspicuous as a group of Washingtonia was the outpost on sentinel duty. Be-
many years ago about a little palms. yond it in an amphitheater-like cove was
palm oasis he had discovered in Eventually I did find them—but not a veritable jungle of palms and desert
a desert canyon in Southern California until I had spent several weekends in shrubbery.
not far from Dos Cabezas in eastern San quest of this remote little oasis. I came
Diego county. upon them suddenly—just as my pros- That was my first glimpse of the oasis
pector friend had said. in Mortero Palm canyon. I have returned
"The palms are hidden away in a lit- there many times since that first visit. Na-
tle side canyon," he said. "You'll come I was following an obscure canyon tive desert palms have a fascination for
upon them suddenly, in a place where that seemed to fade out against the rocky those who like to explore the remote can-
you would never expect to find palm slopes of a ridge a short distance ahead. yons. For, where there are palms there is
trees." But there is nothing on earth more de- always water — generally a clear cool
His directions for reaching the place ceiving than a desert canyon. The huge spring or a running stream. And where
were confusing. But that was of little im- jumble of rocks which seemed to mark there is a natural supply of water on the
portance. I had tramped the Dos Cabezas the end of the canyon was just a blind. desert, Indian tribesmen once lived. Wind
area many times—and if the oasis was I had worked my way up over the and rain and erosion may have covered
there, surely I could find a landmark as loose material for perhaps 300 feet— up or removed most of the evidence of

NOVEMBER, 194 17
This photograph. taken from the floor of the cove, shows To reach the top of one of the Cabezas it was necessary
just the tops of the towering bald-headed boulders knoivn to work our way up a crevice between two great boulders
as Dos Cabezas. of granite.

aboriginal life — but a diligent search A wide desert valley extends back in- to the palms—for it is the last time you
sooner or later reveals that ancient red- to the Peninsular range west of Sugar- will see them until you reach the oasis.
skins once camped nearby. The evidence loaf and the road across this valley is a We camped that night in Dos Cabezas
may be pottery shards in the sand, or winding ungraded trail bordered by a lux- cove with the bald-headed boulders that
broken chips of a foreign chalcedony or uriant growth of upper Sonoran vegeta- gave this place its name, towering in the
obsidian. Sometimes it merely is a weath- tion — ocotillo, jojoba, cholla, ephedra, moonlight above. Dos Cabezas is Spanish,
ered prayer stick buried in the dust of a agave, and on the higher levels juniper. meaning "two heads."
cave, or the faint trace of glyphs on the The rain gods were kind to this section It is a lovely camping spot. The trail
eroded face of a rock. I know of but one of the desert this September. We came comes to a dead end here. The place is
exception to this rule. That is at Palm along two weeks after the showers, and too remote for paved-road tourists, and
canyon in the Kofa mountains of Ari- the ocotillo already had thrown out shag- you'll feel as far removed from the rest
zona. I have yet to find tribal relics in gy coats of green leaves. Even the bur- of the world as if you were camping on
that spot. But the water supply there is roweed, which does not usually respond the planet Mars.
so far beneath the surface, and the can- to rain as quickly as ocotillo, was leafing Take plenty of water, for it is a dry
yon so precipitous that I can understand out. When ocotillo and burroweed are camp. Twenty years ago when the rail-
why Indians ignored the place. both in leaf the whole aspect of the des- road was being built across the moun-
My most recent trip to Mortero Palm ert changes. The browns give way to a tains from Imperial valley to San Diego
canyon was in September this year. My horizon of green. The traditional desert the springs were capped and the water
companion was Rand, my 20-year-old —the land of pastels—takes on a rich piped to Dos Cabezas station several
son who is now a member of the Desert deep coloring that is a contradiction of miles away. Water can be obtained at the
Magazine staff. the very word desert. station.
We packed our bedrolls and grub box Just before reaching Dos Cabezas cove Desert willow is the predominating
in the back of the car on a late Saturday we passed a pile of huge boulders and tree in the cove, but there are also mes-
afternoon and left El Centro on U. S. in the shelter of these rocks is an old quites, and a trio of mountain sumacs
Highway 80, heading toward the moun- sheep camp, constructed about 1920 by that have grown to tree-like proportions.
tain range that forms the western rim of Bob McCain, who now runs cattle in the The railroad construction crew built a
the Colorado desert. range to the west. There are too many picnic table under the sumacs. It is still
Less than a mile beyond Miller's ser- dry years to make sheep raising highly there, covered with the initials of visitors.
vice station, at the foot of the Mountain profitable in this area, and the camp is Since the urge to carve their initials in
Springs grade, we left the paved high- deserted most of the time. public places seems to be uncontrollable
way and dropped down into the dry It is possible to get a first glimpse of in many humans—the table is the best
sandy bed of In-ko-pah arroyo. The rough Mortero palms from the sheep corral. A place to put them. Certainly it is better
road crosses the wash to Sugarloaf moun- tiny cluster of green fronds may be seen than mutilating the trees. I've often
tain, then turns west along the tracks of in a little canyon far off to the southwest. wondered if the problem of the initial-
the San Diego and Arizona railroad. Note the location well if you plan to hike carvers might not be solved by erecting


—but it was confusing when we leached
the top of the ridge to discover that there
is a whole park of bald-headed knobs.
We climbed the two highest—but are not
sure yet whether or not they are the two
which stand out so conspicuously when
seen from the floor of the cove below.
Wind and sand and water have eroded
little tanks about the size of washtubs at
the top of one of the knobs. Natural
bird baths they are—but unfortunately
for the birds the rain does not come often
enough to make them a reliable source
of water.
Frost and water and sun and sand have
created strange freaks among the boulders
in the natural park on the top of Dos
Cabezas ridge. Great cavities have been
hollowed out of some of the rocks, and
it is possible to climb inside of one gran-
ite pedestal and look out through a nat-
ural window carved by erosion in the
hollow shell. It is a perfect lookout for
an Indian warrior—but quite evidently
is Nature's handiwork.
It is possible to reach Mortero palm
oasis from the Cabezas by climbing over
a couple of ridges to the west, and then
dropping down into Mortero canyon from
above. The more practicable route is to
go from the floor of the cove as shown in
the accompanying map.
Visitors to Dos Cabezas will observe
two little cabins at the base of the boul-
der-strewn ridge which encloses the cove
on the west. These cabins—now deserted
—were built and are owned by Harry
Cross of El Centro, California. Harry
took an apiary into this region 20 years
ago, and has been keeping his bees there
in good flowering seasons ever since. The
cabins are his bee camp, where he lives
and extracts his honey when he is oper-
ating in that region.
To reach Mortero palms the motorist
should take the faint trail that leads to
these cabins, and park just beyond them
—but not too far beyond, for there is
heavy sand ahead.
Above—Looking down into Dos Cabezas cove from the slope that leads to the From this parking spot hike straight
bald-headed rocks. ahead to an arroyo. Follow up this wash.
Below—Mortero Palm oasis is hidden away in an amphitheater-like canyon that Another arroyo comes in from a canyon
few white people have discovered. on the left. There is one lone palm up
this canyon just beyond the first bend.
But to reach the Mortero group continue
a heavy plank slab or oak or walnut at from above at some comparatively re- in the main wash to the second tributary
such places—as a sort of whittling post cent period in pre-history. which comes in from the left.
for the jackknife fraternity. When the white man first came to My directions are explicit because it is
We were eating our breakfast flapjacks this cove the springs were gushing from impossible to see these palms until you
the next morning as the first rays of the the rocks near the bottom of the slope. are in the midst of them. Nature hid
sun came over the eastern horizon. Of But it is quite certain that during a prev- them well—and that is one of the reasons
course the two Cabezas on the top of the ious period they were pouring their crys- for the fascination of this oasis.
hill were the first rocks to be lighted— tal stream from cavities high up on the It is a steep and rocky route, up that
and for a few moments they stood out ridge near the base of the bald knobs. second tributary, with no trail. There is
like white monuments on a ridge of black The evidence of waterfalls and pools nothing hazardous about it—just a hard
granite. still remains. In crevices on the shady side vigorous climb for those not accustomed
It is a strenuous climb to the top of the of some of the boulders are hardy little to the mountains.
saddle where the Cabezas are located. ferns that have clung to life as the water About half way from the mouth of
The huge boulders and slabs of rock supply diminished—and now have adapt- this tributary to the palms are the old In-
which cover the steep slope bear the wat- ed themselves to an arid environment. dian mortars from which, the canyon de-
ermarks of a stream which poured down We planned to climb the two Cabezas rived its name. They are in the bottom

NOVEMBER, 1940 19
of the canyon on the flat top of a great
slab of rock which forms a dike across
the water course. Probably a stream of
water poured over this dike at one time
forming a waterfall. It is easy to visualize
Hard Rock Shorty •
"J.T the women of an ancient tribe sitting on
the flat rock beside the stream, chatting
of Death Valley . . . S=4*#i? about their domestic affairs as their pes-
tles crunched the mesquite beans in the
By LON GARRISON bottom of the mortars.
ii fi AZY," demanded Hard figgerin'! All this gold was in a At a later date a white man came here,
/ Rock Shorty. "Yuh think little box canyon an' up to the head and just upstream from the mortars, built
I'm lazy? Great Jumpin' of it Jones'd rigged up a big sheet a concrete water tank for cattle he was
Jack Hammers! Me lazy? Why only iron shield. Had one o' these here running on the desert below. But a cloud-
last week—but Shucks! I knowed little carbon dioxide seeps under it burst wrecked the tank, and the rainfall
a guy oncet that was lazy though." to keep it cold an' nature done the in this area is too sparse to make stock
Hard Rock settled back in the rest. grazing a profitable venture. The morteros
shade and chewed on his pipe stem "The hot air rushin' up the can- probably will be there long after the last
until his blood pressure went down, yon'd hit the cold iron an' this'd vestige of the water tank has been swept
before he went on with his tale of condense the water out. This wat- away by floods.
the man he knew once who was er'd run down the crick an' wash The catsclaw will pick at your cloth-
really indolent. the sand out over some natural pot ing and the loose rocks slip from under
"I'll tell yuh about this Do-Noth- holes they was there. Down below your feet as you ascend that steep 300-
in' Jones. He'd a little claim over was a mercury deposit and Jones'd foot slope above the morteros. But when
here on Thirsty crick, an' it was set some o' this rock out in the sun you reach the top, the hard part of the
really dry. No more water over on 'til the mercury cooked out an' trip is over. The palms are just ahead.
it than there is in the Cactus bar. then carry the high grade down an' The Washingtonias in this group still
But Jones was a prospector, an' mix 'er up a bit. Then he'd set the
amalgam back in the sun and let wear their shaggy skirts. Some of them
the color was good so he staked
'er out. One day Pisgah Bill an' me the mercury all cook out again an' show evidence of ancient fires—perhaps
got to wonderin' how things was shovel up the gold. Purty nice—an' started by Indians, or by lightning. But
goin' so we meandered over to it worked too! few feet have trod that jungle of palms
look. Couldn't find no trace o' the and arrowweeds in recent years.
"But as I was sayin', this Do-
owner. Do-Nothin' Jones 'd skip- Nothin' Jones was about the laziest There is a little spring in the center of
ped. Had things rigged up kind o' cuss, outside a jassack, I ever seen the oasis, but it is not very accessible due
complicated though an' me an' Bill or hearn about, an' after it was all to the jungle of shrubbery that has grown
couldn't figger it out so went home. set up he was too gol-blamed lazy up around it. Visitors should take their
"After I'd set an' thunk about to run it. Just walked off an' left canteens to be sure of their water supply.
it a few days I decides to go back ever'thing. Didn't even clean up One of the striking landmarks here is
an' take another look. This time I the last time. An' that gold'd be sea lion rock—located on the hillside
got it, an' say! This Do-Nothin' there yet if I hadn't hired a guy just above the little pile of slabs where
Jones must o' been a top hand at to go out an' shovel it up for me!" nearly every visitor stops to eat lunch. I
have followed this water course some dis-
tance beyond the palms, but as far as I
know it is the only group of Washing-
tonias in the canyon.
Mortero canyon is included within the
proposed boundaries of the greater Anza
desert state park. Political and uninform-
Each month the Desert Magazine 2—Not more than four prints may be
ed persons in San Diego have been seek-
offers two cash prizes for the best submitted by one person in one month.
camera pictures submitted by amateur ing to block the reservation of this land
3—Winners will be required to furnish
photographers. The first award is either good glossy enlargements or the for park purposes. My opinion is that if
$5.00 and the second $3.00. original negatives ir requested. they were better acquainted with this
4—Prints must be in black and white, region their objections would be with-
Pictures are limited to desert sub- 3V4X5V2 or larger,, and must be on glossy drawn. Cattle raising has proved unprofit-
jects, but there is no restriction as to paper. able here. There is not sufficient water for
the residence of the photographer. En- Pictures will be returned only when agriculture. It belongs to the public as a
tries may include Indian pictures, rock stamped envelopes or photo-mailers are playground—a playground whose beauty
formations, flowers and wild animals, will be reserved for those who have the
canyons, trees, waterholes — in fact For non-prize-winning pictures accepted hardihood to venture off the paved high-
for publication $1.00 will be paid for each
everything that belongs to the desert print. ways and explore the real desert that lies
country. behind the austere mask of the arid
Winners of the November contest
will be announced and the pictures region.
Following are the rules governing
the photographic contest: published in the January number of There is a rugged fascination about
the magazine. Address all entries to: Dos Cabezas and the Mortero palm can-
1—Pictures submitted in the November yon that cannot be measured with dollars
contest must be received at the Desert Contest Editor, Desert Maga- nor bought with gold. They belong to
Magazine office by November 20. zine, El Centre California. Nature-loving Americans of every creed
and color and race.


For the historical data
Desert Place Names contained in this de-
partment the D e s e r t
Magazine is indebted to the research work done by the late Will C. Barnes,
author of "Arizona Place Names;" to Betty Toulouse of New Mexico, Hugh
F. O'Neil of Utah, and Marie Lomas.

CASSADORA Gila county FISH SPRINGS Imperial county
Spring and mountain named for San One and a half miles south of River-
Carlos Apache sub-chief whose small side county line between highway 99 and
band lived in the Gila valley now cov- Salton sea, artesian springs fed by es-
ered by the waters of Coolidge dam. In cape of Coachella valley water. Named 1941 Model
1873 several whites were killed by A- from the fact that a certain kind of fish
paches in the vicinity of Cassadora's has long lived in the tepid water, which
camp. The chief said his people were has a temperature of about 90 degrees. a. a
not responsible, the killing was done by C. R. Orcutt, in Western American Scien- Be sure to see this IMPROVED travel-
"bad Indians." When settlers refused to ing home. More luxury while you
tist, vol. 5, September 1888, under the rough it. Stop where you wish—Stay
believe him, troops were ordered to hunt title Fishing on the Colorado desert, de- as long as you like.
the killers and to take no prisoners. Fear- scribes catching Cyprinodon calijornien-
ing death, Cassadora and all his band — N O W ON DISPLAY AT —
sis there and gives water temperature as
fled to the hills, men, women and child-
ren on foot. As Capt. J. M. Hamilton's 100 degrees. Main spring occupies a GEORGE T. HALL
pool once measured as 20 feet or more SO. CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTOR
cavalrymen tracked down the fugitives, a 5614 West Washington
squaw walked into the bluecoats' lines. in depth. U. S. geological survey reports
origin of springs of this type may be due Los Angeles — — — California
Her people wanted to give up. Hamilton
told her none would be allowed to sur- to softening and carrying upward of fine
render. Despite this ultimatum the entire silty soil by rising currents of water.
band appeared next morning, their hands These and similar springs may represent . BETTER DEALERS FEATURE
in air as a sign of peace, and asked for dying phases of vents kin to mud vol-
mercy. Cassadora spoke: "We were a- canoes south of Salton sea and their op-
fraid because some bad Indians had kill- enings may have more truly explosive
ed white men, so we ran away. That was origin. Fish springs are best example
wrong. We cannot fight. We have no known of the type, but Figtree John (see
arms or ammunition. Our food is gone. Desert Magazine May 1940 p 42) and FLEXIBLE STEEL
We suffer from hunger. Our moccasins Dos Palmas (Desert Magazine Jan. 1940 VENETIAN BLIND
are worn out. You can see our tracks on p40) are of the same type.
the rocks where our feet have left blood.
We do not want to die. But if we must,
we prefer to die by the bullets of your
soldiers' guns than from hunger. We NEVADA
In the Center of Downtown
come asking for peace." This was too GOLDFIELD Esmeralda county
much for Hamilton. He swore he would
rather lose his place in the army than In November 1902 Harry Stimler and
Billy Marsh, two young Tonopah pros-
kill these Indians in cold blood. He fed
the tribesmen, sent a plea to headquarters pectors, entered the district now known
asking that the order to take no prison- as Goldfield. First they stopped near Rab- FOURTH and
ers be rescinded. This was done. Cassa- bit springs. On Columbia mountain they SPRING STS.
dora's band surrendered on February 18, opened ledges that later produced hun-
1874, troopers escorted the Apaches to dreds of thousands of dollars. Finding
the homes from which they had fled. gold float about a mile north of the town
of Columbia, they struck out into the
SALOME CREEK Gila county surrounding country. When they hurried
Rises north of Roosevelt lake on west into Tonopah their samples assayed $12.
slope of Sierra Ancha and flows south- in gold. They returned to camp, made 19
west into lake. Stream originally named locations and named the district "Grand-
for the daughter of Herodias. Spanish pa." A gold rush followed, somebody
pronounced it "Sal-oh-may," accent on put out the slogan, "Once a desert, now
the last syllable and this the early Ameri- a gold field" and the original name
can settlers turned into "Sally May." "Grandpa" was forgotten in the more
By 1886 the name was commonly attrib- glamorous title, Goldfield.
uted to two daughters of an old (and
mythical) settler, "Sally and May," whose Right in the center of activities..
existence is very unlikely, Barnes com- . . . . a quiet, comfortable hotel
ments. UTAH home . . 200 rooms
From $2 with from . 25
• • • BEAR RIVER CITY Box Elder county I'rivnte Bath
NEW MEXICO Alt. 4,498. Pop. 436. Settled 1866.
ST. VRAIN Curry county Derived its name from Bear river, near
From Cesari St. Vrain, pioneer trap- which it is situated. Region at headwaters Angelus De Anza
per who went to New Mexico with Kit of this stream once abounded in black H OT • L
Carson in 1826. bears.

NOVEMBER, 1940 21
mates. Collectors in northern states report that
it is very hardy and withstands severe frosts.
Cuttings require only the usual precautions
necessary with cactus to become established in
the garden; that is, dry the fresh cut thorough-
ly for about two weeks after which it can
be rooted in sand and then transplanted to a
medium rich soil that is well drained and in
partial shade.

Cleveland, Ohio . . .
New officers of the Midwest Cactus and
Succulent society are John Bock, Sharon,
Perm., president; Kenneth Kline, Cleveland,
Ord mountain district south of Daggett, Cali- 1st vice-president; Grace S. Rodgers, Lorain,
fornia, there are some with bristles up to 12 Ohio, 2nd vice-president; John E. C. Rodgers,
or 14 inches in length! This variety has long Lorain, secretary-treasurer.
By ROY MILLER been sold by cactus dealers under the name
of "Grizzly Bear" cactus, and is sometimes
Belonging to the same genus as the com- called Opuntia ursina.
mon prickly pear cactus, Opuntia erinacea is Members of this species have no fear of Cincinnati, Ohio . . .
strikingly different in appearance. Instead of cold weather. Growing as they often do at Newly elected officers of the K I O Cactus
having vicious spines, the joints or pads are very high altitudes they encounter low tem- club are Jos. F. Schnurr, Covington, presi-
covered with long flexible bristles or hairs peratures and sometimes are snowbound most dent; Rev. Neil E. Annable, Bellevue, Ky.,
which are usually white or light grey in col- of the winter. This does them no harm as vice-president; H. Ranshaw, Covington, treas-
or. Nature must surely have been in a they prepare for the cold early in the autumn urer; Lloyd F. Combs, Cincinnati, recording
prankish mood when she designed a woolly by going dormant and drying out, losing most secretary; Chas. R. Cole, Cincinnati, corre-
looking coat for this desert dweller. of their succulent nature. Many of the pads sponding secretary.
Opuntia erinacea ranges over a rather then le..n over until they are practically

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . . .

Cactus and Succulent society early formed
plans to participate- in the State Fall Flower
show, held in Oklahoma City October 12 and
13. Besides competitive showings, a special
cactus exhibit of all the native species was
arranged as an educational feature.
H. O. Bullard of Hackensack. N. J., hon-
orary member, has announced he is forming a
society in the eastern state for those interested
in cactus and allied plants.
Cultural notes from Mrs. S. P. Seela indi-
cate success with Vitamin B-l. Using it last
spring, some of her specimens flowered for
the first time. Still blooming at the end of
September were Aztekiiim rilteri. Lepismium
cruciforme. Obregonia denegri, Leucbleiiberg-
ia principis. Strombocactus schmeidyckianus,
the Monvillias, Gymnocalydums, Harrisias
and Astrophytums.

Tucson, Arizona . . .
The spread of the plant disease, bacterial
necrosis, among the Arizona giant cactus, has
led to a survey by the national park service
and the university of Arizona.
The disease is first noticed when the plants
begin to exude a dark brown liquid. Finally
rotted away, the giants break and fall in wind
Colony O) Grizzly Bear Cactus. Photo taken by the author at Ord mountain, Mojave desert. storms. This condition was first reported
scientifically by Dr. J. G. Brown, professor
of plant pathology at the state university, last
large territory and—as usual in the cactus prostrate and thus spend the winter under spring at the Tucson meeting of the southwest
family—varies considerably in different lo- the snow. In the spring the prostrate pads section, American Association for the Ad-
calities. Plants have been found in California form roots and send up new shoots and so vancement of Science. Cooperating with Dr.
as far north as Bishop and as far south as the clump spreads year by year into a tan- Brown in the present survey work is D. W.
the San Jacinto mountains, along the Palms gled mass of pads and bristles. Egermayer, ranger in charge of the Saj;uaro
to Pines highway. From here they range north The flowers are large for the size of the national monument.
and east through southern Nevada and north- plant. They grow along the upper edge of
western Arizona to the southern part of Utah. the pads—sometimes three or four on a pad,
Variations in this species need not be con- and are usually 2 or 21/2 inches across. They
fusing, even to the beginner, as they consist vary in color from light yellow to red, oc-
only of differences in the size of the joints casionally with a double row of petals. The
and in the length and color of the spines.
The joints or pads are light green in color
and rather flabby in texture and may be from
seed pods are covered with short stiff bristles.
This is another species which was named
. Grow these fascinating flowering plants in
in 1856 by that pioneer desert botanist, Dr.
two to eight or ten inches long. The spines George Engelmann, and although hairsplit- p u r apartment window. A real garden
or bristles run from snow white to grey or ting botanists have quibbled over the name .hobby! Grow anywhere! My new ^
yellow and may or may not have the tips catalog profusely illustrated in lull colors FREE TO
many times since, it is still recognized by CUSTOMERS. II wanted for reference 10c i s \
colored red or black. most authorities. appreciated to cover mailing costs. Its a handbook of\
Among cactus collectors, the longer the In cultivation this plant is very satisfactory interesting photos and culture directions.
bristles the more desirable the plant. Some —the only objection being that the spines J O H N S O N C A C T U S G A R D E N S BYNES, CALIF
very fine specimens have been found. In the may turn to a rather dirty grey in some cli-


The clock on the shelf at Yaquitepec wouldn't
run, so Marshal South built a sundial. It is a crude
affair, but it doesn't make much difference—they
seldom look at it anyway. Time doesn't matter
greatly on the desert summit of Ghost mountain
where Marshal and Tanya and Rider, Rudyard
and Victoria, are carrying on their great adven-
ture in primitive living. This is the tenth of the
"Desert Diary" series which has been running in
the Desert Magazine this year.


Octaken, at

/ / N important event at Yaquitepec is to be recorded

~f—7 this month. The Thunder Bird, who for the dwellers
of Indian sun-land takes upon himself the duties of
the civilized stork, has made his long looked forward to visit,
bringing from the Hand of the Great Spirit a precious gift—
a tiny, lively little maiden whom we have named Victoria.
There is rejoicing upon the mountaintop and two "big Marshal South operates the crude grinding mill origin-
brothers" are visibly swelled with importance at the prospect ally used on Ghost mountain to crush wild seeds \or the
of having a little sister to look after. Rudyard, who has beea family larder.
automatically moved up a notch—being now no longer the
"littlest" clan member is very conscious of his new dignity.
Every once in a while, chest out and strutting, he lugs some the rocky ridges. These small crowding flowers, like little
treasured possession to exhibit to the new arrival. "See kid, spreading paint brushes dipped in yellow, hold a lure for
this my bow-arrow. See!" And quite satisfied that he has the bees and drifting butterflies. Other species of tiny plants
made a good impression he trots off to get some other "ex- are opening blossoms also. We can generally count on a few
hibit." Rider smiles at such show-off with lofty amusement. showers in October, a sort of forewarning of the approach of
But he is not one fraction less excited than his brother. Both winter.
of them spend most of their time hanging around watching Night before last there was a great thump on the roof,
every movement of this fascinating new playmate—and specu- and almost immediately a heavy scrambling along the water
lating on the wonderful times they will all have together gutter. Rider sat up abruptly in bed. "Skunk!" he said, blink-
when she grows up a bit. ing the sleep from his eyes. "I'll bet that's another of those
The tall mescal stalks are dead and dry now and the spotted ones!"
seed pods have mostly all cracked open. To knock It was a good guess. For presently there was another thump
against a stalk in passing is to have a shower of the on the awning over a little arched window that stood open.
thin, jet black seeds rustle down upon you. Very carefully Then, against the moon, an inquisitive peering head and
and marvelously packed in their seed cases, these tiny, wafer- lifted plume of tail appeared as our visitor scrambled onto
like discs. The wind, swooping over the desert, scatters them the sill and paused, gathering himself for the jump inside.
far and wide as they shake out and fall. But it was outside that he jumped. For, just at that instant,
There is one uncanny fact about mescal seeds which I have I flung a pillow at him. It slammed against the narrow win-
never been quite able to explain; you find them often, fresh dow opening with a smack that must have robbed our un-
and shiny looking, under the very centers of heavy flat boul- welcome caller of seven years' growth. With a thud of utter
ders. Boulders which, until this moment of moving, seem to rout he hit the ground and fled for safety in a spatter of
have lain undisturbed for centuries. How do they get there? flying gravel. We don't like the little spotted desert skunks at
What is the explanation? Ants, possibly. But I have never Yaquitepec, for we share the well founded conviction of most
been able to discover traces of ant workings or runways under desert dwellers that their bite is likely to cause hydrophobia.
the stones where I have found these mysteriously hidden seeds. We have had several bouts with them, for they are exceed-
Our bird friends are more in evidence again. A number of ingly bold. October in particular, seems to be skunk month.
them drift away during the hot months, presumably summer- They are said to range a good deal. So it may be that on this
ing in localities where water is easier. But they are begin- month Ghost mountain is the fashionable social center for
ning to return. And a few "visitors" with them. Yesterday the skunk "four hundred."
we saw a bluejay. Ghost mountain holds an attraction at this We have had other furred visitors during the past few
season. The days are pleasant and the crest is a sheen of gold days, who have been more welcome. Particularly the squirrel
from the myriad flowers of the ramarillo bushes that cover and the old pack rat. There is usually a tiny pile of food

NOVEMBER, 1940 23
scraps set out on the edge of the terrace at the north end of never varies. There is truth in this argument, for it is one of
the house. An old brown squirrel who has gradually be- the most constant of clocks. One can always rely on it. With-
come tamer and tamer has developed a habit of coming down out variation for five years its hands have pointed to 4:33.
there to squat and stuff. Several days ago a big pack rat, Tanya contends that it is dumb and static and that she is a
evidently scandalized at such gluttony, summoned courage little tired of glancing at the unchanging expression on its
enough to sample the free provisions also. face. There are other things, she says, that she would like
But his antics were funny. Plainly he was torn between better to see in the clock niche. "It won't tick!" she says,
nervous apprehension and a burning desire to get hold of shaking it.
some plunder. He would come scooting out of the bushes "It may go in the winter," I suggest mildly, "It went once."
with long, nimble leaps, pause, glance around, then dash "You say that every year," she counters, "and in the win-
for the food, snatching a morsel from under the squirrel's ter you say that the works are probably frozen and that it
nose and fleeing with it as madly as a thief with a jittery will maybe go in the summer. What's the good of keeping
conscience. Sometimes, in his haste he would drop the scrap a clock that won't tick?"
half way and, too scared to stop, would go tumbling into "The sundial doesn't tick either," Rider said mischievously.
shelter without it. Then, presently, his nose and bright eyes "So we ought to keep the clock, Mother. Maybe some day
would thrust cautiously out again. With a nervous rush he we'll need to check up one against the other." He giggled at
would dart for the morsel and race to safety with it. Soon his own joke.
he would be back again for more. Back and forth, grabbing "An excellent argument," I said. "I think Rider is quite
and scooting, streaking away with his loot between the mescals right. One never knows what may happen; one should be
and rocks. For a long while, sputtering with suppressed gig- prepared for every sort of emergency. Besides the clock is
gles, Rider and Rudyard watched the show through a narrow decorative and its presence lends a sort of social standing.
little window. Meanwhile, undisturbed and with a sort of And if there should be an eclipse of the sun and the sun-
bored air, the squirrel sat stolidly munching. When he had
dial "
reached for the last scrap and stuffed it into his mouth he
turned with dignity and tailed off to his own diggings. "Oh well, never mind the rest of it," Tanya said resign-
edly. She put the old veteran back in his niche.
The kitchen clock has again been under fire. Every once So again, in peace, with neither tick nor tock time marches
in a while there is an agitation to dispossess it and evict it on at Yaquitepec and the unhurried, silent shadow moves
from its niche over the stove. It is a battle between the round ana round on the chisel-marked granite block that
"ayes" and the "noes"-—and so far the "noes" have always stands on the terrace. There is nothing elaborate about the
won by a narrow margin. It is the only clock Yaquitepec pos- Yaquitepec sundial. But it does its work with fair accuracy
sesses. And, as Rider points out, it is a good clock for it and we are satisfied with it. It wasn't originally intended to
be a sundial. In the beginning it was part of a crude home-
made grain mill. But another mill superseded it and in the
course of time the upper millstone of the discarded apparatus
was broken. Then one day the old clock folded its hands at
M SPRINGS 4:33 and we were without the time. Which didn't matter
much, for "time" is an illusion anyway. But there is a sort
of habit to the counting of it. So I resurrected the nether
millstone with its central iron pin—which was a long iron
bolt cemented into a hole in the stone—and set forth to
make a sundial.
When you set out to make a sundial you are likely, un-
less you have given some study to what seems an artlessly
AT ITS BEST simple matter, to discover several things. Things about angles
and directions and so forth. It isn't a matter of just marking
the passage of a shadow with a line denoting each hour. Oh
no! Several things—simple enough things, of course—must
be taken into consideration. All of which, by the aid of a
carpenter's square and level, an old gun barrel and a bor-
rowed watch, we eventually solved. It was winter when I
made the sundial and I still have chilly recollections of
"shooting" the North star through the old gun barrel, lashed
to a post—an operation which, in conjunction with the
square and level, gave me a pattern for the gnomen angle.
"For Good Health" this is the waywe play There are teeth-chattering memories too of levelling and
There's no liner place to enjoy desert wedging and sighting under the chill starlight as I arranged
life than the Desert Inn—a 35-acre the granite block on a big boulder pedestal in the exact
garden estate in the midst oi scenic position necessary, so that in the morning it could be per-
splendors. So carefree and informal. manently secured with cement. The cutting of the hour lines,
yet one of America's most luxurious checking with the borrowed watch, was a sunny job that
hotels- was easy.
Enjoy your own private bun-
galow; swimming pool, tennis They are crude but the final result was comforting. Our
courts; all-grass golf course sundial works. Sometimes it proves, when checked against
adjoining grounds. Delicious
food. the haughty mechanism of expensive visiting watches, to be
fifteen minutes or so out. But who would worry about a little
32 years under original ownership and
management of Nellie N. Coffmati,
THE thing like 15 minutes' error? Certainly not here on Ghost
mountain, where there are no "limiteds" to catch and where
Earl Cojfman and George Robersori.
DESERT the golden sheen of the sun wraps the desert distances in a
PALM SPRINGS, CALlF. INN robe of glow and dim mystery that is timeless.


—a monthly review of the best literature MINERALS AND METALS, has been
of the desert Southwest, past and present. written recently by Howard Kegley,
president of the Engineer's club of Los
Angeles and past president of the Mining
TWO NEW WESTERN GUIDE ing style. A keyed state map, sectional Association of the Southwest.
and city maps accompany the text. The booklet discusses briefly the op-
The final section contains a chronology, portunities that still exist for the mineral
Americans who will of necessity do reading list and index. A calendar of hunter, and suggests how and where to
their traveling on their home soil this annual events and chapter of general in- plan a prospecting trip. Forms for plac-
year and probably next, will appreciate formation and regulations is also includ- er and lode location notices, and instruc-
the series of state guides now being com- ed. tions for locating and filing on claims are
piled by research workers and writers un- given. Published by Hewitt-Cooke Pub-
der the Works Progress Administration. The Texas volume was sponsored by lishing Co., Los Angeles. 25 cents.
the bureau of research in the social scien-
The most recent volumes on South- ces of the University of Texas. Coronado
west states are TEXAS, A Guide to the Cuarto Centennial commission was spon-
Lone Star State, and NEW MEXICO, A sor of the New Mexico guide.
Guide to the Colorful State. Both are
Bound in colorful buckram, illustrated
published by Hastings House, New York,
who also published the ARIZONA guide by scores of halftone photographs and
reviewed in the July 1940 issue of Desert drawings. TEXAS, 718 pages, $3.00.
Magazine. NEW MEXICO, 458 pages, $2.50.
Classified advertising in this section
The guides follow the same general costs jive cents a word, $1.00 mini-
plan. Part One is a survey of the natural mum per issue—actually about 2^/2
and historical setting, and of the modern MARK TWAIN WON FAME cents per thousand readers.
social, agricultural and industrial status. ON THE COMSTOCK LODE
The second part is a section devoted to MAPS
the principal cities—their origin, growth, Samuel Clemens at 25 had served two BLACKBURN MAPS of Southern California
points of interest and detailed informa- apprenticeships—as a printer and as a desert region. San Bernardino county 28x42
tion for tourists. pilot on the Mississippi—and had shown inches $1.00; San Diego county 24x28
inches 50c; Imperial county 19x24 inches
The tours section, which makes up little promise of success in either of them 50c. Postpaid. Add 3 % sales tax in Cali-
almost half of the volumes, should be when he came West in 1861. fornia. DESERT CRAFTS SHOP, 636 State
one of the most popular features of this Five and one-half years later, he re- Street, El Centro, California.
series. The 29 Texas and 18 New Mexico turned to the east as Mark Twain, a writ- BOOKS
tours cover virtually all the accessible er and humorist with a national reputa- THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND and the Sea
parts of their respective states. Road in- tion. —A 114-page book of Desert and Sea
formation, including mileages, geological verse, numbered and autographed by the
It is about those 5Vi years as miner author, R. Clarkson Colman who has paint-
formation, flora and fauna, archaeological and journalist on the Comstock lode and ed and written of the West for more than
and historical sites, and other cultural in San Francisco that Ivan Benson has 20 years. Illustrated with more than 40
features are noted in brief and interest- written in MARK TWAIN'S WESTERN cuts and bound in California Redwood. Send
YEARS, published by Stanford Press in for free descriptive matter. R. Clarkson Col-
man, 3864 Bayside Walk, Mission Beach,
1938. California.
SUBSCRIBE TO It was during his years on the Territori-
al Enterprise at Virginia City, Nevada, ROOMS
Hoofs and Horns that Twain emerged from a rather crude
reporter to a polished master of humor
and satire.
invalid or one seeking rest on edge of des-
ert in ranch home near Salton Sea. Box 21,
Calipatria, California. Phone 3674.
To Keep Abreast of the RODEO
Virginia City—a booming camp in the NOVELTIES
GAME a n d its HAPPENINGS — heart of an untamed desert, a frontier at- INDIAN RELICS. Beadwork. Coins. Miner-
Its news about Rodeos and Roundups mosphere that placed little restraint on als. Books. Dolls. Old Glass. Old Weit
is the most authoritative of any pub-
lished in America. Rodeo Association personal freedom, and a job where he Photos. Miniatures. Weapons. Catalogue 5 c
bulletin and Cowboy's Turtle Associa-
could write what he pleased as long as Vernon Lemley, Osborne, Kansas.
tion news are published monthly.
he was willing to assume personal re- POINTS OF INTEREST
Those who enjoy poetry of the Old
West will revel in the abundance of sponsibility for what he wrote—this was IF FIGHTING DAYS ARE OVER—come to
truly typical poetry that appears in the environment that developed the geni-
each issue of Hoofs and Horns. You'll the desert for peace, quiet and a charm be-
like Hoofs and Horns! us which lay dormant in Mark Twain. yond describing. Cathedral City, California.
Information, W . R. Hillery.
Each issue is generously illustrated
with pictures of the people and places
Ivan Benson has done a thorough job
that are important to the current and of searching out minute detail in the LIVESTOCK
past history of the Range country*
Don't miss a single copy! life of the Twain of that period, and in- KARAKULS producers of Persian Lamb fur
Subscription Rates cidentally, has given a remarkably clear are easy to raise and adapted to the desert
picture of mining operations on the Com- •which is their native home. For further in-
formation write Addis Kelly, 4637 E. 52
1 YEAR $1.00
3 YEARS $2.00
2 YEARS $1.50
stock lode of that period. Place, Maywood, California.
The appendix includes many pages of
reprint from Twain's newspaper writings REAL ESTATE
of that period. For illustration a number
H O O F S a n d H O R N S of photographs of the early day period in W. E. HANCOCK
P. 0. Box 790 Tucson, Arizona Virginia City are reproduced. Index. "The Farm Land Man"

NOVEMBER, 1940 25
Plan Now to H€ R€ fin D T H C R C
SKI an the
. . .
SKATES ARIZONA Coolidge . . .
CLOTHING Safeguarding publicly-owned prehistoric
Accessories Tucson . . . ruins is aim of an intensive field program
Rancho del Quivari, one-time home of by the national park service. Hugh M. Mill-
Harold Bell Wright southwest of Tucson,
GOT W. 7th Street — Los Angeles
has been sold to Ruth Dickenson, formerly
of Santa Cruz, California. The ranch's his-
tory: originally homesteaded by the late
er, superintendent of Southwestern national
monuments reports erosion has endangered
several famous ruins in the Southwest. Wise-
FREE PARKING IN REAR ly planned action is needed. A general poli-
Kirk L. Hart, former Tucson rancher-bank- cy of preservation and restoration for Ari-
er; operated as a cattle ranch by Harold
zona and New Mexico monuments will be
Bell Wright and Walter Bailey; bought by
the late Milton Statler and operated as a set up.
dude ranch; leased and operated for the Window Rock . . .
tventuaUy.uihy not now VISIT past year by the Rancho del Quivari, Inc., Navajo Indians in 1939 had commercial
revenue of $1,768,182, according to E. R.
DEATH VALLEY of which Miss Dickenson is head.
Ajo . . •
Fryer, superintendent of the Navajo agency
here. Largest returns came from sale of
"Dhe Valley of life" American participation in the Coronado livestock, totaling $767,470. Other revenue:
STOVE PIPE WELLS international monument in Arizona has been hides and pelts, $19,362; wool and mohair,
HOTEL.""1 LODGES approved by the senate public lands com- $346,036; arts and crafts products, $438,-
f: mittee. United States area in the monument 998. In addition the Indians had an income
includes approximately 2880 acres between of $70,573 through the livestock disposition
Bisbee and Nogales. This is now part of program. Navajo slaughtered 55,618 sheep
the Coronado national forest. Mexico has and 40,859 goats for home consumption.
Jfc: established its part of the monument across
the border. Presidential approval of the in-

• •

clusion is expected. Another bill approved

by the lands committee would change name Needles . . .
of the Organ Pipe cactus national monument Someone telephoned Frank Kisinger, po-
Write for rate information and in Arizona to the Organ Pipe national re- lice chief: "There's a man's body washed
reservations. creational area, and permit mining within up on a sandbar in the Colorado river north
its boundaries. of town." Police drove to the river, sighted
Death Valley, California.
Kingman . . . the stranded object through the dusk. The
If experiments in using fiber from yucca bar was far across stream and the water was
are successful, a plant may be established in cold, but Leroy E. Dixon, undertaker,
Name Mojave county. A carload of Spanish Dagger plunged in. At the sandbar he found a hu-
yucca has been shipped by John Osterman, man figure sculptured from sand.
Street truck line operator, to the General Fibre Palm Springs . . .
Products corporation, Claremont, Califor- Up near the head of picturesque Palm
nia, for processing. Canyon a great sliding mountain has been
City State discovered. Jim Maynard, Palm Springs po-
Tucson . . . lice officer, and Lee Miller, artist-engineer,
(Please print name and address) First large kiva ever found in Arizona made the find. The moving mountain, they
was uncovered recently by Dr. Emil W. say, is larger than that at Pt. Fermin near
Haury, head of the university of Arizona Los Angeles. The slide evidently broke
anthropology department. Located at Bear loose during the earthquake disturbance
Ruin in Forestdale valley near Showlow,
the 11th century kiva (underground cere- which did much damage in Imperial Valley
monial chamber of Southwest Indians) mea- last May 18. Miller and Maynard noted
sured 62 feet in diameter and is as large as three separate fractures, each marked by a
some found in New Mexico. It has a 12- drop of 10 feet. The mountain is in a region
foot-wide stairway for entrance. Most kivas not frequented by amateur hikers.
are entered by ladders through holes in the Independence . . .
roof. Other Haury discoveries this summer: Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Taylor's pet trade
a seventh century 36-foot kiva with four rat left smooth, shiny pebbles in exchange
recesses built on the four points of the com- for matches he took from a pocket of Tay-
pass; nine pit houses near by, with barbecue lor's trousers, but as yet has left no check
pits; some 35 rooms in the pueblo contain- to pay for the trousers, which were burned.
ing the giant kiva. Making the exchange, the trade rat ignited
the matches in pocket of the trousers, which
The Nevada-California Elec- Yuma . . . were hanging on a door. A new pair of
Water, feeding grounds and resting place overalls, hanging over them, also burned.
tric is the Pioneer Power Com- for migratory waterfowl will be provided by Coachella . . .
pany in the California Deserts. turning water into an old lake north of the It took more than 400 fire-fighters to put
It brought electric power to des- No. 1 tunnel of the Gila irrigation project. under control what threatened to develop
ert wastes in the early days Floodwaters from the Colorado used to fill into one of the most destructive fires of sev-
the lake yearly, do so no longer since held
over long transmission lines in check by Boulder dam. Federal biological
eral years in the San Jacinto mountains a-
and under difficult conditions. bove here near first of October. Earlier in
experts reported the lake was important to the summer fires swept over sections of the
It is still on the job serving its propagation of waterfowl, cooperated with Santa Rosa mountains.
territory. the bureau of reclamation and the Yuma
valley Rod and Gun club, Inc., to get water Calexico . . .
Company customers are of- in the lake bed. A team of oxen for Calexico's second
fered special terms on appli- Florence . . .
annual Desert Cavalcade, to be presented
ances. Call at any office. February 20-22, 1941, has been obtained
Willingness to relinquish jurisdiction over by George Luckey. The oxen have already
Poston butte, near Florence, has been ex- been shipped from their birthplace in San

Rev-Cal Electric pressed by the federal government. Florence

chamber of commerce wants to make Poston
butte a state park. It is burial place of W.
Luis Potosi state, Old Mexico, to Crystal
City, Texas, for a course in English. In the
pageant the beasts are to haul a carreta, be-
(Pioneer Power Company) D. Poston, first representative in congress ing built in Baja California, so must learn
from the Territory of Arizona. to respond to commands in English.


Palm Springs . . . NEW MEXICO
Fear of increased flood danger is slight
in the south section of Palm Springs and
surrounding territory as result of the Santa
Rosa mountain fire which burned over thou-
Las Cruces . . .
Cotton production in New Mexico is ex-
pected to reach 111,000 bales in 1940. This
sands of acres of watershed several months will top last year's yield by 9000 bales. PALMS
ago. Forest service men and army engineers
estimate after survey that not more than 10
per cent of the watershed was destroyed.
Some 7000 acres in the Palm Canyon water-
Santa Fe . . .
"I was at Fort Union at the time and
know I am not mistaken." With this posi-
shed were burned over in the Santa Rosa OASIS
fire which devastated about 12,000 acres tive statement George C. Crocker, Alameda,
in all. defies war department records that Apache FIREPLACE ADOBES
Chieftain Geronimo was never imprisoned
Holtville . . . at old Fort Union, in northeastern New FOOD TO REMEMBER
Arrival of first water ever to cross the Mexico. "It makes no difference what these # # #
desert from the Colorado river to Imperial government records show," Crocker declar- SADDLE HORSES
Valley in a canal entirely on United States ed recently. "I am positive that Geronimo BADMINTON
soil was celebrated here October 12. Com- was taken to Fort Union after he was cap- PADDLE TENNIS
tured in Arizona in the fall of 1886." * * *
missioner John C. Page of the bureau of re-
clamation, and Phil D. Swing, former con-
Single $6.50--Double $11
gressman and co-author with Senator Hiram Fallon . . .
W. Johnson of the Swing-Johnson bill au- Gateway to Joshua Tree National Monument
"Many pinenuts, hard winter; no pine- Official Hotel—Automobile Club of S. Calif.
thorizing Boulder dam and the All-American nuts, not hard winter," is an old Indian
were honored guests and speakers. Mark Reservations — write Edith W. Thatcher,
saying. This region, accordingly should Mjir., 29 Palms, Calif., or call your favorite
Rose, Valley rancher and early leader in the look for little snow and mild weather dur- travel agent.
fight for an All-American canal, came in ing coming months. Paleface experts, how-
for his share of public acclaim. Occasion for ever, say the crops run in cycles, last year's
the celebration was turning of first water bounteous yield naturally being followed
from the main canal into the East Highline by this year's comparative failure. But life
canal of the Imperial irrigation district sys- of the Indian is not so dependent these days
tem. The All-American, biggest irrigation upon the pinenut crop, what with ration
canal in the western hemisphere, has taken distribution by the government and pensions
more than six years to construct. from the Great White Father. The pinenut
Blythe . . . gathering is a great annual event.
Formal ceremonies October 1 marked ded-
ication of the new state quarantine station Madrid . . .
at the California line here. Inspectors say
the new structure will enable them to Inquiries are already coming in about this
handle traffic in half the time formerly re- coal mining community's now famous Christ-
quired. mas illumination. This year the annual ob-
servance will be more pretentious than ever.
Barstow . . . The celebration, started by a few families
King George, Queen Elizabeth and Great who wanted to spread Yuletide spirit across
Britain's entire royal family may become the coal-bearing mountains of the Madrid "Airlite" model AIRSTREAM Trailer.
residents of the Mojave "empire"—if they area, now attracts thousands of visitors
accept the invitation of Death Valley Scotty from all over the United States. Viewed
to be his guests at his desert castle in Death from surrounding hills, the little city pre- MODERN BURRO
Valley. Scotty, here recently, said he will sents a brave picture during the Christmas Of The Desert and Mountains—
cable his invitation to London, making his season.
desert domain available to the British rul- Light weight, tough, friendly, comfort-
ing family for duration of the war. able. Built for off-the-pavement use where
Twentynine Palms . . . ever your car may wander. Hard prest-
James W . Cole, superintendent of the UTAH wood exterior, knotty pine interior, sleeps
Joshua Tree national monument, has estab- 4 in extra good beds, fine grub gear,
lished permanent headquarters here with his Moab . . . roomy, water tight, nearly dust tight.
family. This desert village is principal north- An increase of 683 visitors to Arches na- $495. cash money, or any terms you want.
ern entrance to the Joshua Tree monument. tional monument is reported for the travel o
• • o year ending October 1, 1940. This is 37 . . . We also build big swanky pavement
per cent above last year. Custodian Henry
NEVADA G. Schmidt listed 2518 visitors, compared
models for city breds—18 to 28 feet.
Boulder City . . . Write for specifications.
with 1835 last year. Travelers from 35
On fourth anniversary of first opening of
Boulder dam's outlet valves, the bureau of
reclamation on September 28 released a me-
states, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Patagonia, Nor-
way and Germany saw the Windows section
of the monument.
chanical Niagara From 11 of the 12 needle . . . Since 1931
valves pouring 30 million gallons of water Salt Lake City . . . 1908 Magnolia Los Angeles, Calif,
through the structure each minute in an
emergency test. Under terrific pressure, wat- Ninetieth anniversary of settlement of (near 1400 W. Washington)
er from Lake Mead shot from the valves Springville was observed by Sons and
183 feet above the stream bed. From the Daughters of Utah pioneers late in Septem-
Nevada side six valves spurted, five an- ber with unveiling of a monument at sites officials are now making first attempt to
swered from the Arizona openings. When of the first Utah cotton mill and first Utah study the area for scenic and geological re-
the streams met, huge sprays went high in flour mill. First cotton mill was built in sources.
the air. Thousands of visitors witnessed the 1860. In 1880 it was converted into a wool-
display which dwarfed the spectacle of any len mill, operated until 1914. The flour mill Moab . . .
natural waterfall. Engineers turned all the was constructed in 1851, year following ar-
valves for the first time since President rival of first Springville pioneers. Descendants of the Bluff pioneers, first
Roosevelt dedicated the dam in 1936. settlers of San Juan county, recently staged
a 10-day pack train journey over the route
Caliente . . . Zion National Park . . . taken by their forefathers in the memor-
Completion of the International Four First detailed study of administrative able trip from Escalante, Utah, to Bluff by
States highway, linking Canada and Mexi- problems in connection with development way of the "Hole in the Rock" crossing
co, is expected next year. The north-south of the Zion national monument (Kolob can- of the Colorado river. The party of 175
route traverses Montana, Idaho, Nevada yon area) has been started. The area is said traveled with 300 horses and pack animals,
and California. Contract will be let in De- to include some of the most spectacular retracing every step of the pioneer journey
cember for completion of a 14-mile stretch geological formations of any southern Utah from Bluff to the Colorado. At the rivet
of road in Nevada from Searchlight to the section. It was made a national monument boats were ready for crossing the stream on
California line. A 42-mile link in Idaho three years ago. The region is inaccessible the "Hole in the Rock" trail blasted out
and 41 miles in California north of the to automobiles or wagons, has been explor- of solid cliffs to enable the pioneers to de-
Mexican border remain to be surfaced. ed a little by hiking parties. Park service scend to the river canyon.

NOVEMBER, 1940 27
Reno, Nevada . • .

MineA, and Government engineers are investigating

reported occurrence of tin ore in the Jumbo
Extension gold mine at Goldfield. Specto-
graphic analysis is said to show up to one
percent tin in selected samples of mine ore.
Flotation concentrates are said to assay 3.62
Tucson, Arizona . . . Needles, California . . . percent tin. Geologists report similarity in
Searchlight, across the Nevada line north geological formations with those of tin
Price stiffening for copper, lead and zinc
of here, is brighter since reports that the mines of Bolivia and Cornwall. Commercial
as Uncle Sam's defense program gains head-
Holmes family—George, Kenneth and their bodies of tin ore might be proven by drilling
way has already brought improvement in
father M. A.—have leased the famous M & through 300-foot shale beds to the granite
small scale mining in Tucson's trade area.
M property. Ten claims of the Consolidated contact underlying the Jumbo Extension at
With copper at 12 cents per pound, higher
Peerless group are involved. Lichtenberger 1,300 feet. This country now depends en-
than any monthly average in 1940 and zinc
brothers have owned these claims 30 years, tirely on foreign production for tin.
up approximately 2 cents a pound since
February, reduction of stocks means step- operated them during the Tonopah-Bullfrog
ping up activity in the mines. Livelier de- boom. Water trouble and litigation are
mand for tungsten and manganese is stimu- blamed for suspension of work. Now the
lating small operators, too, and marginal legal tangles have been unsnarled, it is said,
and water problems will be solved, it is
properties in southern Arizona, idle for
planned, by using cheap Boulder dam power
many years, now have better prospects. for pumping. It is said the Holmes interests
vill move to the M & M mine from Ogilby
trie 100-ton mill erected near there by
Goldfield, Nevada . . . Holmes & Nicholson to operate the old Business men everywhere are finding need-
Congress has passed a bill authorizing Cargo Muchacho dump and later to handle ed WORKING CAPITAL, long buried in
RFC loans to small mine operators for de- the ore from the Padre mine. Meantime, the readily marketable inventories of all kinds,
velopment of strategic minerals. Approved lessees are diamond drilling on the Con- through FIELD WAREHOUSING by
by house and senate, the measure provides solidated Peerless claims to locate ore bod-
ies. According to the Lichtenbergers, M & DOUGLAS-GUARDIAN.
for loans up to $20,000 each. This legisla- Complete details of inventory financing are
tion was introduced in the senate by Sena- M ore runs from $25 to $100 per ton, hand-
tor Pat McCarran of Nevada and he says picked samples testing up to $1500 per ton. discussed in our booklet, "FINANCING
the law "will make possible the securing They say that during litigation engineers THE MODERN WAY."
of small loans to develop deposits of strate- testified the property was valued at probably Write for your copy now.
gic metals with gold and silver as bypr.. $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. When they op- DEPT. D-l
ducts, or vice versa, to develop other de- erated it, they report they took out nearly
posits with strategic and critical materials half a million dollars in gold. There are
two shafts, neither of which has been driven
as byproducts." McCarran expected the
president to sign the bill as "a vital cog in below 300 feet. Warehouse Corporation
the wheel of national defense." Los Angeles—Garfield Bldg.
San Francisco—485 California St.
New Orleans—Chicago
Tucson, Arizona . . .
Kingman, Arizona . . . Highest grade silver-copper ore found in Nation-Wide Service
Historic claims in the Mineral park area recent years in the Pima mining district has
have been acquired by Mrs. R. R. Ward been discovered on property of the Victor
of Prescott and V. F. Ryan of Kingman, it consolidated mining company, says Miles
is reported here. Six claims of the George M. Carpenter, field engineer for the Ari-
Washington group are included in the deal.
Electric power facilities have been installed
zona department of mineral resources. Cen-
ter of the district is about 25 miles south
and work will be started at once on de-
watering the 200-foot shaft, it is announced.
of here. The ore is said to assay as high as
1,705 ounces of silver per ton and 42 per- DESERT
Workmen will clean out the 1300-foot tun- cent copper. Equipment is being assembled
nel. Track is being laid and a compressor
will be set up, for a program calling for
by lessees of the Victor claims.
• o •
development on a three-foot vein of gold-
silver ore. A new road to the property takes Litllefield, A r i z o n a . . . ORIGINAL SALON PRINTS
the place of the old burro trail formerly Much work must be done before deter- BY
mining the commercial value of the nickel
leading to the location. This property was
originally located in the 60s. Highgrade deposit near here under investigation by the W I L L I A M FOX
was sacked and sent to smelter. Old-timers U. S. Bureau of mines. Samples of ore are "THE DESERT PHOTOGRAPHER"
say smelter returns from sacked ore netted being tested in the mines bureau laboratory
at Boulder City, Nevada. Utah interests 11x14 inch Mat Type Prints of the
$50,000 each on three carloads shipped. Following Prize Photos
Operations were closed in 1904 and the hold claims covering a belt 500 to 1500 feet
property has been virtually idle since then. wide and extending from Frehner canyon PALM CANYON
southwest to Lime Kiln canyon. Exploration DESERT OASIS
is chiefly in Hancock canyon, six miles THE JOSHUA
southeast of Littlefield. THE YUCCA
Pioche, Nevada . . . • • •
Railroad has been completed to the Casel- El Centro, California ... MT. SAN JACINTO
ton mine, nine miles from here and a new THE CHOLLA
450-ton zinc reduction mill will be finished Placer mining activity in a new district THE SAGUARO
along the desert side of Picacho mountain DATE GARDENS
there within a few months, according to R.
in eastern Imperial county is reported here.
L. Richie. Operations will make the Pioche Beautifully finished on illustrator's special
district the most important lead-zinc pro- Don C. Bitler, deputy district attorney,
who owns mining interests in the region, double weight paper—each print enclosed
ducer west of the tri-state district in Kan- in folder of heavy book paper with au-
sas, Oklahoma and Missouri, says E. H. says between 100 and 150 claims were stak-
ed, after a prospector struck pay dirt on thentic legends and interesting descriptions
Snider, head of the Common metals reduc- in offset printing—all enclosed in pro-
tion company. the western side of Picacho.
• • • fessional art photo-mailer! Ready to send
as a gift.
Goldfield, Nevada . . . GOLD TONED PRINTS $1.00
Specimens of strontium ore have been
Boulder City, Nevada . . . found at an abandoned camp on the south BEAUTIFULLY HAND COLORED .... $2.00
California buyers add 3% Sales Tax
First step of the United States in a pro- side of Gold mountain by Ernest Moross of Postage prepaid anywhere in the U. S. A.
gram to become independent of foreign this city. In time of peace strontium is used Your money cheerfully refunded if not sat-
sources for manganese is disclosed in an- chiefly in refining sugar, but during war it isfied.
nouncement that under direction of the fed- is used to make flares for illumination.
eral bureau of mines a $325,000 test plant "Very lights," which lit up no man's land W I L L I A M FOX
will be erected here. Manganese deposits in the war of 1917, used strontium. The P.O. Box 1478 Banning, California
are found in Mohave county, Arizona, not mineral is again in demand during the pre-
far from the site of the proposed plant. "ON THE DESERT'S EDGE"
sent war.


Beautiful, Semitranslucent Agatized Yellow,
green, red, black lavender, 4 colors or more
in each section. 1 to 8 pounds.
75c lb. prepaid. No C.O.D. orders
Qemi and AfUt&udl
Box 1134 W. M. BROWN Las Vegas, Nev. This department of the Desert Magazine is reserved as a clearing house for gem and
mineral collectors and their societies. Members of the "rock-hound" fraternity are invited
to send in news of their field trips, exhibits, rare finds, or other information which will
be of interest to collectors.
MINERALS BEING DISPLAYED . . . Misnamed Minerals
cem CUTTMG CQUipmcnT Mineral and gem exhibits at the Mojave
desert mineral show October 19-20, are con-
A product of highest quality. fined to specimens found in the Mojave desert
area. This area, according to the society, ex- Nevada Black Diamonds
Substantially made, practical tends from the summit of Cajon Pass to Mo-
"Nevada black diamonds" appear on ex-
equipment for the amateur gem jave, Baker and Needles, and the mount "u
districts south of U. S. highway 66. hibit or for sale at several places in the west.
cutter. Exhibits are divided into 12 classes, in- Most of these stones are translucent and of a
cluding polished flats, mineral specimens not beautiful golden brown color. Facet cut stones
A complete line of supplies. larger than three by four, faceted and cabochon are very striking, but they are not diamonds!
specimens, vertebrate and invertebrate fossils. The uncut stones come as small rounded peb-
Send for Free Catalog One interesting display is a mineral "dinner" bles. The color can be seen by holding them
by Kent Knowlton, Randsburg editor. to a light.
It is sometimes claimed locally that the hard-
W. Nelson Whittemore, of Santa Barbara, ness runs from seven to nine. This is not at
VREELAND LAPIDARY MFG. CO. assisted the exhibit committee in an advisory all unusual in desert stones as weathering of-
capacity. Philip Orr of Santa Barbara museum ten affects the outside hardness and even col-
P. O . Bex 4371 Portland, Oregon aided in arranging the fossil classes. The com- or of many stones. But only true corundum is
mittee for exhibits is: Robert H. Greer, Jr., nine. The outer surface has a false hardness,
of Yermo, chairman; Walter Reinhart, Walter but a sawed slab shows only 6.5 hardness at
Lauterbach, James C. Reilly, F. V. Sampson, the center. These stones are identical with
Robert N . Iverson, Ray Langworthy, J. W . Arizona's famous "Apache tears." They are
Bradley and James H. Lucas. Fred C. Meyer
WARNER'S "LITTLE GIANT" is second vice president of the show.
Tom R. Wilson, manager of Beacon Tavern,
balls of obsidian and the core of each answers
to every test for obsidian.
• • •
14" DIAMOND SAW UNIT Barstow is secretary-treasurer of the sponsor-
ing society and of the show. Frank Miratti Jr. MINING EXCHANGE FORMED
came from Santa Barbara to assist Tom Wil- Los Angeles mining exchange incorporated
son as host. The exhibits are displayed in the July third, 1940, "to meet the need for a na-
lounge and adjoining rooms of Beacon Tav- tional clearing house for the mining industry,
ern. Week end dates were chosen to assure and to organize and effect logical coordination
a large attendance of miners, collectors and of the various related interests." A folder pub-
exhibitors. lished by the exchange states that the basic
• • • purpose is the extension and promotion of
COAST COLLECTORS VISIT trade and commerce in connection with the
OLD DIGGINGS AT TONOPAH . . . mineral and oil industries, and the develop-
Members from Pasadena and Los Angeles ment of these strategic, critical and essential
mineral societies made a trip in September to resources. Members are investors, prospectors,
Tonopah and Goldfield, Nevada, mining dis- engineers and assayers.
tricts. C. C. Boak of Tonopah guided the • • •
group to points of interest. STAR ROSE QUARTZ
Boak told an interesting story of the dis-
covery of the Mizpah vein, in Tonopah. Mr. Frank Garaventa, a member of the Nevada
and Mrs. Jim Butler were going from Belmont highway department, proudly displays beauti-
Special Introductory Price to Klondike, Nevada, early in 1889 for sup- ful specimens of star rose quartz. Some of
$32.50 F.O.B. Pasadena plies. The trip took them across the desert these are rose pink and some are amethystine
less motor and blade country, depending entirely upon their burros in color, but all show fine stars when polished,
for transportation. One night they camped at a without mirror backing of any kind. Some of
14x5/8" Diamond blade $8.75 spring—now Miller's—about 14 miles north- the stars are six rayed, some eight and some
west of the present site of Tonopah. In the 10. As the deposit is not yet fully developed,
Heavy SKF Ball Bearing Arbor with Garaventa is not ready to market his find.
Pressure Grease Lubrication. morning, as is the way with burros, the beasts
came up missing. The Butlers separated and, • • •
Made of strong durable CAST ALUM-
after long searching, Mrs. Butler found the FAMATINITE
INUM. Heavy gauge sheet metal hood. animals standing very quietly and unobtrusive-
Five inches cut off space on left side ly on a hillside near an exposed ledge of From Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada,
of blade. quartz. She took some samples of the quartz, come samples of the rare mineral famatinite.
but encountered great difficulty in persuading Beside the copper sulphide and antimony sul-
Side shift on vise for slabbing. anyone to assay it. Finally in the spring of phide for which it is well known, it also con-
1900 an assay was made showing the ore to tains gold, silver and tin. The color of fama-
Vise opens up to 6" with no ob- tinite is usually a dark grey, with sometimes
structions between jaws. be worth from $150 to $200 a ton in silver.
a tinge of red from the copper, and white
Specimens up to 14" in length can Tonopah sprang up over night. In 1901 from a slight mixture of limestone. Enargite is
be held in vise and sawed. there were, according to Boak, 1700 pack ani- another mineral very similar to famatinite both
• mals in town. By 1904 the population reached chemically and physically, except that it con-
10,000, and the mines were operated in three tains arsenic sulphide instead of antimony.
THE "LITTLE GIANT" IS THE eight-hour shifts. Five hundred thousand tons Tin is rare in the United States and every
ANSWER TO YOUR of ore per day were shipped to Miller's, the ounce of supply at this period is welcomed.
SAWING PROBLEMS nearest available water for reduction. But
mines are not like field crops. When once • • •
the harvest is in, there is no replanting. The SULPHUR
Tonopah vein is the largest surface exposure
Warner and Grieger ever worked. There is still ore to be found
on the 2800 foot level, but it would cost $1,-
In the hills west of Goldfield, Nevada, is
a large deposit of fine sulphur. No crystals
have been reported as yet, but many fine mas-
405 Ninita Parkway, Pasadena, Calif- 000,000 to reopen. sive specimens are obtainable.

NOVEMBER, 1940 29
East Bay Mineral society held its opening
session October 3rd at Oakland. George Hig- B eanI i j H I
AMONG THE son led the round table discussion on "Agates." PETRIFIED WOOD BOOK ENDS
ROCK H U n T E R S Each member was requested to study up on
the subject in advance. As an aid to the
study of the subject, four card tables of speci-
Showing Bark . . . They Last Forever.
These book ends are
mens were provided. At each table one of
the more experienced members took his place IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS
Robert A. Allen, state highway engineer, to answer questions. —Indian Curios and Jewelry—Stones
Carson City, Nevada, supervised the collecting • • • cut and polished—Mineral specimens.
and exhibiting of Nevada's minerals and gem
Francis J. Sperison, expert engraver and
minerals for the San Francisco world's fair.
finished speaker, gave a lecture on "The His-
• • • tory and Development of Engraved Gem 546 W . Mission Dr. San Gabriel, Calif.
Writes O. L. Butts, 1131 Hayne, Ottumwa, Stones" at the October 17 meeting of the
Iowa: "I would like to trade agates and ge- East Bay mineral society.
odes from this state for agates in the west. W e • • • MINERALS & THEIR STORIES
have geodes here from the size of a dollar to
as big as a boat. If you know any one who Kern county mineral society met September 24 different economic minerals in very at-
9th for its first fall session. Members reported tractive box with a 48 pane booklet of stories
wants to trade have them write me. " their vacation experiences in rock collecting.
of these minerals at $1.25, postage paid.
• • • T. V. Little submitted field trip schedules for
Gordon Funk, member of the West Coast PROSPECTOR'S SET — 50 SPECIMENS
the year. Preliminary work of incorporation of in l x l " compartments in sturdy, cloth cov-
society and field trip manager for Los Angeles the society under California state laws has ered, hinged lid box for $2.00, postage 25c.
society, addressed Long Beach mineralogical been completed, according to reports in the Visitors say our store has the largest stock
society on the borate minerals, illustrating his of minerals, the best display and lowest
Pseudomorph, their official publication. prices west of the Rockies.
talk with specimens from his private collec- • • • Headquarters for fluorescent lights
tion. and minerals.
• • • At the Nevada state fair, Fallon, Nevada, STORE OPEN ON AFTERNOONS ONLY
Los Angeles Mineralogical society resumed August 30-31, a very wonderful display of INCLUDING SUNDAY BUT CLOSED ON
Nevada minerals and gems was on exhibit, MONDAYS.
meetings September 19. Walter Zimmerman PACIFIC MINERAL MART
addressed the group on "Telescopes for Ama- sponsored by the state highway department.
Also on view was "Oscar," a partially mum- 637 Redondo Ave. Long Beach, Calif.
mified Indian skeleton unearthed by S. and
• • • Georgie Wheeler in caves east of Fallon.
San Diego Mineralogical society held its
annual exhibit at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium,
"Oscar" is about two thousand years old, his
age having been ascertained from bones of RALIGHT
San Diego, October 12th at 7:30 p. m. W . the eohippus or three toed horse found on
Scott Lewis, speaker of the evening, chose as the same level as the burial.
his topic "Mineral Origins." A new class in • • • FOR BEST
mineralogy was organized.
Due to many causes, the water level of
• • •
Walker Lake in Mineral county, Nevada, has ULTRA-VIOLET
New officers of the Orange Belt Mineral dropped 211/2 feet in the past 10 years.
society at San Bernardino are: R. A. Crippen,
president; Frank R. Wilkins, vice president;
It is reported that if the underground work-
Walter Hadley, treasurer; Vera L. McMinn, ings of the Mizpah mine in Tonopah, Nevada,
secretary, and Kenneth Garner, Howard Fletch- could be put end to end, they would reach Improved High Intensity Genuine Cold
er, Ralph Eells and W . M. Snow, directors. from Tonopah to a point 165 miles beyond
Quartz Lamps — Portable 6 Volt and
M. J. Holmes of Los Angeles addressed the 110 Volt Sets. Essential for prospect-
San Francisco. ing and mining Scheelite.
club on the subject of Strategic Minerals at Send for free list of fluorescent minerals,
its September meeting. literature and Money Back Guarantee —
• • • Dept. DP 7

Officers of East Bay mineral society, Oak- ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, INC.

land, for 1940-1941 are as follows: Orlin J. 6158 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.
Bell, president; B. E. Sledge, vice president;
Marjorie Welch, secretary; Mrs. W . C. Matth- Of a Rockhound
ews, assistant secretary; H. W . Hansen, Wil-
fred C. Eyles, and George Higson, directors.
East Bay began the year with an informal
6 Rockhouns knows their districts. If
round table discussing vacation experiences, in-
teresting specimens, and summer trips of in- you want to know about roads or weath- EVLES SAW BLADES
er conditions or camping places, ask
terest. George F. Young, civil and mining
engineer and geologist, addressed the group a rockhoun. His information is reliabler EYLES BALL BEARIRG LAPS
September 19 on "Some experiences in oil than anyone's, cause he gets aroun. A We are the ONLY AUTHORIZED
and oil geology." farmer or a service station is tied to DISTRIBUTORS of The EYLES
• • • his cows or his pumps, but the rock-
houn goes places an' observes things Equipment in Southern California
Charles R. Correl was elected president of accurate. He knows all the good roads, This line of lapidary equipment is the best
the Imperial Valley Gem and Mineral society obtainable. Quality merchandise always
the poor ones, the bad ones, an' be- costs more but "ASK THE MAN WHO
at its annual election of officers October 1. sides that how to get to locations wher OWNS ONE."
Correl, who was secretary during the preced- ther's no roads atall. He doesn't just Come in and allow us to demonstrate our
ing year, succeeds Dr. Warren Fox, first presi- estimate distances to turnoffs an' land- extremely rapid method of polishing large
dent of the society. Other officers elected were: marks—he measures on his speedometer flats—It is economical too.
Sam Payson, first vice-president; Mildred to fractions of miles. An' his descrip-
Distributor of "BYFIELD" Felts. We can
Richardson, second vice president; Betty Sim- save you money on Carborundum.
tions of ocotillo clumps an' distinctive
on, secretary and treasurer; Arthur L. Eat- rocks is so good that you shure can BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS
on, advisor, and Charles Holtzer member of
the board of directors. Guy Hazen, field pale- recognize 'em when you comes ther. Place your order NOW—THE RUSH HAS
• • • STARTED.
ontologist for the American Museum of Nat- A deposit with your order will hold till
ural History was present and told about some 9 Rockhouns don't mind rain — Christmas. Any of the above would be
of the Southwestern fossil fields he has ex- mutch. They crawls outta their sleepin greatly appreciated as a Christmas present,
plored in recent years. bags an' puts sugar, matches an' flapjack by the person interested in lapidary equip-
flour under cover—forgettin the soap,
• • • if any. They goes to sleep rejoicin that
Long Beach Mineralogical society made a when the sun shines in the mornin,
two day field trip September 28, 29 to the vi- they'll be better able to see speciments, Engraved Christmas cards, good selection
and price range. 25 for $1.00 to 25 for
cinity of Lompoc. The society secured permis- becuz all the desert'll be washed clean $15.00.
sion to enter property upon which occur black an' sparklin. Life is kinda like that,
sands bearing gold in sufficient quantities to be too. It takes storms an' dark moments Distinctive Gift and Gem Shop
readily panned. Beach pebbles were gathered now'n then to highlight the joy of ev- 4641 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles
enroute, as well as fluorescent limestone no- eryday livin'. Phone Ax. 15886
Hours !) A.M. to 9 P.M. Sunday, 2 to 6


John Baxter at the Indian trading post,
Schurz, Nevada, will give to anyone interested
in petrified wood, definite directions for find-
ing a petrified forest 12 miles north and east
of Schurz. The wood is beautifully agatized Fcr your convenience, we are open seven
November-—Topaz and very dark in color. Baxter has some fine days a week and every night. Our outdoor
displays are illuminated. Stop in and inspect
specimens in his store. our recently enlarged stock.
Lucky November! True Topaz is a • • «
beautiful gem and not too expensive. Santa Monica Gemological society continued
Its hardness is standard eight. Topaz its study of fundamentals of mineralogy at POLISHED BRAZILIAN AGATES
occurs in a great many colors, among
them wine, golden, pale blue, amber, the September meeting. Charles D. Heaton 4 pieces $1.00. Four specimens 1x1" differ-
was the lecturer. A film titled "Petroleum Ge- ent patterns.
pale green and brown. Imagine a birth- •
stone that can match almost any color ology" was presented by Hugh A. Matier. Sep-
of costume. It is also one of the oldest tember field trip visited Oso Canon, north of Beginners SPECIAL COLLECTION
gemstones known, as it was used by Santa Barbara for jasper specimens. Green Wavellite, English Hematite, Myric-
the ancient Greeks and Hebrews. • • • kite, Moss Opal, Gem Rhodocrosite, Green
The purchaser of topaz should be Among the very interesting, even though Prehnite, Blue African Asbestos, Vesuvian-
not valuable, specimens submitted for exami- ite, Iceland Spar, and Green Aventurine. Ten
careful to get only the genuine stone. select specimens for $1.00 postage prepaid.
Many colors of quartz, especially the nation recently were several pebbles from •
one called "topaz," are offered for rockhound A. C. Haigler of Red Lake Side
sale as real topaz. But most of the sub- Camp of Magdalena, New Mexico. They were LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT
stitutes are only seven hardness and do mostly silica and were found in and around No need to send away for your machinery or
not hold their shape a swell as the an old volcanic crater in New Mexico. One supplies. Complete stock of Vreco, Coving-
small piece of velvety black basanite in the ten, and other machines in stock for im-
harder gem. They show wear much more mediate delivery. WHEELS BUMPY? Try
easily. collection would indicate the presence of that a Norton wheel dresser at 55c plus postage
gem in the vicinity. on 1 pound.
• • •
Washington state chamber of mines, Seattle Roughed Out CABOCHON Blanks
AMERICAN METEORITE conducts Friday afternoon field trips for boys Select gem materials ground to true ovals,
Add to your collection a small fragment of
between the ages of 10 and 16. rounds and rectangles. Brazilian Agate, Red
• • • or yellow Tiger Eye, Malachite, Rhodonite,
the famous Canyon Diab'lo fall. Nickel type, Variegated Obsidians, Poppy Jasper, Petri-
can be polished. Each 25c, postpaid. Over Columbia Geological society has all plans fied Woods and others 25c each. They are
100 varieties of Gem Cutting Material col-
lected from Alaska to the Falklands, offered completed for the Northwest Federation con- selling fast.
in our New Price List. Free for the asking. vention, October 12-13, at Spokane, Wash-
THE GEM EXCHANGE ington. "Much credit," writes Dale Lambert,
secretary, "is to be given to president R. F.
Lake Bluff, Illinois Childs and convention Chairman C. B. Neal Warner & Grieger
"Buy American First" for the great amount of work they have ex-
pended to make the convention a success. Our 405 Ninita Parkway Pasadena, California
club members also wish to thank M. F. Reed
and Mrs. Lloyd Roberson, officers of the fed-
GEM MART eration, and Dr. Dake, editor of the Mineral-
Advertising rate 5 cents a word, ogist, for their generous cooperation and ad-
$1.00 minimum an issue vice on convention matters." H O B B Y ! ! Make this yours
Nothing more interesting, entertaining, edu-
• • • cational and so inexpensive. GEM CUTTING
ROCK TRADER. Trade rock you have for J. F. McLaughlin, highway service station, now made easy for the beginner. Cut the
Hawthorne, Nevada, tells how to recognize pretty stones you find on your hikes into
specimens you want. Start with agate. Fin- Gem Stones.
ish with diamonds. Write me your wants sunstroke symptoms and thus avoid a sun-
Wri te for free folder or send 25c for in-
and what you will trade. Right now, I will stroke. If you are walking in the heat and teresting, illustrated, 22-page booklet de-
trade you opals, tiger-eye, labradorite, blue suddenly discover that your head is sailing scribing the Johns Gem Cutter and the
along from 10 to 25 feet above your body, it fascinating art of gem cutting.
agate, for malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, ge-
odes, turquoise, gold or silver specimens, is time to call a halt. Everything seems perfect- THE JOHNS COMPANY
ly normal except that some sort of a tele-
etc. "Rocky" Moore, 403 Broadway, Arcade phonic or wireless system has apparently been
Dept. El Sappington, Missouri
Building, Los Angeles. installed between brain and body. It is quite
FRIENDS—Everything for the Lapidary or possible to continue walking for a time in
Collector, Lapidary and Silver work to or- this detached and exalted condition, but not
der. Everything guaranteed satisfactory or at all advisable, for if you stumble you are a
money refunded. The Colorado Gem Co., goner. His advice is to wait for your head
Bayfield, Colorado. to return to its accustomed position—then Mineral
rest, and if possible seek shade and water.
WANTED TO BUY—Mineral specimens, des- • • •
ert glass, Western curios, antiques, coins,
Indian and War relics, War medals. Col-
Kenneth B. McMahan, formerly of Yuma, Identification
Arizona, has moved recently to Jacumba, Cali-
lections or single pieces. Floyd's Hobby fornia. "Mac," who is an authority on the
Shop, 3330 Adams, San Diego, California. ores of the metallic minerals, has a collection
of thousands of mineral and gem specimens.
specimen of ore from the big new strike in A visit to his new Jacumba shop will repay
Arizona and Nevada, postpaid $1.00. Hans any rockhound. By O. C. SMITH, A. B., A. M.
Anderson, St. George, Utah. • • •
$1.25 POSTPAID—25 Oregon Gem Cutting Miners in the vicinity of Tonopah, Nevada,
report that their silver ore invariably produces MINERALS TO 1940"
Agates and Rich Colored Jaspers. Also Fac- the proportion of one ounce of gold to one
ed Agate approvals to responsible parties.— • Simplicity for the amateur.
hundred ounces of silver. © Completeness for the professional.
Helena Jones, Florence, Oregon. • • • Two simple, physical tests locate the
WILL FINANCE DEVELOPMENT. Wanted: Washington state chamber of mines, bulletin mineral. New, simple, easily followed
Malachite, Azurite, Chrysocolla, Agate, six, volume nine, reports a great deal of min- qualitative scheme tests for all common
Geodes, Opal, Turquoise, Gold ore. Silver ing activity in the state. Old mines are be- and many of the rare elements. Com-
ore—Any type gem stone FOR CASH. Send ing reopened, dumps are being reworked, and plete BLOWPIPE METHODS and
sample and full details. Columbia Founda- new fields explored. TABLES.
tion, 403 Broadway-Arcade Building, Los • • •
Angeles, California. Attractive, flexible leather binding
PYROLUSITE 5x7l/2, 271 pages C OC A
AGATES, JASPERS, OPALIZED and aga- W. W. Trent of Garfield, New Mexico, PRICE «P«).«MJ
tized woods, thunder eggs, polka dot and sent to Desert Magazine, among others, a fine
other specimens. Three pound box $1.25 (In California add 3 % sales tax)
specimen of pyrolusite—manganese dioxide.
postpaid. Glass floats 25c and up. Sawing The specimen has the general appearance of Order from O. C. SMITH, Dept. D.
and polishing. Jay Ransom, Aberdeen, black sandstone, carrying on one side pyrolu- 5157 Santa Ana St. Bell, Calif.
Washington. site and on the other side a trace of iron. OR YOUR LOCAL DEALER

NOVEMBER, 1940. 31
HERE'S A SPECIMEN! In Oregon between Sweet Home and Holly.
A large fragment found recently on an old on the old road, there is a great quantity of RX—the complete
mine dump near Rincon in San Diego county, very excellent petrified wood. The ranchers lapidary shop in
California, proved to be a fine collection of plow up the pieces and toss them out of the
way, against fence posts or into ditches. Some one small machine
good mineral specimens all in itself. When
it was carefully broken into smaller pieces, of the wood is of a lime or sandstone com- Write for circular
more than 10 different minerals made their position, and consequently not good for pol- and free working chart.
appearance from the one large fragment. The ishing, but many specimens are of agate or
jasper and show good grain. The ranchers are W. A . FELKER 3521 Emerald St., Torrance, California
micas were well represented by biotite, white
muscovite, muscovite stained red with iron, courteous and readily grant permission to
sericite and lepidolite. The other minerals hunt petrified wood on their farms, provided
were white amblygonite, several small black gates are left open or shut as found, and
tourmalines, a few rather poor garnets, and
on one piece of rock a coating of almost mi-
croscopic pink tourmalines. This was the type
stock is not disturbed.
Jerry B. Keeney is glad to guide visitors
over his place and show them two huge tree
Jewel Craft
of "find" of which most collectors dream, but stumps petrified in an upright position. There INCORPORATED
seldom have the good luck to encounter. are probably many more stumps and sections
in the heavily forested sections of Keeney's EXPERT
farm. G E M
• • •
NEW GEM CATALOG At its first fall meeting in September the
Write for your free copy of our new 16 Kern County Mineral society was entertained 704 S. San Pedro Los Angeles, Calif.
page, illustrated gem catalog with com-
plete price list. It's yours for the ask- by vacation experiences and tales of the col-
ing. Write today. lecting tours of members during the summer
months. Mrs. Mae Chenard was awarded the
V. D . H I L L pri2e for the most striking specimen collected
Rt. 7-G — — Salem, Oregon by club members since the last meeting in GEMS and MINERALS
May—a beautiful polished piece of sagenite. Hundreds of fine minerals in stock.
The Kern society has now completed the in- Send for Sc catalog. Ultra-Violet lamps
corporation of its group on a non-profit basis, for collectors and prospectors. Circular
free. Argon lamp and fluorescent min-
SPECIAL .... and recommends similar action by other socie-
eral samples, $1.00. Educational month-
ly Mineral Bulletin 25c a year. Sales
tax on above in California.
Eden Valley and Utah Petrified Wood
20c per lb. "Field Identification of Minerals for Ore- W. SCOTT LEWIS
gon prospectors and collectors" is the name 2500 N. Beachwood Dr.
GINGKO $1.00 lb. of a bound bulletin 8'/2 x i l, 128 pages, issued HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA
by the state department of geology and min-
F. H. CRAWFORD eral industries at 702 Woodlark building,
Portland. Ray C. Treasher is the author, and
922 N. Golden West Ave. the book is sold for 50 cents.
GEM PROSPECTOR Blank Rings etc. . . . 50c to $2.00
COVINGTON 16-inch LAP UNIT (Mount your own gems)
Assembled all ready to Your Gems Mounted . 75c to $2.50
use—table, pan, motor San Diego, California
hanger, 2 pulleys, V- General price list free
belt. 16" removable lap A prospector sat on a malpais rock one blist- CHRISTMAS STERUNG RINGS
plate, shaft, 2 bearings, ering July day;
ball thrust bearing, 3 He cursed the heat, he cursed his thirst, and With Black Agate Wood . . . $1.50
jars o f abrasive and
brush. (crated, less his luck that made him stay; O. P. AVERY
motor) But the lure of the desert held him fast; he 1843 N. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Calif.
$34.90 fought its thrall in vain;
He was the type called desert rat, in the land
Build your own that knows no rain.
Lap Kit "Legends of Gems.
Long had he sought for golden sands or a U A I I C A l l Incorporated with
with our 16" removable
lap plate fitted to shaft,
2 bearings and ball bearing thrust to fit
lode that carried pay; T II U III O V H "Gems — How to
know and cut
Oft had he worked in others' mines, that he U I II f n M I t n e m " $ l - Postpaid
your table with rust proof splash pan. might pursue his way;
(Crated) $19.50 Itl R t H A L "Gems — How to
The full line of Covington Equipment is Long endured the thirst and heat o'er the
now on display and sale at the following arid waste of the West, know and cut
WARNER & GRIEGER Searching the earth for the only spot where
his vagrant soul might rest.
LABORATORY ders in Gem
405 Ninita Parkway Pasadena, Calif. Craft" 10c postpaid
228 S. W. Alder St., Portland, Ore. A hill he found at eventide where the sun-
Manufactured by . . . . Our shop is now ten years old and is fully
light seemed to play equipped with latest machines for SAW-
COVINGTON LAPIDARY ENGINEERING CO. On all the rainbows in the world—and there ING, POLISHING and FINISHING all
12 Cajon St., Redlands, California seemed to stay. kinds of Gem Material and Specimens to-
Myrickite, blue chalcedony, jasper and blood- gether with a carefully selected stock of
stone, too; finishe PRECIOUS AND SEMI-PRE-
Here was beauty that balmed his soul, not CIOUS GEMS, ready for RINGS, BRACE-
HILTON'S A*t wealth that most men woo.

He lived to mine from this desert waste where

LETS, CLASPS or any individual design
We have machines also of the latest design
and Q the rainbows seemed to lie
Crystal rocks of gorgeous hue, so pleasing to
the eye;
for use of the AMATEUR and STUDENT
which include equipment for Grinding
JOHN W. HILTON, Owner To cut and polish with artist's skill gems for and Polishing, one for Spherical Cutting up
ladies fair; to 2!/2 inches, and one of the latest type
To find his fate and happiness. God keep his DIAMOND SAWS which will cut to 5l/2
ON U. S. Highway 99, Ten soul from care! inches. Prices quoted on request.
Dedicated to the memory oj "Shady"
• Myrick, desert prospector, gem hunter, • ROCK SLICING OUR SPECIALTY
ACROSS FROM VALERIE JEAN DATE discoverer of the Death Valley bloodstone
mine, who is buried at Johannesburg, Cal- 4312-4 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.


Lucile Harris, Associate Editor Tazewell H. Lamb, Associate Editor Edna Clements, Associate Publisher

Ui& ^n&il This is Desert Magazine's third birthday. And

since it is a good old American custom to grant
lusty three-year-olds a few extra privileges on
such an occasion—the publishers have reserv-

tUe ed these two pages to talk shop. Here are a

few sidelights on the business of publishing a
magazine on the desert.

/ J /E'VE been on the trail together and Utah resides a great family of human as accurately as possible in word and pic-
VV three years now—the Desert Mag- beings—the highest type of American cit- ture, the spirit of the real Desert to
azine and those readers who em- izenship—with a common heritage of those countless men and women who
barked with us on this publishing ven- environment and interest and opportuni- have been intrigued by the charm of the
ture three years ago. This is our anni- ty, yet residing for the most part in re- desert, but whose homes are elsewhere.
versary number—the beginning of our gions that are remote from the so-called "This is to be a friendly, personal mag-
fourth year. cultural centers. azine, written for the people of the Des-
With few exceptions the 600 charter "This is the last great frontier of the ert and their friends — and insofar as
subscribers are still on our mailing list. United States. It will be the purpose of possible, by Desert people. Preference
Along with them are many hundreds of the Desert Magazine to entertain and will be given to those writers and artists
others who value their Desert Magazine serve the people whom desire or circum- —yes, and poets — whose inspiration
so highly they have purchased all the back stance has brought to this Desert fron- comes from close association with the
copies and are preserving their complete tier. But also, the magazine will carry scented greasewood, the shifting sand
files for reference purposes. dunes, the coloring of Desert landscapes,
Our reader family has been growing from precipitous canyons and gorgeous
steadily. In August we passed the 10,000 Dick Older, Advertising sunsets.
mark, and at the present rate of progress "The Desert has its own traditions—
the number will reach 12,000 by the first art—literature—industry and commerce.
of January, 1941. Since each copy of It will be the purpose of the Desert Mag-
Desert Magazine, according to a recent azine to crystallize and preserve these
survey, is read by an average of 4.9 per- phases of Desert life as a culture distinc-
sons, there are now nearly 50,000 desert- tive of arid but virile America. We would
minded folks following the trails with us give character and personality to the pur-
each month, exploring the remote can- suits of Desert peoples—create a keener
yons, getting acquainted with the colorful consciousness of the heritage which is
personalities of the desert region, gain- theirs—bring them a little closer together
ing an intimate knowledge of the rocks in a bond of pride in their Desert homes,
and flowers and the history and lore of and perhaps break down in some measure
the desert region. the prejudice against the Desert which is
* * * born of misunderstanding and fear."
In an editorial in the first number of That was the goal of the Desert Mag-
the magazine we wrote: azine in 1936—and it is the goal today.
"Nearly every creed and industry and As the Magazine has gained in popu-
locality has its journal—except the Des- larity, our staff has grown. And since this
ert. Here, within the boundaries of Ari- is a friendly, personal sort of journal, we
zona, California, Nevada, New Mexico are publishing the photographs of our

NOVEMBER, 1940 33
staff associates in this anniversary num- Indian life and lore 82
ber—that the readers may feel a closer Nature subjects 6&
acquaintanceship with those who are de- Photography 60
voting their energies to the task. Landmark features 48
* * * Personality sketches 45
Editorial comment 45
Many factors contribute to make the Monthly news briefs 37
editorial work on this magazine a source
Mining features 28
of pride and pleasure to its creators. For
one thing, we have unlimited material Desert Quiz 28
from which to draw our editorial features. Place Names department 24
There is no dearth of text and pictures. Cactus department 20
If the advertising revenue would justify Botanical features 14
it, we could just as readily be printing Poetry page 7
96 pages of entertaining and informative * The total of these figures exceeds the 446
questionnaires for the reason that several read-
features every month. We have confi- ers indicated more than one first choice.
dence that will come eventually.
More important than all else in the Then we checked the results by an-
progress of this magazine, however, has other method. We added the figures to-
been the fine interest and loyalty of its gether and averaged them. For example:
readers. Approximately half of them are We took the vote on Mapped Travelogs
residents on the desert—the other half and added the l's and 2's and 3 s etc to-
Norton Allen. Artist gether and averaged them. Each subject
are scattered through every state in the
union and at least 14 foreign countries. was treated similarly, and the results are
They are folks with ideals—men and age when most folks are too busy to be shown in the following table. It varies
women, young and old, with alert in- bothered with mail questionnaires. slightly from the popularity rating given
telligent minds. Our daily mail lhas We believe the information compiled in the first table.
reached huge proportions. It is made up from these replies will be interesting to Mapped travelogs 2.58
for the most part of letters and orders our readers. The Desert Magazine folks Historical features 2.89
and inquiries from people who are broad have much in common and the figures Gems and Minerals 3.98
and generous in their attitude toward life we are quoting give a very accurate com- Indian life and lore 4.06
and toward those with whom they deal. posite of the group as a whole. Nature subjects 4.51
It is a rare day when we find a note of First, we wanted to know which of our Photography 4.79
pettiness in the bundle the mail man monthly editorial features are the most Personality sketches » 5.09
lugs in. popular—for the future guidance of our Landmark features 5.59
A practical demonstration of our read- writers and editors. We listed 16 of our Editorial comment 5.94
er loyalty came in August when we mail- leading subjects and asked our readers Mining features 6.13
ed out questionnaires for our annual read- to grade them according to personal pre- Desert Quiz 6.80
er survey. We sent out 1000 of them, to ference, marking the favorite subject No. Monthly news briefs 7.09
names picked blindly at random from 1, the second choice No. 2, etc. After the Cactus department 7.26
our subscription list. first 446 answers came in we tabulated all Place Names department 7.39
We offered no reward for rilling out the first place selections, and here are the Botanical features 7.79
these question blanks, but within 30 days results: Poetry page 9.2^
we had received 446 replies. They are Mapped travelogs 168 * * *
still coming in and the number now ex- Historical features 120 One of the facts disclosed by our
ceeds 500. It is an amazing return in an Gems and Minerals Ill questionnaire is that our readers nearly

Randall Henderson, Editor Bess Stacy, Associate Publisher Rand Henderson. Circulation

all have hobbies—89 percent of them to Their average annual auto travel is 95% of the readers are keeping their
be exact. And they prefer outdoor hob- 14,089 miles. magazines for permanent reference.
bies. The following figures, taken from Their annual expenditure for car up- 3% are not keeping their copies.
the 446 replies, show the number and keep is $106.94. 2% are passing their magazines along
kind of hobbies listed by these readers. Their average annual expenditure for to others.
OUTDOOR HOBBIES gas and oil is $207.00.
Office records of the Desert Magazine
Gems and Minerals 133 During the past year they motored an show that:
Photography 87 average of 679 miles each on trips sug-
gested by Desert Magazine travelogs. 20% of the subscriptions received are
Gardening 26
Desert exploration 20 They spend an average of $32.40 an- paid-in-advance orders for periods rang-
Hiking 19 nually for books. ing from 2 to 5 years.
Hunting and Fishing 19 78% of them own cameras and their 72% of Desert Magazine buyers renew
Indian crafts 17 average annual expenditure for photogra- their subscriptions within 30 days of ex-
Nature study 17 phy is $56.11. piration.
Travel 17
Geology 16
Cacti 12
Painting and sketching 11
Books and Reading 35
Stamps 19 Wka can identifa Uvti
Handicrafts 17
Music 10
Writing 7
Radio 5
Poetry 4
Miscellaneous 20
Readers were asked to state the vaca-
tion and leisure time pursuits they pre-
ferred. A majority indicated two or more
preferences. Here are their answers in
percentage of the 446 questionnaires re-
Visit scenic places 71%
Explore the desert 66%
Collect rocks and minerals 48%
Camp outdoors 37%
Hunt and fish 32%
Hike 31%
Prospect 22%
Climb mountains 19%
Other pertinent facts about the mem-
bers of the Desert Magazine reader fami-
ly were disclosed by the questionnaire as
36.5% of the Desert Magazine readers
are professional men and women—doc-
tors, lawyers, artists, teachers, engineers
and scientists.
22.7% are business executives, ranch
and mine owners and managers, utility
executives, etc.
20.1% are skilled craftsmen, salesmen,
clerks, artisans, mechanics, etc. CASH PRIZE OFFERED magazine will award a cash prize of
8.6% are housewives. $5.00. Those entering the contest should
TO CONTEST WINNER give the exact location of the Landmark,
7.7% are retired. its name, directions for reaching it by
4.4% belong to miscellaneous classifica- For the monthly Landmark Contest
in November the Desert Magazine staff highway or railroad, geological forma-
tions. tion, approximate dimensions, and any
has selected a well-known and very un-
Their average annual family income is usual rock formation in southern Utah. other historical or legendary material con-
$3924.00. The name of this rock appears on nearly nected with it. Origin of the name should
75.4% of them own their homes. all the maps, and although it is not near be given if possible.
Average value of their homes is a paved highway, it is widely known to Entries must reach the Desert Maga-
$7950.00. travelers. zine office by November 20, and the win-
94.4% of them own automobiles, many For the best descriptive story of this ning story will be published in the Janu-
•of them two or more cars. Landmark, not exceeding 500 words, the ary issue of this magazine.

NOVEMBER, 1940 35
KIT CRRSon monument Winner of the September
Landmark contest of the
D e s e r t Magazine was
were not pointed out to the traveler, due
to its color which blends into that of the
surrounding cliffs. Its height is judged
Marguerite Sandstrom McDowell of Fort Defiance, Arizona. She identifed as being about 75 feet and its base about
the accompanying photograph, which was published in the September 25 feet in diameter.
number of the magazine, as Kit Carson Monument, a natural landmark on One must take the by-roads to see this
the Navajo Indian reservation. Her winning story is published on this page. notable spire, the handicraft of wind and
rain, and travel northwest of Gallup,
New Mexico, by Window Rock, Arizona
the Navajo agency, to old Fort Defiance,
and to the mouth of Canon Bonito.


Questions on page 10
1—Upper Sonoran plant zone.
2—Connect San Bernardino with
La Paz gold fields.
4—Mesquite tree.
7—Colorful sandstone erosions.
8—Colorado river Indian reserva-
9—Father Font.
11—Pueblo dwellers.
12—Weaving industry.
15—Eat it.
17—Find a new route to Monterey.
20—Stock raising.

Temperatures— Degrees
Mean for month 85-2
Normal for September 82.7
High on September 9 107.0
Low on September 21 67.0
Rain— Inches
Total for month 1.43
Normal for September 75
Days clear 16
Days partly cloudy 9
/ y N upper Canon Bonito near its predominates the Chinle and Canyon de Days cloudy 5
J juncture with Blue canyon stands Chelly region. It is a landmark known G. K. GREENING, Meteorologist.
Kit Carson Monument. It is a rock for many years and many names are carv-
known in Navajo as Tse'i'ahi, which FROM YUMA BUREAU
ed on the rock itself. Some of them are
Temperatures— Degrees
means "rock standing up." John Stewart, 1905, blacksmith of Fort Mean for month 85.3
The first historical reference to it is Defiance; L. L. Preston 1907, and Jim Normal for September 83.7
made in Lieutenant J. E. Simpson's Jour- Damon 1913, son of Anson Chandler High on September 10 109.0
Damon, pioneer Indian trader. Low on September 19 64.0
nal of 1849. He states, "Just before reach- Rain— Inches
ing camp a most singular looking column Colonel John Washington, the Military Total for month 0.53
appears on the left of the road resembling Governor of New Mexico, passed by 71-year average for September 0.34
when viewed nearby, a vase; when re- Tse'i'ahi in 1849 as did Henry Lafayette Weather-
motely, a statue. It is of sandstone forma- Days clear 24
Dodge, the first civil agent to the Nava- Days partly cloudy 4
tion and has an altitude from 30 to 40 jo in 1851. Captain John Walker with Days cloudy 2
feet." Simpson also has a plate showing his mounted rifles passed by it in pursuit Sunshine 89 percent (331 hours out of
the picture of what we know as Kit Car- of the Navajo in 1858 and Kit Carson possible 371 hours).
son monument. Colorado river — Figures on discharge and
in the winter of 1863. storage not available. Revised capacity ta-
The monument stands beside an old Behind the monument are the ruins of bles for Boulder dam became effective Sep-
Navajo Indian and military trail between a small 13th century cliff house hidden tember 1 giving estimated storage of 24,560,-
in a cave. 000 acre feet at that time, 1,120,000 more
Fort Defiance and Canyon de Chelly. It than the old tables indicated.
is formed of the same sandstone which The spire would not be noticed if it JAMES H. GORDON, Meteorologist.


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r HERE is a serious threat to the California state park

system in Proposition No. 13 on the November 5 bal-
lot. The proposal would throw open all park lands to
prospecting, leasing and drilling for gas and oil.
a rattler. It was a startling experience—I had never seen a
gopher snake strike before. I gave ground, and offered him
every opportunity to move on—but he only hissed and coiled
for another attack. I intended no harm, but he did not know
that. He was still in his fighting pose when I retreated to my
There may come a time when Americans will need the re-
sources which lie within the park boundaries to insure ade- car a hundred yards away, and departed.
quate living necessities for themselves and their children. But Later, a park ranger told me this was not an unusual ex-
we are far from that stage at the present time. The only pres- perience. Gopher snakes, in some instances, he said, not only
ent motive for robbing the park areas of any resources they have acquired the rattlesnake's defensive strike, but actually
may contain is the profit it will bring to private individuals. quiver their tails as if they had rattles. As a matter of fact
And those who would gain most from the enactment of this they could hardly puncture the skin of a victim, and are
measure have the least need for that extra profit. without venom. But since they have started taking on the
It is needless to say that the conservation groups—the Save- characteristics of their deadly cousins, who can tell? Perhaps
the-Redwoods league, the Sierra club, the State Park com- in another 100,000 years Nature will have endowed them
mission and scores of conservation-minded leaders are vigor- with both fangs and poison.
ously opposing No. 13. The Desert Magazine is very definite- Anyway, he had a vicious disposition. It occurred to me
ly aligned with the opponents of the amendment. that if I were a Smoki clansman, and the Snake priest handed
* * * me this fellow, I would resign from the Order then and
Every line of type that goes into the Desert Magazine is
proof-read five times. And yet errors get by occasionally in * * *
spite of all the proof-readers. The Chinese have a philosophy In behalf of that tribe of humans who find pleasure in fol-
which gives an editor a perfect alibi for these slips when they lowing desert trails, I want to extend greetings to James W.
occur. According to Lin Yutang in "The Importance of Liv- Cole, newly appointed custodian of the Joshua Tree national
ing," "An American editor worries his hair grey to see that monument of Southern California.
no typographical mistakes appear on the pages of his maga- Cole formerly was junior park naturalist at Yosemite. I
zine. The Chinese editor is wiser than that. He wants to do not know how well acquainted he is with the desert—but
leave his readers the supreme satisfaction of discovering a I am sure Frank Bagley and some of the other old-timers
few typographical mistakes for themselves." around Twentynine Palms will see that he is properly initiated
* * * into the Royal Order of Desert Rats.
Rumors are current in northern Arizona that plans are on Until the present time the Joshua Tree monument has
foot to promote a paved highway out to Rainbow bridge. The been a sort of orphan child of the park service—just left
bridge is accessible now only over a seven-mile pack trail. there to shift for itself. Cole has a big job of creative work
Maybe I am all out of tune with the civilization in which I to do there, and while funds are not sufficient to fully develop
am living—but I am harboring a secret hope that the pro- and protect the park area immediately, it is at least gratifying
moters of the paved road will stub their toes and give it up. to know that a start is being made.
I've sort of hoped that Rainbow bridge would be kept re- * * *
mote from the highways—as a shrine for those who have I don't know whether Pegleg Smith ever found a gold mine
the hardihood to follow the pack trail. There already are a or not. Some of the old-timers insist that his lost mine story
million scenic attractions for the hard-road tourists who ride is a myth, and that Pegleg got his gold by hijacking pack
around in automobiles. trains.
* * * But fact or fiction, Ol' Pegleg surely did start a lot of
Motoring along the dirt road between Holbrook and Keams arguments. Jackson Hill of Desert Center, California is re-
canyon last summer I had a strange experience with a snake. sponsible for the latest outburst of Pegleg propaganda. He
I met the only reptile I have ever encountered that would reported last spring that he had found the original source of
rather fight than run. And it was a harmless gopher snake at the Smith gold in a tunnel in Orocopia mountains. Since then
that. I've received at least a hundred letters on the subject, and
He was partly coiled in the middle of the road and I had they agree on only one point—that Jackson Hill is a blankety-
to swerve the car to avoid him. His size and coloring were blank prevaricator.
so extraordinary I stopped and walked back to have a closer It really would be quite a tragedy if some one actually found
look. He was a seven-footer with the most beautifully pattern- Pegleg's lost mine. It wouldn't be any fun prospecting the
ed black and light yellow skin I have ever seen. desert if it were not for those dreams of the bonanza that
As I approached he coiled and struck with the ferocity of lies just over the hill.

NOVEMBER, 1940 37

THE FASCINATING IMPERIAL DESERT Let us help you plan an outing trip that will give you a
EXPLORE this winter. Follow the winding automobile
trails that lead to rare scenic areas, to
old and new mining fields, to gem and mineral areas, to pic-
day or a week or a month of joy and relaxation in the great
Imperial desert winter playground of Southern California.
turesque waterholes and historical monuments. CANAL THROUGH THE PICTURESQUE SANDHILLS EAST OF
Make El Centre with its luxurious or its moderate priced EL CENTRO.
hotels and automobile courts, y ° u r headquarters for a week- For details and informative booklet write to:—
end or a prolonged vacation while you take the good by-roads
that extend into ANZA DESERT park . . . to Salton Sea with its
world-famous mudpots . . . to Painted Canyon . . . to the placer EL CEHTRO CHRmBER OF COfnfllERCE
gold fields . . . to Imperial Dam on the Colorado river . . . or to ROBERT HAYS, Secretary-Manager
picturesque Old Mexico a few miles to the south. El Centro, California

What do you want

from the All-American canal?
. After a quarter-century of effort to secure Two of these objectives have been accom-
the All-American canal you want it to do these plished. Boulder dam has freed Imperial Val-
things: ley from threat of flood or drouth, and soon
the water supply for Imperial and Coachella
1—Provide an assured, abundant water Valleys will flow through a canal entirely on
supply, under your control at all times. United States soil.
Rural areas in Imperial Valley are elec-
2—Furnish power for electrification of
farms, farm homes and rural areas.
Now, right today, you have an opportunity
3—Pay for itself through sale of electricity, to cash in on the All-American canal, get from
and at the same time protect citizens from any it its full value by making it fulfill its third
increase in the tax burden. purpose.


Imperial Irrigation District
Use Your Own Power-Moke it Pay for the All American Canal

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