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Desert Magazine 1972 July

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t. The trail to the top of 14,495-foot Mt. Whitney, highest point

of the contiguous 48 states, is not too well marked and is rough
in spots, but that did not prevent over 15,000 people, starting
from Main Street and West Portal Road in Lone Pine, California,
from attempting the climb to the top in 1970.

1 The road to Badwater in Death Valley, the lowest point in the

western hemisphere, is an easy 2Vfe-hour drive from the same

Lofty Mt. Whitney

rr spot in Lone Pine, California.
These two points are not the only attractions of Lone Pine, but
they are certainly the most dramatic. As the point where your
Eastern Sierra vacation begins; fishermen, hunters, hikers,
rockhounds, bottle collectors, ghost town aficionados, prospec-

* " "™ tors, wildlife observers and for those who just want to relax,
Lone Pine, California is the focal point for any and all of these
pursuits. This year plan to attend the Lone Pine Stampede, an
R.C.A. Rodeo and Parade, September 23 and 24.

Lone Pine is just 186 miles north of Los Angeles on the Pan
Am Highway 395, which stretches from the Mexican border to
the Canadian boundary.
One great point to remember: Vacations never end in Lone Pine.
The winter season in Death Valley, year-round fishing in the
Owens River, hundreds of back country lakes and streams,
reached by pack horse, or on foot, one of the finest 9-hole
4 Lazy Stream Photos by Ed Warrensford
golf courses in California, are ready and waiting just for you.

The Lost City of the Alabama] Hilts Sand Dunes Near Olancha

Presented by Lone Pine Chamber of Commerce Send for NEW Lone Pine Tourist Guide Map Box 552, Lone Pine California 93545

GEORGE BRAGA, Art Director

ENID C. HOWARD. Utah Associate Editor
GLENN VARGAS. Lapidary Editor
K. L. BOYNTON. Naturalist Volume 35, Number 7 JULY, 1972
JACK DELANEV. Staff Writer


INYO'S CRYSTAL RIDGE Mary Frances Strong

NAIROBI, U.S.A. Ernie Cowan


OWENYO . . . Mary Frances Strong



Thousand Island Lake with
13,000-i'oot Banner Peak in HIGH, WIDE & HANDSOME Mary Frances Strong
the background is nestled
in the Sierra Nevada near TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Important Editorial
Mammoth Lakes in Cali-
fornia's Inyo County. The
John Muir Hiking Trail
winds past this and dozens
of other lakes in che scenic
summer vacation land. Side DEPARTMENTS
roads and hiking trails can
be reached along U. S.
Highway 395. Photo by A PEEK IN THE PUBLISHER'S POKE
David Muench, Santa Bar-
William Knyvett
bara, California.

DESERT LIFE Hans Baeruald


RAMBLING ON ROCKS Glenn and Martha Vargas


ELTA SHIVHI.Y. Executive Secrelan MARVEL BARRETT. Circulation Manager

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea St.. Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code
714 346-8144. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $5.00; 2 years.
S9.5O; 3 years $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add Si.00 LJ.S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow
five weeks for change of address and send both new and old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second
class postage paid at Palm Desert. California and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3. 1879. Contents copyrighted 1972
by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photo-
graphs WILL N O T BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
PEAKING EDITORIALLY, d u r i n g t h e
S summer months Desert Magazine

A Peek heads for the hills and the cooler climes.

These issues are designed to reach our
readers in time to aid families to plan

P.D.Q. Gem
in the their extended weekend excursions and
summer vacations.
The majority of the May issue was de-

Drill Accessories Publishers voted to southern Utah and northern

Arizona. In June we featured two trips to
Oregon and northern California for rock-

Poke hounds and explorers, and Stan Jones

finished his two-part series on how to
fish Lake Powell.
In this issue we capitalized on Mary Frances Strong's knowledge ol the Sierra
Nevada and the areas of interest for fishermen, rockhounds, history buffs and explorers
along U.S. Highway 395. Her material was so interesting and diversified we finally de-
cided to present it in four separate articles. Long-time followers of Mary Frances Strong
know her detailed articles and maps provide rewarding trips and experiences.
In next month's issue (August) Enid C. Howard, our Utah Associate Editor, fol-
lows the New Navajo Trail through Utah, New Mexico and Arizona and provides a
first-hand account of Indian trading posts—including the Hubbell Trading Post which
was recently designated as a National Historic Site. She also visits scenic and historic
areas such as Canyon de Chelly.
In the September issue, Editor Jack Pepper will describe how .1 "desert rat" be-
comes a "river runner" as he rides the rapids of Cataract Canyon of the Colorado
River whose turbulent waters cascade through the sheer sandstone escarpments of Can-
Basic unit. Drills clean holes faster. Comes with
motor, chuck, foot rheostat, drill pan and drilling tem- yonlands National Park. These rapids were first explored by Major John Wesley Pow-
plate. Booklet of operating instructions included.
Nickle Plated $42.50 ell 100 years ago.
(Does not include price of diamond drill point.)
And for those who have missed our lost mine and treasure articles, we have some
new ones scheduled—the first of which will appear 111 next month's issue. We would
like to print a lost mine article in every issue—and would if we were not running into
Good drill points are necessary with any drill obstacles. The obstacles are the continual dosing of private and public lands. Many
press. Two styles are listed below. The solid style has
a drilling point composed of a special alloy and dia- of the lost mine and hidden treasure areas which were open to exploration only five
mond bort. This type of drill is delicate and needs care
in its use. However, with care, the solid type is much years ago today are closed.
longer lived and will drill more holes per dollar. The
hollow core style drill has a hollow steel tip which is So our articles on lost mines must be completely researched before we publish
coated with diamonds by a special process. This style
drill, drills very fast and is less delicate and can be them. We will not send our readers out on a metal-detector safari only for them to
used by the beginner with good success. We do recom-
mend this type drill for beginners and for extra fast
drilling in Opal, Obsidian, etc. find an area closed and their weekend trip ending in frustration.
Which brings us to the article in this issue on Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton's
dedication of 19 "recreational sites" and our editorial, Time is Running Out in which
No. 14 2MM Hollow core we urge our readers to express their views. We also stated in the editorial that manufac-
diamond drill point _ $5.50 Each
turers of off-road vehicle equipment should join in the fight to keep our public lands
open. The day after we wrote the editorial we received a release from the American
The New "WWZ-Z-Z Sintered
Motors Corporation that they have published a booklet, "Your Land, Your Jeep and
Diamond Drills You," designed to promote awareness among off-road drivers of the need for care and
No. Point Sin Shank Sii« Prict Eack protection of our environment." It's believed to be the first publication of its kind
89 1.00 mm 1.00 mm _ _ $5.50
90 1.50 mm 1.50 mm . _ _ 5.00 issued by a vehicle manufacturer.
91 2.00 mm 2.00 m m _ _ 5.50
92 2.50 mm 3/16 inch 6.00 Written by Ed Zern, internationally-known outdoors writer and conservationist,
93 3.00 mm 3/16 Inch - 7.00
3.50 mm
4.00 mm
1/8 inch
1/8 inch _
the booklet seeks understanding of the geological processes in wilderness areas.
Prices on request for larger drills He urges careful use of recreational vehicles in off-road situations because "al-
up to 8 m m
ready the agencies that regulate the use of public lands—the Bureau of Land Manage-
SHIPLEY'S ment, the Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Fish & Wildlife Service and all
the state conservation agencies—have begun to draw up rules limiting the use of off-
MINERAL HOUSE road vehicles."
On Hwy. 160 in southwest Colorado, 18 miles
east of Durango or IV2 miles west of Bayfield. Copies of the booklet are available without charge from American Motors Cor-
Mailing; Address: poration, Department JB, Detroit Michigan 48232.
Bayfield D, Colorado 81122
Phone: 303-884-2632
Postage charges not included
Desert Magazine Book Shop
HAPPY WANDERER TRIPS by Slim Barnard. Well- DESERT GEM TRAILS by Mary Frances Strong.
known TV stars, Henrietta and Slim Barnard DESERT Magazine's Field Trip Editor hos revised
have put together a selection of their trips and brought up to date her popular field guide
throughout the West from their Happy Wanderer for rockhounds. She has deleted areas which are
travel shows. Books have excellent maps, history, now closed to the public and added new areas
cost of lodging, meals, etc. Perfect for families not covered before. The maps have also been up-
planning weekends. Both books are large format, dated. This is the "bible" for both amateur and
heavy paperback, 150 pages each and $2.95 veteran rockhounds and back country explorers.
each. Volume One covers California and Volume Heavy paperback, 80 pages and still the same
Two Arizona, Nevada and Mexico. WHEN OR- price, $2.00.
GOLDEN MIRAGES by Philip A. Bailey. Out-of
DUTCH OVEN COOKBOOK by Don Holm. Wild print for more than 20 years, this was a collec-
life editor of the Portland Oregonian, the author tor's item. A valuable book for lost mines and
has spent his life exploring and writing about buried treasure buffs, it is beautifully written
the outdoors, so his recipes for preparing food and gives first-hand interviews with old-timers
in a Dutch Oven come from experience. If yoi long since passed away. Excellent fo- research
haven't had food cooked in a Dutch Oven, yoL EASTERN SIERRA and fascinating for arm-chair readers. Hardcover,
haven t lived . . . cind if you have you will illustrated, 353 pages, S9.95.
find these recipes new and exciting culinary JEEP TRAILS
adventures—as well as his style of writing. By ROGER MITCHELL GHOSTS OF THE GLORY TRAIL by Nell Murbarger.
Heavy paperback, 106 pages, $3.95. A pioneer of the ghost town explorers and
Four-wheel-drive trips into the back writers, Miss Murbarger's followers wi I be glad
CALIFORNIA by David Muench and Ray At- country of the eastern slope of Califor- to know this book is once again in p'int. First
keson. Two of the West's greatest color pho- nia's Sierra Nevada range are described published in 1956, it is now in its seventh edi-
tographers have presented their finest works in detail by veteran explorer Roger Mit- tion. The fast-moving chronicle is a result of per-i
to create the vibrations of the oceans, lakes, chell. All of the trails are on government sonal interviews of old-timers who are no longer
mountains and deserts of California. Their land but, regulations vary, so he also de- here to tell their tales. Hardcover, illustrated,
photographic presentations, combined with the scribes what you can and cannot do in 291 pages, $7.00.
moving text of David Toil, makes this a classic each area. Ten different trips with detail-
in Western Americana. Large 11x14 format, ed road mileage and maps. Designed to BURIED TREASURE & LOST MINES by Frank Fish.
heavy slick paper, hardcover, 200 4-color put in glove compartment of your vehicle. One of the original treasure hunters provides
photographs, 186 pages, $25.00. Paperback, 36 pages. data on 93 lost bonanzas, many of which he per-
sonally searched for. He died under mysterious
LOST MINES OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST by John $1.00 circumstances in 1968 after leading an adven-
D. Mitchell. The first of Mitchell's lost mine turous life. Illustrated with photos a r d maps.
books is now availabte after having been out ot Paperback, 68 pages, $2.00.
print for years. Reproduced from the original DEAD MEN DO TELL TALES by Lake Erie Schaefer.
copy and containing 54 articles based on ac- A sequel to BURIED TREASURE & _OST MINES by LAND OF POCO TIEMPO by Charles F. Lummis.
counts from people Mitchell interviewed. He Frank Fish, the author knew Fish for many years A reprint of the famous writer and historian of
spent his entire adult life investigating reports and claims he was murdered. Her book adds his adventures among the Indians of New Mexico.
and legends of lost mines and treasures of 1he other information on alleged lost bonanzas, plus Lurrmis was one of the foremost writers of the
Southwest. Hardcover, illustrated, 175 pages, reasons why she thinks Fish did not die a natural West. Paperback, 236 pages, $2.45.
$7.50. death as stated by the authorities. Paperback,
illustrated, 80 pages, $3.00. THE WEEKEND GOLD MINER by A. H. Ryan. An
electronic physicist "bitten by the gold bug,"
NEVADA GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS the author has written a concise and informative
by Stanley W. Paher. Covering all of Nevada's book for amateur prospectors telling where and
OLD FRONTIER by John D. Mitchell. The second
17 counties, Paher has documented 575 mining how gold is found and how it is separated and
of Mitchell's books on lost mines which was out-
camps, many of which have been erased from tested, all based on his own practical ex-
of-print for many years is available again. Many
the earth. The book contains the greatest and perience. Paperback, 40 pages, $1.50.
of these appeared in DESERT Mgazine years
most complete collection of historic photographs
ago and these issues are no longer available.
of Nevada ever published. This, coupled with CORONADO'S CHILDREN by J. Frank Doby. Ori-
New readers will want to read these. Contains
his excellent writing and map, creates a book ginally published in 1930, this book about lost
the original map first published with the book
of lasting value. Large 9x1 1 format, 700 mines and buried treasures of the West, is a
and one pinpointing the areas of lost mines.
photographs, hardcover, 492 pages, $15.00. classic and is as vital today as when first written.
Mitchell s personal research and investigation
has gone into the book. Hardcover, 240 pages, Dobie was not only an adventurer, but a scholar
MOCKEL'S DESERT FLOWER BOOK by Henry and $7.50. and a powerful writer. A combination of legends
Beverly Mockel. The well-known painter of and factual background. Hardcover, 375 pages,
desert wildflowers has combined his four-color COMMON EDIBLE & USEFUL PLANTS OF THE $3.95.
sketches and black and white photographs to WEST by Muriel Sweet. A description with artist
describe in detail so the layman can easily drawings of edible (and those not to touch) SELDOM SEEN SLIM by Tom Murray. Profiles and
identify wildflowers, both large and small. plants along with how Indians and pioneers used vignettes of the colorful "single blanket jackass
Microscopic detail makes this an outstanding them. Paperback, 64 pages, $1.50. prospectors" who lived and died as they looked
book for identification. Special compressed fiber for gold and silver in Death Valley. Slick paper-
cover which will not stain. 54 full-color illustra- back, exclusive photos of the old-timers, 65
tions with 72 life-size drawings and 39 photo- pages, $3.00.
graphs, 316 pages, $5.95.
EXPLORING DEATH VALLEY by Ruth Kirk. Good Using topographic maps as basic underlays, Wes
photos and maps with time estimates from place Add 50 cents PER ORDER has compiled two excellent detailed naps for
to place and geology, natural history and back country explorers of the Mojave and Color-
(Not Each Book) ado Deserts. Maps show highways, gravel roads,
human interest information included. Paperback.
$1.95. for handling and mailing jeep trails plus historic routes and sites, old
wells, which are not on modern-day maps, plus
COLORFUL DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Grace and CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ALSO ghost towns, Indian sites, etc. Mojave Desert
Onas Ward. Segregated into categories of red, Overview covers from U.S. 395 at Little Lake to
blue, white and yellow for easier identification, Boulder City, Nevada, to Parker Dam to Victor-
there are 190 four-color photos of flowers found Send check or money order to Desert Maga- ville. Colorado Desert Overview covers from the
in the Mojave, Colorado and Western Arizona zine Book Shop, Palrr Desert, California Mexican border to Joshua Tree National Monu-
deserts, all of which also have common and 92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges ment to Banning to the Arizona side of the
scientific names plus descriptions. Heavy, slick or C.O.D. orders. Colorado. $3.00 each. Be certain to state which
paperback. $4.50. map (or both) when ordering.

Enjoy Moab's


An inspiring interpretation of All books reviewed are available through
Nature and history of south- Desert Magazine Book Shop
eastern Utah with music and
Enjoy this unique cruise in com-
plete safety in 80-passenger Jet
Boat constructed to our speci- MIGHTY
fications. Trained river guides SIERRA
operate the craft in quiet, safe
comfort, making this a family By Paul Webster
experience you will not want to
miss on your visit to Canyon
Boat leaves nightly from our
Colorado River dock As described in several articles in this
One-half hour after sundown issue, the majestic Sierra Nevada towers
ADULTS, $5.00 Children under 12, $2.50 into the Western sky lor several hundred
miles in central California. Once a forbid-
Canyon walls come to life under 40,000 WHlnCO, IRC. ding mountain which claimed the lives of
watts of controlled illumination WELTON B. WINN, General Manager early pioneers and argonauts, today it is a
FOR RESERVATIONS: " " ' Holiday Haven, Moab, Utah 84532 vast winter and summer recreation land.
TELEPHONE 801-259-5261 Described by geologists as a "fault
block" range, it rises out of the desert to
the east in a steep escarpment and then

FOR SALE slopes gently into California's Central Val-

ley on the west. It also contains Mount
Whitney, the highest point in the contigu-
ous forty-eight states.
CALLAHAN'S Subtitled "A Portrait of a Mountain
World." this book is the dramatic story of

Historic Old West majestic peaks and scenic valleys, lakes

and rivers and streams cascading down the
mountain slopes to the desert valley below.
It is also the story of man and the

Frontier Village mountain; of the Indians who first lived

in the Sierra; the emigrants who blazed
trails across its barrier; the miners, ranch-
Tremendous Income Potential! 790 feet of highway frontage. Only
ers and railroaders who sought fortunes
35 miles from Hollywood, California. Situated on 12-plus acres,
in the mountains; and, finally, the conflict
it includes Indian Kiva, 3 Cottages, Outlaw Saloon, Chapel, School,
between the conservationists who want to
Hangtown Hall and Museum, Historic Relics, Projector and 17
keep the mountain in a pristine state and
Oldtime Comedy Films. Water well, 2 emergency tanks. Picnic
the thousands ot families who use the
tables and chairs. Hiking trail to all-year spring.
range as a weekend playground.
TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED The author, who has spent much of his
life exploring the Sierra, has also includ-
Vnle or t ill owner: ed a Guide to the Sierra, an extensive glos-

Robert Callahan sary ant) a useful bibliography. It is a vol-

ume to read and re-read for those who
10050 To.uca Lake Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91602 already love the Sierra Nevada and a new
Telephone 213 877-3000 adventure for those who have yet to dis-
cover it.
Large 8'/? x I I format, heavy mat pa-
per, hardcover, more than 70 four-color
and 90 black and white photographs, plus
maps and art illustrations, 288 pages.
$13.95 until Dec. 31, 1972. then $17.50.

By Russ Leadabrand DOUBLE SWINGING
The author's Guidebook to the Sunset CONVENIENCE AND DESIGN !
Ranges of Southern California, first pub-
lished in 1965, has long been a favorite READY TO MOUNT!
for those planning trips into the moun- CHANGE FROM REAR TO
tains of Orange. Riverside and San Diego
Since then Leadabrand has amassed so
much more material and updated his re-
search, he is writing separate books on the
various ranges. His new Guidebook to the Available in chrome at $45.00 extra.
San facinto Mountains is the first of that
series. The volume not only includes the
San Jacinto Moutains but also covers the

Desert Divide Country, Cahuilla Moun- 455 W. 1st St., P.O. Box 1134D, Scottsdale, Ariz. 85252 (602) 946-9687
tain. Thomas Mountain and a portion of
the Santa Rosa Mountains.

It also has a chapter on the Palm PAGE, ARIZONA
Springs Aerial Tramway and other attrac-
tions not in existence when his first book
on the area was published. Although
basically an automobile travel guide, it
also includes brief descriptions of hiking
Several pages of old photographs, along
with a history outline, enhance the travel-
MOTEL .. Overlooking
the Glen Canyon Dam
er s interest as he follows the highways
and byroads through this scenic mountain and Spectacular
range in California's Riverside Count).
For travelers coming from Los Angeles hake Powell Scenery
to the Palm Desert area or those coming
to the desert from San Diego, this book
offers main interesting summer trips. Reservations: (602) 645-2451
Heavy paperback, illustrated, 102 pages.
SI. 95.
Managers: Mr. and Mrs. John Skinner

Books reviewed may be order-

ed from the DESERT Magazine
Book Shop, Palm Desert, Calif. American Express
92260. Please include 50c for BankAtnericard
handling. California residents Carle Blanche
Diner s Club
must add 5% sales tax. Please
Master Charge
enclose payment with the order.
M a r y Frances
by Jerry Strong

A California Field Trip

>/!! ^ ^

Smoky quartz crystals (right)

at Location B (see map on
Page 11) require hard-rock
mining. Note large crystals on
rounded quartz matrix in center of
photo. Best specimens (below)
are obtained by prying into
shattered quartz vein. Author
uses whisk broom to brush away
loose dirt and reveal crystals.

P REHISTORIC: MAN was evidently the

first collector of gems, since clear,
quartz crystals have been round among
his artifacts. These beautiful crystals, of-
ten called "the flowers of the mineral
world," also intrigued early man, and to-
day they fascinate the rockhound.
Quartz crystals are not uncommon but Several sloughs are passed and three Late one March we watched several hun-
deposits where unusual specimens occur miles from the aqueduct the old railbed dred snow geese take to the air, circling
are infrequent. One such location is Cry- of the "Slim Princess," the famed narrow- and circling ever higher until they were
stal Ridge, King along the base of the gauge railroad, is crossed and a junction out of sight and northward bound. It was
Inyo Mountains, cast of Independence, made with the Eastside Road. thrilling sight!
California. Sixty years ago, the Owens River ran The Eastside Road is now crossed and
By using a little patience and persever- free and meandered through this great immediately the road Ys. Keep right. The
ance, combined with digging and screen- valley. It was a region of many meadows left branch leads to an old shack and gold
ing, rockhounds can add several interest- and sloughs. Game was plentiful and In- prospect. We found no gold but did ob-
ing "gems" to their collections. Along dians had occupied the area over a long serve a little copper ore. The Inyos have
with the fun of rock hunting, they will period of time. been heavily prospected since I860 and
also be treated to the magnificent pano- Only a few sloughs remain but ducks nearly ever)' canyon has an old mine or
rama of the Owens Valley. and other migratory birds often rest here. two. Some have been abandoned but many
The most direct, and best route to Crys-
tal Ridge is via Black Rock Springs Road
(formerly Coloseum Road), 8.4 miles
north of Independence on U.S. Highway
395. The road is good except for a short
stretch up a rocky wash a half-mile from
Crystal Ridge. It can readily be negotiated
by pickup and cars if not too low slung.
Black Rock Springs Road is paved and :' d i'
gently curves north. Just prior to the State
Fish Hatchery, turn right on a dirt road
and cross the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Af-
ter a left turn, followed by a right, the
dirt road wanders easterly across the valley
floor to a broad canyon in the Inyo Moun-
tains. (See map for detailed mileages.)
This is cattle country and many cows
with calves winter in the area. When we
were here in March '72, we saw numerous
cows with newborn young. It struck us as
unusual to see a majority with twins and
one cow had triplets. Could it be they have
been taking fertility pills?
now offered to
all treasure hunters!

From Crystal Ridge there is a magnificent view of the Sierra Nevada, which is
snow-capped most of the year, and Owens Valley below.
are still privately owned. Do NOT disturb under the outcrops yields single crystals
any buildings or equipment. Even though of various sizes. Some are clear and of fa-
the property is not posted vandalism is ceting quality. Prying out chunks of the
illegal. shattered quartz will reveal the plates and
The road now continues up a broad al- vugs. A ' ,-inch mesh screen, pick, shovel.
luvial fan, jogs right then left, enters a chisel and whiskbroom are effective tools.
wash and follows it to a small hanging val- The beauties to look for (other than the
ley and Crystal Ridge. faceting grade) are crystals I to 3 inches
The ridge is part of a granitic mass in- in length. They are clear except for their
truding a series of thick, complexly faulted terminations which arc "sprinkled" with
and folded sedimentary rocks, which along chlorite or specular hematite. The chlorite
with Triassic volcanics, form the Inyo gives the crystals the effect of having been
Mountains. The age of the series extends dipped in "gold dust" while the hematite
Professionals and serious amateurs from the Cambrian through the Triassic. gives a shiny metallic effect. They are very
are hard to please. That's why Fisher Crystal Ridge is an exposed group of showy specimens.
invented the Ciemini Detector. It's parallel quartz veins and connecting quartz. Groups of small quartz crystals ( '/> to
the one for men whose business de-
stringers in a quartz-monzonite block. I inch) on matrix will be found with ro-
pends on accurate, reliable location
of gold, silver, metallic objects, and Small cavities occur throughout the mass settes of specular hematite deposited spar-
ore bodies. And now the Gemini is and, due to a local abundance of mineral- ingly upon them. Watch for plates of crys-
available for von . . . for all amateur izers, well-defined crystals of component tals stained a deep, red-brown and occa-
treasure hunters anil prospectors!
minerals have formed in the cavities. The sionally some that arc a pale amethyst in
d Instantly detects objects up to 22 quartz minerals predominate but spectacu- color,
feet deep! lar hematite, chlorite, horneblende and LOCATION B
[~1 Costs less than most top-of-the- cpidote also occur.
line loop detectors! This deposit is a halt-mile south ol the
[ i Searches an area 10 times faster LOCATION A first diggings near the crest ol the ridge.
than a loop type detector! This deposit contains quartz crystals in a Groups of very dark, smoky quartz crystals
Don't delay! Contact your local wide variety of forms ranging from very will be found on matrix. Tins is hard rock
dealer or write us for free detailed slender, l/j-inch, doubly-terminated crys- mining. The tools required are a sledge,
tals to larger ones four inches long and pry bar. chisel, shovel and strong back, A
DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED thumb-size in girth. Generally, deposits few single crystals have also been found
WELCOMED of this type do not yield extremely large here.
crystals as the conditions for development Camping at ( rystal Ridge is a bit of a
makes them intertwine in the cavities problem for trailers and. possibly motor-
where they form a crystal mass. homes due to the short, rocky sections of
FISHER MINING DETECTORS Numerous vugs and plates, as well as road near the bead of the wash. We have
Depl DM, P 0. Box 490, Belmont, CA. 94002 -Since 1932 small clusters and single crystals have been taken a 15-foot trailer into the collecting
exposed by erosion. Screening the talus a r e a. However, it required a bit of road
work. We didn't attempt to take our 22- (1863) before reaching the canyon road
looter in this spring. and then, upon turning right you will
C ondition of the wash will change after drive through the site of Bend City
a heavy storm. It's not advisable to take ( 1863) as you head west to Highw'ay 395
trailers and motorhomes beyond .7 of a south of Independence. Bottle collectors
mile from the Eastside Road. A fair camp- have long ago dug these old sites. But now
ing area will he found here on the alluvial and then, someone turns up an old bottle.
fan. If you haven't visited the Eastern Cali-
Big groups and even individuals should fornia Museum at Independence, plan to
consider using Sawmill Creek Camp- do so. Though small, it is growing and
ground, .8 oi a mile west of Highway 395. has a number of outstanding collections of
(See map.) Tin's is a nice clean camp with early days Owens Valley memorablia.
creek water and sanitary facilities and it is (See Desert, fuly. 7 1 . ) The Commanders 156 PAGES
only T miles from the collecting area. House is also worthy of a visit. The Mu- OF DETECTORS-BOOKS-MAPS . . .
There are several other points of inter- seum Association has recently refurbished
est in this general area. Those who enjoy it in I860 style. BY
back country exploring or trail bike riding, The fisherman will find the North and WHITES
can travel the Eastside Road north to South Forks of Oak Creek. Independence, GOLDAK
Aberdeen Road (approx. I 0 m i l e s ) , cross Svmes and Goodale Creeks good streams GEO-FINDER
Owens River and join II. S. Highway 395 in which to try his luck. PRECISION
near Taboose ( r e e k . W a t c h for obsidian- Central Owens Valley and its environs DETECTRON
ites on the several, irinute dry lakes along offer the outdoor enthusiast a fascinating FISHER
this route. W e also found a number of region to explore: ok] mines and historical
points one of clear quartz- in the vicin- sites to visit; good fishing streams; excel-
ity of the dry lakes. lent campgrounds and gem for the collect- General Electronic Detection Co.
Going south the Eastside Road eventu- ing. Spring, summer and fall it is an excit- 16238 Lakewood Boulevard
ally joins Mazourka Canyon Road at the ing area in which to spend a weekend, a
site of old Kearsarge (Citrus) Station.
You will pass the site of San Carlos
week or even longer. Who could ask for
Iryo Mtns.Calif.
' "HI * r-V^ '
fg ft *f HNLIL

< ' -

11483 Vanowen St., North Hollywood, CA 91605
(213) 764-6114 — (213) 877-7240
Nairobi U.S.A

by Ernie Cowan

I N THE valley a white rhino slogs into a

mud hole, as a quick gazelle gobbles
up ground in a swift foot race nearby.
Around the crest of the hill the WGASA
Bush Line Railroad brings its load of pas-
sengers into Nairobi. California. That's
right, California!
What sounds like and is a typical Afri-
can scene is actually part of an exciting
new development known as the San Diego

Replica of an African fishing

village (above). White Bearded
Gnu (left) stand before
silent-tunning electric monorail
train which takes visitors on a
5-mile guided tour of
the new park.
Wild Animal Park. Within its 1,800 acres, White
the African Nairobi of the turn of the Rhinoceros
century has been recreated along with the charges down
plains and swamps of Asia, the bush of a hill in the
Eastern Africa and the wilds of North South Africa
and South Africa. section of the
This unique new zoo works on the con- San Diego
cept of confining people and allowing the Wild Animal
animals to roam over large areas resem- Park. Zebras
bling their native habitat. Although about (below) are
30 miles north of metropolitan San Diego, one of the
but still in the city limits, the park is a many animal
second campus of the world famous San species seen.
Diego Zoo in Balboa Park.
The Wild Animal Park is located in
San Pasqual Valley, about six miles south-
east of the city of E.scondido. San Pasqual
is a scenic agricultural belt and the rolling
hills that create the valley provide a mag-
nificent setting for this interesting new
wildlife attraction.
You can reach this bit of Africa by tak-
ing State Highway 78 east from Interstate
1 5 at Escondido. It takes about 30 minutes
to reach the park from San Diego, and
about two hours from Los Angeles.
Zoo director Dr. Charles Schroeder said
the philosophy of the new wildlife park is
basically to "provide an expansive conser-
vation area and wildlife preservation cen-
ter where animals roam together in natural
Visitors to the park enter through the

Rondavel, patterned after a chief's burial
hut of east Africa. From here visitors en-
ter the world's largest free-flight aviary,
housing a collection of 300 birds. Most
of these birds are from east Africa.
Admission to the park is $1.25 for per-
sons 16 and up. Children under 16 are
free. Once inside the park, tickets for the
WGASA Bush Line Railroad are $1.50
for adults, $1 for children 12 to 16, and
50 cents for 2 to 11.
The entry area of the Wild Animal
Park is a duplication of Nairobi, Kenya,
done in turn-of-the-century architecture.
Paths in the village take visitors to exhib-
its such as the Komodo Dragon, lowland
gorillas, a huge lagoon with shore birds
and flamingos and a Congo River fishing
village. The entry village also contains a
scenic little restaurant known as the Mom-
basa Cookery. This is one of two restau-
rants located here.
But the real safari begins when the
V 13
WGASA Bush Line Railroad leaves Nai- and work by San Diego Zoo officials walski's wild horse, an animal no longer
robi Village on its five-mile loop through and members of its zoological society. found in the wild. Such efforts, as being
the park. This modern electric monorail Ground was actually broken for the zoo conducted here could save this animal
takes visitors on a. fascinating journey into in 1969 when a baby Asian elephant nam- from oblivion.
the bush. During the ride you will see ed Carol helped shovel the first spade of I think you will find San Diego's new
more than 1,000 animals in their natural dirt in a remote canyon. Wild Animal Park captivating and a
settings. As the train curves and winds Four months later the first animals, a place you will want to see again and again.
over the hill country you will see zebras, zebra, and a nilgai, were released into Frankly, I had my doubts when the park
antelope and ostriches of the open plains, temporary quarters at the park. Since that was announced. I had wandered the hills
and gnu, lions, elephants, giraffes, and time the animal population has increased where it was to be built and I didn't want
much more. many times, and there has even been some to see them rained by a "tourist attrac-
The park is a photographer's delight. births. tion."
The animals are not in wire cages and the Dr. Schroeder said the breeding of ani- But I followed construction carefully
pictures you take could have been taken mals at the Wild Animal Park could be- and I met the men who were responsible
in Africa as far as anybody can tell. come an important function of this vast for creation of this park. Men like Dr.
After the train ride, you return to the wilderness zoo. One of the zoo's main Schroeder, Zoo Designer Charles Faust
village where you can enjoy several more objectives is to provide an opportunity for and Zoo Project Manager Harold Barr. T
exhibits such as spider monkeys, the ani- endangered and near extinct species to sur- learned they cared about what they were
mal care center where you can see baby vive and reproduce. doing. They cared about the animals and
animals being cared for, and the Kraal, a Since 1900 more than 40 animal species they cared about the environment.
special area where kids can meet face-to- have become extinct in the world. It is The result of this care is a fine animal
snout with the smaller harmless animals hoped the park can establish breeding collection package in an interesting and
of "Nairobi." stock of some rare animals and supply humane environment. I think the San Die-
The May 10, 1972 opening of the San other zoos with these species. go Wild Animal Park will soon be ranked
Diego Wild Animal Park marked the The Wild Animal Park now has a suc- with the San Diego Zoo as one of the fin-
completion of over 13 years of planning cessful breeding program for the Preze- est animal collections in the world.

Resembling a dragonfly, the ant lion

preys on ants and other insects. It is a
beneficial insect (sometimes called a
doodlebug) and should be protected.


T •"
School. 1427 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura, Calif.
Plant sales tables. Free admission and parking.


BRATION. Big Bear Lake, Calif. Write Big
Bear Chamber of Commerce, Box 2860, Big

Western, Events
Bear Lake, Calif. 92315. &
GEMS sponsored by the San Francisco Gem and
Mineral Society, Hall of Flowers, Golden Gate-
JUNE 10 & 11, JACKPOT OF GEMS spon- Park. Complete show with demonstrations.
sored by the Reno (Nevada) Gem & Mineral
Society. Exhibit Building of Reno Fairgrounds. AUGUST 12 & 13. MOUNTAINEER GEM
Free admission. Special display of diamonds. CLUB'S 7th annual show. Big Bear City Fire
Write Jean Parrish, 923 Gordon Ave., Reno, Station, Highway 18, Big Bear City, California. 9201 CALIFORNIA AVE D e p t O
Nevada 89502. Write Frank Bowes, Box 414, Big Bear City, SOUTH GATE CAllfORWA 10280
Calif. 92314.
ANNUAL CONVENTION of the California
Barbed Wire Collectors Association, Royal
Palms Motor Hotel, 200 Union Ave., Bakers-
field. Calif. Exhibit- o]: antique barbed wire,
fencing tools and associated material. Admis-
sion free. Write Herbert Rock, 1924 Haley St.,
Bakersfield, Calif. 9*306.


JUNE 18—NAVAJO RODEO. Frybread con-
test, foot and horse races. Competitive Indian
dancing. Bluff, Utah


sored by the Miners logical Society of Arizona
and the Rocky Mountain Federation of Miner-
alogical Societies,, Arizona State Fairgrounds,
19th & McDowell Streets, Phoenix, Arizona.
More than $1,000,000 in special gem and min-
eral displays. Dealers, swap tables, field trips.
Write Robert Adams, 4222 E. Piccadilly Rd.,
Phoenix, Arizona 8 5(118.


LENT SHOW sponsored by the Cactus and
Succulent Society of America, Los Angeles
State & County Arboretum, 301 N. Baldwin
Ave. Free admission Garden tours and special 10 Ft. Fiberglass
programs. w/10 Ft. Fibergl
SHADE PLANT SHOW, Cabrillo Junior High

8 Jumbo Print:; octangular) $1.78
12 Jumbo Prints (square) $2.18
1 2 Jumbo Prints a i d
New Roll of Kodacolor except 126 $2.98
1 2 Jumbo Prints and There's a camper for everyone's need at Alaskan.
New Roll of Kodacolor film, 126 $3.07 Sold and installed only at Alaskan Camper factories at factory prices. Write today to the factory
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Kodacolor Neg reprint;; [square) $ .14
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available. Dept. D-4 (Tukwila) Seattle. Dept, D-4
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No lies CAMPER SALES, INC. 401 West End Ave ,
47 years of continuous Interstate 80 (half way 9042 Long Point Bd. Manheim. PA 17545
between S.F -Sacramento). Dept. D-4
service guarantees your Fit. 1, Box 332, Suisun
Houston. TX 77055
quality. Dept, D-4 ALASKAN CAMPERS
City, CA 94585, Dept,D-4
MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO. U S PATENT NO. 2 8 7 9 1 0 3 1100 Denver Ave , Fort 5539-6th Streets E
P. O. Box 370, Yurnn, Arizona 85364 or AND 3652119 Lupton, CO 80621, Dept.D-4 Calgary, Alberta,
CAN. Dept D-4
P. O. Bpx 2830, ion Diego, Calif. 921 12 CANADIAN PATENT NO 6 3 7 - 5 4 3

few old homes that lies just south of old Tombstone spawned the need for stamp-
by Jim Huie Contention City. Fairbank can be reached ing and processing mills for the ore that
by going north from Tombstone on U.S. was being gouged out of the desert floor.
80 and turning west on State 82 for about
A .MOST AS an afterthought, my part-
ner and I decided to visit the old
town site of Contention City, Arizona.
six miles.
Our search started and ended with
Before the mines flooded, six sister cities
were born with the purpose in life of
serving Tombstone. All six cities, Charles-
We had visited many ghost towns in Charlotte Blank. She not only runs the ton, Miilville, Emery City, Fairbank,
Southern Arizona, but for some reason Post Office and a small refreshment con- Grand Central Mill and Contention City
this site had never appealed to us. So, cession, but she is somewhat of a local were on the San Pedro River to make use
armed with only an old map and just a historian. Charlotte gave us directions and of the water necessary to run the mill.
passing interest, we started in that direc- permission, but only after she had warned Contention City was the northernmost of
tion. us about vandalism and digging for treas- these frontier mill towns.
We stopped in Fairbank to ask dir- ure. We had convinced her that we were Bumping down the cow trail that serv-
ections and to see who we must contact to armed only with cameras and not metal ed as a road, we met a car with occupants
get permission to enter any private pro- detectors and shovels. She said local who were obviously enthusiastic about
pert)' involved. Fairbank is a small com- ranchers had been having trouble because something. It was necesasry for us to back
munity consisting of a Post Office and a cattle were getting hurt in the numerous up and pull off the road to allow them to
large holes that treasure hunters had left. pass and as we did, we became a captive

\ I Her directions were very thorough to

eliminate the need of bothering local
ranchers with questions in case we got
audience to two men who had just found
several treasures at the Contention City
lost. People planning to enter Contention The finds included an 187^ dime and
City should see Charlotte for the detailed an old . i-i bullet, corroded but recogniz-
instructions. able. The dime had been lying on the sur-
With permission to enter a matter of face in what had been an old street. Now
record, we started off to see Contention our interest was picking up and after
City, one of the six sister cities of Tomb- short goodbyes and a few directions, we
stone. were off again.
Ed Schieffelin's 1877 silver strike at We were in a four-wheel-drive and had
no trouble fording the river. People in
conventional cars will find it necessary to
An 1875 dime and unjired splash across on foot. With care, conven-
.44 bullet were found at tional cars can cover the entire route up to
Contention City site. the river.
Remains of (juiburi Mission ing. So, knowing there was more to be
which dates, from seen, we reluctantly agreed to leave but
about the late 1600s. we promised ourselves we would return
At one time a railroad spur line passed someday and revisit Contention City, one
the site of Quiburi, but the tracks have of Tombstone's six sisters on the beauti-
now been hauled away and only the cinder ful San Pedro River. []
bed remains. This road bed makes a good
access road to Quiburi.
According to the men with the old
dime. Contention City had contained three
mills. We found evidence of two of them
but time didn't permit a length)- search so
we never found the third.
The two that we did find were strewn
with old fire bricks, metal plates and old
Is Uandier e
timbers. At one site what appeared to be a
furnace was etched into the hillside. Both I he tours by the H a p p y W o n d e r e i s con-
mill sites had roads at the top of the hill tain excellent maps, mileage, history
of the areas, costs of gasoline consump-
where they apparently drove the wagon tion, l o d g i n g meals, w h a t to wear a n d
the best time of the year 'o make the
loads of ore to be able to dump into the
hips. A f a m i l y can p l a n their trip a n d
the stamps. Small assay crucibles were d e t e r m i n e the exact a m o u n t of time a n d
money required.
scattered everywhere like leaves under a
V o I u m e N u rn bee O n e covers b ? lours
tree. throughout C o l i f o r n i a s deserfs, rnoun
Contention City had apparently sprawl- tains, lakes a n d seashores. In Volume
Number T w o , Slim a n d Henrietta explore
Contention Cit) turned out to be one of ed along the San Pedro River for about A r i z o n a , N e v a d a a n d O l d Mexico, with
the most interesting sites we had visited. 100 yards but she had a peak population the areas r a n g i n g from modern resorts
to ghost towns.
Many foundations, adobe walls, large tim- of only about 200 people. The post office
W h e n ordering BE SURE to state Volume
bers and an abundance of junk lay around. was abandoned in 1 888 and the town soon One or V o l u m e t w o . Both books are large
It was obvious that diggers had been died, but in her heyday she had two stages f o r m a t , heavy paperback w i t h 1 5 0 pages.

through, but the ground was still covered coming to town, a laundry, hotel
with nuts and belts and scores of square and the usual frontier bill of fare. $2.95 each
Calif, residents a d d 5 7, sales tax
nails. Broken china and bottles were in Contention City had been a town in a bOc h a n d l i n g charge per order
evidence everywhere. Now we were sorry rush, she had existed less than 10 years on sale at
for our belated start because we knew from (1879-1888), and now we had to rush Desert Magazine Book Shop
the map that a cemetery existed somewhere also because darkness was fast approch- PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260

to the southeast.
Also, about a mile: to the southwest on
the bank of the San Pedro is a site known
to the local people as the mission." The
mission," upon visiting, contained many
adobe ruins and had been an Indian vil-
lage. The mission dates from the late
1 600s and the time of the Jesuit priests. It
is listed on an Arizona Historical Society
map as Quibur . One foundation was Where every room overlooks

large enough to have been a chapel. the beautiful Indian Weils

Country Club Golf Course—
This year host club for the
Jack and Ma'y Splane's famous BOB HOPE CLASSIC


Turn off Highway 71 at Kirby Road Call 714-345-2581 for Reservations
Indian Wells, California 92260
For Reservations Call: 7 1 4 7 6 3 - 9 9 6 5 TILL SEPTEMBER

OWENYO... where

r ' .*•• • *••

••'••• Y2?*&±

. - • • •

• •'

- y

•j '

Souvenirs of the 'Slim

Princess" (above, left) were
picked up along the old
railroad bed. Small grave
discovered beneath the
tamarisk was probably that
of a small child.
the narrow gauge
met the standard
Mary Frances Strong
Photos by author

T IIH UTTLE, narrow-gauge train clat-

tered down the tracks from Man-
zanar. smoke stack belching soot-filled
and commerce on the line declined, all
plans for an extension to Mojave were
air and steam clouds billowing from be- In 1905, tiie Southern Pacific purchas-
neath the engine. It matched the Indian's ed the (arson & Colorado and three years
description of "Fire Horse." To the resi- later began construction of a standard
dents of California's Owens Valley, the gauge line from Mojave to the Owens Val-
train was a lifeline to the outside world ley. Keeler, however, would not be the
and they affectionately named her the connecting link. Instead, the new line ran
"Slim Princess." along the western shore of Owens Lake
"Owcnyo, next stop," called the con- and joined the C & C four miles north of
ductor. The passengers traveling south for Mt. Whitney Station. The junction was
connections with Los Angeles or San Fran- named Owenyo. Dignitaries and residents
cisco, gathered their possessions and pre- held a joyous celebration on October 18,
pared to depart. 1910, when a silver spike was driven to
Owenyo was the point where the nar- join the "Slim Princess" and "The Jaw-
row-gauge rails met the standard gauge. bone" lines.
This had not always been the case, since Hut joined, they really were not. Two
Owenyo came into existence some 30 years lines of rails one narrow and one stan-
after the birth of the Carson & Colorado Qinlinued mi /'./:;< .3(5
Railroad. The C & C planned to span a
600-mile distance from Mound House,
Nevada to Mojave, California—-providing
a rail link between Reno and Los Angeles.
These ambitious plans, as is often the
Short section of the case, encountered many difficulties and in
narrou-guage track (above) fuly, ! 893, the "end-of-track" was Haw-
near Dolomite is one of lex' (later known as Keeler) situated on
the few left of the Carson the mid-eastern shore of Owens Lake.
and Colorado The Carson and Colorado was busy the
Railroad, which once ran next two decades delivering ores and haul-
through Oivens Valley. ing supplies to the many mines and com-
munities along its route through Nevada
and the Owens Valley of California. How-
ever, as the mining booms began to fade

N acres of public lands within the

INETEEN siTn.s totaling 2.7 million ing and rockhounding lands for local re-
sidents and urban visitors for many years.
must be managed more effectively if we
are to live up to President Nixon's man-
Southern California deserts have been They range from the Yuha Desert below date for more and better recreational, op-
designated by the United States Depart- sea level to the Mecca Hills a few hun- portunities for Americans today and to-
ment of the Interior as prime recreation dred feet above sea level to the Santa morrow." Morton said. "This designation
areas "thus assuring their usage by the Rosa Mountains which tower \ 0 0 0 feet is a start in that direction for the Califor-
people for generations to come." over the Coachelia Valley in Riverside nia Desert."
The sites were dedicated recently by C bounty. At a "Town Meeting" following the
Secretary of the Interior Rogers C. B. The 2.~ million acres which were "de- dedication ceremonies which was attend-
Morton during ceremonies held at the dicated" are only a small part of the 12 ed by the press, government officials and
Imperial Sand Dunes in Imperial Coun- million acres of California deserts under interested persons, both California and
ty. Morton said the dedication of the sites the administration of the United States Federal B.L.M. officials told Desert Ma-
was part of a plan by the Bureau of Land Bureau of Land Management. However, gazine the dedication of the sites would
Management (which is within the De- they are sites which have a "heavy week- not change their status as far as explorers,
partment of the Interior) to institute a end use and were designated as Recreation rockhounds and campers are concerned
"long range multiple use program for the Lands according to classifications estab- . . . "at least not for the present."
protection and preservation of the fragile lished by the Bureau of Outdoor Recrea- B.L.M. officials also admitted the long
desert areas under the public domain." tion; i.e., for general outdoor recreation, range multiple use plan for the inventory
The recreation areas, most of which natural environment areas, primitive areas and management of the public lands of
are located in Riverside, San Bernardino and historic and cultural sites." the California deserts as explained in the
and Imperial Counties, have been camp- These heavily used but fragile lands November, 1971 issue of Desert Magazine
Secretary of the Interior
Rogers (',. B. Morton (above)
dedicates the 19 sites which
include the Mecca Hills (left)
near Palm Desert and the
Pinnacles area (right) near
Trona. California.

could not become a reality without addi-
tional funds whi( h they do not have.
drive vehicles in California alone. Of this
total of 1,980,000 off-road vehicles, B.
nation's economy.
Penny reiterated that as a result of the
House Bill H.R 9661. which was in- L.M. estimates that 80 percent are used in above statistics gathered during a two-year
troduced by Congressman Bob Mathias the California deserts. extensive survey the California Desert
last July, calls for the appropriation of Penny also states that immediate cri- Plan is needed and that dedication of the
$28,600,000 to mplement the B.L.M.'s tical management needs" call for control 19 sites is one of the first steps in the
California Desert Plan. It has more than of off-road vehicles, law enforcement to long-range multiple use program. The
30 Congressional co-sponsors and the sup- stop vandalism and destruction of arti- sites include:
port of Secretary F>forton. facts, reduction of such hazards as mine Trona Pinnacle Recreation Lands (19.GOO
f. R. "Russ" Penny, director of the shafts and capability for search and res- acres) : Impressive formations of Tufa
California Office of the Bureau of Land cue, information and communication sys- castles of calcium carbonite. Used inten-
Management, has released the following tem to educate people for desert use. (An sively by photographers, sightseers, pic-
statistics to prove :he need for the Cali- incomplete survey of accidents disclosed nickers, rockhounds and campers.
fornia Desert Phi:: 125 deaths and 1,975 serious injuries on Old Woman Mountains Recreation Land}
There were 4.H million recreation-use the deserts in 1971.) (93.740 acres) : Archeological values; up-
visitor days in the: California deserts in The B.L.M. also estimates that there land game bird hunting and camping.
1968, 6.0 million in 1970, 7.6 million in are 250,000 mining claims in the public Hasten/ Mojave Recreation Lands (713,-
1971 an indications are that 1972 will ex-lands of California deserts of which only 4 56 acres): Outstanding archeological
ceed 9 million visitor days. T00 are believed to be valid! More than values including a cindercone, petroglyph
There are 1,650,000 motorcycles, 150,- 50 minerals are found on the desert and site and many pictograph areas. Other
000 dune buggies and 1 80,000 four-wheel- these yield Si80 million a year for the features are the Kelso Sand Dunes, Cima
Picacho Recreation Lands (127,450
acres) : A rugged area of broad washes
dominated by Picacho Peak; above aver-
age scenic features, undisturbed ecological
values and hunting of small game, deer
and waterfowl.
Whipple Mountains Recreation Lands
(86.845 acres): R u g g e d , picturesque
mountains provide a backdrop for numer-
ous recreation developments along the
Colorado River and Lake Havasu. The
area also has geological and ecological
Trona Pinnacles Kingston Peak Santa Rosa Mountains Recreation Lands
(60,920 acres) : Spectacular view of Coa-
chella Valley, Indian ruins and native fan
palm groves; hunting of upland game
birds and deer; areas for riding and hik-
Bighorn Mountains and Whitewater Riv-
er Recreation Lands (145,700 acres) : Bio-
logical and ecological values range from a
Whipple Mtns. high mountain desert environment to ex-
cellent Joshua tree—pinyon pine—juniper
forests. Petroglyph Springs is an outstand-
ing archeological site.
Upland game birds and deer provide
hunting opportunities and there is poten-
tial for riding and hiking.
Rodman Mountains Recreation Lands
(324,480 acres) : This area is popular with
motorcyclist and off-road vehicle drivers.
It has archeological values and receives
considerable use from campers, picnickers
and hikers.
JVecreatlon bands of the Calico Recreation Lands (136,810 acres) :

CALIFORNIA DESERT Includes Murphey Well Indian Petro-

glyph Site, Tin Can Alley Recreation Site
and the Rainbow Basin Natural Area
Dome Natural Area, a Joshua Tree forest Kingston Peak Recreation Lands (37,- which has upper Miocene mammal fos-
and the Granite Pass Recreation Site. 26 5 acres): An important archeological sils. The area also has historical values
Turtle Mountain.- Recreation Lands (91,- area with rugged mountains that provide and Joshua View, a place to see large Jos-
520 acres): These scenic mountains in- limited hiking and riding. hua trees.
clude the twin Mopah Peaks, pinnacle for- Chnckualla Recreation Lands (395,980 Yi/ha Desert Recreation Lands (147,710
mations, lava flows and canyons. The area acres) : An outstanding natural area fea- acre<) : This area receives intensive use by
also has archeological values, geological turing undisturbed ecological geological, campers, picnickers and hikers. It has im-
values, camping, hiking and picnicking. archeological and historic values. Camp- portant geological, archeological and his-
Afton Canyon Recreation Lands (4,560 ing, hunting, rockhounding and photo- toric values.
acres): Here the Mojave River flows graphy are among the activities suited to Mecca Hills Recreation Lands (20,480
through a scenic canyon. The area has ar- the area. acres) : A natural environmental area fea-
cheological, geological and historic values Chnckualla Valle) Recreation Lands turing multi-colored canyons that receive
and the old Mojave Indian Trail. (2.040 acres) : A natural biological area intensive use from hikers and picnickers.
Fort Pi/lie Recreation Lands (4,680 featuring the rare Desert Lily. Interpretive sites are proposed for Painted
acres): Features include old Fort Piute, Imperial Sand Hill Recreation Lands Canyon and Box Canyon.
the Mojave Indian Trail, the old Govern- (252,169 acres'): This area features sand Grapevine Canyon Recreation Lands
ment Road, outstanding petroglyphs and dunes intensively used by drivers of off- (21.165 acres) : A portion of the San Ber-
archeological values. It receives intensive road vehicles and a large potential natural nardino Mountains; used for picnicking
use for camping and picnicking. area which is an example of dune ecology. and camping. Q

ire •

- - - : •

OISED ON an eminence in the midst of sorbing less of the sun's radiation, thus Knowing his territory, he knows where to
P the desert's desolation, the stately
mule deer, antlered head held high, nos-
helping to keep him cooler. The deer is
also well equipped with sweat glands for
find natural reservoirs, smelling them out
when apparently dry, pawing out holes
trils flaring, seems but a mirage to be evaporative cooling and under stress, maybe two feet deep to get water. Then,
glimpsed for one breathtaking instant be- heat can also be unloaded through respir- ears up and listening, eyes watchful, the
fore fading shimmering away. For how atory tissues by panting. .leer is ready to forage for food.
in reality could this great stag, standing But such water loss is expensive and Lightfooted for so large an animal, he
so proudly there, find food and drink to dangerous in the desert, and the mule places his hoofs daintily, moving quietly
sustain his big body in all this barren deer conserves water and keeps his tem- from shrub to shrub, bush to bush, from
waterless wasteland ' Yet the deer is truly perature within livable limits by inactivity stunted tree to tree. He is a browser by
there, and indeed cjuite at home in desert during the heat of the day. Lying in the trade, a nibbler of twigs and leaves, and
foothills where no open water is known shade of mesquite or shrubs or even in the so careful is he that he can even eat the
to exist for long distances, where plant shadow of a big rock, he stays almost mo- fruit of cactus, holding his sensitive lips
life is meager, and the heat in summer tionless. Only his big ears (from whence jp and away from the spines. Much of
intense. he gets his names of mule or burro deer) the moisture he needs comes from such
Long associated with the desert, the are on the job and moving. These big fun- succulent food.
mule deer has come to look a part of it, nels made of tough cartilage, are operated Odd as it seems, this graceful creature
dressing in paler tones than his cousin by an intricate group of muscles that turn is as much a cud chewer as stolid old Mrs.
to the north. His greyish buffish raiment them this way and that, scooping up Moo, and is equipped with much the same
is a valuable protection for life in the sound and pinpointing its direction. His grocery processing machinery as hers. Like
sandy desert, mating him hard to see; moist black muzzle is working too, testing a cow, his front teeth are arranged to crop
the brown patch at his forehead, the the air, for the deer depends on his ex- plants with the assistance of his mobile
white touches at his ears and on his body, ceptionally keen sense of smell for safety. and protusible tongue, his lower teeth
his black-tipped tail serving further to As the heat of the da}- wears off, the working against a horny pad in his upper
break up his oulline. Pale tones are a deer leaves his shelter and seeks water, jaw, for he has no front: teeth upstairs.
further advantage for desert living, ab- traveling some distance if necessary. He is also minus canine teeth, a wide
empty .space showing where they ought to ing out the moisture. The mouthful is quite apt to be far in the lead when es-
be. But next in line conies his array of quickly read)' to be swallowed. cape is in order.
specialized cheek teeth, the grinders near Lie the cow, the mule deer has a multi- Antlers start growing in the spring and
the hinge of his jaw being squared off and part stomach, the first two chambers of the group breaks up. The females go off
enlarged to crush herbage. Crescent shap- which act as temporary storage bins. Un- by themselves, the males form small bands
ed ridges of hard enamel on their surfaces der potentially dangerous conditions, or wander about in friendly twosomes
alternate with softer dentine which wears quantities of food can thus be taken while their antlers are growing- far, far
away faster, keeping the cutting ridges aboard quickly to be worked over later away to be sure from such troublesome
sharp. and digested at leisure in safety and se- matters as the arrival of fawns and their
[aw action increases the efficiency of clusion . . . a system, by the way, which subsequent care, duties now1 keeping the
these teeth, for the deer's jaw is hung on- proved exceedingly valuable to cud chew- ladies busy. And so the summer passes
to his skull for good lateral motion —a ers as they evolved through the ages, and with the spring fawns (usually two in
swinging movement wherein the is a survival plus for the desert mule deer number) following their respective moth-
teeth on one side only come together at a ol today. ers, quickly learning to add green stuff to
time. Those on the opposite side are tem- Calcium is particularly important to him their milk diet, and growing bigger all
porarily out of contact until the next chew in the growth of his antlers, for indeed the time.
swings the jaw sidewise to bring them to- this handsome headgear is composed en- Come fall, the picture changes tor the
gether in turn. This side to side motion, tirely of bone. Like the leaves of a decid- antlers of the males have completed their
plus some free front to back movement, uous tree, it is shed and replaced each growth. The Season of the Mad Moon, as
makes a grinding battery out of these year. the Indians termed it, is on. Gone is the
cheek teeth, smashing the twigs against The social calendar of a mule deer pop- placid male of the winter-togetherness
the hard enamel ridges, breaking down ulation is closely correlated with the pres- days. Gone is the timid fellow of summer-
the tough plant cellulose walls, squeez- ence or absence of antlers on the gentle- time, so protective of his sensitive grow-
men, which in turn is keyed to the season ing antlers. Gone are the pals of the lazy
of the year. During the winter, the males summer days, for each male now regards
RIVERSIDE COUNTY'S LARGEST are antlerless, and both sexes mingle in a the other as a potential rival.
4-WHEEL-DRIVE HEADQUARTERS large group with their teenage fawns, Haughty and arrogant, the antlered
Accessories for All Makes sometimes traveling to ranges lower down stags begin to round up the females, and
in the hills or out onto the desert floors fights for their possession are in order.

f\ Jeep (even Death Valley) where the winters

are warmer and food more plentiful.
On such journeys they are usually led by
Challenges are snorted, the stags rearing
with sharp hoofs flailing, inflicting slash-
ing anil cutting blows. Might)' pushing
JOIIXSOVS a wise old female, probably the grand-
mother of many of the band, although as
matches may take place, antler to antler,
ending too frequently in disaster if ant-
one observer noted, the gentlemen deer, lers slip anil lock together, for then strug-
1st and Market, Riverside, California
Telephone 714 684-9020 able to get over the ground faster, are gle as the)' may, neither contestant can
free himself, anil both are doomed to

For^the Birds?
Such a result causes scientists to take a
very dim view ol antlers. What good are
they? For examination shows that deer
antlers, handsome as they are and battle-
Hummingbird hard to be sure, are just not shaped right
tor highly efficient weapons. They can-

not inflict the terrible damage the good
old pointed horn ol the cattle tribe can
Nor are the antlers on adult males any
use for protection of fresh-out fawns,
• NOTHING TO RUST since papa's headgear is only growing and
very tender when the youngsters arrive
ONLY , £ • ' * * Postpaid and need protection the most. The fe-
males, in fact, handle the defense prob-
Send check or money order to: lems very well, by determined attacks with
their sharp slashing hoofs. By the time the
~DtH/BL MAGAZINE stag's antlers are grown in the fall, the
Palm Desert, California 92260 youngsters are fast footed and can take
C a l i f o r n i a residents a d d 15c tax pretty good care of themselves.

Darwin said that .Hitlers are a secondary short distance is par, with fawns clocking
sex characteristic that insure the breeding around 25. Born and bred in rough coun- Minerals from <ill purls of the world
is done by the strongest and healthiest try, mule deer are so sure footed they can
leave their pursuers far behind in a rug- hid hi it hand-made Jewelry
males, and hence n.sure the success of the
species. But it frequently happens that a ged terrain. Mack Hills Cold Jewelry
seedy looking male with inferior antler Communication between members of a
Moccasins for the entire family
growth may be hanging about the peri- deer population also helps insure their
phery, and steal :ln_- female away while desert success —communication by sounds
two mightv monarch?; are quarreling over
and by visual signals of patches of white
hair erected on certain parts of their LOKENE'S
Biologist Isard thinks that antlers may bodies. Most important is the silent com- 2 55 So. Main, Lone Pine. Calif.
act as a kind of status symbol, useful only munication of scent. Located on the mule Open 7 days
if the antagonist i-. impressed and bluffed deer's forehead, under his eyes, between
out. He notes that while stags do a lot of his toes, on the inside of the upper part of JEWELRY CRAFTS CATALOG
posturing and pawing of the ground, they his hind leg. on the outside of the lower
tend to avoid using their antlers when pos-
sible and that in fighting, damage, if any,
is done with their hoofs. All this leads to
part of his hind leg and at his tail are
"gland" areas. Each has its own peculiar-
ities. Physiologists Quay and MuIIer-
Schwarze found that the deer marks the Lapidary — rockhounding
the current interesting conjecture by bio- — 'ewelry making ... add up to
logist Modell that it may be that antlers environment in his area with his forehead a fascinating creative art!
gland, rubbing it against twigs here and SEND FOR FREE CATALOG
are on their way our, evolutionally speak- World's largest selection-over 10.000 items I
ing. there. offered. ..imports from ail parts of the world.]
A recent idea that the growing antlers News of his presence or passing is not- BOOKS- CIAFT TOOLS - MACHINERY—SUPPLIES— ET
may provide a means for temperature reg- ed by other deer. The gland on his upper D«pt 52 - 1 6 3 3 E. W a l n u t — P o i a d . n a , Calif.

ulation during the hot summer has some leg seems to have a prime role in mutual
reason in it. Antlers are outgrowths from
the frontal bones of the skull. They form
recognition, deer encountering each other
sniffing this area. A deer, spotting dan-
ILnkc I'owHI
on permanent stumps located above the ger, spreads the alarm quickly through the
deer's eyes and groAr upward and outward, band by issuing scent from the gland on
consisting at this time of soft spongy bone the outer part of his lower leg. The others, ASS«M*. I in*.
covered with skin and hair "in velvet" as sensing it immediately, move swiftly and Boat Rentals 14' to 21'
it is known. silently away—gone long before the ap- Starcraft Boats
Increasing in area as they grow, and proaching predator may even be aware that Mercury Outboards
richly supplied with blood vessels inside deer were once there. Or, if he be man, be- Write for free rental brochure:
and on the surface, they do provide an fore he can be sure that the deer he Box 1077-D
ideal place from which excessive body thought he .saw. was not just a mirage. [ Page, Arizona 86040
heat could be unloaded, a very great ad-
wantage to the desert mule deer. Females
Dick Smith invites you . . .
do not grow antlers, but may avoid the
danger of overheating as they tend to
stay more in the shade in the discharge of
Come Fly
their maternal duties and in keeping the
youngsters hidden from predators.
with me!
Cougars are a real threat. Coyotes try See Canyonlands from the
for the fawns, fleeing in turn for their air! Majestic pinnacles, red
very own lives from irate deer mothers so rock canyons and arches.
handy with their sharp hoofs. A soaring Truly a scenic wonderland.
eagle will swoop down on a fawn. Quick Several flights to choose from in addition to flights over Monument
exit tactics exhibited by mule deer are a Valley, Lake Powell, and Rainbow Bridge. Combination land-air and
wonder to behold, for they do not run as Lake Powell-air tours available. Write today for a brochure.
white tailed deer do, but escape in pro-
digious bounds seeming to simply rise in
the air and sail away in a series of broad
jumps that may each cover 20 to 25 feet.
This peculiar bounding movement pow-
ered by leaps from all four feet and land-
ing on all four involves little leg move-
ment. Thirty-five miles an hour for a WRITE: P.O. BOX 246, MOAB, UTAH 84532 TELEPHONE 801-259-7 766


Mary Frances
Photos by
Jerry Strong

Included in the many points

of interest in the "Looping the
Loops" trip are (clockwise)
old ruins, Indian petrogiyphs,
magnificent views, old railroads
and numerous fishing streams.
•V •

C ALIFORNIA'S OWKNS Valley is a great

fault trough between the formidable
Sierra Nevada and the White and Inyo
Mountains. These h gh and lofty moun-
tain peaks heavily covered with snow
and often frosted .veil into summer-
bring hundreds ol skiers and snow enthu-
siasts to the Valley t uring winter months.
Each spring and summer the fishing
season lures uncoi ntable numbers of
"Izaak Waltons" to try their luck in the
hundreds of lakes and streams from Lone-
Pine to Lake Crowley.
Summer also finds families enjoying va-

cations in the numerous high and low
campgrounds. Often these outdoor enthu-
siasts arc unaware of the short side trips
that ma)1 be taken around Bishop. Safaris

RESTAURANT will give visitors a glimpse into the area's

historical past, recall the nostalgia of its
early days and provide incomparable \ iews
FINE DINING COCKTAILS of majestic scenery.
1 his year, when you travel I '.S. 39^ in
the Owens Valley, plan to spend a few
days in Bishop and ' l o o p the loops." You
will enjoy getting acquainted with the
(714) 873-3311 friendly little town and its fascinating
Let's begin our explorations by taking a

FISH! FISH! FISH! mini-tour along the east side of the valley.
Turn lett from 39") onto W a r m Springs
TROUT, BASS AND CATFISH Road, .'' > miles south ol lane Street in
Get your share at Hall's Crossing Bishop. Tins narrow paved road crosses
canals and skirts several ranches as it leads
HALLS'S CROSSING MARINA OFFERS: Gas a n d o i l , live bait a n d lures, fishing gear, boat repair
facilities, cold bee-, ICE, groceries, slips a n d buoys for rent. O v e r n i g h t a c c o m m o d a t i o n s that to the O w e n s River. T h e silver-grey foli-
sleep t w o to e i g h t persons. W r i t e or call for reservations. A t the general store: fresh m i l k , eggs, age ol waist-high rabbit brush dominates
butter, frozen m e a l , cold cuts a n d c a n n e d items for c a m p i n g or p i c n i c k i n g . Take a boat t r i p to
R a i n b o w Bridge in o n ; d a y . 2, 3 a n d 4 - d a y tours to various parts of the l a k e , c a m p i n g a n d the fields along the way and, by Septem-
sleeping under the stars. Ferry service for travelers w i t h light vehicles. A l l types of pleasure ber, cloaks them with golden-yellow bios
craft for rent, frorr 14-ft. to houseboats. A i r s t r i p is 4 0 0 0 feet w i t h t i e d o w n facilities a v a i l a b l e .
si>n i s .


Write Lake Powell Fer'y Service, Blanding Utah or call Moab Mobile Operator, ask for Unit 56 good
The Owens River runs freely here and
meanders north and south. You can enjoy
fishing unless the water is high.
Huge trees outline the river's path A\~H\
dirt trails lead to sand bars and pools.


( limping is permitted and. though there
are no facilities, you will find shady sites
along the river's banks. Mosquitoes can
be a problem in summer, so it is a good
FISHING • HUNTING • GOLF idea to have a repellent along.
RIDING • HIKING • BOATING Beyond the first bridge, the road climbs
PACK TRIPS • ROCK HOUNDING out ol the old river channel and cuts
SWIMMING • PHOTOGRAPHY through the bed of the former ( a r s o n and
( olorado Narrow-gauge Railroad. Affec-
tionately tailed "The Slim Princess," the
little railroad was an integral part of the
LAWS RAILROAD MUSEUM • AND Valley's history. As you travel the (rail
MUCH, MUCH MORE ! you will see its ghostly remains.
Ahead, the naked, brown shoulders ol
the W h i t e Mountains stand out in stark
relief their color broken only by a patch
of green from .in occasional spring. The
FROM EJRISTLECONES paving turns north while a dirt road con-
TO PETROGLYPHS tinues east and gives access to Black Can-
yon. This is excellent country lor trail
llxcellent accommodations for the needs bike riding and exploring. Remember
of every sportsman and traveler! ride only on roads and trails.
Less than a mile north are the remains
For FREE Vacation Kil:
ol Bigelow Siding. A few scraps of pur-
call or write: 714 872-4731
ple, green and brown glass, plus a shallow
hole or two left by bottle collectors, help
Bishop. California 9 3 5 1 4
to identify t h e site. T h e c r u m b l i n g walls

A mile beyond, the road climbs up an mer locations el well-known ranches.
© Chalfant
alluvial fan. Park here and take in the view Beyond Poleta. our route1 continues
© Red Canyon to the west. The tree-lined course of the west, passes the White Mountain Research
© Chidago Canyon river will be seen in the foreground. Center and a junction with the Poleta-
F:ish Slough _-
Dwarfed by the bulwark of 1 3,000-foot Road, then crosses the Owens River.
Sierra peaks, the Coyote and Tungsten The mam' sand bars and pools in this
W Hills appear to be snuggling at their base. stretch ol the river provide good fishing
The town of Bishop is hidden in a canopy both up and down stream.
of green trees. from this point, we can continue two
Look carefully and you will see a natur- miles west to U.S. Highway 395 or return
al gateway between the foothills and the
Sierra. Beautiful Lake Sabrina and South
Lake lie above in glacial cirques at eleva-
tions of nearly I (),()()() feet. This is sum-
s Service
mer country where fine campgrounds are
found along aspen-lined trout streams, One-Stop Headquarters
(rood fishing may also be enjoyed at the For All Your Automotive
kikes in an alpine setting less than 25 and Sporting Goods
miles from Bishop. Open 24 Hours - Disposal Station
Let your eyes wander a bit south, about 351 North Main
I 5 degrees, and you will see Palisade Gla- BISHOP, CALIF
cier, the southernmost glacier in the Unit-
714 872-5529
ed States. Camera buffs take out your
equipment, from this point, we captured
a good telephoto shot of the glacier.
Rambling on north well-marked Red- M TRANSISTORIZED DETECTORS
ding Canyon Road appears on the right. 1795 to 49 95
Here too. is an interesting area for trail
\ " V 4J Writ* For fREE eglQUdSd
bike riding. The dirt road climbs the allu- SOICO DIPT D « c TlNNtNT,N.J. 0/763
vial fan and Ys in about a mile and a half.
The right branch leads into Redding Can-
yon while the left one heads up Poleta
( anyon to the old mine ot the same name.
This area was part of the Keyes Mining
District in the I 860s and was heavily pros-
pected. The Poleta Mine caused quite a
stir in I ss I with the discovery of an 8-
inch quartz vein which carried 335 per
ton in gold. Located on the side of the
ridge .it 5,700 feet elevation, its mill was
,i mile south and a thousand feet below.
The Eastside Road continues north then
curves west to temporarily become Poleta Fishing on Lower Rock Creek
Road and finally Line Street.
of a concrete hull ing will be seen on the A little over a mile from Redding Can- FISH FROM YOUR
east side ol the r lad. It might be worth- yon, our route once again crosses the Slim
Princess railbed. My 1905 topographical
while to take a ) letal detector over this
area. map indicates this to be the location of OR THE
Aging elm and < ttonwood trees dot the Poieta a small depot and siding south of 5-MILE TRAIL
hind where farm hcuses formerly stood. (he road. The site is so overgrown with ON RUSHING
They are sad rei linders of the Valley's brush it is difficult to see. A stroll along LOWER ROCK CREEK !
golden days ol \ erdant meadows, truck the railbed disclosed a few ties, rusting
gardens and orch; irdv ['"arm buildings are pieces of metal, spikes and chips of old Housekeeping Cottages
gone but the tree , have lived on for over glass. 1 would guess the members of the
Cocktails Fine Food
a hall-century. Tl e story ol the bitter bat- Bishop bottle club long ago dug the area.
tie for ()wens V alley water is ably told
in W. A. C halfa it's book. The Story of
We found Leonard Lance of Bishop go-
ing over the site with a metal detector. We
15 Miles North of Bishop on old Hwy. 395
hiyo. chatted awhile and he pointed out the for- (714) 387-2370

to the Poleta-Laws Koad and resume our Half of the road is paved — the rest foot prints, plus what appears to be a large
drive along the East side. Let's do the lat- good, graded dirt road. Trailers can easily animal track.
ter and conclude cur mini-tour with a be taken over the entire route. There are We now head south on Fish Slough
visit to the Laws Railroad Museum. no improved campgrounds but each petro- Road and travel along a section of the old
Three miles nort 1. turn left at Silver glyph area has ample room for overnight stage route between Bishop Creek (Bis-
Canyon Road and travel west. The old- camping. hop's earlier name) and the famous gold
time railroad station and several buildings The trip begins by heading north on camps of Bodie and Aurora. The road be-
from a former movie set give a pictures- U.S. Highway 6 from Bishop and follow- gins a gradual descent and drops into Chi-
que, western atmosphere to Laws. Though ing the ribbon of asphalt up Chalfant Val- dago (shi-day-go) Canyon petroglyph
dedicated to railroading, the museum Iev. A smaller and higher valley than the area.
houses many line exhibits pertaining to Owens, it is confined between the White The Chidago glyphs" are located on
the valley's pioneers. The Agent's home Mountains and a great volcanic tableland. the rocky slope on and above the parking
has been refurbished and gives visitors a The Whites rise sharply from the valley area. There are hundreds of them. So
chance to peek into an early day dwelling. floor and tremendous alluvial fans sprawl many have been crowded onto one boul-
You will enjoy tour ng the old station and from the entrances to narrow canyons. der it is called "newspaper rock." In the
climbing aboard one of the engines of the Each one is cut by an intermittent stream center of the outcrop is found the "Chi-
Slim Princess. Even the older folks get a bed and, generally, has a two-track road dago deer." ferry also located an excellent
kick out of ringing the engine's bell. to lure back-country explorers. turtle" glyph. The afternoon sun will
The Paiute Indians played an important On the west, the volcanic tableland re- give the best photographs at this location.
part in Owens Valley history, and you will sembles a giant, wedge-shaped mesa. It This area is a good overnight camping
see an excellent exhibit of their life-style stretches north nearly 30 miles before spot.
before the coming i f the White Man. The blending into the vast pumice beds south The last location on the petroglyph loop
exhibit is provided by the descendants of of Mono Lake. trip is the Fish Slough site. There aren't
the Valley's original residents, now living From Bishop, U.S. 6 gradually climbs too many here but on the low mesa above
on the Paiute-Shoshone Reservation at toward Montgomery Pass and Mono the parking area, you will find deep-hole
Bishop. County line is crossed and the little settle- mortars (petates) and slightly concave
The mmi-toLir t-nd-> at Laws and you ment of Chalfant skirted. You will see grinding surfaces (metates) used by the
will find it has provided a full day of some very photogenic old ruins in this early Indians. Chips of obsidian and
sight-seeing. Schober Lane Campground, area which should be of interest" to camera groups of circled rocks indicate the In-
on 39^ a mile south of Bishop, is a good buffs. dians used this area regularly. Water from
overnight camping stop. There are rest- Nearly 171/2 miles from Bishop (see- the springs is warm and game must have
rooms, water and t.ibles. The fee is Si.00 map for detailed mileages), turn left onto been plentiful, making it an ideal camp
per night. Modern motel accommodations .i dirt road. Follow it to a parking area at site.
are available in town. the edge of the tableland. This is the Chal- Fish Slough Springs has become a sanc-
THE PETROGLYPH LOOP fant Petroglyph site where unusually large tuary to help save the rare and endangered
There are several locations north of Indian writings (up to i feet) are to be pup fish. The spring is posted.
Bishop containing some of the most varied seen along the bluff. To reach the best ex- The last tew miles of our trip follows
and unusual Indian petroglyphs in Cali- posures, walk about 100 feet north along Fish Slough down the corridor it has cut
fornia. They are well worth seeing and a the wash. The large figures occur in the through the barren tableland to its junc-
loop trip can be made in one day. How- light-colored tufa. Excellent photos can be tion with the Owens River, and our re-
ever, it will be best LIT joyed if ample time taken during the morning hours. Do not turn to U.S. 6. The slough is a green rib-
is allowed for poking along and making mark or deface as il is a federal offense. bon of willows; shallow, marshy areas
stops at the various points of interest to Returning to the highway, continue lined with cattails, and mini-lakes provid-
take pictures. You might plan to stay over- north two miles and turn left. A small ing water for the many animals and birds
night along the w; y with the added bonus wooden sign "Petroglyph Loop Trip" of the region. It has been, and still is, a
of camping far from the crowds. marks the graded dirt road. The establish- quiet refuge for both man and animal.
Today, too main people are prone to ment of the loop trip and the marking of "Looping the loops around Bishop" has
rush when visiting areas such as petro- the petroglyph sites was accomplished taken us back in time to when miners
glyph sites. They jump out of their car, through the efforts of the Bishop Boost- struggled to wrest precious metal from the
quickly snap a photo, then hasten away to ers, Eastern Sierra Gem & Mineral Club earth and when brave men and their cour-
the next stop. They may have been there and the Eastern California Museum Asso- ageous women came to settle m an un-
but the\' will have seen little. ciation. known land. We have shared the camp-
The road now rapidly climbs to the top sites of the Indians and pondered over the
There are hundreds of of the tableland and travels northwesterly meaning of their petroglyphs. Our eyes
excellent fishing streams in to a junction with Fish Slough Road. A have encompassed the beaut) of the land
the Sierra Nevada such small hill is dead ahead. Take the dirt and its magnificent mountains. We have
as Rock Creek. Color photo by road encircling it to observe the Red Can- cn|oved our trip into the great outdoors
David Muench, Santa yon petroglyphs on the outcropping rocks. and, once again, feel at peace with the
Barbara, California. There are several of sheep, many hand and world. •

The building thai
once housed a general
store and Wells,
Fargo & Co. offices at
Benton Hot Springs
has been in continuous
use since its erection
in 1868. Today it is
still a general store.

Mary Frances

:CH 9

Once a bustling supply center

prior to 1.900, Benton Hot Springs
is often overlooked by today's
travelers. Desert's Field Trip Editor
explores this California country
of many contrasts.

Pass in the lknton
Range (right) en route
to Adobe Valley goes
through granite
pinnacles. One of the
original native stone
cabins (below) at
Ben ton Hot Springs
still sen es us a

Photos by
Jerry Strong

IGH, WIDE and handsome. High — been sorely needed by the many mines in
H with elevations of over 8,000 feet,
wide — with long meadows and lakes
the surrounding districts. In (his way,
Benton Station was largely responsible
sprawled between the passes, and hand- for the eventual demise of Benton Hot
some—with picturesque rock formations, Springs a busy way station four miles
forests of towering pines and carpets of west.
sagebrush. This describes the country The years have not been kind to Hen-
through which California State 120 passes ton Station. The mines are closed and the
from Benton Station to Mono Lake. railroad is gone. Though it lies along a
In this region formed by intense vol-' major highway to Nevada, lew travelers
canism there are striking contrasts to be have reason to stop. It has the look of an
found along the 50-mile segment of road old and forgotten community.
leading from high desert to alpine land- You will find pleasant driving along
scapes. It is a country as rich in history as this back-country highway. It is paved
it is "high, wide and handsome." but, even more important, it utilizes na-
State 120 begins at Benton Station, a tural gateways, eliminating the sheer
"Johnny come lately" in the historical drop-offs generally found in mountain-
chain of the region. It sprang into exis- ous terrain. T h e r e is also an absence of
tence in 1883 as an important shipping people and facilities. This lends to the
center on the newly constructed Carson feeling of country still in its pristine
& Colorado Railroad. A good means of state.
transportation and a supply point had continued

Heading west, State I 20 quickly climbs out. He is reported to have killed 10 In-
Return Address Labels a low summit in the mountains to give a dians before meeting death al their hands.
2"LONG | | I / > Y / , . 5 O O GORGEOUS fine panoramic view of Blind Spring Val- 1 he discovery oi silver on Blind Spring

GOLD,4° ley. Ahead, Benton Hot Springs lies hid-

den among a grove of old cottonwood
Hill, in 1862, quickly changed Hot
Springs. Hundreds of prospectors arrived
Be; J 11 u I glittering ^A_
gold labels. Gives an ^ ^ *
trees. Look south across the valley and you and nearly every foot of the 8-mile-long,
unusu:il distinctive appearance. . . . will see the former stage road heading to- l-milc-widc hill was soon under claim. A
Quick and easy way to personalize
your letters, books, records, etc wards Bishop. Before the railroad came, it settlement sprang up ami Hot Springs be-
YOUR name, address & zip code printed
in striking script. Up to 4 lines. was the major supply route to the lamed came Benton.
5C0 in handy box just s " | 0 0 camps of Bodie and Aurora. It is still It was a lively place. Mining produc-
AVAILABLE; postpaid
Regular print Brilliant white labels. . .1000. .1.00 maintained and used by local ranchers, tion soared and several hundred Orientals
Old English text Monogram labels. . . 500. . 1.00
order today! payment with order please
miners and back-country travelers. were brought in to do the hard labor. A
175 Calvert Drive. E-203, Cupertino, Cal., 95014 Rockhounds should find the summit post office was established ami a Wells.
area of interest. Obsidianites, small round- I'argo Agency and general store were

Brisllscone ed drops" of volcanic glass, will be found

along both sides of the highway.
opened. Stages arrived regularly from the
south with supplies and passengers. The

Motel, .. Many of the original buildings still

stand at Benton Hot Springs, including the
Pony Express made twice-weekly rims
from Benton with mail lor Bothc and

and blots general store. Though the latter is open

for business, the proprietors evidently do
not welcome browsers." A sign is explan-
Ore had to be shipped lo San Francisco
lor processing and this was costly. Eventu-
atory. ally, several small mills were erected to
The houses in the vicinity of the store handle the ore locally. Mining activity in
101 N. MAIN ST., BIG PINE, CALF. represent several eras in the community's the Blind Spring District reached its zen-
7 14 938-2313
history and are quite photogenic. They all ith during the years 1862 to 1885 and had
appeared to be occupied and several are a recorded production of six million dol-

being repaired. A quick count disclosed
about a dozen old cabins in the hills.
lars in silver.
The deposits were unusual in thai tin
Residency at Hot Springs, as the area common stromeyerite silver-copper sul-
FORMULA N' was first called, dates back beyond record- phide was tin.' principle silver mineral.
Medical literature suggests that ed history. Located in a sheltered valley Deposition was richest in the oxidation
3-4 grams Niacinamide daily plus with a comparatively mild climate and and enrichment zones near the surface.
Bg, B^2> a n d P a n t o t h e n a t e i m p r o v e large hot springs, the early Indians were None of the original mines was worked
joint mobility and lessen pain. quick to make it one of their important to depths below 1.100 feet. The "silver
Harmless v i t a m i n s - n o side e f f e c t s . gathering places. hill" lies east of Benton and forms the
3 WEEK SUPPLY ONLY $ 5 . 2 2 Prospectors found the springs an enjoy- eastern border of the valley. Many scars
. 93306 able stopping place, as did the pioneers from the mining activity .ire readily dis-
who decided to settle in the valley. This cernable.
FOR FASTER SERVICE didn't meet with the Indians' approval and Benton never became a ghost town and
ZIP CODEL YOUR MAIL hostilities developed. One notable incident has long outlived the great gold and silver
involved P.. S. Taylor, the partner of Wa- camps it served. There have been several
r NEW! Stainless Steel terman "Bill" Body who first discovered
gold at the site of the great camp (Bodie) .
periods of mining and in 19-iO tailings
were reworked. The locale enjoyed a per-
Water Purifier Distiller It seemed as if the partners were des- iod of popularity as a spa and the general
MAKE THE PUREST tined for disaster. After Body's discovery store has continually been under lease.
of the placer gold in I 859, the men elected Leasing Benton Hot Springs, the high-
to spend the winter at the diggings. Body way climbs a (O0()-foot pass through erod-
froze to death when he became lost in a ing granite pinnacles and enters Adobe
wtto * ^ 5 e a n ^ ^ e a t source
Vi^ • No plumbing hook-up i
blizzard. Taylor drifted to other camps. Valley a wire, 17-mile basin between the
eventual!} coming to Hot Springs. Pros- Benton Range and Glass Mountain. At its
Mini-Aqua SS-4 Purifier Distiller removes chlor- pecting was good and he elected to settle southern end is Black Lake, a slim sliver
ine, fluoride, iron, pesticides, sulphates, dirt,
in the area. He chose a site near a spring of water which appears to have a white
salt, calcium, alum, and all taste spoiling pol-
lutants. Improves beverage and food flavor. to build a stone cabin with thatched roof. frosting anil deep red color in the late af-
*5-yr. warranty. Other types of home water dis-
The latter was a mistake. ternoon sun. This is pumice country and
tillers available. V/rit€' for free information
Indian hostilities had increased and signs warn Soft Pumice. Stock cars stay
UNITED VITO-WAY bands were roaming the region looking on pavement."
1930 Ei. Pacific - Dept. D7
Albany, Oregon 97321 for trouble. A group beseiged Taylor's Clearly marked on the left is a back
Tel. (503) 926-9474 cabin, then set fire to the roof to drive him road to Owens River. |eep trails lead south
_rB E N T O N

' For Jeep Trails

into this region see ,
U.S.G.S. Quadrangle maps ,''

into Black, McGee, Taylor and Wet Can- canic islands help make the scene a pho- ing out of the Sierra and many tine camp-
yons. It is good country for experienced tographer's paradise. grounds tor overnight stops.
drivers to explore i i four-wheel-drive ve- Three miles farther on, rockhounds will The drive from Benton Station to U.S.
hicles. It is also cattle country with many tint] chunks of obsidian scattered over the 39^ might be called the "lonely road."
fences. ground. The highway is now in tne sha- Lew cars will be seen. There are no towns
The highway skirts the westerly edge of dow of the Sierra Nevada and joins U.S. ami very little signs of human habitation.
Adobe Valley, curves through North Can- Highway 395 in just four miles. Though a paved road passes through it,
yon and enters the lino National Forest as The route south to Bishop leads through the great expanses of land remain seem-
it tops the 8,200-foot summit at Sage Hen impressive mountain country and spectac- ingly undisturbed. There is a quality of
Meadows. Pershia, Great Basin Sage and ular passes. Side trips could include June- spaciousness and an exhilarating feeling
Rabbit Brush covei the land along the Lake Loop, Mammoth Lakes and the Dev- of freedom. There is adventure waiting
route. The latter is often called the "yel- il's Postpile National Monument. There along the trails in tins high, wide ami
low top" and bring-, a golden glow to the is good fishing in the swift streams com- handsome land.
countryside when it blooms in the fall.
Tall pines now make their appearances
as the highway crosses Big Sand Flat. A
forest ol feffre) and Lodgepole pines pro-
vides a beautiful setting for M o n o Hills
Historical Site.
'I here is not much left of the once bus}'
mill which supplied lumber for Bodie
( 1878 to 191 6 ) . Old timbers and a couple
of large wooden wheels mark the mill site.
The first view of Mono Lake can be seen
from the historical marker. The bed of the
* 2-Day Trip Through Westwater Canyon
Bodie-Benton Railroad is still definable.
• 4-Day Trip to Beautiful Canyonlandt
Although it origi uilly was to have serv- National Park Through Magnificent
ed Benton, it nevei did. Grading had Cataract Canyon.
reached Adobe Val e\ when all work was * 5-Day Trip Through Desolation Canyon.
abruptly cancelled n 882. A fine article
on the mill and R;iilroad appeared in the ALL MEALS, RIVER EQUIPMENT AND
December. I 97 [ issue of Desert. This area TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED
would be a good stop for an overnight
camp among the pi les.
A mile west, tie trees yield to great
beds of white pumice. The dark cones of
several craters (known collectively as Mo-
no Craters) appear. A historical marker
explains the volcan c activity that occurred Offices located at
in this region. Of particular interest are- 570 N. MAIN, MOAB, UTAH 84532
INCA INN MOTEL CALL 801-259-7261
pine trees standing alone in the beds of
pumice. Sky-blue Mono Lake and its vol- Write for brochure
A good campsite (right) y
OWENYO is found at the old Owenyo
Continued ham Page 19
Station. The 79-year-old
railroad(below)is gradually
dard lay side by side in the Owenyo disappearing.
yards—each with an adjoining loading
platform. The new station had a gallow- ally, night runs were added which omitted
type turntable to rotate the engines for layovers and improved the service.
their return trips, Owenyo was also the While not a town, Owenyo developed
main communications center. into a sizeable station with a considerable
The procedure for handling through population. A number of workers were
passengers was simple and reportedly un- required to operate the yards, station, ho-
popular. Tins was especially true with tel and restaurant, and consequently many
passengers from the south. They were re- brought their families to Owenyo.
quired to dine and spend the night at the The golden years of the Slim Princess
Owenyo Restaurant-Hotel, boarding the were from 1923 to 1929. Nearly 2,000
Slim Princess the next morning. Eventu- carloads of sheep, several hundred of cat-
tle, many carloads of hay and fruit plus an
assortment of mineral commodities were
shipped annually.
BREAKFAST The decline of mining in Nevada, the
ANYTIME! acquisition of the Valley's water by Los
OPEN 7 DAYS Angeles, and the depression caused aban-
24 HOURS donment of many sections of the narrow- shipping to trucks, sealed the fate of the
A DAY gauge line in Nevada. Slim Princess. Keeler Station was closed
The year 1938 saw the section from m August 19s"7 followed by Laws in Feb-
Tonopah Junction to Benton abandoned, ruary 1959.
followed by the Benton to Laws section Owenyo remained as the onl\ station
in 1943. The route of the Slim Princess on the narrow-gauge line. Finally, on
was now confined to a 70-mile stretch April 30, I960, the Slim Princess made
.ROLL-UP SCREENS through Owens Valley with stations only her las! run. Owenyo was abandoned and
AUTO WINDOWS at each end-of-track and Owenyo. Few the terminus of the standard gauge from
Shadow Shade Screens allow full vision. passengers were carried and Owenyo's
Reduces sun's rays-road glare. Aids air con- the south. (Southern Pacific) was chang-
ditioners. On spring rollers.A must for hot days as a main terminus were over.
summer driving. DEALERSHIPS OPEN-
Ful!-part time. Huge market. Write Sha- Improvement of the highway through
dow Screen Div. PANORAMA PRO-
DUCTS 237 S. Palm, Hemet, Ca. 92343. Owens Valley and the subsequent loss of

714 876-5670
The £

Your Hosts: DALE and HAZEL QUASI

. •

! ' •" f 3
19^4. He was the "King" of the Slim dense foliage of tamarisk, I found a small
Princess line with complete authority in grave. Tt must have been that of a child.
the handling of his empire. This he did The coffin has been removed but the de-
with utmost efficiency for three decades. corative wooden fencing remains.
Though the rails are gone, except for 1 have a special feeling for the little
one short section at Laws, and in the pave- train that was held in such affection by
ment at the crossing of the old highway the people of Owens Valley. Though not
near Dolomite, the old railbed of the Slim a valley resident. I had the pleasure of
Princess remains. Trail bike enthusiasts seeing the Slim Princess on one of her
should enjoy riding along the old bed runs near Owenyo in 1956. Diminished to
which is readily discernable. It is strewn almost toy size by the grandeur of the
with spikes and rotting ties. Invo Mountains, the little train seemed to
Owenyo, too, has faded from the scene have a definite personality as she proudly
but there are many reminders of her glory chugged along.
days. Cement foundations, piers, spikes Camped at Owenyo, one is far removed
and the decomposing parts of railroad from the sights and sounds of civilization.
paraphernalia mark the site. Bottles must It takes awhile for the evening moon to
have played an important part in the life come over the linos and light the Valley.
v of visitors and workers, as hundreds of Shadows are emphasized and the old rail-
broken ones lie about. bed stands out like a shimmering white
Diggers find a whole one now and then riobon. Listen awhile to the sounds of the
though, they are circa I9I0 to the present. night. Isn't that the faint whistle of the
Interesting items, now called memorablia Slim Princess.-' Sure it is. for her spirit will
ed to Lone Pine M.rnon. Thus, an era by hobbyists—dishes, pots and pans and never die! [~~]
ended. other household items have been found
()wenyo was uni ]iie m having had the in recent years. VACATION
only semaphore on the entire Owens Val- The tamarisk trees, which once provided IN COMFORT
ley section ot the i arrow-gauge railroad, shade, still flourish and, on one of my RENT A
( rews communicate d via pole boxes locat- visits, I found three great-horned owls TRAILER,
ed at intervals aloi g the route. Unusual sleeping in each tree. MOTORCYCLE,
too, is that the littli railroad, though part A very interesting underground tank is BICYCLE
of the Southern Pa rific, was operated by still intact. It has a dome-shaped roof with Auto Repair—Lowest Price Gas
one man W. 1'. Tomer, from 1924 to .1 protruding pipe. I have long speculated
as to its use without coming to any con-
Bertrams Corner
235 N. Main St., Lone Pine, Calif.
Near the mam road, hidden under the (714)8765914

su PPM,
" • • ; ; • • ;

Bqbo's Bonanza
a u 6
Children's Menu

. • - • 37
of limestone quarries, used to manufacture
cement, near the city of Riverside. These

Rambling quarries, known as Crestmore, are unique

in themselves. At one time, in an ancient

sea, large beds of limestone were laid
down. After the sea retreated, and the land
rose, the area was subjected to much earth
movement, resulting in the limestone


FOR ONLY $11.95

being shifted, broken, compressed, heated
and injected with hot waters.
The first, and perhaps most important
result, was the limestone was changed into
a crystalline structure, and some of the
Glenn impurities driven off or moved to nearby
GORDON'S ALL-NEW locations, leaving a very pure calcite, ideal
1971-72 CATALOG and Martha Vargas for the manufacture of cement. Secondar-
IS NOW AVAILABLE. OVER 250 PAGES ily, the injection with hot water contained
OF MOUNTINGS, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. many types of minerals which were de-
posited in cracks in and surrounding the
Land of Minerals The purity of the calcite was noted
For DESERT Magazine Readers N OLD proverb among miners states. about the beginning of this century, and
A "Gold is where you find it." A mo-
ment's reflection on this bit of sarcastic
a cement plant was started in 1908. At the
same time, the many minerals quickly at-
wisdom should force us to agree. If we tracted scientists and collectors. As of
can carry this a bit further, we can say 1968 the number of minerals found here
1741 CHERRY AVE that all minerals are where you find them. stood at 1 37, but the total today is even
LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90804 More different mineral species have been higher. Many well known minerals are to
P.O. BOX 40730
found in California than any other state, be found here. Of real interest to mineral-
so California seems to be the place to find ogists, but not necessarily the collector, is
them! the many calcium and calcium related min-
28 Years Before This may be considered as typical erals. Many of these are very rare, and
Custer's Last Stand at ihe Battle of "chamber of commerce talk" by California known by only a few specks in the calcite
of Little Big Horn, Covington manufac- mass. At last report, a number of these
tured hand and foot-powered grinders
residents. To make matters worse, how-
for gem coral and sea shells. They now ever, California also has the one area that were on hand, and not included in the to-
offer a selection of over 200 modern
has produced the most minerals, so it is tal because they had not been correctly
pieces of lapidary equipment and
accessories. tops on two points. W e hope the other described. Part of this lack is that some of
states will forgive us. them were on hand in insufficient quanti-
The area of most minerals is a complex ty to completely study them.
California lays claim to some very inter-
4 TRIM SAW esting and valuable mineral species. Most
10 TRIM SAWS POWER FEEDS of these are found in other areas, how-
IN CATALOG ever. T o go back to our opening state-
PAN AND ment, gold is one of these. The Mother
Lode district has long been considered
worked down to a marginal situation, but
THIEF WITH Authorized
A revolutionary new design
secures all G.I. cans to itself.
Sales and
Needs no carrier. Locks your Service
Send Me FRI-E Catalog Post Paid filler cap. All steel const, uc- LARGEST SUPPLY OF
"Manufacturers & Designers"
Only $10.00 Looking for a Jeep? - Try us!
Address Send for FREE Brochure Showing
INVITED. Other Models to Fit Any Vehicle FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER
City Dept. DM 1625 S, Harbor Blvd.
State 1 141 Wiltsey Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 2 /
Fullerton, California

there are still a few areas that get periodicterial was collected to be able to correctly
attention. During the famous gold rush of identify it.
the 1850s, much gold was extracted from There are many fine mineralized areas -v

mines in many parts of the state. in the state where excellent minerals can
California's most unique mineral is be found, or have been found, but probab-
benitoite, named for San Benito County ly the most prolific from the standpoint of
where it is found. For many years it was gems is the pegmatite dike region of San
Make Your
found in only one very small mine, but Diego and Riverside Counties. This band Outings
two fairly recent finds nearby (of no real actually begins at Crestmore in Riverside
consequence, however), still keeps it as County and moves south through San Die-
the state's own mineral. Benitoite is a very go County, and crosses the border in Fun <utcC
fine mineral of a medium to deep blue northern Baja California.
color, which will cut into a gem with bril-
liance that surpasses the sapphire.
The first southerly deposits of gems in
these dikes occur near the city of Hemet,
When it was first found, it was thought with some very fine specimens having • Detectron
to be sapphire. Tin: nine, known as the been found. The dikes reappear at the • Excelsior
Get the Best
Dallas Gem Mine, produced much fine town of Pala. then near Mesa Grande, Ra- Top Guarantee
Easy to Operate
material for a few years, then lay dorm- mona and finally at Jacumba before cross-
ant. It was reopened for a few years, and ing into Mexico. $64.95 lo
5165 00
again lay dormant. It has been reopened The mines at Pala and Mesa Grande Stop By And See Our
recently, but the production has been less have produced some of the finest tourma- Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
than excellent. lines to be found anywhere. Various types Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold
Pans, Dry Washors, Books on Treasures and
As well as being a fine rare gem, beni- of beryl, topaz, and garnet are also found
Lost Mines and other items of fun for
toite has another claiir to fame. It forms in various mines in the district. These
the entire family. For information |ust write
crystals in a special shape that was pre- mines were first worked in the early part to or call:
dicted by mineralogists long before it was of this century for the fine pink tourma- COMPTON
found. Today it is the only one known line that was a favorite carving medium in ROCK SHOP
to form in that special shape. The crystals Imperial China. With the fall of the last 1405 South Long Beach Blvd.
are triangular, with the corners truncated dynasty, and the formation of the Repub- Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221
slightly, and the upper and the lower por- lic, the demand ceased, the mines closed
tions coming to flat point. They are very and lay dormant for many years.
striking crystals. With the advent of amateur collecting
The mineral is found in a unique asso- and gem cutting, some of the mines have
ciation in a large deposit of serpentine. reopened and have produced excellent
Serpentine is California's gem stone. The materials. The most recent of these re- HUNTERS-
Dallas Gem Mine Kin is largely a snow- openings was the Stewart Lithia Mine at
white, fine grained natrolite which en- Pala. When this mine was first worked
closes the benitoite and other minerals.
Some of these are long slender jet-black
little attention was paid to gem materials,
the ore being a type of mica containing IREE
crystals of neptunite, and smaller amounts the light metal lithium. When better
of chalcocite, an unusual copper mineral. sources of lithium appeared, the mine clos-
Another of interest is very small crystals ed. About two years ago, gem miners re-
of a brown mineral, Joaquinite (named opened the mine, with sensational results. Metal-Mineral Detectors
Whites-Metrotech—Goldak —
for neighboring San Joaquin County). This leads us back full circle to our Fisher—Excelsior—Precision
When this was first discovered, a num- opening statement- -gems are where you DREDGES
ber of months elapsed before enough ma- find them. IZ1 DRY WASHERS
Nevada Specimens TOOLS
and Cutting Materials ASSAY KIT
Goldak, White's, Precision, Bounty Hunter
Gold Jewelry

Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Books — Topo Maps
Gy-Roc Distributor
FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
states, each state has index. 6286 BEACH BLVD.
ISHOP i l l
103 N. MAIN ST., BISHOP, CALIF. 93514
9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
Phone 569-8041 90280
Phone (714) 521-6321 /

The Trading Post Classified Ads " ^ Moil your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified
rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
NEW! CARLOS ELMER presents "London Bridge NEVADA GHOST TOWNS—a new publication. A
in Pictures"—67 rare and historic views of guide to over 370 Nevada Ghost Towns, price
the worlds most famous span in England and $4.50. California residents add sales tax. R.C.
at Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Large 9x12 B. Enterprises, Dept. DM, 2498 Roosevelt Ave., SPECIAL RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS: "The Road-
inch size, on heavy stock. $2.00 per copy, Redwood City, Calif. 94061. map to California's Lost Mines and Buried
autographed, plus 50c per order for shipping. SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder- Treasures," 127 stories, best hunting clues,
Check or money order to Carlos H. Elmer, Box ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, 25x36 inches, folded or rolled, $4.00. "The
875, Scottsdale, Arizona 85252. Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor- Roadmap to California's Pioneer Towns, Ghost
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You dinary,- Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, Towns and Mining Camps, 430 old sites, pres-
name it—we find it! Western Americana, Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. ent towns, etc. Special index. 25x36 inches,
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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TREASURES, by Rascoe, The trails used in 1810/1860, from Kansas
us your wants. No obligation. Internationa!
174 pages lost treasures, "money pits," from City to the Pacific Northwest, 17x32 inches,
Bookfinders. Box 1, Pacific Palisades, Calif.
the archives, San Francisco south to Mexican rolled, $1 .50. Californians add 5 % tax. Varna
border—all areas. Postpaid. $4.00. Frontier Enterprises, Dept. A, P.O. Box 2215, Van Nuys,
ELECTRICAL ANSWERS! Dual batteries, fast charg- Books, Fort Davis, Texas 79734. California 91404.
ing auxiliary power. Find loads, wire, fuse FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
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including tax, postage. Gilengco, Box 94, Dept. doned railroads, scenic and unusucl back
D, Ridgecrest, Calif. 93555. country to explore . . . multi-color, 22x35"
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"GEMS 8, MINERALS," the monthly guide to
— $ 3 . 0 0 ; "Colorado Desert Overview" (River-
gems, minerals, anc rock hobby fun. $4.50 PRECISION LAPIDARY ABRASIVE COMPOUNDS side, Imperial, San Diego Counties) $3.00;
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mcntone. for tumbling, polishing, and grinding. Send both $5.00; rolled 25c extra. Deser* Enter-
Calif. 92359. for free catalog. MDC Industries, 923 W. prises, Box 286-D, Ontario, Calif. 91761.
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem Schiller St., Philadelphia, PA 19140. Dealer
Inquiries Invited. OLD MAP KIT. Reprints of State and Railroad
stones,- here are a few of the 300 or more
maps, 70-90 years old. Send self-addressed,
you may be ove'looking: uranium, vanadium GOLD DRY Washer plans, portable hand opera- stamped envelope for details. Specify state.
tin, Tungsten, colurnbium, tantalum, nickel, ted, recover gold from gold diggings, from Northern Map Co., 2046 N. Tripp Ave., Dept.
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, indium, beryl- dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00. DM, Chicago, Illinois 60639.
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to S2 a R. Bown, P.O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. 91006
pound, others $21 to $200 per ounce; an
DRYWASHERS, GOLD PANS, metal detectors, • MINING
emerald the si;:e of your thumb may be
books, custom Jeep seats, etc. Send for litera-
worth $1000 or -nore; learn how to find,
ture. Hoffman's Desert Products, Box 402, La ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High-
identify and cash in on them. New simple
Mirada, Calif 90638. est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per
system. Send fo' free copy "Overlooked For-
tunes in Minerals,' it may lead to knowledge sample. Reed Engineering, 522 W. First St.,
which may male you rich! Duke's Research Rialto, Calif. 92376.
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences
New Mexico 87901. SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena OLD COINS, STAMPS
Drive. Riverside, California 92501. Parallel
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. "A FORTUNE IN YOUR POCKET"—3 volume set
history of the southern California desert, with Come in and browse; jewelry mountings, of Official Collector's Guides (192 pages in
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50 chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma- each book). Every 1928E one dollar bill is
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flower, Calif. 90706. tectors, maps, rock and bottle books. price of every valuable stamp, coin and paper
"UPPER MOJAVE DESERT," first book to reveal money in the U.S. Send $2.98 to Jane Carr,
TEN GOLD NUGGETS with "California Gold
route of extinct Tonopah-Tidewater Railroad, 34 Western Drive $ 3 , Watsonville, California
Story," $2.00; 10 for $15.00. A Bit of
original names o f present towns and cities, 95076.
U.S.A., 3131 -T North 33rd St., Phoenix, Ari-
the Borax story, biographies of pioneers.
Hardbound. Many priceless photos. Only
$4.95 postpaid from author: Mary O'Conley, GEM SHOP WEST. Mineral specimens, custom 81 S Mint; 1883-4-5; 1898-99-1900-01 -
Baker, Calif. 92309. jewelry, gem identification, slabbing. 72-042 02-04 O Mint, $4.50 each. The lot $50.00.
Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, Calif. 92270. Illustrated catalogue 50c. Shultz, Salt Lake
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- Phone 346-2812. City, Utah 84110.
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng-
lish-Spanish glosscry, too. $2.00 postpaid.
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. • INDIAN GOODS • PHOTOS
" D E A D MEN D O v e l l T a l e s " By Lake Erie"Schae- MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR CAMERA. Over one
fer. Facts about Frank Fish's mysterious death, million photos and color slides are bought by
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still unexplained. Sequel to "Buried Treasure newspapers, magazines and house organs
blankets, Chimayo blankets and vests, pot-
& Lost Mines" the Treasure Hunters manual.
tery. Nambe cooking and serving ware and every year! Learn what kind of photos they
$3 postpaid. L. Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
unique gifts. A collector's paradise. Open want . . . how to submit them . . . how much
Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710
every day from 10:00 to 5:30. Buffalo Trad- they pay . . . laws and regulations. Let your
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dated, etc. Send $1.00 to Wire Sales Box Booklet includes Directory of where to sell
APACHE INDIAN ARROWHEADS: Perfect, Authen- your pictures. Booklet #MO-54P, only $1.00.
6392-X, Bakersfield, Calif. 93306.
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all. A new book "Treasuie Travels" contains 2936 Mt. Vernon, Fort Worth, Texas 76103.
DD1239, Apache Junction, Arizona 85220.
all new photos, maps and other valuable WHOLESALE KODACOLOR photo-finishing; 12 ex-
information on California's most fabulous posures $1.50. Send $1.00 for complete list.
treasure. $3 postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., JEWELERY James Lenarth Jr., 1115 Mar Vista, Pasadena,
Box 67, Bellflower, Calif. 90706. CUSTOM-MADE JEWELRY at prices you can af- Calif. 91 104.
BOOKBINDING: Old books and Bibles expertly ford! Full information sent on request—rings, MAKE MONEY with your camera. Sell your pho-
repaired. Coves replaced. Send 25c for illus- pendants, pins, cuff I nks, etc., mail order only. tos and color slides. Report tells how, where.
trated estimate pamphlet. P. O. Box 1008-B, Freda M. Francisco, 11335 E. Lambert, El Mon- Send $1.00. Horton Home Products, Dept. DM-
Fremont, Calif. 94538. te, Calif. 91732. 1, 16500 S. W. 137 Ave., Miami, Fla. 33157.

40 ACRES $250.00 PER ACRE. Develop your own WILL YOU GAMBLE $4.00 to save $200? Build METAL LOCATORS: White's, Goldak, Detectron,
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well, good roads, SLrveyed, East San Bernar- Easily followed instructions. $4.00. Trionics, Beach Blvd., Buena Park, Calif. 90620 (714)
dino County, $200.0C ocwn, low monthly pay- Box 164, Brewer, Maine 04412. 521-6321.
ments. Also 1 100 acre* for larger investors. FREE—VALUABLE TREASURE FINDER catalog sent NEW BREED OF METAL LOCATORS. Transistor-
Owner, E. R. Lewis, >328 Park Lane, San Ber- by return mail. Find coins, rings, gold, silver, ized, lightweight construction. Money back
nardino, Calif. 714 382-2146. Map mailed metals, relics. Write today. Jetco, Dept. CD, guarantee. Free literature. Roth Industries,
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NEW DESERT HOMES: 2 bedrooms" air condition- PROSPECTORS — TREASURE HUNTERS! Join the 90009.
ed. Superb desert a i d mountain views. Per- Prospectors' Club of Southern Cai fornia. Field
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TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24 Free information. Grower, Box 734, Strath-
Write: CS/E-DM, P. O. Box 236, Ocotillo, Calif.
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92259. 714-358-773".
wood, Calif. 90_7_l_4.
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GOLD, SaVER'TcilCS! Located with powerful
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home lots. Frank Pieice, Realty. Licensed Brok- OIL PAINTING—KNIFE, BRUSH. For beginners or
Calif. 91778.
er Utah and California. P.O. Box 12, St. Advanced. Degrees granted. Guide book with
George, Utah 84770. 3*0 East Tabernacle St., GOLDAK Treasure Locators—Pleasure and profit
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673-5000. mail. Roy Keister College, 19 Washington St.,
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DESERT RATS PARADISE—-halfway between Dem- dak, Dept. DM, 1101-A Airway, Glendale, Santa Clara, California 95050.
ing and Las Cruces, aHractive beamed cottage California 91201 . GUMMED NAME AND address labels: 1000—
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_pa, Idaho 83651. BOOMERANG! Launched from non-crushable plas-
GOVERNMENT LANDS—Low as $1.25 acre!
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Available for recreation, investment or home-
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ern Lands, Bo>- I'i55-DM, Tacoma, Wash.
HOMESITES WITH EXQUISITE view of Twentynine Preserve Your Issues Each library-style brown vinyl
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_aC. 20036.
TWENTY ACRES near S 1,-er Peak, Nevada —
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Calif. 9 0 7 3 1 .

DEATH VALLEY and Desert Areas "Jeep" Photo-
™7b*A*hT < CALIFORNIA 92260

See Tours, 4225 Pciseo de las Tortugas, Tor-

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CALIFORNIA JEEP TOURS with naturalist guides. NAME
Summer camping trips for kids. Back country
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SAVE DOLLARS! Build seven-transistor metal de-
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FIND BURIED TREASURE with revolutionary

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Sign Gift Card: "From
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One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $ 13.00
POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
(Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)
ver, coins, relics. Woreyback guarantee. Terms
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"IN MY time, if we err, I want to err on the side of benefits to their communities from visiting urban out-
conservation." door enthusiasts and what will happen to outdoor fam-
Secretary of the Interior Rogers C. B. Morton made ilies if all public lands are put in the "wilderness area"
this statement at a "Town Meeting" following the recent category.
dedication of 19 sites in the Southern California deserts Her questions remained unanswered.
as recreation, historic and cultural areas. The Bureau of Land Management has inaugurated
As a result newspapers throughout California stat- a long-range multiple use plan for the 12 million acres
ed that "conservationists had their moment of glory" of public lands in the California deserts. Since nearly all
and that "desert conservationists learned they had a counties have enacted laws making it illegal to drive
powerful ally in Secretary Morton." over private property without the written consent of the
Secretary Morton's impromptu statement was a re- owner, these public lands are all of the back country
sult of questions and views he heard during the "Town remaining for rockhounding, exploring and jeeping.
Meeting." He also stated that "if we fail in our genera- And unless four-wheel-drive clubs, rockhound as-
tion to inaugurate a land use planning system for the sociations and other interested organizations immedi-
next generation, the next generation will live in a system ately start cooperating and speaking out—and speak-
that is next to unmanageable." ing loudly — WE WILL LOSE EVEN THESE PUBLIC
We are in complete agreement with his latter LANDS.
statement. But we feel his remarks about erring on the In the November 1971 issue of Desert Magazine,
side of conservation were ill advised and were a result of we endorsed the Bureau of Land Management's Califor-
his reacting to sin audience he evidently thought repre- nia Desert Plan and urged the passage of Congressman
sented all organizations interested in the future of the Bob Mathias' bill which would appropriate $28,600,000
California deserts. to implement the B.L.M. Desert Plan.
Desert Magazine was present during the three-hour Like any American, we are against regulations just
long discussions. Whether spokesmen for other groups for the sake of regulations. But we are convinced that
such as rockhound clubs, four-wheel-drive associations, due to the increased use of our California deserts that
etc., were not present or did not have a chance to air some type management program must be instituted. If
their views, the fact remains Secretary Morton did not such a program is not supported and the deserts are
get an overall picture of the problems facing the Bureau destroyed then what land is left for our enjoyment will
of Land Management — at least not at the "Town be closed and lost forever.
Meeting." Organized rockhound associations, four-wheel
We also think Secretary Morton should have elab- drive clubs, the California Association of Four Wheel
orated on what he meant by "conservation." If he Drive Clubs, the California Outdoor Recreation League
meant, as defined in the dictionary, conservation is a and many others recognize this fact and are actively
"protecting from harm, loss or being used up," then all working to protect your interests.
desert-oriented groups, including members of the Sierra We also urge recreation vehicle manufacturers to
Club, rockhouncls, back country explorers, four-wheel- participate in this long range and badly needed public
drive organizations—are in accord. relations campaign. If we have nowhere to go, we will
Unfortunately, however, the word "conservation- not want to purchase their equipment.
ists" has come to mean to most rockhounds, back coun- We believe the California Bureau of Land Manage-
try explorers and four-wheel-drive families those indi- ment officials are sincere in trying to work out a program
viduals and organizations who would prohibit all vehi- that will be fair to all concerned. But they cannot get the
cles (and in some cases, horses) from entering any overall picture unless they hear from us. They ARE hear-
areas of the public lands of the California deserts. ing from those who want to close all public lands.
And, also unfortunately, of the dozens of views ex- It is essential that all of us—individuals and organ-
pressed during the "Town Hall" meeting 99 percent izations—interested in keeping the back-country public
were those of county officials asking for aid in "enforc- lands open to recreation and exploration band together
ing the laws" (none of which were defined) and ultra- TODAY in a united campaign to inform the Bureau of
conservationists who want to make practically all public Land Management of our needs. We can no longer afford
lands "wilderness areas." to be silent and not be counted.
Of all the views expressed only one was on the side Bureau of Land Management officials have told us
of families who want to get away from urban areas and they welcome the views of our readers. So send your
enjoy a weekend in the desert. Marjory Johnson, speak- constructive opinions, views and suggestions to Desert
ing for the Western Rockhound Association, asked the Magazine, B.L.M. Department, Box 1318, Palm Desert,
county officials if they were not aware of the economic California 92260. Do it now, for TIME IS RUNNING OUT!
branches' in California, Nevada, Utah and Ari-

Rainbow Bridge . . .
zona. When we get the total (providing we
hare enough adding 'machine tape) we will in- In your article "On 'The 'Trail 'To Rainbow
\ortn our readers. Bridge." in the May ' 7 2 issue, you state Zane
Grey first saw the bridge in 1925. Zane Grey
first saw Nonnez'ishe. as the Indians call Rain-
Converted . . . bow Bridge, in the spring of 1913. He persuad-
'This morning's mail brought the May issue ed his good friend John Wetherill to make the
and I must tell you it is the most exciting issue pack trip by horse.
within my memory. Previously, the lore and Latei thai year. Grey says that Wetherill
grandeur of the deserts and canyons have been also led trips for 'Teddy Roosevelt and the
Kolh Brothers of Grand Canyon fame. Zane

foreign to my interests and activities. Now I
realize what I have been missing all these years! Grey wrote of this trip in his "Tales of Lonely
I am definitely planning to enjoy some of the 'Trails" published by Harper Brothers in 1922.
God-given spectacles of Nature which your 'This is the first time I've ever corrected an
Letters requesting answers must include cameras have captured for Desert Magazine. article tor any magazine, but since I'm an avid
stamped self-addressed envelope. tan of Zane Grey writings. I couldn't miss the
Barry Goldwater has told me something of
the Utah river trips and at least one is now on opportunity to do so.
We Agree . . . my schedule. WILLIAM R. SALYARDS.
CLIFFORD W. HENDERSON. Upland. California.
J always enjoy your magazine and am especi-
ally interested in your concern for the future Palm Desert, California.
use of our desert hinds. There are many prob- Desert Jesters . . .
lems to be solved by the Bureau of Land Man-
I enjoyed your article "Desert Jester" in the
agement. I do hope their solutions will not in-
May issue. In fact. I would like your advice as
hibit the feeling of freedom and adventure
to owning a pair of roadrunners. Where to pur-
most of us experience on our desert trips.
chase, how to house ami exercise the birds and
There is one item I f ink should be of public
would they adapt to the Long Beach climate-'
concern thai has not been mentioned in your
Information would be appreciated and my sin-
"Letters To The Editi r' section. This is the
cere admiration for your delightful article.
large area of formerly public land now under
jurisdiction of various branches of the military I. B. HOUSF.
and Atomic Energy C< mmission. I have listed Long Beach. California.
only a few. and there are many more in other Editor s Note: It is illegal to purchase or keep
states. roadrunners in a cage. They arc wild birds
Carrizo Impact Are, and two small areas which belong in the wilderness. Come in the
directly east. Chocolate Mauntain Aerial Gun- desert and watch thcW frolic and you will
nery Range, U. S. Nav; Gunnery Range in Im- realize the) should be "wild and free:'
perial County, Yuma (An;:.) Proving Grounds,
Photo of still another kiln near Pah-
Luke Air Force Bombi ig and Gunnery Range rump, Nevada was taken by Sgt. and
Loves Utah . . .
in Arizona. Marine C . >rps Training Area in Mrs. R. E. Rhodes of Indian Springs,
Riverside County. Fort frwin Military Reserva- (Nevada) Air Force Base. With the mail this morning came the May
ton. Goldstone Tracking Station, Naval Wea- issue. We were with the group last October to
pons Center in the Mo/iave Desert. China Lake More Kilns . . . travel the Mormon 'Trail to Hole-in-the-Rock.
Naval Weapons Center. Edwards Air Force I he article in the April 72 issue was very We love the uncrowded red rock country and
Base, and in Nevada the Nellis Air Force Base interesting but the author's research is some- visit it every chance we get.
and the Nuclear Testing Sires which area is what lacking. He states "It (Cochran) is one ot lust home from a wonderful ten-day trip to
larger than Death Vallej. only six places in the West where the charcoal Escalante. With plenty of gas and water and
I am aware of the necessity of maintaining kilns of the 1800s are still standing." He should our lunch, we branched out each morning to see-
have said it is one of six known places . . .' as much as we could in a day. We have seen
some of these gunnery i.uiges, etc.. but 1 cannot
help but feel there is t vet-lapping of function In central Nevada there are lour locations, Hole-in-the-Rock from both sides of the Colo-
and usage of much of tin's and and it should be two of which are the stone ones, and two that rado and from a boat twice. Drove the jeep
are brick with adobe caps and there are two through Harris Wash, across the Escalante
returned to the public domain where it right-
other locations within a I ^ mile radius. The River, down Silver Falls Creek and back to our
fully belongs.
fourth is rather remote so is not generally trailer by way of Boulder. Saw Lake Powell
Also what is happening to the ecology ot
known except to local citizens, i object to such
these bombing and gunnery ranges? from the top of Smokey Mountain and the old
definite statements when who really knows how
JOHN A. GRIMES. townsite of Paria. Saw Devil's Garden ami the
many others might be hidden in some remote
Fallbrook. California. beautiful Metate Arch.
This is a part of the world where tune seems
Editor's Note: Reader Crimes has a good point. to stand still . . where you can see deer drink-
Hawthorne. Nevada.
For years Desert Magazine has written to ing at the water holes and hear water running
I have* (list finished reading and enjoying
various military departments asking the status in the creeks.
Arnold Tildens "Ghostly Kilns of Cochran"
of ranges under their •jurisdiction. It is amazing A land we never expect to cover but we arc-
and would like to add a bit of information.
how imany different departments of the govern- There are two kilns in Pahrump Canyon, above planning another trip someplace where there-
<ment one simple ret/ueit goes through before Pahrump Valley. Nevada. One is in excellent will be plenty of canyons and high red cliffs—
you can get a negative • answer. Several years condition, but the other is slowly going to where you might expect to see an Indian riding
ago. we asked about the status of the Chocolate pieces. That makes at least seven places where his pony homeward at the close of the day.
Mountains. Five •months later we received a the kilns may be found. Looking forward to more articles on Utah
reply. We are in the process of totaling the RUSSELL K. GRATER. BOB and BEULAH BIRD.
amount of acreage being used by all 'military Boulder City, Nevada. [amul. California.
The history of D-Tex started in 1959 with a continuous record of increased 'production and im-
proved detectors each year since.
We designed and built the first solid state all transistor, B.F.O. Detector of conventional design to
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To celebrate our 14th successful year, we have introduced, by far, our best and most universal de-
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This year our all new for 72, with our all new computerized — no drift — gold precision hand
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tireless use, plus our all American made parts and our unmatched lifetime, unconditional guarantee,
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. . . No other book about

the great Southwest can
compare with this for
color and completeness—
the full story of the
geologic past, the natural
wonders, and the
fascinating history
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Mexicans, and Americans
. . . plus a sharp look at
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this unique land.

By Elna Bakker
Naturalist, author,
educator, artist,
and lecturer

Richard Lillard, Ph.D.

Chairman of
Department of English,
California State College,
Los Angeles; specialist in
western history and author
of many books and articles

The illustrations in this brochure are samples and segments from the hundreds of pictures in the book.

Rich color and sharp black and white capture the fantastic panorama of the entire Southwest.

It's all in this book—The awesome scenery of the magnificent

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Sheep and horses cast long shadows on the desert floor.

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This magnificent volume brings you the entire story of one No book of such depth, scope, and beauty has ever been
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biologically rich region where strange plants and animals
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From Pecos River west to Death Valley, from the Chihuahuan Desert north to the
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Ancient Indian City in Chaco Canyon: figures of visitors (center right) give some idea of its size.
Few places in the world can produce a picture to equal a Joshua tree against a Southwest sunset.

Table of Contents of THE GREAT SOUTHWEST

INTRODUCTION PART THREE: THE MARK OF MANKIND western pursuits of which fortunes and
Where cultures meet and species mingle, Ice-Age wanderers who first followed the Red men's raids and white men's massacres;
giving the vast Spanish-American border- game from Siberia, over the Bering Land the Mexican Revolution and folk hero
lands a character all their own Bridge and into the great Southwest Pancho Villa
The Southwest's earliest farmers, who made Company towns and real estate booms —
Differences in geology and climate that make pottery and pithouses and the first irrigation where big-scale operators have made
the Southwest's chain of deserts a kaleido- canals—centuries before Christ fortunes from the land
scope of scenery and life forms CHAPTER 10. BASKET MAKERS AND CLIFF CHAPTER 18. THE GOOD L I F E
CHAPTER 3. DISPATCHERS OF THE RAIN DWELLERS Sun-drenched tourism, health, and retire-
Forces that make the Southwest climate The "Ancient Ones," who vanished ment, from the first Harvey House to Sun
unique on this continent—global wind mysteriously but left their traces in a City and the Las Vegas "Strip"
patterns, mountain barriers, and the gallery of remarkable architecture CHAPTER 19. THE RED MAN TODAY
ever-present sun CHAPTER 11. IRON TIDE OF CONQUEST Indians' continuing struggle to preserve the
CHAPTER 4. SKIN-AND-BONES COUNTRY The coming of the padres and conquista- old culture and gain their share of the
The Basin and Range province—where dores, who found more souls than gold good things of the new
scenic mountains, born of faults and in El Dorado CHAPTER 20. FINE ART AND BIG SCIENCE
volcanoes, punctuate the desert floor CHAPTER 12. RED MAN'S TROUBLED PASSAGE Artistic forms that have Indian and Spanish
CHAPTER 5. THE GRAND LANDSCAPES Indians of the "vast heathendom"—their roots; awesome technology that is
The Colorado Plateau—where wind and culture before the Spanish entrada and distinctively American
water have conspired to create some of the their plight as vassals in its wake CHAPTER 21. CROWDING AROUND THE
most exotic land forms on the planet CHAPTER 13. THE COMING OF THE ANGLOS WATER HOLE
"Yanqui" expansion, Mexican retreat, and a The question: how many irrigated acres,
PART TWO: COMMUNITIES OF LIFE treaty that fixed the borders of the industries, and swimming pools can the
CHAPTER 6. PLANTS OF THE CROSSROADS present-day Southwest Southwest afford?
Immigrants from many places and natives CHAPTER 14. MAKING AND HOLDING AN Coping with growth on both sides of the
that through millions of years have EMPIRE border, which brings "more of everything
adapted to an arid life Trappers and traders, freighters and stagers, we need less of"
CHAPTER 7. CREATURES OF THE DESERT and troopers along the Santa Fe Trail CHAPTER 23. MAN AND MANANA
Specially-evolved animals that sleep through CHAPTER 15. METAL FEVER AND MONEY The challenge of tomorrow in the Southwest:
the long, hot summer or hide from ON THE HOOF how to enjoy, and not destroy,
the noon-day sun Mining and ranching—two ancient south- a glorious land

Frederic Remington's version of Coronado's party marching north in search of the Seven Cities of Ctbola.


Mountain pines and aspens in fall color contrast
with the stark beauty of Turret Arch to point out
the varied climates of the Southwest.

THE GREAT SOUTHWEST is filled with photographs like the ones in

this brochure, which can give you only a brief glimpse of the beauty and
variety you will find in this fabulous volume coming September 30.
American West Publishing Company (Overleaf) Desert shadows
Publishers of THE AMERICAN WEST Magazine and Anasazi cliff dwelling,
599 College Avenue, Palo Alto, California 943O6 Canyon de Chelly

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