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Desert Magazine 1980 May

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The document is advertising the 1980 Jeep Wagoneer Limited and highlighting its luxury and performance features.

It is advertising the 1980 Jeep Wagoneer Limited, emphasizing its luxury features like leather seats and woodgrain trim as well as its performance features like its 4-wheel drive system.

It mentions features like automatic transmission, power steering, power front disc brakes, power windows, power door locks, and a quartz digital clock.

ueil 04101

MAY, 1980- $1.50


e ultimate wagon

Luxury and comfort combined with ex- stereo AM/FM radio with your choice of 8 plus Quadra-Trac, Jeep's exclusive, auto-
ceptional 4-wheel drive performance. You'll track or CB. matic 4-wheel drive system all work to-
find them all in the 1980 Jeep Wagoneer Superior performance is the Jeep trade- gether to provide unsurpassed traction and
Limited. With all these most wanted op- mark! Features like automatic transmission, superb towing capabilities. On-road or o f f -
tions, standard! power steering and power front disc brakes in good weather or bad.

Rich leather seats, extra-thick carpet- We invite you to test drive the 1980 Jeep
ing, woodgrain trim —you're surrounded in
comfort. And brand new for 1980, con-
veniences like power windows, power door |^%£ty% Wagoneer Limited. You'll quickly under-
locks, and a quartz digital clock. Plus a J^P\?Vr|J stand w h
V '* is t h e ultimate wagon and the
• ^ drive ultimate
We Wrote t h e book 011 4-Wheel in 4-wheel
Jeep Corporation, drive.
a subsidiary of American Motors Corp
Volume 43 He covers the heavens with clouds, sends down the showers May, 1980
and makes green grass grow in mountain pastures —Psalms 147:4
Number 4 USPS 154-940
ISSN 0194-3405


Donald MacDonald
Donald MacDonald, Editor
Gary E. Squier, Senior Editor/Design Director
• SAM'S TOWN: A Need Recognized
Mary Eileen Twyman, Managing Editor • OLD VEGAS: Trading on the Past
Pat J. Williams, Assistant Managing Editor • GOODSPRINGS: Silently Fading Away
Phillip E. Squier, Art Director
• POP'S OASIS: Right Side of the Road
Contributing Editors • ST. JUDE'S: Haven for Children
Karen Sausman, Natural Sciences
Wayne P. Armstrong, Natural Sciences
Billie Durfee
Russ Leadabrand, Field Trips 19 NEWS FROM THE LIVING DESERT
Jerry and Luisa Klink, Baja California 20 KITT'S PEAK: Our Link with Space
Jenny Gray
Lithographed by Drawn by Arnold Roth
World Color Press 23 BOULDER CITY: That Dam Town
Gary E. Squier
Available in Microfilm 30 FLASH FLOOD!
by Xerox University Microfilms Gene R. Russell
35 BOULDER FLAT: A Mystery Ghost
Buddy Noonan
Rick Mitchell
Edited by Mary E. Twyman
41 Desert CALENDAR
Wayne Winters
Dennis McFarland
Nevada has many shades of color, 52 WHAT'S COOKING ON THE DESERT?
many faces. David Muench's parti-
cular talent reveals the obvious but Stella Hughes
also subtle nature of the Silver State 53 COYDOGS: Can They Be Tamed?
in his cover photo, Fremont Pyramid Karen Sausman
Silhouette, Pyramid Lake, Nevada.

Desert Magazine is published monthly by Cactus Paperworks, Inc. Of- subscription order form in this issue. Please allow five weeks for change
ficers: R.C. Packer, President; Chester M. Ross, Vice-President; Donald of address and send both new and old addresses with zip codes. Second
MacDonald, Vice-President; Gary E. Squier, Vice-President; Marjorie class postage paid at Palm Desert, CA., and at additional mailing offices
Moline, Secretary. EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION, AND ADVERTISING under Act of March 3,1879. Contents copyrighted 1980 by Desert Maga-
OFFICES: 74-425 Highway 111, P.O.Box 1318, Palm Desert, CA. 92261. zine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in
Telephone: (714) 568-2781. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U.S. and its pos- writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will not be returned
sessions, Canada, and Mexico: 1-year, $9.00; 2-years, $17.00; 3-years, unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope or inter-
$25.00. All other countries add $2.00 U.S. currency for each year. See national exchange coupons.
off-sEnson is JUST ns
WITE We've been fighting the bat-
tle of inflation here at Desert
and frankly, we're losing. The
supplies we use in our typeset-
It's the greatest for summer family fun. ting machines, for example,
Wahweap, Bullfrog and Hite resorts/marinas went up 40-60 per cent as of
are open year around, but you really should Feb. 1, 1980, due to compar-
try us in the spring, fall and winter... able increases in the silver and
Wendell Berry in the Unsettling of America petroleum used as ingredients
Not only for moderate temperatures,/ better said that, in terms of land use, Americans fall in these materials. We're sorry
into two categories: the exploiters and the
fishing and less crowded conditions, but for
nurturers. The exploiters are those who
but effective with all subscrip-
would destroy the long-term productivity of tions that expire with our June,
Savings to the land for short-term economic gain. The
exploiters, acting in the profiteering lifestyle
1980 issue, we're forced to
raise our renewal rates to $10
so popular in our times, would use up our de- for one year or $19 for two
10/ sert lands and leave nothing but wastelands
years. Three year subscriptions
for succeeding generations. The nurturers are
those who would use our lands but sacrifice will be discontinued. So, Re-
some amount of short-term profit for the sake new or Extend Your Present
of long-term productivity. They would not Subscription Now to Beat the
take more than the desert can give. They Price Increase. And it's a good
would allow the desert legacy to remain for
our children and our children's children.
time to think about sending
Steven Singer Desert to a friend. Gift sub-
Santa Cruz, Calif. scriptions will go up with the
June issue, too.
Your article "Dateline: Indio, Calif." [Desert,
Mar. '80] may have inadvertently done a dis-
The Publishers of Desert
service. You state dates contain invert sugar
(monosaccharides) which is non-acidic and
may betaken by diabetics with no adverse ef-
fects. This is mystifying, much as statements
I hear that white sugar is harmful and that
brown sugar, molasses or honey are "more BUSINESS STAFF
beneficial" or "more natural." Sugar is
sugar as far as the human body is concerned, Publisher
regardless of source. All sugars are exactly Donald MacDonald
the same for equal weight consumed. All are Gary E. Squier
converted when eaten into glucose, the major Advertising Sales
body metabolic substance. Therefore the dia- Nancy McCreary
betic must count the calories from all sugars, Marketing Director
and starches too for they are polysaccharides. George E. Sector
Frank W. Ellis, M.D. Subscription Fulfillment
Los Alamitos, Calif. Pat J.Williams
Dr. Ellis's informative letter was edited by us Business Manager
Marjorie Moline
for space reasons. Readers, particularly dia-
betics and others who must control their su- Chester M. Ross
gar intake, will be sent the complete text
upon request. Please enclose a stamped, Represented by National Advertising Sales, Inc.
self-addressed envelope. The information Robert E. Leyburn, Pres.
Mike Cerik, Nat'l. Sis. Mgr.
that "diabetics may consume invert sugars Louis T. Zito, Reg. Mgr.
with no adverse effects" is contained in li- 750 Third Avenue, 29th Floor
terature distributed by most of the major date New York, NY 10017
growers, and author Lee Kirk and the editors (212)682-7483
of Desert saw no reason to question what was Philip E. Holmes, Reg. Mgr.
Send color and rate brochures on
Wahweap, Bullfrog and Hite resorts/marinas
stated as a fact by those who should know. 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1314
Chicago, 1160611
Name_ READING FOR EVERYBODY (312)644 8270
Address _
Lou Pagluighi, Reg. Mgr.
Hey, I like that down-home Cactus City Cla- 1680 Vine St., Suite 909
City _ State.
rion you're printing in Desert nowadays. Lots Los Angeles, CA 90028
of stuff about mines, mining, and some bull (213)466-7717
thrown in for flavoring. Now there's reading Desert is published monthly by Cactus Paper-
Lahe Powell Resorts S marinas DM for everybody — college professor or student, works, Inc. Copyright 1980. Editorial and Ad-
nature lovers, miners, rockhounds, treasure vertising Sales Offices: 74-425 Highway 111,
Box 29040, Phoenix, AZ 85038 hunters — and even for an ol' desert rat like Palm Desert, CA 92260. Please address all mail
New central reservations system: me. You done throwed a clod in the butter- to Desert: P.O. Box 1318, Palm Desert, CA
West of Mississippi call toll-free 1-800-528-6154. 92261; Tel. (714) 568-2781. Desert is distributed
churn this time. nationally by Dell Distributing C , Inc., 1 Dag
In Arizona, call (602) 264-8466. 40 Mile Al Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017;
Reno, Nevada JohnGaffney, Acc't. Exec, Tel. (212)832-7300.
Desert/May 1980
photo by David Muench

Wi. m


by Donald MacDonald
Photos by Gary E. Squier

\ I • [ W

L as Vegas is as much a part of far from the center of tourist activi- their headquarters, at first only
our desert as Tombstone, ties. The Boyds felt, and they have because it was convenient to
Zzyzx or Santa Fe except that proved to be right, that the locals Horseman's Park, but eventually
it is a little newer. 461,000 wanted to get away from the Strip for the same reasons that draw
people live in or near the city and Downtown Casino Center everyone. Sam Boyd shakes his
and in 1979, there were 56,957 when it came their turn to play.
marriages and only 7,588 divorces.
head at why these people were
It was a $15,000,000 gamble for treated so shabbily on the Strip.
There are 200 churches and 111 el- that's what it cost to build Sam's They've just got to have money, he
ementary and seconday schools. To Town, first opened a year ago last notes with considerable logic.
further qualify, the average rainfall March, and it has already paid off So plans are afoot for Sam's
is 3.76 inches which is arid by any in four clovers. The reason is that Town to sponsor a major rodeo this
definition. Vegas locals are treated like se- May or June. The two best in each
As you come down off the Clark cond-class citizens in their own ca- of the eight established specialties
Mtn. grade headed north on 1-15 sinos, even when they work there from all over the country will be in-
from Las Angeles, the neon bril- as the majority of residents do. vited. The stakes will be high and
liance of this strange place greets They can't even get a $100 marker, paid, too, which is sometimes not
you 30 miles out. Closer, its build- their jargon for credit. the case in rodeos.
ings sprout like giant concrete and Sam's Town employees, from The Boyds are pushing the
glass cacti from the desert floor. In managers to car jockeys, are first of "westernization" of Sam's Town.
it, one must search to find proof in all courteous. They'd better be be- Ground-breaking is scheduled soon
the form of homes for the statistics cause their customers think the for an adjacent 200-room hotel to
quoted above. place belongs to them. And, of be called the Pioneer which will
The homes are there, stretched course, once a visitor is registered, augment the existing 200 rooms.
out along the boulevards that run he can't usually, with an important There'll be a rustic steakhouse and
eastward toward Boulder Highway, exception, be told from a local so an open-pit barbeque every night
and it is this orientation of local the same courtesies are extended weather permits.
population that caused Sam and to him. It hurts to expand now because
Bill Boyd to locate their new Sam's The exception is the horsemen Sam's Town is nowhere close to re-
Town Hotel & Gambling Hall way (or women) who make Sam's Town turning its investment. However,
Desert/May 1980

escalating costs demand commit- ders with the big shots. It was
ment. While the Boyds may not image and security and now, all
even play their own slot machines, that is lost. The little guy doesn't
they're gamblers and have been all care if the odds are a little better
their lives. today, and that there's very little if
Sam himself is one of the few any fixing of games, because he
old-timers in Vegas who has sur- knows he's going to lose anyway. It
vived the three major transitions in just takes a little longer and while
the casino hierarchy. Nothing he's losing, he gets kicked around
much happened until after World by nobodies which is hard to take.
War II but then there was a brief In short, the little guy doesn't feel
period when anyone with the at home anymore.
money could get into the business. Except at Sam's Town. Your
That, of course, attracted the room is ready when you get there.
"mob" who established the Strip, The genial Nell presides in Dia-
leaving the pioneers downtown mond Lil's, one of the best restau-
pretty much alone. Sam says he rants in Las Vegas, and not only
could live with them and that most asks your name when you come in
of his contemporaries did. but remembers it when you leave.
It was the corporations who came The waitresses even smile for you
next, after the mob was kicked out, at 3 a.m. in the coffee shop which,
that made it hard. He remembers incidentally, is ventilated by a sys-
Howard Hughes moving in and tem of belt-driven tans intricate e-
buying the Sands, Desert Inn, Sil- nough to puzzle an astronaut.
ver Slipper, Castaway, and Fron- Is Sam's Town a vacation spot
tier within weeks of each other. for families with kids? Not quite,
There was no communication be- anymore than is Circus Circus or
tween the old and the new and the the MGM Grand with its elaborate
separation became permanent. nursery and youth hostel. Vegas is
Sam, who started out working for grown-ups unless you make it a
the gambling ships off San Pedro base to see the desert heritage and
on the California coast, speculates beauty that abounds within a day's
from experience that the little guy drive or less everywhere around
used to come to Vegas once a the city. You'll find some of that on
month or once a year to rub shoul- the pages that follow.
Desert/May 1980
n 1830 a 16-year-old outrider actly what these early apostles had Shelton has spent $3 million so

I named Rafael Rivera broke

away from a 60-man trading
party headed by Antonio Ar-
mijo to investigate a forbid-
ding-looking desert valley that had
always been by-passed by travelers
between Santa Fe and California.
in mind.
However, those disparate philo-
sophies have given Vegas two
adobe forts. One, long gone, is now
an historical site marked only by a
plaque. The other, still undergoing
expansion, is designed to attract
far and talks of another $15 million
before he's through. Already in
being is the two-level Hondo Can-
tina, a restaurant good enough to
be on the intinerary of tours origin-
ating on the Strip. A "Sutler's
Store," misnamed because it sells
As he drew closer, he could see a visitors, not defend against them. arts and crafts to the tourist and
lush, marshy green strip. Once Today's "Fort" Vegas is actually not supplies to the military, vies
there, he saw the marsh was fed by in nearby Henderson, located there with 21 and slots for your extra
three powerfully flowing springs. because 125 acres happened to be dollars, but one admission ticket
Rivera was standing on land that is available at the right price and also per person covers everything else.
now the street separating the Four because Boulder Blvd. (U.S. 95) is A considerable chunk of Shel-
Queens from the Fremont Hotel in the most heavly traveled thorough- ton's opening money went to the
downtown Las Vegas's Casino fare in urban Nevada. And that is purchase of Smith's Row, a model
Center. because it leads to and from Boul- town of the old west originally as-
Rivera is the first known non- der Dam. sembled from genuine artifacts and
Indian to cross the Las Vegas Val- Some people might think that the structures by a private California
ley, 14 years ahead of Capt. John new fort, or "Old Vegas" as it is collector. Piece by piece, it is being
C. Fremont and 24 years ahead of called by its owners, reminds them transported and placed on exhibit
the peripatetic Mormons spreading of "Old Tucson." It should be- at Old Vegas.
out from Salt Lake City to Califor- cause amusement park magnate Shelton says he is just starting
nia in their attempt to establish a Bob Shelton created them both. on "phase two" in which future vi-
fortified mission chain. Rivera You'll be surrounded by audio and sitors may anticipate a "western
didn't stay but the Mormons did, visual history when you enter, park true to history" complete with
thus ironically founding a city served up Disney-style by no less everything except a roller coaster.
whose way of life today is not ex- than 15 multi-media projectors. That exception is a promise.
Desert/ May 1980
as Vegas was still 20 years summer Sunday afternoon both to (see next page).
away from being a place dine in the Gayle's sumptuous res- The Fayle Hotel burned down in
when the Clark County min- taurant and to watch and some- 1966 and the many weed-grown
ing town of Goodsprings, 34 times enter the car races staged on foundations elsewhere indicate the
miles southwest, was found- the nearby dry lakes. town has shrunk considerably. Lo-
ed. There was a spring but the For other tastes, Goodsprings cal historians are vague as to spe-
quality of the water, for better or offered its Pioneer Saloon & Poker cifics, perhaps because firewood
worse, had nothing to do with the Parlor, a favorite of locals even for the remaining stoves is scarce
name. That came from a prospector today, and what was called a "re- and expensive. There are simply
and cattleman named Joe Good stricted" district. And a man too many people still around for
who stayed on after initial attempts named Sam Yount staged minstrel vandals to have done much da-
to find enough silver values in the shows at his general store. mage, so one must conclude it was
lead deposits failed. Today maybe half of Good- an inside job.
The Keystone gold mine was spring's standing buildings are oc- Visitors to Goodsprings should
discovered in 1892 and within a cupied, mostly be escapees who also explore the remains of nearby
year, there were 200 people in the commute daily to their work in Las Sandy, Platina, and Kingston, the
Goodsprings area. From then until Vegas. Cora Bateman, about 82, latter being just over the border in
1952, what is still known as the and Terry Cowart, maybe 85, will California. Boss and Ripley, towns
Yellow Pine mining district earned reminisce with you about the old sometimes mentioned in guide-
over $31 million from lead, gold, days. Ms. Cowart is the town's books, never were.
and most importantly during two longtime postmistress. To reach Goodsprings and its
separate wars, 85 million pounds of Genial Joe Anthony, a relative neighboring ghosts, you drive
zinc. newcomer from California, gave up south on 1-15 to the Jean-Good-
There were maybe 50 fewer mining to manage the Pioneer and springs off-ramp, turn right, and
people in Goodsprings during the keeps it much like it always has follow paved N-53 for seven miles.
1920s, but they lived better. The been since 1913 when it was built Then inquire locally to find the
town's luxurious, 20-room Gayle — dusty, rowdy, and fun. But Joe's right graded dirt road called the
Hotel was better than anything Las future is uncertain. Owner Don Sandy Loop that takes you into the
Vegas yet had to offer, so folks Hedrick has just sold the Pioneer to Sandy Valley and back again 25
drove out to Goodsprings on a Peter Simon of Pop's Oasis in Jean miles later to Goodsprings.
Desert/May 1980
Above: $25 is the limit on craps at Pop's
Oasis. Below: 28-year-old Peter Simon in-
herited the Oasis from Pop, his dad.
oe Good of Goodsprings and a man named Shorty Smith opened
Jean Dale of Goodsprings a Standard gas station with a
Junction may never have met seven-stool lunch counter.
for they lived seven miles a- Shorty sold to Pop, who called it
part and their generations his "Oasis," and by 1947 the
just barely overlapped. But had square footage devoted to gam-
they met, Joe might not have spo- bling rivaled the newly-opened
ken because his Junction was now Flamingo in Las Vegas. That race,
known as Jean. The lucky lady had of course, was not an even one but
married that railroad center's nevertheless, Peter A. "Pop" Si-
leading citizen, George Dale, and mon prospered from those who
he had high-handedly renamed the couldn't wait for The Strip, another
place after her. 23 miles away, to wager their
Jean, Nevada, has always had a money. He also picked up those
reason for being whereas Good- who had a little left on their way
springs had thrived for only as long home.
as its mines. By the time those Pop's gone now but his son, 28-
mines had petered out and the year-old Peter II, has not changed
trains sped by Jean without stop- the family home and business one
ping, a highway had been built and bit except to refurbish for normal
Desert/May 1980
wear and tear. Plain folk from
everywhere, overawed by the ba-
roque grandeur of Las Vegas, like
Pop's place the way it is. Some, in
fact, never do get to Vegas.
Peter II is somewhat of a mys-
tery to the big operators in the
nearby city, a fact he finds amus- •Finest Quality Sun-Dried Fruits and Nuts
ing. They think Peter is some kind SAVE SAVE
•California Dates
of junior recluse or fresh-air nut HADLEY'S
from New York or someplace who •Health Foods
picked Jean to get away from it all
but as we know, he was born and 3 Locations BEST QUALITY
raised there.
Peter is a big young man, given
to horn-rimmed glasses, long ci- •Carlsbad BANANA
gars, expensive suits, and the
manners of one who can get what-
•Tustin CHIPS $1.19
ever he wants. He looks very unlike
the picture of Pop which hangs on reg.$1.49
his office wall.
WESHIPWORLDWIDE Good thru 5/30/80
But while he may seem out of
limit 6 Ib
place in one, Peter has a thing for SEND FOR OUR FREE CATALOG
small western towns, the more COUPON
P.O. Box 495, Cabazon, CA. 92230 SAVE SAVE
ghostly and arid, the better. It is he
who for a year or so owned Death
Valley Junction in its entirety. And
just recently, as we've said, he
bought the old Pioneer Saloon at
[714] 346-8113
He denies nostalgia and for 75-188 Highway 111,
proof, he points to the tour buses MOTOR Indian Wells,
unloading one after the other at his
Oasis. Put your place on the right- LODGE California 92260
hand side of a busy highway miles
from nowhere and you can't go -
wrong, he says, watching to see if
we can figure that one out.
We can't. We suspect the
success of Pop's Oasis has more to
do with the relieving of customers'
kidneys than the filling of them, no
matter which way you're driving.
In any case, young Mr. Simon
has it made. While he doesn't own
everything in Jean, he had enough
to donate 350 acres to the state for
a minimum security prison. Asked
why that choice for a neighbor and
his answer was one word — stabil-
ity. We had guessed strategically
placed off-ramps. First Phase of Our Remodeling
A roadhouse, however remote,
filled with people pumping slot Program Now Completed
machines and playing $25 limit
craps can't exactly be called isola- THE DESERT'S
tion but at least Peter I I . doesn't MOST FAMOUS BISTRO
have to worry about how bright his
neighbor's new neon sign will be or [714] 346-2314
what big-name star he should book
for his next show. He gets a cross-
section of the highway anyway, as
many Caddies as VWs. He has in-
dependence which is what always GIVE DtAtfiL
has brought people to settle in
places like Jean. Subscriptions as Gifts
Desert/May 1980
aven for
by Mary Eileen Twyman

T he reasons people have for moving to the de-

sert are always varied and sometimes complex.
Some risk small fortunes in search of larger
ones at the bottoms of lost or abandoned
mines. Others are searching for a place so
quiet one can hear a star fall, and then there are
those compelled to pit skill and machine against
treacherous terrain, but whatever their reasons,
most people who live in the desert moved there vol-
untarily from a less harsh environment.
Forty-two year old Father Herbert A. Ward of St.
Jude's Ranch for Children in Boulder City, Nevada,
doesn't fit into any of these categories. Fr. Ward,
when asked how he came to be here, looks heaven-
ward and tells you most likely he was "summoned."
In 1967, another Episcopal priest named Fr. Jack
Adams was working with a parish in Las Vegas when
it came to his attention that the state didn't have
even a single facility to care for battered children, While the staff has many other duties at St Jude's, being surrogate
the term used by social workers to describe those parents is all-important. Here, not knowing his picture was being
who have been psychologically and physically a- taken, Fr. Neil deRijk displays the love lavished on each child, far
bused by their parents. At his urging, Boulder City more, perhaps , than that which exists in most families.
donated a 40-acre bluff overlooking Lake Mead. A
Las Vegas manufacturer donated the cement block,
and with the brick layers union donating the
manpower and Colonel Sanders the food, St. Jude's
Ranch for Children became a somewhat precariously
perched reality.
After six months of balancing the Ranch on that
fine line between just barely making it and not, Fr.
Adams had to leave because of ill health. Preceded
by four priests in rapid succession, Fr. Ward came to
a buckling St. Jude's in August of 1970.
He had been happily and prosperously situated as
senior curate and headmaster of the day school at St.
12 Desert/May 1980
George's Episcopal Church in New Orleans when he
received his first phone call from Judge Alvin Wart-
man of St. Jude's Board of Trustees in May, 1970.
Fr. Ward's immediate reply was a firm " N o ! " But,
the Board's persistence, daily Scripture readings, his
own prayerful soul searching, and Fr. Richardson's,
the Rector of St. George's, advice "Don't ever close
the door on the Holy Spirit" brought a very
reluctant, "shaking my fist at the heavens" for the
"can of worms" being opened before him, Fr. Ward
to the Ranch to "try it for one year.'' Before that year
was ended he was convinced of, and willing to follow
through with, God's plan for him.
It hasn't been easy for Fr. Ward, either. He
laughingly claims the right to every gray hair on his
head. He is more than merely a priest and director of
this ranch. He is very much "Dad" and protector of
his family. The numbers vary and the faces change,
but they are all his children.
They attend public schools, bring their friends
home to visit, and they in turn visit their friends'
homes. The children have several pets. This is es-
sential because they will often respond to a pet
before they will respond to the staff. One, a German
shepherd named "Missy," was a special reward for
a young boy who wanted a dog. Fr. Ward gave him
$5.00 and told him to save another $5.00 from his al-
lowance; it was a proud, happy boy who brought
Missy home from the pound as a puppy.
The children have their assigned jobs, and some of
them are presently involved with installing their own
water system for the new sports field. They help with
the vegetable garden, and one boy planted a rose
garden along with a grapevine which yielded 19
pounds of grapes last year.
Each child gets an allowance until he or she reach-
es 16. The staff, which includes three very lively and
loving Anglican Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de
Paul named Sr. Angela, Sr. Colette, and Sr.
Rosamond, will then help the young person find a
Top left: While nominally Episcopalian, St. Jude's grants haven to job. At the age of 17 they are expected to pay $2.50 a
any child regardless of creed. Center: Sports aid the transition from week to St. Jude's for room and board, perhaps a
total withdrawal to vibrant participation. Above: The children are token sum but it's a start toward assuming responsi-
encouraged to create, however much it might strain the Ranch's
finances. Top right: Antique bells donated by the Bishop of Bristol, bility for their own support and preparing them for
England, await construction of a tower to house them. graduation the following year.
The children were all in school when we visited the
Ranch. Walking through the cottages with Fr. Ward
was just like being with any proud parent. He would
comment on one child's hobby, another's special ta-
lent, an ingenuous prank here or there, a funny thing
Desert/May 1980 13
Right: Fr. Ward acknowledged his
"call" to direct St. Jude's. Below:
"Missy" was the first attachment
ever formed by her child owner. Be-
low, right: Sr. Angela is one of three
surrogate mothers at St. Jude's.

one of the girl's had said, and how hard it was to get talents for the sole purpose of aiding these children.
the kids to do their chores on Saturday mornings. The sky had been pouring everything but sunshine
Had we not been briefed on the sad beginnings of on the desert the day we talked with Fr. Ward. And,
these children, he could have been just any father as we left the Ranch, the earth seemed still to be
discussing his family. trembling from the lightning and thunder that had,
Previously we had been sitting in his office, where just minutes before our departure, split the sky and
pictures of kids take up every inch of spare wall, dumped a layer of hail on the already saturated
shelf, and desk space. Fr. Ward had touched on how ground. The heavens were caught up in playing
the children were always wondering why they were ocean and cascading waves of clouds over the tops of
at St. Judes, or why Mother didn't call or, sadly, the surrounding mountains, splashing them down
blaming themselves for their parent's breaking up. the ravines, curling them around protrusions and
And, how to many of them, with so much to worry ridges, and disguising them as islands and reefs.
about, studies just weren't important. Fr. Ward told The whole environment crackled and sparkled like a
of the day they received the large statue of the Holy child's eyes, like the eyes of a child who had been
Family, carved of wood from Korea, which was do- caught playing hookey by a parent or teacher who
nated to the chapel: "All of the kids have the dream understood that sometimes it's just fun and all right
of going home. They stroked the baby, and some of to be not the way, or where, you're supposed to be —
the children were so moved at seeing a permanently like rain and hail on a desert that's supposed to be
carved family, they cried." arid and hot.
St. Jude's is mostly supported by private gifts. Understanding and unquestioning love, meeting
Nevada's welfare funds provide a small portion of these children individually and right where they're
the annual budget. Another, surer source is the at, drafted and directed by God and with the help of a
"Night of Stars Benefit" in Las Vegas. November, few friends, Fr. Ward and his staff are the family
1980 will be the 14th annual gathering of top enter- these children never had, carving the home they
tainers (Frank Sinatra is a regular) who donate their always dreamed of, from out of a desert hillside.
14 Desert/May 1980
HARNEY COUNTY Story and Photos by Billie Durfee


iMWM & ^m
outheastern Oregon is deep in history, large in
area, and high in altitude; it's also short on
people, but long on wildfowl, game, and fish.
This happy combination makes the Steens
Mountain area of Harney County attractive to
birdwatchers, naturalists, geologists, photograph-
ers, historians, and conservationists.
More and more people explore it each year, de-
spite its distance from "civilization." Burns, the
county seat with a population of 3,293, is nearly 300
miles from Portland, Oregon; over 200 from Alturas,
California; and nearly 300 from Winnemucca,
However, more people doesn't mean a crowd. Ex-
cept in Burns and south on State Highway 205, you
are unlikely to see more than five or six cars in a
whole day.
Where to stay? The historic and central place to
spend a few nights is 58 miles south of Burns at the
Frenchglen Hotel in the hamlet (population 11) of
Frenchglen. The hostelry was built in 1916 as a stop-
over for teamsters bound south over the Jackass
Mountains which rise directly behind the hotel; the
wagons then continued through the Catlow Valley
carrying supplies to the Roaring Springs, Alvord,
and Whitehorse ranches. The hotel's eight rooms are
The exterior of the unique round barn is shown opposite. Inside, the
spartan but pleasing with beds covered with hand- maze of supporting posts undoubtedly complicated the job of
made quilts. Breakfast and dinner are served family training and breaking.
style around two oval tables.
Most people drive the Steens Mountain Loop the
first day. The trip is around 52 miles on a graded dirt The southern approach to the rim is more dramatic
road. Because of snow, the road is usually closed than the northern one. Drive 10 miles south of
from late October until July. Allow a minimum of five Frenchglen and turn east. Observe the sign which
hours to be sure of enough time for off-road says that the weather on Steens can change suddenly
exploring. The road, however, can be negotiated with lightning, violent rain storms, snow storms, and
safely by passenger cars. high winds. Avoid high points, canyon rims, and
Unlike most of Oregon's mountains which are creek bottoms during extreme weather conditions.
either volcanic cones and/or part of a range, Steens First come the Blitzen River crossing and Little In-
is a fault block mountain. Millions of years ago a 30- dian Creek and gorge. After these is Big Indian
mile-long rent in the earth's surface allowed the ba- Gorge which is definitely worth a side trip. The area
saltic crust to be pushed up along the fault line. It just beyond looks like an infantile Icelandic lava bed.
looks like a tipped over book end. Look for coyotes on the lower elevations and antelope
There are no foothills; instead, the mountain rises and mule deer higher up.
gradually on the west side. The approach to the The summit has two wildly different views. The
summit is 23 miles as the crow flies but not as the east rim has a vertical drop of over 5,000 feet to the
road winds. The ascent passes through four distinct Alvord Desert which is still over 4,000 feet above sea
zones: The sageline belt, the juniper belt, the aspen level. The desert, 15 miles long and eight miles wide,
belt, and above 8,000 feet, the bunchgrass belt. The is a glistening expanse of desolation surrounded by
summit is 9,354 feet or 9,773, depending on which acres of greasewood and some bunchgrass.
expert opinion you choose. The northern rim looks down into the Kiger Gorge.
16 Desert/May 1980
The round barn on Pete
French's Barton Lake sub-
station is the sole survivor of
three. They were used for
breaking and exercising hor-
ses during winter months.

It is the largest of the many valleys. Unlike the other expanse in the midst of an immense arid region
gorges, which were cut by streams, Kiger was cut by which has attracted 264 species of birds and 52 spe-
a glacier. You can see the western swing the glacier cies of mammals.
took as it carved this half-mile deep valley. Deer feed History buffs will enjoy an entire day of Pete
on the valley floor as do Herefords. Part of the valley French's ranch buildings. But first a very short ac-
is privately owned and part is leased by the BLM for count of early 19th century Harney County pioneers:
grazing. T h e first white men arrived in Harney County
The Loop Road continues past Fish Lake, over Basin in 1826. They were French-Canadian fur
7,000 feet high and stocked with trout, to Lily Lake. trappers under the command of Peter Skene
The northern exit crosses the entrance to Pete Ogden who explored for the Hudson's Bay
French's famous " P " Ranch, but save the ranch for Company. He recorded seeing large numbers
a whole Pete French day. of Indians around Malheur Lake. Indeed, the Paiutes
Steens was unimaginatively named by Major had an ideal location. Summers they could migrate a
Enoch Steen who in 1860 left his fort at the The few miles up the mountain to enjoy the cooler air,
Dalles on the Columbia River to explore for a wagon and still hunt fish and fowl in the marshes below. At
road to Salt Lake City. He simply named it after him- the same time they could eat game from the slopes of
self with no apostrophe. the Steens. The Paiutes lived in small family groups,
A later military man of higher rank, Colonel and until stirred up by the Bannocks in 1878 were a
George B. Currey, was more dramatically inclined. peaceful, loosely knit tribe.
While crossing a river during a thunder and light- Nearly 20 years after Ogden's trappers, the
ning storm, he named it the Donner und Blitzen famous Meek Cutoff Party which had left the Oregon
River. The " u n d " is still on the maps, but most of Trail to avoid the treacherous Blue Mountains, blun-
the locals refer to it as the Blitzen River. dered through the region. These were the pioneers
The Blitzen, which receives many of the streams whose children threw pretty yellow rocks into a blue
that melt off the mountain, flows north into Malheur bucket as they walked along. It was months later be-
Lake and together they create the marshes which at- fore the much decimated group rejoined the Oregon
tract the abundant animal life that first brought the Trail at the Dalles. It was even later before their pa-
region to President Theodore Roosevelt's attention. rents found out that the rocks were gold. The myth-
He created the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. ical Blue Bucket Mine has never been found despite
The Refuge headquarters turn-off is 35 miles north diligent searching in half a dozen diaries and much
of Frenchglen. A dike road, higher than State High- direct application of pick and shovel.
way 205, runs parallel to it. Signs are posted to tell The year 1868 marks the arrival of Oregon's first
which portions of the dike road are open since some genuine cattle baron, John Devine, who came from
parts are closed during various nesting seasons. California to establish the Whitehorse Ranch south-
Take the dike road whenever possible. east of the Steens.
The Refuge was established in 1908 primarily as a Four years later Pete French traveled north
nesting place for migrating birds. It is also a gather- through the Sacramento Valley. Pete was the best
ing place for waterfowl migrating between southern cattleman, the best builder, the most dramatic
wintering grounds and northern breeding areas on stockman of them all. He married the boss's daugh-
the Pacific flyway. ter and then, one day after Christmas, he was shot in
At the top of the " T " shaped refuge are the the back. His murderer was acquitted although the
Double 00 Ranch, Harney Lake, the Refuge head- killing was witnessed by several cowhands. No won-
quarters, and Malheur Lake; the vertical part is the der that more has been written about him than about
Blitzen River Valley that extends past Frenchglen. Devine, Henry Miller or Bill Harney, all well known
In wet seasons Malheur Lake overflows into Mud in local cattle history.
and Harney Lakes, and it is this extensive freshwater French arrived with 1,200 head of cattle, 20 saddle
Desert/May 1980 17
horses, six Mexican vaqueros, and a Chinese cook.
He was backed by Dr. Hugh Glenn of Jacinto, Cali- This building, one of the few remaining in the ghost town of Blitzen,
is believed to have been one of the two general stores.
fornia. Pete drove his herd into the Catlow Valley
and camped near some springs. Soon he was visited
by a man named Porter, a prospector looking for
gold, who also ran a few head of cattle. Porter was
discouraged; he had decided that he would never
find gold in the area. He sold his cattle and his " P "
branding iron to French. Porter had run his stock be-
tween Roaring Springs and the upper Blitzen River,
range that was technically his under the existing
laws. The land became French's when he bought the
stock and the branding iron.
French was determined to own all the Blitzen
River Valley, and ultimately he did. In time, the
French-Glenn Livestock Company controlled 100,000
acres (there is some disagreement on the exact num-
ber), 30,000 head of cattle, and 3,000 horses and
He built his main ranch, the " P , " across from
what is now Frenchglen. (The Oregon Historical So-
ciety does not know when or why the second " n "
disappeared.) Here he built a large white house, a
long barn, a beef wheel for hanging cattle to thwart
predators and for butchering, a good deal of willow
fencing, and assorted farm buildings. Much of it is
still there except for the house which burned down in
1947. Of this, only the red brick chimney remains.
Legend has it that he built the house for his bride,
Dr. Glenn's daughter. However, while the young
Frenches were traveling north to Oregon after the
wedding, Dr. Glenn was shot and killed by his book-
keeper. His daughter returned home, and a few
months later gave birth to a very blond son who
looked not remotely like the black-haired, dark-eyed
French. San Francisco and Portland papers agreed
on this. Ella never went to Oregon, and ultimately
divorced French.
The " P " Ranch was but one of Pete's many sta-
tions. He also built the Sod House Ranch, one of the
best preserved, which like the " P " is now within the
Malheur Refuge boundaries. Fences, corrals, and 12
of the original structures are maintained. It was
here, that Pete French was killed by Ed Oliver on
December 26,1897. He was 48-years old.
The refuge map shows the road to another of
Pete's unusual buildings, the Round Barn, which
was part of his Barton Lake substation, It is the sole
survivor of three round barns built for breaking hor-
ses during the winter months. The barn is 100 feet in
diameter, and directly inside is a 60-foot, circular,
lava corral. Inside this, 12 juniper posts support the
35-foot-high ceiling. The roof slopes to eight feet on
the sides. It is possible to imagine breaking horses in
the circular corral. However, it is difficult to see how
the stockmen avoided the juniper posts.
Naturally there are ghost towns, and one, of map for Desert drawn by Merle Graffam
course, is called Blitzen. In the late 1880s a handful
of enterprising souls founded a settlement in the
Catlow Valley to meet the demand for supplies in this school, the saloon, and most of the houses.
nearly endless desert. Blitzen is marked on Harney As the saying goes in Harney County, "you're a
County hunting maps. The town had one really fine long way out and a long way up." On the next trip I
house, now decrepit but still vertical, a dozen shacks, hope to see everything again plus the Malheur Cave,
today mostly listing, two general stores, and one the Andrews Saloon, the Diamond Hotel, and the
optimist who built his post office with 72 boxes. ghost town of Drewsey. And there'll still be a whole
Hurry, because the wind has already blown down the lot left over.
18 Desert/May 1980
The arts and natural sciences tensely colored works. It was not now housed in two handsome cir-
share the spotlight at the Living until she and her family moved to cular welded wire enclosures in the
Desert Reserve during April. There Pinyon Crest, California, in 1972 aviary/oasis area. The two cages,
is an outstanding watercolor show that she turned to watercolors, a and a third which will be built when
in McCallum Hall, while newly more appropriate media for her a sponsor is found, provide a close-
completed cactus and bird of prey new vision. up view of a number of different
exhibits at the north end of the Re- Debonne watercolors have been owls, hawks, and vultures.
serve should delight plant and ani- shown at the Palm Springs Desert Rehabilitation and release is the
mal lovers. Museum, the Riverside Art Center goal for every bird brought to us.
CACTUS GARDEN RESTORED and Museum, the Riverside Li- When this is not possible because
July 1979 flood waters devastat- brary, and at galleries in Rancho the animals are too tame or dis-
ed the Reserve's Opuntia Garden, Mirage, Idyllwild, and Palm De- abled to survive in the wild, they
a 500-square-foot area devoted to a sert. Her paintings are in collec- can serve as valuable breeding,
species of cactus common to our tions in Paris, New York, Mexico educational, and conservation aids.
southwestern deserts. Now restor- City, San Francisco, Dayton, Los Some of the raptores to be shown
ed, the garden gives visitors an op- Angeles and Vancouver. Those in the bird of prey exhibits are un-
portunity to compare nine varieties that will be exhibited at the Living common, such as the prairie falcon.
of the opuntia genus. Desert Reserve represent the art- This bird is magnificent despite a
Familiarly known by names like ist's favorite watercolors. gunshot-amputated wing. Other
teddy bear cholla, bunny ears, more common birds like redtailed
buckhorn cholla, beavertail, and and red-shouldered hawks, kes-
pancake pear, opuntias are dis- trels, barn owls, and great-horned
tinguished from other cacti by the owls are housed together for pur-
presence of tiny hair-like fibers, or poses of comparison. Also useful in
glochids, in the aureole from which the Reserve's education programs
the spines protrude. Sometimes, as are a long-eared and short-eared
in the beavertail, there are only owl, each of which have lost a wing
glochids, which can be as painful to a man with a gun.
embedded in human skin as the In the spring, the Reserve is de-
spines themselves. Cacti with luged with young birds brought in
spines only include the barrel, sa- by a concerned public. Injured
guaro, fishhook, and pincushion birds, from hummingbirds to gold-
varieties. en eagles, are delivered to animal
WATERCOLOR SHOW curator Fred LaRue all year long.
Even the most familiar subjects Most are kept in the medical ward
can take on exciting dimensions where they may be viewed through
when interpreted by a gifted artist. protective fencing. Eye-to-eye con-
Jeannette Debonne, whose water- tact between these animals and the
colors will be on exhibit in McCal- public is kept to a minimum be-
lum throughout April, is such an cause the rehabilitation process is
interpreter of desert landscapes. retarded when the birds become
These are not majestic vistas, al- habituated to people.
though the desert lends itself to When the third and most spa-
sweeping canvasses. She sees, in- cious bird of prey enclosure is
stead, "the exquisite linear quality built, it will be used to exercise
of skeletal plants and weeds, subt- fledgling barn owls and other rap-
elty of color, and extraordinary tores that have been hand raised. It
light" which translates into close- will also house the largest of the
up views of quiet, special places. birds in the Reserve's care. A 16' X
One agave, a weed in the noonday 20' oval, it is planned for the area
sand, barren rocks, and desert behind the oasis.
Watercolor by jeannette Debonne
snow are the subjects of her paint- The Living Desert Reserve, lo-
ings. Mrs. Debonne, a native of the cated at 47900 S. Portola Ave.,
Coachella Valley, earned a degree BIRDS OF PREY ON VIEW Plam Desert, Calif., is open seven
in art from UCLA in 1959. For the The Living Desert Reserve is days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
next 12 years she worked in oil and, permanent home to some 30 injur- Admission is $1.50 for adults, $.25
influenced by the Tamayo murals ed and orphaned birds, including for persons under 18 accompanied
in Mexico City, produced large, in- many large birds of prey which are by an adult.
Desert/ May 1980 19
Our Link
by Jenny Gray
Photos courtesy Kitt Peak National Observatory

falling. From a mountain top in southern

Arizona, a corps of highly-trained astronomers
keeps a constant eye on the universe,
monitoring and measuring nightly to make
certain nothing is amiss.
Kitt Peak National Observatory, 50 miles
southwest of Tucson, is the world's largest and most
sophisticated astronomical laboratory. Located on
the Papago Indian Reservation, the peak itself soars
6,882 feet above the surrounding desert. It is open to
visitors and picnickers from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every
day except Christmas. Admission is free.
To reach the Observatory from Tucson, drive west
on State Highway 86. At the well-marked turnoff,
follow the paved 12-mile road to the facility at the
crest of the mountain. The startling array of
gleaming white domes and towers suggests a "Star
Wars" movie set. Inside the Visitor's Genter,
however, fiction becomes science as you manipulate
the model telescope and view the displays and
If you arrive on a Saturday or Sunday, wait for a
conducted tour leaving the Center at 10:30 a.m. or
1:30 p.m. If a weekday, ask for a printed walking tour
guide and proceed on your own. Several of the
telescopes are open, with glass-enclosed galleries to
allow visitors close-up views of the equipment.
A highlight of your tour will be the long, slanted
McMath solar telescope, largest in the world and a
spectacle to inspire even the sun-worshiping
Pharaoh, Aknaton. Less than half of its 500-foot shaft
is visible above ground. A series of mirrors forms a
30-inch image of the sun, which is reflected on a
horizontal table in the observation room at ground
level, enabling the scientist to select small solar
features for detailed study or technological analysis.
The "near-sighted" McMath was designed to

20 Desert/May 1980
peer at the sun, 81/2-light-minutesaway, but the
"far-sighted" Mayall stellar telescope can explore
the farthest reaches of our known universe, billions
of light-years away. Not long ago, Kitt Peak
scientists focused the Mayall's huge 158-inch
reflecting mirror on the mystery star Beteiquese and
obtained the first detailed photographs ever. The
news made headlines around the world.
The Observatory was built in the late 1950s by the
Association of Universities for Research (AURA)
under contract to the National Science Foundation. It
occupies a mountain-top site held sacred for
generations as the home of the Papago deity,
EE-E-Toy. In 1958, after a search team chose the
location because of its ideal weather and stable air,
the Papagos at first refused permission for use of the
land. The frustrated scientists finally invited the
tribal leaders to inspect the small Steward
Observatory on the University of Arizona campus in
nearby Tucson. A glimpse of the moon, magnified
many times through the Steward telescope,
convinced the Indians, and a lease was granted.
Though Kitt Peak attracts 100,000 daytime visitors
a year, the real work is done at night. By sundown,
after the visitors have departed, the day-sleeping
scientists and technicians are eating "breakfast"
and thinking of tasks ahead. They must explore the
temperature of heavenly bodies, their direction and Opposite, top: MayaH's
158-inch [4-meter] tele-
velocity, their mass, age, distance, and the scope was the first to re-
composition of their atmospheres and interiors. On cord the mystery star Be-
such knowledge depends our understanding of our teiquese. Opposite, bot-
tom: Heliostat on top of
place in the solar system and the universe. McMath Solar Telescope
As daylight fades, the revolving domes rumble zaps the moon with laser
beams. Top: Photo shows
into position and the giant eyelids open to search the only half of the 500-foot
darkened sky. No one worries, like Chicken Little, shaft of the McMath.
that the sky might fall. But if it ever does, the Center: The Mayall is op-
erated from this console.
vigilant scientists at Kitt Peak will be the first to Left: Kitt's Peak does not
know and spread the alarm. lack for telescopes.

Desert/May 1980 21



That Dam Ibwn ary E. Squi&r

B oulder City, Nevada, is a
town that has a dam past, a
dam present, and a dam fu-
ture. Some say it's the town
that built the dam; others in-
sist that the dam built the town.
They're both wrong. The dam and
the city were built the same way e-
verything big and strong and last-
ing gets built — by hard working
men and women.
To build the dam, and for many
years it was The Dam like the
Pyramid of the Sun was The Pyra-
mid, took the best minds and the
strongest muscles. It also took
great vision, imagination, dedica-
tion, and desperation, because
both the dam and the city were
built during very desperate times,
1931-36. Ten million people were
looking for work, looking for hope.
The dam had to built, otherwise
you could kiss the Imperial Valley
of Southern California goodbye be-
cause in the winter of 1904-05 the
Colorado River went nuts and for
16 months created havoc there,
flooding thousands of acres of rich
farmland, ripping up highways,
threatening lives, and creating the
Salton Sea. It took 26 years of plan-
ning, testing, and politicking be-
fore the first pick struck granite on
the Colorado River's Black Canyon
walls, and only the federal govern-
ment could underwrite such an im-
mense project.
For the dam is monstrous. You
can read about it and see pictures
of it, but the scope of it is only truly
felt when you stand on it, ride the
elevator to its bottom, walk down
its damp, echoing tunnels to tur-
bine rooms the size of hangars,
smell the power, feel its grace.
The back-bending toil of long
hours in unbearable heat and con-
stant danger necessary to create
this Eighth Wonder of the World
was borne by thousands of men
who came to Boulder and found
work, found a home, found hope.
Desert/May 1980
And they all lived in Boulder
City, the government town, the
working stiff's town, and one of the
first planned towns in the U.S. The
major architect for the city was
S.R. De Boer who admired the
work of Pierre L'Enfant, the de-
signer of Washington, D.C. So De
Boer laid Boulder City out in a
rough diamond shape for 3,000
people. The Bureau of Reclamation
and other government buildings
were built of stone high on a hill at
the top of the diamond. The chief
engineers and administrators of
the contractors, the Six Company,
lived on stone-walled Denver and
Mt. View streets while the workers
lived down the hill in flimsy three-
room wooden houses propped up
on stilts to keep most of the desert
critters out of their homes.
The significant difference be-
tween De Boer's town and L'En-
fant's city is that in Boulder City
everybody worked. They couldn't
buy a drink, gamble, curse or spit,
but they could work. First they
built the town and paved the high-
way to the dam site, then they built
the dam. 99 men lost their lives
during the five years of construc-
tion and contrary to rumor none are
buried in the walls of the dam.
Only the dam's mascot, " N i g , " is
buried near the dedication monu-
ment. The dam grew and the city
spread out according to plan. Hun-
dreds of problems had to be solved,
among them: how to cool five mil-
lion barrels of cement so that it
would harden before the 21st cen-
tury. The town had problems too.
Hundreds who came for work but
found none pitched tents outside of
town, built shacks of tin cans, and
were treated like outsiders until
they could get work and move into
the town when their time came. At
its largest, Boulder City had over
10,000 people living inside the
reservation connected to the dam.
Desert/May 1980
B ut by the time Franklin Roos-
evelt said at the dam's dedi-
cation that "this is an engin-
eering victory of the first or-
der—another great achieve-
ment of American resourcefulness,
skill, and determination. This is
why I congratulate you who have
created Boulder Dam and on behalf
of the nation say to you, 'Well
done'," the town's population had
already begun to shrink and went
steadily down until World War II,
rejuvenating mining and chemical
plants in nearby Henderson, big
time gambling in Las Vegas, and
the construction of large military
camps nearby.
Because Boulder City was still a
government reservation, you could
not buy land or a drink, but it was a
pretty little town with tree-lined
streets and parks and just about
the perfect place to raise a family
after the war. And the town had a
purpose: the dam. It kept them
humming, kept them working.
When Congress renamed Boul-
der Dam to Hoover Dam in 1947,
the people of Boulder City had a
The past is very present in Boulder City. chance to change their name, too.
Parks and churches were part of the first But they rejected the idea because
"planned" city in the U.S., as were wide
city streets, city hall, and spittoons.
the association of Hoover's name
US£CUSPIDD/t with Hoovervilles (shanty towns),
Hoover hogs (jackrabbits), and
Hoover blankets (newspapers) was
still too strong. They were proud of
their city and their dam, and their
quest for independence stirred
strongly throughout the 1950s. On
January 4, 1960, the home rule
they desired was granted. The
Bureau of Reclamation turned over
33 square miles of houses, streets,
sidewalks, parks and parkways,
municipal water, electric, and
sewer systems, equipment, and
buildings with an estimated value
of $10 million to the newly incor-
porated city. Boulder City became
Desert /May 1980
like any other town in Nevada ex-
cept you still couldn't buy a drink
(you could by 1969), the edict a-
gainst gambling was strictly en-
forced, and they had the dam.
By the 1970s the townspeople
had built just about one of every-
thing: a hospital, golf course,
schools, a dozen churches, an
airport, bank, library, cemetery, a
senior citizens center, and a movie
theater. They also had a doctor,
dentist, shop owners, and a news-
paper whose publisher, Morry
Zennoff, won the Peter Zenger A-
ward in 1974. There was strong
community spirit. If the people
wanted a baseball diamond or a
bike path, they didn't go to city hall
and ask them to do it. The people
pitched in and did it themselves.
But as many small towns ex-
perience, Boulder City also had a
dilemma: should the town capital-
ize on its tourist attraction (over a
million people visit the dam each
year) and encourage industry, de-
velopment and growth or should
it stay essentially a clean little town
town with definite boundaries? The Top: Tom Bargiel and his family live in
residents were divided. Strong Boulder City, but he, like many other
feelings were expressed by both residents, works in Las Vegas. Center:
sides and the lines were bitterly The town was a thriving railroad center
drawn. On July 3, 1979, after heat- during construction of the dam. Below:
Bill Harbour, editor of Boulder City News,
ed meetings attended by hundreds and Teddy Fenton, unofficial town
of citizens, they voted in a control- historian, sit in front of Teddy's
led growth ordinance patterned three-room house on "D" St., that was
after the one in Petaluma, Califor- built in 1931. The house has grown in 49
nia. No more building permits years to 23 rooms and 7 baths.
would be issued.
Today there's a movement to
have some of the original buildings
of the downtown area declared his-
torial sites, and the town is a bit
more peaceful although some
people still don't talk to each other.
But the people are friendly to visi-
tors. They open their houses and
their hearts to those who show an
interest in its dam history, and the
Desert/May 1980 27
memories of its past are kept alive
by the "31ers" who get together
each year and by people like Teddy
Fenton who has the town's most
complete scrapbook. She came to
Boulder City in 1936 and has been
collecting memorabilia ever since.
oulder City continues to be a

B workingman's town. Govern-

ment is still the largest em-
ployer for men like D.
Sullivan who works at the
dam and others who are employed
by the National Park Service or the
Bureau of Mines. For many others,
who work in Las Vegas or Hender-
son, Boulder City is a bedroom
community. Unemployment is low.
So is the crime rate, although the
old saying that you never have to
lock your doors in Boulder City no
longer holds true. There are
housing tracts, apartments, condo-
miniums, and townhouses. The
schools have broad curriculum and
a good sports program. The drop- nr
out rate is extremely low, and %IOH f f i f fr 447 rT
nftMsiTcsaz FT
evening classes for adults are held
throughout the year. You still can't
place a bet inside the city limits,
but it's not morals that keep gam-
bling out. The people just don't
want the trouble it could bring.
Since 1963 they've had an out-
door art festival in the fall that be-
comes more successful each year,
and there's expressed hope that
the town will eventually have the
atmosphere of an art colony. You
can get a good cup of coffee at the
Beanery, and on certain days the
former Navy cook who owns the
Coffee Cup down the street serves
the best S.O.S. (chipped beef on
toast) in the West. There are com-
fortable accomodations for the tra-
veller and you can get a free drink
at Herb's Tavern any day the sun
doesn't shine. If the urge to bet
your month's salary becomes too
strong, you can always race up to
the Railroad Cross Casino a couple
miles out of town or beyond to Las
Like almost every city its size in
the U.S., Boulder City's future is
uncertain. The dilemma of its di- Top and Bottom: Power from the dam's seven
rection, although legally resolved turbines supplies electricity to light the states
for the time being, is very obvious- oi Nevada, California, and Arizona among
ly present: a community analysis others. Contracts with the dam expire in 1987
for business and industrial firms and must be renegotiated. Center: Dam con-
struction site store and entrepreneurs. Build-
has been published by the city ing the dam gave people work when they
manager and the Chamber of needed it badly.
28 Desert/May 1980
Left: Inn was one of first buildings in
Boulder City and has been a meeting place
ever since. Below:The town was originally
designed in the shape of a diamond. Gov-
ernment offices were built at the top of the
rising slope. Bottom: Downton Boulder
City, 1980.

photo courtesy Union Pacific R.R.

Commerce; one of the town's

oldest buildings, the Boulder Dam
Inn, was recently purchased by a
group headed by Senator McCorkle
of Nevada with the intention of re-
storing its unique qualities and at-
tracting the tourist to its charm; the
desire for independent growth is
openly discussed; and an under-
standing that this is not the good
guys against the bad guys seems to
be generally accepted.
In practical terms the town has a
lot to do despite all that's been
done. They have to move their air-
port because the pitch of the run-
way is greater than the FAA will
allow for commercial use. They'll
also have to renegotiate their
power contracts with the dam by
1987 — as will all utility companies
like the states of Arizona and
Nevada, Southern California Edi-
son, the City of Los Angeles De-
partment of Water and Power, and
the cities of Glendale, Burbank,
and Pasadena among many others.
m mm
Everybody wants energy, but how
will it be distributed; who will get
the biggest jolt?
But the dam is one thing certain
about Boulder City's future. It will
probably always be plugged into
the dam for its lights, its livelihood,
its life, and its reason for living.
Boulder Dam was built to last by
people who knew that they would
not. The people of Boulder City are
lucky to be hooked up to that kind
of energy and should smile proudly
when they're called that dam town.
Desert/May 1980
30 Desert/May 1980

BY Gene R. Russell

C overing one-third of San Diego County and

parts of Riverside and Imperial Counties in
Southern California, the Anza-Borrego Desert
is the vacation choice for about 1,000,000
visitors each year. The count runs higher when
winter rains arrive at just the right time and in the
proper amounts, because then the spring wildflower
displays there are among the most spectacular in the
world. These winter rains are comparatively gentle
and are eagerly absorbed by the thirsty soil. Even at
their heaviest, they never match the violently de-
structive, and potentially lethal downpours that are
suddenly dumped onto the desert from summer
thunderstorms. These create the flash flood.
Spawned by tropical moisture from the Gulf of Ca-
lifornia, summer storm clouds towering 20,000 feet
or more move inland over the desert, and although
small in comparison to their 60,000-foot relatives
over the nation's mid-section, pack a localized wallop
that is awesome.
By August towering thunderheads are nudging
over the coastal ranges almost every afternoon.
Flowing a deep fushia trimmed with highlights of
gold, these mountains of condensed water vapor look
deceptively peaceful and serene as they billow and
grow overhead in the deepening twilight. Not so. Ask
the Marine pilot who flew his propellor-driven air-
craft into one of them over the southwest about 30
years ago. He knows first-hand about thunderclouds.
As the turbulance inside the cloud increased to the
point where the plane actually began breaking up
around him, the pilot bailed out. But the forces
inside the cloud seized this tiny intruder and began
buffeting him up and down through freezing rain and
hail. When he finally fell out of the sky more dead
than alive, he was encased in ice and his parachute
was almost torn to shreds. Amazingly, he lived.
The acre-feet of water one of these monsters can
drop in the short span of an hour or two is simply un-
believable. Falling on hard-baked soil or steep rocky
terrain, the runoff from such a cloudburst (which
may be that area's total yearly rainfall) is channeled
into washes that only moments before were sleeping,
parched, and dry. Suddenly they are awake, angry,
and alive with action, running brim-full of churning

FLOOD! muddy water, tree limbs, uprooted cactus, boulders,

and debris.
This runoff roars down canyons and arroyos and
out onto the desert lowlands. And at the head of this
flow is the strangest collection of sticks and stones
you've ever seen. Looking much like a hastily built
and rather poorly designed beaver dam, it appears
Desert/May 1980 31
solid enough to walk on. This moving dam of debris deposit of coarse gravel 15 feet deep.
is forced downstream by the churning, roaring flood- The climate and topography of Nelson's Landing
waters directly behind it. are similar to many other areas in the southwestern
The flash flood does not "flow" like a rain-swollen deserts, including Borrego Springs—areas that are
stream or river. It seems to have a mind and a heart- rapidly being built up by developers who evidently
beat all its own. Throbbing and surging, great undu- have never heard of or seen a flash flood.
lating swells raise the level of the flow from a foot or The flood that raced out of Palm Canyon near
less to three feet or more in a split-second. Such a Borrego Springs the afternoon of August 16, 1979,
surge stranded Katherine Foley, an Anza-Borrego was a small one as floods go. No one was killed and
Park ranger, when she attempted to cross runoff in property damage was minimal. The potential for di-
Carrizo Wash to aid a motorist. Foley was lucky; her saster, though, was very real. That something major
radio call for help brought rescuers after a terrify- was brewing was plainly written in the sky above the
ingly long wait. Others have not been so fortunate. San Ysidro Mountains where the clouds had been
On July 20, 1979, a motorist was swept off C-78 trying to cook up something for a week but hadn't
west of Ocotillo Wells about 5:30 a.m. His car was been quite able to get it together. The deep plum co-
found three days later filled with sand a quarter-mile lor at the base of the cumulonimbus cloud was one
from the highway. A sheriff's helicopter found his indicator. Another was the ominous rumblings of
drowned body another mile-and-a-half down the thunder. Great plumes of water could be seen falling
wash. The nasty thing about flash floods is not only in the headwaters of the canyons west of Borrego
their unpredictability, but the fact that they can race Springs. FLASH FLOOD might just as well have
out of canyons miles from where they were born and been painted on the cloud in big red letter. And I was
strike while you are standing in warm sunshine going to photograph it!
under clear blue sky. Their speed is second only to "All photographers are slightly crazy," an editor
their destructiveness. at the San Diego Tribune once said, and I must admit
Asked to explain when "heavy runoff" stopped I wanted a series of flash flood photographs so badly
and a flash flood started, Bud Getty, Manager of the that it might well have clouded my judgement. I had
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, says: "If you're actually needed such a series of color slides (not just
watching from a safe distance, it's runoff. If you're one snapshot) several months earlier when assembl-
caught in it, it's a flash flood!" But no one should ing the multi-image audio-visual show for the new
ever be caught in or surprised by a flash flood. Not Anze-Borrego Visitor Center. The series was not a-
unless they are stone deaf or riding in a vehicle with vailable and I swore that the next time one was
the stereo turned up full blast and all the windows needed, I was going to have it on film. So, off I went
closed. A flash flood is, above all else, LOUD! with the motor-driven Nikon, a 24mm Nikkor wide-
On September 14, 1974, a light rain began falling angle lens, Kodachrome 64 film, and a great deal of
on the tiny town of Nelson's Landing along the west- enthusiasm.
ern shore of Lake Mojave about 40 miles southeast of It was 4 p.m. The immediate problem was choos-
Las Vegas, Nevada. It was 1:30 in the afternoon. By ing just which canyon " m y " flood was going to come
2:22 p.m. over two inches of rain had drenched the down. The cloud was so large that it covered the up-
22-square-mile watershed above Nelson's Landing per reaches of three canyons—Hellhole, Palm, and
and a flash flood had thundered through town killing Henderson. Henderson Canyon had already been
nine people. A restaurant, five mobile homes, and 23 thoroughly clobbered when a similar storm sneaked
boats disappeared and in their place was a fresh in ahead of Hurricane Doreen in 1977. Surely a flood
32 Desert/May 1980
wouldn't strike twice in the same place. Once my heels, but there was nothing in sight. At that
choice was narrowed to two, it wasn't hard to make a moment if I had had to guess what was coming at me
decision. The only way into Hellhole Canyon is to down the tiny creekbed, I would have guessed a
walk and Palm Canyon has a paved road all the way runaway freight train with square wheels.
through the State Park campground to the foot of a Reaching the camera, dripping with perspiration
nature trail. I'm not against walking but time was and out of breath, I had only time to check the light
running out. If the expected flow started much later level (which had dropped to one-half its former in-
it would be too dark for photographs, so Palm Can- tensity) and start shooting as the head of the runoff
yon it was. slid into view around the bend. It was 5:20. My heart
Leaving the car on a rise, I set up the tripod next to was pounding and I was thankful that the camera,
the streambed at campsite No. 99. Sure enough, a purring away at 1 /8 second at f/8, was held firmly in
light rain started falling. Everything was going ac- place by the tripod. My whole body was shaking. The
cording to plan. It was 4:20 p.m. when I took the first ground was trembling too as if it knew from past
shot of the dry, sandy streambed of Palm Creek. experience what was about to happen.
Large raindrops were falling now but instead of in- As the runoff moved closer I was not aware of the
creasing in intensity as expected, the rain stopped tremendous mass of water pushing the ugly brush
just before 5:00 p.m. and the air was deceptively pile downstream. The roar was deafening. Each time
calm. There was still not so much as a trickle of water the wall of muddy, churning water trapped behind
in the wash. I was disappointed and it seemed to be the head of the flow reached a low spot in the bank on
clearing back in the mountains too. There was not a either side of the stream, great silt-laden arms of
breath of wind. water would shoot out impatiently around and past it
I hiked dejectedly up the streambed, leaving the with almost soft, "wooshing" sounds. These off-
camera equipment in place. I hadn't given up entire- shoots weren't deep—less than a foot—but they
ly. Not far from campsite 99 the stream makes a turn, moved so quickly and so effortlessly around and over
wanders across an alluvial fan, and then climbs into every obstacle in their path that the visual effect was
the canyon beyond. I rounded the bend and hiked almost hypnotic.
further upwash. It was easy walking in the sandy bed When the front edge of the flow reached the tripod
which was still damp from the rain shower. The only legs, some 12 seconds from the time I first sighted it,
sound other than my crunching footsteps was the fa- I knew for certain that this was not "heavy runoff."
ding roar of a jet flying so high and so fast that it was This was a fullfledged flash flood! For the first time
already out of sight. Strange, I thought, but that jet my excitement turned to cold, absolute fear. One of
sounds a little weird. In fact, instead of getting faint- the offshoots raced to my left. In two seconds it cut
er it was getting louder, but I still could not locate the me off from the car and was rushing right through
jet overhead. the campsite and splashing over the picnic table.
Suddenly a tiny bell went off in my head. That was Brush and debris was piling up against the car's
no jet! The sound wasn't even coming from the sky. wheels. A few more seconds and it would be washed
It was coming down Palm Canyon and was headed downstream.
right for me! I began running back downstream Now was the time to move and move fast. I moved!
towards the camera and safety. As I rounded the Tripod in hand and heart in mouth, I stepped into the
bend I slowed enough to risk a quick glance back. shallow water. At least it looked like water, but it felt
The increasing roar left no doubt I was about to be more like liquid sandpaper. Rocks the size of fists
swallowed alive by this monster snapping at my pounded my shins. I couldn't keep my footing and I
Desert/ May 1980 33

. . . IT'S HERE!
1 *+
. . . IT ENDS.
fell. I had but two thoughts: 1) get the hell out of here
and 2) keep the camera and its precious film dry.
Neither was easy. I scrambled out I ike a three-legged
dog, somehow holding the tripod clear. Fortunately,
I was able to move the car to safety before a surge
could carry car, camera, and one rather soggy photo-
grapher all downstream at once. Fortunately too, no
one else was there to witness the rather battered and
sheepish (but happy) photographer who slipped
quietly out of Palm Canyon Campground and home
to shower, bandage his bleeding legs, and send off
one exposed roll of film for processing.
In its upper reaches, Palm Creek normally flows at
about two or three cubic-feet per second, creating
sparkling waterfalls among the fan palms and bould-
ers before slipping quietly underground and flowing
east towards the Borrego Sink. What I had just es-
caped came charging out of the canyon at a thousand
times that—3,000 cubic-feet per second as measured
by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey!
Downstream, a rock retaining wall recently i ••

completed with U.S. Soil Conservation District funds

for $38,000 simply disappeared, its rocks and steel
mesh ripped loose and deposited unceremoniously
along with another 30,000 cubic yards of silt and ' ' • ' ; • " ' ' •"

debris in a catch basin just upstream from the plush

' . , . " . ' ' ' • •

r . •• - . • ;

De Anza Country Club. Palm Creek ran deep and " ' • , • ' " ' • •
• , ' .' . , ; '

muddy for several days. The huge boulders rolling

around beneath the survace like so many marbles
made a noise like a giant grinding his teeth. Take a
look at some of the boulders the next time you hike •

up the Palm Canyon Nature Trail. Imagine the force

necessary to move one. Look too at the uprooted
palm trees. And should it be summertime, keep your
ears open.
All the potential for another Nelson's Landing
; ; '

disaster is still present, not only in Southern ft

California but in areas all over the Southwest where photo by E. J. Tyler
more and more developers and individual owners are
building on the floors of canyons.
34 Desert/May 1980

Story-ana'Photos by BuddyNoonan
"There's an old ghost town up there," Bridgeport
Historical Society president Art Webb said, pointing
to Patterson Peak high up in California's Sierra Ne-
vada range. "It took me years to locate but once I
did, I couldn't find any solid information on it. It's a
place called Boulder Flat, and to my knowledge its
history remains a mystery to this day."
Needless to say, we left Bridgeport in Art's four-
wheel drive truck the following week. As a note of
precaution, this trip should not be attempted by any
vehicle other than four-wheel drive, nor probably by
individuals with cardiac problems. Also, be sure to
gas up and take along plenty of film, water, ice, food,
and emergency supplies. And too, a CB radio could
be essential in the event of a breakdown. Let some-
one know where you're going and when you expect to
return. The sheriff's office in Bridgeport will assist
you. Finally, the trip can be completed only in sum-
mer months after heavy Sierra snows have thawed.
Driving north on C-182 (or Sweetwater Canyon
Road as it's known locally) from Bridgeport for 19
miles brought us to the Sweetwater Ranch in Neva-
da. Turning left here for 1.2 miles led to a junction.
Keep to the left for 1.0 miles to the cattle gate. After
entering and re-closing it as the sign requests, con-
tinue 2.7 miles to another fork. The road to the right
will take you to Star City, 1.4 miles distant, but don't
plan to stock up on any provisions there because Star
City, like all of the other places you'll encounter, is
no more than a deserted ghost camp. Now back in
California you start up the steep incline, rea'izing M
why four-wheel drive is mandatory. Sharp cliffs tcr -
the right and sheer drops to the left border the
narrow but fortunately, seldom traveled road.
Finally, and perhaps to your reliefs the road will open
onto a level butte. This is the site of Star City, A
booming gold town of the 1880s.
The heartbeat of Star City was the Thorobrace
Mine, first worked in 1884. However, complications
encountered when the miners struck water possibly
spelled her doom. Al! that the state mineralogist
(circa 1890) notes in his report is: "At present work
on this claim is suspended. This lode is reported to
be a strong one, but its width not ascertained." Was
the main lode ever exhausted or does it still remain
for someone fortunate enough to find it? Whatever,
there isn't much left above ground today, just over-
grown roads checkerboarding what once was a thriv-
ing town. Wild "Mormon Tea" abound everywhere,
crowding the few remaining rock foundations. In
contrast, a jet stream trails in the skies overhead.
Continuing up the main road for 0.3 miles brings
you to another fork. Keep to the right for the final lap
to Boulder Flat. Now the road becomes even more
narrow and your climb is complicated by shale and
rock. Occasional dropouts on the shoulder challenge
your judgement. And, as you look down 1,500 feet
below, you realize you've passed the point of no re-
turn. Then, 1.8 miles later, just about when you've
had enough of this, the road widens at 9,000 feet, re-
vealing an oasis. There, framed by lush pines, are

Desert/May 1980
the historic buildings of Boulder Flat.
All history records is that gold was mined here in
the 1800s. The details of who discovered it and any
record of the boom that followed have all been lost
down through the years. It's not even known for sure
that the town's name was Boulder Flat. Historians,
not the residents, named it that for the rocky
meadow in which it is located.
But there they stand, several sturdy structures, an
epitaph to another era. Closer inspection doesn't re-
veal many clues. The largest building was obviously
a "chop house" (cafe) and hotel. Inside are the re-
mains of a huge old stove. Nearby, time eroded and
twisted stairs lead to an upper floor which has long
since collapsed. Outside, many more buildings lie
fallen in on their foundations, victims of heavy Sierra
blizzards and vandals. In contrast, a forest of the ol-
dest living things on earth, bristlecone pines (Pinus
tarriannis, many 4,600 years old), shade the fallen
structures. Then nearby, deer hunters have added a
more contemporary shack onto one of the town's
older homes. A mile further up "Main Street" re-
veals a miner's cabin next to the road. Built here
probably because his claim was nearby or because he
wished to reside "out of town," the shack was con-
structed from the gnarled and ancient bristlecones.
Now, as day ended, fingers of lengthening
shadows criss-crossed the town's center, seeming to
deepen its mystery. Occasional flurries of evening
winds rustled leaves on trees overhead. There was
no life except for a few chipmunks who scolded us
from their hiding places under the boardwalks. In
your imagination you try to people a place like this.
What was it like a century ago? Was the main gold
strike a big one or just a flash in some promoter's
pan? Did anyone take the time to photograph Bould-
er Flat while it lived or did man's greed preclude
bothering with such trivial things? Then, as your
imagination reaches out even further, you realize
that it has nowhere to go. Those who settled Boulder
Flat left too few clues, only the warped shells of
buildings they once called home.
As Art manuevered his truck down the steep hair-
pin turns of the old gold road, the ghost town high a-
bove disappeared from view. It had been an
extremely rewarding trip but I knew I would never go
back. Most travel films end with the narrator saying
how much he wants to return one day. It wasn't like
that for me and Boulder Flat. Yes, the ghost town
was striking and the scenery magnificent. But the
journey over hazardous roads to get there? Thrilling.
A little too thrilling.
Much is known about most ghost towns even when
they've been obliterated down to the last square nail.
Boulder Flat isn't like that at all. The core of it still
remains standing, but very little is known. Maybe
someday, someone will stumble onto an old scrap-
book, document or relic which could shed some light.
Then, perhaps, we could fill in a lost episode of our
rich western history. Until that time she'll remain a
mystery...the mystery of Boulder Flat.

Desert/May 1980 37
Collecting Sites Update: The fa- by James R. Mitchell ranee, California. It will feature the
mous Apache tear caves west of giant, award-winning, 260-pound
Superior, Arizona, no longer allow rock shops. It is exciting to split crystal-filled geode cut and polish-
collecting inside the caverns, due cracks in the walls of the quarry, ed by Ron Wood.
to the danger of being hit by falling often opening cavities filled with Unpatented Mining Claimholders:
debris. Collectors are, however, perfectly formed barite crystals, All unpatented mining claims on
allowed to search through the some measuring up to an inch public land must be recorded with
freshly graded areas surrounding across. Be sure to check on the ow- the BLM. If such recording is not
the caves. This method is not as nership status of any quarry you done within 90 days of the date of
exciting as being able to pluck the want to explore. Many of them are location, the claim may be invalid-
tears from their place in the walls, abandoned, but some are still pri- ated. For more information contact
but it is far more productive. It is vately owned. the BLM office nearest you.
easy to collect a full gallon of top Fluorescent Mineral Enthusiasts: Final Thought: In recent months
quality Apache tears in about 30 Recently I have become fascinated there has been a recorded reduc-
minutes. The fee is only $1 per with fluorescent minerals and en- tion in the number of people visit-
person, per gallon, and the sizes joy being able to hunt rocks, not ing the desert. This, I am sure, is
range from very small to over three only in the day but now, also, at largely due to the skyrocketing
inches in diameter. night. This adds a completely new costs of gasoline and other sup-
Outstanding barite specimens dimension to my trips. If you too plies. City dwellers are traveling
can be found in a little known area share this interest, you might be less frequently but, that may not be
just east of Rincon, New Mexico. interested to know that there is a bad. I, for one, now plan my es-
They are found on the walls of Fluorescent Mineral Society based capes to the isolated beauty of the
many of the abandoned quarries in in Pasadena, Calif., with members desert more carefully, and look
the area. I have been able to collect from around the world. The society forward to them with more enthu-
crystals of a quality that is as good puts out a bi-monthly newsletter siasm, anticipation, and apprecia-
or better than any found for sale in which is very informative. Annual tion than ever before.
membership fees are $7.50 for U.S.
and Canada, and $9.50 for overseas
members. For more information, Monthly Photo Contest Rules
write Paul Morris, Executive Sec-
MUSEUM retary, 713 Kentucky St. #2, Val- Each month Desert magazine
OF THE lejo, CA94590. awards $25 for the best black and
HORSE, INC. Faceting Classes: I was recently white photograph submitted. Sub-
advised that Mr. Earl Montgom- jects must be desert-related. We
ery, inventor of the American want to give each winning photo-
Facetor, will be moderating classes graph enough room so our winner
in beginning, intermediate, and for May is on page 57. Oh yes, to
advanced faceting. These pro- all Hasselblad owners we apologize
grams begin in May, 1980. For for the misspelling. Nobody's per-
more information contact Anthony fekt.
Geonnotti, Jr., ARG Sales Co.,
1550 Bridgewater Road, Cornwells HERE ARE THE RULES
Hts., PA 19020.
Museums: The Fort Worth Mu- 1. Prints must be B&W, 8X10,
seum of Science and History has glossy.
just added an amazing display to 2. Contest is open to amateur and
Six exhibit halls dedicated to the its Rocks and Fossils exhibition. It professional. Desert requires
horse. From early Greek to is a rotating Rand McNally geo- first publication rights.
modern times. physical relief globe, the largest 3. Each photograph must be label-
Original Remingtons, Russell ever made. It is a spectacular exhi- led (time, place, shutter speed,
bronze, one of four Kachina bit and fascinating to inspect. If film, and camera).
chess sets in the world, western you are in the area, I recommend 4. Judges are from Desert's staff.
treasures valued at $1,000,000. you take the time to see this colos- 5. Prints will be returned if self-
Fine Indian crafts for sale in gift sal globe, as well as the rest of the addressed stamped envelope is
shop. Just 60 miles south of fine displays. enclosed.
Tucson on S-83 in historic Shows: The South Bay Lapidary
Patagonia, Arizona. and Mineral Society will hold their Address all entries to Photo Editor,
Open daily 9 to 5. 31st annual "Nature's Treasures" Desert Magazine, P.O. Box 1318,
Your host: Anne Stradling. show on April 19 and 20 at the Palm Desert, CA 92261.
Torrance Recreation Center in Tor-
38 Desert/May 1980
Vol.1, No. 4
May, 1980 •*• CLARION*- 'The nosiest newspaper
in the West."

FORT BENT GUARDS AGAIN Only Refurnishing Remains to

Complete William Bent's "Mud
Castle in Picketwire Country."
LA JUNTA, Colo. — William
Bent, pioneer fur trader and
friend of the Cheyenne who
knew him as "Small White
Man" would be proud to see his
150-year-old adobe stronghold
The National Park Service has
nearly completed a meticulous
restoration of the once-decayed
structure on the banks of the
Picketwire and Arkansas Rivers
near here.
In continuous and varied use
since it was built between 1828
and 1834 until the mid-1880s,
this Bent County landmark
passed from the Bent family to
Restored Ft. Bent once was a key trading station on the Santa Fe Trail. Wm. Bent employed TOO per-
the Daughters of the American
sons in his business, with members of the Cheyenne tribe being favored customers. Revolution in 1920 and then to
the Colorado Historical Society
in 1954. The latter shifted title
years later and it was designa-
NEEDLES, Calif.—The Arizona net by means of a helicopter, GOLDFIELD, Nev. — Four- ted a National Historic Site.
Game and Fish Department re- and Department personnel phy- wheel drive vehicles are a In Bent's time the fort-like
cently completed the radio col- sically restrained the animals to pleasurable and essential ma- structure was actually a thriving
laring of 16 mule deer on the place the collars on their necks. chine when used for exploring trading post on the Santa Fe
Kaibab plateau. The animals were then released and/or working the back coun- Trail with Bent and his brothers
The deer were fixed with unharmed after noting the sex try, especially here in the state Charles, Robert, and George
radio transmitting location and and approximate age of each of Nevada. plus a partner named Ceran St.
movement information to De- deer. They will take you into and Vrain employing and housing as
partment monitors. It is hoped that winter travel bring you out of some of the many as 100 people.
The collars have a unique de- routes and patterns can be esta- most rugged and beautiful A trading license was first is-
vice which tells the monitor if blished by monitoring these and country to be found anywhere if sued to the Bents in 1834 but
the animal has died. If the ani- other collared deer. Additional you have respect for the ma- smallpox introduced by the 150
mal is stationary for more than information on winter mortality chine and for the country over Mexican laborers from Taos and
three hours, a mechanism with- rates and causes will also be which you are traveling. How- Santa Fe delayed completion of
in the collar will begin sending a gathered by Department biolo- ever, they were not made for the Fort.
different signal to the monitor gists. This information will aid cavorting around the perilous Living and trading quarters
indicating that the animal is the Department in determining edges of old abandoned mine plus a large corral made up the
dead. Deer are never motionless future hunting seasons and shafts as was most impression- interior with construction simi-
for this long even when resting. enable it to make recommenda- ably demonstrated on the out- lar to that used in northern
The collars were affixed with- tions on predator control. skirts of Goldfield last week. Mexico except for second floors
out the aid of tranquilizers. The Four youngsters with an ap- with windows and fireplaces.
deer were herded into a capture Needles DESERT STAR {Cont'd on page 40) (Cont'd on page 40)
Desert/May 1980 39
(Cont'd from page 39

FINALLY REGISTERED Fort Bent is larger than a

football field and was the big-
gest, most important stronghold
ners. At one time the partners
offered the property to the gov-
ernment for $16,000 but were
NEW HARMONY, Utah—The tlement of New Harmony was in the West with the possible refused. Its restoration has cost
site of Fort Harmony, one of the established four miles to the exception of Ft. Laramie. a hundred times that figure.
first settlements of southern west of the Fort. After the first Within, William Bent ruled Ray Pomplun
Utah, has been listed in the Na- site was abandoned, it was ac- supreme while armed guards
tional Register of Historic Pla- quired as a homestead by An- patrolled the 14-foot walls.
ces, the Utah State Historical drew G. Schmutz. It is still in Hexagonal bastions stand 30 YOUTHS ALMOST LOSE
Society has announced. the Schmutz family. feet high at two of the corners (cont'd from page 39)
Located a short distance from Fort Harmony was an outpost and a telescope with a seven- parent lack of experience in the
Interstate 15 near New Har- which played a key role in mile range was used to spot dangerous art of tailing hopping
mony in Washington County, Mormon settlement efforts in would-be intruders. (horsing around old mine shafts)
the site of Fort Harmony con- southern Utah, and it served as In his quest for the increas- in vehicles or on foot, were de-
tains only a few remains of the a home for John D. Lee during ingly scarce beaver pelts, Bent monstrating their expertise in
original fort. "While little re- seven crucial years of his life, employed such famous hunters their respective vehicles. One of
mains of the original fort, the including the time when the in- as "Kit" Carson, "Old Bill" them started to drive over the
site could produce important ar- famous massacre at Mountain Williams, Lucien Maxwell (De- edge of a tailing dump but after
chaeological information about Meadows occurred in 1857. Lee sert, April '80), and Baptiste getting his front wheels over, he
early Mormon occupation of the and other Mormon settlers in Charbonneau, Son of Sacaja- suddenly decided that the de-
area," said A. Kent Powell, the the area participated in the kill- wea. scent was a bit too steep for
Historical Society's preservation ing of an immigrant party bound Survival in the center of a po- comfort.
research coordinator who re- for California that year. He was tential battlefield for the Chey- He put on his brakes, stop-
searched the site for the Nation- eventually executed for his par- enne and Arapahoe on one side ped, and then attempted to back
al Register nomination. ticipation in the massacre. and the Comanche, Kiowa, and up but to no avail. The vehicle
Fort Harmony was construct- Iron County RECORD Prarie Apache on the other de- just dug in. A cable was attach-
ed of adobe materials in 1854- manded honesty and shrewd ed to the rear of the stalled ve-
1855 by John D. Lee, one of the dealings. hicle and then to the front of the
most interesting and controver- Carson described the Bents free machine that was parked on
sial figures in Mormon history, by saying, "their like was never top of the tailing dump nearby;
Powell explained. Lee was sent known hi the mountains." At in fact, too near to the opening
by Brigham Young to an area of the height of the fur-trading era of the vertical mine shaft.
southern Utah rich in iron re- as many as 20,000 Indians When the free vehicle at-
sources to establish settlements camped in the Fort's vicinity. tempted to pull the stalled one
which would produce food for Business took place through out, its wheels dug into the soft
the anticipated immigration of wicket openings between the tailings, causing the earth a-
miners and mill workers. inner and outer gates but this round the old shaft to cave in
Lee eventually built Fort Har- restriction was often relaxed for and carry the new four-wheel
mony and settled there with his the Cheyenne with whom the drive pickup with it. It could
six wives. Other settlers joined Fort's staff was particularly very well be said that only by
Lee, and in 1856 they petitioned friendly. the grace of God and the
the Territorial Assembly to es- DOGS CONTROL FLOCK Charlotte, the Fort's enor- strength of the steel mining
tablish an autonomous county BLYTHE, Calif.—It would be mously fat mulatto cook, be- cable tying the two small trucks
government for the area, with next to impossible for shepherds came famous for her flapjacks together, was the second vehicle
Fort Harmony as the county to control a flock of sheep with- and pumpkin pies. Archeologic- and its occupants saved from a
seat. The petition was granted, out a dog. al findings show that wine and plunge of unknown depths into
and John D. Lee was elected These are the sentiments of whiskey along with juleps and this old abandoned mine shaft,
probate judge, clerk, and asses- all shepherds and they were "hailstorms" flavored with Ro- and perhaps death.
sor. echoed this week by Carrie cky Mountain mint and cooled The two machines hung in
Fort Harmony was also used Cenarrusa, who acts as camp with ice from the Fort's storage what might be described as sus-
as a stopping place for travelers cook for the sheepherders when were served thirsty travelers. pended animation, thanks to the
from Salt Lake City to Southern they move their animals to Palo Peacocks along with turkeys aforementioned cable; one of
California. Lee provided lodging Verde Valley from Idaho each and chickens roamed the com- them over the edge of the tailing
and meals for the travelers and year. Almost everywhere that pound as did goats and cows to dump and the other one into the
their animals, and made a sheep have been raised, a type provide a welcome relief from a maw of the gaping mine shaft.
handsome profit from the ven- of ilog has been developed to diet of buffalo meat. Remains They hung there for a week until
ture. herd and watch the sheep. show that two bald eagles nest- a crane was sent to pluck them
"The prosperous business The Cenarrusa Sheep Corp. ed in the watchtower at one from their perilous position.
venture at Harmony come to an uses border collies, a breed fa- time. It is wonderful to follow the
end after a tremendous series of vored by sheep men for genera- So many nationalities were teachings of the Good Book and
rain and snow storms melted the tions. "The strange thing about represented in the Fort's com- "Lift your eyes unto the hills
adobe walls of the Fort in our dogs is that they understand plement that it was sometimes from whence cometh one's
December 1861 and January nothing but Basque, the lang- referred to as "Babel." In 1846 strength" but if you see old a-
1862," Powell wrote. The set- uage used by most of the Cena- General John Fremont used the bandoned mine shafts in them
tlers were forced to abandon the rrusa herders," she said. "If Fort as a base for his invasion of hills, stay away, for they can
fort, but not before two of John you gave the dog a command in Mexico. easily turn out to be a quick and
D. Lee's children were killed English, it would not know what All trails eventually led to Old sure way to hell on earth at
when a wall fell while they were you were talking about." Fort Bent in its heyday and least.
sleeping. by Jeanette Hyduke every man of importance even- by F.D. Howard
After its destruction, the set- Palo Verde Valley TIMES tually made contact with its ow- TIMES-BONANZA & NEWS
40 Desert/ May 1980
"our only business"

Don't use a road map.

JOHNSON'S 4WD CENTER Listing for Calendar must be received
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Print Film Developing Specialists
CA., Free. Hours: 10-9 and 10-6.
Desert/May 1980 41
by Wayne Winters

TOMBSTONE, Ariz.—A century ago in the

1880s this town's famed Lomas de Plata
(Hills of Silver) swarmed with prospectors
and miners, all intent on grubbing from the
earth their shares of the millions of dollars
in the precious white metal along with a
considerable amount of gold.
Today, a hundred years later, those
same hills ring with the music of steel
striking against steel as drill bits bite ever
deeper into the rock that still hosts huge a-
mounts of the noble metals.
Mining has returned to the sleepy little
camp, so long a ghost of its one-time
greatness, and of recent years a flourishing
small town catering to tourism, retirees,
and serving as a "bedroom" community
for civilian workers at nearby Fort
While considerable exploratory activity
has taken place in the Tombstone District
over the last 15 years, little actual produc-
tion of metal occurred.
About five years ago pad leaching of old
dump material — rock so low in metal
content that it was thrown away as waste
during the boom years of a century ago —
came into vogue in and around Tombstone.
But today things are changing. While at
least ten pad leaching plants have operated
spasmodically in the District in the last five
years, four are currently producing from
"old" material on a steady scale; two are
probably making some part-time produc-
tion; one is operating with the use of a
grinding circuit; another is in the planning
stages to run on "new" ore; two are
operating on "new" ore from open pits;
and two on "new" material from small un-
Desert/May 1980
Opposite page: Sampling Sidewheel decline showed that far from all the rich ores were recovered by
early miners. Above: Modern exploration hoist replaces hand labor at the Nicholas. Below: "Air track"
is used to drill sampling holes on unpatented claims.

derground diggings.
But the big news in the Tombstone Des-
trict for 1980 is the announcement of the
completion of negotiations by Houston Mi-
ning and Resources, a growing mining firm
of already considerable stature, to lease a
major block of mining claims in the Dis-
trict, patented and unpatented, from two
owners. Houston acquired mining rights to
the Nicholas Patented and the Gambasi-
no's Dream unpatented mining claims
from Coloradoan Ken Hodgson. From
Piedras del Sol Mining Co., a firm wholly
owned by Tombstoner Wayne Winters, the
Houston-based mining group leased min-
ing rights to four patented and eight un-
patented properties.
Houston Mining and Resources geolo-
gists completed a preliminary survey on
the Hodgson properties and two of Piedras
del Sol's patented mines (both early-day
producers) in November and have, on the
basis of their investigations, decided to in-
itiate a drilling program that calls for ta-
king of core samples from seven diamond
drill holes totaling 2,305 feet on the Piedras
del Sol claims and six diamond holes total-
ing 1,817 feet on Hodgson's Nicholas pro-
perty. The Nicholas as described in an
early issue of the Tombstone Prospector as
having produced from one small area on
the 110-foot level, 50 tons of ore assaying
4,032 ounces of silver to the ton in Febru-
ary of 1889. The article described it as
"The richest ore ever produced in the
Tombstone District."
At current silver prices that 50 tons of
ore would return about $8,064,000.
Desert/May 1980
WASHINGTON—At first there
was only a scratching sound.
Then, filling a recording studio
as it must have filled an Indian


P.O. Box 700
lodge years ago, came the sound
of Raincloud of the Chippewa
tribe chanting a dream song.
Rising and falling rhythmically,
Caldwell, Idaho 83605 overpowering the defects of the
recording made more than a
half-century ago, the words of
W e take pride in the production of fine books the sacred song came to life
once more.
for the readers of Western American history — To capture such songs, Fran-
ces Densmore, a musician and
with particular emphasis on the history of the teacher, had tramped through
Pacific Northwest and the Rocky Mountain the wilds of Northern Minnesota
in the early 1900s, recording on
region. wax cylinders, the most effect-
ive device then available to re-
searchers studying the rapidly
Write for a Free Catalog. vanishing culture of Native
American tribes.
As a child in the 1870s, Dens-
more had listened to the en-
chanting songs and sounds from
a Sioux Indian camp across the
Mississippi River from her

GOKDON'S home in Red Wing, Minn.

Densmore eventually record-
ed and described in special
<*<*m & M i n e r a l publications more than 3,000
songs of 30 tribes, from the
5555 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Minnesota Chippewa in 1907 to
Phone (213) 428-6496 the Florida Seminole in 1954.
OpenTues-Sat. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday 10 to 4:30 Her recordings and those by
p$ Headquarters for: Closed M o n d a y other researchers are now being
transferred to modern high-
• Lapidary Supplies • Jewelry Making • Rockhound Supplies quality magnetic tape in a
• Silver & Gold Casting Machines • Cut Stones • Rough Rock three-year project underway at
Write for FREE ALL NEW GEM SHOPPER the Library of Congress' Ameri-
can Folklife Center. The Smith-
sonian's Thomas Vennum is di-
rector of the project, which in-
MOVING? volves more than 3,500 wax cyl-
inder recordings of American
SO YOU WILL NOT MISS AN ISSUE Indian music and legends re-
Metal Detectors, Geologists,
Miners & Prospectors Supplies, NOTIFY US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. corded from 1889 to 1930.
Topo Maps, Books. "Along with the major con-
SEND FOR CATALOG: Be sure to include old address cern of preservation," Vennum
2400 E. Foothill Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107 as well as the new says, "the project is intended to
provide Native Americans with
AND BOTH ZIP COOES! information about their past.
There is an increasing desire
among tribal people to recover
old documents and revive cul-
tural traditions. Many have
KNOW YOUR their own tribal museums and
want early recordings to be part
of their collections.''
Saved, for example, are re-
100 DESERT WILDFLOWERS • 100 ROADSIDE WILDFLOWERS cordings of Winnebago flute
melodies, Navajo ceremonial
COLORFUL DESERT WILDFLOWERS sun dance, all of which help
both scholars and Indians re-
To order these books, turn to page 47. construct life the way it was for
the great tribes.
by Kathryn Lindeman
Smithsonian News Service
44 Desert/May 1980
Story and Photos by Dennis McFarland

scorching summer sun hovers brilliantly over a

A parched desert. The atmosphere is deafeningly

quiet, and the only movement is in an occa-
sional ant scurrying across the hard baked
ground in search of home, or food or relief —
anything to shield itself from the deadly heat. Rarely
will a bird or mammal be seen in direct sunlight.
They know that only a few minutes of exposure may
lead to death, and not a very pleasant one. In con-
trast, during the uncommon desert cloudburst, tons
of water can come rushing down mountain ravines,
causing violent torrents that brutally kill much desert
life. Flash floods rip through desert lowlands de-
stroying everything in its path. But the delicate ba-
lancing act of the desert turns this tragedy into
beauty. Dormant seeds stirred by the waters of life
produce a carpet of dazzling wild flowers that will
nurture the surviving animals.
Many venomous animals live in this harsh envi-
ronment. But most of them, however feasome look-
ing they may seem, are only aggressive when threat-
ened. And their venom is less toxic than is commonly
believed. The number of people that die from rattle-
snake bites, for example, is about 2 per cent of the
total of those bitten. More people die from lightning
bolts than from rattlesnake bites.
Rattlesnakes are well known to almost everyone
who lives in or who has visited the desert. They are
heavy-bodied reptiles with a slender neck, a wide
triangular head, and a rotten disposition. With one
exception, they all possess one of two types of
venom. The first type is called a hemotoxin because
it acts on the blood system. The second type is a
neurotoxin which, as might be guessed, acts on the
nervous system. Only the Mojave rattlesnake (Cro-
talus scutulatus] has both of these toxins which make
it one reptile you give a lot of room.
Rattlesnakes, like other poisonous desert species,
use their venom for only two purposes—to kill their
prey and to defend themselves against predators like
the coyote or any other fool who would chase a rat-
tlesnake. All rattlesnakes are skillful hunters. They
first find their prey with extremely sensitive heat-
sensing organs located on each side of their head,
that's right, one on the left and one on the right.
They strike with deadly accuracy, like zen archers
they hit what they aim at with amazing speed; their
venom is injected through two hollow fangs. Its prey,
lizards, kangaroo rats or any other desert rodent,
may travel some distance after it is struck, but the
snake is able to trace its victim and eat it.
The most common poisonous animal to be found in
the desert is the spider or its relatives. One spider
that leads an interesting and sometimes long life is
the black widow. Contrary to popular belief, the
female rarely eats her mate who is only one-quarter
to one-fifth her size. If he is eaten, it is because she is
desperately hungry which makes her very angry. But
this specie is not as aggressive as many people be-
lieve; generally the female is passive and cowardly.
Roughly probing her web will usually stimulate her
to assume a motionless death posture with her legs
curled close to her body, like a passive dog who
exposes her vulnerable parts. Hopefully this leads
her enemies to move on in search of more lively prey.
Desert/May 1980
Black widows are notoriously known for the poten-
cy of their venom. A.W. Blair's classic book, Spider
Poisoning—Experimental Study of the Effects of the
Female Latrodectus Mactans in Man, states that
even the eggs of the black widow are highly toxic.
Two of them crushed and injected will kill an adult
white mouse. There is no question about the potency
of black widow poisoning on man. The very young
and the very old are especially susceptible to compli-
cations from black widow spider bites.
Since the black widow's poison acts quantitatively,
insects are affected more severely than humans. A
microgram of venom injected into an insect would be
the equivalent of a pint injected into a human. A
quantity like that could easily kill 60 to 100 strong
men or 150 weak ones.
Widows do not hunt for their food. They use
"come what may" tactics to catch insects. They can people even keep them as pets and let them walk
wait for days for some disoriented fly to wrap itself over their hands and arms. Some people are weird.
up in the gummy web. They survive using this meth- The long-lived female has been known to survive for
od because they can go for long periods of time up to 20 years in captivity.
without eating, an ability derived from their low The tarantula injects venom into its prey through
energy level. They don't do much so they don't have two curved hollow fangs large enough (some up to
to eat much. Raymond W. Thorp in his book, Black 3/8-inches long) that one might suppose the wound
Widow, describes how, in the process of moving made by them alone would be enough to kill a small
black widows, one of his jars was overlooked and re- animal. Powerful buccal digestive juices are injected
mained undiscovered for over nine months. When after the prey has been killed, reducing it to a condi-
the container turned up in the course of general tion where it is soft enough to be sucked up into the
cleaning, however, he found the spider occupant, al- spider's stomach. Then when the victim is drained of
though greatly shrunken, still alive. After several its life juices, the empty husk will be discarded.
feedings, it slowly recovered. Tarantulas may take up to 10 years to reach sexual
The black widow is an effective predator but she is maturity, and then the male lives only a short time
not dangerous to humans if left undisturbed. The after mating. Talk about tragedy! Sometimes the
danger is in the fact that she lives in abundance near female will eat the male during copulation or soon
people and is sometimes accidentally squeezed after copulation takes place. When the female is
against the body. When this happens, and it is rare- ready, she will spin a single sheet of web inside her
ly, the black widow bites in self-defense. Wouldn't burrow and on this she'll deposit numerous white
you? eggs about the size of a pinhead. Then she'll spin a
Tarantulas are the southwest's largest spiders. cover sheet over the eggs and bind it over the lower
They use poison to overcome beetles, grasshoppers, sheet with silk threads. The young hatch in six to
and small spiders but man need not fear these gentle seven weeks but they will remain in the burrow for
fuzzy creatures. Their bite usually causes only only a few days, after which they spread out and
itching, numbness, and a slight swelling. Some establish holes of their own.
Desert/May 1980 47
you find one you are already too close. Leave it alone.
Scorpion courtship is a fascinating ritual dance.
The male holds the female by the jaws or pincers and
daintily leads her back and forth in their desert waltz
while the male deposits a packet of spermatozoa on
the ground. He'll then pull the female over this
spermataphore and she'll pick it up with an organ
under her abdomen. The eggs develop inside the
body of the female and the tiny, translucent young
are born alive. They will ride on their mother's back
until they shed their skins for the first time, but then
they must become independent and find their own
Centipedes are also common in any desert.
They're found in soil, under bark, in rotting wood,
Perhaps no desert native is more feared than the and under rocks. Our large five to eight inch desert
scorpion. This .nocturnal arachnid hunts ground- species is a fast runner that feeds on insects. They
dwelling insects and spiders by using its keen sense kill their prey by injecting venom through specialized
of touch and vibration. Sensitive comb-like organs claws found under the head, appendages that
located on its belly, and minute vibration sensing evolved from the centipede's first set of legs.
organs on each leg transmit even the slightest vibra- The bite of many venomous animals is surrounded
tion of the ground. These organs tell the scorpion by superstition and the centipede's is no exception.
how large the prey is, which direction it is moving, The eminent desert naturalist Edmund C. Jaeger
and how far away it is. Scorpions have two large eyes described one of these old wives' tales: " I was my-
in the center of their heads and usually two to five self once 'bitten' on the foot by a large eight-inch
along the margin on each side, but they still see centipede but I noticed litle discomfort other than
poorly. That's why they keep bumping into rocks. slight local pain, numbness, and swelling. One of my
They must depend primarily on touch and surface sympathetic neighbors assured me I might look for-
vibration to capture their prey. The tail of the scor- ward to having my leg rot off for he had 'heard of a
pion is actually an extension of its abdomen, the last man being bitten and having chunks of flesh as big
segment being called a telson. This is a bulbous as clenched fists fall from his chest'."
structure containing the poison glands which force Poisonous desert animals should be respected, not
the venom through a curved stinger located at the feared. Far too many people kill them on sight in-
end of the telson. The sting from a scorpion is not stead of observing their behavior. The next time you
much more severe than that of a bee with the pain find one, relax and watch it go about its business.
normally disappearing after an hour or two. Only Note the graceful yet deliberate walk of the tarantula
certain species that are found in southern Arizona or the smooth undulatory movement of a rattlesnake
and northern Sonora in Mexico possess a poison po- slinking through creosote bushes. These creatures
werful enough to cause death and most of these fa- have their place in nature's scheme and should not
talities involve small children. The deadly species be persecuted solely because of their ability to kill
has a small horn-like structure under its stinger, so if prey or defend themselves with poison.
48 Desert/May 1980
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Desert/May 1980 49
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Desert/May 1980 51
What's Cookin' on the Desert. by STELLA HUGHES

What are flapjacks? A simple answer Even though they turned out good, and picked out the ants, and proceeded to eat
would be, " a thin batter made of flour were wolfed down with gusto, my friends his biscuits with relish.
and fried in the form of little round, thin insisted on calling them "Crummy Pan- A friend told me about a time she and
cakes on a hot griddle and served with cakes." her parents were forced to spend the
butter and syrup." Over the years I've found a number of night along a lonely desert road. Their
On the face of it, that would seem to different recipes for bread-crumb pan- camp outfit was meager, as they had no
cover the subject. Well, it doesn't come cakes in old recipe books, but I include Dutch oven or even a skillet, but they did
within a country mile of telling even a the one I used on the fishing trip because have a short-handled shovel. The mother
fraction of the pancake story. Why, just it doesn't call for any flour at all. mixed up some biscuit dough and poured
consider a few of the regional names for Crummy Pancakes the thick batter on the shovel which had
the little flat cakes: hotcakes, pancakes, Crate or roll dry bread crumbs. Any kind been heating on hot coals. The cakes
flapjacks, griddle cakes, and flannel will do, but I prefer homemade bread. were allowed to brown on one side, then
cakes, not to mention the fancy name of Toasted bread, white or wholewheat, is turned to cook on the other. When
crepes. Then you'll find batter cakes, fine, but do not use baking powder bis- spread with jam, they were folded over
breakfast cakes, slappers, gems, and cuits. and eaten by hand like a sandwich.
drops. Mountain men called them 2 cups fine bread crumbs These were called shovel pancakes.
"splatter dabs," while cowboys called 1 cup milk (any kind) They're good served with hot syrup and
large tough pancakes "Saddleblankets." 1 tablespoon honey or molasses eaten with a fork. If there are syrup
Loggers liked to call them simply 2 tablespoons melted butter or marga- seeds in the syrup, pick them out.
"flats." rine Old-lime Oatmeal Pancakes
Pancakes can be made from a dozen 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 Vi cups cooked oatmeal
different kinds of flour or you can use salt to taste Vi cup flour
rice, oatmeal, cornmeal, potatoes, grits Combine baking powder and salt with 1 teaspoon baking powder
or breadcrumbs. They can be made with bread crumbs, pour over the milk, and V2 teaspoon salt
baking powder, soda, cream of tartar, let soak about five minutes; then whip 1 egg
sourdough, sour milk, buttermilk, yeast, with a form or egg beater. Add beaten V* cup milk (any kind)
eggs or snow. eggs with sweetener, along with melted 2 tablespoons melted butter
Snow? That caught my attention too, butter, and whip some more. If too thin, Sift together dry ingredients, set aside.
the first time I saw the recipe. Instead of add a few more bread crumbs. Bake on Add milk and beaten egg to cold cooked
eggs in your regular recipe, use four hot griddle in small drollops. Makes oatmeal; add flour mixture and melted
tablespoons of fresh snow. Snow, for about 2-dozen small hotcakes. Serve butter. Fry on hot griddle.
some unknown reason (to me, at least), with whipped butter. Home-Made Syrup
has the same effect on batter as eggs There are almost as many different 2 cups brown sugar (mix)
have, two tablespoons of snow equaling names for hotcake syrup as there are for 2 cups corn syrup
one egg. The batter is made rather thick, the pancakes. "Larripy-dope" is a log- Vi cup water
and the snow mixed with the batter just ger's term for any kind of syrup and you Bring to slow boil. Add a few drops of
before pouring on the hot griddle. also hear " l i c k , " " l o n g - s w e e t n e r , " maple flavoring if you have it. Another
One summer five of us packed into the "larrup," and " d r i p " to name only a way is just plain white sugar added to
rugged Blackriver Canyon of Arizona on few. But no matter what it's called, be it water, let boil until of desired thickness.
a trout fishing trip. We took along all our sorghum, molasses or maple, in the Add maple flavoring.
needs which included plenty of grub, on summertime ants are always a problem. Whipped Butter
five mules. However, we stayed several My husband Mack tells of the time he Combine and cream together Vi pound
days longer than anticipated and the and one of the Apache cowboys rode into butter and Vi cup honey. Add Vi cup
morning we were to leave, I discovered camp late. They prepared supper by lan- whipping cream. Whip until fluffy.
there wasn't a smidgeon of flour in tern light and when the Apache poured Maple-Butter Whip
camp. Nor, was there any bread except syrup from the can onto his hot biscuits, Combine Vi cup butter and Vi cup maple
for a half dozen slices of left-over toast. he could see little foreign bodies floating syrup. Whip.
We had two eggs and one can of milk. around in the sweet liquid. Mack took a Molasses Whip
French toast would have been fine had close look and said, " O h , that's just syr- Combine Vi cup mollasses and Vi cup
there been enough left-over bread. So, up seeds. They won't hurt you." The butter. Cream together, heat, and serve
instead, I made bread-crumb pancakes. Apache shrugged his shoulders, casually over pancakes.
52 Desert/May 1980
Can They Be lamed?
Story and Photos by Karen Sausman

O utside my window this winter morning, asleep

on sun-warmed rocks, are five coyotes. For the
past several years I have shared my life with
them and many of their relatives. At least three
of them know I'm watching; ears perked, their
eyes looking back at me across the tops of their tails
that curl across their noses for warmth. I have
watched these grow up. One is three years old. Three
of them are two years old and the last, with a large
trigued by them and with their interactions with each
other, with me, and with their environment.
The little prairie wolf has been the focus of stories
for hundreds of years. The Indians of the plains and
the southwest incorporated the wily and ingenious
coyote into their legends. To some tribes, the coyote
was a god and a helpful friend. Some New Mexican
tribes tell stories which characterize coyotes as mis-
chievous animals who play pranks on people. Only
white tip on his tail, was part of a litter born just a the white man's tales made the coyote into a coward-
year ago. They are all different personalities. The ol- ly and tricky killer. Looking at my lazy friends this
der one is cautious, the two females are playful, and morning, I feel certain that the Indians have known
the puppy is submissive but full of mischief. I am in- him longer and better than the white man.
Desert/May 1980 53
"Why? Why can't this highly intelligent
The coyote is a source of intrigue and fascination people. Then add to this a lot of tender loving care,
to all who come in contact with him, so it's hardly the same care you would give a dog puppy.
surprising that many people long to capture his wild For the first few weeks he will act as if he were a
and free spirit, to share it somehow, and make it a young domestic dog. Eyes clear and muscles develo-
part of their lives. To live and interact with a coyote ping, he begins to explore his world cautiously. He'll
as one does with a domestic dog is a dream many follow his surrogate parents around the house,
have shared, including me. But almost all of us have cuddle up in their lap and trustingly go to sleep. You
failed. The coyote is many things but he is definitely are captivated; everything seems ideal. But, as the
not a domestic dog. coyote matures, some of his instinctive behavior pat-
Why? Why can't this highly intelligent wild canine terns will appear. His strong need to perfect hunting
become the perfect house pet? Why does the appeal- skills is transferred to any animate object handy. A
ing little puppy invariably grow up to be a shy and need to dig and bury often results in couches and
nervous creature ultimately relegated to spending chairs being destroyed. He becomes, in short,
his days in captivity in a dogrun outside the house destructive. And as the animal matures, he becomes
instead of lying on the rug in front of the fire at his more and more wary of new situations, new people,
owner's feet? and changes in the environment. This wariness leads
To find the answer we must spend just a little time to pacing, especially when confronted with anything
learning about coyotes—their social life, where they new. Too much stress will be occasionally placed on
live, and how they hunt. All of this should tell us if him despite your efforts to calm the animal, stress
they could truly adapt to the conditions of the that would be no stress at all to a domestic dog, and
average human's world. the coyote may, in an effort to escape what is fright-
ost coyote stories start with bringing home a ening him, lash out in fear.

I coyote puppy, often a foundling. I have had two

and have followed the progress of at least half a
dozen more. If the puppy's eyes are already o-
pen when it is found, its chances of interacting
with humans are very poor. The ideal is to find a
puppy under six or seven days of age with its eyes
Some examples may help explain how common,
everyday situations can stress a pet coyote. Coyotes
are animals of the open prairie. They feel most
secure when they can see great distances. They can
relax because they can see what is around them, in-
cluding possible approaching danger. A coyote kept
still shut so that the first thing that he sees will be in a back yard with a high solid fence often becomes
54 Desert/ May 1980
w/7c/ canine become the perfect house pet?''
agitated and nervous. Strange sounds and smell could be seen from a great distance."
from the other side of the fence bombard his senses. Wild coyotes like most predators soon learn every
He cannot see and evaluate them, and he cannot run inch of their territory. They are exceptionally aware.
away. He paces nervously around the yard. He may A "pet" coyote knows where everything is in the
become too upset to eat. Despite reassurances from house—chairs, couches, tables, etc. Any change will
his owner, his instincts are too strong. He can't be noticed and often triggers unfortunate incidents.
relax. A young female coyote I was attempting to raise
Robert L. Behme in his excellent book, Shasta and came into the house every day for a play period. She
Rogue — A Coyote Story describes a similar situa- knew the living room with her eyes shut and could
tion with his own two "tame" coyotes. He had taken race around, through and between furniture, as if it
them camping with him and had found a private site were an obstacle course designed purely for her
surrounded by trees in a campground at Lehman, pleasure. Winter came and I decided to shift a chair
Nevada. "When the coyotes were let out, Rogue nearer to the fireplace. When the young coyote was
pulled to the end of his chain and shivered, looking brought in she started her usual playful dash around
apprehensively over his shoulder, and Shasta tugged the Iving room and then froze, glanced at the chair,
violently until she gasped for breath. Rogue snarled and then spun and charged back through the bed-
when I tried to comfort him, and Shasta circled ner- room towards her own pen. When she couldn't get
vously so that I could neither touch nor corner her. out, she wound up in a corner panting and shivering.
Both refused attention and would not eat. Finally we I very cautiously reached for her, trying to calm her
carried them to the truck, and they calmed quickly. down, and eventually had to carry her outside. It was
" A partial explanation of their behavior came some time before she relaxed completely. I placed
when we compared this camp with the one at Failon. the chair back in its original position and later on in
Shrubbery rimmed the Lehman site like a green co- the day, allowed her back into the house. She came
ver, and while the coyotes could not see other camp- in cautiously, surveyed the living room and finding
ers, they could hear and smell them. Danger could all back to normal, immediately began to en}oy her
lurk behind every bush and in the coyote mind, pro- play period.
bably did. Shasta and Rogue were frightened by Behme reported similar occurences with his two
things they couldn't see; in comparison, the site at coyotes. They, too, were aware of everything in their
Failon had been safe because it was open and danger house and as long as all objects were in their accus-
Desert/May 1980 55
places, all vwae fine. If something vwae missing shephard or French poodle could care less if the fur-
or replaced, they noticed the change immediately niture is moved. The sound of a vacuum cleaner or a
and would circle nervously sometimes for an hour or radio does not disturb him. Cars, traffic, strange
more. After an incident involving a barbecue that people, are all things that over the years he has been
had been placed on the deck behind their dining bred to accept. It is unlikely that a coyote puppy with
room for the first time, it took Behme and his wife his strong instinctive patterns for survival could ever
"More than one hour to calm them enough to lead become as steady and trainable as the average dog.
them from the hall, and it was another hour before ince the pure coyote is so difficult to work with,

we could persuade them to eat." individuals have crossbred coyotes with do-
hile "tame" coyotes certainly are not domestic mestic dogs, hoping that the offspring will re-

W dogs, they are also not wild and vicious preda-

tors who would "turn on their masters." All of
us who have attempted to raise coyotes have
had pretty much the same experience. They
are shy and nervous with strangers and strange
objects, but very loving and affectionate with those
they know. As long as the ownder understands
tain enough of the coyote to be fascinating and
still have the calmer temperament of the dog.
Coyotes and dogs can crossbreed very successfully.
However, there are some major differences in their
biology which keeps this from happening commonly
in the wild. Female coyotes come into season only
once a year. In the desert this is usually in late De-
and accepts their wild heritage and takes care not to cember. Male coyotes also are only capable of suc-
place them in stressful situations, they are as safe as cessfully breeding at this time of year. The male dog
a domestic dog. However, they cannot be controlled is sexually active at all times and females can be bred
and obedience-trained as well as a domestic dog. twice a year.
The coyote is not a highly social animal and in the There have been occurences, especially in open
wild, their social interactions are not anywhere as farming country, of coyote-dog crosses. Called "coy-
well-developed as the social structure of wolf packs. dogs," the appearance and temperament of the off-
Coyotes form loosely woven groups usually based spring are highly variable. Individuals in the same
around the breeding pair. Their interrelationships litter may range from being very coyote-like in their
are not long term. They are not genetically equipped behavior to very dog-like, and any combination
to become the long-term subordinate members of a thereof. On the average, coydogs are easier to han-
"human pack." The domestic dog looks upon his dle than pure coyotes. However, each individual
owner as his pack leader and is willing to obey his crossbreed has to be evaluated for its own personal-
owner's commands once he understands what is ity and temperament. Some friends have a young fe-
wanted of him. The coyote feels no such basic need. male crossbreed who is very affectionate even with
His actions will be more independent. A possible strangers, but she would be considered a very ner-
parallel in attitude might be the domestic cat, affec- vous and hyperactive dog. She is always active,
tionate with his owners but unwilling to be controll- never able to relax. While her basic behavior is ac-
ed, unwilling to "sit," "stay" or "heel." ceptable, her constant energy often wears her
Man has had over 2,000 years to select and do- owners out.
mesticate breeds of dogs to live with him. For 2,000 Another coyote-shephard female was very wary of
years dogs have been selectively bred to live in our all strangers and new situations. Because her owners
complicated environment. The average German lived far out in the country she led a semi-wild exist-
ance, coming to the house frequently during the day
to sleep and spending the nights out roving. They
said her behavior inside was unacceptable and if
confined at all, she'd pace nervously until released.
People have had a great deal more success with
coydogs that are only a small part coyote. Two
friends owned a beautiful male dog that was one-
quarter coyote, one-quarter shepherd, and one-half
malamute. He was a large dog with a fine disposi-
tion. An excellent watch dog, he was obedient and
easy to train.
utside my window this morning the five coyotes

O are beginning to stir. Yawning, they stand and

stretch, arching their backs much the same
way my Doberman pinschers do. The puppy
takes a playful swipe at one of the young fe-
males and she spins around to go after him but he's
long gone! Then, by some signal that I cannot detect,
they leave. I can see them trotting across the flats
below the house. Perhaps they're off to search a por-
tion of their territory for game. Whatever, they are
wild and free to do as they wish and live as they
should. A coyote in the house becomes a different
animal, shy and nervous. How much better to see
Author Sausman holds a young and sleepy coyote pup.
and enjoy him in his own environment, beautiful and
56 Desert/May 1980
David Parsons of Ogden, Utah, is

Desert/May 1980
Desert's May Contest winner for
his "Harvest Moon Over Arches,"
shot on a Minolta X-7, f/11 at 1/30
sec, using infra-red film.
[See page 35 for contest rules.] 57
WANTED: Worked out placer claims or mines,
BOOKS/MAGAZINES MAPS mineral rights, low producing oil properties, oil
leases and deeds. Send complete details to Tom
Kenny, Drawer 2079, La Jolla, CA 92038.
SUBSCRIBE TO the magazine that tells how to OLD STATE, Railroad, County Maps. 70-110
live in a desert, rural area. Also contains fiction, years old. All States. Stamp for catalog.
recipes, home furnishing tips—all sorts of good- Northern Map, Dept. DM, Dunnellon, Fl. 32630.
ies. Published quarterly. $4 per year. DESERT
LIVING, Star Rt. Box 6772, Pahrump, Nev.
89041. MINING "The original of this painting not for sale. Now
In the collection of Dr. & Mrs. R. S. Baddour,
DESERT MAGAZINE from Dec, 1969 to pre- Palm Springs, California."
sent. Best offer plus shipping. Nelson F. Arnold, EXCITING GOLD RUSH of "79" is on! Go for it!
Stake your claim! Info, Forms, Plat Maps, Ad-
25-5th Ave. S.E., Oelwein, Iowa50662. vice. '79ers Gold Pak $5.00. D-Jem-Trac Mines,
FOR SALE: full set "Desert Rat Scrapbook" by
Hayfork, Calif. 96041.
Harry Oliver. Mint condition. Highest offer! Call ASSAYS—Gold & Silver $10.00. High quality
(602) 997-6072 or 944-3926. spectrographic analysis for 65 metals $9.00.
Free price list. Reed Engineering, 2166 College
DESERT MAGAZINE, 229 Issues, 1956-1979 Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627.
inc. Excellent. $65, plus UPS. H.L. Reiter, Box
324, Yarnell, AZ85362. OLD GOLD AND SILVER MINES: Some with
cabins, as low as $1,500 for 20 acre claim. Pana-
EQUIPMENT mint Valley area. Free List. Connolly, Box 67D,
Trona, CA 93562.
BUILD YOUR OWN electronic dry gold
processor, detailed plans, $11.95. Harrison, SEED/PLANTS
8902 Randolph, Riverside, CA 92503.
PRECISION LAPIDARY Abrasive Compounds JOJOBA—25 clean seed, instructions. $1.50
for tumbling, polishing and grinding. Send for prepaid. Indian Trail Nursery, Star Rt. 2, Box
free catalogue and price list. MDC Industries, 75, Twentynine Palms, California 92277.
400 West Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. ' On Sale at UUUiCMAGAZINE'S *
19140. Dealer Inquiries invited. WESTERN ART GALLERY Su.thm. et
AUTOMATIC GOLDPANNER. Pan for gold the 74-425 HIGHWAY 111
easy way. From $395. Goldhound, 4078 Lincoln PALM DESERT, CALIF.
Blvd. Marina Del Rey, CA 90291. (213) TREASURE — Locate quarter mile away with ul-
822-2252. trasensitive locator—brochure free. Research
Products, Box 13441-BUC, Tampa, Florida
Vera Product. Suntan lotion, cosmetics, first aid
INSTANT RICHES—Explore ghost towns. Find
buried treasure, coins, relics, antiques, and
burn gel and creme, liquid gel, face-lift kit.
Write Aloe, P.O. Box 8418, Corpus Christi, Tex.
more. Goldak—the finest "Metal and Treasure
Locators since 1933." Send for free catalog. TRADING POST AD
78412. Goldak, Dept. D, 626 Sonora Avenue, Glendale,
California 91201. Mail your copy and first-insertion re-
STAMP COLLECTORS! 200 beautiful, high
quality stamps, plus monthly price listing mittance to: Trading Post, Desert
service. Send $1 to K. Stamps Co., P.O. Box
921, Capitola, CA 95010. GEMS Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260.
Classified rates are 50c per word,
WILL KIT includes 64-page attorney's booklet, SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Ca-
"What Everyone Should Know About Wills" $5.00 minimum per insertion.
dena Dr., Riverside, California 92501. Parallel to
and 4 Will Forms, only $5 postpaid. (Free: Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. Come in
"Personal Assets Record" and "Executor's and browse; jewelry mountings, chains, sup-
Duties") INFORMATIVE PUBLICIST, Dept. B., plies, minerals, slabs, rough material, equip-
1009 N. Curry St., Box 2064, Carson City, ment, black lights, metal detectors, maps, rock
Nevada 89701. and bottle books.
postpaid. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Gemclox, PROSPECTING
Box 35695, Houston, TX 77035.
THE CALIFORNIA WAY, Invest in 2nd Trust Guaranteed to recover minerals, gold. A hobby
Deeds, $3 complete, CALWAY, P.O. Box 4601, that pays for itself! Write to: Nick's Nugget, Deadline (or
San Diego, CA 92104. P. O. Box 1081, Fontana, California 92335. (7141 Classified Ads
822-2846. is 10th of second
GOLD PROSPECTORS. New methods for the month preceding
REAL ESTATE 1980s. Everything has changed. Here's know- cover date.
how from 50 years of experience. $3 to
Hardrock, 402 W. Yaney, Bishop, CA 93514.
SALE. For information call or write Bob Gaskin, DRYWASHER! Mighty Midas Gold Concentrat-
PO Box 7326, Riverside, CA 92513. (714) or, Exc. recovery, good cond. $250. K.E. Harms,
685-6295. P.O. Box 91, Shoshone, ca 92384, (714)852-4471

58 Desert/May 1980
Capture the spirit of EagleRare.
ThelOl proof Bourbon aged 10 years.
Like the majestic bird it was nai
Eagle Rafe is incomparable.
The very finest Kentucky Bourbon ever
Our 10 long years of aging and careful
testing produce a uniquely smooth
and mellow flavor no one else can equal.
Eagle Rare. We challenge anyone to
match our spirit.
One taste and you'll know
why it's expensive.


y, fewer than 1100 breeding pairs survive soimi of

I, write Eagle Rare, Box 123, New York, N.1

A new gun that carries on theRuger tradition — an engineering

philosophy which has produced over the years a line of fine sporting
firearms, unique in their high quality and handsome design.

This first Ruger Over and Under Shotgun is a perfect- Every feature of the new gun reflects traditional
ly balanced, plain grade gun of elegant simplicity. By Ruger attention to detail and the high quality which the
the Ruger definition, "plain grade" means precision American shooter has come to expect of all Ruger fire-
workmanship and superior finish, with geometrically arms. Initial production of the 20 gauge model will be
accurate curved shapes, plane surfaces which are finely
polished and mechanical joints that are fitted to mini-
mum hairline clearances.

The unique new mechanism with rebounding ham-

mers and single selective trigger provides positive safety
advantages. The gun opens easily and closes solidly.
The distinctive styling and unusually low profile are ac-
centuated by the fact that there are no visible pins or
screws whatsoever. Barrels are hammer-forged, with 3"
chambers and appropriate choke combinations, auto-
matic ejectors and removable barrel side spacers. The limited, with increasing numbers of guns becoming
barrels and dovetail hollow rib are permanently assem- available in the months to come. Production of premium-
bled with strong silver solder joints. The stock and grade 20 gauge models and the introduction of 12 gauge
forearm are fully seasoned straight grain American models is anticipated for the future. See your Ruger
walnut, hand checkered and satin finished. Dealer or write for complete details and specifications.

96 Lacey Place
Southport, Connecticut 06490 U.S.A.

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